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File: 562a87e06dde92a⋯.jpg (169.36 KB,1024x896,8:7,1502866931542.jpg)

 No.13247817 [Last50 Posts]

Picked up the basics from Evola, because many here cite him as a leading thinker behind this "movement".

Only a few pages into "Ride The Tiger" I found something interesting

"The trans-formations that have already taken place go too deep to be reversible. The energies that have been liberated, or which are ίη the course οf liberation, are not such as can be reconfined within the structures οί yesterday's world. The very fact that attempts at reaction have referred to those structures alone, which are void οί any superior legitimacy, has made the subversive forces all the more vigorous and aggressive. Ιη the second place, such a path would lead to a compromise that would be inadmissible as an ideal, and perilous as a tactic."

"As Ι have said, the traditional values ίη the sense that Ι understand them are not bourgeois values, but the very antithesis οf them. Thus to recognize any validity ίη those survivals, to associate them ίη any way with traditional values, and to validate them with the latter with the intentions already described, would be either to demonstrate a feeble grasp οf the traditional values themselves, or else to diminish them and drag them down to a deplorable and risky form οί compromise.

Ι say "risky" because however one attaches the traditional ideas to the residual forms οί bourgeois civilization, one exposes them to the attack-in some respects inevitable, legitimate, and necessary-cur-rently mounted against that civilization.

One is therefore obliged to turn to the opposite solution, even ίί things thereby become still more difficult and one runs into another type οf risk. It is good to sever every link with all that which is destined sooner or later to collapse. The problem will then be to maintain one's essential direction without leaning οη any given or transmitted form, including forms that are authentically traditional but belong to past history. Ιη this respect, continuity can οηlΥ be maintained οη an essential plane, so to speak, as an inner orientation οί being, beside the greatest possible external liberty.

As we shall soon see, the support that the Tradition can continue to give does not refer to positive structures, regular and recognized by some civilization already formed by it, but rather to that doctrine that contains its principles οηlΥ ίη their supe-rior, preformal state, anterior to th~ particular historical formulations: a state that ίη the past had ηο pertinence to the masses, but had the character οf esoteric doctrine.

For the rest, given the impossibility οί acting positively ίη the sense οί a real and general return to the normal system, and given the impossibil-ity, within the climate οί modern society, culture, and customs, οf mold-ing one's whole existence ίη an organic and unitary manner, it remains to be seen οη what terms one can accept situations οf utter dissolution without being inwardly touched by them. What ίη the current phase-which is, ίη the last analysis, a transitional one-can be chosen, sepa-rated from the rest, and accepted as a free form οf behavior that is not outwardly anachronistic? Can one thus measure oneself against what is most advanced ίη contemporary thought and lifestyle, while remaining inwardly determined and governed by a completely different spirit?

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"The advice "Don't go to the place οf defense, but to the place οf attack," might be adopted by the group οf differentiated men, late chilldren οf the Tradition, who are ίη question here. That is to say, it might be better to contribute to the fall οf that which is already wavering and belongs to yesterday's world than to try to prop it up and prolong its existence artificially. It is a possible tactic, and useful to prevent the final crisis from being the work οί the opposition, whose initiative one would then have to suffer. The risks οf such a course οf action are more than obvious: there is ηο saying who will have the last word.

But ίη the present epoch there is nothing that is not risky. This is perhaps the one advantage that it offers to those who are still οη their feet. The basic ideas to be drawn from what has been said so far can be summarized as follows: The significance of the crises and the dissolutions that so many people deplore today should be stated, indicating the real and direct object οί the destructive processes: bourgeois civilization and society. But measured against traditional values, these latter were already the first negation οί a world anterior and superior to them. Consequently the crisis οί the modern world could represent, ίη Hegel's terms, a "negation οί a negation," so as to signify a phenomenon that, ίη its own way, is positive. This double negation might end ίη nothingness-ίη the nothingness that erupts ίη multiple forms οί chaos, dispersion, rebellion, and "protest" that characterize many tendencies of recent generations; or ίη that other nothingness that is scarcely hidden behind the organized system οί material civilization. Alternatively, for the men ίη question here it might create a new, free space that could eventually become the premise for a future, formative action. "

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And this is the real key

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Based man.

But anything more from him that proves that he is guarantees to agree with it?

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It isn't "proof" of anything necessarily. Just interesting stuff. The entire book is about surviving in times of dissolution. It is a major theme in his work. Especially his popular books. "Revolt against the modern world"/ "Ride the Tiger". Very new to his stuff but I find it very agreeable.

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Maybe I'm not a differentiated man. I don't seek to enter the arena of our times, or be a combatant opposed to modernity, however I am an agent of tradition of sorts. I am going to purchase land in a secluded forest and cloister myself from the current times. I will build a stone tower there, which will be both a symbolic and physical barrier to the outside world. The shroud of the forest leaves will obscure time itself, and what the jews achieve outside will be no of no consequence to me.

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> But anything more from him that proves that he is guarantees to agree with it?

Are you a retarded nigger? You choose what to ascribe to in this world.

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School teaches the equation

2+2+teacher said so=4


you are a coward and zombies will find your cabin and eat your kids

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File: d88cdaf2cabfec2⋯.jpg (17.35 KB,250x250,1:1,time1.jpg)

If you believe in Vedic inspired cyclical history like Evola did, then it reasons that we must have the fall of the current age in order to move forward to the next. Halting or "saving" the current era is a misguided technique. The proper attitude is to help kill it, whether by being "Sun" or "Lightning".

Savitri Devi does an amazing job expanding on this concept by fleshing out "Men against Time" (Lightning) and "Men above Time" (Sun). Both serve their role but the goal is ultimately the same, the complete destruction of that which threatens what we love (the status quo/modernity/our spiritual sickness/the system etc.).

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File: 282291e699156f0⋯.jpg (18.07 KB,220x365,44:73,220px-The_Lightning_and_th….jpg)


Very invested in this topic. Was wondering why i was sticking around this board. For nuggets like this. Thanks man. Will give this a read. Definitely something in my wheelhouse.

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File: 0e5b2ad2b198348⋯.jpg (28.63 KB,300x514,150:257,The Tower.jpg)


The Tower is a symbol of ruin. It represents what you've built up being destroyed by newly-gained knowledge of the truth.

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Isn't that a good thing ? ;)

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>School teaches the equation

>2+2+teacher said so=4

This sort of bullshit needs to be b& from /pol/ and right wing thought in general. It is absolutely ridiculous and deserves to be mocked. It is a perfect target for the enemy's rhetoric.

Mathematics is the most autistic quest for self-consistency that exists. It is beautiful and has given rise to many surprising and metaphorically interesting results. Goedel's philosophical take on his Incompleteness Theorem is a fun piece of work to read through. The "psychological difference" between various mathematical formulations of classical mechanics, only some of which intuitively led to quantum mechanics (which made it possible for you to spew garbage like this online), and the story here is another great piece of human history.

I understand the reactionary stance which attacks the entire canon of modern academia, as we've been deceived in so many ways and about so many things. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, though. For better or for worse, mathematics and the rigorous physical sciences are self consistent and consistent with whatever the reality we're embedded in happens to be.

Burn the moron "grievance studies" profs at the stake for all I care, but leave the people who are slowly but surely working out the properties of our logical and physical realities alone.

Shitting all over mathematics and subscribing to stupid shit like flat earth (probably a CIA nigger movement meant to catch and render ridiculous those who have recognized that much of the world is a corrupt tangle of thr fabrications of the powerful) is discrediting and makes us look bad.

tl;dr: just because you can't into math doesn't mean it doesn't real

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dude the point was that k-12 school uses operant conditioning to enforce reliance on authority even when the answer is extremely simple and you can verify it yourself. To the point where kids can't even allow themselves the knowledge of something as simple as 2+2=4 without outside verification… even if they held 2 blocks in one hand and 2 blocks in the other… was a reference to the mindset they create for that young kid up there asking for proof about Evola. I used math BECAUSE it was verifiable lol

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Evola hated men like you. The reclusionists and 'monks' who run away from the world. They are not useful in anyway.

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Oh. Checked.


Wtf is one to do in clownworld? Organizing something revolutionary is the only way to attack and this is pretty much impossible. I'd rather be a recluse than get up out of my trench to be cut in half by machine-gun fire with 100% certainty. The current order is going to die of its own accord and finding/creating a network with which to rise from the ashes seems to be the only thing we can do. The biggest risk is that we'll go full gulag mode before things collapse. Tough to tell if our demographics will even allow such highly organized behavior in 10-15 years. Ain't no camps/gulags in Africa. They require too much effort and coordination for the nogs, so it is anarchy with AKs instead. Maybe the kikes will administer while Tyrone and Pedro round us up. Fuck it.

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Hitler as an avatar of Vishnu is one of the greatest redpills there are

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Good thread, I was just pondering today on how to function within a society that you reject and are entirely opposed to in every way and form without inflicting psychological damage to yourself or compromising on your principles. Have in mind that Evola lived in a time that would be considered far more tame and much less degenerate than the one in which we live, and that he was not forced to interact with the "plebs" too much, a luxury that many of us, even the wealthier ones, don't have. And it's only about to get even worse.

Organized seclusion like monasteries? Laughing about the absurdity of it all? Resorting to zen practices so you are unaffected by it? All are passive roles. The only viable active alternative is acceleration, at least if you wish to actually accomplish something externally.


Exactly, fighting it until your last breath is highly important for personal growth and ascendancy, no matter how grim things look. Maybe we should be men against time internally, and men in time externally, speeding up the process until we reach total collapse but perfecting and preparing ourselves enough to survive it and build a new golden age from it's ashes, while everyone who accepted modernity dissolves back into the undifferentiated primordial goo. Physically and spiritually.


Mathematics is fully compatible with our ideas, in fact, it provides underpinning and rational structure for most of them. If anything, it will be our ultimate weapon against the kikes and their "science" . It's the ultimate medium. We might argue that things exist beyond it, but they can never be expressed/manifested in a way that's not mathematical because there would be no reality (context, structure, communication etc.) to define it. People don't understand it, they fear it because kikes have made them hate it for a reason. Do you think math being the most hated subject in (((education))) is a coincidence?

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oh boy is that relatable man lol

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I doubt the hitler is an avatar, I do agree his soul is so great that it changed the world and is something beyond human comprehension.

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we have to be both sun and lightning

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Serrano is a very interesting read but I don't buy the more far-fetched stuff he states is certain.

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>Exactly, fighting it until your last breath is highly important for personal growth and ascendancy

To me, having kids and raising them right seems like the most important thing you can do right now.

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Do you really think we can save the white race and tradition by breeding without, how do I put this in a non-fedposting manner, "the strategic procurement and distribution of the human reproductive system?"

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looks jewish to me.

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maybe one of the good jews.

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He looks nothing like a jew.

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File: 0ce065d01124913⋯.jpg (57.21 KB,390x528,65:88,Evola.jpg)


He was Italian, and therefore large nosed. You can see his facial structure better in younger photographs. Not semitic-looking at all.

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thanks for this.

I have a hard time with the subtleties of noses.

the non-drawn photo looks a lot nicer too.

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Ur bad at identifying jews

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Is the hawk a kike nose?

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hard 2 breed without one of those

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>thanks for this.

You're welcome fren.


>Is the hawk a kike nose?

It is the stereotypical Jew's nose, but there isn't really a single type. When someone looks Jewish it isn't really a single feature, but a middle-eastern facial structure underlying European features.

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This is pretty well known knowledge, maybe you should give "this board" a little more credit. National Socialism is truth, its the end of the line. If its truth you seek, this IS the board for you, not some place for you to look down your nose at, take what you will and move on.

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gay and pretentious-pilled.

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The Last men are not welcome here.

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File: e451fc7c1a2950f⋯.jpg (12.56 KB,236x307,236:307,43c0e2c33964cbbd6cda0c7c06….jpg)


Upon reading your description of the European jewish (Khazar) phenotype, I realised that they have, albeit softly, a certain soft collapse, or slight degeneration of the face, in subtle contrast with the classic Aryan look.

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File: 446a991a31b4329⋯.jpg (73.56 KB,700x528,175:132,4c39bdae20057e3a05d24c0ba2….jpg)

File: c49920804dae17f⋯.jpg (45.99 KB,460x288,115:72,Futurism-17_1424030c.jpg)

File: e9be742a0b4720f⋯.jpg (88.78 KB,638x479,638:479,futurism-marinetti-2-638.jpg)

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File: 283786e4d6842e5⋯.jpg (893.38 KB,1327x1046,1327:1046,Ugo-Gianattasio-untitled-r….jpg)


>"Don't go to the place οf defense, but to the place οf attack," might be adopted by the group οf differentiated men, late chilldren οf the Tradition, who are ίη question here. That is to say, it might be better to contribute to the fall οf that which is already wavering

Thanks for posting. Futurism makes a huge amount more sense having read that.

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>Shitting all over mathematics and subscribing to stupid shit like flat earth (probably a CIA nigger movement meant

Agree with the gist of your post, but be aware that cosmology (classical vs. Copernican) is a much more complicated topic than you let one. You'd be surprised by the number of physicists and astronomers who are into classical cosmology (vulgo: "flat earth") in private.

t. IT monkey working in a physics department

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File: c8910f4a8d4363c⋯.jpg (79.1 KB,638x479,638:479,e8_3.jpg)


>Flat Earth

>Not hypersphere Earth

>physics department

/myguys/ left your shit-tier department and formed their own facilities so as not to be brainlets sucking off other brainlets. I'm not surprised niggers in a minimally 9+d universe think that a 3d representation could possibly be useful

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Lel. I agree that there are indeed many types of cosmologies, "flat earth" not being the strangest by far, and that many of them can actually be defended by hardcore physical evidence.

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I am a benevolent shill for retards don't mind me

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File: f957365d1544c76⋯.jpg (207.41 KB,1000x665,200:133,DDduSEFUAAApRGx.jpg)


Hahah, trust me I've considered the idea that we're all living in pockmarks in an endless frozen wasteland, and that every pockmark is a world with flat earth physics. If I found out tomorrow that was true, my surprise would be underwhelming. Everything in life is fucking insane from top to bottom

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File: 79a360d0ec3696f⋯.gif (55.13 KB,700x921,700:921,BuddahLein.gif)



pls fren gib more autism about those subject pls ?

i'm not brainlet tier but extremely interested about hardcore physical evidence supporting flat earth and alternate view about the universe, i have my own perception of it but too much "physicist" retarded to even explain how i see it (read autismo mental visual tier apprehension of it)

i'm a lurker most of the time because i know big boy like you that really know their shit will make a better use of the space in thread like those.

i gib nice pics for your time

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nice bot >>>d6aa93

polite sage

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He was an avatar, just not of Vishnu, but his predecessor. The one who sets the events into motion.


That's commendable, but war comes first. Or it should be done simultaneously. Another difficult question. You don't want to feed the scourge with your children, but then again, we need more white children to reclaim the world.


Any model not based on 6D projection (3 real and 3 imaginary dimensions with their center in zero) is misguided at best. Rather than trying to "wrap up" dimensions, you should learn of non-dimensional existence outside of space and time.

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File: 2176394e67b2da9⋯.gif (26.62 KB,896x700,32:25,1381227385_3.gif)

File: bb0f3a1e342c66b⋯.gif (43.62 KB,355x400,71:80,AIRhead.gif)


thanks fren, am i correct to understand that when you say 6D projection, we're talking about x,y,z axis plus past;present,future ie space-time if you take all of those variable at once or am i a brainlet ?

>non-dimensional existence outside of space and time

are you talking about valhol and immaterial space and time ? or still brainlet ?

english is not my native tongue so getting it all isn't easy.

take more lainchan with you for your input.

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Have you got a source to back that up? Because I'm not sure it's true, so far as I know Evola believed in an absolute collapse and an absolute dissolution, through which the seeds of Tradition would only be carried through by men who had kept it alive within themselves and had survived the turmoil by living outside of it.

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Look up Euler's number, sine/cosine waves, imaginary numbers etc. Anti-space, anti-time (time in reverse) etc.

It's x,y,z axis and -x,-y,-z axis which is as real as this one and not just an abstract, mathematical idea. The rotation of the swastika, also a mathematical concept. Also, look up Fourier's transforms. Electric universe is real, but it's not manifesting in a way that it's proponents think it is.

There is no need to make things much more complex than they actually are. Spherical nature is the most natural, most basic (default) expression of mathematics in the physical domain. Of course, it would be possible to create "flat earths" and worlds having different rules of physics if one knew how to counter entropy (otherwise they would collapse into twisted spherical loops and eventually "freeze" like this one).

>are you talking about valhol and immaterial space and time ?

Domain of zero and infinity. It contains space and time as potential but is not defined by them. It is here that the original and indestructible Hyperborea is located, manifesting in the dimensional domain in many forms over countless cycles of history. The unmoved mover. It is from here that it starts decaying/devolving in time (Cycle of Yugas) or being restored in the anti-time (Hitler was a man against time).

White race is superior for both it's external (beauty) and internal (wisdom, understanding, creativity) "formula" or ratio, as not all the numbers (forms) are equal or have equal properties. Mathematics is the greatest proof against equality, at least advanced mathematics. Why do you think that liberal arts students who "hate math" are prone to Jewish brainwashing while students of "hard sciences" tend to become right wingers despite being equally exposed to propaganda? Whites also possesses one unique, albeit dormant in most people "hidden function" which allows them to become "infinite series" connected with the source. The golden cord so to speak. Animal men (except the very few only being that in appearance, which is what Evola wrote about, his concept of "spiritual race") and especially kikes don't have this potential (they are entirely defined by finite numbers and 3 dimensions, being the hyletics that gnostics of old spoke of), and it's what kikes are trying to destroy by diluting the race and corrupting/erasing the Mind (culture, history, arts, sciences), making them too "ugly" in every way, and thus forever imprisoned in the domain of their god so to speak. Whites are also the only race on earth capable of recognizing Platonic Forms.

I know I mixed a lot of different (and very difficult) concepts, but you would need knowledge of each of them in order to truly understand my post.

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>than get up out of my trench to be cut in half by machine-gun fire with 100% certainty

But it isn't 100% certainty and you know that just as well as anyone else. It's just that you are afraid of that outcome.

>The current order is going to die of its own accord

It's not going to die of its own accord. They may face quite a few difficulties and they may change their internal structure but they aren't going to die off. It is wishful thinking to claim that if you close your eyes, that they will eventually go away. Because they are very well aware of what is coming and they are hoping that they are still going to be able to come out on top. Some plunder as much as they can and get ready to burn down the bridge behind them, while others are preparing for direct conflict. In this current moment in time you will not be touched, there is no reason for them to do anything. But unless you shut yourself off entirely, they are aware of your presence. And thus you are gambling in the hopes that they not only leave you alone but that someone else shows up in your lifetime to solve that problem for you so that you can finally leave your stone tower. The most obvious and simple reason for them to come after you would be taxes: they pass a new law requiring you to pay a tax for owning that land, possibly even another law requiring you to have a permit to build that tower of yours, and then they just start looking for you. They already know where it is, there is always a paper trail relating to who owns what and where. They can just let you marinate there before robbing you blind and putting you up on the chopping block.

