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File: 053a2cf992cd95c⋯.jpg (35.42 KB,640x418,320:209,D1ULcYPX0AAr9Sq.jpg large.jpg)

 No.13534165 [View All]

ICE targeted thousands in raids, but so far has only arrested 35

>An immigration sweep targeting thousands of people nationwide resulted in only 35 arrests, Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday, suggesting that the widely publicized advance notice of the raids, including prominent mention by President Trump, led many people to take actions to avoid being caught.

>The sweep, called Operation Border Resolve, was focused on more than 2,000 families with final orders of removal by an immigration judge. The numbers so far have fallen far short of the target.

>The acting director of ICE discussed the numbers during a call with reporters, citing the wide notice given across the country.

>“There were advocates, there were people in Congress sitting here giving instructions to people illegally in the country and telling them how to avoid detection,” Matthew Albence said. “There’s no way for us to quantify what impact that had, but you couldn’t turn on any TV station anywhere in this country for several weeks without this being one of the lead topics.”

Imaging my shawk! It's almost like it was designed to fail in the first place. Tired of winning yet?

I really wanted to bump the original hype thread to slam the MIGApedes on this board, but its off the catalog already: >>13492821

Just a reminder that Trump is all talk. He can't even do civic nationalism correctly.




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Do you have proof that it's fake?

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yes, and those things arent mutually exclusive like you implied, retard. someone can cast a ballot in an effort to weaken/divide their enemies resolve while sharpening their sword. saying "youre a cuck if you vote. THIS is how you solve the problem" implies that its one or the other. its not.


>if youre a terrorist, and you vote, youre a coward

sure thing buddy.

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File: 979b5447be0bc6a⋯.png (254.12 KB,1976x1684,494:421,26e98d03ed838d5f49bc9df808….png)


>cast a ballot in an effort to weaken/divide their enemies resolve

You can't do that when the dices are loaded you blue-pilled


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so local elections dont matter? one side is just as anti-gun as the other?

now youre just sounding like a DNC shill… fuck off back to stormfront with the rest of the boomer retards that failed the country.

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File: 85fcfe5f6fd8ee0⋯.png (101.9 KB,746x717,746:717,Hzms34f.png)


>doesn't like what he's hearing so he calls me a shill

The future of politics is terrorism

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Proof that it's fake?

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Proof that it's real?

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>he cant formulate an argument because i said he was sounding like a shill.

yes, nigger. saying "dont vote goy" is a fucking known DNC shill tactic from when they infested this place.

explain why i shouldnt take 10 minutes out of my day to vote. what exactly does it hurt?


obviously you have to prove a negative. didnt you read the OP? it says it right there. it even has a trump/israel picture parody from ninja turtles. youre a trumpnigger if you want an actual source.

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File: 6d801ec9081f99e⋯.jpg (54.99 KB,583x435,583:435,3a3d7036376883a447745dc27e….jpg)


>saying "dont vote goy" is a fucking known DNC shill tactic


The future of politics is terrorism

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Heil Hitler!

I'm also doing the same. At least with Trump I got my first job in 4 years.

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What if your high school bully (Chad) rapes your wife, BUT he does it in the name of whites?

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>with Trump

Trump had nothing to do with you becoming a wagecuck, let alone a votecuck.

The future of politics is terrorism

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>having a wife in high school

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My High School bully was scared of me.

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This is kind of a worn out argument.

Voting was created so that we have an alternative for beating each others skulls with clubs.

The theory is that if we did that instead of voting, the side with more people would win.

Of course in reality the more intelligent side wins but that's beside the point.

So what this means is that true power is really in peoples hands.

If you remember the masses of people in 1930s Germany, streets were filled with Nazi supporters.

They didn't take power by force, they were voted in, but after that they kept their power by force.

So really it's the combination of voting and showing power.

When votes are 50/50 it's usually the side that has more real power that will be listened to.

For example in America this would mean the party that has support from gun owners and vets.

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i never said this. you can do both at the same time. you can even vote in an election cycle you are attempting to stop.

do you know what mutually exclusive means? or are you really just a dumb nigger shitposting on an edgy website you found on jewgle? are you capable of having a conversation in good faith?

this conversation is just going

>you can vote

<voting does nothing, KILL!

>you can vote AND kill.

<hurrr dont kill, vote goy!

>i never said dont kill, but why cant i also vote?

<killing is the only solution!

can you acknowledge this? or are you going to continue screeching

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>explain why i shouldnt take 10 minutes out of my day to vote.



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File: f8335cfaf7e736c⋯.jpg (78.97 KB,550x681,550:681,georgewashingtonquoteparti….jpg)


>Voting was created so that we have an alternative for beating each others skulls with clubs.

That doesn't work when both sides are no longer trusted.

How do you think the Roman Republic ended?

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It takes me like 5 minutes to vote. Im voting for Trump. Other than that what else shoul I be doing at election time?

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>i never said this

You implied it. Promoting redundant, if not harmful actions is questionable.

The future of politics is terrorism

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This reads like a paid advertisement.

