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 No.13533813 [Last50 Posts]

>>two teenagers with so survival skills are hiding in the bush the last 2 days with no food or water

>>they kill an unidentified man in his 50s for no reason, who cannot be publically named

>>were travelling to Yukon for work, change plans to murder people, and apparently have enough gas money to pay for fuel and carbon tax all the way to manitoba (Liard BC to Gillam Manitoba 2943km/1828miles) without getting spotted

>>just so happens that one of them is an alt righter, owning a Nazi flag and a Hitler youth knife

>>july 24th the RCMP refused to answer questions from the media after making their statement

>>one of the suspects decides wearing army camo is a good idea

>>suspects decide to drive to a dead end town but investigators still can't find them with helicopters and huge search crews

>>rumors they were sighted in Kenora, and other towns

>>turdo was planning on a gun ban

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File: 1cce2103b2c4ce4⋯.jpg (90.42 KB,1000x750,4:3,odyssey_086.jpg)

Judging from their pics I can guarantee the cops can find them tonight wearing knee high laced bovver boots, speedo trunks and a black leather velo cap with chrome studs on the brim spelling "SLUT", dancing wildly, at the Odyssey on West Hastings, in Vancouver

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it's weird that whoever set this bot up thinks /pol/ hates russia like normalfags do

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The Mueller probe recently crashing and burning has caused them to malfunction

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File: 48b0af56360f0f9⋯.jpg (50.39 KB,604x402,302:201,19880_286301712499_6333924….jpg)

owning nazi paraphernalia now makes you a batshit crazy alt righter according to the news

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File: 017e8583aa486f5⋯.png (1.11 MB,1008x670,504:335,sophie.PNG)

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you just remember that the only history you are allowed to remember is the holocaust, goy.

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>>RCMP major crime unit involved

Just look at Canada's most wanted page, tons of murderers on the loose

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>>Schmegelsky's account shows he was a frequent player of a shooting game called Russia Battlegrounds, and both young men's Facebook pages were connected to an account called Illusive Gameing, which had a modified Soviet flag as its icon.

Definitely alt right!

>>Mounties say they are investigating a photograph of Nazi paraphernalia allegedly sent by one of the suspects in three British Columbia deaths to another user on a video game network.

We must investigate the photos of nazi paraphernalia, it will help us solve this case

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>owning a Nazi flag and a Hitler youth knife

This was a huge redflag for me. Because as everyone knows, the hallmark of a good national socialist is killing healthy young white couples. Ridiculous.

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Antique shops be racist! Shut them all down!!!!

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Isn't there an alternative suspect, a spice monkey street shitter that's being buried in all this by the media? Seems like these two boys are dead and gone at his hands but taking the blame to conceal the true shitskin murderer. Kinda like that shitrag truck driver that massacred a whole bus full of hockey players.

Coulter's Law;

the longer that it takes the media to identify the shooter the less likely he is white and Christian.

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Where are the from?

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If you are talking about the two kids from Port Alberni, one just snapped and is on a suicide path the other kid got dragged along.

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Already been charged

Yet they have no proof.

And have yet to be arrested.

>Leonard Dyck of Vancouver was found dead on July 19 at a highway pullout in Northern B.C. Teen fugitives Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky have been charged with second-degree murder. (BC RCMP)

>The teens are also wanted in connection with the homicides of tourists Lucas Fowler and Chynna Deese. No charges have been laid in connection to those deaths.



Burgers take note of the value of US justice "innocent until proven guilty".

They charged them so they can "legally" kill them.

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Yeah, these kids are from my home town. Kam was a good dude.

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Impulse control issues look pretty weird sometimes.

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Already a thread, cunt.

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While the news was already stating these kids did it when there was only the ded couple, they (fox) showed a suspect drawing of a bearded Arab man but have since come up with a third victim who just so happens to have a beard. They were first calling the ded guy a professor but idk now.


<he couldn't cope

Sure thing fed.

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>healthy young white couples

You're joking, right?

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Where? I dont see it in the catalog.


No, I am saying from locals that Kam was "a good kid and would never do anything like this" well thee other dude is probably dragging him along. I havent read much on it.

>Sure thing fed

>tor user

Oh never mind.

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What the fuck mix mutt shit is that

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Sane, mentally healthy people generally don’t own nazi paraphernilia. Nazis are a particular kind of “strength” breakage. Hitler was “too strong” to break in jail, so he wrote unpleasant rantings about spooky racial enemies. That was totally strong on his part, and indicative of strong planning abilities. It didn’t betray even the faintest whiff of a weak or manipulable nature.

Nazi ideologies appeal to dumb animal humans. It appeals to people who think they can live innawoods, who also think that murdering animals or people demonstrates strength rather than feral weakness. All of this leads up to impulse issues that make such people really worthless, unpredictable, and prone to killing or dying.

A few years ago there was something in RPG works… It was like Genius the Very Lit (no, not really, haha) and one of the vivid scenes it described was a crazy person surrounded by the bloody revolting remains of a “science experiment”. This was described as something like a failure at becoming one of the mad scientists of the game.

Nazism is something like that. It’s very stressed people trying to break through into something like a blood-soaked rebirth, ala Cultist Simulator’s Grail ending. So of course they go haring off into the woods chasing god knows what.

This is all narrative construction; obviously I don’t know the facts of the case. We really ought to let the court handle it. Being inadequately civilized for courthouses is a nazi thing to do.

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Psychological illnesses usually don't come to the surface until around 20 years old.


That's what I initially thought, to many inconsistencies made me want to start this thread

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The Bryan kid wore a trench coat and had a Thors hammer necklace. He worked stock in Walmart.

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It has nothing to do with Mueller. Trump is not pro-Russia. He is not neutral on Russia.

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>Nazi ideologies appeal to dumb animal humans

Typical jewish word selection. Dumb animals, dumb herds, dumb goy.

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File: b86ce3beb6b5333⋯.jpeg (399.25 KB,2000x1122,1000:561,couple.jpeg)


Is that even the same people? I'd only see this one before.