>Ain't no camps/gulags in Africa. They require too much effort and coordination for the nogs, so it is anarchy with AKs instead

Well then what difference does it make if you are cut down with 100% certainty by a nog or if you are cut down with 100% certainty by anyone else? This seems more like putting things away for later in the hopes that the dishes clean themselves after leaving them to soak long enough for the microbial culture to discover fire. The danger in relation to this sort of anarchy is that you will in many cases not know who and where the enemy is. You can only hope that there are no traitors, turncoats or spies. Which, given the fact that these are commies we are talking about, is guaranteed to be the case.

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So the answer is,

let's all love lain?

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File: 3c2cccc84429479⋯.gif (156.11 KB,500x355,100:71,lain.gif)



Lain was an accelerationist

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God I hate anime faggotry

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very dense. nice

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File: 019d4cf3ae15ae9⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB,640x360,16:9,Assange journalism.mp4)


I wouldn't say it is nice, he is mixing mathematics with vague feelgood ideas. It's nice to get people thinking but if you actually understand the concepts, you can see what type of abortion he just created.

>"becoming" an infinite series is a meaningless phrase, since he seems to be trying to drag a mathematical concept outside of mathematics by trying to say that people are mathematical concepts

>somehow connected with an undescript source referred to as THE source, which is undefined in any interpretation of the use of "source"

>numbers aren't equal or with equal properties because they are defined that way, if all numbers were equal then you could just use a singular number

>this however does not make it a proof against equality due to conflating the term of mathematical equality with socialist equality for the premise and then magically separating them for the conclusion

>they are defined by finite numbers is vague, since anything that isn't infinity is defined as finite numbers (an infinite series is simply the sum of an infinite set of numbers, which may converge towards a finite number or may diverge towards infinity which is not a number) and here as is the issue of using the term "defined by" to mean "characterised by" which is in no way synonymous

>an infinite sum may converge towards a number or diverge, but in either case the sum itself is not a number, since you cannot make any statements towards what something equals to after an infinite number of terms, only the boundary that cannot be crossed regardless of how many numbers you put together (also diverging sums cannot have a limit, you can pretend that it has one and get numbers out but the result is meaningless)

>defined by 3 dimensions is a meaningless expression unless you are referring to another definition, a dimension is simply a variable which when talking about 3D is usually meant to mean three mutually non-parallel directions

And I know it may seem like I am nitpicking but in mathematics the matter of definitions is a very important one. Since you are using definitions in a logically consistent way (meaning the mathematical/philosophical definition of logic, not the common usage of it) in order to find patterns. These patterns are then used to create more definitions and thus find more patterns. But no matter how many patterns you find, the rules you set and the definitions you use are still the basis for these patterns. Using a different definition won't immediately get you a different pattern, it will get you the exact same pattern but at that point you are talking in a completely different language, it is unnecessary confusion just to be able to say the exact same thing. It's like opening a five-thousand page book that is written entirely in Chinese with no understanding in it or anything to help understand it, spending hundreds of hours to try to decypher it only to find out that it is just a Chinese translation of a phonebook that you have at home. And even after finding out that it is actually just a translation of the phonebook, you still can't understand a single fucking thing written in it. And that is why mathematicians in real life are incredibly pedantic to the point where it seems like they are autistic. Because if you refuse to adhere to definitions (or even worse, refuse to adhere to your OWN definitions) then you can just make reality whatever you want it to be, which may be fun to you but is very confusing for anyone else.

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>since anything that isn't infinity is defined as finite numbers

Infinity is a number. Anything that is a finite number is defined as a number and the other way around. Finiteness is one of the criteria that must be met for something to be considered a number.

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>Infinity is a number

Infinity is not a number

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File: 4dea2b8465e817d⋯.png (43.75 KB,500x500,1:1,ba1361df3241acd1ac21b926f1….png)


I am no mathematician. I enjoyed this book.

>refuse to adhere to definitions

what If "Ultimate Reality" (for lack of a better term, due to this very problem) refuses to adhere to definition? What then? Just kicking around in a sandbox. You are trying to square the circle.

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>Finiteness is one of the criteria that must be met for something to be considered a number

nope you are retarted. Zero. the sum of everything and its opposite…

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File: 851c46d500c5d11⋯.jpg (64.3 KB,1024x896,8:7,V2zsr7K.jpg)


This guy is a fucking retarted sophist.

Zero cannot be considered finite it does not have a defined numerial value. sum of both positive infinity and negative infinity but yet it is a number and it does exist. It is both real and imaginary

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File: dda200bf6e9546a⋯.jpg (14.31 KB,196x210,14:15,kali.jpg)

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File: 96a96c44b9ca4c1⋯.jpg (905.28 KB,750x1030,75:103,nuke108.jpg)


take it easy fren, your anger is showing and isn't good for your karma, the thread has slowed down so take your time to warp reality coherentely

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lol karma

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File: 1415c0f52ef17ac⋯.gif (723.37 KB,450x360,5:4,1415c0f52ef17ac71bc526a541….gif)


you're a tranny nigger

say that to my face irl faggot

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lol what a pussy

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File: 76c5eb0c1b01f5d⋯.jpg (49.26 KB,620x672,155:168,76c5eb0c1b01f5d3127589dad2….jpg)


get out of here stalker

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File: 51732174fe85729⋯.jpeg (161.9 KB,697x1063,697:1063,ride the tiger.jpeg)


>Traditionalist spiritualist reactionary

>Now an accelerationist

Just ride the tiger, fuccbois

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Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

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File: bbe33fc19fc71e3⋯.webm (1.5 MB,856x480,107:60,Deaf.webm)


This is not a matter of objective or subjective reality, this is a matter of communication. You can very easily come up with something like the Euler identity in your own mind using your own definitions, but in order to communicate what the things inside your mind even mean you need to have common meanings. In languages you have a much easier time to fill the gaps on your own and thus, if you miss one definition, you can easily compensate for it. In mathematics that is much more difficult because each definition is used to build up every definition that is above it so if you fuck up a definition early on then that problem cascades into whatever abomination you end up creating. For example, all groups have inverse and identity elements as part of the necessary requirements for them to be defined as a group. In multiplication the inverse is simply division (since if you multiply by one number and then divide by it then you have the same number you started with) and the neutral element is simply multiplying with one (since you get the exact same number back), but let's say your definition of multiplication has five different neutral elements (1,2,3,4,5) and the inverse is simply multiplying by seven. Do you think that me using those as definitions would make it easier or harder for us to understand each other? Are we even talking in the same language then?



>nope you are retarted. Zero

You are asserting that zero is uncountable and unmeasurable. And thus if you assert that as the definition of finiteness then you are correct. However, if you consider finiteness to be the reverse of infinity then both zero and the non-real complex plane are counted within it. In this case it is really a topic mathematicians have given up on discussing a long time ago. Zero and infinity in of themselves are simply practical concepts, they do not exist in nature. Zero has no multiplicative inverse and thus any division by zero is undefined, since there is no number you can divide zero with that would equal one.

>sum of both positive infinity and negative infinity but yet it is a number and it does exist

The sum of positive infinity and negative infinity is undefined due to the fact that you can have some infinities larger than other infinities, yet tending to infinity. As a result you can only declare sums to be equal zero if they are identical infinities (which is to be shown in this case). I know calculus may seem difficult but this is a concept you need to wrap your head around. You can think of it as adding two functions that diverge: if they are identical then you can subtract every single term to give zero, but if they are not identical then it will still have a limit at infinity even if you subtract both functions from one another.

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Also I am well aware that saying that you need identical infinities is too restrictive, but for the sake of simplicity I will simply assert identical infinities instead of saying infinities of the same size.

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File: 86f521a0fcf335f⋯.jpg (157.4 KB,750x1000,3:4,unfurfagged fasch daddy.jpg)


Here's a version without that furfag shit, since it's a pretty nice cover.

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This is not my arena so I will leave this alone. But you are trying to square the circle. It cannot be done.

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He also was a cosmopolitan faggot that had never done anything other than write a book.

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He should have been more like you

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Usually people explain themselves when speaking about others in such a fashion

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All you've ever accomplished was to be a low level government contractor who shills with demoralization tactics.

Deep in your heart do you still see that fire or do you just see ash? Do you still have wonder in your mind and the thirst to taste freedom? Or are you thoughtless and can only feel the weight of the manacles bout your wrists remaining you that you sold your life to slavers and thieves?


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I assume you have some major accomplishments.

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I am none of those things.

Thanks for outing yourself as a government stooge.

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Far from it.

But Evolva has accomplished more than you have and that is a fact. Across all the boards of the internet nobody has made one thread about you.

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The past few President s as the well as the next few Presidents and the current all know my name. I managed to get banned from owning a computer. The Democratic party is currently trying rather hard to disarm me, but they will fail, and there isn't a Intel agent in the US or Australia that doesn't have a passing familiarity with my name.

I was able to get the attention of the rest of the Royal families of Europe and the Gracie's of Brazil.

I basically prevented war in Syria singlehandedly

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He wrote a book I prevented a war.

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>by trying to say that people are mathematical concepts

Everything is a mathematical concept, at least things that exist within the medium (shared reality)

>which is undefined in any interpretation of the use of "source"

I believe I gave enough hints by mentioning Platonic Forms and emanations

>due to conflating the term of mathematical equality with socialist equality for the premise and then magically separating them for the conclusion

How so?

>they are defined by finite numbers is vague

Finite, perishable, material universe. Once waveform collapses, it converges towards a defined, dimensional, finite number. Being entirely defined by finite numbers = being perishable. If that's all you are, you are subject to total death and mechanistic eternal return, or in other words, souless prisoner to a single system defined by an external entity (or self-defined). In any case, by a non-you.

>or may diverge towards infinity which is not a number

This allows for an entirely unique pattern/chain of numbers (no two instances can exist within the same system), which I believe is the basis of the soul. And yes, it is a number, just of a different type. Is Pi a number? Numbers and functions which do not diverge towards infinity or have similar properties are being defined by 3 dimensions in the physical domain, because nature follows Occam's razor due to entropic pressure. I have obviously used the term in the context of limited subset rather than totality of possibilities. For example, people make an error of assuming that physical universe has 9 or 10 dimensions solely because it's mathematically possible. It's not necessary.

I know that my explanations might not be perfectly structured and defined (any absolute definition would actually take more processing power to compile than this universe can handle), but they are descriptive enough to "converge to truth" so to speak. With all due respect to people who have a more tedious and precise approach, it should not be dismissed on the purely formal basis. I admit that my knowledge is more intuitive and theoretical than technical, but feel free to ascribe that to my distaste of tedious taks.


That's an excellent series of books, if you can disregard the leftist screeching. They make some key errors and "poison the well' a bit so to speak, but many premises are 100% spot on. The same concepts could be interpreted in different ways without "breaking the equation" so to speak, but they keep pushing theirs onto the reader as the ultimate truth, which is not the case.


Good points, the more complex some concepts become, the harder it becomes to communicate them properly.

>Zero and infinity in of themselves are simply practical concepts, they do not exist in nature.

They do, you just have no means of empirically measuring them and will probably never have since they exceed the system boundaries. Black Hole would be a good assumption. It's a place where laws of physics break down. Same could be said for the quantum domain.

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wtf assgen. you were dead in october of 2016.

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You've done no such thing. Unless you consider the argument you have with yourself every day about the date you finally stop jerking off to nigger trannies a war.

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I only bait to lesbian and Metart.

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You wish

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I have trips of truth.

If you are who you say you are tell us something we don't know. That is honestly the only way you'll receive any sort of credibility. Tell us how you prevented the war, soyim.

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No such thing.

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The hockney books play the serpents role

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>Preventing the Happenings


The sooner this kiked global society dies, the better. This way we only get slow decay that's becoming insufferable while not being any more free. Take the Tracer Tong route. Yes, the (((elites))) would have a head start, but void in power could allow for superior groups with radically different ideas to emerge. As most of their power today is based on preventing it from happen. Not on their own qualities. We need to have the aristocracy replace the anti-aristocracy of today, and for that we need acceleration.

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>"The Democratic party is.."

jew exposed

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Alright so you post and you respond like the OP of the New France thread. You're a dirty kike and I hope someday someone gasses you.

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>mathematics and the rigorous physical sciences are self consistent and consistent with whatever the reality we're embedded in happens to be.

I actually have a mathematics degree, and I can tell you this a lie. It's especially a lie with physics (you should read the book Constructing Quarks by Andrew Pickering, you can find it on the Library Genesis), but it isn't quite as obvious with mathematics until you get far enough into the subject.

Did you know people have submitted computer-generated nonsense papers to academic journals, and they've been accepted? Have you read anything about the development of mathematical symbols. Download Florian Cajori's A History of Mathematical Notations. You do know calculus had to be invented because it was based on illogical concepts like an infinitely small number, right?

Moreover, I can tell you for a fact that many, many mathematical proofs are bullshit. You think Andrew Wiles actually gave a proof for Fermat's Last Theorem? No, it's 200 pages of bullshit, a mountain of crap meant to conceal a few particular hocus-pocus steps from the reader.

If you're interested, I can even link you to some modern academic controversies that are kept under the radar from normies. Mathematics is unlike another other discipline in the sheer level of fear involved when letting normal people know about this stuff.

>Burn the moron "grievance studies" profs at the stake for all I care, but leave the people who are slowly but surely working out the properties of our logical and physical realities alone.

No, the people doing particle physics are al con-artists, milking the public for billions of dollars a year, to do worthless studies that produce nothing of value at all. I'd say at least throw some of that money to mathematicians to keep thinking (and reinventing under different symbolism) new mathematics, but particle physics is a drawn on humanity by leeches.

>tl;dr: just because you can't into math doesn't mean it doesn't real

Mathematics is game played with meaningless marks on paper. That's straight from Hilbert, and he was right. In fact, Ted Kaczynski (also has a PhD in mathematics) was more correct when he said:

Apart from the most elementary mathematics, like arithmetic or high school algebra, the symbols, formulas and words of mathematics have no meaning at all. The entire structure of pure mathematics is a monstrous swindle, simply a game, a prank. You may well ask, "are there no renegades to reveal the truth?" Yes, of course. But the facts are so incredible that no one takes them seriously. So the secret is in no danger.

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>Kyell Gold

From wikipiedia:

>Kyell Gold is chiefly known for writing male homosexual romance literature for the furry fandom.

>In January 2017, Gold was interviewed in Slate regarding [gay furry porn], Islamophobia, Islam[,] and homosexuality.

>he lives with his husband Kit Silver and attends furry conventions around the world

>[He edited a] collection of ten erotic short stories based on the Ten Commandments, written by Gold and other writers.

The Slate interview is titled "How Can Literature Resist Islamophobia? One Writer Answers: Gay Muslim Furry Romance." The book it talks about is about a guy cheating on his wife with a sudanese male muslim immigrant fox.

>I also didn’t understand much about Islam […] He turned first to Wikipedia, then forums and Tumblr pages.

>This was written well before the election and the prospect of the Muslim registry became more concrete

>I learned more about it, I talked to people who practice it, and it reenforced … the idea that Islam is a way for people to understand the world and bond. It’s not a codicil[*] to create terrorists

>Muslims, queers, and furries all share the experience of having been marginalized by the mainstream

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All I am saying is that you are saying things that sound nice and may potentially even be true BUT the words coming out of your mouth are not correct.


>How so?

Mathematical equality simply means "X thing is a different way of writing Y, they are the same thing".

Socialist equality is "X thing is similar to Y, it is ALMOST the same thing". Those are two very different definitions. Mathematics isn't "proof against equality" because if it were proof against (mathematical) equality then it would be self-contradictory. And it can't be proof or disproof of non-mathematical equalities because those exist outside of it. You can pretend that all equalities are mathematical because the universe is defined by mathematics all you want. But that is just you engaging in mental masturbation thinking that you are doing anything but imprisoning yourself in a prison of your own making within your own mind.

>Finite, perishable, material universe. Once waveform collapses, it converges towards a defined, dimensional, finite number. Being entirely defined by finite numbers = being perishable.

You have shown that they are finite, which was not in question in the slightest. You still haven't shown that they are a number. You can represent the number of t-shirts you have in your closet by writing numbers on them but that does not make the t-shirts themselves numbers. And on wave functions: waves aren't numbers, they may have number values attributed to them based on how you measure their activity but they aren't themselves numbers.

>no two instances can exist within the same system

You have not defined what is meant by instances. If you mean no two digits then that is glaringly false. So is no two patterns, since there are plenty of identical patterns. You might even say you have an infinite number of identical patterns.

>Numbers and functions which do not diverge towards infinity or have similar properties are being defined by 3 dimensions in the physical domain, because nature follows Occam's razor due to entropic pressure.

This is just jibberish.

>For example, people make an error of assuming that physical universe has 9 or 10 dimensions solely because it's mathematically possible. It's not necessary.

Those aren't spatial directions, the first three are directions while the rest are variables the same way you can make a vector where one term is for temperature while the other is for humidity. It is simply them throwing degrees of freedom at the problem in the hopes that it magically solves the problem, which works but is just retarded.


>They do

They don't. The very nature of zero is non-existance and the existance of non-existance is just semantic jibberish. Because non-existance has no description or attributes, the best thing people can come up with is "b-but it feels so empty, there must be something there". Even theoretically there is yet to be any case put forward for the existance of zero and infinity beyond just "well my calculations suck ass, therefore it exists".

>It's a place where laws of physics break down. Same could be said for the quantum domain.

Confirmed for knowing jack fucking shit about quantum physics beyond science "educators" like Bill Nye talking about how super weird and quirky it is. Woah! Is the cat alive or dead? Probably a zombie lol

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why do so many of you guys push accelerationism without having any idea what it even is? most of you are attempting to push a form of it that would serve to HELP JEWS HURT US.

if you're not doing something that will directly cause backlash/violence/anger, youre not accelerating. voting people into power that will disarm and dissuade allies is not "accelerating", its shooting yourself in the foot after deciding you want to fight. "lets get this fight kicked off by hitting myself in the face with a chair" instead of throwing it towards an enemy."

accelerationism is more similar to provoking and instigating than it is to what most here describe.

