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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 053a2cf992cd95c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB,640x418,320:209,D1ULcYPX0AAr9Sq.jpg large.jpg)

 No.13534165 [Last50 Posts]

ICE targeted thousands in raids, but so far has only arrested 35

>An immigration sweep targeting thousands of people nationwide resulted in only 35 arrests, Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday, suggesting that the widely publicized advance notice of the raids, including prominent mention by President Trump, led many people to take actions to avoid being caught.

>The sweep, called Operation Border Resolve, was focused on more than 2,000 families with final orders of removal by an immigration judge. The numbers so far have fallen far short of the target.

>The acting director of ICE discussed the numbers during a call with reporters, citing the wide notice given across the country.

>“There were advocates, there were people in Congress sitting here giving instructions to people illegally in the country and telling them how to avoid detection,” Matthew Albence said. “There’s no way for us to quantify what impact that had, but you couldn’t turn on any TV station anywhere in this country for several weeks without this being one of the lead topics.”

Imaging my shawk! It's almost like it was designed to fail in the first place. Tired of winning yet?

I really wanted to bump the original hype thread to slam the MIGApedes on this board, but its off the catalog already: >>13492821

Just a reminder that Trump is all talk. He can't even do civic nationalism correctly.




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>over 30,000,000 invaders in US

>admit to only 11,000,000 in USfor over a decade

>make a plan to deport 2,000

>capture only 35


That’s 0.000117% of them.

That is how much they care about deporting illegals.

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Mods are deleting your threads cause you spam them and hop between like 20 different IP addresses crying like a tranny with Trump Derangement Syndrome

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oh lawd here we go again

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Mods are retarded if they think they can just get rid of any threads that suggest that Trump isn't perfect. This is pathetic.

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File: 02cdad35f54e870⋯.png (390.64 KB,1200x567,400:189,5209678901.png)

More bitching coming up. I wonder if he even has a job.

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Only spam I saw was ITT, and it was mostly faggots like you.

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Trump vowed millions of immigration arrests in dramatic raids. ICE caught 18 family members.


>When President Donald Trump vowed to deport “millions” of immigrants from the United States, he was telegraphing an Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation that targeted migrants with final deportation orders.

>The real list had about 2,100 families on it, with the goal of deterring Central American migrants from trying to cross the southern border.

>The final tally from the operation, according to federal officials: 18 family members were arrested, not enough to fill a school bus. Immigration officials arrested another 17 undocumented immigrants they encountered in their searches, what are known as collateral arrests.

>ICE announced the data Tuesday morning,

So much for 'muh fake news!' narratives.

>tucking it into a news conference that included information about worksite enforcement and routine criminal arrests. Aside from the 35 immigrants apprehended in the much-anticipated family operation, immigration agents picked up nearly 900 adults — most of them convicted criminals — and delivered more than 3,000 notices to companies nationwide that authorities will audit their records to ensure that workers are in the United States legally.

>Acting ICE Director Matthew T. Albence called the criminal operation successful and said the family operation, Operation Border Resolve, will continue, although the number of arrests were lower than in the past.

>The first such operation, over New Year’s weekend in 2016 under the Obama administration, led to the arrests of 121 adults and children in Georgia, Texas and North Carolina.

Wew lads

Don't be fooled by /ptg/ spam from 4chan, this zionist cuckold has failed and/or betrayed his base so hard, nobody with a shred of dignity could or would support him (outside of israel).

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We get it OP. You have a VPN

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Why are you even ITT if not to derail it because someone's pointing your boss is a failure?

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Now sit Back and watch as literally the exact same IDs in this thread all start spamming the same shit again

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>living rent-free in these niggers heads

See how one man with a VPN can get you to think everyone is the same guy on a VPN?

This is the only post I've made in this thread:


But you /ptg/ niggers are now so jumpy, you think anyone shitting on your ziodrone is me. Its glorious to show how you astroturfing VPN niggers know the score and yet employ it to your own ends, kek.

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Zero miles of wall built.

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>he says as he intentionally shits up the thread with the intent of giving it grounds for being deleted again

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Its annoying when you switch IPs like this OP. We all know it's you.

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dont worry, its just 4d genius planning

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ID's don't work that way shillfag. Nice try though.

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rent free


They know exactly what they are doing. That said, there's not much to talk about here: Trump is a huge cuckold and a liar and everyone knows it round these parts. It IS quite funny how it draws out the /ptg/ niggers though. They can't help themselves.

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First day on the job?

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We get it OP. Drumf bad

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At least he's learning a bit, by not posting the direct links of CNN, MSNBC and LA Times in the first place after his first ones.

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I will repost this thread every time it is deleted, until I am satisfied that most anons have read it. They are just bumping it to the top of the catalog every time they delete it; it would have already slid naturally if they'd just let the conversation commence regularly. ZOGbots aren't very bright.

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See? He's still crying that I am OP, but thats the beauty of it: I'm not!

But he'll never be able to bring himself to admit that, because he's just here to shill and astroturf. I won't even bother replying to him anymore, let's see if he just sticks around and replies to every post I make.


Why not? Are those now 'fake news'? Excluding when they say something you like, of course, because that's what you /ptg/ niggers do. I've had you losers unironically cite CNN or WaPo articles at me then call my pointing you towards Breitberg or something 'fake news'. Its hilarious.

How about this one:


How about you just admit that you're shilling for zionism, eh kiddo?

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It's just ridiculous that the mods would think to delete this. It's established fact. It would be telling if there wasn't a thread on this board about it. Fucking Orwellian bullshit won't fly.


Good. Mods are fucking up.

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<I will not rest until my mission is complete.

Oh God, please do so. This is going to be entertaining to watch like that pajeet did.

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File: 3fd0be37fcac957⋯.gif (2.26 MB,389x279,389:279,cd675b886e82b6fc6237b35fc7….gif)


Certainly, since ID's definitely carry over from thread to thread. I retract my previous "nice try".

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Oh look. Yet another IP hop from OP

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I'm talking about in this thread faggot

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For the boomer MIGApedes:


>A total of 934 people were apprehended during ICE operations that started on May 13, 2019. Notably, only 35 of those people were arrested - although 2,000 were targeted - during Operation Border Resolve, which had been criticized by Democrats as a controversial raid before it began last week.

>The low number (compared to Operation Crosscheck, which resulted in 899 arrests between May 13 and July 11), could be explained by the publicizing of the operation and warnings from government officials in sanctuary jurisdictions aimed at protecting illegal immigrants.

>The figures were first reported by The New York Times, and confirmed by Fox News.

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>It's just ridiculous that the mods would think to delete this.

They're deleting it because first they attack it with astroturn shilling and VPN kvetching, then they pout about VPNs being used and call everyone else shills, while actively spamming, and then delete the thread.

Its quite funny, really, once you stop caring about this place because you realize its totally compromised. They're getting more draconian again with the protection of trumpnigger shit, just like they did last time round.

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Those sources have been using (((anonymous))) sources for their articles and have been known to flat out fake their shit. Even Fox is starting to go the way of fake news.

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What's archiving? Let me guess, it's too difficult for some nigger to do so like in >>13534245 ?

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that low caste indian street shitter was only entertaining for a very short time before he was just annoying.

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>that id

whoa, chill out there, satan

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>b-but it wasn't reported by FOX

>b-but you didn't archive it

The absolute state of MIGAtards.

