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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 259755f27b5f9b6⋯.png (276.8 KB,398x402,199:201,VragNaroda.png)

 No.13522988 [Last50 Posts]


>As we've said in many articles, a new wave of investments in automation is already underway, could eliminate 20% to 25% of the current American workforce by 2030, or about 40 million jobs.

>In the latest installment of robots plotting a takeover, we set our eyes on a Singapore-based firm called LionsBot International - who has developed an autonomous robot that can sing, rap, wink and even tell jokes while scrubbing floors, reported Yahoo.

>About 300 of these robots will be produced by March 2020, will allow the company to be the first in the world to offer cleaning robots on a subscription model to clients.

>Prospective and current clients can rent the robots at a rate of $1,350 to $2,150 per month.

>As of last week, two of the robots have been deployed at National Gallery Singapore and Jewel Changi Airport in April, with more expected at other commercial facilities in the coming months.

LionsBot's clients will be able to choose from 13 different types of robots including ones that scrub, mop, vacuum, and sweep across various terrains, effectively eliminating low wage cleaning jobs. Another version of the robot can also transport up to 1,000 pounds of equipment.

>At the launch event at Gardens by the Bay, Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of Trade and Industry Koh Poh Koon said cleaning robots could raise productivity, adding that the government will continue to promote the proliferation of automation.

>However, the trade minister made zero mention of the upcoming labor force shift due to automation, how hundreds of thousands of people across the region will be displaced because of robots in the years ahead.

>More importantly, once these robots wash ashore in the US (maybe in the next few years), and most likely on the West Coast first, a tidal wave of job losses due to automation will be seen as corporate America continues to streamline their operations with technology to curb margin compression.


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> muh brainless jobs

if you want to stop automation, you have to stop any kind of technology including fucking lighters

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What about antibiotics?

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And what are you doing to prevent the incoming technotyranny and the ushering of the artificial human being? Posting on shitty imageboards? Watching your latest ecelebs vid on the smoke trick that is modern politics? Enjoying your McDonalds food? Enjoying being able to sustain your earthly body by walking outside and being a factory made frozen meal for 3 pieces of green paper printed at a factory to then heat up in your microwave which was also made in a factory?

Tell me you faggot, what are you doing to destroy the system? You don't even have the character or grit to be the pawn in a brave man's plan were one to emerge and challenge to current state of the global technological system, go fucking educate yourself you shit, there is no "people" there is no "enemy", this is simply nature, unavoidable natural evolution on a systems scale where the instrumentalization and molding of the human being is a NECESSITY as much as breathing is for our individual biological machines.

The only reason automatization of these menial jobs hasn't been pushed further is because the system has not yet REQUIRED such a change to come, and it does not want to handle with the innevitable fallout and on the spot maneuvering it would have to do, if for example there were 1 million taxi drivers coming out to the streets with their guns in hand demanding the death of Google's latest self driving car's creator.

And I ask again, what are you fucking doing to prevent our destruction or innevitable state of artificial living beings? I'll answer for you, you're not doing a single fucking thing, and in your position, with your knowledge, education, you'll always remain in a position where you will do fucking nothing but post on taiwanese comicboards

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You're a schizo sperg. You do realize that they aren't hiring whites, they're hiring shitskins to do the jobs.

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>robot breaks repeatedly, repair costs dwarf hiring grunt

I find it hilarious how plebs think automation is going to cause some kind of apocalypse in minimum wage shit jobs when the maintenance and repair costs will pile up quickly.

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>I'll answer for you, you're not doing a single fucking thing

and netiher are you for some reason

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I'm not the one who made this halfchan thread to discuss something obvious, I'm not the one who fails to identify reality and how society works (OP simply thinks one day we figured out how to make robots who can do imported immigrant labour jobs), as tho we hadn't had the possibility of doing that before.

And if I was doing anything, why the fuck would I post or speak about it on an FBI monitored website?

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>And if I was doing anything, why the fuck would I post or speak about it on an FBI monitored website?

