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File: de278c962749edf⋯.jpeg (21.42 KB,428x424,107:106,E764EFFE-3A2E-494D-AA12-7….jpeg)

 No.13502903 [Last50 Posts]

Didn’t see a thread for this yet. Some beta-orbiter killed a thot e-celeb for selling nude pictures to losers. Sorry for the shit link. Will this become a new norm?


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BF of a thott killed the thott to disrupt her orbiters she was selling nudes to or something

Beta orbiters had no part in the killing aside from being the source for income which pissed off the bf.

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So Chad was to blame for this?

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If he was dating an E-celeb, he certainly wasn’t much of a Chad

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File: bc83f79810428d1⋯.jpg (38.3 KB,696x372,58:31,Bianca-Devins-Murdered-by-….jpg)

BF has the stray eye.

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who has the death pics?

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>In DMs with another friend on the Discord server that were shared with Rolling Stone, Devins makes reference to Clark being “so mad” that she held hands with this person and kissed him at the show.

He got cucked.

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He tried to kill himself and fail. Hardly a chad.

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File: 986c7b939b0fb89⋯.png (246.18 KB,620x567,620:567,nog.png)


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The death penalty for this bad toad.

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His response is actually pretty normal prior to the 1960's probably earlier since the beta male began to truly rise in that decade. There was a reason women were considered property. If they aren't your property then there's no incentive to a man to be with a woman.

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File: e4e3e2fc31ec11c⋯.png (35.06 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)


Wait, isn't being a Whore illegal?

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File: ccf1ff6b1352e77⋯.png (589.01 KB,720x609,240:203,1563217641026.png)

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File: 6ffc449d3a8eadb⋯.png (Spoiler Image,431.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1563143682729.png)

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Do not worry. If you become fit in body and mind, you will have a chance to purify your soul on the battlefield, fighting the foe until death alongside your brothers.

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>ethot killed

And nothing of value was lost.

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A young white woman of breeding age was killed and a white man will be in jail for the rest of his life for absolutely nothing.

I can't see nothing positive out of it.

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>implying an e-thot would have had a monogamous relationship and bear children in wedlock

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or that some faggot who got cucked by said e-thot should have reproduced.

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>why am I a virgin.jpg

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File: aa4611e465c6a41⋯.jpeg (20.26 KB,435x260,87:52,021F3A7E-E607-48E7-A54E-C….jpeg)

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This is white shariah in action

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>one eye on the streets, one eye on my girl with Tyrone between the sheets

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File: 6d7e5164a230112⋯.jpg (28.62 KB,786x518,393:259,6d7e5164a2301128c7b9526549….jpg)


Why are you posting Endomorphosis' revenge porn mugshot from two years ago? He's a cross-eyed fuckup, but he never killed anybody.

Pic related is the soylet who actually necked the bitch.

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File: 671f0ea5fd1a8b7⋯.png (161.75 KB,395x703,395:703,1563188738426.png)

File: 6cca1190f47e583⋯.png (374.24 KB,1536x2048,3:4,1563190493547.png)

File: 8be273db832c3c9⋯.png (172.46 KB,529x598,23:26,1563187024277.png)

Oh, and on the off chance anyone here thinks that this was in any way a tragedy, she was asking for it for a while, apparently.

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File: 26e3eeff3d9fa3d⋯.png (503.81 KB,592x609,592:609,ClipboardImage.png)

Thot status = patrolled

I heard there is a video, hopefully it surfaces.

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The autism patrol is on the hunt but no luck so far.

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Yeah, gonna have to go with "begged for it" with this one.

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File: 5625a7385416cc9⋯.png (515.35 KB,413x665,59:95,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: dca5442bf118143⋯.jpg (175.39 KB,1200x1583,1200:1583,dca5442bf118143ef1c0f52c9e….jpg)


Imagine being in the middle of a murder suicide and compulsively stopping everything to take a selfie.

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And having the time to type up a message, if he hadn't done it before slicing his throat. One of the articles I read said he had posted a video with the blood pouring out of his neck but I can't find that one either.

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Did ashes and echoes anon finally fucking do it?

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Murder Photos?

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Wow quick response time. Thanks mate. God Bless you and all. Especially her.

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File: d3a8645679a599d⋯.png (128.93 KB,504x320,63:40,ebin.png)



>chipping away at that sculpture of a perfect comment

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Sorry, spicspam. Beaniggers aren't white, you fucking subhuman filth.

You'll never be Aryan, you worthless street dog. And this is just one more reason why Euro Celts are going to hunt you down, and turn you to fertilizer, fucker.

Thanks for playing.

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What are you even replying to you schizophrenic nigger?

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Nah, Zon Kuthon would never go through with it.

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Thank me later.

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IP hopping won't hide you, faggot.

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you know, you actually bring up a really thought provoking statement here. it made me think.

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wow they took her absolutely cutest picture, full IG prep. None of the pics I saw of her looked even remotely that cute.

>inb4 Oh like her murder shot?

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Roasties never learn do they. If anything the kid did the world a favor

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No, if anything he just played into the jewish accelerationism scheme to put more vice grips on your balls while you whine and continue doing nothing as you should do nothing because you are a betacuck who posts about things only.

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Aryan Men will discipline our own straying Folk, you fucking faggot.

You are an enemy to your own if you can't use these instances to completely, and with unrelenting fury, hunt down every shitskin who even dares look in the direction of our women with lust or disdain.

You die first, traitor.

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t. juanito alvarezes alboquito darquanelo jamaliquan

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Yeah real Aryan Men need to man up and marry sluts!!

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Please stop doing this to each other. So pointless.

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t. varselez consuperres valconestez pabletera vayatroce parfuaniqua

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The way that bitch talked to him makes me wish more men would go this route.

Women do what men allow. Nothing more and NOTHING less.

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File: 24ba99a1200092e⋯.jpg (209.22 KB,1242x750,207:125,thot irony.jpg)


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ah yes, attack helpless women because you let your society be cucked by outside nations. seems legit.

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Yet another potential thread, totally destroyed by faggot shills, and the



You deserve what I have planned for you, faggots.

Keep poking. Laugh now while you can.

It's all coming down, and you know. You also know that you are utterly useless, and can't survive what's coming.

See you soon.

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Yeah she was our poor little helpless slut.

