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File: 928e9a4be1b17a6⋯.mp4 (14.25 MB,640x360,16:9,the goyim are born to be o….mp4)

 No.13524011 [View All]

Why aren't Jews regarded as the vilest, evilest, most wicked creatures alive?


>Pedophiles are universally regarded as evil

>Rapists are universally regarded as evil

>Murderers (especially child murderers) are universally regarded as evil

Jews on the other hand

>Commit industrial scale rape of goyim children in sex slavery rings

>Steal the wealth of nations through usury and corrupt the state through bribes and blackmail

>destroy entire races, peoples, civilizations through subversion, sedition and brainwashinng

How do we change the morality of the west to reflect the truth that the jews are the ultimate picture of evil? That jews are far more evil than any 'crime the goyim can ever commit and the jews actively praise the vilest of things as their greatest virtues. Jews have reviled Hitler as what they should be seen as, the greatest evil and the blackest devils on the earth.

>vid related, its what the jews actually believe

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>believe all jews are the same

>outraged when a jew sees all your people as the same

youre 1 messiah away from being exactly the same as what you hate

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File: 78a4561a78584af⋯.jpg (103.88 KB,577x587,577:587,1400961585205.jpg)


You left out the part where Jews say we are all the same except when we're not, i.e. when they're playing the perpetual victim card.

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File: ac29e90f8352624⋯.jpg (35.41 KB,450x341,450:341,ac29e90f8352624f6cc6e5bb9c….jpg)


>The Jew openly admits christianity is his weapon against the aryan race

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>Demonstrate that the jews see christianity as their weapon to enslave white people

Yes, the jew invented a religion that persecuted them for centuries, so that 2000 years later they could take power. Also, the jew only gained power with the fall of christianity in europe, and the rise of secularism, but let's ignore that.

We know this board is owned by masons and thats why you larpagan faggots spam this board. kill yourself.

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He's a shill and so are you.

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File: fe42827346b7789⋯.jpg (256.41 KB,653x1024,653:1024,1562693571065.jpg)

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File: 10918db03e71974⋯.jpg (6.15 KB,225x224,225:224,1563893812881s.jpg)

File: 586e2485d03870e⋯.jpg (27.01 KB,482x346,241:173,metzitzahbpeh.jpg)

File: 14a530417305381⋯.jpg (224.32 KB,817x712,817:712,1563076994162.jpg)

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File: 76463cfd62200d0⋯.jpg (76.03 KB,685x668,685:668,1563353216746.jpg)

And when knife raping fails.

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This pedo hysteria would have more basis if you moralizers even knew what pedo means. Hint: it doesn't mean "2D drawings of anime girls" and it doesn't mean "teenagers".

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File: a387c0e13a12db1⋯.jpg (99.36 KB,243x539,243:539,1563889114097.jpg)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB,1332x869,1332:869,1563833512769.png)

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File: 744f1288cbeeef5⋯.png (437.05 KB,639x759,213:253,1563533017504.png)

File: 9675c54dd468d9a⋯.png (95.67 KB,482x354,241:177,1563653189290.png)


And that circumcising small babies and sometimes sucking their bloody dick is apparently a legal thing to do…

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File: 6eae1a2df8162d7⋯.jpg (1013.53 KB,2208x1586,1104:793,1563777138808.jpg)

File: 36f5b9bf2f857df⋯.png (252.18 KB,721x527,721:527,1563462269747.png)

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File: 66e817c9172ed38⋯.jpeg (31.29 KB,255x253,255:253,66e817c9172ed3820fa5872f2….jpeg)


>nigger claims of kangdom coincide with aryan histroy being revealed.

Again its a jewish weapon distorting history to destroy the aryan race and yes it does seem to come out around the 2012-2016 area.

I think what we can learn from this thread so far is three things.

1. Jews use racial camouflage to blend in with their host and arent recognized as being a different race therefore not being recognized as the evil they truly are.

