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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 1bbdfed127d46c9⋯.jpeg (188.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,27636797-8F6D-4B0B-A5BF-F….jpeg)

 No.13385756 [Last50 Posts]



be sure you file a form 1 before doing this otherwise if somehow you are caught in possession of a drilled product its illegal. possession of an undrilled solvent trap kit is legal so you can order the parts before filing if you desire.

all you need to do is use a drillpress to bore holes in the baffles and end cap and its complete. be sure you overbore the holes a few mm’s larger than your caliber. for 7.62 use a 9.5mm bit or so. drilling a small guide hole before your final hole will make it easier. you can hold the baffles in place with your hand just dont wear gloves near a spinning machine. some wd40 sprayed on the baffles/end cap will help as well. should take you about 5 minutes to complete.

titanium will be the lightest/strongest combo while steel will be slightly more durable but twice as heavy. titanium will have no problem handling rifle round magdumps. aluminum components work but overheat and become compromised quickly if you dont allow it to cool down. youll want a suppressor on your rifle as the supersonic echo is louder than the muffled shot thereby masking your location. it also does not leave your ears ringing like a non suppressed rifle will, keeping your situational awareness up. it vastly increases weapon effectiveness.

just dont drill the holes without government permission as thats illegal, especially if you just left it laying around where its easy to find. if you fully intend to keep it undrilled and used as a solvent trap for cleaning your rifle, by all means leave it on the kitchen table. youre not breaking the law. there are many options for solvent traps out there if you seek different ones.

oh, by the way for the 5.6 inch d cell tube if you want a perfect fit youll need 5 baffles, 5 .75 inch spacers and 1 .375 spacer to make it all fit tight.

this is /pol/ related as trump recently said he doesnt like suppressors and will look into banning them.

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shame because there is a big push for ear safety, which shouldn't need "permision", as that is infringement of the 2a, and violates noise laws. But what do you know. A mechanism that fires one projectile per trigger pull was just banned by feds and jew trump because it makes pulling the trigger "easy". Reminder that these people are jew traitors and deserve death because that is what they want for you.

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Even more importantly remember that it will only work with subsonic bullets. It will work great on a .22lr but will be severely underpowered for rabbi slaying unless its also an MG, but it will still be really loud on a m16 with .223rem, and trying to make those subsonic is just asking for a squib. Go with 9mm pistols and at least .30 cal or bigger rifle calibres like .300 blackout which can be fitted on an m16. Always make sure its subsonic or else the sonic boom from the bullet itself, not the shot, will create a crack from breaking the sound barrier. This will mean that sniping will be much more difficult at great distances, but it will be nessessary unless you think you can get away with taking 1 or 2 supersonic shots and putting it back in your hitman 47 breifcase

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Also the the shorter the barrel the better, a longer barrel makes the bullet go faster, which is why you wont find any m16 barrels in .300 blackout longer than 16inches because any bigger and it becomes impossible to keep the bullet below the speed of sound

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so no 308

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youre wrong. it will absolutely work on supersonic rounds. it muffles the explosive noise of the gunshot and leaves the supersonic echo. yes, that echo is still loud but the suppressor projects this out in front of the rifle. shooting a supersonic unsuppressed vs suppressed is like a flashbang vs smacking a wooden fence with a bat. its absolutely still worth it to suppress your supersonic rifle for the fact you can shoot without earpro on. im not talking about doing hits, only a suppressed 22 will be quiet enough for that. i have a suppressor on my 308 and rarely shoot without it. this is about combat effectiveness not assassination effectiveness. its still worth suppressing even without subsonics.

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lurk /k/ more. most suppressor owners use them for supersonic rifle calibers. even zogbot special forces use them on their rifles.

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Anon from >>13377008 here. Suppressors can be used with supersonic rounds no problem. Given you won't find a subsonic 5.56mm NATO round, why by your logic are there a shitton of suppressors for AR-type rifles? Even AR-10s in .308 have suppressors.

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File: d969f0161d51671⋯.jpg (239.27 KB,1280x837,1280:837,2.jpg)




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pretty much all commercial designs are a simple baffle stack in a tube. same exact concept. jewtube form 1 suppressors to see comparisons. you can use the links in the op for your ar as long as you get the thread pattern thats the same as your barrel. a glock needs a recoil booster to work suppressed as it has a tilting barrel so youll need an adapter and booster. a suppressed handgun isnt going to be quiet enough even with subsonics to be hollywood quiet. only a .22 will. id leave your handgun how it is and suppress your rifle.


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lots of wrong in this thread

Just stop before you give me a headache.

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I dont own a glock 19 yet not sure what to buy in terms of supressors or boosters. damn shame it doesnt silence well like you said. hmm

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File: 575c65499a9f425⋯.jpeg (50.57 KB,656x400,41:25,0872DF4E-59A0-4D0E-BC72-E….jpeg)


>not btfo’ing things that are wrong


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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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The better way to do this is a clamping jig with a halfway split 2x4, a hole to hold the piece in place, and a lag bolt going through the width of the 2x4 to clamp it down


>how to embed bitchute?

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File: f2afb9481cbb22f⋯.webm (11.61 MB,720x480,3:2,Abide by ATF rules.webm)

I have a relevant webm

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File: 32e559393fe99aa⋯.jpg (66.61 KB,479x600,479:600,32e559393fe99aa0d0824fefe8….jpg)



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You can make them out of oil filters too.

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Not really.

Most of the information posted here is simply incorrect.

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For reference, I own legal suppressors.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's an adapter that you can use

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Full steam ahead on the entrapment scheme.

