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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 0a688184494f553⋯.jpg (108.97 KB,855x575,171:115,Re-Claimed-Log-Cabin.jpg)

File: 721520ffb7d33a3⋯.jpg (255.16 KB,848x566,424:283,66SqR2I3a8qfPHVXctP6_10820….jpg)

File: c7a31321502f4c5⋯.jpg (288.32 KB,1920x760,48:19,08661-Yellow-Labrador-fami….jpg)

File: 519ffa99d7acc6f⋯.jpg (112.85 KB,796x1024,199:256,d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.jpg)

 No.13444728 [Last50 Posts]

Happy Friday lads. Just gonna post some cozy pro-White images (most media is overtly anti-White) and get some good vibes / morale boosting going. The hurtbox is truth, but it's not the only truth. Beauty and God (however you define it or decline it) are also true, despite Buzzfeed's insistence that overweight balding jews are beautiful.

Feel free to contribute and have a great weekend!

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File: 6b36ea93a53bb35⋯.jpg (30.43 KB,372x480,31:40,f8ec11d51a4249ea2ebc17425b….jpg)

File: eb0ef056e57bc6a⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,600x403,600:403,zekckisb5npy.jpg)

File: d62af6f54550f3e⋯.jpg (136.15 KB,800x493,800:493,Untitled-46.jpg)

File: 85e83312940c6cc⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,4433x2955,4433:2955,forest_creditstewart_lack_….jpg)

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My morale is really really low now… damn son..

post more

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File: ca91d7707d82b0b⋯.jpg (116.5 KB,581x800,581:800,10629727_361911470650833_1….jpg)


Listen to Richard Wagner.

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File: 3ef46cfcfd5358f⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,510x287,510:287,7310318-womens-land-army-r….jpg)

File: 36f43ebf251e6e8⋯.jpg (55.67 KB,500x647,500:647,eaab188f92a1795b518f3f1997….jpg)

File: fb28e6b3700bc29⋯.jpg (105.95 KB,659x439,659:439,PJ-BA931_SHORT_H_201105181….jpg)

File: f90f1f1446feed2⋯.jpg (122.45 KB,750x500,3:2,Hales-Grove-USA-1.jpg)

File: de65e9ff6be4a3c⋯.jpg (47.38 KB,522x408,87:68,84492158.jpg)

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File: 69ebc11d3f1de7d⋯.jpg (3.82 MB,4000x2563,4000:2563,Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_A….jpg)

File: c30d813804c05de⋯.jpg (321.78 KB,1199x961,1199:961,Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_T….jpg)

File: 004e75dc8962606⋯.jpg (310.23 KB,1600x1270,160:127,Friedrich Caspar David - ….jpg)

File: c5b9404b2377e6d⋯.jpg (116.07 KB,1000x778,500:389,FRIEDRICH-Caspar-David-Moo….jpg)


Have some more Caspar David Friedrich as well.

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File: 1dccfaa8ed42cf4⋯.jpg (67.41 KB,662x420,331:210,6.jpg)

File: dd7832d46b766d4⋯.jpg (52.54 KB,797x542,797:542,Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-0451….jpg)

File: 23230100a16ba12⋯.jpg (24.93 KB,272x500,68:125,JC-Penny-1978-wrap-dresses….jpg)

File: c98d1a554a57e7f⋯.jpg (127.76 KB,583x725,583:725,vintage-duck-hunter.jpg)

File: 0fa525b4b70e160⋯.jpg (15.06 KB,236x354,2:3,32b15ba2e8a080a7830ae1e121….jpg)


Thank you for posting, love Friedrich's work.

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File: 06db9daedf61ad5⋯.jpg (267.29 KB,1000x710,100:71,SID59189NEWM.jpg)

File: 6d8b84e891d3be4⋯.jpg (30.74 KB,327x485,327:485,4e80413dfe6b1201c9553a0011….jpg)

File: 8271f4c479af454⋯.jpg (94.15 KB,1280x640,2:1,1820-1829f-1280x640.jpg)

File: 71a4f99c4984224⋯.jpg (109.43 KB,770x696,385:348,Adriaen_van_Ostade_009-770….jpg)

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File: 8fbc393124b1d81⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Thuringian Folk Dance.mp4)

File: 195b6df604f6ae3⋯.jpg (167.71 KB,1904x1062,952:531,Thurungian Folk Dance.jpg)

File: 67e92f064b55abb⋯.jpg (420.1 KB,900x643,900:643,Polish Dance 2.jpg)

Watching a European Folk Dance always cheers me up.

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File: 719c1f0bdf0e405⋯.jpg (444.37 KB,1251x848,1251:848,August_Malmstr-m-Det_gamla….JPG)

Comfy thread.

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File: 9af15e1ada4ad62⋯.jpg (118.49 KB,663x547,663:547,1448504073809-0.jpg)

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File: 7499aa15a0f64f9⋯.png (1.49 MB,1048x696,131:87,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)

File: 6e19038996c8b9b⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,355x577,355:577,3e6b6897e7188005267f942331….jpg)

File: 5bb1bb0031533d9⋯.jpg (349.36 KB,1150x770,115:77,4442461.jpg)

File: 818ef11290d1f74⋯.jpg (941.4 KB,1920x1254,320:209,1920px-A_Finnish_Maxim_M-0….jpg)

File: 9dc230e76611ea3⋯.png (806.58 KB,1812x548,453:137,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)

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File: aca0a0c044a0fcf⋯.png (1.09 MB,1040x600,26:15,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)


Ooops, put an angry screencap in there by accident. Here's a good boy catching the squid.

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i wish i could filter out everything online and just have this type of non-degenerate content.

I sometimes feel like my eyes have become a toilet for all the garbage in the world..I wish there was a solution to this. Im starting to think that maybe I'm accidentally demoralizing myself without even knowing it, just by exposing myself to all the trash there is online..

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File: 1ce9eac1e427aed⋯.jpg (94.55 KB,613x960,613:960,Polish Traditional Dress 1….jpg)

File: 0c33549b3881ce7⋯.jpg (116.23 KB,1087x720,1087:720,German Girls Dancing in Ge….jpg)

File: d014b8ddbb7582b⋯.jpg (335.47 KB,960x645,64:43,Polish Festival.jpg)


I know what you mean, anon. I really do.

Don't give in to despair. We're living in an artificial hell. But remember that this is artificially created by evil men.

I fight in what ways I can for two main reasons. One of them is so that I can at least try to create a world where we can celebrate our culture in peace. I envision a world where European dresses and clothing can be the norm and everyone can experience the joy of growing up surrounded by a natural and healthy environment. Maybe someday, if we survive this, I can assist the new government in recreating a new White culture in America from essentially scratch. Dresses and dances and music and festivals. Essentially, giving our race back its soul. I have many ideas. Maybe someday I'll get to see it.

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>shabbat ramp up

Every week like clockwork.

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Good friday indeed. Based putin just btfo jewdenda


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File: 4dd38203d475755⋯.jpg (39.15 KB,500x707,500:707,1560629463602.jpg)


damn he said it straight lol

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Deserves a thread tbh. Pics of trump and May with Putin are priceless. Id do it but im a poorfag phoneposter.

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Posting a pro-white movement which all of you should join. https://www.thenewawakening.org

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>log cabin without utilities

Who's to blame? Men for not being able to build them, or women for being too hypergamous to accept raising a family in one.

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File: 0703f3b86fd1937⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,1769x2331,1769:2331,25797176673_a54071873d_o.jpg)

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I prefer Haydn, myself.

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File: 297ffc0cf126872⋯.jpg (53.91 KB,500x646,250:323,57024102_359529111323584_8….jpg)

File: a894e165068dbea⋯.jpg (52.28 KB,480x639,160:213,58949996_2270867332978089_….jpg)

File: 3ca4bd15880ddaf⋯.jpg (45.96 KB,640x703,640:703,59392666_1254217921407725_….jpg)

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File: 0abdcc5b5129323⋯.jpg (223.56 KB,775x1031,775:1031,family2.jpg)

File: 6312d0ab20dc8de⋯.jpg (36 KB,604x604,1:1,family4.jpg)

Is there anything more comforting than family?

