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File: 35eeb784aa8ed6a⋯.jpg (179.88 KB,1399x2164,1399:2164,pelzersc.jpg)

 No.13184811 [View All]

Old thread: https://8ch.net/pol/res/12834587.html

David Pelzer is most likely connected to the Finders Cult. Pelzer, SC. Health Communications Publishing in Deerfield Beach, FL located right near Parkland. Possible MOSSAD connection given Broward County.

David Pelzer grew up in a suburb of San Francisco called Daly City. The Finders had a base in San Francisco. Possible connection to Presdio and Michael Aquino.

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File: 35bafa5aa4d08a5⋯.jpg (181.49 KB,726x848,363:424,lmlmmhb.JPG)


Can't you see your on the wrong side of history?

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File: 9a97bc6b66474d2⋯.jpg (254.36 KB,1174x1200,587:600,9a97bc6b66474d2acf8d233ad9….jpg)

File: 1d5c192bcfa5a99⋯.png (748.65 KB,995x548,995:548,1d5c192bcfa5a99d68ed278ac1….png)

File: 54f8de7bb55b64c⋯.png (372.82 KB,411x556,411:556,54f8de7bb55b64c5fc647d9f69….png)

Any other physiognomy fags who can identify evil in just one picture?

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File: f23d55a01559bc4⋯.png (1.15 MB,1002x543,334:181,buffy movie.PNG)

File: 982f516c94b67c9⋯.png (1.13 MB,993x518,993:518,buffy 2.png)

File: bd3c414d7470ee8⋯.png (315.02 KB,432x324,4:3,buffy 3.PNG)

File: fb315f103f91666⋯.png (875.12 KB,775x541,775:541,buffy 4.PNG)

File: 7ec1f4d0aa5a678⋯.png (580.81 KB,773x549,773:549,buffy 5.PNG)

These screenshots were taken from the movie "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1992). In the background you can see a freemason symbol, boy-lover symbol, inverted pentagrams, etc. You can also see a scene that features the all seeing eye ("illuminati") + male and female symbols intertwined (sex) with an infinity symbol underneath (forever) = win. Does anyone know anything about this movie being pizzagate related?

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The team name is Hogs for long pig.


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faggots, i have James Alefantis dox

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File: ebb9ddcc4b649d1⋯.png (519.31 KB,1130x751,1130:751,pd498.PNG)

File: 605003d6697cd7b⋯.png (79.61 KB,1223x945,1223:945,pd35.png)

File: 44a0782f566ae68⋯.jpg (115.04 KB,640x800,4:5,pd40.jpg)

File: abe288c52f74985⋯.jpg (149.14 KB,960x768,5:4,pd32.jpg)

File: b18e388705f3adc⋯.png (700.29 KB,674x922,337:461,pd34.png)

Hitler Himself mae a quick stop at half-chan and dropped some really interesting stuff….


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File: 3db2f8d4cd84aa5⋯.png (16.68 KB,1546x169,1546:169,pd499.PNG)

File: e4b03d850f3fbb4⋯.png (3.96 MB,1905x980,381:196,PD485.PNG)

File: 93a4a143a95b194⋯.jpg (61.19 KB,960x720,4:3,pd482.jpg)

File: b5203fce27abb11⋯.png (920.94 KB,1225x653,1225:653,pd476.PNG)

File: ff1221794531725⋯.png (1.58 MB,1166x924,53:42,pd471.PNG)

he dropped alefantis dox

>3518 11th St NW

>Washington, District of Columbia

alefantis was the one responsible for Maeve Chaim

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Olivia Wilde is wearing boylover earrings in the movie HER, there's no picture of it online but you can screen grab it pretty easily, the costume designer for that movie is a giant fag aswell.

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you talk so much fucking shit, you use words and have no idea what they mean just like every other wahman. Go finger your blown out cunt and reminisce about when you looked pretty.

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File: 89db9175a1e95d8⋯.png (754.75 KB,2264x1104,283:138,1513241.png)

Did someone else remember this picture from the documentary of pizza gate 1 back when QAnon first leaked pizza gate to us?

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Chris Evans (British TV Presenter) was named as a person who boarded the flights to Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island.

In 2018, Chris Evans had twin children.

Guess what their names are?

Ping & Pong


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>Ruby's godfather Skip

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File: c4136f169082cc1⋯.jpg (70.75 KB,778x520,389:260,Capture.JPG)

File: bf5236ffe35fe1c⋯.jpg (19.7 KB,395x193,395:193,hocknosetrump.JPG)

File: e34263e798f7be4⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,800x303,800:303,Capturejews.JPG)

File: b15bb3341dfac92⋯.jpg (20.38 KB,298x393,298:393,uhbu.JPG)

(The Quesish ? ) I did something. Oh yea mt ceckin I sigen security papers with alphabets dorks

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File: 5549e6c7f2e8a46⋯.jpg (74.89 KB,615x412,615:412,ElDominoMan.jpg)

I think Pizzagate is connected to communism. Look at communes and "it takes a village" mentality. Communists sacrifice others for their cause. They seek to capture and control children as well for their ends. The "collapse" of Soviet Union just meant that the commies poured into Europe and the rest of the world, probably making things worse then when they were contained.

