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 No.13044165 [Last50 Posts]

Thread: https://8ch.net/b/res/8767804.html

Looking at that thread, I decided to do one here about it and also try to look at dogs as a concept in our culture.

We live in a world where everyone is looking out for themselves without regards for the other. All women just spread their legs for winner at the moment, but have no qualms about betrayal once it no longer benefits her. Men, with the sole exception being true brotherhood, will betray you with their greed or incompetence. In this hell, dogs stand as a beacon of true salvation by giving you their loyalty, which is a product of their evolutionary interests being honed by us.

Women would throw away a dog (or their child) at a hospital, without regard for how they feel. Not thinking about what it does when one is left abandoned. Children (including man children and soyboys) have a thinking closer to women, and will not think through their own INACTIONS.

As men, we need to act whenever we feel we're right, otherwise we'll have regrets about the horrific consequences our INACTIONS have brought. Furthermore, we need societies that doesn't punish a man for acting.

I'm now more mature and have more resolve. Something I lacked a few days ago. If I was like this, I would have forced my mother to take me see Maxi to the vet. Instead, my (((betaness))) is what caused my dog to suffer the most horrible of deaths.

It's too late for me, I don't know what act of barbarism I will commit or how many decades it will take to materialize, but right now I hate everything and want everything gone.

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How about the cow as an Indian symbol?

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I don't care about India

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Don't you have an indian forum of your own pajeet.

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I doubt cuckistan has forums, aside for worshipping women

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That's a cute maltese. What was it, liver disease?

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He used to drink pond water when he was taken for long walks… probably "parlovirus" (can remember the first part of the name correctly) is what killed him.

It took two days to finish him. A horrible death with two of his owners too stupid to stay by his side. I shouldn't have gone to that interview.

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Fuck off nigger.

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Ah, shit, that sucks. Mine had a birth defect in his liver, so he was never in full health, but I took care of him with diet and medicine and only went sick every few weeks, but eventually his liver gave up.

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Do you even like dogs?

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Cow and horse are Aryan animals.

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>dog has been dead for 2 years

>still not over it

never enough time, man.

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Going back to the subject, it's their loyalty that should become a symbol of our culture.

They give us loyalty, but often we humans act like kikes and give them (((treason))) instead.

A dog's loyalty should be a symbol because national socialism understood that workers (MEN) should work together instead of compete like in capitalism. I don't have a strong problem with Islam (if it's the remedy to femin8sm), but their treatment of dogs is chink tier. We must change that through subversion if necessary.

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The western women are infected with a disease of Ego.

Men are usually more susceptible to ego illness, and women think they are immune because they are all natural communist that shouldn't vote, they all depend on what "all women think" much more than men.

So men get carried away in their egos and ruin society, but women generally choose inaction as a docile group before doing so.

But, today, they Jew has inverted these roles and caused women to be sick as a whole, and they think if they stop all men from having egos they will solve all wars or something like that, whatever particular jewry was used to appeal to their desires, and they can't believe the women as a whole have been sickened until men as a whole tell every white women that, due to their evolutionary psychology.

So, you feel victim to the jew fungus psychologically rotting our women.

You should read about r/K selection theory.

In times like these you will have an evolutionary tendency to become more r-selected, becoming less loyal, more devil-may-care, more greedy and concerned with short term gratiifcation and "looking out for number one", so to speak. But, you need to reject these instincts, and seek a higher cause, remain K-selected, seek K-selection, seek calm and serenity, seek independence and solitude.

Be that guy that goes and lives in the woods, but do it while reading Thoreau or Emerson or the like, and relent of lust for lead or want of war. Seek solitude and remember yourself to nature,

What these strong masters wrote at large in miles,

I followed in small copy in my acre:

For there's no rood has not a star above it;

The cordial quality of pear or plum

Ascends as gladly in a single tree,

As in broad orchards resonant with bees;

And every atom poises for itself,

And for the whole. The gentle Mother of all

Showed me the lore of colors and of sounds;

The innumerable tenements of beauty;

The miracle of generative force;

Far-reaching concords of astronomy

Felt in the plants and in the punctual birds;

Mainly, the linked purpose of the whole;

And, chiefest prize, found I true liberty,

The home of homes plain-dealing Nature gave.

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Might as well get a new dog, then?

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Also, we need a society that imposes on women a loyalty similar to dogs. Women are literally kikes, this is the reason we hate kikes, because they behave like women (cry as they strike, backstabbing, no hard work, parasitism, etc).

It's our job to do TWO things, any less won't do.

1) Make a society where men instill MOMENTARY loyalty on their women.

2) Make a society were ALL MEN are redpilled on fact 1. This is important if you don't want betas supporting another wymyns suffrage or feminism.

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Would feel like I'm betraying her. I feed the pigeons and magpies o get my dose of animal contact instead.

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You don't know what literally means, moron.

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The western women ARE allowed to exercise their ego without consequences. ALL Women are inclined to be like western women. But most cultures have (or had) a mechanism to keep their hypergamy under control.

To mystify or romanticize women is a huge mistake to make, it's cultural suicide at a genocidal scale.

You're thinking of women too much, they are children with kike attitudes. From my perspective, it's easy… and the solution is easy too: Make men patriarchs of society, and at least of their homes.

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> Going back to the subject

Heh, forgot this is pol.

> national socialism understood that workers (MEN) should work together instead of compete like in capitalism

But NS wasn't against healthy competition, quite the contrary, as long as wasn't detrimental to the nation as a whole.

> We must change that through subversion if necessary.

What, are you going to become a Muslim and then teach them to like dogs?

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Healthy competition is one thing, behaving as you covet the things of other men or destroy other men for selfishness are different.

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It's a euphemism, you reddit faggot.

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>The dog as a Western symbol

Dumb obedient animals and nothing but a tasty snack to china. Checks out.

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Woman are the biggest victims of jews.

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animal people are the worse, dog faggots especially.

>lol im a dog mom!

>muh fur babies

>paw print tattoos on my shoulder lol so unique

>I love my [dog type] bumper sticker on the bumper of a Rav4 driven by a 32 year old single mom

>shit factory that sleeps in bed with people, walks on furniture

so much better than the hassle of children!

Makes me want to puke. Whites obsessing over dogs is almost as disgusting as worshipping niggerball.

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Wherever dog owners are, they pollute the area with noise and shit. 95% of dogs are useless and never should have been bred.

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That's cats, dumbass.

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((( >>13044815 )))

>gynocentric laws

>wymyn are the real victims

The only women that are "victims", are the ones throwing a tantrum blaming everyone for not stopping them.

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only Whites have distinct breeds of dogs, except the Japanese, and to lesser extent upper-class Chinese.

Rest of the world has general semi-wild "average dog" breed, that seems to have the same undeveloped lack of dog loyalty you see in the rest of the world VS Whites.

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All dogs are loyal, unless bred for foghting/aggression

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I agree, 90% of dog owners are assholes.

Human children parents: world is an evil place and I must protect my child, and teach him boundaries.

