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File: 1fbdd2635ce8694⋯.png (478.53 KB,976x538,488:269,Project White Flag.png)

 No.13529754 [View All]

We are a group of anons birthed from https://8ch.net/pol/res/13371070.html dedicated to advancing the White race both directly (propaganda and recruiting) and indirectly (culture building). If any of you have music-related skills, we want to put you on a project and get you working on it. For now, we are only looking for musicians, but eventually, we will be able to find jobs for coders and most kinds of people. Our vetting process is simple: if you contribute, you get to stay and will receive an invite to the full Project White community. We are only looking for active members, so if you do not have the urge to work, do not contact us. If you are interested in joining, please contact me on Riot: @cykabat:matrix.org (friend of OP from the previous thread). If you are not interested in joining, just follow the protocols of the last thread copied with slight edits below:

/pol/ has tried time and again to make "stuff" whether that be music, programs, propaganda, or something else. /pol/ has succeeded numerous times but has failed to produce anything consistently. There is no answer to this. There is no magic, secure way that we can communicate with each other. It just doesn't exist and NEVER WILL. For those of you who are too lazy to contribute and whine about how there is no way we could ever organize because there is no 100% foolproof, catch-all way to communicate, there is a simple solution for you: kys. The problem is not that there are no ways to communicate; the problem is that WE ARE NOT COMMUNICATING. So, create all the discords you want, create all the email accounts you want, create all the Riot accounts you want, create all the Wire accounts you want and START SPREADING THEM because these are our means of communication whether we want to or not and if someone shuts down your discord or email account or whatever, there is always /pol/ to come back to. So, I will contribute to throwing this mess of spaghetti by posting my email and Riot and sharing my skills.

Riot: @justananontryingtohelp:matrix.org

Email: JustAnAnonTryingToHelp@protonmail.com








ITT: Everyone posts a Riot account, email, or other account they have access to and share their skills so we can start networking.

Do not fear failure; fear never failing.

Good luck anons and Godspeed.

49 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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because i'm just a naive dumb goy

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Chuck Tingle?

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File: 49c0bf6980030d9⋯.jpeg (52.31 KB,960x821,960:821,iu.jpeg)


Tor is slow as shit anyway so I prefer not being anonymous.

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File: a3e11402c59da72⋯.gif (378.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,BQrvlET.gif)

You guys will eventually need animators. I assert that making our own visual art to go along with music would further cement the project as a full-fledged Movement. The game of the day is multimedia productions.

I'm still an amateur, but personal projects are the best way to improve your work outside of (((Academia))). For what it's worth, animation is also a career path that you can completely pursue by yourself. Consider that the only actual benefit of going to an animation school is getting your foot in the door at places like (((Disney))) and (((Nickelodeon))). Ergo, we can easily go our own way. Many have done so before.

Traditional animation is even better, since you're able to teach many underlings (or yourself as an underling) how to draw consistently over and over -and over- again. I guess I'm just rambling, but I really promote the concept of us storyboarding and ultimately animating a full music video produced entirely by anons.

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Not what your probably looking for, but farmerAnon checking in. Respect for what you're doing, anon. But my role is raising white boys for now, and i will not do anything that will take me from that task. Anyone shouting down real-world networking (for non violent purposes) is either (((them))) or simply so thoroughly defeated that they truly feel there's nothing that can be done.

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I say we make a platform like bitchute or Jewtube specifically made for National Socialists to post their content and support creators with donations.

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Hey, I'm a fellow whit… erm, writer too! We could use some good writers, we have a book and a couple other projects going on that could use some fleshing out. After this post I'll write you.


We already did a remaster of the original "Hitler Speech with subtitles" video, dunno where it is though. I support fully the idea of animators, with enough autism we could even make a short documentary with them. Problem is, where to find that kind of skills?


Godspeed farmerAnon, country life is best life. Read The Warwolf (translation of Der Wehrwolf) if you get the chance, it's a really good novel for times to come.


