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File: 41c79879c5a98c0⋯.png (782.54 KB,1024x576,16:9,Colorized_heil01.png)

File: de689a7c379ca5c⋯.png (719.41 KB,634x755,634:755,Colorized_hng_19.04.2019.png)

File: 65d70d927d6c759⋯.jpeg (112.47 KB,634x755,634:755,hitler_goebels.jpeg)

File: 4b2da98729117c1⋯.jpeg (63.73 KB,1024x576,16:9,original_heil01.jpeg)

 No.13161060 [Last50 Posts]

Giving colors to the third reich

A couple of researchers from the University of California trained a Convolutional Neural Network to predict the colors in black and white images.

research paper




How do I use this?

First of all, this neural net runs on python with opencv and imutils so you'll have to start by installing those libraries first. You can just use pip for that:

pip install opencv-python

pip install imutils

install pip if you don't have it

How do I run the model?

Just type the following in a console, inside the folder containing the .py files:

python bw2color_image.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–image images/your_image.jpg

After that you'll be shown with two windows, one showing the original image and the second showing the colorized image, you just have to press any key to close both windows but remember to right click on the image if you wish to save it.

WARNING: Video files can be very heavy to process

But if you want to give it a go then you should just run:

python bw2color_video.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–input images/your_video.webm

This one should give you a look at the colorized frames, those frames will be stored in a folder called frames and you can join them to make a video with the "make_video.py" file, just remember to adjust the framerate.



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I default my phone to black and white. Less distracting. Immunity from goreposting. Post some pictures already.

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File: bbe02d5e7389e5e⋯.png (422.33 KB,620x388,155:97,Colorized_french_19.04.201….png)

File: 44c20d0041f0837⋯.jpeg (72.64 KB,620x388,155:97,french_hh.jpeg)

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Getting out my collection

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Looks like it has never conceived of anything being red.

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File: baf480be240a6cd⋯.jpeg (83.22 KB,968x681,968:681,bw_soldier_adolf.jpeg)

File: fba0c0b25b479a7⋯.png (870.48 KB,968x681,968:681,Colorized_soldier_adolf.png)

File: cf4aa012e76eedb⋯.jpeg (62.57 KB,780x439,780:439,bw_h_0_01.jpeg)

File: 40c3949b138dcbb⋯.png (394.37 KB,780x439,780:439,Colorized_h_0_01.png)

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File: 2a5eefaa542498d⋯.png (546.83 KB,385x385,1:1,Francis.png)

My blood for the flag. The 1000 year Reich will forever be when media dies. Ask anyone who watches judenpresse week in week out.

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They forget by the next week. What a state of art of.

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File: 308d8f1e4e2fe37⋯.jpeg (52.49 KB,770x427,110:61,bw_f_tr.jpeg)

File: da7e07e458ba7e1⋯.png (486.35 KB,770x427,110:61,Colorized_f_tr.png)

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File: 964ed6e5605db4b⋯.jpeg (15.48 KB,800x422,400:211,bw_f_02.jpeg)

File: 622bde7337014d6⋯.png (401.01 KB,800x422,400:211,Colorized_f02.png)

File: e9b5a47836a7ca7⋯.jpeg (62.95 KB,920x660,46:33,eastern_front.jpeg)

File: 8415a6a09b47976⋯.png (797.02 KB,920x660,46:33,Colorized_easternfront.png)

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File: 16a640f284da2da⋯.png (3.91 KB,232x266,116:133,ebin.png)

Have a bump, anon, because this is fucking rad.

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File: 557e717d7fc4742⋯.png (498.07 KB,763x507,763:507,bw_hh_02.png)

File: 9590cbe079f926e⋯.png (495.83 KB,763x507,763:507,Colorized_hh02.png)

File: 5dea3ffeba7a632⋯.jpeg (63.42 KB,727x530,727:530,arch00.jpeg)

File: 6a212dd4fc19ccd⋯.png (444.89 KB,727x530,727:530,Colorized_arch.png)

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File: 2a7c6726c2f28a3⋯.jpeg (47.88 KB,722x406,361:203,bw_sh.jpeg)

File: 9c90f3d8aaef6be⋯.png (346.63 KB,722x406,361:203,Colorized_sh.png)

File: 8e382d824bcb8fe⋯.jpeg (23.67 KB,217x328,217:328,dinner.jpeg)

File: 772a7a70e2c08a1⋯.png (128.82 KB,217x328,217:328,Colorized_dinner.png)

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File: 73a383bcdbd353f⋯.jpeg (28.23 KB,620x330,62:33,bw_team.jpeg)

File: ed4731cab93cc72⋯.png (243.72 KB,620x330,62:33,Colorized_team.png)

File: aad92b2434d332c⋯.jpeg (69.63 KB,996x560,249:140,news.jpeg)

File: 45c121a5aee1a7f⋯.png (754.89 KB,996x560,249:140,Colorized_news.png)

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File: 3db81d89e526660⋯.jpeg (135.16 KB,1366x765,1366:765,comfy.jpeg)

File: 9d9496f6519687b⋯.png (1.18 MB,1366x765,1366:765,Colorized_comfy.png)

File: 61015676c3ab1df⋯.jpeg (39 KB,660x371,660:371,modelcar.jpeg)

File: 2231be76ab8e278⋯.png (350.7 KB,660x371,660:371,Colorized_modelcar.png)

Welp it's getting pretty late for me, I'll continue tomorrow and also I'll figure out a way to get past 8ch's retarded file uploader to show a video I processed.

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What color does it give for Hitler's eyes?

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the deepest of blues


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File: 9c281c16a535ca1⋯.mp4 (631.5 KB,500x280,25:14,output_test.mp4)

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File: 26c92ea260861c0⋯.jpg (435.08 KB,771x998,771:998,bw_speech.jpg)

File: af0f2b86d7fdc24⋯.png (1.18 MB,769x995,769:995,Colorized_speech.png)

File: 12a9a817fb99110⋯.jpeg (146.41 KB,470x451,470:451,bw_bb.jpeg)

File: 1b5bed233058389⋯.png (304.87 KB,468x449,468:449,Colorized_bb.png)

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File: 3cf2dfabb871168⋯.jpeg (297.37 KB,902x661,902:661,bw_hj.jpeg)

File: 768c3f217a2d080⋯.png (775.46 KB,900x660,15:11,Colorized_hj.png)

File: 8dbd409020fecfe⋯.jpg (170.24 KB,426x603,142:201,bw_xmas.jpg)

File: 4057ae8c8094961⋯.png (476.54 KB,424x600,53:75,Colorized_xmass.png)

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File: 176ce0dbbbb38e5⋯.jpg (121.81 KB,658x642,329:321,bw_wm.jpg)

File: 702afa70bfc3312⋯.png (553.01 KB,656x640,41:40,Colorized_wm.png)

File: 1cb3e6f533eeae8⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,784x951,784:951,bw_flowers.jpg)

File: 3b5e8366a04dc0d⋯.png (718.12 KB,782x949,782:949,Colorized_flowers.png)

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Happy 4/20.

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File: 5f650584b52920a⋯.jpeg (224.23 KB,1201x1192,1201:1192,bw_stand.jpeg)

File: 72ae70fa599bbe0⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x1191,400:397,Colorized_stand.png)

File: d6d56ebe80caef3⋯.jpeg (151.45 KB,891x1201,891:1201,bw_dg.jpeg)

File: 1dc62b0029f30de⋯.png (866.59 KB,890x1200,89:120,Colorized_dg.png)

I like how the last one turned out.

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I like the one with the christmas tree. Germany seems so lively back then.

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This is like a German only Christmas.

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I'll go looking for more pictures.


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File: 60c8e73b75f165c⋯.png (66.38 KB,318x275,318:275,bw_dg2.png)

File: 375030f99d967d5⋯.png (198.13 KB,316x273,316:273,Colorized_dg2.png)

File: 6e124102ab49022⋯.jpeg (16 KB,257x257,1:1,bw_subscribe.jpeg)

File: 1098120e79c97d1⋯.png (97.41 KB,255x255,1:1,Colorized_sub.png)

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File: 8a2a681d57d03bd⋯.jpg (37.02 KB,566x566,1:1,bw_smoke.jpg)

File: 0fe1dd4a645b771⋯.png (264.08 KB,564x564,1:1,Colorized_smoke.png)

File: f78ad6359fe07e2⋯.jpg (45.83 KB,332x411,332:411,bw_rosenberg.jpg)

File: 8452bc85f5ace24⋯.png (281.37 KB,330x409,330:409,Colorized_rosenberg.png)

This is one is for you Alfred.

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File: 116ca2010213d4a⋯.jpg (366.81 KB,1002x657,334:219,bw_bb2.jpg)

File: d16504cd4c39c6b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x656,125:82,Colorized_bb2.png)

File: e2b5c1d539eebe2⋯.jpg (145.43 KB,902x601,902:601,bw_bb3.jpg)

File: 27305070c7b8f03⋯.png (871.47 KB,900x600,3:2,Colorized_bb3.png)

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File: 4a27ed611f96334⋯.jpg (109.72 KB,472x643,472:643,bw_gb.jpg)

File: 3f9584fde9ea409⋯.png (602.96 KB,470x640,47:64,Colorized_gbs.png)

File: 9bf366011f75850⋯.jpg (39.87 KB,617x410,617:410,bw_himm.jpg)

File: e2704da124cdf19⋯.png (300.84 KB,615x409,615:409,Colorized_himm.png)

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File: 7c678f018faa51a⋯.jpg (168.68 KB,928x1122,464:561,bw_hh05.jpg)

File: f50b437e1af91bd⋯.png (1.02 MB,930x1124,465:562,Colorized_hh05.png)

File: 4194f90243ac4c3⋯.jpg (32.39 KB,321x423,107:141,bw_beauty.jpg)

File: 9467ff6626f68b2⋯.png (191.32 KB,319x420,319:420,Colorized_beauty.png)

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File: b14f904948fa5f3⋯.jpg (321.88 KB,1810x961,1810:961,bw_kids.jpg)

File: ec0cb54cc8224a4⋯.png (1.93 MB,1808x960,113:60,Colorized_kids.png)

File: 5708d3dfc2905f8⋯.jpg (160.02 KB,900x703,900:703,bw_kid01.jpg)

File: 3f900f16b088908⋯.png (970.54 KB,898x701,898:701,Colorized_kid02.png)

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File: d533afed4e9b17e⋯.jpeg (18.85 KB,159x325,159:325,bw_car.jpeg)

File: f9657e2bf46924e⋯.png (101.92 KB,157x321,157:321,Colorized_car.png)

File: 9eef5c039106149⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,652x473,652:473,bw_talk.jpg)

File: 5141e46cda069a7⋯.png (458.1 KB,650x472,325:236,Colorized_talk.png)

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File: ae89e4701eeb488⋯.jpg (111.18 KB,590x782,295:391,bw_dg3.jpg)

File: e0de3cbc7178cb2⋯.png (502.41 KB,520x712,65:89,Colorized_dg3.png)

File: 75e777cb127f1cf⋯.jpeg (55.85 KB,502x316,251:158,bw_deer.jpeg)

File: 01cea5c246c91c3⋯.png (325.75 KB,500x315,100:63,Colorized_deer.png)

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File: 77360c0cb67012c⋯.jpeg (198.64 KB,962x641,962:641,bw_sld.jpeg)

File: 3fbdd5c977cd58c⋯.png (1.12 MB,960x640,3:2,Colorized_sld.png)

File: 1c038817d8b960d⋯.jpeg (200.09 KB,1183x838,1183:838,bw_bffs.jpeg)

File: c5a24e3f61adddb⋯.png (1.47 MB,1181x837,1181:837,Colorized_bffs.png)

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Some of these results are obviously shitty. You could crop parts that didn't work properly and try that piece seperately.

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File: b55117793905a12⋯.jpeg (82.54 KB,831x605,831:605,bw_mrr.jpeg)

File: 772215e4e9a8b95⋯.png (587.03 KB,829x604,829:604,Colorized_mrr.png)

File: 83ddeab662f9cf1⋯.jpeg (77.76 KB,642x401,642:401,bw_prd.jpeg)

File: 11b0033c54d5ed5⋯.png (464.05 KB,640x400,8:5,Colorized_prd.png)


I already tried that with many images but the result was either the same or even worse, the thing is, this neural net needs a lot more training samples and time, I'm pretty much testing it on every image I can find and seeing what happens.

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Can we retrain the model? Use the one they have as a base but feed it a bunch of moden re-enactment photos.

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Yes, you can do that, all you gotta do is call all the components of the model that were saved in the last checkpoint (the files in the model folder) and run a training session with new images to feed the network. The only problem is that I don't know yet how to do that with caffe models, gonna have to study that.

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Does it work like deepfakes? Used to have that pumping for a while.

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Close to it, this model uses a simple Encoder -> Decoder architecture, which honestly doesn't give too good results, however it is more faster and less expensive than what deepfakes use.

Deepfakes use GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) to create their output, in short, it consist of one network creating fake data and another network inspecting said data and determining if it's real or fake, you basically have a network training hard to jew the other one to output a fake image that looks legit to us. This the kind of network I'd recommend for the colorization problem, it would give better results but as you've might imagined it requires a ton of GPU power and millions of samples.

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File: c01fdad99a5b799⋯.png (154.58 KB,497x614,497:614,7dd96bcfb8b9e4d34590f82206….png)

File: b28647477dbfaa4⋯.png (688.56 KB,494x615,494:615,2.PNG)

File: 95fc60497b75cd2⋯.jpg (166.31 KB,935x1200,187:240,95fc60497b75cd29f1a3a500c4….jpg)

File: 2da334063c30963⋯.png (741.9 KB,499x642,499:642,3.PNG)


This is really cool OP, thanks for sharing. It seems blurry spots and skies don't always turn out well but overall it is very impressive technology. Posting some of the better ones.

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File: 453c8475bf28585⋯.jpeg (54.76 KB,800x415,160:83,bw_rommel.jpeg)

File: 05d106f276ae7c4⋯.png (470.16 KB,800x415,160:83,Colorized_rom.png)

File: 0e911aff41973dc⋯.jpeg (179.5 KB,650x475,26:19,bw_rom4.jpeg)

File: fa497096b2a25e1⋯.png (437.58 KB,650x475,26:19,Colorized_rom4.png)


Thank you too, those are nice results. The model also has trouble whenever there are too many faces together. But it somehow recognizes trees and leaves quite easily.

Alright these will be the last ones from me, I gotta go, whoever wants to give it a try just toy around with the files I shared and post your best results.

Happy 4/20

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using script:

@echo off

set /P id=Enter image name:

@echo off

python bw2color_image.py

-prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt

-model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel

-points model/pts_in_hull.npy

-image images/%id%

pause null

to launch it, getting

the following arguments are required: -c/–points

error, any help?

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File: bfe80c35c0b864a⋯.mp4 (369.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,Heydrich.get the flamenwer….mp4)


oh look boys, i found another kike.

Heydrich! Get der flammenwerfer! Deiser moment

burn untermensch

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Try with this format

python bw2color_image.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–image images/%id%

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Just a reminder, each argument must be called with double '–'

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That one came out nicely. They look ever more patriotically stimulating in colour.

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File: 42b1091d4f8edd2⋯.png (54.56 KB,150x198,25:33,Untitled-2.png)

I've been fucking around for 45 minutes or so and can't figure this python shit out. sorry lads, can't contribute due to retardation. thanks for the great work.

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File: 1b18546ac1432f9⋯.png (868.6 KB,721x621,721:621,Colized caped.PNG)



Ty dudes, fixed it

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File: f6decf403b1b213⋯.png (1021.58 KB,570x802,285:401,furhrer colorized.PNG)


Make a .bat file with the script:


@echo off

set /P id=Enter image name:

python bw2color_image.py –prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt –model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel –image images/%id% –points model/pts_in_hull.npy

pause null


in the folder containing the bwtocolor_image.py file and run the batch file.

Then run the batch file and type in the name* of the image you want to convert.

*include the .jpg, .png, etc at the end and make sure the image is in the images folder.

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File: 475be9ec250e6b2⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,400x533,400:533,colorized-image(2).jpg)


>File "bw2color_image.py", line 5, in <module>

>import numpy as np

>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'

Thanks anyway anon but i'm still too retarded. I've gone back and looked through the command and everything and don't know what the fuck this "numph" thing is. I found a site that does it pretty good online though. see pic related.

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>open up powershell and type in


pip install numpy


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Alright boys, with my minimal python knowledge;

I've figured out how to make this this about 10

times more convenient.


1) Create a folder named "color_images" in the main directory

2) Go into the "bwtocolor_image.py" and paste the lines:



sep_img_path = args["image"].split("/");

sep_img_name = sep_img_path[1].split(".");

img_name = sep_img_name[0];

print("name parsed: "+img_name)

cv2.imwrite("color_images/color_"+img_name+".png", colorized)


on the second to last line of the file.

3) Use the script I previously posed and watch as all of your

colorized images are saved in the color_images folder without the snipping tool.

Have Fun & Heil Hitler

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Didn't work bro. I didn't have PIP so i got a file online "get-pip.py" and installed that with python. it came up that it had been added and everything but i still get the same error when running your script from earlier about "numpy". not sure what i'm going wrong.

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What version of python are you using?

The most stable from what I remember is currently 3.5.2

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I will try out with 3.5.2 but then I'm giving up (kek)

appreciate your help though anon and not laughing at me and calling me a faggot for not understanding

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These are brilliant, keep them coming

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File: d92ac9f91ed3fb6⋯.png (8.12 MB,1827x2699,1827:2699,color_h6.png)


No problem dude, hope it works

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File: 8bdc397584f6b93⋯.png (650.66 KB,500x925,20:37,color_h7.png)

File: 05fdb6eb9964889⋯.png (993.8 KB,700x933,700:933,color_h8.png)

File: 7c7eab8b688d7b5⋯.png (723.26 KB,500x706,250:353,color_h9.png)

File: 1b0e557de95cc0f⋯.png (513.11 KB,590x525,118:105,color_h10.png)


Some turn out better than others

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yeah, i'm going to give up mate. i think it's got something to do with this pip shit. i can't be fucked anyhow, but do appreciate your help though.

