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 No.12783936 [Last50 Posts]



To put it briefly: Ethnic Russians were much less loyal to the Soviet regime in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have believed up to now.

This is the story told by UiO researcher Johannes Due Enstad, who has recently published a book about the German occupation of Northwest Russia during World War 2.

But why did so many Russians show such a benevolent attitude towards the occupation force?

“Stalin had failed to generate a strong bond of faith between the Russian peasants and the regime. On the contrary, he was much hated by many peasants who had seen their lives go from bad to worse because of the collective farming the regime had implemented with great brutality,” Enstad explains.

From 1929 onwards, the farmers were forced into collective farms – kolkhozes – often under slave-like conditions. Kulaks – affluent farmers – should be eliminated as a social class, according to Stalinist ideology. This policy also hit hard in Northwest Russia.

In 1937-1938 the “Great Terror” arrived, where Stalin, in an unbelievably brutal fashion, acted to get rid of all who might be thought of or imagined as opponents of the regime. Given such a backdrop, it is possible to understand why so many Russians put their trust in the Germans.

One good example is a letter written to “Der Führer” by the inhabitants of three small villages in the autumn of 1941: “We give our most sincere thanks for liberating us from Stalin’s lackeys and collective farms. On the 10th of July the German Armed Forces – your Wehrmacht – freed us from the yoke of the dammed communists, the political leaders and the Stalinist government. […] We will fight against the communists together with your troops. We give thanks to the German Army for our liberty […] and ask that this message is delivered to our liberator Adolf Hitler.”

When the Red Army and the party apparatus fled from Northwest Russia, the farmers claimed their rights and dissolved the collective farms. Further south, in the fertile black earth region, the Germans maintained the collectives, so as to stay in control of the rich crops. In the North West region, where the earth was less fertile, they accepted the dissolution and introduced a “semi-private” agriculture. According to Enstad, this German agricultural policy was the main reason why the positive attitude to the occupants lasted as long as it did.

Another reason for the relative popularity of the occupiers was their policy on religion. They re-opened the churches the Soviet regime had closed, something which caused something close to a religious renaissance for the Russian

He says that many priests openly supported the occupants and prayed for a German victory in their sermons. “At the same time this acted as a double-edged sword for the Germans. Opening the churches led to increasing Russian nationalism and a growing feeling that the Russians should not live under the rule of strangers,” he says.

Enstad’s sources are in the main first-hand sources collected from German and Russian state archives. German and Russian reports gave a totally opposite picture of the mood of the population, however, in Enstad’s opinion, there are good reasons to believe that the German sources were closer to the truth.


Beginning in 1917 it was common for Russians to associate Jews with the revolution (Werth 1999, 86). Even after the German invasion in 1941, it was common for many Russians to hope for German victory to rid the country of 'Jews and Bolsheviks' – until the brutality of the invaders became apparent (Werth 1999, 215).


German Soldiers as Witnesses against Bolshevism


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Hitler would've slaughtered those russian monkeys, fuckoff our board nazi boy

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Former aristocracy etc, they don't count.

"many", so like at least three people?

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Look at all these kikes.

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didn't we just have this thread?

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>heavy shill action

thanks OP, keep going

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There were niggers who wished never to be forcibly freed by Lincoln and his butchers, I'm sure there were plenty of Russians who would have preferred risking possible abuse under Germany to certain abuse under the USSR.

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Dude, you've done this thread 100 times here. I know from family that the Lithuanians began settling scores with the Jews as soon as the Germans rolled in. And people were cheering as it was happening.

Solzhenitsyn (I fucking hate Juden Peterstein for ruining him now for the hard right) talks about this extensively– when the Germans had to leave in retreat, many of their Russian girlfriends lined up to watch them leave and cried. Also, the story of the Vlasov men.

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>Hitler would've slaughtered those russian monkeys

You have not idea with you're talking about. He didn't see them on name level as Germans, but nowhere near like the Jews. he essentially saw them as under Jewish captivity. As far as movies like "the Untermeschen," you have to convince your soldiers to point their guns in the right direction. Same reason in WW 1, the Brits at i 5 made up stories about Germans smashing babies in Belgium and skewering them on bayonets.

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All posts allowed to remain up.

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Hitler's biggest mistake was being brutal to the Slavs he liberated.

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>(((first reply)

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Of course it's good to have a nuanced view of the the Third Reich and ww2, but what you're claiming is ridiculous. Maybe few Russians supported Hitler at the beginning of the war, but do you really think the besieged civilians of Leningrad liked Hitler while the Wehrmacht was shelling civilian targets for 2 years straight?

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Army of foreign nationals comes marching through your streets with guns and suddenly politics don't matter. The average soldier of the Red Army was apolitical and fighting to defend their homeland.

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Well questioning the Holocaust is illegal in Russia and "The Book of Veles", which Himmler's Ahnenerbe acquired in Belgium from a White Russian Colonel, is now banned in Russia, even the use of a single sentence from the Birth Book. For the Russians sake I hope Himmler kept the original safe somewhere, for all we have is hastily translated text. If the original is ever found again, like how it was by the White Russian Colonel fleeing the Communist triumph, it must be protected for the jews can't allow its contents to stand.

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>The average soldier of the Red Army was apolitical and fighting to defend their homeland.

The Average person who was a christian who was being forced to fight by bolsheviks. The human waves, and human mine removers were Christians were forced to do that.

The made them do all of that instead of sending them to work to death in the gulags.

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There’s a jewy dot on the Jew radar!!!

Oh hi you little lying иудей.

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The S.S. Sturmbrigade R.O.N.A. lead by the Half-German half Polish/Belarusian leader Bronislav Kaminski was heavily involved in the region of Bryansk in Russia. Really there were plenty of pissed off Russians who wanted to cooperate with Germany. Goebbels was a big fan of it, but Himmler was the main one who wanted to wipe the Russians out. As for Hitler, I think he had mixed opinions on Russia.

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Bump for knowledge.

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Der Untermensch is a book, which consists of stories about Eastern Europeans - slavs, balts, romanians, etc - being oppressed and threatened by communist thugs (the titular untermenschen).

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Bismark wisely saw that the Russians should always be kept as allies and closely attended to. This policy was immensely successful for Germany.

Kaiser Wilhelm II foolishly dismissed Bismark, the greatest statesman of the age and decided that Russia should be rejected and treated openly as an enemy whose destruction was desireable.

Hitler continued this idiotic policy and it lost him the war and probably destroyed Germany and Europe for ever.

How much easier would it have been to raise up the cross of Christ and hand out guns and panzerfausts and ammo and artillery and tanks to the rebellious Russians and Ukranians and then give them training in modern warfare?

He would have overthrown Stalin without losing any troops, and then he could have turned his undivided attention to eliminating the jew fortress of Britain with its global financial slave empire capital in the Ancient City of London.

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>russia ww2



>a legit fucking mad man.

>nationalizing the banks

>whole world declares war.

No anon what cost hitler that war was playing hero and sparing the anglos left and right they can reason which came to bite his ass.

Hitler was winning till the u.s got invovled added with the fact with the combined effort of some people wanting to side with hitler.

But our government was pozzed as well.

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>thinks that cost him war.

I tend to criticize hitler in a lot of things during war but that is not one of them.

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Is this a bot? Seen this exact same post on another thread.

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Even the neo-cohen think tanks report this



One day in early July 1941, a handwritten, anonymous letter was thrown onto the back of a truck carrying German troops into the depths of northwestern Russia. The soldiers were part of Hitler’s invasion force, which had attacked the Soviet Union a few weeks before. The letter was later translated into German and attached to a military intelligence report which ended up in Germany’s Federal Archives in Freiburg. It reads:

We salute the whole German people and their Führer. We salute the freedom that has returned to us […] We salute the heroes and inform you that we have expected you with great joy. You have freed us from destitution and Communism. We await your orders and will follow them in friendship. We women salute the whole German people, who have liberated us working peasants.

Half a year later, in December 1941, another letter reached a German field office, signed by the Anisimovs, a family from the village of Mezhnik (220 miles northwest of Moscow):

To the Leader of the Great-German People, Mr. Adolf Hitler

[…] We express great gratitude for the fact that the Great-German troops since 15 September 1941 have liberated us from the Bolshevik yoke and the accursed Comunist [sic] regime that has ruled over the Russian people for 24 years and we wish Mr. Adolf Hitler good luck in your future work.

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Do you have that copy? Unfortunately, Himmler's library was supposedly found recently, meaning that most of it's contents are in Jewish hands now.

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When was this?

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Filth nazi, this is why so many slavs fucking raped poor german women.

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>Hitler continued this idiotic policy and it lost him the war and probably destroyed Germany and Europe for ever.

That's not true. Hitler had a pact with Russia to develop secret arms. It wasn't Hitler who broke his promises, that was Stalin

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>Hitler continued this idiotic policy and it lost him the war and probably destroyed Germany and Europe for ever.


Stalin was amassing a gigantic Army at the border of Europe and constructed 20000 tanks. Hitler discussed this with mannerheim, hear the conversation on YouTube. Also, Hitler reopened the churches and technically did raise the "cross of Christ" for the Russians. See general vlasov. See how the first mission for the first German met was in the Caucasus from a Russian legion, bearing the symbol of the tsar

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>Also, Hitler reopened the churches and technically did raise the "cross of Christ" for the Russians

Not entirely related, but interesting nonetheless: Hitler was also appointed the "High Protector of the Holy Mountain" by the Orthodox monks of Mount Athos, the largest orthodox monastery.

>A common belief of Athonite monks during the 30s, as conveyed in various publications by pilgrims of that era was:

“You know Germany is going to become Orthodox very soon. The Holy Fathers have prophesied it. It is said that there is now a great king ruling in Germany, who slaughters all the Jews and Bolsheviks. We love him for that. It is the beginning of the prophecy.”

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Slightly related, but do we have a collection somewhere of hard evidence of jewish manipulation of the British (and American) government into war with Germany? Chamberlain was willing to appease Hitler, after all. I need sources on how jews were directly responsible for the change. And specifically regarding the US government, do we have hard evidence of FDR's genealogy to know whether he was actually a jew, and how that, if at all, affected US entry? After all, "Rosevelt" was a jewish surname at one time.

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Youe insults are not effective schlomo.

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Sorry your view is badly skewed. The Germans were done by the end of the first year into Russia. They were already beaten by the time the US hit the Normandy beach head.

You don't seem to understand my arguments. The Germans helped put the commies in power so that they could make Russia drop out of WWI and then turn all their forces against the west front. How do you think Lenin went from Zurich to Russia in a sealed train car?

Hitler could have beaten Stalin without one German casualty. All he had to do was raise up the Ukranian and Russian christians against the jew bolshevik scum.

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Hitler never had a pact with Russia. He had a pact with the USSR. Big big difference.

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Good shit, OP. Keep it up.

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No shit, Sherlock. Haven’t you read the Gulag Archipelago?

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The reason germany lost was because of the involvement of the u.s.a and with lend lease.

But try explain your plan and how it would work.

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A similar thread recently, what about it?

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>being brutal

Bullshit. They weren't. Unless your definition of brutal is opening religious services again and rebuilding and feeding towns.

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Oy vey, you're caught Moishe.

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>All posts allowed to remain up.

The kike shills all sound like teenage girls, I just read a few words and then the filter goes on.

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>Bismark wisely saw that the Russians should always be kept as allies and closely attended to.

Another great leader has that policy. The kikes can't stand that the majority of people who BELONG here (not 'travellers') support him too.

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>Hitler never had a pact with Russia. He had a pact with the USSR

Russia was the USSR since 1922

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So it wasn't Russia, got it.

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>…in reality did Chamberlain multiply the British military budget. In fact Britain prepared for the next war in Europe already in the late 1920's when there was no Hitler.

What of the House of Windsor being sympathetic?

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>wants to keep Russia as allies

>puts heavy sanctions on the country and arms opposing countries of Russia such as Poland or Ukraine

really makes you think

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To be fair.

The British opposed the final terms of the treaty of Versailles. Considering them a guarantee of another war.

So no shock they were preparing in earnest for the next war.

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trumpkike just dissed Iran again, retard.

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My grandfather told me that the French weren't happy to see American soldiers (him). The US soldiers were confused.

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>hear the conversation on YouTube

Fuck that, its current year +4.

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>Responding to 1 post by this id shills.

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>(((German invasion in 1941)))

It's called an preemptive strike.


>Himmler was the main one who wanted to wipe the Russians out.

He had to much political saying. He should have kept playing archaeologist ….


>34.000 tanks destroyed

This is crazy shit, totally crazy shit…


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Problem the UK had was churchill really.

He'd only been able to seize power because he had the backing of the banks, industrialists, etc along with a sworn statement of loyalty and obedience from the leader of the opposition party.

But he only had those if there was war.

Britain was essentially in or on the verge of war so the Tory party leadership were stuck in a position where they couldn't deny the value of letting churchill have his way because it would mean theywouldn't face Labour trying to start a communist revolution during a war and wouldn't be facing any bitching from the banks or industrialists.

But because his backing came with the precondition of total war against Germany no matter the cost. It limited what could be done to end the war.

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Meanwhile in occupied France

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trumptards btfo

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This is known. Or rather, should be known because if people were aware of that, they'd have to rethink history.

The October Revolution in the first place was funded by US (((bankers))), without them the Reds would've been nothing more than a bunch of brigands and the Whites would have won. And then during WW2 the USSR had to be propped up by the US, without that massive help Stalin would've just ended up in the history books as another madman.

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Wer plündert wird erschossen!

Plunderers will be shot!

Yeah we Germans are very disciplined and very harsh when it's about breaking the rules

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Adolf Hitler's Speech On Operation Barbarossa. October 3rd 1941.


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lol, what the fuck are you even talking about?

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File: 88a26e40b4bcf05⋯.gif (199.49 KB,300x300,1:1,300px-Jewdarscope.gif)



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>Konrad Heiden

Man reading this guys wiki is fucking lulz worthy. Proving once more the slippery jew meme and how they'll stay all the way until the final second when disaster hits to milk the host nation for whatever he deems worthy. Half his biography is about him fleeing.

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Any more info on occupied France. Particularly the French attitude?

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A collage of them.

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>"Liberate" Russia by killing millions of slavs at Minsk, Odessa, Kiev, St Petersburg, Warsaw, etc.

What did OP mean by this?

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^ Weak bait

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It means in order to free the world from international jewry we must kills all the milions of jews, and yes, that includes their golems, that prop up the system that they use to enslave us.

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You first have to get a capacity for literacy above a third grade reading level. Slavs THOUGHT Hitler would save their asses, unfortunately for them, Hitler believed they were a plague on the European ethos. Had more of a distinct disliking of the Slav more than he could have for Arabs or the Negro, in fact he liked the Arabs and the Turks.

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>Hitler believed they were a plague on the European ethos.