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<very simple device is incorrect

What a fag


Your mother was entrapped into making the sad creature that is you. I'd feel sorry but i don't.

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It's about intent. If you don't intend on making a suppressor but you intend on saving the solvent in the barrel and making a exit for the solvent you are doing nothing wrong.

If you screw it on and shoot it you made/purchased a suppressor that isn't registered through the ATF. You are violating the law.

The only real purpose of a solvent trap is to have a suppressor if shit hit the fan. Feds will crack down on them and we might even get a false flag.

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File: 3b7fe559a46e317⋯.jpg (167.41 KB,460x345,4:3,0000001.jpg)


you irl

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You can buy an aluminum solvent trap on aliexpress for sub $25.

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nice unreadable text you no guns faggot.

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Partly incorrect. If your supersonic round becomes subsonic before hitting it's mark, there will be no supersonic crack on the mark's end at least.

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>This will mean that sniping will be much more difficult at great distances, This is what I'm talking about.

>Partly incorrect

>I meant to say completely wrong and pulling stuff out of your ass

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File: 9e8e7254db6356a⋯.jpg (66.89 KB,780x653,780:653,54366584865.jpg)


Imagine being a literal randomized NPC from oblivion

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you sure can



but thin aluminum will overheat quickly and fail. good for a handful of shots at a time from a rifle round. decent for pistol caliber rounds and good for 22s. titanium and steel are for heavy duty use.


is good for those on a budget that still want one that will handle a little more abuse than your basic “fuel filter” kits, as they use very thick aluminum.

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I bought one from that guy as well. It is definitely well made. I am fine with one being steel and the other aluminum, as I don't intend to shoot anything through them. I only would ever use them while cleaning my guns.

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Only a faggot pussy enslaved by fear would go through measures to prevent their actual will from being known. Have fun tip toeing and looking over your shoulder for eternity while I stick my dick in the earth and fuck my way through the cosmos riding this giant ass blue and green pussy earth.

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>kike spamming his traps again

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>Don't do something that is legal goy!

What trap is OP trying to trick people into?

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does op recommend steel or titanium for ar15 and remington 700

what caliber do you recommned for 700 for sniping practice

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bump for importance

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>jew selling easily convertable suppressor kits without a massive commercial markup

the logic checks out


titanium as its way lighter and therefor more handy on the end of your rifle

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Fuck off ATF. People have already been tried and convicted for buying and using these without a tax stamp.

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/k/ must be slow if Feds are making bait threads here.

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File: 704d18f127986ad⋯.gif (3.66 MB,400x224,25:14,E5C8CC30-4D6F-4709-842E-22….gif)


its literally legal to purchase a solvent trap. its illegal to drill holes in them and use them as a suppressor unless you file a form 1. its on you if you are caught in possession of a complete suppressor without proper paperwork.

if someone was to decide to break the law and drill the holes, they should be aware and take steps to not be caught in possession by finding a secluded place to test it and sight their rifle with it on. although most ranges never ask for paperwork on sbrs and suppressors you bring but i wouldnt tell you to risk that. if you happened to drill it without submitting the $200 tax stamp and were also paranoid, a stash spot would be a good idea. one where any omnipotent alphabet niggers who happened to somehow know you decided to drill your legal solvent trap and got a warrant to kick your door in wont find it. but thats just if you decide to not do it the legal way.


literally nobody has been convicted for possession of a solvent trap without holes in it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Off the shelf oil filters can be used as silencers without modifications.

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>muh suppressor

yeah, but how do I make ammo from scratch?

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File: cd3c2581ff5a957⋯.png (6.5 MB,1125x2436,375:812,D640DD3A-578D-4942-A5B9-CC….png)

oy vey is this goy for real

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>w… What trap?

Are you really playing this dumb? OK..

>the goys(sic) have noticed that we are promoting felony behaviour, what do?

>simple, we instead promote a legal product sold by ourselves, and we reinforce the fact that it is legal, calling into question the manhood of anyone urging caution.

>and because we only advertise it on /pol/ this is a simple way to dox gun owners who post or read the board.

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File: fbfcd9f82a62a14⋯.jpeg (78.41 KB,495x349,495:349,5DCCD44E-BB92-4320-824E-E….jpeg)


>provide the goyim with an easy way to produce suppressors when they otherwise wouldnt have had the desire to pay a $200 tax and a 3x commercial price markup

>but we’ll put them on a list so its a good idea

that is arguably the worst zog plan of all time

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Only in the last few years has jewish shortsightedness really revealed itself. Once you can wrap your head around it, it's fascinating.

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>How to use Google?


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.45acp ball being 'naturally' subsonic is actually one of the only times it outperforms 9mm.

polite sage for glownigger thread.

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>youre a glownigger for awaring anons on solvent traps and fuel filters

its always clear more than half of /pol/ are not /k/ommandos. cuckchan /k/ is more natsoc than the current state of this board.

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The arguments for banning suppressors are that they can be used to quietly murder people. The arguments against banning suppressors are that they protect the millions of legal firearms hobbyists from permanent ear damage and deafness. :thinking:

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You’re a big guy

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Newsflash, most hobby things have been banned or irrationally exploded in price despite not being involved with crime. Silencers are one of those things. This $20 part should not cost $1000. The government can fuck off and so can you. I just want to not bother the neighborhood when I shoot at my legal range and the law wants a separate silencer and tax stamp for each gun, which is fucking stupid.

It's arbitrary laws, like the short barrel rifles, pistol triggers, and 10 round capacity limitations. These have had no impact on crime or mass shootings but they lower quality of life for millions of people.


Do you seriously not get the reference? Boomer cuck.

