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 No.13516555 [View All]

This is a follow up thread I've made due to "Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 2" being flooded with needless religious debate. I would like for this thread to be full of reasonable and practical discussion, regarding the successful formation of healthy, white communities, along with governing these communities properly. And of course, to discuss building strong and well trained militia forces to protect our people. Here is a response to a post that was left on my other thread-

Besides the money I currently have saved up and stashed away, we currently have revenue coming in from business operations and from the salaries of my followers who are working outside of the town. For now, I'll be providing free housing, food, and other essentials to my followers through tax money and eminent domain. I imagine after we enact our policies, there will be a bit of an exodus, with few original members of the town population left. This will open up more job opportunities, though there may be a bit of a shortage even after this. Luckily there are more job opportunities in this county and the counties surrounding this one, as I've said before this is only the beginning. Taking this town is only the beginning, first we take this town and then it spreads from there. You just have to start somewhere.

272 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>The problem here is that you seem to think that "god" is the christian god. What if there was a primordial creator god, and it wasnt christian?

Ever the sophist, an atheist is prepared to believe in Satan before he will believe in God. If you could move people the way you move goalposts, atheism would have already saved the day.

But it cannot move people. And it never will.


>I simply started off as a minister, and gathered a small group of followers from that experience. Then we recruited more and more followers, traveled to different states, and eventually I had enough followers to begin this current operation. We provide their housing and other essential needs, and in return they provide their salaries and net worth to us. We also run a handful of legal small businesses. You have to be charismatic, and you have to understand crowd psychology, manipulating the crowd is key to ensuring complete loyalty and obedience.

An answer which very carefully avoids addressing any of the issues I raised to instead attempts to sound like an answer while giving no real information or answers whatsoever.

If you were an actual believer and genuinely thought National Socialism was correct and Christian, you wouldn't constantly describe yourself as being a 'cult.' The more you try to avoid describing what you are and what you do, the more you sound like an FBI agent LARPing as a cult leader, instead of an actual leader of a political religious sect.

It is telling that the mods destroyed this topic twice when they thought it was real, but now permit two, three, four different threads of it to be put up, to no discernable benefit or end.

Prediction: you will not make the news like you claim, and after perhaps another thread or two on this topic where you lament the religious argument but never actually contribute to any of the discussion you call for, you will vanish and no one will never hear from you again.

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My answer was perfectly fine, I only say "cult" to give you all a clearer understanding of how my organization functions. National Socialism is absolutely correct, and I am using Christianity as a vehicle to promote and spread it.

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>Of course sometimes there might be someone who wants to attack jews but history has shown whenever that's the case there are many more who believe in the jewish stories who come to the defense of jews, even before Saul's time such as what is written in the Book of Ezra.

It still boggles my mind how many apparently otherwise intelligent people maintain that Christianity is anti-Jew when Jews have done better for themselves in Christendom than literally anywhere else. Turn over a rock at any point in the history of Christianity and if there's a Jew there a Christian is sucking his cock.

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First: don't call it a cult, dumbass.

You don't get people to join a cult by calling it a cult.

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You called it a cult because you are insincere and do not know what else to call it. You speak, not like a radical, but someone pretending to BE a radical, like someone who is attempting to blend in. It is a poor impression. And your answer was wildly lacking. You say you want discussion, but have contributed nothing to it. You want us to share useful and helpful information we know, but refuse to reciprocate. You openly claim you intend to keep making these threads because they keep getting "derailed" by trolls, ignoring the fact that they will ALWAYS be derailed by trolls.

Taking your OP and then rewording it to tell us what we already knew about you is NOT an answer as to how you managed to accomplish what you did. You have already stated, multiple times, that you refuse to share more pertinent information that would actually matter for the sake of security, but then turn around and ask that we do what you will not.

"Be charismatic" and "convince people to give you their money" are not valid explanations, no matter how much you try and dress them up.

No real National Socialist or dissident Christian would EVER call their message or organization a "cult." But an FBI honeypot sure would.

The fact remains that after four threads of this topic, there is no reason for any further threads to exist about it. Either you put up or you shut up. You refuse to put up, but you also refuse to shut up. If you were real or sincere, you wouldn't have a problem with shutting up and then coming back later after you actually have won your election. Your behavior is not consistant with someone who is real and sincere, but rather someone who has set themselves an expiration date for an information gathering operation and now has to sucker as many people as possible into spilling before that date rolls around and nothing happens, thereby proving you a fraud. The only purpose more of these threads serve is to draw people out and try to con information and data out of the gullible. That the mods are allowing you to make these threads instead of continually attempting to shut you down is a mark against you and further evidence that I am right.

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And yet a further mark against you: I linked you to numerous websites and places two threads ago where actual Christian and National Socialist organization takes place, but in spite of being active in all of those places, you have not visited them or actually used any of their services or resources. If you were real, you would have. But an FBI agent or conman has no use for such things except possibly to earmark for future data collection.