For any other retard anons, try below


gives some decent results and is a lot easier to figure out

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File: d33019f2537c010⋯.jpg (252.54 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1231112684_preview_World-W….jpg)

File: 84db746654cf5a4⋯.jpg (253.13 KB,1800x1012,450:253,colorized-image.jpg)


>for example

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File: 7af3e6cf22b2b28⋯.png (41.42 KB,1034x588,517:294,ClipboardImage.png)


its not in your PATH system variable. you'll need to add the pip executable's path to your system's path so your cmd knows where to look for it. quick google search for "add python to system path" will work for you.

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nah mate, i changed the directory manually when i was seeing if i could get it to work or not. thanks for that though, i will keep it in mind for other useful cases.

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Here is a link to the modded on if you didn't do it already.


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File: ae2d51c0bc5ba46⋯.jpg (199.21 KB,750x951,250:317,anne.jpg)

File: 4a2e909bf232452⋯.png (832.04 KB,750x951,250:317,color_anne.png)


hey, what do you know, the retard anon finally figured it out. Cheers for all your help mate.

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I'm sorry, anon, but if you can't figure out the plebby python then you're not an aryan

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see >>13164857

it's figured out and yes, 100% nordid phenotype

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File: 88822ec086544bf⋯.jpeg (138.02 KB,500x690,50:69,1.jpeg)

File: 7ef8d1b5e340f90⋯.png (695.11 KB,500x690,50:69,color_1.png)

File: af0ed9b88ede87f⋯.jpeg (120.41 KB,700x638,350:319,2.jpeg)

File: 076bdb16e3df7db⋯.png (762.98 KB,700x638,350:319,color_2.png)

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>figured it out…100% nordid

Another one dodges the oven

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What's the problem? You throw a lasso around the not colored part you want colored and select to colorize. Pick your color. I'm talking in Gimp. Maybe Photoshop has similar methods.

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File: eadf94e6f3f7fe1⋯.jpg (80.34 KB,939x619,939:619,eadf94e6f3f7fe106ff24b5d97….jpg)

File: 0512e097fc09f19⋯.png (1.09 MB,935x617,935:617,9.PNG)

File: 71c5995e0af9d64⋯.png (287.86 KB,634x384,317:192,71c5995e0af9d642b8c507d88f….png)

File: e802927a3323843⋯.png (705.72 KB,633x381,211:127,8.PNG)

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File: c7a8cf66300e833⋯.png (558.82 KB,500x690,50:69,7ef8d1b5e340f90d3ddf9b6cb9….png)


For example. You didn't get Hitler's sleeve. So I lassoed his sleeve and colorized it. Hue 243 Saturation 9 Lightness -48. You do this for each individual color. It's time consuming of course. Not automated.

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At least the lasso algo is automatic, somewhat. That's what makes it possible, really, though someone probably did one pixel by pixel with windows 3.1 or the like.

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File: 772dc9aa50b1a65⋯.png (365.89 KB,589x459,589:459,772dc9aa50b1a65235b597768f….png)

Beautiful thread, good sir

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File: 75c71c341177e94⋯.jpg (43.05 KB,500x500,1:1,julius-evola.jpg)

File: 3c2e706838a20cc⋯.jpg (90.47 KB,563x853,563:853,30_9.jpg)

File: 50d7f8412b98fea⋯.jpg (40.51 KB,362x578,181:289,4f01544e8c00d89173587f7d53….jpg)

File: 8adfcd3c0a197cd⋯.png (266.4 KB,600x586,300:293,71cd1fe4e7339a855235f195f7….png)

File: b28404dbaf863c3⋯.jpeg (6.21 KB,192x263,192:263,index.jpeg)


Despite being a chemist, I'm a tech retard. Can someone please do some Evolas for me? Thanks

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File: 9865a0659ad3bab⋯.png (318.44 KB,737x533,737:533,before and after.png)


No shit bro. I tried working on a image yesterday and was doing it color by color. It's going to take time if you want it done properly (pic related was a half hour or so). This algorithm is certainly not perfect; it does make the images look better though. It's not supposed to be perfect, yet, until the AI gets better anyway. For now though, this gets the job done quick and makes a vast improvement on the initial b&w image.

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File: aecbc5869fd3553⋯.png (384.27 KB,500x500,1:1,color_a.png)

File: 5b491e2cc1e0583⋯.png (1.04 MB,563x853,563:853,color_b.png)

File: 27635a624806b83⋯.png (418.48 KB,362x578,181:289,color_c.png)

File: 9f7c41f39429fcd⋯.png (280.76 KB,600x586,300:293,color_d.png)

File: 4f87e96f698d102⋯.png (92.17 KB,192x263,192:263,color_e.png)

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MY NIGGER. Danke and happy 4/20!!

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How do you guys colorize it? Through photoshop?

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You know that picture is a 'cosplay', right? It's from a year or two ago.

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yeah, i can't find it in colour though. you got it faggot?

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File: 059aa1bc9422590⋯.gif (462.99 KB,403x219,403:219,cage_bliss.gif)


"Who the fuck are you"

"I'm the guy that's here to save the goddamn day"

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MS paint

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Bump, I'll try later

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amazing thread

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>my initials are HH

>i'm of german descent

>i'm a drawfag

what does this mean, anon?

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Images in black and white usually feel 'disconnected' from people living today in a sense. If we took images of Hitler's Germany and gave them color it would actually go far in humanizing a nation and a man who has been dehumanized by history.

see >>13163086

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Appreciate the pics very much.

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This is great

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This is true, and I initially assumed it was the point of this thread.

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File: feab86be3d42ce6⋯.jpg (146.71 KB,1200x720,5:3,2.jpg)

File: f0fd1479e042c9c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1200x720,5:3,color_2.png)

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I get "is not recognized as an internal or external command" etc. with:

>python bw2color_image.py \

>–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

>–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

>–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

>–image images/your_image.jpg


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File: 826be55de986600⋯.png (569.41 KB,558x768,93:128,Colorized_screenshot_27.04….png)


Show the exact command you run

Show contents of pwd

Which OS are you using?

If you pasted from here make sure to replace the weird unicode dash with two dashes

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python bw2color_image.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–image images/young.jpg

I don't know what pwd is.

Windows 10

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That dash is double dash in my notepad despite what is shown in that post.

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File: 95f23dafe7f6eda⋯.png (10.84 MB,4179x3010,597:430,logg_004.png)


I mean show your working direcory and contents of it (you have to be in the folder you downloaded and extracted)

Did you install the pre-requisites?

what is the output of `pip freeze` does it show the opencv and imutils libraries?

Have some nice young ladies.

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File: 928219e4561cbce⋯.png (13.8 MB,4092x2752,1023:688,logg_003.png)

This one worked pretty well. The algo likes nature.

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The directory is the one from bw-colorization.zip

I did install opencv and imutils (?)

Output with pip freeze: opencv-python==4.1.0

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File: 25da03c92e3afe0⋯.jpg (130.5 KB,884x1024,221:256,DzIV6rlXgAAH0ro.jpg)

File: 18402b4f1198cfa⋯.jpg (77.47 KB,800x600,4:3,DzIUejEWkAAk48u.jpg)

File: 0049d9eb66975be⋯.jpg (98.86 KB,716x928,179:232,DzGd3LlWoAAWqz8.jpg)

File: 35271559c22449d⋯.jpg (69.73 KB,540x732,45:61,DzGAqc0X4AAdfW2.jpg)

Real white women

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I found another link to imutils


Look for the latest opencv


Then pip install *the whl file*

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I didn't have imutils installed.. now with pip freeze:



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These times were prophesied by our pre-online brethren in the Afrikakorpsm

How else can we explain the fact that they are writing "Kek" on a barrel?

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File: de50dc0040d7e6f⋯.png (4.39 MB,2223x3216,741:1072,out.png)

If you want to just save the image instead of popping up the view then change the last lines of the script to this:

# show the original and output colorized images

# cv2.imshow("Original", image)

cv2.imwrite("out.png", colorized)

# cv2.waitKey(0)

i.e. comment out imshow and use imwrite to save the file

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File: a1bd49ab11f4e2b⋯.jpg (105.78 KB,1200x828,100:69,original_color_example.jpg)

File: 59746aecfab8b5e⋯.png (8.13 MB,4164x2669,4164:2669,group_photo.png)


Did it work?

Also I'm pretty impressed at how this thing gets the colors (mostly) correct.

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File: 4d750854c3cc0b0⋯.jpg (26.17 KB,521x44,521:44,cmd_2019-04-27.jpg)


I got it installed now. No, i get similar to this for all the commands:

'–points' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

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Always remember, the claim is 11 million, not 6 million.

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File: bed1fc4d1042bf0⋯.png (11.3 MB,2963x4147,2963:4147,Colorized_screenshot_27.04….png)


It's interpreting each line as one command - run the whole thing as one line.

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I pasted it as

python bw2color_image.py \ –prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \ –model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \ –points model/pts_in_hull.npy \ –image images/young.jpeg

And now it gives that error only for –image

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remove all the "\" characters now - so it's just one line

python bw2color_image.py –prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt –model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel –points model/pts_in_hull.npy –image images/young.jpeg

I'm not OP btw

Also working on a video now.. not insanely slow but still gonna take ages

Won't be posting more pics till the video is done

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Thanks but when trying that I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "bw2color_image.py", line 5, in <module>

import numpy as np

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'

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pip install numpy

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File: ff77c94aebcbd46⋯.png (5.47 KB,140x124,35:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Video processing.

Should have picked a shoter video but oh well

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Don't give up anon

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it's this, make sure your version of python is capable of installing numpy.

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File: 46564df4eaeaccb⋯.jpg (401.3 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,hitler.jpg)

File: 7dbdb4d396a0567⋯.jpg (726.47 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,hitler_COLOR.jpg)

I edited the image writing code a bit so only the arguments for the image are required. Just don't move the python file out of the folder and keep the files in the "model" folder there.

Also the image will be saved in the same folder as the original image except with + "_COLOR" added.


By the way, you can just type:

"python bw2color.py -i " and then drag and drop the file into the cmd window.

Also one last thing, to easily open cmd in the directory of the python file, create a .bat file with this code:


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1. Download python

2. Find python location, normally somewhere in %appdata%.

3. Navigate CMD to there: "cd {COPY & PASTE PY FOLDER}

- Now try to run python, type "python". Exit via "exit()"

4. Download get-pip.py. Save the "get-pip.py" file preferably near "python".

5. Simply type "python get-pip.py". This will install "pip.exe" in the sub-folder "Scripts", where "python" is located.

- You've installed python and pip.


6. Navigate with CMD to where pip.exe is located. Or just type "cd Scripts" if you haven't closed the window.

7. Type "pip install numpy", "pip install opencv", "pip install imgutil" etc.

CALLING "bw2color.py"

8. Type "cd.." to navigate back to the folder where "python" is.

9. You can just drag and drop files into cmd get the full path. Type: "python {DRAG AND DROP bw2color.py FILE HERE} -i {DRAG AND DROP IMAGE OF DER FÜHRER HERE}".

(also additional arguments with -m, -c -p which you can just drag and drop too, if you don't use my slightly edited file for images (see pastebin >>13193280 )

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I'm trying to get numpy installed

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The issue for me is that there doesn't seem to be any releases of numpy for Windows x64. I tried WinPython too and no luck with the packages… any ideas? I'm >>13193464 rebooted so ID change.

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Install anaconda

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Do you install numpy via pip? If not, do so. You can skip the environment variable thing as I explained. Then navigate to the folder where pip is with cmd (!) and call pip install numpy. If this doesn't work, try to reinstall python with the newest version.

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File: 2ccea388a0d5a2d⋯.png (342.64 KB,475x562,475:562,ClipboardImage.png)



Or switch to Linux


Or don't listen to me listen to Winfag here. I haven't used windows in over a thousand years.

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Switches to linux, still runs on the same microcode flawed piece of shit pc.

Still gets frogged by fugly squatamelon on her bike. Still presumes to call me the Jew.

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>some nigger on the 4th picture

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I'm sure installing python, pip, installing the packages and running the script can be run via A command prompt, wether it's windows, linux or mac. You can avoid the environment variable thing and just call via arguments.

How's the video rendering?

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Slowly.. I'll suspend it and post the first scene.. just struggling with ffmpeg a bit

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File: 494e0931cbe0626⋯.jpg (94.03 KB,400x594,200:297,German soldier Waffen SS 0….jpg)

File: 43443fe55712ffa⋯.png (512.05 KB,400x594,200:297,German soldier Waffen SS 0….png)

File: 1a274c3d34e883e⋯.png (492.97 KB,400x594,200:297,German soldier Waffen SS 0….png)



YES I got it to work via pip, the problem was with my firewall… (cracked GlassWire).

The third image is edited in Photoshop with Auto-Tone

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Good work anon.

I hope someone is saving all these to repost in the future. A "best of" thread should be cool

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File: ce4bffb01facaec⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB,960x720,4:3,out.mp4)

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How long did that take to render? Is there some sort of progress bar?

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File: 1693a008e9cce54⋯.jpg (83.25 KB,1038x1078,519:539,Hitler Jugend 01.jpg)

File: f3ceddeaf2c5402⋯.jpg (403.68 KB,1038x1078,519:539,Hitler Jugend 01##.jpg)


I've been saving them. I think its good to batch auto-tone them through Photoshop (this one I edited a bit manually).

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File: 79e1aa6258f8ea4⋯.jpg (226.25 KB,1024x1089,1024:1089,WW2 German Infantry group ….jpg)

File: cc71c680ba0961c⋯.jpg (543.62 KB,1024x1089,1024:1089,WW2 German Infantry group ….jpg)

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File: ed6f65fbb9fe2f2⋯.jpg (709.68 KB,3500x2537,3500:2537,PIC_2-1969.jpg)

File: b02839354ea10bb⋯.png (9.27 MB,3500x2537,3500:2537,out.png)


Video took over an hour.

You can see the most recent frame in a window - not really a "progress bar" but you can get a sense of how far along it is.

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Ideas for batch processing images with this?

python bw2color_image.py –prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt –model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel –points model/pts_in_hull.npy –image images/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg

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yeah just glob the files and loop over them


I'm tired though I cbf writing it myself now

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File: 464e050f90939fe⋯.jpg (160 KB,1700x1173,100:69,Jew_Killings_in_Ivangorod_….jpg)

File: 652b3319ed3c108⋯.png (2.91 MB,1700x1173,100:69,out.png)

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Something like:


import os

import subprocess

import tqdm #progressbar for convenience

batch_folder = FOLDER_PATH

files = os.listdir(batch_folder)

with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(files) as pbar:

for f in files:

proc = subprocess.Popen("python bw2color_image.py -i%s"%f)





should work

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Ok, I can't use that so maybe (no experience with coding) someone else can package it somehow.

Apparently the filenames can't have spaces?

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I just wrote it out without really thinking, just used that kind of stuff very often. I'll share pastebin in a moment after testing it.

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File: 698e55e8b473a9c⋯.png (2.12 MB,1600x1235,320:247,aa_gunners.png)


Yeah.. except why not modify the original script and just interpret the argument as a glob

jesus fucking christ.. okay hang on guy's i'll update it and upload a new script.

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Works with glob

so just use "*.jpg" instead of the filename

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Okay, this works now :)


import os

import subprocess

import tqdm #progressbar for convenience

batch_folder = FOLDER OF IMAGES

files = os.listdir(batch_folder)

with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(files)) as pbar:

for f in files:

bn, ext = os.path.splitext(f)

if ext == ".jpg" or ext == '.jpeg' or ext == "png":

fp = os.path.join(batch_folder, f)

proc = subprocess.Popen("python bw2color_image.py -i %s"%fp)




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I should stress that I have no idea what to do with the code.. Run it like I do the current script but replace FOLDER OF IMAGES with images?

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Nah mate use mine - it's exactly the same except it accepts wildcards now.


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Use this paste >>13194182

And just use *.jpg instead of one file

Output will be saved with _colorized.png

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File: 17158fdf7e2d7d4⋯.jpg (123.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,1984355147022632355.jpg)


*Fair enough*


You can use efef0e code probably better at this point

But you can run my code by pasting it in a text editor, save the file as whatever.py. "FOLDER OF IMAGES" is indeed the string "images" IF you save "whatever.py" in the same folder as bw2color.py. Or just copy the path in the toolbar by clicking on it and replace it with FOLDER OF IMAGES

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File: da95950e1eb8760⋯.png (3.11 MB,1425x2060,285:412,Scan_20150429 (19).jpg_col….png)

Thanks to whatever anon suggested the batch mode though.. easier

Struggling to upload multiple images though :/

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Selenium browser upload bot :) ?

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File: 4a15d13e94b30b4⋯.png (10.09 MB,3580x2499,3580:2499,sdas55 (13).jpg_colorized.png)

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File: 019a88ff9acc357⋯.png (12.57 MB,4034x2762,2017:1381,Scan_20150619 (4aa).jpg_co….png)


I think it's just the upload limit.

Is it 15mb per file or total?

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File: d74615276720ec2⋯.png (13.37 MB,4238x2996,2119:1498,Scan_20150619 (2aa).jpg_co….png)

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You do upload really big files, under 15 mb, so maybe total

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>And just use *.jpg instead of one file

Where do I replace that?

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File: 5d8ab16523e7174⋯.png (11.87 MB,4179x3069,1393:1023,Scan_20150603a (7aa).jpg_c….png)


Instead of a single filename use `–image *.jpg`

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File: 9cd31c5b9518301⋯.jpg (382.43 KB,1280x952,160:119,bbt_COLOR.jpg)

File: d87d9fe4006fd10⋯.jpg (748.86 KB,2418x1770,403:295,efc3a04c1ea316c289956cfb28….jpg)

File: e198af009f1433f⋯.jpg (73.71 KB,474x327,158:109,ih2g4tv_COLOR.jpg)

File: d6e7438893c7f05⋯.jpg (89.32 KB,860x320,43:16,nigger-vs-deutscher_COLOR.jpg)

Some random files to study.

