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 No.13516555 [Last50 Posts]

This is a follow up thread I've made due to "Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 2" being flooded with needless religious debate. I would like for this thread to be full of reasonable and practical discussion, regarding the successful formation of healthy, white communities, along with governing these communities properly. And of course, to discuss building strong and well trained militia forces to protect our people. Here is a response to a post that was left on my other thread-

Besides the money I currently have saved up and stashed away, we currently have revenue coming in from business operations and from the salaries of my followers who are working outside of the town. For now, I'll be providing free housing, food, and other essentials to my followers through tax money and eminent domain. I imagine after we enact our policies, there will be a bit of an exodus, with few original members of the town population left. This will open up more job opportunities, though there may be a bit of a shortage even after this. Luckily there are more job opportunities in this county and the counties surrounding this one, as I've said before this is only the beginning. Taking this town is only the beginning, first we take this town and then it spreads from there. You just have to start somewhere.

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Congratulations Shlomo, you got the first post this time.

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>discussion about "creating a NS Christian CULT"

>"needless religious debate"

Come on now, if you don't see how you're inviting 50%+ of the posts to be religious debate, I seriously have to question your intellect.

It's always the problem with this kind of shit, as soon as you insert religion into it you instantly polarize it along those lines & gain automatic NS Christian support at the expense of the exclusion of everyone not on board the Jesus train.

Yeah, yeah, it's a convenient tool for ensuring a base uniform code of morality but it's ultimately more trouble than it's worth & is so tied up with (((them))) it's never not going to be compromised in some fashion.

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I say "cult" due to the religious aspect of this organization. I started off as a minister, my original message was always that of a Christian one, and that's how this all began. My community is religiously loyal to the cause of National Socialism, they are aware of how vital it is that we defeat ZOG even at the risk of ourselves. They know that the future wont be worth living in if we are to fail. They also believe that even if they are to fail, they will be rewarded in heaven for fighting, they believe that God has their full support, that he is watching us and protecting us constantly. They don't believe in a God who rewards passiveness and weakness, who rewards in-action and punishes those who do what needs to be done with an eternity in hell. You don't have to believe in the religious aspects of it to be part of this community, or to ally with us. A main thread can be made about whether or not National Socialism is compatible with Christianity, in fact I'll make it myself if I have to, whatever ensures that most of the discussion in this thread is practical and meaningful.

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I'm not even Christian but you should realize that there is literally nothing wrong with someone forming a Christian religious group with the intentions of helping our people. I stand with OP if he is legitimate. Christians who stand up for us are my friends. Atheists, however, are scum and need wiped out. I will s stand with a white Christian brother before I do an atheist. This D&C needs to stop.

The anti-Christianity gets to a point where it is as neurotic as the Jews themselves

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>Atheists, however, are scum and need wiped out

>I will s stand with a white Christian brother before I do an atheist

<followed immediately by

>This D&C needs to stop

Hilariously oblivious of you.

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Right now, until I'm officially in power, I'm too paranoid to reveal proof because that would reveal who I am, and it's too early for that. I do a lot to cover my tracks and keep myself off of the ZOG radar, and even these efforts may not be enough. After election day, I'll go public with my identity and prove myself to you all, some of you would definitely be very helpful to our community if you came out here. We'll also be working with similar groups in Maryland, including militias.

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You seem to have a balanced head about this. And I've often said I'd have no problem essentially wordlessly LARPing as Christian for a better society.

But THIS kind of shit >>13516593 is what trying to tie the two together instantly invites.

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election day being 2020?

no thanks you're the most boring and pathetic larper that has ever tried to scam /pol

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Atheists who are red pilled instead of being nihilistic, liberal degenerates aren't scum, I agree with you here. I'm not going to get sucked into this, the needless debating is starting already. Whether you're a Christian, a Pagan or an atheist, our race needs to unite in order for us to save ourselves, and to take back what belongs to us.

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A better solution is not possible

Christianity, as far as it is National Socialist and/or Aryan, it should criticize religion for their mistakes.

There are no "le evil jews". It would have come out during this American administration or long before that. Or take the momentum of this administration if anyone says not.

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>>13516600 (checked)

I'm certainly not looking to divide my race, and most of my top followers don't fully believe in the religious aspect of this organization. As long as they stay loyal to the cause and don't work against our community, they will continue to be accepted.


I haven't been specific with the election day for obvious reasons, but it will be long before September 2019 begins.

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Trips 10/10. How goes things, man? Still think that it might be beneficial to try to start focusing on email nowadays. Email chains aren't going to be disrupted.

As well, have you considered buying any older missile silos or military facilities? You might be able to buy at least most of if not all of the Sentinel site up in North Dakota.

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>Whether you're a Christian, a Pagan or an atheist, our race needs to unite in order for us to save ourselves, and to take back what belongs to us

Full agreement, and that was my point. I'm not even an atheist, not even going to get into what I actually am & invite a bunch of derailing (You)s.

But him talking about D & C in virtually the same breath that was spouting D & C truly tickled me.

However you might have to accept that the debate itself is not ever really going to go away & will always take up a seemingly unnecessary amount of space better dedicated to more productive discussion.

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>>13516611 (Me)

And so even druids can join. Longer story short. Everything can be made to work if the conscience is in the right mind.

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Atheists have no moral compass and have irrational beliefs, this is warranted exclusion.

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>no moral compass

Bullshit. An internal, self made moral compass is entirely possible. Just because there isn't a template for it that can be expressed in one term informing you exactly what it entails doesn't mean it's absent.

>irrational beliefs

Now THAT'S a fucking thread derail statement right there I'm going to just skip past out of courtesy for OP.

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>>13516611 (Me)

>>13516617 (Me)

Culting this is more needed as anything else.

But how to begin about it?

I just want to put it on tracks.

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>>13516640 (Me)

So to also respect this thread. To mirror this idea to the OP. It has enough reason that everyone could stay where they are and the nett effects are greater.

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IMO cults are 110% about leadership, and said leaders' personalities. Weak & ineloquent ones go nowhere, strong & eloquent leaders can convince their followers to cut their own fucking balls off while keeping theirs.

The actual messages themselves take a back seat to the leader's magnetism.

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>llowers to cut th

Hm I'd rather not

>>13516640 (Me)

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Kek, that wasn't to imply that's what OP had in mind, only an example of the importance of personality when talking about a cult.

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satan no

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>>13516661 (Me)

Things are serious

>llowers to cut th

This is why

>>13516640 (Me)

>how to begin about it?

>on tracks

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Perhaps needlessly to say >>13516676 (Me)

le æmen

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>An internal, self made moral compass is entirely possible

Entirely subjective and built on a foundation of sand. Atheists cannot argue against child-rape, murder or anything because they do not believe in objective morality. Atheism is part of the cancer killing the West

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This is what shilling looks like.

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>You can't argue in favor of or against anything based on its own merits or lack thereof unless there's an ancient, man made book telling you what to think about it

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It will just be your opinion at the end of the day otherwise. What’s to say I can’t go rape kids because my subjective belief is that I can? All laws and governments are illegitimate before God. The scriptures may have been written by a human hand, but they are divinely-inspired

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What a stupid argument.

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Not an argument.

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I already have enough Kool-Aid thank you very much

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>they are divinely-inspired

And here we get into thread derail territory again.

They're only divinely inspired if you believe they are. EVERY fucking religious text ever written was technically "divinely inspired" because their authors claimed to receive a vision from their God.

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I've had just about every consideration you can possibly imagine, brother. I have it all figured out. Everything is continuing to go smoothly, my community is healthy, educated, armed, and trained. They're prepared for whatever may come. But yes, I've looked into what you mention, a missile silo would be useful simply as a hiding place alone.


I'm sure this debate will never go away, but it can take a back seat to the more important matters we have at hand at the moment. We'll have plenty of time for debating after our victory.


I've made it clear that I don't want this thread to be filled with divisive religious debate, if anyone is still trying to push a religious debate on this thread then that person is probably an intentional subversive who is best being ignored completely.


This is very true. Be it religion or politics, personality cults bring people together and get things done. If it weren't for my charisma, I wouldn't have been able to bring this community together. You can accomplish quite a bit with a good looking face and some smooth words, charisma can make the unreasonable sound reasonable, I thank God for giving me the strength to avoid letting power corrupt my soul.

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>not an argument

Correct. That was an observation that your argument was stupid.

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>because their authors claimed to receive a vision from their God.

And many of them did. I hope you find God, anon, because you are truly lacking a compass in life. In respect of OP’s wishes I’m not going to respond though.

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How many of the old Paladin Press books have you read?

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Many things are killing the West, lets talk about how we can save the West. I used to be an atheist, and I always saw the immorality of rape and child abuse. I also used to waste time angering people and driving them apart by wasting my time trying debating against their beliefs. Religion is a secondary issue when it comes to defeating ZOG and saving our people, beliefs are beliefs but blood is blood.

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I don't know about this reply. I decided to say something.

It's not >>13516696 (Me)

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>Religion is a secondary issue

If there is a Creator His will the foremost issue on this planet, period. What happens here on Earth is only transient; it’s souls in need of saving.

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does your cult denounce circumcision?

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>Religion is a secondary issue when it comes to defeating ZOG

Not when the country is full of christisn zionists.

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>>13516555 these

>>13516555 fuggin

>>13516555 digits

>I would like for this thread to be full of reasonable and practical discussion


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New I. D. in America, How to Shoot Your M16/AR-15 in Training and Combat, DEA Stash and Hideout Handbook, Electronic Fund Transfer Systems Fraud, How to Open Locks Without Keys or Picks, CIA Explosives for Sabotage Manual, IRS Investigator's Handbook: Big Brother's Guide to Getting at Your Money, How to Destroy Bridges, EOD Improvised Explosives Manual, and finally their most well-known book, Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors.


We can't allow religious differences to divide us, I'd rather spend an eternity in hell than go to heaven knowing that my race was slaughtered and raped into extinction, and that we allowed the subhumans to destroy us and conquer the earth. We need to unite with our non-Christian brothers to defeat world jewry, for us to reject our own brothers because of religious differences and thus allowing the world to fall to Satan and his subhumans would truly be an unforgivable sin.

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Hey op, youre full of shit and I'll prove it. Wanna talk for a bit socratic qna style?

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What happens when a fellow White person brings a fellow non-White Christian into the fold? How do you remain Christian in front of all the afraid Whites while also remaining National Socialist?

One must come before the other. As you say "National Socialist Christian Cult" putting National Socialism before Christianity. Are you prepared to give up Christianity, Jesus and St. Paul for National Socialism? Because if not then you'd go the other way and give up National Socialism to save your Christianity. Its an honest question that is so easy to walk around until things get much worse.

The KKK was not a National Socialist organization.

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Maybe there should be a fourth Klan revival?

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>we're all the same under god

the existence of brown and black people and the state of their civilizations is proof that god is racist and rightly so.

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>The KKK was not a National Socialist organization.

A sad, but true red pill. The KKK served an actual purpose only in the 1860's. It turned into some degenerate fraternity with no real clear mission, or should I say was a product of modern day patriotic version of U.S. history. Making alliances with the jews? The downfall of Anglo America in a nutshell with the 1920's iteration. Siding on the wrong side of the Mexican conflict was another retarded act. So much potential and they squandered it.

Other news this bitch is a perfect example of the good nature of females being turned upside down by dogma and moralism. The simple answer is god made the RACE(S). Mixing doesn't preserve either race now does it? No, it creates some mongrel offshoot that has no identity with either and struggles with its natural genetic instincts from both on a constant basis. Anyone whose lived with one knows this first hand. Mixing and creating a unified world of singularity is pure evil incarnate and destructive against natures laws and balance. It's why the jews push it because they are a spiritually destructive race.

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The only ones with souls are our racial brothers and sisters. We have to secure the existence of our people first and foremost, by any means necessary. Virtually no action, no matter how savage and gruesome it may be, is immoral if it was done to save our race.


I am a victim of circumcision myself, not a single follower of mine is ignorant of the horrific truth of circumcision. I could have been castrated, as so many innocent white men were for no reason at all. Not many things make me feel lightheaded, I'm very desensitized, but thinking about circumcision tends to make me feel dizzy. So to answer your question, we are all very much against it.


