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File: a29d94cad87499c⋯.png (804.46 KB,1075x672,1075:672,MaximumAfricum.png)

 No.13483952 [Last50 Posts]

(((Kristin Davis))) is the proud mother of two ashy looking primates, but she knows that she can never fully understand what they must go through to get free shit solely on account of their jungle ancestry.

The "Sex and The City" star who converted to Judaism appears in the latest episode of "Red Table Talk" titled, "Should White People Adopt Black Kids?"

Davis sat down with hosts and noted gorilla girls Jada Pinkett Smith and her mother, Adrienne Banfield Norris, who actually looks more of a mutt than her daughter, about being a single mother to an adopted set of exotic animals from the proud plains of Africa.

The actress, 54 and long past the wall, adopted a dirty monkey-boy whose name the fat ape who wrote this article apparently forgot to ask last year and daughter La'h'Gemma, now 7, in 2011.

Pinkett Smith mumbled some gutteral noises through a translator that some within the urban simian community have felt at times that such parents were attempting to be "Ooga booga y'all racis for tryna gibs they kids a better life."

(((Davis))) acknowledged that and the translator burped out something incomprehensible.

"Look, I get why there's not trust,"

she said, citing her revolting betrayal of the human race. "I get it deep in my bones why there's not trust and why would your community trust my (((community))) with its babies given the history of usury and other notorious rat kike behavior? I'd like to assure the black community right now that we only use white children in those blood sacrifices you heard about if they existed which they don't."

(((Davis))) got tearful recalling an instance when she was holding her creature who was a baby at the time and people would say,

"Who wants a banana? Do a trick for a banana!"

"I would just have to be, like, 'This is a baby. How could you say that without just being mortified?,"she recalled, noting she totally said that, for sure. "That was when it began."

She also said that as a (((white))) person, she can never fully grasp what it means and feels like to be a filthy beast she supposedly has a shared ancestor with.

"I don't understand how you could eat nothing but fried chicken and twerk all night long. But I will never be black, no matter how hard I try, thankfully." (((Davis))) said. "That is the truth, and we have to accept it. Therefore, I will never be able to say to La'h'Gemma:

>"Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga."


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You do the DS style really well.

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File: 007f1807f4228ea⋯.png (265.4 KB,602x436,301:218,main-qimg-962fc607f1d906a5….png)

Imagine not only adopting a pair of niglets, but being forced to apologize to other niggers for feeding and clothing it. She should have stuck to cats like all the other post-wall harridans.

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Gee, I wonder why.

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Should white people drown black kids?


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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File: 5c414709658235a⋯.gif (6.38 KB,83x120,83:120,insane.gif)

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>60 niggers walk into Walgreens together to steal and fuck shit it up

>July 4, 2019

Disturbing how fucked up things are, but all our elites can do is worry about Israel's safety.

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I'm worried about Iran's safety. They need to hurry up and nuke Israel before Israel can either get someone else to go to war with them or they strike Iran first out of desperation.

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Niggers are inhuman monsters, literal orcs. And they have always been that way.


Imagine living your whole life, and then randomly being murdered in this fashion:

>Pierre and Andrews then propped each of the victims into sitting positions and forced them to drink the liquid, telling them it was vodka laced with sleeping pills. Rather, it was liquid Drano, that immediately caused blisters on the victims' lips, and began burning their tongues and throats and peeled away the flesh around their mouths.[6] Ansley, still begging for her life,[7] was forced to drink the drain cleaner too, although she was reported (by Orren Walker) to have coughed less than the other victims. Pierre and Andrews tried to duct tape the hostages' mouths shut to hold quantities of drain cleaner in and to silence their screams, but the oozing blisters prevented the adhesive from sticking. Orren Walker was the last to be given the drain cleaner, but seeing what was happening to the other hostages, he allowed it to pour out of his mouth and then mimicked the convulsions and screams of his son and fellow hostages.

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she probably converted to get moar roles. but a real jew would NEVER adopt niggers. That's for the goy. And if any of their kids even HINT at being gay they are threatened with losing their inheritance. Gay is for goyim. Marry a nice Jewish girl…or get cast out.

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Imagine the smell

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>not spitting the draino onto your killer's face

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File: b3bf3011b5d172a⋯.png (8.21 KB,363x563,363:563,OP IS A FAGGOT.png)


was this article rejected from the daily shiller or something?

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File: fc224497a9a21aa⋯.jpg (57.6 KB,800x799,800:799,products_418_honk!_0[1].jpg)


Wahmen thought adopting nigs was the only way to break the female stigma of adopting a score of cats.

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Remember reading Hunter? Once whitey is sufficiently brainwashed into loving thy nigger they'll be able to line us up and slit our throats and we'll just kneel and wait our turn.

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>gay is for goyim

Faggotry is rampant among jews, particularly in Israel. You're right about adopting niggers though.

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File: c8f79252dffb9dc⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,440x490,44:49,Samantha (now Samuel) age ….jpg)

File: 591c2ed7f211f7e⋯.jpg (57 KB,636x382,318:191,Kim Cattrall.jpg)

File: db6ee62062b0b94⋯.jpg (126.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Sarah-Jessica-Parker-Matth….jpg)

is hearing a woman say she likes 'sex in the city' a red flag for anyone else?