2. Jews use distorted morality (a perversion of natural morality we all know inherently) as a weapon of control, like christianity

3. The Jews react with avarice and venomous hatred when recognized as the evil they are, because like any narcissistic psychopath, they deceive themselves into believing their lie that they are the most 'good' and 'righteous people when they rape en masse, subvert and destroy aryan civilizations.

The question now is not "are the jews evil", which we all know to be yes, but the question is "HOW do we get everyone else to recognize them as the evil they truly are?

I think we can do this by looking at how certain movements shift morality of the white masses using natural morality.

1. Animal Rights movements. They have had tremendous sucess with white people using our natural empathy for others as a weapon to get whites into the self-destructive vegan diet. We can study how their propaganda works and use it to our advantage

2. SJW Anti-white movements. So called "Anti-raccism" movements use the education system and mass media (we all know who owns it) to brainwash our children using examples of "crimes" done against non-whites by whites acting in their self-interest. Their propaganda can be used and twisted against them to portray who the real cause of slavery is (jews) and show how whites are the natural 'goodness' they truly are.

3. Christianity. (the jews ITT admit it is their weapon), The most powerful of all jewish morality weapons. Has done extreme brainwashing through examples of 'immorality' and portraying the jews as 'gods chosen people' it has distorted natural morality more than anything else and done far, far more damage to whites than liberalism and communism put together. It uses examples of moral stories written down milleniums ago as a tool that a single person ccan use to manipulate the morals of a whole town. We can study how they change the morality of native americans (aztecs, cherokee, myans est) as an example of how they shift morality.

Now the question is how do we learn these tactics of "morality warfare" and use them to portray the jews as being exactly what they are- the greatest evil the world shall ever know?

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Correct, I'm also baiting you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE challenge Christianity I want to watch you lose again.

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File: a4ea76e324b8741⋯.jpg (36.41 KB,750x751,750:751,56e87a07a762fb2b6f4cbe071e….jpg)



Looking at this trailer using my previous #1 Example of the animal rights movement. We can see a few commonalities.

>Non whites pictured as being 'connected to the earth' in beautiful CGI shots- triggering self-hatred responce in liberal whites

>Whites (and nonwhites) abusing animals in short clips of violence to animals- triggering empathy response in the viewers emotions

>quotes about 'ancient kings' and 'being stewards of the earth' being used to facilitate the idea that- animals are noble, animals have a better morality than the ones who violently abuse them, that nature wants 'harmony and peace between animals and people'

So just at a glance we can see how one of the most prolific propaganda films for the animal rights movement uses morality warfare as their primary tool to shift others morality to serve their agenda.

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File: 96cf0b45d9c65aa⋯.jpg (207.33 KB,500x682,250:341,183828.jpg)



You whole heartedly admitted that christianity was your race's moral weapon and that we can "never challenge it" and that we "lost".

Now that we are exploring how to expose you filthy jews as the devils in human form that you are you keep bullshiting about "losing again".

Don't worry, nobody will be "losing" this isnt about fighting, its about being moral, and you are truly an immoral sociopathic kike like the rest of your people.

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Admitting? I never denied it. I've literally told you everything and you still speak like a fucking retard. The Christians did a thorough job with your mind.

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jews are globalists. they move to where they can prosper, drinking the land dry, basically destroying cultures. then when they cant make money or people hate them, they run away to another part of the world and begin process again. globalism doesnt WORK. We need independant nations to take car eof the earth.

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Is this why the Jews do this procedure religiously ?

To create something lacking emotion and perception?

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>Why aren't Jews regarded as the vilest, evilest, most wicked creatures alive?

A nigh complete grip on media, entertainment, governments and the "education" system. That and their father the devil has a spiritual anointing to rule this world until Christ returns. God does not end a ruler's time in office just because they were judged wicked. They get to carry out the entirety of their term. This is the only explanation for how a tiny group of people can rule a planet. they are not smart enough, cunning enough, ruthless enough to do this without supernatural allowance. It sucks, but that's our lives in this world.Hopefully things get better upon Christ's return.