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actually i'd say

>you're a glownigger for telling people on what is now a media hotspot shitshow of kikes and shills arguing with each other to convince hapless goyim to make NFA controlled items

not so polite sage for being a glownigger

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Can we also talk about, if you do want to legally get it handled as a silencer, this is still the cheapest way to do it. Most premade silencers have very high business costs associated with them and therefore cost much more than drilling a couple holes yourself.

Each one of these can be made into a fully legal silencer that ends up costing you hundreds less. If you own a drill press or need to outfit several guns, or shoot high volume of ammo, then this will save you significant amounts of money even if you do all the costly legal bullshit.

Following the law is always up to the end user. Reminder that pencils have been used in more murders than silencers, so normal fags getting butthurt about this can fuck off.

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File: c43bae0e2ce2ef9⋯.png (375.83 KB,711x399,237:133,89B37C27-F57D-46CE-B892-1B….png)


my first sentence tells you to file the paperwork first. i cant stop people from deciding to go ahead and drill the holes without the zogs permission and take steps to not be caught in possession of an unregistered suppressor.

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I wonder how well these things work. Chinese people here in Canada love to make supressors and I have had them offered to me and have always wondered how they work.

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How can I make my own gun???

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Man, this site has gone to hell if the mods haven't deleted this honeypot.

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Can I get some blunderbuss cones or some sort of loudener?

Fuck these virgin silencers. I want a chad noise amplifier. Its only american that people 4 valleys over can hear me shooting.

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File: b3eb5b2f9222d7e⋯.jpeg (64.83 KB,599x399,599:399,C1C0D608-26EB-4644-B55D-7….jpeg)



nobody agrees with you fetus eating kike and of course you have no argument

ill just keep remaking the thread if they do

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File: 231513ba6a3a1c5⋯.jpeg (73.52 KB,593x400,593:400,61C99581-4E85-47D0-8305-9….jpeg)


closest thing is a blast forwarder thatll send all the sound away from the shooter but wont make it any quieter at the barrel

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File: 44cda623701703f⋯.jpg (198.08 KB,1500x1214,750:607,9a9574501ed83914f0454aa478….jpg)

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File: 18a5de5cb84d7cf⋯.jpg (356.71 KB,3358x2340,1679:1170,barrett_82a1_1.jpg)


Nothing more Chad than the muzzle device on a Barrett which redirects the blast at your team mates next to you.

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Spreading information about silencers isn't glow, you numbskull. Someone would have to entrap you in person for that to qualify in any meaningful way. Think.

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https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2018/06/28/the-worlds-simplest-smg/ more detail and a pdf

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File: 766b359b9d1b12e⋯.png (113.65 KB,500x506,250:253,not a fed.png)

This guy wants to know more.

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File: 135430de8d2292d⋯.jpeg (113.38 KB,874x467,874:467,9AAC571E-6FBF-48D0-8893-D….jpeg)

but im worried

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File: 58baea4a1dae56e⋯.jpeg (108.28 KB,576x399,192:133,101246C8-F0B3-4C7D-9261-E….jpeg)

>zero’d rifle


>flir proof cloak made from glueing radiant barrier insulation between camo blankets

let the zogbots have it

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File: 19728bc3693d8db⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,3264x2046,544:341,3EDE406A-4450-47C0-9D85-A….jpeg)

why even bump it nobody cares its just you

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>That pic

Oh there's that Aryan bleu eyed Supreme white specimen i keep on hearing about on /pol/…

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File: 67ee106d59c1b2c⋯.gif (2.15 MB,480x270,16:9,621A6A36-8E10-4249-969D-52….gif)

File: fd030f0ad22f92a⋯.jpeg (118.83 KB,702x602,351:301,B5E33A15-D448-4F90-BD82-D….jpeg)

File: f4a6f38b91a3c67⋯.jpeg (193.47 KB,1085x632,1085:632,F8FB676F-05FD-462E-98D4-8….jpeg)


theyre all dead. out of over 60,000 young men who served in the 1st SS during the war, less than 1,000 were left when the wehrmacht surrendered. same story with the 2nd, 3rd, 5th. the 12th SS was destroyed fighting in and around caen. only around 200 were left out of a division 15,000 strong when caen fell. the luftwaffe recruited only the best as well and their pilots flew until they were killed. these were the ubermensch and few survived being outnumbered 10 to 1.

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File: 704e3ee71d1f050⋯.jpg (74.7 KB,612x960,51:80,1560579763207.jpg)

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normalfags buy these and audibly say fuck the police when they hit complete order. anons spend an hour researching every facet of legality then decide its not in their best interest because some normalfag might get caught with a drilled one getting pulled over hotboxing his car with it screwed on a gun in the back seat. youre not the star of the world and people who care less than you exist paranoid dweeb.

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This guy pranks

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File: feabd8fa900f190⋯.jpeg (60.9 KB,525x400,21:16,17E70D31-14DB-4E66-B824-B….jpeg)

the end

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DIY kill nigger equipment my favorite thread!!!

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>bolt action with weak scope and short barrel

>lemme turn muh lazors on my 12 rd glockazine

fudd af tbh.

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File: e0ed99a6a56774c⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,3264x2448,4:3,D226F538-D693-4C66-9C77-C….jpeg)


yeah but its zerod, accurate and i enjoy the bolt. dont take it so serious its a losing battle.

