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File: 8a76e7b3a9c09ea⋯.jpg (619.11 KB,1536x2106,256:351,LD_Rexist.jpg)

File: 8f87f927f012726⋯.jpg (171.14 KB,924x1277,924:1277,LD_uniform.jpg)

File: 3f65cad7024247f⋯.jpg (55.98 KB,1280x720,16:9,LD_uniform_3.jpg)

File: 2f28469ee214b77⋯.jpg (855.87 KB,1250x1350,25:27,LD_uniform_2.jpg)

File: d074a7ea3ad9f78⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2817x1863,313:207,Léon_Degrelle_à_Charleroi_….jpg)

 No.13053895 [Last50 Posts]

RIP Léon Degrelle

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the death of this great man. Fought in the frigid plains of the Ukrainian steppe against the Red Army hordes, survived being wounded multiple times, received the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves award with Hitler himself supposedly once remarking to him that "If I had a son, I wish he would be like you." After the war, he had escaped to Francoist Spain and rebuilt a life there, later went on to participate in interviews, his most memorable one being the interview in 1976 with Jean-Michel Charlier in the French documentary television series Les dossiers noirs which ended with his famous "We Dreamed of Something Marvelous" speech. Even after Spain had transitioned to becoming a democracy, Degrelle was still largely left alone to live out the rest of his life, although there were multiple attempts by the Mossad to kidnap him and fly him to Israel for baseless "crimes" that he supposedly committed during the war. He died on this day in 1994 of cardiac arrest. May he forever rest in peace, and may we one day fully resurrect that marvelous dream.

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Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !

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File: c3750951e6f6c1d⋯.jpg (97.07 KB,761x1050,761:1050,LD_uniform_4.jpg)

File: 8f5026a2798173d⋯.jpg (315.72 KB,1191x1772,1191:1772,LD_uniform_5.jpg)

File: 5f05825d971bf7e⋯.jpg (210.03 KB,960x1238,480:619,LD_misc.jpg)

File: 11742506534409d⋯.jpg (239.95 KB,1773x2364,3:4,LD_misc_2.jpg)

File: 82885d4a42c6813⋯.jpg (282.17 KB,1200x1600,3:4,LD_misc_3.jpg)

Léon Degrelle We Dreamed of Something Marvelous


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File: 4f465af3b509dd3⋯.jpg (41.44 KB,350x432,175:216,LD_Rexist_2.jpg)

File: 4f607ccbac21323⋯.jpg (130.47 KB,709x1024,709:1024,LD_speech.jpg)

File: bd0dbfc31043fb9⋯.jpg (116.91 KB,1300x997,1300:997,LD_speech_2.jpg)

File: ad15ef4b22f3d86⋯.jpg (189.56 KB,1173x1600,1173:1600,LD_uniform_6.jpg)

File: 10dc29e8386f153⋯.jpg (150.73 KB,1248x701,1248:701,LD_uniform_8.jpg)

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File: df6fc4625b72f3e⋯.pdf (5.09 MB,Piper Michael Collins - Le….pdf)

File: 83876adf0fbf267⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,3533x3141,3533:3141,Mark Weber.jpg)

Reminder that Degrelle took ill and died immediately after his betrayal by Mark Weber (Jared Taylor's "best friend") and the other kosher conspirators who hijacked and destroyed the IHR.

>Although Degrelle was 87, he was still in remarkable health and retained full mental capacity. But the receipt of the malicious letter coupled with the vents at the IHR, coming at such a critical time in the twilight of his long career, hurt the general severely. He immediately sickened, and on April 1, 1994 the Angel of Death finally took this man who had cheated him so many times before. Communist bullets, flame-throwers, grenades, shrapnel, tanks, assassination squads, jailers and torturers could not kill Leon Degrelle, but treason did.

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Thank you for this, anon. I've read that because of things like this, The Barnes Review was set up as an alternative organization. It's pretty disgusting that treason happens among those who should be on the right side fighting for justice.

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File: 603b7576bae88d7⋯.pdf (257.97 KB,The Barnes Review - Hitler….pdf)

File: 9c73607ce3a7ece⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,2550x1668,425:278,The Barnes Review - Hitler….jpg)


This from him got published prevailing.

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File: 9c0bec6ef9ad74a⋯.pdf (9.09 MB,Campaign in Russia (Leon D….pdf)

Leon was a great man. Read his autobiography, it's incredible. He had survived horrors that we can't even imagine, and it only served to strengthen his resolve. To his last breath, he believed in the great ideal, his will never faltering.

He was wounded SEVEN times during the war. He commanded troops with a metal rod stuck in his chest and his legs frostbitten to the point of falling off. Under his leadership, starving, exhausted, frozen and sick soldiers attacked the enemy like tigers. With his death, our people have lost one of greatest men to ever count himself among them.

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Did mark weber poison leon degrelle or what?

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File: f2360a5e2e348ff⋯.jpg (138.27 KB,879x1200,293:400,colorized-image (1).jpg)

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I don't what poisons cause cardiac arrest, but it would not surprise me if someone who had gotten close to him poisoned him by slipping something in his drink. Even in his late 80s, he was in excellent health.

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La fierté de la Belgique, la fierté de la race Aryenne. Que puisse jaillir un nouveau Degrelle pour emmener les bataillons Aryens vers la purge de l'Europe ! 1488 !

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Biography + tribute

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And considering it happened in 1994 when the screening techniques and technology weren't as advanced as now, it would allow for a perfect murder.

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File: 22764a2b4d391a1⋯.pdf (1.71 MB,Hitler, Born at Versailles….pdf)

File: 1659cfa5d1ee379⋯.jpg (491.42 KB,797x1339,797:1339,Hitler; Born At Versailles.jpg)

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>anti-White Nazi faggot.

this makes absolutely no sense, but I guess mental illness never makes sense

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File: bf96340c014ca32⋯.jpg (57.63 KB,720x686,360:343,jewishperson.jpg)


<This is what JIDF looks like in $current_year

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File: 8ccafb44b05a194⋯.webm (6.86 MB,400x226,200:113,The_Resurrection_-_Leon_D….webm)


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I ordered his book from Barnes review, I hope it makes it across the border.