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The way you talk about her makes me wish more men would do to you what we all know is coming.

…tick tock, niggerkike.

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And you are our dickless, spineless, backstabbing incel faggot.

You die first, punk.

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correct, women are literally children.. you dont murder a child for being a retarded child, you ask yourself why you let your household become so buttfucked to allow such behaviors to play out.

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File: 49b8fb09e1c0784⋯.jpg (26.02 KB,326x268,163:134,49b8fb09e1c0784d3d24cdca86….jpg)

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You're so eager.

I'll remember that, nigger.

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cringe ass reddit picture, newfags.. you are really getting my fucking shit nice and pissed lately.

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File: 2f4bb93f096ea1d⋯.png (111.46 KB,297x183,99:61,flamenjuden.png)


The Fire Rises.

…and Rises.

…and Rises.

The Blazing Inferno is cooking their ass, and they actually think it's funny.


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Yes, kill me for daring to slander some Aryan goddess whoring herself online!


Children are children, women aren't. I believe in eugenics, retards die, I'm not going to shed tears for morons who want to see our lands turned into shitskin hellholes.

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Keep repeating yourself, faggot. You're sealing your fate. The Universe is listening to you, you little angry virgin bitch ass chump.

Your hippy mother was a nigger slut. Is that your hang up, nigger?

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Keep crying, nigglet. No one care about instagram hoes, they'll never love you.

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>shed a tear

Who the fuck is saying anything like that, you strawmanning pussy?

If you can't see the propaganda value in our women getting raped, murdered, and eaten by the shitskin horde of invading scum, and turning against the kikes that caused this, YOU are more brainwashed, and deserving of death than ANY of our poor women. The fact that you can't even grasp this simple fact, niggerbrain, is why your fucking mindless traitors will die first.

Enjoy your misery until them, nerd.

We'll be around to put you out of it soon enough.

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funniest part is the fan who isn’t sure. like they’ve stared at her for years and can’t tell it’s her?

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And round and round you go, ignoring every rational argument against your faggotry, and repeating yourself instead. Thanks for playing kikeshill.

Go jerk off to bologna porn, faggot.

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File: 1c7048a6100d761⋯.jpeg (874.59 KB,2544x4000,159:250,7A6918C3-209E-446A-BBC3-B….jpeg)




Lmao that bitch got turned into a Pez dispenser

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File: 5269a81015e263e⋯.jpg (65.05 KB,680x383,680:383,1455264836639.jpg)



>Jews pretending to be white men threatening to backtrace anonymous shitposter in defense of a sociopath caztio e-thot murdered by a selfie taking emo manlet.

Cool fuckin' story my dudes.

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the absolute state of your derp, child.

Changes nothing.

You die first, race traitor.

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>calls me a strawmanning pussy

>proceeds on strawmanning me

Most of these hoes are far too gone, none of them are going to care about the gore you will show them. And even if you fix it that way, they'll do it all over again.


You have made no arguments, you just lost your spaghetti over a woman who was whoring herself out. You are the reason why our side is full of useless bitches. Wimps like you excuse all kinds of behavior as long as you get your validation.

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File: 1900c2f916081f4⋯.jpg (13.3 KB,474x355,474:355,quadroon sam.jpg)


>race traitor.

But I don't have any mixed blood like this dead strumpet, so who does laughing at this betray?

Go to your local urban shithole and bring home a junkie hooker to rehabilitate if you got savior issues with shitty goblina women. Nobody here gives a shit.

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File: a445ae09addb20b⋯.gif (1.77 MB,480x265,96:53,RWCS.gif)


round and round with our stawman bullshit.

Not a single argument was made to "shed a tear for a slut"

Not a single argument was made to "fixing these bitches"

No one is "losing spaghetti", you fucking brainlet.

No one is "excusing all kinds of behavior", you fucking strawmanning yid!


PERIOD! Ignoring this very simple concept, in EVERY THREAD regarding murdered thots is how we ALL know who, and what you niggers are, and why you come here en masse to push what you're selling.

And it's working, niggers. WE ARE PISSED!

You know what comes next, but you're far too psychopathic to know when to stop poking.

Thank you.

You are pushing more people to our Organization with this shit, than the stories of these bitches themselves. You're too fucking stupid to even see yourselves anymore inside your tiny jewed bubble.

You lost your Power, kikes.

And now it is all in OUR hands.

We are patient. We are cunning. This scares the shit out of you. You react irrationally. We grow stronger. We wait. We record EVERYTHING!

We're coming, subhuman filth.

It's nearly time to clean OUR house of your vile infection.

Keep poking, faggots.

Just keep poking.

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File: 61fe2c8368949a7⋯.jpg (5.79 KB,300x300,1:1,terry warning.jpg)


>our Organization

Your posts glow so bright I need sunglasses to read them.

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It betrays every Aryan Man trying to protect our Nations from this filth, you little nigger.

STILL ignoring the actual issue, you shill faggot.


Who else wants to repeat the kike mantra, proving once again why you are here?

Your game is fucking spent, niggers.

We're coming.

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File: 91e427d43abdb76⋯.png (17.78 KB,255x252,85:84,489dee4c583e09dc408124ec45….png)




Address the concept, and offer some ideas on how this can be used to further our


Oh, that's not why you're here?

Who the fuck could you niggers possibly be working for?

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Get a load of this shill above me

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File: 8acb97cb410fb3b⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,356x355,356:355,5cd7ace340821637bea601cae9….jpg)



If you cared about that, you'd be on the normalfag shithole of your choice shoving it down normalfag throats instead of picking e-fights with anonymous shitpoters and acting like some kind of attomwaffen faggot.

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Yes, I'm shilling for the survival of the White Race by any means necessary.

What the actual fuck are you doing here, kikebot?

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>imaging thinking this is how caucasians speak

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I’m the OP actually. You’ll never be white

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>No one is "losing spaghetti", you fucking brainlet.

Re-read yourself, 15 posts worth of psycho shit for some hoe. There's no propaganda potential with her, she's white and she got killed by a white guy for being a hoe.

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We come together here first to


you derailing nigger.


All talking shit.

Yeah. You're a pol/ack, huh? Very organic.

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>being a hoe.

<imaging thinking this is how caucasians speak

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>still pushing the false narrative that I give a single damn shit about the thot, and haven't, multiple times already, fully explained my angle.

