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File: 2fa4bf3f760ed5c⋯.jpg (177.56 KB,882x500,441:250,Kubrick.jpg)

 No.13495753 [View All]




The arrest of billionaire influence peddler Jeffrey Epstein for the alleged repeated and systematic trafficking and sexual assault of underage girls is more than an indictment of a sexual predator. It's also compelling evidence of corruption among the most powerful political and business interests in the United States. But public knowledge is, so far, founded as much on horrifying insinuation as actual evidence.

Who are the "potential co-conspirators" left unnamed and immunized in Epstein's 2007 non-prosecution agreement, negotiated by Trump's disgraced former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta? Why did Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's prosecutors intervene in an effort to downgrade Epstein from his Level 3 sex offender status, then fail to enforce—along with the NYPD—the court-mandated check-ins Epstein spurned? What are Epstein's connections to the intelligence community?

There is always the possibility that our institutions defer to the rich as a matter of course; that Epstein's treatment is only a particularly grotesque form of business as usual. But Epstein's penchant for installing security cameras throughout his homes, combined with dinner parties, allegedly stocked with underaged girls, leaves open the possibility of systematic blackmail, further hinted at when federal agents pulled "compact discs with hand-written labels" like "Young [Name] + [Name]" from a safe in his $77 million Upper East Side mansion. Is there, somewhere in this evidence, a video or videos, possibly from Epstein's "Lolita Express" or "Pedophile Island," capable of exposing the depravities of one or many of the politicians, celebrities and financiers in his orbit?

We search for reprieve from this dead air, where the entire moral constitution of some of the most powerful people in the country, including two presidents, hangs uncertain. In this zone, the darkest possibility—a world-spanning pedophile elite, safeguarded by institutions throughout society, by both witting and unwitting co-conspirators in a web of influence and silence—seeks a space in our imagination to unfold.

Art can suffice, by capturing the psychic sensation of an uncertain moment, so we might observe and improve our own fumbling efforts at reconciling ourselves to the world. But there is also the comforts of conspiracy theory: extrapolating from what's known to create an imagined order, built from clues inscrutable to most. Stanley Kubrick's final movie, Eyes Wide Shut, is embraced from both directions. Baffling critics and audiences in 1999, Eyes Wide Shut has become a defining movie of the Jeffrey Epstein era.

In Eyes Wide Shut, Dr. Bill Harford (Tom Cruise) and his wife Alice (Nicole Kidman), explore the possibilities of infidelity, newly possible with their entrance into high society, which lifts them from a state of childish naiveté, until Bill's explorations bring him to places he will never be allowed. In the movie's central sequence, Bill, stung by his wife recounting a sexual fantasy, follows an old friend to a secretive event at a Long Island mansion, where he gains entry to a masked orgy with a password. He is found and turned out. Because of his actions, or possibly not, a woman dies under suspicious circumstances.

Kubrick's 1999 death of a heart attack, just six days after screening a completed Eyes Wide Shut, left an opening for a conspiracy narrative to grow in the cracks of the movie's ambiguities. In part because it is replete with occult imagery, like a pyramid-faced mask (oozing the same Illuminati energy as the dollar bill), Eyes Wide Shut is subject to the same kind of analysis that lead people to conclude Kubrick faked the moon landing, then revealed his deception to the world on Danny Torrance's sweater in The Shining.


77 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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hitler was rite about almost everything

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The myth that the two camps of jews even hate each other is, in itself, goyim theater, you stupid fuck.

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File: 216659d0e3b20af⋯.jpg (14.81 KB,300x256,75:64,44c23824cd0d1ae791260b2ec7….jpg)

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Yup Kidmans father, research "The Ninth Circle Cult" thats all Ill say and will say at this time regarding this matter for I wish not to make a martyr of myself just yet. God Bless

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>reddit spacing

>nigger-tier punctuation


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it was already destroyed before him retard. he brought them back to life temporarily

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Im a crazy alcoholic who could give much less a fuck about typography, but I was speaking Truths Truer than you and your family years before your lowly PROFANE ass was even concieved lmao o O o OOoooOOoooo oaaahhhhhhHHH ORGASM!!!

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These fucking bots, man.

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#Initiated #Schoolofthelefteye

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File: 021bca076f9d6c8⋯.jpg (64.85 KB,500x506,250:253,021bca076f9d6c86e3698536c4….jpg)

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God Bless thou who art misled from the Truth. May GOD have mercy upon both I and thee souls.

For who hath seen my face? Neither my father nor thy mother. I was around before the very first of times and I shall be around after the very last of times…. I am… HX3Great

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Anyone have any more reading about the theory about how at the very end members of the sex cult kidnap their daughter at the store?

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nice (((dubs))) I will check em after the HCN clears


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File: a63cff4970b29f4⋯.png (167.25 KB,470x361,470:361,dollar mask.png)


I assume you mean this creepy guy?

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dubs of oy vey

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Not a bad read.

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it’s way off. what is it with anons who can’t into see faces?

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File: f0220817b7c3196⋯.jpg (213.34 KB,1232x889,176:127,Salvador Dali.jpg)


The dollar mask in Eyes Wide Shut..