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*Are they

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It's just the reality that pictures are bullshit. You can make anyone look bad by cramming a camera in their face with weird lighting. They look fairly normal tbh

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>nazi: from countryside names ignatz/ignatius (bavarian)

>pagan: means "lives outside [town] markers"

>hick: from german name richard means "ruler" (related to 'rex')

All insults for those who live outside of the jewcity.

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Looks like the photo came from a disposable/polaroid camera

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File: ac4d59dce3e6e3d⋯.jpg (46.09 KB,606x387,202:129,Screenshot_20190124-014253….jpg)

I've only become more steadfast in regarding this ridiculous story and the associated crisis-acting as a psyop. Look at the details while imagining these people are even real let alone going through ACTUAL greif. All the details are dumb.

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>owning a Nazi flag and a Hitler youth knife

Oh look, another "Boomer Christian" serving the Jews.

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dumb. you need to learn pacing for a punchline to work.

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>and carbon tax

you messin around dawg?

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File: a1038d39589919f⋯.jpeg (30.82 KB,561x421,561:421,111.jpeg)


gamers rise up

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>something may have happened


Take your meds you schizonigger. Not everyone is a worthless fat coward that does nothing but talk tough online.

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Hm, you aimed that at two different people. Nice.

Also, you’re suggesting a mental health funding gap, so… nice socialism, leftybro! *high five*

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Early reportes mentioned a road crew, then were dropped. Look into the road maintenance companies. They often do the dirty work and haul the drugs/guns for cops/bikers (many RCMP are both).


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File: 987ba77cee90bce⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,850x400,17:8,1563946009777.jpg)


lol. I rest my case

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Yea they are, you roidwhales are hilariously primitive robots, too hormonal to function in society, just sorta passively breaking apart until you can’t live in peace anymore, and then getting shot. I’d like to save you so you can be happier, but instead I’m replying to a guy who bumped the volleyball on my behalf.

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This is the same bullshit where the fellow in Toronto was suddenly driving the Truck of Peace because he was an incel.

No one ever talked about the fact he was Armenian, and it happened on Armenian Genocide Rememberance Day.

Find out what these two were into. The father of the alphabits name looks like could be a biker. The entire province is lousy with freemasons, you pretty much have to be one to get anywhere.

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In other words I’m a shilly shill who shills, hahaha! Violent people never fought their way to a society that could feed itself reliably, because racists are too dumb to pick vegetables. Space has always had to be created.

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Port Alberni has been voted the worst town in all of Canada twice in two years. The town is run by crack heads and possible biker/car fanatic types. The kids dad said his parents divorced in 2005.

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It's less pacing (tempo) and more harmony. Quality over qantity tbh.

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Kill yourself kike.

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/a nonspecified poster above me\

The media needs to know that dishonesty undermines the rational base of society, empowering ancient primitive ideas like racism.

What if they already know that? What if they’re already trying their best? Would the sort of people who saw the trust level fall be able to see it rise again? If you want to change the world, always be able to go towards trust again.

Racism (partisans) isn’t going towards trust, because racists (partisans) can ALWAYS see the hand of their enemy (partisans).

There do exist rational distrusts in this world, but sometimes it’s very important to look at next level trust traversals. How can you change the situation so that the rational basis of trust between two groups changes?

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or "ai"

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Fucking bots man, fuck off already.

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the fact the jews are shilling this thread is eye opening

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The mom isnt present, kids knew something about the biker gangs of Port Alberni.

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>Is that even the same people?

Yeah. When people smile genuinely, they tend to squint. That hides his already squinty eyes to a certain extent, but look at the picture you posted more closely and you'll start to notice that his eyes are abnormally squinty, even for smiling.


>You can make anyone look bad by cramming a camera in their face with weird lighting.

It has nothing to do with looking good or bad. It's about phenotypical traits.

>They look fairly normal tbh

They're Jew hippies and the guy is shorter than the pictures make him look… In what universe do whites have eyes that look like his? I can forgive you for mistaking the woman for white, check their teeth but there's no excuse for mistaking the guy.

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dude, you really, really suck with your verbal diarhea stinking up the whole board, thread after thread

stop believing that you "change the discourse of this board" as you bragged in other threads, once your style has been identified most Anons put you on ignore

you would gain reddit gold and the admiration of the masses elsewhere

and you should really educate yourself about what national socialism really is

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Hitler sported both the soviet flag and the swastika so this is actually based

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Yeah, its starting to look like the three are jewish so far.

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Is this plot orchestrated by the same dimwits who tried setting up Italian nationalists with suspiciously kosher missiles, that just happened to be discovered with photos of prominent National Socialists from Germany?!

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But anon you've already lost?

The vote doesn't work and people are already enraged, now comes the honk honk day

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Ss schmegelsky a Jewish name?

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it's Russian. though jews often have Russian last names like they do with German ones

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It's almost like a Columbine duo again. One with the obvious kike name, the other with a probably altered one.

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I bet it stings being a dead board, doesn't leftynigger

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File: 1b738a11db158f2⋯.png (33.15 KB,585x263,585:263,111.png)

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>{Schmegelsky} had a profile pic of Azov Battalion.

I know vice is shit, and that sentence needs a fucking editor, but that sounds like some libertarian who got triggered by the guy saying he wanted the government to stop those damn kikes.

Maybe he was Nazbol lmao.

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>just so happens that one of them is an alt righter, owning a Nazi flag and a Hitler youth knife

Fuck, I thought the one on the right was antifa because his hipster stash.

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Healthy or not the the lad was the son of a police inspector from Australia and he looks aside from his particularly annoying normie behavior to have some good Northern European blood. I’m sensing to some degree this was a targeted hit to inspire fear to something related in Australia. Can anyone dig into the inspectors town and see what’s happening their politics wise between the mainlanders and the diversity imports?

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>son of a police inspect from Australia

Good riddance. Death to all police and their families.