I only say "cult" to give you a basic understanding of my community and how it is organized and ran. Many of my followers don't fully believe in the religious dogma, including most of my top men, but they stay loyal to me and the community because they see the greatness of what we're doing here. This is about saving our people, it's about saving the entire world.

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Might want to read Improvised Recoilless Launchers, Ragnar Benson's Modern Arms Caching, and the CIA's Nicaragua manual. Good to see someone else appreciates their works - sad they went out of business. I'd recommend starting a company to make out of print books regarding such topics and the like.

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I'm always in the mood for a good discussion, brother.


Race traitors aren't allowed in our community. It was the jews who twisted Christianity around to make it subversive and toxic to our people, Jesus Christ was an Aryan man and a warrior who preached a message of staying loyal to your tribe, and destroying evil wherever it may be. A man must be willing to kill his own brother, his own father, his own son even, if they are too immoral and destructive. Tolerating sinners makes you just as bad as the sinners themselves.


It is our holy duty to eliminate subhumans, God gave us free will instead of making us mindless slaves. We must repay him by serving him, we must make sure that we are following the laws of God. To allow subhumans to continue existing goes against God's ultimate plan for us.


Sounds like a good idea, brother. It's a shame they went out of business, but also an inevitability. The entire Western world has fallen under the tyranny of the jew, we can't allow them to silence our voices any longer. Knowledge truly is power, and the books of Paladin Press are filled with powerful and dangerous knowledge.

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Supposedly Delta Press still is around and has a lot of their books. Might be worth looking into.

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Good luck with your cult OP, assuming this isn't a larp. Could you give any advice to aspiring cult leaders? I like to think I'm charismatic enough to make one, but I don't know where to start.

A couple questions I'd like answered are:

>How do you get the first couple of followers? The jump from "Jesus is lord and savior" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" is a long one. I understand cult dynamics well enough to know that social pressure drives weak willed people to conform, but how do you get the first couple of people to create that social pressure?

>Are your officers actually redpilled or are they just following the personality cult like regular followers?

There's a difference between one of your followers, who likely believes what they believe because of your strong personality or social pressure, and somebody who believes in National Socialism based off of their own research and deductions. Is your inner circle the former or the latter?

>Finally, what do you do once word gets out about your beliefs?

Once you become well known, isn't it hard to find new recruits, because they'll be avoiding you?

Any advice that doesn't fit into those questions is also welcome

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In any case, to me personally, I don't see myself going through books*. And at least it is true that it can't be just my plan and doing.

Someone here said

>socratic qna style

* I don't mean I'm book allergic. But all in all

socratic qna style'

Does sound interesting. '

I now own this board


>>13516611 (Me)

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Format went wrong somehow


In any case, to me personally, I don't see myself going through books *. And at least it is true that it can't be just my plan and doing.

Someone here said

>socratic qna style

* I don't mean I'm book allergic. But all in all

>socratic qna style

Does sound interesting.

I now own this board


>>13516611 (Me)

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Reminder that there are some white nationalists posting in this thread right now who, in 2019, still honestly believe:

>Jesus was a white Rabbi

>Jesus taught in white synagogues on the sabbath

>Jesus' foreskin was amputated by a white mohel

>White man Abraham impregnated his half sister

>white man Lott impregnated his own 2 daughters

>Aramaic is a white man's language

>Hebrew is a white man's language

>the Holy Prepuce is a mystical white treasure

>amputating a baby's foreskin is a traditional white man's ritual

>your son's bloody foreskin can protect you from the wrath of white god Yahweh

>Egyptian children were killed by righteous white god Yahweh during white Passover

>10 white people were killed by evil Satan

>all life on earth was killed by righteous white god Yahweh except for white man Noah

>Ex-Pharisee Saul Of Tarsus was a white man

>white ex-pharisee Saul Of Tarsus amputated St. Timothy's white foreskin so he could spread the word of white Rabbi Jesus

>Hanukkah is a white man's holiday

>Tribe of Judah was white

>Judeans were white

>12 tribes of Israel were white

>Israel is the white man's holyland

>the Holy Prepuce is a mystical white treasure

>Jesus' mom was a white virgin

>all of the apostles were circumcised white men

>whitest way to win a kings daughter's hand in marriage is to give him the foreskins of 200 Philistines

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Just call it Positive Christianity, dumb dumb. We'll know what it means (German plan to purge the semetic mind virus from Christians) and the lemmings will like the word "Positive".

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You constantly avoid addressing criticism and the central issue: jew worship is antithetical to national socialism. For you to even imply that religious debate has no place in your threads is a complete giveaway of your dishonest intentions. Like polvol2 before you, you desire so much for /pol/ to say silent on the problem of jew worship that you are deliberately framing even discussing it as something to be frowned upon.

The height of dishonesty a christian will sink to. You wish for no one to question your jew worship. You just wish everyone will parrot your oxymoronic slogan:

> My community is religiously loyal to the cause of National Socialism, they are aware of how vital it is that we defeat ZOG even at the risk of ourselves.

This is it. The deceptive slogan. Just like polvol2, you conflate definitions and craft a slogan to make it sound valid. In reality it is a textbook oxymoron. Since you conflated national socialism with christianity, your message is really about christianity defeating ZOG.

Imagine that. A religion based around worshiping jews -zionism- defeating a Zionist Occupation Government. Goodness isn't that rich?

>They know that the future wont be worth living in if we are to fail. They also believe that even if they are to fail, they will be rewarded in heaven for fighting,

Esoteric defeatism. Your jew worship makes you embrace the semitic promise of the afterlife-gibs. Also christian virtue signaling- the origin of virtue signaling.

> they believe that God has their full support, that he is watching us and protecting us constantly. They don't believe in a God who rewards passiveness and weakness, who rewards in-action and punishes those who do what needs to be done with an eternity in hell.

Inserting tangential christian circular logic.

> You don't have to believe in the religious aspects of it to be part of this community, or to ally with us.

Just please, invalidate your LARP more. This says so much. You're so desperate to make this sound acceptable that you are lowering your own standards for entry. How cucked are you?

>A main thread can be made about whether or not National Socialism is compatible with Christianity, in fact I'll make it myself if I have to, whatever ensures that most of the discussion in this thread is practical and meaningful.

This is textbook polvol2-jewworship tactics. There's been endless amounts of threads about this. Pretending it hasn't taken place is another damning sign of dishonesty. The answer is always the same; National Socialism is incompatible with christianity.

> christianity is zionism for non-jews

> christianity let jews into europe

> christianity made working for jews profitable

> christianity made jews live in white areas -expulsions only took place in areas without church domineering mandates because the church continuously protected jews

> national socialism was opposed by devout christians

> positive christianity was a NSDAP psyop to phase out christianity by defanging it

> it was heavily resisted by christians and even resulted in various christian saboteur groups

> hitler and goebbels voiced less and less approval of christianity as the years went on due to how evident christians were loyal to jew-worship rather than national socialism

The bottom line is that christianity is thoroughly incompatible with national socialism because christians are loyal first to jew-worship rather than their own race. Rabbi yeshua promises heaven and you said it yourself, the reward is in the afterlife. No loyalty to your race and no love for the volk - all the signs of the jew-worshiper.

> I say "cult" due to the religious aspect of this organization. I started off as a minister, my original message was always that of a Christian one, and that's how this all began.

I rearranged the quotes to highlight this and really show how by your own admission you don't belong here.

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"…by your own admission you don't belong here." He finished typing. He smiled. "This'll show them, this is the post that will show those filthy JEWISH Christians the folly of their ways!" He said to himself. The idea that somebody would commit themselves to something so abhorrent disgusted him. The fact that they worshiped a RABBI, then turned around and called themselves National Socialists, truly disgusting. It didn't matter what the other people said, what kind of "proof" they brought up, what verses from the holy books, from theologians, religious history or Christian philosophers, he knew not to listen. Likewise, didn't need evidence, or citations when talking to filthy ZIONISTS. Inevitably, they would try to argue they weren't Zionists, that their views were different from the other sects. But he didn't care, evidence shouldn't be considered when fighting Christians.

He pressed enter on his keyboard. A 40 line wall of text appeared, with a choice "brainlet" Wojack with his brain nailed to a cross, a memetically powerful image he had spent an hour crafting for this occasion. A combination of greentext and regular text shredded his opponents original statement to pieces.

It seemed all was well, that his statement was so strong not even the brand of jews that called themselves "Christians" could come up with words to attack him with. For a short moment, it seemed his rhetorical victory was total. Then, the replies came in.

"You didn't use any citations in your post. Most of it's lies anyways, there were Jews in the pre-christian Roman empire, not to mention that most Christians hated Jews short of outright killing them before the 19th century"

"It's a modern fabrication that the jews are the same as the Hebrew people, the jews are from Khazaria, and the Hebrews died out by assimilating into Europe once the converted. I'm an atheist BTW"

"Dude, we're just trying to have a discussion, we have a containment thread specifically so that these types of posts don't derail threads, please take it somewhere else"

"Why did Jesus call the jews the synagogue of Satan?"

"Okay retard"

He smashed his Cheeto stained keyboard. He should've known this would happen, the shills over at /christian/ never take any holidays. He scrolled to the top of the page and began his reply. He started with a double reply, to the one asking for citations and to the one that said he was an atheist.

"Look at these JIDF shills, swarming to my post when I post the truth. There's been endless amounts of threads about this, I don't need to post evidence. Pretending it hasn't taken place is another damning sign of dishonesty." He thought back to all the threads that he had posted in debunking Christians. Most posters in those threads left, annoyed that the thread got derailed. The rest argued until the thread died as it hit bump limit with neither side wanting to concede, but in his mind, he had won.

His next reply would be to the shill asking him not to derail the thread.

"Clearly this ZIONIST is just afraid to argue. I don't care if the point of the thread is to discuss an issue that only sort of has to do with religion. I'll derail every thread, shut down every discussion, until the TRUTH about Christianity is known and SHILLS like you leave this board."

Next, he began replying to the "Synagogue of Satan" poster.

"That was a cover so that the Jews could secretly control the Catholic Church." The reply included a source to a blog that agreed with him, and also demonstrated how medieval and pre-enlightenment Europe treated Jews like royalty.

Finally, he replied to the Anon calling him a retard.

"Clearly my opponents don't have any argument at all and are restoring to insults win. What kind of self respecting man would have to resort to baseless insults to defend his viewpoint?" With this reply he sent several pictures of interracial couples at a Christian wedding ceremony, which, in his mind, were enough to prove that all Christians therefore endorsed racemixing.

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Naturally, his detractors replied, and he replied, and so on and so for, and soon enough the thread was filled with religious argument, the original point of the thread completely ignored. With any discussion completely shut down, the thread, an interesting post that could've potentially forwarded his and his opponents political goals, hit bump limit, and died. The Anon who had started the religious argument smiled. It served OP right for referencing and acknowledging religion. He pressed the "x" on his browser's tab, and moved on to the next thread, determined to derail it. But it was all worth it. In his mind, he had destroyed his opponents, to the point where they must of had no choice but to accept his argument. In reality, his opponents thought just the same. To himself, he was a soldier, fighting vile lies and ignorance on the internet with the power of his words. To others, he was a retard who stopped others from taking real world action because they called themselves Christians.

Inevitably, when he sees this posts, he will accuse it of relying on insults and strawmen. But his kind proven that logic will not work on them. Perhaps this will make him understand the point. Probably not

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Based and redpilled. Back to topic - OP, with regards to your current military equipment, is there any level of standardization, or do you just have a hodgepodge of different arms of any and all types?

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Kill yourself you jew cunt.

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Anything I a wagecuck can do too help?

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Are we still debating this?

Holy shit.

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Reminder that op couldn't handle criticism in the below thread (which is still active and below bump limit) so he made this thread. Surprised that the jannies will allow this spam.







The asshurt is palpable.

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Just a hodgepodge basically, fortunately it's very easy to find guns in this country and so we've found guns of all types. We certainly have plenty of arms and ammunition. I know what the next step is, but I wont get into that on here.