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File: 575166257b3d6a3⋯.jpg (848.76 KB,1816x2400,227:300,Jesus Good Shepherd.jpg)


>Is there anything more comforting than family?

The love of God.

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Putin doesn't call out the jews though, just their puppets. Liberalism isn't just a Western sickness, it is a global sickness and the purveyor is the jew. But then Hitler didn't immediately name the jew either. He seldom mentioned them, preferring through most of his rise to avoid naming them head on.

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File: 640ad174ab2e9e9⋯.jpg (210.87 KB,960x640,3:2,Waffen960x640.jpg)


I'd preffer Hitler personally

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Didn't Nietzsche call Christianity a slavemorality created by jewish sect of slaves from the desert?

I'm not sure if a slave morality is going to help with the demoralization problem. It might make it worse.

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He was wrong on that, read his works if you want to bring him up and dont just repeat the (((official))) dogma.

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File: c7b1c28aa861601⋯.jpg (4.66 MB,2415x3000,161:200,5efc762875547e9bf8963aca81….jpg)

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Fuck off christcuck

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How about no you pagan larp kike

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He did say that, but he was trying to get you to challenge his own assertions and move beyond him in your thinking. I don't believe that he meant it as an insult. When you know something, its strengths and weaknesses you can move forward and plan a more strategic path for yourself. Acknowledging somethings history is not a detriment to the thing itself it is becoming aware of all of its potential both good and bad. The problem with people today is that they abandon things rather than work with them when they come to a true understanding of its character.

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File: 16b65c3876ae03d⋯.jpg (48.87 KB,850x400,17:8,ayy.jpg)


if you say so buddy

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File: b404a022bb215fc⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,2700x3000,9:10,Gil_Elvgren_Skeet_Club_197….jpg)

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What race was he anyway? Kind of looks a little injun to me

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White. Nietzsche was German, even though he thought that he had Polish ancestors, he was German. He wrote some good stuff, and was based and redpilled on some things, even though he was a philosemite, and quite the whoremonger, as he loved to visit prostitutes. His sister, on the other hand, was most definitely /ourgirl/.

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File: 94be845328a63f3⋯.jpg (89.26 KB,400x834,200:417,94be845328a63f324e30026a31….jpg)


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File: 74ade937d7d8ef2⋯.jpg (253.39 KB,1080x1350,4:5,01e6c2b550994685a62926e6b9….jpg)

File: 2a05afd36fee7b1⋯.jpg (88.96 KB,500x667,500:667,2a05afd36fee7b15a049c90c92….jpg)

File: 02029d040470187⋯.jpg (126.63 KB,788x1000,197:250,02029d0404701872654b6c4f95….jpg)

did someone say comfy and prowhite

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File: 1cf2df9aa52a7d5⋯.png (4.3 MB,1242x2208,9:16,1cf2df9aa52a7d591ac62142ee….png)

File: f3058c324df89e7⋯.jpg (239.86 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1e43d29c712c7faebffd843c03….jpg)

File: 0be718ac3fb10a3⋯.jpg (109.46 KB,540x540,1:1,0be718ac3fb10a3f3c535db12e….jpg)

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File: 0c58fbbba81bfd2⋯.jpg (135.24 KB,564x846,2:3,0c58fbbba81bfd24c7ab1ce283….jpg)

File: f6aac08fab77bb1⋯.jpg (240.66 KB,661x1024,661:1024,f6aac08fab77bb12f0fae64131….jpg)

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File: ccf9bb291dde533⋯.jpg (146.41 KB,1074x773,1074:773,ccf9bb291dde533b5659b7cf36….jpg)

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File: 3bfca3df53c7a4e⋯.png (5.16 MB,1800x1197,200:133,stone_house.png)

File: f649b52c327409c⋯.jpg (114.61 KB,736x552,4:3,f649b52c327409c2cb3a7919b5….jpg)

File: ecfe68e249b41c5⋯.jpg (277.99 KB,497x750,497:750,d405a540d23dcf354fa0ed2e1d….jpg)

File: b4a63cb30b61f85⋯.jpg (72.42 KB,717x896,717:896,c4db0094c19614f30e75ad1ed0….jpg)

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File: 9613553a7ac75df⋯.jpg (15.25 KB,200x258,100:129,d587e2f01a92589788ab299f7a….jpg)

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File: a6b58bc66b967d8⋯.jpg (64.41 KB,455x695,91:139,178c7e282b3e505f197bfc9807….jpg)

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File: 631f5d4e122e423⋯.jpg (359.49 KB,1280x1707,1280:1707,631f5d4e122e4235eb6440f016….jpg)

File: 469fc7ae4764f90⋯.jpg (205.01 KB,1000x836,250:209,469fc7ae4764f9092357b08a9b….jpg)

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File: 24f9b8228928c63⋯.jpg (297.77 KB,940x1184,235:296,24f9b8228928c6309753ea403b….jpg)

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File: 81809dac7f6bc7d⋯.jpg (80.44 KB,962x641,962:641,beastmode.jpg)

>>13445833(masonic check)


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File: 3c6633ddbcc46c2⋯.jpg (479.71 KB,1920x1200,8:5,23352f2abd40a530476265e89d….jpg)

File: 89ff790b7d69287⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1682x2790,841:1395,650de1f9f1cb74c4f197107a33….jpg)

File: a8ef5b5d087b9a0⋯.jpg (461.97 KB,1900x1200,19:12,a8ef5b5d087b9a029299425112….jpg)

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File: 3e7b08a438df821⋯.jpg (151.34 KB,677x793,677:793,648911f158a9119f6656396f72….jpg)

File: 8125628377b9b9b⋯.jpg (98.48 KB,900x892,225:223,8125628377b9b9b3d9b80cf04f….jpg)

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File: eabb7347693bb1a⋯.jpg (248.52 KB,631x900,631:900,22e25044ee8050cddce8b2d3f4….jpg)

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File: b6fe440748ab441⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB,640x640,1:1,b6fe440748ab441c9a71fb5ab2….mp4)

File: e48f8f8ebcfabd3⋯.jpg (389.7 KB,2124x1317,708:439,e48f8f8ebcfabd3eeaa3d94bd4….jpg)

File: 882be0077ab7969⋯.jpg (181.22 KB,800x1200,2:3,882be0077ab796968eca95bede….jpg)

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File: 0b4bdaa317a6e78⋯.jpg (481.93 KB,1920x1098,320:183,0b4bdaa317a6e78e7e8fa61320….jpg)

File: 3a42beb3d61110d⋯.jpg (819.39 KB,2047x1021,2047:1021,3a42beb3d61110deb850472da1….jpg)

File: 04a0da0765bd3eb⋯.jpg (359.1 KB,1280x1216,20:19,3ffb74d35bcbe1ed3e6b95d4bb….jpg)

File: e7d9c9e2a0a31b4⋯.jpg (218.94 KB,1280x853,1280:853,1f8d99ff5a3b7d39471f42183c….jpg)

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File: 06b1bd52844f1c2⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2056x1300,514:325,06b1bd52844f1c27bc3989a560….jpg)

File: bebc6ab6da5a4bd⋯.jpg (177.18 KB,770x952,55:68,7c9cfbbd7cdf9cc6d210907e46….jpg)

File: 9e2bf02845e0dfe⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,2824x1868,706:467,9e2bf02845e0dfe6c02302e98d….jpg)

File: 98018a72fe0e69f⋯.jpg (8.06 MB,3543x2301,1181:767,9ef62647cf35f3c9fc3d88278e….jpg)

File: 883b9c7dca8513b⋯.png (323.19 KB,430x641,430:641,50ff51d39de045fba740e1a738….png)

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File: 44f0be4c0bbc2f4⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,2400x1856,75:58,44f0be4c0bbc2f44441b8d16a5….jpg)

File: d8480a08eebc2d2⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,2968x1736,53:31,1500196360799.jpg)

File: f884e1f06b15e71⋯.jpg (144.68 KB,528x686,264:343,f884e1f06b15e71893ce91c4aa….jpg)

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File: 5992d9ae9711290⋯.png (254.92 KB,594x463,594:463,5992d9ae9711290a6582c89956….png)

this meme wouldn't exist without Whitey.