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File: 5bd15c07c1f61e7⋯.jpg (18.86 KB,336x450,56:75,81OCTw9qRrL._SY450_.jpg)

I love my honey

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File: f614ace2eed457d⋯.jpg (132.73 KB,1050x761,1050:761,Manuka_honey_natural_honey….JPG)

good stuff

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File: 36d72206ba741bb⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,496x661,496:661,new_zealand_honey_specialt….jpg)

nice fellas

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File: 902cf37db18f179⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,315x209,315:209,honey.jpg)

good old honey

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File: 8f9d0a088a20d3c⋯.jpg (301.58 KB,750x364,375:182,airborne-honey-homepage-sl….jpg)

food of the hobbits

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File: 0750b1cea47d4b8⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,2668x1580,667:395,IMG_0649.jpg)

It's like a tiki party in your mouth

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The problem with these is even though you can order them and they are legal unless you create hole, you have to use electronic payment.

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Also I've seen people on youtube go through the legal process for their maglite ones, but what wall thickness for aluminum seems to be the best? Would suck to go through the process to just have erosion occur rapidly. Ebay is full of the cheap ones that look like you can damage them easily.

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The instruction manual explicitly tells the user NOT to fire the rifle without the brake.

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You are a hobbit

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i cant find thick aluminum solvent traps. seems to be either the tiny alukinum ones or the more expensive titabium

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File: a6c74eb4d135433⋯.jpeg (674.98 KB,1841x1123,1841:1123,C798BF79-A44C-43C9-A680-3….jpeg)

shoutout to the opposition, they know we do not be missin

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File: ab326f3e9c8246b⋯.gif (197.33 KB,528x402,88:67,266dac1ee1fc997c2901f54a6b….gif)


Breddy gud

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There are very few stainless ones, but the other steel ones tend to be just that. Would need to coat them and they are heavy. Then again the aluminum ones are so cheap if you did damage them with your cleaning rod while cleaning your barrel, you can have spares.

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so save some sheks and get a titanium kit

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I have shekels, but to spend it on a simple cleaning device instead of ammo or reloading equipment is eh.

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File: b20ebc06ea8ac11⋯.png (309.04 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1552625694836.png)


Gee, thanks FBI!

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File: f6a7cc2b1c251e1⋯.jpeg (55.14 KB,533x399,533:399,8FBC0369-7892-4BBD-AAAA-5….jpeg)


lol faggot you’d be the one to buy it and actually use it to clean your guns


fbi wants you to wield an unsuppressed red dot ar and attempt running gun fights to get wasted like that dipshit yesterday. they are terrified of magnified optics, suppressors and a shooter with a good position. they have no fear of red dot ar fags who will wander into THEIR kill zone. they fear wandering into a marksmans kill zone that will ambush them. this is why zogbots use acogs and every guy who doesnt just magdump into cardboard at 10 yards uses some form of fixed magnification or variable magnification optic on their rifle. if youre preparing for war, a red dot is garbage. if youre defending your home or shooting up a soft target its ok. insurgents need to be marksmen and a suppressor/magnified optic vastly increase effectiveness for this role.

dont weigh yourself down with a bunch of mags and armor. carry what you can but still be able to sprint if your position becomes compromised. you can cover twice as much ground in the same time period if youre not weighed down. making where you hit them from next a bigger question or making your escape easier. be able to pull the trigger without buck fever and dont become a spastic in the heat of the moment that starts jamming the trigger with no sight picture as fast as possible. thats called panicking. aim at your target and get a good trigger pull.

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Gunshows almost always have a booth with solvent traps.

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>making your own suppressor

<walk into house

<shoot through wall, door, or window

<get 10 years in prison for the manufacture of a suppressor

Get fucked ATF.

>own land in country

>hunt on own land

>wife complains about noise

>build out-building to shoot from

>design out-building to suppress loud noises

>ATF kills your wife, son, dog, and sends you to pirson

Fuck you ATF.

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It's ATF. Get your letters right.

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File: d5ba0ea41f6a880⋯.jpeg (74.35 KB,399x671,399:671,AD80F728-B32F-4475-85C7-2….jpeg)

File: fc4b7e4371f8bc0⋯.jpeg (85.8 KB,634x400,317:200,308C5F0C-EDFF-4114-8007-8….jpeg)

File: c56fc2d7099aa9d⋯.jpeg (89.72 KB,400x541,400:541,4BDAF76F-8AE1-4BFB-904B-4….jpeg)

File: 7a62e5fc8613deb⋯.jpeg (58.32 KB,472x400,59:50,CB48DC8A-FC57-41B2-9B87-D….jpeg)


>making your own suppressor

<walk into house

<shoot through wall, door, or window

<get 10 years in prison for the manufacture of a suppressor

>Get fucked ATF.

what the fuck are you even trying to say

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You have autism if you can't into plausible deniability.

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Buildings are suppressors.

Ergo: it's illegal to fire a weapon from within a building because:

1. Intent to manufacture

2. Actually suppress noise

Some fag should submit a blueprint to the ATF showing that the building plan results in a net reduction in noise, so that buildings can be criminalized like copper pot scrubbers and shoelaces.

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File: 631f484e0ea0086⋯.png (109.22 KB,200x500,2:5,ATF WTF2.png)

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in minecraft, right? fellow anon.

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File: 8534e287e138bcf⋯.png (576.06 KB,697x429,697:429,B3EE6D1F-D40D-4848-AF86-18….png)

>stop bumping this im not actually going to go hot

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How many totality cones and spacers does one need for an 8 in one?


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If you ever wanted proof that 8ch is housing the glownigs, then an open incitement to break the law is about as obvious as it gets

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File: c8efae804198073⋯.jpg (121.76 KB,540x586,270:293,Dr Kill.jpg)



I wouldn't use aluminum.

