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 No.13531168 [Last50 Posts]

Brit, 19, 'fainted as 12 Israelis raped her one-by-one for an hour' in Ayia Napa

A BRITISH woman who was allegedly gang-raped by 12 Israeli teens in the party resort of Ayia Napa told police they assaulted her for an hour “one after the other”. The 19-year-old said …


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File: 432e2f17eba02af⋯.png (245.31 KB,340x324,85:81,432e2f17eba02af6884adc1816….png)

>12 israelis

>1 hour

<5 minutes per israeli

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Everybody should visit Cyprus. The northern half is dominated by the Turks but they stay on their side. The Southern portion is the safest, nicest place I've ever been. Their immigration problem is with Russians lol.

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Trump campaign workers in their natural habitat.

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The only civilized country in the middle east.

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half is dominated by the Turks but they stay on their side

The sort of diversity I can get behind

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muslim false flag israelis would never do that

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Passionate Zionist

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Already a thread, but interesting that in the photo they’re being transported by police and not wearing handcuffs.

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Is anyone surprised? This is the country that

>Israel Failing to Stem Sex-Trade Abuses


>Amnesty: Israel failing to deal with Slave trade


>Israel a Human Trafficking Haven


>Israel’s sex trade is booming


>Israel women trafficking soars


>Slavery in Israel


>Modern Slaves in Israel


>Sex slaves in the Holy Land, then and now


>Israel Cracking Down on Human Sex Slave Trade for Fear of losing American Aid


>Jews And Slavery


>Zionist occupied Israel failing to deal with Slave trade


>Thousands of Slaves in Israel, global study finds


>Modern Slavery in Israel: It's all politics


>Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery in Israel


>Trafficking in Persons Reports 2009


>2007 Report


>Israel is a pedophile's paradise


>The Billionaire Pedophile's Sex Den


All semites are lower than animals.

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File: 0e7fb85cf9f02b8⋯.jpg (27.04 KB,400x248,50:31,JFK7.jpg)





I wonder what kind of snacks they have at the JIDF, surely not popcorn, maybe Palestinian kid eyeballs on ice in a bowl, and not talking about goats.

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>I wonder what kind of snacks they have at the JIDF

JIDF is mostly crowdsourcing. and, (((they))) have put out an app again

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File: 23aca430285c031⋯.png (44.16 KB,490x459,490:459,Screenshot_4.png)

Just like with every other case, why was she there in the first place???

How can people still defend living in cities???

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ZOGpigs are bodyguards to ZOG's rapists.

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hello mudslime

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Imagining being the twelfth kike. First 11 nutted in a minute each but it was the final Shlomo that prolonged it as he was in more cum than cunt.

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2 threads about Jews in a row on 8chan. Good.

Every Jew thread was removed from 4cuck.

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Is this where you Jews pretend I am a women? You can't even get you dick hard for an actual woman.

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kikes have to rape;nobody wants them, and the people that do want them;want them glassed.

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File: 0b2d99001ac3c44⋯.png (71.91 KB,712x512,89:64,fashy feels.png)


>A BRITISH woman

no. more.

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Everbody knows the British don't exist. There are three groups of humans in the world, Jews, Niggers, and Muslimes.

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none of the things you listed are human though

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thanks, anon. Would you happen to have the video of the back alley type organ trafficking. It showed a little palestinian child being led into a back room by some jew, crying and screaming, and they put her on a stetcher and held her down. You could see other children and dead bodies laying on stretchers, it was a pretty gruesome scene. I never saved it and now I can't find it.

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brit are jews anyway, who cares

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>jews raping white women doesn't matter goys, she was X ethnicity anyway, just ignore non-white crimes.

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>w-w-who cares goys it's just the british…hahaha

All jewish women need to be raped by an oven

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Tbf Ayia Napa is where the nigger lovers go to party.

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First person to call me a nigger, a Rabbi from the Chabbad Temple in Arizona.