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>The very nature of zero is non-existance


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>voting people into power that will disarm and dissuade allies is not "accelerating"



also left ur spelling too u retarded faggot

>The very nature of zero is non-existance


>and the existance of non-existance is just semantic jibberish.

true. but zero is a real number. it exists. your philosophy is the flaw. Pythagoras pisses on ur kike mom

>Because non-existance has no description or attributes

that is because it doesn't exist… but zero is clearly defined as a real number. it does exist. get what I am saying here? you are a retard materialist pretending to be super intellectual cool guy, so here is a basic description of why you have a special ed brain


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for the lurkers

Mathematically, the nothing and something of zero is united and demonstrated in what is now called the “God Equation”, which you might know as Euler’s Equation:

eiθ = cos(θ) + i*sin(θ)

This equation contains all possible numbers – positive and negative real and positive and negative imaginary numbers, and it shows that they are all balanced around zero because the average of the sin or cosine function over a wave cycle is zero. This equation shows that zero contains everything, because “everything” balances out to zero. And indeed we should expect this, because logically we already know that zero should contains its opposite, infinity, because zero is the infinitely small, and because dialectically, everything contains its opposite. Zero already contains the quality of infinity because it is implicitly the infinitely small. Zero is the perfect basis for existence because by pure logic, it contains its opposite of infinity, and there is nothing beyond infinity, and within infinity, anything can be created, as long as it all balances out to zero. However, whatever is created has to obey Euler’s Equation because that is the only ontological equation which governs how all numbers must relate to one another.

What is the difference between the abstract concept of nothing versus the nothing of the mathematical ontological zero that represents the basis of reality?

This is one of the most important things, probably the most important thing of all if you want to understand what we’re trying to say and to understand reality, is the difference between abstract mathematics versus what is called ontological mathematics. Ontological means “referring to existence and the nature of being”, and so we use that term for philosophical precision, and to distinguish from ideas and mathematics which are truly “abstract”, meaning just imagined or arbitrary. This is an important concept to wrap your head around: what is real or ontological math, and what is arbitrary or imaginary math?

Do you remember the Pythagorean Equation? That equation was for calculating the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle. If you know the length of the sides of the triangle, then you can calculate the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. This is an ontological equation. It works all the time, everywhere, and construction companies use it every day for real-world buildings and they never have to wonder if it will work correctly or not. Say someone is building a wall, but the wall needs a diagonal brace to help keep it strong. If you’re looking at the wall, the brace might go from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. That’s a diagonal, a hypotenuse, and the floor and right hand side of the wall make up the sides of the triangle. Well if you want to use a single length of lumber or steel for that diagonal, you have to know how long it is, and so you can just use the Pythagorean Equation to calculate it since you’ll already know the length and height of the wall. If some construction engineer is drawing up the plans for this wall, the worker can’t just go measure the length of the hypotenuse because the floor and sides of the wall don’t exist yet. So you calculate it ahead of time with the Pythagorean Equation, and this ontological equation will always work, because it really describes how reality works at a basic unavoidable level. The math of the Pythagorean Equation really exists, it is truly ontologically at the basis of triangular relationships in everything in nature.

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>listing possible paths

The title was intentionally sensationalist. Sounds to me like he at least gave it a good thought.

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In other words, you’re going to sit poolside for the decline and hope they come for you last.

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yea but hes dead now so you see how well it truned out for him

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insert spiderman meme

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You have a bizarre conception of mathematics. If I need to build something involving the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle, I can't go to carpenter and ask him to cut me a length of wood that is √2 meters in length. Sure, he can make me something close enough to work just fine, but it won't be exactly √2 meters longs. It will always be some close approximation of it.

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Eventually they get tired of slaughtering, they always do.

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One of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Funny you mention wood because you are a Hylic. Your carpenters insufficiency has nothing to do with eternal mathematical principles. A perfect right triangle will always have the proportions in the formula u learned in middle school. Just because "he can't cut it" does mean not a fact of nature is not a fact of nature

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>Eventually they get tired of slaughtering, they always do.

Yeah, they get tired from two things: they have run out of energy and need a bit of time to recover or they start running out of things to slaughter. Waiting until they magically vanish will instead result in you being the one disappearing. Whether that is by you being forced into hiding in constant fear of their wrath (which you justify to yourself by proclaiming that a future version of you will all of a sudden will gather the courage to act) or you being terminated, doesn't matter. Any of those two results is desirable, in both scenarios you are no longer a threat.

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So the only "errors" that you find is that you reject the ontological reality of numbers and see them as purely mental constructions, as well as rejection of zero, infinity etc. being the numbers?

>Socialist equality is "X thing is similar to Y, it is ALMOST the same thing"

Egalitarian notions that we all stem from one and are thus equal on the most fundamental level, everything else being a variation of the same, everything being connected at the root level etc. Be it universalist religions where everything is same in god, those seeking "oneness" with everything or naturalist "philosophy" where we are all life or nature expressing itself (from which "respect" for all life is derived, no matter how disgusting and irrational it is). This too, is a mathematical concept.

Thesis: Things are unequal as observed / unobserved is not real (Empiric particularism)

Anti-thesis: Things are equal when not observed / only unobserved is real (Rationalist egalitarianism)

Synthesis: Things are fundamentally unequal (observed or not) / both observed and unobserved are real, unobserved being a higher category (Rationalist particularism, idealism)

I'd need a lot of time to wrap this up tautologically so don't sperg out on me, it's enough to get the point across

TL;DR - Egalitarianism is false in rationalism as well.

>thinking that you are doing anything but imprisoning yourself in a prison of your own making within your own mind.

Good luck ever experiencing anything outside of your own mind. Do you seriously think that you can "escape" the only thing which you can actually confirm to be real?

>but that does not make the t-shirts themselves numbers

T-shirts are made of wool strings, those strings are made of chemical compounds, those compounds of atoms etc. Then we come to the question of atomic """numbers""" , spin and other properties that are entirely mathematical, as well as all of the relations between them. The further you go, the more you go into the realm of pure mathematics. Everything that you see is just an extremely complex equation. So are you.

>waves aren't numbers

They are functions. Which result in numbers (defined or not, complex, infinite etc.)

>So is no two patterns, since there are plenty of identical patterns

No two unique patterns diverging to infinity. What makes them unique is the limitation of the system, but also the nature of infinity. Where would you draw a line and say "this is the final number" and then, "this one is equal to another"?

>It is simply them throwing degrees of freedom at the problem in the hopes that it magically solves the problem

It would be far simpler to admit the reality of some numbers and get the complete picture

>The very nature of zero is non-existence

False, non-existence cannot exist by definition. Zero is what connects systems so to speak.

>Confirmed for knowing jack fucking shit about quantum physics beyond science "educators" like Bill Nye

Educate us then

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/pol/ needs to take the Illuminati pill. Just make sure to clear it of any leftist screeching, globohomo and (((agenda)))

If they were honest to their own ideas, they would become Nat-Socs and support Hitler. Which is what they hint at at times. NS Germany was the highest state of dialectics and highest form of humanity seen for centuries, nothing after them came even close, all were failed experiments.


I wonder what he would think if he lived in current times. I'm certain his ideas would have been much more radical.

Bump for one of few good threads on /pol/

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Bump for serious discussions

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File: d57e4cec6d45f95⋯.jpeg (32.49 KB,226x203,226:203,5C9AE205-DA10-4BD8-BCB3-C….jpeg)


How was the Third Reich not a failure?

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How tf are you conflating “pure mathematics” with all non basic math??

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Read Armageddon Conspiracy

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File: 111bac71d0322cf⋯.jpg (55.96 KB,384x522,64:87,a6b0fb23a3e6888b1e64d7c844….jpg)


It took the world to stop one nation.

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Dwapara comes after Kali, not Treta. Dwapara begins in 2025

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>/pol/ needs to take the Illuminati pill. Just make sure to clear it of any leftist screeching, globohomo and (((agenda)))

Read "The Toronto Protocols

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>One of the stupidest things I have ever heard.

You're a retard that thinks math proves all the stupid shit you happen to believe.

>Funny you mention wood because you are a Hylic.

You're a religious nutjob that sucks Kike cock.

>Your carpenters insufficiency has nothing to do with eternal mathematical principles.

You're the retard that thinks something you call "ontological math" has some sort of meaning to the real world, when there is no real world example of √2. There is no √2 in the real world. It only exists as a figment of the human imagination, because we noticed patterns like "Two times two equals four, and four times four equals sixteen, what number times itself is two?" Since no such natural exists, people decided to invent a symbol to represent such an irrational number. This thing doesn't exist, any more than any other numbers do. There is no platonic aether with numbers floating in it.

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Ask Kaczynski, as he is the one who said it. "Pure mathematics" is generally just a euphemism, meaning something closer to "useless stuff that only mathematicians take any interest in."

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You can run from the society all you want but you will never run away from yourself.

You'll still be the same piece of shit you are today anon, don't forget that!

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>This thing doesn't exist, any more than any other numbers do

how exactly do you draw the line between what exists and what doesn't? and before you start talking about muh matter, do you understand the problem of existence when dealing with a world of ever unfolding and moving elements as the so called "real" world, the purpoted "only" world?

the average man is about ~70% composed of water, water which is exchanged with the environment constantly and is replaced entirely let's say once a month, thus once a month 70% of "you", whatever that is supposed to be, is not "there" anymore, in terms of matter, water in this case

if you add other elements, every ~10 years or so you have basically being completely replaced by other material elements, so what exactly is "you"? can you show me a "you" really existing that is technically not an idealization of my imagination just as much as √2?

the same argument can be analogically applied to more or less every noun for which the predicate "exists" is commonly used, then what exactly does really "exist"? is "existence" an approximation with no real fundamental meaning behind it? even if it is, how then do we communicate and understand each other, including the notion of "existence" itself, given that each of us is composed of ever changing fluxes of different matter which by no mechanical means ought to bring an analogical understanding of anything in two different brains?

are you really more "real" to me than the supposed imaginary notion of "oneness" or "length of the diagonal of a right triangle with sides 1"?

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he preached cultivating an inner life not going out and actively participating in the shit show, you cant do evola without doing the occult hermetic alchemical side

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thanks man

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>and before you start talking about muh matter

You're a religious retard that thinks math somehow validates all the stupid shit you believe. The mathematics community is filled with idiotic people like yourself, looking for a mathematical proof that their faggot buddy Jesus is real, so they can suck his Kike cock.

>"you", whatever that is supposed to be, is not "there" anymore, in terms of matter, water in this case

Hume did this argument better centuries ago, and your version of it is even less convincing.

>can you show me a "you" really existing that is technically not an idealization of my imagination just as much as √2?

The √2 isn't going to take gun and blow your brains out when the White Nation Liberation War comes, Bishop Berkley.

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Oh boy, it's the atheist East ZOG boi in China.

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>cold war wuznt real Hezbollah is a figment of hollywood imagination

Tell us about those Kike alleles, ZOG-faggot.

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I hate jewsus too, but nobody like you, commie dick suckers.

It's real funny papa Stalin brought back Jewsus so you commie fucks can go worship KGB priests.

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look at IDs before replying, drooling ape, not the same poster, I just replied to your, let's call it "anti-platonism"

I'm not religious, nor do I think mathematics can "prove" "God", since any sensible metaphysical definition of "God" puts him beyond the domain of quantity, which is what mathematics pertains to

mathematics can at best provide an often useful symbolism if standard language isn't enough as it is most of the times

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And yes, I'm gonna tell you all about the kike DNA:

> For example, Ashkenazi Jews share more common paternal lineages with other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than with non-Jewish populations in areas where Jews lived in Eastern Europe, Germany and the French Rhine Valley. This is consistent with Jewish traditions in placing most Jewish paternal origins in the region of the Middle East.[14][3]


inb4 but muh zionist fantasy

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>kike pseudoscience trying to validate their bible-identity

Anyone interested in this shit should read the work of Dr. Eran Elhaik, which has thoroughly debunked all this Kike-DNA stuff for years now.


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Khazar shit is literally invented by a kike in order to shift the blame the turk, you idiot memester.

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Its a cause, not a movement.Hes also mostly appreciated by nazbols apparently but that doesnt mean he didnt say a lot of great stuff, like that pic related you posted. Ironically, nazbols are materialists. Bolshevists really, theres nothing "Nazi" about it.

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>Zionist blathering

Christfags and Kikes absolutely hate the Khazar-thesis, and constantly fight it everywhere they can online. It's one of the ideological wedge issues to spot the fakers.

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Aksually, the kike invents the Khazar-thesis.

They are now literally trying to say jews don't actually exist.

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>Aksually, the kike invents the Khazar-thesis.

In fact, the earliest public proponent of the idea was the Frenchman Ernest Renan. Most of the earlier people who say something similar never actually said that Eastern European Jewery is Khazarian in origin, only having speculated something similar (that Eastern European Kikes spoke Russian before Yiddish).

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>In fact, the earliest public proponent of the idea was the Frenchman Ernest Renan.

Who is a linguist and "Bible scholar", not a genetist, archeogolist or even a goddamn historian.

>Most of the earlier people who say something similar never actually said that Eastern European Jewery is Khazarian in origin, only having speculated something similar (that Eastern European Kikes spoke Russian before Yiddish).

Which matter jackshit.

A jap who speaks brazillian is still a jap.

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>Koestler was Jewish by birth, but he did not practise the religion. In an interview published in the (London) Jewish Chronicle in 1950 he argued that Jews should either emigrate to Israel or assimilate completely into the majority cultures they lived in.[86][87][88]

>In The Thirteenth Tribe (1976) Koestler advanced a theory that Ashkenazi Jews are descended, not from the Israelites of antiquity, but from the Khazars, a Turkic people in the Caucasus that converted to Judaism in the 8th century and was later forced westwards. Koestler argued that a proof that Ashkenazi Jews have no biological connection to biblical Jews would remove the racial basis of European anti-Semitism.

>Koestler coined the phrase, "one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third."[89]


This is precisely the line that the JewSSR touts.

Remove the jewish "identity" and you remove jews, jews don't actually exist.

Of course, jews are behind it.

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>Who is

He's been dead for a very, very long time, you retard. And Dr. Eran Elhaik is a geneticist, and has been refuting the Kike-DNA lies for years now.

>Which matter jackshit.

What actually doesn't matter jackshit is your claim it was invented by a Kike. Not only is it false, it isn't relevant. It's just your ZOG-faggot ass saying anything you can think of on the spur of the moment.

>A jap who speaks brazillian is still a jap.

You believe in Nigger-Kikes, Arab-Kikes, Mongoloid-Kikes, Euro-Kikes, etc, and think they're all the same race. This means you don't even believe in race, and no doubt think Moses looked like Charlton Heston.

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>Managed to name the ancient enemy, temporarily defeat it and it's centuries old power structures while rebuilding the country from the ashes, forcing it to activate all of it's golems in the world (including most major powers) in order to be stopped.

>Total failure

They have pretty much immortalized their victory, it will echo forever through the cycles.


I read most of their books, top notch sources and information, but tainted by ideas which were actually contradictory to what they are teaching. Probably personal stances of author(s) or introduced on purpose because of optics/Overton window. If you take their ideas to their logical conclusion, you come to realize that Hitler was right about pretty much everything (including things which they disclaim).


That's just kikes appropriating the ideas of their enemies and turning them upside-down. They have been doing it for millenia, modern age is no different.


>There is no platonic aether with numbers floa-



Read that one as well. A bit tainted with vegan screeching, but amazing book and author.

>Shills and bots invade the thread with (((Khazar))) derailment

Looks like we are onto something here.

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>He's been dead for a very, very long time, you retard.

Doesn't change the fact, yid.

>And Dr. Eran Elhaik is a geneticist, and has been refuting the Kike-DNA lies for years now.

No, he doesn't, and he can't.

>What actually doesn't matter jackshit is your claim it was invented by a Kike.

Yes it was, yes it was. That khazar theory is invented by kike and maintained by kike.

>You believe in Nigger-Kikes, Arab-Kikes, Mongoloid-Kikes, Euro-Kikes, etc, and think they're all the same race.

Yes they are, and the genetic studies prove exactly that. You are trying to deny actual fact.

>This means you don't even believe in race, and no doubt think Moses looked like Charlton Heston.

Once again, a strawman, Moses most likely look like a dirty sandnigger that is today.

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>This is precisely the line that the JewSSR touts.

In fact, the Soviets never said anything about Khazars, and Koestler himself was an anti-communist.

>Remove the jewish "identity" and you remove jews

That's right. Deny the Kike an identity, and you no longer have a Kike. Take a Ashkenazi Kike away from his parents, don't circumcise him, and never tell him he is a Kike, and he will grow up to identify with the people around him.

>jews don't actually exist.

Jew identified people do exist. They're Europeans (Ivanka Trump), niggers, spicks, Arabs, Mongoloids, etc. Religious retards love LARPing as Kikes.

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>Some sources attribute to the Ukrainian Rabbi Isaac Baer Levinsohn (1788–1860) the first reference to a connection between the Ashkenazi Jews and the Khazars.[11] Levinsohn also recorded that the tradition of their forefathers was that Ashkenazi Jews had earlier spoken Russian before acquiring Yiddish.[12][13]

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This has nothing to do with anything.

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>In fact, the Soviets never said anything about Khazars, and Koestler himself was an anti-communist.

Koesler was anti-Stalinism, not communism. The USSR meanwhile maintains this line.

>Take a Ashkenazi Kike away from his parents, don't circumcise him, and never tell him he is a Kike, and he will grow up to identify with the people around him.

Again, wrong, a jew has his own physical characteristics and cannot fit in any population.

>Jew identified people do exist.

They are religious jews, and they will end up race mixing with jews all other ways.

>Religious retards love LARPing as Kikes.

You have atheist jews you fucking retard.

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Hitler knew he wasn't "The One". He saw himself as a kind of John the Baptist figure, doing his best to make preparations for when "The One" would finally arrive.

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>Apart from the most elementary mathematics, like arithmetic or high school algebra, the symbols, formulas and words of mathematics have no meaning at all. The entire structure of pure mathematics is a monstrous swindle, simply a game, a prank. You may well ask, "are there no renegades to reveal the truth?" Yes, of course. But the facts are so incredible that no one takes them seriously. So the secret is in no danger.




We accept no excuses and welcome any monstrosity, any madness! The die is cast! Show us your hand, toggaf!

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Are we sure this "i ain't Neo" quote is legit? What's the true source of this again?

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File: b4558f1797a9c04⋯.gif (1.98 MB,324x238,162:119,6bdac8fe5e5b25ab90a60b7b9e….gif)


>Are we sure this "i ain't Neo" quote is legit? What's the true source of this again?

Kampf. Fucking b00n.

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Come join in lads.

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>Koesler was anti-Stalinism, not communism.

So he was a Kike that hated the USSR as much as ZOG-faggots like yourself.

>The USSR meanwhile maintains this line.

The USSR is gone, retard, and nor did they ever say anything about Khazars and Kikes.

>Again, wrong, a jew has his own physical characteristics

If a gorilla put on a yarmulke, you'd say he has Kike DNA.

>You have atheist jews you fucking retard.

They still have a Kike identity, and still see the Kikes as their people.

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>So he was a Kike that hated the USSR as much as ZOG-faggots like yourself.

No, dumbass, he is what you say as a kike who doesn't identify with his tribe. The USSR is cancer on Earth and everyone hate it.

>The USSR is gone, retard, and nor did they ever say anything about Khazars and Kikes.

The USSR wants to deny jew their identify and thus pretending they didn't exist. Surprise, it didn't work.

