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File: 135ea6432c4e31a⋯.jpg (394.42 KB,1320x710,132:71,2019iq.jpg)

 No.13495427 [Last50 Posts]

>Richard Lynn's most recent numbers, from 2019 and this book


East Asia's still on top. India and Italy have both lost around 8 points since the 2000 numbers. Belarus is apparently the smartest country in Europe. Some surprising stuff.

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The WESTBALTID man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his Light skin. This Light skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the Frigid cold of Scandinavia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The White skin reminds us of our warriors, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The WESTBALTID man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man (ar*bid dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The WESTBALTID penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the WESTBALTID man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent germanic seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the WESTBALTID man impregnates.

In total, the WESTBALTID man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the WESTBALTID man is the epitome of masculinity.

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Why isn't Ukraine next to or between Russia/Belarus? Something doesn't make sense

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File: ea25cca519af71c⋯.jpg (162.8 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ea25cca519af71c471012dceab….jpg)



>96 IQ

Crofag here. This is patently untrue. The retards living in this dystopian shithole can't be above 85. We're practically third-world tier, except we shiv each other after a night out and a few bottles of rakija, instead of all the time like they do in Africa.

Having little to no diversity helps (except the gypsies… those fuckers are everywhere).

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seems to fluctuate between being the smartest northeast asians or dumbest on these lists

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The only Cambodian dude I know is an absolute manlet, and crusty; but also smart.

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OP here. IQ studies are interesting, and very important for politics.

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First in each Continent:

North America - Canada (100)

Central America - Costa Rica (88)

South America - Chile (88)

Europe - Belarus (102)

Africa - Libya (81)

Asia - Japan (107)

Oceania - Australia (99)

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The fuck is up with Nepal though.

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The yetis fucked up their average.

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*sigh* here we go again.

Hong Kong/Singapore/Liechtenstein are city states with nearly 0 rural population and are "hubs" for intellectual people to gather at; Taiwan is also essentially a city state. They are non comparable to real countries, which comprise the rest of the list.

This list doesn't separate ethnicity what so ever, so it is basically useless as an IQ gauge for Europe. The fact that places like Canada and the UK are even close to say Hungary/Estonia is an embarrassment of epic propositions.

If you took only pure Anglo Londoners as your sample, you would probably end up with 115+iq. City states, and ethnicity need to be accounted for.

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I'm surprised Denmark is only 98. They haven't had much of a migrant influx, yet that's 3 points lower than bordering Germany.

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Hungarians tend to be quite intelligent from my experience. Nowadays too, I'm not referring to the "Martians," a group of brainbug superjews that came out of the nation.


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Know imagine how high Germany would be if you would remove all the shitskins there.

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File: c5a910d7b18af83⋯.jpg (172.15 KB,1330x1030,133:103,1510085744916.jpg)



Germany by large is 80% German, and this isn't even accounting for the white minority groups

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File: 9ab7946988d74c2⋯.jpg (127.84 KB,539x539,1:1,average german man.jpg)


Humanity would be over the moon.

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We'd have an embassy on Aldebaran and probably would be building a Dyson sphere somewhere.

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No doubt, Hungary also has Gypsies which I forgot to account for. Still the massive shitskin populations of UK/Canada/France/Germany/USA means objectively they are at a huge disadvantage compared to Asia and more pure European countries. This list is just retarded bait for both /pol/ and sjw's. /pol/ gets butthurt at Asians being at top, and sjws get to suck off Asians since they aren't "white".

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File: 5b65bceb7f2bff5⋯.png (206.28 KB,620x330,62:33,ClipboardImage.png)




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This is a random number gen. What a joke.

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File: f2f36aa4b42d023⋯.png (540.48 KB,500x500,1:1,1521126709760.png)

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There was next to zero migration, why is Poland and Czechia so low…?

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>They haven't had much of a migrant influx


Try 8-12% nonwhite.