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A jewish woman in America recently got 12 million dollars for being trolled by ebil nazis. I wonder how much this goy woman will get.

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You're not even human, so choke on my balls.

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That bitch isn't getting shit. Nobody is going to pay her.

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The subhuman anglos fought for this

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I hope she had an incurable STD

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Really just tired of all this bullshit.

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do something;shoot your local rabbi,pike a couple naughty jews from your local synagogue, or even burn one down! All in minecraft of course.

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12 Israeli rapists, 12 israeli tribes


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>She is understood to have voluntarily agreed to go into their hotel room at around 12.30am with one of the men.

>But she claims, once she got inside, 11 other teens entered the room and raped her.

Meh. The degenerate is just mad that she didn't just the kike dick she was after. What's racemixing with kikes even called?

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File: 84fdd0a90414722⋯.jpg (164.19 KB,500x709,500:709,woman worshiper.jpg)

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File: a7ab6bc44a6f979⋯.png (352.2 KB,600x398,300:199,Nomjew1.png)

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File: d8f7ec1c7d767e6⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,398x224,199:112,child_prepared_for_organ_h….mp4)

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wtf did I just watch

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thank you for posting this. more people should be aware of kikes. it's shit like this that legit redpilled me. israel deserves a nuclear winter.

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jews thinking real life is rimworld or some shit.

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lost kek

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What happens if the media uses the term Jews as opposed to Israelis?

"12 Jews kidnaps and gang rapes defenseless White ( ?) British Teenager. This brutal rape lasted an hour, in which the young teenager passed out, as the Jews continued raping her?"

We always hear of "white supremacist Christian terrorists"

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Lol. /pol/tards are mad.

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>going to pissrael

>get raped

>kikes are similar to niggers

Well…. play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

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How long "should" someone rape?

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This is weird.

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There seems to be some dispute over this video. I recommend getting more than a shill's eye view of it before reaching conclusions.


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Too bad. The ride never ends.

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Jesus died for your sins.

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Even when I was in my teens Ayia Napa was known to be the place to go for party, getting drunk and wild sluts. All sluts of europe goes there.

This slut gets surprised someone wants to fuck her in Ayia Napa? Then when they are all drunk she gets even more surprised they go wild on her. In the fuck slut vacation resort in Europe.

Americans who reply here are oblivious and probably boomers too. But seriosuly? Is this news? A slut goes on vacation to slut resort and gets fucked violently. I just don't see how this is news. Sure its Israelis but that's to be expected. The blame is her parents and UK society for not warning this obviously pretty ignorant girl who thought she was in some non fuck slut paradise.

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Das rite.

The muslim gangs raping young white girls in the UK also speak this way - it is the fault or failings of their parents, or, it is the way they dress.

Nice try kike.

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Jesus was a lying jew bastard who died for his sins. Don't feel ashamed though, a 200 year long telephone game will do that to the truth of a story.

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Leftypol disapproves of this thread. The chosen are in a pertual state of sinlessness thanks to the preemptive preforgiveness given by the Kol. Nidre ritual.


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File: 3f1b159a1b5b486⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,375x375,1:1,costanza belittles.jpg)


Human males can postpone ejaculation for much longer 5 mins, Moshe.

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Tells jews to stop lying, stealing, and sacrificing and fucking kids.

REEEE he was a sinner

Sounds like you're a fully paid up member of the nohide rainbow cult.

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since there's no empathy, how about some war already?

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A whore going on vacation to be a whore, and gets more than she bargained for.

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Happened a while ago. Kike shills nearly memoryholed this event.

I wonder what Tommy Rubenstein/Yaxley Lennon has to say about this. I always hear this from neocons:

>Jews don't suicide bomb initiate wars or rape British children, they're fine!

and yet THIS happens.

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Hummus isn't even Israeli.

