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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 24bf0f875f0dc01⋯.png (450.64 KB,8136x3744,113:52,24bf0f875f0dc01b4ee8f52200….png)

File: e19db06a221181b⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,480x608,15:19,coon bashin.mp4)

File: 70365e7e6025503⋯.jpg (88.29 KB,1024x677,1024:677,3f6a22999ef2f19a039d81fe6d….jpg)

File: a5f357229d6c8f2⋯.jpg (155.72 KB,720x959,720:959,1375962691507.jpg)

File: 0c6e3306b12255f⋯.png (182.48 KB,1275x1650,17:22,0c6e3306b12255ff2154a11952….png)

 No.13461303 [Last50 Posts]



>"nigger hate"

This happened a year ago about and I made a thread because of it. The time for me to make this thread has come once more.

Fuck niggers.

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Bump because OP is based and 8ch has been swarming with cucks

Redpill then whether they want it or not

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Does anyone have that “Every Nigger is a star” edit?

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File: d61714c48d31de8⋯.jpg (48.33 KB,291x307,291:307,good nigger.jpg)


thanks m8 but don't get me wrong if you have any good niggers to post, please do.

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Nate I'm sure that you have an intense dislike of niggers. PM me and I can teach you REAL hate towards them.

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File: 056e844c8a3ea4a⋯.gif (1.71 MB,640x360,16:9,moonman7.gif)

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File: af39820e07af12f⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1152x480,12:5,John Fahey.mp4)


PM sent

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Requesting pic of hippos and sheboons.

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File: 65f8bc5ce24b6fc⋯.png (474.46 KB,500x610,50:61,OP taking care of his peep….png)

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can someone post those weird looking plastic surgery gooks with the really pointy chins and massive eyes please

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File: 08293727c3effeb⋯.png (286.45 KB,500x628,125:157,Priorities.png)

File: 12baee1fda243ad⋯.gif (1.78 MB,350x252,25:18,real nigga thread.gif)

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File: 56da4917f232ef7⋯.jpg (32.05 KB,397x436,397:436,Square Roots.jpg)


Go make a gook hate thread for that, nigger.

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File: 512f86a50e965dc⋯.jpg (70.54 KB,600x480,5:4,1207303613017.jpg)

Been a while since I've seen a good nigger hatin

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Not today. Niggers are rioting in Israel, so I'll bury my hate hatchet for the time being.

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File: 0d4bf8fe756aea0⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,435x438,145:146,kosher HR.jpg)

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nah i just need specific pics, cant find em anywhere and i dont have any vids of chinks getting runover to start a new thread

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File: 4646b711cbfbb27⋯.gif (673.27 KB,500x281,500:281,The Nig is Strong Wit Dis ….gif)


Maybe you should stop being a nigger and fuck off with your derailment.

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File: 16fe81d46fe0528⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20190702_191625.jpg)

Those are not Diamonds, they are gays.

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Why not go ride your gay friends dick little girl?

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File: 4fb92046d18a51b⋯.jpeg (142.46 KB,640x484,160:121,16D19D17-4BA9-439E-83D0-F….jpeg)

File: 8636f4e19d7bdb8⋯.jpeg (127.94 KB,1023x781,93:71,ECD39A5F-43C4-40B7-9C06-9….jpeg)

File: f94c6a7a7d980fd⋯.jpeg (73.79 KB,700x530,70:53,3B5D7582-8AF3-41E3-AA3F-F….jpeg)

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File: 7d93431e1951894⋯.webm (584.06 KB,480x480,1:1,how much nuffin can a din….webm)

File: 36e80c919b8f384⋯.webm (2.99 MB,400x326,200:163,gibs muh dat.webm)

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File: 82a44f061645530⋯.jpg (147.76 KB,990x707,990:707,Don't_you_just_hate_it_whe….jpg)

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Kek a bunch cunt. "Nate higgers" and he still "hates niggers"

Op is not a faggot and based, aswell as best thread for this July.

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you gay fucking cunt, I ask for one simple thing, you fucking gay faggot

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File: 14ad3650c134140⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,720x730,72:73,believe it's your bike.jpg)


axe better qweshtiuns

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File: d76124dec147bcd⋯.jpeg (43.44 KB,360x360,1:1,EFAC2C64-C2C3-4EAE-BA39-0….jpeg)

Niggers are ugly, dumb, feral animals.

Deal off Africa. End all medical aid.

Let them kill themselves off as we walk our lands away.

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File: e2ac0c556ac1df6⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,448x409,448:409,craigslist.jpg)


QTDDTOT, you off topic nigger.

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File: 7ff7a526cfcbd3e⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,500x500,1:1,huskel.jpg)

Y'all ever just want to walk into a diverse part of town, put on BFG division, and just go demonslaying?

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Europeans and Asians are subject to more recent evolution than Africans. Source: https://archive.fo/zX5p9

48% of African Americans have Herpes Simplex Virus. Source: https://archive.fo/Yf1Ks

Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in African Americans than in Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/Yf1Ks

Police hesitate longer to shoot Black suspects than White suspects. Source: https://archive.fo/UMzUr

Over 100 White women are raped or sexually assaulted by Black men every day in the United States. Source: https://archive.fo/ZiEwP

Blacks are overrepresented in serial killings, and this overrepresentation is increasing. Source: https://archive.fo/2maAy

Blacks are overrepresented among child abusers, and this isn’t due to biased reporting. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20140314211138/http://www.theroot.com/articles/culture/2011/03/Black_childabuse_statistics_report_debunks_bias_assumptions.html

39% of all cop killers are Black, although Blacks are only 12% of the population. Source: https://archive.fo/iCeyF

The average Black has an IQ score 1 standard deviation (15 IQ points) lower than the average White. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20070703005027/http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/siegle/research/correlation/intelligence.pdf

The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20110918103009/http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/RavensIII.pdf

The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments. Source: https://archive.fo/lxtL5

93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men. Source: https://archive.fo/lxwbV

The Black-White IQ gap still exists and has not decreased in size. Source: https://archive.fo/Cd6m1

70% of Black children are born out of wedlock. Source: https://archive.fo/g85sz

Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, despite being less than 12% of the population. Source: https://archive.fo/l4kJJ

Blacks commit 50% of all murders, despite being less than 12% of the population. Source: https://archive.fo/l4kJJ

Despite making up less than 12% of the US population, Blacks commit 1 in every 3 rapes. Source: https://archive.fo/l4kJJ

Young Black men kill 14 times more often than young White men. Source: https://archive.fo/wMM1p

Africans have higher rates of a gene associated with violence. Source: https://archive.fo/9hWut

Black women are four times more likely to be overweight than White women. Source: https://archive.fo/tdngJ

Students of all races perform worse in schools with more Black students. Source: https://archive.fo/zP8E9

Blacks have an average brain size of 1267 cubic cm, compared to Whites at 1347 cm. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20061011220744/http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/RandRProgressIntell2003.pdf

97% of White men refuse to date Black women. Source: https://archive.fo/tdngJ ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Patterns%20of%20Racial-Ethnic%20Exclusion%20by%20Internet%20Daters

The percentage of Blacks in a city, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime. Source: https://archive.fo/tCHeH

In New York City, 1% of people arrested for shootings were White, while 74% were Black. Source: https://archive.fo/pfmEy

In New York City, 43% of people arrested for rape were Black. Source: https://archive.fo/pfmEy