Keep 'em coming, yid.

You're only embarrassing yourself, and destroying the reason you're here.

Hating Aryan Women for the sole purpose of the joy of it, is HIGHLY kikey, nigger. You idiots are too fucking stupid to understand how badly you glow.

Now, about that potential



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Aryan women don't whore themselves out on instagram but go ahead, explain to me how you are going to propagandize her since she got murdered by a White guy?

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You're already nothing, nigger. That's why you're here.

Crawling up the White Man's ass until he scratches you is so exciting for you neanderkikes because it's the only Spiritual Energy you'll ever get close enough to "feel".

Keep it coming.

This thread is hardly worth protecting from your sliding, so, we'll just use it as yet another lesson in teaching the newfags about what you fuckers get paid to do here, day in and day out.

This is your life, faggots.

YOU will never be Aryan. No matter what.

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File: 3a8410f0b46c1ff⋯.jpg (94.53 KB,1120x630,16:9,9c837723b9e4d4d96947e305eb….jpg)



Take a deep breath, change your diaper, and ask yourself if this >>13503188 is the hill you think any propagandist worthy of writing a fucking cigarette ad would think this could be in anyway a smart hill to die on. Fucking sped.

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>White guy?


That beanermix ain't white, you mong. Now you've completely exposed yourself, nigger.

Keep 'em coming.

This board needs more awareness of just how many of you faggot are here so desperately trying to keep your own throats from getting drained.

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Funny how all of your posts are so butthurt. Fuck off roastie-lover

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Hey, dipshit!

Throw it on the pile with the other 6000 women from the past 5 years, and no one will notice. But you're not even willing to do that for your people.

Because, she is not your people, kike.

You love this shit.

Remember, yid…

The pendulum swings both ways.

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Nice cope faggot, he's clearly White, now explain how are you going to propagandize that >>13503188

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>roastie lover

round and round and round with the already buried strawman.

You niggers SUCK at your job.

And you're only bringing more to our fold.

How long do you honestly think you have left before it all pops, and Right Wing Death Squads coming knocking?

I'm actually quite enjoying your anxiety, and desperate attempts to save your filthy bloodlines.

I'm very much going to enjoy the rest of the show.

Keep poking, niggers.

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File: 60278f7eed21fb3⋯.png (306.16 KB,786x518,393:259,ClipboardImage.png)


>clearly White


You worthless kikeniggers aren't even trying!

Where the fuck do you think you are right now, faggot?

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Answer the question faggot, how are you going to propagandize this >>13503188

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That's what I'm asking, you red herring lobbing nigger.

Why don't you help instead of laughing at murdered women, you fucking psycho faggot incel?!!!

Are you truly this fucking worthless in life, or is this just your shill game?

If you can't think of a single way that a foreign horde invasion of raping cannibal shitskins, walking over borders dropped by kikes hiding as "Whites" in positions of power, and raping, murdering, and eating our women and children, while we get dehumanized as "RACISTS!", or imprisoned for "HATE SPEECH!" if we dare utter a whimper in protest, then you're thoroughly, and completely worthless as a human being, let alone an Aryan Man.

Does your half breed whore mommy wipe your ass too, nigger.

Go play, kike. You exposed yourself already.

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If we win, and who among us doesn't plan to, then this is yet another fertile white woman who will never get the chance to be rehabilitated. I once saw a clip of one of Hitler's speeches, I couldn't say which it was, but in it he proclaims it the duty and honor of the NSDAP to lead their people back into the arms of the national community. It's stuck with me ever since, and it's probably why this makes me no happier than seeing a victim of diversity.

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File: d01deb30bab93f2⋯.jpg (90.32 KB,600x803,600:803,It's fucking nothing.jpg)


>Because, she is not your people,

Correct, I'm not a fucking goblino mongrel like this stupid thot is was, that's the point I've been trying to drill into your rock-fuck gorilla nigger skull the whole time. She wasn't white. He wasn't white. They were both mentally deranged. Nothing of value was lost on either side.

Now if you wanted to use this as an angle to redpill normalfags on the gruesome realities of the nightmare romance has become thanks to (((social media ))) enabling women to be whores and men to be niggerbrained chad wannabes/spineles betabux simps, then maybe you'd have something to wok with.

But you don't want to play this smart, you want to beat on your faggot war drum and have us all pretend that this was actually a white woman and that anyone should give a fuck, which makes me think you're probably one of those retarded self loathing half spic White Nationalist LARPers you see here from time to time.

tl;dr - fuck off, spic.

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>you dont murder a child for being a retarded child

Murder is such a harsh word, I prefer…ethnic janitorial services :^)

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You didn't ask anything you chimped out and you didn't read any of the screencap. There's no propagandizing it, she was an utter piece of shit and we're all better off without her.

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both you will change your tune once your balls drop. Gotta get past the cracks in your voices first.

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Ah, but you ARE a goblino mongrel.

And that's obvious by the fact that the ONLY reason you're even talking about possible propaganda now is because I buried your


narrative with simple, plain, and obvious logic, yid, and now you're backpedalling, hoping to revive your bullshit shilling.

>have us all pretend that this was actually a white woman

>anyone should give a fuck.

Same, BTFO strawman for the 15th time? REALLY, nigger?

You kikes glow in the daylight, faggot.

>White Nationalist LARPers.

Oh, there you are, spicspam.

You nearly had me there for a minute.

Hiop your IPs, and see if you can convince the rest of the anons that there is a consensus here to turn our backs on our women when they are brutally raped, and murdered.

You don't know when to quit, nigger.

I thank you for that, you impulsive petulant faggot. Kids these days. sheesh.

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>That's what I'm asking, you red herring lobbing nigger.

Let me use your faggoty post template

To see if it gets your attention

The answer is:


If you really gave a fuck

You would have been doing something about it for years with the White Victims of Black Crime threads. There is literally enough propaganda material for decades of work there.

Instead you just wake up today now that your favorite instagram roastie got her turn.

You are a nigger.

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> There's no propagandizing it


more empty mockery


>You would have been doing

I have, and am, strawmanning kike.

And if you were not a fucking kike, you would know to jump on EVERY circumstance the moment it happens, WITH the nigger crime wave to back it up.