I don't know much about web hosting, but wouldn't it be costly af?

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>we have already created so much

don't lie to them lmfao

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File: db459997bf6b250⋯.jpg (98.58 KB,776x1024,97:128,Top-Secret-776x1024.jpg)


Email: protonmail.mail9999@protonmail.com


Play piano

Fly helicopter

Weapons and explosives

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Maybe I'm not sure.

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watching this thread, seeing how many people fall for the honey

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You're in every fucking thread.

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I thought proton mail was kiked. it was created by cern after all

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>/pol/ is one person

No I'm not faggot.

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File: 5bc5a203f0b9970⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.66 MB,1372x1952,343:488,nowordsforthis.png)

I'm confused by OP's (faggot) point to the blog post.


use cock()li you nigger with the appropriate attaches like pgp et al it's on the weebsite and there's other commsec shit to look up peace lil niggy

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>publicly posting emails on 8chan

you guys are fucking retarded

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Yes, they are surely emails we also use for personal/private related stuff

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White niggers are the only whites who care about whiteness. The strength of “white” society is it doesn’t submit to lying racists like other societies do.

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White niggers are the only whites who care about whiteness. The strength of “white” society is it doesn’t submit to lying racists like other societies do.

By the way, I love how you slaves will obediently bump things you think someone honest is trying to suppress by saging. Makes saging a better way to put things up top than bumping. Watch - you’ll obediently slide this thread after this post.

Or is that what I want you to do?

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I just saw that thread and thought oy vey. I'm swiss and protonmail is compromised. Tho still own an address.

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One night a cpl months ago I finally made a music video for a Mr Bond song. My third personal project using Windows Movie Maker so it's nothing too amazing. It's more for the /pol/ audience than normies. But I'd love to make more.


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Stay scared, faggot.

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Oh noes they got muh burner. You do realize the whole point is that anons aren't using their IRL contact info? Besides, what are the feds gonna do, accuse anons of making flash animations or satirical songs? Dont be a fucking pussy, they cant charge you with anything unless you actually declare hostile intent, and you cant get dozed unless you post your actual true contact info, which no one is doing. A little paranoia and OpSec is a good thing, but for fucks sake dont think you're going to end up in some black siege torture chamber for exchanging a few messages with other anons that you already talk to on /pol/ anyway

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you do realize that certain info on people can find their way into the grubby hands of (((others))) do you not?

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Certainly, but that's yet again why everyone is posting burners. You will be watched way more posting on 8ch itself than you will be on some burner mail or chat account. At a certain point you have to have the balls go do something tangible. As long as you aren't inciting violence or making threats you're fine. A handful of fags making nonviolent media through decentralized communication networks just iant a very high priority thing, and there's no real way it could be spun into actual criminal charges that would stick. Dont be afraid of (((them))), most of their power is fear-based and revolves around making you think you're going to go on a black helicopter ride if you step out of line, but realistically there's way more important things going on than artists making amateur videos. Be brave anons. Take precautions yes, but be fucking brave and actually take some (minor) risks or we'll never get anything off the ground. Nobody is going to do it for us

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nigga, anyone can watch this site, including that creepy kikel jim, what matters is how you connect to the site. Why not just start a board and set up a file server where you can put things in and out? i don't understand what the point in trying to steer people away from this site. Why are you fearmongering in the first part of your post, then turn around and say that anons should not have anything to worry about? that doesn't make sense with what youre trying to supposedly accomplish

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A helicopter pilot would surely be of use when the feds come to our super-secret base inside a mountain. I'll write you asap

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Bump for continued interest

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I'm gud at detecting bullshit

Can detect an entrapment scheme by smell

Able to detect faint glows

I can perceive multiple layers of patterns effortlessly

Fuck you

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Riot: moarpheus@fuckoffFBI:matrix.gov

Email: isaidfuckoffFBI@insecuremailserver.com


Saging bad threads

Calling out honeypots

Drinking Jew tears

Doxing controlled opposition

Calling OP a fag

5 week no fap veteran

OP is a fag

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Riot: @themessiah:holyrollerz.god

Email: jesuschrist@palestine.net


family connections

walk on water

to utter my name triggers jews and leftists

turn water into wine

crowd speaking


arise from the dead


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Sup, whatever intel agency you're working for. How's your day going?