Doesn't work well when:

-Indistinguisable faces / crowd of people


Works surprisingly well with the sky.

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File: 44c4fa248f46f6e⋯.jpg (32.26 KB,500x583,500:583,024759808.jpg)

File: 040ae58871cda8a⋯.jpg (58.18 KB,477x522,53:58,57447266_2224822887847728_….jpg)

File: 149dac0b4d24fc4⋯.jpg (105.48 KB,513x740,513:740,1545956717208.jpg)

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So do I replace all filename with –image *.jpg or what? I get this now:

>File "EFjq6D8p.py", line 42

> image = cv2.imread(.jpg)

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File: a88ea52cb2855e5⋯.jpg (53.62 KB,564x679,564:679,df4c4fa11f950dd9280f3708f2….jpg)







These make me feel nostalgia for some reason. Reminds me of when I was a kid, playing around the countryside with my friends, walking down the dirt roads, exploring the forests and bathing in the river. That was back when the countryside actually looked like a countryside and not just industrial farmland absence of trees, flowers and animals.

What they have taken from us…

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File: 03935c846c7f16b⋯.png (595.71 KB,477x522,53:58,57447266_2224822887847728_….png)

File: bbf065ebebfc888⋯.png (721.78 KB,513x740,513:740,1545956717208.jpg_colorize….png)

File: 1e870e2dcb3fc2f⋯.png (471.23 KB,500x583,500:583,024759808.jpg_colorized.png)


Were these requests?

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File: cc0e5ce96a0bc29⋯.png (556.63 KB,564x679,564:679,a88ea52cb2855e5bc5a9a33e51….png)

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I never used glob but I assume the command will be just

"python bw2color.py -i *.jpg"

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Correct.. except you need the other args too with my one

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And a shalom to you my fellow white.

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No damn idea what to edit in the .py… So something has to be changed within it, what? Then I just run it with python EFjq6D8p.py? Which I have and it has given the error on line 42.

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Nothing to edit in the .py file IF you use efef0e's file.

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This is how I am running it:

python bw-colorization/bw2color_image.py –prototxt bw-colorization/model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt –model bw-colorization/model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel –points bw-colorization/model/pts_in_hull.npy –image "*.jpg"

I have the files in a folder called bw-colorization and am running it from one level above it.

You will probably want to remove bw-colorization from the paths and run it in that dir

Hope that helps I'm fucking tired and cbf giving good instructions.

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Nowhere in that line is your pastebin .py mentioned?

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The pastebin file IS the .py file, except it's the updated version of bw2color.py . Save it like I said before, in a text file as .py file. Or just edit "bw2color.py" with a text editor and ctrl+a, delete, ctrl+v the pastebin text and press ctrl+s.

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File: e0936fa48369055⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,shalom_to_you_all.mp4)


Oh man…

it's supposed to be a replacement for the original


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>it's the updated version of bw2color.py .

There's no such .py in the original files from the zip! Do you mean bw2color_image.py then?

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Literally do this:

-right click on bw2color_image.py

-edit with notepad

-select all

-delete all

-paste pastebin text



-profit :)

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I see thanks, a bit of miscommunication I guess. What about for the video .py file to make it identical to the new image .py?

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Dude.. you don't want to be batch processing videos..

Not unless they are all one second long

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Yeah sorry, it's 1 AM here

Did it work?

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It only took a handful of minutes to convert a minute-long clip so I don't see a problem with it?

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It started well but stopped with:

Processing image 4/18
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bw2color_image.py", line 43, in <module>
scaled = image.astype("float32") / 255.0
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'astype'

What could it be?

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File: 4092d1834bd817f⋯.jpg (111.78 KB,564x603,188:201,Rudolf_Hess_with_Adolf_Hit….jpg)

File: 960420646deb652⋯.png (502.57 KB,564x603,188:201,Rudolf_Hess_with_Adolf_Hit….png)

File: ec40ab1dc75f292⋯.jpg (113.41 KB,408x585,136:195,Adolf_Hitler_with_Albert_B….jpg)

File: e86fe2de4cff848⋯.png (361.87 KB,408x585,136:195,Adolf_Hitler_with_Albert_B….png)



Nevermind, it was because of a special character in a filename -> '

Have some music https://mega.nz/#F!zN00wKBQ!GmwxIEasAAjrvnxXmTvHLw

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Alright good, I'll call it a day, maybe look into the video bit tomorrow if some other geek takes over. Very interesting thread regardless

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This kind of shit is what keeps the Jews in power.

Hitler was the savior of the Jews.

And the media will show this as evidence of Jew victim narrative. White Nationalists are one step below feral inner city Blacks.

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Okay thanks for the help

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A batch video version of the latest would be nice, with each video's frames into separate folders.

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File: 26e32466236125e⋯.jpg (887.59 KB,1200x1666,600:833,43330A_lg.jpg)

do this picture

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File: e475ddafd2ed4ec⋯.png (2.68 MB,1200x1666,600:833,color_fu1.png)

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File: c5d9c105ed1de66⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,500x699,500:699,0dabc1c25f9bd1740f8d66e4f3….jpg)

File: ec824fa7eaac7c2⋯.jpg (169.3 KB,634x913,634:913,2EFE92D300000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: bbc05d00683494d⋯.jpg (173.62 KB,557x800,557:800,5919d708f3cc5e722470751755….jpg)

File: 6872b624daa16b3⋯.jpg (250.61 KB,1024x1647,1024:1647,d2930378.jpg)

File: 182178e3fd22799⋯.jpg (88.62 KB,444x600,37:50,flowershitler.jpg)

run these plz

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File: ee8368446fda30b⋯.png (1.06 MB,634x913,634:913,Adolf Hitler (1) ah.png)

File: 32ac7f4959f0829⋯.png (2.08 MB,1024x1647,1024:1647,Adolf Hitler (2) ah.png)

File: 1003f21f8078eec⋯.png (751.63 KB,600x811,600:811,Adolf Hitler (3) ah.png)

File: 7720d48f7c30d80⋯.png (820.89 KB,557x800,557:800,Adolf Hitler (4) ah.png)

File: 2d442351f1560ae⋯.png (741.7 KB,600x839,600:839,Adolf Hitler (5) ah.png)


How's that

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File: 839fd5ce96ffd7c⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,639x794,639:794,1555232009454.jpg)

National Socialism is the final realization of any honest and impartial truth seeker.

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File: d8e90ad2f667862⋯.gif (1.2 MB,250x231,250:231,AIKpbAJ.gif)

File: ff2ac7707912fd7⋯.jpg (53.78 KB,428x586,214:293,9RTqgzgfVW71RcvMP5MSzjNYXm….jpg)

File: 6f5c80961d93aa8⋯.jpg (22.76 KB,228x298,114:149,main-qimg-0c3de2c2afcdc472….jpg)

File: b397e3cf2b4b15e⋯.gif (1.99 MB,422x250,211:125,AltruisticPlaintiveImperat….gif)

Could someone please do these photos of The Führer? And I don't know if you can do .gifs too but these would look amazing. I don't have access to a computer or I would do it myself


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File: f57788d977726bb⋯.png (113.46 KB,250x231,250:231,color_3.png)

File: 49e8523d28fe8e2⋯.png (463.27 KB,428x586,214:293,color_4.png)

File: f3d8f4700b63326⋯.png (132.33 KB,228x298,114:149,color_5.png)


the .gif didn't work.

can one of the other anons red pill me on how to do them

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File: 4005ecfb1aac11e⋯.gif (2.75 MB,500x296,125:74,Adolf Hitler speech GIF.gif)



I went with GIF -> MP4 -> conversion to frames -> GIF in Ulead GIF Animator


Alternatively Wondershare Uniconverter (torrent it, Toolbox -> GIF Maker -> Photos to GIF)

The other GIF didn't end up well and this is just OK.

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File: e8960451d0c725b⋯.gif (2.75 MB,500x296,125:74,Adolf Hitler speech GIF.gif)


That isn't the final version, this is with the framerate:

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File: 7218db969535cb1⋯.webm (164.99 KB,500x296,125:74,Adolf Hitler speech.webm)

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File: e3e5b9a7c20d5ea⋯.jpg (44.41 KB,474x634,237:317,73456.jpg)

File: c418ca4bed91b13⋯.jpg (69.78 KB,671x853,671:853,Norwegian SS volenteer, Fr….jpg)

File: 5c413976a3b1204⋯.jpg (55.49 KB,671x888,671:888,257.jpg)

File: bcf24861bd93aba⋯.jpg (46.56 KB,744x506,372:253,Waffen-SS frikorps Denmark.jpg)


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File: e437b5c39e669a1⋯.png (842.02 KB,671x853,671:853,Norwegian SS volenteer, Fr….png)

File: b9fe70378473b30⋯.png (644.28 KB,671x888,671:888,Soldier coat watch WW2.png)

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File: eff5b7c628dbaee⋯.jpg (525.59 KB,2044x2485,292:355,germanyringsfrau150723-193….jpg)

File: a126908bddac8e0⋯.png (5.48 MB,2044x2485,292:355,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

Amateur image anon checking in.

Good historical work ITT.

From viewing your input and output the algorithm seems to work best with a good range of contrast across it. If contrast is too low, or too high it makes a wilder guess (caveat I've not read the paper and the discrepancies could be due to chemical variations in the original photographic film, or other factors).

The results also give greater weight to the neural training than to the image contrast as seen here in what should be the 5 Olympic colored rings of the Munich Olympiad in 1936.

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Furthermore, copying your example code to run the app doesn't work since a double dash is changed into a long dash by 8ch. Use code tags to maintain the syntax (although CAVEAT: code tags are notorious for messing up apostrophes / URLs in some board settings)

python bw2color_image.py --prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt --model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel --points model/pts_in_hull.npy --image path-to-your-image/your-image-name-here.jpg

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Yeah with [code]

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File: fb675fbeca876c9⋯.gif (5.16 MB,720x667,720:667,20190428_112517.gif)




FUCKING BASED HOLY SHIT. Different post ID but these were my requests… Amazing work anons!! They're beautiful.

This thread is fucking incredible, literal countless historical firsts here… I am so glad I am alive to see this advancement, there is staggering potential here.


if you dudes want to try more gifs this one is my favorite ones.

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>Is it 15mb per file or total?

16Mb iirc

The github referenced in the research paper:


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File: 73dece31212bf88⋯.gif (1.64 MB,450x416,225:208,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s7.gif)

File: cb0e36d78f47c00⋯.gif (1.64 MB,450x416,225:208,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s9.gif)

File: 426795098a83285⋯.gif (1.64 MB,450x416,225:208,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s1….gif)


With a few different framerates, 11ms (the last one) seems to be identical to the gif you posted.

>GIF to WebM:


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What the fuck do you think you're doing, kike?

That is a known fake that providence was being "intercepted" (i.e. manufactured) by the Polish resistance and then disseminated by them. Garbage like this doesn't need this tech wasted on it

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File: 65320a9e1f291aa⋯.png (2.81 MB,2048x1550,1024:775,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: 5b734caf449969a⋯.png (5.09 MB,1512x2048,189:256,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: 48821ef36372225⋯.png (2.33 MB,2048x1550,1024:775,goebbelsspeaking2.png)

File: 50ae58c44eec567⋯.png (3.11 MB,1512x2048,189:256,goebbelsspeaking.png)

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File: 1bda1e97b37046c⋯.gif (1.65 MB,450x417,150:139,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s7.gif)

File: 483bbc9a2eeee24⋯.gif (1.65 MB,450x417,150:139,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s9.gif)

File: 2d54e5f698edc60⋯.gif (1.65 MB,450x417,150:139,Adolf Hitler salute GIF s1….gif)


Damn, there was column of empty pixels on the right in that version. (My ID changed, reconnection)

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File: e12c38fdcf77c64⋯.jpg (210.18 KB,736x1124,184:281,germanyarcheryfrau3133142d….jpg)

File: dc6e9ee38b48481⋯.jpg (67.77 KB,800x564,200:141,germanydancingfrauBundesar….jpg)

File: 10e244a5840ae06⋯.jpg (148.65 KB,751x1000,751:1000,germanyfraujugend370241787….jpg)

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File: d0033b21eac7b15⋯.png (613.61 KB,800x564,200:141,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: 81b499a0fde7012⋯.png (1.51 MB,736x1124,184:281,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: 90b3be6226af92f⋯.png (1.33 MB,751x1000,751:1000,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

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Yeah I had to edit it on my shitty built on Android program because it had been posted elsewhere… I had to cut out a frame and it sucks and bloats the filesize too do that is probably why

Go to Google Images and type in HITLER HEIL .GIF and it'll be on the first page of results.

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Reported for 'MUH SHITLER' spam. This shit will never work here, yid. Give up faggot, you're shitting up countless threads and disrespecting The Führer is disgusting.

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File: fbe46566c1e6de2⋯.png (1.67 MB,1620x1187,1620:1187,germanyarcherfrau2.png)

File: fbace562d2712cd⋯.png (2.06 MB,1620x1187,1620:1187,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

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File: 4314a3851df2fed⋯.png (4.89 MB,3000x2077,3000:2077,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: 383baed447d637e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1319x714,1319:714,Colorized_screenshot_28.04….png)

File: d6802219303799a⋯.jpeg (125.88 KB,1319x714,1319:714,stalingrad-russian-captur….jpeg)

File: a758c5dcec426e2⋯.jpg (413.27 KB,3000x2077,3000:2077,stalingradstatue.jpg)

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File: 553529eecea6d4f⋯.jpg (68.48 KB,635x470,127:94,2zmskc(1)(1).jpg)


Yes, SHITLER spammer is confirmed for a JIDF shill, this place is crawling with them and feds. Trump niggers are also usually JIDF kikes.

It won't work here you fucking filthy untermensch.


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Thanks for the info anon


These are cool

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Any requests? Yeah, its not excellent but works with some photos.

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File: 3dacea4d1828835⋯.png (320.36 KB,957x728,957:728,LoveThem.png)

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You Hitler fags do nothing but larp for the Jews.


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Fuck off spamming kike

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Did he really say that?

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File: 5625a7ee32f3120⋯.png (448.9 KB,530x656,265:328,color_de.png)

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>doesn't even sage

>newfag is a kike

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/leftypol/ Here watched tgsnt.

Where do I learn more about national socialism and hitler and the economies?

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File: 0e3344c13c0c478⋯.png (473.26 KB,474x634,237:317,color_9.png)

File: f6637570025ec90⋯.png (655.43 KB,744x506,372:253,color_10.png)



shouldn't it be automated with above? i just don't know enough about how to reverse engineer this shit to figure it out myself; would need instructions. it was a mission for me just to get pip to install that numpy shit. kek

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I’m amazed at how good natured Hitler looks in all these and how could the media have demonized so such a good hearted man.

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I've extended the script to take an extra parameter

-s path/filename.ext
--save path/filename.ext

This allows you to specify an optional path, with a filename and extension ( path/filename.ext) for the colorized output to be saved automatically without displaying on screen. The .ext can be jpg or png (there is an image read/write library in there for both it seems (but not .gif) )

Invoking the program was:
python bw2color_image.py \
--prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \
--model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \
--points model/pts_in_hull.npy \
--image images/your_image.jpg

and is now:

python bw2color_image.py \
--prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \
--model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \
--points model/pts_in_hull.npy \
--save path/output_image.jpg \
--image images/input_image.jpg

I modified the original python script bw2color_image.py (so this would doesn't have the batch conversion feature that anon did). Caveat: I don't know Python, but I've used dozens of languages so it seemed straightforward enough. I tested it and it works.

pastebin of program with save option added:


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>(so this would doesn't have the batch conversion feature that anon did)

*(so this doesn't have the batch conversion feature that anon did)

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File: 009d70ba4338136⋯.png (432.65 KB,768x480,8:5,color_fu2.png)

File: 3ca0024f591bae7⋯.png (123.72 KB,229x300,229:300,color_fu3.png)

File: 301e7234ccb6ac6⋯.png (357.52 KB,400x515,80:103,color_fu6.png)

File: bbbacc26911c2df⋯.png (335.29 KB,468x412,117:103,color_fu7.png)

File: 38c5da61deba942⋯.png (1.26 MB,1072x800,67:50,color_fu8.png)

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for sake of clarity..

>I've extended the script to take an extra parameter

I've extended the script to take an OPTIONAL extra parameter

Using this save option will save the result without displaying it on screen. Leaving out the save option and invoking the program with the original comand will display the results on screen as normal.

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File: 6a343e2b57d55b0⋯.jpg (16.88 KB,730x518,365:259,dday-omaha.jpg)

File: 63daeab8ec04377⋯.png (369.58 KB,730x518,365:259,Colorized_screenshot_29.04….png)

File: 13102aeb1383080⋯.png (9.17 MB,3119x2480,3119:2480,Colorized_screenshot_29.04….png)

File: dd8be362443ec02⋯.jpg (3.37 MB,3119x2480,3119:2480,Omaha_Beach_Landing_Craft_….jpg)

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File: 64b16e8eae79bef⋯.jpg (4.03 MB,5735x3798,5735:3798,Omaha_Beach_Landing_Craft.jpg)

File: 61d42965f6dcf16⋯.jpg (278.33 KB,2917x2340,2917:2340,Ddaylandingcraft.jpg)

File: b64261a0707378a⋯.jpg (5.72 MB,5735x3798,5735:3798,Omaha_Beach_Landing_Craftc….jpg)

File: f5b2b33f943314b⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2917x2340,2917:2340,Ddaylandingcraftcolor.jpg)

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Does anyone know what the image on the shirt is in the 3rd pic or better yet, where do I get one of these shirts?

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This is some satirical play-on what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf

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Command to archive this thread:

(on a Gnu/Linux Operating System of course)

wget -c -nH -k -p -nc -np -H -m -l 2 -e robots=off -I stylesheets,static,js,file_store,file_dl,qresearch,res -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4" –random-wait –no-check-certificate https'':''//8ch.net/pol/res/13161060.html

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I forgot the code tags mess up the URL at the end, so remove the apostrophes around the colon (:) after https

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Reich Labour Service

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File: 89984a232114346⋯.png (14.38 MB,3804x2584,951:646,Josef_Mengele_Richard_Baer….png)

I wish some other anon could be bothered finding info on how to train these models.

