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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13500423 [Last50 Posts]

The right-wing through 4chan and other such places has a slight connection with the Incels. Sometimes they are even in our midst, but their foreign presence makes themselves known, when they sperg out about women. Say they are all whores, prefer niggers anyway, even though that is demonstrably untrue.

They talk about how unfair it is that women can get sex easier than men, despite men and women being different, so they can't be compared. (Which makes me think Incels are secret disappointed Feminists, who think the world would be better, if there was perfect gender quality)

I have been with them for some time. I ignored their sperg outs and gave advice and insightful comments, wherever I could. But I almost got banned. There is an extreme self-humiliating, defeatist culture in the Incel community. They literally get angry at you, if you try to say anything positive to them. They revel in misery. They don't want you to give any agency to them. They want to be affirmed as subhuman trash.

They are also not very right-wing. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles. They make themselves into the villains of society by hating women. Our society is still based very much on tribal morality and one of the worst things you can do in tribal societies was to basically murder or abuse women. After all this is still to this day the difference between a knight or some sort of violent murdering monster. The latter kills women and children, while the knight protects them.

Whati is your opinion on Incels, /pol/?

I created this thread on their forum to give them some advice and the replies speak for themselves. I think I am pretty much done there and I am going to end my pet project there. They don't even want our help, but maybe there is hope for a select few of them.


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it's a pity they've succumbed to demoralizer shills

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I wouldn't even call it that, because imo they aren't part of our side.

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Why waste time on failures? Lots of truth in the incel community about the way sexuality works and how being "attractive" either male or female is a extreme benefit. But if you aren't willing to keep getting back up when pushed down, you have no spirit left in you to save. I suppose its good to offer a helping hand up, but don't be surprised when 90% don't want even smack it away. You have to want to get up before doing so.

I went volcel for over a year now in my mission to become an ubermensch, one of the smartest things I've done

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>Say they are all whores

But anon, modern Western society has raised the current crop of women into exactly that. Told them it's good, admirable behavior. Enabled it with things like Tinder. Shamed men for wanting traditional relationships. And told her that men who think her high 'count' is disgusting are worthless garbage.

>prefer niggers anyway

Most don't prefer niggers. Even the ones who date niggers would rather date a white man, deep down. The problem here is social signaling. They get good goy points for showing how not racist they are by fucking niggers. Again, rewards by the same system that tells them to be whores.

>They talk about how unfair it is that women can get sex easier than men

Women literally can get sex easier than men. For women, it is as simple as walking into a public place such as a bar and declaring in a loud, clear voice, "I am looking to get laid tonight. Men, please form a single file line if you're interested." and she will have her choice. If a man does this, he's a pervert, womanizer, etc while if a woman does it, she's a strong, sexually liberated, empowered, stunning and brave grrl.

And it is unfair.

>despite men and women being different, so they can't be compared

Men and women are different, but they aren't apples and oranges. They can be compared.

>They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles.

Jesus, what I wouldn't give for traditional gender roles and the support system behind them, where young women are raised early on to respect men and be dutiful, kind, loving wives to their husbands and provide them children, and in return men provide shelter, protection, and security.

But with the state acting as daddy and husband to women who fuck and pop out children outside of wedlock, that is impossible. They are no longer dependent on men for support.

With employers forced to hire women, and women's natural tendency to go with the flow or not rock the boat (and never, ever negotiate for higher pay or a raise), men are forced to compete against an entire gender of employees who will accept lower pay and are easier on the eyes.

TL;DR, my point here is this:

Not all 'incels' are actually 'incels.'

Some are very right wing and the only thing really keeping them from getting laid is

>lack of available opportunities

>disgust over mudsharks with mixed kids

>not wanting to get involved with women with 2+ children from different fathers

and so on.

I cannot begin to express how difficult it is to find a woman over 20 who hasn't burned the coal, doesn't have kids, actually wants children, and who isn't some kind of degenerate whore depending on where you live.

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This anon is on point, I agree with everything you said until the very end.

>not all incels are actually incels

Yes, incel is incel, you are mixing volcel with incel. Really is just a matter of perspective, but rejecting the (((modern))) pozzed woman is not incel. rejecting all women for being women, is incel. You can recover damaged women from the abyss, and if we are serious about saving our race, we will have to.

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>But anon, modern Western society has raised the current crop of women into exactly that. Told them it's good, admirable behavior. Enabled it with things like Tinder. Shamed men for wanting traditional relationships. And told her that men who think her high 'count' is disgusting are worthless garbage.

Many of them are, but many aren't. We are as much part of this degenerate system as our women are. Our women as a whole are not irredeemable.

The average sexual partners per lifetime is 4-6. We just put the sluts on a pedastal and worship them, but that doesn't mean everyone is like that.

>Most don't prefer niggers.

And most never racemix. Even the ones that say it's okay. Womens' words =/= their actions

>Women literally can get sex easier than men

I know. And I don't care. They are women. We are men.

They face different challenges. It's not unfair, because women aren't men and men aren't women.

Don't be a feminist.

>But with the state acting as daddy and husband to women who fuck and pop out children outside of wedlock, that is impossible. They are no longer dependent on men for support.

They still are though. Have you ever encountered old women that ask you constantly to help them move stuff, because they don't have a husband that does it for them?

And women still get more ressources, when they are with a man. A life on social security isn't a good life.

It is a problem, but it's not absolute. The state cannot change this fundamental part of our nature.

>I cannot begin to express how difficult it is to find a woman over 20 who hasn't burned the coal, doesn't have kids, actually wants children, and who isn't some kind of degenerate whore depending on where you live.

It's easier, if you actually realize that she doesn't need to want children or live a trad lifestyle from the get go.

Women change for their men.


Then you both need to be straightened out too.

The only possibility for you to believe that a woman getting easier sex than men is "unfair", is if you are feminists or disappointed feminists. Like you know feminism is bullshit, but deep down you'd prefer to live in a world where gender equality actually existed.

Women have different challenges than men.

>Like trying to keep their sanity in this world without a strong man, who offers her support

>weed out the good men from the bad, while keeping the good men interested, but not just give herself to them easily

>be on a shorter timetable than men

>harder to self-improve/there are lower upper limits to self-improvement than men

>have a social life and not be ostracized by saying something wrong like that you would actually never date a nigger

>basically no good role models for women

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>straighten out

Nah I'm on the same page as you bruda, doesn't change the fact that I agreed with him. Women like you said as well, can get sex "easier" then men, its just a truth, I'm not mad I can get it pretty easily myself in this pozzed out society as well. As you likely know, women follow men, if you aren't a man worth being followed, then you wont be. simple.

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<Sound methods of education cannot, however, afford to disregard thisand we must not forget that what a healthy young man demands from a womanwill differ from the demands of a weakling who has been prematurelycorrupted.Thus in every branch of our education the day’s curriculum must be281

arranged so as to occupy a boy’s free time in profitable development of hisphysical powers. He has no right in those years to loaf about, becoming anuisance in public streets and in cinemas; but when his day’s work, is done heought to harden his young body so that his strength may not be found wantingwhen the occasion arises.To prepare for this and to carry it out should be the function of oureducational system and not exclusively to cram him with knowledge.Our school system must also rid itself of the notion that the training of thebody is a task that should be left to the individual himself. There is no suchthing as freedom to sin against posterity and thus against the race.The fight against pollution of the mind must be waged simultaneouslywith the training of the body. To-day the whole of our public life may becompared to a hot-house for the forced growth of sexual notions andexcitements.A glance at the till-of-fare provided by our cinemas, playhouses andtheatres, suffices to prove that this is not the right food, especially for ouryoung people. Hoardings and advertisement kiosks combine to attract thepublic in the most vulgar manner.Anyone who has not altogether lost contact with adolescent yearningswill realise that all this must have very grave consequences. This seductiveand sensuous atmosphere puts into the heads of our youth notions of which, attheir age, they ought still to be ignorant.Unfortunately, the results of this kind of education can best be seen in ourcontemporary youth who are prematurely grown up and, therefore, old beforetheir time.The courts of law throw from, time to time a distressing light on thespiritual life of our fourteen and fifteen-year-old-children.Who, therefore, will be surprised to learn that venereal disease claimsas victims at this age? And is it not a frightful scandal to see the number ofyoung men physically weak and intellectually ruined, who have beenintroduced to the mysteries of marriage by the whores of the big cities?Those who want seriously to combat prostitution must first of all assistin removing the spiritual conditions on which it thrives. They will have to282

clean up the moral pollution of our city ‘culture’ fearlessly and without regardfor the outcry that will follow.

wonder who wrote this?

how bout you read mein kampf faggot

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lol classic, just abandon you're fellow brother and then wonder why things go to shit. This wasn't the way of the world till women got rights. Men would help their fellow brothers instead of just chasing pussy because in the end all you faggots have done is feminize the world by making pussy the only thing that matters when it isn't. You've lost sight of what civilization is all about and are claiming to be "men" when that's not what a man is

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you'd have to completely destroy everything that enables feminism to end the "incel" phenomenon

>no fault divorce

>female initiated divorce in general


>hook up sites

>lack of social shaming against sluts

>lack of meaningful work for men

>females voting

>females in law enforcement/military

>females in any form of societal leadership

>female "preachers"

only when females have no rights, and men have meaningful work in a meaningful society can we then again reinforce the shaming mechanisms against being single, being a whore etc. personally i want women to be treated as livestock that are bought and sold. the highest female would still be lower than the lowest man. all transgression would only recieve corporal or capital punishment, and publicly in front of the other females. then females would be assigned to men depending on their contribution to the mannerbund. everyone wins.

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Which is never going to happen because the fags who call everyone an incel cause they can't get laid are usually the first ones to betray and just hand over everything to a woman cause the only thing they care about is pussy and not about civilization

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>just alienate as many groups as possible, we don't want them anyway!

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> Say they are all whores, prefer niggers anyway, even though that is demonstrably untrue.

this is a false statement. enough of them are whores that fuck niggers to where they should be judged as a group. we now know exactly what happens when females are liberated. they systematically work against everything that men build and defend with their lives, just because they are whiny destructive children. it can be demonstrated that once women could vote they always vote left, and White men always vote right. we do know this.

we also know about the monkey branching, hypergamy, depravity, and trifling that bitches will express if not physically kept under boot. no matter who you are nowadays, any wench will divorce you, take your children, half of what you own, and get a monthly check out of you because they are simply appealing to the stronger power: the state. they would do the same in the dark ages, siding with the warlord and leaving you in an instant.

take your white knighting faggot shit out of here. enslave the females = civilization thrives. free the females = civilization crumbles.

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I'm not alienating shit, fuck I've tried everything besides outright buying a woman for some of my incel brothers/friends. Your people can help you as much as we can, and we will, I love my brothers even the incels, but eventually the man himself has to make the decision whether he will change his fate, while being mindful that not every outcome is available for every man in any given time.


>be me

>have two brothers who are incel

>one drowns it in tv, food, and weed

>one drowns it in tv, food, and booze

>have tried to get them to quit bad habbits

>add in new habits for health

>too busy, too lazy, too apathetic

wtf you suggest we do anon? these 2 arent genetic incel (which while cruel does exist, but severly small % of incel population) they just pozzed out like the general female. A man changes himself, and a woman will follow.


>one brother quit booze 3 months now

>started eating somewhat healthy and walks to work rather then drive

>still too much tv but still down 40#

>noticed he gets more favorable treatment from women

I will always love my bruders, and consider it a duty to help, actually a joy, but I can't force them to change, they have to.

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I am, by definition, and incel, so I may be a biased party here, but starting an internet slap fight with incels seems like a waste of time. The white race has been getting ripped to shreds for at least a century, and you want to start an internet feud with with people who have no power, no reproductive capability, no influence, and no ambition? I should think this calls into question your priorities.

As an aside, incels have better memes than /pol/.

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I welcome the incels. They are mostly red-pilled already anyway. Welcome aboard, read the SIG thread and get to work. May we all have white wives and many children.

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>you can recover damaged women from the abyss, and if we're serious about saving our race, we will have to

You're a fucking insane cuck if you think I'm going to settle for anything less than a trad virgin for a wife. You can't turn a ho into a housewife, if you marry a damaged woman she will provide you a damaged marriage, if she doesn't divorce you, and damaged children.

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See this is the right kind of attitude

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there are no incels idiot it it just a broad brush stroke dismissal tactic that came into vogue when racist lost its shine.

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>wont settle

fair enough and I dont disagree with your sentiment, I share it in fact. trad virgin cuties are a rare commodity in ZOG, your gonna have to "make it" to score this likely if you didnt luck out and grab her in high school/college. Saving from the abyss =/= turning into housewife, individuals will have to account for behavior, and be judged accordingly, but tossing white women who are still fertile into the dumpster is not a rational policy if your concerned about our people.

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>saving her from the abyss != turning her into a housewife

I didn't mean it literally but the point stands, a whore is not gonna suddenly go monogamous.

>individuals will need to account for behavior and be judged accordingly, but tossing fertile women into the dumpster is not rational

How are you arguing for anything outside of marrying her? You either marry her and have kids or you knock her up and abandon her and the kids like a nigger. How else do you not wife her up while also judging her for her behavior without throwing her out?

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Incels are a symptom of feminism, same with MGTOW. Fighting the symptoms and not the disease sounds like a teriffic idea, go for it.

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Like my friend did

>liked girl in high school

>she went off to college and did the empowered girl routine

>got knocked up by nigger

>came back home

>life is hard, no shit

>friend liked her, so gives her shot

>squirted twin aryan sons into her

>lets her live with him, his rules only

>known she will get booted to curb if doesnt toe the line, imagine market for her now with 3 kids

>DOES NOT REFER TO OTHER CHILD AS DAUGHTER - this is key! calls her ward (like our ancestors used to) before jews fucked our language and customs

>ward acts up, she gets sent away, since "father" has never been in picture

While this isn't ideal, and I don't know if i could do the same, I would hope i can/will if I dont secure my own goals tho. His sons are great boys and even under his care the ward is getting better. (I think he even will call her is daughther someday, but a title like that is EARNED not given)

To put it bluntly, enough of our women have been pozzed, were either going to have to be ok with massive demographic loss, or making the best of shit that we can.

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Your friend is the most pathetic fucking cuck on the planet holy shit lol

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>gave advice and insightful comments

No you didn't. You gave out meaningless platitudes like "man up" and "just be yourself" or useless suggestions like "go to (((church)))" (full of old people and shitskins). You never gave advice or uttered a single insightful word.

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Incel communities are filled with non-whites, I wouldn't waste too much time on them as in poos, chinks, hapas,beaners fill most of their ranks. You are more likely to convert normie White bible thumper kids because you have at least a commonality on what normal generally is. Then waste your time with someone that self defeats and already dsygenic who fell for jew leftist propaganda but, now revels in it like a cuck.

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Also if you read most of the incels complain about not getting White girls because well they are mutant shitskins that do act creepy towards White women regardless of age.

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there is no true incel

No so-called "incel" is celibate "involuntarily". It's bullshit.

Firstly: negresses will fuck anybody, and the majority are choosing not to pursue bottom-tier pussy like nigger pussy. This is a rational thing to do, and it means your celibacy is VOLUNTARY. You are not a victim, you are a chooser.

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the ultimate cuck raises children who are not their own without knowing it.

Knowingly adopting another guy's kid (even a nigger's) doesn't make you a cuck so long as you are non-generous with resources, make them pull their weight doing chores. Ultimately this guy kicked out the guy's offspring so that's non-cucked.

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Are you a retard? It's the very definition of it and your friend is just a race-mixing kike you flaming faggot. Goddamn reddit needs to fucking leave this place

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In these dark times, with the hour so late, you want to play with fag boys, OP? I wonder why… don't make another thread until you've unfucked your mind.