>If a gorilla put on a yarmulke, you'd say he has Kike DNA.

DNA test is a thing, put it on a test.

>They still have a Kike identity, and still see the Kikes as their people.

Yes, and that's where the kike DNA comes in, it's not a merely religious comes in.

Your baste Maduro is a kike as well.

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File: 6ffefbc6cc01ed3⋯.pdf (15.75 MB,(Contemporary Mathematics ….pdf)


>We accept no excuses and welcome any monstrosity, any madness!

You might like this paper titled "Schizophrenia in Contemporary Mathematics" by the mathematician Errett Bishop. It was an attack on the Kike mathematician Abraham Robinson for his work on non-standard analysis.

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>he is what you say as a kike who doesn't identify with his tribe

That also hated the USSR as much as this ZOG-does does, as the overwhelming majority of Kikes always have.

>The USSR wants

This ZOG-faggot must be a boomer, as he seems to be incapable of using the past-tense when talking about the USSR. It still exists for him, the ZOG having inscribed such an important role for it during this ZOG-faggot's identity development.

>DNA test is a thing

That's right, it is a "thing." A "thing" meant to confuse gullible people who are stupid. Why don't you try searching for the company "LivingDNA" and see the kind of scandals they're involved with, telling niggers and shit they're Welshmen.

>Yes, and that's where the kike DNA comes in, it's not a merely religious comes in.

There is no Kike DNA. What there is, is a narrative about ethnicity. It's kinda like how ZOG-faggots like anon believe they are "Americans," when "America" is nothing but an interracial homosexual pornographic film, created by a Kike. Black Hebrew Israelites also think they're God's Chosen People, because they've adopted an identity that includes a pseudo-historical account of their 'people'.

>Your baste Maduro is a kike as well.

Maduro is a Mestizo nationalist that tells the spicks the truth: the line separating Venezuela and "Colombia" is an imaginary line, separating a single Spanish-speaking Nation, just like the line separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation, something else this ZOG-faggot doesn't believe in.

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>That also hated the USSR as much as this ZOG-does does, as the overwhelming majority of Kikes always have.

No, they don't, the USSR is east ZOG, the Cold War is fake and half of Israel jews come from Russia.

>It still exists for him, the ZOG having inscribed such an important role for it during this ZOG-faggot's identity development.

Don't care, it might as well still exist since the commies are still alive in Russia and Russia still celebrates (((Victory day))).

>That's right, it is a "thing." A "thing" meant to confuse gullible people who are stupid.

So again, denial. The fact that bad DNA tests exist do not mean DNA tests aren't a thing, you aren't a nationalist if you are not a genetic scientist.

>There is no Kike DNA.

Yes, there is, there absolute is kike DNA and which is why the kikes look like each other.

>Maduro is a Mestizo nationalist that tells the spicks the truth:

Maduro is a commie spic who rules Venezuela while letting his niggers infesting all of South America.

>the line separating Venezuela and "Colombia" is an imaginary line, separating a single Spanish-speaking Nation

So how about when colombians going to his country and depose Maduro the kike for saying that?

>just like the line separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation, something else this ZOG-faggot doesn't believe in.

Again, neither canadians and americans wish to belong to the same country, they don't feel the need to.

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>Despite their close ties with Europe, no more than half of their DNA comes from ancient Europeans, the researchers found. Only 46% to 50% of the DNA in the 128 samples originated with the group of people who were also the ancestors of the Flemish people in the study. Those ancient people split off from the ancestors of today's Middle Easterners more than 20,000 years ago, with a founding group of about 3,500 to 3,900 people, according to the study.

>The rest of the Ashkenazi genome comes from the Middle East, the researchers reported. This founding group “fused” with the European founding group to create a population of 250 to 420 individuals. These people lived 25 to 32 generations ago, and their descendants grew at a rate of 16% to 53% per generation, the researchers calculated.

inb4 more denial

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>No, they don't

In fact, this ZOG-faggot has admittedly exactly the opposite in another thread, when discussing the Yinon Plan. He doesn't even keep track of the shit he spews; one day he says one thing, the next he says something different. It's almost like some sort of bot.

>Cold War is fake

I wonder if this is the same ZOG-faggot going around pushing the conspiracy nuclear weapons aren't real, lmao. Would fit right into his "Hezbollah is Hollywood" line.

>Don't care

This is the type of ZOG-boomer who goes to Democrat rallies holding up pictures of hammers and sickles and Donald Trump. It's like they haven't realized the masses of the White Nation only went along with the anti-communism shit because they were told it meant forced integration with niggers, and since it happened anyway, no one who isn't over 50 cares anymore.

>absolute is kike DNA

Anyone interested in this should start searching around, you'll see the Kikes have the same line. The Khazar-thesis is called "anti-semitic" by them.

>kikes look like each other.

This ZOG-faggot is actually virtue signaling here, saying he doesn't believe in race. He does this by making the absurd claim he can look at nigger-Kikes (Beta Israelis), Euro-Kikes (Ashkenazim), Arab Kikes (Mizrahi), and Mongoloid Kikes and notice immediately they belong to the same imaginary people from a book of fairy tales.

>Maduro is a commie spic

The PSUV is actually a National Socialist party. That's why the ZOG hates it so much. Bolivarianism is telling the Spanish-speaking spicks they all belong to a single Nation. It's the same reason the ZOG hates the Baathists so much, because they have the same line with the Arabs.

>So how about when colombians going to his country and depose Maduro the kike for saying that?

Just look at this ZOG-faggot! He thinks those lines on a map mean something.

>Again, neither canadians and americans wish to belong to the same country, they don't feel the need to.

This is the admission this person is a ZOG-faggot that doesn't even believe in the existence of Nations. He's already done it once, but this one is being screenshotted.

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>immortalized through out the cycles

Thats pretty badass.

The more I think about it the more realize how powerful hitler, its symbolism and the third reich truly are.

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>In fact, this ZOG-faggot has admittedly exactly the opposite in another thread, when discussing the Yinon Plan.

How? The Yinon plan is about hating the arab states, not the USSR.

>I wonder if this is the same ZOG-faggot going around pushing the conspiracy nuclear weapons aren't real, lmao. Would fit right into his "Hezbollah is Hollywood" line.

Remember me when USA nukes the USSR? Nope, they didn't.

>It's like they haven't realized the masses of the White Nation only went along with the anti-communism shit because they were told it meant forced integration with niggers, and since it happened anyway, no one who isn't over 50 cares anymore.

Again, with the forced integration of niggers. Surprise, the USSR has that too:


>After the revolution several black African families came to the Soviet Union under the auspices of the Comintern. They were chiefly specialists in the spheres of industrial production and agriculture. The technical equipment, modest means, and professional experience brought by them were an appreciable contribution to economic development of a new state. Among them were Oliver John Golden and his wife Bertha Bialek (he brought with him a group of 16 Afro-American experts in the cultivation of cotton), well-known African-American poet Langston Hughes with a group of 22 filmmakers, Paul Robeson with his family and many others. Some of them stayed in Russia and their descendants still live there.


>Anyone interested in this should start searching around, you'll see the Kikes have the same line. The Khazar-thesis is called "anti-semitic" by them.

Please search around, the Khazar-thesis is invented by jews, maintained by jews in order to obfuscate themselves, if a jew doesn't call it a jew, it's not a jew.

>He does this by making the absurd claim he can look at nigger-Kikes (Beta Israelis), Euro-Kikes (Ashkenazim), Arab Kikes (Mizrahi), and Mongoloid Kikes and notice immediately they belong to the same imaginary people from a book of fairy tales.

Again, explain why Maduro, a spic jew, looks like Bibi, a "polish" jew? You can't. Apparently, if you believe in race, you don't actually believe in it.

>The PSUV is actually a National Socialist party.

It's a social democratic party that even hardcore stalinists hate because Maduro is a kike sellout. Only baste stalinists like you like it for some reasons.

>It's the same reason the ZOG hates the Baathists so much, because they have the same line with the Arabs.

So why didn't Assad invade Iraq and tell them that they are the same country?

>Just look at this ZOG-faggot! He thinks those lines on a map mean something.

Again, denial of border, a commie faggot.

>This is the admission this person is a ZOG-faggot that doesn't even believe in the existence of Nations. He's already done it once, but this one is being screenshotted.

How do I do not believe in nation?

Your logic is getting more and more fucked up, seems like I break you.

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File: 840e8eea0ec4fa6⋯.png (378.76 KB,1115x504,1115:504,Bibi Maduro the same race.png)


Evidence of such.

The exact same pronounced ears, same nose, same black soulless eyes.

They are practically brothers.

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File: 64370246b7abf12⋯.jpg (41.89 KB,948x632,3:2,beta israeli.jpg)

File: 8bf388005fd738f⋯.jpg (263.19 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,beta israeli 2.jpg)

File: 89a135127a96d58⋯.jpg (174.39 KB,1500x1000,3:2,israeli.jpg)


And it's funny he said that the nigger jews/beta israeli don't look like jews.

Well, in fact they do.

Same goddamn huge ass noses.

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>The Yinon plan is about hating the arab states, not the USSR.

This ZOG-faggot is pretending not to know. The exact portion of the Yinon Plan, where it states the USSR and Marxism-Leninism are the greatest threat to the existence of Israel, was directly quoted to him, and he pretends not to understand.

Again, this person doesn't actually care. They're not interested in opposing Kikes, nor are they even interested in keeping track of the bullshit they spew. This is because they have a completely different ideology, one they do not openly discuss. Inconsistency in the pretended ideology is irrelevant to them, and when it is espoused, they do not care. What they are actually doing is trying to get people to accept things they do care about, like the idea Kikes are a real people. This is because this person is a Christfag, most likely.

This is why debating people (this thing might even be a bot) is near worthless. They can not be reasoned with, they can only be used as an example to the audience of how absolutely deceitful ZOG-shills are. There may also be some use in illuminating the underlying nature of ideological warfare, because that is ultimately what this is a about. That's why wedge issues are so important, because until the ZOG-shills totally abandon the ideological battlefield in favor of infiltration, they will never stop pushing certain things. Kike-DNA is one of them, amongst many others.

>Remember me when USA nukes the USSR? Nope, they didn't.

I can only assume this is an admission this person actually is the same anon pushing the nuclear weapons hoax conspiracy, which should be very telling.

>USSR has that too

Notice how easily this ZOG-faggot conflates the forced integration with millions and millions of niggers on the White Nation, with a mere handful of niggers in Russia (the numbers quoted in the Wikipedia article are just an exaggeration by a minority group, and even then, are absolutely tiny).

>Khazar-thesis is invented by jews

Not only is this a lie, it's already been shown as such, but that won't stop this ZOG-faggot from saying it. They simply don't care about lying, and will never stop lying to serve their Kike masters. But again, do look around the web, see what the Kike-lovers have to say about the Khazar-thesis. You will see, every single one of them hates the Khazar-thesis.

>Maduro, a spic jew, looks like Bibi, a "polish" jew

This is the ZOG-faggot virtue signaling that he doesn't even believe in race. He's so "race-blind," he can't tell the difference between a mestizo and a Pollock.

>It's a social democratic party that even hardcore stalinists

This is actually the ZOG-faggot trying to communicate with /leftypol/.

>So why didn't Assad invade Iraq and tell them that they are the same country?

Now the ZOG-faggot has degenerated into anti-Assad polemics too!

In fact, it is openly the line of the Baathists that Arabic-speaking people belong to a single Nation. This is Syria and Egypt used to be a single country, for a brief period of time. It's hilarious this ZOG-faggot doesn't even seem aware of any of this.

>Again, denial of border, a commie faggot.

For those of you who don't know, this ZOG-faggot actually attacked Nazi Germany for invading Austria to reunite the single German Nation. No doubt if pressed on it further, this ZOG-faggot would also condemn the reunification of the German Nation in Danzig as well.

The reality is, they don't care about this stuff at all. They're just hoping the readers don't realize that the border between "Colombia" and Venezuela is just as imaginary as the border between that thing called "Austria" and Germany, something National Socialist German Workers Party also preached.

>How do I do not believe in nation?

This ZOG-faggot thinks "Austria" is a Nation as well!

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>look, they have two eyes, one nose, both have hair and ten fingers! can't u see they belong to the same race!

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>This ZOG-faggot is pretending not to know. The exact portion of the Yinon Plan, where it states the USSR and Marxism-Leninism are the greatest threat to the existence of Israel, was directly quoted to him, and he pretends not to understand.

Again, the Yinon's biggest beef against the USSR is that they fund the arab states against Israel, which is a geopolitical concern. Ideologically-wise, it has nothing against Israel, being practically communism all the same.

>I can only assume this is an admission this person actually is the same anon pushing the nuclear weapons hoax conspiracy, which should be very telling.

I don't, I'm just saying the Cold War is fake and it's just a huge misdirection to demoralize white people.

>Notice how easily this ZOG-faggot conflates the forced integration with millions and millions of niggers on the White Nation, with a mere handful of niggers in Russia

Both are the same shit, when the brits brought in niggers to America, they were about that amount, and as slaves. Meanwhile, the USSR FORCED white men to live with niggers, as well as housing them and educating them.


>Not only is this a lie, it's already been shown as such, but that won't stop this ZOG-faggot from saying it.

Again, it is the truth.

>Some sources attribute to the Ukrainian Rabbi Isaac Baer Levinsohn (1788–1860) the first reference to a connection between the Ashkenazi Jews and the Khazars.[11] Levinsohn also recorded that the tradition of their forefathers was that Ashkenazi Jews had earlier spoken Russian before acquiring Yiddish.[12][13]


>This is the ZOG-faggot virtue signaling that he doesn't even believe in race. He's so "race-blind," he can't tell the difference between a mestizo and a Pollock.

Again, explain why they look like each together then? And no, Bibi doesn't look like a "Pollock".

>In fact, it is openly the line of the Baathists that Arabic-speaking people belong to a single Nation.

So explain to me why hasn't Assad invaded Iraq and tell them they are the same country then? Do it.

>For those of you who don't know, this ZOG-faggot actually attacked Nazi Germany for invading Austria to reunite the single German Nation.

Actually, there was a referendum. Hitler wouldn't dare to annex Austria if the people don't like him.

>The reality is, they don't care about this stuff at all.

How, proof?

>This ZOG-faggot thinks "Austria" is a Nation as well!

Hitler certainly believes in it.

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Explain why they have the same ears, the same soulless eyes, the same noses then?

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>Again, the Yinon's biggest beef against the USSR is that they fund the arab states against Israel

"Again, I'm going to admit you're completely correct, but type stupid nonsense as if I had a point to make that is being overlooked."

Notice how the ZOG-faggot can say this, while simultaneously saying the Cold War is fake. He admits that the Israelis saw the USSR as their biggest existential threat (and read the Yinon plan for yourself, they directly attribute this to the ideology of Marxism-Leninism), but will say in the very next line that the Cold War was fake. Did someone forget to tell the Israeli government that the USSR was also a ZOG?

It isn't that this person is just a schizophrenic retard Boomer. It's that they're a liar that will say anything to benefit Kikes, even if they know it is internally inconsistent. It doesn't matter to them if it is nonsense, that's just the dupe's problem.

>Both are the same shit, when the brits brought in niggers to America, they were about that amount

This ZOG-faggot thinks the here and now doesn't matter, because they walk through life pretending they are a Roman, just like the ZOG-schools indoctrinate the youth of the White Nation to believe. This is why it would even occur to them to say something so stupid.


Even the portion of this article the ZOG-faggot is quoting refutes him. Notice what is actually written, "Ashkenazi Jews had earlier spoken Russian before acquiring Yiddish." This is the belief attributed to a Ukrainian Rabbi no one ever heard of, especially not Ernest Renan, the real father of the idea. In fact, none of the other sources before Renan are arguing about the entirety of the origin of Eastern European Jewery at all. This should be obvious from even a cursory reading of the article, but then again, we're dealing with someone who doesn't care about anything other than deceit.

>Again, explain why they look like each together then?

You can tell even this ZOG-faggot thinks it is a joke, when he said "they are practically brothers." That was his admission it's just a game to him. No doubt he also thinks all those Beta Israeli niggers are practically brothers of Ivanka Trump as well.

>Actually, there was a referendum.

The ZOG-faggot understands enough to know he is purposefully concealing the fact Germany overthrow the government on March 12th, and the referendum didn't happen until April 10th. What is actually saying, and has already said in other thread, is that this was in fact, illegitimate. This ZOG-faggot is saying the reunification of a Nation is illegitimate unless some referendum validates it, which is his ideological kowtowing to liberal dumbocracy. So if you want to turn your back on your real Nation and pretend you're a completely different people (like "America" and "Canada"), that's fine, as long as some bourgeois democratic nonsense takes place first!

>Hitler certainly believes in it.

This is the ZOG-faggot literally saying that Hitler believed Austria was a separate Nation!

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>Notice how the ZOG-faggot can say this, while simultaneously saying the Cold War is fake.

How? It's entirely fake, neither the USSR and USA were hurt by each other, in fact, all were hurts were white/colonial nations.

>He admits that the Israelis saw the USSR as their biggest existential threat


>Did someone forget to tell the Israeli government that the USSR was also a ZOG?

No need to, USSR helped funded Israeli and also belongs to the globohomo cult.

>This ZOG-faggot thinks the here and now doesn't matter,

But it does, afro-russians are still living in Russia right now, as well as other jews, tartars, central asian turks and all kind of trash.

>This is the belief attributed to a Ukrainian Rabbi no one ever heard of, especially not Ernest Renan, the real father of the idea.

Which is not what is sad, you are in denial now.

>In fact, none of the other sources before Renan are arguing about the entirety of the origin of Eastern European Jewery at all.

Which matters how? Renan stole the idea from that rabbi.

>You can tell even this ZOG-faggot thinks it is a joke, when he said "they are practically brothers."

How is it a joke? So you can't even explain why they look alike each other?

>No doubt he also thinks all those Beta Israeli niggers are practically brothers of Ivanka Trump as well.

Ivanka Trump is a born non-jew who converts into jew. Beta israeli are born nigger jews.

>The ZOG-faggot understands enough to know he is purposefully concealing the fact Germany overthrow the government on March 12th, and the referendum didn't happen until April 10th.

Yet he still has the referendum, because he needs proof for the people's consent.

>This ZOG-faggot is saying the reunification of a Nation is illegitimate unless some referendum validates it, which is his ideological kowtowing to liberal dumbocracy.

Which explains why Hitler actually does need a referendum, funny about that.

So again, explain why Assad hasn't invaded Iraq and Egypt and say hurr we are all arabs, we are all syrians?

>This is the ZOG-faggot literally saying that Hitler believed Austria was a separate Nation!

If they weren't separated, how can they be united again?

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This is growing tiresome.


>Which explains why Hitler actually does need a referendum, funny about that.

