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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13500423 [View All]

The right-wing through 4chan and other such places has a slight connection with the Incels. Sometimes they are even in our midst, but their foreign presence makes themselves known, when they sperg out about women. Say they are all whores, prefer niggers anyway, even though that is demonstrably untrue.

They talk about how unfair it is that women can get sex easier than men, despite men and women being different, so they can't be compared. (Which makes me think Incels are secret disappointed Feminists, who think the world would be better, if there was perfect gender quality)

I have been with them for some time. I ignored their sperg outs and gave advice and insightful comments, wherever I could. But I almost got banned. There is an extreme self-humiliating, defeatist culture in the Incel community. They literally get angry at you, if you try to say anything positive to them. They revel in misery. They don't want you to give any agency to them. They want to be affirmed as subhuman trash.

They are also not very right-wing. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles. They make themselves into the villains of society by hating women. Our society is still based very much on tribal morality and one of the worst things you can do in tribal societies was to basically murder or abuse women. After all this is still to this day the difference between a knight or some sort of violent murdering monster. The latter kills women and children, while the knight protects them.

Whati is your opinion on Incels, /pol/?

I created this thread on their forum to give them some advice and the replies speak for themselves. I think I am pretty much done there and I am going to end my pet project there. They don't even want our help, but maybe there is hope for a select few of them.


286 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Yes you are correct, the incels are a problem, but many of them cannot be salvaged.

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imho military training camps would be the best method of recovering them

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discipline in general does a lot for people who have none in their lives.

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Already the culture of the West enslaves women and women like this. I see no end to it since technology will take up the slack that a man would in years past could.

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Every man can be salvaged you worthless kike

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hitler and evola were unironically incels, and nazism is gynocentric and cucked as fuck

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your greentext list in order of importance

>females in any form of societal leadership

>females voting

>no fault divorce

>hook up sites

>lack of social shaming against sluts

>female preachers / law enforcement / military

>lack of meaningful work for men


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This is literally all it is. I can't believe the amount of time these faggots spend on this topic.

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I don't really understand the people in this thread implying Women aren't a complete and utter fucking mess. The idea too that every "incel/single guy" whatever is due to them all chasing Stacie is also fucking ridiculous. A lot of Women are trash whose entire personhood exists at the beginning and end of Jew media - who's idea of spirituality and meaning, is having a train run on them in college or eating unhealthy shit food while calling it a personality trait.

I have had plenty of great Women solicit me ans vice versa, now I haven't been greatly successful in my love life but I probably have more experience than most here.

And I have to say I haven't met a Woman I wanted for more than a tryst in almost a decade. If only the ugliness was only on the outside I migjt say you blokes have a point because we have a saying here, "She isn't pretty she just looks that way."

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Incel is a term coined from a plebbit board that was made as a parody by a bunch of cunts. OP is a kike fag

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The incels are fine, it's the society that needs straightening out.

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a 100% increase in potential voter base in (((western democracy)))

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>Should we straighten out the Incels, /pol/?

Posts Nazis.

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>>13500467 >>13500650 >>13500738 >>13500816 >>13500944 >>13500979 >>13500985 >>13501256 >>13501289 >>13501299 >>13501368 >>13501378 >>13501402 >>13501409 >>13501420 >>13501670 >>13501731 >>13501743 >>13502006 >>13502171 >>13502766 >>13502878 >>13502882 >>13503269 >>13503290 >>13503311 >>13503846 >>13511211 >>13511235 >>13512912 >>13513332 >>13513394 >>13514750 >>13515283 >>13515751 >>13515914 >>13520898 >>13521627 >>13524214 >>13524713 >>13526019 >>13526060 >>13526332 >>13526359 >>13526360 >>13546779

BULLSHIT! These 'rejections' these so angry about are happening ONLY in their IMAGINATION.

Women are not rejecting these incels, because they are never making an offer for the women to reject!

* I asked the incels, how many women have you asked out this WEEK? The answer was none.

* I asked the incels how many women have you asked out this MONTH? Again the answer was none.

* I asked the incels, have any of you even asked a woman out on a date this YEAR? And angrily they answered they have not.

Because "There is no point in asking a woman out because they only want tall handsome rich guys, and they are too short, not good looking enough, and not rich enough, so why bother even try talking to a woman?"

For some reason these guys find it easier to pull out a GUN and shoot at a woman, than to walk up to a woman introduce themselves and ask her for her phone number.