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File: 7ac0536bf734d30⋯.jpg (112.51 KB,653x584,653:584,1961 Montgomery, AL.jpg)

File: ea79afb664b9209⋯.jpg (115.78 KB,848x565,848:565,Cemetery.jpg)

File: f26137118c297c2⋯.jpg (82.33 KB,500x685,100:137,Führer and Blondi.jpg)

File: b69552b4c755093⋯.jpg (206.56 KB,709x634,709:634,Home from Hunting.jpg)

File: 0f90627d865c7f7⋯.jpg (75.71 KB,563x373,563:373,Winter Scene.jpg)

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gud bred hab a bunpt

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When we win we and the Earth is ours we need to ensure the restoration of the forests.

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How did we get into this position, looking at all those photos just reminded me how we are almost aliens or gods compared to all the other races, we invented the camera, microscope, transistor,, found DNA, built the internal combustion engine… and on and on it goes. How the fuck are we in this position. All we gave the Jew and this is what it did. P.S Putin is a jew, the Jews never relinquished control of Russia and gave it back to the Russians, anyone who thinks that is retarded, a glownigger or a Jew.

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File: 496c937267a85d3⋯.jpg (356.52 KB,1150x1150,1:1,DNA chart Eurasians eur ru….jpg)

File: 0f0c80da374eeb1⋯.jpg (83.07 KB,800x472,100:59,russian jew semites 2.jpg)


Saged for off topic

There are many different nationalities in Russia not limited to semites, mongols, turkic people and Europeans. The whole of Russia lives and survives off the work and effort of the European Russian people (the same way that the whole of the parasitic trash of Earth lives off the efforts of Europeans elsewhere on the planet). Then there is the semitic trash like the turks, khazarians, jews, and other assorted semitic trash people in Russia that are now 'in charge of it'.

tl;dr you are correct anon, the semites never gave up their death grip on the Rus (European) people; they can't because they are parasites who cannot live without the host (humanity).

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File: c0e5d38cbe9decf⋯.jpg (3.44 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20190612_132442.jpg)

found out antifa is in my area, any way to figure out where and when they operate?

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Your best bet is always the local state indoctrination center. aka the local college.

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They are communists, so you can find them at communist events. And they spray these gay symbols at night.

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File: b88d0c210953161⋯.jpg (156.47 KB,800x449,800:449,Hitler Jew mocks religion.jpg)


People who mock Christianity are ignorant.

Jews who mock Christianity are dangerous.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Watching a European Folk Dance always cheers me up.

Me too. Makes me wish I lived in a Carpathian mountain village.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Beautiful. You know, this is the very thing that I'm fighting for. Nothing is dearer to my heart than beautiful Europeans celebrating our glorious culture. My dream for the future is a world where my country is clean and White and women wear colourful dresses and garlands in their hair while men wear handsome waistcoats and vests. And children grow up dancing and singing our national dances and songs. Not regurgitating the shit on (((MTV))) but real songs with a soul!

And nothing is more healthy for society than Folk Dance. Physically, a nation that dances is fit and well proportioned. And spiritually, a people who know their national dances is rooted in the common past and culture in a way that modern capitalist society has all but extinguished. People who dance our national dances are closer to our ancestors who smile down on their happy children.

Looks like I ought to share my European Folk Music collection.

This is Rokiczanka from Poland. Beautiful dresses, beautiful women. One of my all time favourites! I love Poland.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

As well as to educate children in math and science, schools should exist to bring up children in their native culture. To build brotherly and sisterly spirit.

What we have is a perversion of proper education. Where culture and science is replaced with trash literature from jewish pedophiles like (((Allen Ginsberg))).

In an ideal future for our race, children engage in celebrations of their people like these Belarusian girls are engaged in.

Celebrate your heritage.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here from the same Belarusian event, young boys and girls dance and play their national songs.

Give me control of the mass media for a year, and this would become the most trendy thing to do.

These boys and girls are spiritually healthier than the poor souls who wander our urban sprawl searching for cheap Hollywood entertainment. They are participating directly in the cultural history of their nation and people.

Our youth crave culture and belonging.

Let them dance and sing!

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1st baste /pol thread in months.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I especially love Folk Groups who perform in nature. This particular one from Ukraine performs in a wonderful setting with castles and dales. Lovely.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Every couple of years in Latvia, tens of thousands of people gather to celebrate the Song and Dance Festival. This is Sasala jūrīna.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is my all time favourite Folk Dance from Latvia. I absolutely love music paced like this.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This one I think is right up your alley if you love Carpathian music. This is a ja taká dzivočka, among my favourite Slovakian Folk songs.

Perfectly paced and the singer has a lovely voice. Infinitely superior to anything the drunken sluts of Hollywood have shat out.

You cannot help but to dance along with this. I certainly have.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is another beautiful Polish Folk Song called Jedzie Jasio which is just lovely. The men and women here are wearing traditional dress from Łowicz.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This particular video is very interesting. This is a Basque Folk Tune. I loved it so much that I used it when I made a thread a long time ago about the ETA and asymmetrical warfare as a representation of the better qualities of the Basque People. Such a beautiful piece of music that's almost haunting.

The accordion is the Peoples' Instrument!

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is another of my all time favourites, again out of Poland. To i hola (The guests are coming)

A Christmas Folk Song.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is the best step-dancing on earth. From Riverdance.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is a performance by a master artist playing another of the Peoples' Instruments; the Nyckelharpa.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

And this beautiful Lithuanian girl is playing another lesser known instrument called a Kankles. The Baltic may very well be the jewel of Europe as far as I am concerned.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Back to nature settings and group ensembles, as well as back to Ukraine. I love the harmony between male and female singers. Beautiful. We need more of this.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Further to the east, here is a martial Folk Dance from the Cossacks. The men carry swords.

Another reason to love Folk Dance is that gender roles are natural. Men are strong and women are supportive. Men dance a martial dance and lead. Women dance a beautiful dance and follow. Both become part of a greater whole in their community as the dance unites us.

Nothing could be more spiritually fulfilling than living in a nation that celebrated life in this way.

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Anyone that hasn't already started trading crypto, should. Don't invest anything you aren't willing to lose, but 100 dollars is enough to see incremental growth. Look for start up coins and open wallets with them, most will give early adopters free currency. Some mobile apps (like Electroneum or "ETN") already have value. It's not much but you never know, if the normies start buying into the market and using the currency, people who got in early win big. Don't be a nigger and dump your whole paycheck in, but if I have to tell you that you probably shouldn't get involved anyway.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Speaking of heading east, I believe I have neglected Russia. This performance I truly envy as it takes place in the open air in a city street. The streets of Europe are perfect for this sort of thing as many are lined with solid cobblestone and brick. Unlike the dead, soulless, parking-lot complexes that the jew seem to love so much.

Once we rid ourselves of the jew, we really ought to return cities to places of beauty rather than economic sector-zones for stripmalls and highways.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here is another Folk Dance from the same day.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

And this is among the best Russian dancing I've seen. I myself can do some of this very well but this is exceedingly good. It takes strong leg muscles to even try this.

As I have stated before, a nation that dances is a healthy one. These men may have served an evil empire, but they did so with style and looked sharp doing it! If wars were fought with dance moves, the Russians would have won the cold war. The USA would have been obliterated.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Now this Belarusian Folk Dancing is really great. Step dancing, Kazachok stepping, chirping, spinning women with fluttering dresses, a truly energetic dance.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Speaking of energetic dancing, this one from Poland is astounding. Many a woman was twirled by her partner. While the quality of the video is poor, the quality of the dance was fantastic.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is another unsung Peoples' Instrument called a Hurdy Gurdy. It's like a one man band instrument that produces a haunting sound.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Here's another exciting Polka you might enjoy from the Carpathians. Energetic Slovakian music. Slovakia is such a beautiful nation.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

And just to the north is the beautiful nation of Poland. Let the Poles show us how a real wedding should be done.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here is another Polish Folk Dance; The Krakowiak

Danced in a beautiful Polish city with a real city-square. This is why we need city-squares, ffs!