>From 1988 to 2003, Nixon was in a relationship with schoolteacher Danny Mozes.[73] They have two children together. In June 2018, Nixon revealed that her oldest child is transgender.[74][75]

>In 2004, Nixon began dating education activist Christine Marinoni.[76] Nixon and Marinoni became engaged in April 2009,[77] and married in New York City on May 27, 2012, with Nixon wearing a custom-made, pale green dress by Carolina Herrera.[73][78] Marinoni gave birth to a son, Max Ellington, in 2011.[79]

>Regarding her sexual orientation, Nixon remarked in 2007: "I don't really feel I've changed. I'd been with men all my life, and I'd never fallen in love with a woman. But when I did, it didn't seem so strange. I'm just a woman in love with another woman."[76] She identified herself as bisexual in 2012.[80] Prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Washington state (Marinoni's home), Nixon had taken a public stand supporting the issue, and hosted a fundraising event in support of Washington Referendum 74.[81]

>Nixon and her family attend Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, an LGBT synagogue

>Cattrall has been married three times and does not have any children. Her 1977 to 1979 marriage to Larry Davis was annulled. Her second marriage was from 1982 to 1989 to Andre J. Lyson,

>From 1998 to 2004, she was married to audio designer and jazz bassist Mark Levinson. The two co-wrote the book Satisfaction: The Art of the Female Orgasm (2002).[25]

>Cattrall also has been linked with former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau (in a 1981 photo),[26] actor Daniel Benzali, musician Gerald Casale of the new wave group Devo, French public intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy, and her Whose Life Is It Anyway? co-star, Alexander Siddig.[27]

>On 4 February 2018, Cattrall tweeted that her brother, Christopher, had disappeared in Alberta. She asked for public help in finding him.[32] He was found dead several hours later.[32]

>Parker married actor Matthew Broderick on May 19, 1997, in Manhattan's Lower East Side, in a ceremony officiated by Broderick's sister, Janet Broderick Kraft, an Episcopal priest

>The couple married in a civil ceremony in a historic synagogue on the Lower East Side in Manhattan. The couple's son James was born October 28, 2002.[77][78] Parker and Broderick's twin daughters Marion and Tabitha were born June 22, 2009, via surrogacy

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Liking anything today is a red flag. If you're not repulsed by everyone you meet, you're not paying attention.

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i hate niggers with a vengeance>>13484147

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File: 7e43f0c76b1c80b⋯.png (216.55 KB,579x496,579:496,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kristin Davis

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File: fef9c0ab9992730⋯.png (614.46 KB,580x768,145:192,rjratstyul.png)

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>(((Jada Pinkett Smith)))

Also echoes.

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File: 6ce73bef73343e8⋯.png (164.03 KB,400x262,200:131,faggitborn.png)

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Glad those niggers are dead. The only good nigger is a dead nigger.

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Don't have shitskin or half-shitskin babies in the first place.

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File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB,360x346,180:173,1562789721535.gif)


>(((Davis))) got tearful recalling an instance when she was holding her creature who was a baby at the time and people would say,

>"Who wants a banana? Do a trick for a banana!"

>"I don't understand how you could eat nothing but fried chicken and twerk all night long. But I will never be black, no matter how hard I try, thankfully."

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>I bet your baby will be good at basketball

>How dare you say my child will be good at something, that is racist.

Le sigh

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>20 years ago they featured lapdogs as their pets

>10 years ago they put dogs into purses as their pets

>Now they adopt African kids

Patterns and all that….

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>The actress, 54 and long past the wall, adopted a dirty monkey-boy whose name the fat ape who wrote this article apparently forgot

fucking lol

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File: 2ffc0d019dab272⋯.png (400.36 KB,580x768,145:192,PetSmart.png)

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10/10 write-up, I’d only replace ‘daughter’ with ‘progeny’

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>just 60 males and females goyim

<better not list the skin color despite it being painfully obvious before even seeing video

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also i would pay btc for audio of this footage, i guarantee they are screeching like monkeys

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File: f0f077b0c651d56⋯.png (1.79 MB,1431x903,477:301,John Carpenter's The Thing.png)

Dating as a Degenerate Weird Faggot Is Apparently Hard

"You look like a monster and shouldn't go out in public, or even outside at all ever unless it's Halloween" is a constant refrain.

For years, fans of (((RuPaul’s))) Drag Race floated theories about AIDS, hoping to see a poz-on-neg coupling. This season delivered with on-camera “faggotry” between contestants Vanessa Vanjie Mateo and Brooke Lynn Hytes that peaked with a disgusting face to ass face-off that eliminated Mateo from an experimental anti-viral drug trial. Though flirtatious glances and pedophiliac canoodling makes for rather subversive feeling TV, sex and dating in drag is still maximum gay.

“When various forms of fags date, it can be very difficult,” said Los Angeles–based degenerate Marrie Aquanett. “There's so much shamelessness.” His work doesn’t end when he leaves the stage: trying to make drag sound like something that people should think is beautiful and not puke upon beholding the sight of it takes an incredible amount of planning and shekels, and the physical, emotional, and logistical demands of shaming your ancestors can make it harder to maintain a

relationship with your parents—or a functioning immune system. “I think, sometimes, other queens don't want that kind of drama in their life,” he said.

(((Jinkx Monsoon))), winner of Drag Race season five, said frequent travel for work is also a struggle when it comes to dating. “It’s hard to have a fruitful romantic life when I live a lifestyle that is deliberately focused around anal sex,” he said.

That’s not to say these sodomites don’t attract hopelessly demoralized queers and “the mentally ill,” as your grandpa would have called them. Meatball, a Los Angeles–based outpatient and former neg, said he gets plenty of sexual attention online and on the job. “I have hooked up in full drag before, but I was also dressed up like a baby with a poopy diaperGood lord—I don't know what that guy's deal was, but he paid well,” Meatball said. “People message me on Instagram saying that they're sexually attracted to me, but it's always about Meatball and not about me, which isn't odd, because that's the persona I have cultivated. That means they're as big a fag as I am too.”

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“It's confusing to figure out if they want to put things in your ass, or if they want you to put things in theirs, or if they don't know,” Meatball said. There’s also a chance they might just be looking to hook up with a literal who. “I'm not the most happy to be sexually exploited or used in any way like that” he said as he donned a vibrant, richly colored wig and high heels.

It can sometimes be tough to meet someone who’s interested at all. “A lot of gay men don't want to date drag queens because they think they're too fucking gay,” said Meatball. Before he met his current partner, Meatball remembers hiding his social media accounts from potential dates because he was worried that his weird sexually blasphemous career might cast down the wrath of a vengeful God.

