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File: abb1cf0462f39e4⋯.jpg (893.65 KB,2250x1346,1125:673,breivik.jpg)

 No.13523043 [Last50 Posts]

Today 8 years ago, Anders Breivik managed to carry a massive attack against leftist traitors in his country, Norway, setting the path for a shocking and innovative way to fight against the ethnic replacement of white europeans and the corrupt politicians allowing it.

Post everything Breivik related: latest news, memes, interesting articles, footages, link to manifesto and other interesting stuff about Knight Justiciar Breivik.

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File: f018abead8f591e⋯.jpg (37.06 KB,512x341,512:341,f018abead8f591ea5f95cc7882….jpg)

File: 5bc6b6e3645e5dc⋯.pdf (7.73 MB,2083 A European Declaratio….pdf)

File: f0346aaaa5f55dd⋯.jpeg (66.98 KB,553x330,553:330,b18ae50f7b6fa431e98e1b611….jpeg)

A hero.

in B4 faggots

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File: 3280dce74431b75⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,640x460,32:23,breivik_inspiration.jpg)

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>hello, my name is Breivik

>i killed a bunch of white children that hated jews

>i had to kill them, because they would have grown up to hurt jews

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File: 11873b0df16ac1b⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,330x450,11:15,achtung_jude.jpg)



You could not leave alone this thread, could you shills?

Gas yourself.

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>>i killed a bunch of white children that hated jews

<this is what these niggers actually believe

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White Leftist kid that hates Israel > any 'Right' wing Kike cock-sucker any day

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File: d799fc0fb4d0f29⋯.png (183.37 KB,1139x858,1139:858,b_psyop.PNG)


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88 my white comrades

Lux Aeterna playing, untermensch dead - beautiful day, indeed


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File: 62a81361c74c0b1⋯.jpeg (37.3 KB,400x212,100:53,6AF12BD9-AB66-4B9F-BCEC-C….jpeg)

File: 67eb929262270b0⋯.png (306.33 KB,720x381,240:127,E8392E38-024D-41BD-8F6E-8E….png)

Here’s a rare one I found in Europe. From the Wiki article:

>On October 6, 1991 , the transsexual woman Sonia Rescalvo Zafra was murdered by a brutal beating by a group of neo-Nazis in the Parque de la Ciudadela, in Barcelona. His murder acquired great relevance because it was "the first crime of a transsexual for the mere fact of being one of which information and perseverance is available in Spain".

>On the night of October 6, 1991, after a night of partying, six skinheads of extreme right-wing ideology sneaked into the Ciutadella Park in Barcelona through a hole in the fence, heading to the Musicians roundabout, a regular meeting place of homosexuals and transsexuals.

>There they proposed "to play the drum," a form in which they called kicking with their boots reinforced with iron points on the heads of their victims. Sonia and her co-worker Dori or Doris Romero slept that night in the open, in the park, and were identified by the group as "lumps" with " transvestite appearance". The beating that Sonia and Dori received was of such violence that one of the attackers broke a toenail, despite the fact that his boot was protected with a steel reinforcement. The first journalistic reports confused Sonia with a black person, as explained by the magistrate José Joaquín Pérez Beneyto, because "It was such a beating that they gave him all bruises". Dori managed to survive "by mere chance" according to the same sentence, but Sonia died "from a rain of kicks in the head and a stumble in the chest with a broomstick."

>After leaving both dying on the ground, they beat up a one-eyed homeless man, Miguel Pérez Barreiros, who was nearby. As a consequence, Miguel lost the only eye he saw, going blind.

>Subsequently the six aggressors went to the bar Vis a Vis. The next day they met with a friend, Óscar Lozano, to tell him the facts.


>The conversation allowed the arrest of seven young people between 16 and 17 years old: Pere Alsina Llinares, David Parladé Valdés, Héctor and Isaac López Frutos, Andrés Pascual Prieto, Oliver Sánchez Riera and Óscar Lozano. The records of their homes produced numerous neo-Nazi documents, knives, such as baseball bats and American fists , and Boixos Nois cards. Several people related to the investigation, among them the sub-inspector Miller, pointed out "the level of defiance, belligerence, arrogance and arrogance" shown by the detainees and their family environment.

>Three years later, the detainees were sentenced to 310 years in prison. Subsequently, the Supreme Court reduced the penalties by half. In 2011, with the exception of two of them, all were free.

Wow, looks like Spain has some based troon smashers. This is probably the only hate crime in Spain that I know about. Anyone got any more feelgood stories like this? I need more dead kikes, trannies, t*rks, hapas, Canadians and Discord users to add to my storage. Perhaps this will scare off the trannies on this board.

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odd nonsense, disloyal jews? disloyal to what? this mossad agent cunt and his gibberish.

Kikes only have loyalty to themselves, and deportation is not needed at all. who the fuck should pay for these jews to be removed? why do that when you can execute all them for free. i already have a knife, i could personally work my way through them i would work 18 hours per day for the rest of my life to do that for free. fuck i would pay for the honor.

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File: 06607eafee03cff⋯.png (1.05 MB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-07-17-05-4….png)

probly said he wasa real woman. its obviosly false advertizeing. the fag shouldnt have lied, or he could be sucking dick today? oh well. brevik was a genius, had a diversion fake attack. need more like him.

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File: ddf79c5dac3edf1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.42 KB,500x433,500:433,ddf79c5dac3edf1ccb82e7e969….jpg)

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File: 8d58ea85cee032f⋯.webm (250.11 KB,500x280,25:14,steve kek.webm)


Lol. Its like a bot stitched this together.

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File: 798c23148e93bc1⋯.jpg (123.5 KB,972x540,9:5,knight commander breivik.jpg)

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>hey buddy! Shoot some mudslides. Protect your race.


>gun control laws that follow spergshootings are just a (((coincidence)))

Another russian shill post brought to you by Boris.

/pol/ is gone

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What are guns without the will to use them?

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Media tried to meme this into typical purity spiraling by making narrative of stupid white nationalist killing off his pure-bred Norwegian racial brothers and sisters. Turns out the amount of shitskins within that genocidal anti-white leftost youth organisation is staggering. As always their narrative is smashed with simple truths.


That said, young people tend to be dumb and many abandon ideological leftism before they turn 30 and only take it because it's marketed as edgy anti-system bravery while protected by system so it's safe larp for kiddos to rebel a little. I don't approve this at all. The 40+ camp leaders (all camp leaders were fat single women btw) were the face of true evil, the unyielding, uncompromising, genocidal, brainwashing evil.

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this kills the shills

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Reported for not even fucking attempting to pretend that you’re not paid to post here.

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File: d8cbf1420cb5d08⋯.png (138 KB,960x840,8:7,le_ethnic_cleansing.png)


>white leftist

Traitors get the bullet first, shill.

Breivik did the right thing. marxism was left to grow unrestrainedly like cancer in Europe because there was not enough Breivik-style chemotheraty to keep it in check.

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>Traitors get the bullet first, shill.

Then Breivik should kill himself.

>Breivik did the right thing. marxism was left to grow unrestrainedly like cancer in Europe because there was not enough Breivik-style chemotheraty to keep it in check.

"Americans" only hated the USSR because they said niggers in "America" belong to another Nation, and that Kikes aren't a Nation.

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Your answer has nothing to do with either the thread or my post.

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File: a33911ac6b07d1f⋯.jpeg (10.23 KB,474x266,237:133,back-future4.jpeg)

File: 40f702e5ac6a693⋯.png (68.66 KB,776x358,388:179,time-machine-hitler.png)

BACK TO THE FUTURE 4 - Staring Anders Breivik. This time Marty and Breivik go back to kill Hitler!

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File: e56f3239454ce58⋯.png (12.64 KB,410x410,1:1,atc_cpu2.png)


Eve if he wrote that, I'm still ok with what Breivik did, shill.

Get over it.

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File: de0b273ce51fa08⋯.png (327.83 KB,500x757,500:757,breivik-decision-faggot.png)

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File: 76d6b5f050757da⋯.jpg (673.36 KB,1196x676,23:13,JIDF.jpg)


look at the furious shill, he cherrypicked the line and will now repeat it till the end of times! (or unless Israel gets nuked and he dies typing into his cubicle).

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Laughing at shills here. The same who tell "Tarrant was a false flag". Faggots


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Breivik did nothing wrong. He is a hero. And you're a jew.

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File: c56ba4452f14b92⋯.png (605.23 KB,654x866,327:433,index breivik.png)

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You're a Jew. Killing a bunch of white children (because they belonged to a group that teaches them to hate Jews) proves Breivik is a race traitor.

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File: 13115ed3aaf46d4⋯.png (256.93 KB,338x518,169:259,bleurgh.png)


looks like a monkey tbh

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>supposedly hates muslim invaders

>decides to kill a bunch of white children

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File: 6f7fb759b294c21⋯.jpg (33.51 KB,377x458,377:458,1563782319861.jpg)


You know what?

The shills will never come to terms to what version is the most effective one to give to the goyim to sow discord:

-blaming Tarrant for targeting invaders instead of people letting them in

-blaming Breivik for exterminating a bunch of future leftist traitors, and also bombing a government building at the same time

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>White children that hated jews

You understand your average BDS democrat hates white people more than they hate Israel and the only reason they harbor any negative feeling towards Israel is because they believe them to also be white?

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Makes sense to me. If you kill the muslims and not the people advocating for them the dead sandniggers will just be replaced with new live ones. Its not like shithole counties have low birth rates or anything

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If you kill sandniggers you will also make it so they can't have 8 fucking children meaning if you kill 50 sandniggers you will actually kill 450. Killing white youth (who will grow up and turn out to become non-socdems) that are not important to the movement will do nothing. Killing sandnigger babies is the most effective.

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>you will also make it so they can't have 8 fucking children meaning

uhhh you do realize they are importing them from OTHER countries right?

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Trusting a freemason though.

Pretty stupid tbh.

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File: 22dcffbd152343f⋯.jpg (561.95 KB,480x384,5:4,1750885.jpg)

Y'all think the reborn Knights Templar do really exist and aren't just a propaganda tool or delusion of Saint Fjotolf? Maybe there is a very small but highly secretive group of European partisans plotting a similarly large operation on say the tenth anniversary of 22 July. Or, if it doesn't exist, we can create it ourselves in Minecraft

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File: 9e10657e67cc166⋯.jpeg (90.8 KB,652x427,652:427,CA24158F-820A-4B57-BBBE-C….jpeg)

Go shill for israel somewhere else kike

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Whoever created the image OP uploaded or OP himself is trying to make /pol/ look bad.

OP might even be a journalist trying to get content to write in his new hit piece.

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You mean like this fishing expedition?


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True hero. Deserved the iron cross

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File: 66c5570c683340f⋯.jpg (690.57 KB,791x1024,791:1024,ed745a3d47c74dc91a14ccb783….jpg)


>not recognizing an old meme

>make /pol/ look bad


>optics for normalfags

You're an idiot.

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File: 865c12248a73e0a⋯.gif (556.65 KB,224x199,224:199,Breivik.gif)

File: 92a93490c4395ce⋯.jpg (64.39 KB,640x460,32:23,Breivik.jpg)

File: eeea7ac0da19db9⋯.jpg (971.7 KB,1600x1200,4:3,ec037840088dc2875967236479….jpg)

File: aa52611e4a53cc0⋯.jpg (117.79 KB,604x485,604:485,Free Breivik.jpg)

File: e70515873b66475⋯.jpg (300.4 KB,2425x1629,2425:1629,Heil Breivik.jpg)

The lives of traitors are forfeit, and so are their children. Heil Breivik.

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File: d06902f093f4f9d⋯.jpg (32.93 KB,645x729,215:243,26734448_10210517236150366….jpg)


>if they defended Palestine it means they were good guys and totally had interest in defending the white race in their country

This is how stupid (((You))) sound.

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>i killed a bunch of white children

No child was harmed, it was proven in court, the "child killer" narrative comes from the MSM you idiot! Most people on the island were adults (18+) or teenagers (14+). Breivik stated that he does not want to kill children beforehand, and he even took care not killing children by asking young looking persons for their age, and when they told him a number lower than 14 he left them alone…

>that hated jews

Marxists hate Jews? What!?

