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File: 86c039491fa85da⋯.jpg (158.48 KB,680x420,34:21,Out of Africa.jpg)

 No.13477362 [Last50 Posts]

Hey /pol/,

Maybe you guys can enlighten me why people get so emotional over their support of the Out of Africa theory.

I and a friend came from a round table discussion between 6 evolutionary scientists, 3 historians, 2 sociologists, 2 genealogists, 2 journalists, and 1 political scientist. There was an audience of roughly 60 people, mostly college students surrounding the round table in the center. The topic of the discussion was the Out of Africa theory; and ignoring everyone except for the evolutionary scientists there were 2 supporters of the Out of Africa theory and 4 Supporters of Multi-regional Growth Theory.

The scientists were extremely civil between each other and never once got emotional. Both groups were bringing up studies and research that supports their arguments and disputes the other side.

Everything seemed to go fine but after about 30 minutes into the 2 hour discussion everything devolved into a screaming match from everyone; including the audience, except the 6 scientists every time the Multi regional growth scientists spoke.

My friend and I are not very social or political; we mostly hang on /v/ and /a/, but we figured this would be the right place to ask this question.

I heard many people from the audience scream tons of political buzzwords and called one of the Multi-regional scientists, an African American scientist named Bernard Howard Thorpe, a coon and Uncle Tom.

There is plenty of research to support the theory but there is also plenty of research to dispute it which is why it's called a theory, not a fact. The whole point of these round tables is for the scientific community to find common ground and a consensus in order to get closer to what the facts are not devolve into a screaming match.

So, why were some many people getting so emotional over a scientific theory that has been disputed since the day it was first introduced?

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They don't have a worldview without that theory. The increasing scrutiny is probably most unwelcome at the present time, when the societies and countries these "people" believed they were "taking over" are on the brink of collapse largely because of them. They need the scientific theater show to not reflect reality as much as possible.

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Because they are foolish anti-Evolution science deniers who read "Common Ancestry" as "Literally genetically identical in every way"

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Because human history goes back far further than (((academics))) will acknowledge. We've had no fewer than three cataclysms since the end of the Pleistocene: the start and end of the younger dryas (see meltwater pulse 1a and 1b), along with something within ±1000 years of recorded history starting (think Burckle impact crater).

One or more of the civilizations that existed prior to these cataclysms were extremely advanced, but not in the sense that our civilizations are.

There are a ton of interconnected disciplines of research and philosophy that tie the studies of the pre-cataclysm world together, but the short of it is: acknowleding OoA as sophistry acknowledges how little we know about our past which slowly begins to validate all things esoteric.

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Go home nigger out of africa was disproven a decade ago.

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Aryans came from outer space.

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Actually Jews came from outer space. Goyim were invented in test tubes, from crossbreeding various monkey genetics with the Jew gene, to be the slave of the Jews.

Unfortunately, they crash landed on Earth and couldn't leave.

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Because its not true and is designed to imply that there is "one race the human race maaaaan" which is a central tenant of the modern cult of the false god Equality.

But then, you know that already.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Blacks are the original Earthmen, whites came from somewhere else…

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>I heard many people from the audience scream tons of political buzzwords and called one of the Multi-regional scientists, an African American scientist named Bernard Howard Thorpe, a coon and Uncle Tom.

yo he sounds FUCKING BASTE

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Because it's true but not in the shitty false way it's presented to the public.

In your picture, sprinkle a few zeroes to the figures. Enough time for a great number of populations to diverge, flourish, die out, mix, separate, etc.

It could be a proper teaching moment on how the pressures of the environment even affect us humans, making the races distinct.

Essentially, yes, the multi-region theory from your event.

Instead, it's mostly used as anon here >>13477396 said, by people who think we can all sing kumbaya if it wasn't for those pesky wrong-thinkers.

This'll be a shift that'll be even slower to come to the masses than say, tectonic plates, because the evidence will point to uncomfortable (i.e. race realist) conclusions.

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Also, do you know if there's a video of the event? It'd be pretty intradesting to watch.

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Wrong, Africans are jungle jiggers, Muslims and Jews are desert dwellers and Europeans are forest folk.

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this tends to be the case with anything someone has been brought up on. It was imprinted at an early age and becomes an almost primal certainty that isn't easily dissuaded. Some other admittedly lesser examples would be trying to tell someone that humans actually do use more than 10% of their brain or trying to convince a haes ham that the body doesn't produce more than it consumes.

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People need this theory to be true so that they cant turn around and say "we're not so different, we all came from Africa we're all the same on the inside" when that couldn't be further from the truth. Blacks are descended from the bonobo, this out of Africa theory is a big reason why you shouldnt trust the scientific community

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> talking to a ham about caloric intake

Oh boy, I made that mistake once. I wasn't even talking to her, just mentioning how counting calories religiously actually helped me not be that much of a fatass….

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Only very small brains are worried about ancient human evolutionary biology. Wether the human genome was developed loosely in parrallel in different areas or if we all came from the same original organism it makes literally no difference to anyone from a political perspective.

Certain races are lower IQ than others. That is a largely genetic distinction. Those who who want to destroy the political basis for that will do so regardless of human evolutionary biology. Until research can prove that IQ is largely NOT genetic than the discussion can change in a meaningful way and until then it's just theater for caved-in heads. Don't be a caved-in head drooling retard.

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It doesn't support their communist agenda. The communists want to force everyone to be exactly the same, think the same, dress the same, make men women, make women men. They can't claim we are all African when people dare speak the truth.

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I guess I really am old because back when I was a kid the it was the Out-Of-Asia theory that was the thing, eventually it went to Out-Of-Africa thanks to new (now old) archeological findings, and now we're probably back to the Out-Of-Asia theory again thanks to recent teeth and skull findings in Europe and other findings in Asia citing






So we find out our whole ancestral line is native to Asia or Eurasia.

But I really want to focus on this question

>Why Do People Get so Emotional Over The Out of Africa Theory?

This is very multi-sided and somewhat humourous. One is the fact scientists have massive egos and will do whatever it takes to protect their theories and this has manifested itself multiple times, I'd say the ones with the biggest egos are the paleontologists, an infamous example being the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_Wars and constantly since then to this day paleontologists either withholding bones from other paleontologists to examine because it may discredit their long held theories of themselves or any scientific colleagues they are close with/aligned or just outright destroying fossils to hide evidence of inconvenient narratives. It's unfortunate but science is highly politicised, the lunatic PC crowd making it impossible to do real research as this unfortunate man found out

>It was a triumphant moment for the young scientist. He was up for tenure and his research was being featured in back-to-back articles in the country's most prestigious science journal. Yet today, Dr. Lahn says he is moving away from the research. "It's getting too controversial," he says.

>What Dr. Lahn told his audience was that genetic changes over the past several thousand years might be linked to brain size and intelligence. He flashed maps that showed the changes had taken hold and spread widely in Europe, Asia and the Americas, but weren't common in sub-Saharan Africa.