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Kys this is a fuhrer worshipping board. Just because hes the favourite scapegoat of the “cut my sons dick off” post-modernists doesn’t mean every false flag is an American history X rerun. Once again Kys

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Seems like something a foreign invader would say

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>The entire province is lousy with freemasons, you pretty much have to be one to get anywhere.

Thank you. The son and nephew of RCMP detectives bragged to me that members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary that had murdered too many Catholics in Ulster were sent to cool off in Toronto or Vancouver where good paying jobs as policemen or firemen were waiting for them no questions asked courtesy of the Orange Lodge.

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Best buddies father, spent time in Longkesh for killing 2 IRA men, went on to go from a PAINTER to the project manager on an oil rig in Asia. Hes part of masons, and the grandfather is a bigshot in the Edinburgh lodge. Yes, they will stick completely incompetent people into high level positions. Probably how the BP spill happened.

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Top kek !

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Yep and when they get in those positions they're incredibly abusive assholes too. You don't particularly want to be in the VFD. Newbs are called "pissers" because it's their job to swab out the urinals and act as gofers for all the other firefighters. "Hey pisser go to the store and get me some smokes and a coke". And so on. How long are you a pisser for? 6 months? Try 6 years or more, IF you're not Orange lodge material.

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File: ebf7b5b8f7e7200⋯.jpg (128.51 KB,817x820,817:820,414141.jpg)

fucking larpers

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Bolshevism is what National Socialism exists to destroy and it is in fact a Jewish slave system based on the false idea of human equality, discards everything that actually makes up National Socialism, like say no unearned wages.

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urban dictionary is also fucking gay

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>>>suspects decide to drive to a dead end town but investigators still can't find them with helicopters and huge search crews

Yeah, that's not a surprise. If you've never been there you've got no idea what it's like, how shit it is, and why carrying a gun is your best investment. Ever been to the everglades? It's like that, except instead of it being marshes it's peat bogs, low-level vegetation, smatterings of high level trees and everything wants to eat you, especially in the summer. On top of all of that, it's in the late end of mating season for the various predators that live there, bears, wolves, cougars, lynx. Up there none of them are afraid of people and they will attack. These retards basically went into the asshole of nowhere and it won't surprise me if they're never found or only parts of them are. Happens every couple of years, not counting the suicidal ones.

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I fucking hate bears, those cunts need to be thoroughly thinned out

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Cry moar faggot go back to leftypol and snip yourself.

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File: 66ab5d7798f981e⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,818x237,818:237,9898.jpg)

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This is some funny stuff you wrote today.

You should have tried this before the genie was out of the bottle. It might have worked.

The decision makers on your side should have told you that the gloves are off now. But, you know, compartmentalization.

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File: 1eee569c55a11ec⋯.jpg (460.63 KB,1200x800,3:2,20190725_211837.jpg)


And so the plot thickens…

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>>"with so survival skills"


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File: 283621d17422f05⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,720x720,1:1,FB_IMG_1564123346948.jpg)

Ill post more jewish or not jewish what do you goys think

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And her fb

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There's reports he is actually a Communist.

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File: 9703c7026488e98⋯.png (427.93 KB,397x2106,397:2106,2019-07-26 (12_56_48).png)

The kid is a commie

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I've met wanted murders (in this case, injuns) before by accident in Tim Hortons. They travel in packs, all armed, and not particularly worried.

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History is racist.

Zero year now! (This is an actual communist idea where all history is wiped and nobody knows a thing about the past and attempts to implement it in China and Vietnam and other commie shitholes have been done already)

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>we're jews


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>various pop culture references

Btw, it's very likely one of your own, you commie scum.

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This is actually true. Construction workers in general are the most based, redpilled, and anarchic types who you can get weapons and anything else you could want from.

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Fuck off to some shithole non-white country if you think there's no difference between the races. Why wouldn't you? It's way cheaper to live out there. You have zero excuses other than; they are violent subhumans.

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Werent these aussie cunts that got killed? do you think the two kikes killed them in response to the New Zealand shooting?

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This is true, especially in Canada. Most whites in Canada that work construction on in the woods are very redpilled, well at least enough to survive.

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BC seems particularly hopeless sometimes. Between the gangs and drugs, the useless cops and glowniggers, harpy women, boomers, and natives, it all seems insurmountable. I was literally blocked and forced to drive down a detour yesterday because i am not part of the local indian band. No kidding. The corruption and vapidity seems deeply entrenched and really, it is tough to deal with living in such an empty society day by day. Glow niggers, do something useful and arrest some of these money hungry fuckers.

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Looks jewish here.

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See, I knew there was already a thread on this. I'm willing to bet the mods punished the guy that made a duplicate more than they did the spammers that are the entire reason this thread got buried.

>some schizo is spamming the thread claiming every light skinned person is a jew

And it's even more aimless than the threads about the fugly mutt that offed herself in april.

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Why are you spamming?

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>construction workers

You mean wardens columns, mason?

Anyway, flagmen sell cocaine in the Okanagan in my experience.

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One worked in Malta. Probably saw something. This whole thing stinks of masonic false flag.

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>sluggish schizophrenia

The calling card of both Marxist and mason. Wonder (((why?)))

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Chugs sell drugs, but this doesn't work east of Manitoba. That's traditional mafia territory.

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Fox Lake = Fiat Lux

They're headed for Mexico with fake passports.

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The Rose Cross Masonic Police is a protection force… for those in the lodge.

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Big drug bust a few weeks ago. Canuck caught with cocaine. Did the father disobey? He kept referring to the RMCP. Also a huge Ontario bust today with SunWing (Senior Warden) airlines.

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File: 33670883e7fc6b3⋯.jpg (111.57 KB,602x452,301:226,edgelord.jpg)

File: 25f27b2599f9661⋯.png (163.79 KB,500x522,250:261,zergface-30986097.png)

>>RCMP search for people who may have ‘inadvertently’ helped B.C. murder suspects.

Someone should mention a local named Sammuel Hyde drove them to Edmonton.

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Dubs demand it. He can't keep getting away with it.