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File: b1e34c27a0df1f3⋯.png (4.45 MB,1976x3720,247:465,you fucking got that pt1.png)

File: 4a628427be49a56⋯.png (1.62 MB,1918x3454,959:1727,you fucking got that pt2.png)



Keep up the good work OP.

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>Those sources have been using (((anonymous))) sources for their articles

Which articles? What the fuck are you talking about nigger?

Like half the news media employs (((anonymous))) sources, yet you don't call them all fake news, and you don't call them fake news when they're saying something you like.

Just admit it: All news is fake news when it says something about your zionist boss which you don't like the sounds of.


>What's archiving?

What's the relevance of your commentary? Are you upset I didn't archive something? What, specifically, and I'll go ahead and archive it for you, since apparently you don't know how?

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(((Fox News)))

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>They're getting more draconian again with the protection of trumpnigger shit,

Too bad this time around the evidence of three years in office is against them. You'd have to be extremely stupid or a blatant shill to deny what he's done at this point.

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File: be8a045388e1757⋯.png (996.58 KB,2264x604,566:151,be8a045388e175729a470a5b31….png)


This thread? Oh, so now I'm OP. Kek. Try again mamzer.

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Now what's really going to blow these /ptg/ niggers minds is, those images?

That IS me.

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File: 34568efae872005⋯.png (131.96 KB,1802x1402,901:701,ClipboardImage.png)


>OP IP hopped

Good. Fuck you nigger mods.

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OP here. Best post in every thread gets included in the re-post from now on. Let the effortposting commence.

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His open and blatant worship of Jews could not be forgiven but could have been overlooked if he had been on point about everything else. It's not like there's anyone above a certain threshold of power who doesn't suck kosher cock anyway, and it will take a revolution or total collapse to change that.

But then he came out as a gun grabber, he spends months and hundreds of millions in taxes to deport 10 when 100 jump the boarder every day, and the wall is now partial steel fence that we still might not get.

Trump is fucking garbage. Jeb or Hillary would have unironically been better, at least then no one would have been able to pretend this was all part of some fucking patriot chess plot. Better to be ruled by an open enemy than a lying traitor.

It's going to take a Robert Mugabe president to get the hot civil war we need. The faster that happens, the more white men will be left to fight in that war, and the better our odds of winning it become. Politicians like Trump are poison. There is no greater threat to our long-term racial survival than civic nationalist snake oil peddlers who sell complacency and comfort to the masses.

The mass deletions of these threads is plebbit tier.

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Thing is, he didn't. Its like they don't realize that because one person is IP-hopping to fuck with them, that doesn't mean everyone who agrees with that person is IP-hopping.

I am the one who has them all triggered about IP-hopping (despite their rampant VPN abuse in shilling astroturf), but I am not the OP.

That's really going to fuck with them.

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Sure OP. We belive you

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And there you have it, slightest insults prompts him to screech like a little bitch. Good boy.


Then please do so. He had the opportunity to do in his, I don't know, 5 threads already to do so as an information source?

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lel grandma Epstein you're a hoot!


>Then please do so

Do so what?

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File: ff581398fc138d4⋯.png (197.56 KB,540x517,540:517,faf4a9907ea86319a1f58b5c3d….png)


>There is no greater threat to our long-term racial survival than civic nationalist snake oil peddlers who sell complacency and comfort to the masses.


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^^Confirmed OP like the rest. They're not sending their best

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File: 4f1f0eb83bc8631⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,639x351,71:39,nzpm9.jpg)


If I was OP then I would have achieved instead of direct linking like OP's newfag ass.

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File: 13ce81f128f22d5⋯.jpg (128.3 KB,1322x337,1322:337,evolution of a 4D MAGAnigg….jpg)



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This was reported in every major news outlet, regardless of political bent. If you can find a rag with reports otherwise, by all means post it. Otherwise you're just obfuscating (which we all know you are).

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OP is clearly someone else. They've been remaking the thread all day while mods have been derailing, spamming, and banning.

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Its gets even worse.

From what I heard recently, the Trump admin blew something like $30,000,000 on … Get this… Maintaining tranny illegals in special holding facilities. Or rather, ONE special holding facility (amongst several). It was housing like less than 100 people.

Will see if I can find the story.

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I don't see the point of archiving when I've included the snippets as greentext. But next repost will have archived sources from every major outlet, if only to shut the ZOGbots up.

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File: 01dd8ac027f9e99⋯.jpg (187.17 KB,546x745,546:745,30.jpg)


<Do so what?

… you have got to be joking.

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Archiving is for preservation against later editing by (((news outlets))) as well as denying them click shekels. You better start archiving if you want to create threads faggot.

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i just like spammingthis is the only way to do so without being banned:^)

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File: 820a0c33d35fa7f⋯.jpg (222.67 KB,800x820,40:41,you have to go back.jpg)

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No, I'm not. You asked me to archive something, but what, specifically? Again, I'm not OP, so what the fuck do you want me to archive, exactly?


This is true.



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Trump would never tell one of our greatest allies that they need to go back.

We need to destroy anti-semites like you, so sayeth Trump.

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Trump needs competition for construction jobs. Sure most will go to prison, but that's not Trump's problem as his tax returns would show.

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File: f361356cdca897b⋯.png (351.58 KB,631x939,631:939,billionsgoyim.png)


This meme makes zero fucking sense.

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that image is so ironic it's funny.

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Old effort post:

The Trump Brand Delusion

Some believe that if President Trump fails to deliver on his immigration campaign promises that white Americans will finally be pushed to their limit and they’ll finally hold their government accountable as the destructive, parasitic entity it’s become, but that’s not going to happen. The average, white, Republican Trump supporter will do whatever they can to back Trump because Trump is their new identity. They didn’t back Trump because he would do something about immigration, they backed him because he told them it was okay to feel how they felt about immigration. He told them they weren’t racists like the left said they were. He made them feel like winners. They're cut from the same cloth as the Obama worshipers. Don't believe me? Take a look at who these average, white, Republicans continuously send to congress. If you believe these people are going to rise up and hold their government accountable then you’re in for some serious disappointment. Year after year and time after time these voters are sold the same lies while being driven down the same political highway of progress and year after year they send them same people to represent them, but this election Trump took these average, white, Republican voters off the political highway they’ve been on for decades, drove on some back roads for a change of scenery, told them some nice stories, made them laugh, took him to his store where they could buy some souvenir hats, and then he jumped back on the same highway, and they didn’t even blink. Nothing. They just sat there in their new hats ready to defend their new identity as Trumpublicans. If you don’t think this is a plausible assessment of our situation then, if you voted for Trump, try offering valid criticism of the President to one of these average, white, Republican voters. Send it out over twitter real quick. I’ll wait.

These average, white, Republicans couldn’t get out of their own way to save their life. Look at how much pandering to the idea of Israel was needed to get average, white, Republicans to vote to save their country from being turned into Mexico 2.0. If there was a story to be had about a foreign government influencing American elections it’d be the undue influence and pressure Israel has on American politics and politicians, but it will be a cold day in Hell before anyone on the left or the right takes a crack at that. I'm to the point where I don't care what happens next. Whites Americans get exactly what they deserve from their own actions or lack thereof. Middle America is its own worst enemy.