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>valide score


Someone isn't high enough IQ to be giving out IQ tests.

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>Algeria: 76

That explains why they were acting worse than niggers in the streets of Paris recently, as they celebrated a football win.

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Oh shit, it's over then. I'd heard from some Danes that they had sane migration policies unlike Sweden. I expected something in the realm of 1-2%.

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>Greece: 91

>Italy: 94

Hey guys, I've been sleeping since 50 AD, what did I miss?

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>high IQ

Oh anon plz.

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Oy vey goyim no! "Asians are good at math!" remember? We've been memeing that one at you through the media all your life. White people are good at… well ugh I dunno, being awkward dancers? Teehee shalooooooooooooooom.

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There isn't much math on an IQ test. There's a ton of counting and memorization though. The math that there is is just based on memory in the way the question is structured.

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the jewish mossad in usa doesn't seem to like him too much

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They specifically train their children to excel in these tests so they can brag, especially (((China))).

The latter also pumps tons of youth through diploma mills so they can claim they have six million engineers before there is another chink famine.

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>Sweden is on-pat with the US


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File: a019b3e0f750056⋯.jpg (365.04 KB,1300x1300,1:1,iq-europe.jpg)


its fake data. Look on image related instead.

This one is based on actual standard consensus.

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File: 526da6045646813⋯.pdf (4.28 MB,Richard Lynn_ David Becker….pdf)

Why has no one dropped the pdf yet

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You can't train for an IQ test you retard. Chinks just only allow their non-tards to take the tests, they send the idiots to live in rural shanty towns. Whites are 110 IQ too, but white countries aren't white any more.

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File: a30d12631e39ec3⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,920x926,460:463,Shiva_Pashupati.jpg)


Fucken kek boyo cmon quit trying to rustle me

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Same with any European country anon.

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Fetal alcohol syndrome.

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How the fuck do you know English and how to use a computer?

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File: 5415bf8da0ad728⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,475x316,475:316,84.jpg)


Honorary Aryans do indeed have a higher than average IQ. As do some Chinese ethnicities, of which there are quite a few. And it has shown, through history.

>tfw 130+ Spanish

>tfw city is full of "migrants", gypsies, low IQ natives and all possible combinations thereof

>tfw most smart people flee to other parts of the country or other countries under the guise of looking for a better paying job, including my friends and family

Pic related was president the last time I had hope for this country.

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>You can't train for an IQ test you retard.

Yes you can. Take them often, all sorts that there are, and study the correct answers.

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Because the vast majority of Slavs are retards. Hitler knew this.

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They also choose their most urban, educated, intelligent subjects for the tests. Whites used to do this too and the iq for whites was 115.

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The point I was making, is that jews like to push the idea of the Asian genius and the dumb blonde to undermine white accomplishments.

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> Average

Try minor nobility

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You don't think anon was being a little sarcastic? Come on.

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>Whites are 110 IQ

Nope. Whites traditionally set the baseline value for IQ tests, hence they should always average out at 100 IQ points.

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>homogeneous society (84% Belarusian, 8% Russian, 3% Polish, 1.5% Ukrainian) with closed borders policy

>also smartest country in Europe

Who could have predicted that?

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Hey man, I apologize for not getting back on that email. I got busy with exams.

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Slovenia 99

Croatia 96

Bosnia 89

Distance from the middle of Slovenia to the middle of Bosnia is a mere 300 kilometers. The IQ gradient is really steeeeeep. And it gets worse…

Montenegro 86

Albania 82 ←- I use this as a stand in for Kosovo.

Macedonia 82

Surrounding areas all have higher scores. I guess the amount of balkanites with gypsy ancestry is much larger than people think. Theres really no other explanation for this mysterious IQ sinkhole.

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Last time I checked. Canada had an average national IQ of 99. I guess they went up by one.