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You kikes don't even bother to try anymore.

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And he had something like six kids and two wives, the diametric opposite of being a homosexual.

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9 i think. 8 girls and a boy. all of them were put in orphanages after belgium was 'liberated' though

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They were not put into orphanages. They were deliberately rounded up, had their names changed, and sent to orphanages all across Europe, so that the father would never find them. Leon's mother was tortured and shot, just because she was his mother. So much for the "liberators" and "the greatest generation".

He still managed to reunite with all of his kids after the war, though.

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Yeah, that's true, at least they were able to be reunited later on.

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Such scumbags. Good for Léon to have gotten his kids back, though.

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what i like about him is that he joined the wallonia assault battalion as a private despite his pedigree. went from being a machinegunner corporal to a brigade leader of the decimated regiment in 1945.

franco was a bitch for not joining the axis. it would have been a huge morale boost to cut british access to the west med. at least spain took in men like degrelle whereas they'd be hunted down by assassins anywhere else.

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>what i like about him is that he joined the wallonia assault battalion as a private despite his pedigree.

He was offered an officer rank upon joining and turned it down. He says in his book that one cannot lead men if he hasn't shared in their hardship.

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can't think of a more kino life story

i'm sure kike directors are fighting over the rights to publish his story as we type

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No kike would touch that story even with a six-foot pole. Most normalfags have no idea who Degrelle was. Last thing yids want is people starting to look into historical figures such as him.

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File: 3df46e98b49b022⋯.jpg (32.04 KB,350x449,350:449,degrelle younger.jpg)

File: e5aa378e5ff82c0⋯.png (288.34 KB,640x360,16:9,degrelle.png)



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File: 3c2d76a912fbc6c⋯.webm (1.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Flemish.webm)

File: ee370101f14b078⋯.webm (3.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Dutch.webm)

He was a good man. Rest in peace.

webm's semi related.

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He was allowed to talk about his side of the story in the 1976 documentary that was mentioned earlier. It's funny, it seems that being a "Nazi" was far less of a taboo thing back then than now.

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Rust zacht

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File: 07ce8991ff525d0⋯.png (73.3 KB,448x539,64:77,Brainlet happy merchant 2.png)


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Extremely roodgepild.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This was used as the background music in Degrelle's "We Dreamed of Something Marvelous" speech. The conductor was Sir (((Georg Solti))). It's really weird, because during the 70s, it seemed that it was such a libertarian kind of time where the victors of World War II had a kind of cultural enforcement amnesia, and allowed the survivors of the other side to tell their story without much constraints. I couldn't imagine anything like that being produced today, and the Jews were not being extremely anti-White as is the case today.

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I want to buy his autobiography, is there any particular editions/prints I should look for to avoid kosher editing/rabbinic tampering with his story?

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File: 9bedb8ab3964cb6⋯.webm (787.09 KB,300x150,2:1,Heroes' welcome in Brusse….webm)

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Get a used copy of "Campaign in Russia" instead of the re-titled "The Eastern Front: Memoirs of a Waffen SS Volunteer, 1941-1945" to avoid giving any shekels to the IHR.

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File: 9d5768faec2ac26⋯.jpg (121.39 KB,541x900,541:900,divicionazul.jpg)


Yeah his cucking out was such a betrayal after all the help he got from Germany and Italy. Cutting off the Mediterranean would have made it extremely difficult for the allies to win in North Africa. But the Mediterranean campaign in general wasn't of much strategic value, it was just Churchill's desire to play general (which Hitler is ironically accused of) that caused them to waste so much time there. Eisenhower was ready to head into France in '43 and maybe even '42. That's another scenario where Spain could have helped. The allies stalled as the Siegfried line, so just imagine if that entire operation was flanked by Spain. There would be no follow-up to the capture of Paris.

Just imagine it. The Axis would be secure on the Atlantic, and have axis to Libyan oil. They probably would have stalled the Soviets in '44 and even pushed them back. And that's all assuming Spain didn't contribute at all to any offensives. If you add in millions of Spanish soldiers then it's just gg. There's nothing I hate more than cowards, opportunists, and traitors.

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Franco did provide passive support to Hitler, but in order to actively participate in the war right from the start, he wanted some things in exchange that Hitler simply couldn't give. Also, Spain at the time was weak as shit and simply couldn't stand up to Brits. By the time Franco started feeling the heat and decided to actually join the war, the situation was such that he couldn't make any noticeable impact.

He wasn't a coward or a traitor, but he sure as hell was an opportunist looking out only for himself.

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File: 93ca444aae81e86⋯.jpg (93.6 KB,746x532,373:266,the-story-of-the-waffen-ss….jpg)

File: 4f3142ca1084684⋯.jpg (64.68 KB,657x330,219:110,AWH-LeonDegrelle2-2-657x33….jpg)

This man was a fucking hero.

Campaign in Russia is fucking inspiring. As is Epic: Story of the Waffen SS… He did a video spoken version of it later in life.

Heil Degrelle!

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I have read that some of the higher up officials in Franco's government were paid off by a bunch of MI6niggers to prevent more forces from Spain to help in the Axis cause. I don't know how true that is, though.

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I wouldn't count any vile trickery out if we're talking Brits. Same as kikes.

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I feel bad for any awakened Brit that truly know the score. They should leave that island prison as soon as possible.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Léon Degrelle: Le Volksführer

Someone re-uploaded the English subtitled version!



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Fucking nice! I've been looking for the English language translation for ages!

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Not only that but Hitler had sent Wilhelm Canaris to discuss about the possibility of spain joining the war with the axis if I remember correctly. And as we know Canaris was one giant faggot traitor, pretty much ruined everything by himself.

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Yeah, Canaris was definitely a piece of shit. Spain did sent some forces, though, most notably the volunteer Blue Division.