You're going to see a revival of the moderate left again because of the people Trump had to woo in order to win. I'm not talking about the big money. I'm talking about the neocon America-First-but-Israel-firsters, the Evangelicals, and other assorted nobodies who talk about "our values", "the Christian refugees", and "our exceptional minorities". Their desire to be morally superior is going to push swing voters left yet again or turn them off from voting all together. Self-righteousness doesn’t sell to swing voters. They have their own agenda that doesn’t revolve around the tug-of-war between the left and the right over who is morally superior. It’s that same desire to be morally superior, to win, to be righteous that will never allow these average, white, Republicans to ever criticize President Trump. What one must understand is that the right, the average right, doesn’t hate victim politics. They don’t hate the strategy of the left. The love it. They want to be the victims because the left made it look to be the morally superior position. These average, white Republicans long to be the victim so they can claim the morally superior and righteous position that they believe they rightfully deserve as Christians. Why do you think they wail on about Christian persecution?

The government is persecuting Christians…

They took prayer out of school…

The poor Syrian Christians…

Obama isn’t letting in Christian refugees…

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Not only do they want to be the victim, but it’s an imperative for these average, white, Republican voters to show the country and the world that it’s the Democrats who are the real racists. One can observer this behavior in the social media activity of an average, white, Republican voter. How they’re always attempting to trot out some black or Hispanic who tells them exactly what they want to hear; how quickly they’ll like, share, favorite, and subscribe to the black, homo, Christian in a Trump hat who says it is okay to not bake him a cake for his wedding. These are weak people. These are sheep. This is where President Trump will fail. He’s surrounded himself with supporters who were the butt of every joke for decades, and now instead of strengthening them he’s giving them what they want. He’s giving them that feeling of oppression. He’s allowing them to feel like they’re the victim, and he has a reason for this.

What the left failed to understand, and what you must understand, and must understand to your core if you don’t already, is that Donald Trump isn't stupid. Some like to say that when he does something they believe is out of character he’s actually making a chess move. That he’s playing chess, moving pieces around, has become the go to excuse for when the President fails to deliver on a campaign promise. Well he is playing chess in a way, but what is the goal of the game? Supporters are left to assume that each move President Trump makes is a move to get them everything he promised, but let’s look at his recent behavior and see if that’s the case. President Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare within the first 100 days. What happened? Congress failed right? Paul Ryan failed? President Trump shifted the blame onto Ryan for failing to repeal Obamacare. Remember this was a promise from President Trump to the American people and not from Paul Ryan or congress. Trump didn’t come into office with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. He came into office with a plan to let someone else take the lead on fulfilling his promise. Doing this served two purposes: To reduce his risk if he couldn’t deliver on his promise, and to look like he was reaching out to work with those who he may not see eye-to-eye. When the promise to repeal and replace failed who took the blame? It certainly wasn’t President Trump. If congress successfully repealed and replaced Obamacare who do you think would have receive most of the applause? Mull that over for a minute before continuing.

This isn’t the first time the President has pulled a stunt like this and it won’t be the last. Whenever something Trump promised falls through he's going to push the blame onto someone else. Whether or not Trump could have delivered on Obamacare so quickly is irrelevant. It was a massive risk, but he removed the majority of his risk by passing the buck to congress. Another example is his Muslim ban where he would halt, if only temporarily, Muslims from entering the US until the vetting and terrorist problem was figured out. What happened? The first travel ban was blocked. Some speculated that he used the Obama list of countries in order to make the left look foolish. How about the second travel ban? Blocked again. Have you heard anything else about it? I’m still waiting. A few tweets complaining about judges and that was the end of it. See, he tried, but what are you going to do right? Not his fault. It’s those damned activist judges suppressing the will of the people. Oh well.

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Realize that President Trump doesn't care about the outcome of the travel ban. He only cares how he looks at the end of the day. The chess game being played is public perception of Trump the man and Trump the brand, and the pieces being moved are White House propaganda and twitter spin. Trump is 100% about his brand. His earliest supporters bought the promises, but he sold the average, white, American voter the Trump brand. The Trump brand is success. Pay attention, the Trump brand is success, but that does not mean Trump or his brand leads to success. He sold the average, white, American voter the perception of success, and they wrapped themselves with the Trump brand. That’s why those of us who voted for him to fulfill his promises readily criticize him when he fails to deliver, and his those who bought the brand are his most strident and vitriolic, and sometimes delusional, defenders because if the Trump brand fails then they too look like failures. What it all means is Trump's end goal is always to appear successful regardless of what the actual outcome may be because Trump’s presidency will be about ensuring the success of the Trump brand and not the promises he made as a man. As long as he can shift the blame and make someone else responsible for his failures then the brand remains untarnished. If you have difficultly believing this I ask you to look at his businesses. Trump sells his image and his name. You buy Trump steaks. You live, stay, rent, work out of a Trump building. You visit a Trump golf course. What makes these steaks, buildings, and golf courses different from the rest? The name. The brand.

Realize that President Trump has no ideology other than to win or appear to win in any given situation. He wanted to be president, so he did what he had to and made whatever promises he needed to in order to achieve that goal. Now that the goal is reached he's going to do whatever he has to do in order to preserve his brand and that kind of selfish betrayal is going to kill the right more than the left ever could. If the wall fails Trump will walk away unscathed because the people he rallied bought into the brand not the outcome. He’s already set the stage to push the blame on congress again, and if he gets the funding then he’ll be ready to take all of the credit. It’s a win/win Donald Trump the brand. The only thing currently biting him in the rear is his failure to end DACA. That only requires a stroke of the pen. No judges or congress to blame. That’s why Sean Spicer has had such a difficult explaining this failure to deliver away, but notice the angle—we’ll deal with them “with heart”. He’s appealing to the desire of his average, white, Republican custo…voters to be more morally superior and righteous than the left. Will the propaganda take hold? I don’t know, but if it does you won’t see an end to DACA, and if you are like me and voted for Trump because of his stance on immigration then good luck to you if you decide to criticize the President you voted for.

The next time President Trump fails to deliver on a promise ask yourself: Did I vote for what Donald Trump promised to accomplish or did I buy the brand?

The truth of this situation is that Trump fights for no one except himself and his own image, but he signed up for the job saying he’d fight for us. If he wants to preserve that image then tied it to his promises to ensure he delivers. As of now the President has no reason to fulfill any campaign promise after making a halfhearted attempt because the majority of his brand loyalists don’t care. They just want to feel like they’re morally superior. They just want to feel like they’re victims of the left. They just want to feel like they’re winning.

Do you feel like you’re winning?


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They should be paying us like Europe pays us, not the other way around.

Unless Rothschilds is the King of NATO. Then it makes sense for the US to pay Israel taxes and call it aid to prevent a goy rebellion.

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>posting hopeful memes from 2015

It just makes me sad.

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never get banned ever againwelcome to trum/pol/ – like r/t_D but edgyrawrlawl

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4chan as fuck

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Let’s just sterilize everyone and switch to artificial wombs. People will then have only the children they can afford (to purchase), and immigrants will not seek to come here to have families.

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>4chan as fuck

so… i'm doing a good job of fitting in? or do you mean this is 8/pol/ so i should probably tone it down a little since we have so many reddit cross-posters?