I really want to feed them some re-enactment photos

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File: 125a8b8a202b0cc⋯.jpg (120.02 KB,932x1143,932:1143,12402638-6933315-A_rare_cr….jpg)

File: 01191d269e0cdec⋯.jpg (171.88 KB,1099x801,1099:801,Adolf Hitler surrounded by….jpg)

File: e276a0ec930ca61⋯.jpg (214.21 KB,1122x799,66:47,New Hitler image(1).jpg)

File: 30c8467c4177a46⋯.jpg (217.44 KB,877x832,877:832,Adolph Hitler with group o….jpg)


I am one of the anons that unfortunately doesn't have access to a computer at the moment, just my shitting phone but this thread is stunning… Such an awesome advancement. The propaganda value can not be understated, especially once the kinks are worked out.

How would one go about feeding it images? If you know how then I can help with finding good and accurate re-enactment photos to use.

Also I have a few more requests… The negatives of these and over 1,000 more unreleased or not widely available photos of The Führer were recently found by a researcher in Germany. These are fairly high res and I wanna see how well they will work:



Will have one more post of 4 more to request after this

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File: 574e016445ccf09⋯.jpg (55.61 KB,644x362,322:181,hitler-1938.jpg)

File: 2df3c044d2fc263⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB,252x200,63:50,images (12).jpeg)

File: 9f1898487961a7c⋯.jpg (67.98 KB,800x569,800:569,Bundesarchiv_Bild_119-11-1….jpg)

File: a2734773417266e⋯.jpg (171.81 KB,593x375,593:375,Hitler,_Göring,_Goebbels_a….jpg)


More requests to you Wizards of National Socialist Ardor!

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What colour eyes did the fuher really have?

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File: e5b3191d239b9f2⋯.jpg (105.26 KB,900x1185,60:79,A rare color photo of Adol….jpg)


The Führer had deep blue eyes that virtually everyone who met him said he would stare straight into your soul with… Really. Everyone who spoke with him mentioned his piercing blue eyes and high ranking generals like Donitz said even when he intended to go before The Führer and speak him mind about something he disagreed with or the like, The Führer and his gaze had a way of making him a stuttering fool who would forget what he wanted to say in the first place

This contemporary color photo (noy colorized later) shows them well.

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File: b6c6008167d5d71⋯.jpg (11.32 KB,215x128,215:128,b7d1925953fd0323b8afd11f82….jpg)

File: 184f4903af23fdc⋯.jpg (136.72 KB,549x743,549:743,24z8wq.jpg)

File: 50c28e73bcd354a⋯.jpeg (9.89 KB,265x324,265:324,received_1304776122980557.jpeg)

File: 5dc87593b12d273⋯.gif (1019.95 KB,320x284,80:71,received_2275283192737403.gif)


Last 4 requests, lads. One photo, couple of memes and a .gif.

Thank you mein kameraden, for any attempts made.

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>the first image

Fuck off

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Dude, it's a joke.

I chose two different small res memes with text to see how this program would handle than, in addition to the other photos.

You won't do any of them just because you don't like the joke? No ones saying The Holohoax happened here, it's just a shitty meme. If I had known the anon who did some of the best work in the thread would react so negatively to it I would've never posted it. My bad.

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There is one old man who got interviewed saying that hitler seen through him and responded that he was glad he was a good man.

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Its one of the severest lies pushed today, try to make excuses as to why you'd spread it even as a joke.

Instead of posting something which consents with the lie, post/make something which actually exposes the lie.

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File: 157aec13de0deea⋯.jpg (65.66 KB,500x365,100:73,The Führer and Degrelle.jpg)


I apologize, mein kamerad. You're right. Even as a shitty joke the lie shouldn't be used. I deleted it and I would delete it here if I was able. It sullies the name of The Führer and isn't funny. The Holohoax lie is the biggest crime ever inflicted upon humanity by demonic kikes.

I really think the other images I posted (especially the negatives of the newly discovered, as they are fairly high res) would look amazing with you guys color treatment… I would do it myself but I work on the road and I don't have a laptop right now.

Either way, thank you for the outstanding work you have already done in this thread.


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File: 832b74ebc0004ab⋯.jpg (107.1 KB,850x526,425:263,armored-waffen-ss-division.jpg)

File: 1ae92a67acb1566⋯.jpg (102.67 KB,504x297,56:33,Troost - House of German A….jpg)

File: 17649465cd3a31f⋯.jpg (42.17 KB,676x466,338:233,ww2-2frau.jpg)


>The negatives of these and over 1,000 more unreleased or not widely available photos of The Führer were recently found by a researcher in Germany. These are fairly high res



>newly discovered


>says he wants to contribute

>doesn't give rare image source

>asks anons to do work for him

>makes excuses for not trying

>other anons with no skill are installing programs they have no understanding of merely to attempt to do this

>post fake meme

You post like a fed. Still no sauce.

If you want to make a contribution to historical learning post sauces & references to the research you mentioned.

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File: f67d42fc023f60c⋯.jpg (77.84 KB,504x297,56:33,Troost - House of German A….jpg)

File: 24b65ec9ce85dd5⋯.jpg (177.71 KB,850x526,425:263,armored-waffen-ss-division….jpg)

File: d3b840cc2223ace⋯.jpg (83.35 KB,676x466,338:233,ww2-2fraucolor.jpg)

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FYI: I tried an 18 mega pixel image, but the image reader ran out of memory, so only smaller images than that can be used.

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File: 73e98dc6357e09e⋯.jpg (197.75 KB,1000x563,1000:563,16112575_132092810629550_4….jpg)

Incredible. Wonder what the consequences of bringing duhhh ebul nasees to life are going to be

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File: 83001b37ad6b5ef⋯.jpg (71.86 KB,400x288,25:18,deutschesoldiercolor.jpg)

File: 70cb3312aae57fe⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,400x288,25:18,deutschesolider.jpg)

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File: ae48164cc2ab6af⋯.jpg (10.74 KB,500x338,250:169,EhrentempelRittich.jpg)

File: be9f450d05c9308⋯.jpg (31.09 KB,533x267,533:267,institut-danatomie-du-reic….jpg)

File: 8ccef47140d2f9c⋯.png (2.12 MB,1557x1085,1557:1085,Schloss Freudenberg, Wiesb….png)

It seems to work well with nature and people, and with buildings and nature.

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File: e36ff0b6c3344f2⋯.jpg (61.34 KB,533x267,533:267,institut-danatomie-du-reic….jpg)

File: 65fb2277ab0fb1f⋯.png (3.02 MB,1557x1085,1557:1085,Schloss Freudenberg, Wiesb….png)

File: 9d5877f3bed2e79⋯.jpg (35.11 KB,500x338,250:169,EhrentempelRittichcolor.jpg)

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Thank you anons, this thread is absolutely beautiful and reminds of the old days back before the elections. Keep fighting the good fight and creating and preserving beauty. HH.

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File: 70725bd2604a4ad⋯.jpg (159.16 KB,805x452,805:452,01 Adolf Hitler 1938.jpg_c….jpg)

File: fc50112d8d35031⋯.jpg (162.38 KB,756x600,63:50,02 Adolf Hitler and Rudolf….jpg)

File: 35f60ea7e8f8944⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,796x569,796:569,03 Adolf_Hitler_bei_Ortsgr….jpg)

File: a564bf05c5f8527⋯.jpg (177.48 KB,734x464,367:232,04 Adolf Hitler,_Hermann G….jpg)


I'm glad; I intended to try them later.

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File: 7513666cdc26bd0⋯.jpg (39.07 KB,477x253,477:253,031943.jpg)

File: d22e7385bdfe213⋯.jpg (59.43 KB,797x523,797:523,Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J161….jpg)

What a great thread, if any of you pros could colour these it'd be fantastic

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File: c6f3a607ab746f9⋯.jpg (198.43 KB,547x743,547:743,05 Adolf Hitler.jpg_colori….jpg)

File: b53c62e521db874⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,265x324,265:324,06 Adolf Hitler.jpg_colori….jpg)

File: 536f129377ccfa4⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x283,320:283,07 Adolf Hitler GIF.gif)

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File: 5a84ff4690f3a97⋯.gif (1.92 MB,320x283,320:283,07 Adolf Hitler GIF.gif)

File: ccaa2f8e8bd0e33⋯.webm (89.53 KB,320x282,160:141,07 Adolf Hitler.webm)

Cropped and webm

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File: b6871e45872577f⋯.png (621.96 KB,954x506,477:253,01 Group.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 7553ff5522e2736⋯.png (767.4 KB,996x653,996:653,02 Waffen SS Bild_183-J161….png)


It works with some photos

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File: 5e1056d9852e5a0⋯.png (752.58 KB,800x1119,800:1119,Cukurs 2.png)

File: 513ae1f5108e437⋯.jpg (57.09 KB,343x432,343:432,Man2.jpg)

File: 1030902dd03f8a0⋯.jpg (25.95 KB,300x373,300:373,Man33.jpg)


That's great, I'll be a bit shameless and post some more if you have the time

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File: 2d1cb65c44c831e⋯.jpg (300.19 KB,1175x791,1175:791,LincolnInauguration1861aco….jpg)

File: c73371f25f09eb1⋯.jpg (5.69 MB,3865x2000,773:400,US_Capitol_west_side.JPG)

File: c40999fc6fc7e98⋯.jpg (796.13 KB,1175x791,1175:791,LincolnInauguration1861a.jpg)


>bringing duhhh ebul nasees to life

Don't be retarded. We are doing ground breaking historical work in this thread. This method works for ANY historical black & white photos, and I already colorized some of the D-Day beach landings to point this out. >>13204086 >>13204137

Lincoln inauguration 1861 outside of the Capitol building under construction for an extension at the time

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>Wonder what the consequences of bringing duhhh ebul nasees to life are going to be

The Nazis in Black&White look like they are from another world, stylized like some art piece.

The Nazis in color look like normal Germans you see on the street today, except that the clothes are different.

It breaks the Myth Allied propaganda has created and allows us to see them as healthy normal people.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now & Then 1933-1945

Let Ruiter Productions take you back to places playing an important role before, during and shortly after World War 2. Photo overlays let you experience the time difference in Berlin, Nürnberg, Obersalzberg, München and Graz.

Somewhat related to this:




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Leave it White, this trash is nasty and not worth it

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File: 30c86e217a3734e⋯.jpeg (9.1 KB,299x168,299:168,images (11).jpeg)

File: 5f2f57c11bac05f⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,272x168,34:21,images (11).jpg)


The reason I didn't give the source except in passing is because we already had a thread about it. Since you are either new or just missed the thread, here it is. Remember all mein kameraden, this place is indeed crawling with feds and kike JIDF shills so a good dose of skepticism should be used but don't let it make you paranoid and thus shun or disregard those who are your likeminded brothers in arms and ideology.

THREAD: >>13155081

Archive of news story: http://archive.is/4lRd6



Excellent work! Thank you so much for doing them.

This thread truly is bursting with literal historical milestones. It should be stickied.


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File: 5fc154acf1df30e⋯.jpg (84.68 KB,861x452,861:452,adolf_hitler_fb.jpg)


Didn't mean to double post that image, meant to i clude this one

polie double post sage

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Shit Brown

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It is time.

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File: 2ee95267f537605⋯.jpg (2.21 MB,2932x2638,1466:1319,Himmler_besichtigt_die_Gef….jpg)

File: 25827207867d4e8⋯.jpg (47.76 KB,379x447,379:447,SS propaganda photp.jpg)

File: 840a5e7a995661e⋯.jpg (105.65 KB,760x536,95:67,190220-hitler-ss-mc-1154_4….JPG)

File: 0f233c4eae921f6⋯.jpg (52.64 KB,791x504,113:72,Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-2005….jpg)

File: a1fff210ae92c06⋯.jpg (29.61 KB,460x276,5:3,CableStMosleyLondon1936.jpg)

So, because this thread has been so productive, I thought I would feed a few more requests into the system. Thank-you kind Neural Net Anons.

Request 1: SS with a bit of Mosley thrown in.

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File: 7c7ac85f536f18e⋯.png (1.75 MB,800x1119,800:1119,color_g1.png)

File: fa0fea4f61bbbaf⋯.png (178.32 KB,343x432,343:432,color_g2.png)

File: 15d4b3c0279d13b⋯.png (238.38 KB,300x373,300:373,color_g3.png)

File: 03880caede4f543⋯.png (639.43 KB,861x452,861:452,color_fu9.png)

File: 93e46fa1c3fc9c9⋯.png (101.22 KB,272x168,34:21,color_fu10.png)


First 3 for you


last 2 for you

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File: 3446611dd98901e⋯.jpg (64.44 KB,800x532,200:133,Bundesarchiv_Bild_137-0409….jpg)

File: 215190fe56aa23e⋯.jpg (378.75 KB,1024x684,256:171,4-298.jpg)

File: b22dfa999ad783c⋯.jpg (193.54 KB,1103x1701,1103:1701,185de2b9fe9347b9427f5e3dbd….jpg)

File: 698208267c68149⋯.jpg (222.63 KB,736x1025,736:1025,3a089f7ef355ae8c8e7f5d3d67….jpg)

File: 0f6ab7a2ef18463⋯.jpg (52.35 KB,792x512,99:64,Bundesarchiv_Bild_133-130,….jpg)


Request 2: The glorious girls of Deutschland.

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File: b65d652327f6b7a⋯.png (11.29 MB,2932x2638,1466:1319,color_ss1.png)

File: 14bc427d8daa024⋯.png (336.28 KB,379x447,379:447,color_ss2.png)

File: 7b5585f84e50f80⋯.png (778.52 KB,760x536,95:67,color_ss3.png)

File: 32ada500e1b4306⋯.png (671.66 KB,791x504,113:72,color_ss4.png)

File: 23c578785cbc86f⋯.png (258.33 KB,460x276,5:3,color_ss5.png)

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File: 39e50ecf90fe419⋯.jpg (58.31 KB,1200x760,30:19,12466_3000.jpg)

File: 873f4baed39c9d6⋯.jpg (31.81 KB,960x540,16:9,399841051-bund-deutscher-m….jpg)

File: e2d1065fa92e482⋯.jpg (124.36 KB,1200x776,150:97,hitlerjugend-2-31-1200.JPG)

File: 59b342723a0acd4⋯.jpg (105.9 KB,1200x800,3:2,bdm-gruppe-beim-wandern-am….jpg)

File: d872852a43e3cfa⋯.jpg (76.75 KB,850x567,850:567,image005.jpg)


Request 3: Some more.

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File: beb00716c89d638⋯.png (748.69 KB,800x532,200:133,color_g4.png)

File: 809024be9b732ea⋯.png (1.56 MB,1024x684,256:171,color_g5.png)

File: 1fec90e95e4a47b⋯.png (2.95 MB,1103x1701,1103:1701,color_g6.png)

File: b9f2312da4a4954⋯.png (1.89 MB,736x1025,736:1025,color_g7.png)

File: dc996874859f98a⋯.png (654.52 KB,792x512,99:64,color_g8.png)

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File: 4d5fb469cac7b2d⋯.jpeg (342.76 KB,1400x953,1400:953,fullsizeoutput_2a96.jpeg)

File: fcd9af6ddbb531c⋯.jpg (121.03 KB,1104x828,4:3,1018316866.jpg)

File: 9fc2d22fa12d25b⋯.jpg (256.23 KB,1000x832,125:104,Hitler-Youth-Boxing.jpg)

File: edb23a3b4a3af4a⋯.jpg (150.26 KB,1280x852,320:213,Dr-Hans-Kuesel-erzaehlt-vo….jpg)

File: b7d3d1e6076a62e⋯.jpg (322.22 KB,1097x1500,1097:1500,91l2MyV3T7L._SL1500_.jpg)


Request 4: The Hitler Youth.


Top man. Thanks, Comrade!

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File: 319ae06f0069ee9⋯.jpg (465.19 KB,976x1300,244:325,volksgemeinschaft_05.jpg)

File: 15021212d4ad3d1⋯.jpg (128.06 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Drittes-Reich-Hitlerjugend.jpg)

File: 4bedc0cda703a2d⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,450x621,50:69,WL4100_web.jpg450x621.5625.jpg)

File: f2e6a972e06e4a0⋯.jpg (44.2 KB,402x265,402:265,hj-prelude-rope-pull.jpg)

File: b9c3dc5327c2f9f⋯.jpg (20.3 KB,236x351,236:351,f20711aa0884e4851d1baa4119….jpg)


Request 5: Hitler Youth, the Return.

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File: 93391e88ccfbdcd⋯.png (957.84 KB,1200x760,30:19,color_g9.png)

File: 7d8a858a7e8fb94⋯.png (551.61 KB,960x540,16:9,color_g10.png)

File: 4d75bec5ed7f2f6⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x776,150:97,color_g11.png)

File: cae5224079e4709⋯.png (1.22 MB,1200x800,3:2,color_g12.png)

File: 67eca2bb733dcb1⋯.png (802.88 KB,850x567,850:567,color_g13.png)


some turn out better than others.



give me a minute, my internet is shit.

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File: 30011deae63bdc1⋯.jpg (224.38 KB,1024x1525,1024:1525,ba009641.jpg)

File: 8c107a3d84417ee⋯.jpg (97.2 KB,1080x810,4:3,51162361_308021293400368_4….jpg)

File: 1ad798edb0a04c5⋯.jpg (126.45 KB,740x1033,740:1033,ang028.jpg)

File: 6eebdb3d3f3ef69⋯.jpeg (142.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,2024909_photography_Provi….jpeg)

File: e75f80925139463⋯.jpg (114.17 KB,1200x673,1200:673,image-placeholder-title.jpg)


Request 6: More Hitler Youth with some German Maidens tagging along.

Thanks to colour-anons.

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No rush to convert them to colour right now. I'll just dump a load before going to bed.

You sort them out in your own timescales. Much appreciated.

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Brilliant, thanks a lot!