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File: 161223ef25932a4⋯.png (11.78 KB,400x400,1:1,epa-seal-large.png)


Wanting to not dump chemicals into the environment is bad? Hello EPA

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File: 7fc493268d884ea⋯.png (120.47 KB,535x356,535:356,inb4.png)


Mmm, thanks for the pasta based magni-bro. I always wondered why everyone goes for ACOGs and LPVOs… I always get flack from kommandos when I post my AR that has a HPVO and never understood why. Sure it's a few ounces heavier, but it's worth the benefits that come with it.

> Target Identification

> Better long-range accuracy

> Doesn't sacrifice short-range accuracy if you put irons or a red dot on top of it

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How many more milimeters wide should the drill be than the actual round?

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File: 1e77a215eddd276⋯.jpeg (144.98 KB,503x703,503:703,157FF071-27FC-4BE2-AD7C-F….jpeg)


id say 7 cones and 7 .75 spacers. idk how much room youll have left over for a blast chamber. you could buy a long spacer and cut/grind it down to size or buy an assortment and see if one fits good enough. you also might be able to fit 8 cones/spacers with a very tiny blast spacer. i just know what worked in the 5.6 inch tube.


i did 9.5mm for 7.62 and 12.7 for 10mm. just the bits i had. for a semi auto id do at least 2mm as the tighter your tolerances are, the more gas will get blown back into your action. but of course the smaller the discrepancy the quieter it will be. could only be a negligible difference though as many guys buy a 7.62 can and use it on 5.56 so they dont need to buy multiple suppressors for their different rifles.

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I guess it all depends on how tall each cone is in total. Simply match can figure out the rest.

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What about box suppressors? You know the ones, they're big square things. Does more space = more quite?

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I know Osprey makes one that is offset mounted you would need to do the math on the volume, but then baffle design can come into play. Looks nice on pistols if you want to go through the process, but others probably work just as good.

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>Does more space = more quite?

Generally yes, but the point of the Osprey is the offset design. The block look is just for aesthetics.

The Illusion is also offset, but it has a more traditional profile.

Also, don't quote me on this, but it seems like an offset suppressor would be louder for the same volume.

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Forgot to add the offset allows easier sight picture.

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File: c940de79640b174⋯.jpeg (71.52 KB,611x400,611:400,DEC57CCE-B7EF-4CEB-80A2-C….jpeg)



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imagine posting in a hide and dropping bots with your suppressed dmr. what could possibly feel better than putting lethal wounds in those who serve to destroy everything beautiful in the world? id love to give them some pelvis shattering shots below their chest plates and watch them slug along like the worms they are. even better would be a clean headshot straight unplugging the bot from its life.

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maybe remove their heads with a cleaver like their masters do children during rituals

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Have you run the sups hard though? Wouldn't trust something without at least several hundred rounds of varied use to vet it. And how about mounts, direct thread/welded? Any rec for QD?

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File: 3633ed4aeaf24f3⋯.jpeg (321.51 KB,893x653,893:653,6CAC1BF4-F6D0-419A-8A1B-2….jpeg)


man its titanium. ive put hundreds of rounds of full power 308 through it with no signs of wear. itll last many thousands no issue. the only thing thatll fuck it up is magdumping, getting it smoking hot and continuing to shoot. thats when you run into issues, when you get it hotter than its compromise point. dont overheat it and itll last a long damn time.

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File: b03833200f851c4⋯.jpeg (84.09 KB,750x300,5:2,2CF48BE5-3665-481D-850D-E….jpeg)

File: 0cefab8e981298f⋯.jpeg (48.26 KB,597x399,199:133,3D08E668-E378-4891-8663-B….jpeg)

dont do it. you may feel like heading out to do something when you twist that potato onto your barrel.

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File: 66c8facff368ac1⋯.jpeg (51.77 KB,530x400,53:40,AF65A22F-8F59-4EA2-B94E-C….jpeg)

dont forget to sight in your rifle with the suppressor on as your point of impact may shift with it on vs off

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File: 15df40b8604c975⋯.jpeg (109.06 KB,852x640,213:160,22C3A25E-391F-4729-963B-D….jpeg)


dont forget youre going to die eventually anyway

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File: a424c8a67910655⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB,546x374,273:187,AAF3D05A-F6BC-438F-ACD0-D….jpeg)


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File: eecd11d869bb7b0⋯.jpeg (66.68 KB,399x580,399:580,8E5243AD-C83B-4ADF-A204-B….jpeg)

>he wont give up wtf is he still doing

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File: 61022b3ed5f627d⋯.jpeg (127.02 KB,599x550,599:550,BAA0D35A-C83C-428A-8414-5….jpeg)



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File: 1b13bc04f5747bf⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB,583x306,583:306,50D388B8-0C35-4FC2-85D5-8….jpeg)

yall aint bout shit. zogbots gonna make you their slaves.

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did the dogo make it?

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its a coyote you retard preciate the sage better not bump all those great threads off the catalog

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File: f20bafde347c817⋯.jpeg (190.19 KB,1124x888,281:222,BE736778-1366-484F-AE48-D….jpeg)

my works done. if you wont drill the hole you wont fight.

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File: 834e7369f52bff2⋯.jpeg (39.28 KB,500x375,4:3,FC63BD43-D988-4754-AA8D-B….jpeg)

File: 30953c61e371ec7⋯.jpeg (60.81 KB,500x375,4:3,8E05EE39-8A87-47A2-8B17-C….jpeg)

File: 6d6a7316d7ab9ef⋯.jpeg (55.16 KB,580x400,29:20,A3A4BA80-4D35-4E73-9505-E….jpeg)

File: b56923cc6bb280e⋯.jpeg (43.37 KB,500x295,100:59,55B0E607-D005-4D0A-B5D9-F….jpeg)

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File: a560f7add82ad80⋯.png (1.45 MB,1027x573,1027:573,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)

File: 67680293700f4e2⋯.png (395 KB,421x586,421:586,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)

File: 1ee4af574e637f5⋯.png (943.53 KB,739x566,739:566,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)


Na AWD better

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AWD looks fucking based but I'm going to have to get more information on them. For starters, are they even National Socialist?