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BASED patsy killing whites

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intredasting but off topic


checked and very nice find

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Yeah, he took out a recruiting camp for Muslim invaders. They hate kikes, traitorous kikes probably brought them there, and trying to force it into the "jews bad / jewhaters good" binary narrative makes you wrong. If Europe survives this generation, Breivik might be remembered as a hero.

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File: 6f680a2c3693359⋯.jpg (15.56 KB,640x360,16:9,breivik.jpg)

<posted 1 hour ago

>Utoya memorial defaced with swastika on anniversary of attack in which 77 people died


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File: c2a7c0faf3d74a1⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,2480x3508,620:877,breivik.jpeg)

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File: 5d8ddf660231d36⋯.png (14.06 MB,3543x3307,3543:3307,Untitled-1.png)

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File: cd880eb98227dcf⋯.jpg (100.2 KB,780x520,3:2,07732983.jpg)


forgot pic

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>5th pic

Breivik pulls off the bald + bearded look really well. I hope he keeps it when it he is released.

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Unlike St. Breivik you won't do shit you nigger.

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Breivik's closing court statement https://www.bitchute.com/video/dwztw7piWLLn/

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File: ebf5a799f3e8a22⋯.png (60.35 KB,1910x490,191:49,Breivik.png)


Top kek, nice. Seems like Nordic man is still there.

Also little pic for all the shills.

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File: a613194c52fe389⋯.jpg (64.32 KB,500x670,50:67,tumblr_mjpw1bajsn1rm9mldo1….jpg)

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File: b9ae986b3d0b762⋯.gif (218.36 KB,400x266,200:133,tumblr_mm1s2jyr941spxfkfo1….gif)

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what I like about him is that he is constantly smiling in the face of all those cucks, looks like he really doesn't give a fuck.

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File: 9a054bf95e186ae⋯.gif (1.43 MB,280x250,28:25,happy.gif)

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File: 9b6920fc4ec51c1⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,620x411,620:411,4399351-breivik.jpg)

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was he really not redpilled on the jews when he claimed to be a Zionist in his manifesto or did he do that to just throw off his trail

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Read the thread, don't be a lazy nig.



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File: 296f23840f45aa3⋯.jpg (43.44 KB,650x487,650:487,c8671357416e405a465d42be14….jpg)

I wonder what the traitor thought in this moment. "The exotic food was worth it"?

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These little lone wolf incidents are a godsend for the left.

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Well, it was an anti-Israel rally, so probably, "I shouldn't have been an (((anti-semitic loser))). G-d, forgive me for not supporting Israel."

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File: 852869872212424⋯.jpg (9.08 KB,213x237,71:79,852.jpg)

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"Anders Breivik - His Life in Pictures"


"Commander Breivik's Apology"


"Behind Blue Eyes"


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File: 5a6370566793350⋯.jpg (74.16 KB,1024x595,1024:595,brainlet void.jpg)

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Why the IP hopping, you retarded shill?

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File: effe10236637977⋯.png (771.71 KB,461x674,461:674,delicious.png)

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Those places also exist elsewhere in the world. Others in Europe, some in America.

I just came into deeper knowledge of a place such as this.

At some point in time I will share my knowledge but I don't feel comfortable at the moment discussing things outside of minecraft without decent opsec.

No worries boyos, will learn soon enough. VERY specific people attend these places.

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Why is he killing white children?

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Because they were marxist apparatchiks betraying their blood.

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I just shat on your golf course you fucking nigger.

Quit paying these lowlifes to harass me.

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Faggots can't be lions.

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Because he's an anti White nigger working for Jews.

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an amerimutt

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Then he still did good work by killing the apparatchiks.

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> At some point in time I will share my knowledge but I don't feel comfortable at the moment discussing things outside of minecraft without decent opsec.

Sounds interesting. Fix your opsec and post.

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what? don't tease, man!


look at him, impossible to hate.

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> he's a commie

> he killed white kids

> he killed childern

god the shills make me sick Knight Anders Breivik did nothing wrong he did not kill whites he will communists and anti white mussies also communists are not human

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he killed communists* fucking spelling is shit not going to lie

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Stop IP hoping you impotent loser. You've been already btfo'd hard itt.




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Is this your channel I liked this video very much


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File: ee9cc7a74f77486⋯.jpg (86.76 KB,629x988,629:988,absolutely_part&parcel.jpg)

>Breivik's far-right terror attack enters Norwegian school curriculum

>Children and teenagers should learn about the acts of terrorism, Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang reported following an anniversary event of the terrorist attacks on Sunday.


Are there islamic terror attacks in school curriculum too in Norway?

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Somehow I expected that, I wonder (((why))) a single lone wolf attack backed by no active group whatsoever is more dangerous than consolidated networks of muslims with huge funding and countless attacks carried in whole Europe.

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File: 40fb32f76277163⋯.gif (2.11 MB,240x180,4:3,laugh.gif)

Some interesting Breivik related videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSkgio5VrnPHeL47zizWatw/videos

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


very interesting

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File: ff7d5f9731e7b6f⋯.jpg (144.35 KB,496x750,248:375,tumblr_m2u9vo7ghc1qh2ua6o1….jpg)


Note how they had named part of the island "Bolsjevika", right next to "Stoltenberget" named after Jens Stoltenberg.


No but all IP hopping shills that sympathize with anti-white commie traitors should go into the woodchipper.

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File: 1d7ff1ca1169aff⋯.jpg (66.38 KB,950x534,475:267,527747_427557950670197_142….jpg)


this dumbass again

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>His original plan for the attack on Utøya was to time his arrival on the island with a visit from Gro Harlem Brundtland, a former Labour prime minister of Norway. Breivik told the court he planned to handcuff her, before "decapitating" her using a bayonet on his rifle and then filming the execution on an iPhone.

>"The plan was to chop her head off with [the bayonet] while reading a text and then upload the film to the internet," he said.

>Brundtland was his main target, said Breivik, adding that he nonetheless expected everyone else on the island to die. "The objective was not to kill 69 people on Utøya. The objective was to kill all of them," he said, explaining that he planned to scare the campers into the water.

>Brundtland survived, having left the island by the time Breivik arrived.


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File: 2f652406a453fbe⋯.jpg (43.46 KB,509x509,1:1,1506326659_preview_d35a6e5….jpg)


>"The objective was not to kill 69 people on Utøya. The objective was to kill all of them,"

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>Y'all think the reborn Knights Templar do really exist

Both Breivik and Tarrant visited the same Templar holy sites. Apparently Tarrant was the only one (so far) to pick up this clue in Breiviks manifesto.

Whatever you do anon don't visit these sites.

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what are you talking about?

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It's just overflow from /x/.

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File: f785ee89e9e1e33⋯.jpg (11.06 KB,480x360,4:3,1466754998273.jpg)


well, too late: I am intrigued now

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By late 2015 Breivik had come to publicly reject Christianity, saying in a letter that he despises the "weakness and internationalism that the church represents" and now describing himself as "one of the more fanatical National Socialists in northern Europe". I've read that people had been sending him copies of Mein Kampf and Siege. Clearly the manifesto written perhaps a decade earlier no longer reflects his views, if it ever actually did - he claims it was partially a ruse to pin the blame on the "counter jihad" movement. Even in 2012 during the trial he sounded more like a militant ethnonationalist than anything else, although he was still somewhat bluepilled in certain regards. Those who go on and on about the manifesto to discredit him while disregarding everything said and written later are being dishonest.

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I watched the whole thing posted here >>13524818 and I find it wonderfully spot on, it sounds like a brief compendium of all the things true /pol/acks stand for, the fact that Breivik developed this level of awakening 10 years ago when things were not as bad as they are today is amazing, no surprise Saint Tarrant had him as a role model.

We all should, considering the developments.

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File: d22c0f5acc479a2⋯.jpeg (99.95 KB,600x800,3:4,rockwell-colorized3.jpeg)


>odd nonsense, disloyal jews? disloyal to what?

t. never read or listened to Rockwell, ever

All Jews are traitors. By saying traitor Jews youre saying all Jews.

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File: 07a940a6a7d1f7d⋯.jpg (155.94 KB,1024x923,1024:923,disdain-for-retards.jpg)


>Jewish communists who oppose nation states are based

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Why do we praise this Zionist again?

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What about you read the thread before shilling, you stupid subhuman nigger.

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File: 378c3b1231f8196⋯.jpg (84.94 KB,884x894,442:447,breivik-bypass.JPG)

File: 954da5f4b749c8b⋯.png (503.59 KB,800x528,50:33,tarrant-breivik-fashwave.png)

File: b6c61e942ad20bc⋯.jpg (35.6 KB,688x843,688:843,breivik-smile5.JPG)

File: de7ab63cb418f99⋯.jpg (52.71 KB,895x896,895:896,breivik-face.JPG)

File: d9203bcf3fea901⋯.jpg (32.91 KB,592x831,592:831,breivik-smile4.JPG)


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File: eff6ee4e846017a⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,1131x902,1131:902,breivik-car.JPG)

File: 0b222a8ea1ccec7⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,1031x718,1031:718,breivik-smile3.JPG)

File: 9055e1e157d1077⋯.jpg (71.42 KB,1599x897,41:23,breivik-smile2.JPG)


Sinead is incapable of not supporting Jewish communists, no matter how many times you explain that communism is Jewish and it doesnt matter if they oppose - ISRAEL - which itself is not Jews, its a country.

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File: 706631fde499bb7⋯.jpg (47.59 KB,526x572,263:286,breivik-enrich.jpg)

File: 68b984e1ba26d92⋯.png (2.02 MB,1756x1317,4:3,tarrant-breivik-car.png)

File: f9f787f37e6b8c9⋯.jpeg (59.52 KB,407x497,407:497,breivik-race-war-cop.jpeg)

File: 49d6e5565b4b27c⋯.jpeg (154.95 KB,680x510,4:3,free-breivik-tarrant.jpeg)

File: a39d1104b80f700⋯.jpg (105.25 KB,1228x691,1228:691,tarrant-breivik-new-zealan….jpg)

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You can't ever help but be retarded, so to make up for that, just stop posting here. Go get a hobby, nigger.

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>Kikes only have loyalty to themselves,

Did you miss that part of his post or what?


Okay, so Breivik sees Israel as a deportation zone for "unloyal" Jews. But Jews are only loyal to themselves and their ingroup. So.. deporting all Jews to Israel is winning somehow? Unless you plan on nuking them after they've all been deported there, you aren't winning shit.

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File: 1ad6994618ecec8⋯.gif (295.12 KB,300x100,3:1,pol breivik.gif)

File: ee4de13f72694f7⋯.png (442.19 KB,634x453,634:453,Inspiration-Pass-It-On-Bre….PNG)

File: 10723f3c43b4ac9⋯.jpg (111.03 KB,711x489,237:163,breivik-just-do-it.jpg)

File: e330115ca252cf8⋯.jpg (43.96 KB,300x226,150:113,breivik-mah-nigga.jpg)


Confirmed Sinead. Not an argument, communism is Jewish, Jewish communists who oppose Israel while pushing for open borders are not our allies. You will die, painfully.

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File: 8d6e9e386c62134⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,645x729,215:243,8d6.jpg)

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>okay, so…

Read the thread.