That's an outright lie. He thought that of the Soviet system

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File: 3a1fee0df4dd96f⋯.jpeg (219.51 KB,800x607,800:607,xcgyj .jpeg)

Just . . . just stop . . . the salt . . . the kosher salt . . . its too much . . .

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No really. The kosher salt itt is too much.

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The Soviet Union, whatever it's fault, was the instrument of Slavic dominance and that's why Hitler hated it and wanted to attack it.

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No, hitler didn't hate Slavs, you fucking kike.

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It is a war of ideologies and struggle races. On one side stands National Socialism: ideology, founded on the values of our Germanic, Nordic blood. It is worth the world as we want to see: beautiful, orderly, fair, socially, a world that may be, still suffers some flaws, but overall a happy, beautiful world filled with culture, which is precisely Germany. On the other side stands the 180 millionth people, a mixture of races and peoples, whose names are unpronounceable, and whose physical nature is such that the only thing that they can do - is to shoot without pity or mercy. These animals, which are subjected to torture and ill-treatment of each prisoner from our side, which do not have medical care they captured our wounded, as do the decent men, you will see them for yourself. These people have joined a Jewish religion, one ideology, called Bolshevism, with the task of: having now Russian, half [located] in Asia, parts of Europe, crush Germany and the world. When you, my friends, are fighting in the East, you keep that same fight against the same subhumans, against the same inferior races that once appeared under the name of Huns, and later - 1,000 years ago during the time of King Henry and Otto I, - the name of the Hungarians, and later under the name of Tatars, and then they came again under the name of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Today they are called Russian under the political banner of Bolshevism.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order.

Himmler's quotes on Slavs, and given how close Himmler was to Hitler there's no doubt that they were of like mind.

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File: e5b01d4f79f1455⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,4000x2700,40:27,Aryan.JPG)

File: 9e4e871f43c7060⋯.png (396.14 KB,824x728,103:91,aryan 2.png)


Okay, no, you were proven wrong. Hitler didn't hate Slavs and the Soviet Union wasn't slavic. It was jewish. Kill yourself.

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>leader of your elite paramilitary/security order openly states that Slavs are subhumans and should be exterminated/brutally ruled over by Germans

>totally didn't hate Slavs

You're delusional, any right thinking Slav needs to see Hitler and the reich as being enemies of their people and their defeat as a good thing.

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Okay, you were proven wrong. Keep repeating things that you are literally lying about. It's over. You failed. Your jewish narrative doesn't work here.

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Sorry bud but Hitler was retarded and that's why he started the worst European war in history and essentially doomed his people to extinction.

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Oy vey its your fault youre getting genocided goy!

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File: 54ea408e229982f⋯.gif (20.15 KB,225x528,75:176,themagiciian.gif)


Chamber Of Light

Come Ascend with us!

No leftist liberals, transgenders and genderneutrals allowed. We are looking for men/woman with faith and principles


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"In future, Southern Russia must turn its face towards Europe. Its food surpluses, however, will only be paid for if it purchases its industrial consumer goods from Germany, of Europe. Russian competition from the forest zone must therefore be abolished. It follows from all that has been said that the German administration in these territories may well attempt to mitigate the consequences of the famine which undoubtedly will take place, and to accelerate the return to primitive agricultural conditions. An attempt might be made to intensify cultivation in these areas by expanding the acreage under potatoes or other important food crops giving a high yield. However, these measures will not avert famine. Many tens of millions of people in this area will become redundant and will either die or have to emigrate to Siberia. Any attempt to save the population there from death by starvation by importing surpluses from the black soil zone would be at the expense of supplies to Europe. It would reduce Germany's staying power in the war, an would undermine Germany's and Europe's power to resist the blockade. This must be clearly and absolutely understood. The manufacturing industries in Belgium and France are much more important for Germany and the German war effort than those in Russia. It is therefore much more essential to safeguard food supplies to those countries through surpluses from the East than to make an ambitious attempt to preserve Russian industry in the food-consuming zone. One must always bear in mind that the Great Russian people, whether under Tsarism or Bolshevism, is always an irreconcilable enemy not only of Germany, but also of Europe."

More like don't try to genocide your fellow Europeans if you don't want to get genocided yourself.

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This page has plenty of primary sources of the reich's intention of cultural, if not outright physical, genocide of the Slavic peoples feel free to go through all of it if you want proof.

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File: 6ec34eee5b68463⋯.pdf (605.45 KB,What The World Rejected - ….pdf)


>he started

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>m-muh table talks!

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Seems legit…

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File: 3d4ced79253398c⋯.webm (12.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,The Einsatzgruppen in the….webm)


There were hundreds of thousands of Eastern European volunteers in their forces during the war.


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File: 66ef09fd8372672⋯.png (437.82 KB,1000x728,125:91,ClipboardImage.png)


>Siding with Hitler or Stalin

<not siding with the future Chad Finnish empire

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File: 2d041a50cf5266c⋯.jpg (66.18 KB,640x960,2:3,bfe125a2-7ea0-4c41-8d0f-07….jpg)

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File: 77f73b124d4d28a⋯.jpg (37.52 KB,459x604,459:604,d649f662-923c-4c11-a384-53….jpg)

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You know this is an effective topic because it js already getting shilled to shit. I think it's because the nigger faggots who love communism that come here daily have all subscribed to this weird idea that everyone in the USSR was a foaming at the mouth Commie. Opposed to half starved labourer terrified of said Commies. It's hilarious that they still find the truth so shocking when even they can't deny the horrific and violent oppression of the Stalin regime.

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190 degree trick or misdirection

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File: 7c30db775433135⋯.jpg (1.51 MB,4000x2700,40:27,NAzies called slavs sub hu….jpg)


Nice try rabbie

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File: 14fcf5bb5f6d1a3⋯.jpg (257.72 KB,800x1631,800:1631,800px-Lemberg280443.jpg)

File: b1a98e720889f5b⋯.jpeg (174.43 KB,1056x702,176:117,e183c4aa5383168662f611094….jpeg)

I mean no shit. Any sane person would choose NatSoc over Communism.

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File: d4276f7fc64457c⋯.pdf (3.35 MB,Behind Communism by Frank ….pdf)

File: e2b181602e9d96f⋯.jpg (128.11 KB,554x868,277:434,Behind Communism by Frank ….jpg)



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doing this for (you) and for free

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Anyone who prefers the truth would go for natsoc

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Bump for newfags.

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File: 32e99bb28fd4094⋯.jpg (801.24 KB,800x989,800:989,top-text-joesef.jpg)

All this stalin hate is propaganda

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50 iq post

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Russia has banned 8ch but not 4ch. … Russia also endorsed Stalin in schools now as a superhero. The people of Russia loves Stalin more than in two decades. I lost all hope in Russia. ffs.

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This world is literally going into pure hell mode like the days in early Soviet. At least Europe and America. Slowly but steady. Prepare people.

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Right… One more retarded thread about how Hitler, Himmler and co loved the Russians. Thry loved them so much that they even decided to make a whole plan for them, named Generalplan Ost, based on the principle of Lebensraum.

But of course, our resident Hitler apologist will never mention how the Russians were supposed to be treated after the end of the war and what was going to happen to them and their land, he will only post retarded stories about some traitors who were led by their hate for Staln or commies in general, or by their greed, or by their sense of self-preservation to become traitors and hope for their own people to lose or to even fight them.

Remember, you can never trust the promises of the invaders in regards to how they are going to treat you after they defeat you completely. Treating the enemy populace decently (or at least pretending to in public) until you defeat them is a good way to prevent uprisings, partisans, and even to make some of them fight their own people. And upon complete defeat you can do with them what you want. It is not a new strategy and is being employed today by invading muslims to successfully placate the normies.

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A lot of people hated commies in Russia, even if privately, a lot people lost their family members or even their entire families as kulaks or because of some other persecution that commies initiated. All that doesn't mean that they would even think about surrendering to the nazis or hope for defeat of the commies in the war, simply because at the time there was no way that defeat of the commies didn't equal the defeat of Russia and it's people.

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File: 2a81c65c8b02d8b⋯.jpg (794.87 KB,1542x594,257:99,Generalplan Ost 'evidence'.jpg)



Useful idiot regurgitating lies.

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An important thread that's earned a bump.

Sure are a lot of pissed off shills tho, I think they're really getting nervous about how unironically popular NatSoc is becoming…










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Yh I am pretty sure getting torched, shot and bombed really made them like them

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Memoires of emigrants-officers of Russian Coprse/ROA/Cossacs enough. not for (((you)))

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Next time read the whole article, maybe you will understand that while the document itself was destroyed parts of proposals and opinions that directly discussed it before and after it's creation survived. That is how there is so many concrete information in the article.

And If you can read wikipedia, you surely can use google to find other sources and discussions like this one: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=96574

There is even a more advanced version of you retards there, trying to sell the idea that the genocide was an "unintentional" consequence. But he is properly refuted. The genocide would have happened intentionally, even if not for the ideological reasons, then for the practical, that is to generate wealth for the aryan people by eliminating "redundant" current "occupants" of the territory.

But I'm sure you'll ignore that too. Most of the attraction I see here to Hitler isn't rational, it is purely emotional. Whenever his or any other policies from german national-socialism apply to today's world, will they help to achieve victory, or will they help to unite whites in their fight with the invaders is no concern to you people. You just want to feel good while you Sieg Heil at the portret of your dead fuhrer and don a swastika armband, don't you?

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File: 396744e5bfc70a1⋯.jpg (88.46 KB,486x675,18:25,Rudolf Hess 01 (2).jpg)

File: d5086ec896a96be⋯.jpg (59.1 KB,517x469,517:469,Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler,….jpg)

File: 23f2a199e1cb882⋯.jpg (7.47 MB,1600x8922,800:4461,Rudolf Hess, Deputy Führer….jpg)

The Life and Death of Rudolf Hess, with Wolf Kempkins and Wolf-Rudiger Hess


Generally about the efforts for peace.

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No, really, it is pathetic. Do you see me creating a thread here saying how perfect Stalin was cause he won the war, how all his ideas are right and make sense, and that we all should embrace the commie dream? No, because I know what commies did to their own people and how many perished under Stalin's gulag system. So I don't hang his portrait on my wall and run around with a walrus moustache.

But you just can't live without your fuhrer, can you? He idol and should be always righteous, so in the year 2019 you go around justifying all of his shitty descisions and policies by inventing some arguments that don't hold up to basic scrutiny. "Some normie retards in 1941 were of such low intellect that they cheered for the downfall of their own country, so Hitler must be a saint".

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>Next time read the whole article, maybe you will understand that while the document itself was destroyed parts of proposals and opinions that directly discussed it before and after it's creation survived.

So, where are those?

>And If you can read wikipedia, you surely can use google to find other sources and discussions like this one: https://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=96574

Second and third hand opinions.

Even in those they talk about “polish territories to be incorporated in the Reich” without citing the actual document and what it really said.

That some parts of former poland would become German is no secret, that doesn’t support your grandiose genocide fantasies for all of eastern Europe.

As usual, this is again all about “how the nazis would have killed anyone that is not blond and blue eyed and you'd be speaking German now, Ali my son”, not about the actual conduct in liberated from communism Europe, were it is difficult to cover up the popular support the Germans enjoyed.

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File: 806f205b64088bb⋯.png (240.65 KB,440x458,220:229,806f205b64088bbbe951a562cc….png)






>Instant kike dogpiling

OP must be on to something.

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File: 271c867760f6db9⋯.webm (15.85 MB,569x320,569:320,the juden.webm)


>Do you see me creating a thread here saying how perfect Stalin was cause he won the war,

That would be hilarious.

>So I don't hang his portrait on my wall and run around with a walrus moustache, in public.


>But you just can't live without your fuhrer, can you?

Sure we can but he was undeniably great and correct in most things. Vishnu Hitler ftw.

>all of his shitty descisions and policies by inventing some arguments that don't hold up to basic scrutiny.

>Presents no arguments or shows any basic scrutiny.

It seems that you have not previously encountered people that don’t religiously presage everything they say in defence of Hitler, his decisions and National Socialism by apologising, that must be tough for you. If you want to present arguments do so just don’t expect everyone to climb aboard your 'Hitler Bad' approach, we quite like Hitler.

>"Some normie retards in 1941 were of such low intellect that they cheered for the downfall of their own country, so Hitler must be a saint".

Stop being so salty that part of your views are being challenged you colossal faggot.

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File: e413be605d51a48⋯.jpeg (101.86 KB,584x637,584:637,3480F6ED-7A7C-477B-A5D9-1….jpeg)

There’s plenty of recorded incidents where incompetent German commanders received brand new equipment only for it to remain in boxes and be captured by Russian partisans. It’s not too far fetched to think a bunch of communists dressed up as Germans went around annihilating villages to whip the people into action. Especially since the commies were already executing thousands of their own people for not liking communism


>First post every time

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>You're delusional, any right thinking Slav needs to see Hitler and the reich as being enemies of their people and their defeat as a good thing.

A jew like you fears the truth. Because the truth will end brothers wars, and all eyes will be upon you, and the crimes of your people.

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We need more groups like AJ creating vids like this. They were recently rounded up and arrested a few months ago.

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>So, where are those?

What? Most of the documents discussed are public domain.

Mid-1940 – Himmler’s First “Generalplan” as developed in the RKFDV. See Rolf-Dieter Mueller, Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik: Die Zusammenarbeit von Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und SS (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1991), pp. 130-138.

27 April 1942 – Summary by Dr. E. Wetzel of the Generalplan Ost developed in the RSHA. See Madajczyk, Generalny, pp. 82-110. A copy of this version of the GPO does not exist. Wetzel’s summary is the most comprehensive document on this version of the GPO that is available.

28 May 1942 (officially dated June 1942) – A later version of the GPO as developed in the RKFDV.

29 October 1942 – Final “General Settlement Plan” from the RKFDV. Concerns population transfers in occupied Poland and Bohemia and Moravia. See Mechthild Roessler and Sabine Schleiermacher, eds., Der “Generalplan Ost”: Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Planungs- und Vernichtungspolitik (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1993), pp. 96-117.

Further Reading

Gustavo Corni and Horst Gies, “Blut und Boden”: Rassenideologie und Agrarpolitik im Staat Hitlers (Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner Verlag, 1994). An extensive collection of documents and accompanying commentary on the development of Nazi agricultural policy based on the notions of “blood and soil” and Germany’s need for “living space,” both of which were central components of Nazi colonization plans in Eastern Europe.

Holger Herwig, “Geopolitik: Haushofer, Hitler and Lebensraum,” in The Journal of Strategic Studies (London: Frank Cass, 1999), pp. 218-241. The best brief discussion in English of the relationship between geopolitical thinker, Dr. Karl Haushofer and Adolf Hitler. Haushofer’s ideas on Germany’s need for “living space” in the east dramatically influenced Hitler’s thinking on the subject, thereby making the conquest of Lebensraum a primary goal of Nazi foreign policy.

