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File: 12b74a578259c40⋯.png (1.19 MB,1199x630,1199:630,Shut up. boomer.png)

 No.13527578 [View All]

It would seem that every single goddamned time a White man snaps in Kike-run Clown World, it is labeled a false flag by some retarded fucking boomers, who don't want things to heat up before they die. Boomers should get the fuck off this board, or, at the very fucking least, stop being pacifist faggots who think everything will work itself out eventually.

It does not work that way, cuck.

If we were anything like our ancestors a mere century ago, cities like LA, New York, and DC would've been razed to the ground by now.

You retards literally believe that being a meek, pacifist cucked male is being a smart White man. "The meek will inherit the Earth" is a kike meme made to keep Whites docile. If White terrorism was as bad as the media said, the Jews would've been dragged out of their ivory towers, each Jew chained to two cars by the arms and legs, and ripped in half for all the public to see. Gassing is too good for these creatures at this point.

I'm sick of seeing you retards in every Tarrant thread. Whenever I see you, I'm like: "The Boomers are coming! The Boomers are coming! My board! My board!

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File: ce8d82457d51ea5⋯.jpg (100.69 KB,469x673,469:673,serveimage (6).jpg)


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You're not being abused, kike. You're not even getting what you deserve: a short rope and a long drop.

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> dat Pierce quote

Reminds me of that whole clusterfuck. You remember when being alt-right was popular and in fashion, and all these ecelebs and podcasts drew zoomers to it and made and kept it popular? I do remember. You know what happened?










It always leads you back to cuckservative christians. They hide behind lingo that they use to larp as national socialists, but in the end, they're as much of a willful slave to the kikes as any commie is.

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You're right. But ironically seeing again and again the scummy attacks on white militants and martyrs, the truly exceptional individuals who sacrifice their freedom or their lives for the sake of their people and race, only strengthened my resolve and led me to put increased effort into spreading support for and veneration of them, because it pisses me off to see them slandered this way. And thank you as well to those others that defend heroes against disgusting slander. Anti-whites should know that the saints will be remembered and honored for eternity, while the liars, cowards and shills will be end up utterly forgotten. I will make sure of it…

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File: 787890ec47e4e6a⋯.jpg (30.94 KB,640x480,4:3,Huffpost-SKB-640x480.jpg)


>It always leads you back to cuckservative christians.

The character assassination campaigns are probably lead by kikes (you can see with your own eyes the ongoing and frankly ridicolous campaign they are currently trying to smear Brenton Tarrant), but yes the ones falling for it are probably cuckservatives, too afraid to do something factual and too scared to disrupt the status quo.

Keeping the right divided is a major concern of the kikes and their leftist lackeys.

Do you remember the autistic screeching that Charlottesville caused?

There's nothing (((they))) fear most than having the white people collectively rising against their slavery.

The smear campaigns are one of their main activities to keep us divided, we have seen it happening for basically every figure that was or might have become a threat to their dominance of the narrative, so they target everyone, from Bannon to ecelebs to Alex Jones, and our warriors like Tarrant and Breivik too,

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Fuck off, jew.

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We all know about you homosexual masons here.

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t. homosexual

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File: 3e3c0262fbdf6f1⋯.webm (10.55 MB,640x360,16:9,kikebart cville cianigger….webm)

Boomers have grown up with a bunch of shit happening like JFK and other events that just don't add up with logic and reason, but they were too busy getting high and enjoying the empires wealth to really look into who was behind it all and what they had to gain. By the time they grew up and it just became plainly obvious something was wrong they were too far removed from the events to be able to accurately place the blame where it goes.

If they were aware of the jews on some level as it was happening the events unfolding wouldn't be a surprise any longer, but a verification of what you already knew from before the event. So for them everything is the cianiggers (in many ways they're not wrong just misinformed) and nameless illuminati, globalist, reptilians, and other stupid generic placeholder names to identify to the world, "Hey! Something is wrong here!" as if everyone doesn't already fucking know.

It's too hard for them to realize the jews and shabbos goys, yes, traitors of their own people who would gladly work to destroy them exist and run the show. It's too sci-fi incomprehensible for them to accept such evil exists and is acting under the guise of doing it for the good of humanity. Insert holocaust propaganda. Immediately nullifies anyone pointing out the enemy by putting a psychological brick wall up in their mind. Sad thing is they are the most desperate for answers and don't realize they've been fucked the hardest by inadvertently defending the criminals people are trying to point out. In that sense holohoax propaganda has done exactly what it was intended for its generation and generation x. It was always known that it wasn't a permanent solution for the jews. Too many people even who are woke on the JQ underestimate our enemies by thinking they're just that dumb they can't see what they're doing. Always start with the assumption they know exactly what they're doing and if you see their ignorant innocence start to show then change your assumptions, gradually.

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File: 8f766fe1daff1cb⋯.png (251.65 KB,451x361,451:361,cbe53987b0fbb9e42b0220ab12….png)

OP's gay ass picture is so cringe, I think it's a false flag.

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File: f97edc1a2c071dc⋯.jpeg (30.84 KB,640x640,1:1,serveimage (73).jpeg)

File: 12213d5214e7e0e⋯.jpg (103.9 KB,1000x563,1000:563,12213d5214e7e0eaf8f59d8daa….jpg)

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>that last pic

He changed his name to the Norwegian variant of Adolf Hitler in prioson. He was genuinely duped but saw the light of day. He's a National Socialist now.

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Your checklist is great but the rest of your post is garbage.