* Elliot Rodgers own friends said he never approached women or talked to anyone.

* Alek Minassian admitted to police he hadn't asked a woman on a date in 6 years.

elliot rodger would just walk around in public by himself, or sit at a bookstore, or show up to class wearing designer clothes and sunglasses and expect girls to start talking to him. From his manifesto, he said "Hi" to a girl once while walking past her. It's doubtful she even heard him. He did not introduce himself to her, or ask of he could text her or meet up starbucks. No rejection took place.

His friend Philip Bloeser said:

‘He would never dream of approaching a girl, he just expected them to come to him, which they didn’t. Even if any of them ever had, it wouldn’t have lasted long, because he wouldn’t chat to them.

‘I remember he once said to me: ‘I saw this really attractive girl today and she didn’t even come up to me, she ignored me’. I asked him if he tried talking to her and he said no.

They got mad when I asked "How the hell do you expect to have a girlfriend and have sex when YOU LITERALLY NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE??!!"

They are waiting for a female burglar to break in and rape them.

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>>13500467 >>13500650 >>13500738 >>13500816 >>13500944 >>13500979 >>13500985 >>13501256 >>13501289 >>13501299 >>13501368 >>13501378 >>13501402 >>13501409 >>13501420 >>13501670 >>13501731 >>13501743 >>13502006 >>13502171 >>13502766 >>13502878 >>13502882 >>13503269 >>13503290 >>13503311 >>13503846 >>13511211 >>13511235 >>13512912 >>13513332 >>13513394 >>13514750 >>13515283 >>13515751 >>13515914 >>13520898 >>13521627 >>13524214 >>13524713 >>13526019 >>13526060 >>13526332 >>13526359 >>13526360 >>13546779

> But muh-redpill theory!

More like stupid-pill, now cough it up.

Women don't fuck 100 men by age 30, average # of female sex partners is 4, according to the CDC, kinsey report, and the university of Ohio, which hooked them up to polygraphs still found average of 4.4 sex partners. Cock carousel theory is dead.

Alpha fucks beta bucks was a hoax. DNA studies showed the real cuckolding rate is 1.5 out of 100. The 1 in 10 theory was flawed, bc they took it from men who sought out court ordered DNA test bc they already suspected the baby wasn't theirs. Cuckolding theory is dead.

And the real kicker? Men who were good providers were the LEAST likely group of males to be cuckolded. Women don't want to risk losing a good provider. The cuckolded men were the broke ass, non-provider males, exactly the ones you see clowning on the maury povich show.

The popularity of such DNA reveal shows mislead the public into believing cuckolding was a common phenomenon. However, if you're not among the class of people who would end up on the maury povich show, & don't live in a trailer park or the projects, you have little cause for concern.

Alpha fucks and beta bucks' was never fact, it was only a theory presented by dr. Robin Baker, who thought that he saw sperm fighting under a microscope and postulated that this might prove that women were designed to have multiple sex partners, an alpha and a beta provider male, with sperm fighting it out for dominance in her vaginal canal. The swinger community loved the theory bc it justified their wife-swapping lifestyle, and they spread it across the internet. But this theory has been debunked, human sperm does not fight for dominance, no other scientist was able to find the fighting sperm under the microscope, and dr. Robin Baker was exposed as having a cuckolding fetish. he has gone on to write romantic porn fiction novels about cheating wives.

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>I asked the incels, how many women have you asked out this WEEK? The answer was none.

>I asked the incels how many women have you asked out this MONTH? Again the answer was none.

>I asked the incels, have any of you even asked a woman out on a date this YEAR? And angrily they answered they have not.

basically this:

>complain that women care about looks, money and status

>do jack shit to improve looks, earn money or achieve status

>whine on an echo chamber forum that you can't get laid

But it's not surprising considering they're spiritual and mental amoebas whose life goal is sexual stimulation.

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I'm also fine with divorce-rapes, false accusations, raising children that aren't biologically yours, female quotas, feminism, unfair laws and social conventions, demonization of males…

Seriously, right now, our only way out is surrogacy.

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We need to purge the incels. They drive away women and contribute nothing but toxicity.

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Million different excuses why not to raise a white family, that's why you deserve to lose your country.