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I bet your faggot ass doesn't even have any kids and your shitting on my friend for bringing two aryan sons into the world. The real cucks are all us paying fucking tax in this country, he doesnt really spend much for money on her (thats all us taxpayers, you think his girl isn't getting state money for the bastard?) Hes trying to make the best of shit situation(raised by single mom, no father in life, adopted wigger culture as a teen, prison, from prison got race woke, doing best he can while being felon), settle is not a dirty word if you actually want to have white children.


ahh your just a retard who can't read

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lol, jesus christ go fucking blog post on reddit cuckboy, this boards supposed to be for news and politics not your friends faggot cuckolding lifestyle haha

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>everyone talking about marriage and divorces ITT

Inceldom has nothing to do with that. It's just about being unable to get real sex (i.e. not paid for or rape).

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In original /pol/ MGTOW was important as it was the first step in awakening to major societal problems. In many regards I still think it's functional in this. They don't injure anything either; one could argue Incel's wouldn't reproduce anyway, or are unworthy of reproduction, so it hardly matters. People on nu-/pol/ only care about MGTOW or Incels because they commit the unforgivable crime of pointing out that outside of the 14 words, the white woman is not that great, and that it is the men of our Race who are the true exceptions.

I myself have stopped concerning myself with the "white baby" meme, no amount of birth rate can literally compare to the flood of the third world and their are more white people alive now than their have ever been. The fight is now in controlling borders, expelling mud's in mass and creating common volk with strong and like minded men.

Even if women flocked to the hard right (LMAO MY 4 POINT SQUARE SAYS HITLER IS CENTRAL FAG XD WRECTD) what could they even contribute? A mast head or puppet like Soph? The problem with movements is they are all too quick to irregardless put up women in place where there should be a man. GamerGate did it with Vivian, Weebs do it with literally everything right down to making ships MOE ANIME GIRLS, companies are all fighting for MOST WOMEN. The right isn't about women, it's about men. It's mindset itself is masculine, just as the week and groveling hand me outs are feminine. Check the masculine difference between any party anywhere in the world separated by this dichotomy.

You can go anywhere and find women, you can repeat the same tripe easy and get laid with even dykes. The spaces of men, or ability for men to be a MAN amongst men is growing smaller. That's good for the hard Right, be it Monarchism, Fascism, Nat Soc, Anarcho Capitalist, Anarch Fascism. They will only benifit by this monopoly, provided they are smart enough to Recognize the value of what they have:

In Dark Souls, the forgotten God, the Furtive Pygmy, was the last to collect his prize from ashes which had already been picked over for quick and easy treasures by the Gods, a treasure forgotten beyond measure which could overturn fate itself and make Gods bleed: Man.

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we really need to admit though that the incels probably see the world the clearest and most stoic and without blinders of anyone on this board.

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Know the one that's really annoying? The "Nazis and Fascists are Feminists" spammer. Because traditional roles are apparently too good for women, it should be a big rape dungeon. I'm thinking it's a disaffected hapa of some sort, it has that schizoid, self-hating but not not quite jewish feel to it.

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Anon, this problem will address itself once the 4th Reich is implemented across the west. Polite sage.

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I think it's a bit of a touchy subject. Disaffected young men are the cream of the crop for any would-be revolutionaries. So I don't think an elitist view is effective. "Rehabilitation" would be ideal. A big problem with trying to incorporate them into the Movement is that they suffer from the same disease most right-wingers suffer today: actionitis. They love to complain, but hate to actually do something about it. They'll invent the most ridiculous principles - typically based on enlightenment philosophy - and try to make inaction seem like the proper, moral thing to do. The libertarians, for instance, have built an entire movement based on bitching, but refusing to do anything about it. I remember during my early red-pill days I was occasionally a bit put off by the intense pragmatism offered by National Socialism. It's a mindset that really needs to be nurtured in the long-term due to the triumph of slave-morality. This gives us the old Rockwell vs Pierce ultimatum: do you want a lot of men of questionable quality or do you want a small but amazing group of men? Quantity or quality? We're talking about a group of people that takes the phrase "man up" as a joke. We're talking about people who understand many problems facing the world, the destruction of the family, etc, but look at their response to it. It's not a zealous desire to fight. Their "answer" is to play video games and masturbate.

It takes a lot of work, but these people are reformable. They're very susceptible to group-think and father-figures, which may prove useful. But /pol/ certainly isn't in a position to undertake such a task. Have you seen /pol/ lately? All you have to do to destroy /pol/ is mention Christianity or Paganism, or the word "Trump."

Another thing I want to mention is that I was basically your run of the mill "incel" until I stopped masturbating. I want to point out that this is a mindset that men are actually being pushed into, it's made as the only alternative to being a "soy boy" that acts like a slave to women. It's hard for young, mostly ignored men to not grow resentful towards women. Look at how they get so much attention and good-treatment. They get so much attention that they actually get annoyed by it. Can you imagine that? I can't. It's typical envy.

Another issue is "love." It's a mantra nowadays to say "Don't believe what everyone else says, Disney love isn't real." As if everyone was talking about love as if it were real. The problem with this is that virtually no one actually talks about love these days. Virtually any higher-ideal or non-materialistic desire is ridiculed these days. More than anyone else, National Socialists must be the most fervent preachers of love.

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Most women are bitches and whores, what makes the difference is what are you going to do about it. Incels mostly give up after realizing what kind of evil, shallow, lying, worthless, rotten garbage most women are, chads overcome it. In modern societies, the investment is simply not worth the return from a rational perspective, but men are still biologically programmed to need women which causes them to rage and suffer, especially the more intelligent ones who realize how disadvantaged they are and how uneven the playing field is.

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I've seen his threads a few times and he actually has good arguments. You're just insulting him because you have none.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Yeah, women aren't the sweet little angels your mother told you they were.

No one wants to hear you cry about it though.

When I say 'man up' I don't mean become Hercules through willpower. I mean stop moaning like a whore and sort out your own problems. Be bitter and resentful if you like, but be bitter and resentful like a man instead of a toddler throwing a tantrum.

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The only incels are men that can't physically restrain a woman.

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>thinking incels are even a thing to worry about

lol, did you run out of ideas for typo covered horribly copyedited "news" articles kike?

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>become an ubermensch

The only advice they need, the incel thing is literally just an excuse for broken men to continue being useless fucks.

Its kinda a religious belief 'i was born this way' or that its some external will that they are unable to effect, its all wrong and most likely stems from consuming too much (((clown media)))

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I am a chad and also an incel. Fucks me lads, too Natsoc for my own good.

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Underrated post

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File: 4d6da78ca0c3d68⋯.jpg (40.26 KB,500x708,125:177,13342998_510665115798914_4….jpg)

curses, a NUDE hand, dost alert dost alert

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Do incels really exist? Or are they just another made up distraction like the flat earthers and moon hoaxers and 9/11 troofers? My bullshit meter says no.

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click on the link in the OP, anon

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>Click link

>OP writes

>We are our ancestors incarnate.

This is inspiring stuff. You can do everything possible to help someone but it is they who must take the first step for themselves. Perhaps Inceldom is like Communism: it is easier to tear down what someone else has built than to build yourself up.

>Many people here act like women are equal to men in terms of full agency over their actions and moral sovereignty.

True. The wedding vows from a millennium ago were different for men and women. Men love and cherish. Women honor and obey. Women were never meant to be independent. Every society that has independent women gets taken over by those that don't.

>Don't do this for women.

Fucking underrated words. The moment you do something because of a woman she loses all interest. We are heading towards war and a clash of civilizations. The next few years will be the difference between conquering the stars and being confined to this planet forever. If we pander to women instead of believe in ourselves we will lose this war. Deus Vult.

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Thanks anon.

I am glad that I even reached some people on there and had me send thank yous to what I wrote.

Any type of positive message is not regarded well with Incels generally. They like to just have their blackpill den and feel enlightened in their own suffering.

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>using leftist reddit-terms

This board really has declined.

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Although your argument defeats the claim that there is no incel desperate enough to jump on a negress, that does not bear relevance to the notion which is implied, namely that an attractive White woman would want something to do with you or not, and if not, then you are either a rapist or an incel.

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Cock carousel theory has also been debunked for years. According to studies by the CDC and Kinsey report the average number of lifetime sex partners for women is 4, not hundreds. University of Ohio did a study involving polygraph tests and even women who fudged their numbers still had the estate average number of 4.4.

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its impossible for a leftist to think its impossible for a leftist to meme its impossible for leftists to exist they simply are demons

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You might as well fuck goats and dogs then, that's not how evolution works. White women fuck niggers because they are on the same level mentally and those women have their instincts fucked up (and are thus genetic trash themselves), but white men actually have their selection mechanisms working (for the most part)


>All this cuck cope


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They will make excellent drones.

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I don't associate with or share any common ground with incels, weebs, edgelords or any such group. None of them are our friends, none of them will be spared.

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They don't want help. I can't even remember how many times I've tried to help and I always end up disappointed. It might still be worth it but know your not gonna save 9/10 of them and what you will get will be of dubious quality.

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men are not born, they are made

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>They make themselves into the villains of society by hating women

Victim blaming again. It's never going to work.

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Here's the coward to round on his fellow incels.

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Incels are cowards and losers, you don't want to be associated with that.

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>using the sjw term 'incel'

it isn't even a question when it comes to helping your european blooded brothers to better themselves.

red pill is all part of that.

tihs was common knowledge on chans ten years ago

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I'm no incel, cretin.

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No, they're not. They expect rationality from women, no more. When that doesn't come forth then the social contract is broken.

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That's what I said. You are anti-incel, victim blaming. That is neoliberal. Kikes want incels persecuted as do their neoliberal collaborators..

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I'm simply stating they will not be spared. Nothing more, nothing less. Now go stick that pointing finger elsewhere.

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So you would rather everyone kill themselves than admit they are victims of White neoliberals and kikes?

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Neoliberals made this mess, with deliberate intent. Now you think everyone should kill each other as your solution, not have the situation studied honestly and call them victims.

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I filtered him, so should you, anon. He will just keep spamming the thread.

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Ah yes, the infiltrating scum makes itself known! Behold, the enemy! No different than the ruling establishment of Jews and traitors, or the nonwhite masses in our midst. This is a more insidious enemy, the one that claims to be in our ranks! People ask why the Movement never gets anywhere, never does anything, it is because these vermin pollute it, they warp it with their degenerate and resentment fueled bile. The old saying “they would be the first to go” truly rings true for these subhumans. They come to this

Movement, not for any principle or higher purpose, they come only to vent their own personal and often sexual frustrations, and like moths to the flame, they see the Right, National Socialism or whatever, as a place to reject society and feel somewhat validated. But they are not National Socialists, they are broken men who did not have the quality to resist ZOG internally. They need to be done away with, ostracised, and one day purged, as they hold values opposite to what National Socialists, or Good Men in general, should have. They are the worst scum. Similar to O9A and Satanists, who come to this ideology for similar reasons. Truly, there is no way forward until we purge these creatures from within our own ranks. This is not ‘infighting’, you would not fight alongside a Rabbi, would you? Whenever a Jew sees incel behaviour in this presently God forsaken movement, he is no doubt assured that everything is fine, and the goyim are doing a good job destroying themselves. GOOD JOB FOLKS

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>social contract


>victim blaming



>they're victims

Stop whining you little faggot, no one wants to hear it.

You got a raw deal, boo hoo. Complaining isn't going to change things.

Make the best of your circumstances and stop asking mommy to kiss it better.

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get out loser. only smart people may post.

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You even throw insults like a woman.

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That guy is just upset anon. Yes it's crudely, put but he is only lashing out because he doesn't know better. He sees no way out.

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All of civilization, all major technological innovations were the result of 1 or 2 man incel squads with access to a basement/garage or barn, you impotent cowards have no idea what a highly motivated white man can come up with in a basement, with no pussy and a bugman job you cant get fired from no matter how hard you chimp out, you fakey faggot internet kikes

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I despise people who use their sexuality as the sole identifying factor. This is the case with homosexuals, who use their homosexual preference as a definition for themselves. Not nationality, not ethnicity or race. They are homos first, everything else is sidelined, thus unimportant. Same is the case with so called "incels". They don't care about things that are truly valuable in life, they don't care about their race and nationality, they only care about the fact they can't get pussy so easily and readily as other, more well-endowed men. It's all that matters - pussy. Their entire lives revolve around the fact that they cannot engage in consensual degenerate acts with women without effort; something that always was a means to an end (the end being procreation and having kids) grows to be the only reason to do absolutely anything. That's the whole fucking thing. And that's disgusting.

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Incels are men who have had bad experiences with women and have negative feelings and opinions towards them. Maybe they were abused by their mom or bullied by girls in school, anyway there is a reason they are like this. And like any mental problem it can be fixed.

Don't leave your fellow man to dwell in negativity and self pity

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As an addition, most "incels" are non-white, often of mixed race. Giving them attention and calling them "allies" is a waste of time and should be reconsidered. Bloating the ranks with freeloaders and such pathetic individuals who "muh dick" like niggers is a senseless mistake.

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And so that creature deserves sympathy? I’m sure there are many psychological factors which led to him becoming this fucked, that doesn’t excuse his rotten beliefs. It’s a fucking tragedy that these guys have become almost synonymous with the Right, and plays right into the hands of the Enemy. Gotta admit, their method of controlled opposition is masterful.

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>one gross looking lanky yid to a queer looking lanky yid

Yeah, big improvement.

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>Incels are men who have had bad experiences with women

No. I've given you a proper definition in the post above. I've personally had bad experiences with women and I don't loathe them senselessly because they don't run over themselves to jump on my dick. Women's lives are inherently more valuable than men, and I refuse to pity a mangina who expects to fuck a woman putting in absolutely zero effort or having zero integrity.

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It's the Marxist kikes that have continually pushed for woman's "rights and equality" knowing very well that all throughout history, every host country that they have invaded was easily weakened and destroyed once woman was (((liberated)) and given authority over men.

Wanting to put the emotional, passive, and feeble minded woman back in her proper place is only the natural order. However, the parasitic jew knows how to play the generational long con. Thus this clown world of infinite spics, niggers, trannies, sluts, kikes, and emasculated self-hating men is a result of 100 years of woman having power to dictate policies. It has allowed them to vote more women, niggers and kikes into power and therefore implement the current gynocentric, social justice faggotry, rape culture, anti-gun, anti-racist, anti-borders and merit-less egalitarianism you see today. The jewdicial system that prevents men from subjugating (and therefore protecting) woman from their own destructive behavior will be the destruction of our European and American cultures. Hitler also knew this.

The kikes wanted us to continue to focus of them as the boogeyman so they can continue to play the victim while we and ignore our fundamental problem: that the weaker of our species rules over us. As long as woman has a vote (or any rights) and other legal (((protections))) we will never be able to eliminate the joo or any of the millions of shitskins from our lands. There's no going back at this point. Not without a civil war or a stronger country (without kike controlled feminism) actually defeating us.

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The degeneracy of the modern West has little to do with the ‘liberation’, (ie, degeneration) of women, and their influence on society. It is simply yet another SYMPTOM of the fundamental, ideological filth, filtered down from the highest levels of society, that affects men and women, fairly equally. This whole narrative which places undue blame on women makes no sense, and falls apart under any scrutiny.

Yes, the gender roles for women are fucked up, femininity has been warped beyond recognition, many women are whorish, women should not encouraged to adopt traditionally masculine societal roles, etc etc.

But the exact same critique can be levelled against the modern male, in fact, it’s a lot more damning, because as men, we should embody that active masculine force, which has the capacity to strongly resist such things, but we don’t…

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The current state of affairs is not the result of women having power for the last 100 years. Plain and simple, get that shit out of your judeafied mind.

Hitler thought nothing of the sort regarding women, he had a high ideal of women and the feminine archetype. They were not "feeble, emotional and passive", that's what they have become under this Jewish system, that is not how Hitler viewed them, and that is not what the archetype of Aryan women inherently is. You can't change history to make it fit your rape fantasies or whatever else your repressed mind has shat out, Hitler never had this fucking dystopian attitude towards women, and none of the NS back then did either.

You're literally saying that Aryan white women are a more fundamental problem than the Jews. This is exactly the kind of subversive and resentful shit that needs to be confronted by whatever decent men are left on our side.

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If you read what I said, I clearly place the blame on JEWS. Women are feeble minded and are only acting and voting according to their nature. Jews used them (along with niggers) as a tactical weapon against the goyim.

