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File: 40c2ff4293022dc⋯.png (293.61 KB,540x281,540:281,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13531168 [View All]

Brit, 19, 'fainted as 12 Israelis raped her one-by-one for an hour' in Ayia Napa

A BRITISH woman who was allegedly gang-raped by 12 Israeli teens in the party resort of Ayia Napa told police they assaulted her for an hour “one after the other”. The 19-year-old said …


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>She tried to send kikes to jail. BASED

that white shiksa was whoring with kikes

>NOW send FULL videos so I can fap

OK, Im talking to a litera degenerate, checks out

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>no one has posted the videos

/pol/ is dead.

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kill them and then her

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Still waiting for videos.

Nothing here, nothing on 4chan, nothing on kiwifarms.

The internet is becoming shit.

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kike, you are making anxious. calm down

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Smelly jew detected

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Absolutely bewildered

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Stfu you fucking faggot sperg. Fuck that demoralizing bullshit. If you want to jerk that tiny schmeckle of yours off, think of your mother like the typical kike you are.

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Thank you mods for explicitly endorsing these posts.

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File: 32b0b543a2701a5⋯.webm (15.88 MB,720x405,16:9,cgjhxfsghtth5ths.webm)


>Do as I say. Give me what I want, you filthy goyim. You exist to serve and satisfy me!

Fuck you.

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Time passes and no video

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File: 889199012f17ff4⋯.webm (15.82 MB,720x405,16:9,nbhbdfuyyb78h783ygu4hj.webm)

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Nice videos.

Post more while I wait for sex tape video

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This can't be fucking real…. this is the worst thing I've seen in a long time. Seeing this evokes the same primal feeling in me as when I first accidentally bumped into something gory online when I was in my mid teens.

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Whoever this whore is, she should be lynched for defiling herself like that.

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So, you are saying that it would have been "more impressive" as a rape, if they had taken longer times to rape before ejaculating? What a stunning critique.

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The ages have exulted in the manners of a youth, whom was hung in the Tyburn of his nation, who owed nothing to fortune, and who by the pure quality of his demeanor did transfigure the events of his death into a universal symbol for all mankind, and hitherto, his great defeat is yet our highest fact.

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File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB,490x360,49:36,where do you think you are….mp4)

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Still waiting …

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How can we draw conclusions with so many rough edits? I am disturbed and want to see the rest, what aren't you telling us?

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File: b4f9ec57384ad4b⋯.jpg (275.7 KB,1472x1472,1:1,judaism-talmud-zionists-zi….jpg)


Normally I'd say "where's the police report" but in this case, they are guilty since (((they))) have no ethical bone in their body. And I already know the outcome of the case is going to be slanted against the british slut if there even is a case.

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File: 40cc585bb8048d7⋯.png (1.16 MB,800x1152,25:36,201713.png)


I've heard tell that she only became upset about the situation when she found out it had been filmed. From my understanding, she's a trashy skank who signed on for the degeneracy, but didn't want any proof of it.

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>woman gets raped in non-white country

Imagine my surprise.

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>Kikes don't rape their own.

Yes they do. Especially when they are too young to resist.

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ergo : she withdraws consent and they kept filming/fucking.

no consent = rape

So she was very much in her right, so stop victim shaming like any edgy teen and grow the F up.

Rape, learn the definition.

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==This is why you always get pogrom'ed and kicked out from Gentiles countries.

Did you know what definition of insanity is, subhuman ?==

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File: b753c42106c7489⋯.jpg (287.36 KB,907x718,907:718,jewish tradition.jpg)


Doesn't surprised, that you kikes are eternal faggots. You hate woman, because you want to be woman.

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This is the sort of thing kikes do all the time, it's the reason why we here have an absolute conviction that the kikes must be exterminated to the last at all costs.

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Only kikes and commies approve of wartime rape and the kikes believe they're always at war with gentiles which they are always waging.

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File: f922d4165b3e0ed⋯.gif (2.14 MB,320x240,4:3,1431082308147.gif)


>I wanna be a degenerate, but I don't want people to know how fucking degenerate I am

>the same as rape

bro, you're gonna get so much pussy from that comment

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you having trouble reading?


>muh common sense..

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>The Sun

Fake news is good as long it appeals to my Breitshart tier Amerimutt sensibilities - /pol/

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>/pol/ believes roasties

Wew. A new lowpoint for this board. Based Chadsraelis running trains on Brittish slags.

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That kike your defending told you to agape your enemy, so you better start loving kikes/yourself.

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Israeli Arabs or Jews? Fuck off GRUniggers.

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It was all made up by the roastie. Has noone posted this yet?

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10 mins seems like a good starting minimum. 5 mins is just weak.

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I'm not buying this explanation, the video I originally saw was longer and you actually saw some very jewish look men with long beards in the vid. But this is definitely part of that oriignal video that I remember seeing. They have obviously editied this. I will probably never find the original again.

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rape is pretty fucking hot Anon, I don't think I could last more than 5 minutes during an actual rape

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It's the most idiotic beginning of a state ever conceived. Even the founders, with all their liberal ideas, still understood white was right.

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break out the shlomo and chaim accounts and tweet about it as ultra nationalist jew israelis and drop red pills

>"no crime, rape on a shiksha isnt rape"

>"execute the slut she tempted our good bois to sin"

>"is she older than 3?"

you get the idea

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>12 jews raped a female honorary-jew

>honorary-jew was in cohort with jews in a gangbang

In the end is just another whore, whoring herself out, but this time for free. Women are quick to drop their panties when they see tiny hats around, because money is to be expected in exchange. But what can be made of a whore that consensually engage in orgy with the ilk? Did she actually expected to be respected as a woman? This kind of risky behavior never makes sense to me, but this is what YOU CAN expect from a woman.

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Has anyone seen the videos? Where

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File: f592c89bdb68756⋯.png (75.82 KB,523x1088,523:1088,rabbinic permission to eat….PNG)


except there is an extensive rabbinic literature about what you can or cannot to do shiksas.

brush up your maimonides, mordecai.

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