And this is what a true National Dress looks like. Wearing these clothes is making a physical connection with our ancestors who smile down upon us. This is what a Nation is.

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File: f5067a349f7424c⋯.jpg (98.04 KB,736x553,736:553,German Folk Dance.jpg)

File: 4f8292871339097⋯.jpg (117 KB,637x960,637:960,Hungarian Dance 1.jpg)

File: eba8c65b0527ba5⋯.jpg (122.36 KB,923x694,923:694,Poles dancing the Krakowia….jpg)

File: 2f271726673b44f⋯.jpg (228.55 KB,600x600,1:1,Polish Girl in Polish Clot….jpg)

Welp, I'm done for tonight. If ever you are feeling depressed at the shit that the jews spew all day, spend a few minutes watching these Folk Dances and you will feel better. Maybe you'll even get yourself a pair of galligaskins and dance along with the spirits of your ancestors.

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File: ed7f9a68632666a⋯.jpg (77.33 KB,250x359,250:359,Stephen_Hawking.StarChild.jpg)

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File: a74fe4030506494⋯.jpg (123.31 KB,1100x729,1100:729,JohnnyCash.jpg)


Thank you for posting friend, really good stuff.

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Kill yourself you jew cunt.

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File: be4c2b2692b029e⋯.png (553.6 KB,1213x1540,1213:1540,1559460782867.png)

Here's another white pill for y'all. The New Awakening is forming white communities in the Pacific Northwest.



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D&C Cointelpro bullshit!

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>D&C Cointelpro bullshit!

probably just some boomer-tard sitting at home collecting SSDI checks

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File: 1b99e5c2486edf0⋯.png (1.1 MB,922x676,461:338,ClipboardImage.png)


What the fuck are you talking about, you actual lunatic?

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File: b62235d8fd3b52b⋯.jpg (237.21 KB,640x462,320:231,1461296097053.jpg)



God forbid we divide and conquer America!!

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hold up there, where are you going thread?

I'm not about to let this thread be slid off just yet by the low quality threads that have been flooding my board lately.

In my opinion, the best folk-songs in English are Irish Folk-songs.

Here is the Rocky Road to Dublin.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

This is Fill-Iu Oro Hu o, a song about love.

Sung in beautiful Gaelic. Back when Howard Covington was alive I remember him saying something about Gaelic being the closest thing to Proto-Indo-European. I don't know about that but it's a beautiful language in any case.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

In addition to beautiful Folk-Songs about love and adventure, the Irish are known for their battle-music. Like the Bretons, Basque, and Corsicans, the Irish have a long history of oppression at the hands of their neighbors. And unlike the afore-mentioned peoples, they managed to break free from the yoke of imperial rule by voting with their rifles.

Naturally they sing many a song about their triumph and here is my all time favourite.

This is Come Out Ye Black and Tans

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It's really nice to see all of the folk dances and costumes from Europe - it makes me sad that americans have no dances or costumes. Maybe someday we will.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love this one.


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File: c470294bb833eac⋯.jpg (216.68 KB,900x556,225:139,Scenic-view-of-Gap-of-Dunl….jpg)

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File: c941482ddd92fb8⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,480x360,4:3,Bhoys Of The Old Brigade I….mp4)

Here's another old favourite of mine. This is the Boys of the Old Brigade.

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Based drunken commies who were too stupid to take a small colony from England, unlike niggers I might add.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here's another great Irish battle-song.

This is The Foggy Dew


I know what you mean, anon. My girlfriend is also very interested in Folk Culture and we discuss often what we would do if, after overthrowing and exterminating the jewish scum who did this to us in the first place, we were placed in charge of rejuvinating America's Folk-Culture. Sadly there's precious little to work with after nearly 100 years of intensive jewish poison and even before that, Americans have never been rooted enough in the land long enough to develop our own unique Folk-Traditions. I am of the opinion that we should focus on Colonial American customs and fill in all the empty spaces with Slavic and Germanic Folk-Customs.

American "traditional" dress is not particularly exciting and I like >>13465145 pics related much better than what passes for re-enactment today. Mix in colonial styles of clothing and tri-cornered hats and one could create a beautiful National Dress template (obviously it would be a regional thing)

Customs is more difficult because almost all European Folk Culture is rooted in the Pagan past. This developed over thousands of years.


Slag off, coward. The IRA actually accomplished things. Unlike you, you worthless wigger.

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File: b9dec004aefe84f⋯.jpg (25.87 KB,620x412,155:103,23704.jpg)

File: d8aec5ffcadadcd⋯.jpg (440.27 KB,1989x1640,1989:1640,some engineers.jpg)

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File: 170a0dea8006a5a⋯.jpg (89.47 KB,640x978,320:489,2.bp_.blogspot.comLifeofan….jpg)


Don't worry about the people who come in this thread to post negative stuff, anon. This thread is a celebration of White ancestry, as well as the things that Whites hold close to their souls.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Now to mix Gaelic and Battle Music.

This is Óró sé do bheatha abhaile one of many songs associated with the 1916 Revolt.

If you don't like this one, you're probably gay.

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File: 534a46177853a7c⋯.jpg (173.19 KB,800x490,80:49,LaughingCrowd.jpg)


>The IRA actually accomplished things.

Yeah, dissolving.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You're right of course.

Real Nationalists are impressed by any organization and people who can fight an industrial democracy to a standstill will less than 100 men in the field at any given time.

Those bastards tied down 40,000 British soldiers with only a hundred or so men at any given time.

Imagine sitting at home on the computer playing around on an anonymous image board and considering yourself as revolutionary as men who literally blew up banks and assassinated British aristocracy.

Anyway, here's a German song that I have always enjoyed. Granted they're granola hippies but their music is also supurb and they play a lot of traditional European instruments.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here's another song that's not quite Folk Culture per-se but I find quite moving and I suspect you will too. For some reason, if I were to give our struggle against the jew a theme-song, this would be it.

This is Verzweiflung a song about anger and pain and overcoming it.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here's a great tune played with four nyckelharpas. This instrument needs to make a comeback. It's so haunting and beautiful.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here are song Nordic Folk songs sung to nyckelharpa.

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File: ae14abb889f7ba8⋯.jpg (210.95 KB,720x960,3:4,Bulgaria Traditional Cloth….jpg)

File: 5e5905536632881⋯.jpg (825.54 KB,1200x795,80:53,Belarusian Man Playing Acc….jpg)

File: 98165826eed45f9⋯.jpg (93.23 KB,564x846,2:3,Bulgarian Woman in Bulgari….jpg)

File: 4196dceeeba0041⋯.png (802.23 KB,564x771,188:257,Polish girl in Polish clot….png)

That's all for today.

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File: 3f332ac1bfcd564⋯.jpg (24.87 KB,414x393,138:131,3f332ac1bfcd56463cbfa3110a….jpg)


God is dead and a kike stupid faggot

“What is your “civilization and progress” if its only outcome is hysteria and down going?

What is “government and law” if their ripened harvests are men without sap?

What are “religions and literatures” if their grandest productions are hordes of faithful slaves?

What is “evolution and culture” if their noxious blossoms are sterilized women?”

– Might is Right – Ragnar Redbeard

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>slavshit "culture"

you forgot alcoholism and child prostitutes

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File: da67b4432aaaac8⋯.jpg (25.1 KB,474x256,237:128,iu.jpg)


Oh? And which state has superior culture to Slavic Nations?

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File: da4c14b6c94f839⋯.png (74.72 KB,877x1495,877:1495,slav_dynamics.png)



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File: 4ee3da871e3d6fc⋯.jpg (658.05 KB,816x630,136:105,d588bh0-f82290ea-64ce-40d0….jpg)


>you forgot alcoholism and child prostitutes

Sounds like you're describing Weimar Germany, Kike. I'm guessing you're feeling homesick for that shithole that you made out of a glorious nation.

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>Europe is a state

Go back to /B2/ faggot

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>Slavs is a state

There isnt a mention of states in that pic, are you one of these shilling shitskins?