Before the 19th amendment, woman's suffrage was severely mocked, and feminist cunt SB Anthony was actually jailed for voting illegally. It was the kiked shabbos goy Wilson that forced the 19th amendment through the Senate (ending a fillibuster). He was also responsible for the Balfour Declaration. My point was that apologist thirsty cucks like you, that think woman is equal to man, gave the Jews what they want (like woman and nigger rights) are the cause our current state. Hitler never had an egalitarian view of woman and did not believe they should have the right to vote. Learn sum history niggers. Also you ad hom about "rape fantasies" is not an argument you faggot cuck. I'd put you in an armbar and break your shit you little pussy.

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incels are a product of porn, egirls, whores. you cannot fix incel problem without first fixing civilization.

just make them read SIEGE and release them into the wild

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Spouting a bunch of random historical anecdotes doesn't help move this bullshit along.

Women are not equal to man, Hitler did not think this, I do not think this. Does this mean women are are wretched, feeble minded, inferior (in the universal sense), or anything equally negative? No. Thinking like this is exactly what the Jews want, they have made this crystal clear.

So here's the point of ideological difference my fellow 'white man'. You believe that women are inherently wretched and feeble minded, and the Jews take advantage of this. I believe that the archetype of the Aryan women is inherently noble, pure, and wise. The Jews have simply polluted women to such an extent that they are now very far from this ideal indeed. This is what Adolf Hitler believed, this is what I believe, this is what all decent folk should believe.

You are polluted, you are broken, your ranting is a clear indication. You have already claimed that women are a more fundamental threat then the Jews. Your resentment blinds you. And if one believes anything different, if anyone dares have a noble view of feminine archetypes, or the Idea of women, you know, like the national socialists actually did, you are a 'faggot cuck'.

Get the fuck out of this movement, stop masquerading as a National Socialist or whatever rightwing ideology you claim to be, just be honest with yourself and go rot with the MGTOW crowd. You're not fooling anyone, you or the rest of you degenerates. You're a disease, a poison rotting this movement from its core.

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Threadly reminder to all newfags that this is a shill thread and to lurk more to gain useful information rather than fling shit.

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"Incel" is just a feminist buzzword. They used "virgin" before, now they use "incel".

There are men who avoid women because they don't care or because they don't want to be divorce-raped and falsely accused of domestic violence or rape. Women don't want to lose their abused slaves, so they use this kind of shaming tactics.

But we don't need to ruin our lives to become fathers. We can just use surrogacy.

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>just make them read SIEGE and release them into the wild

that's what neoliberals and ancaps rightists want. for the people they neolibbed, to fight on their behalf. don't be stupid anons. take the neolibs down right and left who did this to everyone.

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It's be best for incels if they adopted the MGTOW ideology. Until the current western governments/societies are replaced, women will continue to be poison. After the government/welfare state collapses, women will need return to traditionalism in order to survive. After that, hopefully western men will remember to keep their women in line, and certainly never give them voting rights.

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> women will need return to traditionalism in order to survive.

they've evolved to like scum and degenerates now. it's unlikely that will work.

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>>13501799 (checked)

>I despise people who use their sexuality as the sole identifying factor.

The ironic, disappointing, and self-defeating thing about so-called incels is that they hate women/sex but elevate it to the most talked/thought about topic in their lives. It's pure denial/delusion.

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i'd say incels are a symptom of broken families and popularization of nihilistic lifestyles. the average incel probably has shitty parents who never pushed them to get out of their comfort zone or taught them life values

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>Womens' words =/= their actions

Not to be a dick, but shouldn't this be women's words? Women is already plural. Correct me if I'm wrong; it's really annoying me.

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This. Incel is just another caustic kike neologism in judaized normie media. Keep teaching about couvert, bride price, chattel exchange, fourth cousin marriage, ancestry, tribalism, daughters being their fathers property and full responsibility, public shaming of incidents in cuntocracy, social proof politics, democracy being implicitly for faggots and women, TRT replacement, meat & milk, fermented fish oil, lifting, enterprise, land grants, skills building, ability batteries, WAIS IQ analysis and anyone exhibiting some or many of these effect traits of globo-homo feminism will either come around or contribute on tangential vectors.

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checked. An anti-tradition progressive liberal trend in the use of the apostrophe. Possibly a signifier, cautionary of moral turpitude and ideological disarray.

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So is women's the correct method of no?

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File: 8176bdab53f432f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1648x1420,412:355,MGTOW.png)

imo better not to associate with this trash. Just think about it, if you don't get any females, there has to be something wrong with you. If women don't want them, why should we?`Only reason might be that they could be more easily taken into the worldview and given the outline of the enemy, since they already have the anger, but no real place where to direct it. But another question is do we want our movement to be associated with such kinds of genetic garbage? I would think not. But on the other hand if some kind of armed conflict would break out then we would need all the allies we would get.

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I know right, MGTOW is pure Jewish trash, but usually people who are in this movement are really brainwashed and it's really hard to reason with them.

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>addressing a separate and monolithic "pol"

CIA pls die and stay die


CIA pls die and stay die


CIA pls die and stay die

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MGTOW is one of the gateways to right wing politics. It's the avenue many men take when they see how bad things have become but don't know why.

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You can start with CuckTears in reddit


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I don't think beastiality counts.

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<DOES NOT REFER TO THE NIGGER AS DAUGHTER - this is key! calls her ward

>calling a nigger a fancy name will amend your wife being a whore, you being a cuck and your children having to live with a negrospawn


<the ward is getting better

<I think he even will call her is daughther someday


XD u fuggin guck :-DDDD


<Knowingly adopting another guy's kid (even a nigger's) doesn't make you a cuck

Kek. Cope cuck.

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>What is your opinion on Incels, /pol/?

I have no opinion on kike controlled talking points. I ignore them. Sage.

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<that's what neoliberals and ancaps rightists want

>The people who would get murdered by siegepilled people want to make more siegepilled people

ebin masder blan :DDDD

Wew, can you faggot please read Siege, before writing shit about things you don't know?

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>womens lives are inherently more valuable than men

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>there are two tribes

>one has 100 women and one man

>other has 1 woman and 100 men

>fast forward 50 years


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>there is currently a major shortage of women to the point of neolithic numbers and extinction levels

>says there are two tribes

>The 100 men couldn't run over and curb stomp 1 man taking the 100 women for themselves

>literally what founded the nation of Rome

>doesn't know the ancient idiom of "one man is no man"

>will now proceed to complain that his two extreme examples not seen since the dawn of mankind millions of years ago would be accurate today and would also never have the ability to interact.

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It's just a metaphor. Without women there's no future. I've never said the examples were meant to represent an actual situation. Men are more intelligent (when it comes to planning and putting plans into motion, disputable when it comes to creativity and empathy), stronger, faster and more capable, yet all of it serves the purpose of providing favorable conditions for women, ie. starting a family.

You're grasping at straws and refuse to see the actual point I'm making. Have you heard the saying that sperm is cheap and eggs are expensive? One man in my hypothetical tribe theoretically could breed with all of the women and quickly raise the population level (of course we're dismissing the genetic diversity, the problem which would IRL be solved in a way you described), where in the second example there would be negligible increase in population, or a decrease if we add factors such as war, disease etc.

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Old feminist shaming tactic.

IQ levels have decreased since sexual revolution because women prefer dumber men.

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Some people have just seen too much messed up shit and/or lived through it themselves. I was in the military. I have seen murders and suicides. I got played by a sociopathic cunt myself. Some women really do belong in fucking cages.

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It's a genuine fact. Don't kid yourself.

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>metaphor, noun

>a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

>or, Women are more Valuable is literally not applicable in real life

>Sets up a extinction level scenario and says I'm grasping at straws

>Essentially me saying that if aliens wiped out all Gold tommorow except my supply this would prove that Gold is the most valuable commidity on earth, both before and after because its scarce

>except can't grasp why artificially inflating somethings value to extremes in scenarios that aren't fucking happening is STRAIGHT DUMB.

>Literally just a re-purposed MGTOW talking point of the "Women in the Cave" example except even they (both men and women) admit that it doesn't apply to modern life and thus is a useless standard now,

>like humans craving mass sugars and diabetes though you will continue to fall for the meme.

>A society which women are prized over men exists, it's called Bonobo's.

>They live in degenerate squalar and survive merely due to environmental protection

>The male Chimps on the other hand kill and take mates as they please, as such are one of the Apex Predators and have spread all over their continent while Bonobos live in the tiny Native American Tier reserve.

>Woman worshipers brain will now meltdown and he will maintain the POPULATION REVIVAL metaphor as reason to always assign value where there isn't one barring mass artificial inflation.

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Hey anon, why is it that in nearly all mammalian species the males fight over the females, and not the other way around?

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Eh, I mean a black man will never be a white man. The son of a pleb will never be on the same level an aristocrat. The tabula rasa thing is masonic thinking.

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>Proving my point; males will simply kill others who have access if need be and take them by force.

>but conveniently leaves out that the females are treated like property

>the real world parrelel is the M'LADY Western Nations whose populations are all about RESPECTIN DOSE WAHMEN

>Populations are in freefall

>Muds will literally kill each other for women and are nothing more than property

>Women are also a buy-able commodity, 100 Dollars a white woman in the Middle East

>No rights, no respect, no fucks to give, just expected to obey in every capacity

>Population is so explosive its conquering other nations by mere import or proximity

>Expects me to take the RESPECT WAHMEN meme seriously

>Expects me to see their lives as valuable when the exact opposite view has proven true with undeniable growth: Common, Commodity, Product, Property, Beneath the Rule of Men.

Thank you anon.

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Saw your post on incels.co today. If nothing else, I do respect your willingness to engage with other communities.

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The one thing you scum can never take away from us is the reality of the National Socialist movement and philosophy, for there you will find something beyond your twisted perceptions of reality, a noble, pure, positive and healthy view of life, race and humanity. Rot in hell, right alongside the feminists you claim to oppose, when in reality you are simply a polluted reaction against it. That or a Jew

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A "noble, pure, positive and healthy view of life, race and humanity" is apparently equivalent to a modern Victorian bourgeois view of women. Nonsense.

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it's just a reaction to finding out the Disney fairy tale isn't real, most grow out of it when they realize it's exactly what the enemy wants, less white people

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>Eh, I mean a black man will never be a white man.

I said men, a dog will never be a horse either

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>Proving my point; males will simply kill others who have access if

If males are so valuable, then how come evolution sees fit to let them have such high fatality rates

>but conveniently leaves out that the females are treated like property

Why is being valuable and being property mutually exclusive?

>the real world parrelel is the M'LADY Western Nations whose populations are all about RESPECTIN DOSE WAHMEN

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

>Muds will literally kill each other for women and are nothing more than property

If people are willing to kill each other over something, wouldn't that make it valuable?

>Women are also a buy-able commodity, 100 Dollars a white woman in the Middle East

I mostly try to argue by asking questions, but I'm just gonna say this is bullshit. It costs money to raise women, and if you're talking about kidnapped women, then there's risk payment and costs involved. I can tell you for certain women go for more than 100$

>No rights, no respect, no fucks to give, just expected to obey in every capacity

How does this relate to the argument

>Population is so explosive its conquering other nations by mere import or proximity

But haven't most wars in recent memory in the middle east have been civil wars? And isn't the model of mass migration to Europe ultimately unsustainable as once they conquer those nations, the nations that feed them will be destroyed?

>Expects me to see their lives as valuable when the exact opposite view has proven true with undeniable growth: Common, Commodity, Product, Property, Beneath the Rule of Men.

Let's assume women are a commodity. Why does that lower their value?

Also, why is it the the civilization that gave women human rights saw rapid and sustainable growth and development, creating nearly all modern technology?

Also, don't think I'm arguing for universal suffrage, I'm not. I just don't believe women should be a commodity

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The kike cries out as it strikes you I see.


>Evolution let them have such high fatality rates

Those things aren't related, so let me fix in good faith your point, which I presume is "Why do we as a species allow high fatality amongst men" which stems from their value and suitability to handle dangerous situations which men can not. If that's too high brow for you, imagine women can asexually reproduce, and "men" don't exist. Still think men would have less value even when they aren't even needed for reproduction? If you answered yes and think women could build the world or conquer nature, let alone a lion spoiler, You are fucking stupid.

>what the actual fuck are you talking about?

Small brain I see.

>Fighting over something makes it valuable

Again, you conveniently are leaving out that its fighting over property, in the sense that people want something makes it "valuable", hardly proves its more valuable than men. Men will fight to death over their Nike Shoes getting scratched are you going to posit Nike Shoes are ethereal and more valuable than mens lives?

>but I'm gonna say this is bullshit

You are really small brain then because the average cost in human trafficking is 90 bucks nigger, you can cross refrence that number with other articles about the middle east White Girl Trade as well provided you can think that hard.


>How does this relate to the argument

Because you are willing to ascribe value to a Gender drawing parallels between animals who treat that Gender as purely an object. When show real life parallels you can barely grasp that concept so it doesn't surprise me that you are struggling with this. Your argument of value holds no water unless you put women into an actual market value and guess what bucko, as property that's a whopping 90 bucks. My computer then is worth 16.6 women, I wonder why men aren't beating me to death over such astonishing value on open trade.

>Lets assume women are a commodity. Why does that lower their value.

>Mens lives, whom have created all of civilization, discovered inumerable science, conquered nature, split the fucking atom and gone to moon, are of the same value of 90 dollar cattle, whom you only defend because of reproduction.

I again ask you if women could reproduce asexually and men only appeared now, do you honestly believe men would be considered less valuable simply because they aren't needed for reproduction when they have harnessed energies of the literal Gods, invented medicine and refined human understanding and arts?

You are assign value based on someone buying as a commodity, inherently this means the buyer is already more valuable than the commodity. I know your brain will fry on that concept so I have to be thorough:

White Slave Traders Bought Slaves and when slaves would be stolen they would kill other white men for them back. Does this mean Black Slaves were more Valuable than their masters? According to you, YES.

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>your argument defeats the claim that there is no incel desperate enough to jump on a negress

Actually it doesn't. I was exaggerating a bit. There are some bottom-tier whites who might be willing to fuck top-tier blacks but can't. But I'm 100% confident there are bottom-tier black women who are 100% accessible to all white men, even the bottomest tier. Unless of course your penis got destroyed in an explosion or you're locked in solitary confinement and can't get conjugal visits.

> that does not bear relevance to the notion which is implied, namely that an attractive White woman would want something to do with you

We need a new term for that, incel is about not being able to get sex period. It's not about inability to get consensual sex with people you're attracted to.

>if not, then you are either a rapist or an incel

If you aren't trying to be a rapist then you're not really an incel. The choice not to try and rape women is voluntary celibacy.


>You might as well fuck goats and dogs then

If you define that as sex, then yes, a guy not trying to rape dogs/goats can't be considered incel either, he's voluntarily choosing celibacy in respect to non-humans.

About the only way you could define this is by limiting what "celibacy" refers to. If it only refers to abstaining from sexual relations with humans, then you can be "celibate" and rape goats every day, I guess?

Otherwise "incel" needs to be find as "involuntary celibacy IN RESPECT TO…" and then define the parameters.


>beastiality counts

As what? Celibacy or sex?


no, the classic definition of cuckholdry is based on the bird: providing for young which you think are your own but which are not. The modern usage has basically broadened into guys not asserting themselves and compromising their interests towards others. It gets to a point where the new version might include so many things that saying it grows less meaningful.


>calling a nigger a fancy name will amend your wife being a whore, you being a cuck and your children having to live with a negrospawn

Correction: coalburners are SLUTS, not whores. Whores and porn stars can still opt to set some level of respectable standards for themselves, like not fucking niggers.

There is a level of what I guess you might nickname "consensual cuckoldry" by opting to raise another man's child. I personally think consenting to it defeats the purpose of the root term though, like "consensual rape". It's oxymoronic: the whole basis of cuckoldry is that you do NOT consent to have your resources stolen by another species, instead you are TRICKED into it. I'm willing to expand that into FORCE (ie the state forces you to pay child support to the nigger offspring of our wife, somehow) but not consent.