Where was the Danzig referendum? lmao

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>Where was the Danzig referendum? lmao

On /pol/, there was evidence to suggest a referendum is sent by Hitler to Poland, but the polish authority did not accept it.

Then the invasion happens and WW2 officially starts.


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>On /pol/, there was evidence to suggest a referendum is sent by Hitler to Poland

I'm starting to reconsider myself. Maybe this person isn't a liar, but some kind of poorly programmed bot, that is incapable of using the past-tense correctly, and thinks the verb "sent" and the noun "referendum" actually go together into a meaningful English-language sentence.

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Or that I don't care about grammar.

Argue the point or shut up, you fucking commie yid.

Also, this is the "point" of the Khazar-thesis back in the 19th century:

>Subsequently, Abraham Eliyahu Harkavi suggested in 1869 that there might be a link between the Khazars and European Jews.[20] Three years later, however, in 1872, a Crimean Karaite, Abraham Firkovich, alternatively proclaimed that the members of his Turkic-speaking sect were descended from Turkic converts to Judaism.[21] This hypothesis, that the descendents of Khazar converts to Judaism formed a major proportion of Ashkenazim, was first proposed to a Western public by Ernest Renan in 1883.[22][23]


Then now in the 21st century when Israel is formed, they start to say this is "anti-semitism".

It's a false safe plan by jews.

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Miss the other:

>Renan's thesis found an echo soon after, in 1885, when Isidore Loeb, a rabbi, historian and secretary of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, in arguing for the cause of Jewish emancipation, challenged the notion that nations were based on races, and the Jews therefore could be excluded as alien. To the contrary, he argued, they were no different from other peoples and nations, all of which arose from miscegenation: the Jews were no exception, and one could assume, he added, that many German and Russian Jews descended from the Khazars.[25]

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Germany never invaded Austria

Austria had open arms for germany.

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Here's a problem with Evola that's so similar to what I read here:



>Why would I care about my race when the vast majority of them are degenerate atheist faggots? As I already said I'm not opposed to nationalism, or even racial nationalism, I just think that what's divine is more important than what's temporal, and races are temporal.

That's a Christfag race traitor. Notice the importance of the spiritual above that of race.

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My point is that some numbers which are not considered "real" have very real applications in the world. Zero and infinity are no different, you just have no means for measuring them.


They created a rift for some other "world" to manifest, if only so temporary. Many of the things that they did were unprecedented in known history.


White race is very corrupted, that's why it's dying out. To save it's physical aspect, you need to save the remaining healthy people, and those are spiritual by nature, which is the very reason why they have resisted the poz of globohomo. Saying that race is temporal is quite idiotic, race is a platonic form, it's eternal. More eternal than the Jewish god of entropy that christcucks worship for sure.

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File: bc184702ef54bb2⋯.jpg (196.7 KB,1512x1004,378:251,01_estero.jpg)


the problem is that the current order is activley poisoning the earth so when it eventually falls and you emerge from the cave your hiding in theyll be nowhere for you to farm or no animals for you too hunt.

Uncle Ted predicted the system would eventually destroy itself, he built his cabin in the woods thinking he could ride it over, but ended up going on his bombing campaign and writing the manifesto when he realised even deep inside the woods , the system could get at him, as a forest close to where he lived was getting chopped down and suburb being put in its place.

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File: 76d69841cd85299⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,630x420,3:2,landordeath.jpg)


Good idea.

Worked out great for rhodesian and south african farmers.

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Nature always find a way for restoring itself, as long as it's not completely destroyed. It might take a very long time, but as long as you have habitable areas left, that shouldn't be a problem.

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>race is a platonic form, it's eternal

races disappear each year on earth

there is nothing eternal about them

<you failed again

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>on earth

Winning one battle does not win you a war. You will never erase us, and we will keep fighting on this lost world like it is the last. Stay mad kike.

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Evola, Spengler and Junger are more relevant as thinkers; Hitler more relevant as avatar and hero.

We're not going to get a repeat of the 30s Germany, our strategy must be of a different kind entirely. The political specifics will be radically different as well, so long as the spirit of it survives.

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There is no foundation for the continuation of the race without a spiritual anchor.

People will not continue to propagate the race unless they can see within one another that which is unique to their people.

The major problem with race mixing is that people are trying to be something which they are not. blacks trying to be white, whites trying to be black, asians trying to be white, indians trying to be white.

Fuck everyone wants to be us, except US ! The only people that don't want to be white are fucking white people, and that represents a deep-seeded spiritual sickness.

It reminds me of AK Chesterton (the superior Chesterton) 'A Spiritual Typhus'

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Rosenberg was a better author than Evola. That's why the kikes have hanged him despite him probably never physically killing anyone. His ideas were too dangerous.

Evola was released of all charges since his ideas were kosher and much more in tune with Judeo-Masonry than National Socialism (True Masonry)


>People are starting to understand

Smiling Hitler.png

White race started dying once they became spiritual Semites with Christianity.

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File: ef2f277a554d450⋯.png (164.16 KB,1752x883,1752:883,Hitler on Acceleration.png)

Hitler was too.

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Can some anon post that "Hitler was an accelerationist too" image? It disappeared along with several other posts after (((cloudflare))) error.

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Evola was also a cuck. “muh spiritual race”

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>i'm going to hide away in my cuck shed and hope everything works out

k faggot

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File: 03fcab3807bd5b9⋯.jpg (55.93 KB,683x601,683:601,122018090524.jpg)


Whoa there, rabbi. Didn't they teach you to spread your nigger gibberish out in several threads so your shilling wouldn't be so painfully obvious? No shekels for you today

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There's more christians outside of the white western world than there are inside, where's all their divinely inspired inventions and technology?

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So you are saying the 2000s with the godless atheism is the area with the most accomplishment?

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>d "Bible scholar", n


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>western science started in 1600

but the ancient greeks had computers

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Newton was not a biblical scholar, he was a physicist who was also a christian

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>also a christian

that's impossible religion hampers science>>13330484

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Cool strawman

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>Worships a rabbi

>Calls me a rabbi

Am I your god now?

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>Evola was released of all charges since his ideas were kosher and much more in tune with Judeo-Masonry than National Socialism (True Masonry)

Or the lower classes could never appreciate them. Lower classes being the weapons of today.

Left wanted to raise class consciousness, they've got it - but on more classes than one.

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A brain can hardly function without a body. How exactly are Evola's ideas threatening to the Jews and their worldly power? The so called "left" is only one part of the equation.

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Evola is antithetical to modernity down to its untold principles. His attacks to the "left", direct or indirect, and the modern world in general, unlike much of the attacks coming from the so called "right", or most of it, don't come from within a modern mindset(which is basically like playing to the enemy's rules) but from a mindset which most moderns would call "medieval" I guess, in a negative sense as it is commonly used. Though Evola would probably take it as a compliment since traditionalists like him would probably say the middle ages were the peak of western civilization.

Evola doesn't limit himself to attacking the jew, he attacks the entire superstructure by which kikes do what they do, the modern world as a whole. His posed threat, for those who grasp him, is systemic, unlike many attacks from the right which perhaps limit themselves to some economic aspects or social ones.


I'd go as far as say that the lower classes cannot appreciate them in the first place as long as they identify as lower class, or see it as a positive thing anyway as it's common today(glorification of the poor, the proletariat, the marginalized)

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Evola never accomplished anything

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That's a good point, but I prefer beating them on their own terrain, which is far more effective than trying to force them to embrace ours. The modern "left" and globohomo in general is pure insanity, that has nothing to do with any honest ideological position.

>he attacks the entire superstructure by which kikes do what they do

He does, his attacks are just not strong enough, nor do they fully identify the cause. He is trying to treat the symptoms. As long as the spores remain, the virus will develop sooner or later again. Evola did not go far enough.

>I'd go as far as say that the lower classes cannot appreciate them in the first place as long as they identify as lower class

This is one of bigger problems, people would rather drag others down to their level (or below themselves) than try to drag themselves up. Unfortunately, economic classes of today have nothing in common with Aristocracy and proper class. In fact, it's almost entirely inverted.

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>He does, his attacks are just not strong enough, nor do they fully identify the cause. He is trying to treat the symptoms. As long as the spores remain, the virus will develop sooner or later again. Evola did not go far enough.

I think you got it way backwards. Evola and the like are the ones attacking the root causes of the decline of the west, not the symptoms. People like Evola would find the root of the symptoms of our time to be way back than most people here, probably beginning even before the Renaissance.

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did his ideas?

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books translated in many languages, one of the main influences of the European post wwii right wing, probably met the highest elements of the SS, met Mussolini, one of the earliest Italian Dadaist painters, etc…

what about you, did you finish high school?

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>before the Renaissance

<impressed not

This is /pol/ kek! We could put the origins of the decline of the west even before the fucking big bang if we could into autistic metaphysics.

(yo yo no reference to the Demiurge to be found here)

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"The west" was declining since the spread of Christianity. All the degeneracy that started replacing Christianity would not be possible if Christianity (Jesuitism) didn't happen in the first place. It ruined the natural balance, causing people to go in the opposite extreme. Anti-dialectics. The annihilation of the self is being sold as "progress" I have great respect for Evola, but I don't think he would have the answers for the times that we are living in. No, something much more advanced, more radical is necessary. Authors from the Reich were going in a proper direction, but unfortunately most of them got eliminated before being able to fully develop their ideas.

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what are some essential fascist philosophers besides evola?

Maybe nietzsche, old roman emperors?

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Evola isn't a fascist.

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If we are the radicals, we must be the ones to tear down the old institutions and we must be the ones to immortalize the virtues. The left claims to represent "everybody but the privileged" while in truth representing opposite. Their systems (government, media, education) are the systems that are old, corrupt, and must be deconstructed and torn down. You have to take the fight to the enemy. They have thrown huge amounts of support to our side by brute forcing unpopular ideas through such as trannies, censorship, etc. We are the liberated energy that cannot be contained. That is the core of our spirit, to reinvigorate the decaying amoral society.

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>muh super masturbator

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Nietzche is important reading but take it with a grain of salt. His ideas on Christianity are largely flawed.

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The "west" didn't even exist before christianity, and I say this as someone who generally dislikes such religion. The "west" is a Romano-Germanic middle ages product under the spiritual axis of mediaeval Catholicism.

The early and late antique spread of christianity is arguably a disaster, but indeed it represents, if you accept a cyclical view of history, the natural consequence of the crepuscular phase of the Greco-Roman world. A religion like this would've never spread in the first place if the ancient Ario-Mediterranean world wasn't senile. There wasn't much left of the old Italic Quirites in Rome when it was getting christianized, nor were there probably many Spartans and Athenians of old in Hellas. True ancient Italics, worshipers of Mars, or Hellenes, worshipers of Hyperborean Apollo would've never converted to christianity in the first place.

Also, as Evola himself points out, the very weak reaction of the young Germanic world to christianity and their conversion to it(despite having the military upper hand, to the point of being able to sack Rome itself) also points to a crepuscular state of Germanic religions in this phase. Germanics don't have too much of an excuse to say they were forced to accept christianity. Certainly many were, but only by the hands of other Germanics who had accepted it on their own will(i.e Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, etc…)

In any case, when Evola speaks of the west, he is talking about the civilization arising on the ashes of the WRE under Germanic leadership and Romanic spiritual elements. Before that there is really no "west" as a civilization, there was the Imperium of Rome and it was centered around the mediterranean sea.

When I say that he would see the beginning of the decline before the Renaissance, I'm referring in particular to Phillip the Fourth and his very modernistic actions regarding the state and Catholicism, but very importantly, regarding the destruction of the Templars, which Guénon considers to be the event that ends the middle ages proper. These could be considered according to Evola and the like the germs of modernity, which slowly transformed the kingdom of France into that centralized state which would breed the French revolution and its consequences.

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Martin Heidegger, a fascist philosopher. Evola isn't a philosopher.


Nah, he was right about christianity amounting to a slave revolt and subverting the Aryan race with an inferior morality. He was wrong to put man in god's place, simply because he didn't find god where cryptojews told him to look.

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>Nah, he was right about christianity amounting to a slave revolt and subverting the Aryan race with an inferior morality.

Christianity is central to the revolt against materialism, the elites, corruption and decadence in society. It is the same today as it was 2000 years ago.

Christians endured torture, execution, all across the planet, they entered into countless wars unarmed, and won. This takes a greater strength of will than any sort of "Master Morality".

Not to mention that God is referred to as the Lord of Hosts (armies) 261 times in the Bible. Christianity conquered warrior cults through force of arms and it was only Islam, an even more militant offshoot of Christianity (invented by Christian Arabs) that was able to keep it in check. Together these two ideologies dominated the world.

Name one pagan religion that has matched this feat.

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>Christians endured torture, execution, all across the planet, they entered into countless wars unarmed, and won. This takes a greater strength of will than any sort of "Master Morality".

or you know, sheer numbers

christians never had any problems about converting dogs and pigs to their cause, nor did islam

christians didn't conquer shit through the force of arms, at least in their initial phase; they subverted the most powerful Empire around until they were able to install a puppet at the top(Constantine), and only then, just like modern ZOG and their ZOGbots, were they able to enforce their religion

there's nothing noble about this, the spread of christianity from their home in judaea has absolutely nothing military about it, only pure semitic subversion and slavish spread among the ruins of dying religious forms

Pagans probably never amounted to such """feat""" precisely because Pagans had absolutely no will whatsoever to share their religion with others. This is something abrahamutts(except kikes) don't even begin to comprehend, the idea that your religion should be kept to your own volk and the others can go fuck themselves and keep their own forms of religiosity. When Romans actually conquered through iron and blood the ancient world from England to Egypt they had absolutely zero will whatsoever to tell the locals to worship Mars. As long as they respected Roman obligations they were free to approach spirituality however they liked.

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Christianity didn't have a numbers advantage to begin with. So it turns out, Christians had a power that Pagans did not, we were able to turn enemies into allies! We were able to go from small numbers to large numbers and overthrow the tax farmers and decadent nobles of a society that had reached its zenith and begun to decay and instilled new life and purpose into it. Christianity finished what Rome began, the conquest of all lands the eye could see, from Hibernia to Scythia to Hyperborea.

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Romans also didn't have a numbers advantage to begin with, being only a small village on the Tiber. They also made allies, but unlike christians, they typically first defeated them fair and square and made them submit after establishing conditions sanctioned by the Gods, not by infiltrating and subverting their own spirituality like snakes and making them "Romans". That only happened much later and gradually, and in the end, when everyone was "Roman" under Caracalla, nobody was really "Roman" anymore.

Much of the growth of christians in numbers happened precisely after it was enforced by law post elite subversion. Before that, much of the Italic peninsula for instance was still pagan, while Rome was likely the London of the time, full of foreign near easterners and their "externae superstitiones". When you have to close other peoples' temples and forbid them from practicing their religion in order to "win them over", then everyone can be "successful". But only an abrahamite would have the nerve to call it a success.

The ""success"" of christianity and islam lies precisely in your degenerate version of success, putting quantity above quality. When billions of niggers in Africa and Europe will be "christians" in the future I guess you'll call that the zenith of your religion.

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Pagans in Africa don't even have families, a man comes once every now and then and impregnates a woman. They are cannibals. The region is a shit hole. Christianity is the only force that can civilize them. Just like how the Roman upper classes were degenerate sodomites, Christianity tempered them into being moral and virtuous.

Also you'ee absolutely insane if you think that Christianity was what made Rome multicultural. Roman pagan religion was already failing and Persian cults were flourishing Mithras had already surpassed Mars in influence. You also had Emperor-cults pushed by the ruling dynasties which never really caught on as well. It was an empire collapsing from within until Christianity restored order.

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Niggers gonna nig. Who the fuck cares if not christmutts and your ridiculous obsession with putting lipstick on pigs? Once again, precisely what I said above: you value quantity above quality and it doesn't even remotely cross your "mind" to keep your religion to higher peoples. Probably because you don't even think there are higher and lower peoples, being the egalitarians you have always been.

>Just like how the Roman upper classes were degenerate sodomites, Christianity tempered them into being moral and virtuous.


later dying ""Roman"" upper classes were certainly degenerate, but it isn't certainly christianity which straightened things up; the true authors of the restoration of order in the west and the birth of this civilization are the Germanic forces, unspoiled by the dysgenic and degenerating effects of civilization, as even Tacitus was praising in the first century

>Also you'ee absolutely insane if you think that Christianity was what made Rome multicultural.

I don't, I have admitted that if the Italics and Hellenes of the time were spiritually healthy, such slavish religion wouldn't have spread in the first place. I don't blame christianity for the fall of Rome. Christianity is like the AIDS they rightfully contracted after centuries of decadence and faggotry.

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>Christianity restored order.

Which is why Rome collapsed.

big think.

What was the ruling morality/political structure during the rise of Rome.

Back when they stole their wives at the dinner party.

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Rome never "collapsed". It continued to exist for another 1300 years past Christianization, meaning it was Christian for several times longer than it was pagan.

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Yeah absolutely America hasn't collapsed either.


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We're in the stage Rome was before Christianity or Weimar before Hitler. The decline before the renewal.

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There's some dubious stuff in what's normally considered pure math, but is your problem with calculus just the infinitesimals? A lot of modern technology without calc

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Calculus was invented to measure the distance wheels covered when not traveling in a straight line. There is definitive Calculus, and indefinite Calculus. Calculus was actually the result of integration, which requires estimation, and is accurate as possible according to the ability to measure at a specified limit.

That the modern institutions are filled with corrupt apes has no bearing on the actual field and methodology itself.

High energy physicists are not particle physicists. Two completely different fields of study and science. Particles physicists study quanta, they only study the results of those high energy physicists.

Having a degree doesn't mean he's an expert or the definitive prophet of said field.

If mathematics were worthless at the college level, I wouldn't be able to read your gay reply, or see how Jewish you are through the mathematically modelled screen of my mathematically impossible (according to you) phone.

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His problem is that he failed geometry and doesn't understand why he doesn't understand Calculus.

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That's why I used quotes, I meant European civilization in general, which mostly developed in the west at later centuries, not because of Christianity, but in spite of it. The real reason for that being that the true light bearers kept fleeing westwards being pushed out and persecuted by kikes and their shitskin hordes. Even before Christianity. Post WW2 West became the greatest force of poz and ZOG so the term itself should be used with caution.

>A religion like this would've never spread in the first place if the ancient Ario-Mediterranean world wasn't senile

True. Every virus exploits the weaknesses in the immune system.

>True ancient Italics, worshipers of Mars, or Hellenes, worshipers of Hyperborean Apollo would've never converted to christianity in the first place.

They were persecuted by the proto-bolsheviks (Christians) ever since (((they))) got political power. It was the known culprits being the subversive elements either infiltrating the royalty or riling up the lowest gutter of society as a cannon fodder against those resisting them. Their modus operandi didn't change even one bit ever since ancient Egypt and Babylon.