Most of my followers work normal jobs and earn wages, and it all goes into the community. This has allowed us to build up a sizable fund. We are definitely in need of more engineers, technicians and doctors/surgeons.


It's a proxy issue for me, I can't access threads once they reach a number of posts. However, my main reason for making this new thread was to have a thread without all the divisive religious debate.

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File: 5dec9c3f996a110⋯.jpg (92.1 KB,1426x786,713:393,Italian Painting.jpg)


>my main reason for making this new thread was to have a thread without all the criticism because cults rely on mind control after all


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Unfortunately friend you're an exception and not the rule, this board has been fucked up to a point of no return. This board was so much better before Zognald, it's sad.

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pics or it never happened

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Standardization is going to be an issue for you in any sort of sustained conflict. I'd recommend focusing on the AK and AR platform, given there are a myriad of parts kits, lowers, and uppers that can be swapped in and out as needed.

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hey guys, piggybacking here for a minute. been going to this church, and an hour before each service I have bible studies with a group of other men. They're all a bunch of boomers and one is a millennial who told me last week that he was willing to read the quran in which I replied with a muhammad autist pasta I have saved on my harddrive which I pretty much memorized, to which he replied with "C'mon, man! People bend words to everything to fit their narrative! They do the same with the bible! People tried using the bible to defend slavery." To which I told him I said the civil rights movement was a mistake for the sole reason it gave women "power" so that the satanic elite could control people by eliminating reproduction(i.e. God's design) and at the same time lowering wages and increasing taxes received. And then they all unanimously adjourned the meeting.

I need to find a new church, but I'm worried they're going to be cucked, too.

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Humongous if veritative.

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I don't have a problem with criticism, but it would be a waste of potential for this thread to also be full of needless religious debate.


You never know who is real and who isn't, I understand all the paranoia and distrust completely. But things are going to change, people are waking up to the truth. As people wake up to more and more truths, they will eventually see who is responsible for all the lies.


Soon, brother. I'll be posting a video after election day.


It depends on which country you live in, and which part of said country you live in. If you have the charisma and energy for it, I recommend you start looking for followers and start your own church. Infiltrate other churches, make friends, and slowly but surely guide those friends to the truth.

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>depends on where you live

America deep south

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Thank you for the advice brother, we actually have some veterans in our community who have been a major help regarding weapons and training. After election day, we'll be able to secure our town and make it safe from ZOG authorities, at least for a little while. Then those of you who wish to get involved will be safe to come out here and work with us, if any of you wish to. We need more engineers, technicians, and doctors/surgeons mainly.

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what about stone masons/welders?

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Be patient and keep looking, you need to find racially aware and jew aware white people and gather them together, organization is key. Those of us who are aware need to organize for this righteous goal, I know that there are a number of small cities/towns in the Deep South where the same tactic I'm using here in Maryland could easily be repeated.

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Read Odinia you nigger. It will be down soon and have to be put back up because it's legitimate unlike your faggot ass.



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I'm glad I personally broke this topic open during the Kamfy Era. The goyim know now and cannot simply un-know.

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We have a bit of everybody profession-wise, but we could definitely use some more stone masons and welders. Everyone plays a part, brother, we'll be accepting more members in our community after election day arrives.

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Checked. Very true, brother. The best thing they could do for themselves regarding my community is to have their media completely ignore us. But could they manage to actually do that? I highly doubt it. They always have to kvetch and shine the light on their enemies, only for people to hear their message and agree. The jew may be his own worst enemy.

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Since this thread looks like it'll be more D&C spam, I'm going to drop my email here now instead of later. If this isn't a LARP send me a message after the election. Good luck cultanon!


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Checked. I'll have your email saved, brother. It's time for practical discussion about changing things in the real world, our people are being raped and murdered on a daily basis. Even with everything that I've worked for, I still feel guilty, I feel like I'm not doing enough, our people are still suffering, we are still enslaved. It's time to break these chains for good.

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This really separates the sheeps from the goats, op, which is why it receives so much hate.

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There's still a lot to do and discuss. I do however think that business is a possible option, all things considered. Remember, goods need to be sold outside of the enclave and commerce needs to occur in order for you to maintain a positive cash flow.

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Good morning white brothers. Since it's Sunday, how about we meditate on a nice white bible chapter. Heil Hitler.


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Im also going to leave my email for after the election Pratf0@protonmail.com

If this does turn out to be a LARP fuck you for giving me hope, but in the off-chance this is real good luck.

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what's the criteria to join? I mean will you have shitskins? what about asians?

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From what I saw of the last two threads they only allow 100% pure European blood

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that would exclude 99% of americans and allow entry for russians, good luck with that

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Trust the plan. Which the larper stated in


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>starting a new thread

Pointless. It's just going to fill up with shitposting.

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The law of polarity proves the existence of god.

You can't have the relative without the absolute, the subjective without the objective, the finite without the infinite, etc.

It's also related to the law of unity. There is a unifying principle from which subordinate types or principles come from. Heat; hot, cold. Direction; up, down. etc.

Atheism is idiocy, agnosticism is extreme ignorance, the only real question to me is whether god is a personal or impersonal god. The answer is probably both; an impersonal god who manifests himself personally in various types.

Here's also some axioms that prove god:

All is all in all.

There is none outside of the all; the All is One.

The one; the many; the All.

The whole is greater than its parts. The part is not the whole.

The universe (or cosmos) is an ordered whole.

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There are several ethics that don't reference or don't depend on god.

Objectivism (see Ayn Rand).

Universally Preferable Behaviour (see Stefan Molyneux).

Hedonism (there's a variety of different hedonisms, check out the ancient greek philosophers on this)

Stoicism (based on supreme egotism, check out Seneca, Marcus, etc.)

Ethics ultimately comes out of God but there are moral systems or ethics built out of a framework not dependent upon god but rather some assumption like honor, pleasure, utility, etc.

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>atheism is mental disorder

Doubtful. It would seem to be the default position of humans before they are brought up in religion.

>cosmos is an ordered whole

No, it's a chaotic mess we can't even come close to understanding.


>Morality would be an opinion if not based in sandnigger bullshit

No. Morality can be determined objectively, and without need for a sandnigger holy book.


>atheists can't argue against child rape

Absolutely they can and do. It is objectively bad for society, and therefore immoral.

>cancer killing the West

Wrong. jewry is the whole of the cancer, and it eats away at everyone, not just sandnigger-loving Christians.

Polite sage for off-topic. This is a thread about establishing a NatSoc-flavored Christian cult, is it not? If this is, then we can have a genuine discussion and people can actually support this, but if it's just a christian circlejerk where everyone else is shat on, it belongs in the religion containment thread where it belongs.

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Everybody is an atheist. Some of us just go one god further.

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Why dont we do this sort of thing in Alaska?

Everybody gets 900 dollars a month for each head in a household.

We just have to live and work their 9 months and the Government PAYS us to live there

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Because, mud. If you don't mind that, then go for it.

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This cringey larp again? OP is a faggot who provided 0 evidence. He's even worse than Q. OP has all the hallmarks of an attention seeking tranny.

OP is a cringey larpy tranny.

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Your larp is so cringe you legitimately deserve to be beaten to within an inch of your miserable lying life.

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He'll never verify. He is a leftist larper playing a prank on gullible boomers.

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I don't have a problem with Christianity, I have a problem with liars. And OP is lying through his teeth, just like a subversive kike.

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Reported for sagespamming like the faggot you are. Please carry on without this user’s massive retardation, OP.

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Except he's completely correct. No proof has been provided, and OP continues to say "election is getting close".

You would have to be legitimately brain damaged to believe this LARP

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He’s completely retarded. Again, all we need to do is patiently wait to see whether _the_ big piece of evidence arrives within the next month or so. If it does, OP is vindicated. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t mean anything and we can just move on to the next failed /pol/ project.

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When do you plan to retake Constantinople and the holy lands?

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First Q, then purplefag, and now this larper too. All of these string you along for a few months before failing and then moving on the the next larp. It is just a distraction. Doesn't the timing of this shit make you think? A new larp is started up around the same time that an old larp dies. Stop falling for it and think for yourself.

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and if he is, so what?

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the cosmos is messy as we look at it, but hierarchy is a principle of being. the fact that ordered systems can exist in the "chaos" is testament to its relative orderedness.

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What type of business do you have in mind, exactly? If you wish to tell me privately after the election, I completely understand. We still have strong cash flow coming in, but we also need to be as self-sufficient as possible regarding food, water, energy and such.


Always have hope, brother. As long our race is alive, there is hope. I'll save your email and get in contact with you after election day, it is crucial that we are in power before we show ourselves to the public and start recruiting again. Mainly, because it will give us control of a legal police force, and allow us to legally exert authority over territory. It will also be a safe zone for whites looking to escape prosecution from ZOG and to live in peace in general, especially white families.


You have to be white, no mongrels allowed either. The vast majority of white Americans are only mixed with different European peoples, very few have even a minuscule amount of non-white ancestry. We don't allow those with any amount of jewish ancestry to join our community, a jew is a jew.

>>13520777 (checked)

Indeed, there most certainly is a God. I used to be an atheist, then agnostic, now I am sure of the existence of God. We need to serve the lord by cleansing this beautiful planet of the beasts, preserving its environment, putting its resources to good use, and ensuring that our people live meaningful, healthy, and moral lives.


I am simply using religion as a vehicle to advance the cause of National Socialism, just as Jim Jones did with the cause of Marxism. I've learned all there is to know about crowd psychology, I know exactly how to mold a person into whatever I want them to be. The morality of this is questionable, but my methods have been proven to be quite successful. We study Mein Kampf more than we do the Holy Bible.


Alaska is easily the most dangerous state in this entire country, so be prepared if you wish to settle there. From the climate to the wildlife to the subhuman tribes, it's almost a no man's land. Also, I'm almost positive that Russia will try to take back Alaska during the second civil war, unless they aren't willing to risk being attacked by anti-ballistic missiles.


July-August is the time frame of the election, I just haven't been exactly specific for obvious reasons. It's perfectly reasonable to doubt me, but the proof will be shown to you all once our power in this town is secured.


This board is a collective of racially aware, jew-wise white men, and a lot of you aren't even followers but leaders who need followers and haven't found them yet. Most of you have the potential to do truly great things with your lives, so yes, don't waste your time on distractions. I want to inspire as many of you as I can to reach your potential, to gain your own followers, to get into power, to bring about change yourselves. This thread isn't a distraction, it's an opportunity to bring about real change.

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Besides all the D&C spam, I've very much enjoyed reading your threads, OP. What you're doing is incredible, and very fascinating. So are you essentially a National Socialist version of the Peoples Temple? Just don't let the power get to your head, and you have the potential to accomplish some amazing things, not just taking over some podunk town. If you turn into a psychotic, paranoid despot, this situation will turn into a great tragedy.

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Impossible, Christianity does not allow for racial views. All Christcucks believe God is not a respecter of persons read acts 10 and you will see all you need about the religion. Christians will sell a moment of righteousness for their people. Marrying people with the same "values", which cannot be guaranteed to be passed on is more important than having people that look like you and having similar heritage.

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If you’ve read the /pol/ firearms company threads, you know. I would also certainly be interested in starting a company whose focus is on the development of homes made using adobe, cob, or alternatively, rammed earth. All three are, across the country, very plentiful building materials, and can be used to make long-lasting buildings for an extraordinarily low cost. Such could, along with the concepts of recycled materials, 3D printed concrete, and repurposed materials, allow for cheap(by construction standards) homes that could be sold to or provided to families within the town. This secondary operation could even in fact become a national business, manufacturing low-cost housing and significantly reducing whites being forced to rely on cramped apartments that by their size discourage family making.

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> starting a national socialist

Okay, I like where this is going

> christian


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You're right that there is much greater potential here than just taking over a small town, but we have to start somewhere of course. Jim Jones used religion to create a Marxist social movement, we have used religion to create a National Socialist movement. I've had to centralize power into my hands because decentralization is too risky, the key is making sure that no subordinate has too many responsibilities, or knows too many things. Everything has to be spread out, it is also best to do things fomenting distrust and infighting among subordinates to keep them from plotting against you. Every nation needs their one, strong leader.