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>I have no fucking clue what an IQ test is

You can't "study the right answers" you fucking idiot. The standard IQ test is simply a series of patterns, generated by software.


You're a braindead nigger. IQ tests are not set at white average for a baseline, they are set to a baseline depending on the purpose of the test. And when comparing between groups, you use the raw data, then adjust in the final new dataset. How do you progressive millennial reddit faggots even function being so stupid?

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File: 1e260285609596f⋯.png (132.17 KB,600x453,200:151,IQtest-dk-Questions.png)


>You can't "study the right answers" you fucking idiot. The standard IQ test is simply a series of patterns, generated by software.

The example patterns may change, but their relation to each other, which is what you have to find out, is the same.

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Aznar was an idiot.

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>And it has shown, through history.

History definitely does not show that Asians are more intelligent than Europeans

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What history shows is that intelligence is not a direct pathway to human achievement, but is merely the potential for it. For most of pre-modern history, China eclipsed Europe in this regard. (Western) Europe was only able to start its ascent to modernity due to very unique circumstances that arose in the 15th century, which allowed it to use up much more of its intellectual potential. I think it's feasible that East Asia could have done it instead if it had experienced similar circumstances. Even if not, it's a fact that they're slightly more intelligent, and anyone who says it's just because they cheat on IQ tests is beyond retarded. The only other argument I've seen that makes sense is that Europeans have a more distributed IQ which leads to many more geniuses even with a lower average IQ.

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>page 17


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Even with only the whites in the country being tested, I doubt it.

t. Swede


That's before we got millions of shitskins.

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What’s up with Guatemala?

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I actually have a lot of doubt about China. I think they’re purposely altering the numbers by only allowing their best candidates - people who live in cities - to take the test.

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100 IQ is the minimum IQ needed to maintain civilization.

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I see israel is still trying inflate their IQ from the ACTUAL numbers of 84IQ (which is pretty high for their region whose average is in the 70's and is probably more accurate for their nation).

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lol Denmark, you dummies.

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File: aa716cab0938ab0⋯.png (1.01 MB,1195x687,1195:687,1563460854998.png)



But seriously though, whoever thinks that asians have a higher IQ than caucasians are idiots. The highest IQ's in the world are the snow niggers Scadinavians. Followed By Central Europe Like Germany.

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I have the same doubts about them. I don't think they have actually displayed any signs or signals of a nation with AN AVERAGE IQ of 104…however when nations in Northern Europe are tested they score higher than this. It is only because they are trying to utterly crash civilization and destroy all nations with these low IQ people that they are importing these extremely low IQ people into our nations.

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>The highest IQ's in the world are the snow niggers Scadinavians. Followed By Central Europe Like Germany.

Wishful thinking. East Asians are at the top of all international testing.

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IQ isn't everything. They do cheat and they do train specifically for IQ tests, but we are wired differently. They have the logistical side of the brain but lack in other areas where we whites flourish. Creativity, thinking outside of the box are skills they lack in comparison. Assuming its true (and I would say it mostly is) they have the higher IQ points but not the other tools and areas to really benefit it from that.

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Yeah, (((international testing))).

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This is clearly demonstrated in action if not on IQ tests. There is no way that the highly selective bottleneck of high IQ in Northern European nations could ever be matched by the mongrel Chinese trash. Mongrelization does not promote high IQ and the Chinese are extreme mongrels having race mixed with EVERYTHING in their region, even the more animal peoples like abos. The reason that Japan is equivalent to Northern Europeans in IQ is because they have not mongrelized themselves, but rather, stayed isolated.

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No you idiot. The tests are compromised. Simple as that.

White-supremacism must be crippled at all costs. Not because Japan is smarter or Chinese are cheating. Its sabotaged by international jews. Period.

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>I don't think they have actually displayed any signs or signals of a nation with AN AVERAGE IQ of 104

They're rapidly developing. In a few decades, they've brought hundreds of millions of dirt-poor farmers into comfy middle-class city life. At the pace that they've set, they'll overtake the US as the most important economic and military power in a decade or two.

