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File: abb1cf0462f39e4⋯.jpg (893.65 KB,2250x1346,1125:673,breivik.jpg)

 No.13523043 [View All]

Today 8 years ago, Anders Breivik managed to carry a massive attack against leftist traitors in his country, Norway, setting the path for a shocking and innovative way to fight against the ethnic replacement of white europeans and the corrupt politicians allowing it.

Post everything Breivik related: latest news, memes, interesting articles, footages, link to manifesto and other interesting stuff about Knight Justiciar Breivik.

455 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I've read that his father has no contact with his other children - from several other marriages - either.

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you can read it here >>13546805

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Based, that's exactly it. Thank you anon.

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It makes Anders all the more inspiring to me, he had to make up for the lack of fatherhood with his own strength.

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Tarrant lost his father, who he probably looked up to as a hero, I guess this played a role in his "all or nothing" attitude in the years following the loss.

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Hardened aussie, motivated by the loss of his father and fellow Europeans. That man was almost predetermined to succeed.

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File: 3025178639d27b6⋯.jpg (50.94 KB,1192x480,149:60,cult.jpg)

File: d84c1881aa982ba⋯.png (3.57 MB,1280x1280,1:1,d84c1881aa982baef61f9a7d7d….png)

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File: 8343bc05e3f6240⋯.gif (516.09 KB,250x189,250:189,1564765138825.gif)

Anybody ever made a videogame based on Utoya?

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Do you have more fashwave Breiviks?

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No… But I hope someone makes more.

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It would be fun imo, you can have the mission with the bombing, then the escape, then the mission on the island, it would be rich in action.

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J U L Y 2 2 - J U D G E M E N T D A Y

Rated B for Based

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top kek

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>setting the path for a shocking and innovative way to fight against the ethnic replacement of white europeans

He literally accomplished nothing except killing some people. That's the real lesson.

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>I can't read the thread, yet I must give my worthless opinion

Piss off back to cuckchan you useless cripple.

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You have misspelled intellectual. If you cant do basic grammar or spell check dont make memes or repost misspelled memes without correcting them.

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I'll do whatever I want, faggot :^)

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grammarnazi BTFO

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File: d199999fada719d⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,reconstruction.mp4)

Reconstruction of the car bomb

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holy fucking shit

that van has been pulverized


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File: eadf63a5ac1970e⋯.mp4 (11.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,comp.mp4)

Another compilation

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thank you for posting these

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File: 2a49b2e837fd4d9⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,heil1.mp4)

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File: 77cc97beb78bbeb⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,heil2.mp4)

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It was suppose to be bigger, lots of undetonated explosive materials were found scattered around the blast site. Had he packed the thing better or maybe even covered it in concrete it would have been a much larger blast

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jesus christ

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He originally intended to make 3 bombs.

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Only 9/11

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File: 91a21c3bbc3c9c3⋯.jpg (33.92 KB,498x462,83:77,band aid.jpg)

Not a joke.

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> made a whole goverment right leaning

> inspired Saint Tarrent

> killed anti white mussies and communists

> stopped the invasion from starting in norway

> higher score then Saint Tarrent

> extemely well planed attack

And you think he did nothing?

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Kike thinks goyim does everything but will never say they did anything.

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File: 9b5c811e04aefb7⋯.png (159.91 KB,528x250,264:125,Doblo.png)

Fun fact, the car he used to drive to Utoya was never destroyed or taken as evidence, some private citizen in Norway is driving around with it. Fuck, imagine owning this gem.

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Have sex, incel.

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File: ecb9a9795d15fc8⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB,640x360,16:9,Kill your Heroes - Featuri….mp4)

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File: 662772c83872140⋯.mp4 (15.49 MB,640x352,20:11,IMG_9410_.mp4)

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rolling in hopes of quads

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File: 704bd9b05190362⋯.jpg (43.34 KB,473x500,473:500,0135 - oiHhR9f.jpg)

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very appreciated.

if tarrant is our saint, breivik definitely is our prophet.

10 years ago how many of you could guess how bad things would get?

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The injury was caused by flying brain matter, not a joke either

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He did the right thing asking for medication, he could get an infection.

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And mind you, he was preparing for as long as 9 years. Breivik truly has some amazing prediction. Must feel good and bad at the same time, watching everyone he said fulfilling.

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That's what amazes me the most. I mean, in 2011 I could not fully understand the reasons and implications in his attack, it was only after becoming fully redpilled that I stopped and think: "wait a sec, this guy had it all figured out years ago, wtf?"

I wonder what he's been thinking lately after Christchurch.

It's a shame we have no updates from someone taking care of his PRs.

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