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>Doesn't even know how IDs work


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Congratulations, you are shilling the (((Poles))) and (((IRA))).

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Go make a thread on that, kike.

Explain how you are more revolutionary than people who actually left their basements and how Europeans are actually jews.

Also, note how I challenged this scum to name a single state that is superior in culture to any Slavic nation and he can't do it because he's an American.

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File: 0055a126c280b07⋯.png (1.32 KB,400x400,1:1,youpoint.png)


Oh now I get what your fucking issue is, fyi I was making fun of Slavs for not being European.

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File: 62a5714aea770ea⋯.jpg (83.1 KB,1023x575,1023:575,6C5F1093-92F6-4528-ADF7-44….jpg)


Le based third world jewish niggers with communism delusions who larp traditionalism but are complete faggots and drug addicts

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>Completely ignoring the cultural, political and genetic differences between each European region just so you can shill your kikey Pan-Europeanism

<But i'm the kike


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File: 340fe2df0ebc36e⋯.jpg (687.07 KB,1430x1031,1430:1031,20171223_090915.jpg)

File: 74d9ab928869fd1⋯.jpg (674.07 KB,1077x1129,1077:1129,Screenshot_20180916-191021….jpg)

The image of the crafts has to do with the applied sciences and applied mathematics that went into making them. It was not posted for merely the beauty although I do like looking at them.

Reverse engineering is essential to appreciating such artifacts.

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File: 67e78d5e185e79b⋯.jpg (122.83 KB,1200x601,1200:601,DLmGjGSUMAAMjdc.jpg)


Sorry, you're right. How dare I not want to divide Europe, how dare I look past the differences and 'shill' for unity against the outside threat. Tell me, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

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That first pic.

White Nationalism - The Controversial Idea That Whites Should Continue To Exist

Should I turn it into a poster and put it up?

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Ragnar's problem is that he defines Christians by the worst of them rather than the best of them.

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File: a98f27a82ea36e0⋯.jpg (67.75 KB,720x476,180:119,me and the bhoys.jpg)


thank you anon for posting these

it's always nice to see someone that isn't a (((loyalist)))

and here is one of my favorite irish songs


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File: b856eb1e88619ac⋯.jpeg (29.95 KB,425x300,17:12,745D28DC-0DFD-4557-A111-B….jpeg)

File: 44a9395fa417c3b⋯.jpeg (16.73 KB,267x188,267:188,95D0BEAC-3325-43F3-9B02-5….jpeg)

File: 5e407bfbee5a872⋯.jpeg (12.52 KB,267x188,267:188,08160225-1851-4023-9864-6….jpeg)

Look, I can get on board with all the singing and dancing and music through the centuries, and the art and architecture from our ancestors, but how about some appreciation for the historical martial arts of the European mainland?

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File: 46be8864ae9edd1⋯.jpeg (19.78 KB,300x211,300:211,851B8DBB-C9F1-40DC-AA98-D….jpeg)

File: 82022439d4a4aea⋯.jpeg (48.96 KB,562x464,281:232,33011605-936F-44C4-A1BE-7….jpeg)

File: 22a1d2685954cbd⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,2750x1940,275:194,F4187737-D770-4ED9-886A-A….jpeg)

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Interestingly I'm not invested ideologically in either side. I simply view it as an unfortunate brother war. Though as a second class citizen in my own country myself, I naturally sympathize with the Irish more than the English. At least in this specific conflict anyway.

My real connection is that I simply love Irish Folk music and the English have yet to produce much quality Folk music. My other connection is that, like any actual revolutionary minded person, I have deep respect for anyone who fights an industrial democracy and comes out alive. Only the most low IQ wiggers on this site would not have respect for successful terrorist organizations.

Here's another high energy folk-song, this time originating in Scotland called the Trooper and the Maid.

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Go make a thread about it, kike.

Make another thread explaining who is and isn't White according to you, a mixed jewish American.

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you're welcome

here's my favorite scottish song, andy stewart has always been my favorite scottish musician

<iframe width="600" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SCSB_BiNSZo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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here's the link instead


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The best of Them are still hypocritical spaniels.

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it wasn't as if "God is dead" and N was standing over his dead body with a knife, it was more along the lines of the fact our society didn't uphold the values they once held sacred anymore.

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Check out Taha's book about Nietsche. The jews mistranslated a lot of his English books to put them in a more positive light. In the original German he's a lot more harsh towards them.

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How about both?

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Really? I'll check them out. I do have to say that his prediction about the Jews in Daybreak/The Dawn of Day is surprisingly accurate. It's not the first time a philosemite went off range and hit a third-rail topic, though, like that one presiding judge at the Nuremberg Trials that warned that there were too much Jewish influence into the proceedings (forget his name), of course, they do that because they like the Jews, but the Jews don't want any criticism lobbied against them, whether from antagonistic or well-meaning non-Jews. This is why the Jews don't like antisemitism nor philosemitism, they rather would work behind the shadows without light, praise, or criticism from outside their tribe in perpetuity.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found this recently. Thought you might like it anon

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My favorite Hitler thing was when he killed Russians by the million.

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File: a424287891634e1⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,320x240,4:3,My Little Armalite.mp4)

File: e2a943179d943aa⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,720x720,1:1,Little Girl Serenades Herd….mp4)


Have another Irish rebel song and an Irish girl playing the accordion

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A tragic thing, being nostalgic for something you've never experienced.

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We need to make this a twatter thing. Rustle the animals.

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What is the top image

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It's always a mix of happiness and melancholy with these threads.

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Which God? Yahweh? Jehovah? Tetragrammaton?

Which God, you fucking jew, which one?

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> my eyes have become a toilet for all the garbage in the world

Make a meme, white guy staring at TV, jew star on screen, or rap music video on screen, that text at the bottom of the pic.

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Tell us how that feels Jew.

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That's right, shut up Evangecucks and Jews.

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It thinks one rat will send the beerhall into a panic.

Stay angry outsider.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Much appreciated. I love this. Excellently paced with moving lyrics. One day I hope that my own people can become a Nation again.


Haha. I do love my Provo songs.

And I had never seen your second webm. Cows are so curious.

This is the correct way to raise a child.

My gf is Austrian and she has often described the serene meadows and farmlands of Alpine Austria. The sounds of cowbells as they munched on the grass. And of the Folkish traditions of the people there.

Sadly, she doesn't want to ever return because she doesn't want to see how far things have fallen. Also, she's afraid of terrorism.

Fucking jews, man…

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I think you misunderstand. I wasn't mocking, just expressing melancholy.

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I see one man praising God, and another man posting a crude image of suicidal ideation.

which man is living a life closer to the ones pictured in this thread?

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File: 31a259473724cb5⋯.jpg (316.53 KB,1200x1480,30:37,1561820594595.jpg)



can we stop with the gay infighting? literally who cares, we can have these gay disputes once we're free. until then we're brothers and should treat each other as such

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Note how it's literally always one "side" that starts this shit flinging.

These literal jews



prowl threads seeking to start fights along ethnic and religious lines.

And also note how they literally never have any logic behind their opinions. They don't even believe in their own words because they're not Germans, they're jews.

They hate White culture threads and have been hammering away at east vs west, north vs south fracture points with abandon for over a year now.

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christianity was founded before judiasm do research retard

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File: 0a68b104d18bfe6⋯.jpg (351.54 KB,1000x1174,500:587,mass immigration pure coin….jpg)


Uh huh.

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What were the three supposed to represent at the end?

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File: 2db9eda09e47632⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1440x1426,720:713,Celtic cross 2.jpg)

File: 587d3b5abb05c1d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,1440x1434,240:239,black sun 7.jpg)

File: e037d5e00423a46⋯.jpg (990.01 KB,1440x1425,96:95,Celtic cross 5.jpg)

File: 5f93b403fc2f2bd⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1440x1427,1440:1427,rune 2.jpg)

File: 19b98b32a85e157⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1440x1432,180:179,black sun 4.jpg)

You didn't realize there was a white pill hidden in #WhiteGenocide did you? Neither did the Jews. They did this to themselves.







>White genocide white pill

Far right conservative whites exhibit k-selection and therefore are more loyal, protective, and supportive of offspring, family and racial group.