True Christianity has nothing to do with "Christian" Zionism. Jesus Christ was an Aryan, a European-blooded man. Christianity is the ultimate European religion, Jesus was born in the heart of jewry for a reason, he was born in the heart of evil to confront this evil force directly.


This is very interesting, brother. I'm very much looking forward to working with you, it sounds to me like you'll be able to do much for our community, and I can personally guarantee that our community has a lot to offer you, and others like you.


As I've said previously, we study Mein Kampf more than we do the Holy Bible. I have used Christianity as a vehicle for spreading National Socialism, to help us get into power once and for all.

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Very well but can we get some idea of an end date? I know for OpSec purposes can't reveal to much but when is this election? End of summer? This fall? November/December? Just seems to me these threads are premature if the election is still months away.

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Be sure to get non-flammable siding for the compound

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You previously narrowed it down to July specifically, which means if you don’t have your proof in the next week, it’s bullshit. Which of course it is.

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>I won't be too specific, lets just say that the election will be between July-August

When he '''loses the election''' just remember to KEEP THE FAITH!

Pro-tip: nobody with the intelligence required to make a mini-ethnostate would broadcast their intentions to illegally evict and illegally arrest and illegally steal the homes of non-whites as he did in the previous threads





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Link for the green text: https://archive.is/HzeiX#selection-22935.0-22935.85

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Yet we can't get a Purple thread to stay on the board more than a few hours while this spamming faggot gets to shit up the board with abandon; really makes one think.

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Honestly if by some snowball's chance in hell this isn't a LARP because of what a massive egotistical faggot OP I'm rooting for ZOG on this one and hopes OP gets fucked to death by a pack of niggers in prison for spamming the board with this shitty drivel.

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While the possibility of you losing the election is by your own admission a near impossibility, would it perhaps be possible to talk with you now via email regarding the so-called “dirt houses”(that is, earthships, rammed earth homes, adobe buildings, cob cottages, etc)? Regardless as to what circumstances occur, this could be exceptionally beneficial, especially in the ways of urban, suburban, and rural development of communities similar to what you have developed. You know, benign topics.

Also, bump to counter sagespamming.

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I second this

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>>13526164 (me)

Because of this bullshit larp, I made a larp thread of my own recently which was actually funny and entertaining in its absurdity, and it got shoahed at around 60 replies, even though my larp and this larp are equally bullshit, for some reason OP has special privileges to shit up the board with his flaming faggotry while everyone else gets baleeted.

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I second you quitting the sagespamming. Bump.

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>True Christianity has nothing to do with "Christian" Zionism

<real christianity has never been tried

t. faggot mod


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>literally makes a thread tying anti-white kike worship religion to natsoc

>fucking wonders why "needless" religious debate occurs

This is a white genocide promoting LARP spearheaded by some Jonestown-tier nigger using kikestianity as a central point. There is zero reason for this thread topic to be on /pol/ in a promotional role.

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It will occur in early August.


We haven't built a "compound" yet, for now we're just working on winning this election, then we shall take things from there.


That will be impossible, we outnumber the native residents of this town. Regarding your "pro-tip", we're going to be the law in this town. Our police will do as they are told, and I would personally be very proud to force the hand of ZOG on us, to trick ZOG into once again showing their true form to the wold. I do not fear martyrdom, and they simply will not destroy our community without a fight.


No, I narrowed it down to July-August, the election will be in the first new week of August.


If you wish harm upon me, you are wishing it upon our entire community, which makes no sense if you want what is best for the Aryan race.


There's no chance of us losing the election, but there's always a chance of us "losing" the election. I have been secretive to keep ZOG from finding out the location of our community and thus making sure that we don't achieve our victory. We do need to improve the housing situation around here, and I'd be happy to work with you regarding this. I'll email you the day after the election, brother.


Hasn't been tried? It is woven every European culture, brother. Christianity is a European religion for Europeans only.

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You the original guy running for office? Did you win yet, fag?

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Until you win the election and the "power", fuck off. You're a tease if we can't do anything RIGHT NOW. Ok? Just fuck off until you win AND can identify yourself. We won't forget you, we promise.

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>1 result



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>You would have to be legitimately brain damaged to believe this LARP

Yeah, first OP was going to squeeze 400 people into a little town with 200 inhabitants. Then it was some of them in his facility, rest offsite but still local. Wheres the newly built housing? The infrastructure to put 200 people into one building is extensive, its not just something that you make pop up from nothing in no time. His people moving into that little town would increase the population by 200%. Water? Sewage? Electric lines? Were does it all come from? Do they live in tents and shit in portapottys while the booble at lantern light? This is just a shitty LARP.

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Disregard the link as that site isn't complete. I still say it's a larp for aforementioned reasons though.

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First week of August? Seems legit. Will hold you to that, OP. There is definitely a lot to discuss and otherwise work on assuming this is verified. You going to have Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 3 up after the election?

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>seems legit


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>I'm rooting for ZOG on this one and hopes OP gets fucked to death by a pack of niggers in prison for spamming the board with this shitty drivel.

t. oldfag

Goddam has the quality of the board sunk low if we allow this shit to stay up. Definitely (((mod))) approved content and prob one of them doing their own CuckLARP.

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File: fde807d65da3d14⋯.png (758.23 KB,992x558,16:9,image.png)

OP and anyone who follows OP if this isn't just a shitty LARP deserves to be barbecued like David Koresh as punishment for sucking off the mods and spamming the board with this idiocy of a thread.

First time I've ever rooted for ZOG but if you're real like the other anon said if you don't burn I hope the Feds get you and you are raped to death by a pack of niggers.


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>Jesus Christ was an Aryan

<he's christian identity/british israelite


i can tell you started this with a noble goal but you're off in a really big way, driven by your combination of wrath/pride which will likely be the undoing of your whole community.

christ existed before the world did. he isn't of any race. this is literally John 1:1 basic bible teaching.

i'd like to talk to you sometime about the bible to redirect you to the absolute truth, you're about 95% of the way there but you're missing the bullseye in a big way.

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File: fd453219f78f3f1⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1732x766,866:383,John 1 Mark 1.jpg)


>Christianity is a European religion for Europeans only.

Jesus confirmed for /our rabbi teaching in synagogues on the sabbath/



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the Bible follows a specific chronology and to contextualize specific verse you need to understand the chronology, as well as the theological concept of progressive revelation, where statements made by the Lord at chronologically later points in the Bible contain a fuller revelation of God.

the passages where Christ is called Rabbi happen chronologically before Matthew 23:8 where Christ says:

>But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

after which he is no longer called Rabbi, because his disciples have heard his rebuke of the Rabbis in the previous verses:

>For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

this is similar to how in Romans, Paul expresses hope that all of his kinsmen will convert to Christianity, but in Revelation, John sees a vision of Christ returning in the end times, where he rebukes the Jews for being the Synagogue of Satan. Revelation was written decades after Romans, and decades after Paul died, so he did not read Revelation before he made his address to the Romans where he expressed this hope (which we see in Revelation will not come to fruition).

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You literally are shilling for ZOG. Reported. Get the fuck out of here and stop LARPing like you're some kind of oldfag, schlomo.

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File: b1518ee487e39f2⋯.png (291.74 KB,632x1683,632:1683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60701a1a8b2b067⋯.png (67.43 KB,620x453,620:453,ClipboardImage.png)


Matthew 23:8 sounds more or less like Jesus wants to be the only one called rabbi or master, etc. This implication of Jesus' continued acceptance of such titles is contextualized through progressive revelation when Judas continued to call Jesus 'rabbi' later in Matthew 26.


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Probably, but it's all just a minecraft roleplay server board. Everyone here is just RP'ing anyway :^)

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As I've said, the election will be the first week of August.


Things are safe for now, I want this topic to be discussed because it opens the door for more real world action. My community alone wont defeat the system, we all have to take action.


There is enough housing to cram most of us in, but a small percentage of us are being housed nearby.


The thread I make after election day will reveal much more about our organization and community, as we will be safe to reveal ourselves with control of a town government. We will be able to use the police force to enforce our own laws, and of course, to help protect our people.

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>cult leader has massive ego

How incredibly shocking.

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How many houses do you estimate are in the town?

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Hitler wanted to rip down the cross from all Christian church's in Germany and replace it with the swastika. Nazism is not compatible with Christianity. It worships the state instead of Jesus. The only place your cult is going to send people is hell sadly. Accept Jesus as your savior if you want to avoid hell. https://www.allaboutgod.com/how-to-be-saved.htm

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File: a544267165d6be4⋯.png (17.23 KB,711x541,711:541,based_christians.png)

reminder that christians in general are a psyop meant to de-radicalize the hard right, they have been manipulated by jews since Constantine and will continue to be nothing but puppets for the rest of time

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tl;dr There might be an argument, so why even try

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>linking the ESV

what part of "KJV only" do you not understand?

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Why only KJV?

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the translation is

>But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

in the real Bible not THE Christ as it is in the Extra Satanic Version. there is a hierarchy to the trinity, especially during the time of Christ's earthly ministry. The Son of Man came to fulfill the law which was given to Moses by God the Father. So during his time on Earth, Christ was fully bound under the law and thus submissive to the will of the Father.


It was published in 1611 by godly men, the ESV is published by literal communists and came out in 1995 it is a piece of garbage that isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

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and yeah I get it there have been multiple revisions to the KJV since 1611 but they do not have the multitude of problems that literally all other English translations have.

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>"ancient man made book"


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>Based on its own merits or lack therof

Define merits without an agreed upon outside source/authority. The purpose of the Bible/God is to give an outside static authority over human decisions.

>Try to define merits

>Murder is wrong

>Except when it benefits me

This is when shit falls apart without an outside source that says

>If you kill people for personal gain you will suffer for all eternity because God hates you for being a jerkass

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When Christfags say there is no morality without the Sky-Kike, then mean there is no morality at all.

This is why Christfags lie constantly, about nearly everything. Christfags hate their own people, which is why they have enslaved them to Kikes, and forced integration with spicks and niggers on them.

The future White Nation Liberation War is going to be a war of National Identity versus religious bullshit. Just like in Syria.

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>They mean there is no morality at all

Without a higher being dictating it, then yeah. Everything is permitted. Without something telling you that you can't, then other people don't actually matter. Not their opinions, not their children, not their lives. This is why Jews are getting ahead - they have already killed their God, and stated that only their version of 'progress' matters. Either you believe there is an afterlife and those people will be judged, or there is no God, and you have to judge those people yourself.

Everything else is sophistry.

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>KJV only

It takes all day to read that medieval stuff.

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Anyone who thinks the bible isn't a work written by men and deliberately manipulated by men throughout history in order to control other men is a fucking moron. Just look into the council of Nicea that was run by Constantine's greek jew homosexual former slave Maxentius. That is the origin of your shitty bible that is nothing more than a facsimile of multiple religions and dogmas at the time amalgamated into 1 to make it easier for the emperor to control his subject. Christianity from its organized inception was meant to keep people passive, submissive, and obedient to the ruling elite while awaiting their reward in the "afterlife". Christianity in its present form is the biggest fraud every perpetrated on western civilization and were Jesus here he would tell you himself how much they manipulated his teaching from the moment after his death to suit their own ends not God. From Saul the kike pharisee to Maxentius to a litany of shitty popes and then even more retarded protestants finally culminating in evangelicals which are lower than niggers.

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I second this.

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No dumbfuck it's called utilitarianism and we can judge those people ourselves and then God can make sure they also get punished in whatever comes after they are not mutually exclusive concepts.

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Checked. There are between 80 - 90 houses, 2 apartment buildings, and 1 hotel.

This discussion is turning into pointless religious debate again, there's no point in it. I've simply found my own way to spread and implement National Socialism, at this point I'm almost convinced that at least most of these posters are enemy agitators.

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File: 1f00b66f9ba7037⋯.jpg (483.3 KB,1842x1133,1842:1133,Torah Fulfilled.jpg)


Phase 1: Force the gentiles to accept a rabbi as their spiritual overlord.