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File: b7b4aeb002d0084⋯.png (417.79 KB,696x929,696:929,Canada man hunt 2019 July ….png)

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File: 92b5e29ac004c39⋯.png (1024 KB,1280x720,16:9,92b5e29ac004c3961c05bb5fc2….png)



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No way…

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Turns out it was just a lookalike trolling normies on faceberg

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That's the convenient story they want the goyim to believe and consume.

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>filename isn't a smartphone code

I call bullshit

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I changed it myself while capping it in paint to lose exif data.


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time stamp or gtfo

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File: 71633a41a14686a⋯.png (470.42 KB,710x1269,710:1269,Canada man hunt 2019 July ….png)

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I found the post late, get off my back.

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File: 5462ce8f3519b52⋯.jpg (33.67 KB,500x469,500:469,09de33532a37aab6866e43138a….jpg)

File: c7b538ab3c07ec4⋯.png (210.57 KB,493x388,493:388,leafy.png)

File: 7f24bf041c3b6bd⋯.jpg (116.14 KB,742x727,742:727,1560220041435.jpg)

All this could be a reason to buy and deploy military equipment. Does anyone have any numbers as to how much money was spent so far on this man hunt?

>>two teenagers allegedly murdered a few people, CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD!!!

What kind of evidence proves they did it?

>>we can't disclose that or else it MIGHT COMPROMISE THE INVESTIGATION!!!

Okay, fair enough, so where do you think they are?

>>even though they might be in the woods and any use of a cellphone would give away their location, we still think they can hear what we say…NO MORE QUESTIONS!!!

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>harpy women

Harpy I can live with. My grandmother, aunts and sisters were all cruel harpies. But treason and treachery and betrayal I cannot live with. Canadian women are fucking horrible shite. The problem with BC is it's gold rush legacy. Think about what it took to get to the coast before the railroads. Only the toughest whores can hike over the Rockies. And when they get to where they're going you'd better believe they know the going market value of their pussies. Every succeeding wave of woman getting to the coast up to this day enters this secret witches coven of evil whores and within 6 months tops even the most sweet innocent darling gets educated in their vicious evil greedy precepts.

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File: 5af7e71799b3ab9⋯.jpg (170.45 KB,1024x682,512:341,9803022_web1_t-flaggers-at….jpg)


>Anyway, flagmen sell cocaine in the Okanagan in my experience.

Having seen many of these roasties standing around in their safety vests I can well believe it.

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Even though they're some of the worst louts you'll find outside a Manchester football crowd, after a lifetime of dealing with them I know where I stand and can handle it. It's the Order of the Easter Star women I fear. *shudder*

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Huge dense black clouds of mosquitoes darken the sky…

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File: 04c44a31fce3fbc⋯.png (354.06 KB,862x581,862:581,1564182961850-pol.png)

Cuckchan commenter: they never left BC

t. Thinks this is a masonic operation tying off loose ends

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File: 1792856faabbbd4⋯.jpg (66.15 KB,700x1089,700:1089,1564185381505-pol.jpg)

Full shit. Figures he likes nigger music.

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Archbishop vs. witch. Yeah, that will go well…

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Thieves always get their just desserts. Even if they have to be hauled down to Spokane along with their human trafficking gang calling themselves mormons.

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We're getting to the point where faggots can just post a thread claiming any crime is the fault of some random white person and then use the "false flag" killword to pressure us into dogpiling them without any due process (that is even denied by the state in this instance).


And here comes one of the resident schizoboomers to derail and bump the thread.

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I bet they never even left B.C.

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>Every succeeding wave of woman getting to the coast up to this day enters this secret witches coven of evil whores and within 6 months tops even the most sweet innocent darling gets educated in their vicious evil greedy precepts

Yeah man, I've seen it with my own two eyes. The most innocent angel of girls turned to ash over the course of a single year. But whatever, I guess, that's what they do to "get ahead" out there in Van; Step all over eachother's heads.

I don't know how those apolitical hippy chicks on the island are like though.

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Happened to my ex wife, turned to a harpy in over a year. Dropped her like a sack of potatoes. No regrets.

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File: c6f4de13a005e4c⋯.jpg (307.6 KB,1469x1102,1469:1102,e750532581613ca55202cca370….jpg)

if these boys had a detailed plan to go innawoods, insofar as to go all the way up to THAT bush? The RZOGMP will maybe find they're corpses if they get mauled by a bear or a pack of wolves. There so much bush there, coupled in with the clouds of horseflies and the cops arent going to catch them.

If not fake and gay,I'll give them credit for going whole hog. However, since there's pictures of one with notsee stuff, they'll throw everything they have at it. It's a nice distraction from all the shitskin murders and rapes they have to try to hide for diversity.

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This morning:

>Well goys the RCMP is now (((reporting))) that someone in Gilliam could have (((inadvertently))) given the two a lift out of the area

I'm positive this is an RCMP coverup for their murder squads now. These two plus the masonic winks in the media tell me they're probably headed for Toronto and will die in a blaze of (((glory))) while conveniently taking out a problem for the Cheka. Screencap this.

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I think they're outside BC but not where we're being told.

E Division, and for that matter K Division in Alberta too is noted for their corruption by other RCMP divisions. But it takes only one bad apple to spoil the barrel.

Look into this Len Dyck guy. Something tells me you'll find lots of DUDE WEED LMAO growing.

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File: 9ce49461770578a⋯.png (18.4 KB,738x354,123:59,Potential leaf plot to fra….PNG)

I think I remember seeing a post on this board where is said, in spoiler text:

>Mounties are planning on framing two white people for a crime and then offing them

Let me go look through the tabs again.

Yep, in the thread about the Arkansas times suit being dismissed. Pic related, relevant part highlighted. Time posted is from 2 days ago, when did the murder supposedly happen?

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He also has a music box and a cuckoo clock. Authorities have determined that it’s too risky to attempt to capture him alive.

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>tarrant gets called a kike false flag for literal months

>these faggots get vouched for anytime someone points out the blatant nazi pandering

really makes you think anon

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<Hitler was “too strong” to break in jail, so he wrote unpleasant rantings about spooky racial enemies

<Nazi ideologies appeal to dumb animal humans.

