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File: a29d94cad87499c⋯.png (804.46 KB,1075x672,1075:672,MaximumAfricum.png)

 No.13483952 [View All]

(((Kristin Davis))) is the proud mother of two ashy looking primates, but she knows that she can never fully understand what they must go through to get free shit solely on account of their jungle ancestry.

The "Sex and The City" star who converted to Judaism appears in the latest episode of "Red Table Talk" titled, "Should White People Adopt Black Kids?"

Davis sat down with hosts and noted gorilla girls Jada Pinkett Smith and her mother, Adrienne Banfield Norris, who actually looks more of a mutt than her daughter, about being a single mother to an adopted set of exotic animals from the proud plains of Africa.

The actress, 54 and long past the wall, adopted a dirty monkey-boy whose name the fat ape who wrote this article apparently forgot to ask last year and daughter La'h'Gemma, now 7, in 2011.

Pinkett Smith mumbled some gutteral noises through a translator that some within the urban simian community have felt at times that such parents were attempting to be "Ooga booga y'all racis for tryna gibs they kids a better life."

(((Davis))) acknowledged that and the translator burped out something incomprehensible.

"Look, I get why there's not trust,"

she said, citing her revolting betrayal of the human race. "I get it deep in my bones why there's not trust and why would your community trust my (((community))) with its babies given the history of usury and other notorious rat kike behavior? I'd like to assure the black community right now that we only use white children in those blood sacrifices you heard about if they existed which they don't."

(((Davis))) got tearful recalling an instance when she was holding her creature who was a baby at the time and people would say,

"Who wants a banana? Do a trick for a banana!"

"I would just have to be, like, 'This is a baby. How could you say that without just being mortified?,"she recalled, noting she totally said that, for sure. "That was when it began."

She also said that as a (((white))) person, she can never fully grasp what it means and feels like to be a filthy beast she supposedly has a shared ancestor with.

"I don't understand how you could eat nothing but fried chicken and twerk all night long. But I will never be black, no matter how hard I try, thankfully." (((Davis))) said. "That is the truth, and we have to accept it. Therefore, I will never be able to say to La'h'Gemma:

>"Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga."


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File: f5df51b5f8a6ee2⋯.jpg (121.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Booger.jpg)


Holy shit Booger got married.

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File: 408a9db1b72ee15⋯.jpg (97.66 KB,964x1920,241:480,sketch-1564448505046.jpg)

Mixed race babies are cute.

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Even worse, it's the "schnozberry guy" from Super Troopers.

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Obviously they are cuter than regular niggers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only Hapa kids are cute. Mulattos are disgusting.

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File: 682ffaa248e690f⋯.png (45.66 KB,663x675,221:225,'childfree'.png)

File: b7d52895fb10ffb⋯.jpg (105.93 KB,625x748,625:748,9350ed5cced222bb7c2e68d5ac….jpg)

File: 3a71ec504b1bbed⋯.jpeg (29.11 KB,474x326,237:163,dunam.jpeg)

File: 99450891826e34c⋯.png (402.43 KB,753x435,251:145,69917507657d6367f00eec3724….png)

File: cf325167b625e5b⋯.jpeg (34.51 KB,474x475,474:475,childless.jpeg)

so far we have

- (non-white) adopted kids

- outbreeding/racemix kids

- 'trans' kids

and now i'm seeing 'childfree' stuff

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Jesus I thought you made that diaper shit (pun intended) up, but I read rhetoric original article and nope, they really are that disgusting. Gassing is too good for them.

You've got a talent for this OP. Best content I've seen on here in a while.

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Them knowing what it is is a red flag, actually.


You really hit the nail on the head.