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File: 2ccfcfcebd6938e⋯.jpg (89.67 KB,1200x775,48:31,12787_3000.jpg)

File: b857ab3dbe8239f⋯.jpg (425.65 KB,1536x2048,3:4,05934.jpg)

File: e52159a1289c217⋯.jpg (33.37 KB,531x299,531:299,image-595740-860_poster_16….jpg)

File: 574667080a424dc⋯.jpg (318.32 KB,975x1280,195:256,tumblr_lvxskawUYx1qf71bqo1….jpg)

File: a3e553fe1e59e36⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2953x2906,2953:2906,194544P.jpg)


Request 7: The Hitler Youth train for war.

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File: 2a47ee52f11d818⋯.png (1.85 MB,1400x953,1400:953,color_y1.png)

File: 11f114eb9e48d12⋯.png (1.28 MB,1104x828,4:3,color_y2.png)

File: 26a4ab592ac1ce5⋯.png (1.43 MB,1000x832,125:104,color_y3.png)

File: 8d4822d07867e20⋯.png (1.72 MB,1280x852,320:213,color_y4.png)

File: 7607890cec9c229⋯.png (3.07 MB,1097x1500,1097:1500,color_y5.png)



The encoder doesn't like a lot of faces or noise.

Images will be worse if they have a swarm of faces such as #15

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File: 949b00a3683a67d⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,571x813,571:813,truth-women-ww1-oo24.jpg)

File: 21691fbf35d962f⋯.jpg (91.56 KB,486x750,81:125,Ken-Redington-Fin-a.jpg)

File: e25ed8c6ed0742a⋯.jpg (180.1 KB,745x514,745:514,dhtrZ2f.jpg)

File: 179580e85914db3⋯.jpeg (7.49 KB,187x269,187:269,images (9).jpeg)

File: c25d633e76d5624⋯.jpg (178.33 KB,1217x1280,1217:1280,Hans-Georg Henke - 15 Year….jpg)


Request 8: The Heroic Hitler Youth.

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File: 11ef168a3dd9567⋯.png (2.35 MB,976x1300,244:325,color_y6.png)

File: 28e493b45b6dd8c⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1001,1024:1001,color_y7.png)

File: f1b5854031cf5eb⋯.png (473.89 KB,450x621,50:69,color_y8.png)

File: 52b4e14b77106ce⋯.png (230.98 KB,402x265,402:265,color_y9.png)

File: 13ac1f7ab0140a5⋯.png (180.81 KB,236x351,236:351,color_y10.png)

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File: 2e2b3a05c8a657c⋯.png (2.54 MB,1024x1525,1024:1525,color_y11.png)

File: 9c28eba37d6c5a9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1080x810,4:3,color_y12.png)

File: 0f04c4a52cc7848⋯.png (1.22 MB,740x1033,740:1033,color_y13.png)

File: 97e89bf1076f26f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x1024,1:1,color_y14.png)

File: c86be47ea2953aa⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x673,1200:673,color_y15.png)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


File: b7091e34a234995⋯.jpg (335.17 KB,1432x1783,1432:1783,54905de514f5ef0cacf4282c11….jpg)

File: 99292b759fbbcfa⋯.jpg (139.75 KB,897x1022,897:1022,Hitler-Jugend-P-4-EUCMH.BE….jpg)

File: 03df2849639a922⋯.jpg (153.12 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,Last_days_of_Nazi_Germany ….jpg)

File: 9e0a81fc1b19644⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,1200x668,300:167,hitlerhandshakelarge.jpg)

File: c0f7fd0ecc7f135⋯.jpg (56.9 KB,760x380,2:1,Auf-einmal-war-ich-SS-Kind….jpg)


I'll try and do less face-groups.


Request 9: More Hitler Youth, their defiance in surrender.

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When this fills up we need to do a "best of" collection to kick off thread 2

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File: 83fb527aa1ea192⋯.jpg (175.11 KB,994x1024,497:512,29949917685_62d957d713_b.jpg)

File: 06e0a91198c9a88⋯.jpg (281 KB,800x585,160:117,359394.jpg)

File: 797bed857544bf2⋯.jpg (263.2 KB,800x607,800:607,349328.jpg)

File: c61b32618741bf1⋯.jpg (13.35 KB,220x318,110:159,220px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_11….jpg)

File: f6a3d4e6728140d⋯.jpg (68.95 KB,700x394,350:197,16126852_303.jpg)


In saying that, I then did loads of faces. Oh well.

Even if they don't all turn out great, those which do make it worthwhile. Those which don't are still better for being shared. Thanks, Comrade.

Change of topic.

Request 10: Germany under Hitler, including the first autobähn.

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File: 274293a02788562⋯.png (1.25 MB,1200x775,48:31,color_y16.png)

File: 7be994d26a95392⋯.png (4.86 MB,1536x2048,3:4,color_y17.png)

File: c88b5d75d2f9dbb⋯.png (315.21 KB,531x299,531:299,color_y18.png)

File: 8525c0ed8e6531e⋯.png (102.09 KB,194x255,194:255,color_y19.png)

File: 14162d7143283a1⋯.png (9.39 MB,2953x2906,2953:2906,color_y20.png)


Kinda shit due to faces.

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File: 80bf1dadc460d26⋯.png (753.26 KB,571x813,571:813,color_y21.png)

File: 54c88d3253bb758⋯.png (701.28 KB,486x750,81:125,color_y22.png)

File: c83e946e496d595⋯.png (821.54 KB,745x514,745:514,color_y23.png)

File: acf1100075d5609⋯.png (97.25 KB,187x269,187:269,color_y24.png)

File: e088cdbcb0bf92c⋯.png (2.13 MB,1217x1280,1217:1280,color_y25.png)

>>13211555 (checked)

a lot better

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File: e0a6a7a58187139⋯.jpeg (702.94 KB,1200x817,1200:817,hitler.jpeg)

File: 486b44c6f1e85e4⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1220x1639,1220:1639,image016.jpg)

File: 82f6031bc3da99d⋯.jpg (174.44 KB,1440x907,1440:907,beer_hall_putsch_cc_img.jpg)

File: 79339fb7b4e803e⋯.jpg (54.08 KB,552x800,69:100,Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-G062….jpg)

File: c9060fdcedfa2f5⋯.png (115.63 KB,550x382,275:191,HitlerReleasedLandsbergCar….png)


Agreed. Will you take responsibility for making it? In truth, we need two parallel threads: the first, a continuation of this one, for requests. The second a dump for colour Axis photos, whether produced by the means or otherwise.


You're doing great.


Request 11: The Man Himself - The Early Days (and another heroic HJ member, because those brave children are an inspiration to each of us).

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File: cf68e4a27fed29a⋯.png (1.45 MB,994x1024,497:512,color_t1.png)

File: 0a1e0060180788a⋯.png (846.37 KB,800x585,160:117,color_t2.png)

File: 44efcce08bac020⋯.png (841.8 KB,800x607,800:607,color_t3.png)

File: aa3905bbef3a9c1⋯.png (122.26 KB,220x318,110:159,color_t4.png)

File: 6f0323998d2b06b⋯.png (585.08 KB,700x394,350:197,color_t5.png)


Will post more later, pc is being shitty.

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File: d6ae31d247bcc5b⋯.jpg (48.67 KB,816x524,204:131,nazi-germany-quiz-orig.jpg)

File: b295a860a2bdf58⋯.jpeg (8.96 KB,180x280,9:14,images (8).jpeg)

File: 25f3da9b96cb600⋯.jpg (151.66 KB,1075x744,1075:744,Nazi Solider.jpg)

File: 685b586c99a1e67⋯.jpg (40 KB,496x279,16:9,tmp771726877013311490.jpg)

File: 124f5022a759ee5⋯.jpg (103.24 KB,634x850,317:425,article-2567492-003C973200….jpg)


Request 12: Der Führer.

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File: 0794ccf83fda36e⋯.jpg (221.04 KB,1200x909,400:303,Hitler-Jugend-203.jpg)

File: 034a19dc4b6751f⋯.jpg (156.64 KB,1600x1320,40:33,Easter_eggs_for_Hitler.jpg)

File: 76284fddb46a4db⋯.jpg (427.03 KB,1700x1360,5:4,JAZivmn.jpg)

File: b81977fbfbe8833⋯.jpg (193.74 KB,1280x950,128:95,38fd3f7a312a63148d7e7b45b5….jpg)

File: 6725fcbb612b137⋯.jpg (102.55 KB,1280x838,640:419,e4a1096e3621a42b919bca3965….jpg)


Thanks for helping the war-effort.


Request 13: Miscellaneous 1, with random Yankee nogs.

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File: 3a302be0e1becc9⋯.png (1.73 MB,1200x909,400:303,0794ccf83fda36ef1531e14ac3….png)

File: 8cb10cf7bec53d3⋯.png (1.28 MB,1280x838,640:419,6725fcbb612b1372bb29e19578….png)

File: b6b1272269bea6a⋯.png (2.18 MB,1280x950,128:95,b81977fbfbe88331fa9184d435….png)

File: 8bd754f4a497850⋯.png (3.37 MB,1700x1360,5:4,76284fddb46a4db9d1b39abd2a….png)

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File: 28290dfc7e4ccd8⋯.jpg (328.89 KB,2121x1375,2121:1375,HItlerYouthHistorical-05.jpg)

File: 874b693af7dd58b⋯.jpeg (37.72 KB,300x471,100:157,main-qimg-518605ce1a5e5ab….jpeg)

File: dba23b8ba063613⋯.jpg (146.38 KB,1125x1500,3:4,IMG_20181013_131002.jpg)

File: 209f04bc745c3f1⋯.gif (64 KB,373x383,373:383,Hitler's_cake.gif)

File: c1da2c014d5a774⋯.jpg (260.45 KB,1153x816,1153:816,scan0095.jpg)


Request 14: Miscellaneous Two, with random SS Nog.

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File: 64492b1cc2e54b7⋯.png (19.79 KB,691x653,691:653,1507714976056.png)


Strange how I don't find myself being attracted to many women of my generation, yet young Ursula Haverbeck is an 11/10 to me

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File: c624238e3b62b5c⋯.jpg (299.93 KB,800x603,800:603,bild_146_1973_060_72.jpg)

File: c744d1cb2a76b60⋯.jpg (45.37 KB,767x432,767:432,image-669993-860_poster_16….jpg)

File: 8e8beb04845452a⋯.jpg (112.84 KB,1024x673,1024:673,media.media.dd04c6e3-3dc1-….jpg)

File: 948d07db1c34e6b⋯.jpg (116.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 61fe94d96fc6bca⋯.jpg (98.74 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Joseph-Goebbels.jpg)


Nearly done now. A few more sets and I'll call it a night.

Request 15: Miscellaneous Three.

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File: 55468bdec95629a⋯.jpg (41.13 KB,798x504,19:12,reichkBundesarchiv_Bild_10….jpg)

File: 607fa40af02cfb3⋯.jpg (121.78 KB,858x850,429:425,reichjstuka_dive_bomber.jpg)

File: 32cbbc5fbffc451⋯.jpg (206.83 KB,2304x1575,256:175,reichihitler-paris-large-5….jpg)

File: 34899d43f314c20⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,1024x712,128:89,reichhgettyimages-3207862-….jpg)

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File: 06cb7b9011d635c⋯.jpg (84.98 KB,798x504,19:12,reichkBundesarchiv_Bild_10….jpg)

File: ff1d26bd39feba1⋯.jpg (204.67 KB,858x850,429:425,reichjstuka_dive_bombercol….jpg)

File: 4ec24fee380caac⋯.jpg (398.04 KB,2304x1575,256:175,reichihitler-paris-large-5….jpg)

File: 678ef078663d572⋯.jpg (98.06 KB,1024x712,128:89,reichhgettyimages-3207862-….jpg)

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File: 8f0c0193da618ca⋯.jpg (64.75 KB,800x534,400:267,Waffen-SS-Direlwanger-Sond….jpg)

File: 8f8f591df31e243⋯.jpg (169.8 KB,800x483,800:483,goebbels-master-propaganda….jpg)

File: 36557f4e0b9140c⋯.jpg (83.06 KB,736x1040,46:65,8fce7e4b295e09c12794d35104….jpg)

File: a07393a7906498e⋯.jpg (62.52 KB,731x976,731:976,jlf3fx5s45n01.jpg)

File: 4933ce1e3828298⋯.jpg (90.28 KB,620x668,155:167,Gruppe_von_HJ-Jungen-@Bund….jpg)


Request 16: Miscellaneous Four.

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File: 14bb5f032e11380⋯.jpg (163.2 KB,1200x719,1200:719,1218.jpg)

File: 2544f810cb47bbf⋯.jpeg (103.99 KB,750x563,750:563,miley-cms.jpeg)

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File: d83d16a8b37f625⋯.jpg (135.47 KB,839x719,839:719,totenkopf-SS-division-nazi….jpg)

File: 73d698a8d73f7f2⋯.jpg (134.14 KB,1484x1109,1484:1109,5W7OPBD4RII6RE6MNU56ZTOXUM.jpg)

File: c6a55ae74110b67⋯.jpg (15.38 KB,300x180,5:3,women-salute-the-nazi-fla-….jpg)

File: 6f80abd6d44a1d2⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,960x687,320:229,31_5 ss joukko itä-rintama….jpg)

File: e83998ea86ca09e⋯.jpg (147 KB,1024x640,8:5,Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-1796….jpg)


Request 17: Miscellaneous Five. The King England Lost.

Two or three more sets, then bed.

Thanks to those processing images.

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File: 5f50f1e2e6395a9⋯.png (744.88 KB,800x534,400:267,8f0c0193da618cae669da89d3f….png)

File: 9be3738b371eb45⋯.png (683.68 KB,800x483,800:483,8f8f591df31e243f894431a965….png)

File: 93e67f43c17a3b6⋯.png (762.84 KB,620x668,155:167,4933ce1e382829846511ec89a6….png)

File: db6b96b15c90bb5⋯.png (812.49 KB,731x976,731:976,a07393a7906498eea0cd33c871….png)

File: 70d037edee71439⋯.png (996.05 KB,736x1040,46:65,36557f4e0b9140c198e7690b04….png)

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File: 62fd9a6cf0b8d61⋯.png (1.18 MB,839x719,839:719,d83d16a8b37f62578f4ea6926b….png)

File: fa53d890594a7a8⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x640,8:5,e83998ea86ca09e7d96f5e7e60….png)

File: ff4393741cce5e2⋯.png (1.24 MB,960x687,320:229,6f80abd6d44a1d2128fcd71fd2….png)

File: dfd969161517d1d⋯.png (2.18 MB,1484x1109,1484:1109,73d698a8d73f7f2cbb7db3a431….png)

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File: 103608bbffe6a0b⋯.mp4 (14.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,SecretNaziArt15mb.mp4)


Do you have a link to the National Archive photos then please?

I didn't find one on their site.

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File: ea6d6b73495c88d⋯.jpg (27.59 KB,409x640,409:640,976913-rudolf_hess.jpg)

File: 35c635d365b3b1d⋯.jpg (189.04 KB,618x573,206:191,national-socialism-happy-c….jpg)

File: abd3178294fa487⋯.jpg (56.5 KB,620x413,620:413,national-socialism-hitlerL….jpg)

File: 51a3e754e8cb91a⋯.jpg (108.46 KB,438x594,73:99,tumblr_of567bqie61tmsr3yo1….jpg)

File: 3cdf2051b545c1d⋯.jpeg (111.97 KB,718x1000,359:500,wpid-wp-1426649818984.jpeg)


Request 18: Miscellaneous 6.

A few more dumps to go, since I found some more photos.

Keep the ball rolling for final victory.

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These strangely colored photos remind me of various black and white photos my grandparents had that were actually physically colorized but imperfectly with age doing some further damage.

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File: 4f7a3b7f8c456b6⋯.jpg (52.38 KB,445x640,89:128,ec06c90dc719b29b57123e353a….jpg)

File: 873b1b2415cd0ec⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,290x400,29:40,Goebbels & Adolf Hitler.jpg)

File: d23af076ec06b17⋯.jpg (22.29 KB,225x320,45:64,225px-Spanisch_Blaue_Divis….jpg)

File: 065fac954cc961e⋯.jpg (13.57 KB,360x257,360:257,1526063964_021064_15260640….jpg)

File: b96a94ed094e1ae⋯.jpg (53.62 KB,610x608,305:304,Soldado_anónimo_de_la_Divi….jpg)


Request 19: Miscellaneous 7.


I don't have any links, sorry.

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File: 6d6e3297e066eed⋯.jpg (71.89 KB,470x670,47:67,vs5.jpg)

File: aa0525dbc6696cd⋯.jpg (61.65 KB,604x800,151:200,Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1974….jpg)

File: 6b7be649cde8bdc⋯.jpg (52.59 KB,561x800,561:800,po1dhhp.jpg)

File: 3c38218d7eb45df⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,598x800,299:400,Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1979….jpg)

File: 391849a4729b718⋯.jpg (53.47 KB,460x700,23:35,njgffress.jpg)


Request 20: Volkstürmm.

That's me done for the night, lads. Thanks for your efforts.

Hail Victory.

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File: c766a2ff3923f2c⋯.jpg (8.7 KB,257x364,257:364,image001.jpg)

File: 279cef0e5f07f90⋯.jpg (49.29 KB,260x328,65:82,Otto_Ohlendorf_at_the_Nure….jpg)

File: 1f7954568da0b90⋯.jpg (76.53 KB,695x560,139:112,Otto-Ohlendorf-Heinz-Jost.jpg)

File: cb98c79452b7ac0⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,556x792,139:198,Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J085….jpg)


Excellent work! Thank you! This thread is quite literally bursting with historical firsts!!





One of the men I admire most from The Third Reich… SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf, leader of Einsatzgruppen D, battling saboteurs, partisans and Commie kike scum behind the front in the East. A truly vital task. He was made a martyr in the subsequent Nuremberg "trials" where he made no apologies for his actions, nor deny that they were absolutely necessary and had to be done.

