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 No.13247817 [View All]

Picked up the basics from Evola, because many here cite him as a leading thinker behind this "movement".

Only a few pages into "Ride The Tiger" I found something interesting

"The trans-formations that have already taken place go too deep to be reversible. The energies that have been liberated, or which are ίη the course οf liberation, are not such as can be reconfined within the structures οί yesterday's world. The very fact that attempts at reaction have referred to those structures alone, which are void οί any superior legitimacy, has made the subversive forces all the more vigorous and aggressive. Ιη the second place, such a path would lead to a compromise that would be inadmissible as an ideal, and perilous as a tactic."

"As Ι have said, the traditional values ίη the sense that Ι understand them are not bourgeois values, but the very antithesis οf them. Thus to recognize any validity ίη those survivals, to associate them ίη any way with traditional values, and to validate them with the latter with the intentions already described, would be either to demonstrate a feeble grasp οf the traditional values themselves, or else to diminish them and drag them down to a deplorable and risky form οί compromise.

Ι say "risky" because however one attaches the traditional ideas to the residual forms οί bourgeois civilization, one exposes them to the attack-in some respects inevitable, legitimate, and necessary-cur-rently mounted against that civilization.

One is therefore obliged to turn to the opposite solution, even ίί things thereby become still more difficult and one runs into another type οf risk. It is good to sever every link with all that which is destined sooner or later to collapse. The problem will then be to maintain one's essential direction without leaning οη any given or transmitted form, including forms that are authentically traditional but belong to past history. Ιη this respect, continuity can οηlΥ be maintained οη an essential plane, so to speak, as an inner orientation οί being, beside the greatest possible external liberty.

As we shall soon see, the support that the Tradition can continue to give does not refer to positive structures, regular and recognized by some civilization already formed by it, but rather to that doctrine that contains its principles οηlΥ ίη their supe-rior, preformal state, anterior to th~ particular historical formulations: a state that ίη the past had ηο pertinence to the masses, but had the character οf esoteric doctrine.

For the rest, given the impossibility οί acting positively ίη the sense οί a real and general return to the normal system, and given the impossibil-ity, within the climate οί modern society, culture, and customs, οf mold-ing one's whole existence ίη an organic and unitary manner, it remains to be seen οη what terms one can accept situations οf utter dissolution without being inwardly touched by them. What ίη the current phase-which is, ίη the last analysis, a transitional one-can be chosen, sepa-rated from the rest, and accepted as a free form οf behavior that is not outwardly anachronistic? Can one thus measure oneself against what is most advanced ίη contemporary thought and lifestyle, while remaining inwardly determined and governed by a completely different spirit?

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And again, where is the goddamn evidence where judean were exterminated?

Why is the ancient judean DNA PROVEN to be related to modern judean and palestinian?

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you should ask him, how is it that ancient authors from Romans to early christian scholars(Augustine) to mediaeval scholars and popes kept using the Latin term "Iudaeus" throughout the ages unchanged for a thousand of years to refer to some specific people, if these peoples apparently not only were 100% destroyed by Titus but apparently shapeshifted only to apparently disappear at some point, to be replaced by what we call "jews"(which totally isn't just the anglification of "iudaeus"), which are totally different though, despite showing the same scummy nature as these mysterious "iudaei"

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> Nobody is stupid enough to keep buying your bullshit.

Aside from you and your mother, the rest of the world does go with the idea that today Jews are descendants of ancient Jews.

Some Jews got used to be hellenized and this has made their identification harder.

Jews move. Whether they stay in Judea or would settle in other regions (now countries) is nothing new.

Pharisees were a group of Hebrews following a specific philosophy of life.


>Only kikes pretend Jesus was not the son of God.

Being that delusional. You may be dealing with a kike, but you show all the severe symptoms of a christcuck. We also have enough genetic studies showing how Arabs and Jews have lot in common. They're not identical obviously, especially since there are many subgroups of Jews who have taken varying quantities of DNA from various host nations.

Don't you keep making the same claims, that; a) the real Jews have been exterminated by the Romans; b) the modern Jews stole the name Jew for themselves?