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The Horrors of ICE’s ‘Trans Pod’

(This title is accurate, but not for the reason the author thought)



>Later, Luz would learn that her Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility, New Mexico’s Cibola County Correctional Center, had previously been a criminal correctional prison.

>In October 2016, it was shut down due to inhumane conditions that resulted in several inmate deaths.

>Shortly thereafter, ICE offered a contract of $30 million a year to the same facility.

>It reopened in January 2017.

>Since early 2018, Cibola has incarcerated more than 180 women in its “transgender pod”—the only known ICE-run detention facility for transgender-identifying women.

> Author: Emily Buder


>"I swear, acid reflux is a Jewish thing. Definitely in my Jewish genome."

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I mean you should either go back to 4chan or be less jewish, nigger.

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File: 8156cec7c32900e⋯.gif (1.47 MB,656x368,41:23,poison drank.gif)


>trump's ICE gives $30 million a year for trannies

>mods run around calling anyone criticizing trump discord trannies


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gb2cuckchan became irrelevant years ago, newfag. you literally have vols here who ban you for not sucking the dick of the very administration who is paying to have bots and agents provacateurs spam the board to death. this place doesn't exist anymore. if you want to talk to real people, if retarded, go to 4gag. if you want to shitpost with a vpn, then this is you place

so, drink up. shitposting is much funnier whilst inebriated

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>mods delete first thread for no reason

>call all the reposts spam and claims they're being deleted for being spammed

Try again.

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It's kampfy.

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35? What did ICE do, go to a retard center and pick up the 35 most dark skinned anorexics?

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>thread designed for nothing other than MUH MIGA SALT LEL ECKS DEE

>worthy of being in the catalog

A thread died for this.

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Even less competent than that. They only picked up 18 targeted individuals; the other 17 were "collateral arrests".



>The sweeps, which targeted about 2,000 families, resulted in 35 people being apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, the agency announced Tuesday.

>Among them were 18 members of the families targeted and 17 so-called "collateral arrests" — apprehensions of people who are undocumented but who were not directly targeted by the operation.

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its as old as time and used by actual faggots.

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File: f490ee90db41a9d⋯.png (31.47 KB,1231x252,1231:252,original thread.png)


This thread is simply a continuity of the MIGApede thread which touted this ICE raid operation as a major happening. >>13492821

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Fucking tilt your empty head. Don't worry, your brain won't fall out, because you don't have one.

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Why six posts of butthurt? Why not just fuck off to r/the_donald?

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What does XD stand for?

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In any other business, a failure this bad would lead to lawsuits, firings, etc. Why does the government get a free pass?

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Use this: ICE is an esoteric metaphor for deportations of BURNING suspicion from our minds.

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XD (squinted eyes from laughing so hard)

Ecks dee must be some kind of reddit insult.

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Why not /leftypol/

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Either way works, just don't come back here. Zionists aren't welcome.

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>What does XD stand for?

how is babby formed?




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Sounds like you should leave, then.

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>Zionists aren't welcome

Trump isn't welcome on his own cheerleading forum?


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>no u

How does it sound like that?

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Hi Schlomo! Trump will win again.



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Fuck you Cossack.


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File: f87505d8d1b4513⋯.png (13.92 KB,1017x217,1017:217,ClipboardImage.png)


new kampfy spam?

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codemonkey slap you around a bit?

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>try to make raids as soon as you take office along building the wall

>jews at the congress literally shuts down any attempt of doing this everywhere while letting everyone how "he isn't doing anything he promised"

Not excusing the orange man but every time any kind of illegal was on the verge of getting kicked the judges would always overrule the law and let them go scot free while calling trump a traitor who sold his country or someshit

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>Not excusing the orange man

<excuses the orange man

In this case he can't even blame judges.

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Wonderful, makes me realize you're a faggot.

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If he was sincere he would have ignored the judges. If the military/law enforcement refused to obey presidential directive then it would have become obvious what was going on. Instead Trump just played the role he was supposed to play.

>look i'm fighting for you, but those danged demoncraps and activist judges! grrr! aren't we frustrated? let's show them! buy my hat!


Just stick to one ip. Shit's obvious.

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fuck trump bump

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File: 5544699f7c2db0a⋯.gif (8.38 MB,800x400,2:1,yCD2Uxm.gif)



What's wonderful? And why are you hanging out ITT but only express butthurt?

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File: b5603d294b53320⋯.png (70.18 KB,768x617,768:617,2019.06.24_metro_frey_cens….png)


Had had Congress for two years and punted on immigration and the wall in order to use it as a political dangling carrot during the midterms, which backfired immensely.

The reason this particular raid is important to observe, is because these were final deportation orders. There were no legal hoops, these were just a matter of picking them up. However, Trump chose instead to broadcast the plans of the operation in for political reasons. He doesn't care about anything other than scoring political points.

I'm not trying to get you to vote against Trump (if an isolationist Democrat were running like Dennis Kucinich, I would). I'm just pointing out that Trump is not the nationalist hero we were all hoping he was. He's done more for Israel's borders than he has for our own. That's a fucking fact. How you deal with that is up to you. I suggest you buckle down and prepare for balkanization, because we've passed the demographic threshold as of this year.

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Yeah instead you've got the congress and the fbi to blame, nigger even your regular population does everything in their power and even break laws to which they get away scot free, blame trump all you want but you can only do so much with everyone against you.

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>these were final deportation orders. There were no legal hoops, these were just a matter of picking them up.

No excuses faggot. Trump fucked up because he doesn't honestly care if this country is less white or not. He's a puppet, voting in general is pointless and stupid.

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What butthurt?

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File: 45fee8da69353d0⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,600x315,40:21,8KTtscB.jpg)


>What butthurt

<10 sage-posts in a thread he hates

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Are mods illegal immigrants because they were not tranny and did not get special holding cell from Trump? Are they butthurt?

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Hi JIDF, I gave to donation to


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I didn't say anything, though…

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>butthurt bot spam


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Yeah you did and still are? pfffff

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File: de7ec4b6e0e5ebd⋯.jpg (289.11 KB,1024x717,1024:717,5304355986_78e4751dba_b.jpg)



You can say what you want but this new approach of yours is just inane. So have a piggy.

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BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but of yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….


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>literal shitpost

wew lad

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>Mods are deleting threads critical of trump

No they aren't faggot. There are lots of anti-trump threads

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These nazi democraps are next-level delusional

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Jew be mad?

#BDS on Twitter

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>no they aren't

This specific thread was deleted at least four times today.

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>No they aren't faggot

They deleted this thread, and now have chosen to leave it up. That's a fact, faggot.

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It's one particular mod, and I'm sure he'll delete it when he comes back. He let the 3rd repost stay up until 250 posts. I'll keep it at the top of the catalog until tomorrow, either way.

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I sent codemonkey an email about 2 hours ago relaying the screen caps of the shit mods were pulling. Might have something to do with it. Don't know though.

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what kike tipped off the target list?

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Trump himself.

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>give public announcements of invaders crackdown

>surprised the invaders don’t just sit there and get deported

Total mystery why it failed.

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>Spamming the same post over and over with no source

Just kys already

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>r/t_D butthurt

its so palpable



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>cant dispute how massively trump has failed white americans

>resorts to calling anti-trumpers spam

/pol/ is officially on the daca train?

