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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 1bbdfed127d46c9⋯.jpeg (188.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,27636797-8F6D-4B0B-A5BF-F….jpeg)

 No.13385756 [View All]



be sure you file a form 1 before doing this otherwise if somehow you are caught in possession of a drilled product its illegal. possession of an undrilled solvent trap kit is legal so you can order the parts before filing if you desire.

all you need to do is use a drillpress to bore holes in the baffles and end cap and its complete. be sure you overbore the holes a few mm’s larger than your caliber. for 7.62 use a 9.5mm bit or so. drilling a small guide hole before your final hole will make it easier. you can hold the baffles in place with your hand just dont wear gloves near a spinning machine. some wd40 sprayed on the baffles/end cap will help as well. should take you about 5 minutes to complete.

titanium will be the lightest/strongest combo while steel will be slightly more durable but twice as heavy. titanium will have no problem handling rifle round magdumps. aluminum components work but overheat and become compromised quickly if you dont allow it to cool down. youll want a suppressor on your rifle as the supersonic echo is louder than the muffled shot thereby masking your location. it also does not leave your ears ringing like a non suppressed rifle will, keeping your situational awareness up. it vastly increases weapon effectiveness.

just dont drill the holes without government permission as thats illegal, especially if you just left it laying around where its easy to find. if you fully intend to keep it undrilled and used as a solvent trap for cleaning your rifle, by all means leave it on the kitchen table. youre not breaking the law. there are many options for solvent traps out there if you seek different ones.

oh, by the way for the 5.6 inch d cell tube if you want a perfect fit youll need 5 baffles, 5 .75 inch spacers and 1 .375 spacer to make it all fit tight.

this is /pol/ related as trump recently said he doesnt like suppressors and will look into banning them.

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File: e1ac5482e6f0d95⋯.jpeg (39.81 KB,595x400,119:80,0CC12F0F-D923-4235-A1FE-8….jpeg)

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File: c131a35233bae9b⋯.jpeg (77.19 KB,532x369,532:369,42ED4EF2-24AB-40F9-B7CC-2….jpeg)

slavs love 9x39

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5 inch kits back in stock boyos

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>only subsonic fagrounds work with a suppressor

Wrong. Supersonic rounds will still have the crack caused by their speed, but that is all the enemy would hear, a crack. The mk12 mod0 for instance, every USMC infantry platoon is issued 3 of them, given to designated overwatch/sharpshooters and is intended to be a counter sniper weapon. Standing right next to that thing firing cyclically all you hear is the bolt moving. The enemy will hear the bullets cracking through the air around them but they would not be able to easily locate from whence they are coming.

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it is not illegal to manufacture firearms nor silencers.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


easy enough

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File: 223ab4d531daad3⋯.jpg (48.91 KB,600x450,4:3,porn1.jpg)

Thread is glowing…

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File: a90ad1ec5cd29bd⋯.jpeg (62.22 KB,864x576,3:2,E7E7BFCB-5776-4C39-96E8-8….jpeg)


Wow, why are you trying to fuck people? Why don’t you tell the full truth instead of just half of one? How about;

“It is not illegal to manufacture firearms or a suppressor… BUT manufacture of NFA firearms is very regulated and possession of an unregulated NFA firearm (SBR, SBS, Suppressor, MG, AoWs) is a serious “fuck me in the ass prison” felony. are you just trying to get people in trouble and have their rights taken away?

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youre buying something legal and making it illegal without anyone knowing. dont get caught in possession. you are trying to resist zog and cant even handle that?

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You don't have to inform on yourself on police, dumbass.

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File: b32366d53ba8b0f⋯.jpeg (38.36 KB,533x399,533:399,EECDA8FB-3C47-4882-98E5-2….jpeg)

they say they want war

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File: 37aeaa3df24249c⋯.jpeg (72.67 KB,640x360,16:9,12AB56D8-7F90-4061-A088-F….jpeg)

zogbots get suppressors. loot them after wiping their squad.

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Wow, no shit dumbass but the guy was presenting it as though it was completely legal to do overall without any possible legal repercussions if you read all his replies.

Learn to read LegalLet

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why do you care about laws? force is what creates them.