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File: 142c33321ab81a2⋯.jpg (44.63 KB,901x694,901:694,merchantconnectdots.jpg)

>do nothing goy

Yes, an encrypted chat room to create propaganda, music, and esprit de corps is a honeypot. great fucking honeypot lmfao. Where has OP suggested that there is anything illegal happening there?

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did anyone read this shit?

I didn't


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File: 000da4bd01d33d2⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,3000x2055,200:137,000da4bd01d33d21f362f15a8a….jpg)


<I can't believe I'm willing to reply to this shill but I feel like it so waah.

nigga whites defending their interests IS white nationalism. What you're sperging out about is Nazism, which is a jewish construct. The word Nazi, itself, is literally a jewish invention. The SIEGE culture, the D&C efforts, the eternal divisive nature of toxic purity spiralling Atomwaffen touting skinhead spergs. Those are deliberately destructive ideologies that do indeed force their vulgar larping upon any effort by whites.

National Socialism, on the other hand, is quite literally the most popular political ideology when people are surveyed blind. People WANT to be with their own. White people WANT an ethnostate, they are nationalist, and they do recognize the realities of race.

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>yet you responded to something you didn't read

You mean the bold redtext bitching about nazis that's been spammed for several years now is somehow supposed to be different this time? I don't need to read it either to know you're the same retard shilling for poison. Natsoc or bust nigger.

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AWD was based before satanlarp subversion

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I have operator-tier programming skills but I don't know what do with them right now. I've thought a lot about creating a BitChute/YouTube alternative for hosting radical content, the trouble is

>very expensive infrastructure

>requires at least 3 or 4 full-time developers and operations staff

>requires a good non-jew lawyer

Even worse

>would eventually be banned from the host if using AWS or any other provider like DigitalOcean

>owners/operators would be doxxed (hard to find enough talent that's willing to take on this responsibility)

>would be fairly complicated to run on own equipment on a tight budget with limited support

>possibly banned from name server

I have one idea in the works but not enough time to dedicate to it this year to ask for help.

Question for consideration: Do you find talented people and convince them to work on radical projects, or do you find people willing to work on radical projects and train them to get good?

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That moment when you don't have much of a skill to speak of , good luck I guess

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Oy vey natsoc pride. It's working!

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide" as they are the ones that force their vulgar larping upon any effort by Whites defending their interests. Every time Whites try to create some networking similar to every other ethnic group to obtain, jobs, homes, healthcare, education, etc., White Nationalists deliberately derail such efforts out of spite.

In addition, White Nationalists or by any other name have repeatedly called for the murder of entire groups of innocent Whites including Boomers, Christians, Gays and others.

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Shut the hell up.

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Maybe, but that's not the point of the infographic. It's not targeting AWD specifically, but the general Nazification of National Socialist dogma.

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Working overtime? Need some extra shekels?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> farmerAnon

Here Farmer, have a little of natures technology, and not the kiked system of tilling, mulching, and petrochemicals.

Basically, rotting organic material is amazing fertilizer; also you should watch this channel's vids on permaculture as well, far less work and more yields than commercial farms.

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I'll bump to I guess

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thanks to some developmental knowledge, psychology and a bunch of other non fiction books, I managed to piece together an "entry" level kind of explanation as to how psyopses work. I could probably draw it in a couple of pictures. I think a lot of us would know it by heart already in pieces. But is anyone interested in making it a bit more fancy?

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