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The left invented "incel" to insult people who save themselves for marriage or otherwise understand spiritual significance behind sex. Basically, it's an insult against anyone who isn't a sexual degenerate and pervert on phone sex apps and getting STDs.

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>The left invented "incel" to insult people who save themselves for marriage or otherwise understand spiritual significance behind sex. Basically, it's an insult against anyone who isn't a sexual degenerate and pervert on phone sex apps and getting STDs.

Bingo. I just copypasta'd your post, because it's so bang-on.

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>all transgression would only recieve corporal or capital punishment,

PLUS financial restitution of the actual cost of goods damaged or stolen, and cost of money earning potential lost. (say if the guy makes money with the truck that was stolen from him)

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I don't identify as an incel but I've been having some pretty serious problems with women in recent years. My last relationship went pretty bad at the end and I think every one I've ever had was pretty unhealthy and I think it fucked me up or something. I identify with some of the crap incels spout and feel pretty worthless about it even though the reality is I get plenty of matches when I attempt online dating and they usually talk to me and I can ask out women IRL and get a yes often enough. I feel like an idiot even though I know I'm actually not bad with women. I can definitely tie a lot of my experiences directly to the kinds of kike influence that gets discussed here. It's better to be able to see the cause and effect rather than just wondering why, but it's still pretty demoralizing to feel the weight the whole apparatus trying to crush your personal life.

It's fucked up because I know my dating issues are all in my head but I just imagine the worst from any woman now and even if I push myself to go out with someone and she's interested I won't ask her out again even if I want to. Even if she's hot, I just never get around to it somehow. And I have two women who I'm not attracted to that I've repeatedly turn down for sex. Not getting laid is better than the disgust I feel from them which also makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. The thought of dying without ever having a family rips me up pretty bad.

As far as being right-wing I'm a big admirer of Hitler ever since I recently started reading Mein Kampf so I'd say yes I'm pretty right-wing. Amazing read btw everyone here needs to read it, it's basically just pages and pages of the best of redpilled effortposts. Hitler knows how to think and reading him is like a breath of fresh air when you're used to the twisted ignorance of modern culture.

I don't know why I posted this since I doubt there's any help for me but at least I haven't given up and lately I've been thinking even if my lineage will be a dead end that frees me up to maybe help in ways that are socially or logistically difficult for White Men with families. That would at least give my life some kind of meaning I would feel good about. If I'm going to be isolated and alone anyway what's the difference if I'm hated?

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I mean really now, the fact that no one else sees this is starting to get retarded to the point where it feels like anyone who uses "incel" in a sentence seems more like some fag shill. I mean how many times to people have to tell you fags that white people are more then just dumb fucking niggers for you to get the point? The kikes WANT you to be a dumb nigger meanwhile they keep pushing women and fags and minorities into schools and education programs and good paying skilled jobs because keep the "white christian dumb goyim" dumb and acting like niggers benefits them while they sit in their $50000000 homes and work on Wall Street rubbing it in white peoples face

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Pay attention to how this poster makes you feel everyone. Does it make you feel like we're a strong group that has each other's backs? Or a divided pit of various losers? Now ask yourself why someone would want to make you feel that way? What do they hope to achieve? Put it into words that make sense for you.

This exercise strengthens the part of you that can spot and resist kike cultural pressure.

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What is that pic?

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>give them advice

This is something /pol/ will never do.

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The Term incel was developed in the TRP and PUA communities, not by leftists. Incels largely use the term as a self descriptor.

I've been into TRP since the first NoFap challenges and can tell you first hand /pol/ generally has a blue pilled outlook on women.

I was briefly what I though might be called an incel in highschool but as the communities developed and I was having relationships, archetypes began floating to the top as we analyzed self reports from PUAs, regular guys and incels, the picture is clear, most men are not incels, most incels aren't even really incels, most incels are people who were cheated or betrayed by social misdirection and generally kike trickery in media, "true incels" are guys who are generally deformed or truly grotesque or just lacking in certain key areas dramatically the broader "incel" community is largely men who felt cornered and isolated by society and deceived about how to pursue relationships and who feel attacked by society for existing/participating in the way they were conditioned to.