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What food is even Israeli? All Israeli cuisine is stolen from other cultures including Hummus

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60 minutes ÷ 12 kikes = 5 minutes each. Damn, kikes sure know how to pinch pennies if the whore was charging by the hour.

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If this was 12 white boys and an ugly sheboon it would be international fucking news.

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File: 483af4823168e27⋯.png (155.41 KB,600x544,75:68,3e87ad431bfdbb214f5e446bf1….png)


>muslim false flag israelis would never do that

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File: e926120d0965587⋯.png (77.14 KB,734x579,734:579,fiise.png)


The five - including the youngest suspect, aged 15 - were released on Thursday evening after DNA evidence failed to implicate them and have flown home to Israel.

<Jewish children would never be implicated in such heinous crimes case; chosen ones by God.

One of the suspects was freed after his girlfriend showed police a selfie of them in bed together when the alleged attack took place, Israeli media reported.




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How did this make it into the (((newspaper)))?

She must be a fellow tribeswoman.

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unironically shaking right now. I have a 2yo daughter. holy fuck.

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I know I'm going to be called a kike for asking this, but were the rapists in question actual jews, or were they muslims with Israeli citizenship?

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File: da71da3e5ddf68a⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB,476x268,119:67,Shadman_bring_me_a_meme.mp4)

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Total silence over it in greek media yet they were weeping for half a year over the couple of xeno-scum some Greek-Cypriot soldier raped and killed.

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File: d8de3ab5a8b3bc9⋯.jpeg (798.94 KB,1254x1558,33:41,6AC547EE-262F-476B-8B39-C….jpeg)

File: 20e17cbfc27edc3⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,2224x1574,1112:787,6D03EE4B-F28B-44A2-A640-F….jpeg)

File: 3ab747794e1091a⋯.jpeg (859.76 KB,1491x1574,1491:1574,DC5AD8EB-AD54-474B-90B6-F….jpeg)




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Yea, extremely British name right there.

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File: 180dc125c45a9db⋯.jpg (126.46 KB,639x666,71:74,Israel_911_Party.jpg)


Legit question. It doesn't really matter though, since they're both getting the gas.

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BUMP for continuity

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She should calm her antisemitism

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Ayia Napa is a popular holiday destination with young kids in Greece idiot. Like Cancun in Mexico. Another pit of degeneracy

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No one has cottoned on that they have all been released and she’s now been arrested, accused of fabricating everything

*probably after the DNA evidence was disappeared

One does simply not accuse jews and expect them to ever be prosecuted or punished for anything. History shows they get away with it ALL the time

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One thing I have never understood about gang rape is; why would you want to stick your dick in a vagina that's already been lubricated except with another man's cum?

idk, I guess it's not "gay" but I'd find it icky.

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I misread the text because it's shitbrit English. I thought that was her name.

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Almost as if brown people are completely controlled by dey dikks

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Big tits, bruh

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Think it’s because you can’t read English actually Jose

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Use this as evidence that there is no difference between jews and muslims. They are all the same, and should meet the fate that each group prescribes for the other, as they indeed know best how to deal with each other.

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Yeah rigbt. The last 6 were slurping up that shit like it was Evian

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File: 88b749e6697350f⋯.png (723.18 KB,985x624,985:624,Screenshot (13272).png)

File: b89558c145335c9⋯.jpg (410.85 KB,969x581,969:581,Laughing-Jew.jpg)

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File: 9e0cd8fbaa36526⋯.jpg (740.71 KB,648x632,81:79,Screenshot (13273)_LI.jpg)

File: 8b8681c99fc5dce⋯.png (53.64 KB,660x624,55:52,Screenshot (13274).png)

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Stop calling her a Brit you faggots he was a kike who got raped in a white trash hotel

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It's almost certain that she was White you nigger. Kikes don't rape their own.

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Ayia Napa sounds paki tbh


Now what the hell happened all of a sudden?

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Kill yourself kike. Daily reminder that your overlords wasted the sixteen billion.

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insert generic accusation of JIDF here

No but seriously, try a little harder.