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I would support part of this assertion. This is why there are so many extreme high IQ Whites in teaching positions. They have very high IQ's but they lack completely in creative intelligence, which is the most necessary component of all to bettering humanity and advancing. It is a real shame for them because IF someone points them in the right direction they can do extremely competent work but to see anything beyond the direction they have been pointed in (having the CREATION spirit that is only present in White/European peoples) will always be beyond them. I feel sorry for people who chose to end their line using bug DNA because their offspring will never know the CREATION spirit of our ancestors once they have polluted their DNA.

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Economic power/military power, but they will never build anything new or advance in any way. Have you seen Chinese researchers EVER develop anything new without collaboration OR THEFT? Nope.

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File: 28b6b117f1b17af⋯.png (168.15 KB,1162x1424,581:712,pisa.PNG)


Oh, come on. The jews don't have a hand in everything.


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If that was true they wouldn't have shown Central America's TRUE IQ because Americans would revolt against having OPEN BORDERS with these nations. No one wants to live next to someone with a 50 (or less) IQ.

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All those Central American numbers tell me is that there was a FUCKTON of nigger dick taking in Central America. Which doesn't really surprise me since they are not racially selective and that is where the kikes imported much of their nigger pet population.

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File: 11c2a46ec038639⋯.jpg (45.28 KB,739x643,739:643,11c2a46ec0386398d0c21b6f8a….jpg)



>Oh, come on. The jews don't have a hand in everything.

Dumb goyim. Ignore the fact that asians have not invented a useful thing for 3 gorillion years. Oi vey! I almost forgot, just because you got stuck in the ice age for 40,000 years sorrounded by dangerous animals while the gooks were fishing in south china sea doesnt mean your smarter. Naturral selection is racist. Shalom.

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Cambodia is #15, and that's a third world country, the figures given don't mean much.

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It is really unfair to test ETHNIC POPULATIONS and then when it comes to nations which are being DESTROYED by the kikes, include non-ethnic people in the tally.

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Reading comprehension is not 'your thing' is it?

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they only ever do it by countries, not peoples, so you'll never spread the truth.

parts of Germany have extremely high iq.

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I don't care how high their IQ is, they can't produce babies with blond or ginger hair.

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truth is, the heaviest iq drops in Europe are in the countries that have been forcibly injected with millions of shitskins.

as those averages head to 85-90, the populations will become far more controllable pets.

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File: ec89aeaf12e02c2⋯.jpg (131.12 KB,1199x800,1199:800,1550028833483.jpg)


Read the chart again, mate. East asia has been on top since 2003.

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How does Nepal even function? No wonder they're literal Maoists.

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they have no education, they live traditional lives.

genetically they are likely to be a bit higher, but would need training to reach a decent figure.

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At 50 IQ, you're not capable of abstract thinking. They respond to what's infront of them in primitive ways, and that's about it. They're basically animals in human form.

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Well that settles it. Everyone knows that the kikes didn't interfere with statistics until 2003.

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This explains all of the niggers.

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>the jews are at it again

How are they supposed to tamper with pisa scores? What's your reasoning? Is arithmetic and grammar jewish conspiracies now?

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>posting about muh IQ



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Belarus literally means "White Rus". Ukraine was raped pretty hard by the Mongols, Ottomans, and then the Soviets so their DNA might not be as "prototypical slav," as we'd expect

Belarus is also the whitest country in Europe

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*are arithmetic and grammar

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lol, the only people who don't think IQ is a valid metric are leftists afraid of the thought that niggers might actually on average be dumber than white people