Besides, I've already been mostly deleted from the internet proper by your fucking kikes for my "NAZI WRONGTHINK!".

How much longer do you think your shit will hold together?

You are obviously the nigger.

You're going to die, and you know it. It's why you're here so desperately trying to save your already extinct ass.


I truly can not wait to meet as many of you faggots as I possibly can!

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File: 808b29566f377a8⋯.png (202.86 KB,395x703,395:703,bitch.png)


>empty mockery

nigger talking bitches get morgue'd


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File: d2d2ffce68b016b⋯.gif (956.8 KB,500x418,250:209,AAC96A4F-4F1B-4FD6-A714-6C….gif)

Anyone find the videos yet?

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Ok, prove me wrong then, propagandize it. Have you read the screencaps?

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Real men don't let women get away with anything they want to

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>Rolling Stone

>Linking John Flynt's distorted transfailure account as a comment for the post

Wow…didnt think Rolling Stone would even go as low as getting near the same person who thought throwing rocks from the moon could be considered a weapon.

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And yet again you gents of /pol/ are shown that cuckime watchers are goddamn mental parasites that will serve as enablers for the worst kind of people on the world.

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I don't have to. You're just going to die instead.


By blaming the victim, that's EXACTLY what you're doing, nigger.

You kikes suck at this.

Your CONSTANT demoralization and negativity gives you away.

unless you pathetic White niggers really are this insufferable in real life?

Nah. Even the worst Aryans aren't this fucking kiked in the head. This shit stems directly from your bloodline, and your susceptibility to mental disease.

That's why you must be removed.

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>I don't have to. You're just going to die instead.

But I thought you wanted to make propaganda, what happened? Did you read the screencaps and realize that she was a piece of shit?

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>Even the worst Aryans

Newsflash /b/eta-faggot


Shut your mouth and find out why.

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You're in the way, kike. Derailing this thread on purpose, nigger. And now you're playing innocent, faggot.

You are going to die.


I'm fucking Chad, you pathetic faggot. I've turned down more 10s than you'll ever talk to.

I grew up in a time when our women still praised and worshipped us, kid.

Pussy was plentiful.

Sorry you pitiful faggots missed it. But don't hate your women for it, or your pathetic life will never change.

Go outside, incel.

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Have you read the screencaps?

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File: 2b2f1ba375a10b9⋯.jpg (12.47 KB,325x166,325:166,fc7f9fcced0535aca3b3189fd3….jpg)


>pussy is plentiful

>as he posts in a mongolian basket weaving forum

Are you fucking 12? This is fuciing 90s AOL tier shit.

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> read the screencaps and realize that she was a piece of shit?



Oh, no! Did she treat you groveling faggots just like the groveling faggots that you are?

Oh no! SHE is the piece of shit, NOT you! And definitely not the niggerbrain who offed her either!

You fucking morons.

Like I said, you are under YOUR half of the kike brainwashing, and you're just as dumb as your fellow bitches for falling for it. Worse.

You are the Aryan Men who should know better, and lead your women back to the Traditional Fold. But instead, you fall deeper into the yid trance.

You're already dead. What are you even doing on this board, you useless faggots.

You are definitely NOT National Socialists.

You don't belong.

Go jerk off to Blacked. That's the best you're going to feel today.

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sigh, just screen shots i guess?

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File: d50ea7374c67f6b⋯.jpg (54.86 KB,480x599,480:599,political cartoon.jpg)



>By blaming the victim

>susceptibility to mental disease.

Listen to yourself. You're the kind of dumb nigger who's gonna fall for a white looking kikess with a nosejob and get his mind completely raped into her submission with her "poor me" act. You're fucking doomed, simp.

Assuming she was white and had a soul, for the sake of argument, why the fuck would you need our help to propagandize such a blatantly sensationalist crime in the first place, anyway? We've done shit like this a million times before. We have book threads that feature written by JOESEPH FUCKING GOEBBELS, THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST MINISTER OF FUCKING PROPAGANDA. if you still need somebody to hold your hand with cramming redpill suppositories up normalfag asses in the year of our fucking lord CY+4.5, then you're as stupid as you are brown.


To be fair it's the newfangled moeshit that's to blame. Nobody turned into a dogfucker or a tranny after watching ninja scroll or fist of the north star.

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Women who cheat deserve death. Men used to get off on temporary insanity pleas if they murdered someone they were with after finding out they cheated.

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Aww, you're just jealous, faggot.

You missed the Rock Star era.

And you're pathetic mockery is just that. Pathetic.

Keep it up, and you'll be a virgin forever, He-Man.

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LARP harder faggot. The only time you have ever seen a pussy was on you screen. Out of all those tens you supposedly talked to did you tell any of them to have white babies and stop being hedonist?

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Nice try, yid.

Keep hating Aryan women. It's all you know, faggot.

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File: d1218cc6cbf1232⋯.jpg (51.47 KB,640x312,80:39,d1218cc6cbf1232aa5ead855c9….jpg)



Thanks for playing. Goodnight.

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Pussy flowed like wine before you poor faggots were stuck behind these screens, jerking it to mommy porn.

We didn't even have any porn, you mindwarped, incel faggot.

And yes, my wife today is very non hedonist, you poor faggot.

But you'll never know what that's like.

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File: a8ca50cfe96bee4⋯.jpg (67.18 KB,609x720,203:240,a8ca50cfe96bee4406b1eb3bc2….jpg)


This is some bottom of the barrel LARPing nonsense.

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ran out of bullshit, and NO ONE got demoralized.

Go get fired, glownigger.

You suck at this job.

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>Oh, no! Did she treat you groveling faggots just like the groveling faggots that you are?

>Oh no! SHE is the piece of shit, NOT you! And definitely not the niggerbrain who offed her either!

Post proofs that I've offered her money or that I've tried to fuck her.

>You are the Aryan Men who should know better, and lead your women back to the Traditional Fold. But instead, you fall deeper into the yid trance.

But you said right here you didn't want to fix these bitches >>13503512

You seem like you're the one who'd be groveling at her feet to fuck her. Now tell me, how to you plan on making pro NatSoc propaganda with this whore.

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>derp derp, ran out of even clever edgy shit to say

Go outside, you little faggot.

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He should have just dumped her. Her behavior was despicable but it didn't really justify her being murdered, although she was kind of dumb to repeatedly poke the sore spot of someone who clearly has mental issues.