Untill you read that axishistory thread till the end, where they specifically post quotes on Ukraine and Russia from an another discussion. I am not sure what do you want to talk about.

Additional reading materials:

Ihor Kamenetsky, Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe: A Study of Lebensraum Policies (New York: Bookman Associates, 1961).

Robert L. Koehl, RKFDV: German Resettlement and Population Policy 1939-1945 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957). The best English language history of the Reich Office for the Strengthening of Germandom.

Czesław Madajczyk, ed., Generalny Plan Wschodni: Zbiór dokumentów (Warszawa: Glówna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce, 1990). An indispensable primary source reader containing one hundred documents relevant to the GPO and Nazi population policies, including speeches, letters, reports, and maps.

Rolf-Dieter Mueller, Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik: Die Zusammenarbeit von Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und SS (Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1991). A combined monograph and documentary collection on the connections between Nazi Germany’s war in the east and the planned exploitation of the conquered territory. Mueller includes a section on the complicity of the German military in developing SS plans to reshape Eastern Europe.

Frank Parrella, “Lebensraum and Manifest Destiny: A Comparative Study in the Justification of Expansionism” (MA Thesis: Georgetown University, 1950). An adequate comparative treatment of the similarities and contrasts between the Lebensraum-based foreign policy of Nazi Germany and the American policy of Manifest Destiny. Relies too heavily on published secondary sources.

Henry Picker, Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier 1941-42 (Bonn: Athenäum Verlag, 1951). A valuable collection of secret conversations recorded in Hitler’s headquarters, during which the Nazi leader spoke about a wide variety of subjects, including German foreign policy, the war against the USSR, and Germanization efforts in Eastern Europe.

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>It seems that you have not previously encountered people that don’t religiously presage everything they say in defence of Hitler, his decisions and National Socialism by apologising, that must be tough for you. If you want to present arguments do so just don’t expect everyone to climb aboard your 'Hitler Bad' approach, we quite like Hitler.

Stop speaking for me, faggot. Nowhere did I imply that I want anyone to apologise for anything or to admit Hitler was "bad", whatever the fuck that means, what I do want is for fags to stop trying to push their pathetic agenda of Hitler's sainthood and infallibility and his awesome plan for the Russians. I personally don't care about dead people at all on emotional level, be it Stalin or Hitler, but just take this hard reality in: gaining any massive support from the slavs in the fight will be impossible while you continue to massively push Hitler as your prophet. We are not muslims, so stop with that shit.

I did make my arguments here:



All I got in response was a screenshot from jewpedia implying some jew conspiracy again and blatant denial.

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> They were recently rounded up and arrested a few months ago.

I just think they got shoad on jewtube, m8.


You have to admit, Hitlers mistakes were few: Trusting Musolini, giving the British government to many chances etc…

But there were many Russians that fought against the soviets on the NS side, why?

Thats where all the 'Hitler hates slavs and puts them in camps' came from as well as the execution of Russian deserters families etc… the soviet propaganda machine was effective, it still floating around i guess.

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File: b09838ab4ddca8b⋯.webm (10.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,POA Hymn - Idziemy szerok….webm)


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File: 60bab963dc55325⋯.png (79.69 KB,723x568,723:568,! Mein Kampf o….png)

File: 51b4e72baa9763c⋯.jpg (138.66 KB,1168x657,16:9,! Saviors of t….jpg)



Don't bother, anon.

People like this are obsessed with Hitler and see him almost as a religious figure in their National Socialist religion. He's their idol who dindu nuffin bad except lose.

They can't debunk Hitlers hatred of slavs or interprit Lebensraum as something other than colonisation and explotation of eastern europeans to point of mass starvation.

They will continue posting the volunteers like Vlasov that were formed in late 1943/1944 even tho gnerals like von Bock asked to do this in 1941 at the start of "Liberation", they will contine posting how shit and evil Soviet bolshevism was to russians, thinking it somehow justifies alternative that Hitler offered them (serfdom, hunger plan, deportation to frozen siberian death to make way for german colonials etc.)

What exactly do people expect would've happened to russian if Hitler won? What did he ment with Lebensraum? Liberating russians and giving them their own natsoc state? Doesn't this defeat whole purpose of Blut und Boden and Lebensraum?

The're fanatical and insulting their papa in such manner is not acceptable.

Sometimes i wonder if they even care about saving white race from kike degeneracy and not just over glorifying swastika and benevolent Hitler posting they saved in their beloved hard drive.

Hitler fucked up massively in the east, he fucked up strategically, he fucked up nationally and he fucked up in not using slavic aryans to liberate their nation forum bolshevik kikes.

But this is something St. Hitler can't do, he was saviour of White Germanic rasse…

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Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adolf Hitler’s Speech on Operation Barbarossa, 1941


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Wehrmacht did nothing wrong.

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File: cccbb4fa80469a3⋯.png (394.31 KB,869x2927,869:2927,treatment of people in the….png)



Complete extermination always sounded like every other exaggerated narrative to me. Moreso under the impression that the Slavs would've been among the same status of Jim Crow era blacks. Depending how you look at it could be an "uplift" of Slavs comparatively from the communist governments they previously fell under (akin to how American blacks fared vs how African blacks fared), or just an extremely repressive separation amongst other whites. Perhaps you or some other anon could verify pic related and its accuracy

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File: 2217c8cee087d56⋯.jpg (256.63 KB,1000x773,1000:773,18ikl3.jpg)


>salty McSalt

This may be more to your liking: >>>/leftypol/

I think they have strawberry flavoured butt plugs if that helps?

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>TORpedo cites wikipedia

Maybe TOR should have the plug pulled on it…

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How fitting, a picture of a huge loser linking to a board full of them

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Its easy to spot you and your ad hominems and worthless general rambling.

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>or interprit Lebensraum as something other than colonisation and explotation of eastern europeans to point of mass starvation.

We "interprit" it as it is. Securing the territory of the German nation. It requires jewish re-definition in order to mean anything else.

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>oy vey

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He never said that in original German version of Mein Kampf though. You should try and pick up some German, saves a lot digging through bullshit.

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File: 279029cdfce8882⋯.gif (945.04 KB,155x173,155:173,685ee6a598faf2d0a7d7f204f3….gif)


>a huge loser

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Murphy translation was partially done by a commie. Try Stalag.

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File: 2b90275681cacb2⋯.png (84.96 KB,199x255,199:255,db0aae6531e5f3bd2c394a2aa5….png)

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It was POA who kicked the German troops out of Prague (Czechia) on the end and fought against both, Wehrmacht and Red Army.

Well done, POA guys!


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Yes this. People have no idea how tainted the Murphy translation is.

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>It was POA who kicked the German troops out of Prague (Czechia) on the end

You mean it wasn't racism that Germans were wary of potential "allies" among defeated Red Army personnel?

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File: f319d961deb266f⋯.gif (131.37 KB,500x375,4:3,USSLIBERTYGET.gif)


Marine down. Requesting immediate support in Vector 12-d9.

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Read this shit before moving on to the thread

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Lazy shill spamming images and thinking shaming people will work.

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> huge loser linking to a board full of them

That same loser brought 6 million people out of poverty and made germany into something more that has a soul, unlike your gommie overlords did.

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File: 7350c9c0c490b17⋯.jpg (254.12 KB,1500x1111,1500:1111,13305067_1735287033392444_….jpg)


holy eff anon…. the feels are for real on this one.

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I know that feel.

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>>12783956 oy!

>>12783982 vey!

>>12783964 goy!

Bahahaha it's like they refuse to study up on anons longtime, strongest convictions and knowledge before posting ridiculous shilling.

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One of my grandparents (Spanish) fought in the blue division. He learnt Russian, not German. The natives would go into their trenches to wake them up from their siestas when the Soviet soldiers came.

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The spanish fought for the germans or were they on their own?

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Blue divisions fought with germans they where volunteer expeditions.

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Is 2nd pic related a soy boy?

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Emotional rambling of indoctrinated lies: the post

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The shills are here only for the paycheck.

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Happy birthday

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You must be the dumbest shills I've ever seen.

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When comparing the holocaust to the breadth of human history, I honestly believe that Hitlers heart was in the right place.

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*the hollow hoax

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All Aryans are brothers


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and german brothers attacked russian brothers and killed tens millions

nothing new

hilter fucking traitor

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Aryans have fought amongst themselves for thousands of years. It doesn't mean they're not brothers.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957!” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Laureate and Russian Patriot.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Adolf Hitler was the only legitimate freedom fighter the world has ever know.

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Hello ip hopping shill.

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False, they learned quite fast that there was a difference between the Russian peasant and the Bolshevik lords.

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>>13211933 (heil'd)

Its a d&c shill he obviously didnt know they were russian soldiers fighting for hitler as well.

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>When Red Army soldiers were captured by the invading German forces for instance, significant numbers of the POWs began immediately aiding the Wehrmacht.[4] Along with the forces allied to the Nazis, the Russians comprised the "largest contingent of foreign auxiliary troops on the German side with upwards of 1 million men."

Yea, there's a few books written on the subject by some of the volunteer corpse who survived.

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Impossible. History is so long, and humanity so large, that there had to have been others. Jews have always existed (sadly), and there will always be heroes who stand against them.

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>deliberately destroyed

What other areas of historical study are we permitted to say has happened but it's okay to waive away accusations for lack of evidence by saying they were destroyed deliberately?

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Read the thread some more

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I can't imagine why they would. Let me ask my good comrade, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

>You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

>Without Jews, there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists have murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957!


Heil Hitler.

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File: 87527d667d8c091⋯.jpg (88.14 KB,807x500,807:500,a huge nothingburger.JPG)


And also interesting read on Generalplan Ost and how it is literally ANUDAH SHOAH

i.e. pretty overhyped



faggot lel

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These jews never learn.

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He'd lost STalingrad and the war by the time the US was in.

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Research "lend-lease" where the jewish traitor roosevelt supplied them with weapons/food/anything from united states tax payer dime.

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File: 4207ee31b610030⋯.jpg (45.92 KB,613x602,613:602,pppppppppppppppppppppppppp….JPG)


If Hitler actually cared about Russians and Slavs for that matter, he would've ordered Himmler to stop the SS.

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It was common knowledge during the time, that the USSR could not sustain the fight without lend-lease.

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>caring for slavs means being pro-jewish and pro-communist

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Bad lie bait, filtered. Victim complex based on lies much?

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You didn't answer my question

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That wasn't a question retard is blatant bait.

Also hitler never once used the word master race.

Try again without ousting your self quickly.

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>leftypol trying to meme and failing hard as always

Read Mein Kampf and you get your answer of "superior" races, you dumb fuck.

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File: d763d0f8365b6b5⋯.png (6.43 MB,904x8739,904:8739,WW2 Russia The Reich's Rus….png)


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File: f921eff3d15beab⋯.png (5.03 MB,904x7014,452:3507,The Reich wins Russian hea….png)


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< German newsreel excerpts detailing some of the reasons why the invasion of the Soviet Union was viewed as liberation by so many of the inhabitants.

< English language voice-over


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File: 9aea5d446fad482⋯.webm (15.8 MB,500x460,25:23,German liberators in Worl….webm)

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The Rus were a viking tribe that moved into russia and became the assimilated ruling class.

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File: 162bd1f84d2fe86⋯.webm (15.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,germanliberators.webm)

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File: 75935aca162bf08⋯.jpg (114.3 KB,1024x691,1024:691,Generalplan_Ost_map.tiff.jpg)


>Many Russians Hoped That Hitler Would Free Them From Bolshevism

Then why didn't the White Russian emigree fight alongside Hitler? There were millions of them, they knew the land and the people.

Abandon your delusions, Barbarossa was a land grab, just like Hitler said in Mein Kampf, to ensure Lebensraum for the next 100 years. And this is why it failed, now Germany is Lebensraum for Turks.

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>muh Hitler loved Slavs

<When the Russo-Japanese War came I was older and better able to judge for myself. For

national reasons I then took the side of the Japanese in our discussions. I looked upon

the defeat of the Russians as a blow to Austrian Slavism

<Mein Kampf

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>how it cuts off conveniently



>all propaganda is truth

Man, I hate krauts almost as much as I hate kikes. They lie with exactly the same willingness.

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File: 6cd900197e383b1⋯.pdf (7.7 MB,Hitler Strikes First With ….pdf)

File: 924a9fea55c367e⋯.jpg (154.4 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 4e78674505cde21⋯.jpg (154.51 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 0a1b096bb554e1a⋯.jpg (121.46 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: a89bad8afc4287e⋯.jpg (164.37 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)


Which emigrees exactly? Also the part about Lebensraum is a lie.


So who brainwashed you to be so cynical as to speak for the lies so vehemently?

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File: 87047841ab75e35⋯.jpg (141 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 348c6911492af76⋯.jpg (153.94 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: b40967c006ea6bf⋯.jpg (155.9 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 447a22c6cd4fadf⋯.jpg (172.08 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 02946181ed4fc49⋯.jpg (108.68 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

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File: 08a74691e15d009⋯.jpg (164.77 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 8427d0ea32a3aff⋯.jpg (163.37 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 389c5a8b721bf41⋯.jpg (146.95 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 74bf65b261ec24b⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: fe423dbda51244e⋯.jpg (169.52 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

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File: 389b16568edcdc1⋯.jpg (161.48 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 29b02e75d8199cc⋯.jpg (150.36 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 34f0011870d8454⋯.jpg (158.49 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: b0b8f78cecc9232⋯.jpg (162.05 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: bbb50f40c13d15c⋯.jpg (136.73 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

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File: 89ba5a2ce746a5f⋯.jpg (111.08 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

File: 931e8e3b5c27da1⋯.jpg (146.98 KB,550x873,550:873,Hitler Strikes First With ….jpg)

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"When Red Army soldiers were captured by the invading German forces for instance, significant numbers of the POWs began immediately aiding the Wehrmacht. Along with the forces allied to the Nazis, the Russians comprised the "largest contingent of foreign auxiliary troops on the German side with upwards of 1 million men.""

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Hundreds of thousands of Russians escaped to the German/European side in the first year of the war alone. – Stalin's War of Extermination

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>Which emigrees exactly?


>Also the part about Lebensraum is a lie.

It's not, it says in Mein Kampf that Germany must not rest until it has ensured Lebensraum for the next 100 years and that the obvious way to expand is east.

>So who brainwashed you to be so cynical as to speak for the lies so vehemently?

Nobody and I don't lie.

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>significant numbers of the POWs began immediately aiding the Wehrmacht.

Yes, because the other prospect was to die of starvation.