In New York City, 61% of people arrested for robbery were Black. Source: https://archive.fo/pfmEy

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Blacks have lower emotional intelligence than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3oZJ3 ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Emotional+Intelligence+among+Black+and+White+Job+Applicants%3A+Examining+differences+in+test+performance+and+test+reactions&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

In Canada, Blacks comprise 2% of the population but 6% of prisoners. Source: https://archive.fo/haFoY

Blacks are more likely than Whites to be narcissistic. Source: https://archive.fo/vt0LB ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Racial+differences+in+narcissistic+tendencies&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

67% of people arrested for gun crime in London are Black, although Blacks are only 12% of the population. Source: https://archive.fo/d0Iv

Black men in London are only 12% of the population, but commit 32% of rape. Source: https://archive.fo/GTJEZ

1 in four South African men has admitted to rape. Source: https://archive.fo/h5rjP

Blacks are 90% more likely than Whites to be psychopathic. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20170131200215/http://psycnet.apa.org/?&fa=main.doiLanding&doi=10.1037/0022-006X.76.5.893 ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Psychopathic+traits+in+a+large+community+sample%3A+Links+to+violence%2C+alcohol+use%2C+and+intelligence.&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

A Black person in Britain is twice as likely to be in jail as to be in university. Source: https://archive.fo/fU6QI

70% of Ethiopian women report having been physically or sexually abused. Source: https://archive.fo/oeHnw

Blacks are more prone to psychopathy and less capable of empathy than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Racial+and+ethnic+differences+in+psychopathic+personality&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

Blacks commit more violent crime against Whites than against other Blacks. Source: https://archive.fo/ihotm

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice versa. Source: https://archive.fo/ihotm

Blacks are 136 times more likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice versa. Source: https://archive.fo/ihotm

Areas with more Black people have higher rates of crime. Source: Handbook of Crime Correlates by Lee Ellis et al. http://booksdescr.org/item/index.php?md5=5B34E8F27B92CD76C414A230E6781F99

Blacks assign less value to marriage than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Racial%20and%20ethnic%20differences%20in%20psychopathic%20personality

Blacks are significantly less likely than Whites to have harmonious or satisfying marriages. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are more likely to default on loans than other races. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are 80% more likely than Whites to neglect their children. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are more likely to have ADHD than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks have less moral understanding that Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are more reckless than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are twice as likely to subject their children to severe violence than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Black men are four times more likely to beat their wives than White men. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Black women are more than twice as likely as White women to abuse their husbands. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Black youth are two and a half times as likely as White youth to have raped someone. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

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In London, Blacks are six times more likely than Whites to be imprisoned. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are more likely to kill their spouses than other races. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are 50% more likely to cheat on their spouses than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks have less perseverance than other races. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Black college students have poorer grades than students of other races with the same IQ. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks do less homework than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Even after adjusting for SAT scores, Blacks have worse college grades than Whites. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Blacks are four times as likely as Whites to murder their infants. Source: https://archive.fo/3aVLN

Despite $1 trillion in aid from the West, per capita GDP in Africa has declined since 1960. Source: https://archive.fo/qCDL6

Only 12% of Black eighth grade males are proficient in math. Source: https://archive.fo/C6hMy

Academically, the average poor White male does as well as Blacks who aren’t in poverty. Source: https://archive.fo/C6hMy

Only 12% of Black fourth grade males are proficient in reading. Source: https://archive.fo/C6hMy

Blacks are more likely than other races to be gay or bisexual. Source: https://archive.fo/txLli

In just two years, more blacks were killed by other blacks than died from 80 years of lynching. Source: https://archive.fo/yiQMC

Blacks are just 13% of the American population but have committed half of all murders for the last 30 years. Source: https://archive.fo/yiQMC

Blacks are 60-80% more likely than Whites to lie about how much crime they commit. Source: https://archive.fo/w7n1y ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Race+differences+in+psychopathic+personality%3A+a+reply+to+Skeem+and+Zuckerman&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

Blacks are twice as likely to be schizophrenic than Whites, even after adjusting for income. Source: https://archive.fo/xcYcb

Black men are more likely to lie about drug use than White men. Source: https://archive.fo/5l4Qv ; http://booksdescr.org/scimag/index.php?s=Comparison+between+self-report+and+hair+analysis+of+illicit+drug+use+in+a+community+sample+of+middle-age+men&journalid=&v=&i=&p=&redirect=1

Blacks are six times more likely to lie about their cocaine usage than White people. Source: https://archive.fo/PTT8j

In Britain, Black people are six times more likely than Whites to be schizophrenic. Source: https://archive.fo/0DfjB

90% of interracial violence between blacks and Whites is committed by Blacks. Source: https://archive.fo/ZcXVv

Black men are over a hundred times more likely to rape a White woman than vice versa. Source: https://archive.fo/ZcXVv

Most South Africans believe that life was better under apartheid. Source: https://archive.fo/9RQxb

Life expectancy in South Africa has decreased since apartheid ended. Source: https://archive.fo/9RQxb

The South African murder rate is the 10th highest in the world. White farmers are killed 4x more often than the general population. Source https://archive.fo/9RQxb

Blacks in South Africa are not indigenous inhabitants, but rather arrived just before White explorers. Source: https://archive.fo/9RQxb

In South Africa, a child is raped every three minutes (175,000 children/year). Source: https://archive.fo/dFWc

In South Africa, rape is seen as “a legitimate activity” and committed out of boredom. Source: https://archive.fo/41ye6

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In South Africa, 7% of men have participated in gang rape. Source: https://archive.fo/41ye6

In South Africa, 78% of men have committed violence against women. Source: https://archive.fo/41ye6

“Out of the 1500 [chess] grandmasters in the world, only three or four are black.” Source: https://archive.fo/wQ2kz

Only 54% of Black men between 25-34 have high school degrees, are employed, and are not currently incarcerated. Source: https://archive.fo/fhdqi

Unlike all other world cultures, sub-Saharan Africans had no mythologies regarding the stars or night sky. Source: https://archive.fo/LEdXR

Sub-Saharan Africans are the only group of people without detailed mythology or creation stories. Source: The Origins of the World's Mythologies by E.J. Michael Witzel ; http://booksdescr.org/item/index.php?md5=9658D19197F72BC270A49FB38858AE0D

Half of Black women have herpes. 80% who have it don’t know it. Source: https://archive.fo/0MshL

1200 people, mostly blacks, die over sneakers every year. Source: https://video.gq.com/watch/sneakerheadz-1-200-people-die-over-sneakers-each-year

35% to 50% of sub-Saharan Africans are inbred. Source: https://archive.fo/zoANF

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Anyone has the video of the Ohio cop being stabbed with a screwdriver by a nigger?

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember this dindu who actually became a living meme?