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File: a092030bc404205⋯.jpg (122.71 KB,550x558,275:279,Breivik-Smokey.jpg)

File: e577fbbb7882a76⋯.png (1.79 MB,900x1137,300:379,breivik-victims.png)

File: b5b35048ba6ddd5⋯.png (104.76 KB,725x209,725:209,Breivik-PS3.PNG)

File: 41876d79732f66d⋯.jpg (543.71 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Breivik-Utoya-Experience.jpg)

File: 470f031ec9d6ab4⋯.jpg (86.36 KB,400x355,80:71,remove-kebab-brei.jpg)

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File: 7c45b744629e557⋯.jpg (113.29 KB,466x700,233:350,breivik2 christmas.jpg)

File: 435998bb6d540b2⋯.jpg (88.72 KB,800x481,800:481,breivik-farewell-campers.jpg)

File: 9bc2ac16bb023f4⋯.jpg (216.12 KB,1110x922,555:461,Breivik Kill Frenzy.jpg)

File: 30117637afb62eb⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1600x1200,4:3,breivik3.jpg)

File: fffa6ea22654fd3⋯.jpg (74.73 KB,720x430,72:43,breiviks private swim scho….jpg)


Reminder disagreeing over killing all Jews or simply deporting them isnt a valid reason to toss a martyr under the bus.

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File: c7ec88fc0793aa8⋯.jpg (303.74 KB,747x1070,747:1070,to_forgive_the_unforgivabl….jpg)

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File: 42f19e425f5eac8⋯.jpg (11.45 KB,171x295,171:295,tarrant-breivik-roof-smile.jpg)

File: a62878e6d182450⋯.jpg (234.26 KB,1280x857,1280:857,breivik11.jpg)

File: 23017970310d13f⋯.jpg (78.33 KB,1000x670,100:67,breivik7.jpg)

File: 585df4712c6b35d⋯.png (119.03 KB,971x500,971:500,Breivikism.png)

File: f7df461e6166a08⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,480x360,4:3,The-Story-Of-Breivik.mp4)

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Do you guys think Breivik is proud of Tarrant? Do you think he is aware of the right wing growing in numbers in Europe? Has he access to media?

I wish someone showed him The Great Replacement.

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>Jewish communists who oppose nation states are based

Communsts > Kike cock-sucking 'Right' wing nigger lovers who don't even understand what a Nation is.

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File: 1175977d97ba580⋯.jpg (110.49 KB,1097x1280,1097:1280,photo_2019-07-23_06-12-46.jpg)


The shills invent new excuses and lies for each militant why they must not be supported. "He wrote this line that I disagree with X years ago", "he chose the wrong target", "he was secretly a Muslim", "muh false flag" etc. They always refuse to consider anything contradicting their dumb narrative, they are totally dishonest. Only reason to even respond to them is to educate lurkers.

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File: 4989674ab44598c⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,624x358,312:179,Breivik'd.mp4)

Posting one of the most hilarious videos from court.


>Has he access to media?

Yes, he has. He knows for sure.

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You go into the woodchipper too, faggot.

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File: 39a0827d2469482⋯.jpg (33.6 KB,698x98,349:49,white-jew-bypass2.JPG)


I dont know but I do know Roof gets mail and watches Tucker Carlson pretty much every night, so at least he is aware of whats going on. As for Breivik though, I dont know. I think they denied him access to internet and really anything, Ive never heard of people communicating with him. Last I heard he only had a PS2 and non-violent games like Rayman. Its like a childized prison so I wouldnt be surprised to hear he has no information about what happens outside.


This is why we had mods with the ability to ban based on personal judgement. No, communism is white genocide, theres no weighing communist Jews against Zionist Jews, they are all Jews. Youre a Jew. Go back to fucking cuckchan, or lefty/pol/.

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>By late 2015 Breivik had come to publicly reject Christianity, saying in a letter that he despises the "weakness and internationalism that the church represents" and now describing himself as "one of the more fanatical National Socialists in northern Europe".

Where is his new 1,500+ manifesto explaining why his old 1,500+ manifesto was the work of a mind infected with Kike-worship?

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>You go into the woodchipper too, faggot.

The White Nation Liberation War will settle who are the fakes from the real thing, that is for sure.

The fakes are going to be the ones telling everyone to stop attacking the ZOG, and ratting out everyone they can to the FBI.

And guess what? The fakes are going to love Breivik.

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>No, communism is white genocide,

Getting a communist accept National Socialism is easier than getting a Zionist to take his lips off the Kike cock. This is why the National Socialist German Worker's Party recruited hundreds of thousands of active communists willing to fight in the street, but never got anywhere with Kike-lovers.

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File: 25928f25dd78daf⋯.png (143.6 KB,400x225,16:9,need-more-autism.png)

File: fb40a4a80b14fec⋯.jpg (102.23 KB,689x602,689:602,Breivik-Psyop.JPG)

File: afc252020f93c95⋯.jpg (133.62 KB,704x735,704:735,Breivik-Psyop2.JPG)


Youre a larping faggot hobbyist and you dont belong here. The people he killed were communists, the purpose of National Socialism is to smash bolshevism and unite the German people.

Kill - yourself - kike

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>the people he killed were young whites that hated kikes

Fixed for you.

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>hurr I can publish anti-zog manifestos from prison

How fucking dense you are? He is communicating the way he can - by letters and articles like the one posted. And even his mail is censored.


Breivik has full access to printed media and also has a TV and the radio.

>"The trial, which was held in the Skien prison gym, revealed that Breivik has three cells to himself - one for living, one for studying, and one for exercise - and they are filled with amenities such as a TV, DVD player, the torturously-old Playstation 2 console, a typewriter, books, and newspapers."



You are the same faggot who tried this line of thought in Tarrant threads. Kill yourself.

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>were young whites that hated kikes

Kek, imagine being this desperate. You stick out like a sore thumb.

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Again, the goal of national socialism as stated by Hitler is to smash bolshevism - and unite the German people - who made up 99% of the population at the time. I really dont feel like even bothering to explain this to you being youre an irrelevant cancerposting fucking retard who should just be banned. Uniting whites doesnt stop white genocide and modern communists are concerned with white privilege. If you actually fucking read Mein Kampf you would know the strategy involved recognizing that these people would never be united with the right as long as the issues the social democrats etc were using in their rhetoric werent addressed, which is why it had a lot of workers rights promises. The current social democrats are Bernie and they want niggers to have healthcare, so what are you going to do? Vote to make whites slaves to niggers, unironically, youre Richard Spencer.

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And as always, where is this >>13529862 shill, he always starts doing this >>13529872 too.

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File: ed97d320efa6d86⋯.jpg (92.8 KB,401x599,401:599,401px-Anders_Breivik.jpg)


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>How fucking dense you are?

Doesn't stop Ted Kaczynski, ZOG-faggot.

>Kill yourself.

Go suck off a Kike, Kike-lover.

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File: 81b5b5798bee708⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,2480x3035,496:607,c2a7c0faf3d74a1b732a260bf….jpeg)

File: fa1df7aaeb9a9a0⋯.jpg (33.14 KB,1000x563,1000:563,breivik salute.jpg)

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File: 071c5c1b900a10e⋯.jpg (5.44 KB,224x224,1:1,1514581520782.jpg)


>"The trial, which was held in the Skien prison gym, revealed that Breivik has three cells to himself - one for living, one for studying, and one for exercise - and they are filled with amenities such as a TV, DVD player, the torturously-old Playstation 2 console, a typewriter, books, and newspapers."


what the fuck, he probably has a better life than the average wagecuck, holy shit norway get your shit together, no wonder he is laughing all the time.

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File: c8ec726c419671c⋯.jpeg (84.06 KB,800x400,2:1,russia communists anti-se….jpeg)


>opposing Israel is hating Jews

This is why:


Youre obviously cuckchan


You deserve a ban

Communism is Jewish. When communists oppose Israel, theyre opposing Israel. When you support Jews, you commit race treason. You dont just deserve a ban, if I had the option Id put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, youd be forgotten 10 seconds later.





Bernie Sanders is a Jew. AOC is a Jew. Both oppose Israel, neither oppose Jews.




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>hurr American prison system is same as Norwegian one

>hurr Ted's manifesto is even remotely close to what Breivik should write

Complete fucking idiot. Who solved captcha for you?


Also the funniest part is that he still fucks with them by requesting more and more - Playstation 3 instead of 2 and such.

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File: 2568f3389c5f3b1⋯.jpg (39.91 KB,463x520,463:520,1563263876418.jpg)


I get banned for 12 hours, just for pointing out this exact shillbot, and yet, here it is, again, in EVERY THREAD, EVERY DAY, with complete impunity.

This place is so fucking dead. Fucking kikes. They have one mode.


It's well beyond time we return this affection in kind, with interest.

They still think this is a game, and we won't hunt them down, and flay them alive.

Keep poking the bear, niggers.

We can't move forward without your constant attacks. I know you will never stop.

Thank you.

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Just remember to find the people pushing communism among white nationalists, and follow them home.

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File: aa16d83bbd45f3d⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,234x250,117:125,454a916e636019e4e732085ac8….jpg)


u cant even drink lactose u tard

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>he always starts doing this >>13529872 (You) too.

I have no idea who that bot is, but you only hate it because it tells people what you actually believe.

Any who has read Siege knows opposing "communism" in the ZOG is pointless. "Communists" can't do shit to revolutionary White Nationalists, unless we give them a target. Only the ZOG's thugs can hurt revolutionary White Nationalists.

The 'Right' wing of the ZOG told the masses of the White Nation that "communism" meant forced integration with niggers. Then the ZOG did it anyway, after murdering millions of nationalist gooks in Vietnam and Korea, so as to prove how "collectivist" they are.

The 'Right' wing of the ZOG isn't going to pull this shit again on the youth of the White Nation. We'll make it very simple:

If "communism" is slavery to Kikes and forced integration with niggers, they're the "communists". If "communism" means having a real Nation-State, then we're the "communists."

It's really going to come down to that, just as William Luther Pierce predicted in the Turner Diaires. The 'Right' wing of the ZOG will go down with the a bullet in their brains, screeching about how they're fighting communism, as they do everything in their power to sabotage revolutionary White Nation.

Communists > 'Right'-wingers who worship Kikes. Always.

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This is reportedly Breivik's address, for those wishing to write him a letter or postcard - obviously, be careful if you do:

>Fjotolf Hansen

>Postboks 2720 Kjørbekk

>3702 Skien


(Yes, he has changed his name.)

Should you get a reply please let others know and share it.

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>let me tell you what you actually believe

>ignores all previous points itt

You are either one of the dumbest retards on this board (in that case go back to cuckchan) or you are one of the dumbest shills too and in that case you should commit sudoku right now. The fact you even indirectly defend the spastic also nicely illustrates that it is quite possibly you who is doing it.


Daily reminder you don't have to use you real name/address. Just be nice enough to tell him in the letter to not write back so he doesn't waste his limited postal stamps. If you want to be super-nice, send extra stamps with your letter.

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Do they let him answer the mail he receives?

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From the Turner Diaries:

>>"Revolutionary Command made the strictly practical decision to let General Harding carry the ball in his area, and our people were instructed not to oppose him. This had the effect of substantially reducing our own losses, although the military has actually suffered many more casualties in northern California than in the south. This is because Harding has failed to take sufficiently radical measures to consolidate his authority and to deal with Black military personnel.

>>When a delegation of Organization people went to Harding last month and suggested a joint Organization-military rule for northern California, with Harding’s forces handling defense matters and the Organization handling civilian matters—including police functions— Harding arrested them and has refused to release them. Since then he has been issuing idiotic proclamations about “restoring the Constitution,” stamping out “communism and pornography,” and holding new elections to “re-establish the republican form of government intended by the Founding Fathers,” whatever that means.

>>And he has denounced our radical measures in the south as “communism.” He is appalled that we didn’t hold some sort of public referendum before expelling the non-Whites and that we didn’t give individual trials to the Jews and race-criminals we dealt with summarily. Doesn’t the old fool understand that the American people voted themselves into the mess they’re in now? Doesn’t he understand that the Jews have taken over the country fair and square, according to the Constitution? Doesn’t he understand that the common people have already had their fling at self-government, and they blew it?"

This is exactly what the 'Right'-wing of the ZOG will do, all the way until the end. They will screech and screech about communism, even after the USSR is long gone and "communism" remains relevant absolutely nowhere in the world.

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It's hilarious that you, with your retarded opinions, quote Pierce of all people. This shows how shallow and vapid your views are. Pierce also said that he would never criticize a man of his race who took an action. Learn from that and shut the fuck up.

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>so as to prove how "collectivist" they are.