Dog "children" parents: world is my dog's playground, and if anything happens its not my dog's fault, its yours.

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you should visit Mexico. I never saw a single normal American type dog, and if a typical American dog appeared it would've been like Maryln Monroe walking into a biker bar.

All the dogs in Mexico are same semi-wild breed and no one really owns them, but they seem to mix with people just fine, as sort of "free agents". Like Mexicans they are overpopulated and "poor" and skinny. I guess American dogs don't need to spend all day searching for meager scraps so an American dog with groom themselves and look fine even without any human care. Mexican dogs always look like they just lost a fight, which they probably did.

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I loathe dogcucks and I loathe dogs as well. This animal worship bullshit has gome too far and is not only unhinged but embarrassing as all hell.

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>Make men patriarchs of society, and at least of their homes.

I kinda disagree.

IMO its vital that Men are in charge of SOCIETY, but its fine if women "rule the hearth and home".

Your typical mom will be one to put the brakes on the crazy and thinks more long term and is in charge of day to day running of the home and taking care of the kids. Dad's crazy idea to have big fun outside the home need mom's OK, but mom doesn't need dad's OK to decide whats for dinner or what classes the kids take or what clothes they wear.

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you sound like a real good dog owner, she want you to have another dog.

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[barks in approval]

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Reminder: these subhumans hate dogs because they instinctively know that dogs are superior to them.

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I just cried for one minute, but the guilt and remorse just gets worse.

He was a very good young dog, yet while I went to an interview (I shouldn't have gone) none of his owners had the decency to go back and check on him.

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The dog was first domesticated in Asia. Dogs are proven to be genetically descended from Asian wolves and not European wolves.

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>The dog was first domesticated in Asia

Where white people evolved. Hmm, what a co-incidence.

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dogs are glorified faggotized wolves. cats are the true Aryan companion- proud, clean, graceful, and beautiful

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The loyalty in this treasonous culture is an oasis of good. To want to pull down this good at the same mundane level of treason we encounter everyday, it's part of the problem.

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Niggers don't like dogs.

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Mudslimes don't like dogs too. I see a pattern emerging

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Indeed, dogs can become a tool for covert eugenics

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The morrighan foretold this age, I just pray that when whites are gone the dogs return to the wild and renew the wolfpacks into glorious resurgence, hunting and killing the subhumans that dare to step on rightful European clay.

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Every dog I ever owned hated niggers. Coincidence?

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hispanic (so 56% european) here, I hope dogs find happiness in the wild but you're forgetting the wild is riddled by disease and misfortune.

Also, if subhumans want to hunt dogs, do you really think dogs will have a fighting chance?

Women without modesty is due to collective men's lack of value… I'm not saying it's men's fault, but men as a collective need to realize that when we work together, this cucked system will bend over for us.

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ackshually… it was a bichon frise-poodle mix :,^3

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Why are there so many slide threads on /pol/ tonight?

What are the kikes trying to keep us from talking about?

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((( >>13047114 )))

This isn't a slide thread, if your brain could understand abstract subjects, you would know that.

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>Dogs that develop the disease show signs of the illness within 3 to 7 days. The signs may include lethargy, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea (usually bloody). Generally, the first sign of CPV is lethargy. Secondary signs are loss of weight and appetite or diarrhea followed by vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration that upsets the electrolyte balance and this may affect the dog critically. Secondary infections occur as a result of the weakened immune system. Because the normal intestinal lining is also compromised, blood and protein leak into the intestines leading to anemia and loss of protein, and endotoxins escape into the bloodstream, causing endotoxemia. Dogs have a distinctive odor in the later stages of the infection. The white blood cell level falls, further weakening the dog. Any or all of these factors can lead to shock and death.

I didn't read this part, I was unsure which disease it was. I murdered Maxi

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My dog hates niggers organically. Didn't even have to train him to bark at them. Attacking and being suspicious of niggers is in canine DNA.

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File: 8edc7b49d9198ba⋯.jpg (26.5 KB,640x482,320:241,1DLPP.jpg)

much white


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File: 032e31d932b7ec2⋯.jpg (38.79 KB,480x447,160:149,1548020054579.jpg)

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We all make mistakes. Recognizing your responsibility to protect the innocent and live an honorable life is the first step to becoming a man.

I've made very similar mistakes in trusting other people to care about things. Bear your suffering and move forward.

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Maxi never knew that, in fact he was ashamed of him pooping (blood) so we only found the blood puddles behind the sofa as we were taking him to the vet.

I should have been downstairs, if someone would have been downstairs, they would have found the puddles. Despite all the info I gave my brother regarding his dehydration (around 10 am) he only explained the situation on the phone at around 3-4 pm.

If I wouldn't have gone to the interview, I may have save him. I'm so stupid.

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You do realize that leftists are going to kill dogs to come back at us if we did that, right?

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you're right, we need to kill every leftist first

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We should use muslims as our new symbol so they start killing them to protest us

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Let them unmask themselves as the barbarous subhumans they are. The public will want blood for flagrant animal abuse.

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I pray they're that stupid.

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more r/k stuff please.

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>ruining nature and destroying mother earth just to make a political point.

How is this not disgusting?

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I'm an ecofascist, but I disliked Brenton described himself as such, considering his killings had nothing to do with ecofascism (except kill people that hate dogs).

Once I become president of my country, I will give Australians the option to come to my country or die. Once I get Australia (and set up a ICBM platforms around its coast), I want to welcome all dogs to come in… the bad dogs (hurt other dogs without reason) will be castrated or put down. Then I plan to conquer the wild of anything that threatens them in a one sided manner.

Quick example: All salties around australia get genocided.

Also, I would teach dogs how to make burrows or something in a tiny hills.

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dogs are a white invention. neanderthals and negroid apes always feared them. most still do.

white people are children of god and nature. the dark races despise it and animals.

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File: 9defc8b9ec0b0d1⋯.png (79.14 KB,500x461,500:461,f7d05dae8051330252e9612439….png)

File: 9defc8b9ec0b0d1⋯.png (79.14 KB,500x461,500:461,f7d05dae8051330252e9612439….png)


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File: 849f1e15e4c4a30⋯.mp4 (13.04 MB,720x480,3:2,The secret behind the extr….mp4)


Based and dogpilled

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Dogs are fine but dog worshippers are retards. Dogs should never replace human children of your own race. It's also cucked to let a dog shit puke and shed all over your apartment or sleep in your bed.

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Maxi was like a puppy, he probably blamed his ailment and moribund state on his owners… he thought he did something wrong.

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Threads like this should he stickied… only after seeing the worst destiny offers, can someone begin to fight it.

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>My dog died 16 years ago


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>Neanderthals feared them

Yikes. Do you realize that continent where Neanderthals lived was Europe, right?