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File: 56058295108c5d5⋯.jpg (881.11 KB,1526x2048,763:1024,Rapist nigger hanging lel.jpg)

Niggers are a plague on humanity

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File: 689bf05eeae8e01⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,2048x1609,2048:1609,hahaha nigger.jpg)

Niggers destroy communities

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File: 8307056c3326992⋯.jpg (98.45 KB,650x611,50:47,Blacks shot White baby in ….jpg)

File: 3f0d7bf62d34f96⋯.png (318.13 KB,500x500,1:1,2 Blacks Commit Half Of Al….png)

File: 9c5e61bcd0a9142⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,663x595,39:35,republian Blacks.jpg)

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File: edff2a533d4d0f6⋯.jpg (145.06 KB,1040x630,104:63,niggers and animals.jpg)

File: d1cddc48fd50e58⋯.jpg (47.42 KB,480x360,4:3,nigger terrorist Mandela.jpg)

File: 176b0190d58a1e5⋯.jpg (117.67 KB,800x420,40:21,land-or-death-niggers-sa.jpg)

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File: bb662eab184e1be⋯.png (342.95 KB,500x500,1:1,5 Interacial Crime In Amer….png)

File: 92a82d181140f0a⋯.jpg (9.92 KB,300x252,25:21,mudshark_2642c7_1198616.jpg)

File: ffbc55d214069d7⋯.jpg (44.34 KB,450x324,25:18,1365816703d79f77_l.jpg)

File: 7a000e3a136ea60⋯.png (326.45 KB,622x535,622:535,liberalism.png)


You're dreaming subhuman. Women of all kinds are fashion conscious and don't want to be ostracized. They watch reality shows all the time that push that tripe, in a saner time White women found you revolting almost entirely.

The Jew literally pushes miscegenation propaganda 24/7 and still 90% of marriages are from the same race when it comes to Whites. How can you complain when you've no creative ability (didn't even create the wheel), proven to have the violent gene & don't raise your mudshark offspring. To even debate that Whites are inferior to Blacks proves how delusional you're.

The ones you attract are either fat, mentally challenged or sociopathic. You do us a favour getting them out of our gene-pool.

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>a cuckchan faggot got triggered

Did you finally found your perfect Asian girlfriend?

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>violent dumb savages, who is inferior to white man


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File: 503ce6f387213ec⋯.jpg (197.2 KB,996x1024,249:256,nigger-rap.jpg)

File: 89102f0856fabee⋯.jpg (161.05 KB,649x789,649:789,nigger-hunting.jpg)

File: 9c39aa33680c5ac⋯.webm (1.86 MB,540x266,270:133,nigger-nigger-shopping-01.webm)

File: ddbc6ef6787f728⋯.jpg (48.14 KB,1067x748,97:68,nigger-birth-control.jpg)

File: 80946cc953f6157⋯.jpg (43.7 KB,1076x464,269:116,iq-map.jpg)

niggers galore fren

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File: 3a5abcb50d676a0⋯.webm (719.84 KB,352x288,11:9,nigger-nigger-head-crack-….webm)

File: e3454695e813cd7⋯.jpg (928.79 KB,840x3733,840:3733,niggger-logic.jpg)

File: 74e5c18fc693eb5⋯.webm (2.86 MB,224x400,14:25,niggers-interacting-05.webm)

File: dd429a5698a1b40⋯.jpg (121.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,nigger-slave.jpg)

File: 752cb9fc9e03ac7⋯.webm (1.71 MB,480x600,4:5,nigger-nigger-wheelchair-….webm)


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File: b7668a74ff05d4d⋯.webm (2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,nigger-die-02.webm)

File: efc9647f2adc5db⋯.webm (2.3 MB,212x360,53:90,nigger-school-01.webm)

File: 4af9d9f151decb9⋯.webm (2.39 MB,576x720,4:5,nigger-colony-01.webm)

File: 9932ddc6ea85b09⋯.webm (2.58 MB,482x360,241:180,nigger-shopping-04.webm)

File: b50e99bf1e5d128⋯.webm (2.75 MB,362x360,181:180,nigger-sheboon-02.webm)

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File: 3c51cc9c318bc5a⋯.webm (597.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,niggerbeatdown.webm)

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File: d99b7d25a670da7⋯.webm (2.19 MB,468x352,117:88,niggerbeatdown2.webm)

Niggers can't fuck with superior white men

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Nigga is what faggots who want to be niggers say.

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File: fba52150c3d32ad⋯.webm (1.08 MB,404x720,101:180,niggerlynching.webm)

File: 0f489c4f77e9232⋯.webm (3.24 MB,640x352,20:11,1495256788915.webm)

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File: 16cd29440c01e0d⋯.webm (2.34 MB,204x360,17:30,1522600058280.webm)

This videos demonstrates what the future holds for all niggers

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>shows disgraces to the White gene pool

>african instead of egyptian

>arab instead of mesopotamian

>shows (((jewish))) ""civilization""

>cuckchan meme

Gas yourself.

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what future is this? too big to fit in the coffin?

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File: 322903e69886dc3⋯.gif (2.84 MB,250x255,50:51,1427614799558.gif)


The orange tip on the gun gets me every time.

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File: 626445b17b83da0⋯.png (1.49 MB,1021x766,1021:766,005.PNG)

File: 66871f14b1d4254⋯.png (451.56 KB,600x751,600:751,001.PNG)

File: f4a1c1e8ea62851⋯.png (156.5 KB,770x869,70:79,002.PNG)

File: 65149cbe9f1a511⋯.png (542.65 KB,453x759,151:253,004.PNG)




Imagine being you, ass-blasted by Alpha White Chads.

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>Tranny porn

>Obvious butthurt

Dude, it is posts like these that show newfags we are right about you neurotic kikes.

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There ia this vid ive seen about rhodesians i think are burning out niggers from a barn. Anyone has it?

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source/story for the white man in the last video ?

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File: ea01ca00068cbaa⋯.png (1.23 MB,941x561,941:561,001.PNG)

File: 344e78f8398d77b⋯.jpg (80.86 KB,584x962,292:481,006.jpg)

File: 39a32303f7057b3⋯.jpg (2.95 MB,3039x3559,3039:3559,001.jpg)

File: e19254c4a932429⋯.jpg (139.51 KB,862x897,862:897,002.jpg)



Coping this hard, isn't healthy.

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File: 1f23db56a6a16ab⋯.png (168.88 KB,320x320,1:1,people who bult ancient eg….png)

File: 8aa94af2d8993a6⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,530x792,265:396,We were kings.jpg)

File: 290453a299a309d⋯.jpg (25.69 KB,366x488,3:4,-cleopatra-ii-172-116-bc-.jpg)

File: 0f7688b640508b4⋯.png (8.97 KB,255x125,51:25,Egypt.png)


Not only do you physical steal from us, you steal other peoples cultures for the lack of your own to get women to like you. As I said you didn't even invent the wheel nor create the written word so what makes you think you would create such a thing. Either way, Egypt was not the pinnacle of human development, if you wasn't so anti-White you would realise we invented 97% of all inventions between 800BC-1950.

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File: 492e4041f5f7db2⋯.jpg (80.89 KB,435x331,435:331,Book of Gates - Libyan, Nu….jpg)




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File: 79a768471cb9846⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,500x613,500:613,84 pale farmboys 2.jpg)

File: fb867364895acda⋯.jpg (42.58 KB,655x485,131:97,Master race 3.jpg)

File: bff71a2a3b5611b⋯.jpg (260.35 KB,1703x855,1703:855,Master race 2.jpg)

File: 098f2e051d740bb⋯.jpg (211.71 KB,1200x967,1200:967,Master race.jpg)


Imagine thinking a people with an IQ of 70 can beat the most creative people ever to walk the earth.

Subhumans have always been inferior to the dedicated & organised White man. When we fight nothing stops us. There was a reason you feared us for so much as looking at White women the wrong way in the past.