You just keep swapping names with peoples, assigning this name to this nation, without evidence at all.

They have the same shifty behavior. That most modern Jews, the Ashekenazi majority, has perhaps more white admixture than their distant sandnigger ancestors, does not change much to the reality of the JQ. Canaan back then was a puzzle of many ethnogroups.

>What does it tell us about your hatred of Christianity that the only way you can try to get the goyim to abandon it is by repeating the same lazy lie over and over?

Panicking much?


>Mary did not have sex with anyone but her husband.

Then Jesus' father is Joseph. Your non-scientific fairy tale has no authority here.

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I have pointed that out, along with the fact jews are still called by germans "juden".

Somehow this guy think that jews have hijacked the judean name while judeans (motherfucking Josephus and Jewsus's disciples such as Peter) are all over fucking Rome.


I am the guy arguing with him and I'm a not yid.

I hate yids and every abrahamic religions.

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>No, you cannot civilize them. It's antithetical to what they are.

Trying to make fish into dogs is another thing that subversive, Jew-backed slave morality movements have in common. Christians believe that you can turn niggers and other animals into humans by having them worship rabbi Yeshu, SJW's and neo-Trotskyists that you can turn them into humans by having them accept the secular version of Christianity (Judaism, Judeo-Masonry etc), i.e. "civilize" them. Both go against Nature, reason and genuine spirituality/metaphysics. In fact, gender bending and other degeneracy is just a logical conclusion of Christian doctrines, as observed from a sociopolitical and psychological angle. The whole movement, spanning countless centuries, should be seen as various stages of the same disease. Jesuits (I'd prefer to stop using the term Christ which these kike rats have appropriated) would attack SJW's and neoliberals in a similar manner like a person who has AIDS but doesn't know it yet attacks someone with visible wounds and other symptoms.

>Also, only Christian are obsessed about transforming all people by throwing them into the same mold.

All universalists have the same goal, absolute spiritual dissolution and negation of the self. And you will find a Jew behind every universalist religion, philosophical or political movement (including nihilism)


>Christians don't fully grasp the full scope of what this eschatology entails.

No intelligent, intellectually honest man can be a Christian for too long. It's all about deception and moving the goalposts, they are spiritual Jews after all, and their sophism is making their teachers proud.

>If they understood it, they'd be absolutely terrified by what Christianity promises them.

It promises them hell. And that's exactly what they are bringing to the world.


Almost every author of works that became integral parts of both OT and NT was a Jew, including the main character.


>you have no sample of marys blood. you have no sample of davids blood.

Speaking of which, you have zero evidence of those people existing in the first place, your only sources being Jewish myths. There is no way out of this one for you.


>so this ENTIRE thread

You jesuskike astroturfers are completely ignoring the theme of the thread and the context in which your jew cult is rightfully exposed, misdirecting and derailing it. This is the in-thread sliding that JIDF utilizes in threads that they cannot shut down or slide completely, meaning that it contains information that's dangerous for them.

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Christmutt argument that it's Christianity that defined European greatness and accomplishments is the same as a medal winning sportsman saying that it's his AIDS infection and drug addiction that helped him achieve it. Which raises a question, how advanced would Europeans today be if there was no semitic poison of jesuitism slowing them down?

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>how advanced would Europeans today be if there was no semitic poison of jesuitism slowing them down?

Hard to say. The dark ages meme is largely a myth and it's hard to pinpoint the source of the collapse of our western civilization on one single element. Yes, obviously Christianity being at first another Jewish sect would certainly not help, but there were many attempts to make it less Jewish and more attuned to the European mind. What is sure though is that Christianity has run its course and the poison it contains made clearer each new day.

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Repeating kike lies won't make them true. Jews are not descended from Judeans.

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It's been a slow-motion trainwreck, besides, the term "western civilization" is pretty kosher and doesn't account for the longer historical period of the European race.


So what you are trying to tell me is that, Jesus the king of Jews was not a Jew?

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How are they into it? As a sort of hobby in the way that many learned people in modern science are interested in the history of that science and collect information on it related to that field in its infancy, or as in they actually believe it?

If the latter, what are their proofs?

