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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 69db178addf4ae0⋯.png (2.37 KB,882x588,3:2,Untitled 1.png)

 No.13401747 [View All]

To avoid duplicates in the catalog, keep all theological / religious discussion in this cyclical thread. Topics include, but are not limited to, the existence of God, dogma, prayer, denominational preferences, doctrinal disputes, intelligent design etc.

Current events and happenings associated with a certain religion (for example, sexual abuse by Catholic priests or self-immolation by Buddhist monks in protest or Muslim imams encouraging a holy war) may be discussed in a separate thread, however all theological and doctrinal arguments for, about and against religion must stay in this thread.

484 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Jews are triggered by Christ more than anything else, what more need be said?

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They also hate paganism, to the point where it corresponds to Goyim

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File: a34a222140ce1df⋯.png (46.83 KB,947x881,947:881,OG Circumcision.png)

File: 407d86784570f99⋯.jpg (58.59 KB,813x228,271:76,Wikinormia Circumcision.jpg)

File: 6c22c6c6d7ce538⋯.jpg (71.58 KB,794x218,397:109,Wikinormia History of male….JPG)

File: e6263801af64b94⋯.jpg (66.97 KB,555x268,555:268,Wikinormia History of male….JPG)

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>duck duck go

>created by a kike

>censoring anti-kike sites

well, time to find a new search engine again

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You could try the russian one. Yandex, obviously it would be created by jew again but it might not have censorship fully in place yet

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Yeah yeah not true Christianity and all that. Meanwhile at the same time you'll praise the Crusaders, Inquisition, Reconquista, etc. who were Catholics

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All the Abrahamic stuff is nonsense. You don't need a religion, you just need to live in the world with dignity and honesty. That said the stoics had some good religious insights, same as some dharmic groups. Lots of Buddhists are kiked to the max tho.

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searx.me (there are other "instances" of this search engine too as it is open source)


metager.de (append /en for english version)

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Yandex collects data just as bad as jewgle. I don't know why I keep seeing it recommend

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3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

=1 Jews are the enemies of mankind.==

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File: 9075afa0ebdb145⋯.png (32.67 KB,1051x159,1051:159,freech pol religion dnc.png)

Any and all topics that involve religion are being D&C'd by trolls at freech! Here is the proof.

If this positive Christianty can help and/or not impede Asatru, Odinism, Druidicus, and other white religions, then I can at least be amicable about helping each other out.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How true is Caesar's messiah hypothesis?

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im jewish. you will be a christian nation until the day you die you sub human cultureless goy.

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File: cf13f781f7f2bdf⋯.jpg (41.87 KB,640x480,4:3,Nairobi-Bd.jpg)

File: 18802ff8a1c15cc⋯.jpg (337.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,newly-baptised-Orthodox-ch….jpg)

File: 07b75f6d7ebd43e⋯.jpg (127.47 KB,800x500,8:5,FrancisAfrica02.jpg)

File: 572343d18a419d5⋯.png (587.86 KB,680x451,680:451,eldoret-building-celebrati….png)


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Reverse psychology.

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File: 8310e2ab1f92669⋯.jpg (72.35 KB,600x570,20:19,o.jpg)

File: a52e8038f8e9195⋯.jpg (78.4 KB,822x456,137:76,a-55.jpg)

File: 348d7a40b285e71⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,833x625,833:625,indian.jpg)

File: 2de0b155bead490⋯.jpg (418.67 KB,800x600,4:3,church latin america.jpg)


I got based Christianity in every color

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File: eedbc8eaf127cd1⋯.jpg (62.67 KB,599x500,599:500,native american sainthood.jpg)

File: 223de7cf36e0b04⋯.jpg (72.85 KB,900x400,9:4,lgbt christian.jpg)

File: 6b275906eeaeee8⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1400x829,1400:829,christian pride.jpg)

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Devil's Advocate; Couldn't the same argument be made about Jewish atheism?

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File: 3238212b3d412a6⋯.jpg (320.98 KB,600x600,1:1,Madagascar_2.jpg)

hey >>>/christian/ how many based niggers have adopted? got to spread the holy gossip Praise our savior, amen.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Imagine basing your religion around your vegetable cartoon dvd collection

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Back then they were much better than, I would bet, your Celtic or Germanic ancestors. Hell, the shitskins in India were better. Middle Easterners (Semites, I wonder if you will get triggered now that I mentioned that word) were just superior to Meds until Alexander the Great came around, and the Meds were superior to Germanicucks until the Seljuks fucked them up the ass, deal with it.

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I hate Christianity because I was ex-communcated by my father for lurking here,I got redpilled about jews in 2014 .My father said if you against the chosen ones you are against christianity. I never could talk to my Dad every time I call he would just hang up. I miss my family.

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No better point to illustrate the evil and alien nature of Christianity. It turns father against son.