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File: 354e143c8968525⋯.jpg (82.04 KB,448x524,112:131,Egyptian distortions.jpg)

File: f2ede5e6fe41998⋯.jpg (27.54 KB,437x400,437:400,Ramesses II's hair.jpg)

File: c94d4f381d5ba7d⋯.jpg (13.5 KB,143x220,13:20,Ramses II mummy.jpg)

File: e5f30eeec7c2690⋯.jpg (24.15 KB,600x439,600:439,Egypt 1340BC -2012.jpg)


You was from West Africa not a 1000 miles away in N.Africa that was part of the Roman empire, nigger.

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Wtf is an opp

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>not posting welfare statistics

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Some studies for newfags.


http://pastebin .com/tGMEhbhf

http://msu .edu/~renn/RHE-_mixed_race.pdf

http://sociobiologicalmusings. blogspot.ca/2011/10/problems-with-mixed-race-marriages-and.html

http://nature .com/scitable/topicpage/haldane-s-rule-the-heterogametic-sex-1144

https://pastebin .com/tGMEhbhf

Outbreeding depression

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Outbreeding_depression

Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks, Stanford/Packard study finds

http://med.stanford. edu/news/all-news/2008/10/asian-white-couples-face-distinct-pregnancy-risks-stanfordpackard-study-finds.html

1/3 of hapas (white+asian) suffer from mental illness

https://www.ucdavis. edu/news/biracial-asian-americans-and-mental-health?id=8732

Most congenital problems are more common on mixed-race babies:

https://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pubmed/15390318

Race mixing can trigger dental problems (in Portuguese, talking about this problem in Brazil)

https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=WH7narf8Kzc

Prematurity and Low Birth Weight are a lot more common in mixed-race babies

https://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2867623/

Mixed-race people have the highest mental illness rates:

https://www.unc .edu/news/archives/oct03/udry10302003.html

Organ donations must be from person with the same race and similar genetics, due to this, mixed-race people for having peculiar genetic combinations face challenges when they try to receive organ donations

http://content.time .com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html

Teenagers who identify as mixed-race have greater health and behavioural risks than those who identify with only one race:

http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/

Mulatto teenagers show much more anti-social behaviour than both black and whites teenagers:

http://www.msu .edu/~renn/RHE-_mixed_race.pdf

Hybrid and multi-racial animal offsprings suffer from a decline in their reproductive and adaptive capacity

http://www.jstor .org/pss/1537084

http://www.nature .com/scitable/topicpage/haldane-s-rule-the-heterogametic-sex-1144

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Haldane%27s_rule

http://www.amazon .com/Race-John-R-Baker/dp/0936396040

African-americans are on average 22% european, and due to this they face reproduction problems that africans from africa don't.

https://archive .is/Drwfh

https://web.archive .org/web/20101109024947/http://genomebiology .com/content/10/12/R141

http://genomebiology .com/content/10/12/r141

Study done in Iceland shows that breedings among 3rd cousins are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within the same ethnic / racial group would be more beneficial than outside it:

http://www.sciencemag .org/content/319/5864/813.abstract

big summary:

“Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/

Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

http://www.eurekalert .org/pub_releases/2008-08/uoc–baa081108.php

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

http://www.msu .edu/~renn/RHE-_mixed_race.pdf

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Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”

http://www.nature .com/scitable/topicpage/haldane-s-rule-the-heterogametic-sex-1144

Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.

http://www.jstor .org/pss/1537084

the argument regarding Haldane’s rule is also meaningless because different species in the animal kingdom can breed and still produce fertile offspring. The wolf (Canis lupus) and the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), the coyote (Canis latrans), and the common jackal (Canis aureus) are separate species yet can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

http://www.jstor .org/discover/10.2307/3671304?uid=3739600&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=47699085472247

Two species of orangutan (Pongo abellii from Sumatra and Pongo pygmaeus from Borneo) can interbreed despite having different chromosomal numbers.

http://www.nytimes .com/1995/02/28/science/orangutan-hybrid-bred-to-save-species-now-seen-as-pollutant.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and many species of birds, such as the pintail (Anas acuta) and the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), can interbreed as well.

http://www.sciencedaily .com/releases/2007/04/070420104723.htm

http://birdaz .com/blog/2011/02/24/mallards-the-weird-and-the-wonderful/

The gibbon and the siamang can also interbreed to produce a hybrid

http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pubmed/451603

http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pubmed/1060807

Some species that aren’t even in the same genus can interbreed.

http://aob.oxfordjournals .org/content/74/2/111.full.pdf

Black Americans are a hybrid race of around 22% White ancestry

http://genomebiology .com/content/10/12/r141

This 22% ancestry is the cause of multiple negative health effects due to genetic incompatibility. Indeed, consistent with Haldane’s rule, unmixed Blacks from Africa and White Americans do not have the same rate of birth problems that hybrid American Blacks have: “In 2005, the mortality rate for black infants was 4.4 times higher than that of white infants… African women who come to the United States and have babies experience the same low rate of infant deaths as white American mothers.”

http://t1nyurl .com/6tr9e6t (docs.google)

“Indiscriminate interbreeding between distinct forms, whether ‘species’ or markedly different races, is not generally beneficial. The defect may show in a change in the sex-ratio of the offspring, probably caused by the early abortion of members of one sex, generally the male in the case of mammals.”

http://www.amazon .com/Race-John-R-Baker/dp/0936396040

LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.

http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pubmed/16282974

The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213.

http://www.jstor .org/stable/4145377

There is evidence that the more similar the two people are, the happier their marriage tends to be.

https://www.sciencedirect .com/science/article/pii/019188699190057I

A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one's ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one's ethnic/racial group.

http://www.sciencemag .org/content/319/5864/813.abstract

One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn't know it's his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.

http://www.psyc.nott.ac .uk/research/vision/jwp/papers/pentonvoak1999.pdf

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Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776 [http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/7/707.full.pdf] Compared to dogs for example at 0.401. [http://www.eebweb.arizona.edu/Courses/Ecol406R_506R/Garcia-Moreno1996-Wolf.pdf]

Although some argue that race mixing "averages out" traits and since average faces are considered more attractive [http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs143/2009/lecture13.pdf] then mixed race offspring are more attractive.

However this is fallacious as it assumes we are designed for perfect symmetry, when in fact the magnitude of asymmetry is the correct measurement and this random component fulctuates, also called "fluctuating asymmetry" - so more honestly a lower level of asymmetry correlates with increased attractiveness, not symmetry.


But does increased heterozygosity cause lower asymmetry? A meta analysis of 118 datasets in 14 studies showed a very weak inverse correlation between the two, showing that increased heterozygosity has no beneficial effect on symmetry or asymmetry


One study on the craniofacial morphology in White-Amerindian mixed race individuals found that over half of the 52 shape variables deviated from the mathematical average completely shattering the above argument.


The neurotransmitter oxytocin "makes people more co-operative, benevolent, loyal, generous and trusting of others. It is involved in the parent-child bond - new mothers and fathers have raised levels of oxytocin. Production also increases when people hug and when they have sex and, recent research suggests, when they receive psychological warmth." However, oxytocin has been alleged to "foster racism."


The study found that "intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence… Which maybe modulated by brain oxytocin." This suggests that the instinctual desire to pursue the interests of one's own ethnic group to further ensure the existence of one's people is linked to racial bias, coinciding with the observation that diversity is a weakness, not a strength.