Western civilization is our birthright.


Exhibited by the facts that…

We work much harder


We make/grow all the food


And are much smarter and more inventive


The extreme far right is the only group with positive population replacement rates. Which means the white world will be ours


Our women are also THE most racially loyal despite constant Jewish propoganda.







Whites are the fiercest and most capable warriors. Do not fuck with us.


We also own the largest amount of guns for a single homogenous civilian group. 46 million white, right wing adults own 125 million firearms. For context, this is 21 times larger than the world's largest army of 2.1 million soldiers in China and 31 times larger than the U.S. Army, most of whom are on the right.  





We are objectively the most beautiful and most diverse.



And despite all the Jewish brainwashing and trickery, we are waking up unlike never before and realizing we are part of a much larger group. IT IS OK TO BE WHITE.


The Jews hate to see a group superior to theirs create the wonders of the world.


This is why they throw everything they have at us. Through all their media outlets, they try to convince us being white is a curse and is detrimental to the world.





Make no mistake, their media reach is vast and powerful


They tell the lie that whites don't have any culture when they know our culture is the most desirable. Some say it is even divinely inspired.










Nostalgia for this culture and stolen prosperity is what will fuel the revolution.


The reality is that there will come a time in the very near future when the white man wakes up and decides he's done taking shit. The world will change forever.




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If you aren't going to put forth the effort to upload your images, I'm not going to go through the effort of copy-pasting each and every link.

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You'd have to save south Italians for old times sake…

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That was Stalin's (and his Jewish minions') work.

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This. The Waffen-SS was truly the first united force ever in Europe. What the EU is trying to accomplish by having an army of Europe is a total joke in comparison.

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File: 838a6f800549302⋯.jpg (155.27 KB,937x1171,937:1171,43974592f093c6503430194974….jpg)

File: 5499004a213339b⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1400x1831,1400:1831,190924.jpg)

File: f57e31a5e8dfae7⋯.jpg (227.66 KB,555x759,185:253,193070.jpg)

File: 151f9d1d207a754⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,790x768,395:384,876e211f70223b3af315947da2….jpg)

File: a4862ba503ab6dc⋯.jpg (164.75 KB,564x847,564:847,a4862ba503ab6dce2c9aead166….jpg)

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File: bb18bece1d854e4⋯.jpg (133.41 KB,960x640,3:2,Boer_Children_in_squatter_….jpg)

File: 19f1e7729458406⋯.jpg (110.87 KB,960x720,4:3,36aa0c569c33edc18118851aa2….jpg)

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I'm not sure, tbh.

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File: 39d922008e967b8⋯.jpg (167.64 KB,721x1125,721:1125,1471237172285-4.jpg)

File: 8959c78feadbf69⋯.jpg (307.03 KB,800x1242,400:621,1988- Johannes Gehrts.jpg)

File: d2b8fef9d64f773⋯.jpg (348.92 KB,1024x788,256:197,1510364705151.jpg)

I'll post some Western Euro stuff and some Americana since most of the thread is Slavic and Celtic already.

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File: 4d1eb0ee668d952⋯.jpg (253.5 KB,1024x942,512:471,1510359766821.jpg)

File: b7dfdbb25b19458⋯.jpg (54.65 KB,396x640,99:160,Bretagne, France.jpg)

File: 6b4a6340e3b9dd8⋯.jpg (39.8 KB,319x480,319:480,Dutch.jpg)

File: e90f98dd5bbbca0⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,375x500,3:4,Austrian.jpg)

File: 0a33d802bfc2895⋯.jpeg (185.57 KB,829x1080,829:1080,heer soldier and lover.jpeg)

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File: 10f9e8fe5ecf62d⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,496x500,124:125,Friesian, Netherlands.jpg)

File: 18e6152c9402b05⋯.jpg (966.36 KB,3280x2638,1640:1319,In a Roman Osteria - Carl ….jpg)

File: 1225d2a02878015⋯.jpg (91.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,Herakles.jpg)

File: 3cf3a8d1fd18d33⋯.jpg (43.88 KB,331x500,331:500,Greece.jpg)

File: 7d8f75849dcd44d⋯.jpg (94.63 KB,800x627,800:627,Bellamy1.jpg)

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File: dfcd3a1eafd0c2b⋯.jpg (933.7 KB,1600x2073,1600:2073,indo european.jpg)

File: a76b79596f0e20a⋯.jpg (59.77 KB,500x618,250:309,Italian2.jpg)

File: a53f84d17adb78d⋯.png (255.92 KB,621x880,621:880,Norse myth.png)

File: ad2a95cbae13a34⋯.jpg (810.8 KB,2222x3026,1111:1513,saxcona.jpg)

File: 712d66a3e92ce18⋯.jpg (66.26 KB,640x464,40:29,slav father and son.jpg)

The last one was too good to ignore posting.

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File: fd3f1c3807e04b8⋯.jpg (97.25 KB,768x740,192:185,Perkwunos-the-Thunder-God-….jpg)

File: 8f167a8a9730571⋯.jpg (85.43 KB,960x960,1:1,8f167a8a973057130d796807ef….jpg)

File: 171fec20fddbc8e⋯.jpg (323.83 KB,1024x1087,1024:1087,1024px-Men_of_theFinnish_W….jpg)

File: 3770cde7a2e3af8⋯.jpg (63.79 KB,394x521,394:521,Ukrainian_Liberation_Army_….jpg)

Pro white day 24/7

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File: bebf5d8616101ac⋯.jpg (74.06 KB,426x640,213:320,Minho, Portugal.jpg)

File: 4a48aaef17f40df⋯.jpg (107.52 KB,450x600,3:4,Sardinia2.jpg)

File: 7ffd5494aa3bf39⋯.jpg (352.26 KB,682x1013,682:1013,Princess_Viktoria_Luise_of….jpg)

File: ebb759cc654b69e⋯.jpg (315.6 KB,696x1491,232:497,Macedonian.jpg)

File: 4f1c5b8daeee6fb⋯.jpg (112.47 KB,720x637,720:637,nazi-ss-brothers-in-arms.jpg)

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File: 715708b49c04d75⋯.jpg (646.94 KB,1280x1829,1280:1829,odin and brunnhilde.jpg)

File: 0d079796d792e91⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,533x773,533:773,Romanian4.jpg)

File: 2ce51f2374856bd⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,2800x2067,2800:2067,Mulberry_Street_NYC_c1900_….jpg)

File: 35ea3491f42a8b7⋯.jpg (102.87 KB,720x495,16:11,neptune giving britannia t….jpg)

File: 2b3217c9ba2373a⋯.jpg (178.99 KB,1000x916,250:229,nazi hitler youth girls.jpg)

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've never heard anything from a non-white that can hold a candle to this

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A a Friday night thread celebrating whites. It must be in honour of the greatest whites, the Jews

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File: 7598be0a360f05b⋯.jpg (277.42 KB,1063x1310,1063:1310,080416_Corcosgross.jpg)

File: ffe9e78f1a9e0ee⋯.jpg (87.73 KB,688x862,344:431,1398465331311.jpg)

File: eab836543555c76⋯.jpg (31.46 KB,300x385,60:77,1455985286362.jpg)

File: cdaa3cb2adf6e57⋯.jpg (301.79 KB,920x1600,23:40,1455526311599.jpg)

File: 35b6a7ba0ef9c28⋯.jpg (276.68 KB,1024x807,1024:807,1449779327594.jpg)

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File: 63fa8eebc4d1283⋯.jpg (53.38 KB,559x700,559:700,1456887031662-1.jpg)

File: 1035b39cc5d41e2⋯.jpg (47.85 KB,590x562,295:281,1447129324645-0.jpg)

File: 176f09af4e3065b⋯.jpg (659.16 KB,1549x1649,1549:1649,1455594753138-1.jpg)

File: ecd3d4d1712e0ba⋯.jpg (49.9 KB,628x672,157:168,1455304434984.jpg)

File: f74d5fb9d4eb42a⋯.jpg (172.99 KB,679x900,679:900,1449807017731-1.jpg)