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Thanks, anon. This documentary was apparently two episodes, and this is the second half/episode. Is there also an English translation of the first half as well?

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i believe this 'softening towards fascist enemies' was due to france totally falling out with the US. most of the holohoax shit was pushed by US jews trying to kick up fear of war due to our getting the shit kicked out of us in Vietnam. france dismissed our military occupation forces and downgraded their role in an eventual nato response against soviet invasion of western europe.

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hitler had a short meeting with franco after the fall of france. offered him food and iron for an alliance but, franco refused. no hard evidence of it but, spain obviously had a sweetheart deal with the uk through edward vii as long as spain stayed neutral. perhaps it was for the best, less deaths and all, but by '43 the british were just sailing through the strait along north africa again under spain and italy's noses.

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That's possible. France had a kind of an anti-NATO attitude that Charles de Gaulle started, and that stuck with them until relatively recently. Although, the Western world in general kind of had a more lenient attitude towards more taboo subjects during that time. I suppose that the whole "Holocaust death pornography industry" was started as a reaction against this more laid-back, let's listen to what the other side has to say about the war idea that was brewing. During that same year (1976), the film, Marathon Man starring Dustin Hoffman was released, and in 1978 following that was the release of the Holocaust television miniseries.

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File: 7abf7ad2ff629ca⋯.png (2.1 MB,1734x2201,1734:2201,IHR1.png)

File: db83227704f99e1⋯.png (2.19 MB,1728x2201,1728:2201,IHR2.png)

File: d89d5eb7b31687c⋯.png (534.04 KB,1732x2200,433:550,IHR3.png)

File: 0a0f4923b2672c7⋯.png (459.22 KB,1730x2202,865:1101,IHR4.png)

File: 0ca3a776f19d23b⋯.png (548.53 KB,1138x990,569:495,Bin Laden - Andrew Allen.png)



Not poisoned, the treachery just broke his will. At that point, his work on the "Hitler Century" series was his life's major purpose.

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File: 27bc82c519f1464⋯.pdf (1.83 MB,Degrelle Léon - The Easter….pdf)


Here's the ebook version the IHR is currently selling, better for reading on a screen.

epub - https://files.catbox.moe/xroeea.epub

mobi - https://files.catbox.moe/67azr0.mobi

azw - https://files.catbox.moe/x6ohgc.azw3

The only difference, as far as I know, is the removal of the the introduction by Ted O'Keefe, who split with the IHR, and later blew the whistle on the plan to sell The Spotlight's mailing list to the ADL.



Thanks. I've been hoping someone would translate the whole thing since I saw the "We Dreamed of Something Marvelous" excerpt years ago.

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>Thanks. I've been hoping someone would translate the whole thing since I saw the "We Dreamed of Something Marvelous" excerpt years ago.

It's awesome that someone actually re-uploaded it, but it's only of the second half, the entire full documentary is almost 2½ hours long.

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Reminder that oswald mosley cucked on the 6 million question after the war while degrelle did not

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Mosley should have taken Arnold Leese's more hardline approach, to be honest.

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Mosley was way too naive for his own good, and got buttfucked by his opponents as a result. His ideas for fixing Britain also were shoddy - some of his plans can't be taken as anything other than "shit will just happen out of thin air". Spite is a bad motivator when it comes to politics.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I found this as well. Some guy made a documentary about Léon Degrelle two years ago, mostly based from his Campaign in Russia book. The video is under limited states on YouTube proper, and I'm told that there's a way to download it, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

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Yeah, true. Him and Leese both ended up being interned under Defense Regulation 18B, so the stupid infighting was pointless, both should have joined forces instead of berating each other.

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Spain had just finished a very brutal civil war, society and the economy were in shambles, convincing the Spanish people to go to war with the biggest empire on the planet with only Germany and Italy as your allies would have been a very hard sell, maybe even impossible; if Franco had gone to war he would have had a good number of experienced and hardcore military vets under his command but odds are Spain would have been a weaker, if more experienced and better lead, Italy; woefully under-prepared for a war of such scale and a populace that doesn't understand why they are fighting in it and are demoralized as a result.

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>I'm told that there's a way to download it, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.

Right click the invideous embed and "save video as"

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Or just use the download button on the invidious page, didn't know those worked on limited videos, but apparently they do.

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File: 1047a2818767fb5⋯.png (55.74 KB,201x255,67:85,1047a2818767fb5173293c226a….png)


I opened this thread specifically to see this post.

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How to become a similar man, of similar strength and character in the face of adversity?

Да это ниггер не только в России с Украиной.

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True, I know that you can download videos that way, but usually it only allows you to download video only or audio only on some of them. I was able to select "720p - video/mp4" from the "Download as:" dropdown box which downloaded the video with audio.

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File: fc645a9229d619d⋯.mp4 (12.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Leon_Degralle_Tribute.mp4)

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Vivement la victoire

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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When was this anon?

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File: 0d4b7892f364565⋯.png (435.23 KB,1260x659,1260:659,celine.png)

I'll leave this here, another based franco of the era

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Spain could have done virtually nothing but defend its own area, and help a bit in North Africa. If Gibraltar was neutralized and German air was allowed there, the Allies would have been completely cut off from the med. The only way Torch could happen in such a scenario would be a long, slow, agonizing march up from the coasts of West Africa after an amphibious assault on the Canary Islands telegraphs exactly what they're about to do. Their naval supply lines would also be at extreme risk of air attacks, so I can't imagine it working. This would have secured Libyan oil, and probably have allowed Germany to win the North Africa campaign. Rommel could've gotten all the way up to Persia to stop the material support America and Britain were giving the USSR. All Spain would have had to do is build equipment and give nominal land support in Africa and France.

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How much did Spain recover from their civil war by that time, though? That's another factor that people are overlooking.