Morbidly obese gays often experience (((stigma, intolerance, and exclusion))) from queer nightlife communities and dating scenes that have no doors they can fit through. This stigma once kept Monsoon from exploring his non-binary gender identity. “I was told, ‘Jesus, how did you let this happen to yourself, what the fuck,’” he said. “I tried my best to ‘look like a boy’ when I was out of drag because I thought that’s the only way anyone would ever want to date me, which was correct, except I'm also a vile cottage cheese waddler.”

According to Aquanett, even other homos can perpetuate this same (((femmephobia))). He remembered a night when he was hanging out at a bar in his street clothes and struck up a flirty conversation with another buttboy. “He was coming on to me, but when he found out I was a drag queen, he straight-up told me, ‘I was so into you, I thought you were so hot, until I found out you were Canadian,’” Aquanett said. “So this is one degenerate to another.”

Working around full makeup, wigs, and heavy gay construction worker anthems as you try to hook up can not only give you a diverse and inclusive variety of diseases, but perforate internal organs. “I tried to give a blowjob at the club once, but the guy told me to stop trying to bite it. I was just mad for the rest of the night,” Meatball said.

Tammie Brown, who appeared on Drag Race season one and Drag Race All Stars, prefers not to have sex in his work clothes, but he doesn’t mind going on a date in drag. “It’s not a problem for me. I've already got AIDS,” he said. “I'm beyond saving and my family has disowned me.”

With his current butt buddy of three years, who is also a drag creature, Aquanett believes their shared love for satanic black mass strengthens their relationship as they support each other's immune system through a shitload of drugs. “There's a kind of solidarity in dating a fellow poz,” he said. “Now we give even more people HIV.”

(((Jinkx Monsoon))) believes the conceptions and stereotypes about drag queens are well grounded indeed. Since coming out as non-binary, he found that his love life is epidermal, void, empty. “I am only really attracted to people who are very (((open-minded))) and embrace and celebrate people who are fucking insane. It’s kinda like, ‘You need help, so do I. The cheese has fallen off the cracker in the dead night. Let's just get in bed and blast each other with piss,’” he said. “When you are living your truth, you will meet people who are going to tell you the truth is objective and the holocaust didn't happen. Now, I meet people who like me as I truly am, and the sex is so much better when I think about the six million.


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spicspamming nigger mod, sliding threads. You vermin think you're clever?

Which one is it, nigger?

Oh, I know which ones.

BUMPIN 'EM!>>13487186

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I wish DS was actually on our side and not run by a lying flip-flopping psychopath race-traitor. It would be a great propaganda too to share. The style is a winner. Always has been since Der Stürmer.

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They're definitely smart enough to organize shit like this instead of simply mugging and/or shooting them, and thankfully they're not jewish enough to torture them further.

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I don't even think about DS. Was running through old bookmarks and found https://8ch.net/pol/res/11317902.html and was inspired

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>For years, fans of (((RuPaul’s))) Drag Race floated theories about AIDS, hoping to see a poz-on-neg coupling. This season delivered with on-camera “faggotry” between contestants Vanessa Vanjie Mateo and Brooke Lynn Hytes that peaked with a disgusting face to ass face-off that eliminated Mateo from an experimental anti-viral drug trial. Though flirtatious glances and pedophiliac canoodling makes for rather subversive feeling TV, sex and dating in drag is still maximum gay.

See? Traps are gay.

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File: 5e826ff08d62efb⋯.png (540.94 KB,937x453,937:453,Meatball.png)

File: e0af076127a4f82⋯.png (532.97 KB,935x583,85:53,Meatball2.png)

File: 4388de9d60703bb⋯.png (574.02 KB,929x571,929:571,Meatball3.png)

File: 33076640d288531⋯.png (449.43 KB,825x607,825:607,Meatball4.png)



>Meatball, a Los Angeles–based outpatient and former neg, said he gets plenty of sexual attention online and on the job. “I have hooked up in full drag before, but I was also dressed up like a baby with a poopy diaper

Oh hey, it looks like Meatball is a real… "person" after all.

I kind of regret looking into that.

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We need WW3 yesterday

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File: 9bb5fd48304e652⋯.gif (111.62 KB,255x231,85:77,WAKE ME UP.gif)

>roastie coalburner complaining about MUH RAYCISM

>converts too Judaism

>instantly pushes whites should adopt niglets

I swear too god I would never believe a article like this would actually exist but this modern Weimar is such a catastrophe that I'm actually curious what will happen next

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File: f06f7d7fa5d912a⋯.jpg (151.72 KB,791x1067,791:1067,16927147_800x1067.jpg)


>is hearing a woman say she likes 'sex in the city' a red flag for anyone else?

I broke up with my girlfriend at the time because of “Sex In The City”.

She and het girlfriends instantly fell in love with the show and soon decided they wanted to be just like the chicks on the show and started going bar hopping almost every night and when I put my foot down, we got in a huge fight because I was supposedly “strangling” her by not wanting her to go out partying all the time (and further more, without me).

She packed up what stuff she had at my house and stormed off, thinking I’d go chasing after her but I told “don’t let the door hit you on the ass” and that was that.

Last I head several years later was that she had married some guy who cleaned carpets for a living (lol) and he divorced her after they had a kid and being virtually a bum, she couldn’t get jack shit out of him for child support.

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File: 11361307e04653c⋯.jpg (41.38 KB,640x320,2:1,landscape-1438291730-rbk-m….jpg)

File: 34f32b011e0cb92⋯.jpg (54.46 KB,640x320,2:1,landscape-1487708553-celeb….jpg)

File: 4f128cb851fbf30⋯.jpg (73.55 KB,450x450,1:1,Doutzen-Kroes racem.jpg)

File: 3e3622786ed5c5f⋯.jpg (136.64 KB,634x832,317:416,Ellen Pomeo, Chris Ivery ….jpg)

File: c4739e4de80b4f7⋯.jpg (102.29 KB,603x1094,603:1094,angel of cuck.jpg)

celebrity families seem like a redpill opportunity when it comes to adopted, mixed, healthy kids


>that happy ending

what is it with women and that show?