Should read: so as to prove how not "collectivist" they are.

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I'd like to know too. The most recent letter that I've read from him is from 2013, see the documents in >>13523175 But he was able to write a letter to the press in 2015.

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>Pierce also said that he would never criticize a man of his race who took an action. Learn from that and shut the fuck up.

Pierce also wrote about a guy called Harry Powell, who describes your typical 'Right'-winger. They ended up killing him in the book.

>>Harry Powell was, in essence, a "responsible conservative." The fact that he was not only a member of the Organization but had become a unit leader reflects more on the Organization than it does on him. His basic complaint was that all our acts of terror against the System were only making things worse by "provoking" the System into taking more and more repressive measures.

>>Well, of course, we all understood that! Or, at least, I thought we all understood it. Apparently Powell didn't. That is, he didn't understand that one of the major purposes of political terror, always and everywhere, is to force the authorities to take reprisals and to become more repressive, thus alienating a portion of the population and generating sympathy for the terrorists. And the other purpose is to create unrest by destroying the population's sense of security and their belief in the invincibility of the government.

>>As Powell continued talking, it became clearer and clearer that he was a conservative, not a revolutionary. He talked as if the whole purpose of the Organization were to force the System to institute certain reforms, rather than to destroy the System, root and branch, and build something radically and fundamentally different in its place. He was opposed to the System because it taxed his business too heavily. (He had owned a hardware store before we were forced underground.)

>>He was opposed to the System's permissiveness with Blacks, because crime and rioting were bad for business. He was opposed to the System's confiscation of firearms, because he felt he needed a gun for personal security. His were the motivations of a libertarian, the sort of self-centered individual who sees the basic evil in government as a limitation on free enterprise.

The only thing to fault Pierce here for this passage is the very idea that a 'Right'-wing Kike cock-sucker like Harry Powell would ever pick up a gun and fight the ZOG in the first place.

All the Harry Powells of the world are going to have to die. Pierce was being forgiving when he implied they are unreliable elements and cowards. They actually love the ZOG, and will fight for the ZOG against revolutionary White Nationalism.

And they're going to be screeching about "communism," all the way to the end. Just like General Harding.

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File: 9b3152884cf93e7⋯.png (228.47 KB,621x465,207:155,1563050230381.png)

File: 15f0c7af200935c⋯.png (138.35 KB,750x555,50:37,breivik-car2.png)

File: fc6a8d64b58e602⋯.jpg (658.01 KB,1124x672,281:168,school.jpg)

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>you don't liked my previous strawman? Here, have some more strawman, now with an extra wall of text

>I will also ignore everything everyone said itt that already called out my bullshit

>only thing I've ever read were Diaries, so I won't stop quoting them to look clever

Kill yourself.

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File: 18868acfdb3b946⋯.mp4 (492 KB,640x640,1:1,Kot.mp4)

>tfw wasn't around for this

>don't even know the full case

At least I got Brenton.

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File: 63ce2fdbb79914d⋯.jpg (79.13 KB,800x600,4:3,jFdv_Nn0fWQ.jpg)


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>>13529966 chkd

>first pic

Wasn't it like 38 of 40 psychiatrists found him sane?

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>>murica prison not same as norwegian prison

>>they let you have playstation 2, but won't let you write a book

>>how can breivik write a book anyway, he still hasn't finished playing final fantasy x

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If you researche the guy a minimum, you'll see why Brenton had him as a role model.

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File: 501dadd7dfbe9b6⋯.jpg (116 KB,604x485,604:485,breivik1.jpg)


I believe so, yes. I didn't make the image

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One look at Breivik victims and you already know he did the right thing.

These are future leftist politicians who will cry about Israel while bringing all the palestinians to Sweden as refugees.

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Not even trying anymore. Refer to all the wishes for your suicide itt.

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"Our task was to contribute to a long term approach and not to act prematurely. If there was a large scale attack the next 10 years it was said, we should avoid any immediate follow up attacks as it would negate the shock effect of the subsequent attacks. A large successful attack every 5-12 years was optimal depending on available forces." - Breivik.

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Breivik is very clear in his manifesto he has no desire for revolution. Attacks like his are just meant to pressure ZOGs into giving them Playstation 3's.

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Revolution is a tired 19th-20th century concept. Tribal slaughter and genocidal combat is a proven stood the test of time strategy.

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File: 21916df042961d9⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,3838x2687,3838:2687,items.jpg)

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Unironically based and redpilled.

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I can't wait until he is released.

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File: d9435b02f71e3cc⋯.jpg (183.46 KB,1920x1080,16:9,too little butter.jpg)

>Gets too little butter: Breivik reacts to the fact that he sometimes only gets enough butter for 2-3 slices of bread out of the four slices he eats. "This creates an unnecessary irritation when one… either must eat dry slices of bread or suffer from bad conscience by asking for more."

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I hope that civil unrest will start asap so that band of heroes can free him, Tarrant, Bowers, Ernst and all the other heroes.

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Ernst Zundel is dead anon.

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Stephan Ernst, anon. Go check him out, extremely underrated and shamefully unrecognized on this board.

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No. They were jews who hated Whites.

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File: c5701a9050119c8⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,474x360,79:60,110915-breivik-vmed-1p.gri….jpg)

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File: 6492dffba40d683⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,640x360,16:9,explosion.mp4)

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But /pol/ told me that McVeigh (using lesser explosives) blew an unsymetrical hole in the OKC building AND magically managed to materialize 2 other bombs inside the building. Not to mention helping the Clintons (Aryans) cover up an investigation against them. How did his superior bomb failed to do that???

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File: 57cabc49c2d84a0⋯.png (269.48 KB,500x543,500:543,i like trains.png)


McVeigh did it better, and I would even dare to say, that Barisaku-kun did it better (killed more people via asphyxia). The damaged infraestructure isn't even that much, the blast radius was probably smaller than 900 square meters.

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*90 square kilometers

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>McVeigh (using lesser explosives)

He used nearly the same exact thing, you illiterate schizo nigger.


And McVeigh used more than twice as much of the explosive than Breivik

>magically managed to materialize 2 other bombs inside the building

Only thing magical is you completely lacking brain yet being able to solve the captcha. Who solved it for you?

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((( >>13531117 )))

((( >>13531113 )))


Anything else you want to get debunked on?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forgot video

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Nigger you opened up with a complete and utter bullshit, don't screech when you get dunked on. Those two things you claimed you can check within under an minute and see that you were wrong. Your video opens with similar claims and is also dishonest as fuck. For example, it claims that bombing victims were part of the "conspiracy" crowd and proof is supposed to be an article of them suing the gov.. Yet the fact they sued for something completely unrelated (as of why he was able to get the fertilizer so easily) that it "forgot" to mention. It also for some reason ridicules MSM (rightly so) but then use them as unconditional source anyway. Give me a break with this retardation.

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Roll again.

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File: 753ca39b31642cb⋯.png (642.21 KB,615x561,205:187,it wuz muh sod!.png)


>muh sod

Inhale CO nigger

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>said heil hitler in prison.

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Roll again YOLO.

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>duuuur I spelled if funny

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File: 1c844fbf557edcd⋯.png (3.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1562617416121.png)



Imagine if this was made on widespread scale against every leftist party, every NGO, every hooked nose bank, every globalist institution building.

Too bad Right Wing Death Squads do not have the massive fundings antifa and mudslims have.

That's why our lone wolves are true heroes sacrificing their lives for the cause.

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thank you for posting this, I never saw that.

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Bowers was a jew and Roof was a retard. Others are pretty based though.

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>Bowers was a jew


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>Bowers was a Jew

[citation needed]

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File: b911ab885b58058⋯.jpg (52.53 KB,975x620,195:124,23oslo_twitter-jumbo.jpg)

His only Twitter post

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This is pretty fucking based if real.

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It's real. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/23/world/europe/23oslo.html

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Completely based.

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Jail psyops.

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If you have Netflix watch 22 july. Only the first 30 or so minutes though because that's the only good part

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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the church was the location of a nigger political meeting. he walked in, asked for the RACE BAITING NIGGER SENATOR to address himself by name. then shot and killed him, and then shot/killed a bunch of his political accomplices.

he didn't just shoot up random godly niggers like the media says

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File: 986b42e41f07a12⋯.jpg (34.86 KB,640x441,640:441,270087.jpg)

File: 7aa016d02126975⋯.jpg (27.31 KB,639x416,639:416,270084.jpg)

File: a2d166437df8fd6⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,460x252,115:63,1338296339908_473.jpg)

File: d88550b662aa58a⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,977x657,977:657,tumblr_oh08lzpoVz1vdp6kyo4….jpg)

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File: b9a9cd088902a09⋯.jpg (166.29 KB,1025x769,1025:769,(((breivik))) 2.jpg)

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When you're too retarded to realize that the manifesto was bait for the media so you fall for it yourself

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File: dce84e061ef35b6⋯.png (1019.8 KB,2331x1453,2331:1453,(((breivik))) 3.png)


>muh 4D chess

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sure buddy, he wrote 2000 pages as a bait


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Go fuck yourself, retarded shill.

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File: 7da5797dac0acf2⋯.jpg (53.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,Heil2.jpg)


>maybe if I fall for the bait again they will believe me!!1

that's not how it works retard



I'm obviously talking about the pro-Israel and Zionist views you retarded shill. He said it himself for fucks sake.

You are all going to meet the ovens, kikes. Do us all a favor and just kill yourselves instead.

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File: 2ca575d1c78dcb7⋯.jpg (54.14 KB,1062x440,531:220,(((breivik))) 6.jpg)

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There's some interesting information about Breivik's ability to send and receive letters in this article (use machine translation):


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Nothing, you idiot. As soon as they accepted him into the organization, he immediately stopped attending any meetings they had. It's so fucking obvious that he did it as a smoke screen for the media to buy into it.

>thinking that breivik is an easy target for shilling

don't you have a wife to complain about on facebook? schizo boomer

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Someone more technically proficient than me should find a way to securely host Breivik's court documents, court statements and prison letters, along with recent news articles describing his ideology, so they can be conveniently accessed and referred to when demoralization shills arrive. Breivik also wants digital platforms to spread his ethnonationalist message but the prison is blocking letters he tries to send about it.

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>proven wrong repeatedly in this very thread

>still shills

Just kill yourself already.

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>this dumb kraut shill again


this is excellent idea.

what happened of the people initially doing PR on his behalf? the problem with this task is that someone who speaks norwegian should do it.

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The entire trial ^^ I wish they subtitled it. I only understand half of what they say

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File: d077b262aa596d4⋯.jpg (28.79 KB,341x670,341:670,breivikisamason!.jpg)

Let's celebrate a pro-Zionist mason claiming to be a national socialist and LARPing as a Templar, shall we?

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They do exist, and they're a literal cabal of freemasons and kikes.


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thanks for the bump, shill

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If I was a shill I would've sage'd. I'm simply telling a truth that you cannot refute, he was a filthy mason and is a jew-lover, even though he said he was a NatSoc for 20 years.

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Even if he was, his actions and what they stood for matter more to ethno-nationalism and anti-immigration movement than any milquetoast civnat or cuckservative bullshit will ever do.

So go on, nobody gives a fuck except kike shills and guillible newfags.

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I'm saying that it does matter because you're venerating a faux NatSoc mason who never stood against Zionism.

The best thing that Breivik did for our cause was shooting up a bunch of white leftists (who could've been told the truth, since they still were under the suzerainty of their masters), and failing to blow up the Regjeringskvartalet.

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File: e8dbda09c054113⋯.jpg (41.01 KB,489x488,489:488,1502966086899.jpg)


what part of I DON'T CARE did not get through your thick skull?

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Just kill yourself already, you worthless, backstabbing scum. Everyone who has already read the whole thread sees right through your idiocy, doesn't matter how many times you repeat it.

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>truth that you cannot refute

If you wouldn't be a shill, you would read the thread. If you would read the thread, you wouldn't write such a idiotic sentence like that. Conclusion is given - kill yourself.