>Yet Dr. Lahn, who left China after participating in prodemocracy protests, says intellectual "police" in the U.S. make such questions difficult to pursue.


And that leads us to two. The Out-Of-Africa theory has benefits to the narrative of what some scientists call "leftist creationist" types. There's this huge effort to give the Africans any credit whatsoever to prop them up but that's where the paradox begins because Out-Of-Africa can also be interpreted as racist, a story where everyone else is humanity left Africa and evolved while sub-Saharans are the "left behinds" of the human race; not smart, adventurous, or man enough to leave the bountiful resource rich comfort of Africa for the dangerously cold Europe, Asia, and beyond where the man who planned and not the man who ran won.

Finally three is the multi-region hypothesis is already proven correct. Why? Because we found out through genetic mapping humanity is really a mix of entirely different species. Neanderthal, Denisovan, and more. The one that confounds us is the admixture of the sub-Saharan Africans. Their admixture is so strange, archaic, and distant from the rest of humanity no scientist can identify it. In truth, when we discovered this it should have been one of the most single important findings in all of human history but the leftist creationists wouldn't have it and that's where we're at now. This disgusting anti-science world continues to crushed science even as right religious lunatics and religion wanes thanks to the rise of leftist lunatics. There's no escape and that's why this is happening, OP.

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Because it was ONLY a theory and not a good one at that. But at the time the idea of soothing and boosting black pride was all the rage.

In the end this THEORY was pushed through because of A. overconfidence in what appeared to be solid evidence and the belief that this theory would surely prove itself out in the end. and

B. Fucking racism against Whites and Asians on the part of the "scientific" community. Shame on these fucking fucks forever.

There are several far more convincing theories than this "out of Africa" bullcrap. They have better and more solid evidence backed by the GOLD STANDARD of the evidentiary world known as DNA and it's related science.

You see the scientists realize that they can transpose the lions share of all their work and iseas onto any system of origin. So whether the truth is Africa or anywhere else their ideas still stand on solid footing,. So why give a shit, why is that all they care about? Well keeping the idea of "out of Africa" central in their work benefits them as a result of folks who want this theory to be true whether it is or not. (the we was kang's effect) It keeps the money flowing. If they reversed course and changed it to a out of Asia or out of Europe theory you can bet your ass their funding would dry the fuck up, like a 80 year old porn stars absolutely wrecked hallway she calls a pussy, overnight.

"Out of Africa" is nothing more than pandering with the collection plate held out by the community. How else are these scientists going to pay the bills. If origin has no real damaging effect on their ideas, then why give a flying fuck?

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It's like this with countless things. People don't really care about the truth, they merely choose whatever truth confirms their worldview. SJWs choose Out of Africa as their truth so they can say that we are all Africans and therefore equal, which makes no sense to anyone with a basic understanding of evolution. Similarly white supremacists reject Out of Africa just to defy the SJWs who say it means that we are all Africans, again not because they truly know that it's false, but because it can be used to challenge their worldview if interpreted in a completely retarded way. Open your eyes, don't let political dogma corrupt your sense, or you will walk through life blind.

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Explains it far better than I.

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It's not a Theory, it's a hypothesis.

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>because the evidence will point to uncomfortable (i.e. race realist) conclusions.

Geneticists are already coming to this point, this is from top Harvard geneticist David Reich


>I am worried that well-meaning people who deny the possibility of substantial biological differences among human populations are digging themselves into an indefensible position, one that will not survive the onslaught of science.


You just can't deny reality forever. This age will be another dark age stain in humanity's scientific history except this time it won't be the church but the insane egalitarian equally religious zealots holding back real progress.


>Until research can prove that IQ is largely NOT genetic than the discussion can change in a meaningful way

Currently, mainstream science already admits intelligence is mostly inheritable.

Here's the thing us race realist scientists do. We can't/avoid publishing or mentioning race in journals with some exceptions but we can do what's called scientific peer reviewed tip toeing. We'll do all the studies we can confirming behavioural and cognitive sciences but we don't mention race at least on paper. It will essentially lead anyone with even an iota of intellect to the same conclusions of race realism as saying it outright. The evidence is overwhelming in every measure even without IQ we can go with cranial capacity or mirror and impulsiveness tests and more and it affirms the same exact things IQ has already confirmed on the disparity of intellect and whom is civilised between populations.

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Funny you should say that. If some very convincing theories are true, Africas black population was on the very edge of collapse and the passing of blacks from the syage of world history, when Whites fortuitously came on the scene. Whites could not have come along at a more opportune, or better that we say NEEDED, time. Whites were asked if they would trade for captured enemy warriors by tribal chieftains. I mean blacks really had NOTHING else of any value they could trade. The blacks were just above the chimpanzee if the big picture is taken into full account. They had absolutely NOTHING of value to trade. But those shiny beads and colorful cloth the White man possessed were highly coveted by the primitive black race.

In the end basically the tribal leader offered these men as slaves in trade for these trinkets. These "men" would have been executed if the White man had walked away. And blacks would have continued their downward spiral into oblivion.

The black races interaction with Whites saved their ass. They learned all the things they would never have discovered on their own that would help them thrive once again in Africas quickly changing environment, changes that intelligence challenged blacks could not keep up with. In many cases the blacks just put themselves under White rule because they at least had the sense to realize that White were smarter, (almost God like to them) wiser, and being subservient to Whites was better than slowly fading from existence.

That's the real story of blacks and how Whites regrettably became involved with them.

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>Blacks are the original Earthmen, whites came from somewhere else…

prolly this tbh

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> an indefensible position

LOL anon, please. The cosmopolitans can't be cornered so easily.

They'll simply shift to a new position and deny ever having held the previous position (see: global cooling circa 1970s)

I predict that the shift will go to something like how miscegenation is proper or, if batshit crazy enough, incentivized cross breeding because it's not "fair" otherwise.

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People aren't interested in the truth. They are interested in confirming their biases. To some people, especially women, having their biases broken with facts is physically painful. I can tell you this from experience as an ex girlfriend once told me this during attempted redpilling#47

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i don't get emotional but it's not the only theory. others have postulated that not unlike neandertal there were several human species. one theory holds that cro-magnon originated in russia and became europoid whilst africans developed separately although we all had a common protohuman common ancestor the africa story has several discrepancies for example we know that at one time the population in africa was a mere 44,000 or so. How does that amount to muh 7-10 billion alleged to live now? just like neandertal could and did mate with humans same as negroids just like birds or any other animal. did birds originate in africa? who cares there really is no validity to the africa claim. africa could have been the origin of some pygmie or half minded circus ape that got butt fucked and created alex jones (bill hicks) but the so called origin is a claim made out of the inability to say we don't really know. my chickens for example are they raptors? where did raptors originate? just lay the eggs.