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File: 1a552bad0f49503⋯.jpg (38.94 KB,500x374,250:187,1443812295611.jpg)

File: b28f31ae16fd838⋯.jpg (253.27 KB,630x800,63:80,1439427933582.jpg)

File: 3025aaf75d429e8⋯.jpg (103.09 KB,600x777,200:259,1441714487922-1.jpg)

File: 5db5d68f5938c5d⋯.jpg (252.93 KB,1032x1378,516:689,1432913820652-4.jpg)

File: 6800dc2dcaac947⋯.jpg (516.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1434757699403-4.jpg)

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File: c79ef543779e29d⋯.jpg (559.82 KB,2000x1487,2000:1487,American_progress.JPG)

File: 62b5b703f9e2ee8⋯.jpg (525.79 KB,893x1200,893:1200,american unification spani….jpg)

File: edc3dc0f525a868⋯.jpg (315.35 KB,2048x1313,2048:1313,belgium ww1.jpg)

File: 4dd56757bf635c3⋯.jpg (442.37 KB,990x1355,198:271,A German World War II pris….jpg)

File: 4483950aa407bf2⋯.jpg (70.81 KB,614x960,307:480,1394735750425.jpg)

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File: ee077f9a9f8a94f⋯.jpg (180.69 KB,692x1023,692:1023,1435713620121.jpg)

File: 71d4e9843fa7f62⋯.jpg (57.64 KB,601x480,601:480,1447191378037-2.jpg)

File: 175298651af8914⋯.png (409.05 KB,800x959,800:959,1454049119637-1.png)

File: 1a896b9197b6705⋯.jpg (245.06 KB,800x758,400:379,1442903270667-1.jpg)

File: 03e454fea05b76c⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,451x538,451:538,ww1 rorikon_anno_1914.jpg)

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File: cb4ebd8a93d09e0⋯.jpg (243.72 KB,1006x617,1006:617,world war fighters.jpg)

File: 336e9559958860c⋯.jpg (517.02 KB,1974x1447,1974:1447,Odin's last words to Baldr.jpg)

File: 0723d01453c12e3⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB,480x360,4:3,Romanian National Anthem -….mp4)

File: 84e087e1eeaab4c⋯.png (2.34 MB,1494x1000,747:500,spainard colonization.png)

File: 5a66b8b589d400d⋯.jpg (41.56 KB,368x500,92:125,Welsh.jpg)

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File: 5390dc2060619c6⋯.jpg (226.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,perun0093.jpg)

File: cd99428e1ac1fd1⋯.jpg (211.5 KB,1280x1777,1280:1777,1467320878895-1.jpg)

File: 500370fc1614da6⋯.jpg (54.09 KB,900x642,150:107,1434595067586.jpg)

File: 3ddea086d208441⋯.jpg (28.37 KB,421x453,421:453,muhshekels.jpg)

File: e99048bdcbad287⋯.jpg (95.97 KB,442x600,221:300,1434506592829.jpg)

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That's all I have for now. I'll post more later



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Great thread

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>russian soldier is wrapped in cartridges


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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Excellent posts.

American folk-traditions are present yet it takes a lot of effort to find them. I won't bother getting into the 'why' but I have always found it difficult to locate quality American folk dances.

That said, you might enjoy these which I have collected over the years. This is some fine American step-dancing. Very similar to Irish step-dancing. And excellent music to boot.

The girls' dresses are quite appealing though I have always disliked the style that the men wear.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here is another quality Folk-dance from Idaho. Interestingly, this dance does the opposite for me. I find the male outfits to be very appealing while the female dresses I find a bit trashy. I have never been a fan of billowy petticoats. I simply don't like the style for some reason. I don't like the puffy shoulders either. Also, I am a bit confused as to the South-westerness of the mens' outfits.

That said, this is another fine example of step-dancing.

I always try to overrepresent "natural" settings in town-squares and festivals as this is where Folk-Dancing should take place. Out in the open for all to enjoy.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

That said, here is an idealized folk-dance from the wonderful movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

If you ever want to just sit down with your wife or gf and watch a nice movie, I suggest you watch this one. It is absolutely wholesome and has a real pro-male edge to it that everyone here will enjoy. Basically the movie is the female dream of being abducted and falling in love with their abductors and raising families.

Anyway, this is the barn dance from the movie. This style of dress is my absolute favourite of American styles. Men and women alike.

Also the choreography is absolutely fantastic.

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>that fucking cocksmoker defacing someone's anvil

Wonderful movie my ass. Fucking kikes have no respect for tools because they never use them.

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the old testament is entirely kike fiction. name one aryan man in it, ill wait.

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>kike fiction

>written before kikes existed

Neat trick.

>name one aryan man in it

Adam? Noah? Abram? What are you retarded?

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File: 08104f54efb7e34⋯.png (1.58 MB,1945x2447,1945:2447,FBIs-FED-FRIDAY.png)


>Pro-White Friday

Threadly reminder

Be aware of Fed Friday.

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The first five books of the Bible are attributed to Moses (a kike) and are commonly called the Pentateuch claimed to be from ~1500 BC.

Adam? Interesting you use that name because in the original story hes not named, its actually just 'man' but we know factually its bullshit as 'man' is not from one person and whites are entirely distinct from the semites, niggers and the rest.

Abraham? not a kike? Noah? The literal word from 'god' is that after the flood gods 'chosen' Israelites will all descend from? Yea ok buddy.

I know you have forgotten the religion of your ancestors and thats a tragedy but you dont even know the history of the one you believe in, thats just pure ignorance.

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>Moses (a kike)

How could Moses be a kike before kikes existed? And why were Israelites consistently described as fair skinned, ruddy and blond if they were sand niggers?

>its bullshit as 'man' is not from one person

Yes we are.

>whites are entirely distinct from the semites, niggers and the rest.

Those are not man. The bible tells of the creation of man and beasts. Man are only those descended from Adam. Whites. Although semites is of course a misnomer, as sand niggers have no relation to Shem.

>The literal word from 'god' is that after the flood gods 'chosen' Israelites will all descend from?

Correct. Israelites. Not kikes. You don't seriously believe that an assortment of various mongrels who converted to babylonian talmudism over the centuries are in any way related to Israelites do you? Only the stupidest of ultra cucks could swallow that yid story.

>I know you have forgotten the religion of your ancestors and thats a tragedy

We're talking about the religion of my ancestors. Yours too if you are actually white. Why do you vargtards think you can skip centuries of ancestors as if they didn't exist?

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Building a structure on the land to pay property taxes on = paying for shitskin spawn to replace Whites, anti-thesis of pro-White.

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Yes, white people should all be homeless in our own lands. You're a genius!

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RVs and things categorized as RVs are not counted as structures on the land. Nothing against the rules about about building an RV with regular or better construction than regular shitty RV construction, effectively a house with an RV frame instead of a slab of concrete but categorized as an RV and poof, not paying thousands a year for supporting shitskins while still having a nice place.

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Most places don't allow you to park an RV and live in it. The ones that do are rural areas with low property taxes in the first place. Property tax is the least bad tax in modern white countries, as it is primarily for local services like garbage collection and road maintenance. Income tax is federal, that is where the shitskin importing money comes from. White people do not need to live in shitty trailers just because you don't understand taxes.

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Violent bigot-slaves were used to crush rising wages among poor populations. If you’re really pro-white, be anti-racist like the vast majority of whites. We can all prosper together, or we could racists; racists are too dumb to pick vegetables and too hormonal to live in peace.


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or we could without racists

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You can do minimal structure, submit a plan to get construction approved, start with the garage, stop after building the garage, "lack of funds," if excuse needed, garages aren't taxed as bad as living space.

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>We can all prosper together

Your nirvana awaits you in any number of non White majority destinations.

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>You can do minimal structure

Most places allow a 12x12 structure without permit in rural areas.

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> before kikes existed?

4000BC Long before cuckstianity.

>all 'men' are from adam

Then you go on to mention sand niggers and mongrels as if your bible condones such a stance.

Moses according to your book took the jews from egypt back to canaan after the city was sacked by babylon and assyria (remember how you said before jews didnt exist tho)

>my ancestors religion

Oh your a literal kike.