<During World War II, Nazi Germany engaged in a policy of deliberate maltreatment of Soviet prisoners of war (POWs), in contrast to their treatment of British and American POWs. This resulted in some 3.3 to 3.5 million deaths.[1][2][3][4]


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File: ee6ddd4cbd00057⋯.mp4 (716.39 KB,480x600,4:5,Sieg heil.mp4)

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>This resulted in some 3.3 to 3.5 million deaths.[1][2][3][4]

Absurd lie. You keep spreading the jews' lies.

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So who to believe,

>a well-sourced wikipedia article with 43 total sources

>some random kraut-fetishists online because they say so

Difficult choice.

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File: a3ea8e00f4eaf0b⋯.jpg (885 KB,1000x604,250:151,ap679060775700-b.jpg)




Almost every single person in Russia hates Germany. Is this propaganda too, do you think the people don't know how their loved ones died?

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File: c9f765d61f6b20b⋯.jpg (199.18 KB,1080x680,27:17,SSMap.jpg)


21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg

St. Wenceslas Company (Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia)

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian)

23rd Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Kama (2nd Croatian)

14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician)

29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS RONA (1st Russian)

30th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Belarussian)

Waffen-Sturm-Brigade Kaminski

Waffen-Sturm-Brigade RONA

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Lol I hope he lives long enough to he his country rerise from the ash's and be born a new germany where happy white boys and girls livng happily.

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No you didn't actually read or know the sources, if you knew the sources you wouldn't have copy and pasted a link to (((Wikipedia))) on fucking /pol/

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File: b303e1d529ac212⋯.png (49.26 KB,800x861,800:861,800px-Turkistan_Legion_pat….png)


>3 muslim SS divisons

>1 turkestan legion

Absolutely based and European.

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File: 995d73b0fe536cd⋯.jpg (36.14 KB,620x420,31:21,Putin's ex-son in law is K….jpg)

File: 30043cd134964a7⋯.jpg (2.83 MB,5316x3545,5316:3545,Russia jewdom.jpg)

File: e2176882578f6dc⋯.png (931.36 KB,920x4120,23:103,PutinYes_4.png)

File: fde6291a9e15f1a⋯.png (910.49 KB,1026x738,57:41,Vladimir Putin, 2016, Vote….png)


More like well-regurgitated jewish war-time propaganda.


That's not propaganda, that's a mass of programmed people.

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None of that will work.

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Danm why is their so many shills?I know not all of them are jews but holy shit start from the top and read down then post if you have or like hitler like you niggers need teaching!

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File: 2e7f40525bfb30c⋯.jpg (61.53 KB,800x578,400:289,islamandderjuden.jpg)


But I thought the Nazis were "evil racists who hated all non germans"

Also those "3 muslim SS divisons" are literally Ethnic Europeans

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Besides obliviously the Free Arabian Legion which wasn't a SS unit

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>No you didn't actually read or know the sources

Let's check the sources then:

>Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, Total War - NOT JEWISH

>Christian Streit: Keine Kameraden: Die Wehrmacht und die Sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen - NOT JEWISH

>Nazi persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - JEWISH

>British Imperial War Museum — Invasion of the Soviet Union display (Holocaust Exhibition) - NOT JEWISH

>Daniel Goldhagen - JEWISH

>Zemskov, Viktor - NOT JEWISH, RUSSIAN

>Krivosheev, G.F. - NOT JEWISH, RUSSIAN

And so on and so forth. The vast majority of sources is NOT JEWISH so you can shove your 3 brackets up your ass.

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>ethnic Europeans

Absolutely fucking retarded. Traitors of Europe is what they are.

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File: b6f8e841db2b82b⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,255x255,1:1,1dc63e769c4214fdcd60476c64….jpg)


Lol retard

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Cool you can copy and past from a website that anyone can edit and make a narrative

Go back to /leftypol/

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Thanks to Hitler's losing the war there are millions of mudslime invading Europe for the Jews.

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Albanians and Bosnians are European.

Using your logic most Europeans who joined the foreign SS brigades are "Traitors of Europe" because they follow a Non European Religion despite literally fighting in the SS?

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the first time i watched this video it actually made me kind of sad. He's just emotionless, lookin at the ground, focused on not dying. He hears Sig heil! his head snaps up and for a second you see a look of suprise and hope. says what he believes in and goes back to his focus on the ground.

sad shit man. i hope to never be that poor old man. i can't imagine the pain he's suffered watching his country go to shit

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We will rise we are rising that the jews will not will again…

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im tired me typ bad

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They lost the war genius.

And it's 2019. White Nationalism has yet to produce one real life positive result for Whites.

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We will rise and we are rising we will not let the jews win again…

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And where this dehumanizing race-less Americanism term will never be used.

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PFFFFF lol all im going to say is Poland and Hungary

Lurk more fag

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Lol why do non americans alwas hate us?Not our falt that boomers are fat and gross

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The war crimes perpetrated by the krauts against Russians were vast, every Russian will tell you that. I was never on /leftypol/, but I was in the neo-nazi online-scene in the 2000s, and I remember the sentiment back then: "Russians are drunkards", "Hitler should've killed them all", "Slavs are subhumans", etc. pp., but now since Russia is recovering its strength and Germany is going down the drain I see Hitlerists make ass-kissing threads everywhere and it's just fucking pathetic.

If you believe your own lies, namely that Russians weren't horribly mistreated by the Nazis, then good for you, sleep well. If you don't believe your own lies, which is the more likely alternative, then enjoy knowing you're a pathological liar, like a kike.

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>Albanians and Bosnians are European.

No they're not. They're converts to Islam and servants of the Ottoman Empire, traitors of ethnic Europe.

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How fucking delusional must you be to blame what white liberals and their jewish compatriots are doing to Europe on Hitler

Total fucking shill trying to shift the blame

I suggest you look into the degeneracy of Weimar Germany and you will realize how fucking retarded you are

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Turn off your computer before you hurt yourself.

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So you're just cynical that there are fools who demonize Russians, thus you spread the common lies.


Not nearly all of them are, many are mixed-blood.

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You are using "Kraut" unironically, you aren't fooling anyone

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>muh boomers

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Lol what do you mean?

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:( but anon it's their falt tho…

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As a 100% Christian European I can say: Fuck krauts forever. I don't care that you're a "German heritage" American. When Germany is majority muslim you have my permission to die.

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>thus you spread the common lies.

I don't lie, you do.

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I understand if its difficult to come to grips with the life-long conditioning you've had. But it also seems you're low intelligence, seeing your emotional responses.

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I'm better educated than you will ever be. I speak several languages. Really says everything about you people that you can't come up with an argument beyond a failed ad hominem.

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File: 97dec65da3c84af⋯.webm (14.9 MB,606x444,101:74,German forces advance int….webm)


Then I take it back, you're just conditioned and a tool of the enemies.

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If I can give you a source but you reject it without disputing it factually, then who's the conditioned one? You live in 1945. If you want a future for your people and freedom from the kikes you will have to arrive in 2019.

Had Hitler extended only the slightest kindness to the Russian people the Soviet Union would've crumbled in a year, but instead the Russians fought to the bitter end. Germany has failed because of its own greed and evil. Deal with it and move on.

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>Had Hitler extended only the slightest kindness to the Russian people

Its amazing how delusional and uneducated you are; you think there was some open channel of communication: the jews of USSR were on full war-mode and had demonized Germans for years before the pre-emptive strike of Barbarossa (only a handful of weeks before the USSR had planned to strike at Europe).

There was no "patriotic war" by Russians, they were forced into it or they'd be executed along with their families.

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>the jews of USSR were on full war-mode and had demonized Germans for years before the pre-emptive strike of Barbarossa

But that's WRONG! The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany collaborated up until 1941, traded with each other, and the German military even had training schools in Russia prior to the rearmament of Germany.


>they were forced into it or they'd be executed along with their families.

Brutality doesn't suppress revolts, it boosts them. Tsarist Russia was brutal, yet the people revolted regardless. Every single Soviet soldier ever has said that he gladly fought against Germany to avenge the atrocities against his people.

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Also, you realize the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is a thing? It would've never been possible if the Soviet Union was run by German-hating Jews as you allege.

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File: 7ff6baae9457d0a⋯.jpg (287.75 KB,1360x765,16:9,a3177d0ff30a4d7186a7da70b7….jpg)

Did they deserve it?

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Ask his cousin Wilhelm II of Germany who financed the Bolsheviks.

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File: e83dab8e3118467⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,1084x7050,542:3525,Hitler's Pact With Stalin ….jpg)


>Tsarist Russia was brutal,

Of course you've been fed lies about that too. 50,000 practically autonomous communities is "brutal" to you?


Yeah how relevant is that when all along USSR was planning a gigantic attack on Europe? The USSR army was an offensive army.

"As for Stalin and his messenger Molotov, the chess-game that they were playing had nothing to do with wanting a long term peace with Germany. Stalin and his henchmen planned to sit by and quietly amass millions of troops along the German frontier while Germany and the allies exhausted themselves in the west. At the right time, the massive and fully equipped Red Army would pounce on an unsuspecting Germany from the east, and then take all of Europe. Stalin almost pulled it off in 1941; but Hitler, having suspected what was coming, beat him to the punch and routed the surprised Red Army (who were in offensive positions) all the way back to the outskirts of Moscow."


Instead of naming the real culprits.

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>50,000 practically autonomous communities is "brutal" to you?

Tsarist Russia was the last country in Europe to abolish serfdom. The lives of serfs were horrible.

>beat him to the punch and routed the surprised Red Army (who were in offensive positions

You have to pick one. Either the Red Army was planning an imminent attack and was therefore prepared to fight (it wasn't), or it was unprepared to fight because it wasn't planning an attack. Stalin had no interest in attacking before the Allies landed and was still mobilizing troops and producing armaments. When Barbarossa broke out Germany had more troops than Russia.

>Instead of naming the real culprits.

Who is the real culprit, the Jew who murders the Romanovs on Lenin's orders, or the German who finances Lenin to take over Tsarist Russia at the tune of millions of Reichsmarks?

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File: 30cb05df69ab76b⋯.png (115.1 KB,300x244,75:61,300px-European_plain.png)


The assertion that Barbarossa was just a product of clearly insane crazy old Hitler is completely according to Viktor Suvorov, someone who had access to the actual Soviet intelligence documents in 1941. Historians that disagree with that assessment will generally retreat back to HITLER WANTED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND DEATHCAMP ALL THE BROWN EYES.

>You have to pick one. Either the Red Army was planning an imminent attack and was therefore prepared to fight (it wasn't), or it was unprepared to fight because it wasn't planning an attack.

Holy shit. That isn't how war works. WW2 wasn't Starcraft. There are massive logistical hurdles to overcome. An army preparing for an attack looks a lot different than an army on the defensive, especially in 1940. If anything, it actually corroborates the idea that the Soviets were going to attack. Couple points on 1940's era warfare:

Vehicles like light tanks are best on strategic offensives across large, flat areas without many natural barriers. Guess what terrain is between Berlin and Russia? Pic related. Guess what the Soviets had massed on the border? Light tanks. Germans started to run into the t34 in the interior of the country because they were not massed on the border.

Heavily armored vehicles generally require more maintenance and support as well as infrastructure like railways or roads. If you're fighting in your own territory or have a steadily advancing supply system, like in a war of attrition, medium and heavy tanks will be great. If you're planning on very fast encirclements/sudden attacks designed to round up and destroy enemy army groups you want light tanks. Guess what the red army was massing on the border?

<but they were focused on attrition!

They weren't in the beginning. The red army already proved its own lightening warfare doctrine against the Japs.


If you're conducting an offensive war, you have maps of the opposing territory but probably don't need any of your own. Guess what the Soviets had?

Stalin may have been evil but he wasn't dumb. Sending orders to keep attacking even at the worst of times was generally a bad idea, but they were just following red army doctrine at the time with little regard to changing circumstances.

Again, an offensive footing looks a lot different than a defensive footing.

Another interesting tidbit from Suvorov is that the Soviets had been quietly mobilizing throughout the late 30's. They didn't even use up a third of stored ammunition from before the war by the end of it!

>When Barbarossa broke out Germany had more troops than Russia.

On the front line. Because they were attacking right then. It should be equally suspicious that the Soviets were only outnumbered by Germans by just a bit.

German intelligence figured out the Soviet plans and wanted to preempt an attack. They knew it was a terrible situation but the attack wasn't just one option among many, it was the only option at the time. Hitler didn't want a 2 front war (he even said as much) but he got one anyway. There's a huge aggressive advantage in mobile warfare, both sides knew that. That's what all the evidence points to while shutting out the political propaganda from all sides.

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It happened under their watch, what will you allow to happen under your watch?

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File: a231d46355ad2b5⋯.jpg (69.48 KB,750x383,750:383,not-detected-272810.jpg!La….jpg)

File: b4a65eeace9dec0⋯.jpg (157.06 KB,1000x597,1000:597,konstantin-vasilyev-proshc….jpg)


>An army preparing for an attack looks a lot different than an army on the defensive

The Soviets lost hundreds of airplanes on their airfields in the first few days. If they were planning an attack they would've flown and maintained them regularly and this would not have happened. Clearly the Soviets were neither preparing to attack nor defend, I believe because Stalin had simply overestimated the power of Soviet deterrence.

As I see it the Soviets were posted close to the border because they underestimated German mobility, which is exactly the same mistake the Allies made in the west.

I think neither me nor you can judge what the proper posture for which task was given the circumstances so I think deducing any intentions from this is rather pointless. The Soviet Union was much less prepared and mobilized given its capacity, that's a fact your theory doesn't address.

>destroy enemy army groups you want light tanks. Guess what the red army was massing on the border?

Tank warfare was in its infancy in 1941, and only light tanks were widely available because heavier tanks were more difficult to produce. You can see it in the armament of German tank divisions, who were scheduled to have a greater portion of medium and heavy tanks (Panzer 3 and 4), but they couldn't be produced in time so they substituted them with Panzer 2s. I furthermore find the claim that light tanks are for attack and heavy for defense ridiculous as both have been used for both tasks, but maybe a tank expert can corroborate.

>If you're conducting an offensive war, you have maps of the opposing territory but probably don't need any of your own. Guess what the Soviets had?

This is an extraordinary claim, but you'll need to give me sources on it.

>It should be equally suspicious that the Soviets were only outnumbered by Germans by just a bit.

The Soviet Union had several times the population of Germany (60mio to 180mio off the top of my head). If both were preparing to attack the Soviet Union should've at least had a numerical advantage of 2:1.

>German intelligence figured out the Soviet plans and wanted to preempt an attack.

I don't think so. Germany realized that the longer they wait the better the Soviet Union will be prepared, and once the allies land they'll have a two front war on their hands. This is what Hitler himself said in a private conversation with Finnish general Mannerheim that was taped, namely that he attacked to avoid a two-front war. However, Hitler should've known this in 1939 before even attacking Poland. France and England guaranteed Poland, so he had to defeat them inevitably, and after them Russia, but he believed he'd "kick in the door and the whole rotten building will come crumbling down". How wrong he was.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Its undeniably confirmed that they were about to attack and had prepared; the physical evidence of it was uncovered even back then.