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> All this unedited autism in one post

Leaving the rest of your ramblings alone…

> 7 billion can't come from 44,000 duuhhh

It's like you never cracked open a biology book or lived anywhere with deer.

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completely factual negroids have the smallest cranial capacity but any academic has to be sneaky or get called a racist and marginalised. who wants to ruin their life over the truth. you just gotta be vague so the stupid twits don't get triggered and so you protect your institution which pays you against scandal. then they wonder why elites don't feel the masses should make any real or important decisions. because they are ignorant and incapable.

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fine but where did your deer originate

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Here is the archive to your article anon.


Also, I found there's a chan scraper in Voat. LOL

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-Jews want us to believe the shitty OOA theory because it demoralizes us by insinuating that the black man is our daddy in an ancestral origins sense. It also puts us beneath the black man in the submissive role as his de facto son/s. Jews just love to promote this shitty little theory for the sheer psyche warfare value it has against us.

-Niggers want it to be true because they know their contributions to humanity are virtually nill on any serious level so this being true would at the very least give them a proverbial seat at the table so to speak, meaning they’d finally in a way be able to claim some real level of respect from the rest of us for their being our progenitors instead of barely tolerable ape like creatures that we might decide to wholesale exterminate at any time for our own safety and well being purposes.

So there’s a lot riding on this theory being true for our racial enemies.

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It's an intellectual failure because people aren't able to stoically accept other people's opinions might differ from their own.

This is a typical sign of indoctrination or even extremism which is the refusal to accept other people's opinions.

It also can be interpreted as a lack of mental maturity.

Personally I think it has a variety of factors but mainly the lack of individualist thought and respect for individual liberties isn't emphasized enough in modern education.

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Like a previous anon said: you can undermine OOA by saying it's racist: it's implying that black people aren't smart enough to leave their homeland, etc.

Really ham it up.

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The out of Africa theory is operating on the time-frame of entire continents drifting. The 'humans' back then could barely be considered human according to evolution.

If you were to meet those so called humans face to face you and I would probably recognize them as being closer to primates or neanderthal-like.

It doesn't really matter whether it happened or not because there are clearly distinct cultures that are being threatened by mass migration and multiculturalism.

Why people consider the OOA theory so important is beyond me as logically it doesn't change my position.

They need to go back to Africa.

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This proves that the Ice-age migration of Europeans from Europe to North America is very possible.

>Why Do People Get so Emotional Over The Out of Africa Theory?

it's a cornerstone of white guilt.

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Sins of the father are the sins of the son, this is the symptom of a mindset that only sees people as group members and disregards individuality.

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Opposition to the Out of Africa stuff is always based on Christfaggotry and nothing else. Why would a "white supremacist" or whatever deny it? Because the "white supremacist" you're talking to is just a Christfag in disguise, and he wants to continue imaging Moses looked like Charlton Heston and not a nigger.

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Jesus wasn't a bad jew though.

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Jesus never existed. It's a literary character in a story.

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>-Jews want us to believe the shitty OOA theory because it demoralizes us by insinuating that the black man is our daddy in an ancestral origins sense.

Translation: believing my ancestor was a monkey hurts me in the feel-feels. How could Adam and Eve be baboons?

>-Niggers want it to be true

Implying ZOG-niggers care about that kind of shit. The types that would care already believe "WE WUZ KANGZ" of Egypt, that all Bible characters were niggers, that Socrates was a nigger, etc, etc.

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File: bfc1701a303a7c4⋯.png (1.3 MB,2298x1242,383:207,ddsdsds.png)


I just made this. Good job?

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File: b1bf6b16010d508⋯.png (569.97 KB,625x777,625:777,42343243.png)


>Sins of the father are the sins of the son, this is the symptom of a mindset that only sees people as group members and disregards individuality.

About that.

We had republicans saying "In America we don't punish children for the actions of their parents."

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Not bad.>>13478108


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Now we have somebody switching IPs to argue with himself to derail the thread.

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>atheist posting wew

>We had Republicans

Who cares?

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Welcome to 8chan.

Its probably a mod doing it.

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Keep imagining shit, Christfag.

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If we had real leadership they would create a stickied thread, and give anyone who posts about religion out side that thread a month long ban.

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I'm interested in the "back to Africa" theory.

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Life is more beautiful for her because she's not judging men by their looks, but by their character.

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Because our entire globohomo religion of wypepo bad, brown pepo good is built around that theory

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Genuine Q - I know and, i will lurk 2 moar years, but, for now….

>Evolution theory is BS

Then why do niggers look like fucking gorillas and apes?

>Why do African niggers look moreso than niggers in white countries - for example new niggers in Sweden looks like niggers in Africa, whereas, the niggers in the USA looks less Apeish - although most do is is simply because the slave masters raped their slaves ?

You may find some similarities between monkys and some Asian ( Panjeets and Chinks), but not as prevalent as niggers and apes - why is this?

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Africans are Savannah Straddlers, not jungle jiggers

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Again, how does this explain biological, emotional and physical traits which are sometimes similar between races ?

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One thing people keep forgetting, according to the theory all of humanity descended from the Khoi Africans who are infamous for being peaceful and currently being genocided by bantu subhumans the one American and European niggers are descended from.

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The nigger is just a substitute for any ape in this discussion. They're not complaining about being related to niggers, they're complaining about being related to any apes at all. The nigger is just a stand-in for the ape here, because if they didn't do this, it would be obvious they're just Kike cock-sucking Christfags.

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Because the only human beings are the White people. Everything else are just a bunch of subhuman parasites that must all be genocided.

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No we have genetic evidence that niggers are only a subspecies of hominids that are 30,000 years old and a cross between africans and 'an unknown admixture' which it turns out in GEDMATCH is 'chimpanzee'. They are not human.

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Filtered for religious D&C. We have a 'religion' thread you can take your bullshit too.

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He wasn't a jew at all you dumb faggot.

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It's not a theory its a hypothesis.

People use the two interchangeably far too often these days.

If theres research to support and dispute it then it doesn't meet the criteria for theory. Until the disputing results/evidence are somehow explained in a manner consistent with the hypothesis.

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>although most do is it simply because the slave masters raped their slaves ?


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nobody really wants to be related to niggers

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That is a funny ass shooped image.

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What exactly do you mean by "Multi-regional Growth Theory" and "Out of Africa Theory"? Because it should be testable. And as far as I see, the evidence supports the Out of Africa theory. Sure, there was minor admixture with other human populations, but that hardly invalidates the model. Humans spread out of Africa, and with some minor admixture and divergence there arose distinct genetic populations, races.

Honestly, it seems that some people try to rely on the multiregional hypothesis because they think they need to emphasize something, to prove that there are different races in humans. You don't need to do that.

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Interdastig… I heard a (non-scientific) theory as a child along similar lines, that everything we know about everything since the last ice age has happened before… may explain oddities like the antikythera device/machine/i can't remember.