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File: acaec0a282f052e⋯.jpg (25.55 KB,384x330,64:55,2005-Neanderthal.jpg)

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Dogs were tamed to help humans hunt and in return they got food and shelter, giving a dog all this stuff without having them earn it is not going to end well

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File: e24334897860ed3⋯.jpg (53.82 KB,407x960,407:960,55875343_2519899568074799_….jpg)


>here is a bland excuse to act like subhumans

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The subhuman fears the doggo

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File: 18b3f38904f6205⋯.png (997.06 KB,1465x937,1465:937,f450e3659018d34d10cb149252….png)


>dirt doesn't vote

try growing food on large scales without dirt

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This 80s cringe is as urban as it gets.

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File: 789de244778e115⋯.png (593.86 KB,510x721,510:721,guter_hund.png)


this is now a good boy thread

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File: f408799cb3a79a4⋯.gif (2.02 MB,300x258,50:43,HH.gif)

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File: f205e80fe61cf8e⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,604x391,604:391,gut_dogger.jpg)

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File: af68645ee71b083⋯.jpg (52.58 KB,960x540,16:9,old_doge.jpg)

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File: 542c7dcd918bb0e⋯.jpg (51.56 KB,640x599,640:599,pitbull_crime_stats.jpg)

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You two fucks need purging.

Dogs give the man their eternal love and loyalty.

They earn it by being dogs.

Meanwhile, you only earn my scorn by being a dick

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The fact is that if you are white and you have dogs, you are enemy of all white people.

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Yeah the "fur babies" epidemic is really fucked up.

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((( >>13073655 )))

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except it isnt, dumbass. dogwomen are the new catladies. they ALL obsess over their dogs. how are you people not seeing this? they have those trendy hipster bar areas that have dog parks attached to them, so all the soy cucks and purple haired feminists can all get together with their dogs and clean up their shit while drinking craft citrus flavored beers.its ALL dog people. they dont have cat parks with these people do they? people dont carry around cats like its a fashion statement. youre in denial. dog people are degenerates and your dog is as useless as screen doors on a submarine.

people dont need dogs anymore. unless you are this rare half percent of whites that hunt with your dogs or need them to scare away niggers, you are a faggot that is using a dog as a surrogate instead of having children, or at least bonding with OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. Go clean up after your shit factory, you flea bitten, dog loving degenerates.

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>As men, we need to act whenever we feel we're right, otherwise we'll have regrets about the horrific consequences our INACTIONS have brought.

I disagree. Life has taught me that for >99.99999% of the time, it's better to not act, than to act, fail miserably and lose everything in one shot with less than nothing to show for it. And that miniscule chance of a situation being not so isn't even worth considering.

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Most people I know how own dogs, spend time with them and enjoy it already have a family and a decent job (or they are retired). I guess many lonely women (and men) own dogs too and they use them as a family substitute, but that's no reason to get mad at dogs when they are known to be a healthy family-friendly companion. You sound like a very sad person.

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Listen retard, dogs are not a replacement for human interaction. However, they are loyal.

White WOMEN are genetically unable to understand loyalty because all women evolved to acquire their resources. This is why they kill their own children when a new alpha male is present (seen from lions to humans). Even though men are genetically able to understand loyalty, they will either betray you to secure resources so they can give to a woman or are inept and their incompetence will ruin things.

Dogs on the other hand are loyal unless bred differently and if as a man you're unable to understand this, then you're no different from a woman.

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This is /pol/

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File: 8322cc2596e2607⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1500x1853,1500:1853,the_feels_corridor.jpg)

As unfortunate as it is, I'm allergic to dogs. If a dog licked me, I'd break out, if I was at a friend's house and he had multiple hairy dogs, I'd eventually get shortness of breath. If a dog's claws got me as they jumped up on me I'd also break out a bit. But guess what? I always had a dog. Short haired and trained to not jump up and lick me, and Jewels was an amazing dog. Had her 12 long years after getting her from an abusive owner at 2 years old and when she broke her leg and got a cancerous growth on her left forearm that left her almost unable to move we had to put her down. Me and my family were there with her though when this happened and god damn I wish I had a good lab like her again. 10/10 dog, only barked at niggers.

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File: d3654ef7d553eef⋯.png (809.05 KB,2580x2009,2580:2009,CuteAggression.png)




Is hating dogs the same as hating anime?

pic related


(((Do nothing goy))) come on, you'd probably wait until the country is 90% hispanic by that reasoning to bother doing anything. the last man is not an ideal.

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The oven is too good for you.

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false idols

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Why not both?

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Why do you project?

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>We live in a world where everyone is looking out for themselves without regards for the other

Saying it like its a bad thing , lol fuck you.I will not comply to whatever ideals you might have about the world

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Stop spamming this board

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>Women would throw away a dog

t. never talked to a broad with eye-contact in his entire life

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>loyalty is bad goy


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Actually, all women are like that when they're not controlled… just like children.

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Pretty much this, dogs are tools, they're not meant to supplant the role of other ethnically similar people, let alone own children are supposed to take in a man or woman's life. However due to how absolutely kiked out the divorce INDUSTRY has become, along with feminism and the Jewish marketing behibd the pet industry, civilized man's best tools are being used as an attack vector.

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File: 2bfb8a75593f7d1⋯.jpg (16.95 KB,500x500,1:1,20160406092908_29567.JPG)


I hope they step on frog lures

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>t. never talked to a broad with eye-contact in his entire life

t. parents never had been in divorce

Sadly getting pets euthanized to get back at your ex is very common

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Wolves are better than dogs as symbol. The wolf is loyal yet savage.

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Dog means freemason anon.

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Dogs are disgusting. Cats and [large] hook-bill birds are the masterpets. Children are the ultimate, never own an animal in lieu of children.

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… guys, what if we make pinko leftists /oursymbol/?

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File: 4f912d777a233ac⋯.gif (1.76 MB,540x460,27:23,4898E295-0191-41A4-9AC2-AC….gif)

Can confirm.

My neighborhood has a dog at every 2nd house.

And no muslims.

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This rings so true.

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>Is hating dogs the same as hating anime?

I like anime. and I'm not cute aggressive 'cause I'm obsessed with cats because of their beauty and cuteness

I just don't like dogs, they're dangerous and nasty. also cats are basically still in a wild state whereas dogs are artificial animals inbred from some ancient wolves, they're not even natural

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File: d11e5c414b18cdf⋯.jpg (269.77 KB,925x1032,925:1032,d11e5c414b18cdfa6de1972d76….jpg)


I don't even find dogs cute. maybe the absolute most aesthetic ones like a beagle puppy or something is alright but they're so incredibly inferior to cats in that aspect

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There is no human link, no history, just a larp symbol to say you're tough while asking your wife for permission.

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File: 43c8a2bf7e7f94e⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,854x474,427:237,dire wolves.mp4)


I doubt you've ever had to deal with wolves, they have no loyalty. A dog is fiercely loyal to death, a wolf will challenge you at your weakest. Though don't go messing with dire wolves unless you're ready.

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Hate to break it to you, but dire wolves are extinct, dude.