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None of it, because the point of that post was that IT DOES MATTER. He's still a filthy pro-Zionist mason who doesn't deserve to be considered a National Socialist, and has done as little to the cause as shooting 70 leftists and failing to blow up the government building.



Yeah yeah, they were race traitors I get it, yet they weren't even the actual elite yet, and race traitors could've still turned their back. And yes he did fail to blow up the government building.

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You are either a blatant liar or a complete retard.

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>ask him to read the thread

>still won't do it and spouts some retarded shill crap again

As the other anon said - either a complete fucking moron or shill.

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Both. Fuck that blackpill nigger.

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I did read the thread. None of it refutes my main point here, that race traitors, especially unmarried race traitors can turn their back. No I don't think that anti-Israel leftists are anti-jewish, or that Breivik targeted leftists because they were anti-jewish, or that they were even children.

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>None of it refutes my main point here

Yes, yes it does. Completely too. Those were not some poor brainwashed kids, those were future elites who create the worst anti-white edicts. Stop being naive.

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No matter how many times you refute the dumb arguments of shills, lo and behold, the next day there they are again, popping in with a new IP to repeat the same exact debunked points, completely ignoring the rest of the thread. I have never seen them consider the evidence or counter-arguments presented at all, they just ignore it and continue repeating themselves like parrots, or resort to irrelevant angry rants.

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I guess their job is just to spread their misinformation and counter propagand (kek), they don't care if in the end they are wrong or look like retards, they only care about getting paid.


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It is lefties mad that their wealthy upper-class commie fun center sponsored by jew co. was messed up. So instead of blaming the real culprit (breivik) they instead blame the right-wing of jewry, the pre-approved target that they're allowed to attack without actually ever attacking them. And actual unpaid copy+paste monkeys too probably.

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Breivik sent a letter to his father in 2014, saying that he was ashamed that his grandfather had not fought on Quisling's side in WW2.

Source: https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/PMaO5/breivik-nekter-aa-moete-faren

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Roll again.

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File: 4a6b4ab2e85928f⋯.jpg (66.08 KB,440x280,11:7,1.jpg)

File: 9fd486abcca9642⋯.jpg (33.08 KB,484x332,121:83,2.jpg)

File: 4990d370684ab17⋯.jpg (446.77 KB,1200x693,400:231,3.jpg)


Oh look, your friends showed up.

Based Marxist jews protesting IsraHell (while flooding White nations and ONLY White nations with the third world)! It's so great to have such fine allies as based-marxist-antiWhite-jews.

also, NONE of those kikes-against-Israel have ever done a single thing to hinder or harm it.

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Apparently Fjotolf is a name he invented himself, possibly with the meaning "fettered wolf".

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my god pls kill urself u worthless nigger

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Fjotolf Hansen is the Norwegian version/spelling of Adolf Hitler

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Source? Because etymologically it's completely different.

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File: aabae2ca42cb86b⋯.jpg (83.44 KB,649x563,649:563,Fjadolf.jpg)


>Correcting myself, it's not the Norwegian version, it's just Anders being a meme as usual

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accidentally greentexted it, fuck

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To add, name Adolf is originating in Germanic "noble wolf". Fjotolf means "free wolf".

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what about Hansen?

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That's bullshit.

But I believe it.

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File: 4191ba0bba6e09f⋯.png (1.53 MB,900x1137,300:379,victims.png)

victims in reality

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Bottom left always cracks me up, he looks like the classic fedora tipper

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All I see are anti white mussies and communists that where going to be future politicians

also commies lives don't matter

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File: 4f8cb439fef12b3⋯.jpg (79.95 KB,525x544,525:544,polish children.JPG)

Not ONE IMPORTANT person got hurt in a process. Just like Germans didn't hurt one important Jew

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Are you retarded he killed one of the leader of the communist party in norway

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Go back to reddit, leftist cuck

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Why that monument has the shape of a butt-plug?

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File: 367084009909019⋯.jpg (19 KB,400x404,100:101,mein_neger.jpg)


leftists love faggotry


>all those headshots

They were merciful killings, clean executions. Compare it to the niggers burning alive, stoning and dismembering fellow niggers, to mexican cartels doing their gruesome stuff and mudshits beheading and exploding people.

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File: 52f877aac8876ce⋯.jpg (36.2 KB,350x464,175:232,KH.jpg)

This man should not be labeled a traitor.

He's Kai Hauge and was just a restaurant owner passing by when the VW crafter exploded

Just saying so none of you sperg out like E.D did

(Anders also apologised for his death)

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Literally what happened, zionist killed bunch of propalestinian kids and blamed it on white people.

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File: 5030c451c70a7ed⋯.webm (2.77 MB,1024x576,16:9,raise-the-roof_GIMP-expor….webm)


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Why don't you read the thread you stupid nigger? Why do you feel the urge to repeat same old debunked crap over and over again? Are you paid for this?

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literally shot up a jew infested synagogue and gave us the optics meme


literally killed a BLM nigger politician

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>this anon

he even wrote about it multiple times in his clusterfuck of a manifesto, explaining why you should "follow" radical ideologies to bait out media responses

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File: e98fc78a765a825⋯.jpg (137.29 KB,834x510,139:85,1334568097576_378.jpg)

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> The 37-year-old claims he is only able to survive the “torture” due to the things he has learned from reading Adolf Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf. “These principles are the only reasons I am alive today,” he told the court hearing.


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File: be5b4530a18d574⋯.jpg (68.83 KB,590x525,118:105,5703284029388408.jpg)

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Tfw Anders is studying politics in prison

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By US standards, 70% of forensic psychiatrists have to find you insane.

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Wait, didn't they impede him from studying?

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no, what they're trying to teach him is fucking hilarious though


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meant to put this article

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File: 6549878b85a6527⋯.png (6.68 KB,386x308,193:154,1359910639527.png)


>Breivik will study political science, during which he will learn about democracy and justice, pluralism and respect for human rights, minorities and fundamental freedoms, said the university’s rector, Ole Petter Ottersen

Yes, of course he will

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File: 637be51a04362c5⋯.jpg (247.89 KB,1200x963,400:321,637.jpg)



>Norwegian gives emotionless account of attack and dismisses psychiatrists' assessments of him as insane

>Leaning back in his chair, twizzling a pen in his right hand, Breivik – flushed, but never losing control — told of how some of the children he killed were so paralysed with fear that he had time to reload his rifle before shooting them. He'd never seen such a thing, he said – not even on TV.

>Breivik remembered campers "screaming and begging for their lives."

>One boy saw him coming and shouted "Please, mate". Breivik shot him regardless: "I shot everyone there." He repeatedly recalled taking what he called "follow-up" shots to ensure that those on the ground were really dead.

>Breivik has never expressed remorse for the attacks, saying those he killed on Utøya were not "innocent, non-political children" but "young people who worked to actively uphold multicultural values", and, as such, "legitimate targets". His plan was to kill all 564 people on the island, he had said on Thursday, though he thought most would drown trying to flee his bullets

>The self-styled "militant nationalist" insists he knew exactly what he was doing when he planned and carried out the attacks. "This case is very simple," said Breivik. "I'm not a psychiatric case and I am sane … it's very important to see the difference between political extremism and lunacy in a clinical sense."

>He insisted he was a "nice person" who was capable of empathising with those whose lives he had ruined, but that he had chosen not to as a self-preservation technique. "In many ways it is a protection mechanism," he said. "First of all, if you are going to be capable of executing such a bloody and horrendous operation you need to work on your mind, your psyche for years. We have seen from military traditions you cannot send an unprepared person into war."




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>you cannotmsend an unprepared person into war

As we have seen with John Earnest.

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The book about him is extremely in depth with the shooting. There was a girl playing dead, sitting on a stool with her head on a piano, and since Breivik knew he hadn't shot anyone there, he straight up executed her, and blood splattered everywhere.

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what book?

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He should have used infrared goggles to spot the vermin

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How does James Huberty belong on the list? His shooting wasn't a political attack, but an America-style gun spergout. His kills were overwhelmingly spic because he shot up a McDonald's in southern San Diego close to the San Ysidoro border crossing.

Also the graphic is missing John Earnest, Joseph Paul Franklin and probably some others.

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Stop trusting kikepedia, the guy was far-right and knew the JQ according to his wife. He insulted the beaners with racist words. Press decided to brand him a loon.

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One Of Us by Åsne Seierstad. Even though there's a couple bits dedicated to the ones he shot, it is a really good book.

I think the parts where he's building the bomb are the best bits, coupled with the extensive descriptions from the 22nd of July 2011.

There's literally no details that got left out from that day in the book. (at least not from Anders perspective)

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can I find it somewhere here on 8chan?

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Didn't know that, based Huberty.

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>and probably some others.

Timothy McVeigh (still the highest score) and Ted Kaczynski, for starters.

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No idea, I got mine from a library.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look at the comments.

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File: 095035d501c842b⋯.png (19.58 KB,503x226,503:226,AttemptedShilling.PNG)


They don't even fucking try at this point, KEK

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"Society's had their chance. I'm going hunting. Hunting humans."

–James Oliver Huberty, San Ysidro, California 1984–

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File: 725e5c48b27b02a⋯.png (337.91 KB,239x660,239:660,ClipboardImage.png)


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File: bd59d1dee52c616⋯.png (444.44 KB,620x388,155:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 24860263949399c⋯.png (161.07 KB,300x169,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 7be1411a98fd17c⋯.png (5.26 MB,1600x1141,1600:1141,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 6a1716afd26eade⋯.jpg (24.14 KB,242x320,121:160,chad.jpg)

Hilarious that they tried to label him a loser when obviously people enjoy his company.

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He is good looking, I doubt he was the type of guy one can frame as incel, I don't know the specifics about the psychiatric evaluations they did on him but he was recognized as sane.

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File: 2890ddee502c686⋯.jpeg (58.6 KB,283x323,283:323,E477639D-F886-42EC-A600-0….jpeg)

File: 830cceb9a5dbbbb⋯.jpeg (38.75 KB,400x412,100:103,6C9B2B78-98D4-4362-AB78-7….jpeg)

Anyone ever heard of these heroes?

>According to witnesses and those who investigated the case, just a few minutes prior, Officer Duggan (pic related) was taking a right hand turn from Winter Street onto Lowell St. A car being driven by William Rodriguez of Lowell nearly hit him, continuing toward Broadway and finally came to a stop at a red light at the next corner.

>Officer Tom Duggan, Sr. was on his way to court that afternoon and in civilian clothes. He was driving his own car when he pulled up behind Rodriguez and his girlfriend Doris Ortiz of Lawrence.

>Witnesses said Duggan got out of his car, identified himself as a police officer as he approached them, but before he could say anything more, Ortiz jumped out of the passengers side of the car and advanced on him, hitting and pushing him in the middle of Lowell Street.

>Within seconds, Rodriguez also jumped out of the car brandishing a metal softball bat. He advanced on Officer Duggan slapping the bat in his hand over and over.

>Because it was broad daylight, and on a busy downtown street where kids were walking home from school, and pedestrians were walking close by, Officer Duggan pulled out his gun and ordered Rodriguez to put down the bat while he backed up into a the vacant lot.

>Duggan matched every advancing step by the perpetrators with a step back, luring them away from from innocent bystanders and into the vacant lot in case he had to shoot his weapon.

>But as Duggan reached the edge of the lot, Ortiz jumped on him, grabbed at the gun, and held his hands, just long enough for Rodriguez to beat him in the head with the bat. As Rodriguez came down with the first blow to Duggan’s head, he fired his weapon, but the bullet only grazed the neck of Ortiz while Rodriguez began beating him repeatedly. Police would later learn that Duggan tried to fire again but his gun had jammed.

>Witnesses said that Rodriguez continued beating him even after he fell to the ground and the two killers eventually fled the scene leaving Duggan in the dirt to die.

>As Officer Duggan was rushed to Lawrence General Hospital and while doctors were frantically working to save his life, Rodriguez pulled into the parking lot to drop off his girlfriend to get treatment for her superficial gun shot wound. Rodriguez never made it out of the parking lot as police cornered him and took him into custody, covered in Duggan’s blood.