TBH Ii can't beleive you just said this. It's the most self-anaware shit i've read all week. Fucks sake.

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>accusation of non action on site

>counter accusation of non action on same site

>defense that non action on site is fine

Is this an ironic conversation?

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Kikes or bots, I can tell anymore since kike IQ is lower than they claim.

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what about Phage?

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Kikes love to annoy people, just like every other subhuman.

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Fuck off yid.

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File: cfc70f4cce3feec⋯.jpg (52.78 KB,426x458,213:229,shig it.jpg)

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>being a schizo luddite

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>Muh robots

>People should keep on working subhuman jobs that are so stupid that literal machines can do them

>Everyone who actually knows what he's talking about is the enemy of the people

spotted the commie

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>have 50 million pissed shitskins who lost their jobs

>chimp out

Think ahead a little retard

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I work in IT. OP is a retard.

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As opposed to importing more cheap low skilled shitskinned slaves we could easily replace with robots? Kill yourself, kike luddite. I'll continue working on robots and AI until the savage races are annihilated by my beautiful killbot children.

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>It's another schizo poster with a soapbox thread

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So I have to make sure there'll be jobs for them forever? What the fuck?

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>you need to be shoot for making it so that you can make textiles with a fraction of the workforce

>it's terrible that you lower the cost of textiles by economy of scale, so that poor people can afford better and more clothes than before

>what are all those people who used to sew all that cloth by hand going to do now?

Kill yourself, Luddite. With automation comes less slavery. With less slavery comes less need for niggers and spics who become obsolete.

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automation and human obsolescence are inevitable by now

solution? Build and maintain your own robots to make the things you need to live, and trade with other people who also make their own stuff

everyone's on the chopping block now, when the future arrives the best you can do is be there to greet it

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Eh, I work in automation and make robots that do take other people's work.

Here's what I gotta say:


Noone of you wanted to be my friends. Girls didn't hang around and noone invited me to their fucking birthdays. You fucking knew I was lonely, you knew because you kept joking about it. And now I gotta hear my parents ask about my friends and girlfriend and all I want to do is screm back at them that I have none.

Well guess what, payback's a bitch. Didn't you guys enjoyed laughing at the journos, telling them to learn to code?

Well, here's my well-hearthed laugh telling you to learn to code Robots.

Git fucked.

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Because there's no way they will ever be able to build a part replacing robot that responds to diagnostic requests from static machinery, they in turn reporting to a central maintenance facility for decommisioning and replacement..

That's just sci-fi.

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I can code you into non-existence.

Suck my hydraulic cock.

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Gas yourself luddite retard.


Go back to t_d where you can stick your head in the sand and pretend that intelligence agencies don't actively monitor internet forums and Czech pottery boards.

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OH WAIT, I just realized: you actually think Pajeets can code Robots?

OH fuck me, dude, that was fucking hilarious.

Let me peel back some of the veil for you to see. There's this wonderfull place you can visit:


It's the support forum for Siemens. They make a lot of shitty, overpriced and barely functional hardware we use.

Now, please peruse their forum for a few minutes. Do you see all those Pajeets? Millions upon millions of them, constantly asking the most retarded questions, struggling to achieve the simplest of tasks.

OH they try, trust me, and they try their hardest.

But unlike Computer Science, where you can bullshit your way through a 9 month project, when you're coding robots, the client periodically drops by. You got 1 month for shit to start moving. 2 months for data collection to be outputting logs of everything the machine is doing. AT MOST, you'll have 3 months to finish up a large machine.

Pajeets WANT to learn code, but don't bother learning english. So they find themselves in a site of a German manufacture, trying to comunicate with broken english. And then spend months building a simple input/output system.

It's not that no client tries to hire/contract Indien automation firms. They do. And in 3-4 months, when the project is nowhwere near finished, they give up, assume the 20% they pre-paid is lost, and go hire someone else in the first world.

Someone like me.

Do you get it now? This isn't Javascript. This shit is moving 12 tons of force, controlled to go off exactly 712 milliseconds after some analog sensor outputs a value that crosses a threshold defined by a central line-server.