Reminder that these shill posts are wholly endorsed by the mods

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Ozren Nemec, owner of the NanaTech technology store in Port Alberni, confirmed Friday that McLeod had attended some computer gaming events — or LAN parties — that he had helped to organize in recent years.

“He seemed to be a good, down to earth young man, with great potential ahead of him, and seemed well accepted by his peers,” Nemec said.

“Our gaming community is in shock right now,” he said, adding that he feared that the pair’s alleged actions would put a “black mark” on the gaming community.



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Oh look, another "ashkeNAZIs are jews"… oh wait.

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>"My grandparents fled the Ukraine with three small children during the Second World War."

>kid watches gopnik videos, and supports Putin and Trump

Right, they're a family of rootless and cultureless kikes who think they're Slavs. No doubt about it.

t. actual Ukrop

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File: a20328e7e27444b⋯.jpg (551.62 KB,1000x1000,1:1,BARKED.jpg)


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File: 747e8b1399a4bb2⋯.jpg (52.32 KB,479x588,479:588,1549490077451.jpg)



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File: 44c476ac6085b30⋯.jpg (74.82 KB,479x588,479:588,fat spic pepe.jpg)

>>13539288 (checked)

>foxjews reporting

As a certain point, you just have to step back and view this as "the medium is the message." Now, I don't know how many fugitives are currently on the run in North America, but I'm guessing quite a few. So you have to wonder why these two, of all of them, are getting such wide publicity? It must be a distraction from something else, a deflection from some truth about this case, or an opportunity to project some other agenda on to it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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They're not in Gillam or Manitoba.


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They catch and kill these literal jews yet?

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There was a major cocaine bust in Oz recently. Chynna saw and told someone something is my guess. Her cousin was wearing an Ann Arbor Helicopters t shirt in a recent Fox live hit.

Whatever is going on its not what the horsefuckers are saying.

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File: 7b039f5918b480c⋯.jpg (27.89 KB,650x366,325:183,1297498446168_ORIGINAL.jpg)

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File: 229ec3e1d78f570⋯.jpeg (41.26 KB,640x360,16:9,serveimage.jpeg)


>saw and told someone something

Seems like the correct train of thought. Or the two "fugitives" have pictures of Trudeau sucking dick in drag and they called in the cavalry to shut them up.

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You think Trudeau was here? >>13533831

I heard rumors about that Jodie Wilson Raybold thinking she had leverage on Trudeau but she is involved with her own Indian Mob problems. Syndicat Nostra Costra -LAVALin was always going to be let off the hook.

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What in the everloving fuck are you babbling on about? Get some fucking help, sperg

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Antifag or JIDF mist kikely

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Dynna Cheese

Ever get your pisser pulled by a jew?

You did now.

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RCMP have brought in the military to aid in the manhunt for some reason. Unprecedented amalgam of police and military. Normalfags are wringing their hands hoping for an apprehension and attacking anyone decrying the militarization of police. There are killers on the loose all over Canada but they really really really really wanna catch these two in particular.

Looks fake and ghey. Really looks like a joint exercise to train federal agencies on tracking and apprehending Canadian citizens for some reason.

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Lots of 'NazBol' in Europe because NatSoc is illegal. IDK about these online people, but tons the Euro nazbol gangs are the real deal.

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Ozren is a 6.1 foot German (even had an accent) dude, I have talked to him once and he hated Port Alberni and seemed very redpilled, even ranted about prostitution and drug dealers in Port Alberni. This is getting fucked up.

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I think that post was made after the murders happened and the story was in the news. Wouldn't suprise me one bit if it's true though. Definitely a possibility.

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>They're not in Gillam or Manitoba.

If they were really murderers I could think of no worse prison sentence than to exile them to Winterpeg for the rest of their miserable lives.

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>Right, they're a family of rootless and cultureless kikes who think they're Slavs. No doubt about it.

I like Ukranians that anglicize their names, forget their mother tongue and then look down their noses at French Canadians because they haven't. It's particularly fun if they've scrounged up enough money to snag a chink girlfriend to drink their dick butter. This makes their chests puff up with manly pride.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I don't know how those apolitical hippy chicks on the island are like though.

There's basically two kinds of Island girls

1. Simple country girls that are friendly, open and grateful for you just being a decent guy. They usually marry some religious guy and believe in the rapture and shit.

2. "Hippy" girls; they are deep into Wicca, dancing topless around a big bonfire in the mountains after a hard week of tree planting wearing work boots, tie dyed long Grateful Dead dresses and topless with hairy armpits. They are hard core stoner dykes.

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File: c69ac501d2215ec⋯.jpeg (260.52 KB,1256x1305,1256:1305,SOON TO BE ILLEGAL.jpeg)


That post was posted 2 days ago, the Manhunt has already started by then.

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Jewdeau needs a win for diversity. There's pictures of one of the kids with swastikas in the background. These two above all other murderers, rapists, child molesters and drug trafficking need to be caught by the army. Fucking lol, this is fake and fucking gay.

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Killed a 50 year old man? Lol, it's antifa alright.

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plenty of work on Vancouver Island, they were not going up north without seeing a recruiter first anyways

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Broccoli is peasantry.

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special operative, special operations?

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File: 13df996880681a6⋯.jpg (13.59 KB,225x224,225:224,aka alvin poulits.jpg)

kam went by drew when he lived in red deer

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What yoh write isnt smart like you are trying so hard to be. It reeks of teenage myopia and naive.

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Why was this thread randomly pruned by mods?

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idiots like these are a plague to ethno-nationalistic principles.

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File: 0b17000b2e71e61⋯.gif (1.83 MB,300x168,25:14,thinking-emoji.gif)

My guess is they are Siege followers (Cthulu shirt) who dont care about killing whites, the woman is ambiguously mixed race and that could have been enough for them. The old guy though I dont know. Opportunist killings possibly, maybe they consider themselves above average unpoliticized white people and that they had to survive, the old guy having lived a long life.