Got any links?

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because black people want to be better than white people, and other non-whites want white people to be taken off of their pedestal so that they can feel better about their shortcomings

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>think that all humans coming out of africa mean racists are stupid.

>unironically admitting that africans are the least evolved race.

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There was a time when men did not fuck subhuman bitches. They were called the Watchers and they supervised the planet (without fucking subhumans) but then White men decided that they wanted to fuck monkeys and they have been doing it ever since, destroying the entire planet and filling it with disgusting and foul mongrels that are not animal and not human.

Try The Book of Enoch, it speaks clearly about the men who defiled themselves by fucking subhuman trash (and continue to do so to this day). If only men could learn not to put their dicks into monkeys we would all be better off.

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File: 1bb4807b3408a8b⋯.jpg (163.09 KB,900x602,450:301,western-lowland-gorilla-fe….jpg)


>White men decided that they wanted to fuck monkeys

>Nigger do you realize what the fuck it is you are really saying?

> A 'Watcher' - presumably, blonde and blue eyes saw one of those ( pic), and lusted after it, then fucked it?

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File: 621672cc4393f6a⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,480x360,4:3,white men fucking spicnigg….jpg)

File: 61f96994df81c91⋯.jpg (6.55 KB,299x168,299:168,white men fucking spicnigg….jpg)

File: 7dd1ed722f7c023⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,750x422,375:211,chimpanzee fucking white m….jpg)

File: af1f87b247fd43c⋯.jpg (59.39 KB,659x496,659:496,white man bug fucker.jpg)


Here you go white men fucking subhuman trash…still occurring in modern civilization, every fucking day.

Your problem is NOT REALIZING that all these women are monkeys compared to our race and that you are making mongrel trash NON-HUMANS and defiling your inheritance with them.

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This is about evolution.

Your claim is that niggers were created when a 'Watcher' fucked a baboon. Vis a vis the creation of the nigger species we call humans.

Was this not your claim?

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In addition to ——-these subhumans have similar traits to the 'Watchers' so i can understand fucking them - what i do not understand is your claim of actual gorilla fucking by white men.

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They want to rehabilitate Satan's continent from glorified ape sanctuary to cradle of civilization.

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You mean the Chinese? Well at least they will murder all the niggers in it. There is no way that the bug people will tolerate wild dindus running around in their nation trashing stuff just because they are alive (some of the time it is not malicious, they are just fucking retards). I can remember a story about a mining company that had to forbid all niggers from truck driving because they were too stupid to avoid things like potholes on the road and the truck accrued thousands of dollars in damage from a few trips.

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>Blacks are the original Earthmen, whites came from somewhere else…

if this were the case their genetics would be so distant that they couldn't interbreed.

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>This is about evolution

WTF, no anon.

It is about the fact that the entire planet used to be a White Utopia where we shepherded the lesser ape races. Then one day White men (rapists basically because subhumans can't really consent) started fucking the very subhuman trash they were supposed to be helping to elevate to sentience. This was not 'shepherding' them to sentience but instead it produced horrific mongrels that destroyed everything they touched (jews/semites) and then all the lesser races that are mongrel trash and only know how to destroy, devour and fuck (asians/niggers/spicniggers/etc). Like I said it is all written down in the Book of Enoch. None of these disgusting corrupted 'offspring' will survive because they are mongrels who are not fit for life.

Close…or niggers might be lab specimens. But they were meant to be a replacement slave for the gold and precious metal mines in Africa where the Whites no longer wanted to work. It was this one disgusting act that produced all the hominids in the world. They are probably all a mongrel product of the same 'nigger experiment' and meant to ONLY BE SLAVES. But instead White men just HAD TO PUT THEIR DICK INTO THEIR SLAVES and produced the disgusting mongrel populations of the globe.

>Genesis 6. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God (race mixing fucking whore who started all this shit) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

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>lesser ape races

Any indication on what they looked like - genetic make up etc?

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Liberia already debunked it. But don't stop me from reminding the normalfaggots of it at every opportunity.

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File: 77e53a7b1ec5de6⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,288x318,48:53,bug woman.jpg)

File: 6a09c1877c16ac4⋯.jpg (67.22 KB,1024x427,1024:427,niggers_are_apes_2.jpg)


Slightly more ape-like, according to their nature of their subspecies, than they look now. I will never understand what prompts men to put their dick into non-European women…but they do it the same way that they put their dicks into a faggots shit/butthole. Anyway, the entire fucking planet got quarantined for this problem because the plague (mongrels) that resulted could not be allowed out of the 'bubble of punishment' for the Watchers who 'left their first estate' (natural relations with their own kind) and started monkey fucking.

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File: 98b5399eb7ffdf6⋯.png (647.4 KB,679x449,679:449,heroin.png)

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>I will never understand what prompts men to put their dick into non-European women

>Therefore by implication we are prone to fucking baboons and niggers.

Anyway, the entire fucking planet got quarantined for this problem because the plague (mongrels) that resulted could not be allowed out of the 'bubble of punishment.

>So what was left or quarantined on Earth were low IQ Watchers, who cannot control themselves to live and die among the apes for eternity ?

>Your implication also suggests that the watchers are weak in many forms.

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>Therefore by implication we are prone to fucking baboons and niggers.

White men do fuck animals. Even on /pol/ a supposed 'Conservative' environment, you will see threads devoted to men who put their (procreation principle) inside another mans butt until it bleeds or falls out of the fags body [or men who proudly promote their latest non-consensual rape/marriage to monkeys]…I mean that right there along with the 'online instructions' on how to stuff your own loose anus material back up inside you after a vigorous fucking should tell you that the Watchers who 'left their estate' were fucking weak and degenerate and probably needed to be thrown down here to die as slaves for MANY generations (they should hope that it was only 72 generations).

>And the Lord said to [the arch-angel] Raphael: "Bind [the rebel] Azazel hand and foot and throw him into the darkness!"

>And Raphael made a hole in the desert, which was in Dudael, and cast him there. On top of him, he threw rugged and sharp rocks. And he covered Azazel's face in order that he may not see light and […] may be sent into the fire on the great day of judgment. […]

>And to Michael the Lord said: "[…] Bind them for seventy generations [Azazel one + Azazel twenty one; the first {alpha} and the last {omega} concludes the judgment at 72 generations] underneath the rocks of the ground until the day of their judgment is concluded."

If this is not the case they will be driven to extinction in the most horrific ways imaginable by the disgusting creations of their own cocks. Which would actually be a suitable punishment as long as the mongrel trash their sexual union produced was dragged down with them into the grave.

The Watchers are weak…they took an oath of hatred (imprication = hatred) towards the planet in order to defile it in the manner they did.

>"1. And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. 2. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways.