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My reasoning is thus…there is one completely dominant culture on the entire planet. OUR CULTURE. It is so dominant (because it is better) that none of the other cultures survived at all and their ways are completely lost outside of history books. All people live off of our inventions, our systems and our science and way of doing things. All of them are 100% dependant on Europeans for 'their daily bread'. Nothing relevant of Asian culture survived the total dominance of European culture…sure you might have some fags dressing up as geishas or some other asian homo bug person fetishes…but EVERYTHING relevant was brought to them and taught to them BY Europeans. They do nothing on their own, not finance, marketing, manufacturing, science, education, sports, construction, technology. NOTHING is something of their 'own'. All of it was something that we brought and generously gifted to them. IQ is relevant based on a genetic racial purity. There is more ethnic purity in Asia because they haven't suffered the kikes as long as Europeans have.

==THERE IS NO WAY IN FUCK ALL THAT ASIANS HAVE AN IQ THAT IS HIGHER THAN ETHNICALLY PURE WHITE WESTERN EUROPEANS (the EAST IS BASICALLY RAPE BABIES OF MONGREL ASIANS…SO HAPAS, the un-hapaist of all people). That is the point. It is UNFAIR to test an ethnically homogeneous population when you are mixing a homogeneous population with niggers and 50 IQ squatamallens and expecting it to 'compete'. There is no FUCKING relationship between trash from central america and OUR EUROPEAN CULTURE. Thus the numbers from 'asia' are ridiculously inflated IF WE COMPARED THEM IN A STATISTICALLY CORRECT MANNER AND INCLUDED FUCKING TRASH PEOPLE FROM AFRICA AND CENTRAL AMERICA 'as part of their population' as well.

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File: 9ddaee54dad1f20⋯.jpg (227.68 KB,960x1280,3:4,rtjrtk.jpg)

File: a786bae9a54dab1⋯.jpg (278.38 KB,720x525,48:35,ehr.jpg)

Lots of seething whites in this thread. I remember seeing some statistic, which I didn't save, that said that east asians have larger brains and are less likely to commit crimes than whites. They were better in some other way, too. So, roughly speaking, asians are to whites what whites are to negroes.

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European countries should be 20-30 IQ points lower since its turning into niggerland

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>They do nothing on their own, not finance, marketing, manufacturing, science, education, sports, construction, technology.

This doesn't apply to East Asia, dude. Japan does all those things. Among many other things, they export cars and entertainment. The anime industry is larger than Hollywood. The same goes for the other countries. China and Japan are among the three largest economies.

>Thus the numbers from 'asia' are ridiculously inflated IF WE COMPARED THEM IN A STATISTICALLY CORRECT MANNER AND INCLUDED FUCKING TRASH PEOPLE FROM AFRICA AND CENTRAL AMERICA 'as part of their population' as well.

How are the pisa scores which I posted, from almost two decades, not accurate?

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Lots of seething Asians in this thread who can't handle the fact that they will never be White and are utterly inferior in EVERY WAY to Western Europeans. You want to see what IQ really is all about? Look at a nigger European mongrel…the IQ is lowered to the mid 70's range where it should be, in between a high IQ European and a 50 IQ nigger.

Now let's look at the product of the 'mongolian'/east asian and European (Ukraine mongolian rape babies are 90 IQ)…guess what? So what does that tell you about artificially inflated 'asian IQ'? It tells you that EUROPEAN IQ it is SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than 'asian bug people' if being fucked by asians brings IQ down the same as fucking a nigger.

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Jesus, what are you? 80 IQ?

Who taught you finance, manufacturing?

Do you think you would know what a car or an airplane was without EUROPEANS INVENTING IT? The clothes you wear, the buildings that are built in your nation, the manufacturing and everything you eat…all of it…is the product of a VASTLY SUPERIOR CULTURE, ours. Nothing other than food and anime (moving picture, an invention of EUROPEANS) survived our cultural dominance. Asians are trash, bugs, they are NOTHING compared to Western Europeans…NOTHING…

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File: ca143089510f611⋯.jpg (543.46 KB,1180x696,295:174,bug people pollution china….jpg)

File: 208676a33476ed4⋯.jpg (88.64 KB,440x432,55:54,china chemical environment….jpg)

File: 81f3a0ab3e7ce21⋯.jpg (294.23 KB,1907x1516,1907:1516,china air pollution map.jpg)

As a matter of fact, right behind the niggers, the asian bug people are a poison on this planet. All they do is fuck, devour and destroy everything. They are a worthless people who need to be genocided so that things that are WORTHWHILE, Western Europeans, can thrive in a European ONLY globe.

