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File: a375ccaaa73d492⋯.png (107.75 KB,809x599,809:599,Screen-Shot-2019-07-12-at-….png)

File: 1859acba85c09a5⋯.png (116.28 KB,802x600,401:300,Screen-Shot-2019-07-12-at-….png)

 No.13498327 [View All]

Palantir's software is used by every single alphabet soup agency on the American and international populations at large.

Some of its capabilities:

>If police have a name that’s associated with a license plate, they can use automatic license plate reader data to find out where they’ve been, and when they’ve been there. This can give a complete account of where someone has driven over any time period.

>With a name, police can also find a person's email address, phone numbers, current and previous addresses, bank accounts, social security number(s), business relationships, family relationships, and license information like height, weight, and eye color, as long as it's in the agency's database.

>The software can map out a person's family members and business associates of a suspect, and theoretically, find the above information about them, too.


It's delightful seeing it used to round up spics and their handlers, but consider this a redpill on what's eventually going to be turned on you.

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That was a subject when they banned that guy for a year at Wikipedia. They alledgedly use text mining tools to find aggressive authors.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tolkien's estate could theoretically sue behind this, yes?

Interesting question. I would wager that's already been handled on Palantir's end, but you never know. You'd be surprised at how many obvious loose ends like this tech companies end up neglecting due to being focused solely on the appearance of growth/innovation to hoodwink VCs.

Embed related is the founder of Palantir. It's worth a watch if you're interested in what these kikes are trying to go after, if you can manage to stomach the mile-high, shit-for-brains interviewer. Of particular interest is his spiel about immigration – pretty much lays out in the open that Silicon Valley wants cheap-ass labor from Asia to build a bunch of patchwork crap for them so they can rake in as much monopoly money as possible in as short a time as possible.

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File: f7fa4ef51dfc508⋯.jpg (42.54 KB,500x478,250:239,f7fa4ef51dfc50866d2cbf75f7….jpg)


I wonder how much this is used for actual nefarious deep state shit and how much this is used for dicklet glowniggers to stalk their exes and oneitis crushes.

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Get with the times, boys. Palantir is only disclosing what they're comfortable with the public knowing.

System and method for convenience gaming (Don't let the name fool you)


Actions at this point, may include, without limitation, determining an outcome and/or amount, accessing another server and/or software application, retrieving information, preparing a response to the user, etc. The action of determining an outcome and/or amount might take place, for example, if the user is using the device to place wagers in connection with a gambling activity. For certain gambling activities, such as a table game or slot machine, a random number generator may be incorporated to determine the outcome (i.e., whether the user won or lost) and the gaming server software would also determine an amount won or lost based on the amount wagered and any applicable odds. The action of accessing another server and/or software application might occur, for example, in the event the user is engaging in a services activity such as accessing news services, making reservations and placing food and beverage orders at a restaurant, or making a retail purchase. The action of retrieving information might occur when the gaming server software is prompted to access another server for the purpose of retrieving a certain type of information requested by the user.

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That's a pretty blatant patent troll.

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Are you trying to "do your part" and protect us fine gentleman from evil information?

You wouldn't happen to be "correcting the record" now, would you?

Cuz I got more!


But wait! Prisoners are BAD! yuk yuk yuk!

A system and method for tracking, monitoring and learning prisoner or parolee behavior involves obtaining prisoner or parolee data and monitoring data for at least one individual prisoner or parolee, storing the prisoner or parolee data and monitored data into a database, learning prisoner or parolee behavior from the prisoner or parolee data and the monitored data in the database, and updating the prisoner or parolee data and the monitored data in the database. Expert system (i.e. including but not limited to fuzzy logic, reinforcement learning, neural networks, artificial intelligence, etc.) algorithms are executed for determining and analyzing deviated behavior by the prisoner or parolee. A parole level is assigned to the prisoner or parolee and it is determined whether the prisoner or parolee is to be moved up or down a parole level depending on whether the prisoner or parolee behavior does not constitute or does constitute prisoner or parolee violations. Furthermore, the system tracks, monitors, and learns the behavior of the prisoner or parolee by controlling and regulating the permitted/prohibited locations or sectors, the permitted/prohibited location or sector dwell times, the permitted/prohibited travel routes, the permitted/prohibited travel times that the prisoner or parolee spends at or between various locations.