Sage for not really being /pol/-related.

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>post proof

>post proof

>post proof.

You lying kikes never PROVE anything, neandernigger.

Fuck off.

You know you buy Tranny bath water on subscription, you sodomite. You aren't fooling anyone.

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File: fdcbeacd51a30d9⋯.jpg (19.78 KB,299x433,299:433,dude what.JPG)


Careful, you might burn out the 3 brain cells you have left trying this hard.

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I don't care. This is like a Muslim killing a Jew. Simply does not involve me, nor /pol/.

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>no vid

From what I've read no vid will be forthcoming, was exposed on another site posted itt that it was a lie for anon insta account.

Sad event, two people treating each other violently and now 2 lost lives. I can't wait to see what level we "progress" to next. Just think how easily this could have been avoided if either had a proper role model in their lives, prolly boomer parents shoving useless blue pill platitudes rather then real truth, aka stop being a whore and stop being a cuck.

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>But you said right here you didn't want to fix these bitches

Another strawman, yid?

I never said I didn't want to fix our straying women. I said no one in this thread made that argument that you strawmanned into your crosshairs, kike.

You are exposing yourself as kike with every post, kike.

Keep following your asinine, and schizophrenic training, yid.

The newfags need to see this shit.

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Explains a lot. Does you wife ever let your wee wee free from its cage you cuck.. "All white women are queens" how is it rasing Tyrones kid?

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Go change your Depends grandpa

you're starting to stink

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I don't think hes that old, just clinically retarded.

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You're the one who never proves anything, you use ad hominems and accuse me of doing the things you do.


No strawman here, just the truth. You are a simp larping as a top dog.


I've seen boomers act like that before.

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File: 6e09542ab2cfbf8⋯.jpg (97.38 KB,680x888,85:111,not my fucking business.jpg)


This nigger gets it.

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File: 080a0a69c660119⋯.jpg (95.68 KB,508x720,127:180,maximum_thumbs.jpg)


BASED. Dead roastie got proper fucked.



I hope she bled out slowly. You know she voted for Obama and Clinton as well hahahaha these are fun threads.


Not everyone can take out A++ targets, anon. Everyone should do their part to their ability. I will personally strap vests on our most autistic members and call them Ubers for where they need to go.

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>"All white women are queens"

The same fucking strawman (27) now.

Are you fucking kikes even capable of having a real conversation?



OH! LOOK!! More kike brainwashing seeping out of the lost generations on EVERY level of demoralization!

Keep flinging shit at your own people, you little nigger.

You die first, traitor.



Come on, you little faggots. You're not even trying now. Or is this the best you got? You're lazy. You don't have the stamina for simple shit fest, let alone what is going to be expected of you sooner than later.

Just go kill yourselves already. You know you want to.



Why the fuck would I follow any rules of social engagement with subhuman, shitflinging niggers?

You're just pissed now cuz some old man is so much better at this than you useless shit smears. Among MANY things. Including fucking hotties.

Keep shitting up the thread, incels. It's fucking adorable to watch you get so angry at your own pathetic lives.

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File: 0c156fdf1141894⋯.jpg (438.14 KB,1500x1500,1:1,turtle.jpg)


I see you put on some neck protection, anon.

Very smart!

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File: e5cada075516cbc⋯.png (305.99 KB,855x643,855:643,e5cada075516cbc6fc90da81b3….png)


I like your attitude. You'd make a good internment camp guard.

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IP hopping kikes laughing at the murder of young women. You think you're safe, don't you?

What is protecting any of you anymore?

What is stopping us anymore?


The math checks out.

You're fucked.

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File: fac656978f5a863⋯.jpg (170.09 KB,646x539,646:539,IMG_6475.JPG)


>Joy Lane

Holy shit lol…

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>spic kills racemixing whore

Nothing of value was lost


He's probably a spic

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File: 9cb1ee1b8bf1509⋯.jpg (49.77 KB,406x480,203:240,cancer.jpg)



Do you think about the ridiculous shit you post before you hit submit or do you just vomit out whatever comes to mind until you've spent all of your menstrual emotions?

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Do you, lil niggy?

Too arrogant to know when to be embarrassed for being a subhuman faggot.

>can't even meme, cuckchan

What are you even doing here, nigger?

Oh, that's right…

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File: 9ce6b37f398acc9⋯.jpg (81.27 KB,680x617,680:617,8b7.jpg)



>Why the fuck would I follow any rules of social engagement with subhuman, shitflinging niggers?

You're the one who started chimping out, not me, you're the one who started calling other people names acting all high and mighty, you purposefully misrepresented things and when you finally read the screencaps you LARPed even harder because you couldn't admit that you were wrong. You derailed the thread and now you're trying to reframe the whole conversation. YOU ARE the subhuman.


Dude, it's the boomer in pic related. Have you seen all of his posts?

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File: b61356646c57c84⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,500x604,125:151,(you).jpg)


You little commie shit smears expose yourself with every post.


Do you know how I know yet, you sperging faggots?


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Talk about too soon

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File: 1d873dd17d6acbe⋯.jpg (126.26 KB,750x537,250:179,1d873dd17d6acbef7f5675a0ed….jpg)


Only meme you're bringing to the table is an incarnation of the boomer memes. Way to go, you sure showed us.

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Keep crying boomer.

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Oh, is that how it all went down.

Cool story, you thread derailing shill.


Victim blaming strawmans.

Who do you niggers think you're fooling around here? Do you even know where you are?

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>meanwhile, at 42…

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My post count is 17 not 32, are you sure you know where you are boomer?

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After being shown that you're generational D&C brainwashing is even worse than the racemixing brainwashing our women go through.

And you arrogant little shits just keep doubling down and repeating yourselves.

I'M embarrassed FOR you little idiots now.

Your generation is so fucked, and if you keep pushing, none of us are going to give much of a shit much longer.

We're out first. You get to hang around and deal with this ClownWorld, totally unequipped, and with only a fraction of the knowledge and wisdom that is now, as we speak, getting scrubbed from the web. You're lost.

You're fucked.

You're disrespectful to everything, everyone, and yourself.

You're all alone, incel.

Good luck.


Reading comprehension, little nigger. Get into it.

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>All alone

>as you get dogged by 6 seperate anons

This is now becoming just sad to watch. Your delusion is palpable.