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>a certain soft collapse, or slight degeneration of the face

This is probably the result of inbreeding. The latest generation of Israelis don't have it, as they have regrouped into a large gene pool again.

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>the term "western civilization" is pretty kosher

In some ways yes but from the east, it has another meaning and overall, sunken into our materialistic mindset, we're seen as almost soulless degenerates, and it has gotten worse the more we thought we could create order without it being linked to a religious power.


Anglos too and I don't believe it's the climate nor the food that would do that to their faces.

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he gave two options, accelerate and/or escapism thru occultism, living as a hermit if you will. sometimes i question if people who worship him have even read the first chapter of rtt

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also he hated western civilization and warned that bougousie culture is not trad, and that there hasnt been a trad culture since atlantis

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Acceleration is only a relative opposite to the apparent static habituation that percieves it. Yet that which was habitually static and apparently decelerated, always carried the seeds within the cycle of it's movement through its medium as the fruition of crossing the mediums boundary unto a new medium. Acceleration isn't a choice or tactic, it's an awareness that carries the availability of choices. It's happening as it has historically already always done. Faster or slower, sooner or later only become relevent to those in a present awaiting a future or longing for past they refuse to create here and now with all they are and have available to be.

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go back to africa pls

get aids and ebola there


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Order implies religious power. Most people fail to realize that. Ironically, materialism seeks to completely abolish the concept of free will and individuality. Or is it maybe, that all ideas can be seen through both materialistic and spiritual lens as everything that's genuine contains both.


Slavery led to importation of subhumans and mixing with them, decadence (due to westerners stopping to do real work) and erosion of Aryan values by imposing a semitic value system (exploitation) onto them, even if on favorable terms. Then they used what was left of their power to impose the same system onto everyone else, effectively pozzing the world before they themselves are destroyed by their own degeneration, nihilism and decadence.

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> I was just pondering today on how to function within a society that you reject and are entirely opposed to in every way and form without inflicting psychological damage to yourself or compromising on your principles.

I've poured uncommon levels of autism into such questions. A couple of years ago I was sperging into some shit that lead me on a very wild ride. This specific spergout was into a combination of memory holed history consulting a lot of extremely rare texts, some of which I am amazed I was able to find, etymology, and trying to create a mental image of the relationships of various cultures in regards to the exodus of the P.I.E. civilization when they all left, in different directions, the area that spread from greece to the area north of the Caspian.

And I discovered something interesting… I honestly do not rightly recall how exactly I became aware of it, whether I pieced it together from sources or maybe I entirely intuited it… Which ever it was, it not only makes sense but I have since seen information pointing to it as well as encountered anons who had heard of it but didn't know anything about it. What I am talking about is proto-anon and it amounts to an entirely unorganized 'secret society'. It is called "the Brotherhood of the Bear". It goes all the way back. The basic concepts of it are "Good men who see what is wrong with the world can not fight it directly, so grin and bear it while reminding yourself 'does the bear shit in the woods?'"

As far as the mythos goes, the woods are the woods of chaos; the forest that we find ourselves lost in. And shit… What is shit? With a piece of shit you can tell everything that you need to know about the animal that dropped it. Shit is information. So, the Bear grins and bears it while dropping information in the chaos of society. What I am talking about is the ancient art of shitposting to highlight serious problems in the hopes that who ever notices that big old pile of shit gets redpilled.

In case my esoteric autism is a bit too much for anons, what I am trying to say is this:

>how do I live in this society without going mad

Start to see yourself as a soldier of the truth. Make no mistake about it, this is a war. You are, at this time, in fact a soldier deep behind the enemies lines. You must blend in or you will not be able to be effective. And, if the bullshit starts to wear at you, just remember that if wielded properly there is no weapon that can strike harder than the truth. All of this has been written.

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No, he is a fatalist


I actually read the whole book you mong

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opportunistic fatalist*

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Interesting, can you write more about such society or provide some links? There have always been wandering mystics sharing hidden truths, and they were most often fleeing the scenarios that we see in Europe today (Ancient India, Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Caucasus, Anatolia …), either seeking new lands since their highly advanced ancestral homes got destroyed by kikes and their subhuman hordes, or fleeing outright persecution. We are probably the modern-day equivalent of such groups, being targeted by modern inquisition enforcing the collective insanity. The roles have never changed throughout the history.