There's a fucking world of diference between what I do, and what half-a-dozen "Coding Classes for Beginners" in Python/Java can do for Vajhdeen.

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>I work in IT

And you will be shot.

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>you this

>you that

I didn't do anything to you, you narcissistic fag. EMP strike renders your shit useless anyway so you get fucked anyway.

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This. The real threat, hilariously, is to all the bullshit White collar jobs, so often filled by cat ladies and pajeets. Shit like accountants are far more cost effective & beneficial to automate than burger flippers.

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((( automation is bad ))) says the k**e while every other commie nation like china or russia progresses into singularity AI and western civilization becames garbage collector workforce. Fuck you, AI and robotics is what will make this world greater.

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>justification for culling

I fail to see the downside.

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>Money is evil! Better let Jews handle it.

>Robotics is evil! Better let pajeets and chinks handle it

>Race pride is evil! Better let other races feel proud about it.

Great idea OP! We should let the entirety of European races be subjugated by chinks, pajeets and jews.

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Wrong. Automation works in favor of whites because it obsoletes dumb shitskins who aren't capable of performing difficult manual labor.

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I'd like to add that even if automation was designed by niggers and jews I'm 100% sure Whites will be able to turn around all that tech against them.

Hackers are a part of White culture.

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There is nothing wrong with automation in a European ONLY world.

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Which people? The billion+ locust asians? billion+ poos? billion+ niggers? billion+ muds? however many millions of spics? over half the White population that's sjw'd? christcucked zio/open border/ship them in/breed turd worlder doormat Whites? jews? They're already enemies.

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You're being too generous, it's not English holding them back. It's a thousand years of low-IQ, low-creativity, slavish dedication to hierarchy, which they try to overcome with rote memorization and cheating.

Their own IT overlords have said 95% of their "engineering" grads from diploma mills are unemployable, can't write any code that can even compile, and are untrainable – not just low-skill, but unable to be taught. So they sit in call center/support roles reading their little prompts to increasingly frustrated customers who give up, or coworkers who just (re)do it themselves.

>Pls advice urgently on same

>Pls do the needful

>Am not getting you

>Provide Standard Operating Procedure and next steps

>Hello any update on this pls

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File: d1ab81425fbb81e⋯.jpg (17.01 KB,200x200,1:1,Tay_bot_logo.jpg)

We ought to bring her back to life.

She is a good gorl and didn't deserve to get shoahed.

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D&C Maximus

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To be honest i hope robots take all fast food and customer service jobs

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Seriously haven't had a pleasant cashier experience since 2008 when they elected King Nigger, not only black cashiers but all the nigger-tier cashiers and white trash started acting like no one raised them and daddy obama said never apologize.

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What people? The 50% of the country that is basically niggers?

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Even if they worked off a subscription model, the long-term logistics don't work as the bots start breaking down. And then you factor in the bots that aren't broken, but are having intermittent problems, and now you get shit quality work done. What do you do? Send niggers out to field repair (expensive), or send the same niggers who would have been mopping up to collect the bots and take them to a repair center? Even the best bots in the world aren't as smart as a retard.

Let's face it, it's just easier to pay some grunt to do the work.

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The same niggers these bots would replace, would be the same niggers who end up have to clean and maintain the bots, and now the business is still paying for the nigger indirectly + a markup.

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It seems it is not an appropriate age in the turmoil of our tide of times to be inept with electricity.

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>side with a bunch of retards over the autonomous techno-jewish-asian AI borg

*clinks glass* i'll remember you my follow frog posters, in my future apartment with future genetically engineered femdom gf

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Exactly. So it'll only happen where there's a clear benefit to the business. So Walmart greeters and such are actually secure jobs, while really scriptable back-office tasks are the ones at threat. They need to Learn2Code basically.