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Three things:

Asians lack humanity— allowing their societies to run like ant colonies.

Asians may have a higher average IQ, but their bell curve is more narrow and does not contain as many geniuses. This data is possibly faulty because…

Asians tested for IQ or predominantly in cities where the smarter ones can be found. They don't test the dirt farmers out in the middle of nowhere.

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Even if they did test dirt farmers…let's make the 'IQ' testing equivalent by adding the statistical handicap the jews put on us of NIGGERS, SANDNIGGERS, POOS and SPICNIGGERS into their population and see how they fare in IQ testing compared to Europeans…since these TRASH people are all supposed to be 'part of our nation' (they aren't and they have contributed NOTHING to any part of our culture).


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What happened to Italy? 8 points is a lot.

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File: 9e49c53c2cdde43⋯.gif (369.92 KB,400x400,1:1,XefanYi.gif)
















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OP here. If you don't like this political topic, don't join the thread.

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do you have any idea how many times we have discussed this, over and over and over again? Fuck off.

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I've dated one woman with a higher IQ than me (I scored 131, 138, and 135 WAIS equivalent) and she was a Taiwanese mechanical engineer.

Tested IQ of 144. Brilliant woman, but literally zero ability to do 3 dimensional thinking outside of her work. Imagine some one designing complex bearing systems needing help to load the dishwasher efficiently.

Unfortunately she hated kids and had an endometrial ablation at 26 which kind of killed things. But, she also had the worst periods of any woman I've met. She's down in Boston working with some Harvard lab now and seems happy 5 years on.

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Thankfully she is one of the few bug trash people that won't breed.

Also, KYS for race mixing you faggot.

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True. The bugs never seem to 'get it' and constantly come to /pol/ to laud their 'high IQ'…LMAO which kind of proves that it is not a 'high IQ' at all.

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>discussed it many times

That's what you do on an image board. If people are no longer interested, the thread dies.

And you're wrong about how often this has been talked about. There are new numbers.

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> Imagine some one designing complex bearing systems needing help to load the dishwasher efficiently.

Sounds cute and endearing.

Was she a good gf? Regret letting her go?

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New numbers that are statistically weighted in you bug peoples favor…if there were really new numbers they would reflect our true IQ and not a weighted average of the world's lowest IQ's mixed with ours while yours are taken from only your best and brightest.

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>cute and endearing?


Like all the cute and endearing engineering disasters in China due to incompetence?

No it doesn't. It sounds like a typical subhuman.

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It was cute, but honestly it was like caring for a high functioning autist who loved hiking. She was absentminded to the extreme outside of her "work time". She did housework and enjoyed cooking but only when I reminded her.

Sex was good though. She did kegels obsessively.

Also, I'm like 3/4 white so no loss for the purity spiral guys right?

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Yep. Only a loss for you.

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Answer below.

The answer is B. Took me about six minutes to figure out.

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It was a compliment Hans, you oversensitive faggot.

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care to explain the reasoning behind you choice?

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I was going to say that the smartest Croats have fled to Slovenia.

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>So, roughly speaking, asians are to whites what whites are to negroes.

Nope, according to Rushton's work the brain size difference is smaller. According to IQ statistics, the IQ difference is smaller.

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>Like all the cute and endearing engineering disasters in China due to incompetence?

…disasters such as….. ? Considering that chinkland was a late iron age society as late as 100 years ago and very disconnected from the modern world up until the early 90's it would hardly be surprising if they didnt occasionally fuck up when they learned the basics.