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File: b176d2d77f5780b⋯.jpg (324.46 KB,751x1030,751:1030,18.jpg)

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Evangelicals and Proddies in general are fake Christians. Don't know why, they have just lost the Holy Spirit. They made that liberalism thing, which is good and all, but I guess they took it too far. I'm not saying the Catholic church doesn't have problems, but what I will say is that the problems in the Catholic church (at least in Italy and East of it) come from somewhere high up in the Church itself and not the people attending it. It's almost like the papal election when the cardinals elected that retard Frank was hijacked by globalists or something.

The Orthodox Greeks will give you one of their daughters if you convert to Orthodoxy, doesn't matter if you are a "mavros" (black). It's sad, because apart from giving away their women to deceptive Muslims they are great people, better than atheistic, depressed, lost-their-way nordcucks. Meds in general are better than nordcucks, even if they are a bit lazy. They have followed the path of their ancestors since 400AD, or even way before that if you count how much Hellenic philosophy and thought impacted early Christianity. Unlike atheist/pagan retards from north of the Alps who like to LARP and believe that their ancestors, who worshipped trees, rocks and rivers, were something special, lmao. If their ancestors achieved anything before Christianity I would give them the benefit of the doubt, but as it is they have no leg to stand on when they salivate and jack off over their loser ancestors who could barely figure out how to build a structure with walls while Sargon of Akkad was making the first empire in human history. Aryan supremacy my ass.

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Interesting. Thanks for that.

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Those fucking idiots left out Copts and Nestorians.

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According to Belief-O-Matic I'm



Orthodox Judaism

Conservative Christian Protestant

New Thought


New Age

Mahayana Buddhism


Bahá'í Faith


Roman Catholicism


Theravada Buddhism

Jehovah's Witnesses

Liberal Quakerism

Seventh-day Adventists

Church of Christ, Scientist

Eastern Orthodox Christianity

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Unitarian Universalism

Orthodox Quakerism

Reformed Judaism


Read more at https://www.beliefnet.com/entertainment/quizzes/beliefomatic.aspx#WLguIzyiMg3DSJTC.99

How did hundu and Judaism get so High? I was born and raised in burgerland as a protestant while I don't believe in Christianity anymore I like to believe it influence me to a very large extent.

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File: 0392ee149bcfb4e⋯.jpg (32.55 KB,269x354,269:354,0392ee149bcfb4e4e3f2319eb6….jpg)


>mental gymnastics means using logical and sourced arguments instead of just simplistic and vague statements

plz go back to reddit

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File: 1561e5bc4ded2f1⋯.jpg (25.24 KB,220x330,2:3,220px-Thepassionposterface….jpg)

I renumber a link to the Jewish bible that explicitly says that Jesus is in hell boiling in human shit for being a false profit, anyone know what I'm talking about?

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How can you be excommunicated due to browsing a website?

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I think that's if you're a Catholic and are caught talking about the Holy Prepuce.

Also if you're a Eastern Orthodox and are caught talking about the Book of Veles which any material of it is still banned in Russia today.

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i challenge anyone to find a more logical and coherent faith than the one described here

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literally fake and gay. first, unless your father is the bishop (which i doubt), and second, visiting a website is not an excommunicatable offense. and third, Christians are the chosen ones, the True Israel so your dad is wrong. tell him to read the book of Jeremiah and Hebrews 11.

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its in the talmud

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people can't choose their skin color anon

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File: 44301808c650095⋯.png (1.25 MB,1280x1582,640:791,holy_hitler.png)


Any good Pagang/NatSoc podcasts?

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Do people here unironically believe praying works?

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Sobering, anon. To add from the vantage of institutional, genealogical and ancestral record keeping, actual clerical work at the granular level of citizens; looking back, the vast majority of this detail acuity of records and documents also disappear at about the four-hundred year mark.

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File: a97f83f0351e2c7⋯.jpg (320.13 KB,900x666,50:37,84c96463d56082e9f6fcb91c5a….jpg)


Interdusting. Now its just a pro-forma manner of kikestate instituted farming accident amputation. Less kikes and their race-bolshevik golem in our professions, including medicine, would be great. Imagine having trouble understanding why your people were excluded in more sensible times.

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File: e76935a28212b28⋯.jpg (9.59 KB,143x200,143:200,84cbfa4def8556c733bdccc270….jpg)


Breddy gud explanaans, anon. Breddy gud.

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File: 88f6978a8fbbbcc⋯.jpg (71.32 KB,700x628,175:157,88f6978a8fbbbcc40a1c1113b8….jpg)


History of Ballet is rife with Thottery and posh porn titillation for kikestate-kikechurch agents. There are a handful of traditionally polite company terms, primarily in French, describing the various sorts of dancers by their physiognomy and ages. Bolshie-Feminists apply for reparations grants to study these formidable injustices – true academicians – against the judeo-humanism of the vag and boben.

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File: 1fb74bd5cf73efe⋯.png (349.63 KB,1349x484,1349:484,crow-magnum man.png)

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jews subverted westerners in to approving of abortion.

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God Wins


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Thank you Vatican II, very cool.

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