The shield maiden of National Socialism, Savitri Devi, was a close friend of Ohlendorf and his wife… She wrote this in her book Pilgramme (about visiting sites sacred to NS in Germany in the 50s):

>>"One of our latest blood-witnesses, the hero Otto Ohlendorf, is said to have declared to a foreign journalist, a few short weeks before the Americans hanged him for HIM HAVING done his Duty to the end: "Individual happiness and individual life do

not count. All that matters is duty done. "

I would also highly recommend Devi's book Gold in the Furnace, it chronicles her travelling through the occupied zones of Germany by train shortly after the war, a trunk STUFFED with highly illegal National Socialist propaganda and tobacco, sugar, chocolate etc… (Rare and worthy their weight in gold at that time) and wrapping these items in the paper propaganda/words of hope to not forget The Fuhrer and what he tried to build and threw them down in public places and out the windows of the train. She meets many both likeminded and traitorous Germans on the way. Truly an amazing woman and an amazing book.

Both books and all of Devi's writings are available on Archive.org

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File: 4c8ca4bd0f109b9⋯.png (726.53 KB,618x573,206:191,35c635d365b3b1d6dedd33f69b….png)

File: 402db8ea967c972⋯.png (2.27 MB,960x1344,5:7,9921_9c6b_960.jpg_colorize….png)

File: 625b6dcee720bd6⋯.png (457.17 KB,620x413,620:413,abd3178294fa487e8b5373cbc2….png)

File: 0412f7654389c80⋯.png (354.1 KB,409x640,409:640,ea6d6b73495c88d3535455baea….png)

File: 0752ea58ec4e368⋯.png (477.6 KB,438x594,73:99,51a3e754e8cb91a4f15167cde0….png)


The algo seems to like the League

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File: 32c4b27816005c8⋯.jpg (41.02 KB,220x313,220:313,220px-DefianceSavitriDevi.jpg)

File: f0e5f857ebe5e45⋯.jpg (50.32 KB,353x499,353:499,61P6MGxayKL._SX351_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 72a75f2d2ceaeb1⋯.jpg (29.11 KB,399x571,399:571,a5e7c1a12b736704632307c85a….jpg)

File: c0a6aa1d2be271b⋯.jpg (95.78 KB,318x453,106:151,1429416.jpg)


Gold in the Furnace (Written traveling through occupied Germany 1948-49):


Defiance (1951) - The story of Devi's arrest, trial, imprisonment and attempted 'de-Nazification' for her actions in GOLD IN THE FURNACE:


Pilgrimage (1958):


The savitridevi.org site may be a good alternative as it hosts all her works incase Archive.org gets even more cucked and takes down all NS content.

Also included here is a hand-colorized photo of Ohlendorf to see how the program compares with it's results.


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File: 55e01cffb1e8627⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,236x334,118:167,d4f306f9efaf35802ce44305eb….jpg)

File: a189bb3997f5f44⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,2560x1536,5:3,franco2.jpg)

File: c4b5f87c4b12821⋯.jpg (42.14 KB,347x475,347:475,ae44c332d65753780d947a7ba8….jpg)


Thanks for these, Comrade. Inspiring stuff.

Here's a picture of some of my heroes in the Division Azul. I was fortunate enough to go to their memorial in the cemetary of Madrid, which while it has been stripped of all symbols, writing or identification, still stands.

Franco was based. I just wish he had gone the whole hog.

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File: 72987f4dc2d6306⋯.jpg (95.99 KB,683x956,683:956,9f80f17bb4306c48d4fdd56c3f….jpg)


Ah, thank you, kamerad. I truly wish more anons here would read Devi's work, particularly Defiance, Pilgrimage and Gold in the Furnace if nothing else… Though once any of those works are read you will instantly be intrigued and read the rest of her works. Truly an amazing woman. I wonder how this would photo would fair in the program

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File: 44ca6b3c37643ac⋯.png (1.02 MB,683x956,683:956,color_d1.png)


ask and you shall receive

last one for the night boys.

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One thing I've learned recently is you'll hear a lot of negative opinions about Mein Kampf and Industrial Society and its Future (aka the super spookums "Unabomber Manifesto) from people who have never read a single word of either.

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Look is this shill again.

Go kvetch some more.

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She is from your generation, she's a girl who did some NatSoc cosplay. I'll find her name in a bit.

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File: 06105509b0e11f3⋯.jpg (653.78 KB,1759x1497,1759:1497,1367559171353.jpg)

File: 278b044ce1e56a2⋯.jpg (548 KB,1600x1185,320:237,1367560164048.jpg)

File: 75a74d134d1b08a⋯.jpg (493.84 KB,2000x1283,2000:1283,1289420186914.jpg)

File: 637851084236346⋯.jpg (489.73 KB,991x703,991:703,1367559540883.jpg)

File: 2fb980384c266fc⋯.jpg (398.35 KB,991x664,991:664,1367561560720.jpg)

I don't have the time to set up use of the program but if someone wants to take these pics from my WW2 collection and give them a try that would be cool. Sorry if I happen to be posting any duplicates in the thread.

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File: 96f8d5c96a8e46d⋯.jpg (359.08 KB,1748x1327,1748:1327,1367560313816.jpg)

File: 9b841846d48f578⋯.jpg (234.45 KB,1200x827,1200:827,1367559122739.jpg)

File: 41b285fb21b1e92⋯.jpg (162.46 KB,921x641,921:641,1367560558216.jpg)

File: 8827ba5f4919af9⋯.jpg (154.2 KB,1576x973,1576:973,1367559621867.jpg)

File: 84880b4f8efa072⋯.jpg (124.33 KB,1024x728,128:91,1367561567913.jpg)

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File: 5ddf10808f09b44⋯.jpg (121.86 KB,903x1230,301:410,1367560864663.jpg)

File: 9a30ce9f435b47a⋯.jpg (68.32 KB,918x598,459:299,1367561117873.jpg)

File: ef35d53821b38e6⋯.jpg (49.37 KB,458x600,229:300,1367561764893.jpg)

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File: e7cd2a087661112⋯.jpg (241.71 KB,934x960,467:480,6IdpjF6.jpg)


Here: http://todo-sobre-el-mundo.blogspot.com/2016/02/

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File: 38d005393e4542a⋯.gif (914.88 KB,500x241,500:241,bretty_gud.gif)

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File: 0d08ff533a17bbd⋯.jpg (75.74 KB,500x750,2:3,11.jpg)

File: 1dcb310e5d5f0ca⋯.png (545.43 KB,500x750,2:3,color_11.png)


fugg, you reckon this would work better on newer photos.

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File: e9f669f4b8ce1a2⋯.png (14.08 MB,3285x4386,1095:1462,Unbenannt-1.png)

Someone do this

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Cecily Amanda Forrell. Very pretty, but didn't she have some spic boyfriend?

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Post images individually or use ones posted in the thread.

This is not a GAN that has the ability to isolate faces and other groups of features, it is an auto encoder + decoder, it get very confused when images such as this are used as input.

P.S. file is too large to upload when colored.

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I'm not an expert an expert but have you guys tried filtering an original colored picture and run through the algorythm to see where it fails? I'm this might be a very good way to fine tune it for exact environments that can be tested on random images before finalizing in each case. Hell you can even find colored pictures for the exact place so the algorythm needs way less guessing. Just a thought, it might help your cause. I might be even completely wrong, but at least inventive.

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>I might be even completely wrong

Your process works fine for conventional algorithms, but with neural networks there is no place for humans to tweak the algorithm, as ANNs become massive it becomes intractable to figure out what each part is doing. The better solution would be to train it on more images from the WWII era, which have been manually color corrected.

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Hot damn that is one beautiful woman.

>tfw will never be married to a national socialist qt

Why even live.

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Someone please do these! This thread is magnificent

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File: b097cb072ba680f⋯.png (4.62 MB,1748x1327,1748:1327,1.jpg_colorized.png)

File: e99b36b4dbb1e68⋯.png (2.07 MB,1200x827,1200:827,2.jpg_colorized.png)

File: a1783d4c4cb0ac7⋯.png (1.23 MB,921x641,921:641,3.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 9d66d749e4c4220⋯.png (1.46 MB,1576x973,1576:973,4.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 8dda1246beadbff⋯.png (1.33 MB,1024x728,128:91,5.jpg_colorized.png)


My nigger, this is the shit. Thanks.



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File: 271defcbfc36adf⋯.png (1.59 MB,903x1230,301:410,6.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 7af9a67829f7e63⋯.png (755.15 KB,918x598,459:299,7.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 1cf16c2e85a4f5d⋯.png (490.74 KB,458x600,229:300,8.jpg_colorized.png)

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File: d9bbcaea9d066b4⋯.png (3.44 MB,1759x1497,1759:1497,9.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 2e9918deb6da147⋯.png (3.68 MB,1600x1185,320:237,10.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 7bd48ca1ac8f0a9⋯.png (3.85 MB,2000x1283,2000:1283,11.jpg_colorized.png)

File: d0a952505703259⋯.png (1.32 MB,991x703,991:703,12.jpg_colorized.png)

File: b177d0b6d712d94⋯.png (1.09 MB,991x664,991:664,13.jpg_colorized.png)

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File: d43018ec63e5019⋯.png (125.18 KB,257x364,257:364,14.jpg_colorized.png)

File: a99d7c5f6005973⋯.png (141.02 KB,260x328,65:82,15.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 2ab8e192429636a⋯.png (645.37 KB,695x560,139:112,16.jpg_colorized.png)

File: 154c7d23d9b5cfe⋯.png (545.61 KB,556x792,139:198,17.jpg_colorized.png)

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Thank you OP

I am colorizing old family pictures as well lol

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This command works for me:

python bw2color_image.py –prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt –model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel –points model/pts_in_hull.npy –image images/your_image.jpg

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Nice, some of those came out pretty good. Thanks!

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File: 34347b933f89f27⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,3285x4386,1095:1462,facolor.jpg)


Here you go. I wrote a small program to locate the sub images and applied the net to each one. For this I used mathematica, and loaded the same pre-trained network specified in the OP.

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File: 1df2d6f169a59b8⋯.jpg (118.9 KB,1030x629,1030:629,Adolf Hitler in Frankfurt ….jpg)

File: 440f34e36b120fe⋯.jpg (130.53 KB,1030x629,1030:629,Adolf Hitler in Frankfurt ….jpg)

Its an ok program (I've posted some photos in the thread), here's for a pro restorer's manual results:


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We'll get there eventually (for both AI restoration and civilization restoration).

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File: 5e8939bce0e7dda⋯.jpg (140.38 KB,1080x809,1080:809,Berlin, 1st April 1933 the….jpg)

File: 9bc31b1530a50e4⋯.jpg (483.01 KB,1030x770,103:77,Berlin, 1st April 1933 the….jpg)

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File: 13d9e9ba32bc395⋯.png (100.45 KB,1295x927,1295:927,larper.png)

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File: 1155a1ad903f8ef⋯.jpg (80.35 KB,500x417,500:417,Body-of-frozen-Soviet-sold….jpg)

File: 4ed8270a79735dc⋯.jpg (419.53 KB,1247x837,1247:837,breakmoves.jpg)

File: 72120908050f078⋯.jpg (145.17 KB,736x681,736:681,red_army_lunch.jpg)

How does it work with snowscape?

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That is what I call heaven the buildings and everything looks so beautiful.

Nowadays looks like a cyberpunk hellscape.

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File: cb6d85c6ba40481⋯.jpg (3.77 MB,4652x3320,1163:830,evil hitler.jpg)


Fantastic. Does your trick work on this?

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It ended up very orange -another anon

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Not much change in colours.

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File: 356607770d18b83⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,4652x3320,1163:830,pure evil.jpg)


Just heading out but here's a first run. I'll tweak it later tonight. This one can be done more easily subdivided since the images are all uniform.

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FUCKING YES! These came out amazing. Ohlendorf in color, thank you so much anon.

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Even when compared to the one colorized by traditional methods here:

>>13212021 it's still not bad. So much potential here. Can't wait till all the kinks are worked out (and we get that correct and beautiful red on the flags and armbands)

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yeah mate, imagine when the AI is good enough to do this sort of shit. >>13222425

It's going to be glorious.

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Not a nigger retard its just colonization

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File: d9f7767bcdea745⋯.jpg (184.63 KB,1698x1075,1698:1075,asdafff.jpg)

If it weren't for Hitler, Germany would still be German.


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File: 865490f8c58f9ef⋯.jpg (4.25 MB,4648x3320,7:5,pureevil.jpg)

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File: c049d0ae35edfca⋯.webm (15.11 MB,700x524,175:131,Elämää juoksuhaudoissa (A….webm)

I tried it on a video https://youtu.be/ck_BUUQODaQ

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File: 8fd99f7fa5206b3⋯.jpg (14.6 KB,640x353,640:353,tsar_family.jpg)

File: 6727fa7a08f8dd0⋯.jpg (4.46 MB,4295x3495,859:699,Family_Nicholas_II_of_Russ….jpg)

File: e985400f64ff1ec⋯.jpg (4.76 MB,4295x3495,859:699,Family_Nicholas_II_of_Russ….jpg)

File: 28b8451402999c7⋯.jpg (49.79 KB,640x353,640:353,tsar-family-color.jpg)


Tsar Nicholas II & Romanov family

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File: 71511a422ae8b9e⋯.jpg (100.86 KB,1125x771,375:257,h1color.jpg)

File: 0e2860919e6a5ef⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,1023x800,1023:800,h2color.jpg)


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Doubt it. The weimar republic already allowed black entente troops have free reign in the rhineland. Liberalism is a death sentence for demographics.

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File: 2c59946835bd182⋯.png (1.84 MB,548x768,137:192,walkwithhitler.png)

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File: 31c69fd50b48f1a⋯.jpg (59.68 KB,548x768,137:192,snow.jpg)


Meant to include original as well, this one came out very nice.

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File: d4378adb6dde9ce⋯.jpg (38.09 KB,400x620,20:31,0c9aa700c224ed962a3a7c4428….jpg)

File: f5cb858adbf5909⋯.jpg (1020.82 KB,1944x2048,243:256,150623-confederate-flag-06.jpg)

File: 39fc564122249c9⋯.jpg (303.25 KB,1088x1411,64:83,149.jpg)

File: e1b361daaddb219⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,738x900,41:50,5e3410a5a36438a88ade93ef5d….jpg)

Anyone wanna take a crack at some Confederate photographs?

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File: c78789d3ed63c5c⋯.jpg (649.53 KB,1944x2048,243:256,color150623-confederate-fl….jpg)

File: a315d1f983508c4⋯.jpg (40.86 KB,400x620,20:31,color0c9aa700c224ed962a3a7….jpg)

File: e2a09376fe2cad7⋯.jpg (138.86 KB,738x900,41:50,color5e3410a5a36438a88ade9….jpg)

File: a352dc42e2d9177⋯.jpg (281.09 KB,1088x1411,64:83,color149.jpg)


1 out of 4 looks good.

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File: cfd3c3d4de386dd⋯.jpg (138.88 KB,1486x948,743:474,German_troops_in_Russia,_1….jpg)

File: b33b1e64205962b⋯.jpg (144.22 KB,1486x948,743:474,colorized-German_troops_in….jpg)

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File: 4be5eaf0d01b230⋯.jpg (88.99 KB,736x681,736:681,colorized-red_army_lunch.jpg)

File: 8001a260479956c⋯.jpg (45.77 KB,500x417,500:417,colorized-Body-of-frozen-S….jpg)

File: 56d42c5fdb881e3⋯.jpg (178.9 KB,1247x837,1247:837,colorized-breakmoves.jpg)

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File: 79d4b3d0dd6f822⋯.jpg (56.38 KB,445x640,89:128,colorized-ec06c90dc719b29b….jpg)

File: 88a51d6a5e919c6⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,290x400,29:40,colorized-Goebbels_&_Adolf….jpg)

File: 4fd7cf9b87248bd⋯.jpg (50.51 KB,610x608,305:304,colorized-Soldado_anónimo_….jpg)

File: 9cc35fca0305cfd⋯.jpg (19.27 KB,225x320,45:64,colorized-225px-Spanisch_B….jpg)

File: e5e85105a8f23b4⋯.jpg (15.28 KB,360x257,360:257,colorized-1526063964_02106….jpg)


Here you go.

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File: c987714cc5811ea⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,448x617,448:617,image7950.jpg)

File: 91680812a8e1dd5⋯.jpg (103.04 KB,448x617,448:617,image7950_COLOR.jpg)

File: 636e91127fe9012⋯.jpg (438.21 KB,1280x1812,320:453,image7644.jpg)

File: 820b4adf0dff035⋯.jpg (685.16 KB,1280x1812,320:453,image7644_COLOR.jpg)

Thanks, great tool.

Sieg heil.

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File: 4eb881d5cfd73ae⋯.jpg (295.23 KB,715x1280,143:256,image6249_COLOR.jpg)

File: 29d68dbe0a1c963⋯.jpg (229.64 KB,715x1280,143:256,image6249.jpg)

File: 95a76d653d3c26e⋯.jpg (233.87 KB,648x676,162:169,image8595_COLOR.jpg)

File: dbd1506d5f6f175⋯.jpg (163.44 KB,648x676,162:169,image8595.jpg)

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File: 54b750b294b5695⋯.jpg (326.48 KB,987x1479,329:493,image10464_COLOR.jpg)

File: d0a7896a5066b0e⋯.jpg (220.01 KB,987x1479,329:493,image10464.jpg)

File: 6d61b1d9d6e0543⋯.jpg (43.44 KB,286x400,143:200,image13713_COLOR.jpg)

File: ef5e28acf496213⋯.jpg (26.2 KB,286x400,143:200,image13713.jpg)

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Where can I get pictures of the Third Reich, is there an archive somewhere?

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You could just find many yourself on search engines you know? https://nseuropa.wordpress.com

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Sort by date for updates later on


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This faggot.

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Yeah he spams across the board.

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File: b28d9b1f61a3720⋯.jpg (65.72 KB,604x800,151:200,colorized-Bundesarchiv_Bil….jpg)

File: 2d094b3c5933f1d⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,460x700,23:35,colorized-njgffress.jpg)

File: 8e1dc1074d1734c⋯.jpg (57.88 KB,561x800,561:800,colorized-po1dhhp.jpg)

File: 8430cb7a0e7de48⋯.jpg (59.95 KB,598x800,299:400,colorized-Bundesarchiv_Bil….jpg)

File: acf139b64f98752⋯.jpg (61.16 KB,470x670,47:67,colorized-vs5.jpg)


Looks like these were missed, leave no man behind.