We know that socialisism, liberalism, green party, lbgt etc are the new communist factions under the guise equality. These are also the groups hiding or dismissing pizzagate. They're horrendous hiding their tactics/strategy, just as they hide the horrors of communism.

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File: 1251990278fd831⋯.jpg (40.76 KB,400x379,400:379,concerned.jpg)

Posting again because of the fucking nigger mod doing what niggers do best: DELETING FUCKING EVERYTHING!!

These are some of the original dig threads for Pizzagate:

Red pills, green pills and white pills GATE/Headstart Thread 1


GATE/Headstart Thread 2: Electrical Boogaloo


GATE/Headstart Thread 3: Veterans of Psychic Wars Edition


GATEKEEPER DIGGING/When Shills Attack Thread IV


GATEKEEPERS V: Final Chapter, Meme Magic in Our Finest Hour


GATE/quantum mechanics x/pol/ thread


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>Jeff Bezo's grandfather was Lawrence P. Gise, manager of the Atomic Energy Commission's Albuquerque Operations..connections to ARPA and Sandia Labs


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>Last night an anon posted a link to Google reviews for a pizza restaurant called Andy's Pizzeria in the Pitcairn islands. It contained dozens of weird ass reviews which were obviously references to sexual stuff.


Another anon found that half the men on Pitcairn island got arrested for sexual abuse back in 2016.



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File: 7f639d1d2f18f37⋯.jpg (17.27 KB,195x291,65:97,incestsmile.jpg)

File: 495a93daf6b3d77⋯.jpg (87.25 KB,1024x299,1024:299,1563831006943.jpg)

File: 42c8b9615b5b7ba⋯.jpg (412.43 KB,720x1480,18:37,1563830869843.jpg)

File: 73004a70ca00751⋯.png (724.83 KB,580x748,145:187,1563829678449.png)


>An anon discovers a pedo ring going on in Pitcairn Island.

>Lots of strange reviews.

>A German tranny called Petra Kintzel is connected.



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File: 45a76824f92dbcd⋯.jpg (147.29 KB,663x705,221:235,5.1.1982.jpg)

File: 8d0dc0b9cde3f31⋯.jpg (77.22 KB,442x532,221:266,arizonamaydaymystery.jpg)

File: fe6421df6dadaf5⋯.jpg (32.15 KB,484x276,121:69,1563518542944.jpg)

File: e3f9403bbd4b33b⋯.jpg (155.91 KB,862x922,431:461,1563518899484.jpg)

Another big find.

>Another anon learns about a Mystery of strange ads appearing in the Daily Wildcat magazine of the University of Arizona that has been going on for decades.

>bizarre references to pork and L'Enfant



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Yet another HUGE find.

>Anons discover a pedo ring using Key Lime Pie as a code.



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File: 49543738835ca65⋯.png (1.06 MB,1095x503,1095:503,1563832291511.png)

File: 69b12fb785a6a74⋯.jpg (417.67 KB,719x1339,719:1339,deviantartaccount.jpg)

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File: 295178faa4118f5⋯.png (48.73 KB,1893x347,1893:347,1563855522588.png)



>Holy SHIT. I just found an extremely strange post on the AFU page back from 2016 referencing Epstein and Lolita Island:

"N a t a l i e H o l l o w a y.

1 post by 1 author

Eat A Bullet Time


William Jefferson Clinton raped and murdered Natalie on Jeffrey

Epstein's Lolita Island. "


image fucking related

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File: fbc2e75c95d1af1⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,220x305,44:61,220px-Natalee_Holloway_yea….jpg)




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>On November 24, Fox News aired an interview with Van der Sloot in which he alleged that he sold Holloway into sexual slavery, receiving money both when Holloway was taken, and later on to keep quiet.

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No shade, but is this lady schizophrenic?

Seems like some fucking schizo ramblings and these leet sheep are following her….fucking x-tier shit.

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Well, cannibalism makes you more likely to develop a prion disease that damages your brain.

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The tranny freak's Youtube. It makes a lot of references to "hiking." The accounts that comment on her videos seem to know it in person.

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File: 2caa1be18d1c340⋯.jpg (741.57 KB,2434x2628,1217:1314,1563940785500.jpg)

An anon on halfchan found this in a town called Gore. It could be nothing.

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Square Eddy Expeditions

282 Main St, North Creek, NY 12853

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Everything seems schizo to mundies.

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Every time I hear Epstein’s name, I get hungry for pizza.