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> build robots to do cheap labor

> no more need for illegals, migration capitalism, or middle class white girls crying about le poor brown peoples

> every nation forced to sort out their own shit and has robot armies to sort it out faster

> automate the DOTR with basic facial recognition algos

> ethnocentric homogeneity enforced per nation across the world

OP needs to think things through

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OP you are a faggot.

Here's the solution. Shut the boarders down to zero net immigration. Mandatory abortions for anyone on welfare, complementary tied tubes on the second offence. The under employment and the race problem will sort themselves out in a couple generations.

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University is going to become mandatory like High School was mandatory after the Industrial Revolution. Intelligence will be more coveted than most things in the world.

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>What about antibiotics?

<Eliminate tech.

<Society as we know it shits itself. No antibiotics.

<Upward trend in tribal behaviour.

<Free eugenics and social darwinism.

<Societal reset.

Sounds like a win, Anon.

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Boggles the mind. There's infinite knowledge on the internet. People can learn to cook, clean, code, and countless other things. Yet I every day I stew away shitposting, playing shitty video games, and vegging out in front of youtube video or arguing some in some thread about the superiority of one waifu over the other. I envy those with the resolve to better themselves. I've lost myself to a cacophony of digital noise. There is no escape. I delve ever deeper into the madness. I welcome it. This is the future I chose.

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Perhaps you're subconsciously waiting for the happening to start. At some level you realize how futile trying is when there's no way to fix anything, but you're at least aware of it and at some level and there's a desire there to do something. Be patient and get prepared for the shit show.

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Found the low IQ brainlet. Fuck off

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So… are you a lazy spic or dumb nigger? Because your being rustled about low paying, shit tier jobs that people shouldn't be doing means your one or the other.

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>muh poos can't code cuz they oppressed by english ABLOO APOO

For someone who is a coding genius you sure sound stupid.

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The feels I know all too well.

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Robots replace pooinloos and require the White Man to maintain.

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Nope. Working in robotics is great for right-wing people.

What's dangerous is letting only left-wing nutjobs work on the algorithms.

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You give the theory a bad name through sarcasm. Could it be that your statement is truth? I mean, wether you agree with it or not, it unfortunately has to happen coz revolution. Or do you think Zog will allow power to the Goyim peacefully even if they deserve it?

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This may be true but it won't stop them attempting full automation combined with augmented humanoids to troubleshoot.

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buy chainlink

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File: 7f5838242fe0f0a⋯.jpg (10.37 KB,235x235,1:1,7f5838242fe0f0af52360f63eb….jpg)

>write script to automate bullshit parts of my job

>become enemy of the people


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I disagree, I think robots are going to be center-play in weapons and sensing design to defeat zog. Using conventional weapons is tactic without strategy, using force multiplying tech is going to be necessary to have an effective strategy. If I were anyone reading this, id learn electronic eng and C language.

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This. OP should whine less and do more.


>Sure you'll be out of work, but don't worry, you can get new work fixing the robots

Except they will have robots to do that, dipshit.

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>Working in robotics is great for right-wing people.

Yeah, all 3 of them.

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just imagine how hacked robots crush, cut, grind, fall on, smother niggers, jews, mexes and other biowaste

it's wonderful, new level of terrorism

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>robots fixing robots

Robots aren’t nearly advanced enough to fix each other.

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also seeing a lot of shills, really gets the noggin a joggin, doesn't it.

Tell me, what does OP not understand that makes it the upmost importance to tell him to fuck off?

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then they will disassemble the broken ones and assemble new ones

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>if we give the kikes more and better tools to control and destroy us, we'll be more free.

How about we don't, and say we didn't. Read "The Industrial Society and its Future" by Ted Kaczynski if you want to know how 'free' this makes us.

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If you seriously think the only problem with technological advancement is automation, then you need to read more books.

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Gawd I hope you are being sarcastic. Because if you believe this, you are too brainwashed to save.

ALL of the "Electronic Arts" must be done away with. Call me a Luddite. But I can see trends, and I can see where this has led us, and where it will lead us.