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>It still boggles my mind how many apparently otherwise intelligent people maintain that Christianity is anti-Jew when Jews have done better for themselves in Christendom than literally anywhere else.

Jews are most successful under Capitalism and Communism, neither of which is Christian. If Christianity was the problem, Jews wouldn't have been able to take over Maoist China. But they did, and Jewish bankers continue to exert power and influence over China. In fact, the Chinese are aware of this, and openly admire them for it.

Christians need to be lied to constantly to not be repulsed by Jews. Non-Christians see Jews for exactly what they really are and aspire to be more like them.

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Step one, don't steal or break people's property

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File: b75f14559aefd41⋯.png (473.23 KB,539x1080,539:1080,9fa31d13a7492465ab10528941….png)


the result of 1500 years of christianity in Europe are blatant, no matter how hard you damage control

thanks to christian Europe, jews permanently established themselves on European soil, and not just few years ago with christianity already dying but well into the very youth and highest influence of christianity in Europe, starting from the permission for jews to stay in Europe and do their own thing in the late years of the Roman empire(i.e Codex theodosianus) going all the way to medieval Europe and the church even publishing official bulls forbidding christians from harming them at the risk of excommunication, all because of a goddamn prophecy about jews converting during judgement day

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>starting a national socialist good goy cult

Why do you post these things when you KNOW we're going to find you and torture you to death on the DOTR?

All kneelers will be executed. That means you.

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I don't, I've never referred to my organization as such among any of my followers. "Cult" is a broad term, which can apply to many different types of organizations.


I simply call it a religious organization, we're a religious community. And I'm not a radical, I'm a reactionary who supports certain radical tactics against the system. If anyone has any questions, I'm perfectly happy to answer them. I could go into more detail about how I've accomplished what I have, but honestly, what I've done has been done so many times throughout history, it's nothing new. I've already said that the election date is very close, and once we are elected into power I will reveal video footage of me and my organization, and I will post a victory speech as well.


I've looked into so many different organizations, and it seems to me that my own is the only one taking all the right steps. Other organizations similar to mine either aren't doing enough, or have a more liberalized and jew-friendly doctrine.

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We already have a large, armed and trained militia prepared to fight. We're ready for things to heat up, it wont be much longer that we'll have to wait for the war to begin.

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You don't have to be a slave OP. You can opt out of your own semitic slavery.

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In the 1500 years of Christianity in Europe, Whites became the owners of the world basically. In a few decades of atheism, it went from that to being a colony for brown people.

Blaming Christianity for modernity is just retarded. We're already living in a post-Christian world for the most part, and there's the result.

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>Whites became the owners of the world basically

>implying the imperial era of europe didn't begin already during the decline of christianity after the renaissance

the peak of christian influence in Europe was from ~500AD to ~1500 AD, and the FACT remains that in this period, kikes gained a permanent foothold in Europe, despite muh expulsions, which mostly amounted to kikes having to change European country from one to another, given that the church despite being at the peak of its power NEVER took the drastic but necessary measures to get rid of the parasite

niggers and lower apes are impressed by sheer size alone, the expansionist policies of europeans were pushed largely by merchant pseudo-kikes worried about not being able to trade in the east mediterranean because of ottomans

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>Ever the sophist, an atheist is prepared to believe in Satan before he will believe in God. If you could move people the way you move goalposts, atheism would have already saved the day.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean? I explicitly asked what a christcuck would do if god was not the christian god, and you answer with jewish pilpul. What would you do if you were confronted with evidence by supernatural acts that god is not the abrahamitic deity known from the bible but something far stranger? Now we know, you would sprout rubbish and continue to christcuck. Do you understand why white nationalists hate christcucks? Because you worship and emulate our most hated enemy and you do it willingly. You are jews inside. Die.

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Even if you didn’t keep a copy of the warrant, which is already suspicious, you can get it from them at any time. Just stop by the cop shop or have your attorney stop by and pick up a copy. Maybe they’ll even email it to you. Unless you’re lying of course.

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You’re wasting your time. I already pointed out this logistical impossibility multiple times in the previous thread and OP glosses over it each time. LARP

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If you ever organize anything, I hope I get a chance to see it. You have been consistent this whole time and you are loyal to Christianity while staying National Socialist at the same time. The reason that I am not interested in OP anymore is because he said that most of his followers do not care for Christianity like he does and some of them do not care for it at all. I am only interested in people who are genuine Christian. Otherwise I might as well go join Atomwaffen the satanist group.

There is no National Socialism without Germans and their values.

There is no National Socialism without Christianity and their values.

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>All kneelers will be executed.

They are practicing Christianity incorrectly. No one but jews ever asked you to kneel.