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File: 86943f44b83b117⋯.jpg (848.34 KB,2200x1456,275:182,10a The Real Side Of Natio….jpg)

File: efb458a3baf336f⋯.jpg (47.92 KB,615x441,205:147,A France IQ drop in France.jpg)


Reminder NS Germany had an IQ of 124 that invented the TV, night-vision goggles, Jet engines, space travel, first ever cruise missile, first modern computer, first affordable car, adidas trainers, fanta pop, UFO's. What have you invented over the past 500yrs?

The IQ test proves two things that you're good at mathematics/problem solving and that we have too many shitskins within our castle walls.

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IQ tests are set so their average is 100 so this data doesn't make sense

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Israel is about 20% Arabic and another 40% Shepardic, with only about 40% being European Ashkenazi Jews. Arabs are low to mid 80s, while the middle eastern Jews are likewise mid to high 80s. The Ashkenazi, being around 100 (and not 115 as those rigged sample size studies will try and tell you) can only raise that average so much.

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Given the head start China probably had I think it might actually be fair to say potential has something to do with it.

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To be honest though some of those German tank and plane design are just autistic pipe dreams they had no hope in hell of building on a mass scale to fight an active ongoing war.

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>Sierra Leon (45)

So niggers are officially dumber than birds?

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>literal dirt eating niggers

>IQ 84

Okay, these numbers are confirmed bullshit. There's no way those niggers have an IQ above 40.

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If only the best and brightest of niggers are coming to america why is americas iq decreasing?

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Cambodias are fucking retarded, just like the rest of SEA monkeys. They're literally part nigger (negrito).

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This is bullshit niggers can’t have more than 30.

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Because none of (((them))) have a brain. They should be exterminated with the kikes.

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Is the order from left to right or from top to bottom? To assume it's in fact one or the other is fucking stupid. And being expected to assume is even fucking stupider.

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Are the pattern cards order from left to right or from top to bottom? Or does it not matter?

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How do they cheat the forensics though? Chinks have not only larger brains than both Whites and Blacks, but a larger brain size relative to body mass (Encephalization Quotient, EQ), which is the major predictor of intelligence. In fact due to their EQ, chinks should have an even higher IQ than demonstrated on the tests.

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It says so in "Erectus Walks Among Us", among other sources.

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File: dc2762eb6ff8726⋯.png (111.69 KB,856x539,856:539,EQ.png)


You mad bro? The EQ difference between Asians and Whites is greater than that between Whites and Blacks.

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Who are the short fat Europeans they sampled?

Quoting a paper from 2000. Just no anon.

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File: 5a1652ae6ad3086⋯.gif (2.91 MB,257x212,257:212,ArnieWhat.gif)



Calm your tits you autists. I'm beginning to suspect you are both shills trying to start a fight. Or shills deliberately making as explosive/hateful/extremist posts as possible, just to make anyone that comes looking turn away.

Love for ones own people does not mean hate for others. Asians, especialy japs, deserve respect (Chinese not so much). I've been there. Great country, great people. I can see why Hitler called them honorary aryans.

But all of this back and forth is pointless as it does not in any way contribute to the struggle against the global jew.

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Why do bugmen like >>13515019 larp as nips?

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>Lots of seething whites in this thread. I remember seeing some statistic, which I didn't save, that said that east asians have larger brains and are less likely to commit crimes than whites. They were better in some other way, too. So, roughly speaking, asians are to whites what whites are to negroes

Obvious Moishe is being obvious.

>lots of seething whites in this thread.


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>larger brain size relative to body mass

They merely have shrunken, under-protein-nourished bodies.

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What shithole redneck town do you live in?