Just speculating. There is a genocide going on, some people are very serious. We really dont have enough details to put a picture together though, why did they feel desperate in the first place if my theory is true? They were just going to find work, its said.

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What happened to the shitskin?

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File: 6ff6ba9910d83cc⋯.jpg (9.72 KB,220x153,220:153,Combat 81.jpg)



>Officials told to keep ‘mouths shut’ in B.C. hometown of suspected killers as manhunt continues

>The city’s messaging appears to have impacted even people who are not city workers — many residents were hesitant to speak to Star Vancouver.

>Mimi Burton, a support worker who’s lived in the town for 30 years, broke the town’s Saturday afternoon silence, despite a stern warning from the young woman with whom she was seated. From across the table at the bustling Tim Hortons, the young woman urged Burton to stay quiet lest she face scrutiny from others on Port Alberni’s highly active residents-only Facebook discussion group.

>Burton was unfazed.

>“I think it would be quite difficult for them (Mcleod and Schmegelsky) to come back to town. I don’t think that would be a smart thing — everybody will be watching, there’s only two ways into (town).” she said.

>Although Burton didn’t know either of the two men, she said she recognized one of them from the photos and had seen him working at Walmart.

>“I don’t think I’m worried they’ll come back, but you never know,” she said.

>“Of course, every night, I’m glued to the news to see if these kids are found, have they done any other things … we don’t want to see more people hurt.”

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and they were never seen again. now give us your guns, fellow leafs.

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File: 050170d62486769⋯.gif (1.7 MB,360x360,1:1,050170d62486769f1d3665a541….gif)


>It appeals to people who think they can live innawoods, who also think that murdering animals or people demonstrates strength rather than feral weakness.

>being able to pull the trigger when needed isn't strength, but feral weakness.

No matter what you feel, no matter what you think, Violence is and always was, is, and will be the golden standard. The moment you cast aside your ability to take a life, cast aside facing what such people can do, you gain a disadvantage over those who do not.

Call a man feral or violent all you want, but when he has his hands around your neck, his blade at your throat, his gun aimed at your head, it will matter none to him, and he will not hesitate for a second to end your existence. You will. You will hesitate, and he will use that. A moment's hesitation, a moment not paying attention is enough for a wild beast to pounce on you and turn the tables, and once he does, you will not receive the same hesitation.

People think that just because they live in a country or a world where violence, and I don't mean "teenagers or drunkards beating eachother up", but executions, torture, wars are but a faraway thing, disctint from people's daily life, that it is useless and "inhumane" or even "animalistic". The way I see it, it's war. Not a physical or cultural one, but one deeply personal and "cold". It's an psychological arms race between you and your enemy in your ability to do it. To be able to kill without hesitation, to be able to not fall for any plea. Life and death, as many esoterics and concepts exists about it is a zero sum game. You either survive or die. In the end of course, We all die, but whenever by violence done upon us or by natural causes, that is very different.

Why do you deny your power to potentially end the life of another individual so vehemently? Why cast aside something that will protect you? A weapon you can always lose, but the willingness to kill or to govern over someone's life, what is there so frightening about it? You yourself are governed just as much, if not more by everything else, the media, your beliefs, so on and so forth. Or do you fear death more than achieving your goals?

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File: 6d4a75aa2686dbf⋯.jpeg (13.86 KB,207x253,9:11,0011c9723ebf27f1.jpeg)


This is some of the edgiest edglording I've ever read. Even cringier than soyboy crying.

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A lot of weapons have an edge to them. The same goes for words meant to provoke a person into feeling/acting a certain way.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Christ Jesus, by the virtue of your Precious Blood, please catch these two suspects ALIVE, cancel all these mason false flags and kol nidre the murders of masons, we pray to the Lord, AMEN

κύριος Ἰησοῦς

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>now give us your guns, fellow leafs.

It should be like the old west: in CITIES where there are close quarters and HOTHEADS caused by ALCOHOL you have to turn in your guns.

A sober farmer should be able to have machineguns.

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>Siege followers (Cthulu shirt) who dont care about killing whites

I was going for the 8 arms reference, as in 8 -ball of cocaine. This is drug-related.

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so they killed some hippy fags and boomers, whoopdy fucking do

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Its a vague reference, but Cthulu is seen as satanist imagery and I could see him picking that shirt for that reason, even though its a cutsey anime version with a heart and cute ears.

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I heard they were caught from a local.

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two childhood sweethearts struggling to cope.

theyre somewhere innawoods sucking each other off.

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Double digit iq

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fuck off nigger

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File: d204f1a9d26cc43⋯.png (161.31 KB,640x480,4:3,5d18d67e38806ec716f6342212….png)

okay now the kikes are just laughing in our faces


>The father of a British Columbia murder suspect has written a book that sheds new light on his mental health, explains harassment convictions involving his ex-wife and provides greater insight into the possible impacts the events had on his fugitive son.

Alan Schmegelsky, the father of 18-year-old Bryer Schmegelsky, sent a book to reporters this week titled “Red Flagged,” which he says is a novelization of actual events and fictionalizes some incidents.

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she looks (((english)))

too bad she was a cutie, kosher or not

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you do, mister biker since your plans went sideways

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That's an interesting name. That's a Clan name - specifically, this man is directly related to the POTUS.

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I didnt order a jewish word salad

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Kikes will kvetch

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lol, imagine defending hippy fags who are the cause of the world going to shit

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What the fuck man, this is fucking pathetic.

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The anglo jew is a theatrical person. All his mannerisms, all his words, all his acts are based on the subliminal training he's been administered through the theater and by extension through movies and TV. They can't help themselves. They're not even aware that they're doing it. And, the jews are an excitable race. All the semites are. Once they start doing something they invariably get excited and go overboard. No doubt the scenarist on this exercise thinks this particular plot twist is a flourish of inexpressible genius, his faggot anus is winking uncontrollably with ecstatic pleasure.

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File: ef7be6db6063cbc⋯.jpg (29.44 KB,429x410,429:410,1314030384985.jpg)


>Nazi ideologies appeal to dumb animal humans.