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File: 6faa91524b0a099⋯.pdf (160.22 KB,LETTER TO THE POPE ON HIS ….pdf)

File: 92f0a48d86ecb3a⋯.webm (6.58 MB,744x548,186:137,paul hafner degrelle.webm)

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Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Leon Degrelle - Surrounded at Cherkassy

Campaign in Russia: The Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front by Leon Degrelle

Excerpts from Chapter Six - Surrounded at Cherkassy

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they certainly hadn't recovered. 10s of thousands of spaniards were fighting in the allied forces. terrorism was pretty widespread throughout spain. that's why franco should have stepped up and thrown in with the axis. he could have raised 2 million soldiers and had german armor and air support.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I found the first part

Léon Degrelle: Leader of Rex




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This looks interesting, I'll check it out, thanks.


>they certainly hadn't recovered.

<franco should have stepped up and thrown in with the axis.

He probably couldn't even if he had wanted to. Spain was still a fine mess, and that didn't really change until their economic boom started in the late 1950s. Probably not much could have been done, and neighboring Portugal, ruled by Salazar, was even less enthusiastic about the Axis cause, and remained "neutral" (although I dispute this neutrality claim of theirs, since they had a 600 year old alliance with Britain that they immediately stated after WW II broke out that was still valid).

Best times to live in Spain were in that twenty year postwar period between the 50s up to the fuel crisis of the 70s, and probably the time most people in Spain are nostalgic for.


This is awesome, thank you.

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I kind off wonder : what exactly were Leon Degrelle plans If the AXIS were victorious ? Let Germanie annexe the Netherland and Belgium ?

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of all the shilling vectors that get tried here, the "Nazis are feminists/antiwhite/etc" vector is probably the most hilarious and uninspired.

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They were going to create some Bourgogne state that comprises all the Low Countries, and Degrelle was going to be the first Chancellor of this new state. It would have its own government, army, ect.

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>Wed Dec 14, 2016, 5:11 PM

Why the hell are we all just finding out about these translations now?

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Another anon already pointed out that Franco offered to join the war, but had autistically high demands.

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Does anyone have a pdf of his book "Militia"?

I already searched for it, but I can't find it even in torrents.

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Its been uploaded again more than once by different people.

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Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera was legit, almost as great as Hitler in my opinion… too bad he was killed and replaced by the milquetoast Franco… who was more hardcore right-wing than a fascist. The tales of Spain's weakness was overrated though, maybe they lacked the money after the civil war to fight, but the battle hardened Guardia Azul were an excellent saboteur/special forces unit that Franco could have used to help Germany.

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One of the greatest. Campaign in Russia is truly inspirational.

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File: 0e36fcf04581631⋯.jpeg (91.77 KB,640x960,2:3,7ED5F153-E184-4FDB-9162-D….jpeg)


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File: 678cdfe35406930⋯.png (164.25 KB,850x400,17:8,678cdfe35406930f7d680b76a6….png)

Degrelle's "Campaign" is inspiring. I will reread in in his honor. Perhaps his body perished, but his spirit lives on in our hearts. Heil!

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Not necessarily. Betrayal is a pretty strong poison in and of itself. You and even your pets can die of sadness.

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I knew about the translation at least for the second half, but I could never find it. Perhaps this is Degrelle's spirit itself guiding us to them on this anniversary of his passing.


Even if so, I doubt Spain could be fully up to the task, no doubt the extra help would go a long way, but Spain was still not in all that great of shape since their civil war.


That is true.

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Now the YouTube channel has been terminated.

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Appears we have a mole in our midst

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The funny thing is that the original French language versions have stayed up unmolested for years, only the English language subbed ones get immediately scrubbed. They really don't want those of us in the Anglosphere to be privy to this information.

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I think they figure most frogs/Belgian frogs are controlled enough by their state to not be an issue. America, however…

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I don't know, the Yellow Vests protests have a good amount of folks who are Jew-aware and are revolting against (((the authorities))). Degrelle's French language Wikipedia article is also locked, so I take it that he's a rather popular figure there.

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Might be a good idea to start sending those videos around to the Daily Stormer, Renegade Tribune, etc.

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Léon Degrelle Epic: The Story of the Waffen-SS


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File: f04049b6e57b3d9⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,2550x3507,850:1169,CALD-31-janvier-2019.jpg)

Not sure what this is suppose to be, I'm guessing a collection of private letters and correspondences (I can't read French)? It was released this year.


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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I found a talk that Degrelle gave in Madrid in 1991, would be awesome if there was an English language translation.

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File: 4ffde6c32bcad2b⋯.jpg (322.98 KB,1700x1700,1:1,CquRjeIXgAERmxO.jpg large.jpg)


>La fierté de la Belgique, la fierté de la race Aryenne.

Un traître à sa patrie oui! Comme tous ces collabos de la légion des volontaires français

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vichy France did nothing wrong

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Their main resource would have been their strategic geography. Operation Torch would have taken a lot more effort on the part of the allies (who were fucking up that operation left and right, despite all the Vichy traitors basically handing half of Africa to them). It would also flank France, should the Allies have decided to conduct their invasion. They had enough trouble as it is during that campaign, and nearly lost it. The Spanish would be able to apply some pressure on the Allied flank, and fall back to the easily defensible Pyrenees if things go badly. Despite having very little in the way of economy or military, Spain could have easily decided the fate of two continents.

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>Reminder that Degrelle took ill and died immediately after his betrayal by Mark Weber (Jared Taylor's "best friend") and the other kosher conspirators who hijacked and destroyed the IHR.

these alt kike faggots have got to go

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Exactly. I still sometimes read Amren and watch his videos on YouTube, but I don't trust Jared Taylor at all, and I would never donate to his organization, either.

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Nice trips.

Honestly dregelle would've been the next hitler, since the furher took such a liking to him.

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Perhaps. He was half-German, the German being from his mother and her side of the family. I didn't know that until finally watching the translated first half of his interview with Jean-Michel Charlier. Although, from what I understand, the plan was that following the victory of the Axis, Degrelle would have been chancellor of a newly founded Bourgogne state, that would comprise all of the modern Low Countries/Benelux, and possibly parts of modern northeastern France as well. Although, who knows? He could very well have learned German, and became Hitler's successor. We'll never know, sadly. Not in this universe anyway.

