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File: 8a76e7b3a9c09ea⋯.jpg (619.11 KB,1536x2106,256:351,LD_Rexist.jpg)

File: 8f87f927f012726⋯.jpg (171.14 KB,924x1277,924:1277,LD_uniform.jpg)

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File: d074a7ea3ad9f78⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2817x1863,313:207,Léon_Degrelle_à_Charleroi_….jpg)

 No.13053895 [View All]

RIP Léon Degrelle

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the death of this great man. Fought in the frigid plains of the Ukrainian steppe against the Red Army hordes, survived being wounded multiple times, received the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves award with Hitler himself supposedly once remarking to him that "If I had a son, I wish he would be like you." After the war, he had escaped to Francoist Spain and rebuilt a life there, later went on to participate in interviews, his most memorable one being the interview in 1976 with Jean-Michel Charlier in the French documentary television series Les dossiers noirs which ended with his famous "We Dreamed of Something Marvelous" speech. Even after Spain had transitioned to becoming a democracy, Degrelle was still largely left alone to live out the rest of his life, although there were multiple attempts by the Mossad to kidnap him and fly him to Israel for baseless "crimes" that he supposedly committed during the war. He died on this day in 1994 of cardiac arrest. May he forever rest in peace, and may we one day fully resurrect that marvelous dream.

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Then America waits until fall of '45 and drops a dozen nuclear bombs on Germany.

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Degrelle's "great regret" speech had a significant impact on me. it conveys everything so perfectly, I don't think I ever truly got what it is that they fought for until I saw it.

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Same with me. Before that, I had seen Degrelle as just another minor historical figure that places like Axis History talk about. When I started getting redpilled about the other side of World War II, I had begun to see men like Degrelle in a completely different light.

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File: ee479607df630f9⋯.png (16.07 KB,259x194,259:194,a42970ead782902c8a8d4e82ff….png)


Dis you also know it created a huge ass blast on the jews side.

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There was another good videw that went in depth but knowing jewtube it was banned.

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File: 1948c1ee48eecb2⋯.jpg (426.58 KB,2469x3520,2469:3520,Léon_Degrelle_portrait.jpg)

English language Wikipedia has pic related on Degrelle's article right now.

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File: 0606cbaef33bb29⋯.jpg (28.71 KB,620x310,2:1,LD_hand_raised.jpg)

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too many faggots on the first page.

bump for Leon

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Do any one have a translation for his book militia? I can't read french.

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>Gold Close Combat Clasp

Fooking legend.

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True, but really the entire (((system))) needs to be overthrown since yesterday.

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Yes, it's quite amazing. Degrelle was almost superhuman in his abilities, a rare man, and indeed a true man of the West. Compared to him, most "men" today are soft pretzel bread, and I hope to be even 1/16th the man he was. But it seems that the consumer society, and its degenerating effects continue to manifest unabated.

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File: 8061dba5b97325c⋯.png (420.14 KB,698x925,698:925,the_absolute_state_of_the_….png)

And so, the Jewish-run Western clown world continues unabated. When will it end?

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>Dark hair and dark eyes

Clearly non white.

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And clearly, you're a kike.

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It would have taken the anglos exactly 5 minutes to invade and conquer Spain, thus gaining a solid foothold in Europe and reopening the French front for Hitler when he needed all his troops for the eastern campaign. Spain not joining the war was for everyone's good.

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>random white guy dies

>oh lets mourn white guy number#2143289239865328

This place sure is boring

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Yes. You are a nigger. We get it.

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Ignored for racism

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A nightmare for a race of criminals surely makes for a decend world

> Learn some history

The irony of someone historically-ignorant spouting off hollywood garbage telling people to learn history


>They would have killed larpers like you.

Le nahtzees randomly killed people for no reason whatsoever bcuz dey wyr eeeeebyl

One good thing the nazis did was attempt to limit the breeding of retards, and had they succeded, you would not be pestering us right now.

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Dude no one believes you

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File: e86f935d494b80d⋯.png (164.41 KB,890x500,89:50,IRH2.png)


Are you lost, boy?

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>Ignored said the nigger as he responded

Your 70IQ is showing

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That doesn't even make any sense

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File: 6a7fd4077f7c17f⋯.jpg (93.4 KB,533x800,533:800,Hitler-for-a-1000-Years.jpg)

This was just recently released, quote "translated into English for the very first time"


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Nice. I hope all of Degrelle's works get translated into English eventually.

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It's actually illegal to bring Degrelle's remains back to his home country. http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/eli/besluit/1994/04/18/1994000198/justel

I guess his body will remain in Spain until the day that Belgium can be liberated.

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archive.org has downloadable copies..free

many different formats, or plain text



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For me, I would rather have a psychical copy of Degrelle's works rather than rely on having them digitally. The Internet Archive has been known to also delete politically incorrect stuff from time to time, not as often or as much as YouTube, or other mainstream video sharing sites, but it does happen. One example is that the collection of all 308 radio broadcasts of William Pierce was deleted from the Internet Archive after it had been mass reported.

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Since Degrelle was a Catholic, I wonder what he thought of Padre Pio?

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2nd pic.

How wrong he was about the British Empire!

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Find a worthy goal and begin to walk.

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That is a thumbnail, you idiot.

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Rest in peace Degrelle you here of the white races.

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Eat shit, Jew.

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>but instead Carto put his faith in the courts.

Never a good idea when engaging in this kind of dissident activity.

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File: 1d350affd44dc46⋯.webm (8.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Léon_Degrelle_-_We_Dreame….webm)

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As is typical, YouTube deleted this. I do have the video downloaded, though, and I would like upload it somewhere. Will eventually put it up on BitChute, but I like to be able to easily share the file in full so as many as possible also have a copy. A English translation would be awesome as well; need to get as much of Degrelle's stuff into English as possible.

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What's the title of the video? To see if I downloaded it.

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It was originally entitled: "MITIN LÉON DEGRELLE MADRID 20 NOV 1991"

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File: 8210fb728ec4c14⋯.jpg (31.42 KB,640x360,16:9,cap_MITIN LÉON DEGRELLE MA….jpg)

Here's a screenshot I just took. Degrelle, at age 85 here, looks quite youthful for his age. Hardly any gray hair, and virtually no balding, and he's still quite high energy. Amazing that in less than three years after this talk he gave, he would pass away. You would think that he would have at least lived up to his late 90s.

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