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File: 24bf0f875f0dc01⋯.png (450.64 KB,8136x3744,113:52,24bf0f875f0dc01b4ee8f52200….png)

File: e19db06a221181b⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,480x608,15:19,coon bashin.mp4)

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 No.13461303 [View All]



>"nigger hate"

This happened a year ago about and I made a thread because of it. The time for me to make this thread has come once more.

Fuck niggers.

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File: c15adf5fd6e5859⋯.jpg (134.66 KB,850x1100,17:22,19359392a19bbdffe758180e6f….jpg)

>nigger hate

<Atlantic Slave Trade

>chink hate

<Sassoon Dynasty and the Opium Wars

>pajeet hate

<Inquisition expatriate Sephardis and domination of India

>shill slide thread

<friendly reminder to keep the neighbourhood clean and sage

The nations will rise up against you, schlomo. Go back to 4plebs if you want to try such low quality deflect the hate threads.


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everytime i go afk in a game

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this was a lot of little white kids first redpill.

i actually love it.

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File: b878ab4ce26abdf⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB,334x720,167:360,Lawn fire.mp4)

This is funny.

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>5th vid

<Dead Rising opening

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this thread needs some tunes


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File: 9076ec3e734a997⋯.jpg (42.64 KB,566x450,283:225,index.jpg)

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This. I think niggers are stupid, but they should just be put back home and left in their struggles. Everyone belongs in their own place. No one deserves to be holobunga'd without knowing why. That's why only the Jews deserve it, they know their crimes.

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File: 41d09f148368891⋯.jpg (77.9 KB,634x1024,317:512,007NATEHIGGERS (1).jpg)

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Is there anyway to ruin nigger lives without being arrested?

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Be smart; don't get caught.

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File: bd156bb836283fc⋯.jpg (69.99 KB,500x335,100:67,1207290784203.jpg)

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Stop paying taxes

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>tax evasion

That will still get you arrested.

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Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video needed to be fixed, so I did it.

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Great work anon. Upload the webm somewhere that it's easily downloaded by others.

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File: b3dc6a7aecf9a10⋯.jpg (325.36 KB,1024x724,256:181,47857305562_eeb3f6464d_b.jpg)

Be am oldfag. Cannot phodoshoup trusty skillful. One true dream in life before pauper's grave, to see phod related with cartoon Tyrone's head on this african one point three billion niggers head.

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Great begin shot.

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File: 4bb98600a187ebd⋯.jpg (495.47 KB,1813x1240,1813:1240,The Nigger.jpg)

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File: e20d903c0fc3582⋯.png (1007.5 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Screenshot_20190720-162129.png)

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Vodka niggers are still niggers

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There are no such thing as good niggers.

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only good niggers a dead nigger

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File: df2cfd5a3335d1f⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,640x360,16:9,6-npRL1HrrDZPVXz.mp4)

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File: 0795db243a0753b⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,320x568,40:71,TMjdlT5qsPtKDonp.mp4)

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"it could be eligible for a reward" is this a new form of nigger lottery?

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File: 19735f290df41f9⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,320x568,40:71,DGNDKeQHGb04qllU.mp4)

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File: 70d02ab1866f275⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,320x564,80:141,ooo.mp4)

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File: 24f9c396eda17ca⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,202x360,101:180,ii.mp4)


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DC Niggers being niggers. DC needs to get glassed.

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Notice that throughout the world, the only people who display any humanity toward or humane treatment of animals are whites. Therefore it could also easily be said that the only actual humans are in fact whites.

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Dead niggers aren't good either. There is still a nigger shit stain there. It's just slightly better than a living nigger. That's why I strongly advocate for the feeding of all nigger corpses to wild pigs and other carnivorous wildlife.

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Anon feeding wild pigs will have their pop boom and bores are already destroying forests and shit (Bores are wild pigs)Nature must be protected

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niggr extermination needed

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File: b148096c1a4d5d3⋯.png (249.49 KB,413x375,413:375,Irony.png)

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File: b3b3e22ff30546c⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,406x720,203:360,Liveleak.com - Fight Break….mp4)

Those of you who know how to fight, what did the guy do wrong against this nigger? The knee looked good, but it must not have made contact with the niggers chin. The nigger literally walked through it. Cranking the nigger's head to the side (and stepping that way) during the clinch also might have helped keep the nigger off balance, and off center.

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Holy fucking shit…

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Never relax, period. Just kidding. Never paralyze yourself with delusional behavior, because you don't want to appear offensive… They use a method of approach that literally is like a poker face while they have the most heinous shit in their evil hearts, and you have to feel and sense that and just be natural and don't pretend it isn't what you feel. Respond appropriately. You will have no choice anyway, so take the initiative.

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Pretty much summed it up. If you're going to clinch you have to be willing to hold it and take blows and pull them around to guide them into your knee so you get the maximum momentum, but I'm not a fighter to gauge that shit. I'm more than willing to risk my life when threatened to shoot the fucker walking tall so he can die like a dumbass.

Knee definitely took his balance and the natural reaction on the receiving end is to push forward with one leg behind his grounded leg. Even if his other hits the ground your balance is fucked when they are pushing on you. One of those good things that the military seems to teach you tactically that shows here is to always push forward.

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If you're not trained, don't go into the clinch, that was the first mistake. Stay at range, if the other guy wants to wrestle you're at the advantage, history has proven this. You don't have to put yourself in too much danger, and those lanky nigger arms hold little power as you can see by how little those hammer fists did. Most importantly learn how to get out of a rear naked chokehold, yeah it's deadly and difficult but trying to grab the guy while he's choking you won't do anything. Every nigger knows how to do it because MMA is too popular, and they'll think it's the ultimate finisher aside from haymakers so no matter what combat style you like add that defense to your belt.

Also, if your buddies are just gonna stand around as you get choked out, get new friends. Go 1 v 1 all you like but niggers will kill you doing that with no remorse.

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The knee from a clinch is meant to be thrown when either you have forward momentum or are in a clinch where you are resting your body weight on the other person with no backward movement. Or i guess if you are close to being pushed back into the cage or a wall.

The mistake was he through the knee while being pushed back which leads to almost inevitably falling. Then he landed flat on his back and didn't immediately scramble to stand or transfer to full guard.

The black dude did a nice trip, white guy upon realizing black guy wanted to trip him should fave fought for under hooks if he would have had on at least one side he could have wizard to stand back up or at last pulled back dude into his full guard on his back.

That said he tried for the knee and it was a good attempt would have been an epic knockout

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this is why I get swole

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It was an elbow, but all the same it did the trick.

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Aren't elbow strikes better than punches? that's what I heard anyway.

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>Sucking dick


seems pretty obvious

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i'd lynch that

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"For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility" Ephesians 2. God loves you my friend, as he does all members of the human race. While we may all be different and blessed with different gifts we are all made in His image. You are invited to drop the hate that is bringing you down and join our lord and savior. All are welcome in this place.

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Good to see you again, anon

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File: 9afeb4c4f117b8f⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,800x600,4:3,t7zm9c.jpg)

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