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Sources were posted in the original thread, and also in this one if you read it. But anyways:



>More than 2,000 migrants who were in the United States illegally were targeted in widely publicized raids that unfolded across the country last week. But figures the government provided to The New York Times on Monday show that just 35 people were detained in the operation.

>President Trump had touted the raids — called Operation Border Resolve — as a show of force amid an influx of Central American parents and children across the southern border. After postponing the raids in June, Mr. Trump said ahead of time that they would take place last week.



>Notably, only 35 of those people were arrested - although 2,000 were targeted - during Operation Border Resolve, which had been criticized by Democrats as a controversial raid before it began last week.

>The figures were first reported by The New York Times, and confirmed by Fox News.



>The sweeps, which targeted about 2,000 families, resulted in 35 people being apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, the agency announced Tuesday.

>Among them were 18 members of the families targeted and 17 so-called "collateral arrests" — apprehensions of people who are undocumented but who were not directly targeted by the operation.



>Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested only 35 migrants targeted as part of an operation targeting families with court-ordered removals, that President Donald Trump had touted on Twitter, the agency announced Tuesday.

>Trump insisted last week that the raids had been "very successful."

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8/pol/ has been r/t_D-tier for years. too many faggots took the get trump elected joke seriously, and most of these retards are in denial that trump promised a bunch of shit then willingfully turned his back on it

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You trumpniggers were the one's spamming tranny porn in the last thread.

Really makes you think.


KYS votecuck


The last iteration of this thread had a magapede bragging about how whites "have no other choice" and that only spics and nigs matter. They know exactly what they are doing.

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>in denial that trump promised

well i mean, he did promise though

someone post the "campaign trump vs president trump" meme

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File: 81cba96623b5011⋯.jpg (126.73 KB,998x733,998:733,forced choice.JPG)


>The last iteration of this thread had a magapede bragging about how whites "have no other choice"

they've been using the forced choice strategy for year now.

>if not trump then who?

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>he did promise

>he did later turn his back on it


that's what i said

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File: cc58f8972f0f11b⋯.jpg (133.06 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Trump-2020-Flag-Double-Sid….jpg)

File: 397e72ab6e3307b⋯.jpg (94.45 KB,918x1920,153:320,sketch-1564089101956.jpg)

Nigglets for Trump!

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The As stand for Aryan

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File: b9d445fe53b5d1b⋯.jpg (35.75 KB,650x488,325:244,op3crt.jpg)

>“There were advocates, there were people in Congress sitting here giving instructions to people illegally in the country and telling them how to avoid detection,”


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>Vote for putin!!!!

Fuck off Ivan

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This was after Trump himself announced the raids, idiot.

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File: 56eaf5300d2c9ff⋯.jpg (26.95 KB,600x400,3:2,TFYF9349-BLACK-HPOST.jpg)

I'm an illegal jew from central American. I stole a social security card from a dead white man I killed, while living in your great santurary state of California so I too can vote. Please no more Trump! Do not vote for Trump. He will separate me from my 12 kids I have from the women I've raped while illegally living in a sanctuary city. God bless America. No for Trump grassy ass mf arriba aye aye!

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does ICE have access to NSA spy programs, like PRISM and XKEYSCORE? it wouod be trivial for ICE to target all the millions of illegal beaners who jave been ordered for deportation. ICE could fucking find them all to within 3 meters from their cell phones.

what a sad state of affairs. we the people paid trillions in taxes for NSA to create all of this illegal surveillance and we all involuntarily gave up our privacy and freedoms, all so these glow nigger traitors can voice fingerprint some Jihadi thousands of miles away in the desert and then pin point his cell phone beacon and then drop a missile on him from a drone. but when it comes to defending our borders and expeling millions of criminals already inside domestic CONUS, none of those spy programs are used.

fuck you NSACIAFBI glow niggers. may you all swing for treason before America collapses due to your gross neglect of doing yours jobs to protect our nation.

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>trump tries to remove mudbloods

>kikes and cucks obstruct him

>trump fails to remove mudbloods

>this makes trump a kike puppet

Does this mean Hitler is a kike puppet because he tried to remove jews, announced removal of jews, was obstructed by kikes and cucks, and failed to complete it?

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Nobody obstructed him. These were final deportation orders. A real raid is not announced; consider what happens when people get SWAT'd. The raid is announced by your door being rammed and your dog shot dead. A fake political theater is all Trump orchestrated.

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The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture and the public narrative for so long is because the Right basically allows them to. The Right doesn't challenge the Left in any meaningful way because the Right have a suicidal passive mentality. The Right tends to mind their own business and live in their own little bubbles isolated from the culture war, which allows the the Left to conquer "territory" unchallenged. The Left has basically achieved "air superiority" many years ago. The Left controls all the social infrastructures that influence public perception and opinion like Hollywood, mainstream media, schools, etc. The Right still thinks the Left deserves to be treated with respect because of the "my fellow American" mentality. This is extremely naive thinking. Respect is earned and the Left is completely undeserving of respect. It would be immoral to respect those so undeserving of it. The Right still clings to old rules of conduct like the golden rule of "do not do onto others that which you would not want done to you" and "turn the other cheek" etc. The reason the obedience to the old rules of conduct is so dangerous is because they critically handicap fighting ability and you need everything in order to win because this is a fight to the death. It's a fight for the future of western civilization. You must be willing to do necessary evil. Common courtesy and decency must be abandoned because it can't be afforded, the stakes are far too high. Fighting clean is suicidal in a real fight. Never fight fair. Always seek to gain an advantage and/or force the enemy into a disadvantage before fighting. Leave fair play to sports. An extremely dangerous expectation that seems to be prevelant among the Right is the expectation that this is all going to blow over and everything will return to normal. This is as insane as expecting cancer to just magically disappear. The only solution is extremely aggressive and unrelenting counteraction until the target is destroyed. Another dangerous expectation prevalent among the Right is the expectation of an actual civil war. If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost. Too many among the Right think their political abilities are limited to simply voting. But voting is just the bare minimum. The vast mojority of citizens political power is social activism. The Right's social activism capabilities are very weak compared to the left's. The Right lacks the cohesion that enable the Left to fight like a professional army while the Right are more like Native American warriors that fight individually instead of soldiers that fight as a unit. Individualism is a very serious weakness. Collective action is greater than the sum of its parts. Collectivism is a force multiplier. It was only after the creation of the Continental Army that the colonists were actually able to seriously challenge the British. Another problem with the Right is that they seem to only react defensively to the Left's initiative and almost never counter attack in any substantial way. You can't win a war by only reacting defensively to the enemy. You must seize the initiative by attacking the enemy and force them to react defensively to you. Another problem of the Right is their over-reliance on "champions." These "champions" are the few outspoken right-wingers that have gained notoriety. But they are too few and vulnerable to censorship. So everyone among the Right needs to consider themselves a soldier in order to decentralize. Do not expect others to fight for you while you sit on the sidelines.

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>ICE targeted thousands in raids, but so far has only arrested 35

Wow, guys, well we really gave it our best shot but I guess it didn't work out. Oh well, guess there's nothing we can do.

<now you see why there is a dhs. To prevent americans from shooting the foreign population inoculation

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File: b9896f8f7cf98f1⋯.jpg (170.02 KB,1920x1200,8:5,sketch-1564108344120.jpg)

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Eh. I'm voting for Trump

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Nice argument.

