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File: bf6c23d7e0ee909⋯.webm (14.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Upgrade your Israel Activ….webm)

 No.13497598 [View All]

Most of you were still pissing in diapers the last time a program like this existed, but do to the hard work of 30yr old boomers like myself, you already know what to do.


<(1) Gets App

<(2) Find "Mission"

<(3) Report Mission here or any similar obscure mongolian equestrian toxophilite forum

<(4) ???

<(5) Lulz!!!

>inb4 explain

The video is only two minutes and its exactly what you expect it to be: Some Jewess whining about the internet hate machine being mean to Our Greatest Ally, so gets app and fight back against the ebul goyims

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look at this retard

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zero engagement. i hate nu/pol/

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>30yr old boomers

is this mental retardation some sort of new meme?

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File: bbaf9aa15ec8a20⋯.jpg (256.04 KB,1383x763,1383:763,SmartSelect_20190722-14004….jpg)


>"boomers" were "30" like 5 years ago

>5 years ago

Not sure if sublime sarcasm or utter noob to life…boomers were "30" in the fucking 1980s

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since it started over a year ago, in meme terms its fairly old. its basically just Zoomers on 4fag talking about millenials in the way millenials talk about boomers, so to speak.

>that 30 yr old boomer who still likes arena shooters

>go drink a monster while mowing your lawn, 30yr old boomer

etc. jesus fuck chill out, and try to concentrate on the main point of the OP, fucking autists

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>etc. jesus fuck chill out, and try to concentrate on the main point of the OP, fucking autists

it's difficult to do when OP nullifies his own post by being mentally retarded. i know this is /pol/ but i expect this sort of stupid shit from 4chan; not here

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everything you said is flat faggoted retardation. casually mentioning a meme you don't like or don't understand does not nullify an otherwise good OP. if you were so smart you would have [websearch]'d "30yr old boomer," seen it was a 4gag meme and simply moved on. instead you acted like a fork-tongued kike and tried to (and still are trying to) derail the thread. shape up and act like an adult, or >>>/cuckchan/

>protip: the meme is most common as a form of self-deprecating humor among older millenials. for instance:

stupid 30yr old boomers like me remember a time when members of h8/pol/ acted like civilized adults

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File: 84cc28a1e4f5189⋯.jpg (67.81 KB,626x512,313:256,judaismsatanismroots.jpg)

File: 34b151c4e0af50d⋯.jpg (125.7 KB,849x424,849:424,freemasonryisjudasim.jpg)


>nigger who can't read


>butthurt mason outed

App logo is a variant of the masonic logo. Masonry is derived from Judaism which is derived from Satanism. Anyone but brainlets who didn't lurk know this already.

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I'd could shove my dick so far up her jew nose

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>being this retarded

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File: 0f8af33d7bd4ee6⋯.jpg (40.32 KB,440x350,44:35,russian-skinheads-beheadin….jpg)



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retard alert

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File: a54939200a68771⋯.png (38.51 KB,1041x380,1041:380,123412341234.png)


totally organic reviews, goy! download our app!

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the kike shills have been plaguing the chans for the past month or two.

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>the chans

Fuck off forever.

>past month or two

Please just leave.

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Please take a moment to call bullshit on this bullshit.


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Most websites have JSON APIs, which would simplify the task, but most of the APIs require access tokens. I expect that any app made by anons is going to get its tokens removed and access revoked while the JIDF app gets free reign with their API.

So there are two options: scraping the public-facing HTML or come up with a way to ban evade access tokens. Scraping requires the constant maintenance of developers for the reason anon described (iirc youtube-dl does scraping, which is one of the reasons why updates are so frequent).

The tokens are supposedly in place to "prevent abuse", but I imagine the real reason is to prevent people from cloning sites and maintain vendor lock-in (serving JSON is *far* cheaper than serving HTML w/ JS).

Personally, I'd love an effective ban evasion method if only because such a system would hypothetically make all websites public. That is to say that an effective system would allow you to browse the internet anonymously with minimal restriction including being able to use APIs freely as described. It would probably get shut down pretty quickly, though. I suspect the only reason Sci-Hub is able/allowed to stay up is because it's getting funding from governments that want to peer large-scale at scientific papers wihout raising alarms and can get tokens from scientists who would rather use Sci-Hub than deal with the shit-show that academic publishers have put together.

So it's a mess either way, and any solution will probably require the constant maintenance of some dedicated autists like the Hydrus dev. It's part of the reason why I've never gone forward with implementing these things, and it's unlikely you're going to find people who are top-tier programmers that are willing to do it for cheap. There is a silver lining in that all you really need is either a dedicated autist or a richfag ready to pay the maintenance costs for either solution. It might be possible to "crowdsource" development by using a system like ProgrammableWeb, which would lower maintenance costs and turn them into "fixed" server costs, but that comes with its own problems and would still require a dedicated autist to get everything set up in the first place.