I'm even thinking about the possibility that the "flood" that's mentioned throughout many ancient religious texts was not an actual flood (water), but an allegory for their societies being overrun by subhumans. The end result is the same, so it could have been a coded reference.

You are right about the flip of perspective, instead of seeing ourselves encroached and losing ground, we should see ourselves as an elite vanguard deep within the enemy territory (which we actually are, metaphysically speaking), changing our colors like a chameleon, putting pressure on the fracture points of their society until it collapses onto itself.

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He also evoked the good Jew clause

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What do shills posting mainstream political circuses and clickbait fake news think of accelerationism?

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fuck off slavros

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There's like 3 or 4 definitions of accelerationism thanks to both spergs and shills.


1. Sabotage yourself to help the jews win more hoping the effects wake up normalfags.

2. Directly attack the jews and their institutions hoping that wakes up normalfags.

3. Prop up jewish schemes hoping that normalfags recoil in disgust and become redpilled just from that.

4. [Insert your definition]

Maybe a thread on deciding what exactly accelerationism means will help?

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Their agenda is based on many-generational paradigm shift, working in phases. Lately they are going for a final stage of their plan, mostly targeting children and young people with their brain-polluting, hoping to get an entire generation of 100% poz'd people. Accelerationism would be about making them overplay their hand, faster than the frog can be cooked properly, so people who are not yet 100% poz'd and those young people whose instincts and reason are still functioning recoil and cause a reaction. Accelerationism is twofold, one aim is to make the frog jump out of the boiling pot, another to make their entire system (that's built on lies) collapse. Everything that they do is forced, anti-natural and entirely artificial.

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If not you, than who?

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>Now shall I make my soul,

>Compelling it to study

>In a learned school

>Till the wreck of body,

>Slow decay of blood,

>Testy delirium

>Or dull decrepitude,

>Or what worse evil come—

>The death of friends, or death

>Of every brilliant eye

>That made a catch in the breath—

>Seem but the clouds of the sky

>When the horizon fades,

>Or a bird's sleepy cry

>Among the deepening shades.


>The proper attitude is to help kill it, whether by being "Sun" or "Lightning".

fulminance – apropos mountains in Nietzsche's writings and higher man, lightening can be precipitated by volcanoes – a call to implode the (((Enlil))) paradigm's artificial abode from the molten depths


>making them too "ugly" in every way, and thus forever imprisoned in the domain of their god so to speak. Whites are also the only race on earth capable of recognizing Platonic Forms.

From a biomorphic resonance angle, irretrievably out of phase with those (ancestral, foundational) Forms

>It contains space and time as potential but is not defined by them. It is here that the original and indestructible Hyperborea is [found]


>no need to make things much more complex than they actually are.

Divinely simplex

>you would need knowledge of each of them in order to truly understand my post.

Chumming the waters =/= pearls before swine

>We need to have the aristocracy replace the anti-aristocracy of today, and for that we need acceleration.

Landed against the Rootless; ~ early Nietzsche on socialists– "I can think of nothing more dangerous than the rule of an international aristocracy of finance."


>"a monstrous swindle, simply a game, a prank"

Circumscribing the limits of what we may apprehend more than fundamental reality itself.


<His ideas on Christianity are largely flawed.

He's cast as an erstwhile Lutheran, when it's "theosis against the [Pharisaical ritual killing monument & indictment of Man] Crucified."


<This takes a greater strength of will than any sort of "Master Morality".

There is only master morality (rather, will-to-power) – the 'slave morality' just recapitulates it into subjectivity, into the next life, a beyond hereafter. Europe's feats as Christendom were accomplished while being literally of two minds

– the challenge of this tension is essential (relieving it in modernistic nihilism has only cause atrophy.)


<In fact, it's the typical Jewish inversion/corruption of the white man's religions

The cross rustles these Chaldean/Mizraih plagiarists by very dint of its Egyptian roots (Osirus, Byblos, Essenes.) Re-Hellenization will require this to be taken all of the way, with occult/hermetic/esoteric & pagan knowledge.