Something about this reads very effeminately, but I can't seem to figure out what exactly…

Perhaps it's your weak, hippified anti-violence rambling that gives it off.

>A few years ago there was something in RPG works… It was like Genius the Very Lit (no, not really, haha)

Unrelated rambling on something that weakly ties in with the rest of your paragraph? Maybe that's it.

>Nazism is something like that. It’s very stressed people trying to break through into something like a blood-soaked rebirth, ala Cultist Simulator’s Grail ending. So of course they go haring off into the woods chasing god knows what.

pic related

>This is all narrative construction; obviously I don’t know the facts of the case.

Nor do you fully understand national socialism other than a perverted image of it, but hey - feel free to educate yourself here, I suppose.

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>says the non-white monkey

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its true you fucking cock smoker….ill put 20 leafbucks on it one of them transitions in gaol.

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Meme #2 flags either should exclude Israel; or have them all be Israel.

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File: 30eb739603aa210⋯.png (305.21 KB,768x576,4:3,Cagliostro.png)


Freemasonic nepotism is awful. Recommend the movie "Brotherhood of the Bell" (1970) w/ Glenn Ford. https://youtu.be/7ICl0KMm5yw

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Except his real name is something else.

MK Ultra = KM Kam McLeod.

I hope you masons/kikes aren't going to try to sneak these two into the US to go Lee Harvey Oswald someone. King King 33 only works once.

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Trips of Truth.

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Media as well. Some of the worst jewish behavior comes from the fucking Shriners believe it or not. Anyway, it's a spiritual war. They hate Catholics for a very good reason.

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He probably mainlined a ton of meth and cranked it out over the past week.

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File: 0de3f3edccea76f⋯.jpg (31.95 KB,200x266,100:133,Serrano.jpg)


>Nazi ideologies appeal to dumb animal humans

Anon do you not see that you yourself are just a slave of atlantis?

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File: c67cd9bc5e3b167⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,720x1280,9:16,bbb04c4a9f7eed6fc14e66eca4….jpg)


I understand those who might be sensitive to it, but I don't even mind the hangery hatreds. They are all implicitly philosemitic; so disregarding their emo-reacts is natural. Its the professional nepotism, civic corruption and outright injustice that rustles my jimmies. Ethnic cleansing should include the bulldozing of their brick shithouses echoing of whispers and schemes.

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Trips of six.

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File: b2789edce5622e7⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,474x341,474:341,honk honk day.jpg)


Today is *Honk! Honk!* Day.

*Honk! Honk!*



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That plebbit spacing

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You write like a shitty, part time junior college professor who thinks he's much smarter than he really is.

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File: b87c481930db807⋯.jpg (78.61 KB,508x604,127:151,1516697455112.jpg)


dubs. dub dubs. double dubs.

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Lol a ginger faggot and a jew have managed to bring Canadian law enforcement to the brink of collapse. wtf is going on in canada.

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File: 8d93006514906a9⋯.jpg (132.7 KB,750x505,150:101,masonic corruption.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't laugh to early, hero doggo Yukon King may figure it out and save the day.

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Thanks for this; but what is this Cagliostro that you use for your b&w shot?

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>>sketch drawing

looks kind of like the guy who got murdered, he must still be alive? Handler?

>>smegelski's father cries and apologizes for putting his son through this, twice.

>>eeehhhh, we found them eh, in the dump eh, dey look like dem guys for that uh, Manhunt thing, eh

>>we need more money eh, so uh, fill our hotels and stuff like that


>>please let me join your Lodge! Please I'm begging you!


>>in order to join our Lodge, first you have to legally change your name to…



Still no comment from the turd in cheef

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>oh shit Chiam, we better make up a story


>A former Sudbury, Ont., man now living in Alberta helped two men get their vehicle out of the mud just a couple of days before they became the subjects of a Canada-wide hunt in connection with three homicides in British Columbia.

>On Sunday, July 21, Tommy Ste-Croix of Cold Lake was visiting his brother in the northeastern Alberta city around 9:30 a.m. MT when his brother's wife mentioned she saw a vehicle stuck in a muddy field on a nearby property, half an hour after first noticing it.


mason wink

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File: 19ce7788cf22273⋯.png (206.61 KB,468x583,468:583,66429414_2292725890817976_….png)



>The Manitoba RCMP believe Derek Whisenand, currently wanted for murder in Texas, may have crossed illegally into Canada near Haskett, Manitoba. The 27-year old male may be armed and is considered dangerous. He is described as as Caucasian, 6’ tall, 230 lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.

>RCMP have issued a Canada wide warrant for his arrest. They say he may be travelling with a large mixed breed dog, possibly a mix of a German Shepard and pit bull or boxer, brindle in color.

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File: 98e8edfed6fae67⋯.png (35.16 KB,255x227,255:227,REMOVER OF HONK.png)


hear ye!

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Have they said why they think they’re killers instead of missing? I haven’t seen any reason as to why they’ve been classified as murderers other than “just because”, does anybody have a source that explains the cops reasoning?

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What a retarded case. The entire qorld, their parents and community turned on these kids without a shred of proof from the cops. Meanwhile this texan wanted murderer who was apparently seen (who knows if this is true or not) in an argument with the dead couple is buried and not mentioned in most media.

Imagine hiding out bc the whole world turned on you. These kids might not even be murderers. Some detective saw the swastika memorbikia and decided they were. They are spooked and in hiding cuz they know they wont come home outside of a bodybag. Their own family and supposed friends turned on them with no proof. Imagine what a nightmare it would be to be a kid from a nowhere town wanted for murders in a retarded media frenzy.

Cops are only good at arresting autists who post online. Real crimes are investigated by fucking retards and gullible public goes along with no real info. What a sad stupid world.

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File: c9ed438d12b03fe⋯.jpg (59.31 KB,329x375,329:375,109824091824.jpg)


I was about to type something very similar.