Phase 2: Force the gentiles to accept legions of rabbis as their financial overlords.

Phase 3: ?


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My apologies for how completely bumfuck retarded some of the posters are. I can only hope you don't consider me to be one of such. As is, assuming each house is at least 2 bedroom and the apartments are 50 unit buildings with 1 bedroom apiece… That's room for approximately 420 people, give or take. The hotel's a hotel, and as such is for non-residents and transients, so no point in including it.

Yeah, you could definitely use some new and cheap construction. And with your city being able to issue building permits, getting approval to create simple one or two story rammed earth or adobe structures should be quite effortless.

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Real utilitarians kill themselves at hospitals while holding their organ donor cards. You’re a hypocrite. Fuck your delusional fantasy belief.

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File: 09caa6d39fbd367⋯.jpg (71.39 KB,500x500,1:1,0c6d8afa6cd2056d0e48ecb7d4….jpg)


Check those trips. if you're 555 then I'm 666

>natsoc christian cult

<one of these things is not like the other

Know how I know you're gay?

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File: c3cb12670af9a3a⋯.jpg (17.31 KB,255x255,1:1,196ef166df93b1a1a779790aee….jpg)


Fucking christ, you are thick as a nigger ay bro? We (aryan volk) are created in their image. Do you feel a sense of morality and justice that is inate in your being? If you feel pissed off when you see wrong, in fact, this righteous anger that you have right now is proof you descend from something much greater than yourself. Something godly, fren

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There is enough housing for even more people than that, other than business I plan on isolating the town. So far a number of my followers are staying at the local hotel, there will be more housing available for them very soon.


One is a political ideology, the other is a religion. I am using religion to advance the cause of National Socialism, and I have been very successful so far.


It is a waste of time to debate religion, we all have the same ultimate goal here. We can't defeat ZOG if we allow infighting to destroy us.

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Homogenous nations suffer famines. Look at Africa! Letting racism run rampant has bought them poverty and starvation. That’s the truth none of you are willing to wake up to.

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Too stupid to understand caloric density.

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The obsession with Jews is symptomatc of profound stupidity.

Racists live in certainty that The Other is trying to trick/trap/tromp them. This makes them suspicious of sensible ideas and adds intense chaos to their thoughts. It shows on IQ tests, which are in part a measure of trust.

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Racists are too weak to handle an honest, peaceful world. They have to lie constantly and destroy their own capacity to admit truth.

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^Look a sophist liar

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Go back to Africa, nigger.

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Jews are the biggest bigots on the planet.

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Who are you again, Klinger?

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Racism shows up on IQ tests. When black niggers in America suspected racial biases in IQ testing? From a certain point of view, that was true. They suspected racial biases, so they lost points for not taking the tests straightforwardly.

That actually happened. The broken liars here can’t just wish that away because they’re too weak to fave reality.

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When people submit their brains to racism,




It makes people look for “alternative patterning”. You know what “alternative patterning” is in an IQ test? Lost points.

The hunt for alternative patterning affects white people the same way. That’s why this place is constantly fixating on dumb, faulty explanations for every damn thing.

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This along with your other spam posts are some very well crafted pieces of troll bait, well done.

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There's a good bit of work that could be done. Inter-city trade can be quite beneficial, all things considered.

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>Nazism is not compatible with Christianity. It worships the state instead of Jesus

At least be honest. National Socialism wasn't about the state like Italian fascism is, but was more-so about the nation itself, with state control instead of corporations (though it isn't Marxism because private property etc.)

Hitler didn't want to deify himself like you see on jewish TV.

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>council of Nicea

Wasn't started by Maxentius (that's the guy who fought Constantine) and wasn't when the bible was compiled.

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Your confusing fascism with national socialism.

Also your people should always be first religion second.

Then again some tend to argue that hitler is a christian.

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The mods personally protect and endorse this anti-white suicide cult.

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No, the (((mods))) wish to keep a false dialectic between National Socialists and Christians.

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Choking On The God Pill With The Logos Losers



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File: 07fb69d9435d157⋯.jpg (9.88 KB,327x154,327:154,Christian Thought Leader.jpg)


B-But E. Michael Jones is r-redpilled.

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Might want to go ahead and make the third thread now… seems the autism is continuing, along with the shilling.

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>make a new shit thread because you don’t like the replies you got.

Stop shitting up the board you mentally handicapped niggers.

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File: fe04fb604ef783b⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,1280x640,2:1,Jesus Teaches a Samaritan ….mp4)


This is the 3rd christcult thread.

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* Every biological and cultural innovation is primarily aimed at intraspecies competition and environmental fitness is secondary.

* The most important factor in religion is how women are allocated. Of secondary importance is what behaviors people are expected to perform for social status.

* Christianity is White chauvinism because it imposes White marriage laws

* Christianity is designed to minimize virtue signaling, though this has been corrupted with works-based salvation. Salvation is supposed to be obtained by proclaiming that Christ is Lord.

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File: 3d39b4d0908b8f7⋯.gif (557 KB,896x1043,128:149,retarded.gif)

You people DO realize an "aryan" is someone who has reached at least the first stage of Buddhist enlightenment, right? That the word has nothing to do with Western Europeans, let alone Hitler or whomever notzi LARPers have raging hardons for this month?

Furthermore, christianity (being one of the two puppetted "militant arms" of the Hebrews) has about as much to do with White people as actual Buddhist Aryans.

Read a fucking book.

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File: e121f8603587f78⋯.png (1.01 MB,640x412,160:103,58ca8ee4a7905efbc2955ad502….png)


I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

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A bump to counter the retards trying to sagespam this thread to death.

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What are you talking about nigger? A sage isn’t a downvote. Go back to reddit you gullible faggot.

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I know how sage works, newfag. Go back to to halfchan and /bant/ where your ilk belong.

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God you're actually dumber than OP and his Christ-tard bs.

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Deputies from the local sheriff's office came and spoke with me earlier, they had a search warrant and were looking for drugs and illegal firearms. They seemed to be rather intimidated by my followers, who were armed and staying close by me. I'm still rather confused as to how and why this entire investigation began, but we're all on alert at the moment. I will let you all know if there are any new developments, God bless.

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File: 01a9b7689487853⋯.jpg (13.82 KB,300x300,1:1,Shiggy.jpg)



Isn't your larp taking place inside of a town? Shouldn't it be police larpinvestigating you and not the sheriff?

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The local police department has very few police officers, and is noticeably underfunded. The investigation was regarding possible drug production and possession of unlawful firearms, the undersheriff and at least 12 deputies came by. In the end, they found nothing and eventually left.

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Inb4 OP gets WACO'd

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File: 3a5099f8bcf52e9⋯.jpeg (33.35 KB,306x320,153:160,B4A35ADA-7020-4C23-8BDE-6….jpeg)


Post a copy of the warrant with identifying info redacted. Betcha won’t do it.

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We are up against a great evil. Our world is becoming more and more disorderly and fractured. Nothing you say in real life can exist without being shouted down by normies. Nothing you say on 8chan can exist without being shilled. Dealing with misinformed people and shills is mentally exhausting.

We want to see progress in our lives. We want to be a part of something. We want higher highs and lower lows. We want to relax and enjoy what we have built without it being kicked over by those who cannot build.

The mods on 8/pol/ seem to destroy any thread that is getting interesting or that veers away from certain approved topics. The mods on 8/b2/ also do this. I think the site owner here maybe working with the evil. Another anon has said that once the evil reaches a certain critical mass it is difficult to be anything but evil. This is surely true. It is difficult. And 8chan is under attack.

The evil is filling the world. And yet there is still hope. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek and forgive our enemies. But Jesus also brings the sword.

Evil flourishes everywhere, but evildoers vanish. They offer their own children as sacrifices to Satan. Their lack of faith makes them easy targets for Muslim violence. Islam has good social technology that draws from the covenants of Abraham. Much of it is heresy but its high birth rate and invasion of Europe shows it is superior to Progressivism and pozzed Christianity. It has one long-term weakness: it is anti-scientific. Islam has not discovered anything of worth since the crusades. It must conquer lest it die. So here we are.

We cannot accept everyone and we should not accept everyone. There are some who will never accept us and will use us and betray us. We should worry not about these people. Jesus said, if a city does not accept the word of God, you should leave, and shake the dust from your feet as you do so, and the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah will be nothing to what will befall that city.

The time of the return is near. The outcome is certain. God works in mysterious ways, as has been said. He makes His will known through his prophets and his saints. No man can exist forever and not be in accordance with His laws. Socialists took over the institutions of Chile and turned them against society. They got Pinochet. Muslims used the lands that had given them refuge as bases to attack their hosts and other nations. They got Tarrant. Jews subverted nations that took them in their exile and fomented Marxist revolutions. They got …

And so it is all through history. The unbelievers and heretics and blasphemers can do well for years, or decades, or even centuries. The evil can flourish. Yet it is always in the end destroyed. No man can bend the universal laws, and no man can go against God.

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File: b2ee148ef8277be⋯.jpeg (134.02 KB,500x497,500:497,C86B54D9-64F8-4F56-B2A8-2….jpeg)

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Likely they did it because of the anon from 2 who had gotten in touch with them supposedly. It would have given them an excuse to get a warrant and execute it if he claimed falsely that you had such at your encampment.

To clarify, and to ensure there is a statement stating such, you neither have any drugs nor have any illegal firearms at your compound, do you?

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>You constantly avoid addressing criticism and the central issue: jew worship is antithetical to national socialism.

The two people most responsible for inventing National Socialism, Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, both claimed Jesus was Aryan. All argumentation that ignores this is irrelevant. Fedoras and LARPagans attempt to use Hitler as some sort of prime source, but you always drop him like a sack of potatoes the moment he says something you don't like.

That's fine. That simply means you don't support Adolf Hitler. But that also means you are not a National Socialist. And you do not have the right, as an outsider, to try and dictate to anyone else what National Socialism can or cannot be.

Was Hitler an Identity Christian? No, he was not. IC largely did not exist in his time, certainly not to the degree or in the manner which it does now. But whether Hitler believed Moses was a Jew or not is irrelevant. Christianity is the religion of Christ, and not only did Hitler called Christ Aryan, he called Christ King.

No atheist can ever be an ally of National Socialism or the cause of Aryan nationalism. There is no greater or more literal slave morality than believing everything spontaneously came from nothing and that men are merely clever animals. Atheism goes against what every sane and normal person knows and believes to be true, which is that there is meaning and direction in this world. That life has a purpose, and ergo is precious. To teach atheism to men and children, to rob them of this instinct, is to create slaves. Cattle. Goyim. It is a Jewish enterprise, from beginning to end.

The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried. Adolf Hitler and his comrades dared to try it, dared to do more than merely speak of it but live it each and every day, to build an entire nation, and entire folk, that lived and breathed the ideal. To claim they were not Christian is to admit to having never opened the cover of Mein Kampf, to have never read Gobbels or Eckart, to have never listened to one single speech and to have understood not one single thing those men fought and bled and died for.

An atheist is a spiritual stockholme syndrome victim. Imprisoned, beaten down, castrated, robbed of his inborn instinct of life, his primary overriding concern is to defend atheism, and all else is secondary to it. This is proven time and again, when racially-aware atheists use Hitler as a drunken man uses a lamppost: for support, and not illumination. Only the 1% of things Hitler said (or which the Allies 'claimed' he said) is relevant or useful. The remaining 99% are discarded, forgotten, handwaved away like a bad smell. Because they are not useful in defending atheism, and are thus not relevant or important. Hitler is only useful and good and a valid authority insofar as he can be used to defend atheism. Beyond that, he doesn't matter at all. Everything else he believed in, or argued for, or worked towards is simply dismissed out-of-hand as lies and manipulations. Evidence of this grand conspiracy is never provided. It is simply assumed to be true, because it must be.

Would that people like you cared half as much about defending your blood and family, we would have already won.

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There are people who hear you and agree anon. Ignore the rest.

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>To clarify, and to ensure there is a statement stating such, you neither have any drugs nor have any illegal firearms at your compound, do you?