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Europeans created dogs. No other culture has had the same relationship we have with em. Asians might use em for sleds and and food, Africans will use their ridgeybacks to take down lions, but these dogs are not their friends. The Aussie Abos had dingos for thousands of years but never really domesticated them, closest they got was using em as blankets on a cold night [a three dog night is a cold motherfucker]. I slept on the streets for a month or so because I had nobody to take care of my dog and didn't want to give him to a pound, actually had a lot of interesting chats with all kinds of people, soon as they realised I wasn't a drug addict or a lunatic, the chats would flow. Got to learn about people and their dogs from all kinds of situations and places.

To this day that dog goes everywhere with me, staunching every cunt. But a lot of people own dogs who shouldn't. A lot of dogs get bred with bad health and low intelligence. Mine is a dingo/kelpie hybrid, and I never really trained him but if I call him he stops whatever bullshit he's doing and comes back. Don't overbreed dogs, and you gotta win their respect. Europeans have a way with animals that other cultures just do not, and the dog is something we truly created.

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>the dog

The BOAR is the European symbol.

(The pink domesticated pig is a modern "invention" and it used to be that the boar would maul the fuck out of you unless you killed it first. There's a reason cowardly levantines and shitskin don't eat it. They are cowards and weaklings.)

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File: 35ca38a87a6e332⋯.jpg (114.24 KB,500x669,500:669,doge (2).jpg)



>lazy, opportunists

>take advantage of everything, care for nothing

You should consider suicide.

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>be me

>feel violent when wahmen act like fucking retards for attention

wow wtf am I a jewish feminists now?

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Lmao you're fucking autistic aren't you? you like cats because they're your "friends" who don't give a shit about you existing for 90% of the time

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Checked and kek'd

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That little yappy shit isn't a dog.

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At least they don't leave their shit all over the place and chew up shoes

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Look who's talking

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Dogs don't do that either.

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Having dogs instead

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Getting dogs instead of children is already a western symbol.

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File: 8dd0c2d1ea1424e⋯.png (76.15 KB,640x410,64:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Dogs are blameless in the sexual war between White men and women, of course it is the jews to blame but the war is still very real. Humans though are responsible for castrating all their pets and thus live around a bunch of eunuchs and so become eunuchs themselves.

Stop allowing the mutilation of sexual organs of every living thing around you!

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Cats are responsible for the extinction of many animals, they serve only to make the empathetic goyim docile.


I agree, soy dogs need to be put out of their misery instead of being turned into infertile creatures replacing children for the goyim. Dog is also used as an insult in Yiddish and Hebrew languages and thus also Semitic religions, so it is no wonder empathetic people are told their child can easily be replaced by a dog.

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File: 776cfdd6f0ca061⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,880x1000,22:25,dog.jpg)

>this enrages the mudshit

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I forgot to add that the dog insult comes from the bible, not from the languages.

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File: cb986df0b30491d⋯.jpeg (191.96 KB,1100x619,1100:619,wolves.jpeg)


Many dog breeds suffer from diseases due to inbreeding; just like Jews and Arabs, including the German Sheppard.


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We need to make a global village for dogs and then they can mix their inbred genes with other dogs.

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File: 16b2c744ed071c7⋯.jpg (183.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,feral dog culling.jpg)


>then they can mix their inbred genes with other dogs.

there's enough feral dogs as it is, feral dogs aren't like domesticated dogs they kill livestock, native animals and humans

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>feral dogs aren't like domesticated dogs they kill livestock, native animals and humans

wow so they're just like domesticated dogs if domesticated dogs had to live in the wild.

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did this dude just stand there filming while his dog was in battle with a wolf? rope

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feral dogs are already overpopulated, by breading them you are destroying natural wildlife and making feral dog breads sick and malnourished by culling them they are doing them a favor.

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File: 41e0eee552064a8⋯.png (366.54 KB,784x857,784:857,kiki_cleaner.png)

File: ec7dd0a30d7abc3⋯.jpg (376.5 KB,1162x1188,581:594,brj.jpg)

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File: c8285942dcd009c⋯.jpg (168.18 KB,1023x1386,31:42,1453332270805.jpg)

Can dog and pig monster girls be used as a weapon against internet Muslims? They're:


>sometimes smug

>completely off-limit to kebabs

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Literally the horseshoe theory version of women who get pets instead of having children.

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Amazing, it's almost as though "feral" dogs are just dogs that are left at the mercy of the wilderness…

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Once a fierce, wild creature, the European canine has been bred over the centuries to be reduced to subservience for its Jewish masters. That is a fitting symbol, indeed.

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This behavior is caused by radiotropic fungi. It gets into the brain where it can be manipulated by wifi.

People are using data collection for game theory and social engineering utilizing this radio responsive fungi. It's like having a thousand little microchips in the brain.

They are essentially ruining your life on purpose at silicon valley. Your gf is a coal burning whore because of them and them only.

Thank me later.

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That has nothing to do with dogs…

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So many people shilling against dogs…

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File: 015cacf9bbde190⋯.jpg (32.92 KB,500x500,1:1,1555365134659.jpg)


People who don't like dogs or my dog does not like are untrustworthy. This has been proven to me so many times over my life. The dog is pure unconditional love, in the western man anyway. He is brave, he is strong, he not only represents but actualizes all the characteristics of morality we as the builders of civilization have looked up to for thousands of years. Have you noticed the concerted effort to demonize doggos here and in other places these last few weeks? It's been there right beside all the calls for white Sharia, very coincidentally. Arabs are not human, sub human would be giving them too much credit while insulting niggers, Arabs should be erased.

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File: e56cf6d3ee8156c⋯.jpg (48.78 KB,600x431,600:431,kat.jpg)


Thats because selective breeding can never have a wide of a population as natural evolution. Even modern "purebreed" breeders have an absurdly tiny pool of individual dogs because its all a closed circle with breeders.

This is the common fallacy with pro-race mixing in humans supporters use. Purebreeds have issues because they are inbred because they have tiny population, not because breeding with your own breed is the cause of the problem.

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File: 2073785d5ba62f1⋯.png (510.32 KB,900x952,225:238,nokebabkobie.png)


Wans are for Whites

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There is a degenerate streak in people being overly obsessed with their animals and making it part of their identity much like homos wear being a faggot on their sleeve. Obviously, cat ladies are the most obvious example of this disgusting behavior, but a lot of dog owners, who should know better, fall into this lifestyle as well. Oftentimes, the biggest victims isn't even the people around them as it is the animals themselves, who become spoiled, fat, lazy, useless, wastes of space just waiting to die.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having several animals, and making animals a significant part of your life (in hunting, work around the barn, defending your property, etc.,) this is historically an important part of European life, but don't become a degenerate "cat lady" or "dog mom."

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You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with dogs.

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File: dee7b93aa25be79⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,720x895,144:179,SMASHED AND SLAMMED.jpg)

File: 993669d993b9260⋯.png (1.31 MB,1932x1034,966:517,toadline.png)



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He's actually right, I love dogs but most dog owners are complete shit and their dogs become the niggers of the neighborhood.

