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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: a6f680cb750dd10⋯.png (1.84 MB,933x913,933:913,niggerbabby.png)

 No.13519171 [View All]

Stand proud, America. There actually used to be a game called Hit the Nigger Baby (aka African Dodger, aka Hit the Coon) lolololol

Pic related is from YMCA in 1952! But, get this. It involves an ACTUAL NIGGER getting hit with FUCKING BASEBALLS AND EGGS. Not even shitting


>African-American male would stick his head through a canvas curtain, and attempt to dodge objects, such as eggs or baseballs, thrown at him by players

>by players

yes, players got to throw actual baseballs at NPCs. I'll pretend to worship a semitic volcano demon and his faggot hippie retard son, if I can go back to an America that still has this!!!



holy shit if the nigger talked, too, like the crows in Disney that would be hilarious. Does any video of this game exist, even black and white?

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Nice LARP.


Nice Jewish 'muh bummers' posting.

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>samefagging cianigger

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You incel nerd virgins are going to be the death of the White race.

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>proving ur not from here this hard


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Reminder you have been posting this for months consecutively and have not once explained it.

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haha look guys 67 years ago you could do THIS

What a waste of a thread.

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>he believes in modern recreated (aka fake) mythology

You shut up, you.

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File: 4a8c38520fc0937⋯.jpg (40.55 KB,491x500,491:500,Sambo.JPG)

Some of my fondest memories of childhood was when my grandma used to read to me.

One of the books she would read to me pic related

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I love certain aspects of the not-that-distant past. This is also worth looking at. It is a variant of an old Black folk song and surprisingly it is still on YT despite YT's hypocritical anti-"hate speech" policy.


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wtf I hate white nationalism now!

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Based. 72 big titty valkyries for anyone that dies fighting for Odin too.

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>I'll pretend to worship a semitic volcano demon and his faggot hippie retard son

Nice D&C faggot.

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if you go back to the 50s, then you'll have to deal with that, if you don't like it. stop reading into everything

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File: 1ac676e2f2e9fef⋯.jpg (84.98 KB,875x660,175:132,272213f5aefff3890ee978e5d7….jpg)

Shoot the unarmed Palestinians in the balls for fun.

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Midget tossing

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>Shoot the unarmed Palestinians in the balls for fun

wtf i luv israel now

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File: 0f4a7acf0220be9⋯.png (642.62 KB,1712x908,428:227,European Traditional Spiri….png)


>How many pastors have you beheaded for Thor today?

Don't worry, that's coming soon enough you ass-blasted neo-jew.

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ur a nigger

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Notice how the jew wants you to behead pastors, so that it is white pagans vs white Christians, when really Thor would prefer you to behead rabbis.

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>Thor would prefer you to behead rabbis

good point

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Fuck off back to niggermania.com, stormfront, or whatever low IQ "hehe xd niggers r dum" reddit site you belong to. /pol/ is for a more intellectual take on the nigger, spic, kike, gook, and chink problems, not "back in muh day we had sum dumb shit leleleleleel" spam.

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>being this much of a nigger

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>being this much of a doublenigger

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Get egged Tyrone

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>everything is a false flag

>being this retarded

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ur a nigger

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How so?

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bc glownigger say so

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Learning to not be niggers took humans ten thousand years. It isn’t skin, it’s the basic apprehension that strength is better than weakness, and true strength is better than felt strength. Bigots do what feels strong, so they act like African tribals; a society that exalts bigots rapes children and gets completwly, rampantly diseased.


I don’t know who you’re replying to, but thanks for the display of hilarious weakness. Grow a spine and face to truth.

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Yeah basically.


It’s not that it’s a false flag, it’s that white nationalists are white niggers.

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Socialists detected. I'll pray for you :)

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File: b56e4ca1ff1b369⋯.jpg (16.27 KB,342x244,171:122,123791273813.jpg)


This man has a point.

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>kikes dig through thousands of cultural traditions and find one obscure one to harass the white race about

the game was african dodger, and i doubt they ever threw baseballs. even a nigger-hater like me would get bored with that

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ur a lightweight. if u live in the South, you're getting hanged with the rest of them on DoTR

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>fedposting antifaggot

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>muh optics cuck

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nigger lover

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Funny but fucked up at the same time. Definite Homer moment.

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Is this even true?

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This is actually pretty fucked up , everyone reading this knows it. Who the hell could throw a baseball at a man's head as if it were a normal thing to do? Damned savages themselves.

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You've been posting this shit for literally months now, kike. When are you going to give up?

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animal abuse is not how I picture the future NatSoc society

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see >>13543164 is probably correct

It was called "African Dodger" and they threw shit like eggs and tomatoes, not baseballs

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lol niggers

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probably not true, but still funny

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File: 0f7c03cb71cb9c0⋯.jpg (79.42 KB,573x488,573:488,why2.jpg)

>11days old thread necrobumped for a funfact


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no such thing as necrobumping anymore

t. chodemonkey

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