You know…neither did Waco. This is not what that was about and it won't be now either. It is about cowing the 'herd' until they are ready to begin the slaughter. Do you really think that the 'farm murders' in South Africa are planned by niggers? THINK ANON.

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This didn't need a fourth thread. I supported your first thread, and the second when the kike mods deleted it. I also supported the third, because the arguments and discussions did run on. But this is now the fourth iteration of this thread. Nothing further remains to be said. You refuse to share any additional information with us, which means there is no conclusive evidence one way or the other as to whether you are sincere and actually doing what you describe, or merely an attention-seeking liar. So we have no choice but to wait a month and a half and see if your "election" actually happens or not.

Your desire to have a "reasonable discussion" that will not be "derailed" is absurd. This board is now under the direct management and moderation of the 8chan site owner, who is a civnat lolberg who violently hates National Socialism and anything that looks remotely National Socialist. He has deliberately thrown open the floodgates to shills, spammers, and bots to dismantle and disrupt this space. No discussion will EVER take place here that will not feature derailing or shilling or trolling of some sort.

And then you say you want to have an open discussion of how to form healthy white communities? Even though you refuse to share the details of how YOU managed it and are continuing to manage it, citing opsec as the primary reason?

"Hey guys, based ally secretly getting shit done here, I've done an amazing thing most of you could only ever dream of, but I won't tell you how I did it! Why don't you tell me exactly how YOU would do something like this, if you were so inclined to try?"

Am I supposed to 'not' imagine this being said by an FBI agent flipping open a notebook and getting ready to jot down information for the next domestic terrorism meeting?

There is nothing left that can be said here. The conversation is over. Either you put up and get elected to office or you never post here again when time proves you a fraud. No one intelligent is going to share any real or valuable information with you about anything: you yourself admit this is a good idea. So why make yet another thread at all, were it not explicitly to fish for information? The fact that the moderators, who we KNOW for a FACT are compromised and working with the feds, only deleted the first thread but allowed subsequent ones to be left up, is itself indirect evidence that this is a data gathering op. They are using this thread to gather information, whether you are complicit in that or not.

This thread has no reason to exist. Nothing is left that needs saying, only doing. Put up and prove you're real by making headlines or shut up and be forgotten.

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>Hitler believed Moses was a Jew or not is irrelevant.

Moses was not a jew. He was a Levite. Totally different tribe than the jews.

Semitic satanism is trying to weld GERMAN National Socialism into a semitic tool for the destruction of the people of the Earth. SMH…people are going to regret not murdering the semites when they had a chance.

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>Moses was not a jew

Moses was never born. The Book of Exodus is a power fantasy - a falsehood.

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Everything came from everything. It simply shifted due to the laws of physics into its current forms.

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That is IRRELEVANT in this context. The context is whether or not he is a 'jew'. He is not. Arguing whether Moses was a fiction COMPLETELY misses the point.

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Was Gandalf a Wizard? Was Shrek an Ogre?

It might serve as a nice source of entertainment and may offer interesting teachings - but it's still unproductive. Save the Exodus stories for after the great Minecraft struggle.

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>Moses was not a jew. He was a Levite. Totally different tribe than the jews.

I know. The Jews are the descendents of the Cananites, and are not related to the line of David or any of the original tribes that came from Abraham. The point is that, even though Hitler believed Moses was a Jew, that particular argument doesn't matter, because he also believed Jesus was Aryan.


>Everything came from everything. It simply shifted due to the laws of physics into its current forms.

That is simply an admission that God is real using materialist terminology, that is attempting to pretend it is not. Arguments like this are inherently intellectually dishonest. The entire reason Albert Einstein (I am aware he was a Jew) argued that the world didn't HAVE a beginning or an end is because, in his words, a clear and defined beginning to the world is de-facto proof that theism has the right of it, that there must be SOME sort of God or Prime Mover or higher divine order to the world. Something can't come from nothing, ergo if there is no God, then the universe must have always been here. He spent a tremendous amount of time and energy attempting to prove this mathmatically, but ultimately failed.

The moment astronomy confirmed the Big Bang theory, this argument was effectively over. God is real. We're just being forced to listen to the sophistry, whinging, and intellectual dishonesty of Jews and their atheist shabbos goyim who can't admit that science has already proven what religion has been telling us all along: that the universe was created and life has a purpose.

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>Universe was created by a Prime Mover

Possible, certainly fits neatly into our tiny ape brain lines of thought

>therefore Life has meaning

Now that just sounds like pure hubris. Why would an infinitely powerful being have any concern or plans for a tiny sliver of biological crust on a speck of dirt in a vastly greater Universe than we can comprehend if they're busy making universes or what have you? It just sounds like delusions of grandeur for a bipedal ape to think they hold any value to a cosmic entity.

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>It just sounds like delusions of grandeur for a bipedal ape to think they hold any value to a cosmic entity.

Ahhh you are a jew then. Your ancestry is chimpanzee through the niggers. Now your comments make sense.

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>Now that just sounds like pure hubris. Why would an infinitely powerful being have any concern or plans for a tiny sliver of biological crust on a speck of dirt in a vastly greater Universe than we can comprehend

Love and fatherhood. Two things a fedora manchild such as yourself knows very little about, and the primary reason you are not and never will be a National Socialist.

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Imagine being father to a whole universe and then only caring for one speck of dirt out of many trillions. Imagine being such a self-important toad your beliefs actually stoop to that depth of insanity.




Common Ancestry =/= Direct Descent.

This doesn't distract from the fact that believing any God actually cares about you and then pretending to be humble is the most vile hypocrisy on the face of the Earth - second to what jews believe of course.

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> any God actually cares about you and then pretending to be humble is the most vile hypocrisy on the face of the Earth

See that is where you jews fall flat on your face. If the universe is neither caring or uncaring, my beliefs are irrelevant. If my beliefs are irrelevant then they are immaterial to your beliefs. It is YOUR INTERFERENCE that is intolerable and why people love killing you for your destructive habits. These same 'destructive habits' that could not exist in a neutral environment.

Also, if the universe is truly neutral then there is no way to determine whether it 'cares' or not. So you're maintaining the position, in this scenario, that it doesn't cares is as fucking stupid as my maintaining the position that it does. The likelihood of it caring is just as probable as it 'not caring' so neither of us can win in that argument. However, since I am a hard determinist and I care, it would follow that you can't produce a positive (caring) from something that doesn't exist (neutral) is impossible. Therefor it 'cares' for me in the same way that I care for every cell in my body (the scalar version of 'myself'/God) if it did not my own caring would be impossible. It cares for me BECAUSE caring exists as a thought form.

Who is the retard now, jew?

You are…!!!!

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It's just pure hypocrisy - something humans are biologically hardwired to detest - to believe a God who's busy maintaining fundamental Laws of Reality is going to drop everything to answer seven billion prayers or smite people for touching themselves or to craft a custom-made afterlife to reward them for arbitrarily believing in you in a super specific way, and to believe any of that will ever happen while pretending to be humble.

If voicing my disgust is an interference or destructive practice, then just chalk it up to a biological compulsion, Mr. Determinist.

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I think my God is a bit bigger than your simian brain could comprehend. Sorry that it will never get better for you since you corrupted your DNA with niggers (animals who will never be capable of comprehending God). It is a real shame that more people do not understand what they are 'giving up' when they breed with animals.

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>my God is bigger

That was MY WHOLE POINT you actual idiot!

WHY do you think such an entity gives a shit about little ole worthless you?

There is no reason, just masturbatory hubris. Nothing else. Your whole theology boils down to that much, you disgusting hypocrite.

>muh animals muh niggers

You think you aren't an animal by definition of the word? You think we didn't arise from natural processes while God was busy doing more important things, like keeping gravity around and what have you?

Do you think a God actually handcrafted you in His image? If so, there's no greater arrogance on the face of the Earth, except for what jews believe.

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>muh bigger, muh hypocrisy

Wow. The universe is scalar anon.

>You think you aren't an animal by definition of the word?

I am information.

DNA is INFORMATION you stupid faggot. When your progenitures bred with niggers/animals you lost the data that would have told you what God was. Now you can only pathetically limp along a groveling mockery of the Sons of God in hominid form. My ancestors still retain the connection to the information because we chose not to fuck animals, unlike yours.

This conversation is pointless, like trying to explain to my dog what God is he can not understand because he only has animal DNA/information. You are a data set outside the parameters of understanding.

>Do you think a God actually handcrafted you in His image?

Damn anon, you are fucked in the head. Of course there is a lineage that retains its connection to God and is not mongrel like you.

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>The two people most responsible for inventing National Socialism, Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, both claimed Jesus was Aryan.

And? All of the reputable evidence suggests otherwise regarding Jesus.

>All argumentation that ignores this is irrelevant. Fedoras and LARPagans attempt to use Hitler as some sort of prime source, but you always drop him like a sack of potatoes the moment he says something you don't like.

>That's fine. That simply means you don't support Adolf Hitler. But that also means you are not a National Socialist. And you do not have the right, as an outsider, to try and dictate to anyone else what National Socialism can or cannot be.

Hitler was neither infallible, nor omniscient, nor perfectly consistent, and for your part you seem to be quite willing to ignore any inconvenient information regarding Hitler and the NSDAP.

>Christianity is the religion of Christ, and not only did Hitler called Christ Aryan, he called Christ King.

Christianity is also built on a bedrock of Jewish mythology and fable.

>No atheist can ever be an ally of National Socialism or the cause of Aryan nationalism.

Good thing I'm not an atheist then.

>There is no greater or more literal slave morality than believing everything spontaneously came from nothing and that men are merely clever animals.

Spoken like someone who doesn't actually know what master-slave morality is and just cribbed the phrase to represent their own arbitrary idea.

>Atheism goes against what every sane and normal person knows and believes to be true, which is that there is meaning and direction in this world.

Why, exactly, does meaning and direction have to originate from outside of man?

>That life has a purpose,

Yes; to perpetuate itself.

>and ergo is precious.

You need to believe that life has to have a purpose to have value?

>To teach atheism to men and children, to rob them of this instinct, is to create slaves. Cattle. Goyim.

God forbid individuals not have Jewish mythology (ah, but of course your flavor of totally-not-Jewish-I-swear mythology is the right one!) and morals force-fed to them from birth.

>It is a Jewish enterprise, from beginning to end.

Christians have been - objectively - the best allies Jews have ever had all the way from the Christian Romans letting them virtually monopolize the slave trade (many of them aryan and nubile) to evangelical Christians all over the world sending Israel and other Jewish charities tens of billions of dollars per year. The two most significant injuries ever done to world Jewry were the Roman destruction of the second temple (which they still kvetch about to this day) and the ambiguously Christian (at absolute best) NSDAP attempting to break their stranglehold on western civilization.

>The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.

So literally "true Christianity has never been tried". Top wew.

>Adolf Hitler and his comrades dared to try it, dared to do more than merely speak of it but live it each and every day, to build an entire nation, and entire folk, that lived and breathed the ideal. To claim they were not Christian is to admit to having never opened the cover of Mein Kampf, to have never read Gobbels or Eckart, to have never listened to one single speech and to have understood not one single thing those men fought and bled and died for.

>An atheist is a spiritual stockholme syndrome victim. Imprisoned, beaten down, castrated, robbed of his inborn instinct of life, his primary overriding concern is to defend atheism, and all else is secondary to it. This is proven time and again, when racially-aware atheists use Hitler as a drunken man uses a lamppost: for support, and not illumination. Only the 1% of things Hitler said (or which the Allies 'claimed' he said) is relevant or useful. The remaining 99% are discarded, forgotten, handwaved away like a bad smell. Because they are not useful in defending atheism, and are thus not relevant or important. Hitler is only useful and good and a valid authority insofar as he can be used to defend atheism. Beyond that, he doesn't matter at all. Everything else he believed in, or argued for, or worked towards is simply dismissed out-of-hand as lies and manipulations. Evidence of this grand conspiracy is never provided. It is simply assumed to be true, because it must be.

See my earlier point about ignoring NSDAP history and rhetoric that doesn't agree with you.