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Feel free to call me retarded, but I had no idea Manhattan was so built up in the 1930s. Also did not know the Hindenburg Zeppelin flew the Swastika. Both of these are probably obvious, but I guess I have a gap in my understanding of that period in history.

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Thanks for catching these, friend. They were missed.

I admire the look in that man's eyes, the blonde volksturm soldier, his look of calm nobility even in the final desperate stage of Germany's defeat.

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File: ed09bf975a56f51⋯.jpg (99.65 KB,1000x1000,1:1,38e59b95224d6ab023ae4b1969….jpg)


No wonder the Jews wanted to destroy her. Majestically soaring over the temples of world Jewry, emblazoned with the symbol of aryan rebirth.

Congrats on epic quads.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Hindenburg Disaster In Color


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Thanks, anon!

Yeah, it's a shame the bottom two didn't really colorize at all. The second one down isn't TERRIBLE but not great (odd that the colors somehow got reversed on the Confederate battle flag though)

The top one though is fantastic. This thread is incredible, lads.

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Glorious thread

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File: 88d88ead698434b⋯.png (425.08 KB,941x960,941:960,51925005_2109548389123844_….png)

damn this is pretty cool OP, i see that in some pics it messes up the colour on few areas but still looks awesome, someone can try this one (i know its not thread related but still)

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Whose that chick?

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File: 540df0153748308⋯.jpg (157.67 KB,800x584,100:73,fraujugendcolor.jpg)

File: 784675084abf1ea⋯.jpg (154.2 KB,800x584,100:73,fraujugend.jpg)


>someone can try this one



>Fusako Shigenobu (重信 房子 Shigenobu Fusako, born September 28, 1945) is a Japanese communist and the former leader and founder of the now disbanded Japanese Red Army (JRA).[1]


>/leftypol/ turns up to beg


>(i know its not thread related but still)

It's not board related either. Go >>>/back/

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lmao i didnt even know she was a red commie, my bad lads. I saved the pic long time ago from /b because it looked cool

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File: b75acbea22e16cb⋯.png (53.91 KB,87x459,29:153,ClipboardImage.png)


>Shigenobu Fusako commie

The audacity of this commie coming here to beg us. Here's a teaser you leftypol beggar

Go ask in >>>/gnussr/



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lol ok dude

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File: a8992777fceb45a⋯.png (2.75 MB,900x900,1:1,scambled.png)


That wasn't very kind of him, was it? I'll give you the full image with the bonus feature of a puzzle you can spend time putting back together. Lenin said, "if you want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs." I figured you'd like them scrambled.

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nigger gtfo

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top kek

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Got new rare pictures from the rare picture thread is it already colorized?

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Which thread? Link it. Got what colorized? Learn to write sentences.

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File: 840259cd2dd9fb2⋯.jpg (84.04 KB,919x960,919:960,Sides.jpg)


fucking kek

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Please archive it and dumb these to >>>/poltech/ also, thanks

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File: 125965cd2662054⋯.png (2.1 MB,1200x1666,600:833,Adolf Hitler.png)


The eyes weren't blue, so I took the liberty of fixing that

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Very nice. The program seems to put a major orange tint to many photos, I wonder why that is.

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Sunlight, possibly.

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Polite bump out of respect.

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File: 1dbe70c32f7933c⋯.png (1003.55 KB,564x999,188:333,Adolf Hitler in a wool sui….png)

Pretty accurate this one I think

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This board is a fucking mental ward

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The Reich had three colors, and they were on the flags.

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there are people that post here that are medicated regularly.

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Can't say they weren't well fed

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File: b353b8930888805⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1832.JPG)

This a beautiful thread. Wow. Thank you guys.

I have a personal favor to ask.

This is my grandfather.

Thank you in advance.

Heil Hitler.

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I wish he were still alive. I wish all our boys were still alive, to help fight this degenerate world we now inhabit

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File: 1b2f714f15795b7⋯.jpg (132.65 KB,1000x688,125:86,mans-first-flight-1903bw.jpg)

File: 20adbe7f6031123⋯.jpg (192.37 KB,1000x688,125:86,mans-first-flight-1903c.jpg)


It would come out with an unnatural yellow face.

There is probably a color cast with from the Apple iPhone 6s plus you used.

Another first for history like >>13204137 >>13204086 >>13210421

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File: 6fbccc978860baf⋯.png (9.49 MB,2824x3852,706:963,Anon's grandfather 2.jpg_c….png)


I think there weren't many colours for the program to work with

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File: d19cc7b4ef641a3⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,638x425,638:425,southpolereached1911bw.jpg)

File: b0dd69c03b44baf⋯.jpg (72.42 KB,638x425,638:425,southpolereached1911c.jpg)

Antarctic expedition 1911

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File: bd5898449113a5f⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,720x438,120:73,westerplatte1sept1939-firs….jpg)

File: cafb23fd32b336c⋯.jpg (78.08 KB,720x438,120:73,westerplatte1sept1939-firs….jpg)

Westerplatte Battle 1st September 1939 - on the first day of World War 2.

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File: 1e47ec725c0a1a4⋯.jpg (70.56 KB,1022x693,146:99,Operation Just Cause.jpg)

File: b860ab51569d64c⋯.jpg (3.57 MB,7320x5776,915:722,4th Georgia Infantry.jpg)

File: 44c256df77b7726⋯.gif (517.94 KB,665x876,665:876,miss meshack franklin co a.gif)

File: 78f0bb65080b7e2⋯.jpg (357.35 KB,1685x832,1685:832,true love.jpg)


My computer is shit and can't run it. Can someone give these a try for me?

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File: cedfbaf7530a371⋯.jpg (952.85 KB,1269x1687,1269:1687,1490666233045.jpg)

File: a942060a0060699⋯.jpg (415.88 KB,712x2051,712:2051,Anne Frank.jpg)

File: 53352c2252b49b8⋯.png (748.49 KB,887x1293,887:1293,1511313412894.png)

File: 7a6daa61a659550⋯.png (894.92 KB,1111x1320,101:120,1511313303200.png)

File: 387671709c4ef33⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2147x2997,2147:2997,Anne Frank x University Gr….jpg)


Anne Frank thread?

Anne Frank thread

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You kikes have been spamming as of late what's making you kvetch?

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File: 4febc36728d9755⋯.png (243.75 KB,558x928,279:464,ClipboardImage.png)


You people need Christ.

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File: c16b264f9b5ee87⋯.jpg (655.9 KB,2826x3933,314:437,fix.jpg)

File: b38693b9ae2f33e⋯.jpg (531.55 KB,2826x3933,314:437,col.jpg)

File: d8a14784a648c85⋯.jpg (653.88 KB,2826x3933,314:437,fixcol.jpg)


His service will not be forgotten.

There aren't enough cues to help the neural net here, but here's a clean up B&W version (removed some noise and fixed the nose), with two color alternatives.

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Too jewish for me, no thanks.

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sup, colors

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This is a kike trying to come to terms with the fact that "internet nazis" aren't the backwards hicks the news media told him about. Great thread guys.

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For a minute thought it was dr seuss or lord of the rings.

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Bumping time.

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I can take requests and give a try on a special video clip again.

auto colour -> to GIF -> to MP4

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God do I ever love this board.

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File: c6fe3f65def9d96⋯.jpg (419.03 KB,1234x2006,617:1003,done4.jpg)


American "Nazis" are cringe

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>LOOKS BOSS I posted it again.

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entertaining and educative. /pol/'s approved puzzle.

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File: 46d5ef49fa513d6⋯.png (639.58 KB,960x693,320:231,1510285058643.png)



Double Trips

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File: bdc2ea3c461d774⋯.mp4 (14 MB,1280x720,16:9,Adolf Hitler A Movement Ne….mp4)

Awesome find OP! Loving it and giving a bump with one of my favorites clips.

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File: 344a89446cc0337⋯.jpg (154.97 KB,962x670,481:335,Adolf Hitler reading glass….jpg)

File: 5989be9fb5a4504⋯.png (920.84 KB,962x670,481:335,Adolf Hitler reading glass….png)

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File: eeca5756284dcb0⋯.jpg (145.93 KB,860x635,172:127,Adolf Hitler reading, swas….jpg)

File: 712a5b711a23cbc⋯.png (725.11 KB,860x635,172:127,Adolf Hitler reading, swas….png)

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Was it really red though or is the algo mistaking the uniform for a flag?

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File: 12b5325430610a9⋯.jpg (166.28 KB,718x1193,718:1193,732232-1.jpg)

Fucking love this thread. Literal history making shit is being done here, lads. The Führer would be proud

Can one of you guys take a crack at this one? I love this image and think it would look fantastic in color

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File: d8aef7936ef3b40⋯.jpg (195.8 KB,713x807,713:807,Adolf Hitler reading Volki….jpg)

File: 6f82cfbe72f747a⋯.jpg (235.72 KB,713x807,713:807,Adolf Hitler reading Volki….jpg)

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File: bee703b3a16fc9b⋯.jpg (220.99 KB,853x1280,853:1280,1419893359310.jpg)


Algo mistake, it should be green as in this photo.

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They didn't come out much colourized.

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For ideas


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File: c9a024c4a82e6ab⋯.jpg (182.61 KB,674x960,337:480,rhodesiansmilec.jpg)

Rhodesians never die.

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File: a6cfc12ea5871ce⋯.jpg (90.47 KB,674x960,337:480,rhodesiansmile.jpg)


*b&w it was colorized from

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File: f8029cf206d1596⋯.jpg (190.35 KB,1024x787,1024:787,Airship-Hindenburg-D-LZ129….jpg)

File: 330430822bbbe12⋯.jpg (216.92 KB,1024x787,1024:787,hindenburg4c.jpg)

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File: 9096b3fe88753e7⋯.jpg (82.63 KB,768x527,768:527,wrightbrothersflight.jpg)

File: cf5d5bafde26c55⋯.jpg (150.92 KB,960x640,3:2,japanesezerofighter.jpg)

File: 803df76be7aabc5⋯.jpeg (42.36 KB,768x527,768:527,wrightbrothersflight.jpeg)

File: c3ee3e53fc219e3⋯.jpeg (290.97 KB,960x640,3:2,japanesezerofighter.jpeg)

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This isn't a style transfer GAN? That's actually really lazy, no wonder everything looks like crap.

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Could one of the NeuralAnons please colourise this image? It would be a pity to miss such a great photo.

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File: 1f33bb672fabaa0⋯.png (899.99 KB,680x1046,340:523,girl.png)

File: cfc5b787a378a45⋯.png (3.24 MB,680x1046,340:523,colorized-girl.png)


It doesn't work well, the flag is a large part of the image and the colors end up being wrong. Unsurprisingly, they didn't include swastikas in the training set.

This one turned out alright.

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That is correct, she roasted some beans.

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Its not worth posting the result, it'd be better to colour it manually (do it yourself).

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Out of curiosity, were there any in the High Command that were fond of lolis?

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Nice one with his Schäferhund

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#wow #whoa

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There was an entire campaign led against Colorization. Please don't colorize what was never colored.


While there are intense improvements in colorization technology since George Lucas said these words, (e.g. https://twitter.com/StuartHumphryes ) it does these photographs no justice by colorizing them. It removes their authenticity and integrity, adding guess-work to what colors should be, and not anything natural.

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If George Lucas is against colorization, then why did he marry a nigger?

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Bumping a glorious thread.

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I made a back-up of the download file just to be sure.



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Gotta disagree there. While its true we can't take colourised images as gospel recreations of history, especially those coloured by AI, they are a gorgeous way of bringing the past into the modern age. All of a sudden the years between when they were taken and when we see them melt away, all of a sudden, in this case, I see Hitler, smiling right in front of me. Its as if somebody has snapped a pic on their phone and sent it through. Firstly, its fun and interesting to see, and secondly, it is suddenly more accessible to the normie.

The beauty of colourised pics is not historical accuracy, it is that suddenly the past is made relatable. It is a tool to aid the imagination.

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File: 1eaa552961c7c95⋯.jpg (88.19 KB,588x798,14:19,aesthetically pleasing.jpg)



also someone do this one

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File: 06f57ac6fc8e92f⋯.jpg (304.26 KB,1264x1973,1264:1973,15458974747980.jpg)

File: 5ee081ffce1b447⋯.jpg (189.4 KB,514x800,257:400,15458962124020.jpg)

File: 47424774fc86002⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,398x477,398:477,15458973364250.jpg)


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Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon used by Jews to exterminate Whites.

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File: 8844cac00ec2db4⋯.jpg (18.03 KB,213x255,71:85,000edf72679b7e12532ec7fff3….jpg)


Oh? Really? How, then, jewish nationalism does not destroy the jews? Ah, kike faggot?

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File: 07a2c8e072bc2fe⋯.png (692.62 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


So, incessantly repeating yourself like a nigger with a head injury makes it real? Yep, you're a retarded spic, alright.

You'll never be Aryan, subhuman vermin. Keep crawling up Whitey's ass, looking for attention. Our gaze, even in disappointment, is all that validates your tiny existence. Literal street dog, scrounging for scraps. You should be proud.

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Post 'em anyone

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Its not worth it, learn to do it manually

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The third reich sucked, you nerds.

I'm glad it's gone.

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See these links –



there are some great photos here to be colored

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You are a legend

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Jews hate nationalism. Especially European nationalism.

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Again, big thanks to OP for showing this to us. You are top kek.

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File: 5cbb1988728e04e⋯.jpg (31.38 KB,558x371,558:371,mosley.JPG)

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File: 872d5b3c2549c80⋯.jpg (93.71 KB,1803x591,601:197,UncleAdolf.JPG)

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File: e8bfd302e718543⋯.pdf (685.23 KB,Faith-Of-The-Future-Matt-K….pdf)


don't you get it yet - everything is completely backwards - they demonize him the most because he was the best

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File: 9161804bec2c1a8⋯.jpg (347.77 KB,1450x2048,725:1024,lincolnrockwell-DC1964.jpg)

File: 37f9beb414b115f⋯.jpg (603.36 KB,1450x2048,725:1024,lincolnrockwell.jpg)


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File: af84feb0f94331b⋯.jpg (193.85 KB,535x686,535:686,Adolf Hitler (in colour) (….jpg)

File: de91cf9e8b70c3b⋯.jpg (221.09 KB,535x686,535:686,Adolf Hitler (in colour) (….jpg)


There are some colourized versions of this photo.

The left one I had, the right one I auto-tuned in Photoshop. Neither are exactly accurate I suppose.

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She's so hot

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Thank you OP for the explanation

>>13219555 (checked)

>I wrote a small program to locate the sub images and applied the net to each one.

Wow. And they say /pol/ is full of dumb asses… No wonder the kikes are so scared of this place.

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There are a few websites that do the work for free. Still very buggy. Your pictures are from one of the worst, no big fuckups but makes them look like shitty hand colored, the better ones give realistic results where/in the areas they don't fuck up.

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They are mentally ill low IQ retards.

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File: 5b8405ba40bce74⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2403x1802,2403:1802,1914 christmas truce.jpg)

File: 3e0bd3098ef2ca8⋯.jpg (24.08 KB,481x491,481:491,1537178915253.jpg)

File: 2f5f912c79d9dbf⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2393x1776,2393:1776,himmler and daughter.jpg)

File: 7178c4c7c0fe2a4⋯.jpg (4.8 MB,2943x3762,327:418,1925 Prussian Premier and ….jpg)

File: e771bdc6544bcbe⋯.jpg (91.89 KB,1000x760,25:19,hess.jpg)

Requesting these five,

>1914 Weihnachtsfrieden

>a very happy little gal with two officers

>Himmler and daughter inspects conditions in a concentration camp

>the gang poses for a group picture in 1925

>Hess doing tricks in the skislopes

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File: bdfe8271f8def7e⋯.jpg (485.75 KB,2403x1802,2403:1802,colorized-1914_christmas_t….jpg)

File: da2d00efe1d5ded⋯.jpg (27.33 KB,481x491,481:491,colorized-1537178915253.jpg)

File: 2f868e37a84c259⋯.jpg (445.93 KB,2393x1776,2393:1776,colorized-himmler_and_daug….jpg)

File: 05907c5b569542a⋯.jpg (952.41 KB,2943x3762,327:418,colorized-1925_Prussian_Pr….jpg)

File: cdd5f100b03d587⋯.jpg (96.48 KB,1000x760,25:19,colorized-e771bdc6544bcbe0….jpg)

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Awesome thank you.

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File: 446b4a51c05a110⋯.gif (13.28 MB,506x380,253:190,robespierre.gif)

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these are looking very good

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File: 01df43ca1442bd9⋯.jpg (572.58 KB,2208x993,736:331,colorized-image-comparison.jpg)

Uniforms are a too blue.

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>fully automatic colorizing

>gets half of everything wrong

>only works on big surfaces and even there it makes trees blue

You either put in effort and do semi-auto coloring and make everything the correct color or you leave it be.

Half assed colorized images look worse than the originals.

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File: 6cc065ca3daa360⋯.mp4 (14.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,NatSoc Art Full.mp4)

bump for beauty

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can OP or someone else walk me through how to install PIP on a Lubuntu OS? It's an Ubuntu variant for Linux.


>pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from python.org

Only seems to be Windows/Mac releases there

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That was his victory. Knowing in that very moment that he did his very best for him and could look him in the eyes without shame.

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Do you not recognize your FUHRER'S OWN WORDS YOU FOOL!?

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Im certainly glad they're keeping them safe for us for when we come to power.

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>It's afraid.

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This program will assume that everyone has hazel eyes, because most of the training data has brown eyes.

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Have you already installed Python, anon?

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Not bad, actually. Give them that faded color look, like someone stashed these photos in a wardrobe drawer, and they stayed in there for decades until someone discovered them while cleaning out their attic.