If you're consenting to cuck yourself, you're not BEING cucked… we need an entirely new term for that. Ideas?

As for living with negrospawn, it's tricky but it might be managed, southerners managed it with slaves for a century or so.

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>there are no incels idiot it it just a broad brush stroke dismissal tactic that came into vogue when racist lost its shine.


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the real weirdness is who started the movement of appropriating/embracing the label. It's an insulting label. "I'm not having sex 100% because of factors out of my control" is minimizing of men.

There are always factors you don't control, but the reason you choose not to fuck certain women has a lot to do with your own decisionmaking. You're not a victim of circumstance, you're an architect.

You choose not to rape white women

You choose not to fuck 50 year old nigger coke-whores.

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>They are also not very right-wing

This is a national socialist board you worthless fuckstain. Nobody cares about your (((right wing))) cuck bullshit.

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>all wymyn are the same goy


I have a hard time believing that such creatures are even real, anon. I can't say I give a fuck about the gay left/right dichotomy of kikes, but the truth of Natural Law and SEX roles (run the gendurr term through a paper shredder in your mind) is lost on some.

What the inferior think is ultimately irrelevant. Even you yourself sound like you didn't lurk. Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. I had problems with marxist kike indoctrination of the woman I loved, so I am helping a worldwide pro-white org now. We are going to set the culture ourselves. Any wymyn or soyboi cucks that don't want to listen to the holy message of NatSoc can get fucked. We are the only solution–the Final Solution, if you will.


Men are far more likely to be committing or have committed bestiality, anon. Simply disassociate from degenerate whores. Your crying is unmanly, which by itself would prevent you from getting a woman by courtship and marriage.

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Whores will burn.

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Personally, I think being associatred with these /r9k/ psydhos sucs. I was chatting with Ash(aka Bianca alot)

Point is white girls are treated like shit. We need to fix it. This is just one of thousand of our sisters who died for nothing.


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Ackshually, hating our ladies makes you a faggot, faggot. I know ladies that are more redpilled than you that I would entrust with more than you. Remain wrong in perpetuity, nigger. You came out of a woman and sucked tits.

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Go fuck yorself.

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Sorry, faggot. That's reserved for fags like you who hate women who hate you back, nigger.

Enjoy yourself. Forever. Alone. Faggot.

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I wrote out a long post arguing with all your points, but I think that our disagreement is stemming from confusion over the word "valuable".

From what I can tell, you define value as ability to accomplish and change the world around you and I can respect the argument that men are more valuable in that sense to a degree.

My definition is strictly reproductive. What I mean to say is that when you look at it from a strictly babymaking perspective, while both sexes are needed, more women are needed than males, as while males only have to have sex, women have to gestate. Going back to the other guy's metaphor about the two tribes, from a purely reproductive standpoint, as in not taking in resource intake or war, I think we can both agree the women have more value.

Also, you keep bringing up the 90$ for a women thing, but the article you used as a source doesn't have a working citation for that.

Getting a bit off topic, but I'd argue that women, while not as valuable in the sense of being able to affect the world around them as well as men, still have more value then you seem to be implying. A woman, if she's not controlled in the way western women are, is a valuable asset to running a house and raising intelligent and emotionally stable children.

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With all the back and forth, I'm going to toss my two cents into the flames

I'm in a line of work that sees a shitton of divorces, infidelity, whores of all shapes and sizes, types and desperations.

I found that the most stable relationships, ones that lasted through the absolute worst of times, ones that developed well rounded kids in a loving household had the following traits:

>There wasnt a competition of "who wears the pants" power plays, both Husband and Wife worked as best a team as they could, shifting duties around as schedules or circumstances came. Sometimes the husband cooked and cleaned while the wife was still out. Problems could be resolved without raising voices. Trust and teamwork was powerfully evident

>Both husband and wife had energy and were inherently active people

>They didnt have to like the same things, political opinions, religion, careers, or hobbies. They only really needed to have the same sort of values and "outlook" on life, as to say that even if you stripped them of all material things, all the world around them, and just plopped them in the middle of a field, they'd agree as to what destiny they wanted for their souls.

>No substance abuse of any sort

>Not married solely for looks

>Perseverance. With some of the longest lasting relationships I knew, the husband proposed more than once. The wife usually said something along the lines of "I'm not ready yet", which nowadays could be a warning sign, but to others it's simply a matter of getting their affairs and planning for further down the road done.

>The home atmosphere was healthy and relaxed. There was no face the Husband or Wife had to put on to be with each other or the kids. They were at their most natural, where as they'd have different faces for public. There was no tension, there was no fear. In this sense, the husband and wife were truly friends, as well as life partners

These sorts of traits in a relationship invoked many valiant actions from the spouses when the other was in need. One couple I knew; the husband became crippled. His wife cared for him, changed his diapers, fed him by hand, everything up to the day he died. He did all he could to be grateful to her and love her as best he could, even while disabled.

There are going to be times when we as men are not as strong as we usually are, are not as confident, are not as sure of ourselves or the world around us. The women we choose to be our brides are the closest companion we've got to take on the world day by day. And we serve the same supportive role to her, whether we are in the home of our dreams or a hole in the ground. One cannot last without the other, and together, we bring new life for the world and the heavens above us

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Personally, the incels and the blackpill have led to me outgrowing /pol/. This place is stale and has fallen behind culturally.

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>blackpill is ultimate pill

Stay a bit longer anon, yea this place is hurting but being depressed rope blackpill is just the demoralization (((they))) want. The real way to live is through love, and if you fill yourself with enough self-love, even in this degenerate pozzed out culture, you shall secure a decent woman and family.

I have decided to take your challenge anon, gonna create an account and maybe finish fully waking some of these incels.

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It's not only wanting to split a nigger in two with a greatsword, it's getting there as well. Incels are still our brothers. Stop dreaming and make it happen go out there and do what has to be done. Go to the gym get fit get a goal and achieve it. That's the cure to all your ails whether it being a girlfriend or total ethnic cleansing or both.

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There's been a lot of bullshit going around here that feminism is merely a Jewish ploy. But the truth is that Hitler was also a hardcore and passionate feminist who wanted the equality of women based on nature. Feminism is also a liberal ploy, a nazi ploy, a cuckservative ploy and a wiccan ploy. Beware of evil feminazi men who put you down when women are around. Women are not just evil, they encourage men to be evil. Alpha male, loser, nice guy/bad boy, grow a pair etc. And THIS.. is the cause of most, if not all the evil in nightlife, workplaces, neighborhoods, schools & families. Now let's look at Hitler's feminism:

Women in high schools and even university? CHECK

Women voting? CHECK

Women's property rights? CHECK

Did not bring back arranged (and abduction) marriages? CHECK

Women can divorce? CHECK

Wife beating illegal? CHECK

Said he wanted true equality? CHECK

Women exposing their bodies? CHECK

Women eligible to hold some jobs and get promoted? CHECK

Women receive alimony? CHECK

Women believed in court? CHECK

More first-wave feminist social practices? CHECK

Hitler was a woman worshiping piece of shit and against tradition. He was not very right wing at all. He was like an atheist who did not truly believe in God/religion. His ideology was socialism and all forms of socialism are radical cancer.

We need to go back to class systems and a strict patriarchy where women have little to no rights. Women should do as they're told not put on pedestals and awarded for making babies of their own choice. Fuck you feminists I hope the Jews kill you. I would defend any patriarchal non-white against you. You are in league with the worst evil and thus the worst creature

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>I would defend any patriarchal non-white against you.

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>What is your opinion on Incels, /pol/?

Incels are genetic defects incapable of adapting to the modern world, because of inherent mental weaknesses. The lot of them spread misinformation about their inferiority and blame the world for not blindly bending the knee to their will. Very few if any incels will have children. Their weakness will be forgotten and the world will move on without remembering them.

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Haha!! Hey scumfuck, your thread got junked, stop trying so hard to spout your filth and jump in an oven.

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Hitler inherited those policies you list from the Jewish Wiemar Republic. He was aggressively seeking to reverse the degeneracy and restore the natural place and roles of woman.

Under Hitler's regime, women were to be the homemakers of society, cooking, cleaning, keeping house and making themselves healthy and beautiful for their racially pure husbands with whom they should produce numerous children.

From school-age girls were prepared for their future role and were taught appropriate subjects such as cooking and needlework as well as health and beauty.

The guidelines for being an ideal woman in Nazi Germany were as follows:

>Women should not work for a living

>Women should not wear trousers

>Women should not wear makeup

>Women should not wear high-heeled shoes

>Women should not dye or perm their hair

>Women should not go on slimming diets

In Mein Kampf he wrote that women were not even considered citizens until they married.

It's been further documented that Hitler described his ideal woman as being: cute, cuddly, naïve, tender, sweet, and stupid.

Please cite your sources that Hitler was a feminist. I doubt you will find any. In fact, the evidence overwhelmingly points to the opposite being true. He never married and to me seemed very red-pilled on woman.


Instead of sperging out why not offer some intelligent counter arguments to anon. He isn't completely wrong about women and their thirsty orbiters being the root of most evil. Even the men of the Bible warn of the souless nature of woman.

Woman needs strong men to tame, subjugate and control them. Therefore protecting them from their own destructive natures they naturally devolve into when left to their own devices.

Unfortunately, without an ethnostate and a strong patriarchy our current state seems black-pilled and hopeless indeed.

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I love pussy but I'm not paying for it. Fact, I used to get tiddies way more often before things like patreon and onlyfans came along. I don't blame the sluts for cashing in on it, I blame the cucks for actually paying for it. Fucking faggots.

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Men like you who love and worship pussy as well as seek validation of their manhood from their ability to "get tidddies" are core part of the problem. You paid for those sluts in one way or another - at the very least by contributing to their bad behavior.

When men stop chasing pussy like retarded fiends with no self-control and start shaming sluts then we will begin to see changes in their behavior. They only behaving in the ways we allow them to. They are supposed to be the weaker sex, yet they manipulate male thirst and mental weakness to no end. This is how they gained social and political dominance in society and will ultimately be the cause of it's collapse. Look at every country run by woman and behold our future. Thanks to cucked pussy-loving knights.

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Just to clarify, it's natural to love sex, don't get me wrong. But we should be encouraging women to stay racially pure and save themselves for marriage. A woman is pretty much emotionally and spiritually damaged if she has had sex with more than one partner and no longer fit for proper pair-bonding. Society cannot and will not be fixed without the universal order in place.

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What? did you even read what I said? I'm the guy that misses free tiddies. I don't pay for that shit, that's what's wrong with people, they even pay to see stupid bitches with clothes on. Fuck you.

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Nothing in life is free my guy. What I was saying is we should be shaming sluts not encouraging and giving in to their shitty promiscuous behavior. That's the only way to end hypergamy IMO (although physical punishment seems to work too).

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Don't defend the obvious shill, he copied that text from a previous thread that got canned…

Also, don't take advice from 'men of the Bible', those men are either Jews or the Gentile products of Jewish ideology…

Hitler was not a feminist, clearly not, but he surely did not view his 'ideal woman' as some degenerate Western fantasy of a waifu… 'cute and cuddly'… REALLY?

I fear you guys are low key Christcucks who are trying to spew your own twisted interpretations of biblical writings, ie, semitic desert bullshit, onto the rest of us, and drag the good names of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism right through the dirt.

Hitler never had this repressed Catholic priest attitude towards women and femininity, this depressing and utterly Jewish view of humanity where Aryan women need to be treated like disobedient dogs. You're trying to paint a picture that can't exist.

Fucking kikes man

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IDK anon. That was just something I read that he said. I haven't seen the original German which as you may know has very different meanings to words that don't always translate exactly to Western English connotations. My take is that he saw women as the things I listed in my earlier post: Mothers and homemakers that were to focus on being feminine and nurturing. They were to be subordinate to the man, not equal, but not less important to the family or society either.

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Man you're right on the ball here, why not leave that previous 'women are soulless' and 'jews in the bible said x' bullshit at the door, that 'repressed male' trash has no place in National Socialism, despite all the shills trying to tell you differently.

The NS woman is certainly subordinate to the man in the material world, but is her Spirit some Lilith demon in disguise trying to subvert decent men? Does she need a strong boot on her face to hold back her inherent wretchedness??

Certainly not! Definitely not inherently, and certainly not archetypically, that's not what the Idea of the Aryan woman is. All the degeneracy you see is an UNNATURAL SUBVERSION of what Aryan men and women inherently should be.

So get this 'woman is the DEVIL' bullshit out of your head, this is just an unnatural ideology trafficked by repressed Catholic priests and FUCKING JOOOOS.

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Sorry OP you don't really have a point. You sound like one of those whiny faggots who think hearing things that are unpleasant yet true is "blackpilling." When in reality it's just another charge to deal with.

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The term used by landwhale feminists when a man with standards won't ever have sex with them.

>The right-wing

Not national socialists. The right-wings are traitors who even support faggots, as long as they attack leftists. All of them deserve the rope.

>Say they are all whores

They are. Every single woman is born a whore. Your mother included. When a woman "isn't" a whore, it just means that she was able to hide it for long enough.

>Our society is still based very much on tribal morality

Found the jew. White men come from a variety of groups. Not your tribal sandnigger cults.

>one of the worst things you can do in tribal societies was to basically murder or abuse women

That is why all tribal societies fail. Murdering and abusing women are natural things to do, as they are nothing more than parasites, completely incapable of living on their own. Women must always be used for making babies only, and discarded soon after, for the next, younger women. Women are not people.

>this is still to this day the difference between a knight or some sort of violent murdering monster

White knight/cuck exposed. There is nothing wrong in murdering our enemies, and that includes parasites, i.e, jews and women (after women cease their usefulness when they age).

>The latter kills women and children, while the knight protects them

Knighthood is the way of the cucks. The beta numales. There is nothing wrong in killing women that don't obey men. There is also nothing wrong in killing your enemies' children. Mudslimes, niggers and other inferior race all must have their children murdered en masse.

>They don't even want our help

Jew exposed again. There is nothing to "help" about. Acting violent against women is the natural order. Women are born defective and born slaves to men. The whole concept of considering a man's natural behavior as something that must "be helped" is one of the basis of judaism and marxism.

This whole thread's intention is to shift the blame from women to men, as all jews, leftists and numales do. Women are responsible for their actions. Their actions is done by their very nature. And their very nature is opposite to a man's needs. Therefore, women must always be used without regards to their well being, beaten, abused, and either murdered or discarded simply for being what they are. All who treat women as something to be protected, instead of used and abandoned, will be killed in the coming years.

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File: 4833fda2b3fdba5⋯.pdf (3.41 MB,HowtoTameaWoman.pdf)


Full version of how to tame a woman and archive of original thread.


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How are you so clinically retarded that you can type out this schizo shit and still identify with national socialism at any level? Have you read a single thing written by any nat soc? Of course not, you’re a Jew or self loathing shitskin, but i’ll bite.

How can you reconcile actual National Socialist ideology with this babble you’re going on about here? Please, explain good sir. Fuck, the funny thing is that you will get the rope, and you will be swinging right next to the feminists and female race traitors you claim to oppose. You’re all part of the same ideological disease, even though you have tricked yourself into believing you’re ‘sticking it to those damn Jews’. You’re their shining champion!

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Mommy never loved you, did she?

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File: 35d8fa6aeae45b0⋯.png (786.63 KB,654x539,654:539,Consider the following.png)


>Why waste time on failures?

Because people who have nothing to lose from the collapse of this society are much easier to recruit for action against said society. Rockwell said that whenever he met a person who was very successful, no matter how much they agreed with his ideology, it was impossible to recruit them because they had to risk everything they had for a negligible chance at improving things.

Most of these "failures" are completely suitable for working as foot soldiers of a movement when properly disciplined. A small portion of them might even turn out to be excellent people ruined by circumstance.

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I bet this guy is either mentally retarded, or a shill paid to post insane shit to make /pol/ look bad

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Wait, so I'm not an incel if I don't hate women?