>1% of ladies do a thing

>hate your ladies goyim

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File: 73e12262d709e5f⋯.gif (2.21 MB,257x194,257:194,1563911810234.gif)


OP, you are not a fag. Why don't you run this shit on your own? I don't mean Jewgle Media INC. I wonder if someone narrating your stuff like those tabloids from England would make it, because I keep reading that way. You have a knock for satire(gritting realism). I would gladly open up a bookmark space in my toolbar, just to read your stuff. I like you writing style, because I understand what are you trying to emulate, and I could not, even if I tried. Pic related.


For you maybe, but not everyone can discern from love born out of natural affection and propaganda and virtue signaling. Until it gets too close. Degeneracy has knows no bounds.


God bless.

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File: 5b28dbea127ef51⋯.png (899.1 KB,665x1182,665:1182,Absolutely SOLID.png)


Checked. OP should make a genuine Stormer.

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File: d455f028afd67b2⋯.jpg (282.35 KB,663x877,663:877,fuck this world.jpg)

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File: 8427901954ee85f⋯.png (690.01 KB,600x488,75:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes I wonder if white men should just anonymously knock up and rape sheboons at clubs, bars, and colleges so the nigger population gets more white blood pumped into them and these sheboons have one single half-white kid on welfare instead of 6 full-blown nigger niglets on welfare, after all, IQ is genetic and this would breed-out the niggers eventually… but then I remember that they're niggers and I don't know how anyone could keep a hardon to cum in them beyond stupid "muh dick" niggers.

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File: 650c71f83d04a3b⋯.jpg (265.75 KB,646x892,323:446,sex in the city.jpg)

how timely

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Sadly OP left his thread to die. I could get some giggles out of his articles. They seem to be harder and harder to come each day.


Funny that the same media who empowered those woman is now putting the nail in the coffin for them, publicly. The signs are plastered all over the wall and it is a shame the ladies who should pick it up are missing it entirely.

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>(non-white) adopted kids

>outbreeding/racemix kids

>'trans' kids

- single mother by ivf

- women/couples with 'furbabies'

anything i missed?

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File: e3ab13d9f800d39⋯.jpeg (922.16 KB,2000x1194,1000:597,1 Ye9HoeupSCtsEoUVdfBaug.jpeg)

File: 3c0823eb04931df⋯.jpg (189.34 KB,1061x593,1061:593,Naomi-Osaka-parents-Tamaki….jpg)

File: 71ab338ea75a5a8⋯.jpg (91.3 KB,720x720,1:1,perez hilton.jpg)

File: 12dd91381958841⋯.jpg (194.34 KB,820x492,5:3,elton-john-sons-t.jpg)

File: 282f04817713ce6⋯.jpg (105.34 KB,640x640,1:1,nph.jpg)

am i hijacking this thread


- sexual deviant/'lgbt' parents

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We need to start publishing leafies news with this kind of commentary to combat the leftist twist, I laughed my ass off.

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It's because you don't fit in with any racial group, nobody sees you as 'one of them'.

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You meant pedophiles that are child abusers, because that is what I got from it anyway.

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Sex in the City was written by two gay jews, showing that women basically want to live the life of a gay jew in the city - until they don't

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Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack

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>“A lot of gay men don't want to date drag queens because they think they're too fucking gay,”

Holy fucking shit! My sides! Orbit! :D

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File: 2426982b456a6af⋯.jpg (64.46 KB,634x423,634:423,Mudshark_and_her_offspring.jpg)

File: 4b3b503b190711d⋯.jpg (36.05 KB,600x450,4:3,Mudshark_and_her_two_offsp….jpg)

File: 80f35f20fbaa955⋯.jpg (801.61 KB,2368x1816,296:227,Mudshark_Kitt.jpg)

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File: 2c83f0a1b694cfd⋯.jpg (297.63 KB,648x433,648:433,Wp-image-1938112997jpg.jpg)

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File: f0b06f817373615⋯.jpg (87.32 KB,634x956,317:478,wat (2).jpg)

File: 5e2f3fa95818148⋯.jpg (91.58 KB,1000x500,2:1,the downers.jpg)

File: d634e6df5951e52⋯.jpg (151.35 KB,640x662,320:331,inbreeding.jpg)



how could i forget

- banging potatoes

- inbreeding

- teratogens

think we're about ready for someone with graphics skills to create a normalfag friendly /pol/ eugenics poster on the dangers of dysgenics in all its forms

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She's a jewess herself with lots of plastic surgery, didn't look like that originally. Besides she'll probably cuck the guy.