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>muh obstruction

Nobody stopped him.

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I wasn't making an argument.

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File: 54bc531ab6a9209⋯.jpg (179.84 KB,1920x1200,8:5,sketch-1564109596346.jpg)

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Yeah, still voting trump here too

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File: 61320c8abe15068⋯.jpg (128.68 KB,588x823,588:823,9e442a1bb7c5310aa2bd93fe76….jpg)



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>I have blind faith and you can too!

Band-wagon appeal doesn't work here. kek

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How new are you? This is a (((pro-trump))) board and the mods are compromised. If you are anti-trump you WILL be banned.

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File: 74cef27f2456b27⋯.png (215.57 KB,638x550,29:25,74cef27f2456b27fdcf63f6d9b….png)


>I'm just here to signal that I'm voting for a guy who gives billions to Israel, import spics, and enact gun control

<I'm not going to make any arguments or anything, just shit up threads and spam "STILL VOTING FOR TRUMP" everywhere


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File: add8e4d2208a04a⋯.jpg (204.42 KB,900x1200,3:4,D2xh9uJUwAAKG-5.jpg)

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You've got the social skills of an adolescent.

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its hard when active politicians warn communities about ICE raids before they even happen. Everywhere in California this is happening

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Like Trump's tweets? lmao

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Alrighty then

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my mayor sends out alerts across social media. legit companies exist strictly to warn illegals of ICE raids

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Peak trumpnigger that pic.

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File: 77a6acee48664fd⋯.jpg (195.19 KB,1200x1600,3:4,sketch-1564112718131.jpg)

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File: b5f86cea195c0e8⋯.webm (14.23 MB,854x480,427:240,President_of_Everyone.webm)

Donald J. Trump: President of All of You

TRUMP 2020

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look he posted it again, absolute madman

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Why would the mods delete it once and not a second time though?

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35 being arrested is old news from 3 days ago, it was first reported on July 23rd. By the time this thread was created on July 25th it was bound to be higher. Why aren't media reporting higher numbers by now?

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>They have arrested an average of 4,219 undocumented immigrants without a criminal record each month of the Trump administration.

>In the final two years under Obama, the agents averaged 1,352 such arrests a month.

>The new numbers released Thursday also show a drop in the overall number of arrests made by ICE agents. The 11,178 undocumented immigrants arrested in December mark the lowest monthly total of the Trump administration

I think the main reason for the low numbers is they're basically dealing with needle-in-a-haystack situation because they can ONLY deport those with final orders for some reason. Meanwhile, those without final orders can help shelter them. If we simply targeted them all, you'd get much better numbers.

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3 days isn't too old, and it's important to acknowledge when someone's fucking you over.

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>spam left up

>until tomorrow

>when they play the same purge and kosher repeat yet again

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>sage is a downboat

You will never be white.

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If any of you MAGAtard faggots need proof Trump is an anti-white jew loving bitch, this news story should be more than enough.

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bump! :)

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>implying things not implied

That's now how greentext works boah.

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mods pls remove bc shit effort

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People voted for Trump expecting him to keep his promises? I didn't expect shit when I voted for him in 2016. I'm suprised he's done this much and I'm voting for him again in 2020.

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Stop trying to copy the posting style of people complaining about actual spam and other trash that needs to be erased you disingenuous trumpnigger.

>still no wall

>none of his promises have been kept

>backed down on tariffs

>backed down on deportations

>betrayed every single one of his supporters

>arrested and extradited Assange for no legitimate reason

>all of his big name supporters that got harassed and prosecuted by the feds are left without any help or support, but he'll help some random niggers that got arrested for breaking laws in other countries

>decriminalized many criminal niggers because a rapper and the daughter of a businessman asked him to

>gave billions to israel

>defends and cares about israel more than the US

>bump stock ban

>more gun control

>red flag laws


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>I support white genocide

Boy you seem to be spamming the same thing in every thread. Almost as though you’re paid to do so.

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File: 65af3c455186c5b⋯.jpg (931.01 KB,1439x2545,1439:2545,Screenshot_20190726-150659….jpg)


You don't say

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>jew talking point

Aren't they the most Trump-shill news corp and still they can't deny he's done fuck-all? Kampfy is really losing his fucking mind.

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Same. He's got my vote

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shepardsmith-itus, hannity catches it next

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File: fcb9489dbb1c2b1⋯.jpg (141.04 KB,1200x600,2:1,0CA0BD7B-0994-44DA-AF8C-A5….jpg)

File: b5a2109236022f7⋯.jpg (574.62 KB,2048x1024,2:1,318EF33E-9E37-4E4A-8469-1C….jpg)

File: 964944d819a4531⋯.jpg (522.69 KB,2048x1024,2:1,4F875889-0A1A-4B1E-A1D7-64….jpg)

File: b6192d023ee5e70⋯.jpg (81.43 KB,1200x607,1200:607,1564016368038.jpg)

These aged well

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File: 4a66ea26ee90e16⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,1368x4476,114:373,MIGA-shill-spray.jpg)


who could have expected that!

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>muh russia

you glow



it would make it harder for the vols to be arbitrary if you didn't make such shit threads

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bump. still no arrests. trumpstein strikes again


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I’ve seen many threads critical of Trump not building the wall disappear. Really makes me think codemonkey gave kampfy his spot atop /pol/ back

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Can you believe some person actually drew these?

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Bump fuck Trump

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Fuck me man, that entire post is exactly the way I've been feeling and thinking. Greatest affirmation of this post is simply turning on your radio in the car and going on the (((Fox News))) channel. Rush Limbaugh and the other reprobates on there. All day, every day, absolutely nothing but excuses for Trump's failures and how he's such an abused angel. The more you pay attention to how they're conditioning the Republican cattle the scarier things start to get. At least 80% of "White" Americans need to be wiped out in order for the rest to even consider having a shot at rebuilding. I'm amazed how the kikes managed to quite literally program an entire race with extinction. These creatures will commit unspeakable acts on each other, their own families, and themselves if they're simply told to do so by whoever proclaims themselves as their master. There is no stronger concept of hate than for those who defy all adjectives. Degenerate. Subhuman. Reprobate. Cattle. Filth. Scum. If a group is so fucking vile and devoid of anything resembling the common laws of life and consciousness, let alone spirituality, what else is left but to despise them on a level that also goes beyond that of life and language? After all, look at the kikes.

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OMG! Who the fuck cares. Trumps rhetoric as of late is reason enough to discard his sorry ass. What Trump obstructed into doing a full 180 on his position regarding H1Bs? Was Trump obstructed into giving speeches about wanting the largest immigration numbers ever? Fuck off.

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It was an esoteric metaphor! What really happened dot com, check it out. is that ICE deported the BURNING doubts we had on Trump. In that regard, it all worked perfectly. It must suck to be a shitskin to not understand something so clear for us Aryans.

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I was the one that reported it using different IPs. Everyone ignored my posts so I had no choice.

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At least we can all have a laugh when he gets btfod in 2020

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The legal system of the west was created for and by white people. Of course it won't work when applied to the nonwhite population. This has been the case in every first world nation. Browns will wail and scream and abuse every little loophole they can find to get what they want. You can't treat them with kindness or respect because to browns those are simply signs of weakness. Anything less than RWDS won't get rid of undesirables.