>Certainly many were, but only by the hands of other Germanics who had accepted it on their own will

Don't we see this pattern repeat over and over again through the centuries? The same traitorous, treacherous cucks who accepted (((Christianity))) are those who are SJW's and globalists of today. They kept degenerating by taking one Jewish "solution" after another. Are us who keep resisting and fighting this spiral of decay actually a "spiritual race" of our own, who just happened to be born as different nationalities? Just like the cucks are pretty much the same everywhere in Europe (and elsewhere), east and west , north and south.

>regarding the destruction of the Templars, which Guénon considers to be the event that ends the middle ages proper

Templars were the /polacks/ of their time, at least near the end.

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>against materialism

Christianity is very materialistic. In fact, it's the typical Jewish inversion/corruption of the white man's religions which Jewish authors of the Bible stole most of the concepts from. Rabbi Yehoshua promises you physical resurrection if you drink his blood and unquestionably obey his (((father))), while the source material tells us something completely different, it tells us to become the Christ rather than worship a Jew larping as something that he can never be as the only god. They did the same with Luciferianism by portraying him (the ultimate masculine archetype) as a female (this was done on purpose as an attempt of humiliation) and by having some of the retarded shabbos "elites" worship it by enforcing globohomo/degeneracy and everything that he is opposed to, in his name, making his very (white) people hate him and accept universalist dissolution traps that are mainstream religions as a "salvation" Anyway, the great majority of Christian theology is either materialistic or materialism-derived spirituality (placing physical creation and phenomena as a central role).

>the elites

Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, turn the other cheek, etc.


Christianity is highly degenerate and dysgenic. It makes white people hate themselves and gradually leads to total debauchery due to suppressed natural urges, trauma, and mental damage from the conditioning. It also leads to racemixing and creates many backdoors that allow the kikes to control the slaves.

>Not to mention that God is referred to as the Lord of Hosts (armies)

Maybe Soviet armies. A bunch of subhuman slaves using sheer numbers and complete disregard for their own lives to zerg rush superior nations


>So it turns out, Christians had a power that Pagans did not

It had the power of Jewish subversion and an entire network of very well organized and connected agents poisoning the minds of goyim with it

>we were able to turn enemies into allies

By deceiving them and offering them sweet lies instead of harsh truths


>meaning it was Christian for several times longer than it was pagan.

Someone with AIDS can live several times longer than the age he was when he got the poz

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>The "west" didn't even exist before christianity, and I say this as someone who generally dislikes such religion. The "west" is a Romano-Germanic middle ages product under the spiritual axis of mediaeval Catholicism.

>The early and late antique spread of christianity is arguably a disaster, but indeed it represents, if you accept a cyclical view of history, the natural consequence of the crepuscular phase of the Greco-Roman world. A religion like this would've never spread in the first place if the ancient Ario-Mediterranean world wasn't senile. There wasn't much left of the old Italic Quirites in Rome when it was getting christianized, nor were there probably many Spartans and Athenians of old in Hellas. True ancient Italics, worshipers of Mars, or Hellenes, worshipers of Hyperborean Apollo would've never converted to christianity in the first place.

Much due to miscegenation and opening the walls of the major cities to Jews.

Jews accelerate the destruction. They are predators of our weaknesses.


>Evola isn't a philosopher.

Nor is Nietzsche and cats aren't cats. This is getting ridiculous.

>He was wrong to put man in god's place, simply because he didn't find god where cryptojews told him to look.

He put the Overman in God's place and then again I don't recall him squarely rejecting forever the idea of a primary source of all things. His writings were in staunch opposition to Christianity, therefore the God in question is often times YHWH under a different epithet.


>Christianity is central to the revolt against materialism, the elites, corruption and decadence in society. It is the same today as it was 2000 years ago.

They said the same generalizing nonsense about communism.

Revolting against the elites without digging into the main problem is stupid since we do need elites and always will. Christianity, pretty much like communism, is an open revolt against everything, starting with proper spirituality. It's the model for the Frankfurt school too, which is Christianity pushed to its logical conclusion.

>Christians endured torture, execution, all across the planet, they entered into countless wars unarmed, and won. This takes a greater strength of will than any sort of "Master Morality".

Load of crap. You'd find that many wars pitted Christians against Christians and obviously one army was usually on the loser side.

Still, these were Whites in most cases leading the charge. The same Whites who would win, or sometimes lose too, before Christianity.

Christians aren't even supposed to hate the enemy, even less kill him. However, they're required to hate family and friends and love Jesus instead. Christians defending their creed largely amounts to bad faith and ignorance of their own very texts.

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>Christianity didn't have a numbers advantage to begin with. So it turns out, Christians had a power that Pagans did not, we were able to turn enemies into allies!

Where are you finding such tripe?

>We were able to go from small numbers to large numbers and overthrow the tax farmers and decadent nobles of a society that had reached its zenith and begun to decay and instilled new life and purpose into it.

You'd have gone nowhere if it had not been for the Jews' gold and their insatiable thirst to subvert White nations because they envy and hate us at the same time.

>Christianity finished what Rome began, the conquest of all lands the eye could see, from Hibernia to Scythia to Hyperborea.

Not even close. And Rome attempting to do so is not a mark of quality or moral virtue either.

Julius Caesar was on the Jews' payroll and grew more and more vicious towards those who'd resist his imperialism.




>Pagans in Africa don't even have families, a man comes once every now and then and impregnates a woman. They are cannibals. The region is a shit hole.

Who cares about negroes?

>Christianity is the only force that can civilize them.

No, you cannot civilize them. It's antithetical to what they are. But Whites can achieve something close enough by using brute force, the only thing the negro understands. This works regardless of the White man's religion.

Also, only Christian are obsessed about transforming all people by throwing them into the same mold. You're a degenerate in thinking this. Even assuming you'd turn those negroes into proper citizen — which will never happen — by valuing them equally, you would legitimize their presence on our lands. You are nothing short of a race traitor and deserve the rope.

>Also you'ee absolutely insane if you think that Christianity was what made Rome multicultural.

Correct, it was multikulti before Jesus. The point, though, is that your religion could only grow in such a decadent society. The only reason Christianity survived that long isn't due to its supposed intrinsic values, but due to the fact that Whites (the parasited host) have infused it with their values as much as they could over countless centuries.

Which was frankly stupid but unfortunately that is the price to pay for miscegenation. Imbalanced minds produce imbalanced doctrines and the Jew is always lurking.

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Unless calculus was the name of a Roman emperor, please stop using a capital C for this word, it's ridiculous.


>Rabbi Yehoshua promises you physical resurrection if you drink his blood and unquestionably obey his (((father)))

Christians don't fully grasp the full scope of what this eschatology entails. If they understood it, they'd be absolutely terrified by what Christianity promises them. It does not even logically work.

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>Julius Caesar was on the Jews' payroll and grew more and more vicious towards those who'd resist his imperialism.

Uhmm, proof?

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>durr jews made Christianity durrr

How many times are you jidf retards going to try this? You need to at least adapt your shilling.

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It's fucking true.

Jesus is a fucking a jew along with the rest of his disciples.

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No it isn't. You are not descendants of Judeans, rabbi. Nobody is stupid enough to keep buying your bullshit. Kikes are mongrels who converted to talmudism, you have nothing to do with Judeans, Israelites or Hebrews. This is a lie you tell to try to legitimize taking over Palestine.

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Judean mean jews, dumbass.

Some judean stay in their areas, and surprise, they are the same rat face jews you see in the middle east, except more hideous because they do not mix with european.

>This is a lie you tell to try to legitimize taking over Palestine.

Again with this shit, the fact jews can live in Palestine does not mean that they must have the control of the state there, especially when palestinian are also jewish, like the jews, they are in fact more jewish than the askhenazi, and about the same as the middle eastern jews.

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>Judean mean jews, dumbass.

>Judean mean jews, dumbass.

good thing jesus was from Galilee and not judea then

because that would make him a Galilean, not a judean

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Jesus was born from a jewess whore, Mary.

Now you can argue about Mary's legacy, but both christians and judean agree that Mary is from the line of David, who's a jew.

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>Judean mean jews, dumbass

The word jew did not exist until the 1600s, obviously the word Judean did not mean jew.

>Some judean stay in their areas

And were exterminated by the Romans in 70 AD. There are no more Judeans. They have no descendants.

>the fact jews can live in Palestine

No you can not Shlomo. You can not live anywhere. You are an abomination.


>I am totally not a yid you goys!

>repeats the kike "Mary was a whore" meme


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>The word jew did not exist until the 1600s, obviously the word Judean did not mean jew.

The word jew is an english translation for judean, to this day the german still calls jew jude and the latin also calls jews judean.

>And were exterminated by the Romans in 70 AD. There are no more Judeans. They have no descendants.

No historical proof, there's no record that say all judean are killed, considering Josephus, a judean, records Roman history.

>No you can not Shlomo. You can not live anywhere. You are an abomination.

Jews have lived in Palestine for thousands of years and this is confirmed by the palestinian themselves.

>repeats the kike "Mary was a whore" meme

All jewess are whores, and Mary is a jewess.

You seem too eager to defend jews.

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Also, Mary's husband was Joseph, yet she has a child with the jewish god.

This means that she's a whore.

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>The word jew is an english translation for judean, to this day the german still calls jew jude and the latin also calls jews judean.

good thing jesus was from Galilee and not judea then

because that would make him a Galilean, not a judean

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Again, Mary, his whore mother, is said to be from the line of David, who's a judean/jew.

Galilee is also the upper north of the Kingdom of Israel, where people are related to each other.

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>The word jew is an english translation for judean

That's the opposite of what you claimed.

>No historical proof, there's no record that say all judean are killed, considering Josephus, a judean, records Roman history.

Records the extermination of the Judeans.

>Jews have lived in Palestine for thousands of years

No shit. You were in the bible. You just were not the Judeans, you were the pharisees.

>All jewess are whores

And people wonder why she-yids think men hate women.

>and Mary is a jewess.

You can't support your lie by repeating the lie, you need to make an argument. A jew is someone who converted to talmudism. Ashkenazi jews are Khazars who converted to talmudism. Sephardic jews are north African mongrels who converted to talmudism and invaded Spain. Mizrahim are Samaritans who converted to talmudism. "Black Israelites" are niggers who converted to talmudism. None of them are descended from Judeans. And none of them even pay attention to history since if they were Judeans they would not get Israel, the Israelites would. And they would not speak Hebrew, they would speak Aramaic. But since kikes actually spoke Yiddish and just latched on to Hebrew in the late 1800s as part of their satanic zionist cult, they don't know this.

>You seem too eager to defend jews.

You're not supposed to copy and paste your JIDF handler's critique into your post dumbass.


>I'll just keep repeating 100% kike nonsense that literally nobody on the planet except kikes says

>this way they will know I am definitely not a kike

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>That's the opposite of what you claimed.

What I have claimed?

>Records the extermination of the Judeans.


>No shit. You were in the bible. You just were not the Judeans, you were the pharisees.

No, I'm talking about reality, jews have lived in Palestine for thousands of years, and the pharisees are a caste of the jews.

>You can't support your lie by repeating the lie, you need to make an argument. A jew is someone who converted to talmudism.

No, a jew/judean means either an ethnic jew/judean or someone who converts to the Judaism religion.

>Ashkenazi jews are Khazars who converted to talmudism. Sephardic jews are north African mongrels who converted to talmudism and invaded Spain. Mizrahim are Samaritans who converted to talmudism.

And who, but the judean, who spread talmudism to them?

>None of them are descended from Judeans.

Except the judeans that have lived in palestine in all this time?

>And none of them even pay attention to history since if they were Judeans they would not get Israel, the Israelites would.

Judean and israelites are brothers of the same line, descendants of David.

>And they would not speak Hebrew, they would speak Aramaic.

Hebrew is the ancient judean language, even your jew Jesus speaks hebrew.

>>I'll just keep repeating 100% kike nonsense that literally nobody on the planet except kikes says

Where's the nonsense?

You say you are a christian, but you don't believe in christian theology where Judah and Israel are related to each other?

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>Hebrew is the ancient judean language, even your jew Jesus speaks hebrew.

I should retract this, there's no proof saying Jesus speaks hebrew.

But hebrew is the ancient judean language.

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>and the pharisees are a caste of the jews.

No, the pharisees were the jews. The only jews. Jew means a talmudist.

>No, a jew/judean means either an ethnic jew/judean

It does not mean an ethnic Judean, as there are none. It can mean an ethnic Khazar, or an ethnic arab whose ancestors converted to kikery. But it can not mean a Judean.

>Except the judeans that have lived in palestine in all this time?

Show me one. DNA has confirmed, over and over, no jew anywhere has ever been found that is a descendant of Judeans.

>Judean and israelites are brothers of the same line, descendants of David.

That doesn't mean Judeans would get Israel. Judeans would get Judea. You're pretty fucking stupid huh?

>Hebrew is the ancient judean language, even your jew Jesus speaks hebrew.

No, Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Hebrews has stopped speaking Hebrew centuries before Jesus was born. This is exactly my point, you kikes have no fucking clue about the people you are trying to pretend to be.

>Where's the nonsense?

We've been over it rabbi. Nobody but you yids claims Mary was a whore. You 100% confirm yourself as a kike by repeating that.

>but you don't believe in christian theology where Judah and Israel are related to each other?

And you kikes expect people to believe you have high IQs, holy fuck.

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>No, the pharisees were the jews. The only jews. Jew means a talmudist.

No, it doesn't. The pharisee were a caste of political/religious judeans, they are still judean/jews. What you are saying has no basic in reality.

>It does not mean an ethnic Judean, as there are none. It can mean an ethnic Khazar, or an ethnic arab whose ancestors converted to kikery. But it can not mean a Judean.

But a jew is an english translation of judean, and jew is called jude in german and judean in Latin.

>Show me one. DNA has confirmed, over and over, no jew anywhere has ever been found that is a descendant of Judeans.

That's wrong.


>Her team examined the Y chromosomes of 119 Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews and 143 Israeli and Palestinian Arabs. Many of the Jewish subjects were descended from ancestors who presumably originated in the Levant but dispersed throughout the world before returning to Israel in the past few generations; most of the Arab subjects could trace their ancestry to men who had lived in the region for centuries or longer. The Y chromosomes of many of the men had key segments of DNA that were so similar that they clustered into just three of many groups known as haplogroups. Other short segments of DNA called microsatellites were similar enough to reveal that the men must have had common ancestors within the past several thousand years.

It shows that the palestinian jews and current palestinian share the same ancestor.

>No, Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Hebrews has stopped speaking Hebrew centuries before Jesus was born. This is exactly my point, you kikes have no fucking clue about the people you are trying to pretend to be.

Again, I retract this point, and again, David and the ancient judean speak hebrew, thus they try to revert that. The judeans do not take after Jesus.

>We've been over it rabbi. Nobody but you yids claims Mary was a whore. You 100% confirm yourself as a kike by repeating that.

Again, the fact she fucks someone else other than her husband means she's a whore. This is true regardless of religion.

>And you kikes expect people to believe you have high IQs, holy fuck.

Where? Did you accuse me of being a jew too? Why, because I don't like Jewsus and his jew disciples?

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>is said to be from the line of David

damn, I really whittled you down. I thought it would take longer but we are already at

>it is said to be

which is as close to pilpul as you can get. you have no sample of marys blood. you have no sample of davids blood. you are a pilpul kike and you have officially been BTFO

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Once again, the christcuck fails to provide the record of extermination of the judean.

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I'm sorry what? If you are a christian, you should believe that Mary is a line from David, if she's not, that betrays one of the prophecy of Jesus being a messiah i.e. descendant of David and Abraham.

If you want to talk about blood, I can say there's no proof that Mary is a human either, I can say she's an alien or she didn't exist because there's no blood sample of her.

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and now you painted yourself into such a ridiculous corner that you are admitting to being a jew by your own rules

>descendant of abraham

remind me……..was noah before or after abraham?

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>and now you painted yourself into such a ridiculous corner that you are admitting to being a jew by your own rules

Why? Because I trust historical records and your own theology?

>remind me……..was noah before or after abraham?

If you trust the Bible, abraham was after Noah. Abraham is when the Bible starts to get into reality.

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ok so explain the "synagogue of satan" verse. what is it referring to

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Synagogue of Satan refers to judean who say they are judean but are not.

It's basically Jewsus evoking the not all muslim clause back in the day.

Like the average muslim would say ISIS say they are muslim but they are not, or how catholic say arian christian say they are christian but they are not.

Dumb. Cult. Shit.

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so this ENTIRE thread has been you claiming that jesus is a part of something that he already said he wasnt a part of

lmao @ the muslim comparison, i dont think muhammad even died before the conquering started, cant really "not all x" that away

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>The pharisee were a caste of political/religious judeans

Pharisees were the most proselytizing religion at the time. They were made up of any and every ethnic group, not just Judeans. And again, Judean is not jew. Jew is talmudist. That's pharisees.

>But a jew is an english translation of judean

Which kikes then co-opted and started using to refer to themselves rather than to Judeans. This is the point.


That confirms exactly what I said you moron. Mizrahim are Samaritans who converted to talmudism. Arabs are not Judeans.

>It shows that the palestinian jews and current palestinian share the same ancestor.

Uh huh? And that ancestor is arabs, not Judeans.

>Again, I retract this point, and again, David and the ancient judean speak hebrew, thus they try to revert that.

Yes, you try to re-invent that because you didn't realize they had long since abandoned Hebrew for Aramaic.

>Again, the fact she fucks someone else other than her husband means she's a whore

She did not fuck anyone else. You are 100% a kike.

>Synagogue of Satan refers to judean who say they are judean but are not.

Exactly. You worthless fucking kikes who claim to be judeans but are several different ethnic groups who converted to talmudism.

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>so this ENTIRE thread has been you claiming that jesus is a part of something that he already said he wasnt a part of

Uh, the fact Jewsus say they aren't judean doesn't mean they aren't judean. Jewsus doesn't have authority to define who's judean or not.

>lmao @ the muslim comparison, i dont think muhammad even died before the conquering started, cant really "not all x" that away

Doesn't matter, because to this day the muslim uses the same clause as Jewsus, same for christian.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Evola was an Accelerationist

so a homosexual, drug addicted degenerate that gave no constructive advice on how to deal with postmodernism is a feelgood postmodern escapist as well? no way!

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File: dd60e30884c3bb2⋯.gif (29.06 KB,482x800,241:400,bearclap.gif)

>Only a few pages into a book

>Conclude Evola was an accelerationist

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>Pharisees were the most proselytizing religion at the time. They were made up of any and every ethnic group, not just Judeans.

The pharisees following the torah/judaism, they weren't any different than the average judean, except they are of priestly castle.

>And again, Judean is not jew. Jew is talmudist. That's pharisees.

Again, false, jew is an english translation of judean.

>Which kikes then co-opted and started using to refer to themselves rather than to Judeans. This is the point.

Uhm, proof? Jew has always meant judean.

>That confirms exactly what I said you moron. Mizrahim are Samaritans who converted to talmudism. Arabs are not Judeans.