Actually wait. Your checklist is retarded. Democracy was how he got into power, but once he was in power, it was ended. There was no voting. So this "women voting? check" thing is disingenuous.

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ok mossad

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>Norwegian variant of Adolf Hitler

really? is that the reason for the change of name?

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As shitty as your repetitive failed propaganda technique is I give you credit for determination. Whats it been, 2 years now repeating this same retarded shit?

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Until somebody will pay a salary to these blokes they'll keep repeating the same shit no matter what.

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Seems like OP was right all along


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This thread is a flase flag

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File: b57bc200810f011⋯.jpg (144.1 KB,618x597,206:199,1480932727806.jpg)

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Good thread OP, fully agree. It has gotten less bad but deradicalization shills have been muddying the waters from day 1. GTKRWN.

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gaynigger retardation samefag selfbump kys

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nigger can you into IDs?

The spooks are panicking for some reason?

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Having a bad day, Chaim? Didn't get the raise JIDF promised you?

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these posts are false flags

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LMAO you should really be fired, you're very bad at your job

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Yes, he sure redpilled me too.

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I am a boomer and have called out the false flags since before 911. But you young people were busy pooping your diapers and could not listen.

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File: 4f7e50991388bff⋯.jpg (84.92 KB,1096x616,137:77,HeilABB.jpg)

File: afd2dbd95be50b9⋯.png (274.4 KB,1571x538,1571:538,Explanation4Kikery.png)


Breivik duped them

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File: 3b50d7a50174072⋯.png (421.03 KB,1150x517,1150:517,52612.png)


He sure did

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He didn't give two shits about freemasonry. Immediately stopped attending their meetings when they accepted him into it.

It was media bait as well

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Hitler was a psyop, it was one big false flag

If you kill your enemies they win

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Yet he is pictured wearing the master mason apron. How does that add up noahide nigger?

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Yeah, hence the master degree and bombing the building where a Palestine recognizance reunion was being held.

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It's media bait. The media took it. He wanted them to attack the moderate right so polarization would grow along with radicalization.

Same thing with the zionism. Later on he explained it, but those explanations are not as well known as his manifesto of course, which is why people continue to believe he actually is a freemason / zionist.

The fact that Zionists and Freemasons still get shit for it is good proof of that.


find the nearest rope and hang yourself

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>do something violent goy

If there’s anyone left on this board who isn’t in the CIA, OFC THEYRE ALL FALSE FLAGS

Every “mass shooting” the Jewish media tries to ram down our throats is a FALSE FLAG UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.

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Noah would be embarrassed.

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File: 1e177948b5c1af3⋯.jpeg (185.43 KB,467x488,467:488,AD646F19-DE2E-4E1D-96F3-2….jpeg)


>Oy vei


>pic related

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Look how scared it is lads

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If anyone who isn’t a Fed doubts this was another FF, count the days between the Vegas shooting and Gilroy



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File: 7e7944d0753ac5c⋯.jpg (19.75 KB,343x371,49:53,My god man wtf is that.jpg)


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File: c2fbfff7b33cf89⋯.jpg (118.27 KB,709x900,709:900,c2fbfff7b33cf89e2c6a9deffc….jpg)

calling everything a false flag is how faggots make themselves feel better with their inaction. If you acknowledge others are doing something and acting with valor and decisiveness it naturally makes you look at yourself, ' Well, why am I not doing something?'

Buuut if everything is a false flag and no one is really doing anything, its all just jewish tricks- well you dont have to ask yourself why you arent doing more, cause no one is really doing anything, and those that are are actually jews trying to trick you. faggot children lying to themselves to feel better about doing nothing.

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Look at this fed nigger

If the media is all over it, ITS A HOAX.

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File: 2b5e1910a43a1c4⋯.jpg (29.61 KB,400x388,100:97,0913 - AY3cYwm.jpg)


Based post blessed with digits.

Still after 8 years the kike shills are pissing their diapers at the absolute masterpiece Breivik carried on against their globohomo pawns, and are shitting bricks at the thought that they'll be next.

It's delicious to watch them panicking.

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It's good tbh.

Newfags automatically discard these schizo shills so they are just screaming at themselves.

It's almost always murican burgers too, they are scared of everyone taking up the tasks.

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File: e3789a37c763a4a⋯.jpg (507.83 KB,2048x1601,2048:1601,cucktolic.jpg)


Burgers are deluded.

Even re-electing Trump will do nothing but maybe postpone the inevitable.

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I guess none of you morons get that the rate of mass shootings and other violence is actually absurdly low given how fucked clown world is.

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as a Croat in burgerland i agree most these faggots don't stand up for themselves or there people theyre just as bad as antifa just another corporate brand of politics to cause white burgers to kill there own kind

but if you didn't already know this by 2015 i have bad news for you the best thing you can do is make fun of them both and try to correct them and help them see that white power is not just great but completely necessary to take back there country from the aids known as american politics ZA DOM SPREMNI!

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>The rate of letter-agency-orchestrated mass shootings is low.

Without the letter agencies, there would be NONE?

Notice how the only other mass shootings on Earth are by Muslims (generally) but somehow in America people (*who all live in vermin-rich areas, the vermin being the parasites running our country) do more of them, then they quickly photoshop all the color off the perpetrators, then create a white neo-nazi holocaust Auschwitz heil HItler narrative, replete with Facebook profile, which, strangely, immediately gets shoahed?

Mass shootings are 100 percent inorganic and orchestrated, and executed by the letter agencies, unless it's Muslims, blacks, or some mongrel weirdos.

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