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>The legal system of the west was created for and by white people.

Actually it was created by jews for gentiles

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The results are the same. Without "primitive" solutions to primitive populations you won't get a grip on them.

What happens if a bunch of Squatemalans tried setting up shop in Mexico? They'd be kicked out or handled by the cartels right quick, because that's how nonwhites treat each other.

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File: 06d5834a32f0aa2⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,960x526,480:263,Screen-Shot-2016-06-02-at-….jpg)


>OMG! Who the fuck cares.

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How are you still living in that tiny little bubble, nigger? I don't like the guy either, but at least remain logical about it, dumbass. You look delusional spouting this nonsense.

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>hurr durr durr I'm a shitskin

Fuck off DACA Spammer! It was an esoteric metaphor. Now get out, because you will never be white!!

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>You look delusional spouting this nonsense

His supporters are making the same arguments Clintons were in 2016 they can't list any accomplishments he made or any polices of his they support the only argument they can make is "at least hes not Biden". If Trump couldn't win the popular vote when people actually thought he was going to drain the swamp I don't see anyway Trump can win the 2020 election at this point, there is absolutely no energy behind him anymore

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Flag this thread for a Shariablue demoralization post.

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> at least 5 anti-trump threads in the first 3 pages at any given time

> omg this board is shutting down anti-trump threads

Look if you want what you browse to be a non-stop 24-hour-feed of getting offended at Trump, why not browse /r/enoughtrumpspam instead of /pol/?


> gets btfo

> like omg who the fuck cares

> suddenly doesn't care

He got you there, you've got to admit.

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Because they want what WE browse to be non-stop 24-hour-feed of getting offended at Trump. In some fucked up hope that we're going to vote Biden in the next election.

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There's a reason neither of McCain or Romney could win an election. That's the typical republican base: nigger lovers, rentiers, chicken hawks, parasites. Trump won because he got all of those people – who else are they going to vote for? – plus a small sliver of genuinely disaffected people who rolled the dice on him: White nationalists, anti-zionists, isolationists. Those people actually do have other choices come election time, they can just not vote. And you will see the same map that Romney and McCain put up.

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i'm no military strategist, but maybe announcing the raids on twitter before hand was totally fucking retarded and just virtue signaling to his retarded base and not actually meant to deport anyone

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>ignores the fact that multiple threads have been deleted





You're about about three years too late for that narrative.


And those posts were composed right after Trump took office, so if someone could see the situation for what it was without everything that's happened up to this point then what excuse do others have?

>At least 80% of "White" Americans need to be wiped out in order for the rest to even

consider having a shot at rebuilding.

Indeed. That's the final red pill.

>I'm amazed how the kikes managed to quite literally program an entire race with extinction.

It's applied artificial selection. No different than breeding dogs for desired traits. These white republicans were bred to be consumers and goys for Israel. Now they've found better consumers who don't care where they are shipped out to fight as long as they get money, booze, and shitty movies. No need to breed white Zionists when you have third-world muds who don't ask questions when you tell them to kill someone.

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bc ur a nigger

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Idk man. That's pretty antisemitic and conspiratorial.

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EXCUSES: the article

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Listen here. EVEN IF Trump can't build any new wall and EVEN IF he completely fails at stopping spics, he is still the only option to choose from. You have no alternative.

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File: 0c9c77a28c8e4b5⋯.jpg (62.34 KB,675x380,135:76,Tiny-Master-Chief-in-the-h….jpg)



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That tiny chief is still about 2/5ths the size of a grown man, about 40%

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The choice is to follow in the steps of our fore fathers and reject the illegitimate occupation.

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> You're about about three years too late for that narrative.

> suddenly flipping around to implying he was unironically arguing muh who cares and not making fun of you for doing just that one reply before that

This is some classic pilpul shit, isn't it?

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File: 7fe00d6d343893b⋯.png (704.75 KB,890x501,890:501,Gillette Boomer.png)


Hello trump NPC

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We're so far from peak trumpnigger, you're gonna see trumpfags fucking flipping out come 2020.

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File: 1ca248efb416918⋯.png (1.63 MB,3077x929,3077:929,numbers.png)

File: 6706865ac56c8d4⋯.png (3.87 MB,1463x2287,1463:2287,65656556.png)

Just token deportations. There are 30 million not including anchor babies. BTW what ever happened to birth right citizenship status? Just more bullshit from trump?

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File: 5c78052e5cf490f⋯.png (594.45 KB,1904x5177,1904:5177,Screenshot_2019-07-29 ICE ….png)

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Of course not


ICE succeeded in deporting the invasive and BURNING doubts on the Republic! Trump's esoteric metaphor did what most of us predicted.

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Those numbers actually show how few immigrants are left in the country.

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Trump at this point might as well give out Amnesty, and give amnesty to any previously deported illegal to really rub it in.

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Bump fuck mods

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I'm going to vote in both parties' primaries and go for Trump/Omar.

> but the spics

Bring me a democratic candidate that promises to end birthright citizenship and I will vote for them in an instant. Getting people to vote democrat is what you're here for, right? Now you know how. Until you got one, MAGA all the way.

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Lol you guys are still stuck in 2016

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File: f9b75366f73c6ce⋯.png (979.26 KB,757x856,757:856,cmon.png)


>being a votecuck

We're past that now, the future of politics is terrorism.

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>terrorists cant vote

youre being too obvious, chaim.

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File: 2a3000348ef6570⋯.png (1.25 MB,1016x749,1016:749,2019Julysub-buzz-643-15644….png)


I'm not implying terrorists can or can't vote? Do you even know how greentext works? I don't care about fucking voting, it doesn't do anything. The future of politics is terrorism.

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Votecucks are cowardly retards that will forever defend their cowardice.

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fake news

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Do you have proof that it's fake?

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yes, and those things arent mutually exclusive like you implied, retard. someone can cast a ballot in an effort to weaken/divide their enemies resolve while sharpening their sword. saying "youre a cuck if you vote. THIS is how you solve the problem" implies that its one or the other. its not.


>if youre a terrorist, and you vote, youre a coward

sure thing buddy.

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File: 979b5447be0bc6a⋯.png (254.12 KB,1976x1684,494:421,26e98d03ed838d5f49bc9df808….png)


>cast a ballot in an effort to weaken/divide their enemies resolve

You can't do that when the dices are loaded you blue-pilled


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so local elections dont matter? one side is just as anti-gun as the other?

now youre just sounding like a DNC shill… fuck off back to stormfront with the rest of the boomer retards that failed the country.

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File: 85fcfe5f6fd8ee0⋯.png (101.9 KB,746x717,746:717,Hzms34f.png)


>doesn't like what he's hearing so he calls me a shill

The future of politics is terrorism

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Proof that it's fake?

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Proof that it's real?

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>he cant formulate an argument because i said he was sounding like a shill.

yes, nigger. saying "dont vote goy" is a fucking known DNC shill tactic from when they infested this place.

explain why i shouldnt take 10 minutes out of my day to vote. what exactly does it hurt?


obviously you have to prove a negative. didnt you read the OP? it says it right there. it even has a trump/israel picture parody from ninja turtles. youre a trumpnigger if you want an actual source.

