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File: 41c79879c5a98c0⋯.png (782.54 KB,1024x576,16:9,Colorized_heil01.png)

File: de689a7c379ca5c⋯.png (719.41 KB,634x755,634:755,Colorized_hng_19.04.2019.png)

File: 65d70d927d6c759⋯.jpeg (112.47 KB,634x755,634:755,hitler_goebels.jpeg)

File: 4b2da98729117c1⋯.jpeg (63.73 KB,1024x576,16:9,original_heil01.jpeg)

 No.13161060 [View All]

Giving colors to the third reich

A couple of researchers from the University of California trained a Convolutional Neural Network to predict the colors in black and white images.

research paper




How do I use this?

First of all, this neural net runs on python with opencv and imutils so you'll have to start by installing those libraries first. You can just use pip for that:

pip install opencv-python

pip install imutils

install pip if you don't have it

How do I run the model?

Just type the following in a console, inside the folder containing the .py files:

python bw2color_image.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–image images/your_image.jpg

After that you'll be shown with two windows, one showing the original image and the second showing the colorized image, you just have to press any key to close both windows but remember to right click on the image if you wish to save it.

WARNING: Video files can be very heavy to process

But if you want to give it a go then you should just run:

python bw2color_video.py \

–prototxt model/colorization_deploy_v2.prototxt \

–model model/colorization_release_v2.caffemodel \

–points model/pts_in_hull.npy \

–input images/your_video.webm

This one should give you a look at the colorized frames, those frames will be stored in a folder called frames and you can join them to make a video with the "make_video.py" file, just remember to adjust the framerate.



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File: 70a334ce929c7ae⋯.jpg (161.15 KB,485x788,485:788,Pilgrimage.jpg)


I tinkered on a neater version >>>/pdfs/12249

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File: d303dba92c02f55⋯.jpeg (858.01 KB,2224x1410,1112:705,56253A57-50F4-426D-B387-3….jpeg)

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Works, maybe he had it as a backup.

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Thanks anon

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>Dark brown eyes

Stop it Pedro

At max they’d be hazel or gold green

Never dark brown with that skin

/hair colouring

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>future ethnostate

Get a hold of yourself man

The world will be our ethnostate and will have no jew controlling it

We will send them into space

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File: f12c070b11eedb0⋯.jpg (452.8 KB,680x1046,340:523,German girl (in colour) NS….jpg)



I gave a try to his edit

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File: ceb406c2ceb65c5⋯.jpg (363.92 KB,1488x1488,1:1,ceb406c2ceb65c5bd5478015ed….jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For proof look up E Michael Jones

Ethnics i.e. Germans/irish were driven out of their own ethnic neighbourhoods by the forced importation of blacks into suburban areas by (((oligarchs))) but also WASP oligarchs, where the only identity left was now ‘white’ and ‘white’ is not an identity

Watch from ten minutes in


Fucking mestizos itt again


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It’s difficult but nearer to her hair skin colouring so, better overall

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I only changed the eye colour and removed a couple of spots, you see if you compare them switching.

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File: ecc01e64e13d964⋯.jpg (9.7 KB,255x193,255:193,5750eac5aa157eb87f402c9152….jpg)


>if you kill your enemies, they win!

Are you done embarrassing yourself yet, nigger?

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File: fd9e9d882c7022e⋯.png (203.33 KB,1264x1328,79:83,white ethnostate.png)


norf west front

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File: d9814395046da84⋯.jpg (20.79 KB,197x177,197:177,images.jpg)


>Don't fight against a government that's actively killing your people goyim.

Go back to


for a president that'll continue to black wash your nation!

<that'll teach em. shadilay irl xdd

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>changing the greyscale part of the image

I spit on you.


No, you also moved the texture in the right eye. Don't post here again.

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File: f0b15b3c84b12a2⋯.gif (4.62 MB,610x344,305:172,thats my trigger.gif)


>Leaving out Manitoba and thus the the Port of Churchill that would give you direct access to the Atlantic Ocean

>Including Evan McMullinland

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File: 161ec66c64aa2a5⋯.png (812 KB,629x958,629:958,Agenten des Teufels.png)

File: fd1975f9d728959⋯.png (812.2 KB,629x958,629:958,the devil's agents.png)


German poetics!

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What are you on about? The images are identical (?) except for the eyes and a couple of dark pixel spots as those are the only things I edited.


Excellent again.