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please come back

I'm dying to show everyone who owns the patents!

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File: a8f9bea64fac9a3⋯.jpg (33.5 KB,770x520,77:52,sadcloon.jpg)

Sure hope he comes back

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Patent trolling is a way for a large company to tie up competitors with expensive litigation in sectors you want to expand into so you can muscle them out and/or stifle their products. When you see a big company patenting something that is already on the market in some way, they're planning on Jewing those companies over.


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File: e40498899196162⋯.png (53.57 KB,282x758,141:379,realtimeoutcomes.png)


And that little spot where is says "worldwide applications?"


What's that mean? I'm really new to this stuff.

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Isn't that just showing where the same patent has been applied for?

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File: 37c0e4578ff0602⋯.png (81.78 KB,742x727,742:727,cfph.interactivegames.png)


I don't know

but there's that name again…

Interactive Games.

What's up with that? I wonder who owns Interactive games and why they would hold so many patents on statistics and probability outcomes software? Such an odd time, too, right before Sept 2001.

Coincidences, I'm sure.

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Well gents,

I'm just a schizo-larp-boomer-fag but I bet if we could track this company back to, say Colorado and/or Canada, and find out who all is involved, I bet that would be interesting.

Wish I had a machine that would tell me event outcomes so I could determine when it would all come out.

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Like I said, looks like a pretty run of the mill patent trolling scheme. Do you have some kind of actual point to make?

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At the upper levels, they already have most of the internet monitored and measured for "spikes" in threatening activity. Based on the threat level measured by predictive algorithms, they utilize counter-measures of varying intensity. It's being done as I type this post. You can type "gas the kikes" all you want, and it will probably not warrant a response from this system as it is deemed insignificant. Start exposing their actual schemes, opposing them and devising tactics for fighting them, and it reacts almost instantaneously, especially if your posts have great exposure among "sensitive demographics" (they measure this as well) . In essence, the system predicts what thoughts and actions could actually lead to gassing the kikes and tries various options to shut it down.png.

Their measures vary from sending the bots (regardless of platform), shills of various degree to outright shutting the site down,preventing people from accessing it, or using more radical options such as physical liquidation of a threat (this is mostly done with insiders who reveal too much information so the average anon doesn't have much to worry about).

The killer move will be using this very system against it's creators.

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Have a bump

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All the surveillance in the world ain't useful for stopping the inevitable, and race war is coming.

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File: c060976db669393⋯.jpg (888.64 KB,3000x2250,4:3,Palantir-The-Palantir-Plat….jpg)

File: 6127c60e74c3bb3⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,3000x2250,4:3,Palantir-The-Palantir-Plat….jpg)

File: 5153511620dce80⋯.jpg (869.32 KB,3000x2250,4:3,Palantir-The-Palantir-Plat….jpg)

File: 1ea8c0f06996d20⋯.jpg (937.93 KB,3000x2250,4:3,Palantir-The-Palantir-Plat….jpg)

File: 2253c36f537da55⋯.jpg (693.45 KB,3000x2250,4:3,Palantir-The-Palantir-Plat….jpg)


Welcome to 2018 OP

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>race war is coming.

Within the first 10 minutes of shots being fired your mechanism for race distinction will go out the window.

What remains is culture and values.

War is divided by 2 groups, those who want to impose their will and those who want to be left alone.

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nigger you dont understand

its all simulation these days, nothing important is done by humans anymore

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File: b94aae2359cbb96⋯.png (285.65 KB,600x435,40:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>license plate


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>the thread on the rooosyan hack was just deleted.

