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File: 259755f27b5f9b6⋯.png (276.8 KB,398x402,199:201,VragNaroda.png)

 No.13522988 [View All]


>As we've said in many articles, a new wave of investments in automation is already underway, could eliminate 20% to 25% of the current American workforce by 2030, or about 40 million jobs.

>In the latest installment of robots plotting a takeover, we set our eyes on a Singapore-based firm called LionsBot International - who has developed an autonomous robot that can sing, rap, wink and even tell jokes while scrubbing floors, reported Yahoo.

>About 300 of these robots will be produced by March 2020, will allow the company to be the first in the world to offer cleaning robots on a subscription model to clients.

>Prospective and current clients can rent the robots at a rate of $1,350 to $2,150 per month.

>As of last week, two of the robots have been deployed at National Gallery Singapore and Jewel Changi Airport in April, with more expected at other commercial facilities in the coming months.

LionsBot's clients will be able to choose from 13 different types of robots including ones that scrub, mop, vacuum, and sweep across various terrains, effectively eliminating low wage cleaning jobs. Another version of the robot can also transport up to 1,000 pounds of equipment.

>At the launch event at Gardens by the Bay, Senior Minister of State for the Ministry of Trade and Industry Koh Poh Koon said cleaning robots could raise productivity, adding that the government will continue to promote the proliferation of automation.

>However, the trade minister made zero mention of the upcoming labor force shift due to automation, how hundreds of thousands of people across the region will be displaced because of robots in the years ahead.

>More importantly, once these robots wash ashore in the US (maybe in the next few years), and most likely on the West Coast first, a tidal wave of job losses due to automation will be seen as corporate America continues to streamline their operations with technology to curb margin compression.


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>Implying the shitskins who have always outbred Whites will lose when it's 1v1 Stone Age

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>if we just renounce all technology it can never defeat us

That is not how it works.

Any anons working in these industries must be finding ways to subvert it from kike hands and proliferate it to the world.

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I work with industrial robots as a welding operator. Fight me

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how is $1350 - $2150 / mo for a robot competitive with a human? like yeah he can operate 24 / 7 but the floor dont need to be sweeped or mopped 24/7 it's more like pants of shit walk through and now theres cleanup on aisle 5. human can already do that for $8 / hr no benefits either. automation is not about the money its about control. the robot will never go on strike and will never ask for a raise or vacation or benefits. its the perfect golem.

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he then proceeds to choke and a counter argument ensues. didn't show that part.

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I work in IT security and fucking hate it. I see how bad tech is now that all the normies want to use it for everything. Ted was right.

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Good thing I'm not so low IQ that my greatest skillset is bare minimum washing of things, or pouring.

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Wait until 5G and every fucking thing with a circuit connects to a cell tower automatically

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Yeah every device is an edge device. Lovely. I'm trying to figure out another career path.

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>causing a crisis makes you an enemy of the people.

Can you tell me how 0 demand will not cause the fall of society?

We're literally going to be in a world, where the strong survive and not everyone. Tell me how that's bad long term.

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Shut the fuck up Moarpheus. There is no Ethnoglobe, only Eternal Misery.

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And none of them read the manuals for the software they "support."

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You hope too much. Why would that ever happen when things can just get worse like they always have?

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You also hope too much. People are too squeamish. Nobody is walking backwards and everyone with the power to force such a thing to take place is already COMPED.

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You hope too much.

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faggots were saying the same shit about the internet and computers when they first started making their way into the mainstream.

People fear technology they don't know or understand.

in order for automation to become the sort of problem you cringey mother fuckers are worried about we first have to deal with AI and those problems,it's highly likely that we'll have T-1000's gunning us down in streets before we have to worry about them taking our jobs en mass.

Robot are fucking dumb, they can't do anything without being told to do it and even then shit happens and they break more than you'd think, you need to have a functioning AI in order to have robots fixing robots/closed production and maintenance loop

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Automation is a good thing because it eliminates low IQ jobs and eventually, low IQ people.