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Yup that is the sad part we know if they've won life would've been so much better, not without it's flaws sure some wars will break out, but I rather have wars than parasites who are cowards and won't even fight you in the battlefield because it knows it will lose.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Try not to cry anon.

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Whats this video called?

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Try to ask on webm.

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Those German girls doing calisthenics, members of the KdF (Strength through Joy), keeping their bodies in great shape through healthy exercise. Now, under modern Jew-run neo-Weimar Republics, obesity and fatness is celebrated instead.

I don't even cry anymore, I'm too numb to cry. I just wish that I was born in a universe in which the Axis won, I could've thrived in such a society, and now it's gone forever.

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File: ec477aa92a1b704⋯.jpg (34.57 KB,480x360,4:3,leon degrelle.jpg)

Here's a rare photo of Leon Degrelle receiving Holy Communion in the field. Talk about a literal blessed image.

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Bump for Léon.

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>only Germany and Italy as allies

Yeah, this is wrong.

Hungary, Romania, Finland, Croatia, Serbia, Persia, and Japan, just to name a few… But the Axis was a bit more spread out and didn't have naval control outside of the Pacific and the Black Sea.

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Its a shame this series was never finished

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Use youtube-dl with ffmpeg.

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> This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

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Read The Enigma of Hitler is speaks well to the character of Hitler.

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Bulgaria too, no?

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Blame Willis Carto. According to a story Michael Collins Piper told on his old RBN show, a group of nationalists had offered to deal with Mark Weber, but instead Carto put his faith in the courts.

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Degrelle died when I was 8 years old. I wish I would have met him.

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File: acb40d90c68beee⋯.jpg (153.49 KB,800x770,80:77,1524951793322.jpg)


I wish I would've met 90% of the ss and including hitler they seem like very cool people to meet while you sit down and talk about the world and politics, even if they've won it would've become more interesting to talk about their struggles, our history would be more interesting than originally taught, none us would be on cuckchan or h8 /pol/ endlessly bickering while our civilization collapses. I wish I was born in the timeline where they won, is fucking hell out here.

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Same. I feel like I was born in the wrong universe, I wish I was born in the one where the Axis won the war. Every time I go to sleep, I hope that I suddenly wake up in that universe, but then I find myself still in this one and it sometimes makes me seriously consider suicide. Seeing everything slowly sink and collapse as it has is a worse punishment than death, to be honest.

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File: 7178b1b884c4f49⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,484x650,242:325,precvous.jpg)


Need to hold out a little longer anon, can't give up just yet.

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I really hope for much brighter days. Nobody understands where I'm coming from here, my closest normie friend is lost in the Jew made confusion, although he is redpilled on racial realism at least. Pretty much you guys here are the only ones who completely understand, anonymous guys that I'll probably never meet in person. At least this thread I made honoring Degrelle has been more successful and resonates with more than I thought it would. That's a really nice whitepill at least. But yeah, things are hell, and pretty much almost everything I was told in life has been a lie, and I'm surprised that I've still managed to remain somewhat sane through all of it.

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File: 25ae73f49474f90⋯.jpeg (579.32 KB,2160x3840,9:16,B8F3442DE1B24EEB8DDA21C5F….jpeg)


Knowing the truth about the world is a terribly heavy burden friend, but we must bear it with all of our might. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about all we knew were lies. I think the clown world meme has really helped me rationalize it. The world is absurd, and while accelerationism will help crash it faster, it just seems like a bad joke overall, and there isn't a punchline. But keep your head up, the future is bright! Every day the Overton window shifts, and more and more people learn the truth. Our worldview of truth will shatter the lies of the ZOG era. Keep faith.

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You know decades like during the 2000's who would've thought this would be our reality.

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Degrelle said that things were bad in 1976. Hell, going back to 1976 would be a massive improvement.

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How bad were they in 1976?

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I miss him

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>>13111566 (checked)

I wouldn't know personally as 1976 was ten years before I was born, but my parents got married that year, and I remember mom telling me that everyone else that she knows that got married has split up, or ended up dead. My dad says pretty much the same. So I guess things were bad even then, but at least if you were willing to work, there were factory jobs where you could still make a decent buck, even though this was the time that things were beginning to disintegrate, but there was much more manufacturing based jobs back then then there are now, so you at least had a stable job. The country was also much Whiter back then, my parents telling me that in their school, they only had a few blacks and 1 or 2 Puerto Ricans, and the rest White. It's probably majority non-White now, the town of the high school where they graduated from has been hugely flooded with Indians (probably H-1B visas) setting up curry shops everywhere. Pretty much if you had your head on straight, and weren't a total retard, you might be able to make due, today, that's pretty much an impossibility, unless you go for a good trade, or are smart enough to make decent buck from the Jew financial system.

Tl;dr: 1976 was shit, but still better than the garbage we have now.


It's a strange feeling, to miss someone who I've never met, from the other side of the world. But man, if the Axis had won, this world would be so much of a better place. We would have gotten into a Cold War with them instead of the Soviet Union (as there would be no longer a USSR), and we would have lost that Cold War as the economic system of the Axis was far superior to plutocratic capitalism.

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Miss this man.

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File: 45ea4fb9114aa79⋯.jpg (502.21 KB,1280x854,640:427,tumblr_m7woa9rseq1r4ezfxo1….jpg)

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This words of this great man feel more relevant than ever as our homeland Europe circles the abyss.

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There's been some recent deleting of material related to Léon Degrelle on YouTube. Something is afoot.

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Its nice to have given these a bump of more views.


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Truly a great man. Rest in peace

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25th anniversary of the death of Degrelle, 130th anniversary of the birth of Hitler. We need the spirit of these men to be resurrected now more than ever.

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Bumping yet again to respect Hitler's spiritual son.

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Leftypol shits report every link here posted to their jewish overlords.

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Fucking disgusting, tbh.