>At the end, the two were acquitted of murder on a technicality.


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>i killed a bunch of white children that hated jews

Good one.

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I've watch a part of it with a friend. Normalfag as he is, even he got bored and sick of the movie parading socialism and marxist shit as something normal and a reason together together on camp. He even started to wonder why rich parents would want their kids to be socialists and marxist in the first place.

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File: c7fea44472a4e98⋯.jpeg (70.23 KB,592x579,592:579,communism-retarded.jpeg)


>"communism" remains relevant absolutely nowhere in the world.

Except that literally all our problems short of the zionists are because of communists, all the "Were all just human" and open borders bullshit, the marxist college professors, the SJW culture etc is communism. Equality, economic and racial, is communism. Get. Out.

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Hitler dubs confirms… also Breivik did his bombing immediately after Norway put a halt in fuel exports to (((Israel))), right next to the government building that dealt with that decision (related to the department of energy).

Glad to know that people now know the target was an anti-Israel rally, and NOT some leftist shit. The rally was important because it took place right after Norway told Israel to fuck itself for human rights violations.

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File: 26820f325658bd5⋯.gif (234.16 KB,601x601,1:1,follow-your-destiny-meme-r….gif)

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File: 428ac11ef837391⋯.png (325.66 KB,727x343,727:343,gimme.png)


You come here every damn day, and push this same, totally retarded, and easily debunked bullshit.

What, exactly, do you think you're accomplishing beyond your own embarrassment, and the solidifying of our resolve, and understanding as numerous people constantly correct your bullshit?

You literally have no effect here beyond being a god damned nuisance, you spicnigger faggot.

Get a fucking job, spicspam.

You suck at this one.

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((( >>13543278 )))

What? That post says NOTHING about the actual terrorist attack. The Anti-Israel rally was NOT a communist rally nor a leftist one (especially when compared to the rest of Norway). Also, that post NEVER addressed any of the points I raised.

The fact that you think a post about philosophy (that doesn't address the general facts much less my post or others) tells you you are either a retard or a pilpul shill.

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>the people he killed were young whites that hated kikes

Prove it

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>What, exactly, do you think you're accomplishing beyond your own embarrassment, and the solidifying of our resolve?

Let him do that. Never correct them when they are making mistakes.

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>You come here every damn day

False. This is my second time making a post about Breivik… my first time was almost a year ago when I made a thread regarding the benefits Israel got from the terrorist attack. Before then, I didn't had an opinion on the event as I believed the official story (guy blows a bomb, then travel for 2 hours before shooting some kids).

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File: 7e1e67e25cbf12f⋯.jpg (122.8 KB,1024x1024,1:1,schizo poster.jpg)

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Breivik's court statements and some of his early letters can now be found here: https://archive.org/details/breivikarchive

This archive is also archived.

Opening statement https://archive.is/NEqC4

Statement 2012-06-04 https://archive.is/NlHyI

Closing statement https://archive.is/mmY4j

Letter 12-01-15 to Tania https://archive.is/ZyUCG

Letter 12-03-31 to ABC Nyheter https://archive.is/2oaAp

Letter 12-05-07 to Beate Zschäpe https://archive.is/aJsFX

Letter 12-05-07 to Russian colleagues https://archive.is/kRlIx

Letter 12-07-02 to Angus https://archive.is/7JXrv

Letter 12-07-02 to Daisy https://archive.is/Ruz8o

Letter 12-10-31 to Norwegian Correctional Services https://archive.is/3HNcm

Letter 13-07-20 to Supporters https://archive.is/YbK4x

Letter 13-11-05 to Norwegian Correctional Services https://archive.is/EcWAD

Letter 13-11-24 to Lars Gule https://archive.is/LvzFu

Letter 13-09-29 to International Press https://archive.is/7IbYp

Cell Two letter to Norwegian Government https://archive.is/9uMVr

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>You have sluggish schizophrenia goy. Take you (((meds))) goy.

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File: 97fb00abc56d252⋯.jpg (150.14 KB,501x550,501:550,scuse me i be hur ferst.jpg)


he'll run for office and after becoming prime minister invade sweden

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File: 430264c418b7a92⋯.png (16.07 KB,211x255,211:255,spicniggerfaggot.png)


Can you even see yourself, spicspam? You think anyone believes a thing you say anymore?

You have to be some babysat bot, or a total amnesic head wound with Downs. You glow harder than anything on all the chans. Truly amazing tenacity for pure unfettered idiocy.

Do your thing, leaf blower.

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>bringing a piano to a fucking island

we're reaching peak yuppie levels

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very interesting, thanks

do you know if there's any more recent texts/letters?

bonus excerpt from a letter to daisy (lmao):

>I suggested to the nice people working here that I take a flight education to become a Boeing or Airbus pilot, hah :-D I also asked for a chemistry set, but I obviously wasn't allowed one (but they took the joke though). I'm not the only one with a twisted form of humour here. :D

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According to news articles Breivik is still sending and receiving hundreds of letters but at some point the prison ramped up the censorship. And the site which originally hosted these letters was taken down.

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File: 971823cf6e5dc4a⋯.jpg (24.27 KB,500x466,250:233,e911db758e82e5259538581edd….jpg)


You are pathetic Jewish shill you know that

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Breivik is a Kike-lover, and anyone who reads his massive 1,500+ page manifesto will see, he is a massive faggot that worships Kikes.

Fuck that faggot and his Playstation 2.

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This. Worshiping this masonlet is for only the most retarded shabbos goyim.

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>repeating same old crap debunked ten times just itt

>thinking someone will fall for it

Kek, what a dumb loser. Kill yourself.


And samefagging this bad. The absolute state of shills.

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File: 4c8829f461c8e4e⋯.png (618.88 KB,1274x719,1274:719,Piano.PNG)

File: b6bd9cd4ff3469b⋯.jpg (170.89 KB,1024x576,16:9,Café.jpg)


They had a building for meetings and other stuff, that's where it was.

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>thinking someone will fall for it

On the one hand, you got 1,500+ pages of the most Kike-worshipping drivel ever written.

On the other, you have a handful of wishy-washy sentences, written years after the fact, backtracking his love for Kikes. No doubt the taste of Zionist jizz has started to turn sour for Breivik.

If Breivik wanted to be taken seriously by National Socialists, he should write a new manifesto, and explain why his old one was wrong.

But I guess he doesn't have time to do that, what with having to make sure every character is level 99 in Final Fantasy 10 and all.

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>And samefagging this bad. The absolute state of shills.

I wouldn't write that. If only Breivik had read James Mason! Then he probably would have killed people that weren't a bunch of young white Kike-haters.

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Great. This again. I know you're a retarded shill but jesus fucking christ, of all arguments to start, you take his manifesto, which was media bait? Nice..

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>of all arguments to start, you take his manifesto, which was media bait

No one that is sane would write 1,500+ pages as "media bait." This obviously wasn't "media bait," but a profound and lengthy treatise on his thoughts.

This behavior is actually common, and it is never "media bait." It is always a detailed exposition of what drove them to do what they did, justifying it to all who would question them.

Most of them have the sense to not make it so long that literally no one will ever finish it, unlike Breivik's retarded diatribe. But even here, Breivik isn't alone; some Kike who killed 2-3 people with in a mass shooting awhile back also wrote some 800 page manifesto that no one will ever finish (I did about 100 ages before giving it, it was clear the Kike had identity issues). Anyone remember who I am talking about? The name of him and his book escapes me at the moment.

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>implying 1500 of those pages are about being pro israel and zionist

Neck yourself schlomo. The majority of his manifesto is about raising awareness against the islamisation of europe and how to prepare your own attack.

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>i love kikes

Kill yourself, ZOG-faggot.

>The majority of his manifesto is about raising awareness against the islamisation of europe

No the fuck it isn't. The overwhelming majority of it is just a list of medieval Islamist attacks, a great many of them on Kikes. It's unreadable garbage.

>and how to prepare your own attack.

This is just a lie, as Breivik explicitly advocates against anything like revolution. In his own mind, his attack was simply meant to make the government act slightly better. He is a fucking retard.

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Read the thread, you stupid subhuman nigger shill. I bet you are even the same fucking moron as before, as you use same exact "arguments".

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File: 5375be45353dea2⋯.png (55.91 KB,1029x456,343:152,1.PNG)

File: 3a13053723b3614⋯.png (199.21 KB,781x890,781:890,2.PNG)


kek, schlomo is angry. You know you struck a shill in the right place when he tells you to kill yourself.

>Breivik doesn't want you to prepare your own attack

pics related you low IQ niglet

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>1,500 page manifesto of Kike-love

>"that was just for lulz, for real, kikes are smelly"

Yeah, I'm going with the first one.

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>pics related you low IQ niglet

I'll give you that, didn't make it more than about a 100 pages in all those years ago. It does seem he encourages others to do the same, and even talks about a "Conservative Revolution" and shit. I had some other statements in mind from a few days ago, but clearly, even if they were contradictory, his overall view is fighting the governments of Europe. For not loving Kikes enough.

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He wanted to kill Hitler. He is a kike.

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File: 0e9d126d9b51fc6⋯.png (80.69 KB,873x282,291:94,fightingdegeneracy.PNG)


>his overall view is fighting the governments of Europe. For not loving Kikes enough

How can you even claim that when he fights islam, the golem of the jews? Their main point of strength, directing islamic mass immigration to Europe.

This should make it obvious to you that his bait of being pro israel and wanting to kill Hitler is obviously media bait, so they attack the conservative, pro-israel right wing.

If you're serious about actually arguing over whether he's a shill or not, why do you never bring up the fact that he directs so much attention towards fighting the degenerate ideas that the jews infest western countries with?

Not once do you mention his talking points over Islam and the Eurabia project that (((they))) lead.

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And how can you claim that when he directs so much attention to fighting the degenerate views that the kikes impose on western countries?

When he fights the golem of the kikes, the islamic mass immigration to Europe which leads to the ethnic replacement of whites.

How come you never mention that, but you are quick to write off any explanation he gives for his so called pro israel views?

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>How can you even claim that when he fights islam, the golem of the jews?

lol what a dumb argument. Tommy Robinson fights islam and he loves kikes. Practically every evangelical Christian politician is pro-kike and anti-muslim.

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There are 2 major differences.

Tommy Robinson is a fucking civic nationalist.

Breivik disavowed any Zionist views and says they were meant for the media to gobble up (Which they did). Robinson never has.

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>And how can you claim that when he directs so much attention to fighting the degenerate views that the kikes impose on western countries?

Who gives a fuck, when he doesn't mention the fact that it is the Christfaggot servants of Kikes that enable the ZOG? It's called the Zionist Occupation Government, not the Liberal Jew Occupation Government.

"Degenerate views" didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation. Christfags did.

>When he fights the golem of the kikes, the islamic mass immigration to Europe which leads to the ethnic replacement of whites.

He killed white children that hate Kikes, not Muslims. If he had actually killed Muslims, there wouldn't even be any issue here. He killed white children for hating Kikes. He deserves death. He is a fanatical Kike-lover.

What kind of person says they would travel back in time and kill Hitler, when they're not even a fucking Kike themselves? Only the most disgusting Kike-loving vermin that could ever be imagined. Men like Breivik.

If there was a White Nationalist revolution in that thing called "America," you can rest assured Breivik will be condemning it in his comfy prison, while playing Playstation 2. That's because he is a fucking Kike cock-sucker of the highest order.

>How come you never mention that

He didn't "fight the golem", you fucking retard. He killed white children that hate kikes. The people he killed would be more accepting of revolutionary White Nationalism than he himself is. He is an enemy of the White Nation.

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No one cares about your demented screeching, idiot.

>He killed white children that hate kikes

Imagine ignoring rest of the thread so you can shill. You were already proven wrong, moron. No matter how many times you repeat it, you won't make it true.

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File: 2e970a8985c9bc9⋯.jpg (198.99 KB,1898x484,949:242,Leaders.jpg)


>He didn't fight the golem

pic related, nigger

>oy vey he was just a kikelover!!