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You're the one who's all alone.

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>Hey! What happened?! Why am I in a cage getting fucked by a dozen nigger trannies everyday?

Good luck, little shit stains.

I'm out. Fuck you if you can't move forward on your enemies mistakes. morons.


IP hopping niggers don't count, little faggot.


Oh, so you've never been in a Militia then? Bike Club? Sports? Hunting?

Do you little fucking housepets ever even go outside?

Keep projecting faggots. You will NEVER get a chance to live life now. Your entire world is on kikennigger lockdown, and all you're doing is laughing as it all gets flushed before your eyes.

Great job.

Like I said, you are the ones who have to live with this shit for the next 60 years.

You're already extinct.

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File: e0c854900ae4930⋯.jpeg (24.46 KB,474x296,237:148,SmugInaCrowd.jpeg)


Keep sperging on each other, little niggers.

I'm done with your shit.

You deserve everything that's coming.

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>everyone is IP hopping

Ok, so where are you buddies? Retirement home, shitting their adult diapers I take it?

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Don't care.

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How to you draw the conclusion:

>Oh, so you've never been in a Militia then? Bike Club? Sports? Hunting?

From me replying to you that you're the one who's all alone? You don't seem like you're all there, maybe it's time for you to go to sleep forever boomer>

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The more women are killed and replaced by artificial wombs, the better.

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>Dude, it's the boomer in pic related. Have you seen all of his posts?

He's probably the same nigger who spilled his spaghetti in the thread about the boomer antifa faggot getting merced.

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File: c87d7a1dff3735c⋯.gif (27.05 KB,240x240,1:1,1263543295103.gif)

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File: 05326d3bf0f78fd⋯.jpg (578.5 KB,1925x1081,1925:1081,boomie.jpg)

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Didn't you have a wife faggot. Where's you kids huh you low t couldn't get you wife pregnant or you don't give a shit about you children and don't care what happens to them?

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File: 34fa24c297a1fbd⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,548x360,137:90,bowiecrowley.jpg)


>You missed the Rock Star era.

Check it out guys. Our moral superior is mocking us because we weren't born in time to participate in two decades of drug abuse and casual sex while literal fucking OTO mages pumped kabblistic nigger beats into their head under the guise of "rock and roll". The worst thing is that his parents probably tried to slap some sense into him, but the morals they tried to teach him, which he pretends to champion today, were too "square" for him, I bet.

How ridiculously disgusting.

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Lol you're a faggot. Stay mad. If the screencaps are true, this bitch deserved it.

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Why add stuff, white child is born - thats it.

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Lol fucking betas I hate when some stand up to me because then I have to beat the shit out of them just to impress my freinds lol.Like i don't know why they do it their arms are like tooth picks.

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True. Slap your bitch more people, or she will slap you.

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White children to a slut mom hmmmm 🤔 I wonder if these kids will grow up to be a productive member of their race?

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Are you a bot, or a retard who didn't read OP past the headline?

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I did faggot the bich was a slut she got killed by a beta faggot

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File: 3657b3a598f5313⋯.jpg (83.64 KB,926x1080,463:540,IMG_20190715_223338.jpg)

Mystery solved: She cucked him and he snapped. Pic related allegedly being the guy she was cheating with, at the moment he learns that she got her head sawed off.

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File: 3501fe4477b2dd2⋯.jpg (79.58 KB,908x1080,227:270,IMG_20190715_223342.jpg)


Forgot the first image.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And here's a song from the band she was seeing the night she died. Sad feelz music, this song is literally about getting diddled by your uncle. You can't make this shit up.

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Mongolian Basket lmao

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Pictured here is a vengeful schizo attempting to intimidate a stranger on the internet. Pay attention to the "sentence" structure.

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File: 735a92d77b21fbf⋯.mp4 (657.45 KB,480x320,3:2,What is up wit yo eye![Low….mp4)

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do bella next

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File: 05ffd33a26b39c1⋯.jpg (72.07 KB,960x960,1:1,65311441_2105205296438923_….jpg)



Are you fucking new?

>>13503999 (checked)


Based honour killing

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Nay drunk.

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Tbh I bounce in here once in a while every so often but since the whole Epstein case ive been here alot more. Epstein caught my attention, but as soon as the temple was noticed, it became a subject based on that other religion. As an Orthodox Christian I had to stand by.

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>white man

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File: a75cd1fc9630377⋯.jpg (358.89 KB,780x760,39:38,gayvatar.jpg)


t. Radanul pabed cumiezec daray tiram riesec re seyen ilanaham-mita Jamalirayan

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File: 4fbd6766371408d⋯.jpg (188.55 KB,1038x635,1038:635,4fbd6766371408d5b8e817f117….jpg)


Thot Status: Patrolled

Egirl Status: Cancelled

The best is on Twatter under the #RIPBianca tag, so many wamans and white knights puffing their chests out and declaring jihad against incels.

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Pick only one.

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Ewhore thot BTFO

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What I gathered: She knew about her power of being attractive, played games like making out with another man on the same party where the bf was, maybe thought women also are strong like Captain Marvel, and this is how it ended. She overplayed her cards.

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File: 323b452e4b78db7⋯.png (1.38 MB,640x960,2:3,2.png)

Can anyone spoonfeed me what is the sperging here about? I don't care to read all this shitposting but this back-and-forth takes about 80% of this thread.

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It's a bot. It has been doing the same shit for days now. Someone who is not on tor needs to report it.

Polite sage.

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got it.

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The boomer freak was coming from the right place, whenever you see white guys cheering on and laughing at degenerate shit like murder and rape, you know we’re pretty damn far from anything remotely resembling an effective or decent community. It’s not that hard, the National Socialists literally wrote the book on how to do shit effectively, but it starts with purging this internal Jew that has possessed so many of our lads

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Read the article posted in the OP?????? The back and forth is the work of one shillbot. Anyone who feels the need to respond to every single post disagreeing with him, or generally posting in the same thread every 5 minutes, is someone shilling something.

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In fact, I dare ALL feminists to invite a guy to a gathering, then publicly make out with someone else when there.

What could possibly go wrong?

Then challenge the beta to a fight.

Show how stronk feminist wimmenz you are! It'll be a GREAT opportunity to demonstrate your dominance!