>"1. And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all >>>lawlessness<<< being wrought upon the earth. 2. And they said one to another: 'The earth made †without inhabitant cries the voice of their crying† up to the gates of heaven. 3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, "Bring our cause before the Most High."

Matthew 13

13 This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see;

though hearing, they do not hear or understand.

14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:

“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]

Luke 15

17 “When he came to his senses (lol…how long until this happens), he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, >>>I have sinned against heaven and against you<<<. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

Get it? "Father, I have sinned against Heaven and against You."

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Is this why we haven't left earth? Reminds me of the epic of gilgamesh.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, the jews believe that the universe is theirs to pillage, devour and destroy because it is eternal (their saying that it has a 'beginning and end' is one of their lies) and thus it is not a 'sin' to destroy and consume whatever you desire, others whom they would pillage, devour and destroy are not as keen on that particular agenda. It is like we bred the worst parasite that the universe has ever seen on this planet and it wants out more than anything in the universe…but like I said, the universe at large is not so keen on their agenda of the ultimate destruction. That is why we are in quarantine until this is resolved. Since others do not perceive time the way we do, for them a relatively small amount of time has passed while for us it has been thousands of years of punishment and many lives.

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>On the morning of Tuesday, February 6, I was still high. I was hallucinating. Thinking the friend I'd gotten high with had gone to church, I wandered there along a railroad track. Even though it was 10:30 in the morning, everything looked dark and gloomy apart from a light post, where I thought a white bird was perched.

>It was then I remember thinking that someone had to sacrifice something important to right the world, and that person was me. I thought everything would end abruptly, and everyone would die, if I didn't tear out my eyes immediately. I don't know how I came to that conclusion, but I felt it was, without doubt, the right, rational thing to do immediately.

>I got on my hands and knees, pounding the ground and praying, "Why me? Why do I have to do this?"

>Next, a man I'd been staying with, who happened to have a Biblical name, drove by and called out the window, "I locked up the house. Do you have the other key?" A sign, I thought, that my sacrifice is the key to saving the world.

>So I pushed my thumb, pointer, and middle finger into each eye. I gripped each eyeball, twisted, and pulled until each eye popped out of the socket - it felt like a massive struggle, the hardest thing I ever had to do. Because I could no longer see, I don't know if there was blood. But I know the drugs numbed the pain. I'm pretty sure I would have tried to claw right into my brain if a pastor hadn't heard me screaming, "I want to see the light!" - which I don't recall saying - and restrained me. He later said, when he found me, that I was holding my eyeballs in my hands. I had squished them, although they were somehow still attached to my head.

>I was transferred to a stretcher and airlifted via helicopter to Greenville Memorial Hospital in South Carolina.


All jews are responsible for this.

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>bitch was high as fuck and you are saying it was 'religion' not pharmaceuticals?

How about we ban both of you from /pol/ for pushing the jewish agenda of drug use and degenerate behavior as well as a FUCKING LACK OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY you fucking leftard.

Both of you deserve a ban for this sloppy nigger reasoning.

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Dumbfuck she reasoned it was "God's Plan™".

>on way to church

>someone had to sacrifice something

>to right the world

>hands and knees .. praying

>a man [with] a Biblical name

>a sign

>I want to see the light!

<it's totally not religion teaching no personal responsibility

>47 Bible Verses about God Being In Control


Religionfags are such fucking retards it's almost unbelievable.

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Humans intentionally committed bestiality and mixed their blood with subhuman hominids or were forcibly raped through genocide.

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File: 9c106e286e7c055⋯.jpeg (104.96 KB,1024x768,4:3,5DBC6293-4BBA-4E56-9F63-D….jpeg)


>Everything else are just a bunch of subhuman parasites that must all be genocided.



>they are not human


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They believe in progress, whilst simultaneously believing in the purity of tribal life, uncontaminated by civilization.

This means that they want to see negroes as the epitome of what humans should be, merely damaged by civilization.

However, if out of africa goes out of the window, negroes can and will be seen as a failure. They can't have that in their egalitarian world.

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Out of Africa theory makes no use of the the Americas as a center for civilization. It ultimately says they are the most outbred race of people. It makes no use of traveling vessels for closest point between Africa and South America called the humps. However makes use of vessels for Asia to Australia. You know the theory was proposed by a group of white men from around the area of Turkey whom wanted to preserve their businesses with Asia because that was the only trading partner they historically had.

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File: 91617a67fbf5bca⋯.png (289.53 KB,1000x1000,1:1,hale hortler.png)


A link to this supposed round table would be helpful, you 1 post OP faggotron.

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>Dumbfuck she reasoned it was "God's Plan™"


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File: a564a63141e8ffd⋯.jpg (275.95 KB,1862x1048,931:524,Koko_2.jpg)


>niggers look like gorillas

Apologize to the dead spirit of this gentle creature for insulting her by comparing her to those demonic niggers.

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opening your mind to the idea that niggers and humans were not born on the same continent will open their mind to the idea that humans and niggers are 2 completly different species

i always laugh at leftards who scream their "one race human race" mantra by asking them if they are implying that niggers are a completly different species instead of another race

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Unfortunately I'm not aware of a video of the event. I'll ask the coordinator when I see him next Tuesday

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Sorry; I don't really post. Mostly lurk, and like I said I'm mostly on /v/ and /a/.

As I just posted above >>13481246 I'm not aware of any video but I'll ask the coordinator when I next see him about it.

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Jesus Christ, >>13477790 he's just fucking joking.

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Because they have aids… of the mind!

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The emotional outburst results, because the Out of Africa theory somehow implies that Africans are our "superior" ancestors, because we came from Africa, making them the "original" people, while people do not realize that Africans are cousins diverged from a common ancestor, they are not our ancestors.

Nevertheless, the left likes to use this as an argument to shame white people into feeling inferior to people from Africa.

Since the left is good in making up manipulative narratives, I feel it is time we on the right make some too, since truth doesn't matter too much to the left.

We in the west, as white people, are justified to "bring back" the numbers of people from Africa in the west, for the simple reason that blacks in Africa expelled us white people from the garden of eden (Africa). We had to survive in the cold, suffer great losses and we suffered inmensely because of it, but we grew stronger because of it. Now it is time for the black people to pay their debts for their expulsion of our ancestors, as our creator has granted us the gift of racial and mental superiority to avenge our ancestor's suffering caused by the African Americans.

Also, this is why every white person on the planet is absolved from any guilt associated with slavery. It is simply our right because of our history, a reparation for our suffering, if you will.

Let's meme this into existence kameraden


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>Until research can prove that IQ

It's more than IQ that people care about. You have genetic persuasions totally apart from IQ that determine your behavior. Even smart blacks are more prone to violence, and dumb whites are more peaceful.

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The OOAT is already debunked thanks to modern genetic science for the following reasons

1) Every population group on earth cannot be descended from Subsaharan Africans because Subsaharan Africans have genes nobody else on earth has which is to say Subsaharan Africans have an unidentifiable admixture and genetics modern science still has zero answers for.