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File: b8225c819f82d79⋯.jpg (244.41 KB,2000x2846,1000:1423,Degrelle_portrait.jpg)

File: efe8d6e7a6f64d1⋯.jpg (334.21 KB,1401x1917,467:639,Degrelle_portrait_crop.jpg)

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That's fucking disgusting.

>At the IHR's first conference in 1979, IHR publicly offered a reward of $50,000 for verifiable "proof that gas chambers for the purpose of killing human beings existed at or in Auschwitz."

>This money (and an additional $40,000) was eventually paid in 1985 to Auschwitz survivor Mel Mermelstein, who, represented by public-interest lawyer William John Cox, sued the IHR for breach of contract for initially ignoring his evidence

Wow, that must really prove the holocaust happened, right?

>(a signed testimony of his experiences in Auschwitz).


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File: d07c1abac79aaa7⋯.jpg (2.22 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)


Gott mit uns.

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Interesting book.

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Yeah, I need to get my hands on that book before it ends up getting (((banned))).

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Did the jews poison him as they did with so many others?

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How many books are even banned now haven't been keeping track.

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All Franco had to do was let the Germans come in with some storm troopers and seize Gibraltar and close off the Mediterranean to the Allies. That alone would have been worth it.

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I ordered it from Barnes review, and it made it across the border.

I have a copy of Hitler's War on the way too by David Irving.

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That's good anon the more books the more knowledge which is good gonna need it for redpilling and see what similar situations they went through.

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File: e276823f74c1243⋯.png (2.41 MB,1663x1708,1663:1708,Leon Degrelle.png)

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That, or it really could be that he had died of cardiac arrest because of the betrayal of the IHR. He was 87, and my own grandfather just more recently passed away at that same age from an illness that he refused to see a doctor for.

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Even in death, men like Hitler and Degrelle continue to inspire and lead us through these dark times. May their spirits rise from the grave and lead us to total victory.

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Bump for my man dregelle.

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I wish I was born in the timeline in which the Axis had won. This Jew-ed up clown world is taking its toll on me.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is all a dream anon.


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Léon Degrelle, Autoportrait d'un fasciste, Part 1: Leader of Rex (1978)(English Subtitles)


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Save and share the hell out of this stuff, guys. Most everything that has English language translations of things involving Degrelle tend to get scrubbed pretty quickly. (((They))) don't really want us in the English-speaking world to know about this stuff. I suspect that learning everything that one can learn about Degrelle is the key to completely understanding the other side of World War II.

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What documentary is that from?

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File: a74ddc45ef5529d⋯.jpg (82.38 KB,379x482,379:482,Hitlers-Blitzkrieg.jpg)


I uploaded the English version of "Hitler's Blitzkrieg" to mega a couple years ago, I think the link might still be around. If not I'll re-up. It's gone from jewtube now.

Review by Michael Collins Piper: http://archive.is/O30aF

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>If not I'll re-up. It's gone from jewtube now.

I couldn't find it nor have I seen such a link, please do.

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I will always watch this video. Eternal glory to Léon, Sieg Heil.

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He's throwing the grenade, while his ancestor is preparing to smite with his hammer. Strange analogy.

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File: 24f2432a5ebd28d⋯.jpg (139.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,sticker_by_ssa_l__leon_deg….jpg)



They're slightly out of synch at parts, but it's a voice-over, so it isn't that big of deal.



I also found these readings by Sven Longshanks in my Leon Degrelle folder. I don't think he ever reposted them on Radio Aryan.

Hitler's Social Revolution


The Enigma of Hitler


Epic: The story of the Waffen SS




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>out of sync

Did you make this anon?

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They were produced by The Barnes Review. I ripped them from jewtube years ago (I think 2015) and rejoined them, but the oos issue was present on the original chunks. I wouldn't be surprised if the DVD version is like that too. Probably just something they weren't equipped to fix in 2005.

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Amazing, thank you anon.

They're from the DVD release:


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>After Lippert was killed, Degrelle took command of the Brigade, and the Wallonien began its withdrawal under heavy fire. Of the brigade's 2,000 men, only 632 survived.

>For his actions at Korsun, Degrelle was promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer (major). He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz) by Hitler in February 1944. Degrelle later claimed Hitler told him, "You are truly unique in history. You are a political leader who fights like a soldier. If I had a son, I would want him to be like you." Six months later Degrelle was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves,

What a guy.

I guess there were two kinds of Nazi collaborators: Ass kissers, and real heroes, and Degrelle was the latter.

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Had the nsdap succeeded I am pretty sure dregelle would've done amazing things if hitler had this kind of high regard for dregelle.

Damn it what could've been.

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>Degrelle was wounded in action seven times during the war and received the Wound Badge 1st Class and the Gold Close Combat Clasp.

>Gold Close Combat Clasp

What a badass.


>Damn it what could've been.

I prefer to ask "what can be". We still live, to build a world with all the strengths of past but none of its flaws!

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Hear hear.

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It would be nice to somehow get a hold of a 35mm print of Degrelle's interview with Jean-Michel Charlier, and give it a good restoration treatment and a full 1080p digital scan, similar to what Notelu did with the Disney film Song of the South. I wonder who actually owns the rights to it? Or is it under public domain in France/Belgium?

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True, shouldn't focus on the past but reminding us the mistakes the fuherer did and how not to repeat them again.

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>Epic: The story of the Waffen SS

I put it here


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Thor threw his hammer when he felt like it to smite giants and such

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The National Socialists built a world from Weimar. We can do it too.

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I'm starting to doubt that more as I get older. Perhaps the younger generations can reignite that flame, that spirit that Degrelle had spent the rest of his life attempting to do, but being that nearly 80 years have passed, and a lot of rot has set in, leaves me with some doubts and skepticism.