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Reminds me of this:


Don't know or care how to embed. If you don't like it, kys.

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Sometimes you set examples, sometimes you make examples.

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>Fucking retard coaxes man to the point where he commits a failed murder suicide, and takes her retarded, doubled down on, narcissistic tendencies at least she was honest about it, but this just seemed like psychopathic behavior with her to the grave after destroying her BF's already fucked mental health enough that he damn near decapitates her and /r9k/ faggots and her discord are offended because she was physically attractive

One less cunt in the world. Sounds crude, but if every psychopathic cunt did this, the world could actually possibly be a better place. The Jews, the Narcissistic Psychopaths, physically expunged like rodents.

A thread died for this.

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Good job you didn't neck her, dosent change the fact she most likely is still a slut.

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I don't believe you fucked anything.

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What is it with schizos here and outing themselves through text formatting? Does being a schizo also make you semi-illiterate?

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it can be adapted.

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Are there people that can actually have sympathy for this bitch?

sage because I don't see this thread as being that political

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File: 85cb07827005c0f⋯.png (1.97 MB,1500x1000,3:2,incels10.png)

reminder OC

incel = involuntary celibate = disabled

Remember those retractions and apologies we got when they first started using the term "incel"? No? Maybe it's time you reminded them.

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Adultery is supposed to be punished by death.

Dude murdered her for supposedly committing adultery.

He did this because he knows the civil authorities no longer punish adultery, hence her predisposition to pursue her thottery.

Dude kills her when he finds out.

If adultery was punishable by the death penalty either by civil authorities or if there were church courts of arbitration analogous to those in the middle ages / 1st century who weren't afraid to hold trials for her crimes, then there wouldn't have been murder. It would have been tried based on ethics and evidence and there would have been a just execution following a trial.

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File: 2e28c4d84ad4f4d⋯.jpg (140.64 KB,900x1350,2:3,1488257502224.jpg)

>e-thot gets what she deserves

And nothing of value was lost.

Too bad she couldn't have been more traditional. Maybe she wouldn't be a corpse right now.

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incels are basement-dwelling mouth-breathing vermin who have no concept of hygiene, fitness, or adult behavior and yet somehow it's never their fault that they're fucking disgusting

I wish every single one of them could be shoveled into a goddamn oven and their ashes used to pave something useful

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File: d489ac55cc22243⋯.png (1.26 MB,881x1533,881:1533,incel01.png)

File: 0268eae77bca897⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x1223,1200:1223,incel02.png)

File: e031aa81f0b0b33⋯.jpg (159.75 KB,960x540,16:9,incel07.jpg)

File: 2e5ca07ba7920e7⋯.png (483.66 KB,1142x1117,1142:1117,incel03.png)

File: b585c316bdeec77⋯.png (700.21 KB,615x983,615:983,incel04.png)


able-ist bigot

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The unfortunate thing is that as civilization falls we will see more and more vigilante justice which is more inclined to hurt innocents.

We should do our best to recreate the court system after the fall of civilization to lessen the amount of innocents getting lynched.

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>This incel propaganda won't work

>won't work

>Doesn't know it already did.

>Didn't read post that told him it has already worked

newfag nigger

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>>13502911 (checked)

> paying for nudes to some cam-whore when there are millions on internet for free

Just hire escort you fucking idiots

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File: 3c1c84029545be6⋯.jpg (256.09 KB,850x1200,17:24,IMG_1237.jpg)

Please come to my yuri idol and bait thread!

General Yuri Idol and Bait Discussion Thread


This thread is for:

*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles. Canon and non-canon both welcome.

*News reports about things relevant to our interest

*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics

*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous thread: https://boards.4chan.org/u/thread/2923574#p2923574

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File: 369ebede8a7656e⋯.jpg (122.29 KB,1649x1056,1649:1056,1471057780127.jpg)


We're gonna have a lot more than courts to rebuild friendo.

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So go fuck them for us.

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File: 6e92be2074ccee5⋯.png (683.38 KB,537x564,179:188,p.PNG)

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Looks down on the tard in "pathetic".

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>is still frequently used for

>nigger can't-into-read


>Maybe it's time you reminded them

Remind means to tell again nigger

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that’s not how the brain works. it’s possible to cause a man to have his pair bond get activated even when it’s obvious that it’s dumb. the pair bond thing is a low function of the brain.

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File: 309637b4f3b3a65⋯.png (63.87 KB,251x241,251:241,13917237455.png)

>Celebrating the death of a white girl who was murdered Shariah style by a spic.

I mourn the fact that a white girl who should of been preparing to marry a white man was led down this path by bad parenting, jewish propaganda and jews who have held her hand down this path with the intent to have my race bred out of existence or outright exterminated.

I do not find this funny.

Lots of non-whites, jews and degenerates on /pol/. Don't worry, you will have your night of the long knives.

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Wait, hold up, she's a jew? Everything in my above post stands, but not for this girl.

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It's just that the enemy in our ranks are a lot more tenacious, degenerate and plentiful than in 1934. Can you imagine MGTOW, MRA, incels etc even being an issue back then? Fuck, how low we have fallen in under 100 years

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she isn't a jew

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based namer of the spics

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>mourning like a faggot


>i am retarded

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Certain actions have consequences and he carried trough. And nothing of value was lost, people die by the hundred thousands a day. Hypocrites

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video shoahed

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*tips fedora*


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pretty sure I could have made a better video

oh fuck, now there's something i'm sure is supposed to be singing but it sounds like a guinee pig on helium.

fuck this shit i'm going home!

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fuck off boomer, does it hurt to know you fucking ruined everything and then pointed the finger at your children? how exactly do you think you are helping us?

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lol retarded nigger

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File: ca472c2b4a50d96⋯.png (103.06 KB,403x347,403:347,soyboomer.png)

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File: 89a1043fe2f2b7b⋯.gif (3.89 MB,240x300,4:5,Hot.gif)

Death is an appropriate penalty for thots. See you in Valhalla, champion.