As I mentioned before, that mask is almost certain a reference to Salvador Dali. In 1939 surrealist artist André Breton and the surrealist movement in Paris excluded Salvador Dali and gave him the nickname Avida Dollars, an anagram for Salvador Dalí. The phonetic rendering of the French "Avide à dollars", translates as "Eager for dollars". Take a look at some of Dali's surrealistic paintings and compare style and elements with the mask design in Eyes Wide Shut.

Dali was also present as a guest at the so called Rothschild’s ‘Surrealist Ball’ in 1972, where similar masks as featured in Eyes Wide Shut were seen.

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The Jewish "God" is literally Satan.

Many of the earliest Christians, especially under the teachings of Marcion, believed in "Dualism", that Jesus was the savior God who came to save mankind from the evil demiurge, the Satan, e.g. the false god of this material world.

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>they are just mobsters at the top, not intellectuals

This means their stay at the top will be short and the fall even greater. Can't hire a hitman if all your assets are seized, Ari.

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This Kevin Annett guy, there's a masonic troll named Greg Renouf who kept tried shutting him down, so I tend to think it's real.

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Marcion was a heretic and very unchristian

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Nigger they cut the scenes of child rape. Its so fucking obvious

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File: 0ca9aae7e679c6b⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1883x1925,269:275,ews epstein.jpg)

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File: 1024f072df6538d⋯.jpg (63.77 KB,334x450,167:225,Kubrick.jpg)


All of it.

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File: bf09fcf9e229838⋯.png (330.95 KB,432x441,48:49,ews.png)


The two old guys in the background of the first pic are at the first party, implying they're keeping an eye on Cruises character, plus them being in a toy store full of kids is pretty obvious too

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>Equally false are descriptions of 24 minutes of lost footage, cut from Eyes Wide Shut to protect the elite.


>Garrett Brown, inventor of the Steadicam, has expressed that he considers Eyes Wide Shut to be an unfinished film:

>I think Eyes Wide Shut was snatched up by the studio when Stanley died and they just grabbed the highest number Avid edit and ran off as if that was the movie. But it was three months before the movie was due to be released. I don't think there's a chance that was the movie he had in mind, or the music track and a lot of other things. It's a great shame because you know it's out there, but it doesn't feel to me as it's really his film.[118]

it seems like it was cut as the ending makes no sense in terms of what they built up to.

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> ive seen only a tiny bit

where? post it.

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Bump for justice

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Based. Zogbots almost bumped this.

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>OP's post

Is it really OP's post? He copied and pasted an article written by a guy with an obsession on Eyes Wide Shut and a crush on Jeffrey Epstein, mashed it together to make this shit.

This is shit. Get out.

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I watched this for the first time thinking there was going to be some big plot twist at the end like his wife being at the party too without him knowing, but nope, its just a jewish wank fest. Boring.

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File: 7db455c2d38fc0c⋯.jpg (109.1 KB,907x510,907:510,calligula.jpg)

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Everyone knows this phrase and it has been repeatedly confirmed throughout history. Those in power have looted countries, murdered millions, abused their power sometimes to unimaginable lengths. Everybody knows and accepts this as a consequence of giving individuals too much power.

And yet, most people do not want to believe that this extends to their sexual lives. There are historical examples that we know about of absolute sexual corruption - The Borgias, The Profumo scandal, Caligula, Lavrentiy Beria, many Kings and country's leaders, various Popes etc. - but this is only the tip of the iceberg because the sexual lives of those in power tend to remain hidden long after their other crimes have been made public, forever if those who know of them are equally corrupted or killed

It stands to reason that when you are in a position to have anything you want, you will demand that your sexual appetites are equally satisfied. These appetites will be corrupted in the same way that an average porn users appetites are corrupted with unrestricted access.

We all know this and yet most want to believe, despite the mountain of daily evidence to the contrary, that we are somehow more civilized now. That each new example of somebody in power sexual exploiting another human being to satisfy their wants is an abomination. That those at the top of the food chain no longer indulge themselves to extremes. But they do, because they can. When there are no consequences, there are no limits to what some people, especially narcissistic psychopaths, will do.

And there is always a jew in the background, encouraging, providing and exploiting

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more than you, normie

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wait a second here, he was still pushing hitlers muh greatest mass murder in history inside dr. strangelove. all his films borderline glorify drug use. he may be /our jew/ but hes far from perfect. best filmmaker still.

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20 minutes of the film was cut by the studio executives after he died. its the reason why people say its their least favorite kubrick movie because it feels weak and unfinished. something crazy was going to go on after the orgy scenes that we didn't get to see. no one will

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don't forget kubrick was liberal. avoid your larp fantasies about him being a hard right winger. his parents were new york jews

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you guys want to know a based film? barry lyndon

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as they should have. fuck pagans

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Look this shit.

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File: 5135540e3652e20⋯.png (181.37 KB,500x519,500:519,ClipboardImage.png)


Enough with the left/right bullshit

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the entire point is to run cover for Jew crimes.

You will notice, nobody is talking about Epstein anymore.

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MKULTRA mind controlled shooters. In both the Texas and Dayton incidents, both shooters were reportedly wearing headphones, probably following mind control commands. This is a massive distraction and will be blamed on all white people & conservatives and will be used to enact more firearms legislation.

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literally who?

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Which is bullshit. Epstein busted so many nuts he ought to be considered today's next Mass Shooter.

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dont care about your image macro boss, i'll say what i want when i want

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>oy vey its all just a conspiracy goyim, theres not an international pedophile ring or anything…


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