Incel means "involuntary celibate"

If any woman no matter how much below your standards has ever propositioned you for a relationship(honestly) or Sex(not prostitutes) you are not an incel, the "involuntary" part doesn't apply to you; "true incels" would call you a "Volcel" that's what I was: "Voluntarily Celibate"

I for example didn't have sex until I was in my early 20s because I was super picky after having dated prudish but extremely attractive girls in late highschool, my sympathy for incels comes from shared experiences as I was a product of fatherlessness(early death) and was preyed upon by (((media))) deceits about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, that a personality is what is most important, the general lies of body positivism pervasive in media going back decades, the lie that women don't care about money when it comes to sexuality, porn addiction had even convinced me I had a small penis. After finding TRP, PUA and communities that eventually developed/birthed incel/mgtow communities I realized I was extremely blessed, I had a strong jaw even if it was hidden under fat, I was over 6 feet tall, my penis is in the top 20% for size in america and in the world as a whole, without any effort I was in the top 30% of men in the sexual market place, by getting fit, getting money, and learning how to game female psychology and attraction psychology I easily strolled into the bottom percentile of the top 20% of men "on the market". How I was treated by everyone in every area of my life change as soon as a crossed that threshold. My personality never changed for the better it only got to be more antagonistic and dismissive of women, and I just kept getting more successful with them, I found the fucking cheat codes to life.

I feel an immense pity for our confused young men who aren't as gifted as I, and a deep hatred for those who have betrayed me and millions of other men. this was the vector by which I came to the JQ because the deceit of emasculated white boys which leads to being ineffectual in romance is a direct effort of the kikes.

To answer what leads to inceldom or in other terms what the most important factors females value:

Height is 50% of the equation anything under 5foot 6inches is a 0, anything over 6foot 6inches is a 50% free pass, you can be fat ugly, abrasive, and poor and still fuck 50% of women on the market. Face and physique are the next largest factors and they combined are barely worth 30% of the attraction equation, Race, wealth, power, fashion, and charisma make up the bottom 20% of the puzzle in that order.

There are bonus modifiers based on life circumstances and whether the woman perceives you as weak for some other reason like knowing you when you weren't a chad or things that raise your value because the woman is desperate. or has a very specific conditioned need or type and of course there are some women who are just abnormal; exceptions generally prove the rule though.

Whether /pol/ knows it or not it is helping "incels"

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Incels are disaffected males who for one reason or another, couldn't find themselves a mate. But rather than condemning them, its best to lead the ones willing to listen to the iron pill and have them use their lonely times to improve themselves physically and mentally.

I myself am trying to lose weight and learn a skill to land a better job.


Personally, I feel that we are heading to an Alita esque future where there is indeed cool technology, but it comes with a price.

Also, the world being bullshit and martial arts being popular again with weapons being slowly banned.


Sometimes, /pol/ does give advice. Such as learning how to water down redpills from time to time just so you don't get blackpilled immediately.

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> if he is to recover a single mother from the abyss

are you for real? You are one of the most blue-pilled beta male faggots on this earth. Good luck, Captain Save-A-Hoe

kill yourself

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incel is inevitable, since women are incapable of efolving, and mate alone on the basis of these, scored:

a = wealth

b = looks (includes height)

c = charisma (includes popularity)

and the formula is so ething like

desirability to females = a*b*c

this should explain everything. if you score near 0 in any, you have no chance, and someone scoring modestly in all 3 outpaces someone only strong in one area.

she will also have some rules. she might have a rule like, “has to be christian”, but that can always be fixed, eg he can become a nominal member. bullshit fixes are accepted for objections. say she has the rule, “he can’t be an italian”, he can convince her that “tuscans are ok”, and so the objection is overcome. these are never added to the formula of a*b*c.

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>one reason or another, couldn't find themselves a mat

o fuk off, the reason is women are women.

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kill yourself

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How about instead of "incel" we use an accurate term: non-fornicator.

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>If you score near 0 in any, you have no chance,

So, hideous, no-charisma people with money never get laid, right? oh, wait, yes they do.

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Any sources on how to become an ubermensch? I am unironically an incel and used to browse /pol/ all the time before incel foruma. Even after getting a well paying job, I can't get out of that mindset. I'm so blackpilled, thinking about political ideaology seems like a waste of time.

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>Height is 50% of the equation

Low IQ. Not even close bro. It's important but 50% is stupidly high.