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It's astounding how many subhumans are outing themselves in this thread. Anti-dog is anti-white.

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File: b7f46454b2642fe⋯.jpg (140.85 KB,676x516,169:129,XsqEffX.jpg)

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How’s it going, rabbi?

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>Women would throw away a dog (or their child) at a hospital, without regard for how they feel

But white girls fuck dogs, though

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when you see Niggers turn a nice part of town into a hopeless slum, or see Turd Worlders unable to form any sort of decent nation…

thats a great indicator of how well they deal with animals, including house pets.

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Dire wolf just means a starving wolf. Of course a starving animal will attack, it's desperate. Wolves are wild animals and all wild animals are potentially dangerous.

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Well, guess what leftists really want after promoting LGBT and other horrendous abominations..






I've dropped video related several times on kikebook. Literally led to collapse of few LGBT groups.

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Saved, pity that post is so underrated.

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File: 26594b0ab202d85⋯.jpg (2.52 MB,2048x946,1024:473,IMG_0450.jpg)

I have a primitive dog

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What the fuck?

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Dogs are disgusting beasts,eat own shit and go lick your face AFTER.yes….dog is a western symbol…..dog licking your face with shit on your face is a western symbol i agree okay.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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the problem with you sand nigger is you still can't get over the mongol conquest of your lands when there was so many dead for hundreds of miles the dogs ate from the corpses of your "brothers and sisters". Get fucked sand nigger it wasn't the dogs fault you were such arrogant pussies the mongols had to kill all of you.

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Muslims hate dogs they think they're demons and cull them, even more reason to get dogs and let them loose on ragheads

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wipe ass with right hand then shake hand with neighbor them go eat with Same hand…..very intelligent

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File: 797ce8c09c2f3c3⋯.gif (10.62 KB,320x240,4:3,i_think_you_should_kill_yo….gif)

“You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals.”

-Paul McCartney

It has come to my attention that you can immediately tell if a particular race or people is worth anything simply by seeing if keeping dogs as pets is a regular part of their culture or not.

Whites keep dogs as pets

Japan keeps dogs as pets

China eats dogs

Niggers beat dogs

And many Muslims believe dogs are demonic

Really makes you think

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I just fundamentally disagree with that quote. Because A famous person said it doesn't make it true.

“You can judge a man's true character by how often he prays.” ←—— You agree with that? I made it up but I am not famous. But I don't think you will agree.

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File: 14b2e4469e7972d⋯.jpg (35.23 KB,790x645,158:129,smiling_cat.jpg)


Be honest my guy, how high are you on the spectrum?

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i have no idea what this jewish slide shitpost is, but one thing that comes to my mind is the fact that there is another jewish shitposting theme against bulldogs, especially on 4kikes. its going for like 2y or more now. smells like (((they))) want to meme dog as western symbol and then connect it with already pre-memed bulldog black marketing to shit on western culture and white people.


gas all jews

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All I saying is that there shouldn't be as much breeding mills as they are right now, who anyways abuse the animals and are filling above capacity which in turn lead to an overpopulation of feral dogs.

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This thread is about loyalty and agape (Male love)

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File: 767dbda27e73b24⋯.jpg (81 KB,800x533,800:533,2e87bc5dba2de8d2f106406069….jpg)



Properly trained dogs don't do that. Only urban/agricultural societies domesticated cats because the only thing they're good at it dealing with vermin which spread diseases and contaminate and eat suplus grain stores, that is when they're not being lazy leeching assholes. Whereas dogs have been bred from wolves since pre-history to accomplish a plethora of tasks even relevant in the modern era: tracking, herding livestock, beasts of burden (huskies), etc. Dogs aren't as agile as cats but plenty of breeds were created specifically to deal with vermin as well.

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>Women are literally kikes, this is the reason we hate kikes, because they behave like women (cry as they strike, backstabbing, no hard work, parasitism, etc).

This anon gets it.

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It's funny how all men become attracted to the doggo

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>Women are literally kikes

Literally they are not. Find a better woman that is worthy of your time. Unloyal thots are dime a dozen.

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No one does

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Kiked women behave this way. Non-kiked women do not behave this way.

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Its okay bro.

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I've always found it fascinating how you can judge a man's character so precisely by watching his interactions with animals. You can see if they're a bad person instantly. But you can also see if they "like" animals, yet treat their own pets badly. In the book The Serpent of Paradise, the author is incredibly sick and one of his delirious thoughts is questioning why people say we descend from monkeys when we're clearly so much closer to dogs. Is there anything more beautiful than the loving dominance good men have over nature?

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>And many Muslims believe dogs are demonic

Old thread, but I'm amazed no one's mentioned this:

You know how jews hate pigs? Their word is "treif". Literally "torn", not kosher. Makes kikes hysterical. Islam is just retarded judaism, muslims inherited their concepts of haram/halal from kikes, it's no coincidence that halal/kosher are almost the exact same.

So do you know why muslims hate dogs? It's because dogs are also "treif", jews have the same attitude to dogs as they do pigs, they hate them. Muslims just inherited their dog hatred from jews.

There are of course many jews who have dogs, but that's because jews are so heavily intermarried with whites and judaism is all about finding ways to jew everything, even their own religion.

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>Islam comes from Judaism

I missed the threads we had on this matter.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Islam comes from Judaism

One of the most glaring examples is that Muhammad respects the Torah and says to the Torah "I believed in thee" and then "and in Him Who revealed thee" both confirming that he once followed Torah and also confirming that the Torah was revealed by who he follows.

Sunan, Book 38, Number 4434

"A group of Jews came and invited the Apostle of Allah to Quff. So he visited them in their school.

They said: Abul Qasim, one of our men has committed fornication with a woman; so pronounce judgment upon them. They placed a cushion for the Apostle of Allah who sat on it and said: Bring the Torah. It was then brought. He then withdrew the cushion from beneath him and placed the Torah on it saying: I believed in thee and in Him Who revealed thee.

He then said: Bring me one who is learned among you. Then a young man was brought."

The word "Allah" even has the same root as "Elah", which is the name used for YHWH in the Torah in books Ezra, Jeremiah and Daniel.

Further Byzantines used derivatives of "Allah" for their chants as well as Arabic Christians. Also the writer of Mark in 15:34 writes out the literal Aramaic phrase Jesus says before he dies using "Ἐλωῒ" (Eloi) which is derivative of the same Aramaic root.

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They are not sending their best

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Thanks for that redpill

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I have a dog that used to have a breathing problem (like 2 asthma attacks everyday), now she doesn't but sometimes she breaths desperately when she sleeps. I try to put her at ease but petting her.

I believe she wasn't treated right by her previous owners. :(

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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Heed this dudes warning not good

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I'm a dog person. I like all dogs. Dogs have evolved into a sort of court jester role. They provide affection and entertainment. It's a joy to watch my dogs have fun. I don't care if your bitter heart makes you see that as useless. You are the one with the problem

people who don't like dogs should be avoided

And cat people are strange. Dogs learn to shit outside, but cats get trained to shit inside so their owners can savor the aroma of their shit. Yummy! Hey cat people, we can smell the cat poop on you everywhere you go.