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File: ad6dc9c4818d5ed⋯.png (685.67 KB,1116x800,279:200,heil-tarrant.png)

/r/ a colorized version of pic related

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File: 852a36708a929fd⋯.png (1.33 MB,1116x800,279:200,ad6dc9c4818d5edfbea8d80af0….png)

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any future ethnostate we make needs to have a zeppelin fleet. fuck if it's slow. it's comfy and fuel efficient, and having that gigantic fucking zeppelin flying your flag over a foreign city makes for awesome propaganda value.

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please stop

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Extremely arousing tbh

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File: a38a3311e8c2d87⋯.jpg (172.61 KB,800x551,800:551,1529987601814.jpg)

File: 56c2934bdaff7f3⋯.jpg (66.52 KB,800x549,800:549,michaelcollinssmiles.jpg)

File: 703b53c62a0a121⋯.jpg (31.18 KB,600x325,24:13,MichaelCollinsandArthurGri….jpg)

File: 919b19f4c1e60d1⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,600x325,24:13,MichaelCollinsAtArthurGrif….jpg)

File: be75870c90f0873⋯.jpg (61.19 KB,599x376,599:376,8138ccb18b3bcccd675b447369….jpg)

Great thread OP

/r/ these

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Unironically beautiful picture, it is sad that the great stock of Germany must suffer so

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File: 256f81fec30b9b6⋯.png (999.46 KB,797x546,797:546,15.PNG)

File: 730e1c18a8f6f15⋯.png (1.11 MB,799x547,799:547,16.PNG)

File: b1a17848261d942⋯.png (394.45 KB,598x323,598:323,17.PNG)

File: 2c8d53825ca8b09⋯.png (495.63 KB,600x326,300:163,18.PNG)

File: a087fe8d0de0fe1⋯.png (637.31 KB,597x378,199:126,19.PNG)


The third picture turned out alright. I read up on Michael Collins and he seems an interesting character, the Irish are a good case study for liberating a people from foreign occupation.

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File: f0382da68d834eb⋯.jpg (27.53 KB,300x414,50:69,1558902624247.jpg)


He ran a very tight ship. In previous rebellions the rebels would have terrible problems with infiltration. Any collaboration with the enemy was punishable by death under his command during the war of independence and with that they could operate with more freedom and less risk of a set up.

There's a decent film about him where he is played by Liam Neeson if you are interested. Title is Michael Collins

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File: d15211523cc5117⋯.gif (3.91 MB,360x270,4:3,6778792c9546ed7b30ab502380….gif)

File: c8bae07b0033df2⋯.gif (977.4 KB,315x228,105:76,1538345818778.gif)


The third one came out brilliant. Could you manage these gif? Don't mean to overload you. There's no rush

Also fyi the bloke with Mick in the third photo is Arthur Griffith founder of sine Fein.

He was one of the most based men in Irish history

"The three greatest evils of the century (meaning 1800s) were the pirate, the freemason and the jew"

"As if an excuse were needed for an Irish nationalist to decline to hold the negro his peer"

Would often rant about the "Anglo-Jew coalition".

They just don't make politicians like that anymore.

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File: 4c81bffdb651edb⋯.jpg (49.65 KB,820x546,410:273,reich wizard.jpg)

File: a130b9eb6ce8999⋯.png (210.77 KB,528x399,176:133,ooh nice reich.png)

File: 45d7bc610b04cb4⋯.gif (373.7 KB,244x200,61:50,jokesonjew.gif)

File: d320a3a78ba6e29⋯.jpg (154.2 KB,763x960,763:960,I fallschrim'd so hard the….jpg)

File: 2cd53647fce4462⋯.jpg (205.06 KB,1134x850,567:425,2cd53647fce4462354283c0c80….jpg)

Those look really good!

Best pictures I could find.

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What is that helmet in the fourth photo?

I didn't find it in SS Uniforms, Insignia And Accoutrements - A Study In Photographs



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Anyone knows good semiautomatic colorizers for realistic images?

Like where you place a point and it colors the rest.

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File: 9b9ecc9682c6509⋯.jpg (88.94 KB,855x1279,855:1279,Fallschirmjäger staring of….jpg)

File: 9857d2951ef2bdb⋯.jpg (43.59 KB,399x599,399:599,Fallschirmjäger eats the a….jpg)


Its not SS. Its a Fallschirmjäger. Not sure what kind of uniform, but I would think its one for fallshirm'ing… I am not a uniform buff.

I am not a fan of the helmet though. It look too much like the American m1 helmet. Its a little disappointing how hard it is to find Fallschirmjäger pictures. Most people post SS or Wehrmacht.

Nice PDF, thanks.

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Many (original?) colourized photos of the war


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Okay thanks


Some of the photos have a watermark so they are original colourizations

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File: 7d3e50a55a657db⋯.jpg (494.33 KB,1687x1117,1687:1117,kb.jpg)

File: d976c203e7f5477⋯.png (3.45 MB,1687x1117,1687:1117,kb.png)

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File: 58bc5f97b3177bf⋯.jpg (310.11 KB,1136x743,1136:743,bt.jpg)

File: 99f1f722e5c0b8e⋯.png (1.17 MB,1136x743,1136:743,bt.png)

Some of the images come out poorly, either too much blue or too much red. But some of them look nice like this one

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File: d150d9731c12297⋯.png (879.02 KB,1136x743,1136:743,bt.png)


Nothing beats manual coloring.

Here's your picture edited just a tiny bit.

If I actually invested time in it, I could make it look perfect but shitty full auto colouring leads nowhere.

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File: ff3ae747b0f15b5⋯.png (1.13 MB,680x1046,340:523,colourised by German labou….png)


Those are my results from manual colouring.

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The Hitler Youth emblem should have the darker parts as red.

Heil Hitler.

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File: 5d821992727b09a⋯.png (1.13 MB,680x1046,340:523,colourised by German labou….png)


I'm not sure. Do you think it fits with the lighting?

It looks too dark to be red imao. Could also just be me.

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File: b28f7886cbb102c⋯.png (1.06 MB,680x1046,340:523,colourised by German labou….png)

Forgot to remove alpha channel

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You forgot about eyes and teeth, still black and white if you'll look closely.

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Is that which I coloured green waves instead of land?

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I could make the teeth slightly yellow but the eye ball is white.

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What is the background of >>13515763 ?

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probably for the same reason you think that pic is actually from the third reich, idiot.

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File: 344fb0c38f6befa⋯.jpg (66.63 KB,564x752,3:4,cec.jpg)


>He said he couldn't figure out python.

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looks like a shitty job handling red.

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File: 77a6b92b024d113⋯.jpg (16.73 KB,216x281,216:281,77a6b92b024d113f2376bbf5b5….jpg)

File: b678c6a5c012ebd⋯.jpg (131.78 KB,815x777,815:777,a1.jpg)

File: 206ab2bdf801a26⋯.jpg (45.72 KB,490x322,35:23,anglin2.jpg)

File: 54ef30a86471254⋯.jpg (417.71 KB,1234x2005,1234:2005,done.jpg)

File: a23bbfada899255⋯.jpg (101.88 KB,804x640,201:160,hitler 4.jpg)

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"optics" cucks and Zonald supporters like you are just cowardly traitors. It honestly still baffles me how you can be so stupid and scummy, assuming you are even white.

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How's Jew cock taste?

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Bold words from someone as spineless as you.

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>it's not the Vatican

>it's not the pope

t. Franziskus

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File: 569f1b078bf9efa⋯.png (1.06 MB,680x1046,340:523,colourised by German labou….png)

Tried to fix the eyes. Was really irritated by the shadows.

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File: 308fed66b3ad248⋯.jpg (123.99 KB,758x654,379:327,1563999886206.jpg)

Bumping with a request for colorizing this one.

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(((Daily Stormer))) comes from Der Sturmer for a reason.

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That image you posted comes from Der Sturmer.

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File: 2a034426b16c5d0⋯.png (924.44 KB,758x858,379:429,das alte Testament.png)


With text which is above and below the image added.

Was a lot of work. I hope you appreciate it.

Greetings from Germoney.

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File: 9aaa446fdb09435⋯.png (954.6 KB,758x858,379:429,das alte Testament.png)

Ups. Forgot to hide white layer.

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File: 09087bd16620b07⋯.png (930.39 KB,758x858,379:429,the old testament.png)

Additional English version.

Should I use round or long s?

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File: 815f6289659b420⋯.png (930.3 KB,758x858,379:429,the old testament_long s.png)

Long s version before I regret making one.

Long s is good in all Germanic languages. It can form nice looking ligatures and makes the visual length of the text a lot shorter.

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File: a2c256ace4577f8⋯.png (930.03 KB,758x858,379:429,the old testament_long s.png)


noticed that I fucked up the shadow in this one.

This is the fixed version.

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I just noticed that "holy" has to be large.

I'll leave it like that. It's not like anyone but me would notice anyway.

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Excellent work my friend. Julius Streicher smiles upon you.

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I still don't know what you were getting at.

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Excellent work, the short S is better in my opinion.

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Care to provide some insight?

How disenfrenchised is the Englishman with the long s?

How long is it out of use compared to blackletters?

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I'm not an Englishman but here too it was used some time ago also but not for some decades. Here's 18 Der Stürmer magazine scans:


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>it was used some time ago also but not for some decades

Now I know as much as I did before.

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File: 4a5229088112fa3⋯.png (852.07 KB,814x843,814:843,Jew-democracies.png)

File: 67df85472a9c192⋯.png (853.39 KB,814x843,814:843,Judendemokratien.png)


Here's another one.

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You spelled it as demoraries at the top. Otherwise great, fren

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they do it right now with good hard working and christian white men all the time in front of our noses

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Hitler ate shit. He was willing to do anything to prove himself.

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Go back to Africa, niggersoul. I don’t care about your skin color. Bigotry leads to nations that break in shivering weakness and starvation. Thousands of years of “strong” men proving “strength” by tribal warfare earned Africa a legacy of scrawniness and disease.

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File: 31cdb6ce86d1ce4⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,300x250,6:5,superthumb.jpg)

*sigh* Gen X, Y and Z.

(sound of infantile whining) "But i hate it in black and white. Why isn't it in color?"

Switches to Turner channel to watch David Lean's Christmas Carol, colorized

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File: 29d29dd7157316c⋯.png (335.43 KB,374x229,374:229,npc.png)

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Filtered for ignorant pseudoscience subhuman.

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Gen Z+ is what the next generation will be called no joke.

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Stop projecting your mental illness, subhuman. Your race is a perverse, repulsive load of biological hazard. Filtered.

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File: 0f99db84031ddec⋯.png (841.54 KB,814x843,814:843,Jew-democracies.png)



No i spelled it "democacies". Here is the fixed version.

No need to save fucked up images.

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Hey boomernigger,

colour, translation and clean font (rewritten from scanned) are good.

If colour wasn't expensive back in the day, they'd be all in colour.

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File: 899e7e8971e678b⋯.png (1.21 MB,778x751,778:751,wave pool Germany.png)

File: 2ebb21abec0a489⋯.png (1.22 MB,778x751,778:751,Wellenbad Deutschland.png)

Did another one.

That noise really can't be fixed.

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Based, thanks, fren.

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Pilgrimage deleted

Looks like you were right

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File: 70a334ce929c7ae⋯.jpg (161.15 KB,485x788,485:788,Pilgrimage.jpg)


I tinkered on a neater version >>>/pdfs/12249

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File: d303dba92c02f55⋯.jpeg (858.01 KB,2224x1410,1112:705,56253A57-50F4-426D-B387-3….jpeg)

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Works, maybe he had it as a backup.

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Thanks anon

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>Dark brown eyes

Stop it Pedro

At max they’d be hazel or gold green

Never dark brown with that skin

/hair colouring

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>future ethnostate

Get a hold of yourself man

The world will be our ethnostate and will have no jew controlling it

We will send them into space

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File: f12c070b11eedb0⋯.jpg (452.8 KB,680x1046,340:523,German girl (in colour) NS….jpg)



I gave a try to his edit

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File: ceb406c2ceb65c5⋯.jpg (363.92 KB,1488x1488,1:1,ceb406c2ceb65c5bd5478015ed….jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For proof look up E Michael Jones

Ethnics i.e. Germans/irish were driven out of their own ethnic neighbourhoods by the forced importation of blacks into suburban areas by (((oligarchs))) but also WASP oligarchs, where the only identity left was now ‘white’ and ‘white’ is not an identity

Watch from ten minutes in


Fucking mestizos itt again


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It’s difficult but nearer to her hair skin colouring so, better overall

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I only changed the eye colour and removed a couple of spots, you see if you compare them switching.

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File: ecc01e64e13d964⋯.jpg (9.7 KB,255x193,255:193,5750eac5aa157eb87f402c9152….jpg)


>if you kill your enemies, they win!

Are you done embarrassing yourself yet, nigger?

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File: fd9e9d882c7022e⋯.png (203.33 KB,1264x1328,79:83,white ethnostate.png)


norf west front

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File: d9814395046da84⋯.jpg (20.79 KB,197x177,197:177,images.jpg)


>Don't fight against a government that's actively killing your people goyim.

Go back to


for a president that'll continue to black wash your nation!

<that'll teach em. shadilay irl xdd

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>changing the greyscale part of the image

I spit on you.


No, you also moved the texture in the right eye. Don't post here again.

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File: f0b15b3c84b12a2⋯.gif (4.62 MB,610x344,305:172,thats my trigger.gif)


>Leaving out Manitoba and thus the the Port of Churchill that would give you direct access to the Atlantic Ocean

>Including Evan McMullinland

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File: 161ec66c64aa2a5⋯.png (812 KB,629x958,629:958,Agenten des Teufels.png)

File: fd1975f9d728959⋯.png (812.2 KB,629x958,629:958,the devil's agents.png)


German poetics!

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What are you on about? The images are identical (?) except for the eyes and a couple of dark pixel spots as those are the only things I edited.


Excellent again.

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File: c6473b167faee9b⋯.png (812.11 KB,629x958,629:958,the devil's agents.png)


Fucked up one line. Was supposed to say the opposite but I got confused with the phrasing.

Fixed version. Don't save the English one I'm replying to.

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>except for

That's what I'm saying. Don't fuck around with my images. There are enough uncolourised images in this thread. Take one of those and ruin that.

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Lets see with a poll:


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>We have to vote about the colour of the eyes in your image!


Is that you?

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File: 4a69de8c758e726⋯.png (4.93 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Mass Effect 8.png)

Aside from that:

All images of her aside from the greyscale one up to your shitty JPG were from me.

I wasn't happy with the eyes because of the skin colour sourrounding the eye ball and because the the shade of the iris being too dark for blue. So I fixed it.

If it's not to your taste then so be it. You don't have to make pic related out of it.

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You could also give me an opinion on whether the background is sea or land or beach sand

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You still here?

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Nice work. "For gold counted more than honour" might sound a little better?

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Then it doesn't rhyme anymore.

I made sure everything rhymes well. Just like in the German original.

I simply used cross rhyme for the last 4 lines.

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While you're here

please respond to



What I colored green, what do you think it is?

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Gotcha. Good point.


I'd say sand.

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Maybe a dumb question, but what's the conensus on green eyes? Blue seems to be the desired color, but I never really heard anything on green eyes as a European trait.

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Of course green eyes are European. What do you need some consensus on opinion anyway? You don't.

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I think it was some strange idea I had about the whole "you needed to have blonde hair and blue eyes or Hitler would gas you" indoctrination / false claim that's pushed.

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Indeed it seems to have been something like that

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>I'd say sand.

So sand with greenery?

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File: ab78341acdf7c5c⋯.swf (7.43 MB,Der Stürmer [1931, Nr. 23]….swf)

Figured I could recompress the "Der Stürmer" scans into something that takes less size.

Here compressed with JPG at Quality 90 in grayscale. Maybe I'll do some more on another day.

Raw scans just take up infinite space.

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At original resolution of course. I extracted them with the xpdf tools.

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Without greenery.

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File: 1ca673d560995c7⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,729x729,1:1,1ca673d560995c7d817bc870ec….jpg)


what the fuck

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Updated pic. Contains lots of tiny fixes.

I didn't change the eye colour because you said so fucker. And no it's not unrealistic neon blue jpeg compressed.

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File: 4f7855aeb4580d2⋯.png (1.05 MB,680x1046,340:523,grinsendes BDM Mädchen gef….png)

forgot the pic ;)

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Can anyone do some pics of the less famous fascist leaders of Europe, like Codreanu, Primo de Rivera, Piasecki and Tiso?

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Why? Skimming through I see people here have indeed done pics that aren't of Germany

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File: d64b36eb3dc2aff⋯.jpg (64.56 KB,444x500,111:125,hitler-points-at-you.jpg)

File: c0930b9bc81104e⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,444x500,111:125,hitler-points-at-you.jpg)

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File: 009258874958840⋯.png (599.28 KB,547x884,547:884,Deutsche Konstrukteure.png)

File: 7e018417f7b6cc2⋯.png (591.24 KB,547x884,547:884,German Draftsmen.png)

That was damn hard to rhyme and the last line is completely impossible to rhyme in English.

I tried for hours.

I'm done.

Now I'll go to sleep.

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File: fd92ae1f74aa7ae⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,1302x1302,1:1,Großvater1.jpg)

File: 238554750c84a8c⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,1199x1600,1199:1600,Großvater2.jpg)

File: 238554750c84a8c⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,1199x1600,1199:1600,Großvater2.jpg)

This is my grandfather. He was part of it.

Can someone please colorize these pictures? I want to gift him these pictures in colour to his birthday - of course printed out by a professional. He would be forever grateful for the kind stranger who helped. I'm a retard and to stupid to do it (already tried), but you will not do it for me, you will do it for my grandfather.


Hallo Kameraden. Dies hier ist mein Großvater. Er war ein Teil des Großen Ganzen. Ich bitte euch um Hilfe. Aufgrund eines Mangels an Intelligenz oder Fachkenntnis bin ich leider nicht dazu befähigt diese Bilder adäquat zu kolorisieren. Derjenige, der diese Bilder kolorisiert wird nicht mir, sondern dem alten Kameraden auf diesen beiden Bildern einen großen Gefallen tun.

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