This shit has been debunked a 100 times

>the kids were killed for hating kikes!!

No, they were communists and future leaders of the labour party that brings niggers into the country to ethnically replace whites.

Do you really have 0 arguments left, kike? Why are you still here? Fucking kek

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File: 3028cd1133b81f9⋯.jpg (134.74 KB,711x553,9:7,breivikvictims.jpg)

Look at all the young, white, Kike-haters Breivik killed.

Every single one of them is preferable to the Kike-lover Breivik.

Every single one of them would be easy to win to revolutionary White Nationalism, than Breivike ever would be.

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>No, they were communists

Communists > Kike-loving faggots like Breivik.

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Kek, you are the same idiot who got already btfo'd itt one time. Why are you back, repeating same bullshit you already tried pushing? What kind of braindead faggot are you?

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It's fucking hilarious when you shill so hard for so long that you actually say shit that's so absurdly out of place like this




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File: cd6569e5411e0b2⋯.png (65.69 KB,767x542,767:542,breivik-faggot-manifesto.png)

Breivik hates National Socialism, opposes all "hate ideologies."

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Lmao at niggers falling for bait and acting like it's proof of Breivik being a zionist

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>ignore all proofs posted earlier itt debunking his lies

>continue shilling

If you aim to make your dumb ass as obvious as much as possible, you are doing it right

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>fellow whites, breivik was just joking about all that stuff in his 1,500+ page manifesto, see, here are a couple of sentences where he says Jews will have to be deported to Israel if they don't love his ideal state

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Read the thread. You already tried and failed. Trying again same exact dumb idiocy won't make it true.

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File: e62fff86f0e7217⋯.png (51.37 KB,781x296,781:296,breivik-faggot-manifesto-l….png)

Breivik will never trust National Socialists, because they murder Kike-lovers like him.

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>backtracks on admitting the entire manifesto isnt just pro israel zionism to keep shilling

Haha damn, you're committed to being this inept, I'll give you that.

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File: edc3ff5e241a3fc⋯.jpg (44.42 KB,500x313,500:313,136240588648.jpg)


looks like many of the shitskins he killed are missing from this picture.

sloppy job shill, you didn't even read the previous posts of the thread you are paid to disrupt.

I hope you'll get fired and finish sharing food stamps with your fellow nigger friends.

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File: 8a02ff325a39837⋯.png (75.09 KB,805x405,161:81,breivik-fagifesto.png)

Breivik says be a Kike-loving conservative, because the ZOG has made it too difficult to even speak about your real Nation.

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>finally goes full shill mode, ignore everything else and just spams his shill pictures

Go back.

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Also, he clearly just CTRL+F national socialism on the manifesto and ignored all the rest of it


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Only thing I'm rather dissapointed is that the dumb faggot is not banned yet.

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he's at least superficially trying a "debate" instead of the usual 1 post by this ID crap.

however since Tarrant did his thing the glowniggadry skyrocketed


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File: 731a0e49e92fbbc⋯.jpg (146.55 KB,501x657,167:219,1552917029834.jpg)



That was part of his strategy, stupid nigger. Brenton emulated it. He wanted to make it harder for conservacucks to disavow him and to distance themselves from him, increasing the pressure on them instead of just the natsocs.

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>James Mason

I was talking about freemasons, you retard.

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Indeed it is. No matter how annoying shill presence may be, it is also rather good way of knowing when someone hit the nerve.

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Be Water Fren, Be Water…

use breakfastknife to divide 2, or eventually 3, pieces of butter by 2 or in case of 3x butter divide each piece into 4 equal pieces.

you now have have 4 or respectively 12 pieces of butter.

now you have an even number of butter for all four pieces of toast :-)

never let them take your smile ;-)

be sure to thank them for their generousity so they have to be dealing with the moral conflict of pleasing the one they despise

and always be upfront in repetetive actions when they try to order you by command, just be ahead of them and state what you are doing so they cannot tell you what to do anymore and they loose the chance to order you around :-D

:-D :-D if you want to make fun of them start tellin them what they should do next by telling them obvious things to do like now close my cell door for example , and so on but beware about the right time and place for starting to turn that game into the other direction ;-D :O) :-T :-R

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Why are the shills being retarded today we have already debunked their clams now their saying he's not natsoc he killed people that hatted kikes He KiLlEd WhItE cHeldEreN when non of that is true he killed commies also leftists hate isreal already you retarded niggers communists are not human anti white mussies are not human so go fuck your selfs.We have already debunked you shills so stop fucking being a sperg

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File: 423fad2464867b6⋯.jpeg (25.74 KB,581x631,581:631,received_521630301911120.jpeg)

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>shot by water

oh no

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File: eaada4f798a5ae2⋯.png (244.01 KB,581x631,581:631,423fad2464867b652f72d623b6….png)

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You have to be seriously delusional or retarded to believe that anti-white traitors at Utoya "hated kikes" because they were critical of Likud policies or supported a Palestinian state. And that their views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict had anything to do with his attack. Breivik stated numerous times, during and after the trial, that he fought and sacrificed to secure the existence of the Norwegian ethnic group in Norway, to prevent Norwegians from becoming a minority in their own country. And that's why he targeted the government party. Even then he was an ethnonationalist, whether or not his rejection of NSDAP and embrace of "counter jihad" rhetoric was genuine - more likely than not it was a tactic to increase pressure on moderates - which he also explicitly stated was one of his goals, to increase polarization and radicalize moderates by triggering a witch hunt against moderate rightists, in order to create future nationalist militants. And now he openly embraces National Socialism. These shills are the same dumb cunts that believe Somali Ilhan Omar is good just because she criticized AIPAC and completely disregard that she's also an anti-white invader. The simple fact is, if you are an invader or a political activist opposed to continued white existence and white control of white countries (a traitor), then you are an enemy, whether you are "pro Israel" or "anti Israel".

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>Israel vs. Palestine

I don't understand why this is a thing

People need to stop giving a shit about middle eastern bloodsports and start caring about their own countries and people instead

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Here is Breivik explaining his accelerationist goal, from the trial records:

> I and those like me, we want to hasten a conflict because we are afraid of ending up as a minority … so I felt at least I know I had to provoke a witch hunt on moderate cultural conservatives and nationalists. … it is important to trigger and provoke a witch hunt for moderate cultural conservatives and increase the level of censorship. This will increase the polarization which in turn will contribute to increasing radicalization. Short-term it will seem self-destructive because the moderates will attract so much negative attention, but when the moderates are being persecuted many of them will radicalize. To provoke a witch hunt was therefore critically important to our cause in the long run.

He also explained in detail why he lost belief in a peaceful solution, i.e. working within the system, obeying its rules, conventional political work. He had tried it, he had observed others trying it, and he saw that the system made it impossible to achieve anything substantial that way.

This accelerationism is also what St. Tarrant believes in. And when you consider the alternative, a slow boil where our people waste their time and resources on a democratic political struggle doomed to fail - because the system is rigged - while our demographics are becoming worse every year, it's no wonder they came to this conclusion. Hasten the conflict!

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I agree, but for the shills attacking white militants Israel is the center of everything. I wonder if they know there are even jews critical or opposed to the Israeli state. Are these kikes, who are no less anti-white, good then? It's absurd. Jews were jewing us long before the Israeli state was created.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what gave Adolf Hitler power?

If it wasn't for the destruction and poverty WW1 caused then people would have had no reason to vote him into power

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Adolf Hitler himself was firm believer in acceleration in the first place. In His own words:

>"For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of creeping sickness was suddenly cut short by so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly. The disease would have become chronic, while in the acute form of the collapse it at least became clearly and distinctly recognizable to a considerable number of people. It was no accident that man mastered the plague more easily than tuberculosis. The one comes in terrible waves of death that shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and stealthily; the one leads to terrible fear, the other to gradual indifference. The consequence is that man opposed the one with all the ruthlessness of his energy, while he tries to control consumption with feeble means. Thus he mastered the plague, while tuberculosis masters him.

>Exactly the same is true of diseases of national bodies. If they do not take the form of catastrophe, man slowly begins to get accustomed to them and at length, though it may take some time, perishes all the more certainly of them. And so it is a good fortune-though a bitter one, to be sure-when Fate resolves to take a hand in this slow process of putrefaction and with a sudden blow makes the victim visualize the end of his disease. For more than once, that is what such a catastrophe amounts to Then it can easily become the cause of a recovery beginning with the utmost determination."

- Mein Kampf, Chapter X

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Which day of the trial is this from?

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The German interwar period was one of crisis, yes, several types of crisis: economic, the Versailles treaty and its consequences, the threat of communism - there were attempts at (jewish) communist rebellion in the country, a large communist movement and the Soviet Union to the east as well. If it had been a time of comfort and security it's unlikely Hitler would have been able to build a revolutionary movement and come to power. But such revolutionary conditions do not currently exist, they must be brought about.

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April 17, 2012

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File: e13aa5861e73ddc⋯.jpg (105.77 KB,489x400,489:400,e13aa5861e73ddcb2c7b4d1197….jpg)

>==Op's image==

Gunning down children, including a white child, sure makes us look like the good guys… This is the most retarded thread on the entirety of /pol/ and it keeps getting bumped by retards.

Also, get filtered.

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Average age of victims was nearly 22 years. That OPs pic is an ancient meme no one really knows from where. Calm your tits, pussy.

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didn't you read >>13524287 faggot?

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File: ed64f02f7b436b6⋯.jpg (65.84 KB,680x680,1:1,nazi-wojak2.jpg)


Based double digits and based post

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thanks. I keep rewatching the trial but the media never highlight anything he says like the slimy fucks they are

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Go way optic cuck shill

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File: 793e0827bd38013⋯.jpg (451.23 KB,850x1194,425:597,1532187151484.jpg)


damn that a good analogy, I'm gonna start using that

I have mein kampf but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet

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Well, I have court transcripts but the translation isn't very good (possibly machine translated), although usually you understand it anyway. And if you understand Norwegian the original text is available too.

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Yeah I understand Norwegian a good bit, could you send the original?

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Go read it brah. It's one of the most important and greatest books ever written, especially if you are already a bit "in the know". Only parts which talk about contemporary politics are bit boring, but soldier through them as they give a bit of context and you understand how similar struggle back then and today is.

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You can find links to the original Norwegian text in the documents: https://anonfile.com/CcSc2519n1/transcript_zip

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There was a tunnel underneath that absorbed half the explosion.

GIven the fact that 1. McVeigh had help, Breivik had to do it all on his own. 2. Being in Norway it was already extremely regulated and difficult to attain materials to produce the bomb. 3. it would not have been possible to produce a more powerful explosion since it would have messed up the planned date (Utoya could not have happened, and Utoya was the main target), it's extremely impressive.

Yeah and he fucked up the timing. Had he arrived an hour earlier the deathtoll could've atleast been 3x higher

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AB - The flame of Europe

A tribute song to our hero

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File: 942d3c5851cabea⋯.jpg (175.64 KB,1855x726,1855:726,White Survival.jpg)

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File: 5448fb4cdc9d34d⋯.jpg (360.68 KB,1080x1080,1:1,CLAYMORE FRONT TOWARD FAZZ….jpg)



>Names the Jew

>Posts easily verifiable facts https://searx.run/?q=brevik%20shot%20up%20anti-israel%20rally&categories=general&language=en-US

>Uses English at a high level

Well now. Lean in close, faggot

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>Joseph Franklin

Just read his wiki. Interesting approach to the one man death squad thing.

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>that link

Kill yourself

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File: 9be06023f1dc073⋯.jpg (21.91 KB,248x255,248:255,99ff75334335308995b1c49578….jpg)


IP hopping spicspamming nigger never disappoints. You just don't care that you glow, do you, nigger?

This is your life.

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Brevik was a shill for Israel. He didn't shoot up that island because "muh mass immigration". He shot it up because Norway had decided to stop selling oil to Israel. He's a fucking Freemason whose members make pledges to protect fucking jews. Brevik was a traitorous collaborating cuck.