2) All of humanity would have inherited those genes showing up in genetic testing if we really did descend from Subsaharan Africans who left Africa and at best we might share a common ancestor in Africa that wasn't black at all but an extinct proto-human species who doesn't exist anymore yet even that is a highly unlikely hypothesis because

3) All the most recent fossil findings heavily point towards a Eurasian or Multi-Regional hypothesis origin for homo sapiens and absolutely for primates.

4) Humanity in regions throughout the world through genetic mapping are found to be a mix of entirely different species such as Homo neanderthalensis and more.

5) The advocates for OOAT have a highly emotionally rooted attack on reality with zero basis in science and evidence as noted by OP.

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>Hey /pol/,

Oh, hey cunt.

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so… basically the redpill truth is the plot of Babylon 5?



shit, that's real? how did I miss that?

>Greece and Bulgaria

civilization also started here. the first tribes with encampments showing signs of interfamilial cooperation, skill differentiation and division of labor were found in the Balkans

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>1) & 2)

OOAT doesn't say that "we" descended from current-day subsaharan africans, you dipshit, just that we have a very recent common ancestor


exaggerated statement, but more or less true


irrelevant to OOAT


not an argument against the hypothesis, but certainly a red flag

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you can only draw conclusions from shit you can actually find mr "I Just read hancock", fund some diving excavations and some carbon dating and evaluation and the rent seekers will magically agree with you

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modern sub saharan bone in nose niggers arent the people actually referenced in OoAT, but that fact is deliberately ignored by everbody, especially niggers

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File: 57fd4c8fe525d3f⋯.mp4 (840.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,57fd4c8fe525d3fac628031939….mp4)


>Why Do People Get so Emotional Over The Out of Africa Theory?

Black Fragility.

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>that fact is deliberately ignored by everbody, especially niggers

well, I can't argue there. But, I think the more pervasive subversive "lesson" is that "we're all the same" because we "all share a recent ancestor." The weird thing about this is that even if out of africa were true, this conclusion still doesn't follow. If we can change morphologically in such a short time, then there's no reason to believe we couldn't change cognitively, emotionally, etc in that short time. They should rename the "Out of Africa Theory" to the "Everything Evolves But the Brain Assertion" (EBtBA)

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both kosher approved OoAT and asia and Multi theories identify niggers as weird freak monkey hybrids, the original "africans" are barely related

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Jews are racist af and they can't stand that they are niggers

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>both kosher approved OoAT and asia and Multi theories identify niggers as weird freak monkey hybrids

you have a sauce on that?



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Science can be manipulated by politic purpose, such as survey of IQ test will be censored on Youtube.

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This, we were CREATED, not apes that stood on two feet! As for the ape's desendants… we can all see who they are clearly by their phenotype.

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this! It's the shitlib common core package we were all taught in school to convince us that objective truth is actually not so. Along with Hitler had nigger and kike dna, mandela saved the world, we are all the same etc.

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This, one look at our societies makes clear that we are *out of this world* (pun very much intended)

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here comes the faggot 'conspiracy' shill trying to discredit shit with their bullshit fantasies. worked great on boomers and the silent generation in getting the normalfags to immediately associate truth with the insanity of the mentally ill. neat trick.

wont save you from kinetics kid. everything the systems does it saves, that means you doing this job is recorded, and everything about you has also been recorded. there will be no need for trials, this thanks to your masters attempt to dominate all, will simply be an execution for your actions.

Keep going, what ya going to haul out next eh.

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>we were created

If that's the case, we were made to be capable of interbreeding with the descendents of apes despite having no common ancestry at all, and not capable of interbreeding with any other terrestrial organisms.

What a coincidence.

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The proper way of redpilling emotional sheep is to be overly emotional and commanding. Be slightly scary and sure in your words, do not focus on intellectual means as you would with us, but instead focus on pure emotional arguments. I've found one big easily pushed redpill on those southern invaders is to casually but firmly accuse the npc of supporting the rape of 14 year olds in their school bathroom if they support such invaders in any way. Just make the arguments as if they are common sense and commonly known while the npc is clearly ignorant and one whom supports criminals whom hurt little girls. npc's freeze and cower, those with more intellectual bent will ask about the details. Both routes are open for an prepared anon to dominate the group at that point.

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This just in: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1376-z

>Apidima Cave fossils provide earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in Eurasia

>Two fossilized human crania (Apidima 1 and Apidima 2) from Apidima Cave, southern Greece, were discovered in the late 1970s but have remained enigmatic owing to their incomplete nature, taphonomic distortion and lack of archaeological context and chronology. Here we virtually reconstruct both crania, provide detailed comparative descriptions and analyses, and date them using U-series radiometric methods. Apidima 2 dates to more than 170 thousand years ago and has a Neanderthal-like morphological pattern. By contrast, Apidima 1 dates to more than 210 thousand years ago and presents a mixture of modern human and primitive features. These results suggest that two late Middle Pleistocene human groups were present at this site—an early Homo sapiens population, followed by a Neanderthal population. Our findings support multiple dispersals of early modern humans out of Africa, and highlight the complex demographic processes that characterized Pleistocene human evolution and modern human presence in southeast Europe.

Obviously it's mainstream, so they gotta keep talking about OOA, but with sapiens in ~300kybp Morocco(oldest one yet), now ~210ybp Greece and I think some from Arabia from a similar period, as well as skuhl kafzeh ones from ~100kybp Israel, this is looking important. In comparison, Omo I in africa, once the oldest, is just ~190k years old.

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>mandela saved the world,

…literally who says this?

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He's being hyperbolic, but libshits see a literal terrorist as some saint

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It's simple, really, leftists still have not gotten over their anti-science Lysenkoism.

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It is funny watching all of you arguing over what kind of ape you descended from and where those apes happened to live. One evolutionary myth is just as bad as another.

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I am always jealous of someone who can get their research published in Nature. One day… But yes, a significant moment in human evolution has been established and the mainstream will not be allowed to blockade scientific truth.

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>le enlightened centrist "you are all retards arguing unlike me"

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Centrist? Ha! I want to do what Darwin said we'd eventually do, quote

>At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked (18. 'Anthropological Review,' April 1867, p. 236.), will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.


The progress of humanity depends on whether we or future generations accomplish this and there is no room for arguments peer-reviewed or otherwise. The time for arguments is at an end.

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Because it's not true.

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>2nd image


It opens up with a long rant about christians converting to judaism.

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Darwin was a hack fraud, but since he hated niggers too you worship him.

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Your days are numbered. Join the rest of the Luddites and Lysenkoists of history as grave soil.

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Why not just call me a heretic to science? Your religion is already obvious. Why hide it?

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>Acts like she is the star of her very own jewish NPC movie

(((TV))) is satanic.