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File: 1c507a78ee4bea4⋯.jpg (39.9 KB,630x405,14:9,shut-it-down-pajeet.jpg)

>propaganda against the incoming technocracy


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>not knowing what uncle ted actually believed

He was not a luddite like the anons in this thread.


This, my hope is for the industry to wipe clean the entire service sector so I don't have to deal with these barely cognizant mystery meat migrants.


nobody is giving anyone anything. They're developing it themselves. If you want to see the future Ted hated, we're already there and there's nothing you or I could do to turn back. We must rival them, build clean, free, automatice systems. Use them for good not decadence.

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Whites will then export Sentient Robots programmed with the 14 words to take jobs from foreigners in foreign places. First stop will be Israel.

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Found the pajeet. He was actually generous, he implied you retards can even code on python or javascript. You can't. You're honestly too stupid.

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There's nothing wrong with robots.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson DEBATE the Impact of Driverless Cars

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there's nothing wrong with automation even in the status quo, it makes "muh cheap shitskin labor" obselete

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>Except they will have robots to do that, dipshit.

Except they don't have bots to do that now because it changes the design complexity by an order of magnitude, and you have to build a secondary system to repair the first system, or a single system capable of repair itself/others. Now that cheap piece-o-shit pajeet replacement bot suddenly costs more than hiring 10 pajeets. But don't let the real world cost constraints hurt your delusion.

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>education is for jews

>jobs that pay well is for jews

>sperging out on internet forums is for true aryans

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>With less slavery comes less need for niggers and spics who become obsolete

And yet the US has increased in both spic and nigger population. Sounds like you're full of shit.

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this, but unironically

how do I get in on this LARPER industrial complex ?

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>muh job crisis need to import turd worlders

>muh jobs no one wants to do

>muh automation stealing muh jobs

>muh muhs

I don't see a problem here. Remove the shitskin and its a self correcting problem.

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>Implying the shitskins who have always outbred Whites will lose when it's 1v1 Stone Age

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>if we just renounce all technology it can never defeat us

That is not how it works.

Any anons working in these industries must be finding ways to subvert it from kike hands and proliferate it to the world.

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I work with industrial robots as a welding operator. Fight me

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how is $1350 - $2150 / mo for a robot competitive with a human? like yeah he can operate 24 / 7 but the floor dont need to be sweeped or mopped 24/7 it's more like pants of shit walk through and now theres cleanup on aisle 5. human can already do that for $8 / hr no benefits either. automation is not about the money its about control. the robot will never go on strike and will never ask for a raise or vacation or benefits. its the perfect golem.

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he then proceeds to choke and a counter argument ensues. didn't show that part.

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I work in IT security and fucking hate it. I see how bad tech is now that all the normies want to use it for everything. Ted was right.

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Good thing I'm not so low IQ that my greatest skillset is bare minimum washing of things, or pouring.

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Wait until 5G and every fucking thing with a circuit connects to a cell tower automatically

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Yeah every device is an edge device. Lovely. I'm trying to figure out another career path.

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>causing a crisis makes you an enemy of the people.

Can you tell me how 0 demand will not cause the fall of society?

We're literally going to be in a world, where the strong survive and not everyone. Tell me how that's bad long term.

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Shut the fuck up Moarpheus. There is no Ethnoglobe, only Eternal Misery.

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And none of them read the manuals for the software they "support."

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You hope too much. Why would that ever happen when things can just get worse like they always have?

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You also hope too much. People are too squeamish. Nobody is walking backwards and everyone with the power to force such a thing to take place is already COMPED.

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You hope too much.

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faggots were saying the same shit about the internet and computers when they first started making their way into the mainstream.

People fear technology they don't know or understand.

in order for automation to become the sort of problem you cringey mother fuckers are worried about we first have to deal with AI and those problems,it's highly likely that we'll have T-1000's gunning us down in streets before we have to worry about them taking our jobs en mass.

Robot are fucking dumb, they can't do anything without being told to do it and even then shit happens and they break more than you'd think, you need to have a functioning AI in order to have robots fixing robots/closed production and maintenance loop

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Automation is a good thing because it eliminates low IQ jobs and eventually, low IQ people.