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>a call to implode the (((Enlil))) paradigm's artificial abode from the molten depths

I used to think that Enlil is the Jew god (demiurge), but then I realized that's far from the truth. Enlil is just one aspect of the Aryan divinity/pantheon, precisely the one that wrecks things in divine fury when degenerates get too uppity. It's also a god of abstract intelligence, elitism (which includes racialism as a necessary part of the ladder), supernatural and divine ascendancy (the opposite of Judaism). You correctly noted that lighting can be precipitated by volcanoes. Volcanoes gave us ores to forge weapons and various gems. Probably associated with Rudra, Surtur and similar deities. My assumption is that kikes were absolutely terrified of it, which is why they even tried to appease it at times, causing them to be associated with it by some chroniclers. Their inferior godlet is feminine/hermaphrodite in principle, and represents something different. I wouldn't even exclude a possibility of them wanting us to associate the only archetype that could help us get rid of them with their mechanical devouring mother, so we either worship a corrupted image with the great deceiver transposed over it (Christians), or, reject our "sword" by associating it with their deity that we deny in totality (pacifists and other cucks). This might sound quite far-fetched, but we are dealing with intelligence far surpassing that of humans and a conspiracy that spans countless centuries, if not millenia. Even the great majority of kikes are just it's disposable pawns (bio-memetic golems with no soul), having no clue of whom they serve and why they do what they are doing. The very rare few who had the "flash" of Enlil transform them became it's greatest opponents. Jewish religious laws are eugenic/dysgenic psycho-physical blueprint for breeding exactly the kind of creature that's been plaguing us since the dawn of history. Whoever gave them "the law" in exchange for helping them survive and gain power, did so in a highly calculated and insidious manner. This level of sophistication, knowledge and long term strategic/dialectical planning can hardly be expected of humans.

>From a biomorphic resonance angle, irretrievably out of phase with those (ancestral, foundational) Forms

Exactly. Which is why you should avoid contact with subhumans (the worst of which were called untouchables for a reason) and avoid most things produced by subhumans, such as music, "art", literature etc. Of course, they can produce something nice and meaningful once in a while so one shouldn't be 100% exclusive, but mainstream media consumers, hip-hop/muzak listening whiggers and racemixers are inflicting great damage to their biomorphic (and metaphysical/intellectual) integrity, most likely sentencing themselves to be reborn as lesser lifeforms. This is why kikes are conducting a "full spectrum" warfare against us, trying to make us degenerate physically, mentally, culturally and spiritually, at the entire generative spectrum, simultaneously. There is no karma, there is no heavenly court and universal morality, but there are a mutual-feedback loop, synchronicity and sympathetic forces (similar to weak and strong atomic force in the material universe), meaning that the more you strive towards divinity in life (which has nothing to do with following arbitrary rules and worshiping idols), the more likely you are to go to "heaven", and vice-versa.

>pearls before swine

Never implied that, just that I often write posts assuming the average reader to be very well knowledgeable of the concepts that I'm building upon, which is often not the case, and I don't like confusing people so I gave a disclaimer of sorts.

>aristocracy of finance

International finance is completely devoid of Aristos, they lack any virtues and are just a bunch of nepotistic, parasitical kikes larping as kangz. I meant /proper/ Aristocracy. Unfortunately this term got conflated with wealth and status once we accepted semitic values with the advent of Christianity.

>The cross

Especially the forms with even lines where a swastika is hiding in a plain sight, such as Templar, Maltese, Celtic cross (in contrast to contemporary Christian one with longer bottom line that represents the cube/prison of the soul) Wise people were "crossing themselves" long before (((Jesus)))

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Most people misunderstand the idea of restoring the balance, it's often presented as the median, lukewarm, moderate option, which is wrong. Think of holding a scale, and having 1kg weight on the decadence dish. Then you find a moderate middle (0.5kg) and put it on another dish. It will still keep weighting down towards decadence, you have just slowed down the process (and thus made more harm than good). No, you need a counterweight of the equal mass. And if you want to actually reverse the trend, it needs to weigh more. Which means that the proper approach would have to be anything but moderate. Alternatively, you could just step on the decadence dish making the chain holding it break and those onto it fall into the abyss. This is the kind of counter-intuitive thinking that's needed to understand (proper) accelerationism.