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this. reposting bc insane mods keep censoring the shit out of people for posting anti-trump "spam"


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i made a thread on this, but they deleted it

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Nice milkers.

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Our greatest ally has been selling military technology to the Chinese for decades. How can make the public aware of this fact?

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Its like visible judaism, retarded.

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I know this voice from somewhere oy gevalt

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Nice images. The apple and android stores both happen to look like the freemason symbol? What are the chances?

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fuck off smiley. you're a retard and a schizo

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ur a schizo

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File: de08555440e55a1⋯.png (1.15 MB,1628x1440,407:360,1fb23740bcaba25f8b840921c4….png)


>grassroots movement

>an app supported by 3 large organizations

>IDC Herzliya (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya), an Israeli University

>IAC (Israeli American Council), a "nonprofit" organization based in Los Angelas, while advocating for Israeli interests

>Maccabee Task Force, an organization created to "combat the disturbing spread of anti-Semitism on America's college campuses", so more advocation for Israeli interests

The ACT.IL App can not, by definition, be a grassroots movement, if it's supposedly by these massive organizations with clear agenda, that isn't solely about protecting Israel, but skewing the perception of Israel in America (as if it needed it)

Absolute kikery.

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File: 8ea236dd64b039c⋯.jpg (111.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,troll glory.jpg)

I think I've been visited by a real official member of the JIDF. I've been prowling facebook calling bullshit on whatever Zionist bullshit I can find. I had a long discussion with some guy and when I asked him if he was one of them he disappeared.

Did I achieve Troll Glory? Am I obnoxious enough to merit official attention? I am so proud.

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File: 62f347734ca066f⋯.jpg (13.05 KB,480x360,4:3,Israel China sales.jpg)


I was calling bullshit on the "greatest ally" bullshit by posting links to news stories of the Israelis selling military tech to China.. It's been going on for years.

Spread this story everywhere you can.

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File: 8c5b34463095130⋯.gif (3.67 MB,540x360,3:2,I'm doing my part00.gif)


Thanks, anon.

I knew I could count on Uncle /pol/.

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Israel –nuke→ China WTF

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i thought china already had nukes

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its JIDF counterpropaganda

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that whole movie: pure neocon wet dream

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neocons are scared of shit of that, you fucking retard. neocons are trotskyist, zionist kikes. that movie was supposed to be a parody of fascism/natsoc

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Been trolling Zionists for awhile now, it's fun

Ask them if Israel can survive without US aid and watch them squirm.

Tell them "the Squad" is the future of American politics and that if they want to have US aid they will have to conform to their values.

Zionists are fun to troll, they two three basic arguments.

1. Give Israel everything it wants or you are an anti-semite.

2. Support Israel or God will punish you.

It's utterly amazing they got 70 years of gibs with such weak troll-fu.

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I found a Jewish forum a while back that I'd lurk in, and sometimes post in.

They use a lot of heeb words to mix up the lingo and make outsiders stand out (kinda how we do on image boards), but once in a while I'd respond to something with a single sentence and a minor amplify.

Was funny to see how they'd spiral out of control.

Best was after lurking a while I came across a thread where some jew chick was complaining that her fiancee had just bought an F-150, saying how much she hates Ford. I dropped something along the the lines of "who would want to give American workers their money?"

The thread spiraled into them all talking shit about American workers, blue collar workers, etc. Was funny to see how easily they could be baited into really outing their own distain for the country they live in.

I stopped visiting a while ago, but it was interesting to see behind the veil.

Really redpills you to realize that what you consider their worst, isn't even close.

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It might be fun to start an open borders of Israel discussion. Israel has the most racist immigration policy on Earth,, yet claims fo an island of Western Values. "Multiculturalism" is a western value.

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Zionist are constantly making the argument that Palestine never existed as an independent state and therefore they have no land rights and such.

They'll post endless obscure stuff about ancient history,,, let them do that.. after they are finished still them that nations are the product of the social contract and that they was no United States before 1776. Say that nations do not need mystic ancient bloodline to exist and that you do not want to stand in the way of the aspirations of 2.8 million people who lived under a military occupation for 50 years.

Rage ensues. It's fun to tell them their long developed argument about Israeli sovereignty doesn't mean shit in the modern world.

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this needs to be gamed.

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>the only argument kikes have

>pony up them gibs, goy. g-d punishes antisemites, you know

sounds about right

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When threatened with the Wraith of God, I politely ask them when it is going to happen so I can get my affairs in order.

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jesus christ these kikes

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any new reports?

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