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File: 6d801ec9081f99e⋯.jpg (54.99 KB,583x435,583:435,3a3d7036376883a447745dc27e….jpg)


>saying "dont vote goy" is a fucking known DNC shill tactic


The future of politics is terrorism

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Heil Hitler!

I'm also doing the same. At least with Trump I got my first job in 4 years.

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What if your high school bully (Chad) rapes your wife, BUT he does it in the name of whites?

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>with Trump

Trump had nothing to do with you becoming a wagecuck, let alone a votecuck.

The future of politics is terrorism

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>having a wife in high school

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My High School bully was scared of me.

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This is kind of a worn out argument.

Voting was created so that we have an alternative for beating each others skulls with clubs.

The theory is that if we did that instead of voting, the side with more people would win.

Of course in reality the more intelligent side wins but that's beside the point.

So what this means is that true power is really in peoples hands.

If you remember the masses of people in 1930s Germany, streets were filled with Nazi supporters.

They didn't take power by force, they were voted in, but after that they kept their power by force.

So really it's the combination of voting and showing power.

When votes are 50/50 it's usually the side that has more real power that will be listened to.

For example in America this would mean the party that has support from gun owners and vets.

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i never said this. you can do both at the same time. you can even vote in an election cycle you are attempting to stop.

do you know what mutually exclusive means? or are you really just a dumb nigger shitposting on an edgy website you found on jewgle? are you capable of having a conversation in good faith?

this conversation is just going

>you can vote

<voting does nothing, KILL!

>you can vote AND kill.

<hurrr dont kill, vote goy!

>i never said dont kill, but why cant i also vote?

<killing is the only solution!

can you acknowledge this? or are you going to continue screeching

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>explain why i shouldnt take 10 minutes out of my day to vote.



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File: f8335cfaf7e736c⋯.jpg (78.97 KB,550x681,550:681,georgewashingtonquoteparti….jpg)


>Voting was created so that we have an alternative for beating each others skulls with clubs.

That doesn't work when both sides are no longer trusted.

How do you think the Roman Republic ended?

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It takes me like 5 minutes to vote. Im voting for Trump. Other than that what else shoul I be doing at election time?

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>i never said this

You implied it. Promoting redundant, if not harmful actions is questionable.

The future of politics is terrorism

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This reads like a paid advertisement.

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I'm voting for him. I don't care what anybody else does. He's most likely gonna win anyway. Im just curious as to what else I should be doing?

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i implied doing 1 and not doing the other by saying do both? what kind of nigger tier logic is that?

how is me taking 10 minutes out of my day to cast a ballot, hurting?


politics are in this country are too large to be 100% controlled. local elections still matter. give me a reason why i should just drive past the library on my way home on election day and not stop in for 10 minutes.

i dont like low income housing dropped into my neighborhood, i vote for pro-gun sherriffs and judges. do you think i should stop doing this?

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More (((organic))) posting.

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File: 51dfe4574e3234b⋯.jpg (69.89 KB,1024x745,1024:745,43FkVJuh.jpg)


>politics are in this country are too large to be 100% controlled

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>jews control your local small town sherriffs office

>the jews are just too powerful bro

>theyre like gods


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Lol Ok then dude. So are doing anything other than trying to convince Trump voters here to commit Terroism instead of vote?

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File: 614155b589cd62a⋯.jpg (70.34 KB,800x800,1:1,Db5nxhCU8AAZi3f.jpg)


>if you don't vote you are powerless



>trying to convince Trump voters here to commit Terroism

All I'm saying is that the future of politics is terrorism. I'm not telling anyone to raid grocery stores, plant strip spikes on random roads, plant c4 on the walls of banks, or cut power cables and disable power stations.

I would never do that.

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>>if you don't vote you are powerless

who tried to argue that? plz quote.

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File: 56521129aa07e61⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.63 KB,800x400,2:1,8628718743_19ae5c4e26_c.jpg)


>please argue with me in bad faith

Get fucked, votecuck. The future of politics is terrorism

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>tiny amygdala liberal screeching

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>>“There were advocates, there were people in Congress sitting here giving instructions to people illegally in the country and telling them how to avoid detection,”

WTF, this is obstruction of justice. Why aren't they being impeached and criminally charged?

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>even if trump can't do anything for you and your interest, you MUST vote for him!

oh ya?

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you dont have to vote for him. but its easy to understand while people would. why would somebody that wants a civil war push for restricted gun rights on a federal level? and why wouldnt you vote for people that dont agree with locally enforcing?

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>implying kicking out 2000 would make a difference

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>why would somebody that wants a civil war push for restricted gun rights on a federal level?

Because that would start a civil war.

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it wouldnt happen all at once, it never does here. and guess what? thats not what theyre pushing for. when we're all limited to bolt action rifles, revolvers, and have ammunition on federal watch and we cant get good amounts of ammo… a civil war would be great timing, right?

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no one is turning in their guns, if you think the police are going to go door to door confiscating 400 million guns, well, that would be amusing

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File: a8128481fc0c815⋯.jpg (214.66 KB,2500x1500,5:3,Black Sun.jpg)


Nothing ever happens, until it does.

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Trump is a failure dude. I held out for him for longer than most but he's obviously not going to get anything done regardless of whether or not he actually wants to. He just doesn't have the support in congress, but not even most Republican congressmen want to throw in with him and there were hardly any "Trump Republican" style candidates to replace the boomercons. I'll still vote for him and advocate for him because him winning is better than a D*mocrat winning, but it's all ogre now.

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ICE is controlled opposition. They're mandated to fail. They're set to be incompetent.

ICE exists solely so you can believe the gubmint will take care of it while you do nothing

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Yeah, Trump's a zionist faggot who's done nothing real about the border while millions still flow to israhel daily and while Trump bangs the war drums against Iran like a good little zio stooge. He's not going to oppose Israel, he's too much of a pussy; besides, he always gave his kids away to the jews.

Just look at his 100-day promises, he hasn't even mentioned foreign lobbying since election and he turned his back on WikiLeaks when he relied on it for his campaign so much. He's a fucking kike

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> implying in the sense that you allude to, it wasn't 'ogre' from the get-go

> implying he was ever intended to be the cure-all solution and not just a catalyst for the exact two shifts in the political landscape that we wanted

How new are you? You certainly weren't here in 2015.

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File: 7624f839af123af⋯.gif (2.94 MB,359x346,359:346,IMG_8673.GIF)

New restrictions, placed by Congress in the latest round of appropriations, include a provision that illegal aliens in a household with an unaccompanied minor are now exempt from deportation.


>McAleenan said even if Central American countries want their children back, U.S. law prohibits it.

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>terrorism against random white people

shut up.

>terrorism against megakikes

it's isn't a plan.

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File: 3ae0d14646d33b3⋯.png (2.35 MB,1536x1344,8:7,20190731_121511.png)

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File: 7a71b2ed4e88f9a⋯.jpeg (290.88 KB,1052x789,4:3,coloringbook.jpeg)


Trump has done more to brown the USA then the immigration act of 1965.

At least Barry Soetoro Obama actually deported some people.

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>be blonde little girl

>nanny gets taken away

>ICE watches you choke on clorox

Laws are complicated

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File: 1debc85aa5cd0b1⋯.png (408.97 KB,1262x749,1262:749,21lh.png)



He's right though. Pic related.

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