Its highly detailed for example in Stalin's War of Extermination which is based on direct Soviet archive sources.

<- This is a candid, private conversation, only released decades afterwards, which deals also with the discovery of the gigantic amassing of forces near the border.

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>over 20mln people dead in a nazi war

>"why do they hate us?"

Nazi cries in pain as he invades your territory and cleanse it. Not jews like they promised, you.

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If they had mass troops on the border they wouldnt lose in the beginning, just repel and go ahead with the plan.

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Yes, I mentioned the Mannerheim dialogue in my post, but nowhere does Hitler say that the Soviets were about to attack in 1941.

>Its undeniably confirmed that they were about to attack and had prepared; the physical evidence of it was uncovered even back then.

Then give me the evidence.

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You could get your hands on that book. Direct sources. I'm sure there are other materials as well. By this point you're just willfully ignorant.

Are you not capable of deducing what the discovery by Germans meant?

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I've met several polish people in my life and the one common thing they all say was the Germans really didn't bother them, it was the Soviets that brought nothing but rape and destruction.

My family was in Kiev, and even though my great grandfather was shot by Germans (I'm not a kike, apparently he forgot his ID at home and was stopped on the way home from work. I'm guessing the germans just assumed he was Jewish), life was generally ok in occupied Kiev until the Soviets pushed back and the real hell began.

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File: 81300d4125b7014⋯.jpg (99.55 KB,1438x385,1438:385,Screenshot_20190524-082118….jpg)


Wait this is fucking weird. This post is apparently mine? But I just saw this thread. That post was supposed to be in one of those pro-iran war threads where kikes constantly try to push the "we thought you hated muzzies goy!" angle. How the flying fuck did that happen. How'd it get in this thread, I'm confus

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His biggest mistake was not making use of the virulently anti-Soviet sentiments of the "freed" slavs. I can't really think of any officially sanctioned action/policy that could be described as brutality, the problem is that the official strategy was to ignore the slavs and quietly relegate them to second class citizenship as German immigrants arrived to use all that newly won "living space".

I don't know enough about the topic to say whether Hitler and his advisors simply bought into their over-extended racial theories and thought slavic peoples were incapable of providing any net benefit to the war effort or some other reason. Maybe they simply weren't well informed that a potential army of furious partisans willing to fight a common enemy had just landed in their lap.

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But for Hitler fags is was real in their minds.

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File: 72cb401eb77c90f⋯.jpg (34.71 KB,452x523,452:523,guess who.jpg)

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>Tsarist Russia was the last country in Europe to abolish serfdom.

In eighteen fucking sixy one, you idiot.

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Jews survive because of Nadzees. And no one helps them better than White Nationalists.

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Certainly the guy who wrote that book had valid sources and didn't just make up things? If so then you can give the sources here. I'm not going to read entire books for each minute detail on WW2.

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File: 4896264cee930ca⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,1080x1176,45:49,1543507329968.jpg)


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What are you?

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>What are you?

I meant to quote >>13314898

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File: ca7896134219e9d⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,320x240,4:3,Holdaar - Последний.mp4)

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Adolf Hitler's Speech On Operation Barbarossa



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“Furthermore, the principle in power politics of always oppressing smaller nations, annexing them, occupying them, dissolving their statehood, divesting them of their autonomy, their divinely ordained sovereignty — this is a useless and foolish undertaking, a sin against nature… Yes, one can say that the suppression of a people, the forced incorporation in artificial borders, or military occupation of a particular country only heighten the will to freedom and the urge to liberation of the people in question! …"

— Adolf Hitler to Otto Wagener




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File: 33dc0d54711f080⋯.jpg (267.21 KB,625x464,625:464,1.jpg)

File: da9d855536fcb17⋯.jpg (30.95 KB,350x500,7:10,2.jpg)

File: 8a58593a53b5a68⋯.jpg (341.3 KB,627x939,209:313,3.jpg)


>executing farmers

>murdering innocent civilians

>breaking down doors of civilian houses

Germans are and were cowards who excel in killing people who can't defend themselves.



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Found the leftyjew.

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File: 82ad776ccfd9837⋯.jpg (142.37 KB,884x580,221:145,bydgoszcz.jpg)

File: 6d44a86f0f8fdbc⋯.png (64.31 KB,640x554,320:277,roundup.png)


Brave AR1AN German soldiers risked their lives

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>is too jewish to spell Aryan

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>is too stupid to accept the truth

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That's right, they did. Nothing was done outside the rules of war. When you kill the enemy, you kill him at home and you kill his shitty family. Just as Hamas will kill your shitty family as you work long hours for JIDF.


>is too jewish tell the truth

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File: 07065068c79a972⋯.jpg (46.53 KB,680x400,17:10,you.jpg)

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>executing farmers

>murdering innocent civilians

>breaking down doors of civilian houses

Citation needed retard, posting pictures of partisan commies being shot doesn't mean anything.

I sense that you're a poleshit or a kike judging by your mannerisms, same thing eitherway.

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Friendly reminder that you can disagree with some of the ideas or actions of a historical figure (or any character / person), while still holding a favorable view of them. Hitler was based but he's also a product of the late 19th / early 20th century, not the late 20th / early 21st century. Fuck all kikes.

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File: 3c6c75531b42302⋯.png (139.91 KB,480x654,80:109,Capture _2019-06-04-23-38-….png)

This same thread got posted on cuckchans History board, /his/ - and unsurprisingly the Marxists and literal faggots there are posting propaganda saying Hitler was a tranny and general kike shit


Some of you lads should stop by and school these retards. I think we have more experts on The Third Reich here than the entire /his/ board has users

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Soon all white Russians will be deep fakes.


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That is not true in the slightest. Russian civilians like Germans - even despite the massive propaganda efforts of the past.

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I think you meant to post this on 4chan.

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File: c81695f98c95044⋯.webm (15.73 MB,636x476,159:119,Operation Barbarossa - Er….webm)

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File: 3858dc0ae676497⋯.jpg (27.84 KB,513x510,171:170,3858dc0ae676497fc6809ed08f….jpg)

Where can a get a copy of the Greatest Story Never Told? I never uploaded it off of jewtube(I know I'm a lazy dick), but don't make fun, help a bavarian out

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File: cac876637ce37d9⋯.jpg (92.2 KB,600x424,75:53,pic_G_E_German officer wit….jpg)

File: bccfdcf52768402⋯.jpg (28.19 KB,571x322,571:322,OPISGAY (1).jpg)






The sad truth is that Hitler did not like the Russians, or at least distrusted them.

There were over a million ethnic Russians and hundreds of thousands of other slavs fighting with Germany throughout the war, mostly in support roles. Despite having a massive opportunity to deploy even more slavs in even frontline roles, Hitler tried to discharge the slavs fighting for him.

Also I think the Germans had to have been brutal, the Communist bandits behind the lines were really doing a number on the German forces.

In the same sense you can understand Hitlers motives, confident about the war, and nervous about promoting Russian nationalism

Read up on the Russian Liberation Army and Andrey Vlasov, it really is a sad story of missed potential

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Yes, (((Shitler))) and (((Stalin))) liberated Europe killing over 100 million Whites for the Jews.

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Okay but who gives a shit? Why are you aryans always wuzkanging over the only fool to give your slave-hatreds the time of day?

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oh look it's this retard again

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File: 76f41d1b295ea06⋯.jpg (84 KB,375x480,25:32,Bormann.jpg)

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Learn from the past, pics fucking related.

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Go back to dvachik anonchik. Abu forgave you.

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Are modern Russians still holding out for "german" victory over the Bolsheviks?

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Can confirm. In many Lithuanian villages the locals rounded up and executed communist collaborators, many of whom happened to Jewish, before the German army arrived.

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Shitler, the worst disaster for Whites in history. And the best thing that could ever happen for Jews.

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Thanks for the bump

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You're welcome

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>this fag is still here

bump for kicks

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File: b4ee64722fe9725⋯.png (179.02 KB,450x412,225:206,Donald Day OCS pg 44.PNG)


>I know from family that the Lithuanians began settling scores with the Jews as soon as the Germans rolled in. And people were cheering as it was happening.


>Can confirm. In many Lithuanian villages the locals rounded up and executed communist collaborators, many of whom happened to Jewish, before the German army arrived.

Neighboring country, but Donald Day saw firsthand what happened when the Soviets rolled into Latvia the first time. A large section of his book details jewish collaboration with the Soviets and open celebration when the death squads rolled into town. The kikenvermin deserved every bit of the retribution they got, and then some.

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>There were a bunch of examples of Russians aiding the Wehrmacht.

>This pretty much proves that the Russians loved being occupied by Germany.

Hmm. Interesting and doubtless irrefutable evidence you have presented.

Of course… it works both ways. The moment the USSR invaded Romania, Finland, Bulgaria, and Hungary, these nations switched sides. So if we apply your logic to both sides, Germany's own allies were pro-Soviet.

And Italy was pro-America/Britain as nearly the moment the US forces landed, they switched sides.

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Yes, the Germans published it from captured Polish diplomatic documents. Americans have always denied it as propaganda, but analysis of John Kennedy Sr.'s writings prove the Polish documents correct. American (really, just FDR and his kikes) pressure was responsible for Polish and British hardline attitudes towards the Germans. Germany was telling the truth the whole time, but no one believed them.

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Books take far less time to read than source documents. If you had any interest in learning the material rather than finding an excuse to dismiss the sources you'd look for the book first.

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Rather or not you agreed with Germany at the time quoting Wikipedia as your source is fucking retarded, not even professionals do that. Did they not tell you in school to not source wiki?

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how do russians feel about germans nowdays? How do they feel about germans in st petersburg compared to eastern russia?

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File: 387475a823c5759⋯.png (220.72 KB,680x680,1:1,023.png)

<afonf honkler

<the liberator


>public executions and random beatings were so common that Polish kids started playing a new game, called "gestapo" - basically a game where they would beat up each other faces until one of them blacked out

>one could die by just going out of home (in some families people even did a sign of the cross on a person that'd go out, you could never be sure you would get back to home) also, you could forget going out from 8:00pm to 6:00am, if you did, you were basically accepting your death warrant (execution)

>you had to watch out to not end up in a concentration camp for literally anything, or even worse, you could be executed even just by walking past a german officer that had a bad day (B-BUT HOLOLOLOLO DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!1ONE)


"I was an officer for around two years in Warsaw, and thats why I'm overwhelmed by your brashness. I've never realized, to what degree one could humiliate a nation and treat it so unhumanly and sadistic, just like you've did with the poles"

>self-improvement was illegal if you were a pole, as a pole, you had to be a weakling faggot that would work for peanuts on wheat/corn fields, same with self-learning, eventually you could learn from germans, yeah, they teached polish children but all these lessons were meant to tell poles that they are inferior and should work for "le masterrace germutts"

>muh honkler savior of the weiss race

fuck you nigger, eat a dick


im not a jew

poles are white (whiter than you, ali ibn ququmba madagascar)

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File: 1c6fff24a8ca4a4⋯.jpg (171.69 KB,800x696,100:87,MarxistTerminator.jpg)

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Hint: Lebensraum was about resources! Hitler always used "need for Lebensraum" in context of Britain's massive amount of colonies, and that Germany got robbed of it's colonies. Most European countries had colonies before and while industrialization, thus building their economy around that. Suddenly loosing all your colonies caused a lot of economic problems (not enough food to feed all people, not enough oil to supply industry…). When Hitler was talking about Lebensraum it was always about: Britain got that many colonies, we got none, the ones in Africa and Poland got taken away, Germany can't survive without the robbed colonies. etc…

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Ironic since colonies were a net drain on European nations.

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>eventually you could learn from germans, yeah, they teached polish children but all these lessons were meant to tell poles that they are inferior and should work for "le masterrace germutts"

Very interesting stuff. I assume you have a source for this, such as an example curriculum dated to german occupation demonstrating such an attitude and intent? Better yet, an archive to point others towards? Something more substantial than an obtuse quote?

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Yes, for example interviews with Polish (notice:not the joo boogeyman, but Poles) people who lived through these horrors

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jewish shilling or leftypol cope?

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you didn't give a source, you just lied

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roosevelt was crypto as well as eisenhower

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Given the fact that many modern National Socialists, even on the verge of racial extinction are still more interested in shitting on Slavs than fighting the jew, I don't have a hard time believing that the original NatSocs, high on their (seemingly) impending final victory would act like tyrannical jerks to the Europeans around them.

I don't have any sources on me but I'm sure I could find some if I spoke Polish or Russian.

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Hey, great! Would you happen to have a link to those? Or at least their categorized name so I can search them?

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> I don't have a hard time believing that the original NatSocs, high on their (seemingly) impending final victory would act like tyrannical jerks to the Europeans around them.

That is because you are stupid and think with your emotions. Also you generalize these supposed people of today.

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here, source for the anonymous letter to Hans Frank

>page 25, 86

"W liście skierowanym do Hansa Franka, przychwy­conym przez polskie podziemie, anonimowy nadawca _pisał w początku 1944 r.: ,,Byłem jako oficer przez przeszło dwa lata w Warszawie i dla­tego zdumiony jestem Pańskim tupetem. Nigdy nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, do jakiego stopnia można poniżyć· naród i tak traktować go nieludzko i sadystycznie, jak właśnie naród polski"

You could find rest just by watching some interviews with Poles on jewtube, but implying you understand Polish anyway, dumb neonutzie anglofag

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You too are thinking with your emotions here. Clearly.

Actually, I am making a judgement based on the behavior of others.

You are reacting emotionally because you believe I have insulted your beliefs.

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File: 3e9918b8e360c50⋯.png (557.1 KB,1786x929,1786:929,IMG_1647.PNG)

I'm surprised that nobody brought up Nikolai Tolstoy and his book Stalin's Secret War.

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>lived through these horrors

why do you even bother if you aren't going to at least try


why is it that all threads relating to slavic people are always immediately populated with literal bolshevists?

it reminds me of democrats that see black people as their lapdogs.

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1. Generally, "threads relating to slavic people" here are attacking Slavs

2. I've never seen them populated by Marxists. Instead, I see them populated by two groups of people; Desperately anti-Slavic psychopaths vs White Nationalists

Occasionally, you see a few people who don't fall into these two categories but they're outliers.

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File: 59156de20e7d9df⋯.png (1.03 MB,743x3736,743:3736,russians.png)


Still believing that the good guys won the war?

The cap taken from "Sniper on the Eastern Front" based on Sepp Allerberger's memoirs.