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>IP hopping spicspamming nigger never disappoints. You just don't care that you glow, do you, nigger?

>This is your life.

>Ignores evidence, makes unverifiable claim, points and reeeees glownigger, makes Jr. High insult

Kike konfirmed.

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>>that link

>Kill yourself

What, you'd rather be tracked by glowniggers & use a kiked search engine? OK then

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>He shot it up because Norway had decided to stop selling oil to Israel.

Source: your ass. Kill yourself, retard

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>easily verifiable facts

Nope, only worthless speculation from David Icke tier boomer conspiratards like you.

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File: f9caa8950044b42⋯.jpg (74.99 KB,427x640,427:640,Utoya-socialists.jpg)

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Breivik's final statement to the court:

>My first statement on the 16th of April was that I do not recognize this court because you receive your mandate from political parties that support multiculturalism.

>By discarding my allegations of the principle of necessity and sentencing a representative of the Norwegian resistance movement you have sided with the multicultural majority in parliament and therefore you also expressed support for the multiculturalist ideology.

>Since I do not recognise this court I cannot legitimize the Oslo district court by accepting this sentence. In my view this sentence and judgement is illegitimate and at the same time I cannot appeal against the judgement because by appealing I would legitimize the court.

>I would like to end with a statement of regret. I wish to apologize to all militant nationalists in Norway and in Europe for not having executed more traitors.


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To bad the dumb fuck didn't know it was the fucking Jews bringing in the brown hordes.

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Can you even name five or more jews in Norway without googling, you despicable, backstabbing piece of shit?

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File: 75fe2dc3ccc7419⋯.jpg (556.12 KB,956x1087,956:1087,Screenshot_2019-07-29-22-1….jpg)


>Norway is TOO WHITE! According to the President of the Jewish Community in Oslo

Our greatest ally!

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The only people that make the same replies like you on pol are leftypol commies and kikes. Which one are you?

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I am someone who is happy when traitors pay the price for treason. You are someone who defends traitors and talk shit about heroes and martyrs who sacrifice everything for the sake of their people and race. You are pure SCUM, absolute GARBAGE.

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Breivik did nothing wrong guys !

Don't forget this and even if your children are commies.

Do whatever it takes.

This poison must be stopped. Start a new child.

courage at all and it will certainly not be easy to do. Do it for Breivik.

Long life breivik!


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Why does McVeigh get his bomb score included but Breivik doesn't? It was the government building.

(Also deduct 1 kill from breiviks bomb if you're gonna include it.)

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Breivik is an Israel loving Zionist you blue pilled idiot.

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fuck off

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>ip hopping faggot again

Everyone with two brain cells to rub together can read this thread and see how much full of shit you are.


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File: 189e36ed14db3a8⋯.jpg (14.82 KB,255x176,255:176,8d47f187c0a3beb7c3b3330052….jpg)


You're trying so hard. It's adorable.

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File: 0ac8a861c5317e3⋯.jpg (175.74 KB,1855x726,1855:726,White Survival.jpg)

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Noice, all that hard farm-work finally paid off

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File: b2d1a8be9291277⋯.jpg (67.65 KB,767x448,767:448,3e8be4f8.jpg)

File: 70d0846450909a8⋯.jpg (148.09 KB,700x985,140:197,1497311524766.jpg)

File: f69c7eac370bd80⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2000x1301,2000:1301,1497310884886.jpg)

File: 2f520d8741d06fe⋯.jpg (42.71 KB,560x575,112:115,1496584257538.jpg)

File: ebc166b83595f89⋯.png (297.09 KB,529x769,529:769,apology_.PNG)

St. Tarrant uploaded the first two of these on his Facebook account.

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Without this Norwegian mad man we would probably never had our Saint Tarrant.

I wish to live the day when they'll both be released and rewarded with the highest honours.

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Also he's in the news like once every year, fucking with the Norwegian court system and heiling

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He's writing a lot from his cell, not only letters but whole books, but has difficulty getting it published and the prison censors him - I wonder if there's anything that can be done to help him? It would be great if we could get more recent writings from him.

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Do his lawyers help him in any way on this?

I don't know about the costs, but he should definitely sue somebody for restrictions on his freedom of speech.

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We should try contacting Breivik's lawyers like we should contact Tarrant's

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One day Hitler will be hailed as a hero while the current European leaders will have their effigies beaten and burnt.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Huberty gunned down 22 innocent McDonald customers. His shooting was caused for is mental illness. This is the only sensless mass shooting in this photo.

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File: ca012e30b95b463⋯.jpg (20.78 KB,532x355,532:355,breivik3_.jpg)

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why not?

we could ask them to tell their client we want to see his writings published, and ask how we could help.

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File: ae9741351b40213⋯.png (31.41 KB,300x200,3:2,thumb_james-holmes-bitch-p….png)

All time scoring leader in mass shooting history.

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If we could stop shitposting and arguing with shills in this echo chamber and actually do something to help our lads it should be possible. Form a red cross committee for the POWs and leave USBs with The Great Replacement everywhere

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File: b567c23d5becd45⋯.jpg (97.7 KB,451x803,41:73,swim-school.jpg)


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File: 5ceaf54cb9e0a28⋯.jpg (388.6 KB,1284x980,321:245,1494083476533.jpg)

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File: 5dacdef80d35eb1⋯.jpg (72.42 KB,871x871,1:1,faceapp.jpg)

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This is how Breivik dolls himself up when he is ready for his Kike prison gangbang (it's interracial too, including Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes and Mizrahi (Arab) kikes).

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You should keep your sex fantasies to yourself, Amir.

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>That was part of his strategy, stupid nigger.

That's a fucking lie, but is great the ideological war has got to the point where people are forced to say it.

>Brenton emulated it.

No he didn't. While Tarrant is ambivalent on the Kike-Question, Breivik is a full on Kike-lover.

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>i love Breivik because he loves Kikes

If the horde of Muslims invading Europe would simply convert to Christianity, people like Breivik would have no problem with them, and they'd call them white people, and promote European women to fuck them. Just like that thing called "America" already does (the census has defined Middle Easterners and North Africans as 'white' for decades now).

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File: 468e30d03df3ef5⋯.jpg (245.26 KB,1262x1290,631:645,Nordic.jpg)


You will be executed like all other traitors.

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>You will be executed like all other traitors.

Make no mistaken, the National Socialist German Worker's Party invasion of that thing called "Austria" will play itself out in the English-speaking European World. Revolutionary White Nationalists will be killing the 'Right' wing of the ZOG, and vice versa, during the coming of the White Nation Liberation War.

And this will be a great thing. It will be that the ZOG no longer has only ideological control over the masses of the White Nation.

Can't wait for the day!

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Well, I guess it could be seen as disrespectful. Just thought it was a funny meme

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>has any ideological control

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it's not disrespectful, it reminded me of the thread I had just read, it makes it a bit less funny when you're reminded that people actually think it's a morally legitimate thing to cut off your dick and pretend you're a woman

Oh and we got another shill now, kek

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fuck off retarded shills if you fucking listen to his speechs you will know he has converted to natsoc and right now is reading mein kampf so fuck off you stupid niggers.Also he would kill all the mussies even if their christian

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He never converted, he used freemasonry and zionism as a smoke screen for media to attack. A brilliant move.

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

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>22 innocent McDonald customers

no retard he fucking killed 22 beaners

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He probably could, he already sued the Norwegian Prison System saying he was being badly treated and won the lawsuit


He showed "support" for Israel because it provided a place to deport jews

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File: e21b07f190130df⋯.jpg (72.76 KB,709x515,709:515,1553337133337.jpg)


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Breivik's letter to his father: https://archive.is/rIrPf

Worth reading.

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>The only meaningful life is to serve the Northern European Nordicist movement. As expected, I am kept imprisoned in inhumane conditions, but at the same time have never felt more free. The greatest freedom is to serve something greater and more important than yourself.

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His father was a terrible parent that left him and his mom when he was a small child.

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Strong stuff. Reminds me that screencap from here talking about Tarrant being now more free and a man than everyone else. Shame I didn't saved it.

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I've read that his father has no contact with his other children - from several other marriages - either.

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you can read it here >>13546805

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Based, that's exactly it. Thank you anon.

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It makes Anders all the more inspiring to me, he had to make up for the lack of fatherhood with his own strength.

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Tarrant lost his father, who he probably looked up to as a hero, I guess this played a role in his "all or nothing" attitude in the years following the loss.

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Hardened aussie, motivated by the loss of his father and fellow Europeans. That man was almost predetermined to succeed.

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File: 3025178639d27b6⋯.jpg (50.94 KB,1192x480,149:60,cult.jpg)

File: d84c1881aa982ba⋯.png (3.57 MB,1280x1280,1:1,d84c1881aa982baef61f9a7d7d….png)

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File: 8343bc05e3f6240⋯.gif (516.09 KB,250x189,250:189,1564765138825.gif)

Anybody ever made a videogame based on Utoya?

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Do you have more fashwave Breiviks?

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No… But I hope someone makes more.

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It would be fun imo, you can have the mission with the bombing, then the escape, then the mission on the island, it would be rich in action.

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J U L Y 2 2 - J U D G E M E N T D A Y

Rated B for Based

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top kek

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>setting the path for a shocking and innovative way to fight against the ethnic replacement of white europeans

He literally accomplished nothing except killing some people. That's the real lesson.

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>I can't read the thread, yet I must give my worthless opinion

Piss off back to cuckchan you useless cripple.

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You have misspelled intellectual. If you cant do basic grammar or spell check dont make memes or repost misspelled memes without correcting them.

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I'll do whatever I want, faggot :^)

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grammarnazi BTFO

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File: d199999fada719d⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,reconstruction.mp4)

Reconstruction of the car bomb

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holy fucking shit

that van has been pulverized


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File: eadf63a5ac1970e⋯.mp4 (11.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,comp.mp4)

Another compilation

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thank you for posting these

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File: 2a49b2e837fd4d9⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,heil1.mp4)

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File: 77cc97beb78bbeb⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,heil2.mp4)

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It was suppose to be bigger, lots of undetonated explosive materials were found scattered around the blast site. Had he packed the thing better or maybe even covered it in concrete it would have been a much larger blast

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jesus christ

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He originally intended to make 3 bombs.

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Only 9/11

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File: 91a21c3bbc3c9c3⋯.jpg (33.92 KB,498x462,83:77,band aid.jpg)

Not a joke.

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> made a whole goverment right leaning

> inspired Saint Tarrent

> killed anti white mussies and communists

> stopped the invasion from starting in norway

> higher score then Saint Tarrent

> extemely well planed attack

And you think he did nothing?

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Kike thinks goyim does everything but will never say they did anything.

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File: 9b5c811e04aefb7⋯.png (159.91 KB,528x250,264:125,Doblo.png)

Fun fact, the car he used to drive to Utoya was never destroyed or taken as evidence, some private citizen in Norway is driving around with it. Fuck, imagine owning this gem.

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Have sex, incel.

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File: ecb9a9795d15fc8⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB,640x360,16:9,Kill your Heroes - Featuri….mp4)

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File: 662772c83872140⋯.mp4 (15.49 MB,640x352,20:11,IMG_9410_.mp4)

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rolling in hopes of quads

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File: 704bd9b05190362⋯.jpg (43.34 KB,473x500,473:500,0135 - oiHhR9f.jpg)

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very appreciated.

if tarrant is our saint, breivik definitely is our prophet.

10 years ago how many of you could guess how bad things would get?

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The injury was caused by flying brain matter, not a joke either

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He did the right thing asking for medication, he could get an infection.

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And mind you, he was preparing for as long as 9 years. Breivik truly has some amazing prediction. Must feel good and bad at the same time, watching everyone he said fulfilling.

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That's what amazes me the most. I mean, in 2011 I could not fully understand the reasons and implications in his attack, it was only after becoming fully redpilled that I stopped and think: "wait a sec, this guy had it all figured out years ago, wtf?"

I wonder what he's been thinking lately after Christchurch.

It's a shame we have no updates from someone taking care of his PRs.

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