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File: 1797b8b0049c45a⋯.jpg (110.88 KB,1269x1600,1269:1600,1797b8b0049c45a599958ac9dd….jpg)

fake and gay

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Voat is down right now probably due to the Epstein research.

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he used the term panda a lot too in his tweets.

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Is there an archive or something that will explain the panda thing to me? I remember it had to do with Seth Rich, but due to personal circumstances, I was unable to look into it at the time.

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File: d82f52a6338a6b0⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-1.jpg)

File: 80bff4eef01b1f3⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-2.jpg)

File: 755f28767d98c9b⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-3.jpg)

File: 9e1e94cba96fae0⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-4.jpg)

File: 6007d4d94576bdb⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-5.jpg)

>Former Jesuit and Vatican exorcist Fr. Malachi Martin exposed pizzagate decades ago.

>He wrote a book called "Windswept House"

>Chapter 1 gives an insider's view of child ritual sacrifice

>In promoting the book Malachi Martin said it was "95% truth, 5% Fiction" - basically he did everything but name names

>He warned that Satanism was in the Vatican and that in 1963 a Satanic cabal in the Vatican and America performed a ritual called "The Enthronment of Lucifer"

>pics related

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File: b59d3b7ec961c4f⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-6.jpg)

File: 92e9d92ef9d5eb8⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-7.jpg)

File: fd2ce7e4ba78127⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-8.jpg)

File: 7fa04d9dc804918⋯.jpg (963.33 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-9.jpg)

File: 5144e1bbb650fa5⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-10.jpg)

>moar pages

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File: 72edff559fc7385⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-11.jpg)

File: 41a47abafd0dd38⋯.jpg (923.52 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Enthronement_of_Lucifer-12.jpg)

>last 2 pages

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Ah, the eternal pedofascosts.

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From what I know, its what pedos call kids who are sleep deprived from abuse, causing them to get bags under their eyes.

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There is also the fact that things which aren't taboo aren't sexy. We'd probably have less paedophilia if anything other than paedophilia was taboo.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interesting. Gives the 'sad panda' thing a whole new meaning.

I really wonder about the 'home alone scream'. The media had a fixation on it when Macauley showed up in a bunch of stuff around Christmas. He refused to do it as an adult, as if his initiation grants him that right.

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i have two small children and those fucking spirals are all over most shows and toys.

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This is old news but was news to me and connects some dots retrospectively.

I'm going to leave this here because

a. pizzagate threads has more diganons

b. mcafee flew a drone over epstein's pedo island

1. John McAfee threatens to release 31TB of incriminating data

‘I’ll f**king bury you!’ McAfee vows to expose corrupt US officials & CIA agents if ‘disappeared’



>“I’ve collected files on corruption in governments. For the first time, I’m naming names and specifics,”

>Vowing to release over 31 terabytes of “incriminating data” to the press if arrested or otherwise “disappeared,” he posted the names of a “corrupt CIA agent and two Bahamian officials” along with claims they’d taken bribes and been involved with drug trafficking, apparently to show he was not bluffing.

>He also promised to release the names of “25 Congressmen and 5 Senators, from both Parties, who are coming up for re-election in 2020, and who MUST be recalled, and if that fails, booted out of office on election day” on Friday.

2. NXIVM and Epstein link via Branson



May 2, 2018

>Several members, including co-founder Nancy Salzman and ‘Smallville’ actress Allison Mack, visited Branson’s Necker Island for “seminars” in 2007 and 2010, with one of those visits paid for by billionaire heiress Sara Bronfman.

>Parlato said the billionaire was seduced by the group during their visits.

>A Virgin Management spokesman said: “Sir Richard Branson has never heard of Keith Raniere, he has never met him and there is absolutely no association between Sir Richard and the NXIVM group or its leader.”

>But in fact, Branson endorsed one of Keith Raniere’s “empowerment” groups called the Ethical Humanitarian Foundation, according to its website.

>Additionally, the Bronfman sisters and Salzman are also members of the Clinton Global Initiative, and more than a dozen contributions from the sex cult amounting to $30,000 went into the Clinton campaign’s 2016 coffers.

>It’s also worth noting that former President Obama vacationed with Branson on Necker Island last year.

>Moreover, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had Branson and Bill Clinton listed among his contacts in his “little black book,” and his private island known as “Orgy Island” is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island within the Virgin Islands cluster.

David Hodges (who?)

>We have new information that ties the Epstein sex trafficking empire into the Tucson case and Hollywood's NXIVM.

and proceeds to link NXIVM to Cemex and the Tuscon camp but not Epstein…


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Proofread your shit you dumb nigger.

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I have a theory that they take pictures like this so if anyone were ever to report them for anything related to children, torture, or satanism it would seem like an overreaction to IG images. Could even be perceived as harrassment and make them the victim, taking the hit off them

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if you rotate one side of the M it form an eye.

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