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File: 8ac11b5b96c61f8⋯.pdf (4.69 MB,Sniper on the Eastern Fron….pdf)

File: 012b1aeb5ea5ecd⋯.jpg (117.72 KB,513x792,57:88,Sniper on the Eastern Fron….jpg)


The book

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You haven't insulted me, only shown your stupidity. I only made an observation.

You clearly know close to nothing of the conflict, hence your emotional hubris.

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Calm down.

I made an observation. You lost your shit.

Either come back with an argument or at least stop this emotional temper tantrum you're throwing.

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>White Nationalists

that's what i mean leftypol is larping as a cnn caricature of what they think national socialist are. the basic tenet here is always:

if you are anti communist you are anti slavic.

genocide and displacement of ethnic europeans is ok as long as it is done by "whites" and in this context "white" is defined is defined as "slavic".

and then of course the ultimate sacred cow is always communist colonial borders must be respected. you ever ask yourself why this is so important? then we have a slow ramp up of anti germanic sentiment bolstered by the most ridiculous eli weasel tier canards.

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>if you are anti communist you are anti slavic.

Literally no one here believes that.

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of course no one here does, that is why you have to spin a crypto narrative. the end goal is to get your favored pets to disassociate from the bad people, but the best you can hope for is to achieve a pyrrhic victory by strengthening core group cohesion.

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You're talking shit.

I'll say again, not only does no one here believe that anti-marxism is anti-Slavic, but not even on /liberalpol/ does anyone believe that because they claim that race is a social construct.

You are confusing race and ethnic group with ideology.

Which demonstrates that you don't have any clue what you're talking about.

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It all boils down to this, do you think communist colonial borders should be respected? are they legitimate yes or no? this issue is sacrosanct to communists, and the answer to it is how you get them to show their hand every single time.

answering this question in the negative is literally another shoah.

If a communist is in "White" mode larping you will see the most ludicrous bargaining and mental gymnastics that we are all so used to seeing from the left when attempting to justify their answer.

This is their weak point.

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I don't believe the allies were the good guys at all.

Especially what they did to the Russian pows. I disagree on the parts of the germans being cruel. I thought this would be good time to bring these up, because of what Stalin and the (((soviet Union))) for their part. I take most of these historians like Tolstoy with a grain of salt.

Documentaries like hellstorm and TGSNT is a major life changing moment where everything I thought I knew about the 20th and WW2 was wrong

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But damn, that sniper chapter. It gives me the chills. I'll definitely look into that book soon.

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I know who you are. You're yet another example of why my original statement is right.

You wish to steal Slavic land and give it to German colonists, right?

Obviously I want all White children to grow up in the healthiest environment possible. So obviously I like it when borders reflect ethnic realities rather than imperial ambitions from anti-Whites.

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YOUR board? /r/the_zognald is → that way, faggot.

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>Oy vey goy, peasants love being starved and murdered

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no the volga germans are not native to the region, they emigrated there centuries ago.

>won't somebody please think of the children


you commies are making it too easy

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>Thinks 'anti-White' is a communist board

You keep demonstrating that you're a newfaggot.

Lurk for two years

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Under tsar? No they dont, so they rebelled using communism.

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>they rebelled using communism.

good old fashioned white rebellion amirite?

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I know this because to this day it's illegal to have a picture of Hitler. These laws were necessary for the kikes to retain power. They are hated everywhere because they are terrible everywhere.

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There was major freedom in the 50000 communities of the Tsarist Russia, the Tsar had very little to do with the lives of the people.

It was a prosperous country and a legitimate "superpower" in markets. The "revolution" was a bloody jewish coup detat.

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how convenient is it to just ignore that source and pretend I didn't write anything, ay?

fucking poldittors

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Fucking Germans were too proud to accept help until it was too late sadly.

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It was backward feudal economy with tsar forces regularily shooting people on the streets. No rights, no freedom, no representation, no wealth for ordinary people. Until they took it.

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Yeah, they voted them in during next elections, because thats what political system was then.

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>no wealth for ordinary people. Until they took it.


>"Wealth" for the commoners


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>So obviously I like it when borders reflect ethnic realities

You keep trying harder and harder. Can't wait to see you subhumans cry when German lands return to Germany in the next few generations.

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>mongol mutt commies


More reason to respect the "borders" they created.

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>people who lived through these horrors

I know jews who survived 12 death camps too. They ran on foot all the way from the East to France. sarc

You are considered subhumans today because you are just like the niggers of Africa.

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Göring was a difficult choice because he was the man who made the SA cohesive and effective.

Himmler was an actual killer who trained intesively in combat arts.

It was not easy to just get rid of people who brought you to the top.

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These legitimate criticisms of NSDAP's policies for the East from genuine posters differentiate them from the polish subhumans whose only excuses for their thievery and crimes is "muh huwhites", despite actively supporting (((NATO))) and actually against rea actions against the (((EU))), since these leeches actually benefit from the gibs me dats.

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without NATO there is no poland.

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HAHA pathetic kike weasel!

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Anything is literally better than a demon Jew

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> killing millions of slavs at Minsk, Odessa, Kiev, St Petersburg, Warsaw, etc.

yeah but they were slavs so…

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Stop the bullshit you greedy grubby kike. You worms are demons on Earth.

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ok, but for real, what are these photos?

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Indeed. Which is whe neighbors of (((Poland))) arent actually interested in le eastern euro alliance with them at the helm.

(((Poland))) is an ineffective and russia tier corrupt shithole. If even now they cant even intimidate the enslaved Germans, they never will.

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Fuck off kike, I hate you damn shills, why don't you fucking shill that ruskies are non-white? they did the first steps to make your ZOG fall

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See what I mean?

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Count down 8-10 posts from this one, and you will see the IP hopping bot agree with itself.

It's all so fucking tiresome.

Can we kill everything yet, anons?

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poland will collapse like yugoslavia when americans leave. russia will have to clean up the mess.

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Hitler could have picked another sneakier strategy in dealing with the Jews and their puppets, sure. Why do you think the jew world order doesn’t even let mild/tepid criticism of Jewish power go unpunished? It’s because they know that sneaking up on them like JFK did on Zionism, is the best strategy. If you come at them full on, that gives them years to prepare and destroy you if they need to.

I don’t even think they take chances anymore. Every political elite has embarrassing dirt now. So the jews can blackmail them. Or just embroil them in political intrigue using the media like they did to Nixon with watergate and Clinton with (((Lewinsky)))(gasp) yeah the Likudniks/Mossad did that because Bill was being a little to bold on the Palestine situation. Bill didn’t do enough to get killed(or release whatever real heavy dirt they had on him)because he was playing ball on everything else, they did just enough to make him impotent during his final 2 years of his presidency.

“Vast right wing conspiracy” wasn’t that kooky when Hillary said it. if she added: “Zionist right wing conspiracy”, it would have been accurate.

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German defeat was not due to lack of men. And allied forces had a tendency to drop all that expensive equipment the Germans gave them to the enemy at the first sign of trouble.

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You mean the guy who got killed before doing anything? His strategy was superior to Hitler?

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File: e53553884717794⋯.png (1.81 MB,1960x490,4:1,jhbh.png)

Idk its all very confusing when Hitler was a identity assassination in the beginning.

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Lets get this out on a tray:

>Hitler would've slaughtered those russian monkeys,

Many Russians switched sides & fought by the side of their German brothers against the marxist filth.

>fuckoff our board


>nazi boy

Double lol


I know its a troll but its just so stupid, ffs.

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these are funny too

>You wish to steal Slavic land and give it to German colonists, right?

>Nazi cries in pain as he invades your territory and cleanse it. Not jews like they promised, you.

it's actually quite funny and insightful, they are legitimately nervous about the golems finding out what went down in ww2.

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File: 6c1b07e7c57543d⋯.png (338.54 KB,761x563,761:563,9c0d88504776cef780001ca128….png)

Anyone familiar with the group RNE (РНЕ in cryllic)?

It stands for Russian National Unity. They're the Russian Nazi party. They actually have a militia that has been involved in fighting in Chechnya and in East Ukraine (the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic). They're fighting alongside Russian communists because of their loyalty to ethnic Russians living in Ukraine who want to secede and rejoin with Russia. I've been paying attention to them for a bit now because they're an interesting group especially considering where they are and the history of the region. Would love to join up with one of their Ukrainian militias if I knew enough Russian to get some combat experience and to make contacts with foreign groups that are sympathetic to our cause and who have many of the same goals.

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>duuuur mustache is the same!

>different ears

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File: b8faf1b0dc6e9a5⋯.jpg (58.89 KB,650x433,650:433,jew alien.jpg)



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Honestly the thing I hate most about shitler and the noddies was their stupid and self-defeating brutality in Eastern Europe, not only alienating people who did indeed initially greet them as liberators, but also crippling what was now their own infrastructure by treating the east as a colonial territory to be looted rather than a buffer state to be developed, and thus undermining their own war effort. If their pan-Europeanism had been more than more rhetoric, they might have actually had a chance of forging a powerful European coalition against Bolshjewism. They would still probably have lost, but their memory would be revered rather than reviled.

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>based, adj.: when you prefer to shoot mudshits in downtrodden border cities than remove the parasites at the core of your country

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(You) weak bait, scum

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File: 0db31b29db6f3e7⋯.png (116.39 KB,237x480,79:160,biskupskij.png)

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Slavs are an aryan folk. We are, according to the book of Veles, the purest of all european folks.

We stood strong and loyal to our blood brothers and our land.

A lot of slavs from Eastern Europe supported NSDAP and its cause.

In Berlin, for example, a lot of immigrants from Russian Empire (belorusians, ukrainians and russians) joined SA and formed their own national-socialist corpuses,

which were allowed to operate in Germany outside Prussia.

One of them had close ties to Rosenberg, Biskupskij, who was part of a beer hall putsch and supported Hitler since 1921.

He asked his friend if it's possible to create a special russian corpus in the NSDAP for the purposes of researching slavic history, mythlogy, symbolism, roots etc.,

and someone in the high ranks didn't like the idea and Rosenberg, unfortunately, couldn't do much.

Biskupskij and his comrades were endorsed by the SS and he was made a head of Vertrauenstelle fur Russische Fluchtinge, its purpose was to unite all the immigrants with similar ideals and solve all the problems between eastern slavic nationalist groups.

As for the Lebensraum, think for yourselves, Adolf Hitler was very frustrated about the fact he failed in doing a putsch, the things he wrote in Meinkampf were emotional and not very rational in some parts, not to mention he said he'd revision the whole book.

Himmler was somewhat autistic when it came to the slavic question, but I'm sure he changed his opinion after some while, considering there were eastern european SS corpuses and a lot of his quotes about us were made up by yids.

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>pure according to some book

The mirror suggests otherwise. Aryans living in the East are not Slavs. Slavs are Eastern bastards. Putin is a lapp.

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>as soon as i make a post, a shill appears

Tell Shlomo in Tel Aviv, I said hi.

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You can tell him yourself! It takes a special type of mental illness to look at a slanty eyed people and say they are pure Aryans.

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>Slavs are an aryan folk. We are, according to the book of Veles, the purest of all european folks.

I agree, Slavs are Europeans and therefore Aryans, but the purest of all Europeans ? that doesn't make a lot of sense, all Europeans have their own beautiful and great culture, by pure what do you mean ?

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Aryans exist everywhere in Europe so to me its strange to call some Aryans "the purest" because its by default pure.

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File: f0c0d51be52cf8c⋯.pdf (529.75 KB,book-of-veles.pdf)

File: 4aa3e660bf0e445⋯.png (73.07 KB,700x525,4:3,germans-and-russians.png)



Well, I didn't mean genetically, at least nowadays. A lot of slavs were mongrelized because of communism, It's true. Every european folk is unique and the folk you represent must be loved and cherished the most. Scandinavians, mediterraneans and slavs shouldn't fight among each other, I also agree with that. By 'pure' I meant in mentality. Ancient slavs weren't sacrificing their own to the Gods nor did they take slaves in times of war. We respected our rulers and always tried to help each other in the harsh times, that is also visible in other european cultures. Everyone should just stick with their own is what I mean. Never wanted to insult anyone.

As for the book I am referring to, here it is. I'll try to translate some parts of it, when I'll have more time.

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>A lot of slavs were mongrelized because of communism

You know what's funny? Communist states were and are more White than democratic America, Britain, France, and Germany.

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>light skin means white

Israel and Turkey too then?

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File: 715304e7dbadf34⋯.webm (4.82 MB,640x360,16:9,krasnov's-cossacks.webm)


Depends on an area. You might encounter some blacks here and there in the cities, but that's rare.


Day of the branch soon.

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File: 07a335a1856105d⋯.png (362.56 KB,500x495,100:99,07a335a1856105dae5e5954d06….png)


Checked, hopefully, Russians will be a Fascist state next time.

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File: f6536164379255b⋯.jpg (89.61 KB,543x635,543:635,609c000b6482f191f6b50ba1f8….jpg)


>“Stalin had failed to generate a strong bond of faith between the Russian peasants and the regime. On the contrary, he was much hated by many peasants who had seen their lives go from bad to worse because of the collective farming the regime had implemented with great brutality,” Enstad explains.

>From 1929 onwards, the farmers were forced into collective farms – kolkhozes – often under slave-like conditions. Kulaks – affluent farmers – should be eliminated as a social class, according to Stalinist ideology. This policy also hit hard in Northwest Russia.


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"At the time, Whyte (himself homosexual) was working in Moscow at the Moscow Daily News. When he heard about the new law, he wrote a letter to Stalin asking him how he could justify it. Whyte pointed out how the new law was cancelling all the progress that had been made on such matters since the October Revolution.

Found in the Soviet archives, on the first page of the letter is a note written by Stalin:

“Archive. An idiot and a degenerate. J. Stalin.”"

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READ these and stop being a cuck:



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>he wrote a letter to Stalin asking him how he could justify it

<then he got sent to the gulag

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>Race is just skin colour

Lurk for Two Years


As opposed to America where you literally cannot escape them.

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The letter was about justifying an anti-homo law. Neoliberal capitalists are the fag lovers.

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You need to shut the fuck up.

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Maybe you should address the guy who said that, retard.

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Based Stalin with his death penalty for anti semitism!

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Learn to read posts before responding.

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You accuse me of thinking race is about skin color. Read your own drivel before you post.

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It is what you yourself said.

You saw "White" and automatically thought

I was talking about skin colour.

Lurk for two years before posting, newfaggot.

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What else could you be talking about? Under what definition are these people white? Is it their advanced societies? Their admirable culture and art? Their prowess in war? Their fairness? What except the hue of their skin could you possibly deduce they are white?

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it's really only the germans and specifically the austrians that had this slavophilic attitude, it was focused very narrowly on certain western ruthenian or rusin tribes that were seen as more aryan than hungarians - a far cry from your average pole or russian however.