That's obviously wrong, the arabs share genetics with the judean, the judean are in fact their ancestor. They have lived there for thousands of years.

>Uh huh? And that ancestor is arabs, not Judeans.

Uhm, proof? The arabs have lived in Palestine for thousand of year.

>Yes, you try to re-invent that because you didn't realize they had long since abandoned Hebrew for Aramaic.

What? The fact they have to re-invent it doesn't mean it was not ancient judean language.

>She did not fuck anyone else. You are 100% a kike.

Was Jesus Joseph's son? Answer it. If he's not, then she fucks someone else.

>Exactly. You worthless fucking kikes who claim to be judeans but are several different ethnic groups who converted to talmudism.

No, it's like muslims saying ISIS is not muslim. Jewsus has no authority to say who's judean or not.

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>Some ancient peoples of Israel share DNA lineages with modern Jews

>"Semitic Duwa" informed us that Polish geneticists are testing ancient Judean samples. He also wrote that ancient Judean mtDNA samples were collected from the tomb of the shroud in Akeldama in Jerusalem and that "Most samples belonged to MtDNA haplogroups W (5 samples) and H (around four samples). Some of the (presumably) H samples might've been V or J1 instead. This is all to be found in Matheson et al. 2009."

>The scientific paper "The genetic structure of the world's first farmers" by Lazarides et al. to be formally published in the future examines the Y-DNA haplogroups of Natufians of ancient Israel from about 12500 to 9500 BCE. One of the samples was in Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1, two were in E1b1b1b2, and two were in CT.


Actual proof to put this shit to rest.

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>Jews have nothing to do with Judeans, Israelites or Hebrews.

So, Judeans, Israelites and Hebrews were based white people? Are there any records of them being anything but identical in character to the Jews?

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And one more.

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File: b9c64dfc575e2bd⋯.png (81.7 KB,951x821,951:821,origin of palestinian.png)

The palestinian?

They share the same genetic data as the jews.

And this is show outward to how they look like each other.


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>The pharisees following the torah/judaism

Judaism does not follow the torah, it follows the talmud.

>they weren't any different than the average judean, except they are of priestly castle.

No, that's the Levites. Pharisees were a sect that worshiped Babylonian superstitions. Which is now called the babylonian talmud, the basis of "judaism".

>Uhm, proof?

You need proof that jews call themselves jews?

>Jew has always meant judean.

And now it means several different ethnic groups that converted to talmudism, none of which are Judean. That's the point yid.

>Uhm, proof?

You need to make more of an effort to hide your nose. Or at least hide your obvious leftism. No, you do not need proof that arabs are arabs.

>The fact they have to re-invent it doesn't mean it was not ancient judean language.

And since nobody made any such claim, your response is completely fucking retarded.

>If he's not, then she fucks someone else.

Only kikes pretend Jesus was not the son of God. God did not fuck Mary you worthless yid.

>No, it's like muslims saying ISIS is not muslim

No, that's the opposite. Saying someone isn't X is not the same as falsely saying some is X. Even low IQ mongrel yids like you should be able to understand basic logic.


No. You think God exterminated them for constantly disobeying him because they were "based"? And why are you spouting niggerese?

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>Judaism does not follow the torah, it follows the talmud.

Again, wrong, they follow the Torah, the talmud wasn't even compiled at the times.

>No, that's the Levites. Pharisees were a sect that worshiped Babylonian superstitions. Which is now called the babylonian talmud, the basis of "judaism".

Again, wrong, the pharisees follow the Torah and worship the jewish god just like Jewsus.

>You need proof that jews call themselves jews?

I need proofs that somehow pharisee hijacked the jew name, when jew has meant judean for all the time.

>And now it means several different ethnic groups that converted to talmudism, none of which are Judean. That's the point yid.

But your point is not true, I have proved the genetic connection between ancient judean and modern jews and palestinian, see >>13399416

and >>13399424

>You need to make more of an effort to hide your nose. Or at least hide your obvious leftism. No, you do not need proof that arabs are arabs.

Again, arabs are similar to jews, genetically. Being in the same fucking region.

>And since nobody made any such claim, your response is completely fucking retarded.

So you accept that hebrew is an ancient judean language? That jews can use it?

>Only kikes pretend Jesus was not the son of God. God did not fuck Mary you worthless yid.

Jesus is the son of jewish god, not of Joseph, but Mary is the wife of Joseph, thus Mary cucks Joseph and has children with someone else, the jewish god. This is plan as day.

>No, that's the opposite. Saying someone isn't X is not the same as falsely saying some is X.

No, that's literally the same.

Jewsus says some judean aren't judean.

Muslim says some muslim aren't muslim.

The same exact shit.

>No. You think God exterminated them for constantly disobeying him because they were "based"? And why are you spouting niggerese?

Proof they were exterminated?

I ask for that the whole thread.

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>Again, wrong, they follow the Torah

Then what is the talmud for? And why is it full of "here's why you should pretend the follow the torah but not actually do it"?

>the talmud wasn't even compiled at the times.

Yes it was. You are confusing the date of the oldest surviving copy today with the first creation of it.

>Again, wrong,

No you retard. The priestly caste was the Levites. That's why it is called Levitical law, and why the fucking book is called Leviticus. You are literally confusing two completely different groups.

>just like Jewsus.

What does it tell us about your hatred of Christianity that the only way you can try to get the goyim to abandon it is by repeating the same lazy lie over and over?

>I need proofs that somehow pharisee hijacked the jew name

THEY CALL THEMSELVES JEWS RIGHT NOW. What kind of braindead nigger are you?

>I have proved the genetic connection between ancient judean and modern jews and palestinian

Arabs are not Judeans, they are Samaritans.

>Again, arabs are similar to jews, genetically

Similar is not descended from you worthless yid.

>So you accept that hebrew is an ancient judean language?

So you accept that grass is a plant?

>That jews can use it?

Jews can use any language they like. The reason they choose to use Hebrew is because they want to create a false link to Judeans, but didn't realize Judeans had abandoned Hebrew hundreds of years before Jesus's time.

>Jesus is the son of jewish god

No. The son of the God, who jews did not worship.

>Jewsus says some judean aren't judean.

No, jews say they are Judean. Even though we have 100% concrete DNA evidence proving you are not.

>Proof they were exterminated?

We already did that one too rabbi. You don't get to keep ignoring what we've covered and circling back to it as if it had never been mentioned. You're acting out the exact behavior Hitler described.

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>Then what is the talmud for? And why is it full of "here's why you should pretend the follow the torah but not actually do it"?

The talmud is jewish fairy tales and argument compiled after oral traditions, it shits on Jewsus because judean did not Jewsus to be the son of jewish god, but a pretender.

>Yes it was. You are confusing the date of the oldest surviving copy today with the first creation of it.

Nah, the talmud was compiled somewhere in the 4th century.

>No you retard. The priestly caste was the Levites. That's why it is called Levitical law, and why the fucking book is called Leviticus. You are literally confusing two completely different groups.

Again, there are many priestly castes in judea and Israel, pharisee is one of them, and they disagreed with jewsus.

>What does it tell us about your hatred of Christianity that the only way you can try to get the goyim to abandon it is by repeating the same lazy lie over and over?

Because Christianity is a cuck religion and has nothing to do with Europe.

>THEY CALL THEMSELVES JEWS RIGHT NOW. What kind of braindead nigger are you?

Because they are jews, which mean judean. What the fuck are you on?

>Arabs are not Judeans, they are Samaritans.

Arabs, samaritans and judeans share similar or even the same DNA, being in the same fucking region.

>Jews can use any language they like. The reason they choose to use Hebrew is because they want to create a false link to Judeans, but didn't realize Judeans had abandoned Hebrew hundreds of years before Jesus's time.

Again, ancient jews had spoken hebrew, thus now jews recreate it. It has nothing to do with what Jewsus speaks.

>No. The son of the God, who jews did not worship.

Uh yeah, they fucking do, the jewish god of fathers of Abraham.

>No, jews say they are Judean. Even though we have 100% concrete DNA evidence proving you are not.

But we do, we do have DNA evidence that say they do: >>13399416 & >>13399424 & >>13399432

>We already did that one too rabbi. You don't get to keep ignoring what we've covered and circling back to it as if it had never been mentioned. You're acting out the exact behavior Hitler described.

Where? I dare you to post it. You said you have it but you have never posted it the whole thread.

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And again, no counter-argument on why Mary was not a whore.

She has children that was not her husband, Joseph.

Jesus is a literal bastard borne with out of no marriage.

Holy shit, and christcucks LARP this shit up.

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>The talmud is jewish fairy tales

Yes, it is the basis of their religion, not the torah.

>Nah, the talmud was compiled somewhere in the 4th century.

That's the oldest surviving copy we have, just like I told you.

>Again, there are many priestly castes in judea and Israel, pharisee is one of them

No there were not. The Levites were the priest caste. Period. Read the bible before trying to lie about it Shlomo.

>Because Christianity is a cuck religion

No, you yids have convinced idiotic "christians" to be cucks.

>and has nothing to do with Europe.

Yeah the last 1500 years of European history don't exist.

>Because they are jews


>which mean judean

They are not Judean, you have confirmed this with DNA evidence yourself. They are Khazars and arabs.

>Arabs, samaritans and judeans share similar

"Share similar" is not "descended from" you worthless yid.

>being in the same fucking region.

Danes and Norwegians share similar DNA, being in the same fucking region. This does not mean one is a descendant of the other. Is this seriously how bad JIDF training has gotten?

>Again, ancient jews had spoken hebrew, thus now jews recreate it

That's what I said moron. You recreate it because you didn't realize Hebrew had been abandoned and you should be dishonestly latching on to Aramaic to look like you have an actual lineage to ancient Hebrews.

>Uh yeah, they fucking do, the jewish god of fathers of Abraham.

Who jews do not worship. The talmud is the law of the yid. The torah is put forth to the goyim because if the masses saw what jews really believe, they would exterminate every last one of you vermin.

>But we do, we do have DNA evidence that say they do

Which clearly says you are wrong, no matter how many times you ignore that fact.


Again, repeating the same non-argument is not productive. You are Hitler's stereotypical arguing kike. Mary did not have sex with anyone but her husband. Therefore she is not a whore. This is very simple, and you know this, but you continue to pretend you don't because you are a yid.

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>Yes, it is the basis of their religion, not the torah.

So where was the Talmud in Abraham's time?

>That's the oldest surviving copy we have, just like I told you.

So where's the proof that the Talmud exist before that?

>No there were not. The Levites were the priest caste. Period. Read the bible before trying to lie about it Shlomo.

Yes, they fucking were, you read the Bible and you find the fucking pharisee in the fucking temple where Jewsus chase them from.

>No, you yids have convinced idiotic "christians" to be cucks.

Jewsus was a bastard and his followers were cucks.

>Yeah the last 1500 years of European history don't exist.

The last 1500 years of Christian history is not exclusively european. That's the point.

>They are not Judean, you have confirmed this with DNA evidence yourself. They are Khazars and arabs.

Actually, I have given evidences that ancient judean SHARE DNA traits with both modern judean/jew AND palestinian.

>"Share similar" is not "descended from" you worthless yid.

Yes, it fucking does. Sharing similiar DNA group mean you are RELATED to each other.

>Danes and Norwegians share similar DNA, being in the same fucking region. This does not mean one is a descendant of the other. Is this seriously how bad JIDF training has gotten?

Norwegian mean Norse. Dane is a norse people, you can say that dane is the descendant of the norwegian/norse people. Are you trying to say that dane and norwegian are of different ancestors?

>That's what I said moron. You recreate it because you didn't realize Hebrew had been abandoned and you should be dishonestly latching on to Aramaic to look like you have an actual lineage to ancient Hebrews.

What? The fact ancient judean and israelite use hebrew means modern judean can use hebrew, it has nothing to do with what Jewsus speaks.

>Who jews do not worship. The talmud is the law of the yid. The torah is put forth to the goyim because if the masses saw what jews really believe, they would exterminate every last one of you vermin.

Judean/jew worship the jewish god from the fathers of Abraham, the same jew that Jewsus and Mary claim bloodline from.

>Which clearly says you are wrong, no matter how many times you ignore that fact.

How? See literally here: >>13399416 & >>13399424 & >>13399432

>Mary did not have sex with anyone but her husband. Therefore she is not a whore. This is very simple, and you know this, but you continue to pretend you don't because you are a yid.

Again, if she did not have sex with anyone else, why is Jesus not the son of Joseph? Is Joseph Mary's husband or not? Answer this.

inb4 muh jew god can cuck and it's not cuckold

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And again, where is the goddamn evidence where judean were exterminated?

Why is the ancient judean DNA PROVEN to be related to modern judean and palestinian?

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you should ask him, how is it that ancient authors from Romans to early christian scholars(Augustine) to mediaeval scholars and popes kept using the Latin term "Iudaeus" throughout the ages unchanged for a thousand of years to refer to some specific people, if these peoples apparently not only were 100% destroyed by Titus but apparently shapeshifted only to apparently disappear at some point, to be replaced by what we call "jews"(which totally isn't just the anglification of "iudaeus"), which are totally different though, despite showing the same scummy nature as these mysterious "iudaei"

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> Nobody is stupid enough to keep buying your bullshit.

Aside from you and your mother, the rest of the world does go with the idea that today Jews are descendants of ancient Jews.

Some Jews got used to be hellenized and this has made their identification harder.

Jews move. Whether they stay in Judea or would settle in other regions (now countries) is nothing new.

Pharisees were a group of Hebrews following a specific philosophy of life.


>Only kikes pretend Jesus was not the son of God.

Being that delusional. You may be dealing with a kike, but you show all the severe symptoms of a christcuck. We also have enough genetic studies showing how Arabs and Jews have lot in common. They're not identical obviously, especially since there are many subgroups of Jews who have taken varying quantities of DNA from various host nations.

Don't you keep making the same claims, that; a) the real Jews have been exterminated by the Romans; b) the modern Jews stole the name Jew for themselves?

You just keep swapping names with peoples, assigning this name to this nation, without evidence at all.

They have the same shifty behavior. That most modern Jews, the Ashekenazi majority, has perhaps more white admixture than their distant sandnigger ancestors, does not change much to the reality of the JQ. Canaan back then was a puzzle of many ethnogroups.

>What does it tell us about your hatred of Christianity that the only way you can try to get the goyim to abandon it is by repeating the same lazy lie over and over?

Panicking much?


>Mary did not have sex with anyone but her husband.

Then Jesus' father is Joseph. Your non-scientific fairy tale has no authority here.

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I have pointed that out, along with the fact jews are still called by germans "juden".

Somehow this guy think that jews have hijacked the judean name while judeans (motherfucking Josephus and Jewsus's disciples such as Peter) are all over fucking Rome.


I am the guy arguing with him and I'm a not yid.

I hate yids and every abrahamic religions.

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>No, you cannot civilize them. It's antithetical to what they are.

Trying to make fish into dogs is another thing that subversive, Jew-backed slave morality movements have in common. Christians believe that you can turn niggers and other animals into humans by having them worship rabbi Yeshu, SJW's and neo-Trotskyists that you can turn them into humans by having them accept the secular version of Christianity (Judaism, Judeo-Masonry etc), i.e. "civilize" them. Both go against Nature, reason and genuine spirituality/metaphysics. In fact, gender bending and other degeneracy is just a logical conclusion of Christian doctrines, as observed from a sociopolitical and psychological angle. The whole movement, spanning countless centuries, should be seen as various stages of the same disease. Jesuits (I'd prefer to stop using the term Christ which these kike rats have appropriated) would attack SJW's and neoliberals in a similar manner like a person who has AIDS but doesn't know it yet attacks someone with visible wounds and other symptoms.

>Also, only Christian are obsessed about transforming all people by throwing them into the same mold.

All universalists have the same goal, absolute spiritual dissolution and negation of the self. And you will find a Jew behind every universalist religion, philosophical or political movement (including nihilism)


>Christians don't fully grasp the full scope of what this eschatology entails.

No intelligent, intellectually honest man can be a Christian for too long. It's all about deception and moving the goalposts, they are spiritual Jews after all, and their sophism is making their teachers proud.

>If they understood it, they'd be absolutely terrified by what Christianity promises them.

It promises them hell. And that's exactly what they are bringing to the world.


Almost every author of works that became integral parts of both OT and NT was a Jew, including the main character.


>you have no sample of marys blood. you have no sample of davids blood.

Speaking of which, you have zero evidence of those people existing in the first place, your only sources being Jewish myths. There is no way out of this one for you.


>so this ENTIRE thread

You jesuskike astroturfers are completely ignoring the theme of the thread and the context in which your jew cult is rightfully exposed, misdirecting and derailing it. This is the in-thread sliding that JIDF utilizes in threads that they cannot shut down or slide completely, meaning that it contains information that's dangerous for them.

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Christmutt argument that it's Christianity that defined European greatness and accomplishments is the same as a medal winning sportsman saying that it's his AIDS infection and drug addiction that helped him achieve it. Which raises a question, how advanced would Europeans today be if there was no semitic poison of jesuitism slowing them down?

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>how advanced would Europeans today be if there was no semitic poison of jesuitism slowing them down?

Hard to say. The dark ages meme is largely a myth and it's hard to pinpoint the source of the collapse of our western civilization on one single element. Yes, obviously Christianity being at first another Jewish sect would certainly not help, but there were many attempts to make it less Jewish and more attuned to the European mind. What is sure though is that Christianity has run its course and the poison it contains made clearer each new day.

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Repeating kike lies won't make them true. Jews are not descended from Judeans.

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It's been a slow-motion trainwreck, besides, the term "western civilization" is pretty kosher and doesn't account for the longer historical period of the European race.


So what you are trying to tell me is that, Jesus the king of Jews was not a Jew?

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How are they into it? As a sort of hobby in the way that many learned people in modern science are interested in the history of that science and collect information on it related to that field in its infancy, or as in they actually believe it?

If the latter, what are their proofs?

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>a certain soft collapse, or slight degeneration of the face

This is probably the result of inbreeding. The latest generation of Israelis don't have it, as they have regrouped into a large gene pool again.

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>the term "western civilization" is pretty kosher

In some ways yes but from the east, it has another meaning and overall, sunken into our materialistic mindset, we're seen as almost soulless degenerates, and it has gotten worse the more we thought we could create order without it being linked to a religious power.


Anglos too and I don't believe it's the climate nor the food that would do that to their faces.

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he gave two options, accelerate and/or escapism thru occultism, living as a hermit if you will. sometimes i question if people who worship him have even read the first chapter of rtt

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also he hated western civilization and warned that bougousie culture is not trad, and that there hasnt been a trad culture since atlantis

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Acceleration is only a relative opposite to the apparent static habituation that percieves it. Yet that which was habitually static and apparently decelerated, always carried the seeds within the cycle of it's movement through its medium as the fruition of crossing the mediums boundary unto a new medium. Acceleration isn't a choice or tactic, it's an awareness that carries the availability of choices. It's happening as it has historically already always done. Faster or slower, sooner or later only become relevent to those in a present awaiting a future or longing for past they refuse to create here and now with all they are and have available to be.