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>the cube/prison of the soul

There we go again with this absurdity.

The cube could only exist in the creation, by virtue of the three dimensional axes. Therefore the cube is a symbol of the creation.

Then we have to deal with two opposite views, the first one claiming this creation is somehow faulty, a trap or some sort, a prison. Cue Gnostics' and their Demiurge, Buddhists and pretty much all Christian and Islamic shit that sells the same kind of escapism.

Then you have the good stuff, much more ancient. The one that claims that the universe is perfect, is a battleground, is not for the faint heated and faggots, and is meant to be enjoyed and fought in because it was created precisely for that never ending flow of epic events.

Jews have been gaining power because they stuck to the proper idea that the fight and rewards are here. Being parasites, they knew they could never stand a chance in an open fight, nor could they and create and manifest beauty, contrary to Whites, so they also made sure we would lose sight of this important universal rule because that's the only way they could claim the world for themselves. In an open war, they'd be promptly defeated and eliminated, as per the Laws of Nature dictate. They have been fearing that day for all their existence.


= the last form of Vishnu?

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>Therefore the cube is a symbol of the creation

Ergo, worshiping a symbol of dimensionality (limitation, "hex", imprisonment) and physical universe (matter, creation, entanglement) as something divine instead of proper equal armed cross that's supposed to represent something different. How can a minor (but intentional) corruption completely change the meaning … There are countless similar examples in Christianity, supporting my thesis that it's role was to make ancient Aryan spirituality entirely materialistic (turn it upside-down, judaize it) and slowly pave the way for the total degeneration that we witness today.

>Cue Gnostics' and their Demiurge

There are countless versions of Gnosticism, some would be in total agreement with the rest of your post. Demiurge could either be a representation of the inertial movement and semi-mechanistic nature of a self-emerging (and self-devouring) universe along with entropy as it's residue (it would represent natural forces that need to be overcome and controlled (like Abraxas controls the chariot), not a conscious entity and an active adversary, although it's inertial force could be seen as action from a personal frame of reference - Brahman), or, it could be an entity that was like you and me at one point but eventually grew so powerful to be able to (mostly) control entire worlds or at least corrupt them and convince people that it's corruption is the real thing, making them blind to the real source, beauty and truth. Think of it as the final boss of this battleground. It could also be both, a universal principle and a personalized manifestation/active intelligence - as above, so below.

>Buddhists and pretty much all Christian and Islamic shit that sells the same kind of escapism.

Not at all, Buddhism is pretty much the philosophy that the only winning move is not to play, and the other two are just versions of Judaism that promise materialistic heaven, just after life (Judaism promises it during life, but only for you know who).

>They have been fearing that day for all their existence.

If Whites would start fighting them directly in larger numbers, it would mean that their most effective (but only) weapon is no longer working. What would they do then? Even if we leave them alone, they would die out due to being criminally incompetent and completely useless (with few notable exceptions). They have invested all of their affinity points into jewing and made all other areas a dump stat. That makes them so inferior in almost every possible way, but also highly dangerous and unmatched in one.

>Enlil = the last form of Vishnu?

There are many comparable elements, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions.

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Isaac Newton, probably one of the most famous of all the scientists from protestant countries, was an occultist and an alchemist in private. Many men of science were living in a Christian society that would have been slain for challenging the church. Giordano Bruno, who popularized the Heliocentric theory of the solar system, was burnt at the stake in Rome for wrongthink. The White Man's understanding of the world around him grew in spite of Christianity. Many of the greatest thinkers produced by the White Race during those 400 years were banned by the Catholic church, the largest of the sects of Christianity currently in the world today. Only in living memory has this church apologized for it's awful persecution of Galileo. Men learned to hide their rejection of the Christian faith in order to evade execution and imprisonment.