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File: e36f9bd8407436a⋯.jpg (302.51 KB,986x1268,493:634,muh abrahamic faiths respo….jpg)


>muh abrahamic faiths


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File: 106b74e4aabf513⋯.png (125.83 KB,1796x493,1796:493,Calling a spade a spade.png)

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>We Europeans

You aren't even in a position to create your ethnoglobe larp. If you are, then you wouldn't need permission from a bunch of faggots on an imageboard. Just fuck off already, between you and spicspammer the board is total shit.

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File: fe5e0ab1cab4b83⋯.jpg (446.73 KB,600x940,30:47,circumStudy.jpg)


Uncensored version if anyone is interested.

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File: dd314a18646dc43⋯.png (547.91 KB,1575x1080,35:24,hitlerasteroid.png)

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Because most peoples integrity doesnt go past their paycheque and by most were talking about 90%.

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Good rundown anon

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Do you have a link or the full versions of that thora?

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File: fe61662057a3771⋯.png (220.81 KB,644x685,644:685,1564376056545.png)

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File: 5b064d4b53bcdc8⋯.png (1.14 MB,610x3079,610:3079,1564239228332.png)

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File: 0d642800e361356⋯.png (1.3 MB,1797x1782,599:594,1564071929152.png)

Hmmmm if this article is legit, why does it state bringing back? I can't remember there being this law in any other country than the Soviet Union…

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If you post with an anime image next to that redtext, it might make your shit opinion sound even more smart and sophisticated.

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It's real.


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>Never forget: once 10% of the population believes in something, the idea becomes unstoppable and effectively mainstream. Only 10% of the people need to wake up to the Jewish Question before the JQ becomes an unstoppable mainstream idea. 1 in 10. That's all we need.

Where is the source for this, I'd like to read about it?

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Pedoposter alert.

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File: dc71825b0a0e3ef⋯.jpg (44.01 KB,480x360,4:3,1523911049829.jpg)


What that doesn't make any sense? mr. 1 post

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It does if you know Gemantria and Jewish numerical code. You pedokike.

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>Itt a jew kvetches

You didn't actually believe rewriting the bible would hide the Truth of God did you?



Your fear is literally tangible

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even if he was fictional, it doesnt change shit, jews still want christianity to die, it just shows everyone that jew rats are fucking autistic, they should be documented like chris chan. in order to fuck up their image.

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File: 48da3ccd1975105⋯.jpg (358.01 KB,1106x1280,553:640,bitingthehand.jpg)


>Why aren't Jews regarded as the vilest, evilest, most wicked creatures alive?

Did I miss a meeting?

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File: 981828e46487dbe⋯.pdf (2.71 MB,We_thougt_they_were_white.pdf)

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Go back you fucking faggot.

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File: f8f71b4f2190ee7⋯.png (793.98 KB,1318x416,659:208,ClipboardImage.png)


No, Spider-Man, no!

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File: 7d7cd5e6e061b28⋯.mp4 (379.92 KB,360x360,1:1,jew_in_the_cupboard.mp4)

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File: 92353cbfcd28dd5⋯.jpg (193.99 KB,640x1001,640:1001,1564594336442.jpg)

File: 2b9e4c1f0e893cd⋯.png (873.96 KB,1750x2280,175:228,1564388517162.png)

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>I hate Jews more than you therefore I am better than you

Stop trying to shame us you dogfucking pindick.

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ill be honest ive never understood why jews dont appear in beheading videos.

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>Why aren't Jews regarded as the vilest, evilest, most wicked creatures alive?

People form those opinions from their information feed. Jewish parasite has evolved to take on the role and replace the pre-existing apes that were in that role, be they priests, town criers, rumor mills, agitators or journalists.

Jew can only be accepted by morally corrupt individuals who can be bribed - and brainwashed units.

They operate by brainwashing themselves, with each and every generation pushing the less stubborn / gullible units away. Coupled with heavy inbreeding and xenophobia, their culture is perhaps the most efficient way of enslaving a nation; through themselves.

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It doesn't fucking matter what everyone thinks. What matters is the truth and there is an absolute moral truth.

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Patience is a virtue anon

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