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File: ed20c36a92d0218⋯.jpg (233.6 KB,1024x758,512:379,German soldiers alongside ….jpg)

>German soldiers alongside recently captured Red Army POWs treating a wounded Russian, Suoyarvi, Karelia, 21 August 1941


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>I was never on /leftypol/, but I was in the neo-nazi online-scene in the 2000s, and I remember the sentiment back then: "Russians are drunkards", "Hitler should've killed them all", "Slavs are subhumans", etc.

And this is proof of what? The fact that "neo-nazis" and "skinheads" are just holywood nazis in the real world? We know that!

I wasn't going to make any statement on this thread, but holly fuck, shills make awfull points. You are just trying to make a "relatable" narrative here!


Seriously, the jewish narrative of divide and conquer MUST be refuted, Anons!










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Shut up moshe!

You are a degenerate in a way or another for saying such things!

<100% Christian European my dog's dick!

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You are a shill, your entire arguing is a clear attempt of kike-reality bending that contradicts the known basic facts of the average Anon.

Guys, this motherfucker shills are more active because the election year comming. They know that this board will be lurked by newfags at a increasing rate. This shilling is not just to fuck with the board and spoil it for regular Anons, this is a thing they'll do to subvert newfags and obstruct the flux of redpills on them.

For now until 2020's this is a natinal front of debates Anons. We'll have to point out the bullshit when it comes, and it will come!

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>Under what definition are these people white?

They're white under the strongest of definitions - their haplogroup is r1a.

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In reality, Hitler was popular abroad everywhere.

In the US, France, Britain etc.

We don't know the truth. Our history is fake just like the news.

Hitler was against the deep state. This is why he was vilified. This was the main reason.

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>Asian haplogroup with negligible presence in Germany and NW Europe

>Pure Aryan strain goy!

You are insane.

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>I get my knowledge from wikipedia and I'm proud of it

Yeah, no. Nice waste of trips, buddy

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>I get my knowledge from non whites who claim that slanty eyed mongols are Aryan

Do you dispute the highest concentration is in the mongrelized East? Do you have eyes? A brain? Or is it more comfortable to trust kikes in white coats?

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>it switched back to its original IP and continues to derail a thread

Pogroms will be a global scale, kike, you won't escape them.

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*on a global scale

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>Russian word for bestial acts unheard of in Europe

Another confirmation you are anything but Aryan. Your loyalty is not to white people, it is to muh Russia and muh Slav identity. One day you will be returned to where you came from. "The Jews AND their helpers." -Adolf Hitler (heard of him?)

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>bestial acts

>implying neanderkikes are human

Shlomo, holy fuck, you're bad at your job.

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>implying porgroms were against Jews

If only Boris! But you seem to be more interested in slaughtering white Russians. Only under German leadership did such things happen in your "white land".

Just so people don't forget:

>first Jewish tyranny established in Europe

>first law against anti semitism

>main players in faking Holohoax evidence against Germans

BASED Mongols.

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Any source on those claims? Afaik, Indo Europeans have as much to do with contemporary chinks as niggers do with whites. Ever heard of Scythians? Were they described as Asian would be? No, they weren't. Even today - ever seen Kurds? Do they look fucking Arabian or Asian to you?

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Such a good thing they fled with the Wehrmacht when it retreated and Russian POWs killed themselves rather than be forcibly repatriated to the USSR

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That was entirely the fault of Stalin, who despised Soviet POWs and considered them traitors.


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>By what definition is an obviously European group White?

>Help me define and redefine your race out of existence, goy.

I don't play that game, kike. Trying to force us to define and redefine our race is one of your oldest tricks in the book.

Funny how no one demands that blacks define themselves. No one demands that mestizos define what it means to be mestizo. No one demands that jews define what it means to be jewish. No one demands that indians define what it means to be a red-man. ONLY Whites are attacked this way. ONLY Whites are slandered this way. ONLY Whites are "defined" out of existence by the jews.

Fuck off.

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>first Jewish tyranny established in Europe

It was USSR and not the Russian Empire

>first law against anti semitism

It was USSR and not Russian Empire #2

>main players in faking Holohoax evidence

against Germans

The main players was kikes when the enslaved Russians and Allied forces were "marxist golems".

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Don't you have some children to touch you dirty little pedophile? Tell me how much mercy did the Jews show the ethnic Russians when they decimated them during the Holdomor you filthy degenerate?

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The first thing that all Pollacks must understand when they talk about these "dirty slavic barbarians" is difference in civil developing between West and East. West is more quickly and rational, when Russia is country which trapped between "Western Rationality" and "Eastern Barbarism". So all of scientific and civil processes is going here more slowly and always faced with prejudice and bigotry.

The main reason why Russians was a first victims of Bolshjewism and didn't fight against it with fury, because they didn't have a "gun culture" like Americans have and they literally don't have constitutional rights, until Tsar Nikolay II transformed Russia from "feudal" to "constitutional monarchy" with parliament.


The serfdom in Russia was dismantled only in 1861 by Tsar Alexander II, when American "Declaration of independence" was ratified in 1776.

When "Yankees" have liberty for at least 130 years, Russians got their rights only in 1906.


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What do you know of the Russians who fought the war against the Bolshevik coup? I recall there being an army of hundreds of thousands.


The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Descends


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File: e32e144a9745ddf⋯.jpg (157.13 KB,1046x719,1046:719,Russian Liberation Army of….jpg)

File: acc1ae61e35a8ab⋯.jpg (46.81 KB,780x472,195:118,Russian Libertion Army Luf….jpg)

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File: 3d01d5165c25d9e⋯.jpg (37.27 KB,310x309,310:309,Glory to Russia!.jpg)

File: 4ffec63db1a6779⋯.jpg (132.91 KB,716x1024,179:256,Russian Liberation Army So….jpg)


The historical fact that Germany was trying to liberate the Russian people from Jewish Bolshevism is almost as suppressed as the fact that the holocaust was a hoax. Millions of Russians served in the Wehrmacht side-by-side with their German brothers.

An additional little known fact about the war is that the Soviet invasion of Germany was slated to take place later that summer, Barbarossa was a desperate heroic attempt by a surrounded and outgunned Germany to delay the total kike conquest of the world, a conquest that the Germans arguably delayed by decades.

Read this essay by the dissident Jew historian Ron Unz: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-how-hitler-saved-the-allies/

Or listen to this recent excellent Myths of the 20th Century history podcast: https://myth20c.wordpress.com/2019/07/03/icebreaker-who-started-the-second-world-war/


>Then why didn't the White Russian emigree fight alongside Hitler?

They did. As volunteers in the Wehrmacht and later as part of the Russian Liberation Army under General Vlasov. Russian emigres actually put up a monument to Vlasov and his army in New York. You should learn to do your own historical research instead of taking Jewish post-war atrocity propaganda as the basis of your entire worldview.




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File: 5d6eb933dcf8629⋯.pdf (4.42 MB,two-hundred-years-together….pdf)

File: 050516d0905b73e⋯.png (84.09 KB,200x309,200:309,book-cover.png)


Most of this barbarism was caused due to poverty and this poverty was caused by the jews, they sold alcohol to villagers, people would buy more vodka and get drunk instead of growing crops. Common people in Russia would then start taking loans, so they could at least feed their families. They couldn't give the money back and were forced to become serfs for the jews that gave them these loans. It's true that aristocracy at the time was hedonistic and was more interested in spending their time somewhere, say, in France or Britain than in their homelands, half of them actually became masons and played a big role in subverting a nation. As for the constitution and abolition of serfdom, it didn't change much. People had nowhere to go, they had to work for the land the kikes stole from their parents and then take more loans, then again their land would get stolen because they couldn't pay, this time they would just become homeless, that's the reason why peasants symphatized with the bolshevik kikes, because they were saying that the lands of peasants stolen by the other kikes will be given to them, obviously the jews wouldn't steal from their own, so they just took the land from hard working, middle class peasants with a lot of potential, they got rid of the farms which would provide the country with grain and food, so there would be instances of cannibalism in the future. And the parliament only worsened the situation and was letting the kikes to weasel their way in the high ranks even further and then destabilize the country. All of this shit was carefully planned out and these people were doing it since the Kievan Rus.

Solzhenitsyn's book "200 Years Together" explains this very well.

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You fuck off. Nobody's forcing you to define anything, but you damn well know it requires more than your own opinion to claim you are white. What's next? Any light skinned bastard can come in and claim brotherhood? An obvious mixed bastard like Putin, which any National Socialist should spot immediately, should be allowed in to mate with blonde women? Check your own logic before you call people kikes. You are opening the door for all of them.

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>not Russia

Russia became the USSR. In contrast to the West, the kikes found enough golems in that land to enact their tyranny openly.

>not Russia #2

Your Putin made Holohoax denial illegal. Is it still not Russia?

>The main players was kikes

WAS. But you still keep on with the same fucking lies. Why doesn't based Russia come out and admit all the Jewish tricks? Aren't you supposed to be stronk and independent under your Russian Hitler? Fucking Iran is more based than you.

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File: 32897c32245de77⋯.png (345.43 KB,800x472,100:59,nervous-puppet.png)

File: 921aa1c330806bc⋯.png (22.78 KB,512x397,512:397,another-golem.png)



>muh pootin, muh POOOOOTIN

You're the only one who's bringing this retarded midget up, faggot. And I see you switched back to the IP you used before, stop being this fucking blatant. I'm not even sure if you're a jew, you must be a nigger that had a jewish mother. In that case you will never be considered a nigger or a kike, you're a retarded mamzer. Keep kvetching though.

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I have one computer at work and one at home. Not trying to hide it.

>Putin is irrelevant

Alright, fine. But is he not Russian? Because when you make blanket statements like "Russia is white" then surely your fucking born and bred President should be included? If your answer is no you fully agree with me, just too proud to admit it.

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That's a beautiful Cyrillic seriffed font on the right column, I wish I knew what it was called.

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No niggers or Jews in my country when I grew up. The first because we never had an Empire, the second because when Hitler asked us if we had a Jewish problem, we were one of the few nations who rounded them all up and shipped them to camp. In fact your country's name came from us, so don't come here talking about who's white. Despite that there is still a good chunk of my countrymen who deserve to go straight to the ovens, but you can't let go of your Slavic pride living in the hell hole that is Russia.

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File: eeb1c29733f72b3⋯.jpg (3.56 MB,3614x2124,1807:1062,Dmitri Belyukin (1962-) Wh….jpg)


>Russia became the USSR. In contrast to the West, the kikes found enough golems in that land to enact their tyranny openly.

A lot of people looked down on Russia because it lacked the vitality and cohesion to repel the kike conquest of their nation. It is now definitively proven that Russians were not particularly susceptible to kike conquest, they were merely unlucky enough to have a massive kike population and were the first to fall. The kikes now rule more openly in the Anglosphere and Western Europe than they ever did in Russia, all without even a fight.

The Russians and the Germans are the only Aryan peoples who actually put up serious resistance to the kike conquest of their nations. If the Aryan race survives, Russians and Germans will be remembered as the most noble and heroic of our peoples.

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File: aadcd23f2b22730⋯.png (169.41 KB,477x462,159:154,aadcd23f2b2273012b76c49454….png)


shalom shabbat

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Finally somebody talks to me like a white man!

>resistant to kikes

How is this definitely proven? The Russian government is still cowing to Jews. Because they had a fight? They had an even bigger fight in Europe, which is why they switched strategies. And the so called Russian pogroms of Jews are pitiful. From what I can see only a few thousand deaths and no official expulsion order. Yes, you had a fight and many Russians fought like lions. And I'll readily admit that the European part of Russia acted less savagely than the far eastern rear troops. Because I am Germanic and believe in honesty. But let's not get carried away here. There is only one nation in Europe who deserve to beat themselves on the chest in this regard, it ain't mine and it ain't yours. There are too many stories where the Red Army crucifies teenage girls and laugh about it, and they weren't all from Uzbekistan. That needs to be acknowledged. Just like the Americans, the Brits and so many other misled European nations should bend their heads in shame when talking about WW2. There's nothing to be proud of. It makes people jump to insane conclusions like Poland and Russia being based nations, when the truth is they are just as cucked as the West, just in different ways. There are Aryans living in those lands, but obviously they are not in charge.

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>larps as a swede/norwegian/dane

>says half of his people deserve the oven

>won't try to talk some sense into them and break their programming

Just buy a cheap rope for 20 shekels and hang yourself. It's just pathetic to watch. Tired of your chutzpah, nigger.


The font is called Vlesovitsa.

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My bad, that's the left column.

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Litopys New Roman is the name.

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>we should talk sense to racial aliens

>wanting to deal with traitors = killing half the country

>have never met a Scandinavian in my life

The only people killing half a country in Europe lives east of the Oder. They also have plenty of full chinks who will say they are "Russian".

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>How is this definitely proven? The Russian government is still cowing to Jews. Because they had a fight?

Even after having a huge percentage of the population exterminated by kikes, especially the most intelligent, and after 70 years of kike rule. modern Russia still puts up more resistance to the kike global agenda than any Western European nation, be it on culture, religion, population replacement, international relations or Zionist expansionism. Russians are second only to Germans in deserving our respect for their resistance.

>There are too many stories where the Red Army crucifies teenage girls and laugh about it, and they weren't all from Uzbekistan. That needs to be acknowledged.

It doesn't need to be acknowledged. Russians did not have a nation at the time, they were merely slaves, additionally no atrocity propaganda from the period is reliable. The survival of European peoples depends on complete cooperation between all of us, repeating unsubstantiated anti-Russian D&C atrocity propaganda only further divides our already fractured people at a time when unity is crucial.

>That needs to be acknowledged. Just like the Americans, the Brits and so many other misled European nations should bend their heads in shame when talking about WW2. There's nothing to be proud of.

There is much for Russians to be proud of in WWII. Even after being completely decimated by kikes for decades, millions of Russians enlisted to fight alongside their German brothers. This is infinitely more than can be said for any Anglos, a cowardly and servile race which serves the kikes unto death.

>In late 1942, Hiwis comprised 50 percent of the 2nd Panzer Army's 134 Infantry Division, while the 6th Army at the Battle of Stalingrad was composed of 25 percent Hiwis.[1] By 1944, their numbers had grown to 600,000. Both men and women of the Soviet Union were recruited. Veteran Hiwis were practically indistinguishable from the regular German troops, and often served in entire company strengths.


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> they were merely slaves, additionally no atrocity propaganda from the period is reliable.

and this is the reason so many people in europe are so standoffish and aloof when it comes to the subject of slavs. you genocided the only europeans in that cared enough about you to try to help you. and then you make excuses.

>There is much for Russians to be proud of in WWII

now i know you are just trolling

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Fake resistance proven by the Government's lame attitude and complete non action. They were resisting the West during Communism too. It was fake then, and it's fake now. Give me one example of real anti Jewish action from the Russian government since the Tsars.