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>Moderated in advance.

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It does actually show a video of the girl still alive.. It mght just be a bit of propaganda. Truth should be most important when trying to slay the zog as any misstep is used against us.

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Arabs & Jews BAD NEWS

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It israel.

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Indeed, but semitic semantics (I tried lel.)

But both get so very offended when you call them by the other's identifier. Doing so on purpose is good fun.

Sowing discord between your enemies is a joyous thing

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Get :^)

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File: 3656bd0b4f9f365⋯.png (11.59 KB,512x512,1:1,embarrassed-emoji-by-twitt….png)

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this. there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish

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File: 70e6f2483c0136c⋯.jpg (48.79 KB,514x322,257:161,brit1412610470234.jpg)

File: 48fe7acd32e7203⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,280x390,28:39,brit1412755823372.jpg)

File: 808041af16ee5c1⋯.jpg (173.34 KB,1010x628,505:314,brit1413201002319.jpg)

File: cf41d6f52a8925c⋯.jpg (284.21 KB,1600x1066,800:533,brit1562089631323.jpg)

File: 7bedf384866829d⋯.jpg (57.04 KB,980x640,49:32,britain1411156931807.jpg)

that shiksa is a total lowlife, shame for us goys everywhere

brits redeem yourselves and make sure this women never goes back in the uk, with a little search you can find her identity

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Bunch of two pump chumps.

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That's a Kike

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thread with her identity, girl is a major whore

half chin


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can I post a NSFW imgur video of her whoring here?

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its NSFW…will they ban?

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I dont have the full video and know her fb, I dont want to get banned for dx, look here >>13546184, youll find all links and imgur

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>I wonder what kind of snacks they have at the JIDF

Freeze dried foreskins; Lightly salted.

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that's what the nsfw option is for anon

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I have seen that shitty IMGUR. I want FULL video.

And you dont need to dox her, she doesnt deserve it.

I only need video to fap

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>And you dont need to dox her, she doesnt deserve it.

she double humiliated enitre goy-race, I bet you are british

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She tried to send kikes to jail. BASED

NOW send FULL videos so I can fap

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>She tried to send kikes to jail. BASED

that white shiksa was whoring with kikes

>NOW send FULL videos so I can fap

OK, Im talking to a litera degenerate, checks out

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>no one has posted the videos

/pol/ is dead.

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kill them and then her

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Still waiting for videos.

Nothing here, nothing on 4chan, nothing on kiwifarms.

The internet is becoming shit.

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kike, you are making anxious. calm down

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Smelly jew detected

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Absolutely bewildered

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Stfu you fucking faggot sperg. Fuck that demoralizing bullshit. If you want to jerk that tiny schmeckle of yours off, think of your mother like the typical kike you are.

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Thank you mods for explicitly endorsing these posts.

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File: 32b0b543a2701a5⋯.webm (15.88 MB,720x405,16:9,cgjhxfsghtth5ths.webm)


>Do as I say. Give me what I want, you filthy goyim. You exist to serve and satisfy me!

Fuck you.

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Time passes and no video

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File: 889199012f17ff4⋯.webm (15.82 MB,720x405,16:9,nbhbdfuyyb78h783ygu4hj.webm)

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Nice videos.

Post more while I wait for sex tape video

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This can't be fucking real…. this is the worst thing I've seen in a long time. Seeing this evokes the same primal feeling in me as when I first accidentally bumped into something gory online when I was in my mid teens.

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Whoever this whore is, she should be lynched for defiling herself like that.

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So, you are saying that it would have been "more impressive" as a rape, if they had taken longer times to rape before ejaculating? What a stunning critique.

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The ages have exulted in the manners of a youth, whom was hung in the Tyburn of his nation, who owed nothing to fortune, and who by the pure quality of his demeanor did transfigure the events of his death into a universal symbol for all mankind, and hitherto, his great defeat is yet our highest fact.