Here is a quick reference to their list of banned books, only rescinded with Vatican II in the 1960's:

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/List_of_authors_and_works_on_the_Index_Librorum_Prohibitorum

(I know it's wikipedia but you should know how to look at their references and go from there

And protestant garbage isn't any better. Martin Luther regarded Copernicus as a fool who rejected Scripture:

>"There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth."



The "Holy Scripture" he cites? It's a flat earth book written by backwards, moronic, lying kikes who didn't even have a basic grasp of the basic physics of the solar system that their imposter God pretends to have made. The Genesis nonsense opens with God separating day and night, light and dark, on the first day. Yet, he made the sun and moon on the fourth day. Why? Because the stupid kikes who wrote this knew absolutely fuck all about basic physics. Children in elementary school have a better grasp of basic physics than the idiotic (((charlatans))) who contrived this asinine fakery you base your worldview on. Oh wait, let me guess, it's all just a bunch of metaphors when it's shown to be a bunch of nonsense

Oh, and on Newton a bit. Here is the link to the Newton archive where transcriptions of his notes on the occult study of alchemy are transcribed:


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>So what you are trying to tell me is that, Jesus the king of Jews was not a Jew?

Jesus was not the king of jews, he called jews Satan's minions. And capitalizing jew gives you away rabbi.

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>Jesus was not the king of jews, he called jews Satan's minions

So his minions basically

>A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter is possessed by a demon that torments her severely."

>But Jesus gave her no reply, not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. "Tell her to go away," they said. "She is bothering us with all her begging."

>“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

>But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, "Lord, help me!"

>Jesus responded, "It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs."

>She replied, "That's true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters' table."

>"Dear woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed.

— Bible, Matthew 15

>Hurr, if you write jews with lowercase letter you win

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Evola is a fun read if you also read some Marxist garbage on the side such as Lenin or Stalin. It's essentially the same quasi-mystical rhetoric based on nothing real, just from opposite direction. I wonder if typical leftist moron who takes marxists seriously for some reason could be converted to dissident right with Evola, the style is so similar to what they think is smart.

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Not at all, Evola appeals to metaphysics and philosophy while Marxists like to fancy themselves as rational thinkers

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File: 6774680b8e9e610⋯.png (170.45 KB,529x419,529:419,pepe least rare.png)


>quasi-mystical rhetoric based on nothing real

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What about Evola, that is more or less known and he is only important for the selected few. But Adolf Hitler himself, that is whole another league. Let the man speak through his own words:

>"For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of creeping sickness was suddenly cut short by so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly. The disease would have become chronic, while in the acute form of the collapse it at least became clearly and distinctly recognizable to a considerable number of people. It was no accident that man mastered the plague more easily than tuberculosis. The one comes in terrible waves of death that shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and stealthily; the one leads to terrible fear, the other to gradual indifference. The consequence is that man opposed the one with all the ruthlessness of his energy, while he tries to control consumption with feeble means. Thus he mastered the plague, while tuberculosis masters him.

>Exactly the same is true of diseases of national bodies. If they do not take the form of catastrophe, man slowly begins to get accustomed to them and at length, though it may take some time, perishes all the more certainly of them. And so it is a good fortune-though a bitter one, to be sure-when Fate resolves to take a hand in this slow process of putrefaction and with a sudden blow makes the victim visualize the end of his disease. For more than once, that is what such a catastrophe amounts to Then it can easily become the cause of a recovery beginning with the utmost determination."

- Mein Kampf, Chapter 10

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So, is there a reason for your quote or are you just copy and pasting random stuff? Jesus was sent to the Israelites, not kikes. Just like what your quote says. Repeating your yid fantasy is not an argument, you have to actually support it. Provide evidence that you worthless parasites are in any way related to Israelites, who were described as fair skinned, ruddy, blond, and hard working farmers. Doesn't really sound like kikes to me. Although khazars, described as hook-nosed, lying merchants known for invading other nations, changing their names to blend in, and then subverting them and pilfering from them does sound a bit like you.

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Who cares?

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Are there any pdf files of Ebola work?

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That’s it I’m disabling autocorrect

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bump for relevance

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Evola was an adult virign.

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Hahaha jesus christ, Shlomo… is that all you got?

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