One study found that during the menstrual cycle when women have a higher likeihood of conception, racial bias is increased, especially when the likeihood of sexual intercourse was increased; "increased conception risk was positively associated with several measures of race bias. This association was particularly strong when perceived vulnerability to sexual coercion was high."

>Although egalitarians suggest that only a racist would consider race when it comes to reproduction and mate choice, this study observed a general, innate tendency to prefer one's own race especially when most likely to be impregnated.


Race Is A Social Construct?

The Immune System: How Important Is Race?

>"If Nick Glasgow were white, he would have a nearly 90 percent chance of finding a matching bone marrow donor who could cure his leukemia."

The reason that mixed-heritage patients are so hard to match can be found in the immune system. Different races have developed certain proteins, or markers, that are part of the body's natural defenses. These markers help the immune system determine which cells are foreign and should be rejected.

Are cells racist?

A match between two people who share more genetically in common significantly reduces the risk of the donor and recipient cells attacking each other. (READ: cells from people of two different races will attack and fight each other as though they are a virus)

The more people of different backgrounds who produce offspring = the more types that are harder to match.

Multiracial patients have uncommon profiles and since there can be many possible racial and ethnic combinations in multiracial societies, finding a match can still be extremely difficult.

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As an example, a White mother of mixed-race child would have more genetically in common with a random White person on the street than with her own child.

If such a dramatic and fundamental alienation from your own parents if not horrific enough, With a mixed-race child diagnosed with leukaemia, every member of the child's own family becomes an incompatible donor for a bone-marrow transplant, and finding a compatible donor is unlikely:

>One obstacle to finding a matching donor was her mixed ethnic background. Her father is black, with West Indian and Panamanian roots. Her mother is white, with Russian-Jewish roots. In addition, only 5 percent of registered donors are black.


Bone Marrow Transplants: When Race Is an Issue

>''Compared to organ transplants, bone marrow donations need to be even more genetically similar to their recipients. Since all the immune system's cells come from bone marrow, a transplant essentially introduces a new immune system to a person. Without genetic similarity between the donor and the patient, the new white blood cells will attack the host body.


Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant

>If you become ill with a blood cancer or other disease that requires a stem cell transplant, here's an uncomfortable fact: Your race matters. Diversity is a strength in much of life, [citation needed!] but it's a curse when finding a stem cell donor match.


The Race for Ancestral Genetics in Clinical Trials

>A seasoned cancer researcher would never set up a study in which all the ill patients were, say, Canadian, and all the healthy controls were Japanese. And yet cancer researchers risk making a similar mistake if they overlook genetic information that fleshes out what many of us like to think of as race or ethnicity, some experts say.

>Fortunately, awareness of how ancestral genetics might contribute to risk of disease and drug response in people has risen over the last several years. Studies that look directly at the problem are on the rapid rise, and this increased interest has biotechnology companies lowering the cost of tests that determine genetic ancestry, thanks to a little competition. However, experts have yet to decide on how to genetically define ancestry, suggesting examining anywhere from a handful to hundreds of gene variants.

>Not including information on the race or ethnicity of study volunteers could skew disease risks as stronger or weaker than they really are.

>"Alzheimer's disease is the poster child for this problem," says pharmacogeneticist Esteban Burchard, M.D., of the University of California in San Francisco. A variant of the gene ApoE4 is a strong genetic risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer's disease, and the characteristic most likely to raise or lower that risk is race.

>"It occurs in about 20% of the African American population, and it means nothing. It occurs in about 6% of the Japanese, and it makes their risk six times higher [than that for white people]," Burchard said. "Something about being Japanese unleashes the wrath of the gene, and something about being African American attenuates it."



>The FDA have approved a heart failure drug called Bidil, but only for blacks, as blacks do not benefit from conventional heart failure drugs.


Sickle-Cell Disease

Sickle cell anaemia is a condition found almost exclusively in blacks, about 1 in 4 west Africans carry the gene for it, almost no whites do. Any whites who carry the gene most likely have a black ancestor.

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As a result of population growth in African-Caribbean regions of overseas France and immigration from North and sub-Saharan Africa to mainland France, sickle cell disease has become a major health problem in France. SCD has become the most common genetic disease in this country.


Invasive species: Genes Are Destroyed With Admixture/Racial Mixing

Extinction by hybridization:

>Nonindigenous species can bring about a form of extinction of native flora and fauna by hybridization and introgression either through purposeful introduction by humans or through habitat modification, bringing previously isolated species into contact. These phenomena can be especially problematic for rare species coming into contact with more abundant ones. Increased use of molecular techniques focuses attention on the extent of this underappreciated problem that is not always apparent from morphological observations alone. Some degree of gene flow is a normal, evolutionarily constructive process, and all constellations of genes and genotypes cannot be preserved. However, hybridization with or without introgression may, nevertheless, threaten a rare species' existence.


The Island Model with Stochastic Migration:

>It is supposed that the migration rate and the immigrant gene frequency are independent of each other in each generation, and each of them is independently and identically distributed in every generation. The treatment is confined to a single diallelic locus without mutation. If the diploid population is infinite, selection is absent and the immigrant gene frequency is fixed, then the gene frequency on the island converges to the immigrant frequency, and the logarithm of the absolute value of its deviation from it is asymptotically normally distributed.

The above implies that if you have two genes in some frequency in the immigrant population, under one way migration that frequency becomes the dominant frequency on the island.

>We investigated various cases of the island model with stochastic migration. If the population is infinite, the immigrants have a fixed gene frequency and the alleles are neutral, the gene frequency on the island converges to that of the immigrants.

What this means is that the genes initially on the model island, in effect, disappeared.


Evolution with Stochastic Fitness and Stochastic Migration

>Migration between local populations plays an important role in evolution - influencing local adaptation, speciation, extinction, and the maintenance of genetic variation.

>A number of studies have shown that when per capita population growth rate is treated as a random variable, rather than a fixed parameter, then directional evolution is influenced not only by the expected fitness of each phenotype, but also by the variance and other moments [23], [28]-[33]. This follows from the fact that, in a closed population, change in mean phenotype is inversely proportional to mean population fitness


Figure 1. The consequences of a negative correlation between fitness and immigration rate:

<top figure in picture


Figure 2. The influence of the variance in immigration rates, on the expected change in mean phenotype:


<bottom-left in picture

Essentially, when the variance in the immigration rate is small it results in a negative phenotypic change on the mean phenotype of a population, as the migrant phenotypes predominate.

Figure 3. The relation between variance in immigration, selection, and in an island-continent model:


>bottom-right in picture.

>The curves show the change in mean phenotypic value assuming a mean phenotypic value as decided by a population's selection.

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>The variance in migration is shown in descending value on the curves.

Though the mean rate of migration is the same on all the curves, it is clear that the the island can still get close to fixation of the phenotype favoured there, so long as the variance in immigration is high.

So for this figure, assuming that migration is an indefinitely persisting condition, migrants will prevent the local island favored phenotype from remaining intact, as they are essentially working against selection.

he models/simulations in these studies are based on understanding evolutionary genetics, on how migration influenced evolution, which makes them excellent sources for metaphors on the effects of modern immigration rates in human populations.

