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File: de278c962749edf⋯.jpeg (21.42 KB,428x424,107:106,E764EFFE-3A2E-494D-AA12-7….jpeg)

 No.13502903 [View All]

Didn’t see a thread for this yet. Some beta-orbiter killed a thot e-celeb for selling nude pictures to losers. Sorry for the shit link. Will this become a new norm?


230 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Wait, hold up, she's a jew? Everything in my above post stands, but not for this girl.

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It's just that the enemy in our ranks are a lot more tenacious, degenerate and plentiful than in 1934. Can you imagine MGTOW, MRA, incels etc even being an issue back then? Fuck, how low we have fallen in under 100 years

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she isn't a jew

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based namer of the spics

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>mourning like a faggot


>i am retarded

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Certain actions have consequences and he carried trough. And nothing of value was lost, people die by the hundred thousands a day. Hypocrites

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video shoahed

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*tips fedora*


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pretty sure I could have made a better video

oh fuck, now there's something i'm sure is supposed to be singing but it sounds like a guinee pig on helium.

fuck this shit i'm going home!

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fuck off boomer, does it hurt to know you fucking ruined everything and then pointed the finger at your children? how exactly do you think you are helping us?

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lol retarded nigger

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File: ca472c2b4a50d96⋯.png (103.06 KB,403x347,403:347,soyboomer.png)

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File: 89a1043fe2f2b7b⋯.gif (3.89 MB,240x300,4:5,Hot.gif)

Death is an appropriate penalty for thots. See you in Valhalla, champion.

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File: be29244a57b7266⋯.jpg (21.87 KB,640x442,320:221,18a17d6ec7164a13c180e878f7….jpg)

File: 32992651e7a9eec⋯.png (144.65 KB,1181x866,1181:866,32992651e7a9eecd326caff250….png)

File: 1d4a85ca6a6b816⋯.png (562.23 KB,1795x754,1795:754,thereal8chan.png)



Can't divide what was never united. Boomers did nothing to repeal the Civil Rights Act, they subjected themselves to increasingly corrupt political parties and politicians, they worried more about muh health care and their fucking 401k plans. They served themselves at the expense of their children, and we're left to pick up the pieces of an extremely fucked up country. Consumerism never tasted so bitter. They are the votecucks who told us to admire civil disobedience. Fuck them all.

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There it is

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File: 120eb732c307896⋯.png (256.88 KB,1851x1299,617:433,what happened to bianca.png)


Here's what actually happened.

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Valhalla haha! If there is a hell, both of these lost creatures are en route

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from what i've heard this was her boyfriend and she was cheating on him with the guy that killed her, who was some sort of family friend.

people on cuckchan are getting the two mixed up. neither were incels, and bianca was the only one involved that had an association with 4chan etc. cuckchanners think that the dude was one of "them" because he adopted some of their lingo which he likely picked up from her. other people from their home town have said the killer was a myspace-tier emo faggot who liked to go dumpster diving for other emo thots and repeatedly flipped out on them.

drugs were likely involved in this. i'm guessing one or both of them did "thizz" or dirty ecstasy usually MDMA + methylone which causes this type of depression-fueled violence. him pussying out on the throat-slitting makes me think this too, since this drug makes pain more intense.

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File: c847c19dba71558⋯.webm (7.71 MB,1920x1080,16:9,[SFM] - Scout gets Attack….webm)

File: ace55afcdf720c6⋯.webm (5.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,OwO What's This_.webm)

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Who's got the full-size image, and not a just a screenshot of shitcord?

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File: d14f12d3a02ef1a⋯.jpg (527.48 KB,750x996,125:166,1563142887927.jpg)

File: eea26f67828011c⋯.jpg (69.34 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1563132755430.jpg)

File: dc09abeed548a7c⋯.png (331.05 KB,491x658,491:658,1563138062873.png)

File: 920948abdc0d693⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x1334,375:667,1563132721718.png)


nvm, found 'em

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File: 0be937400b0f748⋯.jpeg (715.82 KB,948x1194,158:199,B6781AC3-76B8-4270-AE45-F….jpeg)

File: 7311a1eb1427f16⋯.jpg (417.41 KB,750x1013,750:1013,1563132124813.jpg)

File: 652c268364a8b96⋯.png (633.66 KB,750x996,125:166,1563143787912.png)

File: 92219b867efe7b1⋯.jpg (195.04 KB,581x330,581:330,1563146747980.jpg)


forgot to sage. some zoomed ones, and a smiling fakeapp.