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Yes their National Socialist what gave you the impression their not?

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Rumors of Satanism, Trannies, neoBolsheviks.

Iron Gates is in their literature section.

The main concern I have is that they haven't laid out any plans for what comes afterwards.

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>>13445788The Satanism, Trannies, neoBolsheviks is A other group that is call fucking TOB it's linked to AWD becasue they have not members that are part of TOB

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Let me redo that the Satanism, Trannies, neoBolsheviks is A other group that is call fucking TOB it's linked to AWD because they have members that are part of TOB

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Temple ov blood

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Alright, answer me the big one; What comes afterwards?

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File: 6c3862ae656fdae⋯.jpeg (67.73 KB,527x399,527:399,6A74CC99-6173-4C67-AE4A-5….jpeg)

File: 78cacd2e18a7464⋯.jpeg (72.56 KB,711x399,237:133,6B069702-B86A-4D2E-8508-A….jpeg)

File: 0ba51ede5fd05a9⋯.jpeg (71.52 KB,400x418,200:209,0D7566D2-BED8-41EF-8C82-8….jpeg)

File: 81906412831e59d⋯.jpeg (63.39 KB,400x400,1:1,FA159AA6-3B78-4D28-AE7E-D….jpeg)


>my sportsball team is the best

what are you a fucking fan

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There are only two sides at this point.

The aryans, and the enemy. And the enemy wants to destroy the aryan race.

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File: 9eeb5ac4c1f04a3⋯.png (505.45 KB,444x577,444:577,Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at ….png)

File: b9a3ea6ab4200df⋯.jpg (154.57 KB,1480x833,1480:833,boyz en panzers.jpg)

File: ee9afe420dcab4c⋯.jpg (109.5 KB,613x647,613:647,0_ScjP7wM9mnVJtuUX.jpg)


What do you mean what comes afterwards in A revolution?We rebuild.


Oh it's them goyz didn't they get kiked or some shit or is it just shill nonsense they are ukrainian based so like ya im going to side with my home team silly AWD all the say!AWD makes vids instead of having tons of images of them posing

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Rebuild what? What is it that you're intending to rebuild?

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I did save revolution didn't I?

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are you 17 years old

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no u


Fuck I can't type for shit right now need sleep the up and coming revolution will destroy tons and tons of building and towns after the down fall of zog we will have to rebuild ima go to sleep now

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File: e29ca54d75104e4⋯.jpeg (32.07 KB,415x240,83:48,91E96F35-A91E-4694-B292-7….jpeg)

File: 1dee25a8f008d0f⋯.jpeg (67.93 KB,599x400,599:400,B1D51251-756D-4A2C-9452-3….jpeg)


when you wake up lurk 2 years before posting again

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File: f30b7a9c2d91492⋯.jpeg (114.33 KB,866x472,433:236,D595980C-0A82-4A01-A08F-2….jpeg)

you could have had a silencer by now

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/V/ /POL/ /K/


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File: 507f0a9b7836474⋯.jpg (38.99 KB,660x551,660:551,frog pepe.jpg)



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Silent traps direct is scammy.

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t. kike

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Yeah taking money and not sending a product or responding to any communication makes me a kike, faggot.

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File: ff1187f9733fd00⋯.jpeg (250.16 KB,1125x1758,375:586,67BE9DF2-2C50-489C-8D72-7….jpeg)


>things that didnt happen

proof or rope. if they did that even somewhat frequently credit card companies wouldnt be hosted on their site. you got proof? i got my stuff every time no issue. you trying to use scare tactics shlomo?

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They won't respond to their contact us on their or their email they use for payments via kikepal. Multiple times and days and nothing. They have the time to post boomer jokes on faceberg, but not respond, fuck them. Already have to have kikepal step in to resolve it and they aren't even responding to that. Already submitted for them to step in. Been since around the 20th of last month and nothing. How can I prove I didn't get something with an email of a receipt or an email that was never sent out because they never sent it? No shit you will get a receipt because they took my money and didn't send shit. There are other places to get out so fuck off with your bullshit about using scare tactics. I never said not to get anything like this.

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File: 56706377256d0d9⋯.jpg (249.84 KB,1439x968,1439:968,Order.jpg)

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>order online

I hope you're using a remailing service (or daisy chaining several services)

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I ordered some stuff June 21st and it's been stuck on Awaiting Fulfillment ever since. I sent a message 2 days ago and they haven't responded.

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probably out of stock thats some fuck shit they wont respond though. never had an issue with multiple orders i placed but this wasnt in the last month. i wouldnt have suggested them if i had issues. damn.


5secondfirearm is in stock atm and has solid praise even though its aluminum (thick though and will handle rifle rounds).

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try calling them during their business hours


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this better not be an elaborate concern troll attempt because if i get in contact with them ill be bumping this thread till 750

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File: 1a0be43d71812f6⋯.jpeg (109.7 KB,750x603,250:201,trump-boomer-zognald-guns.jpeg)

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How long do your orders usually take from payment to shipped? Everything was in stock when I made the purchase, in fact I don't think you can even do backorders with them. I called them today but it was an automated woman's voice that asked for my name and didn't even mention Solvent Traps Direct or anything. It transferred me and just kept ringing until it said they weren't there and for me to leave a message. I checked their kikebook and like another anon said they post a bunch of boomer 'humor' shit.