Genes Are Destroyed With Admixture/Racial Mixing

Nonindigenous species can bring about a form of extinction of native flora and fauna by hybridization and introgression either through purposeful introduction by humans or through habitat modification, bringing previously isolated species into contact. These phenomena can be especially problematic for rare species coming into contact with more abundant ones. Increased use of molecular techniques focuses attention on the extent of this underappreciated problem that is not always apparent from morphological observations alone. Some degree of gene flow is a normal, evolutionarily constructive process, and all constellations of genes and genotypes cannot be preserved. However, hybridization with or without introgression may, nevertheless, threaten a rare species’ existence.


Allopatric speciation

Allopatric speciation or geographic speciation is speciation that occurs when biological populations of the same species become vicariant — isolated from each other to an extent that prevents or interferes with genetic interchange. This can be the result of population dispersal leading to emigration, or by geographical changes such as mountain formation, island formation, or large scale human activities (for example agricultural and civil engineering developments). The vicariant populations then undergo genotypic or phenotypic divergence as: (a) they become subjected to different selective pressures, (b) they independently undergo genetic drift, and (c) different mutations arise in the populations’ gene pools.[1]

The separate populations over time may evolve distinctly different characteristics. If the geographical barriers are later removed, members of the two populations may be unable to successfully mate with each other, at which point, the genetically isolated groups have emerged as different species. Allopatric isolation is a key factor in speciation and a common process by which new species arise.[2] Adaptive radiation, as observed by Charles Darwin in Galapagos finches, is a consequence of allopatric speciation among island populations.



Reproductive isolation - Sexual isolation by behavior or conduct

Even where there are minimal morphological differences between species, differences in behavior can be enough to prevent mating. For example, Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans which are considered twin species due to their morphological similarity, do not mate even if they are kept together in a laboratory.[3][12]Drosophila ananassae and D. pallidosa are twin species from Melanesia. In the wild they rarely produce hybrids, although in the laboratory it is possible to produce fertile offspring. Studies of their sexual behavior show that the males court the females of both species but the females show a marked preference for mating with males of their own species.


>Picture: drosophila fruit flies are popular choices for these types of experiments.


Just imagine what a few extra years of separation could have done for certain human populations…


>"Human races are evolving away from each other," Harpending says. "Genes are

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>evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity." He says that is happening because humans dispersed from Africa to other regions 40,000 years ago, "and there has not been much flow of genes between the regions since then."


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File: 8636908b5d57c19⋯.webm (5.63 MB,640x360,16:9,race-war.webm)

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File: 4013b94eaaed2cc⋯.jpg (271.76 KB,1155x879,385:293,pizzagate.jpg)

None of you have what it takes to banish the subhumans back to hell from where they spawned from. Go ahead & call me FBI, cucks.

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File: 0e23e488d992f03⋯.jpg (137.87 KB,767x489,767:489,Honorary.jpg)


Other people's possessions?

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Can someone post the list of sourced statistics showing how much better America would be if all niggers suddenly disappeared?

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Opp is nigger bable for law enforcement or someone who snitches to LE

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Are you White today?

Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!

Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel


https://boicotisrael.net/ (ES)









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File: 094dce50f512b45⋯.jpg (96.64 KB,529x381,529:381,st.roof.jpg)

yfw almost getting run over my a stupid nigger while riding your bike on the sidewalk

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File: c9da7a05261cff9⋯.mp4 (4.5 MB,434x768,217:384,diversity shits on the sub….mp4)

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File: 9eed9d17d1f9ab4⋯.png (479.5 KB,524x884,131:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 9e480a4a4f3b195⋯.webm (2.59 MB,362x564,181:282,Saudi Arabia - Mother bea….webm)

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those children are so confused and helpless, what a fucking savage i hope she gets raped in prison

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niglets gonna niglet

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No wonder they are fucking stupid and have an ape like behaviour. Apparently their parents are destroying them from the beginning.

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What do you mean? She's doing a good job tbh.


Nah, it doesn't matter whether their parents destroying them or not. They're gonna be niggers.

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File: fecc46e9a80c4e7⋯.webm (2.12 MB,270x480,9:16,Ringtone.webm)


>Legal consultant Nujoud Qassim said people convicted of domestic abuse faced a month to a year in prison and a fine of up to SR50,000.

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File: 86262f3f7f08ca2⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,326x340,163:170,Vaginal_Jesus.mp4)

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File: c6c62dab5c6bb9f⋯.png (623.19 KB,987x945,47:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 7a466ecae810f93⋯.png (87.93 KB,337x332,337:332,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2595e95516a76c4⋯.png (77.7 KB,325x302,325:302,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 5177a28398e672f⋯.png (425.22 KB,931x695,931:695,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 0014b3029e4b716⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,1024x824,128:103,25_bloodnigger.mp4)

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My sister has a black friend that is nice enough, but I still realize that value of homogeneity and where my true loyalties are.

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The friend is girl btw.

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File: fe5afa1d07bb67a⋯.jpg (108.31 KB,499x750,499:750,a fAPM8_zpsd24db1ff.jpg)

File: e41522f83ad48f1⋯.png (180.24 KB,346x214,173:107,l Adolf with animals.png)

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File: 96216ff2eaf9a30⋯.jpg (46.33 KB,543x589,543:589,DgFsp_zps8e39e994.jpg)

File: e510dc2aba7b6d8⋯.jpg (62.26 KB,346x462,173:231,l quote on compassion of a….jpg)

File: 0e6b305bc30d1b8⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,346x519,2:3,a torture of cats.jpg)

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They must all fucking die

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Well I can't just not save that can I?

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Can I get that in MP4 flavor?

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Holy fucking shit that punch cured my cancer.

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File: f67396c8ad1dd2f⋯.jpg (447.63 KB,1080x1820,54:91,chink wtf.jpg)

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File: 05642b75d00c680⋯.webm (2.7 MB,852x480,71:40,1 hit.webm)

File: c11b70814d67978⋯.webm (2.27 MB,432x704,27:44,african culture 2.webm)

File: 085c45ffb95de2c⋯.webm (2.05 MB,198x360,11:20,african culture 3.webm)

File: b23aadfa8701bcd⋯.webm (2.85 MB,640x480,4:3,african culture.webm)

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File: e15df2d2e5489e1⋯.webm (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,around-blacks-never-relax.webm)

File: 4027ff8e19365b5⋯.webm (1.58 MB,720x404,180:101,ayo was da hol up.webm)

File: 3d045f88a334ffe⋯.webm (1.24 MB,360x640,9:16,black culture 2.webm)

File: ff97fea5011baae⋯.webm (1.23 MB,480x360,4:3,black culture 3.webm)

File: ec301a904e646da⋯.webm (2.99 MB,854x480,427:240,black culture 4.webm)

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File: 24fee4d92e559eb⋯.webm (2.96 MB,222x396,37:66,black culture 5.webm)

File: 25de4ac03487176⋯.webm (1.86 MB,400x272,25:17,black culture.webm)

File: 177d6c531c27fc2⋯.webm (2.99 MB,360x640,9:16,black lives matter.webm)

File: a87518496073397⋯.webm (848.07 KB,479x479,1:1,black parenting 2.webm)

File: f92cfd371fa02a4⋯.webm (1.04 MB,320x426,160:213,black parenting 3.webm)

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File: 3d21e2f64e81e61⋯.webm (2.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,black parenting 4.webm)

File: 7bf50841bd7e554⋯.webm (2.95 MB,272x480,17:30,black parenting.webm)