Had a "best friend" recently steal money from me, and my own flesh and blood sister is a traitor, and not just in the racial sense either (her "boyfriend" is some thugged out Colombian spic), but also to her own friends, and of course, family. She cares more about getting shekels than her own flesh and blood family. With constant betrayal on an ordinary level like this, who needs enemies? What would we be fighting for? All this shit is really taking its toll on me, and I feel nothing but completely empty and hollow inside.

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File: a00e620baceddb4⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,500x351,500:351,1524170640069.jpg)


"The little wretch of Europe today, with this common tinpot market, it cannot give happiness to mankind!"


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To be honest, if the crash of 1929 and the world plunged into an economic depression that ended up destroying Gustav Stresemann's reforms didn't occur, the Weimar Republic might still be around today, and the NSDAP wouldn't have been more than a little remembered fringe political party. People may bitch about child sexualization and other such degeneracy, but nothing will be done if the supply chains are running smoothly, the economy is not too much of a shit, and people's bellies are full.

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>i feel empty inside

Do you need penis to fill that hole?

Do something anon

You betrayed your duty to your sister by not killing that spic in the first place

Its like a cuck complaining that the nigger he keeps in his bedroom fucks his wife, any spic left alive by the white man is one the white man implicitly allows to defile his blood

Same with tolerating the existence of thieves

Why betray your friend by allowing him to live as a thief?

Thieves need death

And men need to take action

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>Just kill the spic! one!1

No thanks, Mr. FBI glownigger provocateur. If there was someone I should kill, it would be my traitorous whore of a sister, traitors get death before enemies, always. But it would do me no favors to either be in prison or end up a corpse.

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Natasha's brother?

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In the watch next to it, Jewtube put a nigger video.

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So they agreed that god is reduced to a kike sidekick?

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File: 812ce66a21c23de⋯.webm (14.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Volk.webm)

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There's another video with that same theme song for Vidkun Quisling. https://archive.org/details/TheFhrerOfNorwayVidkunQuisling_201709

By the way, his 132nd birthday is coming up on July 18.

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File: 0bfcd7d3355561f⋯.pdf (7.5 MB,The Barnes Review - Volume….pdf)

File: e7d815542980cda⋯.jpg (882.2 KB,1263x1638,421:546,The Barnes Review - Volume….jpg)

File: 99181e1431f0ddc⋯.jpg (845.19 KB,1263x1638,421:546,The Barnes Review - Volume….jpg)

File: b8b1be728a84980⋯.jpg (1.32 MB,1263x1638,421:546,The Barnes Review - Volume….jpg)

File: 1c9007a5f1086ee⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1263x1638,421:546,The Barnes Review - Volume….jpg)


A proper write-up on him.

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Thank you, anon. Aside from Degrelle, Quisling is also another individual that I'm fascinated by.

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(((Christianity))) was on its way out. Sadly, the (((Allies))) won so it didn't die, but served (as it still does) as a faks haven for those who dislike (((cultural marxism))) of the day.

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It's still on its way out, hardly anyone I know believes in Christianity anymore, and those who do, are of the "cafeteria" variety where they don't really follow it, or they pick and choose which to follow. Living in (post)modernity and the Internet age has really accelerated this process, although it's been happening slowly since The Enlightenment and 19th century.

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File: 144da2f29a9c690⋯.pdf (1.27 MB,Impeachment of Man by Savi….pdf)

File: 800c2fdcf1372c4⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,432x648,2:3,Impeachment of Man by Savi….jpg)

If you encounter a point in her books by her where she seems to believe the atrocity propaganda lies, she did for a time but learned that they were lies.


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I meant it to post it to the book thread, oh well.

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bumping this.

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Still a good contribution, nonetheless.

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File: 41f07af861dec16⋯.png (359.64 KB,500x958,250:479,1557074304997.png)


>all of those Devi interview videos are blocked here in the UK


The irony is they censor her because they probably think her views would radicalize people against the establishment here, but them censoring these videos has probably radicalized me more in a single instant than her 6 hours of interview content ever could. All establishment politicians and journalists must fucking die.

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There's a few other documentaries that Degrelle was in that could be translated.

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Have them in mp3


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Which ones?

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Or more like interviews and speeches that he did. One example is the speech he gave in 1991 in Madrid that was posted earlier in this thread >>13068738

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Their aim isn't to stop radicalization it's to stop free discussion and free flow of ideas. They are anti free-speech and against liberty. I 100% agree though, censoring pisses people off a thousand times more than just saying 'I disagree'.

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Céline is good reading. Even in translation. A high physician of the Europid race.

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File: 4c01e8c144f5e9c⋯.jpg (23.31 KB,465x518,465:518,1524214247490.jpg)


It's a good letter.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



A reading of a work of his:


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File: 5202a36a5c64ff3⋯.jpg (78.35 KB,404x404,1:1,1522434296855.jpg)


Triple nines.

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File: 5527be0ffad65db⋯.gif (5.18 KB,432x216,2:1,ca}nup1.gif)

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Since it's coming up soon (June 15), might as well use this thread to celebrate Degrelle's birthday as well.

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File: 7bfe9e5f13c6d7c⋯.jpg (47.67 KB,446x543,446:543,Leon Degrelle bearded phot….jpg)

Rare bearded photo

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File: 642d93aeadd6c4b⋯.jpg (110.02 KB,482x730,241:365,4398271623567.jpg)


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Most are Holocaust books. I saw a list and practically all of them were about the Hollybunga, although the new ban-wave seems to be a lot of white identity stuff.

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There's a larger piece of art that that image is part of. I couldn't find a high-quality image of it though. Have it?

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File: 96f88ce8a66f2ef⋯.png (4.12 KB,234x216,13:12,hug.png)


meant to post this

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Wow. I'm guessing that this is from when he was released from captivity in France?

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Thanks, man.

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anyone know how best to navigate the archives? i enjoy reading material and videos especially that are banned but when i accidentally close my window, i cant figure out how to find what people embed on /pol/

yes im not very good with computers, feel free to give me help through insults.

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What are you on about? The links are archived pages, nothing more.

