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File: 5f1ada0cf5f2ef6⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,371x210,53:30,RUMINALIVETUERS072319_848x….jpg)

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 No.13533813 [View All]

>>two teenagers with so survival skills are hiding in the bush the last 2 days with no food or water

>>they kill an unidentified man in his 50s for no reason, who cannot be publically named

>>were travelling to Yukon for work, change plans to murder people, and apparently have enough gas money to pay for fuel and carbon tax all the way to manitoba (Liard BC to Gillam Manitoba 2943km/1828miles) without getting spotted

>>just so happens that one of them is an alt righter, owning a Nazi flag and a Hitler youth knife

>>july 24th the RCMP refused to answer questions from the media after making their statement

>>one of the suspects decides wearing army camo is a good idea

>>suspects decide to drive to a dead end town but investigators still can't find them with helicopters and huge search crews

>>rumors they were sighted in Kenora, and other towns

>>turdo was planning on a gun ban

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Lol a ginger faggot and a jew have managed to bring Canadian law enforcement to the brink of collapse. wtf is going on in canada.

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File: 8d93006514906a9⋯.jpg (132.7 KB,750x505,150:101,masonic corruption.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't laugh to early, hero doggo Yukon King may figure it out and save the day.

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Thanks for this; but what is this Cagliostro that you use for your b&w shot?

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>>sketch drawing

looks kind of like the guy who got murdered, he must still be alive? Handler?

>>smegelski's father cries and apologizes for putting his son through this, twice.

>>eeehhhh, we found them eh, in the dump eh, dey look like dem guys for that uh, Manhunt thing, eh

>>we need more money eh, so uh, fill our hotels and stuff like that


>>please let me join your Lodge! Please I'm begging you!


>>in order to join our Lodge, first you have to legally change your name to…



Still no comment from the turd in cheef

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>oh shit Chiam, we better make up a story


>A former Sudbury, Ont., man now living in Alberta helped two men get their vehicle out of the mud just a couple of days before they became the subjects of a Canada-wide hunt in connection with three homicides in British Columbia.

>On Sunday, July 21, Tommy Ste-Croix of Cold Lake was visiting his brother in the northeastern Alberta city around 9:30 a.m. MT when his brother's wife mentioned she saw a vehicle stuck in a muddy field on a nearby property, half an hour after first noticing it.


mason wink

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File: 19ce7788cf22273⋯.png (206.61 KB,468x583,468:583,66429414_2292725890817976_….png)



>The Manitoba RCMP believe Derek Whisenand, currently wanted for murder in Texas, may have crossed illegally into Canada near Haskett, Manitoba. The 27-year old male may be armed and is considered dangerous. He is described as as Caucasian, 6’ tall, 230 lbs with brown eyes and brown hair.

>RCMP have issued a Canada wide warrant for his arrest. They say he may be travelling with a large mixed breed dog, possibly a mix of a German Shepard and pit bull or boxer, brindle in color.

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File: 98e8edfed6fae67⋯.png (35.16 KB,255x227,255:227,REMOVER OF HONK.png)


hear ye!

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Have they said why they think they’re killers instead of missing? I haven’t seen any reason as to why they’ve been classified as murderers other than “just because”, does anybody have a source that explains the cops reasoning?

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What a retarded case. The entire qorld, their parents and community turned on these kids without a shred of proof from the cops. Meanwhile this texan wanted murderer who was apparently seen (who knows if this is true or not) in an argument with the dead couple is buried and not mentioned in most media.

Imagine hiding out bc the whole world turned on you. These kids might not even be murderers. Some detective saw the swastika memorbikia and decided they were. They are spooked and in hiding cuz they know they wont come home outside of a bodybag. Their own family and supposed friends turned on them with no proof. Imagine what a nightmare it would be to be a kid from a nowhere town wanted for murders in a retarded media frenzy.

Cops are only good at arresting autists who post online. Real crimes are investigated by fucking retards and gullible public goes along with no real info. What a sad stupid world.

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File: c9ed438d12b03fe⋯.jpg (59.31 KB,329x375,329:375,109824091824.jpg)


I was about to type something very similar.

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oh yeah well why didnt he publish the ebook which is alledegly revealing the whole trruth around his "sons" recent odd behaviour…

hasnt he learned from saint tarrant how to publish a book and spread the word ?

instead he sends it to one "journalist" who keeps its contents a secret resulting in more "media reports", "telling us the truth" because "the media says so"

honk honk

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This is where I keep saying all this talk here of "the volk" is absurd. There is no "volk" in North America. It's a mob of cowardly greedy selfish lecherous gluttonous mutts.

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The saving grace is they will live under whatever system is imposed on them. Anyone who fights for the status quo is a soldier for materialism.

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Fuck that.

I want them to make a mockery of the police by never getting caught, thus inspiring people to revolt against the government and its bullshit, by seeing how weak it is.

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You know the North West Front?

Well Mounties have been, according to James Mason, out there picking off people for years now.

They just kill anyone that is pro-white and then make up excuses for doing it and keep everything dead quiet. No news articles or anything./

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Saw this guys face on the news here in BC. Once I saw muh natzi shit I knew it was bullshit.