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Women are all whores retard

Fuck women, they deserve absolutely zero rights, they are not capable of making good decisions for themselves or others ever

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The danger is that there is no foundation to this movement, no inner core of leaders who can guide others. So when the incels get into this movement at any level, their voices WILL BE HEARD, because there is no structure to put them in their place. They could be useful if actual structures existed to keep them at the level of ‘useful tools’. But there aren’t, and if we allow these scum in, they will pollute the entire movement with their degeneracy, even more than it is already without them!!

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Look above for exhibit A, this clown could serve a use if there was an elite group of leaders at the core of our movement, who SET THE NARRATIVE THEMSELVES, and could drown out the degeneracy with their authoritative voices. But we’re not even close to that stage, so the fucked up and Jewish opinions of these frustrated boys are heard, because no one else can put them in their place. This is why they shouldn’t be tolerated at all, not at this stage, we need to first foster an environment where LEADERS CAN FORM, then we can let in incels and the rest of the scum to do some dirty work like the useful idiots they can be.

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>They literally get angry at you, if you try to say anything positive to them. They revel in misery. They don't want you to give any agency to them. They want to be affirmed as subhuman trash.

its the victim mentality internalized totally, there are some good people there that fell for the trick of demoralisation.

Worst you can do is deny that we have a problem regarding the WQ, we have a WQ and many todays women are depraved whores, but that doesnt meant we should embrace defetism.


>I cannot begin to express how difficult it is to find a woman over 20 who hasn't burned the coal, doesn't have kids, actually wants children, and who isn't some kind of degenerate whore depending on where you live.

hello fellow volcel, it is what it is, look it in the eyes and dont blink, but dont succumb to defetims either.


>You can recover damaged women from the abyss

piss off, Im not marrying a reformed whore, how will my children be called?

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File: 217ffb4bef53583⋯.jpg (73.09 KB,850x400,17:8,bowden-quote-but-the-first….jpg)


> Be bitter and resentful if you like, but be bitter and resentful like a man instead of a toddler throwing a tantrum.

you can acknowledge the problem like a man, you CANT be bitter and resentful like a man since that implies that you are not in control.

Your wife can be the worst cheating whore and you still shouldnt be resentfull or even vengfull as a man (which doesnt mean you shouldnt sort that situation out, but you should NEVER feel like a victim). You should always be uplifting and hopefull, resentment is a female trait - reject all demoralisation aimed at you and reject the victim mentality they give you as a solution.

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How many optimistic men have been divorce-raped or falsely accused of rape? We are living in a feminist hell.

Looking for alternatives, like surrogacy, doesn't mean embrace defeatism. It really is a valid option.

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>over 20

Why limit yourself to that? There are plenty of younger (but still legally permissible) women who were too shy or whatever to become whores. 15-18 is a sweet spot to find ripe women to join with. After they get to college it's too late for most, the pressure would be too great.

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File: 48bbcaab97e8840⋯.png (1.24 MB,2560x6683,2560:6683,whoremonger22.png)

File: 7e508f45926ca4d⋯.jpg (124.69 KB,733x850,733:850,whores1538921753121.jpg)

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>Men like you who love and worship pussy as well as seek validation of their manhood from their ability to "get tidddies" are core part of the problem. You paid for those sluts in one way or another - at the very least by contributing to their bad behavior.

oh this is a very big problem in bastepilled circles - whoremongers. Whoremonger used to be a shamefull word but today man glorify that behaviour. Whoremongers and whores go hand in hand - mobsters always have whores, MSM guys have their whores, Epstein (who is an alpha according to whoremongers) has his whores.

whoremongers are the ones that support whores primarily with attention, its not primarily betas, people dont want to adress that since most of them will cry if they get call a beta. (((beta/alpha))) typology is a jewish trick to legitimize incoming tyrany.


>How many optimistic men have been divorce-raped or falsely accused of rape? We are living in a feminist hell.

many. My point is you should stay an optimist even if divorce raped, or cheated or you figure out that kids arent yours even after a 40yo marriage, you should stay high spirited even then. Your actions and value should never start from a victim identity, you are a God-made man.

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>tl;dr The Smug Smile

I keep saying it. Our greatest weapon is our Smug Smile. Rise above, and laugh at the ClownWorld, even as it burns your ass.

Besides, laughing when your enemies strike a blow is your opportunity to show them your fucking teeth.

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File: 20175c7b2869284⋯.jpg (223.91 KB,1259x1600,1259:1600,Caspar David Friedrich bas….jpg)

and one more thing, you should FORGIVE women that betryed you or your race.


when you FORGIVE, you stop being a victim (=slave mentality, ironically Nietzche spoke in detail about it), your mind is clearer, you become stronger (=master mentality), then you can do justice and stop those that made damage to do damage again. That is why we are being attacked by constant blackpill demoralisation propaganda

>they did this they d did d dudda

>huuurh du did du duda

>they did us to us and we cant do nothing about it but only be angry and resentfull

ability to forgive signifies high self esteem and learning to forgive makes you stronger. May God bless you and guide you all!


>Our greatest weapon is our Smug Smile. Rise above, and laugh at the ClownWorld, even as it burns your ass.

not exactly, smug clown smile is a stance of nihilism, peace trough forgiveness is a stance of strenght (and FORGIVENESS=/=AVOIDANCE OF PUNISHMENT)

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What’s this? A voice of reason, optimism and virtue in this polluted ocean of controlled opposition, nihilism and male resentment? Good, good, hope is not yet lost

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there is an active effort to keep us blackpilled all the time, feeling sorry for ourselves, feeling powerless and chained with resentment, solution to that is to rise above it and FORGIVE. Conservatives who sell that demoralisation sell it knowingly, knowing that knowledge of evil doesnt always make you stronger, if you dont know what to do with it you become weaker.

I already FORGAVE and keep a watch on my mind to not feel like a victim and FORGIVE again if necessery, but regardless of that I propose global ostracization of all whores from society - I propose that because its a wise thing to do not because (((I feel))) that way, I hope that everyone agrees with this, dont be a sucker that thinks he can turn a whore into a housewife, but more importantly NEVER be demoralised and always FORGIVE.

this video is what they want you to be >>13501409

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>doom parrots

>doom parrots want you to stay resentfull and hopeless

>doom parrots want you to NOT FORGIVE and stay a slave instead of FORGIVING and becoming a master


>theyyyy did it to us


>OK, now what, what should I do about it?


>OK, how can I improve my life?


FORGIVE* and youll see how non-powerless you are.


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kill yourself

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>kill yourself

in war, demoralisation is a big problem, it kills the army from the inside. defetists like yourself used to be shot since they promote femine feelings like panic and despair.

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Agreed, one of the problems plaguing the movement is that resentment is the guiding force for many men here, not selfless Principle, just low level frustration and petty hatred. So they come to this movement, not to contribute, but only to vent petty insecurities and frustrations. They pollute everything. They see in this movement an opportunity for self validation by rebelling against the system which created their own resentments, nothing more. The worst example of these folk is obviously the so called incels, mgtow and all the rest of the sexually and socially frustrated scum.

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>The worst example of these folk is obviously the so called incels, mgtow and all the rest of the sexually and socially frustrated scum.

But dont you have empathy to those played out by the system? those hated by the system, your demoralised brothers? Why would you use such a language against them? They arent any lower of a random college thot morally speaking…and the idea that everyone comes here from pure principles is also naive, most come here in search of peers which doesnt mean they cant get re-moralized and healed.

and btw mentioned ones, dont pollute ideologically, but they pollute with defetism and negativity.

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I understand your stance, but it is difficult to have any empathy with what can only be described as an extremely destructive and wretched ideology, and those who embrace said ideology. Yes I know, they are an enemy of my enemy, my ‘brothers’ strictly due to our shared racial heritage, but nothing more.

They are hated by the same system we oppose, yes, but they have become utterly corrupted and broken by that same system they ‘claim’ to rebel against. Golem if you will. Controlled opposition in the truest sense of the term. What makes them particularly dangerous is that we risk these unfortunate creatures becoming the FACE of the movement. That’s why I think a concerted effort must be made to banish them entirely, put them in the same camp as the Left, as the multicultural hordes, as the race traitors, for they all serve the same dark masters, even if they are not aware of this servitude

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>The worst example of these folk is obviously the so called incels, mgtow and all the rest of the sexually and socially frustrated scum.

But dont you have empathy to those played out by the system? those hated by the system, your demoralised brothers? Why would you use such a language against them? They arent any lower of a random college thot morally speaking…and the idea that everyone comes here from pure principles is also naive, most come here in search of peers which doesnt mean they cant get re-moralized and healed.

and btw mentioned ones, dont pollute ideologically, but they pollute with defetism and negativity.>>13515587

>What makes them particularly dangerous is that we risk these unfortunate creatures becoming the FACE of the movement. That’s why I think a concerted effort must be made to banish them entirely, put them in the same camp as the Left, as the multicultural hordes, as the race traitors, for they all serve the same dark masters, even if they are not aware of this servitude

cmon man, this is rediculous, incels are simply troubled people (we all are or we were), we should help our brothers when they are cool and when they are not cool

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>incel this

>incel that

Remember when the chans used to properly snuff out lebbiter shit?

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Oh shit, you're a cuckshill, gotcha mate see ya around. Enjoy unconditionally supporting our 'troubled brothers' in antifa and related groups even though they are 'not cool'. HAHA wtf?? That's the logical conclusion to your reasoning.. you know what man 'YOU ARE NOT COOL'!

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I like this post. Deserves a bump.

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the incels are rotten appels, a few them have been fucked in the head by the internet. Many cases are just what sociopathy or borderline personality disorder looks like. They will fuck you over and eat all your resources. You are like cuck giving cash to niggers

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These anons get it


>The worst example of these folk is obviously the so called incels, mgtow and all the rest of the sexually and socially frustrated scum.

Nah, like posted itt earlier, they are becoming aware individuals. Mgtow especially, I am "technically" one of "that group" because I am a volcel, which is just a modern term for non-degenerate. All mgtows if they take their position to its conclusion are this way, they have…

1. noticed society is fucked

2. noticed its especially fucked towards straight men

3. knows the "winning" move is to "not play" teh war games meme is really popular, or at least used to be

4. work on self improvement for self fulfilment.

The ones that say "each man to his own" are only partially right, we each have our own characteristics. But like what drew us here, know the system isnt providing those outcomes, in fact its pushing the other perverted outcome. Pump and dump and similar phenomena is just moral sickness and a defensive mechanism, both sexes are so fucked up on what a normal relationship should look like, they are like retarded chimps acting out Shakespearean romance.

It doesn't take much to finish the push in the right direction for many involved in these movements, and OP is right to have made this thread. Its a stream with many fish that don't need lures on the line, hopping right into the boat from the water.

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To add, a lot of anons itt are justifiably concerned that many won't want to change (me as well), but triage is necessary when dealing with such. There are many people spiritually dead walking this earth, and just like you cant pull a bullet out of a mans brain and reverse death, you can't save a man who is so spirtually shot he will never make the required steps of himself for the process of healing to occur.

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Most of the posts/videos I have seen from incels leads me to believe that the vast majority of them are mentally ill. Many of them are just lazy shits who don't want to improve themselves to become attractive to the opposite sex. They think they're owed a woman or something, kinda like how ghetto niggers think they're owed free shit from dagubbamint.

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I think you’re downplaying the sheer degeneracy spewed forth by these mgtow, incels and what have you, like stuff that makes Leftists look wholesome and decent in comparison. Hell, just take a skim through THIS THREAD, to see some prime examples. These folk oppose the system, yeah, but their reaction against it seems to be even worse, and utterly detrimental to ‘this’ movement they have infested, ie, the Right. Not all are irredeemable. Surely not. Many are simply frustrated, lost, and ripe for NS ideology to straighten them out. But many more still, are the worst human beings you will have the displeasure to come across, more fit for the Rope than any leftist or feminist, again, take a browse through this thread to find them

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>Enjoy unconditionally supporting our 'troubled brothers' in antifa

twat, who said anythin about unconditional support, I said reform the ones that are prone to your message…and antifa isnt.


>because I am a volcel, which is just a modern term for non-degenerate.



>I think you’re downplaying the sheer degeneracy spewed forth by these mgtow, incels and what have you, like stuff that makes Leftists look wholesome and decent in comparison.

you are correct again, but still there are many good men there. MGTOW as a statement of faith pushes escapism and more degeneracy like sex bots, art wombs or even "well remove ourselves from society and then theyll see", they are living in a fantasy world which I understand is a cope mechanism but still.

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I think we’re in general agreement, i would just encourage you folks to be less forgiving to the incel and mgtow crowd, I can guarantee most of them have NO INTEREST in walking the path of light, they would rather wallow in their pit of hatred, frustration and degeneracy, AND DRAG THE REST OF THE MOVEMENT DOWN WITH THEM. Many INDIVIDUALS can be salvaged and transformed into something new, but as for the COMMUNITIES THEMSELVES, ie, mgtow and incel, no mercy or sympathy must be shown, those attitudes must be obliterated along with the rest of modernity’s filth

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It's not so much incels, but rather laws that eventually develop "incel" behavior.

You must tackle the root of the problem.

Men want to have families, but our current laws are stacked against us.

Most women know they can fuck some sap and then dump his ass and get free money from the government. I know this because it happened to my brother, and he spun off into two years of drug abuse. He's better now, but fucking hell man. My bro loved that woman and she treated him like shit. Hell; they have a daughter together, but she wanted to have an "open" relationship and he wasn't going for that shit.

She basically said fuck you and left him out to dry. Wouldn't even let him see his daughter.

It drove him mad, which ultimately led to the drug use.

Our society is sick.

We need a paradigm shift in peoples thinking. Back in the day; their was an agreement between men and woman in their roles. Men and woman use to be complementary. Each had their role. Both men and women had their own niche role to play.

Now it's all completely fucked

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aaand this is why the problem continues indefinitely.


Because they know that, at the end of the day, no matter how disgusting they have become, a guy like you will support them either directly or indirectly.

To forgive is to subsidize.

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I feel bad for just going "underrated post" a lot, but this is wonderful.

How does one put this into practice, anon? I guess it would be rather simple, but I kind of just want to read more of what you wrote.

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>aaand this is why the problem continues indefinitely.

I said pretty clearly that



If she cheats on you or if you found at after 30y of marriage that kids arent yours, you should FORGIVE INSTANTLY primarily to keep your own strenght!

What you should do after that is another thing, you do whatever you do you do from a position after you FORGIVE. If you decide to keep the marriage, you absolutely have to FORGIVE. If you divorce her, you do that without resentment since you are a man that overcomes, if you realize that kids arent yours and you decide to publically shame her in entire world into ostratization or ruin her in other way you do that after you healed with forgiveness, that is FORGIVENESS.

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Nah you’re right on, despite all the poison spewed in here, including from myself… there are some truly wise men who have said some brilliant things. Sadly they are drowned out by the cacophony of filth as always, but it’s encouraging to see some white pilling virtue around here.

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even if you decide to do "revenge" you should never do that based on have you (((feel))), since that implies that you still arent healed.

Revenge is nothing more than social policing, but it should never be done based on (((feelings of resentment))). One love.

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I'm glad to see a positive poster here on this thread. It is a desperate situation, so I understand why there are negative people out there, but there is something important to remember.

The thing that poses the biggest threat to the status quo is healthy, happy white couples who genuinely love each other and have big families.

Thanks for not forgetting that. Don't let the demoralization drag you down. We can find the good in this despair.

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objectively false. all incel memes are pure shit.

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All of the memes here are garbage.

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Post a picture of your wife, your white babies, and fuck it… post your physique and hours spent weekly on the internet, too.

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Just give them petrol and some matches and drop them off at your local synagogue.

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Your post reminds me of the warrior archtype and the story of the sumurai who lets a criminal go. He was fighting the criminal (murderer) in the streets and before he struck the killing blow, he gets spit on in the face. He becomes so angry he gets ready to strike the killing blow in anger…then realizing this puts his sword away and walks away, leaving the criminal alive. He would have done dishonor to himself by lashing out in anger from the spit, rather then executing in the name of noble principle. Fabulous story from the nips about staying true and honoring OUR OWN actions, even in a society of filth.