File: 851c68b117c7ba8⋯.webm (2.99 MB,640x360,16:9,BLMWhiteGirlWithBaby.webm)

File: 3e73d21e0199860⋯.webm (2.9 MB,224x400,14:25,cheap apartments.webm)

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File: dd673ee0b092650⋯.webm (2.94 MB,640x360,16:9,1v3.webm)

File: 8c069a20ae1ed35⋯.webm (1.48 MB,202x360,101:180,diversity 2.webm)

File: 0b706538083737f⋯.webm (768.24 KB,392x296,49:37,diversity.webm)

File: fa5bdd1febab61e⋯.webm (1.39 MB,352x640,11:20,gibmedat.webm)

File: c98eff88bcecbaf⋯.webm (560.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,Lucas Wiseman in BLM peac….webm)

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File: 1c4c06cb90cc4f8⋯.webm (1.04 MB,640x360,16:9,monkeys playing soccer.webm)

File: 691447b356b2698⋯.webm (2.93 MB,405x720,9:16,nigger moment.webm)

File: 9b32be7949b7f0c⋯.webm (1.94 MB,1002x568,501:284,nigger.webm)

File: b5548d33476c72e⋯.webm (1.25 MB,896x504,16:9,niggers.webm)

File: 9099fd07f722016⋯.webm (987.95 KB,320x240,4:3,nigs on a bus.webm)

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File: 0b775042c123876⋯.webm (2.86 MB,640x480,4:3,no remorse.webm)

File: ef353cc74663b37⋯.webm (2.6 MB,480x480,1:1,nogs7.webm)

File: b3e79dc0e80c32d⋯.webm (1.78 MB,480x360,4:3,once you go black you wis….webm)

File: dc7b00e37aace0f⋯.webm (2.75 MB,854x470,427:235,orange soda.webm)

File: 4c9bfe70ab48427⋯.webm (2.93 MB,640x470,64:47,planet of the apes.webm)

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File: 5549b19959aab99⋯.webm (1.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,''random act of violence'….webm)

File: 2372432dda17349⋯.webm (2.7 MB,569x320,569:320,smart black man.webm)

File: 09e62cce90228b8⋯.webm (620.03 KB,339x269,339:269,suddenly a nigger appears.webm)

File: e2793f4c4311e67⋯.webm (1.92 MB,400x272,25:17,two black men walk into a….webm)

File: e16e10db706bc9f⋯.webm (2.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,white-privilege.webm)

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File: 3f86c56a0528c3d⋯.webm (2.95 MB,480x270,16:9,fast food service.webm)

File: ed98f6aa268443d⋯.webm (2.97 MB,600x336,25:14,this is a white man's hou….webm)

File: a860b0b2405e032⋯.webm (1.04 MB,400x306,200:153,this is why you need a gu….webm)

File: 10a9ea61fc81ca6⋯.webm (2.67 MB,640x352,20:11,wall of blue.webm)

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File: abc225969e648c9⋯.webm (7.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Chimp Out at Disneyland T….webm)


You can go to the link for the full 1080p experience or you can watch my webm. without clicking on the jewtube site.


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File: dcb0e5aa2bfddeb⋯.webm (1.36 MB,352x640,11:20,nigger getting owned1.webm)

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Tell us your line on Rwanda!

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File: 65bfe7310c93417⋯.png (157.26 KB,310x350,31:35,FickWorry.png)


Where the fuck did a nigger get an FAL though?

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It's Brazil, so probably found it down a back alley on the cropse of yet another dead person

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Disney World's new attraction: World Star Land.

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Here's a bitchute of it too https://www.bitchute.com/video/pMxKG8oqGPBm/

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I need crime statistics that prove niggera are violent shitbags


These ones seem to be skewed

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You won't go on a jihad spree no matter what you say. I see it in your eyes. You're weak, a conformist & content with your enslavement. Truly disgusting human being.

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Another worthless spam distraction thread.

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And you just know he didn't have it on the delicate cycle

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File: 507fbdb50055c0d⋯.jpg (100.81 KB,640x858,320:429,86ca8f0d3926d6454cf15913cf….jpg)

File: c5d08394820435f⋯.png (1.45 MB,1235x744,1235:744,1472308884544.png)

File: af30201f326928d⋯.jpg (108.59 KB,652x650,326:325,1472405630443.jpg)

File: cdb78841c0ee3ad⋯.jpg (325.01 KB,819x1024,819:1024,1472493553145.jpg)

File: 31353368a2fb729⋯.jpg (98.83 KB,680x797,680:797,1472849824185.jpg)

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File: baae18f1c129e63⋯.jpg (147.62 KB,992x768,31:24,1472850543484.jpg)

File: 79abc06a0b445e2⋯.png (1.57 MB,732x1824,61:152,1472857881319.png)

File: 437d9fb97377ae0⋯.jpg (129.49 KB,857x1046,857:1046,1472859161479.jpg)

File: 42ad664d9ef1d84⋯.png (1.5 MB,616x5370,308:2685,1472859558201.png)

File: 1e702334693fa4b⋯.jpg (38 KB,450x314,225:157,1472860372258.jpg)

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File: d506f83debaa57f⋯.png (507.62 KB,708x2265,236:755,1472861739414.png)

File: d470d26ab995fb7⋯.jpg (111.96 KB,571x591,571:591,1472862328255.jpg)

File: fde2c9e1e983694⋯.jpg (139.59 KB,625x602,625:602,1472862463071.jpg)

File: 899a2fb4f93300e⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,1000x4500,2:9,1472862463072.jpg)

File: f8894c410f9d69a⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,650x576,325:288,1472862615927.jpg)

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File: cd849d9d57d51e7⋯.jpg (174.04 KB,682x721,682:721,1473084491432.jpg)

File: 686508f3d18f467⋯.png (1.43 MB,2100x1200,7:4,1473198294375.png)

File: 8cab4629d93c1c6⋯.jpg (165.45 KB,650x722,325:361,1473461547172.jpg)

File: 1c315172a5ddac4⋯.jpg (102.6 KB,789x702,263:234,1473461645178.jpg)

File: 4872268f6dca6c3⋯.jpg (97.96 KB,540x546,90:91,1473461763064.jpg)

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File: ae639633fff323d⋯.png (602.17 KB,796x865,796:865,1473918664948.png)

File: 160f12c3a5c7e10⋯.png (140.66 KB,826x597,826:597,1473918682100.png)

File: 06554f077c85238⋯.png (679.25 KB,751x1134,751:1134,1473918699604.png)

File: fc119e31d4ae833⋯.jpg (448.12 KB,1044x860,261:215,1473984661139.jpg)

File: 53a40cb7d37b473⋯.jpg (224.18 KB,650x932,325:466,1475192558490.jpg)

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File: dc5ead988349b1b⋯.jpg (544.21 KB,1656x1592,207:199,are these people white.jpg)

File: 7b62c8c74da9e79⋯.jpg (155.61 KB,645x1379,645:1379,black parenting.jpg)

File: 81175e22422e55c⋯.png (421.36 KB,718x670,359:335,raped for slavery.png)

File: d9c42c20aa50ba8⋯.jpg (315.23 KB,787x674,787:674,sweden.jpg)

File: c6baa7023bdfda5⋯.png (635.04 KB,710x572,355:286,useful idiot.png)

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File: c4cbaca31098920⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,640x480,4:3,survived did not relax.mp4)


>>second pic

>>"and, that when he left they jumped him, beat him up"

I can just imagine the sucker punch the nigger did to him, definitely in the back of the head when he "got up to leave, peacefully". Similar thing happened to me when I was younger.