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File: ead8571c3ed4656⋯.jpg (173.07 KB,663x517,663:517,græt.jpg)

Good thing I live in a country where suppressors have the same legal status as a hammer.

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This is a classic fed way of getting a search warrant and putting you away for 10 years. No one bats an eye

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>those eyebrows

lol what a gay

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>he believes the russian narrative

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"We are natzis! Like in Indiana Jones!"

T. Volunteers for ZOG.

Gee, I wonder what William Pierce would say about that…


(((1))) plague.

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It was 2, but make it 3 now, faggot.

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explain your logic when solvent traps are legal

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I love threads like this. Peaceful people with firearms are more effective than criminals with firearms.

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Based CIA nigger telling it like it is.

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Handguns are illegal here in the UK. Does anyone know where I can go to get a bit of experience with them?

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i got u mi6

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Kek. Fair enough mate.

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File: 392a3ca26e0b5fb⋯.png (34.02 KB,1000x600,5:3,illegal drywall suppressor.png)


5 minute mock up. As you can see, gunowners who subsequently build homes and purchase firearms with intent for home defense situations are clearly manufacturing suppressors

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that doesnt make it any quieter where the bullet exits

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Netherlands, Norway, and Czechia troth have gun ownership and you can certainly fire guns there.

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>no death squad qts

Got me in a big mood.

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this seems to be the best value

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save your sheks for titanium

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well this seems to be one drill hole from a suppressor but doesnt look as thick


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How much of a difference does the size (length/width) of a suppressor make? Obviously a 6" A-cell won't do as well as a 12" D-cell, but where is the sweet spot for 5.56 or 9mm?

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the more internal volume the quietet the suppressor, but there is a point of diminishing returns. the more powder in a cartridge the more gas is produced which means you need more internal volume to effectively suppress. the difference between a cell and d cell is not significant for a .22 lr but would be on .223. for rifle calibers d cell is the norm while pistol calibers normally use a smaller volume tube to save some weight as d cell volume is unnecessary. personally i use a d cell for my rifle and pistol. if i was gonna make a .22 suppressor id use a or b cell though. a titanium b cell will still make your .223 much quieter but not as well as d cell. d cell is overkill for a .22 but itll still work.

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lol i didnt even answer your question. 5-7 inch d cell is prime for 5.56. long ass suppressors are for pistol calibers that are subsonic where you are totally trying to kill most noise. even a 12 inch d cell will have a supersonic echo vortex being shot out of it with 5.56.

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Don't do this. ATF will ass rape you and kill your miniature poodle.

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"Currently, the following 42 states allow private ownership of suppressors:

AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY."


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Illegal: CA and NY (obviously), CO, HI, IL, MA, NJ, RI

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You don’t even need to drill. It comes with 2 end caps (1 is sealed but the other isn’t). Looks like you just thread the open end cap onto the threads after sliding the tube over the core and the end cap keeps the tube from flying off. I suppose the sealed end cap is just some legal deflection tactic but it looks like you don’t need it.

ebay selling suppressors

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do you think its gonna be like that time when people were selling Glock F/A conversions on Etsy and people got diddled.

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no unless you buy a functioning suppressor. solvent traps are legal from the gaytf’s own suckhole. auto switches are blatantly illegal.

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File: 6ab9cca94e9c7d9⋯.jpeg (162.26 KB,465x665,93:133,B24D76FB-7E37-4386-8A32-1….jpeg)

good job you got totality shut down by the zogbots. why would you post the highest quality baffle supplier here? of course theyre going to shoah the american company selling undrilled steel and titanium and not the chinesium predrilled suppressors being sold as fuel filters.


at least freeze plugs exist. inb4 the atf comes at people selling steel tubes and plugs.

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File: 0f45a201acabd6f⋯.jpeg (84.03 KB,624x399,208:133,D72D6D79-8F80-43B9-AC4D-9….jpeg)


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File: 03c11079aabf58c⋯.jpg (7.85 KB,228x221,228:221,1564926182648.jpg)

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final bump before this site dies. lol at still not drilling the holes.

they got raped by soviets like the shitskins will your sisters.

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