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That little girl Shiloh never had a chance, despite being "privileged from birth". Another lost soul.

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mayo on the roast beef sandwich

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The Ride Doesn't End

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Oy vey she is just tryna enrich the community by assisting People of Darkness. You are a nazi shitlord!!! ReMemBA ThE 6 BiLlIoN loSt in tHe HALL of CosT!!! The nazis lined them all up on the side of the cliff and rolled gold coins off of it!!!

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Why is this a thread?

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Who needs Iran as an enemy when you have 55 failed years of domestic policy that results in politicians not living in their own districts?

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Because every woman is a queen and every black man is a KANG. Now fuck off wigger.

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> Gee, I wonder why.

Imbecile. What you are insinuating is false, because an African could not compose that post. Yours is a typical rat-face kike saboteur technique: you cannot attack directly, so you sow doubt, and attack slyly. I have some Zyklon B for you.

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>Don't have shitskin or half-shitskin babies in the first place.


Niggers are the beastly end of the spectrum of humanity, along with cannibals; Maori; Aussie Aboriginals; etc. Seriously dangerous to humans.

Half-breeds are twice as dangerous (statistically, and suffer many psychological problems.


What do you get when two half-breeds mate ? Three quarters

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> i guarantee they are screeching like monkeys

That is too much of a generalisation. You rayciss or what.

Some of them are Howler Monkeys: they do not screech, they howl. Some of them are whoopers, neither screechers nor howlers. Yet other are African Grey Parrots: they have a few words of priceless Dindoonuffin, which they repeat incessantly.

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File: f89edd8499ac3ca⋯.jpg (68.15 KB,1200x634,600:317,day of the bathtub.jpg)


The day of the Bathtub!

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mind you it's sex 'and' the city in the current timeline stability.

either way it's their fault for falling the archaic form of memes which is through TV. once mind controlled, there's no going back unless you can deprogram your mind.

now that TV is phasing out and people are constantly on their tiny screens, they tried to get with the trends and now we have 'memes' and even netflix shows encouraging little girls to 'prep the bull'.

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Based, a (you) for you.

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File: 8f486ecac194115⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,400x400,1:1,wvhcJkTF.jpg)

Million Dollar Mile is rigged and the producer LeBron James is a scammer! See video proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R2my6wEy4Q

Rich dishonest people get richer by deceipt, earning money from TV adverts, wasting the life of tax paying viewers.

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you also got to remember how those celeb freaks look without makeup. except for the white skin they are zombie pale diarrhea with drug addiction.

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File: e616d0462d7bc78⋯.png (175.24 KB,313x477,313:477,039365arf002n.png)


You should be paid to write.

Do more of these

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Never gets old

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Agreed.i never understood why some of the bipedal creatures are confused with humans. Surely not everything with DNA is a humanid?

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File: 9c7367c3a2db126⋯.png (650.56 KB,720x796,180:199,ClipboardImage.png)


>is this a meme already? saw this 4part picture somewhere

It is, 2nd pic was going around on twitter.

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File: 80038db52ef5d7b⋯.png (89.55 KB,525x858,175:286,ClipboardImage.png)



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>The signs are plastered all over the wall and it is a shame the ladies who should pick it up are missing it entirely.

They'll just blame men and the patriarchy and then ask for more shekels for their "suffering and emotional distress".

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Kirstie, you were cute in Cheers.

And Star Trek III, although movie sucked balls.

Now, you're just some unattractive fat bitch.

So shut the fuck up.

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Take the initiative.

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