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2-3 days ill try and call tomorrow for myself. if you have a throwaway faceberg, comment on one of their boomer memes and ask them what the fuck is up.

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File: df177e2bba268b5⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,407x378,407:378,170efb231473645b9a7add388f….jpg)

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File: ad7bd0d9cffed36⋯.jpg (24.74 KB,337x400,337:400,ca5d65edf4fea5a34d642e10da….jpg)

Here are some ways to make illegal suppressors.

I'm one of the boys, see?

Now lets all join discord and share each others IPs, faces.

So we can meet up IRL.

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not to be rude but you are falling right into the divide and conquer racket. they want people pitted against each other in order to take away what few rights we still have and implement a socialist state. did you ever think "if i can't beat em i can join em" like sammy davis jr or the multitudes of atheist jews who donate to jewish groups. and they do fine. you should be going after money. the pen is mightier than the sword. and dont write honest stuff

"tell them stories of whales playing poker at the bottom of the ocean the more outlandish the better. theres a sucker born every minute" phineas t barnum

what you dream about we already been there and done that it solved nothing. human greed will destroy humanity. it is inevitable. no form of government exists that is not a lie. and pretending we can all share or have no government is a lie. nothing works because humans are social but bottom line we are selfish and dishonest.

good people become martyrs and they cant help anyway. our ideals are all a pipe dream.

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shits suspect called and got an automated “cant talk right now” txt. they even advertised a 4th of july sale on faceberg id blow their comment section up if i had an account.

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File: 664ca97c6ec4d98⋯.pdf (1.06 MB,rhodesian_counter_insurgen….pdf)

File: af55a88c5ea7169⋯.pdf (1.38 MB,how_to_start_&_train_a_mil….pdf)

File: f88b8d7c07a8679⋯.pdf (11.32 MB,50_us_ranger_techniques_an….pdf)

Remember to stick together. While being a lone wolf ensures that the message one is trying to convey won't be diluted with the ideas of others, much more can be accomplished as a team.

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File: c542a5e19d2d82d⋯.png (922.5 KB,1020x573,340:191,11149874.PNG)


based and solvent trap pilled

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They finally sent a shipping notification.

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File: e72d5db0b66af4d⋯.jpeg (52.73 KB,400x483,400:483,BD87DE68-80AC-49AD-AA1F-1….jpeg)


good to hear man probably a supply issue

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Or employee issue, but whatever

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File: 429381fdd45a83b⋯.jpeg (87.44 KB,960x720,4:3,4242F4BD-F280-4357-8EC2-3….jpeg)


probably didnt want people to cancel orders by responding their waiting on a new shipment so they decided to ghost for a couple weeks. ive been posting their link on cuckchan /k/ the last month so its possible they ran out of product.

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This is very much a high IQ thread. Keep it going, anon.

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That's hysterical, but the guy could do more to aid his appearance. Just getting fit, cleaning up the hair, and finding the right style would make him presentable enough. And if he's talented and learns to make life about having fun for himself, people would be attracted to him despite bethesda tier looks.

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The female line that birthed them didn't end. Not all is lost, and what was can be recovered.

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Watch they don't respond to people who filed with their bank and they get refunds.

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File: b1bedfc69908b0f⋯.jpeg (67.15 KB,533x399,533:399,29FC3156-BA30-4284-88FD-B….jpeg)

its ironic that suppressors arent regulated in many euro nations that have much heavier gun control than america

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lol stupid amerimutts suppressors arent banned even in Russia

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stop bitching already you said they shipped what you ordered. go ahead and sent it back for your refund faggot you wont do shit.

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How was the bitching idiot. I'm pointing out how it's bad practice to literally never ever respond to any form of communication. How can I send the poor quality gauged/beat to shit tube it in for refund when they can't even respond you dumb nigger. SDTA are far cheaper anyways.

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File: 9e8122dc66156d0⋯.jpeg (97.74 KB,533x399,533:399,549A49F3-8E0C-4720-A718-F….jpeg)

>tfw no death squad to genocide with

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>something is not banned in Russia


source: I live in Russia, have to use tor to post and can't even put a real picture here

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ok well im not gonna vouch for sdta if i have no experience with them. you seem like the type thatll go out of your way to get a refund after getting what you ordered because your ego was hurt.

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File: e1ac5482e6f0d95⋯.jpeg (39.81 KB,595x400,119:80,0CC12F0F-D923-4235-A1FE-8….jpeg)

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File: c131a35233bae9b⋯.jpeg (77.19 KB,532x369,532:369,42ED4EF2-24AB-40F9-B7CC-2….jpeg)

slavs love 9x39

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5 inch kits back in stock boyos

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>only subsonic fagrounds work with a suppressor

Wrong. Supersonic rounds will still have the crack caused by their speed, but that is all the enemy would hear, a crack. The mk12 mod0 for instance, every USMC infantry platoon is issued 3 of them, given to designated overwatch/sharpshooters and is intended to be a counter sniper weapon. Standing right next to that thing firing cyclically all you hear is the bolt moving. The enemy will hear the bullets cracking through the air around them but they would not be able to easily locate from whence they are coming.

