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File: 309534e23fd27ee⋯.jpg (14.77 KB,495x210,33:14,DAjJhOWXYAAH1y2.jpg)

d7abad No.13361051 [View All]


It has become clear for sometime now that youtube and other mainstream platforms are simply unsustainable for any none kike approved ideas. Now that youtube has gone full kike and taken down anything vaguely fascist or white nationalist in nature, we need to try and recuperate our losses.

This thread is dedicated to posting archive links and personal copies of videos, music, and other content from youtube so we can ensure that this information can be properly archived for the future. We need to preserve this information not just for the intrinsic historical value, but also to introduce concepts to new generations and people.

I'm going to start with some archive links to channels that have been taken down, please contribute in whatever way you can. If everyone here downloads a copy we can ensure it is never taken down.

Esoteric Truths:


Impartial Truth:


History Truths:







Fascist Ball IV:



WLP podcast:


Feel free to post or link anything you have, try and have a permanent link rather than just uploading here and also


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d7abad No.13527666

Esoteric truths and the impartial truth have been posted but not hsitiry truths. Does anyone have his stuff?

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709d9a No.13529445





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62e63d No.13530343


Here's one I bookmarked a while ago. I don't know if everything is VPX…or whether there's content from The Last White Man BUT it's still quite good.


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d7abad No.13535006

Derovolk just got deleted, fucking hell.

Also, does anyone have fire and steel's videos? Really high quality stuff, almost no uploads online.

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f09851 No.13535080

File: 300293c3cb7906b⋯.webm (1.25 MB,640x360,16:9,Terry A. Davis- Where com….webm)



youtube-dl works for just about everything, including bitchute, and is easy af (vid related)

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01623f No.13536135


anyone know vertigopolitix's/the last white mans current channel, or website?

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592bed No.13536283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Even then I'd be wary. The whole "war music video" subculture on YouTube can be traced to DeutschesVaterland channel, a Chinese person who was jailed by the PRC for his videos.

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d7abad No.13536306


Speaking of that, does anyone have a decent collection of his videos? Thankfully most of them are reuploaded anyway for now but they tend to not be consolidated.

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afd2bd No.13537010

Does anyone have a video titled "Third Reich in Glory". It was so beautiful… should have downloaded it

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906872 No.13537081


Always check places like archive.org. Is it this one?


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f0035e No.13540722



Not it unfortunately, but thank you for the tip. Archive.org huh?

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ad56ef No.13546825

Any recommendations for WWII related documentaries to add to an archive?

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87b023 No.13547081

File: a03e20e343451c9⋯.jpg (92.16 KB,1280x861,1280:861,1280px-Brewster_Kahle_2009.jpg)

Brewster Kahle is the web.archive.org

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7d4d3a No.13548038

I would recommend to download this video.


It's about major news organizations that manipulate and control the narrative.

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0b8c08 No.13553171

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9873ce No.13553174

File: 694c577ce1cc103⋯.jpg (9.78 KB,474x237,2:1,ia.jpg)


Protip: kikes along with masons will be the first people to volunteer to become archivist and historians and "free speech" activists so they can become the magicians of omission.

>Internet Archive


>Royal Arch Masons date time from the year the second temple was commended by Zerubbabel. Anno Inventionis (A.I.) ,which means "In the year of Discovery," is the terminology used by Chapters. This adds 530 to the common time, therefore the year 2007 becomes 2537.

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0b8c08 No.13553176


Don't forget peertube

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0b8c08 No.13553183


Peertube is better though

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0b8c08 No.13553185


* For videos

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0b8c08 No.13553304


Best quote ever

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d0fcb3 No.13553660


Haven't seen this meme for a bit, thanks m8.

This, also know alternatives will be eventually shoad. Archive offline in stashed faraday.

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476bd5 No.13554427

They are censoring wordpress more and more, backup all blogs too

They recently got The Ugly Truth, which had been running since 2006


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812172 No.13554999

So does anyone have archive of threads about new schwabland/operation paperclip/vril. If they were actually archived that is.

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c5ca3f No.13555800


I think I do some on another computer which I can share later. Tip to use ChanThreadWatch

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abbf35 No.13556757

>First ((they)) came for Xurious


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a391f0 No.13556781


Google is the cancer killing the internet.