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Isn't that racist though? Double think in action.


Stop shilling your individualist bullshit faggot, modern society is hyper individualistic in every way except for punishing the White man.


>leddit spacing wew

Fuck off.

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Pluto. Nobody gives a rat fuck about Pluto, but new information came out and it stopped being called a planet and people lost their shit because that's what they were taught in school and the idea that what they had learned and believed in for decades turned out to be wrong shocked them so deeply that they revolted and raged against it in full denial. The Africa theory is Pluto.

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Whites weren't the first people to enslave blacks the common slave routes that were used by Europeans were established by Arabs.

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This anon gets it.

Once it's mainstream that we're not all equal due to genetic differences the egalitarians/jews/intellectuals/etc. will deny that they ever believed in equality of outcome, and will instead shift to positions like anon suggested where they say lower IQ races need to be genetically engineered to catch up to Europeans and East Asians or we need to mix it up even more so that we actually can be genetically equal as mutts or Europeans need to do even more for non-whites since we are actually genetically superior and so in addition to affirmative action now we also need reparations and more education for non-whites and more tax breaks for non-white businesses and even more welfare money allowcated to non-whites and so on.

These people won't stop until the white race is exterminated.

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Maybe you can help me here anon as I don't get something

How closely related must animals be to breed the way humans do? I know there are near identical animals in different eco systems. They evolved the same niche in different regions. Would it be possible for these creatures to breed? Lets say a duck evolves in Canada and a duck in Brazil. Neither migrate and they look and act identical, they are the same species in everything except where they evolved from. What are the chances these can breed with each other and have viable off spring?

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even leftist kikes like David Reich just cannot hide it anymore, they can at best sugar coat it

much of the egalitarian race nonsense accumulated between 1945 and the rise of modern genetics

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y-you think anon?

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You can't produce a mountain of facts and leave out certain connections. SOMEBODY inevitably will connect the dots some time and then they can't go back.

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OP asks because he has no pride as a result of being completely without selfesteem. To answer your query, faggot, it's because it's insulting. One should be indignant at the suggestion that their relatives were stupid animals.

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It’s a fraudulent mess. There is no evidence people lived that far north to cross the strait. Let alone during an ice age when they are trying to get to a warmer area. However there is the pouch theory. That the first trans continental migration was from South America to Africa. From pouch to pouch. The other theory is that whites came from Asia and they were pushed out west by another tribe. Idk how you waste money on college for a humanities degree. Just spend it on traveling. The last 70 years has seen too many wars to do DNA tracking. Plus you can’t be white to do it. You have to know small political plots. For example many North Africans are Native American. And many Native Americans are of a Hindustani tribe, refugees. Anglo Saxons are not necessarily English but north Central European. Many Italians are of Spanish ancestry as well as Anatolians. Turkish people from Anatolia descend from former Asian Russian satellites. That’s why they are all 1/4 Russian. East Africans are Sudanic which is not necessarily a black race. There are several races from Africa that lack nappy hair. They live found refugee camps in Guyana’s and are moving up since they can’t go back due to the racial situation there. What this map depicts is Sudanic Immigration. If that were true than the original native Americans are Chinese. Which is a faulty observation since Sudanic genes were only carried by Asian Hashemites and they didn’t get along with Chinese they were too busy being enslaved by the Hannic. The only reason that occurred was because of Persian competition. Persians believed they had the best skin complexion of all and didn’t like to share it unless you entered into their caste. If this map were true than native Americans would be Sudanic which they are not. Technically implying native Americans are Sudanic, denisovan and Chinese. However in another study the new world peoples were considered Ne-Ander-thals. New land peoples. They were strong and stocky with developed suborbital ridges. As opposed to Sudanic which lacks it and have finer features. People migrate and not all people go to Europe or North America they abstain from there. It’s too fascist for them. Too centralized with very defined powers of opportunity due to loyal consumers. People prefer going to liberal socialist regimes or wherever there is chaos there is money. So in the last 40yrs or so you’ve seen heavy migrations between Latin America and Hindustanian India. There’s more trade there, larger population, exotic stuff, and greater opportunity for business both ways. Plus racism is not as intense as Europe. They are brown skin so they most respect each others cultural identity and affiliation everything else is go.

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Because it's been disproven for over a hundred years already.

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Immigration between Hindustanian India and Latin America started in the last 70 years or so. Due to catastrophe and aid. Between North Africa and Latin America, it is historical. However it had been becoming more intense since regional chiefs forced children into growing marijuana for hashish. To make ends meet. So many people bring the North African children to the Americas to avoid having them become hash or opium dealers . Since they are the most profitable cash crop that can grow in the area. And there is a market and strict laws forbidding it. Hefty sentencing.

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Europeans believe they are the only window of opportunity but reality is window of opportunity only exist via collectiveness. That North Africa nor Levant had due to geography. There was more hunger there than in Latin America once upon a time.

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I think the theory is great no matter how it goes.

>a) we are all from Africa, it's just niggers are fucking worthless

>b) we are all different but similar species, niggers are not our equals

I just love it.

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Modern humans are descended from the three sons of Noah, whose boat landed from the flood in the Middle-East. The niggers are the sons of Ham, who went to Africa, and forever serve the sons of Japheth.

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i dont get why its so hard to gather all evidence , evaluate it each for its own , make a list and connect the common attributes to create a most likely it happened like this picture…

as i understand there are several predecessors of species before todays human

people still cannot link "pre humans" to apes , missing link …

however this suggests the species where everything started with had been contained in this one habitat. then, they somehow evolved, probably by population growth and increase of demand for food to sustain said grown populace. they leave treelife behind and start to roam the plains for food and shelter, eventually learn to walk upright all the time and probably swimming as well…

averywhere around the planet except in this comparably small area are no humans or humanoids at that time…

basically they spread out and conquered the entire globe to a certain extent as their new habitat… view it from the eyes of all of the other species or the one apex predator at that time it must look like an anomaly… just doesnt look legit to me…

instead having a (almost) globally spread pre humanoid creature preditermined to evolve into todays humans , evolving into different species through different environmental impacts is much more likely if you look at the "end result" ( todays humans)

very hard to believe that there are almost no visible traces between certain races today if everyone evolved from the type of species branded by africas environment evolutionary wise…

check latitude and longitudal classification plus environmental effects like solar exposure presence and absence of uv radiation, desertification , predators ( competition , tigers etc.) harsh living conditions through absence of solar exposure ( ice, snow , scarcity of food plants or prey ) and the opposite, abundance of previosuly mentioned effects…

some environmental effects are more beneficial for the organism than others…

heck just look at todays society and todays humans

the human as a species , viewn as "life" its like an organism forcing itself into the environmental opportunities , like abundance of food and shelter ( supermarkets , advanced housing with controllable environmental effects a/c , heating etc… ) on the other hand managing to live and adapt to hardship desasters and poverty ( think of 3rd world countries )

fuck this could get to a religious level pretty fast like the humans who evolved into the thinking scientific nature came too close to the flame of enlightenment and became their own demise by thinking too much , rejecting their primal urges and destiny by not procreating thus getting replaced by the more the non-thinker type of human species…

fuck the deception is real if you take into account all the fucking psyop bullshit humanity has come up with during history

humanity is overrated…

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What about the partially factual negroids?