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it is not illegal to manufacture firearms nor silencers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


easy enough

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File: 223ab4d531daad3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,600x450,4:3,porn1.jpg)

Thread is glowing…

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File: a90ad1ec5cd29bd⋯.jpeg (62.22 KB,864x576,3:2,E7E7BFCB-5776-4C39-96E8-8….jpeg)


Wow, why are you trying to fuck people? Why don’t you tell the full truth instead of just half of one? How about;

“It is not illegal to manufacture firearms or a suppressor… BUT manufacture of NFA firearms is very regulated and possession of an unregulated NFA firearm (SBR, SBS, Suppressor, MG, AoWs) is a serious “fuck me in the ass prison” felony. are you just trying to get people in trouble and have their rights taken away?

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youre buying something legal and making it illegal without anyone knowing. dont get caught in possession. you are trying to resist zog and cant even handle that?

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You don't have to inform on yourself on police, dumbass.

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File: b32366d53ba8b0f⋯.jpeg (38.36 KB,533x399,533:399,EECDA8FB-3C47-4882-98E5-2….jpeg)

they say they want war

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File: 37aeaa3df24249c⋯.jpeg (72.67 KB,640x360,16:9,12AB56D8-7F90-4061-A088-F….jpeg)

zogbots get suppressors. loot them after wiping their squad.

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Wow, no shit dumbass but the guy was presenting it as though it was completely legal to do overall without any possible legal repercussions if you read all his replies.

Learn to read LegalLet

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why do you care about laws? force is what creates them.

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File: ead8571c3ed4656⋯.jpg (173.07 KB,663x517,663:517,græt.jpg)

Good thing I live in a country where suppressors have the same legal status as a hammer.

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This is a classic fed way of getting a search warrant and putting you away for 10 years. No one bats an eye

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>those eyebrows

lol what a gay

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>he believes the russian narrative

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"We are natzis! Like in Indiana Jones!"

T. Volunteers for ZOG.

Gee, I wonder what William Pierce would say about that…


(((1))) plague.

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It was 2, but make it 3 now, faggot.

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explain your logic when solvent traps are legal

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I love threads like this. Peaceful people with firearms are more effective than criminals with firearms.

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Based CIA nigger telling it like it is.

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Handguns are illegal here in the UK. Does anyone know where I can go to get a bit of experience with them?

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i got u mi6

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Kek. Fair enough mate.

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File: 392a3ca26e0b5fb⋯.png (34.02 KB,1000x600,5:3,illegal drywall suppressor.png)


5 minute mock up. As you can see, gunowners who subsequently build homes and purchase firearms with intent for home defense situations are clearly manufacturing suppressors

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that doesnt make it any quieter where the bullet exits

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Netherlands, Norway, and Czechia troth have gun ownership and you can certainly fire guns there.

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File: 1ebf4234d835958⋯.jpg (125.28 KB,800x533,800:533,QlrX263.jpg)


>no death squad qts

Got me in a big mood.

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File: 1a50419a66852c6⋯.jpeg (107.25 KB,462x695,462:695,76C87AEC-25BB-4BCB-827C-5….jpeg)

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this seems to be the best value

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save your sheks for titanium

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well this seems to be one drill hole from a suppressor but doesnt look as thick


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How much of a difference does the size (length/width) of a suppressor make? Obviously a 6" A-cell won't do as well as a 12" D-cell, but where is the sweet spot for 5.56 or 9mm?

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the more internal volume the quietet the suppressor, but there is a point of diminishing returns. the more powder in a cartridge the more gas is produced which means you need more internal volume to effectively suppress. the difference between a cell and d cell is not significant for a .22 lr but would be on .223. for rifle calibers d cell is the norm while pistol calibers normally use a smaller volume tube to save some weight as d cell volume is unnecessary. personally i use a d cell for my rifle and pistol. if i was gonna make a .22 suppressor id use a or b cell though. a titanium b cell will still make your .223 much quieter but not as well as d cell. d cell is overkill for a .22 but itll still work.

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lol i didnt even answer your question. 5-7 inch d cell is prime for 5.56. long ass suppressors are for pistol calibers that are subsonic where you are totally trying to kill most noise. even a 12 inch d cell will have a supersonic echo vortex being shot out of it with 5.56.

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Don't do this. ATF will ass rape you and kill your miniature poodle.

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"Currently, the following 42 states allow private ownership of suppressors:

AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY."


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Illegal: CA and NY (obviously), CO, HI, IL, MA, NJ, RI

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You don’t even need to drill. It comes with 2 end caps (1 is sealed but the other isn’t). Looks like you just thread the open end cap onto the threads after sliding the tube over the core and the end cap keeps the tube from flying off. I suppose the sealed end cap is just some legal deflection tactic but it looks like you don’t need it.

ebay selling suppressors

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do you think its gonna be like that time when people were selling Glock F/A conversions on Etsy and people got diddled.

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no unless you buy a functioning suppressor. solvent traps are legal from the gaytf’s own suckhole. auto switches are blatantly illegal.

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File: 6ab9cca94e9c7d9⋯.jpeg (162.26 KB,465x665,93:133,B24D76FB-7E37-4386-8A32-1….jpeg)

good job you got totality shut down by the zogbots. why would you post the highest quality baffle supplier here? of course theyre going to shoah the american company selling undrilled steel and titanium and not the chinesium predrilled suppressors being sold as fuel filters.


at least freeze plugs exist. inb4 the atf comes at people selling steel tubes and plugs.

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File: 0f45a201acabd6f⋯.jpeg (84.03 KB,624x399,208:133,D72D6D79-8F80-43B9-AC4D-9….jpeg)


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File: 03c11079aabf58c⋯.jpg (7.85 KB,228x221,228:221,1564926182648.jpg)

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final bump before this site dies. lol at still not drilling the holes.

they got raped by soviets like the shitskins will your sisters.

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