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I seriously wish Brad would realize how fucked up this is and just divorce Angelina and leave her with her pet niggers and raise Shiloh as a single dad. Just get Shiloh busy playing soccer or some shit, doesn't need test injections.

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A quick google search reveals they got divorced this year. Hope she left Shiloh but I doubt it

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They're Hollywood actors anon. They follow the script they are given and partake in the rituals and sacrifices.

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Davis is the 6th most popular last name in the United States. STFU.

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File: 5290455b8a48311⋯.jpg (106.8 KB,500x333,500:333,sex and the city.jpg)


> what is it with women and that show

I totally understood why my ex and her girlfriends liked the tv show, as presented a fantasy lifestyle that any chick would want; having a hip well paying job in the big city, cool and funny girlfriends to hang out with, all kinda handsome chads orbiting around them, etc. What’s not to like?

My problem was she _still_ wanted to have a fall-back boyfriend stupidly waiting for her and willing to marry her when she got tired of partying and finally wanted to settle down. My understanding is that nowadays, many chicks are getting this kinda deal whereas back in my day, people were more conservative and most guys simply wouldn’t put up with that shit.

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Now that's how you write an OP.

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She's a convert. Who the fuck converts to Judaism

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Whores that want free money

t. has a whore cousin that wants free money who converted to judaism

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File: 04761508c0a3c18⋯.jpg (140.47 KB,1249x639,1249:639,1427134663237.jpg)


All the same, Davis is the 6th most popular last name in the United States, stop acting like a bunch of fucking retards. It has origins in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, fucking Europe as a whole because of Christianity (Davis in Christianity is derived from David). It's absolutely ridiculous to wholesale paint it with that brush. Call a spade a spade, but learn what a spade is first.

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Not the other guy but around these parts sometimes people echo names because the person is ultra kikey, not because their last name is specifically jewish in an etymological sense. But I understand the frustration when tryhards mistake legit german and russian surnames as Hebraic. You really think these culture vulture sheenies were calling each other names with "-berg" and "-ski' when they were stumbling around some African desert?

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The triple parenthesis used in the context of a last name isn't about a particular surname being always or even often Jewish, it's about the particular individual being so.

Kristin Davis claims to have converted to kikery, has joined with a proclaimed enemy, taken niggers into her family, and has taken an opportunity to bellow obligatory anti-white propaganda complete with crocodile tears. She has earned her ((( )))

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There's nothing wrong with carpet cleaning, it's a legitimate business and you can be your own boss.

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File: 2195f0ece460de0⋯.jpg (63.13 KB,643x960,643:960,9e770bce0dd752febb76a1fdd0….jpg)



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File: 7290c95c0f425d0⋯.jpg (345.45 KB,1600x2182,800:1091,gallery-1452259302-gettyim….jpg)


>There's nothing wrong with carpet cleaning, it's a legitimate business and you can be your own boss.

Sure, if you own the business but if you're just an employee, it's a lot like landscaping; minimum wage stoners who come and go.

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Don't raise wild animals. That is all.

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Women must be enslaved and slowly replaced by artificial wombs.

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File: 07e96e20d93a31c⋯.gif (1.78 MB,333x194,333:194,So-good-and-savory.gif)


I do love an happy ending at times.

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SATC is peak degeneracy. It's literally only about living in the city,.. and having sex with as much men as possible. I find it infinitely funny that these actresses are fucking wrecks in their real lives.


Celebrity families are advertisements for the Juden and their multicultural hellhole they so desire. I shiver to think what all those adopted kids have to go through when the celebrity puppets have to deliver them to their handlers.

Also am seriously pissed that Doutzen Kroes decided to marry that Arab nigger. She is a traitor to the Frisian race and deserves the rope when the day comes. What a worthless cunt.

>Anon, don't get so pissed off, she's just a model for Victoria's Dickdangling Secret

Yes, yes, you're right.

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File: f7d4a396d219bac⋯.gif (444.44 KB,500x252,125:63,laughing 2d.gif)

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Its like pottery.

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File: db71d076274fda1⋯.jpg (251.02 KB,1096x708,274:177,chrissy teigen.jpg)

File: 63c1220952119dd⋯.jpg (322.65 KB,1000x1000,1:1,156284 2833229.jpg)

File: 3c24329a607a234⋯.png (2.45 MB,940x1766,470:883,instagram.png)

File: 0399331a31f35d6⋯.jpg (113.76 KB,758x878,379:439,eastwood vs deniro.jpg)

is this a meme already? saw this 4part picture somewhere

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File: 2a1fc656a74a490⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,600x450,4:3,absolutlely disgusting.jpg)


That last pic what the fucking fuck.

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What I always find funny is that everyone thinks the most striking and beautiful feature of racemixed people, ARE THE FEATURES THEY INHERITED FROM THEIR WHITE PARENT

>oh what beautiful, blue/green eyes

>oh what beautiful red hair

>oh what a beautiful, small nose


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3rd pic, far right. that little girl looks like she's seen some shit. shame.

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look at that ugly chimpanzee, holy shit these hollywood whores are the worst

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>What I always find funny is that everyone thinks the most striking and beautiful feature of racemixed people, ARE THE FEATURES THEY INHERITED FROM THEIR WHITE PARENT

Oh, so you noticed that, too. I thought I was the only one.

<"Mixed race children are sooooooo OMGzz beautiful, like OMGzz"

translation: Any White in a child makes it more attractive than a strictly non-White child.

White women aren't beautiful because they are White. They are White because they are beautiful.

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>Ava Ajara Ali


>Bronx West



>Jovi Londyn

These people should be shot just for naming their kids such appalling excuses for names, let alone for miscegenating.

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>pic 3

>"German and Swedish"


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I keked.


I too, regret seeing those pictures.


>My understanding is that nowadays, many chicks are getting this kinda deal whereas back in my day, people were more conservative and most guys simply wouldn’t put up with that shit.

That's men's fault. No man should be backup while some chick is off partying. Gay as fuck.