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Kek a bunch cunt

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How poetic. She wanted to turn head and in the end her head was turned.

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Kek, cuckchan is copping shit again.

Either way this is, the faggot deserves to be fiddled with in prison.

Encouraging this lazy eyed kikes shitty crime is a one way ticket to the gas chamber and sage.

No innocent woman by common law should be murdered the way she was and if you disagree then you eat kosher foods.

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Noice n Spicy

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>innocent woman

I would implore you to read >>13513548

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File: c4f4aa340378fc6⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,207x255,69:85,McFuc.jpg)

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File: 56f6bd39e1d3f97⋯.png (1.37 MB,750x996,125:166,honk.png)

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having an off day here

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File: 931e5101af1e26d⋯.gif (8.55 MB,597x331,597:331,samlaugh.gif)


That is some funny shit, anon.

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File: 7dc15afb836ea63⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,845x771,845:771,1469477631189.jpg)

Lot of crazy people in this world. If it wasn't this goblino it was going to be some nog in the future.

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>innocent woman

>if you disagree then you eat kosher foods

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File: bd2b9b52a3b1085⋯.jpg (4.01 KB,220x250,22:25,1563790693754.jpg)


Only oldfags know the real person behind the murder

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Sounds like youre going to tell us more.

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>ethot killed

Unironically best outcome

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>Lauren Southern retirement = dodged a bullet

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File: 876010fb301fe17⋯.jpg (11.05 KB,207x275,207:275,1548376124509.jpg)


He is called Michael Sosa. He is the creator of a discord group called sheep village (formerly orbitchan). Bianca was in this group.

https://youtu.be/HA9tgcISg5o (1:15)

He had a discord where he would get the nudes of various underage girls. He also had a relationship with various other e girls like Ciara (an 19 year old E girl known for using drugs and distributing CP of herself and Sunny. Ciara isn't in jail and works at target and has a 30 year old bf. Ciara was also friends with Bianca) and Sunny (an 14 year old who's nudes were spread online by Michel Sosa and Ciara).

He is also known for blackmailing children. 

He is a pedo orbiter who harrased Bianca for nudes and threatened to tell her mother about what she was doing.

He was also willing to give tons of money to her. 

He was also in contact with the mother of Bianca. He also got one of Bianca's discord accounts deleted and got one of her boyfriends arrested (a dude called Marc Linden).

Michael threatened and blackmailed her. He made her talk to Brandon. Brandon knew Michael talked to her and was mad she did. Michael wouldn't let her cut Brandon off. He's part of the reason she's dead.

The only reason why he isn't in jail is because his mother is a judge in Texas.


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Sounds like only a faggot would know who he is. Just showing us he was a shitskin would have been enough to predict he does common shitskin things

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If you want to contact me a for more information about this

Here is my YouTube channel


And discord tag


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File: a0ff4817583c2e0⋯.png (463.36 KB,697x551,697:551,Adolph Shroomler.png)


>discord tag

we don't do that kind of shit around here.

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>that mad white boi whiteknighting for a halfbreed

we takin this shit over white bois. yall cant complete

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File: 4d54342f38ebbfe⋯.jpg (665.14 KB,3504x2336,3:2,cringe.jpg)

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>Why don't you help instead of laughing at murdered women, you fucking psycho faggot incel?!!!

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. Actions have consequences.



Exactly. The Pez Dispenser treatment is a perfectly valid form of discipline.


>I'm fucking Chad, you pathetic faggot. I've turned down more 10s than you'll ever talk to.

Sides status: fucking obliterated.

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File: 5edf7f939242d08⋯.png (134.44 KB,600x601,600:601,317.png)



Do you want to know how I know that you fap to sissy porn, like the absolute niggerfaggot that you are?

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