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So let me get this straight:

You believe that humans were originally created as a lineage directly connecting them to God, but that God also created them to be capable of interbreeding with non-human animals? Do you realize all humans are animals by definition?

>Muh mongrel

Keep spewing butthurt, fag. It won't make you right.

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We (humans) were information that was capable of conceptualizing God. But when your people (not mine) bred with niggers/chimpanzees you lost that ability because their DNA is not capable of conceptualizing God and you mixed your information/DNA with animal DNA. This is why you are the way you are and I am the way I am.

You keep saying, "Come lower on the tier of information (tree of Life) and breed with animals, copulate like an animal, think like an animal and be 'materialistic' like us."

We keep responding, "No thank you. We can see that you are only an animal who doesn't have any connection to the divine anymore. We do not want that for ourselves or our offspring."

If I wanted to experience materialist animism I would join you going into dissolution, but I, and hopefully my people, are going in the other direction.

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File: b3e16fa32e12d92⋯.png (859.43 KB,758x858,379:429,Das Alte Testament Deutch.png)


>But whether Hitler believed Moses was a Jew or not is irrelevant.

~1,000,000 words in bible

~800,000 in OT, deleted in entirety

~200,000 in NT, half is from Saul, which was deleted

The Führer thought there were quite a few more prophets beyond Moses who were jews.


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Niggers are not part chimpanzee, and I am not part nigger or chimp. Keep projecting all you like, it won't help.

>DNA is information

Wrong. DNA is many lengthy strands of acid-base pairs, which can be express in terms of information but does not actually exist as information.

You ignored my question by the way. Why would your God create humans to be capable of interbreeding with animals if they weren't created as animals?

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File: 2b594d65b05f705⋯.jpg (87.57 KB,526x470,263:235,Jewish and Black DNA copy.jpg)


You are part chimp anon, because you have lost your connection to the divine. If you weren't an animal you would understand.

>muh ignored me

You have ignored all of my comments because you are incapable of making any coherent argument. Consider it a return favor.

When your DNA is run through GEDMATCH it clearly shows that you are the only humanoid link between niggers (80% chimpanzee) and human beings.

>DNA is not information

HAHA HAHA HA..animals are funny.

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>80% Chimpanzee

You aren't qualified for this discussion.

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File: 24dc00b1a3ddf29⋯.jpg (49.29 KB,657x540,73:60,niggers_have_muzzles.jpg)


Don't feel too bad about your mongrel DNA anon…it is not like it was your decision. If you can't tell by looks and behavior that niggers are not human it is due to your own genetic bias towards destruction/materialism. Some of them are capable of passing, on the surface, as human while retaining that same nigger/chimp DNA. You probably look almost human yourself but that will not help you when it comes down to the INFORMATION which cannot be altered or assessed on the surface. We can tell by how you act though and you have no connection to the divine so we know that somewhere in your past your ancestors committed bestiality and lowered themselves to a less than human condition.

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1 John 4:20

>If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.

if you hate your non-white brothers in Christ, you are no christian.

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>different species


wrong. only fellow members of your race are brothers. try using the 'love your neighbor angle instead, as they're more akin to neighbors than brothers

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Other races were not being addressed in that passage. That passage WAS ONLY ADDRESSED to the Sons of God, no one else. If we love the subhuman trash who are parasitic on our kin then we are hating our brothers in favor of animals. Again, this is bestiality, anon and flies directly in the face of everything you were instructed to follow.


Not to every fucking nigger trash and subhuman on the planet.

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>love your neighbor angle instead

They were never supposed to occupy our nation, anon. NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE 'OUR NEIGHBORS' since we are a seperate nation that still retains our connection to the divine. This passage as well was also talking about our kin neighbors and not part animals who happen to be living in our territory.

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jew forced integration does not mean that animals are 'your kin' in the same way that animals are their kin.

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>different species

>able to breed with each other and produce viable, fertile offspring

you need to retake biology.

>only people who have my skin color are my brothers

Mark 3:32-35 NASBS

>A crowd was sitting around Him, and they said to Him, "Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are outside looking for You." [33] Answering them, He said, "Who are My mother and My brothers?" [34] Looking about at those who were sitting around Him, He said, "Behold My mother and My brothers! [35] For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother."

Romans 8:14-17

>For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. [15] For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" [16] The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, [17] and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.




I'll pray for you.

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According to Wild Cats of the World (1975) by C. A. W. Guggisberg, ligers and tigons were long thought to be sterile; however, in 1943, a fifteen-year-old hybrid between a lion and an 'Island' tiger was successfully mated with a lion at the Munich Hellabrunn Zoo. The female cub, though of delicate health, was raised to adulthood.[21]

human's seed is holy and much more powerful than animals

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In September 2012, the Russian Novosibirsk Zoo announced the birth of a "liliger", which is the offspring of a liger mother and a lion father. The cub was named Kiara.[22]

>white nigger mix

>able to produce a viable offspring


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>only people who have my skin color are my brothers

>race is skin deep

fucking retard

>implying niggers do the will of god

>implying niggers and being led by the spirit of god

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Actually, when two species are not capable of successfully interbredding (ie the offspring are not fertile) that is a concrete separation of two species. But two distinct species can be more closely related to eachother to the point where successful interbreeding can occur, and they would still be defined as different species.

A good definition of "Species" is "A self-contained population of organisms"


>human's seed is holy and much more powerful than animals

Humans are animals by definition. What Kingdom classification of life do you think we fall under anyway? Plantae? Fungi? Archaebacteria?

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Daily reminder to read Odinia.

<(((There is no jew or Greek, filthy goyim)))

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I wasn't handed a copy of the warrant, they simply showed it to me. They looked around for a bit, and left when they didn't find anything.


Checked. They didn't find any, so legally we're in the clear for now. But of course, this wont stop them from coming after us.


This is all very true.


I simply started off as a minister, and gathered a small group of followers from that experience. Then we recruited more and more followers, traveled to different states, and eventually I had enough followers to begin this current operation. We provide their housing and other essential needs, and in return they provide their salaries and net worth to us. We also run a handful of legal small businesses. You have to be charismatic, and you have to understand crowd psychology, manipulating the crowd is key to ensuring complete loyalty and obedience.

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Based Christ having you agape your enemies. Turn the other cheek as your enemy rapes you.

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>Based Christ having you agape your enemies.

You jews are such fucking niggers.

Ancient version: Love your enemy

Modern version: No more brother wars

You fucking niggers can't get even the minor stuff straight. God help us if your fucked up incompetent 'tribe' of desert niggers ever gets to 'rule the world' for more than 10 minutes the entire planet will probably implode from the weight of your retardation.

Also filtered for derailing thread when OP was very specific about what he wanted to talk about in this thread.

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File: 8caed2001cc5f86⋯.png (60.06 KB,1094x298,547:149,ClipboardImage.png)


>desert niggers

Not the best epithet for a christian to wield.

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Considering they are only fake jews who come from khazaria, I thought it was funny; them being the ultimate desert nigger and all. So how long did it take you to find a translation that said 'desert' as opposed to desolate?

erémos: solitary, desolate

Original Word: ἔρημος, ον

Part of Speech: Adjective

Transliteration: erémos

Phonetic Spelling: (er'-ay-mos)

Definition: solitary, desolate

Usage: as an adj: deserted, desolate, waste; hence: the desert, to the east and south of Palestine; of a person: deserted, abandoned, desolate.

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I searched all day to find a really obscure version known as "King James Version".

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It is nice to know that if something is distorted that it is distorted through and through, don't you think? You can probably relate to this.

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Mayor Anon. The Anon asked you if you have any illegal drugs or illegal firearms at your location/s. "They didn't find any" does not inspire confidence in your operation. The correct answer is "No."

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50% of christian men are Incel In Christ.

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>Reminder that there are some white nationalists posting in this thread right now who, in 2019, still honestly believe:

These people are not white nationalists but christian trolls. Christcucks will have to be kickbanned from any ethnic white society because as long as they are present they represent a subversive vector that hostile outsiders can use to destroy from within. The boers were betrayed by their church. The pope licks negro feet. Christianity is about cucking.

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if you can provide good men with wives you will succeed. 50% of christian men are Incel In Christ.

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>The height of dishonesty a christian will sink to. You wish for no one to question your jew worship. You just wish everyone will parrot your oxymoronic slogan:

It should come as no surprise that people who worship jews also argue like jews.

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idk man, idk. women are the same no matter the religion/atheism. incels are right about the necessity for rolling back female liberty.

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>The two people most responsible for inventing National Socialism, Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, both claimed Jesus was Aryan.

Dietrich Eckart was involved with the Thule society. He knew very well that christianity was a jewish scam. He also knew far more about the Otherworld and the creatures that dwell there than any christian alive. Christians think religion is about rituals and lots of rules - it wasnt so long ago when mankind was still in the stone age. Then religion was about communicating with visible and invisible spirit creatures, entities that still roam the land, even today. Funny enough they seem to hate christians, probably because you are insufferable cunts.

The national socialists of germany launched "positive christianity" as a psychological operation aimed at weaning off german christcucks from the jewish teat. Thats why they suddenly claimed jesus was an aryan immigrant to isreal (despite the bible clearly saying that rabbi Yesua was a descendant of king David). Christcucks will believe anything if you repeat it long enough. We dont need positive christianity today because the jews have already killed christianity for us.

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>God is real.

The problem here is that you seem to think that "god" is the christian god. What if there was a primordial creator god, and it wasnt christian? Would you give up your christcuckery? And what if you proved too weak to be accepted as anything more than a talking animal by this god?

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>The boers were betrayed by their church.


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Ah yes everybody knows the first step to creating a cult is writing about it on a pedophile message board.

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mi6 agent posting lies:


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what deity can change the hearts of women, when it comes to their marital decisions? for even atheism is useless, with the religions. in atheism a high ethic is iq. yet women do not give a fuck about but these:

1. charisma (includes popularity)

2. looks (includes height)

3. money (most of all)

as variables of ranking of prospective mates. the rest are just a checklist of features little examined (otherwise “missionary dating” would be a non-thing)

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>Checked. There are between 80 - 90 houses, 2 apartment buildings, and 1 hotel.

..but these houses are already filled with people. So where do you plan to put your people? You know, in order for your LARP to work, you will need to move your people into town before the election so that they can vote for you so you can evict the towns previous inhabitants so you can make space for your people to move in so they can vote for you. Do you see the problem here?

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File: 35d041bee740194⋯.jpg (329.94 KB,976x1109,976:1109,schmual.jpg)

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Fulfilled would be an understatement even if Pharisee Scha'mul (Paul) had only successfully used it to destroy the Roman Empire like the jews had orchestrated with previous Empires but instead to get continued usage along with all the splintered franchises, including Islam, really allows for an entire world to see only the jewish stories as having any weight and thus seeing jews as important to protect. Of course sometimes there might be someone who wants to attack jews but history has shown whenever that's the case there are many more who believe in the jewish stories who come to the defense of jews, even before Saul's time such as what is written in the Book of Ezra.

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>The problem here is that you seem to think that "god" is the christian god. What if there was a primordial creator god, and it wasnt christian?

Ever the sophist, an atheist is prepared to believe in Satan before he will believe in God. If you could move people the way you move goalposts, atheism would have already saved the day.

But it cannot move people. And it never will.


>I simply started off as a minister, and gathered a small group of followers from that experience. Then we recruited more and more followers, traveled to different states, and eventually I had enough followers to begin this current operation. We provide their housing and other essential needs, and in return they provide their salaries and net worth to us. We also run a handful of legal small businesses. You have to be charismatic, and you have to understand crowd psychology, manipulating the crowd is key to ensuring complete loyalty and obedience.

An answer which very carefully avoids addressing any of the issues I raised to instead attempts to sound like an answer while giving no real information or answers whatsoever.

If you were an actual believer and genuinely thought National Socialism was correct and Christian, you wouldn't constantly describe yourself as being a 'cult.' The more you try to avoid describing what you are and what you do, the more you sound like an FBI agent LARPing as a cult leader, instead of an actual leader of a political religious sect.