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i mean for seaching for specific topics within archive.org without needs to find a link within /pol/

example. i found a sweet video that i wanted to watch later, regarding hitlers overthrow of the economic system within germany before the war. i close my window and cant figure out how to search for it. maybe im lazy, retarded or both.

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That's just you not remembering the video title, yes you might just be genuinely stupid.

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File: 3856ebe1b8274fb⋯.jpg (12.75 KB,302x167,302:167,rissia ties.jpg)

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Happy birthday, Léon Degrelle

Today, you were born 113 years ago

May your spirit guide us through these dark and depraved times

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Thanks, anon.

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File: 1bc299f882e6f0d⋯.jpg (589.15 KB,1000x1500,2:3,1bc299f882e6f0d23db1be796c….jpg)

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It's a shame that most of the world thinks that it was the exact opposite.

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File: 0da9c2b4fbc7df7⋯.jpg (24.23 KB,326x500,163:250,degrelle_kids.jpg)

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Then America waits until fall of '45 and drops a dozen nuclear bombs on Germany.

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Degrelle's "great regret" speech had a significant impact on me. it conveys everything so perfectly, I don't think I ever truly got what it is that they fought for until I saw it.

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Same with me. Before that, I had seen Degrelle as just another minor historical figure that places like Axis History talk about. When I started getting redpilled about the other side of World War II, I had begun to see men like Degrelle in a completely different light.

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File: ee479607df630f9⋯.png (16.07 KB,259x194,259:194,a42970ead782902c8a8d4e82ff….png)


Dis you also know it created a huge ass blast on the jews side.

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There was another good videw that went in depth but knowing jewtube it was banned.

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File: 1948c1ee48eecb2⋯.jpg (426.58 KB,2469x3520,2469:3520,Léon_Degrelle_portrait.jpg)

English language Wikipedia has pic related on Degrelle's article right now.

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File: 0606cbaef33bb29⋯.jpg (28.71 KB,620x310,2:1,LD_hand_raised.jpg)

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too many faggots on the first page.

bump for Leon

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Do any one have a translation for his book militia? I can't read french.

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>Gold Close Combat Clasp

Fooking legend.

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True, but really the entire (((system))) needs to be overthrown since yesterday.

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Yes, it's quite amazing. Degrelle was almost superhuman in his abilities, a rare man, and indeed a true man of the West. Compared to him, most "men" today are soft pretzel bread, and I hope to be even 1/16th the man he was. But it seems that the consumer society, and its degenerating effects continue to manifest unabated.

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File: 8061dba5b97325c⋯.png (420.14 KB,698x925,698:925,the_absolute_state_of_the_….png)

And so, the Jewish-run Western clown world continues unabated. When will it end?

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>Dark hair and dark eyes

Clearly non white.

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And clearly, you're a kike.

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It would have taken the anglos exactly 5 minutes to invade and conquer Spain, thus gaining a solid foothold in Europe and reopening the French front for Hitler when he needed all his troops for the eastern campaign. Spain not joining the war was for everyone's good.

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>random white guy dies

>oh lets mourn white guy number#2143289239865328

This place sure is boring

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Yes. You are a nigger. We get it.

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Ignored for racism

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A nightmare for a race of criminals surely makes for a decend world

> Learn some history

The irony of someone historically-ignorant spouting off hollywood garbage telling people to learn history


>They would have killed larpers like you.

Le nahtzees randomly killed people for no reason whatsoever bcuz dey wyr eeeeebyl

One good thing the nazis did was attempt to limit the breeding of retards, and had they succeded, you would not be pestering us right now.

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Dude no one believes you

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File: e86f935d494b80d⋯.png (164.41 KB,890x500,89:50,IRH2.png)


Are you lost, boy?

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>Ignored said the nigger as he responded

Your 70IQ is showing

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That doesn't even make any sense

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File: 6a7fd4077f7c17f⋯.jpg (93.4 KB,533x800,533:800,Hitler-for-a-1000-Years.jpg)

This was just recently released, quote "translated into English for the very first time"


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Nice. I hope all of Degrelle's works get translated into English eventually.

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It's actually illegal to bring Degrelle's remains back to his home country. http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/eli/besluit/1994/04/18/1994000198/justel

I guess his body will remain in Spain until the day that Belgium can be liberated.

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archive.org has downloadable copies..free

many different formats, or plain text



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For me, I would rather have a psychical copy of Degrelle's works rather than rely on having them digitally. The Internet Archive has been known to also delete politically incorrect stuff from time to time, not as often or as much as YouTube, or other mainstream video sharing sites, but it does happen. One example is that the collection of all 308 radio broadcasts of William Pierce was deleted from the Internet Archive after it had been mass reported.

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Since Degrelle was a Catholic, I wonder what he thought of Padre Pio?

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2nd pic.

How wrong he was about the British Empire!

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Find a worthy goal and begin to walk.

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That is a thumbnail, you idiot.

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Rest in peace Degrelle you here of the white races.

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Eat shit, Jew.

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>but instead Carto put his faith in the courts.

Never a good idea when engaging in this kind of dissident activity.

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File: 1d350affd44dc46⋯.webm (8.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Léon_Degrelle_-_We_Dreame….webm)

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As is typical, YouTube deleted this. I do have the video downloaded, though, and I would like upload it somewhere. Will eventually put it up on BitChute, but I like to be able to easily share the file in full so as many as possible also have a copy. A English translation would be awesome as well; need to get as much of Degrelle's stuff into English as possible.

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What's the title of the video? To see if I downloaded it.

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It was originally entitled: "MITIN LÉON DEGRELLE MADRID 20 NOV 1991"

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File: 8210fb728ec4c14⋯.jpg (31.42 KB,640x360,16:9,cap_MITIN LÉON DEGRELLE MA….jpg)

Here's a screenshot I just took. Degrelle, at age 85 here, looks quite youthful for his age. Hardly any gray hair, and virtually no balding, and he's still quite high energy. Amazing that in less than three years after this talk he gave, he would pass away. You would think that he would have at least lived up to his late 90s.

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