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You don't think the RCMP and FBI go around killing people and just writing it off as suicides or totally normal non-suspicious deaths?

Are you clueless? Do you know nothing about history of alphabets?

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There were two muslims planning an attack, all armed and everything, who were stopped in a vehicle and arrested.

No news article at all about.

Meanwhile they make up fake news about white nationalists.

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Well for one thing they burned their vehicle and traveled a huge distance in another vehicle to where they burned that car and were caught on camera soon after. That's not missing, that's suspicious and criminal behavior.

More than that the police won't reveal. The Canadian justice system doesn't approve of trial in the press and puts the facts on the table in court instead. They only facts that they would release would be facts that would help them capture the fugitives.

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No, the RCMP do not do that. Go ahead and site a case.


When and where are you claiming this unreported arrest happened and how do you know if it wasn't reported?

What is your evidence that the RCMP has made up "fake news" about white nationalists? Be specific.

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lmao the RCMP (you) browses /pol/

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How do you know they burned the vehicles?


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The kikes and kaballists at the CBC remind you all to be good goyim and not report (((misinformation))) about this mason hit squad.

Besides, they're on a freighter that left Churchill and will likely show up in Halifax depending on how many masons the Coast Guard has.

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They were never in Gilliam.

>Fox Creek Cree Nation

>Fellow Craft Costra Nostra

Chugs run coke, but they're not real italians.

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File: 40413f45f1d13e1⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB,259x194,259:194,descărcare.jpeg)


Considering THIS is the canadian police it is no wonder two teenagers manage to get one step ahead of them

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you know what stupid people believe? that snakes talk english or that you can split a sea with a stick

shalom, faggot

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File: 5f17e29f5138650⋯.jpg (80.41 KB,435x690,29:46,1561397606870.jpg)

>>It's been blown out of proportion': Online speculation causing havoc in manhunt for B.C. fugitives


They're afraid of jobless middle aged men living in their basements posting on image boards

>>Ont. police investigate report of 'suspicious' car as hunt for B.C. murder suspects continues


Where have they teleported to this time?

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kys leftyshit

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Wait…GF's sperm???

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File: b2e78f36bcef2fd⋯.png (66.11 KB,251x193,251:193,Clown_Tranny.png)



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If the Nazis were in power, and instead they were whatever your political ideology is, would you still call people that oppose the Nazis dumb animals? You can only criticize the action because you have no idea what we believe. If you criticize dissent in general, then you're the one who's weak and easily manipulated.

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>saving a thumbnail

Get the full size version of that image.

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File: c5a26a84a2e1316⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,202x360,101:180,RCMP protecting a child mo….mp4)


> Port Alberni

Isn't that the place whose RCMP openly protect child molesters?

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How did a woman manage to subdue and tie up a man?

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lmao that's the woman that works at the dollarama near me…

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File: f8df87da0b831b4⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,320x240,4:3,Gary Plauche Shoots and Ki….mp4)


Pedos can't continue to diddle kids if their brains are sprayed on the wall.

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She had her older daughter's help

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I remember this shit, never confirmed if the dude is an actual pedo, but might be the women are total whores.

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Guy was being investigated for child luring, and he was grooming the younger daughter of the mother for sex, and he was found in the little girls bedroom by the mother without any good excuse for being there. She searched his phone, and found texting between him and the little girl, ending with a promise to meet in her bedroom with her in panties. So she tied him up and called the police, then the events of this vid happened.

Gossip I heard tells me a month after this the guy was found dead somewhere.

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Pedo death squads when?

I mean in Minecraft

Fuck off Langley.

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Fair enough, I didn't really pay attention to this shit. Port Alberni is run by crack heads.

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The biggest pedos are the semites and nogs.

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mainstream news in USA talked about this for 3 days straight and havent talked about it since. could be wrong, i dont watch that crap too often

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what happened to the chinese guy who got kidnapped?

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>shooting in El Paso

>El Pas is The Pass in beaner


The Pas (/pɑː/ PAH; French: Le Pas) is a town in Manitoba, Canada, located at the confluence of the Pasquia River and the Saskatchewan River within Division No. 21 in the Northern Region. It is approximately 630 km (390 mi) northwest of the provincial capital, Winnipeg, and 40 km (25 mi) from the border of Saskatchewan. It is sometimes still called Paskoyac by locals after the first trading post, called Fort Paskoya and constructed during French colonial rule. The Pasquia River begins in the Pasquia Hills in east central Saskatchewan. The French in 1795 knew the river as Basquiau.

Known as "The Gateway to the North", The Pas is a multi-industry northern Manitoba town serving the surrounding region. The main components of the region's economy are agriculture, forestry, commercial fishing, tourism, transportation, and services (especially health and education). The main employer is a paper and lumber mill operated by Canadian Kraft Papers. The Pas contains one of the two main campuses of the University College of the North.

The Pas is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Kelsey, as well as part of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation.

You will find your chugs, drugs and thugs here.

t. Sgt. Preston "call me Chelsea" Manning of the Tranny Horsefucker Cops of Leafland

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