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File: ecaec482cdf6044⋯.png (129.36 KB,313x238,313:238,1471465215601-4.png)


>nog keels over

<rabbi teleports behind him and checks his credit score

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File: 5d6c97eccee0d4b⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,620x465,4:3,mecha_frieza-620x.jpg)


Mr. Popo isn't a nigger because he's polite and loyal.

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pretty sure its just short for opponent geniuses

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File: 2e465d5262a74ae⋯.webm (1.52 MB,640x480,4:3,never relax.webm)

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File: c15adf5fd6e5859⋯.jpg (134.66 KB,850x1100,17:22,19359392a19bbdffe758180e6f….jpg)

>nigger hate

<Atlantic Slave Trade

>chink hate

<Sassoon Dynasty and the Opium Wars

>pajeet hate

<Inquisition expatriate Sephardis and domination of India

>shill slide thread

<friendly reminder to keep the neighbourhood clean and sage

The nations will rise up against you, schlomo. Go back to 4plebs if you want to try such low quality deflect the hate threads.


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everytime i go afk in a game

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this was a lot of little white kids first redpill.

i actually love it.

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File: b878ab4ce26abdf⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB,334x720,167:360,Lawn fire.mp4)

This is funny.

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>5th vid

<Dead Rising opening

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this thread needs some tunes


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File: 9076ec3e734a997⋯.jpg (42.64 KB,566x450,283:225,index.jpg)

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This. I think niggers are stupid, but they should just be put back home and left in their struggles. Everyone belongs in their own place. No one deserves to be holobunga'd without knowing why. That's why only the Jews deserve it, they know their crimes.

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File: 41d09f148368891⋯.jpg (77.9 KB,634x1024,317:512,007NATEHIGGERS (1).jpg)

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Is there anyway to ruin nigger lives without being arrested?

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Be smart; don't get caught.

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File: bd156bb836283fc⋯.jpg (69.99 KB,500x335,100:67,1207290784203.jpg)

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Stop paying taxes

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>tax evasion

That will still get you arrested.

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Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video needed to be fixed, so I did it.

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Great work anon. Upload the webm somewhere that it's easily downloaded by others.

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File: b3dc6a7aecf9a10⋯.jpg (325.36 KB,1024x724,256:181,47857305562_eeb3f6464d_b.jpg)

Be am oldfag. Cannot phodoshoup trusty skillful. One true dream in life before pauper's grave, to see phod related with cartoon Tyrone's head on this african one point three billion niggers head.

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Great begin shot.

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File: 4bb98600a187ebd⋯.jpg (495.47 KB,1813x1240,1813:1240,The Nigger.jpg)

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File: e20d903c0fc3582⋯.png (1007.5 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Screenshot_20190720-162129.png)

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Vodka niggers are still niggers

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There are no such thing as good niggers.

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only good niggers a dead nigger

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File: df2cfd5a3335d1f⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,640x360,16:9,6-npRL1HrrDZPVXz.mp4)

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File: 0795db243a0753b⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,320x568,40:71,TMjdlT5qsPtKDonp.mp4)

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"it could be eligible for a reward" is this a new form of nigger lottery?

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File: 19735f290df41f9⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,320x568,40:71,DGNDKeQHGb04qllU.mp4)

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File: 70d02ab1866f275⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,320x564,80:141,ooo.mp4)

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File: 24f9c396eda17ca⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,202x360,101:180,ii.mp4)


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DC Niggers being niggers. DC needs to get glassed.

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Notice that throughout the world, the only people who display any humanity toward or humane treatment of animals are whites. Therefore it could also easily be said that the only actual humans are in fact whites.

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Dead niggers aren't good either. There is still a nigger shit stain there. It's just slightly better than a living nigger. That's why I strongly advocate for the feeding of all nigger corpses to wild pigs and other carnivorous wildlife.

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Anon feeding wild pigs will have their pop boom and bores are already destroying forests and shit (Bores are wild pigs)Nature must be protected

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niggr extermination needed

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File: b148096c1a4d5d3⋯.png (249.49 KB,413x375,413:375,Irony.png)

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File: b3b3e22ff30546c⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,406x720,203:360,Liveleak.com - Fight Break….mp4)

Those of you who know how to fight, what did the guy do wrong against this nigger? The knee looked good, but it must not have made contact with the niggers chin. The nigger literally walked through it. Cranking the nigger's head to the side (and stepping that way) during the clinch also might have helped keep the nigger off balance, and off center.

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Holy fucking shit…

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Never relax, period. Just kidding. Never paralyze yourself with delusional behavior, because you don't want to appear offensive… They use a method of approach that literally is like a poker face while they have the most heinous shit in their evil hearts, and you have to feel and sense that and just be natural and don't pretend it isn't what you feel. Respond appropriately. You will have no choice anyway, so take the initiative.

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Pretty much summed it up. If you're going to clinch you have to be willing to hold it and take blows and pull them around to guide them into your knee so you get the maximum momentum, but I'm not a fighter to gauge that shit. I'm more than willing to risk my life when threatened to shoot the fucker walking tall so he can die like a dumbass.

Knee definitely took his balance and the natural reaction on the receiving end is to push forward with one leg behind his grounded leg. Even if his other hits the ground your balance is fucked when they are pushing on you. One of those good things that the military seems to teach you tactically that shows here is to always push forward.

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If you're not trained, don't go into the clinch, that was the first mistake. Stay at range, if the other guy wants to wrestle you're at the advantage, history has proven this. You don't have to put yourself in too much danger, and those lanky nigger arms hold little power as you can see by how little those hammer fists did. Most importantly learn how to get out of a rear naked chokehold, yeah it's deadly and difficult but trying to grab the guy while he's choking you won't do anything. Every nigger knows how to do it because MMA is too popular, and they'll think it's the ultimate finisher aside from haymakers so no matter what combat style you like add that defense to your belt.

Also, if your buddies are just gonna stand around as you get choked out, get new friends. Go 1 v 1 all you like but niggers will kill you doing that with no remorse.

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The knee from a clinch is meant to be thrown when either you have forward momentum or are in a clinch where you are resting your body weight on the other person with no backward movement. Or i guess if you are close to being pushed back into the cage or a wall.

The mistake was he through the knee while being pushed back which leads to almost inevitably falling. Then he landed flat on his back and didn't immediately scramble to stand or transfer to full guard.

The black dude did a nice trip, white guy upon realizing black guy wanted to trip him should fave fought for under hooks if he would have had on at least one side he could have wizard to stand back up or at last pulled back dude into his full guard on his back.

That said he tried for the knee and it was a good attempt would have been an epic knockout

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this is why I get swole

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It was an elbow, but all the same it did the trick.

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Aren't elbow strikes better than punches? that's what I heard anyway.

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>Sucking dick


seems pretty obvious

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i'd lynch that

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"For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility" Ephesians 2. God loves you my friend, as he does all members of the human race. While we may all be different and blessed with different gifts we are all made in His image. You are invited to drop the hate that is bringing you down and join our lord and savior. All are welcome in this place.

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Good to see you again, anon

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File: 9afeb4c4f117b8f⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,800x600,4:3,t7zm9c.jpg)

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