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10x12 as far as I know, and that doesn't preclude it being taxed, I've seen property assessments with such sheds listed.

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>This. The Waffen-SS was truly the first united force ever in Europe. What the EU is trying to accomplish by having an army of Europe is a total joke in comparison.

Comparing apples and oranges. Waffen-SS was defending europe vs the all muzzie european army which will be turned against whites in europe.

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Noah's descendants are ARYANS, DUMBASS. He was the forefather of our race!

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>10x12 as far as I know, and that doesn't preclude it being taxed, I've seen property assessments with such sheds listed.

Still decent. Build multiple on the property

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>all 'men' are from adam

White men are from Noah.

>my ancestors religion

The original Hebrews (Israelite's and Judean's) were White.

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RVs are better, max is 400sqft to retain RV designation rather than just 120sqft for sheds.

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>The first five books of the Bible are attributed to Moses (a kike)

The word "kike" originally describe Eastern European immigrants (Ashkenazim) that happen to be descendants of converts.

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Pointing to him using kike to try to nullify what he said stinks of jew.

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This is probably the most pathetic attempt at a post I have ever seen.

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Ah yes your 950 year old forefather of all the jews, the aryans and everyone else - i know your fantasy fiction from your kike bible.

Your argument is that kikes are your brethren, you are the same israelites, the same god, the same descendants. In short you are the kikes.

Strange how my ancient ancestors never mentioned any of your kikes.

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So? Why are you suggesting idiotic ways for white people to try to live like niggers? I already explained to you why that it stupid.


>4000BC Long before cuckstianity.

Even longer before talmudism

>Then you go on to mention sand niggers and mongrels

Which are not man.

>as if your bible condones such a stance.

The bible is clear that they are not man.

>Moses according to your book took the jews

No, the Israelites.

>Oh your a literal kike.

Oh, you're an illiterate nigger.

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Not stupid, not like niggers, not paying taxes is not idiotic. Why are you insisting Whites pay for shitkins with high structure on the land property taxes?

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You're an idiot , you know.

Israelites are kikes. No matter how many times you claim otherwise, you will never be correct. Fuck off back to /christian/

EVERYONE hated the jews. EVERYONE. The Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Assyrians. EVERY ONE.

You are under the delusion that jews are a religion when in fact they are a race. A vile, loathsome, blood sucking race.

Now I will filter you so I don't need to accidentally read your utter shit.

Kill yourself, you loathsome maggot.

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Again, property taxes don't pay for shitskins you braindead nigger. Income taxes do.


>Israelites are kikes.

I know that's why rabbi shekelstein told you, but believe it or not, yids often lie. I know this is going to be hard for you to accept, but the holocaust story isn't true either.

>EVERYONE hated the jews

We still do. What does that have to do with anything?

>You are under the delusion that jews are a religion when in fact they are a race.

No, they are not. Again, kike lies aren't reality. Kikes are 3 completely different ethnic groups, with nothing in common other than the satanic religion of talmudism, which all 3 ethnic groups converted to centuries ago. There is no jewish race. Just three completely different groups of mongrels bound together by their shared hatred of our Lord and His people.

>Now I will filter you so I don't need to accidentally read your utter shit.

Facts can be very upsetting for low IQ people with overactive amygdalae, I understand.

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>Income taxes do.


>property taxes don't pay for shitskins

You're a dumbass. Huge dumbass.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

French Canadian music and adapted Breton and French "new world" music.

Sometimes grim and melancholy, other times joyous and heroic. Fitting for a people that pioneered the exploration of a whole new continent and had to deal with the full strength of nature for centuries.

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File: d0800e0e42bca14⋯.jpg (114.14 KB,736x541,736:541,8ce09d4065aca8c2cc0696d013….jpg)

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You will only get the truth from me sir!

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You are as ignorant as the day is long!

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You are going to be most embarrassed when you learn the whole truth!

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File: 6e1c49a388e27a1⋯.jpeg (218.84 KB,574x808,287:404,155420.jpeg)


It is Clearly evident that the powers that be want to advertise Pedophilia, Racemixing, the destruction of our history and culture are not of our blood.

Teach Children the Truth.

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File: 0668ac720cebff4⋯.jpg (576.33 KB,1400x786,700:393,0668ac720cebff41f9cfa9a292….jpg)

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Hold on, you do realise that the Judeans in the Bible are not modern day jews, right? There are so many passages in the Bible prophesying that there would however be a group of people claiming to be Judeans and implicitly God's Chosen people, but would in fact lie entirely about their origins. It is also prophesied that this same group would be a very despised, prideful filthy rich and small minority (you tell me when this sounds familiar to you) and that they would especially target Israel (White race) and cheer at their destruction. According to the word of God, Yahweh, be his name praised forever, this group would be identified as Edomites. Edomites were a notoriously warmongering people, just like a certain group of people today are. Finally, some of the last bits of information we have on the Edomites, before these so-called "jews" started appearing everywhere, was that they started intermixing with a people called Hittites, another warmongering people with unusually large, hooked noses.


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>my local government is importing shitskins

>not the federal and state governments

You're the dumbass.

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fail deflection attempt to try to get away from your retarded assertion that property tax doesn't pay for shitskins.

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>the Judeans in the Bible are not modern day jews

Yes they are. They have the exact same parasitic mode of existence as jews always have.

>Muh prophesies

If you believe that vague predictions that you can, through intellectual dishonesty of the highest degree, force to seem like modern phenominon, then you are a lemming. Pure and simple. You are no different from a liberal who believes that diversity is his strength.

>Yahweh, be his name praised forever

And with that, you proved that you're a moron. Fuck off with this horse shit. Your cultish religion is worthless.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm afraid you are the one who are severely lacking intellectual honesty. You have the internet at your disposal, and have obviously gone as far as deciphered the JQ and hopefully well beyond that, but you somehow refuse to move further and study just how much jews have actually subverted. Mind you, we are talking about a group of people here who, for over two millenniums (at least), have been working restlessly for the destruction of the White man. Do you even know what Khazaria is? Judeans are per definition the pure descendants of Noah who was a White man. Noah landed near the Caucasus mountains and thus gave birth to the name of the Whites of today; Caucasians.

Laugh all you want about prophesies, that doesn't make them less accurate. The one I submitted very precisely describes jews of today, and you did a very poor job at arguing against that. There's also the dream of Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel unpacked, and if you have read a litte bit of history, you will see that it fits very neatly into the history of kingdoms in this world. It is just the same with all the curses and blessings that God gave His people, Israel, they all apply to White people. Read it yourself.

Listen, if you view Christianity;

A sound doctrine that promotes truthfulness, loyalty, chastity, self-improvement, traditional masculine and feminine roles, the nuclear family, empathy to kinsmen, anti-faggotry, anti-drunkenness and anti-racemixing.

as a "cultish religion", you are seriously unhinged.

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>Do you even know what Khazaria is?

Literally everyone here already knows that, retard.

You on the otherhand are unaware of the fact that Greeks and Romans have ALWAYS hated the judians as self-serving, doublecrossing, hateful psychopaths.

>Laugh all you want about prophesies, that doesn't make them less accurate

I'm a prophet too.

In the future, there will be conflicts and arguments and earthquakes! Donald Trump will make a tweet and the democratic establishment will react with hatred!

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! All these things shall come to pass! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

You're a moron who fell for a dumb cult.

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File: 199e90400e3de52⋯.jpg (55.59 KB,548x548,1:1,8d81d3fc95c9230883f5a441f4….jpg)


>judeans are per definition the pure descendants of Noah who was a White man. Noah landed near the Caucasus mountains and thus gave birth to the name of the Whites of today; Caucasians.

gotta love christmutt fanfiction and astroturfing, pure comedy gold

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This thread quickly turned to shit

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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jews literally invented your religion to make you subservient you stupid fucking goy

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File: c4864dd7db76468⋯.jpg (124.25 KB,600x412,150:103,Canadian Horse ca.1665.jpg)

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

If you are interested in Medieval Folk music, you might enjoy this Folk Song, anon.

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Nice pictures.

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