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File: c6473b167faee9b⋯.png (812.11 KB,629x958,629:958,the devil's agents.png)


Fucked up one line. Was supposed to say the opposite but I got confused with the phrasing.

Fixed version. Don't save the English one I'm replying to.

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>except for

That's what I'm saying. Don't fuck around with my images. There are enough uncolourised images in this thread. Take one of those and ruin that.

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Lets see with a poll:


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>We have to vote about the colour of the eyes in your image!


Is that you?

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File: 4a69de8c758e726⋯.png (4.93 MB,2560x1440,16:9,Mass Effect 8.png)

Aside from that:

All images of her aside from the greyscale one up to your shitty JPG were from me.

I wasn't happy with the eyes because of the skin colour sourrounding the eye ball and because the the shade of the iris being too dark for blue. So I fixed it.

If it's not to your taste then so be it. You don't have to make pic related out of it.

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You could also give me an opinion on whether the background is sea or land or beach sand

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You still here?

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Nice work. "For gold counted more than honour" might sound a little better?

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Then it doesn't rhyme anymore.

I made sure everything rhymes well. Just like in the German original.

I simply used cross rhyme for the last 4 lines.

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While you're here

please respond to



What I colored green, what do you think it is?

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Gotcha. Good point.


I'd say sand.

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Maybe a dumb question, but what's the conensus on green eyes? Blue seems to be the desired color, but I never really heard anything on green eyes as a European trait.

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Of course green eyes are European. What do you need some consensus on opinion anyway? You don't.

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I think it was some strange idea I had about the whole "you needed to have blonde hair and blue eyes or Hitler would gas you" indoctrination / false claim that's pushed.

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Indeed it seems to have been something like that

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>I'd say sand.

So sand with greenery?

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File: ab78341acdf7c5c⋯.swf (7.43 MB,Der Stürmer [1931, Nr. 23]….swf)

Figured I could recompress the "Der Stürmer" scans into something that takes less size.

Here compressed with JPG at Quality 90 in grayscale. Maybe I'll do some more on another day.

Raw scans just take up infinite space.

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At original resolution of course. I extracted them with the xpdf tools.

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Without greenery.

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File: 1ca673d560995c7⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,729x729,1:1,1ca673d560995c7d817bc870ec….jpg)


what the fuck

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Updated pic. Contains lots of tiny fixes.

I didn't change the eye colour because you said so fucker. And no it's not unrealistic neon blue jpeg compressed.

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File: 4f7855aeb4580d2⋯.png (1.05 MB,680x1046,340:523,grinsendes BDM Mädchen gef….png)

forgot the pic ;)

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Can anyone do some pics of the less famous fascist leaders of Europe, like Codreanu, Primo de Rivera, Piasecki and Tiso?

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Why? Skimming through I see people here have indeed done pics that aren't of Germany

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File: d64b36eb3dc2aff⋯.jpg (64.56 KB,444x500,111:125,hitler-points-at-you.jpg)

File: c0930b9bc81104e⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,444x500,111:125,hitler-points-at-you.jpg)

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File: 009258874958840⋯.png (599.28 KB,547x884,547:884,Deutsche Konstrukteure.png)

File: 7e018417f7b6cc2⋯.png (591.24 KB,547x884,547:884,German Draftsmen.png)

That was damn hard to rhyme and the last line is completely impossible to rhyme in English.

I tried for hours.

I'm done.

Now I'll go to sleep.

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File: fd92ae1f74aa7ae⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,1302x1302,1:1,Großvater1.jpg)

File: 238554750c84a8c⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,1199x1600,1199:1600,Großvater2.jpg)

File: 238554750c84a8c⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,1199x1600,1199:1600,Großvater2.jpg)

This is my grandfather. He was part of it.

Can someone please colorize these pictures? I want to gift him these pictures in colour to his birthday - of course printed out by a professional. He would be forever grateful for the kind stranger who helped. I'm a retard and to stupid to do it (already tried), but you will not do it for me, you will do it for my grandfather.


Hallo Kameraden. Dies hier ist mein Großvater. Er war ein Teil des Großen Ganzen. Ich bitte euch um Hilfe. Aufgrund eines Mangels an Intelligenz oder Fachkenntnis bin ich leider nicht dazu befähigt diese Bilder adäquat zu kolorisieren. Derjenige, der diese Bilder kolorisiert wird nicht mir, sondern dem alten Kameraden auf diesen beiden Bildern einen großen Gefallen tun.

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