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oh yeah well why didnt he publish the ebook which is alledegly revealing the whole trruth around his "sons" recent odd behaviour…

hasnt he learned from saint tarrant how to publish a book and spread the word ?

instead he sends it to one "journalist" who keeps its contents a secret resulting in more "media reports", "telling us the truth" because "the media says so"

honk honk

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This is where I keep saying all this talk here of "the volk" is absurd. There is no "volk" in North America. It's a mob of cowardly greedy selfish lecherous gluttonous mutts.

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The saving grace is they will live under whatever system is imposed on them. Anyone who fights for the status quo is a soldier for materialism.

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Fuck that.

I want them to make a mockery of the police by never getting caught, thus inspiring people to revolt against the government and its bullshit, by seeing how weak it is.

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You know the North West Front?

Well Mounties have been, according to James Mason, out there picking off people for years now.

They just kill anyone that is pro-white and then make up excuses for doing it and keep everything dead quiet. No news articles or anything./

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Saw this guys face on the news here in BC. Once I saw muh natzi shit I knew it was bullshit.

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You don't think the RCMP and FBI go around killing people and just writing it off as suicides or totally normal non-suspicious deaths?

Are you clueless? Do you know nothing about history of alphabets?

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There were two muslims planning an attack, all armed and everything, who were stopped in a vehicle and arrested.

No news article at all about.

Meanwhile they make up fake news about white nationalists.

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Well for one thing they burned their vehicle and traveled a huge distance in another vehicle to where they burned that car and were caught on camera soon after. That's not missing, that's suspicious and criminal behavior.

More than that the police won't reveal. The Canadian justice system doesn't approve of trial in the press and puts the facts on the table in court instead. They only facts that they would release would be facts that would help them capture the fugitives.

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No, the RCMP do not do that. Go ahead and site a case.


When and where are you claiming this unreported arrest happened and how do you know if it wasn't reported?

What is your evidence that the RCMP has made up "fake news" about white nationalists? Be specific.

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lmao the RCMP (you) browses /pol/

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How do you know they burned the vehicles?


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The kikes and kaballists at the CBC remind you all to be good goyim and not report (((misinformation))) about this mason hit squad.

Besides, they're on a freighter that left Churchill and will likely show up in Halifax depending on how many masons the Coast Guard has.

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They were never in Gilliam.

>Fox Creek Cree Nation

>Fellow Craft Costra Nostra

Chugs run coke, but they're not real italians.

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File: 40413f45f1d13e1⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB,259x194,259:194,descărcare.jpeg)


Considering THIS is the canadian police it is no wonder two teenagers manage to get one step ahead of them

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you know what stupid people believe? that snakes talk english or that you can split a sea with a stick

shalom, faggot

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File: 5f17e29f5138650⋯.jpg (80.41 KB,435x690,29:46,1561397606870.jpg)

>>It's been blown out of proportion': Online speculation causing havoc in manhunt for B.C. fugitives


They're afraid of jobless middle aged men living in their basements posting on image boards

>>Ont. police investigate report of 'suspicious' car as hunt for B.C. murder suspects continues


Where have they teleported to this time?

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kys leftyshit

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Wait…GF's sperm???

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File: b2e78f36bcef2fd⋯.png (66.11 KB,251x193,251:193,Clown_Tranny.png)



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If the Nazis were in power, and instead they were whatever your political ideology is, would you still call people that oppose the Nazis dumb animals? You can only criticize the action because you have no idea what we believe. If you criticize dissent in general, then you're the one who's weak and easily manipulated.

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>saving a thumbnail

Get the full size version of that image.

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File: c5a26a84a2e1316⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,202x360,101:180,RCMP protecting a child mo….mp4)


> Port Alberni

Isn't that the place whose RCMP openly protect child molesters?

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How did a woman manage to subdue and tie up a man?

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lmao that's the woman that works at the dollarama near me…

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File: f8df87da0b831b4⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,320x240,4:3,Gary Plauche Shoots and Ki….mp4)


Pedos can't continue to diddle kids if their brains are sprayed on the wall.

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She had her older daughter's help

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I remember this shit, never confirmed if the dude is an actual pedo, but might be the women are total whores.

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Guy was being investigated for child luring, and he was grooming the younger daughter of the mother for sex, and he was found in the little girls bedroom by the mother without any good excuse for being there. She searched his phone, and found texting between him and the little girl, ending with a promise to meet in her bedroom with her in panties. So she tied him up and called the police, then the events of this vid happened.

Gossip I heard tells me a month after this the guy was found dead somewhere.

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Pedo death squads when?

I mean in Minecraft

Fuck off Langley.

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Fair enough, I didn't really pay attention to this shit. Port Alberni is run by crack heads.

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The biggest pedos are the semites and nogs.

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mainstream news in USA talked about this for 3 days straight and havent talked about it since. could be wrong, i dont watch that crap too often

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what happened to the chinese guy who got kidnapped?

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>shooting in El Paso

>El Pas is The Pass in beaner


The Pas (/pɑː/ PAH; French: Le Pas) is a town in Manitoba, Canada, located at the confluence of the Pasquia River and the Saskatchewan River within Division No. 21 in the Northern Region. It is approximately 630 km (390 mi) northwest of the provincial capital, Winnipeg, and 40 km (25 mi) from the border of Saskatchewan. It is sometimes still called Paskoyac by locals after the first trading post, called Fort Paskoya and constructed during French colonial rule. The Pasquia River begins in the Pasquia Hills in east central Saskatchewan. The French in 1795 knew the river as Basquiau.

Known as "The Gateway to the North", The Pas is a multi-industry northern Manitoba town serving the surrounding region. The main components of the region's economy are agriculture, forestry, commercial fishing, tourism, transportation, and services (especially health and education). The main employer is a paper and lumber mill operated by Canadian Kraft Papers. The Pas contains one of the two main campuses of the University College of the North.

The Pas is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Kelsey, as well as part of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation.

You will find your chugs, drugs and thugs here.

t. Sgt. Preston "call me Chelsea" Manning of the Tranny Horsefucker Cops of Leafland

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