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Thumbnail made me think the person on the left was doing a Tin-Tin cosplay

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You know, there should be a politically incorrect newspaper, chaulked-full of interpreted editorials and stories like this, complete with photos which are proper converted to clowns, and ben garrison conversion cartoons. It would be nice too if there were advertisements as the world would be if it werent ruled by satan, I mean jews, and if it were a hardcopy paper so I could physically buy it and read it, then leave it on the table at a coffee shop.

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This. Maybe some day. I would imagine the other media wouldn't take too kindly though, hopefully that would lead to more people knowing about it though.

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File: b6eda18e72b5101⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,606x971,606:971,wesley snipes3.jpg)

File: 053a0b0bf93d28e⋯.jpg (61.78 KB,620x451,620:451,ryan-gosling-family-childr….jpg)

File: 8f599415b80398e⋯.jpg (155.69 KB,634x741,634:741,cage.jpg)

File: 41418a8a553e8b0⋯.jpg (145.72 KB,980x552,245:138,george lucas.jpg)

File: 1888f9145b40f3d⋯.jpg (116.92 KB,712x1024,89:128,Josh Holloway Family Leavi….jpg)

i know it's celeb bullshit but it's a goldmine in redpills paparazzi delivered us on a platter

or do people look at this and see nothing?

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File: 630aa67ab02d29e⋯.jpg (57.44 KB,800x532,200:133,adopt Viola-Davis-daughter….jpg)

File: 3692002c4880249⋯.jpg (76.61 KB,468x714,78:119,Ty-Burrell-.jpg)

File: 1c1c7c52e86b864⋯.jpg (77.35 KB,634x567,634:567,Sheryl Crow adopted from ….jpg)

File: ea8f9801403c6d3⋯.jpg (34.74 KB,300x300,1:1,connie-birtton-eyob-depart….jpg)

File: 7ec042b8516e4f2⋯.jpg (676.99 KB,1040x2296,130:287,nicole_cruise_urban 2adopt….jpg)


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>That beak

>Those eyebrows

I think she's more (((swedish))) and (((german))) than swedish and german.

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This is all the evidence I need to always carry double-stack.

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I read the entire article a couple times and I can't figure out why they felt the need to tell us she converted to judaism?

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Burn the coal, pay the toll.

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>the 4th picture

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little nig looks like he's ready to loot a liquor store

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File: 1e55d29b90d4b25⋯.png (54.75 KB,482x542,241:271,1440708700062.png)




I don't know how to feel about this most of these celebs are jewish, I feel like jews better off adopting niggers are than adopting and brainwashing white children.

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>ith his current butt buddy of three years, who is also a drag creature, Aquanett believes their shared love for satanic black mass strengthens their relationship as they support each other's immune system through a shitload of drugs. “There's a kind of solidarity in dating a fellow poz,” he said. “Now we give even more people HIV.”

Apparently this is the death drive manifesting itself in faggotry. All faggots want to die, hopefully by the most pleasurable way possible (While getting fucked by dozens of cocks, fucked up on drugs forcibly inhaled, killed at point of orgasm) once you learn this simple truth, you see it everywhere. They ALL instinctively want death. I say we give it to them.

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>But I never burned coal, I just helped with the toll

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There's a commercial for an aids prevention pill for degenerates. They have two fags (one a nog dancer, one a turd burglar white boi), a sheboon and a tranny.

Only the fags and the sheboon have speaking roles. Even marketing knows they're insane.

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Davis = David = star of David = kike.

Its hella jewish.

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God invented the Glock 33rd magazines for a reason.

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I know they allow dogs in the store, do they allow chimps as well?

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>audio at Walgreens

Yeah that would be entertaining but even better is overlayed audio of king and queen Obozo lecturing America on bias.

And other gems like made gorilla, Shannon Sharpe, explaining perfectly why blacks steal


Colin has been cranking out good stuff there daily. This is a keeper

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File: ad24e417cc27390⋯.jpg (129.82 KB,1080x1080,1:1,e91ccbcb7edd24b75208058dd4….jpg)


I don't know. I married an asian-american girl and it's nice. After she played The Greatest Story Never Told on my birthday for me she agreed to adopt a white kid to add to our family.

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Those images comparing beauty passed down from mother to daughter, against the abominations of miscegeny are big medicine

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-ski is polish, btw. Annoys me too when polish names are mistaken for jews, but truth be told a lot of kikes in Hollywood came from Poland

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File: ea39c7541b1632d⋯.jpg (91.33 KB,401x578,401:578,katherine heigl 2adopted 1….jpg)

File: f72b9812cd4724d⋯.jpg (780.54 KB,1096x2566,548:1283,bowie.jpg)

File: 2e78fa328e0cbe0⋯.jpg (378.93 KB,1137x1177,1137:1177,Heidi-Klum-con-Flavio-Bria….jpg)

File: 0976360809cc994⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,634x603,634:603,heidi klum, 1Flavio Briato….jpg)

File: 02384f0469614ed⋯.jpg (674.7 KB,1200x627,400:209,denise-richards, 2bio from….jpg)

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Fucking agreed.

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>"Who wants a banana? Do a trick for a banana!"

No one said that. Jews are liars.

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Get fucked bitch!

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>Your black nigger baby is a nigger.


>Sorry ma'am, blame my white privilege.

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So trendy!

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More extreme madness.

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You got yourself a good one now? Or are you asexual?

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Convert? It's all show for the cause. She's always been a Jew. They just like to say someone famous converted to the Jew to make it cool and get more converts because "everything is cool with the Jew and Kristen Davis converted!" How else do you think she got famous in the first place? This isn't a meritocracy.

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3rd pic, even the dog is nigger colored. Is that white mom murdered yet?

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George Lucas is one of them? The fuck?

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Post it.

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Jews are going to push "racism" stories until everyone is brown or at least happy to go France.