Because I'm also a Croat, and it's not that bad at all (rampant corruption, inefficency and traitors non-withstanding)

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Arctic asians (eskimos) have the largest brains in the world. East Asian brain size is larger than European (if it is, it could only be larger relative to body size) because of Eskimo admixture. But not all East Asians have the same brain size. Since Japan is separated from the mainland, the Chinese and the Koreans have attained more Eskimo admixture than the Japanese, and the Japanese actually have smaller brains than the Chinese and Koreans. Even the Hapas of central Asia have larger brains than the Japanese.

In Europe, people from north east Europe have larger brains than people from north west Europe due to arctic admixture. Finnish people actually have larger brains than the Japanese, who have similar sized brains to the British.

Rushton was selective with data. He would at times show data on brain size and control for body size, but not say that he was, and present the data as if he was talking about absolute brain size. Rushton also lied about blacks having higher testosterone, when they do not, but rather have higher estradiol.

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I think brain size correlates with better vision but not always with higher IQ.

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You fucking niggers, you are focusing on the wrong things.

Asians have higher average IQ, which is why their societies tend to be more ordered, but the spread of the bell curve is much more limited than whites, the same as the difference between women and men.

This means a lot of them wil hover around the 105-110 mark, but you will find very few geniuses capable of changing the tide of history among them.

Chink have literally evolved to be homogenous bugmen in their every feature.

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File: 1e40138250ce560⋯.jpg (312.29 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,yellowarcher.jpg)





lol I'm just a Swede with yellow fever.

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>but the spread of the bell curve is much more limited than whites

Your talking about the IQ spread among the males populations. Women are always clustered near the mean. There is no evidence for what you're suggesting.

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>Your talking about the IQ spread among the males populations

*IQ spread for the male populations

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I'm still surprised Germany is that smart considering the migrant influx.

The true germans must be so smart that it balances out.

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You really think it's smart to post your actual photo on here?

Outbreeding is more dangerous than inbreeding, tho.

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Sweden is going to be nigger tier in 50 years

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File: e639d597fd18b44⋯.jpg (11.21 KB,255x158,255:158,femanon_here.jpg)


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File: 75a52149660c81d⋯.mp4 (12 MB,1280x720,16:9,chicks.mp4)

File: cb8c9956cfff6d9⋯.gif (192.15 KB,240x135,16:9,BrownIdealisticIndochinese….gif)


You sound proud with your pic of little peckers.

Human beings are such has beens, the eternal man is a human becoming, young grasshopper... secretly afraid of chickens.

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File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB,1416x840,59:35,iq_european_countries.jpg)


There you go.

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>makes fun of nice, well-meaning people with downs

>muh slanty eyes


What's the source? From what year was the data collected?

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Wtf did I just watch? Why is this legal? If I took a bunch of chicks out back and tossed them in a wood chipper I’d be arrested for animal cruelty.

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can you show a pic of this phenotype and list nations that are westbaltid please

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Fuck off dysgenics fag. Downs get the rope as soon as shtf.

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sauce plz

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If EVERY conceivable nation can represent a "nation", then what the hell is a nation?

Admittedly, the bulk is three highly divergent ethnic/racial categories, but nonetheless, every m-fer on the planet is in the US. Not to mention the H1B's have made them influential over said "nation".

In summation, it ought read "The Intelligence of Nations, and the US (whatever the hell it is)"

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H1B's have made outsiders*

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This table contradicts the PISA scores that I posted from the last decade, when these top countries were nigger-free. Even back in the mid 2000's, countries like Sweden and Germany were far behind East Asia.

>>13514916 550-530 vs. 510-500.

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Faked results by the asians.

culture of cheating

Riot after Chinese teachers try to stop pupils cheating


US college exam cancelled in South Korea and Hong Kong after leak.

Suspected cheating ring forces ACT, the most widely taken test, to scrap the exam scheduled for Saturday


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> wanting male chicks taking up space in your egg factory

Time is money anon, so is space and food.

Don't worry, all that paste is nutritioun in your dog food.

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