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File: 71c2c07e655d708⋯.png (710.55 KB,696x1723,696:1723,2019-07-25 (17_24_47).png)

 No.13534120 [View All]


Muslim Man Who Killed Jewish Neighbor While Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Not Criminally Responsible Because He Smoked Marijuana Beforehand, Judge Rules

African migrant Kobili Traoré threw victim out of a window after vicious beating.

A French judge has ruled that a Muslim man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” while murdering a Jewish woman in an anti-Semitic attack should not be held criminally responsible because he had smoked marijuana before the attack.

65-year-old Dr Sarah Attal-Halimi was brutally beaten and thrown out of a window by 27-year-old Kobili Traoré, an African migrant from Mali, on the 4th of April 2017 in the Belleville district of Paris.

According to reports, Traoré, a drug dealer and a drug addict, shouted “shut your mouth”, “Allahu Akbar,” and “I killed the Shaitan” (the demon, or Satan, in Arabic) during the vicious assault. He claimed insanity and was held in a psychiatric hospital.

Now a French judge has ruled that Traoré is “not criminally responsible for his actions because he had smoked marijuana beforehand,” reports the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Traoré, who had also called Halimi’s daughter a “dirty Jewess” two years before killing the mother, will not stand trial for the murder unless an appeal by Jewish groups is successful in overturning the judge’s decision.

Francis Khalifat, the president of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, said the ruling was “unsurprising but hardly justifiable”.

Sammy Ghozlan, a former police commissioner and founder of France’s Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the handling of the Halimi case has made him “no longer have full confidence that anti-Semitic hate crimes in France are handled properly”.

Who is the BASED and REDPILLED Judge that rightfully decreed this semite not guilty for slaying another semite?

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Presidential candidate, Dr. Jew Jill Stein, said marijuana "is not dangerous at all."

They did it to themselves.

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clown world intensifies! Seems Its not jew world order anymore

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This is always what happened in the past though: the biggest enemy of the jew, is another jew. They spend so long trying to undermine the goy, they kill the host or get rejected by it. Hence why what they should have done was maintain that Boomer Kosher Nationalism of the 20th century forever as a kind of ideological buffer (muh Judeo-Christian European Civilisation and all that) - but no, they just had to push it further. Now they have their wish, their White golems emasculated, while their Muslim golems are running wild. The jew will always btfo themselves.

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>You were born too late to explore the earth


>You were born too early to explore the stars


>You were born too white to claim the marijuanas made you kill kikes, and get away with it


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File: 17c09a27c4b66d8⋯.png (310.38 KB,499x583,499:583,jew worried.png)


>when the leftist sjw system you created backfires on you

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dead kikes and dead cops my dick is so hard right now

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File: 5909366136df1a9⋯.jpg (77.61 KB,640x360,16:9,fam tbh.jpg)

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File: 4cd7fa00f746cbb⋯.png (176.19 KB,640x352,20:11,Sound Da Shofar.png)

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Those leftists kikes are not the same as the zionist boomer ones. Apples to oranges. Plus it was the leftist kikes that pushed hitler to power. The ziokikes are fewer in numbers but make up for in Intelligence and sophisticated planning. Its always been the Commie out of control kikes that sink the jewish ship. The jesuit crypto jews on the other hand…

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There's so much potential to appropriate and subvert identity politics but right-wing types are way too collectively dim-witted to actually do that.

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well said heres to jews subverting jews

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File: 7d8e0b93f1ac7f7⋯.png (171.44 KB,391x546,391:546,7d8e0b93f1ac7f7c08b59cf7a6….png)

>Muslim Man Who Killed Jewish Neighbor While Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Not Criminally Responsible Because He Smoked Marijuana Beforehand

Just according to keikaku.

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File: 0746c6968073346⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,780x416,15:8,1434973651731.jpg)


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File: 741dcdbc700ad9c⋯.jpg (72.67 KB,960x902,480:451,1520565638206.jpg)


> verdict unsurprising but hardly justifiable

>mfw jew literally admitting the golem has turned and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

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Jews getting jewed by their own pets and made up (((laws))).

Its anodah shoah

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Someone should meme jew throwing out of the window while high as a new way to acquire 72 virgins among mudshits.