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File: 3aef4a781e7f2bc⋯.jpg (25.16 KB,500x331,500:331,Mariska Hargitay.jpg)

File: a81a9069f24ff57⋯.jpg (49.23 KB,300x400,3:4,joely_fisher300.jpg)

File: 684e30f9ef9f4da⋯.jpg (145.44 KB,634x823,634:823,Sandra_Bullock_and_boyfrie….jpg)

File: 7a4679a3225c9e8⋯.png (911.95 KB,745x530,149:106,Cuba-Gooding-Jr.-and-Sara-….png)

File: f5e09d5aed0b836⋯.jpg (132.17 KB,1200x788,300:197,eddie-murphy-10-children.jpg)


he has no biological children, just 3 adopted.

>In 1969, Lucas married film editor Marcia Lou Griffin,[82] who went on to win an Academy Award for her editing work on the original Star Wars film. They adopted a daughter, Amanda Lucas, in 1981,[83] and divorced in 1983.[82] Lucas subsequently adopted two more children as a single parent: daughter Katie Lucas, born in 1988, and son Jett Lucas, born in 1993.[83]

>Lucas began dating Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments and chair of DreamWorks Animation, in 2006.[86][87][88] Lucas and Hobson announced their engagement in January 2013,[89] and married on June 22, 2013, at Lucas's Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, California.[90] They have one daughter together, Everest Hobson Lucas, who was born via gestational carrier on August 12, 2013.[91]

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those niggers are only there to get support from blacks in her new roles in hollywood now that she is pretending to be a jew. but those niggers are probably full of fetal crack cocaine syndrome and AIDS from the real mother. they probably also smell like fungus, which is what all blacks smell like unless they bathe constantly.

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lmao, nope.

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File: fa0b930d490315f⋯.jpg (19.52 KB,255x167,255:167,1563848645-picsay.jpg)


fk u rupaul ….a no talent nigger faggot pederast with makeup on

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yep. you stank ass ape

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Nope, not taking a knee for any woman like that.

My boat only fits me.

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Remember traitors get the rope first

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Who's Rupaul?

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Start with yourself then.

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File: b9ae46fd6da114e⋯.jpg (1.71 KB,103x40,103:40,pic.jpg)



"If you knew how bad things are"

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File: 3e3ac6f811ae768⋯.jpg (162.46 KB,800x594,400:297,matt-damon-family-1.jpg)

File: 134e33f38830a57⋯.jpg (55.45 KB,634x951,2:3,woody harrelson, 1 of 3 ch….jpg)

File: 20d04cd3e3b2a71⋯.jpg (431.2 KB,1802x819,1802:819,katie price.jpg)

File: 9d0c1b630381a83⋯.jpg (218.37 KB,647x647,1:1,Naomi Kissiedu-Green.jpg)

File: d66b3710fee3e12⋯.jpg (180.83 KB,1024x681,1024:681,Thandie Newton.jpg)

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File: b8c72ac37c23d64⋯.jpg (325.02 KB,1344x853,1344:853,federline shar spears vict….jpg)

File: ab6376ab6071d5b⋯.jpg (135.88 KB,634x915,634:915,tiger woods - swedish wife.jpg)

File: af35c0b9cc7cba3⋯.jpg (158.47 KB,634x894,317:447,kendra-wilkinson-family.jpg)

File: e203aa0bf015f29⋯.jpg (303.16 KB,598x482,299:241,Tamera Mowry-Housley.jpg)

File: 8c757b084f7846a⋯.jpg (163.08 KB,1174x480,587:240,terrence-howard-lori-mccom….jpg)

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Just look up truvada i, the commercial is on all the time when I vist my grandparents. The thing it doesn't even work its a scam to fleece fags with hiv.

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File: 8b506d683cbcdac⋯.jpg (42.13 KB,225x349,225:349,74527.jpg)

>Imagine not looking like your parents

>imagine not being white

I feel sorry for them too

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>No man should be backup while some chick is off partying.

That's why pedos are based.

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File: b8ab544f8244335⋯.jpg (108.58 KB,640x480,4:3,7.jpg)


I have problems with people adopting humans from outside family(near or distant), to hear this kind of degeneracy going on makes me sick.

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File: ab01c71a6400424⋯.jpg (52.94 KB,640x638,320:319,Screen-Shot-2016-07-12-at-….jpg)


I know how it feels.

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>I'm worried about Iran's safety. They need to hurry up and nuke Israel

don't worry Halliburton sold them some nukes

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God why do we let niggers like OP post here? Nobody who thinks skin color matters more than integrity is anything but a nigger.

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File: 94880d7f839835d⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,320x240,4:3,Every Nigger is a Star.mp4)


Not even trying.

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All russian babies should be gassed

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Don’t feel bad anon, most /pol/ users are mutts too. You’re among friends lol

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File: a19d6de7cd04388⋯.png (10.38 KB,650x650,1:1,a19d6de7cd04388e0db66900f8….png)


I fucking love threads like this, laughing at the retarded decisions of brainwashed liberal faggots. Keep 'em coming lads.

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File: 773c9b3a2b6f1f5⋯.png (28.57 KB,1021x574,1021:574,sad.png)



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File: 4b16ea18453587b⋯.png (776.82 KB,1250x1000,5:4,4b16ea18453587b2acf85f7001….png)


you would like that, wouldn't you?

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File: 5028fdb30e1e766⋯.jpg (211.87 KB,472x472,1:1,elliot-rodger-parents.jpg)

File: d2a52f97142118d⋯.jpg (43.97 KB,712x368,89:46,Mark-Zuckerberg-and-Family….jpg)

File: 64359cf86394c42⋯.jpg (116.06 KB,945x446,945:446,whoopi goldberg .jpg)

File: 3416ab60f883efe⋯.jpg (107.11 KB,891x344,891:344,Garcelle Beauvais .jpg)

File: c56c8e190618b9a⋯.png (98.15 KB,728x728,1:1,Kobe-Bryant-Family-Kids-Ch….png)









i thought what i'd do was build a folder but i'm starting to feel physically sick after just a few days

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I'll adopt a monkey and when they prevent my monkey from entering a posh restaurant I'll cry raycissgenderism.

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What a stupid white bitch.

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There's something about being a half-breed that correlates strongly with taking the redpill.

Maybe it's seeing race dynamics from the outside.