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go back to africa pls

get aids and ebola there


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Order implies religious power. Most people fail to realize that. Ironically, materialism seeks to completely abolish the concept of free will and individuality. Or is it maybe, that all ideas can be seen through both materialistic and spiritual lens as everything that's genuine contains both.


Slavery led to importation of subhumans and mixing with them, decadence (due to westerners stopping to do real work) and erosion of Aryan values by imposing a semitic value system (exploitation) onto them, even if on favorable terms. Then they used what was left of their power to impose the same system onto everyone else, effectively pozzing the world before they themselves are destroyed by their own degeneration, nihilism and decadence.

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> I was just pondering today on how to function within a society that you reject and are entirely opposed to in every way and form without inflicting psychological damage to yourself or compromising on your principles.

I've poured uncommon levels of autism into such questions. A couple of years ago I was sperging into some shit that lead me on a very wild ride. This specific spergout was into a combination of memory holed history consulting a lot of extremely rare texts, some of which I am amazed I was able to find, etymology, and trying to create a mental image of the relationships of various cultures in regards to the exodus of the P.I.E. civilization when they all left, in different directions, the area that spread from greece to the area north of the Caspian.

And I discovered something interesting… I honestly do not rightly recall how exactly I became aware of it, whether I pieced it together from sources or maybe I entirely intuited it… Which ever it was, it not only makes sense but I have since seen information pointing to it as well as encountered anons who had heard of it but didn't know anything about it. What I am talking about is proto-anon and it amounts to an entirely unorganized 'secret society'. It is called "the Brotherhood of the Bear". It goes all the way back. The basic concepts of it are "Good men who see what is wrong with the world can not fight it directly, so grin and bear it while reminding yourself 'does the bear shit in the woods?'"

As far as the mythos goes, the woods are the woods of chaos; the forest that we find ourselves lost in. And shit… What is shit? With a piece of shit you can tell everything that you need to know about the animal that dropped it. Shit is information. So, the Bear grins and bears it while dropping information in the chaos of society. What I am talking about is the ancient art of shitposting to highlight serious problems in the hopes that who ever notices that big old pile of shit gets redpilled.

In case my esoteric autism is a bit too much for anons, what I am trying to say is this:

>how do I live in this society without going mad

Start to see yourself as a soldier of the truth. Make no mistake about it, this is a war. You are, at this time, in fact a soldier deep behind the enemies lines. You must blend in or you will not be able to be effective. And, if the bullshit starts to wear at you, just remember that if wielded properly there is no weapon that can strike harder than the truth. All of this has been written.

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No, he is a fatalist


I actually read the whole book you mong

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opportunistic fatalist*

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Interesting, can you write more about such society or provide some links? There have always been wandering mystics sharing hidden truths, and they were most often fleeing the scenarios that we see in Europe today (Ancient India, Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Caucasus, Anatolia …), either seeking new lands since their highly advanced ancestral homes got destroyed by kikes and their subhuman hordes, or fleeing outright persecution. We are probably the modern-day equivalent of such groups, being targeted by modern inquisition enforcing the collective insanity. The roles have never changed throughout the history.

I'm even thinking about the possibility that the "flood" that's mentioned throughout many ancient religious texts was not an actual flood (water), but an allegory for their societies being overrun by subhumans. The end result is the same, so it could have been a coded reference.

You are right about the flip of perspective, instead of seeing ourselves encroached and losing ground, we should see ourselves as an elite vanguard deep within the enemy territory (which we actually are, metaphysically speaking), changing our colors like a chameleon, putting pressure on the fracture points of their society until it collapses onto itself.

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He also evoked the good Jew clause

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What do shills posting mainstream political circuses and clickbait fake news think of accelerationism?

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fuck off slavros

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There's like 3 or 4 definitions of accelerationism thanks to both spergs and shills.


1. Sabotage yourself to help the jews win more hoping the effects wake up normalfags.

2. Directly attack the jews and their institutions hoping that wakes up normalfags.

3. Prop up jewish schemes hoping that normalfags recoil in disgust and become redpilled just from that.

4. [Insert your definition]

Maybe a thread on deciding what exactly accelerationism means will help?

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Their agenda is based on many-generational paradigm shift, working in phases. Lately they are going for a final stage of their plan, mostly targeting children and young people with their brain-polluting, hoping to get an entire generation of 100% poz'd people. Accelerationism would be about making them overplay their hand, faster than the frog can be cooked properly, so people who are not yet 100% poz'd and those young people whose instincts and reason are still functioning recoil and cause a reaction. Accelerationism is twofold, one aim is to make the frog jump out of the boiling pot, another to make their entire system (that's built on lies) collapse. Everything that they do is forced, anti-natural and entirely artificial.

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If not you, than who?

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>Now shall I make my soul,

>Compelling it to study

>In a learned school

>Till the wreck of body,

>Slow decay of blood,

>Testy delirium

>Or dull decrepitude,

>Or what worse evil come—

>The death of friends, or death

>Of every brilliant eye

>That made a catch in the breath—

>Seem but the clouds of the sky

>When the horizon fades,

>Or a bird's sleepy cry

>Among the deepening shades.


>The proper attitude is to help kill it, whether by being "Sun" or "Lightning".

fulminance – apropos mountains in Nietzsche's writings and higher man, lightening can be precipitated by volcanoes – a call to implode the (((Enlil))) paradigm's artificial abode from the molten depths


>making them too "ugly" in every way, and thus forever imprisoned in the domain of their god so to speak. Whites are also the only race on earth capable of recognizing Platonic Forms.

From a biomorphic resonance angle, irretrievably out of phase with those (ancestral, foundational) Forms

>It contains space and time as potential but is not defined by them. It is here that the original and indestructible Hyperborea is [found]


>no need to make things much more complex than they actually are.

Divinely simplex

>you would need knowledge of each of them in order to truly understand my post.

Chumming the waters =/= pearls before swine

>We need to have the aristocracy replace the anti-aristocracy of today, and for that we need acceleration.

Landed against the Rootless; ~ early Nietzsche on socialists– "I can think of nothing more dangerous than the rule of an international aristocracy of finance."


>"a monstrous swindle, simply a game, a prank"

Circumscribing the limits of what we may apprehend more than fundamental reality itself.


<His ideas on Christianity are largely flawed.

He's cast as an erstwhile Lutheran, when it's "theosis against the [Pharisaical ritual killing monument & indictment of Man] Crucified."


<This takes a greater strength of will than any sort of "Master Morality".

There is only master morality (rather, will-to-power) – the 'slave morality' just recapitulates it into subjectivity, into the next life, a beyond hereafter. Europe's feats as Christendom were accomplished while being literally of two minds

– the challenge of this tension is essential (relieving it in modernistic nihilism has only cause atrophy.)


<In fact, it's the typical Jewish inversion/corruption of the white man's religions

The cross rustles these Chaldean/Mizraih plagiarists by very dint of its Egyptian roots (Osirus, Byblos, Essenes.) Re-Hellenization will require this to be taken all of the way, with occult/hermetic/esoteric & pagan knowledge.

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>a call to implode the (((Enlil))) paradigm's artificial abode from the molten depths

I used to think that Enlil is the Jew god (demiurge), but then I realized that's far from the truth. Enlil is just one aspect of the Aryan divinity/pantheon, precisely the one that wrecks things in divine fury when degenerates get too uppity. It's also a god of abstract intelligence, elitism (which includes racialism as a necessary part of the ladder), supernatural and divine ascendancy (the opposite of Judaism). You correctly noted that lighting can be precipitated by volcanoes. Volcanoes gave us ores to forge weapons and various gems. Probably associated with Rudra, Surtur and similar deities. My assumption is that kikes were absolutely terrified of it, which is why they even tried to appease it at times, causing them to be associated with it by some chroniclers. Their inferior godlet is feminine/hermaphrodite in principle, and represents something different. I wouldn't even exclude a possibility of them wanting us to associate the only archetype that could help us get rid of them with their mechanical devouring mother, so we either worship a corrupted image with the great deceiver transposed over it (Christians), or, reject our "sword" by associating it with their deity that we deny in totality (pacifists and other cucks). This might sound quite far-fetched, but we are dealing with intelligence far surpassing that of humans and a conspiracy that spans countless centuries, if not millenia. Even the great majority of kikes are just it's disposable pawns (bio-memetic golems with no soul), having no clue of whom they serve and why they do what they are doing. The very rare few who had the "flash" of Enlil transform them became it's greatest opponents. Jewish religious laws are eugenic/dysgenic psycho-physical blueprint for breeding exactly the kind of creature that's been plaguing us since the dawn of history. Whoever gave them "the law" in exchange for helping them survive and gain power, did so in a highly calculated and insidious manner. This level of sophistication, knowledge and long term strategic/dialectical planning can hardly be expected of humans.

>From a biomorphic resonance angle, irretrievably out of phase with those (ancestral, foundational) Forms

Exactly. Which is why you should avoid contact with subhumans (the worst of which were called untouchables for a reason) and avoid most things produced by subhumans, such as music, "art", literature etc. Of course, they can produce something nice and meaningful once in a while so one shouldn't be 100% exclusive, but mainstream media consumers, hip-hop/muzak listening whiggers and racemixers are inflicting great damage to their biomorphic (and metaphysical/intellectual) integrity, most likely sentencing themselves to be reborn as lesser lifeforms. This is why kikes are conducting a "full spectrum" warfare against us, trying to make us degenerate physically, mentally, culturally and spiritually, at the entire generative spectrum, simultaneously. There is no karma, there is no heavenly court and universal morality, but there are a mutual-feedback loop, synchronicity and sympathetic forces (similar to weak and strong atomic force in the material universe), meaning that the more you strive towards divinity in life (which has nothing to do with following arbitrary rules and worshiping idols), the more likely you are to go to "heaven", and vice-versa.

>pearls before swine

Never implied that, just that I often write posts assuming the average reader to be very well knowledgeable of the concepts that I'm building upon, which is often not the case, and I don't like confusing people so I gave a disclaimer of sorts.

>aristocracy of finance

International finance is completely devoid of Aristos, they lack any virtues and are just a bunch of nepotistic, parasitical kikes larping as kangz. I meant /proper/ Aristocracy. Unfortunately this term got conflated with wealth and status once we accepted semitic values with the advent of Christianity.

>The cross

Especially the forms with even lines where a swastika is hiding in a plain sight, such as Templar, Maltese, Celtic cross (in contrast to contemporary Christian one with longer bottom line that represents the cube/prison of the soul) Wise people were "crossing themselves" long before (((Jesus)))

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Most people misunderstand the idea of restoring the balance, it's often presented as the median, lukewarm, moderate option, which is wrong. Think of holding a scale, and having 1kg weight on the decadence dish. Then you find a moderate middle (0.5kg) and put it on another dish. It will still keep weighting down towards decadence, you have just slowed down the process (and thus made more harm than good). No, you need a counterweight of the equal mass. And if you want to actually reverse the trend, it needs to weigh more. Which means that the proper approach would have to be anything but moderate. Alternatively, you could just step on the decadence dish making the chain holding it break and those onto it fall into the abyss. This is the kind of counter-intuitive thinking that's needed to understand (proper) accelerationism.

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>the cube/prison of the soul

There we go again with this absurdity.

The cube could only exist in the creation, by virtue of the three dimensional axes. Therefore the cube is a symbol of the creation.

Then we have to deal with two opposite views, the first one claiming this creation is somehow faulty, a trap or some sort, a prison. Cue Gnostics' and their Demiurge, Buddhists and pretty much all Christian and Islamic shit that sells the same kind of escapism.

Then you have the good stuff, much more ancient. The one that claims that the universe is perfect, is a battleground, is not for the faint heated and faggots, and is meant to be enjoyed and fought in because it was created precisely for that never ending flow of epic events.

Jews have been gaining power because they stuck to the proper idea that the fight and rewards are here. Being parasites, they knew they could never stand a chance in an open fight, nor could they and create and manifest beauty, contrary to Whites, so they also made sure we would lose sight of this important universal rule because that's the only way they could claim the world for themselves. In an open war, they'd be promptly defeated and eliminated, as per the Laws of Nature dictate. They have been fearing that day for all their existence.


= the last form of Vishnu?

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>Therefore the cube is a symbol of the creation

Ergo, worshiping a symbol of dimensionality (limitation, "hex", imprisonment) and physical universe (matter, creation, entanglement) as something divine instead of proper equal armed cross that's supposed to represent something different. How can a minor (but intentional) corruption completely change the meaning … There are countless similar examples in Christianity, supporting my thesis that it's role was to make ancient Aryan spirituality entirely materialistic (turn it upside-down, judaize it) and slowly pave the way for the total degeneration that we witness today.

>Cue Gnostics' and their Demiurge

There are countless versions of Gnosticism, some would be in total agreement with the rest of your post. Demiurge could either be a representation of the inertial movement and semi-mechanistic nature of a self-emerging (and self-devouring) universe along with entropy as it's residue (it would represent natural forces that need to be overcome and controlled (like Abraxas controls the chariot), not a conscious entity and an active adversary, although it's inertial force could be seen as action from a personal frame of reference - Brahman), or, it could be an entity that was like you and me at one point but eventually grew so powerful to be able to (mostly) control entire worlds or at least corrupt them and convince people that it's corruption is the real thing, making them blind to the real source, beauty and truth. Think of it as the final boss of this battleground. It could also be both, a universal principle and a personalized manifestation/active intelligence - as above, so below.

>Buddhists and pretty much all Christian and Islamic shit that sells the same kind of escapism.

Not at all, Buddhism is pretty much the philosophy that the only winning move is not to play, and the other two are just versions of Judaism that promise materialistic heaven, just after life (Judaism promises it during life, but only for you know who).

>They have been fearing that day for all their existence.

If Whites would start fighting them directly in larger numbers, it would mean that their most effective (but only) weapon is no longer working. What would they do then? Even if we leave them alone, they would die out due to being criminally incompetent and completely useless (with few notable exceptions). They have invested all of their affinity points into jewing and made all other areas a dump stat. That makes them so inferior in almost every possible way, but also highly dangerous and unmatched in one.

>Enlil = the last form of Vishnu?

There are many comparable elements, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

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Isaac Newton, probably one of the most famous of all the scientists from protestant countries, was an occultist and an alchemist in private. Many men of science were living in a Christian society that would have been slain for challenging the church. Giordano Bruno, who popularized the Heliocentric theory of the solar system, was burnt at the stake in Rome for wrongthink. The White Man's understanding of the world around him grew in spite of Christianity. Many of the greatest thinkers produced by the White Race during those 400 years were banned by the Catholic church, the largest of the sects of Christianity currently in the world today. Only in living memory has this church apologized for it's awful persecution of Galileo. Men learned to hide their rejection of the Christian faith in order to evade execution and imprisonment.

Here is a quick reference to their list of banned books, only rescinded with Vatican II in the 1960's:

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/List_of_authors_and_works_on_the_Index_Librorum_Prohibitorum

(I know it's wikipedia but you should know how to look at their references and go from there

And protestant garbage isn't any better. Martin Luther regarded Copernicus as a fool who rejected Scripture:

>"There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth."



The "Holy Scripture" he cites? It's a flat earth book written by backwards, moronic, lying kikes who didn't even have a basic grasp of the basic physics of the solar system that their imposter God pretends to have made. The Genesis nonsense opens with God separating day and night, light and dark, on the first day. Yet, he made the sun and moon on the fourth day. Why? Because the stupid kikes who wrote this knew absolutely fuck all about basic physics. Children in elementary school have a better grasp of basic physics than the idiotic (((charlatans))) who contrived this asinine fakery you base your worldview on. Oh wait, let me guess, it's all just a bunch of metaphors when it's shown to be a bunch of nonsense

Oh, and on Newton a bit. Here is the link to the Newton archive where transcriptions of his notes on the occult study of alchemy are transcribed:


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>So what you are trying to tell me is that, Jesus the king of Jews was not a Jew?

Jesus was not the king of jews, he called jews Satan's minions. And capitalizing jew gives you away rabbi.

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>Jesus was not the king of jews, he called jews Satan's minions

So his minions basically

>A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a demon that torments her severely."

>But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. "Tell her to go away," they said. "She is bothering us with all her begging."

>“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

>But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, "Lord, help me!"

>Jesus responded, "It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs."

>She replied, "That's true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters' table."

>"Dear woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed.

— Bible, Matthew 15

>Hurr, if you write jews with lowercase letter you win

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Evola is a fun read if you also read some Marxist garbage on the side such as Lenin or Stalin. It's essentially the same quasi-mystical rhetoric based on nothing real, just from opposite direction. I wonder if typical leftist moron who takes marxists seriously for some reason could be converted to dissident right with Evola, the style is so similar to what they think is smart.

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Not at all, Evola appeals to metaphysics and philosophy while Marxists like to fancy themselves as rational thinkers

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File: 6774680b8e9e610⋯.png (170.45 KB,529x419,529:419,pepe least rare.png)


>quasi-mystical rhetoric based on nothing real

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What about Evola, that is more or less known and he is only important for the selected few. But Adolf Hitler himself, that is whole another league. Let the man speak through his own words:

>"For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of creeping sickness was suddenly cut short by so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly. The disease would have become chronic, while in the acute form of the collapse it at least became clearly and distinctly recognizable to a considerable number of people. It was no accident that man mastered the plague more easily than tuberculosis. The one comes in terrible waves of death that shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and stealthily; the one leads to terrible fear, the other to gradual indifference. The consequence is that man opposed the one with all the ruthlessness of his energy, while he tries to control consumption with feeble means. Thus he mastered the plague, while tuberculosis masters him.

>Exactly the same is true of diseases of national bodies. If they do not take the form of catastrophe, man slowly begins to get accustomed to them and at length, though it may take some time, perishes all the more certainly of them. And so it is a good fortune-though a bitter one, to be sure-when Fate resolves to take a hand in this slow process of putrefaction and with a sudden blow makes the victim visualize the end of his disease. For more than once, that is what such a catastrophe amounts to Then it can easily become the cause of a recovery beginning with the utmost determination."

- Mein Kampf, Chapter 10

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So, is there a reason for your quote or are you just copy and pasting random stuff? Jesus was sent to the Israelites, not kikes. Just like what your quote says. Repeating your yid fantasy is not an argument, you have to actually support it. Provide evidence that you worthless parasites are in any way related to Israelites, who were described as fair skinned, ruddy, blond, and hard working farmers. Doesn't really sound like kikes to me. Although khazars, described as hook-nosed, lying merchants known for invading other nations, changing their names to blend in, and then subverting them and pilfering from them does sound a bit like you.

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Who cares?

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Are there any pdf files of Ebola work?

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That’s it I’m disabling autocorrect

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bump for relevance

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Evola was an adult virign.

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Hahaha jesus christ, Shlomo… is that all you got?

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