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If only there was a way to find the waste of mass that made this video and kill them

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Yeah, our relationship with dogs is even more ancient. If you say horses and cows are Aryan animals, I'd say dogs are Hiperborean!

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File: 749324d7b6bff3b⋯.png (33.61 KB,758x518,379:259,ImSmart.png)


Every post on this thread is /pol/, duhr!

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Nice observation!

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>Children (including man children and soyboys)


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File: 94bfbdbfed87fa0⋯.jpg (89.72 KB,530x768,265:384,Dahgs.jpg)


Advocating a dog preference based Immigration Policy. *pic: Pozzed 70's kike cinema pilpul nurture over nature.

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File: 70a88a2769e527e⋯.jpg (141.29 KB,718x882,359:441,e3b55c3e9e8a03be218b404fde….jpg)

Can dags be trained to detect kikes?

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File: aa1dcf82dc2d57c⋯.jpg (22.88 KB,350x350,1:1,German.jpg)


>Jewish tradition does not expressly prohibit the keeping of dogs as pets, but biblical and rabbinic sources do include numerous references that associate dogs with violence and uncleanliness and frown on the practice of keeping them in one’s home.

>Dogs are for the most part portrayed negatively in the Bible. Deuteronomy appears to equate dogs and prostitution, ruling in Deuteronomy 23:19 that if one of these is used to pay for an animal — say, if one offered a dog or sex in exchange for a goat — that purchased animal cannot be brought to the temple as a sacrifice.

>The Book of Kings includes several references to dogs feeding on corpses. And in the Psalms, dogs are described as beasts that maul at human beings.

>The negative attitude toward dogs persists in the , which frequently regards dogs as dangerous animals. Though the Talmud in Baba Kama states that it is permissible to keep certain kinds of dogs that are useful for preventing infestations of vermin, it also states that dogs must be kept chained and that those who “raise” (the Hebrew word used here is the same as the one used for rearing children) dogs are cursed.

>Elsewhere, the tractate records a case in which a woman miscarried because a dog barked at her. One talmudic sage states that the owner of a dog whose bark is capable of triggering a miscarriage causes the presence of God to depart from the Jewish people.

>The Mishneh Torah (a 12th-century code by Maimonides) states that one must keep a dog chained, because these animals are known to cause “substantial and frequent” damage. Maimonides permitted Jews living in border towns to let their dogs loose at night only, presumably for protection.

>Among modern religious authorities, Rabbi Jacob Emden, an 18th-century German authority, permitted dogs for economic or security reasons. However, to keep a dog merely for pleasure is “precisely the behavior of the uncircumcised,” he said.


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File: 68ef90f831c2f9a⋯.png (719.24 KB,829x875,829:875,scrotum frogs.png)


>leftists are going to kill dogs to come back at us

>frogs killed are as a symbolic protest against the alt-right

fake news

You are either a shill or a shill's golem for spreading that shit to make us look like liars.


>The public will want blood for flagrant animal abuse.

Not if it's fake, then when Antifa abuses animals for real, nobody will believe us.


>How is this not disgusting?

it's fake news, didn't happen

Antifa probably infiltrated /pol/ to spread fake news like this and make us look like liars, and you idiots take the bait by repeating it.

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You can tell who the boy loving, goat fucking Muhammadeans are by their hate for dogs and trying to pose as whites here.

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Phrenology, while I believe in it, is controversial in the contemporary sciences since it was (((disproved))). I hope you realize this.

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File: e7c92bd97f7686a⋯.jpg (56.03 KB,479x525,479:525,1558736860605.jpg)

Dogs are one of the few animals who kill for no reason other than fun, and they kill literally anything smaller than them, including small children. They are a menace to any ecosystem they inhabit. They have no instincts preventing them from eating their own putrid feces and the burden is usually on some human to clean up the resulting vomit, which they will then eat again. They cry and whine when they don't get to mark everything in sight as "theirs" with their toxic urine, and if you have two dogs in one area, enjoy the stench of hot poisonous piss all year 'round because each one will be living solely to out-mark the other. Small dogs are a biological abomination; they should never have existed and only continue to do so due to human intervention with the intent of making a profit off of the retards who see it appropriate to own a poison-spewing car alarm.

Dog owners are the worst because despite all this, they just gotta have a bundle of wuv in theyo life. Dog owners are so cognitively inhibited that, while they do sometimes bag up the shit their murderous little faggot dropped on the sidewalk, they will leave the bag there because the tiny sign didn't say anything about throwing the bag away, so the mess stays even longer and has a chance to ferment. Share the sidewalk? Not with your dog and the clothesline between you and it. Noise complaint? "It's just a dog, he can't help alerting me to intruders!". My dogs barring his teeth at you? Maybe you should take of your hat, he doesn't like hats.

Only modern females like dogs, being feelers as apposed to thinkers, they see the "smiles" the dogs make, they see the "fluffyness" of the feces-covered matted fur, and they feel loved when the beast tries to expunge body heat from them. They only see the illusions of positive traits which override their ability to rationalize that dogs are fucking trash. Men who like dogs are by all means feminized themselves.

Replace every "doggy day-care" and (god help us) "doggy spa" with an affordable child care center or human wellness service and watch as civilization evolves.

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That's some real niggery talk.

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Jesus chill out cat lady

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File: ecaac17c1f5bb87⋯.png (195.81 KB,434x364,31:26,youdisquistme.png)


I mean… I prefer cats too, but damn. Calm your shit and eat a twinky.

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File: 5a326a29bf13daf⋯.jpg (37.37 KB,269x284,269:284,cat.jpg)


Correct, obsessing over pets is degenerate. That includes obsessing over dogs and their particular flavor of loyalty, which is in no way a substitute for the loyalty of an actual family member. People in this thread like to point out how their dogs are no substitute for family, but in the next instance compare the loyalty of dogs and women. It's amusing that you cannot see that you are using the primitive loyalty of a dog as a substitute for the loyalty of what you actually want: a son. In times of crisis, a dog cannot support you financially; a dog cannot drive you to the hospital, or help keep you fed. Loyalty between family members and close friends is the only real loyalty in this world, and even that loyalty is frequently tested.

Why use a species so over-bred that its aesthetic qualities are severely compromised (there are very many extremely ugly dogs) as some sort of symbol for the west? Using pets, which are by definition dependent and tame, as symbols is a mistake. Wild animals, such as wolves are a much better option in that regard.

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Enjoy dogs now, because when western civilization falls, they will go when whites go.

sorry for the blackpill

I'm depressed as fuck

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The lion and the dragon are the wests traditional symbols.

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We don't care what Jews think of us though.

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ok, who got


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>Only modern females like dogs, being feelers as apposed to thinkers, they see the "smiles" the dogs make, they see the "fluffyness" of the feces-covered matted fur, and they feel loved when the beast tries to expunge body heat from them. They only see the illusions of positive traits which override their ability to rationalize that dogs are fucking trash. Men who like dogs are by all means feminized themselves.