Agreed, it seems many anons have been hurt by women, I include myself in that, the modern pozzed woman is a feral animal. This does not excuse us from becoming feral ourselves, which would be playing right into our controllers hands.

On a side note, I've done more thinking on what a man is to do if he is to recover a single mother from the abyss, this includes the one that race traitor. If they like most race traitor women only have one nigglet, then you pump white babies into them, but you make sure they know, you plan on taking one of the "enemy" races women as a plan for a single mother eventually as well. Get your own "niglet" as they say. Because aside from a woman whoring out her teens and twenties (which is damaging and shouldnt be emulated) it seems most men are just ashamed of being "the second" guy on a womans fertility, and the nigger meme about knocking up white women needs to stop, the only way I can think of is like this, treat their women as they think ours need to be treated. Not sure if this idea will float well hear as it will involve copulating with a black woman but thought I'd toss the idea out.



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The idea that "incels" (since this is after all either a reddit/kike term) are actually disgruntled feminists is so accurate that it is surprising it never comes up more. It explains a lot about their hatred of feminists/women and their unreliability as allies to the right. The one who hates a faith most is an apostate. And incels can almost always be characterized as apostate feminists.

Most incels, anecdotally, are either raised by single mothers or closer to their mothers/the feminine influences in their lives rather than the masculine. They either picked up or were raised with the belief that identifying closely to the feminine (being nice, submissive, polite, and passive in sex) will lead to dates with women. And not only that, along the way they internalized the idea that women are essentially better and purer than men. If you want any proof, look at the preferred art form of the incel - anime. Not anime in the literal definition, an artistic form of animation found in Japan including high quality works such as Akira, Lain, etc. but anime in the more colloquial sense - a form of animation which panders to a male demographic and which mainly acts to deliver "waifu" characters who can be sold and merchandised to otaku as a solution to their romantic woes. Both otaku and the incel, with their inbuilt idealization of the feminine (and subconscious fear/loathing of the masculine - see the stark lack of masculine male characters in the "anime" I have been describing), tend to consume plenty of the many works which cater to them.

Hence, I would argue that most of the incels - posting here or on cuckchan - started out as feminists. Perhaps lukewarm, but feminists nonetheless. Their progression from feminist to anti-feminist came as the feminists (and women) broke from the ideal they held in their hearts. That women would choose a man for intelligence or kindness, non-masculine traits. So they fashioned a sort of ideal form of themselves in their mind. Call it the gentleman, the fedora, the white knight, or the nerd - they abandoned their traditional gender role and then condemned society for abandoning them. Most incels have this ideal form within their mind, a sort of fortress or sanctuary which permits them distance from the world. For this reason they are almost impervious to the red pill, because while they can internalize that women despise them, they can always retreat to the safety of their sanctuary - their idealized self image - and condemn women instead, for not appreciating them.

Hence when the world/society increasingly attacks and mocks them - mocks that image of the perfect man that they and others implanted in them - they become ever more certain of the world's inherent corruption and evil. And this triggers the classically masculine response, which is violence/confrontation with the world. They turn against society and dedicate their lives to its destruction. They are still stubbornly loyal to that feminist picture of the "good man", completely unaware that that good man never existed. That they misinterpreted what the feminists were describing. And most will go down loyal to that image to the end, down the road of personal and social destruction, choosing themselves over a society that they believe they owe nothing to.

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Incels are often just aspies who see the Supreme Gentlemen memes and thought we were serious.

Their hatred of women is relative to their want for sex but they can't get that because they're dysfunctional human beings.

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You're wrong, intelligence is definitively a masculine trait. The defining feature between man and animal was always intelligence.

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>The latter kills women and children, while the knight protects them.

Nigga you watched too many Disney movies.

Knights protected the church and the word of god and had no problem slicing down heathenish women.

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Wrong, Knights protect the Kingdom. The Church is part of the Kingdom.

Learn about true Chivalry, and not that Ten Commandments of Chivalry nonsense.

I was required to read a book at the age of 15 about Chivalry, the damn thing was easily 2000 pages long. It covered everything from being a Squire, to tending to you flock. A Knight acts as both a Priest, and as a father to the the downtrodden of his Kingdom. He confronts injustice with a still calm, and lives within the guidelines established by the Crown.

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It was a poor choice of words. Where I referred to intelligence was in reference to the typical narrative of "dumb jocks vs smart nerds", which (some) incels internalize, casting themselves in the role of the "smart nerd". It is a reference to the internal narrative of the incel, not a statement on the non-masculinity of intelligence (which indeed is a predominantly masculine trait).

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I really don't think incels are nearly as much of a thing as they are portrayed as being. I think it is massively overblown and just the replacement for "nerds", since nerds and nerdom are accepted now. We need a term to denigrate virgin males, so "incels" was conjured up.

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Statistically there are much more men not having sex in the past year then there were 10 years ago, but the term definitely is meaningless at this point - probably by design. It demands on what definition of incel you use. It's a motte-and-bailey term, the kind the left loves most, since it can mean anything from "doesn't have sex" to "identifies with the incel community." Much in the same way as they conflated "gay but celibate" and "practicing gay" under the same general label of "gay", so that Christians criticizing sodomy could be misrepresented as hating anyone with homosexual attractions.

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This entire post is so utterly false it perfectly displays the problem of white people these days. Truth is, if you’ve ever looked at porn, fapped off to it, you are just as much damages goods.

Get off your high horse. We don’t live in the 400s AD anymore. What you are looking for doesn’t exist. You need to play with the cards that are dealt to you instead of flipping the board like a whiny little bitch that didn’t get his way. It’s fucking pathetic.

I’m not saying go pick up some Ke$ha wanna slut, but there are plenty of women that are just confused and maybe had a few hookups but under the right direction could be molded. Be a man and fucking mold you whiny cuck.

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I was under the impression that it was also a bullshit broad-stroke manufactured term, similar to how they use "alt-right", and was horrified at the shit people were loudly proclaiming about just regular dorks who have a hard time with women. Turns out this isn't the case, though, whether we like it or not.

Normies make a clear and deliberate distinction between an incel and a guy who just can't get laid, and they'll tell you as much. Yes, it's stupid, they both fall under the same definition, but "incel" now is a specific (if not extremely loose) community. I don't know if this happened before or after the freak out in the media about them, but that's how it is now. Regular guys who have a hard time with women are worth the trouble to lift up, incels are near impossible to save.

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Don't take Jewish created stereotypes from Television (((Programming))) seriously.


Actually, it's not even a subject that comes up for me ever. That's their business, and I have nothing to do with it.

It's just as annoying as homos and hedonists calling me a fag because I don't chase women. I am basically homeless, you know what kind of women a homeless guy can get? Ugly, that's what kind. Then there's the faggots, they never stop harassing homeless people.

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>I’m not saying go pick up some Ke$ha wanna slut, but there are plenty of women that are just confused and maybe had a few hookups but under the right direction could be molded. Be a man and fucking mold you whiny cuck.

Who are these mythological creatures?

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Step outside and you’ll find them. They don’t advertise themselves because by definition they aren’t sluts.

My wife is one, I lived with another as a roommate. They have a hard time, just like incels in finding a partner because average dude is a degenerate manslut, no different than your pumpkin spice latte drinking basic bitch. So good women close themselves off in a similar manner

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>Step outside and you’ll find them. They don’t advertise themselves because by definition they aren’t sluts.

A part of the problem is that Millennials and Zoomers can't afford much of anything. I've been lonely for quite a while because of stuff like this.

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>Agreed, it seems many anons have been hurt by women, I include myself in that, the modern pozzed woman is a feral animal. This does not excuse us from becoming feral ourselves, which would be playing right into our controllers hands.


> If they like most race traitor women only have one nigglet, then you pump white babies into them, but you make sure they know, you plan on taking one of the "enemy" races women as a plan for a single mother eventually as well.

you just negate your own mentioned principle, if you dislike racemixing, you shouldnt be peer pressured into it but overcome it. Same way if you want a clean marriage and you are a virgin and your future wife isnt you shouldnt go sleep around to (((feel better))) you should overcome it and dont allow others to control your emotions*. Look it in the eye and dont blink. I hope you understand.

*this is not to say that Im suggesting marrying a promisculous or coalburner women (try finding a virgin white women by all means you and I know why), but whatever you do OWN IT or dont do it.

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> Truth is, if you’ve ever looked at porn, fapped off to it, you are just as much damages goods.

this! porn devalues men of masculinity the same way fornication devalues women out of their worth as a wife.


>They have a hard time, just like incels in finding a partner because average dude is a degenerate manslut

so true, the whoremongers are like fuel to sluts, theyll fight for whores, give them attention, the rest of men try to emulate that as well. Im not putting the bar on virgin-nonvirgin (doe we all know that there are very good reseasons to REQUIRE clean women for marriage but not to EXPECT as not to throw away out standards), but my bar is there about her character, if she is not close to Psalms 31 character but some half-postmodern wannabee tradthot she can piss off.

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File: d0d57e717837c69⋯.jpg (246.3 KB,1280x1097,1280:1097,At least it isn't brainwas….jpg)

If we don't help Incels you need to be aware that the enemy is actively targeting them trying to make them trannies and fuck each other. This isn't anything new the "forever alone gay" is old but this active targeting is new.


Roosh is working on building a family now (I think the whole finding god thing must be a ploy) or he's just burnt out the part of his brain that can form loving connections he fucked over 100 girls all over the world.

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another common thing I cant help to notice in these bastepilled circles is how man react to their own fornication, theyll admit how fornication is destroying our society, but they always virtue signall their own whoremongering, Ive heard women regretting their whoredom but never men…why is that? We all know that it takes 2 2 tango so dont go into muh non sexual reciprocity.

where does the idea of the "nobel RW whoremonger" come from? Masculinity is about overcoming frustrations, peer pressure and channeling your impulses into something nobel, the oversexualized male "nobel RW whoremonger" is like a character Hunter Thompson RW idol we have to worship (in reality those people are sociopathic fags, totally unstrustworhty as humans). Getting males shamed of not being dirty is programming that heavily succeeded.

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incels are right. women only rank men by looks, charisma, and money. the other factors are perhaps a filter, for example, a woman may refuse to marry men who are not Christian, but she will not rank their religiosity and pick from them the most religious, relative values are meaningless to her, when it comes to mating. women also ignore intelligence, artistic ability, and humor, and the everything else, even medical reports, unless it’s one of her filters, the it is only a checkbox, not a relative value for scoring, it doesn’t enter into the woman/whore’s calculation.

it!s a biological imperative. women are utterly incapable of operating differently. a society which grants women autonomy therefore is animalistic, because women cannot control themselves.

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When the bloodbath takes The World I hope that it is all the red roasted whores that die first. Then, the men can slaughter each other like stupid animals. Humanity should be sacrificed not to Moloech, but to Lucifer instead.

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fuk off nig

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>literal bestiality propaganda

>not marxist brainwashing

Fuck. Off.

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Renamon isn't real boyo also people like her because of her character traits….


Reminded me of pic related.

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Women are disgusting, trifling, treturous, nigger skanks

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…Women are disgusting treacherous, disloyal, treasonous, backstabbing; More

double-crossing, double-dealing, faithless, unfaithful, perfidious, two-faced, Janus-faced, false-hearted, duplicitous, deceitful, false, untrue, untrustworthy, unreliable, undependable, fickle…nigger skanks for attention

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You mean pointing out that a lot of people are going to die, so I hope it's the women first makes me a Mall Ninja? Well at least my keks have been folded over 10,000 times for maximum lulz.

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Not really most I've met actually are right wing but get chased out of their spaces by people who run their sites (one of the top admins at one is an admitted kike, and he then proceeds to flood the place with shitskins) blacks can't be incel.

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It's the case here. Most of the time I don't even go out anymore. What's the use?

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Remember what Codreanu said about traitors

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That's how Roman Empire fell, and same with Sparta

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Not where I live. But nigger men will Fuck ours if given the chance.

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I think I should be a little more clear, I don't mean forcing another mongrel as a revenge (hence the samurai story) but as a balancing act. I have seen quite a few couples form with an imbalance of child ratio, and it causes a relationship to start off wrong. Specifically for the sake of an example say I hook up with a 28 single thot, but she has a child. EVEN if the child is white, I'm making a huge sacrifice committing to her and we both instinctively know it (whether a soyboy or feminist will admit it or not). After pumping me own seed into her, there will still be a more wacky family life then two virigns (duh). I should have gone into the marriage letting her know that another child of my seed was going to be brought into the family, just like she did, to balance out the equation. Some guys will still call this cucking because you are taking on her spawn as ward (maybe even a niglet or halfbug)…but I think it is laying down the law on the woman that forgiveness is earned, not given, and if she wants to earn your leadership she will have to be a loving mother to your extra child. I only add in the mixed part, if your woman burned coal or some such.

I am also in the minority around here that I think some form of mongrel "human" race is inevitable…in fact I dont believe we should fear/stop it just because it was (((they))) are pushing (this doesn't negate that I want my people and all tribes to still exist in the future as well). The reason I say balance out with another race child, isn't just for the NOBLE reason of balance in your family, but also for the NOBLE reason of balance in mongrel race. Right now, at least as far as America is concerned, you always are running into women who coalburn, and when you see a lil mongrel child, its white mother black father (if you call 90% of them ditching on the child father). Whether this is balancing from previous (american blacks of mixed descent are overwhelming from white male black female during earlier centuries), or just the pozzed dynamic at play, we shouldn't keep the "ratio" the same. If a mongrel human race is to succeed, it will need white male DNA just like white female dna, just my perspective and I hope it furthered your understanding of my principle.


That third pic, fucking malevolence at its finest, as he also wrote the novel of free sex utopia with our delicious blue pill soma. Thanks for info, still learning new things about the huxleys, a rabbit hole that never ends. Before logos media went entirely mormon crazy and started praising jews and calling everyone who didnt vile islamists, communists, or NAZIs, he had a great channel, and his video series on huxleys is a fabulous journey if any anon is interested.


>women only rank men by looks, charisma, and money. the other factors are perhaps a filter

Agreed, hence the reason why all cultures that got out of mud hut stage, had fathers (with mothers) choose mates for their children. Had this added effect of creating inter-tribal loyalty, stable familial support system, and generational wealth transfer…such a (((terrible))) (((terrible))) phenomena.


Niggers will fuck a doorknob if you slap some lub on it and tape a picture of bruce jenner on the wall.

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the posts in op's thread

>Jfl at racecopers, I have nothing in common with some white Chad.

>Race coping is kinda laughable

>I'll be real IDGAF about my race


>I hope their ancestors can help them to get laid.

>Take this how you will but alt righters hate incels and manlets. They worship Chads and foids. For them, eugenics is great. Everyone on /pol/ is an ubermensch future Fuhrer in their minds and they laugh at incels not reproducing. There's a lot of whiteknighting for white women on there. But if it helps you cope, go for it.

>GTFO from this community "blackpilling attitude" :banhammer: :bluepill::soy: the only supreme race is the chad's from every race being white alone doesn't mean shit it's proven here many times by whitecels end your coping theory or gtfo to stormcucks & /pol/

<boo i can't get laid <sadface>!!!!1111

<MUH COPE!!!!!

These "people" are truly subhumans. Just leave them be, let them all kill themselves or wither as they are, obsessed about women they pretend to hate and despise, but getting their attention is the ONLY goal of their lives. It's not even about starting a family. It's about being a high-school jock who can "get laid".

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> I should have gone into the marriage letting her know that another child of my seed was going to be brought into the family, just like she did, to balance out the equation. Some guys will still call this cucking because you are taking on her spawn as ward (maybe even a niglet or halfbug)…but I think it is laying down the law on the woman that forgiveness is earned, not given, and if she wants to earn your leadership she will have to be a loving mother to your extra child. I only add in the mixed part, if your woman burned coal or some such.

nah man, this is rediculous, if you go with a single mother own it, dont go with a coal one by any means, but stop with these autistic fantasies.

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>nah man, this is rediculous

Why? Don't be lazy and type out an argument, balance is key to life, and ignoring it by "owning" it wont work for all men. No where in my rational did I say it would be required of men/women.