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The out of africa theory is akin to finding a piece of a cars broken tailight on the side of the road and stating the the shoe size of the vehicles first owner as fact.

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I have a feeling(and fear) ooa may be sort of true simply because of how climate selects hominins in the two continents. What I mean is, Eurasia is the continent that selects for smart and strong hominins but does so by heavy culling and generally keeping low populations. Africa is the opposite, shitting lots of kids like insects is the 101 survival strategy. The trouble is when climate conditions(or other conditions, like nowadays) make it such that Africans experience a population boom while Eurasians start having troubles, and the former start migrating north flooding the latter by sheer numbers and taking advantage of niche conditions. Then as the situation goes back to normal, the mongrel survivors that stay in Eurasia start undergoing heavy pressure again, and those that survive do so also thanks to former Eurasian genetics(i.e our 1-5% advantageous neanderthal/denisova input), and then the cycle starts again.

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Everyone from one source = everyone equal = everyone SAME = everyone interchangeable = everyone replaceable parts in globalist machine.

That is their religion.

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farmers market, hopefully.

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Yeah, Whites came from Yahweh and the other ones come from shapeshifting falling angels who began mixing the species to mock him

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Just like 9/11 exposure–here come the fucking intel community shill assets to try to make everyone look crazy. You left out your flat Earth shit too this time–dock your pay, nigger.


I think the main takeaway from all of this is that NPC bluepill indoctrinated goyim treat it like the holohoax–MUH FEELS MUH RAYCISMS NO ONE MAY EVER QUESTION IT EVER EVER.

If you're one of these faggot niggerkike SJWs stifling science, please do everyone a favor and download one of the suicide diagrams all over this website and fucking kill yourself before Saint Tarrant crushes you under his Emperor of Man boots.


What's really sad about how retarded they are is that a theory like this paints niggers as less evolved away from monkeys and crossbred likely with a leftover incredibly backward monkey, both of which are supported by DNA evidence but incredibly unflattering to niggerloving racecuck faggots.


This is why I am electing to just make fun of NPCs tbh.



It never ceases to amaze me. Even if all of that were true, they say it's RAYCISS to disagree with niggers and kikes. If Hitler was a nigger and a kike, then it's racist to disagree with Hitler. Gas the kikes, race war now.


SJWs = (((the church)))–they are ideologically identical and have the same kind of programming. The """church""" was really just proto-SJW fags.


No one argues via your gay talmudic terms jesusnigger.


>let's cover up truth because fee-fees

No, niggerfaggot.

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Checked. Why is this thread so long?

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>feeling inferior

Huh–that's actual racial supremacism. That's even more bullshit from egalitarianfags.

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I am sure the pol points has already been posted before this, so I'll add one thing

when you have been taught your entire life that the earth is flat, and some faggy ass italian comes around and starts to show you your proofs that the earth is actually a ball… well then these people gets pissed off, to the level they are demanding his head

as he is challenging their entire belief system.. because for most, that is what this is, belief… religion.

so don't you dare challenge that

for scients though, this is just part of well research. things gets disproven and turned upside down all the time. And the out of africa theory, because that is what it is a theory, well is wrong now. And on the matter, humans are a lot older than we thought.

Nothing is written in stone in researching.


>Now that climate change finally have been decide..


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> the paradox begins because Out-Of-Africa can also be interpreted as racist, a story where everyone else is humanity left Africa and evolved while sub-Saharans are the "left behinds" of the human race; not smart, adventurous, or man enough to leave the bountiful resource rich comfort of Africa for the dangerously cold Europe, Asia, and beyond where the man who planned and not the man who ran won.

hahaha and this, you nailed it, because this is what they think. like these 1800ds type people, claiming that they are basically apes while we evolved

and this is how these people are in everything. Ted describes this so well in one of his letters

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>Finally three is the multi-region hypothesis is already proven correct. Why? Because we found out through genetic mapping humanity is really a mix of entirely different species. Neanderthal, Denisovan, and more. The one that confounds us is the admixture of the sub-Saharan Africans. Their admixture is so strange, archaic, and distant from the rest of humanity no scientist can identify it.

and here we go, you have read t his study too

and this is what we're at right now, again humans are a lot older than we think. so I don't remember the numbers in here and I am really tired. But asians and europeans haves omething like <4-5% neanderthal dna in us, meanderthal is considered an archaic human species.

but subsaharan africans they about something as much as was 15% dna, from at least one so far unknown archaic human specie.

it's too long to write, but it's interesting. They could figure this by using this regression model feeding a gigantic dataset of dna. Conclusion was

>my damn, this was new.

we're going to learn a lot more of this in the coming years, probably tons of studies on it, esp since ml has become so big too. Their model seemed rather good. I really had this set tbqh but I don't know shit about genes so I would need a genetic with me to work on the set. I can only configure the model if I know genetic shit

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>I heard many people from the audience scream tons of political buzzwords and called one of the Multi-regional scientists, an African American scientist named Bernard Howard Thorpe, a coon and Uncle Tom.

Blacks having coping issues. Africa is a shithole and has been that through ages, the Africa Theory has given them a self of an identity that they were the forefathers of all civilizations, crushing this dream of theirs is like removing the whole Wakanda fantasy the jews gave them.

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There has only been an handful of black civilizations worth of pointing out, all these have been slave trading empires that either slaved minerals from their soil and trade it abroad or sold their ethnic people abroad. These people bring nothing new to the table or the advancement of technological progress. Their history is characterized by slave labour and fast reproduction (a testament that we still see today in modern Africa).




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There are no Clovis points in Alaska or Siberia, but there are pre Clovis type points in Europe.

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Africa was the birthplace of humanity as we know it, not 'civilization'.

That was Mesopotamia, or, the middle-east/Iraq as it stands now.

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false, explain to me why our oldest ancestral humans have been found in greece and arround the mediterranean.




>The Nazis found out a specimen in greece that predates any African evidence of human ancestry

>Just a conspiracy theory goy

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homo genus != homo sapiens species

the genus may very well have originated in Eurasia, but that doesn't mean our species couldn't have originated in Africa

still though, very recently there's been confirmation of sapiens itself in Greece quite early, even before Omo 1 in east Africa, see >>13498713

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>Their history is characterized by slave labour and fast reproduction

It must be really demoralizing being born black. Their ancestors biggest accomplishments relied on selling their lineage off as slaves to jewish merchants.

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