Indeed. This is why the dog owners in this thread are so pissed, because they know this to be true. Women like dogs for the same reason they like "refugees". In their mind, it is something weak to take care of. Everyday, walking down the street, I can observe that most people who walk their dogs are either women or ugly, fat, feminized men with estrogen body.

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File: 4b4f93afc819cef⋯.png (166.9 KB,500x353,500:353,522c68a09e3a6cc67fc1824dda….png)

Dog haters point out that:

>Medium to large dogs have the carbon footprint of an SUV

>Many dogs can bark at 100 decibels or greater (for reference a jackhammer is 110)

>Dogs contribute to noise pollution more than any other animal or anything else period

>Dogs attack small children unprovoked

>Dogs will bark at literally nothing for hours straight

>Dogs wreak havoc on any environment they inhabit

>Dogs are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths per year, are the third most deadly animal only behind snakes and mosquitoes

>Even dogs who have been pampered and raised in a loving home sometimes attack people (mostly children) unprovoked

>Dogs are retarded, eat their own shit, eat various inedible items and throw them up

>Needy and emotional, serving as a replacement for children that liberalized women refuse to have or raise properly

Dog owners:

>I don't have any counterpoints to that but here's a picture of le coot doggo not actively mauling anything. What kind of monster would hate such loyal, majestic creatures?

>sand nigger

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File: f19b42399ad9a27⋯.jpg (14.54 KB,401x227,401:227,dog1.jpg)

File: 3f1d4b9a5f439cd⋯.jpg (106.97 KB,806x1041,806:1041,dog2.jpg)

File: 10338890101de21⋯.jpg (110.21 KB,1024x640,8:5,dog3.jpg)

File: 93d82a93dc0d4df⋯.jpg (834.59 KB,1000x667,1000:667,dog4.jpg)


Dogs were domesticated in Europe and were a companion to our people for centuries, shepareds, farmers, nobility, they all seem to have had their own dogs and bonding with them in a very intimate, unique way.

This is in stark contrast to how dogs are treated in the rest of the world i.e shitholes; they are tortured, eaten and abused, it is just another expression of how non whites are unable of human cognition and lack any emotional development.

Dogs are the white mans pet and yes you are a shitskin, chink, gook, nigger and wetback if you hate dogs.

Before you start shilling again, Hitler loved dogs and there are several images of doggos accompanying Wehrmacht soldiers while the (((Soviets))) strapped bombs on them.

I know its tough that a German Shepard is more intelligent than you, but dont worry about it, we will free you of your pain, fucking shitskin shill.

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Dogs are fine, but dog owners are becoming much worse. Dogs and cats have an actual purpose but they're never used for that anymore, or very rarely. Too many pet owners are becoming niggers

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File: cb3e5ec81adc941⋯.jpg (448.16 KB,690x1181,690:1181,dog5.jpg)

File: a3d7b1a00ce7279⋯.jpg (372.27 KB,1536x2048,3:4,dog6.jpg)

File: 8111bfb3569d6b3⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,223x300,223:300,dog7.jpg)

File: 581ebbe588e4309⋯.png (233.54 KB,604x391,604:391,dog8.png)


Hey Pajeet, maybe dogs could help you clean the shit from you streets, if only you werent to stupid to train them.

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File: d377d0c4de5cd03⋯.jpg (254.33 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,dog9.jpg)

File: 3e68fa2cbd5c22f⋯.jpg (156.58 KB,500x664,125:166,dog10.jpg)

File: 8a8417d8cda8d66⋯.jpg (41.93 KB,405x500,81:100,dog11.jpg)

File: 08eb4cf22405a9f⋯.jpg (2.93 MB,2592x3888,2:3,dog12.jpg)


Ooga booga, canz I eat that? I am too stupid for agriculture so theres a famine again :(((((((((((

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>Medium to large dogs have the carbon footprint of an SUV

muh climate change, muh carbon footprint


>Many dogs can bark at 100 decibels or greater (for reference a jackhammer is 110)

>Dogs contribute to noise pollution more than any other animal or anything else period

Oh I am so sorry its too loud for you, you fucking degenerated pussy.

>Dogs attack small children unprovoked

Nigger dogs with stupid shitskin owners do.

>Dogs will bark at literally nothing for hours straight

They bark at your stench, start cleaning yourself nigger.

>Dogs wreak havoc on any environment they inhabit

Yeah its dogs who trash entire continents and oceans, not chinks, pajeets and niggers.

>Dogs are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths per year, are the third most deadly animal only behind snakes and mosquitoes

Based, slaughter the sheep.

>Even dogs who have been pampered and raised in a loving home sometimes attack people (mostly children) unprovoked

Just keep making shit up, besides, as I said, a bit of natural selection is a good thing.

>(((mostly children)))


>Dogs are retarded, eat their own shit, eat various inedible items and throw them up

Like you could distinguish edible berries from poison or edible mushrooms from poisonous ones, but unlike you, dogs learn.

>Needy and emotional, serving as a replacement for children that liberalized women refuse to have or raise properly

Thats an issue with owners you moron.

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Wymyn don't have loyalty, it's because of betacucks like you that the west is in danger.

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>all dogs are pitbulls

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File: a59af4cf2c1d5b7⋯.jpg (28.73 KB,460x397,460:397,aaa.jpg)


Dogs can be trained not to bark, just most people who keep their dogs in the yard don't give a fuck. Most dog owners actually don't do anything more except feeding and sometimes walking them.

Also, could any of you recommend a good training manual for dogs?

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What was in this post and why was it deleted?

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>Jewish tradition does not expressly prohibit the keeping of dogs as pets

Congratulations on finding this example of judaism. It does in fact.


<Examples of non-kosher animals include pigs, rabbits, squirrels, bears, dogs, cats, camels and horses.

Dogs are specifically not kosher and a jew is not supposed to have anything to do with them.

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Guy assraping a german shepherd taped to a table on it's back as the poor thing screamed and cried.

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File: b9608a6413cba30⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1632x3046,816:1523,Snapchat-1260602634.jpg)


Come on brother. Get another dog, you deserve it. You've mourned enough, get a nice Bordercollie or Aussie and exercise with it, teach it to catch frisbees as it's "job" and you will have an easy to exercise, smart and loyal animal.

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File: 003d08279ba1f2c⋯.jpg (427.16 KB,890x1200,89:120,e0fb004171ca0cea353eb2f3bf….jpg)


Double post buttfuckit. Parvo is a bitch, I've had two puppies catch it because I live in a shitty town where nobody has any social responsibility and let their parvo infected dogs shit wherever. The dehydration is what kills them. I was lucky enough to save both puppies that caught it, although one was a very near miss. It cost about $200 per dog for the meds and vet visits and I had to take a day off work for one of them because I was newly single at the time. If you are dedicated and have the time and resources it's absolutely possible to save a dog from it. But it is very tasking and I was told it's a 50/50 thing. It isn't your fault that your dog died, but make sure you take that experience and learn from it.