>if you go with a single mother own it, dont go with a coal one by any means

I will own it my way,

<used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person mentioned.

and the current theory I'm operating on is this.

>but stop with these autistic fantasies.

Fantasties to you maybe, but I build my own reality.

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For those of you who don't know allow me to give you the definition of incel.

Incel: person who I don't like

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Not quite. Incel = anyone that goes against any aspect of feminism.

Kikes and other leftists, thanks to their inability to meme, have created a kind of reverse euphemism treadmill, where they will abuse any insult that holds any power until it becomes meaningless.

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The final solution to the incel problem is euthanization like the NatSocs did in the 30s. This was done out of compassion to eliminate suffering and issues that we face today. Face it, retards shouldn't be allowed to exist unless you manage to cure the condition.

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>Fantasties to you maybe, but I build my own reality.

the problem is that you have to go against your own principle of "cheating is bad"

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<"just change everyone else"

You can much more easily fix incels by fixing the incels themselves instead buying into their whining about "b-but muh society". Bring them in, give them advice on how to unfuck their own situation and drag them into the light instead of trying to fix the rest of the world to accomodate for their weakness.

Is the situation pretty shit to be causing them to increase in number? Absolutely, but they will still need to be fixed even if the weight gets removed from their shoulders. By helping them fix themselves, you have at least made some progress even if shit doesn't get very far politically. By fixing the landscape without fixing them, you make them complacent and perfectly satisfied with whatever scraps the powers that be throw their way. In fact, they will fight to defend the status quo because they already have their prize and have no more use for you. The fact that they are dooming themselves in the process doesn't really matter because at least that way they don't have experience any immediate hardships or take any risks.

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They will not be spared? Spared from what you fucking tard?

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Someone told them banging a 6 made them superior men lmao.

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File: 2791e0e854de2fc⋯.png (153.25 KB,359x308,359:308,You can't learn English.png)


>have created a kind of reverse euphemism treadmill, where they will abuse any insult that holds any power until it becomes meaningless.

That is the natural life of any insult that isn't censored. People will use any word that is insulting whenever they feel frustrated and it will naturally die off as people use it for any situation that causes them frustration regardless of what the definition if the word is. Censorship (such as bleeping or legal recourse) consolidates that position by being forbidden and thus a no-no word. When is the last time someone has been insulted by the word "idiot"? The word itself that is, not the situation you said it in. I mean, the legal definition of "idiot" is someone that is so mentally retarded that he is indistinguishable in terms of intelligence from a child between two years old and a newborn. Surely that would be much more insulting than "ass", right?

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File: 6baed4ce2db314d⋯.png (646.71 KB,578x784,289:392,incel09.png)

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200+ replies in an obvious slide? WTF?

1. Anyone not saging this thread isn't /pol/

2. Anyone who defines an incel as (((incel))) and not involuntarily celibate = disabled is kiked.

Go piss in >>>/r9k/ where this bait belongs

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The biggest problem, I think, with "incels"(I hate that word) is that they think they should be showered in hot girls just by existing despite them not doing anything for it nor do they have anything to offer. From my experience, girls aren't that different from us men. They want an attractive partner, and I'm not just talking about looks, but genuine feelings.

For any women hating virgin ITT, if you want a girlfriend the first step is to love yourself and build up confidence. You can't just walk up to a girl and say "lemme hav sum fuck" it doesn't work like that.

Don't blame women for your own insecurities.

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Modern feminism is a branch of leftistm. The reason the Left has been able to dominate culture and the public narrative for so long is because the Right basically allows them to. The Right doesn't challenge the Left in any meaningful way because the Right have a suicidal passive mentality. The Right tends to mind their own business and live in their own little bubbles isolated from the culture war, which allows the the Left to conquer "territory" unchallenged. The Left has basically achieved "air superiority" many years ago. The Left controls all the social infrastructures that influence public perception and opinion like Hollywood, mainstream media, schools, etc. The Right still thinks the Left deserves to be treated with respect because of the "my fellow American" mentality. This is extremely naive thinking. Respect is earned and the Left is completely undeserving of respect. It would be immoral to respect those so undeserving of it. The Right still clings to old rules of conduct like the golden rule of "do not do onto others that which you would not want done to you" and "turn the other cheek" etc. The reason the obedience to the old rules of conduct is so dangerous is because they critically handicap fighting ability and you need everything in order to win because this is a fight to the death. It's a fight for the future of western civilization. You must be willing to do necessary evil. Common courtesy and decency must be abandoned because it can't be afforded, the stakes are far too high. Fighting clean is suicidal in a real fight. Never fight fair. Always seek to gain an advantage and/or force the enemy into a disadvantage before fighting. Leave fair play to sports. An extremely dangerous expectation that seems to be prevelant among the Right is the expectation that this is all going to blow over and everything will return to normal. This is as insane as expecting cancer to just magically disappear. The only solution is extremely aggressive and unrelenting counteraction until the target is destroyed. Another dangerous expectation prevalent among the Right is the expectation of an actual civil war. If you're waiting for a literal civil war before you begin fighting then you've already lost. Too many among the Right think their political abilities are limited to simply voting. But voting is just the bare minimum. The vast mojority of citizens political power is social activism. The Right's social activism capabilities are very weak compared to the left's. The Right lacks the cohesion that enable the Left to fight like a professional army while the Right are more like Native American warriors that fight individually instead of soldiers that fight as a unit. Individualism is a very serious weakness. Collective action is greater than the sum of its parts. Collectivism is a force multiplier. It was only after the creation of the Continental Army that the colonists were actually able to seriously challenge the British. Another problem with the Right is that they seem to only react defensively to the Left's initiative and almost never counter attack in any substantial way. You can't win a war by only reacting defensively to the enemy. You must seize the initiative by attacking the enemy and force them to react defensively to you. Another problem of the Right is their over-reliance on "champions." These "champions" are the few outspoken right-wingers that have gained notoriety. But they are too few and vulnerable to censorship. So everyone among the Right needs to consider themselves a soldier in order to decentralize. Do not expect others to fight for you while you sit on the sidelines.

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Unsure if inspired. Kay had to indoctrinate them, after all. Maybe the black kids understood, it's not "one nation", and decided these people are paid liars.

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fuk off, nig. become a cop, so you can join them in the line, when the law rules against you swine in dotr.

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>straightening out incels

Wasted effort. You'd only be attacking the symptom of the disease. Incels are an important case study in and of themselves, but they shouldn't be taken too seriously beyond such. I think a more potent area of inquiry would be taking a sober look at the kind of sexual culture or societal circumstances that make incels possible.

I think the whole "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps" angle is a dead end.

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>the problem is that you have to go against your own principle of "cheating is bad"

How so? Cheating is defined as

>act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

and while its arguable that its "unfair" to impose this on a female for future relations, to me, it seems a suitable compromise/punishment. The big problem I see with guys and single moms, and this doesnt exclude others like pair bonding being fucked, is that they have to raise a child thats not their blood. This balances the equation, and hopefully the emotional/spiritual/material angles of the relationshio.

Its not dishonest at all, being upfront about it in the courting process. Surrogates or artificial insemination can be contracted if sexual infidelity is the main concern.

Maybe even adoption would be a viable solution, if the person involved is not as concerned about blood lineage. A good white family can help turn around a good white child that needs adoption. Just spitballing here, I like idea's to get tested by fire.

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Translation - Do you have a huge cock and can take me to the brink of my own mortality and back again? Can you rape me, while not really raping me? I'll f*ck the sh*t out of you and bear your children. Help me kill Arabs so we can f*ck on their lifeless corpse while we take over the whole of the developed world beyond the western world, as well as the oil rich third world sand people. Amen. The end. Hashim, the lord hath blessed us. F*ck me now, with your Evanglecial member, you f*cking nazi. Amen, amen, amen….F8cke yeah… keep it cumming. Nut that gentile sperm into my Semitic f*cking c*nt hole you worthless piece of sh*t.

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Anyway, something along those lines.

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Stfu dumb bitch all you disgusting whores belong in the fucking kitchen and your pussy-defenders (Nazis & liberals) need to be enslaved, tortured or killed ASAP. I would happily beat you to a bloody pulp till you submit to my supremacy.

>I'm so happy with feminist censorship

Desperate to hide the truth like a typical FEMINAZI. Women like you will be burnt at the stake if you don't submit. We need to bring back woman burning at any cost


Hitler never advocated for taking away women's property rights, bringing back wife beating or other patriarchal norms. His whore wife used to expose her legs and he was okay with divorce along with alimony to an abnormally large extent. He mentioned in his speech on women that he wants true equality based on nature. He always praised women like a feminist and never called them evil like everybody else which further shows he was a diehard feminist. Much more can be said.

You need to be mature enough to realize that Hitler was not a divine being/demigod, but a mere man who was right about one thing (Jews) and wrong about many others. The Jewish problem was already known by more enlightened people (Christian saints) but they also knew women as the most evil creatures, if not the root of all evil.

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>I would defend any patriarchal non-white against you.

Yeah any patriarchy is better than your feminist garbage. You deserve nothing less than death for your treason


>mentally retarded

So men have always been mentally retarded. Fuck your crazy making you feminazi bitch I hope we'll burn you at a stake soon enough

>look bad

If anyone is worried about looking bad in the eyes of atheists/anti-god people/evil(woman) supporters then they have already sold your self to evil. Women are tools of satan.

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>straighten out

We must kill them.

They are perverts, a succubus/incubus fuckers.

They create kakodaemons.

They spread inmundicia.


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Pedos are based. Get them before they become roasties/feminists.

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Incels official site states they care about women's validation and not just sex. They care about women's opinions like feminists and support dating/relationships/marriages for love.


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This anon gets it.

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It's an impossibility. They're inherently degenerate. Make due or go with Islam. The only alternative is to rebrand Catholicism. The secular world is beyond reason. They're neurotypically high. It's self reinforcing. The only option for them is death. They think, nay, they know, they are funny. The applause sign is sufficient. More than enough. They still think popularity means f*ck all.

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what does any of this have to do with jews doing 911

Do you dream of being a soros shill like jordan b peterson ? They probably pay you well to lie for the government, but you have to admit that Jordan is the superior gorilla MYND

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File: e069109d47eb2dd⋯.gif (21.91 KB,307x343,307:343,503.gif)

>pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy

>women women women!1!!

>oh god i want pussy so much, dont hurt women!!


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>How so? Cheating is defined as

>>act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.

you are being dishonest to the idea of marriage and family, not your ad hoc morals on how to (((feel better))) within marriage with a reformed women.

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>the most cucked person in existence, the post

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Four partners is enough to destroy a woman's ability to bond and have a succesful marriage. The statistical likelihood of keeping a wife like that is low. Not all of us are going to find those outlier wives, so we're gonna have to put up with these problems in order to breed.

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wisdom. more women are shallow than men, which is astonishing.

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neonazis: modern society is degenerate

also neonazis: marry those degenerate women

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File: 95f9e2559dedd3a⋯.jpg (46.11 KB,736x520,92:65,8c5620107285e416cd61f553a7….jpg)


incel is just a term that pushed by kikes and women to shame men for nothing just having "MUH DICK" on their brains 24/7

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File: dd86ec69dc301a0⋯.jpg (48.86 KB,545x600,109:120,Holmes-and-Watson.jpg)

Think of it this way, whenever someone calls another a racist or a nazi it's the same as you fags and other normies calling poor souls incels. It's just a faggot buzzword being pushed by kikes like calling people "homophobic". It's made to shame men who aren't worthless losers and actually have some self-respect

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Just because society is degenerate dosen't mean every single person is degenerate in that society.

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File: 82519433c108440⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1200x803,1200:803,faggot (2).jpg)


If you're actually calling men incels then you are the degenerate cause the only thing on your mind is dick when civilization is more then that

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fuck them

but after the jews

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you faggots drag too much shit out of the AbySS

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Oh but anon, we are in there.

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That's what the Jews want you to think

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>Let's make America into the liberal fantasy of the Handmaiden's tale.

No, that's gay. Of all the dystopias, why choose the most boring one as your goal? No one who has thought about what it would be like actually living in that fantasy would want to live in it unless their sadism outweighed every other consideration.

If you want to enslave women, why not choose a less dreary fantasy as the final goal?

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Yes you are correct, the incels are a problem, but many of them cannot be salvaged.

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imho military training camps would be the best method of recovering them

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discipline in general does a lot for people who have none in their lives.

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Already the culture of the West enslaves women and women like this. I see no end to it since technology will take up the slack that a man would in years past could.

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Every man can be salvaged you worthless kike

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hitler and evola were unironically incels, and nazism is gynocentric and cucked as fuck

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your greentext list in order of importance

>females in any form of societal leadership

>females voting

>no fault divorce

>hook up sites

>lack of social shaming against sluts

>female preachers / law enforcement / military

>lack of meaningful work for men


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This is literally all it is. I can't believe the amount of time these faggots spend on this topic.

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I don't really understand the people in this thread implying Women aren't a complete and utter fucking mess. The idea too that every "incel/single guy" whatever is due to them all chasing Stacie is also fucking ridiculous. A lot of Women are trash whose entire personhood exists at the beginning and end of Jew media - who's idea of spirituality and meaning, is having a train run on them in college or eating unhealthy shit food while calling it a personality trait.

I have had plenty of great Women solicit me ans vice versa, now I haven't been greatly successful in my love life but I probably have more experience than most here.

And I have to say I haven't met a Woman I wanted for more than a tryst in almost a decade. If only the ugliness was only on the outside I migjt say you blokes have a point because we have a saying here, "She isn't pretty she just looks that way."

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Incel is a term coined from a plebbit board that was made as a parody by a bunch of cunts. OP is a kike fag

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The incels are fine, it's the society that needs straightening out.

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a 100% increase in potential voter base in (((western democracy)))

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>Should we straighten out the Incels, /pol/?

Posts Nazis.

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>>13500467 >>13500650 >>13500738 >>13500816 >>13500944 >>13500979 >>13500985 >>13501256 >>13501289 >>13501299 >>13501368 >>13501378 >>13501402 >>13501409 >>13501420 >>13501670 >>13501731 >>13501743 >>13502006 >>13502171 >>13502766 >>13502878 >>13502882 >>13503269 >>13503290 >>13503311 >>13503846 >>13511211 >>13511235 >>13512912 >>13513332 >>13513394 >>13514750 >>13515283 >>13515751 >>13515914 >>13520898 >>13521627 >>13524214 >>13524713 >>13526019 >>13526060 >>13526332 >>13526359 >>13526360 >>13546779

BULLSHIT! These 'rejections' these so angry about are happening ONLY in their IMAGINATION.

Women are not rejecting these incels, because they are never making an offer for the women to reject!

* I asked the incels, how many women have you asked out this WEEK? The answer was none.

* I asked the incels how many women have you asked out this MONTH? Again the answer was none.

* I asked the incels, have any of you even asked a woman out on a date this YEAR? And angrily they answered they have not.

Because "There is no point in asking a woman out because they only want tall handsome rich guys, and they are too short, not good looking enough, and not rich enough, so why bother even try talking to a woman?"

For some reason these guys find it easier to pull out a GUN and shoot at a woman, than to walk up to a woman introduce themselves and ask her for her phone number.

* Elliot Rodgers own friends said he never approached women or talked to anyone.

* Alek Minassian admitted to police he hadn't asked a woman on a date in 6 years.

elliot rodger would just walk around in public by himself, or sit at a bookstore, or show up to class wearing designer clothes and sunglasses and expect girls to start talking to him. From his manifesto, he said "Hi" to a girl once while walking past her. It's doubtful she even heard him. He did not introduce himself to her, or ask of he could text her or meet up starbucks. No rejection took place.

His friend Philip Bloeser said:

‘He would never dream of approaching a girl, he just expected them to come to him, which they didn’t. Even if any of them ever had, it wouldn’t have lasted long, because he wouldn’t chat to them.

‘I remember he once said to me: ‘I saw this really attractive girl today and she didn’t even come up to me, she ignored me’. I asked him if he tried talking to her and he said no.