You know what all the bravado is about? So that Western peoples will become so sick of their governments they will start to think: "hmm, Russia and China don't look so bad in comparison now". The way the Jewish media is building those two nations up as paragons of fascism is patently obvious. The perfect excuse to finally implement direct Jewish tyranny in the West. If you're a Russian who identifies with National Socialism I am shocked you don't see how compromised your elites are. All their posturing is but a fart in the wind.

>atrocity propaganda

These are sober, German reports. The only nation in that war who even tried to be objective about the truth, who even had a concept of conscientiousness. They brought in tons of food to feed the Slavs despite it hampering their war effort. They deserve nothing but respect.


This is about the white race. Not about Russians. If you want to believe that your people has pure qualities and has never been tainted by the many foreigners squatting in the land then you can, but it's not true. Some of them, a lot of them can never be part of a racial state. Most of my people would certainly never allow a joining at the hip under those conditions. Fight the Jews? Sure, I'll ally with a nigger if it helps me in that goal. But of course he's not moving into my house afterwards. What does white even mean to you? Is it just a label to be part of the good club? Or is it achievements in arts, technology, civilization? Well then certainly nobody can deny that priorities lie mostly outside of Russia when it comes to preserving the race. Why don't I get this sense of loyalty from the vast majority of Russians? Why does it seem being white to them does not extend beyond the label itself? Whenever challenged on anything they go into full Slav megalomania mode and have never done anything wrong. I know where I have had that attitude before, and that's the reason I will never accept blanket Russians as white people. If you want to unite with us there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but don't expect an Aryan movement to accept dudes who look and act like Putin.

>russian ss

So famous for their tenacity and spirit they were shipped to France so they wouldn't immediately defect on sighting the enemy and handing him all the newest German weapons. But they still did. Read Hitler's conference on the matter, it's all in there. Some acts of bravery, but please do not exaggerate. If the Germans had taken 5 million British prisoners you can bet that servile nation as you call it would enlist in droves as well. I'm sorry to say that the Russian effort for the Wehrmacht places near the bottom of the nations who fought for them. Don't confuse hatred for the Soviet government and the German labour camp with nationalist enthusiasm. Let me sum it up: Any Russian who wants to cleanse Europe and preserve the Aryan race is welcome in the club. If they are only larping to make Russia great again, they are not.

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File: 919b3f95187b09a⋯.jpg (82.56 KB,800x523,800:523,RUSSIAN-PARTISANS-KILLED-G….jpg)


>Atrocity propaganda is unreliable

Sure but the brutality of the eastern front is so universally documented it's hard to believe there isn't truth to it.

Ukrainians and others greeted the Wehrmacht as liberators, but quickly realized that it was a case of 'new boss, same as the old boss' and German anti partisan policy called for reprisals at a ratio of 10 civilians for every German soldier wounded. 5.7 million Russian soldiers were taken as PoWs, the Germans estimated 3.3 million died. The retribution taken against the Germans by the Russians was even more terrible.

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Every anti partisan policy in the West had a 10 to 1 ratio. Though the Germans mostly refrained from this and just went in and killed all the partisans with minimal losses. Most of the victims were killed under Stalin's partisan order. There's a reason they don't parade a single German mass grave, they mostly don't exist.

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>>brutality of the eastern front

europeans have been at war for hundreds of years, and customs of war had been established. the reason the eastern front was so brutal is among other things that one side thought they were the golden horde and deemed it completely acceptable to use asiatic torture methods on civilians and prisoners of war.


by the end of the war the chetniks were fighting with the wehrmacht against the reds.

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2 weeks into the war Stavka sent a message to German high command stating that they would respect the convention on PoWs (that they had not signed) if the Germans would also respect that convention with regard to Russian prisoners. The Germans never responded. 60% of the Russian prisoners of Germany died, vs 3% of the Allied prisoners of Germany. Moreover, Germany launched a surprise attack on the USSR, so you can't tell me that the Russians "started it" with regards to the brutality.

There is a certain kind of oriental cruelty that the Russian practices that's horrifying to western sensibilities, but the Germans asked for it.


There were partisans of every stripe everywhere, and most were frankly closest to bandit gangs as opposed to ideological crusaders of any stripe. The chetniks were nationalists so it was less about fighting "with" the Germans and more about fighting against whoever was trying to occupy their country at the moment.

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File: 5f77fbfe09ffd58⋯.jpg (538.89 KB,1429x1075,1429:1075,gotta jew fast.jpg)


This is such a blatant lie when we know Stalin ordered any captured Russian a traitor not worthy of POW status. When they came home after the war they were all sent to Siberia to waste away in slave labour. If such a communication exists it must have been pure display, because when the Germans responded with "sure, let's do that" they received no reply from the USSR. In September 1941 they gave up trying. The vast majority of Russians starved in 1941 because the Germans simply weren't carrying food for millions of additional people in their backpacks. And of course Stalin refusal to allow any foreign aid to reach his soldiers, so while Poles and Czech's were living comfortably on Red Cross rations, Stalin let his men starve.

>surprise attack on innocent Jewish communists with their 11 million army

Sure Schlomo, we haven't heard this propaganda before!

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Funny that at least five men in that picture (despite the clear sign forbidding photographs) have their feet on the ground. With the others: how exactly were they hung with how the rope is tied off to the gallows frame? Someone lifted them up and then put their head in a noose? No bench, or box, or chairs or marks on the ground to imply they had been standing on something which was pulled from under them. Dubious. Highly dubious.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Give me one example of real anti Jewish action from the Russian government since the Tsars.

Russian political, economic and military support for the anti-Zionist states of Syria and Iran. Russian opposition to the Jew-ruled slave-state of Ukraine. Russia openly denouncing the population replacement policies of the kikes and aligning with all populist movements in Europe. Smashing the political power of Jewish oligarchs and making them subservient to the Russian state, something which of modern European country has achieved. The list goes on, almost every policy carried out by modern Russia somehow disrupts the kike agenda for the world.

>You know what all the bravado is about? So that Western peoples will become so sick of their governments they will start to think: "hmm, Russia and China don't look so bad in comparison now". The way the Jewish media is building those two nations up as paragons of fascism is patently obvious. The perfect excuse to finally implement direct Jewish tyranny in the West.

Russia and China are just traditional national states which limit the power of finance and make it subservient to the interests of the state. This is closer to fascism than any Western government. Adopting the current policies of the Russian or Chinese government would be a huge improvement for any country in the West, where finance openly rules and directs the state to its own benefit.

> If you're a Russian who identifies with National Socialism I am shocked you don't see how compromised your elites are.

The Russian elites are stupid and corrupt, but they are infinitely more representative of interests of Russian people than any Western leaders are of their respective populations. There is hardly any point in complaining about the mild stupidity of the Russian state when most other white people are living under governments which are actively trying to genocide their own populations. Say what you will about Putin, but he is not genociding Russians.

>These are sober, German reports.

Please provide me with sources. I will look at them out of historical curiosity, but even if blonde ethnic Russians literally cooked and ate half the German population such recriminations are utterly pointless at this time. Free of kike rule Russians and Germans get along perfectly well and there is no good reason to open wounds.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This is about the white race. Not about Russians. If you want to believe that your people has pure qualities and has never been tainted by the many foreigners squatting in the land then you can, but it's not true. Some of them, a lot of them can never be part of a racial state. Most of my people would certainly never allow a joining at the hip under those conditions

You have no people and you have no nations. All Western countries are now just third-world work camps run by kikes. What small amount of non-European admixture which exists in Russians is from Uralic, steppe Mongoloid, Caucasian and Persiac peoples, who are far more civilized, tolerable and human than the Arabs, Pakis, Spics, Chinks and niggers with whom a huge percentage of the Westerners are now admixed. At which point will it be fair to admit that Russia is whiter and more European than any Western country?

>What does white even mean to you? Is it just a label to be part of the good club?

White is just an objective statement of shared ancestry. Going back 5,000 years, every Western, Northern and Eastern European can trace 90% of their ancestry to the same exact individuals.

>Or is it achievements in arts, technology, civilization?

Russian achievements in the arts and sciences are quite comparable to those of other Aryan peoples.

>Why don't I get this sense of loyalty from the vast majority of Russians? Why does it seem being white to them does not extend beyond the label itself? Whenever challenged on anything they go into full Slav megalomania mode and have never done anything wrong. I know where I have had that attitude before, and that's the reason I will never accept blanket Russians as white people.

If you can't accept people who share 90% of your ancestry because you previously had some historical scuffles with some of them then your identity is utterly fake and meaningless. You have no white identity, no sense of shared Aryan spirit. You are blinded by petty squabbles while ignoring eons of shared blood and culture.

> If you want to unite with us there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but don't expect an Aryan movement to accept dudes who look and act like Putin.

Putin is well within the normal range of appearance for Europeans. You just have an absurdly particularist regional understanding of what a European looks like.

>>russian ss

>So famous for their tenacity and spirit they were shipped to France so they wouldn't immediately defect on sighting the enemy and handing him all the newest German weapons. But they still did. Read Hitler's conference on the matter, it's all in there.

I never mentioned the Russian SS, there was no real Russian SS. I was talking about the millions of Russian Wehrmacht volunteers and the Russian Liberation Army, who all performed admirably. If you have any evidence to the contrary please present it.

>Let me sum it up: Any Russian who wants to cleanse Europe and preserve the Aryan race is welcome in the club. If they are only larping to make Russia great again, they are not.

I only responded to you because of your unsubstantiated and counterproductive anti-Russian sentiments. All I ask is that you acknowledge the fact that Russians put up more of a fight against the kikes than almost any other population, effectively fighting what may be considered as two civil wars against kike rule. I also ask that you cease to attribute undue agency to the Russian people for actions which were perpetrated by the Soviet State, unless you are principled and also attribute all actions by current Western governments to their respective legacy populations.


>you genocided the only europeans in that cared enough about you to try to help you. and then you make excuses.

If we are to hold every Aryan people responsible for every action committed by the foreign enemy state which rules over them, then we can just consider that Western Europeans are currently voluntarily committing suicide. This is of course ridiculous, the Western peoples have no control over the actions of their states at all, with many being fanatically obedient to authority and determined to exterminate the European people, while many more sit idly by as a kike nexus of media, financial and state control slowly grinds away at their own futures. Why do you then attribute agency to Russians who lived under an enemy state which was more powerful and repressive than any which exists today?

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Ah, so THAT is the reason Hillary was sacrificing more children than usual to Moloch to get a war with Russia.

Russia made the (((oligarchs))) subservient to the state.

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>but the Germans asked for it.

please try harder



literal globalist petri dish, prostitute nation to international finance,

>Say what you will about Putin, but he is not genociding Russians.

there is no need; chinese and slavic countries are not deemed a threat by those in charge. a bit of willy waving in the middle east doesn't change a thing, you ever wonder why isreal can hit any target they please in syria?

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>slavic countries are not deemed a threat by those in charge

There is some evidence to contradict your assertion.

1. International Jewish power demonized czarist Russia for centuries and prioritized its destruction.

2. The kike-run West promised to assist Post-Communist Russia in its economic development only to dispatch kikes to loot the country for a decade; When Russia began to recover despite its economic rape, the entire kike-West imposed broad draconian sanctions on Russia in order to hinder her recovery.

3. The global media demonization of Russia is only marginally less intense than their demonization of National Socialist Germany.

4. Shills are paid to encourage irrational anti-Russian sentiments among European nationalists and dissidents

5. ZOG is on a constant aggressive war footing against Russia even though contemporary Russia is an ideologically ambivalent stagnant despotism racked by social and economic problems, while the military rise of the ostensibly far more powerful Communist China is completely ignored.

Russians may have be 2 or 3 points lower than Western Europeans in average IQ, but they are still an creative, striving and transcendent Aryan people which haunts the nightmares of the kikes.

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Not really centuries, it was only because the last 3 tsars wanted to integrate jews.


Lmao implying bolshevik russia wasn't 100% already jewed and it wasn't jews helping other jews transfer looted weuropean wealth into the hands of zionist jews to help fund israel.


Lmao no


Sure but jews shill for and against anything at every time. Doesn't make putin a "good guy"


Because it's a remnant boogeyman to keep boomers in line.

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File: 16e2930f5322c92⋯.jpg (151.67 KB,700x559,700:559,On-the-battle-post-1965.jpg)


>Lmao implying bolshevik russia wasn't 100% already jewed and it wasn't jews helping other jews transfer looted weuropean wealth into the hands of zionist jews to help fund israel.

Russians regained much control after the death of Stalin. Kikes were explicitly banned from almost every high-ranking position in the late Soviet Union and Russia had begun to recover.

>Because it's a remnant boogeyman to keep boomers in line.

Saying that both American parties are fanatically anti-Russian in order to satisfy boomers as stupid as saying that both parties are pro-Israel in order to satisfy evangelical Christians. Boomers, like evangelical Christians, have no political power in America, and they get literally none of their desired policies implemented, only the policies which benefit the kikes are implemented. If boomers actually had political power there would be dozens of policies which they would prefer be implemented ahead of WWIII with Russia, such as a wall with Mexico or a ban on tranny children.

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The sad thing is that Germany militarily speaking didn't need additional allies or manpower. It needed logistics to get supplies to the front.

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File: 84fe61bb2f82852⋯.jpeg (7.23 KB,286x176,13:8,images.jpeg)

Daily reminder:

Chechens = Kavkazi= Caucasian = WHITE

There's a reason why the EURASIAN SLAV JEW Putin is waging terror in the Caucasus region.


>The 1940–44 insurgency in Chechnya was an autonomous revolt against the Soviet authorities in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Beginning as early as June 1941 under Khasan Israilov, it peaked in 1942 during the German invasion of North Caucasus and ended in the beginning of 1944 with the wholesale concentration and deportation of the Vainakh peoples (Chechensand Ingushes) from their native lands as well as from the locations across the USSR, resulting in the death of at least 144,000 civilians. However, scattered resistance in the mountains continued for years.

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This thread is like the recreation of Jewish trolling of Hitler.

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>oy vey

I bought the book thanks to you two.

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>Chechens = Kavkazi= Caucasian = WHITE

No, they are not white, they are central asiatic caucasians with some white admixture. A similar argument applies to other people in the region such as kurds/armenians/georgians etc. This area of the world is a mutt zone, a sort of proto 56% america before there was an america.

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No kike, you fuck off. This thread belongs on /pol/.

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File: a8027881bd5d0a4⋯.jpg (196.83 KB,640x480,4:3,hurt diver.jpg)

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File: 779c18fe53f2be3⋯.png (124.35 KB,474x266,237:133,Amerimutt tries into Europ….png)



Go make a thread about that, shitskin.

If there's one thing /pol/ needs more of, it's YOURENOTWHITE threads

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