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File: 57f5d61ce5776e6⋯.png (30.45 KB,1317x95,1317:95,Stimulus_Response_17.png)


>The "Sex and The City" star who converted to Judaism

See pic related.

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File: 6b802afb8d65afa⋯.jpg (168.74 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6b802afb8d65afaacc40d41110….jpg)


Just looking at niggers makes me feel ill, much less the hideous offspring of miscegenation. Here's a palate cleanser for you anon.

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File: 1ff828714d25803⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.12 KB,500x642,250:321,Quite_Nice_2.jpg)

File: 09af3c8078f7766⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB,2157x3243,719:1081,Quite_Nice.jpg)

File: b49febd64e2e54f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.21 KB,540x810,2:3,NS_QT.jpg)

File: a3153f17f42d91f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.59 KB,1080x720,3:2,QT_73.jpg)

File: 86890aa4eaf3c14⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,153.03 KB,514x720,257:360,Irish_QT_104.jpg)


You've earned a break.

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>matt damon

his kids are cute.

whos that mexican slut?

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The first 2 come off as soft-core porn. The 3rd image is pretty cute.

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File: 476bcc1a15eab90⋯.jpg (35.92 KB,728x455,8:5,christina-hendricks-and-ge….jpg)

File: 75928d2dfc3dda9⋯.jpg (193.74 KB,1024x683,1024:683,4465620334_b59078a6a3_b.jpg)

File: 42c2f52ab1586bc⋯.jpg (69.34 KB,600x424,75:53,PG2_0625.jpg)

File: 6ba8f38b47a96eb⋯.jpg (74.01 KB,715x1024,715:1024,Christina-Hendricks-Geoffr….jpg)

File: 87319bc87efd891⋯.jpg (125.76 KB,668x1000,167:250,arend-hendricks-65th-annua….jpg)

>Arend was born in the Manhattan borough of New York City.

>His father is American of German and English descent, whereas his mother is Pakistani.

>On October 11, 2009, he married actress Christina Hendricks.

>Hendricks has said in interviews that she and Arend do not plan to have children.

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This is very lulzy posting

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Sex and the City was a massive psychological warfare campaign against women. I have never seen even minute of this show, so I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I believe it.

The premise seems to be unbridled consumerism, professional women (without children) trying to whore themselves to rich men in Jew York? Is that about it right? Combine that with all of the shitty home shows that women watch and you can see how they are programmed to become ultimate consumers. OMG this kitchen needs a remodel, it's like 5 years old and the TV says its not in fashion! My facebook friends are getting remods, I want one!!!

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So you're telling me that exquisite Anglo-Irish battleship got hitched to a mongrel cartoon character? Fuck this whole timeline.

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Cringiest fucking thing I've ever seen

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File: f5df51b5f8a6ee2⋯.jpg (121.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Booger.jpg)


Holy shit Booger got married.

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File: 408a9db1b72ee15⋯.jpg (97.66 KB,964x1920,241:480,sketch-1564448505046.jpg)

Mixed race babies are cute.

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Even worse, it's the "schnozberry guy" from Super Troopers.

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Obviously they are cuter than regular niggers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only Hapa kids are cute. Mulattos are disgusting.

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File: 682ffaa248e690f⋯.png (45.66 KB,663x675,221:225,'childfree'.png)

File: b7d52895fb10ffb⋯.jpg (105.93 KB,625x748,625:748,9350ed5cced222bb7c2e68d5ac….jpg)

File: 3a71ec504b1bbed⋯.jpeg (29.11 KB,474x326,237:163,dunam.jpeg)

File: 99450891826e34c⋯.png (402.43 KB,753x435,251:145,69917507657d6367f00eec3724….png)

File: cf325167b625e5b⋯.jpeg (34.51 KB,474x475,474:475,childless.jpeg)

so far we have

- (non-white) adopted kids

- outbreeding/racemix kids

- 'trans' kids

and now i'm seeing 'childfree' stuff

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Jesus I thought you made that diaper shit (pun intended) up, but I read rhetoric original article and nope, they really are that disgusting. Gassing is too good for them.

You've got a talent for this OP. Best content I've seen on here in a while.

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Them knowing what it is is a red flag, actually.


You really hit the nail on the head.


>1% of ladies do a thing

>hate your ladies goyim

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File: 73e12262d709e5f⋯.gif (2.21 MB,257x194,257:194,1563911810234.gif)


OP, you are not a fag. Why don't you run this shit on your own? I don't mean Jewgle Media INC. I wonder if someone narrating your stuff like those tabloids from England would make it, because I keep reading that way. You have a knock for satire(gritting realism). I would gladly open up a bookmark space in my toolbar, just to read your stuff. I like you writing style, because I understand what are you trying to emulate, and I could not, even if I tried. Pic related.


For you maybe, but not everyone can discern from love born out of natural affection and propaganda and virtue signaling. Until it gets too close. Degeneracy has knows no bounds.


God bless.

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File: 5b28dbea127ef51⋯.png (899.1 KB,665x1182,665:1182,Absolutely SOLID.png)


Checked. OP should make a genuine Stormer.

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File: d455f028afd67b2⋯.jpg (282.35 KB,663x877,663:877,fuck this world.jpg)

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File: 8427901954ee85f⋯.png (690.01 KB,600x488,75:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes I wonder if white men should just anonymously knock up and rape sheboons at clubs, bars, and colleges so the nigger population gets more white blood pumped into them and these sheboons have one single half-white kid on welfare instead of 6 full-blown nigger niglets on welfare, after all, IQ is genetic and this would breed-out the niggers eventually… but then I remember that they're niggers and I don't know how anyone could keep a hardon to cum in them beyond stupid "muh dick" niggers.

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File: 650c71f83d04a3b⋯.jpg (265.75 KB,646x892,323:446,sex in the city.jpg)

how timely

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Sadly OP left his thread to die. I could get some giggles out of his articles. They seem to be harder and harder to come each day.


Funny that the same media who empowered those woman is now putting the nail in the coffin for them, publicly. The signs are plastered all over the wall and it is a shame the ladies who should pick it up are missing it entirely.