They got mad when I asked "How the hell do you expect to have a girlfriend and have sex when YOU LITERALLY NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE??!!"

They are waiting for a female burglar to break in and rape them.

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>>13500467 >>13500650 >>13500738 >>13500816 >>13500944 >>13500979 >>13500985 >>13501256 >>13501289 >>13501299 >>13501368 >>13501378 >>13501402 >>13501409 >>13501420 >>13501670 >>13501731 >>13501743 >>13502006 >>13502171 >>13502766 >>13502878 >>13502882 >>13503269 >>13503290 >>13503311 >>13503846 >>13511211 >>13511235 >>13512912 >>13513332 >>13513394 >>13514750 >>13515283 >>13515751 >>13515914 >>13520898 >>13521627 >>13524214 >>13524713 >>13526019 >>13526060 >>13526332 >>13526359 >>13526360 >>13546779

> But muh-redpill theory!

More like stupid-pill, now cough it up.

Women don't fuck 100 men by age 30, average # of female sex partners is 4, according to the CDC, kinsey report, and the university of Ohio, which hooked them up to polygraphs still found average of 4.4 sex partners. Cock carousel theory is dead.

Alpha fucks beta bucks was a hoax. DNA studies showed the real cuckolding rate is 1.5 out of 100. The 1 in 10 theory was flawed, bc they took it from men who sought out court ordered DNA test bc they already suspected the baby wasn't theirs. Cuckolding theory is dead.

And the real kicker? Men who were good providers were the LEAST likely group of males to be cuckolded. Women don't want to risk losing a good provider. The cuckolded men were the broke ass, non-provider males, exactly the ones you see clowning on the maury povich show.

The popularity of such DNA reveal shows mislead the public into believing cuckolding was a common phenomenon. However, if you're not among the class of people who would end up on the maury povich show, & don't live in a trailer park or the projects, you have little cause for concern.

Alpha fucks and beta bucks' was never fact, it was only a theory presented by dr. Robin Baker, who thought that he saw sperm fighting under a microscope and postulated that this might prove that women were designed to have multiple sex partners, an alpha and a beta provider male, with sperm fighting it out for dominance in her vaginal canal. The swinger community loved the theory bc it justified their wife-swapping lifestyle, and they spread it across the internet. But this theory has been debunked, human sperm does not fight for dominance, no other scientist was able to find the fighting sperm under the microscope, and dr. Robin Baker was exposed as having a cuckolding fetish. he has gone on to write romantic porn fiction novels about cheating wives.

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File: c857b743639de64⋯.jpg (52.5 KB,600x350,12:7,austin.jpg)


>I asked the incels, how many women have you asked out this WEEK? The answer was none.

>I asked the incels how many women have you asked out this MONTH? Again the answer was none.

>I asked the incels, have any of you even asked a woman out on a date this YEAR? And angrily they answered they have not.

basically this:

>complain that women care about looks, money and status

>do jack shit to improve looks, earn money or achieve status

>whine on an echo chamber forum that you can't get laid

But it's not surprising considering they're spiritual and mental amoebas whose life goal is sexual stimulation.

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I'm also fine with divorce-rapes, false accusations, raising children that aren't biologically yours, female quotas, feminism, unfair laws and social conventions, demonization of males…

Seriously, right now, our only way out is surrogacy.

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We need to purge the incels. They drive away women and contribute nothing but toxicity.

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File: f68692f2b4d9da1⋯.jpg (104.55 KB,1200x628,300:157,Charlie-Chaplin.jpg)




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Million different excuses why not to raise a white family, that's why you deserve to lose your country.

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The left invented "incel" to insult people who save themselves for marriage or otherwise understand spiritual significance behind sex. Basically, it's an insult against anyone who isn't a sexual degenerate and pervert on phone sex apps and getting STDs.

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>The left invented "incel" to insult people who save themselves for marriage or otherwise understand spiritual significance behind sex. Basically, it's an insult against anyone who isn't a sexual degenerate and pervert on phone sex apps and getting STDs.

Bingo. I just copypasta'd your post, because it's so bang-on.

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>all transgression would only recieve corporal or capital punishment,

PLUS financial restitution of the actual cost of goods damaged or stolen, and cost of money earning potential lost. (say if the guy makes money with the truck that was stolen from him)

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I don't identify as an incel but I've been having some pretty serious problems with women in recent years. My last relationship went pretty bad at the end and I think every one I've ever had was pretty unhealthy and I think it fucked me up or something. I identify with some of the crap incels spout and feel pretty worthless about it even though the reality is I get plenty of matches when I attempt online dating and they usually talk to me and I can ask out women IRL and get a yes often enough. I feel like an idiot even though I know I'm actually not bad with women. I can definitely tie a lot of my experiences directly to the kinds of kike influence that gets discussed here. It's better to be able to see the cause and effect rather than just wondering why, but it's still pretty demoralizing to feel the weight the whole apparatus trying to crush your personal life.

It's fucked up because I know my dating issues are all in my head but I just imagine the worst from any woman now and even if I push myself to go out with someone and she's interested I won't ask her out again even if I want to. Even if she's hot, I just never get around to it somehow. And I have two women who I'm not attracted to that I've repeatedly turn down for sex. Not getting laid is better than the disgust I feel from them which also makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. The thought of dying without ever having a family rips me up pretty bad.

As far as being right-wing I'm a big admirer of Hitler ever since I recently started reading Mein Kampf so I'd say yes I'm pretty right-wing. Amazing read btw everyone here needs to read it, it's basically just pages and pages of the best of redpilled effortposts. Hitler knows how to think and reading him is like a breath of fresh air when you're used to the twisted ignorance of modern culture.

I don't know why I posted this since I doubt there's any help for me but at least I haven't given up and lately I've been thinking even if my lineage will be a dead end that frees me up to maybe help in ways that are socially or logistically difficult for White Men with families. That would at least give my life some kind of meaning I would feel good about. If I'm going to be isolated and alone anyway what's the difference if I'm hated?

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I mean really now, the fact that no one else sees this is starting to get retarded to the point where it feels like anyone who uses "incel" in a sentence seems more like some fag shill. I mean how many times to people have to tell you fags that white people are more then just dumb fucking niggers for you to get the point? The kikes WANT you to be a dumb nigger meanwhile they keep pushing women and fags and minorities into schools and education programs and good paying skilled jobs because keep the "white christian dumb goyim" dumb and acting like niggers benefits them while they sit in their $50000000 homes and work on Wall Street rubbing it in white peoples face

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Pay attention to how this poster makes you feel everyone. Does it make you feel like we're a strong group that has each other's backs? Or a divided pit of various losers? Now ask yourself why someone would want to make you feel that way? What do they hope to achieve? Put it into words that make sense for you.

This exercise strengthens the part of you that can spot and resist kike cultural pressure.

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What is that pic?

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>give them advice

This is something /pol/ will never do.

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The Term incel was developed in the TRP and PUA communities, not by leftists. Incels largely use the term as a self descriptor.

I've been into TRP since the first NoFap challenges and can tell you first hand /pol/ generally has a blue pilled outlook on women.

I was briefly what I though might be called an incel in highschool but as the communities developed and I was having relationships, archetypes began floating to the top as we analyzed self reports from PUAs, regular guys and incels, the picture is clear, most men are not incels, most incels aren't even really incels, most incels are people who were cheated or betrayed by social misdirection and generally kike trickery in media, "true incels" are guys who are generally deformed or truly grotesque or just lacking in certain key areas dramatically the broader "incel" community is largely men who felt cornered and isolated by society and deceived about how to pursue relationships and who feel attacked by society for existing/participating in the way they were conditioned to.

Incel means "involuntary celibate"

If any woman no matter how much below your standards has ever propositioned you for a relationship(honestly) or Sex(not prostitutes) you are not an incel, the "involuntary" part doesn't apply to you; "true incels" would call you a "Volcel" that's what I was: "Voluntarily Celibate"

I for example didn't have sex until I was in my early 20s because I was super picky after having dated prudish but extremely attractive girls in late highschool, my sympathy for incels comes from shared experiences as I was a product of fatherlessness(early death) and was preyed upon by (((media))) deceits about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, that a personality is what is most important, the general lies of body positivism pervasive in media going back decades, the lie that women don't care about money when it comes to sexuality, porn addiction had even convinced me I had a small penis. After finding TRP, PUA and communities that eventually developed/birthed incel/mgtow communities I realized I was extremely blessed, I had a strong jaw even if it was hidden under fat, I was over 6 feet tall, my penis is in the top 20% for size in america and in the world as a whole, without any effort I was in the top 30% of men in the sexual market place, by getting fit, getting money, and learning how to game female psychology and attraction psychology I easily strolled into the bottom percentile of the top 20% of men "on the market". How I was treated by everyone in every area of my life change as soon as a crossed that threshold. My personality never changed for the better it only got to be more antagonistic and dismissive of women, and I just kept getting more successful with them, I found the fucking cheat codes to life.

I feel an immense pity for our confused young men who aren't as gifted as I, and a deep hatred for those who have betrayed me and millions of other men. this was the vector by which I came to the JQ because the deceit of emasculated white boys which leads to being ineffectual in romance is a direct effort of the kikes.

To answer what leads to inceldom or in other terms what the most important factors females value:

Height is 50% of the equation anything under 5foot 6inches is a 0, anything over 6foot 6inches is a 50% free pass, you can be fat ugly, abrasive, and poor and still fuck 50% of women on the market. Face and physique are the next largest factors and they combined are barely worth 30% of the attraction equation, Race, wealth, power, fashion, and charisma make up the bottom 20% of the puzzle in that order.

There are bonus modifiers based on life circumstances and whether the woman perceives you as weak for some other reason like knowing you when you weren't a chad or things that raise your value because the woman is desperate. or has a very specific conditioned need or type and of course there are some women who are just abnormal; exceptions generally prove the rule though.

Whether /pol/ knows it or not it is helping "incels"

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Incels are disaffected males who for one reason or another, couldn't find themselves a mate. But rather than condemning them, its best to lead the ones willing to listen to the iron pill and have them use their lonely times to improve themselves physically and mentally.

I myself am trying to lose weight and learn a skill to land a better job.


Personally, I feel that we are heading to an Alita esque future where there is indeed cool technology, but it comes with a price.

Also, the world being bullshit and martial arts being popular again with weapons being slowly banned.


Sometimes, /pol/ does give advice. Such as learning how to water down redpills from time to time just so you don't get blackpilled immediately.

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> if he is to recover a single mother from the abyss

are you for real? You are one of the most blue-pilled beta male faggots on this earth. Good luck, Captain Save-A-Hoe

kill yourself

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incel is inevitable, since women are incapable of efolving, and mate alone on the basis of these, scored:

a = wealth

b = looks (includes height)

c = charisma (includes popularity)

and the formula is so ething like

desirability to females = a*b*c

this should explain everything. if you score near 0 in any, you have no chance, and someone scoring modestly in all 3 outpaces someone only strong in one area.

she will also have some rules. she might have a rule like, “has to be christian”, but that can always be fixed, eg he can become a nominal member. bullshit fixes are accepted for objections. say she has the rule, “he can’t be an italian”, he can convince her that “tuscans are ok”, and so the objection is overcome. these are never added to the formula of a*b*c.

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>one reason or another, couldn't find themselves a mat

o fuk off, the reason is women are women.

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kill yourself

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How about instead of "incel" we use an accurate term: non-fornicator.

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>If you score near 0 in any, you have no chance,

So, hideous, no-charisma people with money never get laid, right? oh, wait, yes they do.

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Any sources on how to become an ubermensch? I am unironically an incel and used to browse /pol/ all the time before incel foruma. Even after getting a well paying job, I can't get out of that mindset. I'm so blackpilled, thinking about political ideaology seems like a waste of time.

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>Height is 50% of the equation

Low IQ. Not even close bro. It's important but 50% is stupidly high.



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incels are degenerates like trannies or niggers incel discord servers arn't much different then faggot servers they both enjoy sodomy and brainwashed politicians as well as kiked religions

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Don't be overly clever about this problem. Up-sell a fashy NatSoc policy that captures their problem. 1) Free TRT replacement therapy. 2) Free mgtow informed Family formation counseling. 3) Anti-Faggotry reinforcement feedback integrated with JQ clusterfuck. 4) Hierarchical roles and social advancement for kike, faggot and thot patrol. 5) Cultural semantic re-calibration of bolshie-misandric incel phraseology.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Cock carousel theory has also been debunked for years. According to studies by the CDC and Kinsey report the average number of lifetime sex partners for women is 4, not hundreds. University of Ohio did a study involving polygraph tests and even women who fudged their numbers still had the estate average number of 4.4.

Cite some fucking links, kike.

No links, I'll just spit my truth in your face, with some simple google searched facts, and some extremely graphic visual imagery.

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wtf is this retarded shit "women can get sex easier than men" lmao u dumb fuck niggers. lololol would u stick ur dick in a fat alcoholic slag woman? fuck no but if ur decently attractive she would want u to.

clean urself up bitch. woman doesn't care if u look 'sexy' like man does about woman (hips, ass, lips, etc). They care if u look strong and clean. CLEAN is a big one. cause u goin in there, if u know what I mean. eating well so ur sweat smells good instead of like old cat food. Cum too. Cum, sweat, in fact all ur bodily juices change based on ur diet, so ur shitty mcstroke dinner is making ur semen revolting to others.

Any r34l incel knows it's just a trade off u have to make for the power of sorcery.

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I would say a good 60-70 percent of them aren't even white.

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Hey They are talkin bout this thread now


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One can not ask such a broad question, ubermensch is a way of life, an ideal man. Man =|= God so how would you ask a man for a source on life? I will help you, ask a specific question and I will do my utmost to answer it fully for you, including sources for further research.

In regards to blackpill contaminating your vision the fix for this is simple, self-love. No one is perfect on being demoralized, it effects me less and less but still it happens, you can not let it affect your life haphazardly. Blackpill comes about from ignorance, you are ignoring all the positives around you and instead tunneled on negative. This does not mean you don't recognize pozz, just that you refuse to allow that to control your existence. For example, you claim the noun incel, this term controls you with its very spelling. Involuntarily- Celibate, INVOLUNTARILY. You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem, and I guarantee it can be fixed.

>You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem

<You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem

Needed to be stated to help reinforce this, its key to understand on your path to ubermensch "Yes, already asking questions about the path means you have started walking down it, welcome bruder". I hope after reading this post you NEVER identify with that term again. An ideal man CONTROLS HIS FATE to the best of his abilities, a untermensch slave does as his master commands.

Prayer started it for me, the prayer is this, "I love myself" "I love [insert name for god(s) depending on religious belief]" "I love my family (sometimes I name individuals, sometimes groups, depending on my time) "I love my friends" "I love my race" etc etc. The beginning is the most important, I LOVE MYSELF, always always always start with that, because one who doe not love themselves, will never find love in another.

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After like half a month of the thread staying up, the Incels banned me.


You can really see a strange glimpse into the mind of the Incels, when you read through the thread and the forum. I honestly think the Incels are mentally Leftists. Or even explicitely leftists. Also very feminine. And not very intelligent or witty. They really aren't of good stock. If we could see their faces, I suspect some bad case of physiognomie going on too.

They are extremely ban friendly and when you analyse the way they talk, you see patterns of memes and phrases being repeated over and over again. It feels like you talk to bots. Incels are NPCs. All they can do is complain. They don't want to work. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles. They just want to talk about how unfair everything is. They only on the surface seem right-wing.

Just look at this:

>Women literally can get sex easier than men. For women, it is as simple as walking into a public place such as a bar and declaring in a loud, clear voice, "I am looking to get laid tonight. Men, please form a single file line if you're interested." and she will have her choice. If a man does this, he's a pervert, womanizer, etc while if a woman does it, she's a strong, sexually liberated, empowered, stunning and brave grrl.

This is what Incels demand. They want to be a woman and be able to say that exact phrase and have women lined up to fuck him. And he thinks it's unfair that women can do that, but not men. How is he not a feminist/disappointed feminist? He wants men and women to be equal. As I already mentioned most Incels basically think the world would be more fair, if there was true gender equality.

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>blah blah incel


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