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I'm voting for him. I don't care what anybody else does. He's most likely gonna win anyway. Im just curious as to what else I should be doing?

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i implied doing 1 and not doing the other by saying do both? what kind of nigger tier logic is that?

how is me taking 10 minutes out of my day to cast a ballot, hurting?


politics are in this country are too large to be 100% controlled. local elections still matter. give me a reason why i should just drive past the library on my way home on election day and not stop in for 10 minutes.

i dont like low income housing dropped into my neighborhood, i vote for pro-gun sherriffs and judges. do you think i should stop doing this?

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More (((organic))) posting.

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File: 51dfe4574e3234b⋯.jpg (69.89 KB,1024x745,1024:745,43FkVJuh.jpg)


>politics are in this country are too large to be 100% controlled

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>jews control your local small town sherriffs office

>the jews are just too powerful bro

>theyre like gods


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Lol Ok then dude. So are doing anything other than trying to convince Trump voters here to commit Terroism instead of vote?

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File: 614155b589cd62a⋯.jpg (70.34 KB,800x800,1:1,Db5nxhCU8AAZi3f.jpg)


>if you don't vote you are powerless



>trying to convince Trump voters here to commit Terroism

All I'm saying is that the future of politics is terrorism. I'm not telling anyone to raid grocery stores, plant strip spikes on random roads, plant c4 on the walls of banks, or cut power cables and disable power stations.

I would never do that.

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>>if you don't vote you are powerless

who tried to argue that? plz quote.

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File: 56521129aa07e61⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.63 KB,800x400,2:1,8628718743_19ae5c4e26_c.jpg)


>please argue with me in bad faith

Get fucked, votecuck. The future of politics is terrorism

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>tiny amygdala liberal screeching

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>>“There were advocates, there were people in Congress sitting here giving instructions to people illegally in the country and telling them how to avoid detection,”

WTF, this is obstruction of justice. Why aren't they being impeached and criminally charged?

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>even if trump can't do anything for you and your interest, you MUST vote for him!

oh ya?

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you dont have to vote for him. but its easy to understand while people would. why would somebody that wants a civil war push for restricted gun rights on a federal level? and why wouldnt you vote for people that dont agree with locally enforcing?

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>implying kicking out 2000 would make a difference

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>why would somebody that wants a civil war push for restricted gun rights on a federal level?

Because that would start a civil war.

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it wouldnt happen all at once, it never does here. and guess what? thats not what theyre pushing for. when we're all limited to bolt action rifles, revolvers, and have ammunition on federal watch and we cant get good amounts of ammo… a civil war would be great timing, right?

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no one is turning in their guns, if you think the police are going to go door to door confiscating 400 million guns, well, that would be amusing

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File: a8128481fc0c815⋯.jpg (214.66 KB,2500x1500,5:3,Black Sun.jpg)


Nothing ever happens, until it does.

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Trump is a failure dude. I held out for him for longer than most but he's obviously not going to get anything done regardless of whether or not he actually wants to. He just doesn't have the support in congress, but not even most Republican congressmen want to throw in with him and there were hardly any "Trump Republican" style candidates to replace the boomercons. I'll still vote for him and advocate for him because him winning is better than a D*mocrat winning, but it's all ogre now.

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ICE is controlled opposition. They're mandated to fail. They're set to be incompetent.

ICE exists solely so you can believe the gubmint will take care of it while you do nothing

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Yeah, Trump's a zionist faggot who's done nothing real about the border while millions still flow to israhel daily and while Trump bangs the war drums against Iran like a good little zio stooge. He's not going to oppose Israel, he's too much of a pussy; besides, he always gave his kids away to the jews.

Just look at his 100-day promises, he hasn't even mentioned foreign lobbying since election and he turned his back on WikiLeaks when he relied on it for his campaign so much. He's a fucking kike

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> implying in the sense that you allude to, it wasn't 'ogre' from the get-go

> implying he was ever intended to be the cure-all solution and not just a catalyst for the exact two shifts in the political landscape that we wanted

How new are you? You certainly weren't here in 2015.

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File: 7624f839af123af⋯.gif (2.94 MB,359x346,359:346,IMG_8673.GIF)

New restrictions, placed by Congress in the latest round of appropriations, include a provision that illegal aliens in a household with an unaccompanied minor are now exempt from deportation.


>McAleenan said even if Central American countries want their children back, U.S. law prohibits it.

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>terrorism against random white people

shut up.

>terrorism against megakikes

it's isn't a plan.

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File: 3ae0d14646d33b3⋯.png (2.35 MB,1536x1344,8:7,20190731_121511.png)

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File: 7a71b2ed4e88f9a⋯.jpeg (290.88 KB,1052x789,4:3,coloringbook.jpeg)


Trump has done more to brown the USA then the immigration act of 1965.

At least Barry Soetoro Obama actually deported some people.

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>be blonde little girl

>nanny gets taken away

>ICE watches you choke on clorox

Laws are complicated

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File: 1debc85aa5cd0b1⋯.png (408.97 KB,1262x749,1262:749,21lh.png)



He's right though. Pic related.

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