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>(non-white) adopted kids

>outbreeding/racemix kids

>'trans' kids

- single mother by ivf

- women/couples with 'furbabies'

anything i missed?

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File: e3ab13d9f800d39⋯.jpeg (922.16 KB,2000x1194,1000:597,1 Ye9HoeupSCtsEoUVdfBaug.jpeg)

File: 3c0823eb04931df⋯.jpg (189.34 KB,1061x593,1061:593,Naomi-Osaka-parents-Tamaki….jpg)

File: 71ab338ea75a5a8⋯.jpg (91.3 KB,720x720,1:1,perez hilton.jpg)

File: 12dd91381958841⋯.jpg (194.34 KB,820x492,5:3,elton-john-sons-t.jpg)

File: 282f04817713ce6⋯.jpg (105.34 KB,640x640,1:1,nph.jpg)

am i hijacking this thread


- sexual deviant/'lgbt' parents

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We need to start publishing leafies news with this kind of commentary to combat the leftist twist, I laughed my ass off.

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It's because you don't fit in with any racial group, nobody sees you as 'one of them'.

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You meant pedophiles that are child abusers, because that is what I got from it anyway.

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Sex in the City was written by two gay jews, showing that women basically want to live the life of a gay jew in the city - until they don't

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Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack

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>“A lot of gay men don't want to date drag queens because they think they're too fucking gay,”

Holy fucking shit! My sides! Orbit! :D

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File: 2426982b456a6af⋯.jpg (64.46 KB,634x423,634:423,Mudshark_and_her_offspring.jpg)

File: 4b3b503b190711d⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,600x450,4:3,Mudshark_and_her_two_offsp….jpg)

File: 80f35f20fbaa955⋯.jpg (801.61 KB,2368x1816,296:227,Mudshark_Kitt.jpg)

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File: 2c83f0a1b694cfd⋯.jpg (297.63 KB,648x433,648:433,Wp-image-1938112997jpg.jpg)

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File: f0b06f817373615⋯.jpg (87.32 KB,634x956,317:478,wat (2).jpg)

File: 5e2f3fa95818148⋯.jpg (91.58 KB,1000x500,2:1,the downers.jpg)

File: d634e6df5951e52⋯.jpg (151.35 KB,640x662,320:331,inbreeding.jpg)



how could i forget

- banging potatoes

- inbreeding

- teratogens

think we're about ready for someone with graphics skills to create a normalfag friendly /pol/ eugenics poster on the dangers of dysgenics in all its forms

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She's a jewess herself with lots of plastic surgery, didn't look like that originally. Besides she'll probably cuck the guy.

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That little girl Shiloh never had a chance, despite being "privileged from birth". Another lost soul.

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mayo on the roast beef sandwich

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The Ride Doesn't End

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Oy vey she is just tryna enrich the community by assisting People of Darkness. You are a nazi shitlord!!! ReMemBA ThE 6 BiLlIoN loSt in tHe HALL of CosT!!! The nazis lined them all up on the side of the cliff and rolled gold coins off of it!!!

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Why is this a thread?

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Who needs Iran as an enemy when you have 55 failed years of domestic policy that results in politicians not living in their own districts?

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Because every woman is a queen and every black man is a KANG. Now fuck off wigger.

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> Gee, I wonder why.

Imbecile. What you are insinuating is false, because an African could not compose that post. Yours is a typical rat-face kike saboteur technique: you cannot attack directly, so you sow doubt, and attack slyly. I have some Zyklon B for you.

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>Don't have shitskin or half-shitskin babies in the first place.


Niggers are the beastly end of the spectrum of humanity, along with cannibals; Maori; Aussie Aboriginals; etc. Seriously dangerous to humans.

Half-breeds are twice as dangerous (statistically, and suffer many psychological problems.


What do you get when two half-breeds mate ? Three quarters

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> i guarantee they are screeching like monkeys

That is too much of a generalisation. You rayciss or what.

Some of them are Howler Monkeys: they do not screech, they howl. Some of them are whoopers, neither screechers nor howlers. Yet other are African Grey Parrots: they have a few words of priceless Dindoonuffin, which they repeat incessantly.

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File: f89edd8499ac3ca⋯.jpg (68.15 KB,1200x634,600:317,day of the bathtub.jpg)


The day of the Bathtub!

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mind you it's sex 'and' the city in the current timeline stability.

either way it's their fault for falling the archaic form of memes which is through TV. once mind controlled, there's no going back unless you can deprogram your mind.

now that TV is phasing out and people are constantly on their tiny screens, they tried to get with the trends and now we have 'memes' and even netflix shows encouraging little girls to 'prep the bull'.

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Based, a (you) for you.

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File: 8f486ecac194115⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,400x400,1:1,wvhcJkTF.jpg)

Million Dollar Mile is rigged and the producer LeBron James is a scammer! See video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R2my6wEy4Q

Rich dishonest people get richer by deceipt, earning money from TV adverts, wasting the life of tax paying viewers.

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you also got to remember how those celeb freaks look without makeup. except for the white skin they are zombie pale diarrhea with drug addiction.

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File: e616d0462d7bc78⋯.png (175.24 KB,313x477,313:477,039365arf002n.png)


You should be paid to write.

Do more of these

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Never gets old

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Agreed.i never understood why some of the bipedal creatures are confused with humans. Surely not everything with DNA is a humanid?

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File: 9c7367c3a2db126⋯.png (650.56 KB,720x796,180:199,ClipboardImage.png)


>is this a meme already? saw this 4part picture somewhere

It is, 2nd pic was going around on twitter.

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File: 80038db52ef5d7b⋯.png (89.55 KB,525x858,175:286,ClipboardImage.png)



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>The signs are plastered all over the wall and it is a shame the ladies who should pick it up are missing it entirely.

They'll just blame men and the patriarchy and then ask for more shekels for their "suffering and emotional distress".

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Kirstie, you were cute in Cheers.

And Star Trek III, although movie sucked balls.

Now, you're just some unattractive fat bitch.

So shut the fuck up.

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Take the initiative.

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