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>~500AD to ~1500 AD

That is because where true Christians go, the entire planet prospers from their presence. In this case, TRUE Christians started migrating to the USA at that same time. TRUE Christians leaving Europe is what caused its economic and demographic decline. You got left with all the trash people (jews, atheists, brown turds and other riffraff) while all the productive people came to the USA. There is only one group of productive individuals on the entire planet, WHITE/EUROPEAN CHRISTIANS and the rest of the planet it simply trash, with the king of the trash being the jews.

The people who were left in Europe after the migration are little better than trash brown 'christians'. The prosperity and wealth of God travels with the people of God.

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>white nationalists

That pretty much says everything we need to know about jou.

What a faggot.

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Took a year for no to fucking mean no in your heads.

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Loyalty is the most honorable and respectful way to thank your own people.

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He is a kike anon.




Get it?

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The irony of this picture is that Syria is actually pretty 'White' in many ways (Caucasoid/Mediterranean) and some of the earliest historical Christian communities hail from Syria. What is so much better about Sweden, an egalitarian, feminist, neo-marxist, neo-liberal hellhole, than a Social Nationalist anti-Zionist state like Syria?

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>Social Nationalist anti-Zionist state like Syria?

The social nationalist party isn't ruling Syria, and anti-Zionism isn't anti-jewry, or even anti-Loxism.

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>You’re wasting your time. I already pointed out this logistical impossibility multiple times in the previous thread and OP glosses over it each time. LARP

I still needs to be repeated over and over again for those new to these threads. OPs claims are both logistically and casually impossible. He needs to stuff his followers into nonexistent housing before the election so he can win the election so he can evict the local people from their houses (!) so he has space to house his followers so he can win the election. It just doesnt work out. And on top of that we have the impossibility of combining christcuckery with national socialism. The moderator team has obviously been compromised since they dont purge these threads.

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why make a religion or another atheism with the same results?

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It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread and making sure that White/Europeans never do anything for themselves. You would almost think that you are all kike trash with the amount of free time you have devoted to demoralizing everyone in this thread.

Limitless funds based on your usury scam.

Must be nice to be a materialist kike.

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>It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread and making sure that White/Europeans never do anything for themselves.

This thread is a lie based on an impossibility.

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>It is amazing to me that you are all so devoted to this thread

> (24)

You can’t understand why anons would deride an extremely obvious liar? Do you think believing hard enough will make it real?

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It is almost like you don't realize I can recognize your voices whether you IP hop or not.

No comment about being faggot kikes.

No comment about usury.

No comment about demoralizing so that Whites don't ever achieve anything IRL.


Do I think believing hard enough will 'make it real'? I think brainstorming about the possibilities makes things real. I think you have to talk and plan before you achieve.

Of, course I think that if you want something hard enough you can manifest it in reality or vice versa.

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Basically you’re a schizo version of Oprah Winfrey.

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>only a mongrel part nigger kike calls their betters 'schizo'

Is this more of your 'advocating for European/Whites' on /pol/? More of your 'helpful suggestions' that are meant to cause the White race to make progress?

It is so typical of a parasitic trash race to never try to achieve anything for itself; it only tries to hold other people and races down so that its own pathetic limp dick nature cannot be noticed.


No comment about being faggot kikes.

No comment about usury.

No comment about demoralizing so that Whites don't ever achieve anything IRL.

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File: c390e3543650bd3⋯.jpg (58.06 KB,620x635,124:127,skeptical.jpg)


>rabbi jesus celebrated passover

>rabbi jesus made pilgrimage to jerusalem for passover

>pharisee saul celebrated passover

So, christians are telling me that the same god that killed all of those egyptian children would oppose abortion today?

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There's nothing correct about kikeinsanity.

If you're worshiping jewish gods and following their teachings, you're doing it wrong.

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lol…the jew in its native environment always tries to control another person's intimate personal beliefs.

You fags crack me up.

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File: c1dc778556415bf⋯.jpg (40.92 KB,511x671,511:671,1563602491043.jpg)

So a pharisee, a mohel, and an apostle walks into a bar.

The bar tender says, "Are you alone again Paul?"

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File: 842e4a9bf5d894c⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,255x255,1:1,kek2.jpg)

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Checked. Still following this.

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Nigger you don’t even understand greentext. Lurk 2 years.

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Obligatory bump on here.

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Fighting back. Given we have around 8 days left, let's see if OP is good or faking it.

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You should feel deep shame for how big of a sucker you are. Go to reddit. You will feel more at home there.

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God bless you and the other loyal sons of the Fuhrer as you follow the true path while rejecting the lies and distractions spewed by the kikes anti-christian slaves.

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Remember, OP, you did say first new week of August per >>13527321, which means you have 7 days at the latest to provide evidence of your victory and assumedly put up Starting a National Socialist Christian Cult 3 in celebration and with evidence of your win.

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You will literally never do anything. Kill yourself.

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File: 10559cff1593cdd⋯.webm (3.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Samaritan Woman and Jesus.webm)

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