Time to demonetize Google.

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4e237d No.13557143

File: 33af6416a2a050c⋯.png (463.08 KB,634x526,317:263,blw neta.png)

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

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59cde2 No.13557322


Anyone have saved vids from ᛋᛟ Uber Soldaten ᛏᛉ? I remember he made a doc called History Unmasked

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278aa0 No.13557389

File: 4c331243d107f95⋯.jpg (66 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

Anyone save the alt-right: the lion video before it got nuked on youtube?

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8e58f5 No.13557395

soph's channel got shut down, she almost had a million followers. they are shutting it down bigtime

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d5b12e No.13557396


I think it's in a cringe compilation.

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137c59 No.13557415

Lots (146 GB) of mixed stuff here.


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278aa0 No.13557432


Thanks for the help moshe

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4dd7c0 No.13557702


>real patriots


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2f057a No.13557726


Makes me think of a Ford XD ute, with mattress in the back

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fd7eb0 No.13558461

File: f57eeaaefdaf87a⋯.jpg (548.27 KB,1000x1301,1000:1301,garden_symbolism.jpg)


Seconding youtube-dl.

Didn't realize it worked with bitchute.

For those new to it:


>youtube-dl -f 22 <url>


>youtube-dl -f 137+140 <url>

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94c751 No.13558480


But nigger nationalists like Nation of Islam channels are fine. I wish someone would destroy JewTube HQ in Minecraft.

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34936a No.13558661

File: a35ef9ba43ced5b⋯.png (191.82 KB,800x628,200:157,tartube.png)

Daily reminder that if you're downloading videos from (((YouTube))), you should be using Tartube.>>13361051

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700688 No.13558677


is it better than jdownloader?

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34936a No.13558693


>is it better than jdownloader?

It's better than a night in a 5-star hotel with Hannah Hays, all paid for by your rich uncle

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d7abad No.13568652


Anyone have any of their videos that were deleted download? Its cringe identitarian stuff mostly but they had some great videos like how conservatives are weak etc.

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717fa9 No.13570072

Counter-Slide bump.

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77dd62 No.13575215

They already yeeted Dr. Ludwig

Apparently German folk songs from the 1500s are violations of jewtubes hate speech policy

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a28dd9 No.13575387


this is true, but they will soon get the grips of it. They (like just about everyone here has) will be banned from every platform and will resort to 4chan's /g/ or 8gag's /tech/ and will learn a thing or two.

Ive personally dumped all closed source programs and have deleted all my online accounts. (Ive also wiped all google results for my name- but I need to do something in person to finally get it all scrubbed) Beyond this, they will pick up on alternatives like Peertube (im yet to see an anti-zionist instance) like they have with Bitchute and others.

The final leap one must take to be relatively anonymous is to dump winblows (and god forbid macos) and switch to linux. (arch/BSD)

I would link a ton of great resources but /g/ is pretty much all you need to start.>>13448117

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a28dd9 No.13575415

File: c1b7bf81c221548⋯.png (81.25 KB,1462x1112,731:556,ytdl.png)


the name youtube-dl is somewhat of a misnomer given it supports just about every site out there. very powerful and all it requires is a read through the basic commands


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40d836 No.13575438


>Call me a kike shill

I'm capable of much more than that, but you deserve nothing more.

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40d836 No.13575441


>In 10 years time you're going to be sitting here

Extremely doubtful.

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12b11f No.13575731

File: a954f87677b47e4⋯.png (270.39 KB,551x329,551:329,label.png)

They are even cracking down on old music videos that are completely devoid of politics, simple love songs whose authors are long dead, all in the name of the current copyright holders profit. Youtube is a disgusting cesspit of greed and evil, fuck them for gutting playlists I've had for over 10 years.

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7c1131 No.13575780

File: 813132715860ad2⋯.png (3.15 MB,1125x2436,375:812,029E6414-34BF-40B4-A935-FE….png)

Can’t believe they haven’t taken down George Webb yet

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61b4ae No.13575908

File: b6db7a97b5a54f8⋯.jpg (23.6 KB,500x389,500:389,1725058833303215.jpg)

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