Quality, intelligent whites should self-segregate, move to smaller places (or certain to be fortified parts of the cities), form closely-knit bonds and networks, while letting the shitskin hordes, urbanite kikes (a highly populated, overcrowded city with a lot of "sewers" is a natural habitat of the Jew) and inferior, garbage whites (SJW's , cucks) literally eat each other alive and suffer in hell on earth. Let them have their (((smart cities))) and witness their egalitarian, utopian delusions crushed mercilessly in front of their eyes by the unforgiving forces of nature.

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Only works if you're not white.

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Semites are filthy and vile (part nigger) and they ALL need extermination.

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File: 9aad7aeb03abe1e⋯.gif (5.23 MB,800x333,800:333,Perfection.gif)


Tell the niggers they will become honorary after throwing ten jews out a window. Free white girl at 50.

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File: 413aaa1d18619e1⋯.gif (4.15 MB,460x259,460:259,DimZealousHornedtoad-size_….gif)



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File: 805b01c90d5892c⋯.jpeg (11.75 KB,240x299,240:299,johnsun.jpeg)

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It's not like this judge would rule any differently for a white victim. Talk about a golem turning on you though.

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judge looks like a literal rat

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File: ba1c25711bed770⋯.png (137.88 KB,389x402,389:402,randomkek.png)


Oh god, my sides hurt so much!

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If he's from Mali he's more likely to be a nigger than a Semite.




I think the attack is real, but the judge might have received (((orders))) to go soft on the nig.

Jews have been droning on about rising antisemitism in France for years now, its almost a meme. The false flag terror attacks in Paris didn't scare enough of them into making aliya, so now they're showing them that the state won't give them justice from the Muslims.

MOSSAD has a long history of false flag terrorising Jewish communities into moving to Israel.

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File: 20a5f0492dd964b⋯.jpg (67.79 KB,1000x676,250:169,golem (1).jpg)

Who could have seen this coming?…

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Ysk Laws are different based on the melanin content

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Light up and preheat the ovens boys.

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File: abdd1578a005c85⋯.jpg (414.93 KB,640x640,1:1,eiffel tower.jpg)


>French Judge frees muslim for defenestrating Jew, since pothead

Wonder how many faggots on this board are politically astute enough to realize that this is a massive net plus for Israel.

Just like 1933 was.

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>shitskin invader welcomed in by jews and traitors kills a bunch of white people

<thoughts and prayers

<part and parcel

>jew dies

<these people are violent and get away with it look at how the justice system let a clearly guilty MUSLIM off

<this is an outrage

pure coincidence

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Nah too busy calling each other shills to engage in thoughtful consideration.

Ultimately it all plays into the hands of the Zionist, see: >>13537035

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Don't forget to say "Allahu Akbar!"

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File: 17fa60e7f19219f⋯.png (264.08 KB,600x320,15:8,17fa60e7f19219f80df2a38d10….png)


>smoke weed

>shoot up a synagogue



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File: b09a1f99a7f33dd⋯.jpg (90.46 KB,1024x676,256:169,Mask.jpg)


It was Shaytan.

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What a dumb judge. Getting drunk and killing someone is an aggravating factor, not a minimizing one. Getting high and killing someone should be the same way. People voluntarily dosing themselves with substances are responsible for what they do under the influence of those substances.

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Origin doesn’t determine niggerness, racism determines niggerness. African countries starve because they’re niggers, not because they’re dark-skinned.

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File: 706508e55c870a4⋯.png (73.57 KB,499x499,1:1,Copy of 1421450431394.png)

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what the fuck are you talking about

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NPC meme applies to kikes too.

if(hateCrime.suspect == jew())

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Niggers are fucking lazy and stupid. Their melanin content is the least of their problems. Dumbfuck.

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The golems bite back at their masters. No one could see this coming.

There is also a faction of Jews that want most of the worlds Jews to be forced back to Israel.

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>There is also a faction of Jews that want most of the worlds Jews to be forced back to Israel.

Dumb fucks on this board will oppose this.

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File: f79adf25816b3b3⋯.jpg (30.7 KB,350x256,175:128,f79adf25816b3b35f17a786f7b….jpg)


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They all need to go back to where they came from


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>There is also a faction of Jews that want most of the worlds Jews to be forced back to Israel.

>INB4 baste Zionism

The only solution against inbred demons walking on earth is gas.


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Based nigger. With the kike removed we may just be set free.

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How do we make it happen more often?

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File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB,378x357,18:17,1547979194.png)

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