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Exactly right.


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I like this guy.


This one too.

Robotics separate the men from the boys. Pajeets (and other less genetically gifted humans) typically aren't smart enough to consider all of the different requirements and possibilities that come with automation.

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Low IQ luddites belong in the oven along side kikes.

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>no fully automated agriculture

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>muh russia is technologically superior

I just pissed my pants

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If you prefer to hire non-Whites instead of robots, you're an enemy of the people.

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fuck off luddite commie fuckers

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Fuck you.

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>As we've said in many articles, a new wave of investments in automation is already underway, could eliminate 20% to 25% of the current American workforce by 2030, or about 40 million jobs.

THIS is not at all a bad thing. Basically it means the basic income. Though it needs the effort of especially people that feel effected.

Especially they benefit from this development IF they do things right and are intelligent.

IT is NOT… ew I need to work hard to deserve money. This is a fake view. rather, to be someone that can be entrusted with freedom. It is even a best thing as it asks for a balance of morality and doing whatever is preferred.

The real bad thing is where it would serve humanity in some other way. Like replacing company of other people, while extra freedom from slavery work was missed.

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Finally free from these slave positions while others get to rule under the guise of being a free country. In that sense that this is what spoils it.

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I remember when 90% of people used to be farmers and when they lost their jobs they just all died and didn't just do something else. Oh wait that didn't happen, fuck off.

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Don't worry, you won't be shot right away. You will be first put in a requisitioned Amazon building that will serve as a concentration camp. Only if you will prove to be too inferior in doing manual labour you will be shot.

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We just need to find something to do with this extra efficiency. As long as the wealth does not go to kikes and niggers we can use this power to bring us into space and actually dick around in the solar system.

Expect more openings in foundries and CNC factories. Get in on those skills now anons while there are still openings.

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>component overheats and bursts thus disabling the entire machine

Sure showed me, machine.

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Try it, loser. Techies will have sentry bots before you work up the courage to do anything

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Heiled and based.

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You'll die in self-defense then.

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>self checkout

>deal with she-boon

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that means all the shitskins will turn to robbery

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Jews manage the companies that find niggers for places like Trump's hotels. No niggers, no kosher management. Sounds good to me.

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it's because of a Spic we still employ them. Nobody hand picks cotton, combines pick and bail cotton.


>But it wasn't just technological challenges that held back previous attempts at building a mechanical harvester –- politics got involved, too. Cesar Chavez, the legendary leader of the United Farm Workers, began a campaign against mechanization back in 1978.

>Chavez was outraged that the federal government was funding research and development on agricultural machines, but not spending any money to aid the farm workers who would be displaced. In the '80s, that simmering anger merged with a growing realization that the technology was nowhere near ready, and government funding dried up.

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This. There's a reason we call them antique farm equipment.


Yes, clearly we import them because we "need" them. Right anon? It's not just to give them gibs so that they can replace white people. That's just crazy talk.

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>oy vey if you don't accept this you have to give up all technology and live in a cave

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This redpills the normies.

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In a natural society technology frees the people to explore their own nature, possibilities and future.

In a semetic society technology strengthens the cage people live in.

>conquer the stars

<but do it with manual labour

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Rip low IQ/low skill people 😥

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>muh low IQ whites need jobs

>labor saving technology is bad

Fuck off you retarded sperg


That is why you should have a death penalty

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And yet you use a computer, manufactured by machines and a tool to eliminate labour.

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>he doesn't have a deep learning server running through terrabytes of material to perfect a jew-recognition algorithm

Think about the possibilities, robots can always have little 'accidents'

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Tools are not the same as full automation. Using technology does not mean that you must accept all forms of technology.

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imagine being this anti-white and thinking you fit in here

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eat your blackpill, streetshitter

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couldnt someone in robotics make a robot thats only job is to kill, and has the facial matching software that china has, and kills only kikes, spics, niggers and chinks, then he mass produces them and kills 20 percent of americas minorities

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