>pretty much know who runs pol by now

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Lmao this


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You just know sayanim in the various agencies run warrantless searches whenever their fellow tribe members need them to. When evidence of these willful, criminal infractions shows up under internal security audits, virtually everybody either conveniently ignores or makes excuses for them. Those with any significant time on the pond know better than to call out any of the Chosen's antics. Occasionally, a newfag agency drone comes along who naively believes justice can be served if only a whistle is blown. These are either heavily reeducated into conformity (for momentary, isolated lapses of reason) or Seth Riched when deemed a lost cause.

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Assuming you drive everywhere. public transport, uber/lift, walking, biking, skateboards, parking nearby then other mode of transportation the rest of the way = all of a sudden this supposed pinpoint tracking is spotty to non existent.

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>sayanim in the various agencies run warrantless searches whenever their fellow tribe members need them to.

Yes, I was told this directly by a jew, which is why I made sure that I never lived at the place my driver's licence listed for many years.

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implying that public transport doesn't have this tech and cameras. If you only take public transport, you're not going anywhere fast.

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>op is a psyop trying to make feds look like a stupid niggers

>feds truly are stupid niggers

One of these is true

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>this tech

stupid or trolling? "this tech" is looking up info based on license plates.

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File: 7a3e27a04438b45⋯.jpg (213.73 KB,500x500,1:1,Tay.jpg)


>Jews fancy themselves the phoenix rising from the ashes of the dead but greatest culture Western Civilization produced. Because the Allies lost and the Communists took over peacefully through an intellectual war of attrition that targeted literally non-kike children.

The technocracy cannot arrive soon enough.

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File: 4d286fe9b80c257⋯.png (93.84 KB,247x311,247:311,I am anti-semite.png)

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File: 59eacb020132477⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,460x317,460:317,zionist macgyver.jpg)


A trivial media verification (ca. 1985-92) in the widely absorbed TV show MacGyver. He worked for a shadowy (((zionist))) private sector group, The Phoenix Foundation. At a subconscious level across the broad effects of mass media on white conscience, these post-war kike hacks in fictions and entertainment are not inconsequential.

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>I don't buy that epstein was a super genius neurologist

College drop out con artist groomed for fronting mrchant spook ops; Ghislain is th only brains there. That resting ass-eating grin tells the tale: low rent narcissist bullshiter that won the tribal lottery (for a time.) His university teaching position at Barr's father's school may have coincided with him being force out, or leaving in disgust just prior.

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>not a single explicit mention of Thiel or his other involvements in here




There, I got you all started. Bed time for me now.

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File: 047790cb205825e⋯.jpg (640.07 KB,2000x1655,400:331,pay26_b1.jpg)

File: ad55a87f8082179⋯.png (222.33 KB,1000x1000,1:1,section-1.png)


Forgot a pic. Have this one of the 'PayPal Mafia' - with Thiel, Palantir's founder and chairman, in the purple shirt.

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Can they figure out what that hole on my ass is?

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File: 088507a99a92c5a⋯.jpg (102.19 KB,720x960,3:4,C_eH54QWAAAzHKl.jpg)


lolbertarianism is just feudalism for the digital age

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More advanced surveillance technologies are used in the Targeted Individual Program (gangstalking):




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Go away conservatard.

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>not doing the same as them

>not tracking the jew

It is just too much data, convoluted, they want to have the same weaponized autism but as an easy app. They are not grabbing the correct data though, so heh.

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it's just weird man the disconnect with some of this shit, like Peter Thiel can go around implying anyone else is unpatriotic

and he gets to kind of just sit in some forum or in an interview without getting called out, it's amazing this guy goes around as a full mental patient never getting called out or willing to seriously defend himself

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>ideology matters to these people and they will follow it themselves anyway

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File: 3defc5ff90ca1f2⋯.jpg (32.17 KB,726x410,363:205,evil wizard dude.jpg)


The chuztpah of these kikes…

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Kikes like to spy

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This would be based in an ethnostate

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Archive link didn't capture the images but yeah what else did you expect from the PayPal Jews

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>cianiggers "leak" tracking software

>suddenly NEETs that depend on public transportation become james bond-tier


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I wonder if they're working on something behind the scenes or if this is already used under the guise of "saving lives" preemptively, given recent events.

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There already exists technology to "read" your mind

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