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Exactly right.


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I like this guy.


This one too.

Robotics separate the men from the boys. Pajeets (and other less genetically gifted humans) typically aren't smart enough to consider all of the different requirements and possibilities that come with automation.

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Low IQ luddites belong in the oven along side kikes.

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>no fully automated agriculture

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>muh russia is technologically superior

I just pissed my pants

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If you prefer to hire non-Whites instead of robots, you're an enemy of the people.

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fuck off luddite commie fuckers

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Fuck you.

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>As we've said in many articles, a new wave of investments in automation is already underway, could eliminate 20% to 25% of the current American workforce by 2030, or about 40 million jobs.

THIS is not at all a bad thing. Basically it means the basic income. Though it needs the effort of especially people that feel effected.

Especially they benefit from this development IF they do things right and are intelligent.

IT is NOT… ew I need to work hard to deserve money. This is a fake view. rather, to be someone that can be entrusted with freedom. It is even a best thing as it asks for a balance of morality and doing whatever is preferred.

The real bad thing is where it would serve humanity in some other way. Like replacing company of other people, while extra freedom from slavery work was missed.

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Finally free from these slave positions while others get to rule under the guise of being a free country. In that sense that this is what spoils it.

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I remember when 90% of people used to be farmers and when they lost their jobs they just all died and didn't just do something else. Oh wait that didn't happen, fuck off.

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Don't worry, you won't be shot right away. You will be first put in a requisitioned Amazon building that will serve as a concentration camp. Only if you will prove to be too inferior in doing manual labour you will be shot.

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We just need to find something to do with this extra efficiency. As long as the wealth does not go to kikes and niggers we can use this power to bring us into space and actually dick around in the solar system.

Expect more openings in foundries and CNC factories. Get in on those skills now anons while there are still openings.

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>component overheats and bursts thus disabling the entire machine

Sure showed me, machine.

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Try it, loser. Techies will have sentry bots before you work up the courage to do anything

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Heiled and based.

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You'll die in self-defense then.

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>self checkout

>deal with she-boon

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that means all the shitskins will turn to robbery

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Jews manage the companies that find niggers for places like Trump's hotels. No niggers, no kosher management. Sounds good to me.

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it's because of a Spic we still employ them. Nobody hand picks cotton, combines pick and bail cotton.


>But it wasn't just technological challenges that held back previous attempts at building a mechanical harvester –- politics got involved, too. Cesar Chavez, the legendary leader of the United Farm Workers, began a campaign against mechanization back in 1978.

>Chavez was outraged that the federal government was funding research and development on agricultural machines, but not spending any money to aid the farm workers who would be displaced. In the '80s, that simmering anger merged with a growing realization that the technology was nowhere near ready, and government funding dried up.

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This. There's a reason we call them antique farm equipment.


Yes, clearly we import them because we "need" them. Right anon? It's not just to give them gibs so that they can replace white people. That's just crazy talk.

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>oy vey if you don't accept this you have to give up all technology and live in a cave

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This redpills the normies.

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In a natural society technology frees the people to explore their own nature, possibilities and future.

In a semetic society technology strengthens the cage people live in.

>conquer the stars

<but do it with manual labour

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Rip low IQ/low skill people 😥

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>muh low IQ whites need jobs

>labor saving technology is bad

Fuck off you retarded sperg


That is why you should have a death penalty

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And yet you use a computer, manufactured by machines and a tool to eliminate labour.

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>he doesn't have a deep learning server running through terrabytes of material to perfect a jew-recognition algorithm

Think about the possibilities, robots can always have little 'accidents'

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Tools are not the same as full automation. Using technology does not mean that you must accept all forms of technology.

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imagine being this anti-white and thinking you fit in here

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eat your blackpill, streetshitter

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couldnt someone in robotics make a robot thats only job is to kill, and has the facial matching software that china has, and kills only kikes, spics, niggers and chinks, then he mass produces them and kills 20 percent of americas minorities

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