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incels are degenerates like trannies or niggers incel discord servers arn't much different then faggot servers they both enjoy sodomy and brainwashed politicians as well as kiked religions

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Don't be overly clever about this problem. Up-sell a fashy NatSoc policy that captures their problem. 1) Free TRT replacement therapy. 2) Free mgtow informed Family formation counseling. 3) Anti-Faggotry reinforcement feedback integrated with JQ clusterfuck. 4) Hierarchical roles and social advancement for kike, faggot and thot patrol. 5) Cultural semantic re-calibration of bolshie-misandric incel phraseology.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Cock carousel theory has also been debunked for years. According to studies by the CDC and Kinsey report the average number of lifetime sex partners for women is 4, not hundreds. University of Ohio did a study involving polygraph tests and even women who fudged their numbers still had the estate average number of 4.4.

Cite some fucking links, kike.

No links, I'll just spit my truth in your face, with some simple google searched facts, and some extremely graphic visual imagery.

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wtf is this retarded shit "women can get sex easier than men" lmao u dumb fuck niggers. lololol would u stick ur dick in a fat alcoholic slag woman? fuck no but if ur decently attractive she would want u to.

clean urself up bitch. woman doesn't care if u look 'sexy' like man does about woman (hips, ass, lips, etc). They care if u look strong and clean. CLEAN is a big one. cause u goin in there, if u know what I mean. eating well so ur sweat smells good instead of like old cat food. Cum too. Cum, sweat, in fact all ur bodily juices change based on ur diet, so ur shitty mcstroke dinner is making ur semen revolting to others.

Any r34l incel knows it's just a trade off u have to make for the power of sorcery.

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I would say a good 60-70 percent of them aren't even white.

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Hey They are talkin bout this thread now


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One can not ask such a broad question, ubermensch is a way of life, an ideal man. Man =|= God so how would you ask a man for a source on life? I will help you, ask a specific question and I will do my utmost to answer it fully for you, including sources for further research.

In regards to blackpill contaminating your vision the fix for this is simple, self-love. No one is perfect on being demoralized, it effects me less and less but still it happens, you can not let it affect your life haphazardly. Blackpill comes about from ignorance, you are ignoring all the positives around you and instead tunneled on negative. This does not mean you don't recognize pozz, just that you refuse to allow that to control your existence. For example, you claim the noun incel, this term controls you with its very spelling. Involuntarily- Celibate, INVOLUNTARILY. You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem, and I guarantee it can be fixed.

>You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem

<You are rejecting your own agency to fix your problem

Needed to be stated to help reinforce this, its key to understand on your path to ubermensch "Yes, already asking questions about the path means you have started walking down it, welcome bruder". I hope after reading this post you NEVER identify with that term again. An ideal man CONTROLS HIS FATE to the best of his abilities, a untermensch slave does as his master commands.

Prayer started it for me, the prayer is this, "I love myself" "I love [insert name for god(s) depending on religious belief]" "I love my family (sometimes I name individuals, sometimes groups, depending on my time) "I love my friends" "I love my race" etc etc. The beginning is the most important, I LOVE MYSELF, always always always start with that, because one who doe not love themselves, will never find love in another.

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File: eeeba9b37c50f6e⋯.png (27.81 KB,750x556,375:278,ban.png)

After like half a month of the thread staying up, the Incels banned me.


You can really see a strange glimpse into the mind of the Incels, when you read through the thread and the forum. I honestly think the Incels are mentally Leftists. Or even explicitely leftists. Also very feminine. And not very intelligent or witty. They really aren't of good stock. If we could see their faces, I suspect some bad case of physiognomie going on too.

They are extremely ban friendly and when you analyse the way they talk, you see patterns of memes and phrases being repeated over and over again. It feels like you talk to bots. Incels are NPCs. All they can do is complain. They don't want to work. They don't want to conform to traditional gender roles. They just want to talk about how unfair everything is. They only on the surface seem right-wing.

Just look at this:

>Women literally can get sex easier than men. For women, it is as simple as walking into a public place such as a bar and declaring in a loud, clear voice, "I am looking to get laid tonight. Men, please form a single file line if you're interested." and she will have her choice. If a man does this, he's a pervert, womanizer, etc while if a woman does it, she's a strong, sexually liberated, empowered, stunning and brave grrl.

This is what Incels demand. They want to be a woman and be able to say that exact phrase and have women lined up to fuck him. And he thinks it's unfair that women can do that, but not men. How is he not a feminist/disappointed feminist? He wants men and women to be equal. As I already mentioned most Incels basically think the world would be more fair, if there was true gender equality.

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>blah blah incel


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