It is telling that the mods destroyed this topic twice when they thought it was real, but now permit two, three, four different threads of it to be put up, to no discernable benefit or end.

Prediction: you will not make the news like you claim, and after perhaps another thread or two on this topic where you lament the religious argument but never actually contribute to any of the discussion you call for, you will vanish and no one will never hear from you again.

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My answer was perfectly fine, I only say "cult" to give you all a clearer understanding of how my organization functions. National Socialism is absolutely correct, and I am using Christianity as a vehicle to promote and spread it.

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>Of course sometimes there might be someone who wants to attack jews but history has shown whenever that's the case there are many more who believe in the jewish stories who come to the defense of jews, even before Saul's time such as what is written in the Book of Ezra.

It still boggles my mind how many apparently otherwise intelligent people maintain that Christianity is anti-Jew when Jews have done better for themselves in Christendom than literally anywhere else. Turn over a rock at any point in the history of Christianity and if there's a Jew there a Christian is sucking his cock.

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First: don't call it a cult, dumbass.

You don't get people to join a cult by calling it a cult.

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You called it a cult because you are insincere and do not know what else to call it. You speak, not like a radical, but someone pretending to BE a radical, like someone who is attempting to blend in. It is a poor impression. And your answer was wildly lacking. You say you want discussion, but have contributed nothing to it. You want us to share useful and helpful information we know, but refuse to reciprocate. You openly claim you intend to keep making these threads because they keep getting "derailed" by trolls, ignoring the fact that they will ALWAYS be derailed by trolls.

Taking your OP and then rewording it to tell us what we already knew about you is NOT an answer as to how you managed to accomplish what you did. You have already stated, multiple times, that you refuse to share more pertinent information that would actually matter for the sake of security, but then turn around and ask that we do what you will not.

"Be charismatic" and "convince people to give you their money" are not valid explanations, no matter how much you try and dress them up.

No real National Socialist or dissident Christian would EVER call their message or organization a "cult." But an FBI honeypot sure would.

The fact remains that after four threads of this topic, there is no reason for any further threads to exist about it. Either you put up or you shut up. You refuse to put up, but you also refuse to shut up. If you were real or sincere, you wouldn't have a problem with shutting up and then coming back later after you actually have won your election. Your behavior is not consistant with someone who is real and sincere, but rather someone who has set themselves an expiration date for an information gathering operation and now has to sucker as many people as possible into spilling before that date rolls around and nothing happens, thereby proving you a fraud. The only purpose more of these threads serve is to draw people out and try to con information and data out of the gullible. That the mods are allowing you to make these threads instead of continually attempting to shut you down is a mark against you and further evidence that I am right.

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And yet a further mark against you: I linked you to numerous websites and places two threads ago where actual Christian and National Socialist organization takes place, but in spite of being active in all of those places, you have not visited them or actually used any of their services or resources. If you were real, you would have. But an FBI agent or conman has no use for such things except possibly to earmark for future data collection.

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>It still boggles my mind how many apparently otherwise intelligent people maintain that Christianity is anti-Jew when Jews have done better for themselves in Christendom than literally anywhere else.

Jews are most successful under Capitalism and Communism, neither of which is Christian. If Christianity was the problem, Jews wouldn't have been able to take over Maoist China. But they did, and Jewish bankers continue to exert power and influence over China. In fact, the Chinese are aware of this, and openly admire them for it.

Christians need to be lied to constantly to not be repulsed by Jews. Non-Christians see Jews for exactly what they really are and aspire to be more like them.

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Step one, don't steal or break people's property

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the result of 1500 years of christianity in Europe are blatant, no matter how hard you damage control

thanks to christian Europe, jews permanently established themselves on European soil, and not just few years ago with christianity already dying but well into the very youth and highest influence of christianity in Europe, starting from the permission for jews to stay in Europe and do their own thing in the late years of the Roman empire(i.e Codex theodosianus) going all the way to medieval Europe and the church even publishing official bulls forbidding christians from harming them at the risk of excommunication, all because of a goddamn prophecy about jews converting during judgement day

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>starting a national socialist good goy cult

Why do you post these things when you KNOW we're going to find you and torture you to death on the DOTR?

All kneelers will be executed. That means you.

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I don't, I've never referred to my organization as such among any of my followers. "Cult" is a broad term, which can apply to many different types of organizations.


I simply call it a religious organization, we're a religious community. And I'm not a radical, I'm a reactionary who supports certain radical tactics against the system. If anyone has any questions, I'm perfectly happy to answer them. I could go into more detail about how I've accomplished what I have, but honestly, what I've done has been done so many times throughout history, it's nothing new. I've already said that the election date is very close, and once we are elected into power I will reveal video footage of me and my organization, and I will post a victory speech as well.


I've looked into so many different organizations, and it seems to me that my own is the only one taking all the right steps. Other organizations similar to mine either aren't doing enough, or have a more liberalized and jew-friendly doctrine.

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We already have a large, armed and trained militia prepared to fight. We're ready for things to heat up, it wont be much longer that we'll have to wait for the war to begin.

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You don't have to be a slave OP. You can opt out of your own semitic slavery.

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In the 1500 years of Christianity in Europe, Whites became the owners of the world basically. In a few decades of atheism, it went from that to being a colony for brown people.

Blaming Christianity for modernity is just retarded. We're already living in a post-Christian world for the most part, and there's the result.

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>Whites became the owners of the world basically

>implying the imperial era of europe didn't begin already during the decline of christianity after the renaissance

the peak of christian influence in Europe was from ~500AD to ~1500 AD, and the FACT remains that in this period, kikes gained a permanent foothold in Europe, despite muh expulsions, which mostly amounted to kikes having to change European country from one to another, given that the church despite being at the peak of its power NEVER took the drastic but necessary measures to get rid of the parasite

niggers and lower apes are impressed by sheer size alone, the expansionist policies of europeans were pushed largely by merchant pseudo-kikes worried about not being able to trade in the east mediterranean because of ottomans

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>Ever the sophist, an atheist is prepared to believe in Satan before he will believe in God. If you could move people the way you move goalposts, atheism would have already saved the day.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean? I explicitly asked what a christcuck would do if god was not the christian god, and you answer with jewish pilpul. What would you do if you were confronted with evidence by supernatural acts that god is not the abrahamitic deity known from the bible but something far stranger? Now we know, you would sprout rubbish and continue to christcuck. Do you understand why white nationalists hate christcucks? Because you worship and emulate our most hated enemy and you do it willingly. You are jews inside. Die.

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Even if you didn’t keep a copy of the warrant, which is already suspicious, you can get it from them at any time. Just stop by the cop shop or have your attorney stop by and pick up a copy. Maybe they’ll even email it to you. Unless you’re lying of course.

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You’re wasting your time. I already pointed out this logistical impossibility multiple times in the previous thread and OP glosses over it each time. LARP

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If you ever organize anything, I hope I get a chance to see it. You have been consistent this whole time and you are loyal to Christianity while staying National Socialist at the same time. The reason that I am not interested in OP anymore is because he said that most of his followers do not care for Christianity like he does and some of them do not care for it at all. I am only interested in people who are genuine Christian. Otherwise I might as well go join Atomwaffen the satanist group.

There is no National Socialism without Germans and their values.

There is no National Socialism without Christianity and their values.

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>All kneelers will be executed.

They are practicing Christianity incorrectly. No one but jews ever asked you to kneel.

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>~500AD to ~1500 AD

That is because where true Christians go, the entire planet prospers from their presence. In this case, TRUE Christians started migrating to the USA at that same time. TRUE Christians leaving Europe is what caused its economic and demographic decline. You got left with all the trash people (jews, atheists, brown turds and other riffraff) while all the productive people came to the USA. There is only one group of productive individuals on the entire planet, WHITE/EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS and the rest of the planet it simply trash, with the king of the trash being the jews.

The people who were left in Europe after the migration are little better than trash brown 'christians'. The prosperity and wealth of God travels with the people of God.

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>white nationalists

That pretty much says everything we need to know about jou.

What a faggot.

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Took a year for no to fucking mean no in your heads.

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Loyalty is the most honorable and respectful way to thank your own people.

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He is a kike anon.




Get it?

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The irony of this picture is that Syria is actually pretty 'White' in many ways (Caucasoid/Mediterranean) and some of the earliest historical Christian communities hail from Syria. What is so much better about Sweden, an egalitarian, feminist, neo-marxist, neo-liberal hellhole, than a Social Nationalist anti-Zionist state like Syria?

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>Social Nationalist anti-Zionist state like Syria?

The social nationalist party isn't ruling Syria, and anti-Zionism isn't anti-jewry, or even anti-Loxism.

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>You’re wasting your time. I already pointed out this logistical impossibility multiple times in the previous thread and OP glosses over it each time. LARP

I still needs to be repeated over and over again for those new to these threads. OPs claims are both logistically and casually impossible. He needs to stuff his followers into nonexistent housing before the election so he can win the election so he can evict the local people from their houses (!) so he has space to house his followers so he can win the election. It just doesnt work out. And on top of that we have the impossibility of combining christcuckery with national socialism. The moderator team has obviously been compromised since they dont purge these threads.

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why make a religion or another atheism with the same results?

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It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread and making sure that White/Europeans never do anything for themselves. You would almost think that you are all kike trash with the amount of free time you have devoted to demoralizing everyone in this thread.

Limitless funds based on your usury scam.

Must be nice to be a materialist kike.

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>It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread and making sure that White/Europeans never do anything for themselves.

This thread is a lie based on an impossibility.

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>It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread

> (24)

You can’t understand why anons would deride an extremely obvious liar? Do you think believing hard enough will make it real?

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It is almost like you don't realize I can recognize your voices whether you IP hop or not.

No comment about being faggot kikes.

No comment about usury.

No comment about demoralizing so that Whites don't ever achieve anything IRL.


Do I think believing hard enough will 'make it real'? I think brainstorming about the possibilities makes things real. I think you have to talk and plan before you achieve.

Of, course I think that if you want something hard enough you can manifest it in reality or vice versa.

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Basically you’re a schizo version of Oprah Winfrey.

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>only a mongrel part nigger kike calls their betters 'schizo'

Is this more of your 'advocating for European/Whites' on /pol/? More of your 'helpful suggestions' that are meant to cause the White race to make progress?

It is so typical of a parasitic trash race to never try to achieve anything for itself; it only tries to hold other people and races down so that its own pathetic limp dick nature cannot be noticed.


No comment about being faggot kikes.

No comment about usury.

No comment about demoralizing so that Whites don't ever achieve anything IRL.

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File: c390e3543650bd3⋯.jpg (58.06 KB,620x635,124:127,skeptical.jpg)


>rabbi jesus celebrated passover

>rabbi jesus made pilgrimage to jerusalem for passover

>pharisee saul celebrated passover

So, christians are telling me that the same god that killed all of those egyptian children would oppose abortion today?

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There's nothing correct about kikeinsanity.

If you're worshiping jewish gods and following their teachings, you're doing it wrong.

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lol…the jew in its native environment always tries to control another person's intimate personal beliefs.

You fags crack me up.

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File: c1dc778556415bf⋯.jpg (40.92 KB,511x671,511:671,1563602491043.jpg)

So a pharisee, a mohel, and an apostle walks into a bar.

The bar tender says, "Are you alone again Paul?"

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File: 842e4a9bf5d894c⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,255x255,1:1,kek2.jpg)

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Checked. Still following this.

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Nigger you don’t even understand greentext. Lurk 2 years.

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Obligatory bump on here.

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Fighting back. Given we have around 8 days left, let's see if OP is good or faking it.

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You should feel deep shame for how big of a sucker you are. Go to reddit. You will feel more at home there.

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God bless you and the other loyal sons of the Fuhrer as you follow the true path while rejecting the lies and distractions spewed by the kikes anti-christian slaves.

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Remember, OP, you did say first new week of August per >>13527321, which means you have 7 days at the latest to provide evidence of your victory and assumedly put up Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 3 in celebration and with evidence of your win.

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You will literally never do anything. Kill yourself.

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File: 10559cff1593cdd⋯.webm (3.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Samaritan Woman and Jesus.webm)

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