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File: be29244a57b7266⋯.jpg (21.87 KB,640x442,320:221,18a17d6ec7164a13c180e878f7….jpg)

File: 32992651e7a9eec⋯.png (144.65 KB,1181x866,1181:866,32992651e7a9eecd326caff250….png)

File: 1d4a85ca6a6b816⋯.png (562.23 KB,1795x754,1795:754,thereal8chan.png)



Can't divide what was never united. Boomers did nothing to repeal the Civil Rights Act, they subjected themselves to increasingly corrupt political parties and politicians, they worried more about muh health care and their fucking 401k plans. They served themselves at the expense of their children, and we're left to pick up the pieces of an extremely fucked up country. Consumerism never tasted so bitter. They are the votecucks who told us to admire civil disobedience. Fuck them all.

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There it is

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File: 120eb732c307896⋯.png (256.88 KB,1851x1299,617:433,what happened to bianca.png)


Here's what actually happened.

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Valhalla haha! If there is a hell, both of these lost creatures are en route

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from what i've heard this was her boyfriend and she was cheating on him with the guy that killed her, who was some sort of family friend.

people on cuckchan are getting the two mixed up. neither were incels, and bianca was the only one involved that had an association with 4chan etc. cuckchanners think that the dude was one of "them" because he adopted some of their lingo which he likely picked up from her. other people from their home town have said the killer was a myspace-tier emo faggot who liked to go dumpster diving for other emo thots and repeatedly flipped out on them.

drugs were likely involved in this. i'm guessing one or both of them did "thizz" or dirty ecstasy usually MDMA + methylone which causes this type of depression-fueled violence. him pussying out on the throat-slitting makes me think this too, since this drug makes pain more intense.

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File: c847c19dba71558⋯.webm (7.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,[SFM] - Scout gets Attack….webm)

File: ace55afcdf720c6⋯.webm (5.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,OwO What's This_.webm)

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Who's got the full-size image, and not a just a screenshot of shitcord?

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File: d14f12d3a02ef1a⋯.jpg (527.48 KB,750x996,125:166,1563142887927.jpg)

File: eea26f67828011c⋯.jpg (69.34 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1563132755430.jpg)

File: dc09abeed548a7c⋯.png (331.05 KB,491x658,491:658,1563138062873.png)

File: 920948abdc0d693⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x1334,375:667,1563132721718.png)


nvm, found 'em

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File: 0be937400b0f748⋯.jpeg (715.82 KB,948x1194,158:199,B6781AC3-76B8-4270-AE45-F….jpeg)

File: 7311a1eb1427f16⋯.jpg (417.41 KB,750x1013,750:1013,1563132124813.jpg)

File: 652c268364a8b96⋯.png (633.66 KB,750x996,125:166,1563143787912.png)

File: 92219b867efe7b1⋯.jpg (195.04 KB,581x330,581:330,1563146747980.jpg)


forgot to sage. some zoomed ones, and a smiling fakeapp.

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Kek a bunch cunt

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How poetic. She wanted to turn head and in the end her head was turned.

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Kek, cuckchan is copping shit again.

Either way this is, the faggot deserves to be fiddled with in prison.

Encouraging this lazy eyed kikes shitty crime is a one way ticket to the gas chamber and sage.

No innocent woman by common law should be murdered the way she was and if you disagree then you eat kosher foods.

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Noice n Spicy

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>innocent woman

I would implore you to read >>13513548

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File: c4f4aa340378fc6⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,207x255,69:85,McFuc.jpg)

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File: 56f6bd39e1d3f97⋯.png (1.37 MB,750x996,125:166,honk.png)

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having an off day here

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File: 931e5101af1e26d⋯.gif (8.55 MB,597x331,597:331,samlaugh.gif)


That is some funny shit, anon.

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File: 7dc15afb836ea63⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,845x771,845:771,1469477631189.jpg)

Lot of crazy people in this world. If it wasn't this goblino it was going to be some nog in the future.

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>innocent woman

>if you disagree then you eat kosher foods

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File: bd2b9b52a3b1085⋯.jpg (4.01 KB,220x250,22:25,1563790693754.jpg)


Only oldfags know the real person behind the murder

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Sounds like youre going to tell us more.

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>ethot killed

Unironically best outcome

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>Lauren Southern retirement = dodged a bullet

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File: 876010fb301fe17⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,207x275,207:275,1548376124509.jpg)


He is called Michael Sosa. He is the creator of a discord group called sheep village (formerly orbitchan). Bianca was in this group.

https://youtu.be/HA9tgcISg5o (1:15)

He had a discord where he would get the nudes of various underage girls. He also had a relationship with various other e girls like Ciara (an 19 year old E girl known for using drugs and distributing CP of herself and Sunny. Ciara isn't in jail and works at target and has a 30 year old bf. Ciara was also friends with Bianca) and Sunny (an 14 year old who's nudes were spread online by Michel Sosa and Ciara).

He is also known for blackmailing children. 

He is a pedo orbiter who harrased Bianca for nudes and threatened to tell her mother about what she was doing.

He was also willing to give tons of money to her. 

He was also in contact with the mother of Bianca. He also got one of Bianca's discord accounts deleted and got one of her boyfriends arrested (a dude called Marc Linden).

Michael threatened and blackmailed her. He made her talk to Brandon. Brandon knew Michael talked to her and was mad she did. Michael wouldn't let her cut Brandon off. He's part of the reason she's dead.

The only reason why he isn't in jail is because his mother is a judge in Texas.


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Sounds like only a faggot would know who he is. Just showing us he was a shitskin would have been enough to predict he does common shitskin things

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If you want to contact me a for more information about this

Here is my YouTube channel


And discord tag


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File: a0ff4817583c2e0⋯.png (463.36 KB,697x551,697:551,Adolph Shroomler.png)


>discord tag

we don't do that kind of shit around here.

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>that mad white boi whiteknighting for a halfbreed

we takin this shit over white bois. yall cant complete

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File: 4d54342f38ebbfe⋯.jpg (665.14 KB,3504x2336,3:2,cringe.jpg)

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>Why don't you help instead of laughing at murdered women, you fucking psycho faggot incel?!!!

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. Actions have consequences.



Exactly. The Pez Dispenser treatment is a perfectly valid form of discipline.


>I'm fucking Chad, you pathetic faggot. I've turned down more 10s than you'll ever talk to.

Sides status: fucking obliterated.

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File: 5edf7f939242d08⋯.png (134.44 KB,600x601,600:601,317.png)



Do you want to know how I know that you fap to sissy porn, like the absolute niggerfaggot that you are?

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