Now that I've taken the time to actually read through the thread I have one more thing to add. You don't have to be a dog person, you don't even have to like dogs. But if you fail to see their utility and refuse to acknowledge their admirable traits (loyalty, obedience) you might need to do some self reflection. It is entirely possible you might be a nigger.

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(You) are my favourite. Please post more dogs smirking. Or some blurry shitheads smirking. When is the next shooting?

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File: 93a9371ee332802⋯.png (268.36 KB,558x414,31:23,93a9371ee332802fa7c4bd32aa….png)


Some other fag ripped you apart already so I won't take the time to further rebutt you're retarded stream of hyperbolic bullshit, but I want you to know that making broad statements like this make you look like an idiot to anyone who has met even a single example that is counter to your argument. Even if I wasn't a responsible dog owner personally, I know plenty of people who are. My border collie does agility, can chase down and catch a frisbee at 50+ yards, isn't gun shy and waits for my say before he approaches the latest qt who wants to pet my boy. He doesn't bark without good reason, he has never so much as growled at a human. He plays with my 3 year old neice, lets her pull his ears and tail and doesnt so much and yipe. He isn't a replacement for my future children, he's an asset to my household and my neighborhood. He keeps the stray cats from pissing on my garage, he keeps me company on my 6 mile ruck's everyweekend and breaks the ice between my neighbors and I. I'm a tall, muscular angry young white man with a 'hitler youth" haircut and tattoos from his previous life as a degnerate and wayward youth. It's not easy for me to communicate with normal, uninitiated folk. My dog eliminates that and since moving into this neighborhood nearly all of my neighbors (the entire block around) have stopped by while I was exercising him to compliment him. Now I know most of my neighbors by name and house (except the nigger "family" on the corner but fuck them and their broken down Bonneville), and am confident I could call on them for small favors if the need every arises. This was a long as tangent but fuck me this cat piss smelling manlet really got under my skin.

TL;DR: My dogs a good boy and you are probably a nigger. Not everyone deserves a dog but those of us that do appreciate them and utilize them.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cow is good for one thing only.

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Dog lovers = zoophiles.

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Cows are pretty smart, actually. They know what an (((slaughterhouse))) is.

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I've watched a lot of those videos. Even black dogs are better at pleasuring white women.

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Dire wolf is a an extinct species of physically massive wolf

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More dog owners should be like you.

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File: c83873f4cf4676d⋯.jpeg (52.86 KB,500x620,25:31,8A34401D-195B-4DF8-BB86-2….jpeg)


I’m going to assume Hitler was a better man than you are. Hitler loved dogs. Fuck off.

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File: b5f69706c78304e⋯.gif (103.73 KB,680x1065,136:213,2003-01-20_Hitler_Dogs.gif)


Weak bait. Not even going to click your video, shitskin.

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Sad but true

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>hates on dogs

>unironically posts an image of a commie

kys faggot

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I know, right?

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Dogs are cool and all but there's better animals

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“Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect – the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours – and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.”

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What if you never got to?

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File: dafee0895d95503⋯.png (3.99 KB,620x465,4:3,Doggo Colours.png)

Try these colours with your doggo. May be useful for training. They cannot recognize faggot rainbow flag, neither should you.

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File: fb07ccf8adf864e⋯.png (537.59 KB,468x680,117:170,gute kameraden.png)


Occidental breeds for Occidental citizens only. I really can't stand seeing these weird negroidic and atzatlan red people having contact with our bestiary. It is appalling how these intrusive racial sub-species use our own animals to emotionally wedge their way into western society. The idea that all mozlen intruders are against dogs is foolhardy. They are against our dogs being in the service of our people. There are mozlen dog trainer start up companies in invaded white nations, training attack dogs on the cultural subversion down low. How can we keep brownvaders and negroidia off our doggos? Our animal investiture is ours, not theirs at any price.

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File: 870df0fb3ce21b0⋯.png (5.74 KB,600x474,100:79,1523827558391.png)

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File: a803c89241b0daa⋯.png (753.37 KB,768x599,768:599,Dutch Shepherd.png)

Dutch Shepherd can and will solve for JQ.

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>so much better than the hassle of children!

Dogs are meant to complement the structure of your family, not be a substitute. I'll grant you that there are far too many whites who do what you're saying though.


Generally speaking, yes. Muslims in particular don't like dogs, but they will generationally acclimatize to them if they don't get kicked out of the west (God willing that they are).


Beyond retarded. Leftoids are the ones who make up the entire "dogmom/animal parent" demographics. They'll never kill their substitutes for children.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes anon, yes; you read as brainwashed or possibly high on liberal narcotics. Recommend Italian movie, "Dogman" (2018).

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i’m so sorry for your loss, op.

my dog is one of my only sources of joy these days. the world is dark, but dogs love so honestly and so unconditionally. i know your post calls women out for being irresponsible, but for what it’s worth, i would do anything to keep my dog safe, i would pay any price, and i will do the same for my children some day. all hope is not lost.

my mother never takes her dog to the vet and it fucking infuriates me. it says a lot about a person’s character that they can bring a living being into their lives on a whim and write it off the second it becomes inconvenient for them. people like that should not have pets or kids.

as hard has it may seem right now, getting a puppy might really help you cope.

best of luck to you, friend.

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this is an excellent reply. you sound like a fantastic dog owner. a dog is not a replacement for human interaction, but a well-trained dog is a wonderful addition to a family dynamic. kudos to you for taking the time with your pet.

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It's natural to feel like you're betraying your dog if you're going to get another one after its death.

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The dog is subservient, loyal and unthinking. It is only a symbol of us being tame.

The boar has always been our symbol, and it should be so again.

The boar in the wild is a ferocious beast that have laid down many good men, it is known to attack and never give up and most importantly it is not tame, it is not a slave.

You be a lowly dog with a master, but I am a boar and I will be free.

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File: 05cc8715a76d1e3⋯.jpg (99.22 KB,900x600,3:2,aristotle.jpg)


every man needs at least 1 good doggo at some point in his life. My family crest has a dog on top of the helmet which I always thought was kind of lame. As I've gotten older I've come to understand it as being direct. Dogs growl at shit they don't like, they bite things that attempt to harm them, the stick to their family.

Inaction is poison to a man's mind, and your worst instances of inaction will haunt you for the rest of your life. Do not let it demoralize you though, anon. Use it as the motivation to avoid cases like that in the future. You won't always get it right. I suggest giving yourself a mantra to repeat to yourself such as "I do not stand by in the face of __" (fill in your own blank.) Or "I do not watch as _ happens"

This has worked for me, and I went from passively watching others dictating my life to having a company a house a wife and children.

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File: ba8dafc92a5b433⋯.png (82.07 KB,489x303,163:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 434fc75a43b76eb⋯.png (128.56 KB,1202x810,601:405,rk.png)

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