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File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB,490x360,49:36,where do you think you are….mp4)

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Still waiting …

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How can we draw conclusions with so many rough edits? I am disturbed and want to see the rest, what aren't you telling us?

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File: b4f9ec57384ad4b⋯.jpg (275.7 KB,1472x1472,1:1,judaism-talmud-zionists-zi….jpg)


Normally I'd say "where's the police report" but in this case, they are guilty since (((they))) have no ethical bone in their body. And I already know the outcome of the case is going to be slanted against the british slut if there even is a case.

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File: 40cc585bb8048d7⋯.png (1.16 MB,800x1152,25:36,201713.png)


I've heard tell that she only became upset about the situation when she found out it had been filmed. From my understanding, she's a trashy skank who signed on for the degeneracy, but didn't want any proof of it.

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>woman gets raped in non-white country

Imagine my surprise.

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>Kikes don't rape their own.

Yes they do. Especially when they are too young to resist.

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ergo : she withdraws consent and they kept filming/fucking.

no consent = rape

So she was very much in her right, so stop victim shaming like any edgy teen and grow the F up.

Rape, learn the definition.

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==This is why you always get pogrom'ed and kicked out from Gentiles countries.

Did you know what definition of insanity is, subhuman ?==

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File: b753c42106c7489⋯.jpg (287.36 KB,907x718,907:718,jewish tradition.jpg)


Doesn't surprised, that you kikes are eternal faggots. You hate woman, because you want to be woman.

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This is the sort of thing kikes do all the time, it's the reason why we here have an absolute conviction that the kikes must be exterminated to the last at all costs.

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Only kikes and commies approve of wartime rape and the kikes believe they're always at war with gentiles which they are always waging.

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File: f922d4165b3e0ed⋯.gif (2.14 MB,320x240,4:3,1431082308147.gif)


>I wanna be a degenerate, but I don't want people to know how fucking degenerate I am

>the same as rape

bro, you're gonna get so much pussy from that comment

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you having trouble reading?


>muh common sense..

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>The Sun

Fake news is good as long it appeals to my Breitshart tier Amerimutt sensibilities - /pol/

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>/pol/ believes roasties

Wew. A new lowpoint for this board. Based Chadsraelis running trains on Brittish slags.

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That kike your defending told you to agape your enemy, so you better start loving kikes/yourself.

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Israeli Arabs or Jews? Fuck off GRUniggers.

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It was all made up by the roastie. Has noone posted this yet?

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10 mins seems like a good starting minimum. 5 mins is just weak.

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I'm not buying this explanation, the video I originally saw was longer and you actually saw some very jewish look men with long beards in the vid. But this is definitely part of that oriignal video that I remember seeing. They have obviously editied this. I will probably never find the original again.

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rape is pretty fucking hot Anon, I don't think I could last more than 5 minutes during an actual rape

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It's the most idiotic beginning of a state ever conceived. Even the founders, with all their liberal ideas, still understood white was right.

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break out the shlomo and chaim accounts and tweet about it as ultra nationalist jew israelis and drop red pills

>"no crime, rape on a shiksha isnt rape"

>"execute the slut she tempted our good bois to sin"

>"is she older than 3?"

you get the idea

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>12 jews raped a female honorary-jew

>honorary-jew was in cohort with jews in a gangbang

In the end is just another whore, whoring herself out, but this time for free. Women are quick to drop their panties when they see tiny hats around, because money is to be expected in exchange. But what can be made of a whore that consensually engage in orgy with the ilk? Did she actually expected to be respected as a woman? This kind of risky behavior never makes sense to me, but this is what YOU CAN expect from a woman.

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Has anyone seen the videos? Where

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File: f592c89bdb68756⋯.png (75.82 KB,523x1088,523:1088,rabbinic permission to eat….PNG)


except there is an extensive rabbinic literature about what you can or cannot to do shiksas.

brush up your maimonides, mordecai.

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