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 No.12783936 [View All]



To put it briefly: Ethnic Russians were much less loyal to the Soviet regime in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have believed up to now.

This is the story told by UiO researcher Johannes Due Enstad, who has recently published a book about the German occupation of Northwest Russia during World War 2.

But why did so many Russians show such a benevolent attitude towards the occupation force?

“Stalin had failed to generate a strong bond of faith between the Russian peasants and the regime. On the contrary, he was much hated by many peasants who had seen their lives go from bad to worse because of the collective farming the regime had implemented with great brutality,” Enstad explains.

From 1929 onwards, the farmers were forced into collective farms – kolkhozes – often under slave-like conditions. Kulaks – affluent farmers – should be eliminated as a social class, according to Stalinist ideology. This policy also hit hard in Northwest Russia.

In 1937-1938 the “Great Terror” arrived, where Stalin, in an unbelievably brutal fashion, acted to get rid of all who might be thought of or imagined as opponents of the regime. Given such a backdrop, it is possible to understand why so many Russians put their trust in the Germans.

One good example is a letter written to “Der Führer” by the inhabitants of three small villages in the autumn of 1941: “We give our most sincere thanks for liberating us from Stalin’s lackeys and collective farms. On the 10th of July the German Armed Forces – your Wehrmacht – freed us from the yoke of the dammed communists, the political leaders and the Stalinist government. […] We will fight against the communists together with your troops. We give thanks to the German Army for our liberty […] and ask that this message is delivered to our liberator Adolf Hitler.”

When the Red Army and the party apparatus fled from Northwest Russia, the farmers claimed their rights and dissolved the collective farms. Further south, in the fertile black earth region, the Germans maintained the collectives, so as to stay in control of the rich crops. In the North West region, where the earth was less fertile, they accepted the dissolution and introduced a “semi-private” agriculture. According to Enstad, this German agricultural policy was the main reason why the positive attitude to the occupants lasted as long as it did.

Another reason for the relative popularity of the occupiers was their policy on religion. They re-opened the churches the Soviet regime had closed, something which caused something close to a religious renaissance for the Russian

He says that many priests openly supported the occupants and prayed for a German victory in their sermons. “At the same time this acted as a double-edged sword for the Germans. Opening the churches led to increasing Russian nationalism and a growing feeling that the Russians should not live under the rule of strangers,” he says.

Enstad’s sources are in the main first-hand sources collected from German and Russian state archives. German and Russian reports gave a totally opposite picture of the mood of the population, however, in Enstad’s opinion, there are good reasons to believe that the German sources were closer to the truth.


Beginning in 1917 it was common for Russians to associate Jews with the revolution (Werth 1999, 86). Even after the German invasion in 1941, it was common for many Russians to hope for German victory to rid the country of 'Jews and Bolsheviks' – until the brutality of the invaders became apparent (Werth 1999, 215).


German Soldiers as Witnesses against Bolshevism


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Such a good thing they fled with the Wehrmacht when it retreated and Russian POWs killed themselves rather than be forcibly repatriated to the USSR

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That was entirely the fault of Stalin, who despised Soviet POWs and considered them traitors.


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>By what definition is an obviously European group White?

>Help me define and redefine your race out of existence, goy.

I don't play that game, kike. Trying to force us to define and redefine our race is one of your oldest tricks in the book.

Funny how no one demands that blacks define themselves. No one demands that mestizos define what it means to be mestizo. No one demands that jews define what it means to be jewish. No one demands that indians define what it means to be a red-man. ONLY Whites are attacked this way. ONLY Whites are slandered this way. ONLY Whites are "defined" out of existence by the jews.

Fuck off.

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>first Jewish tyranny established in Europe

It was USSR and not the Russian Empire

>first law against anti semitism

It was USSR and not Russian Empire #2

>main players in faking Holohoax evidence

against Germans

The main players was kikes when the enslaved Russians and Allied forces were "marxist golems".

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Don't you have some children to touch you dirty little pedophile? Tell me how much mercy did the Jews show the ethnic Russians when they decimated them during the Holdomor you filthy degenerate?

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The first thing that all Pollacks must understand when they talk about these "dirty slavic barbarians" is difference in civil developing between West and East. West is more quickly and rational, when Russia is country which trapped between "Western Rationality" and "Eastern Barbarism". So all of scientific and civil processes is going here more slowly and always faced with prejudice and bigotry.

The main reason why Russians was a first victims of Bolshjewism and didn't fight against it with fury, because they didn't have a "gun culture" like Americans have and they literally don't have constitutional rights, until Tsar Nikolay II transformed Russia from "feudal" to "constitutional monarchy" with parliament.


The serfdom in Russia was dismantled only in 1861 by Tsar Alexander II, when American "Declaration of independence" was ratified in 1776.

When "Yankees" have liberty for at least 130 years, Russians got their rights only in 1906.


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What do you know of the Russians who fought the war against the Bolshevik coup? I recall there being an army of hundreds of thousands.


The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Descends


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The historical fact that Germany was trying to liberate the Russian people from Jewish Bolshevism is almost as suppressed as the fact that the holocaust was a hoax. Millions of Russians served in the Wehrmacht side-by-side with their German brothers.

An additional little known fact about the war is that the Soviet invasion of Germany was slated to take place later that summer, Barbarossa was a desperate heroic attempt by a surrounded and outgunned Germany to delay the total kike conquest of the world, a conquest that the Germans arguably delayed by decades.

Read this essay by the dissident Jew historian Ron Unz: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-how-hitler-saved-the-allies/

Or listen to this recent excellent Myths of the 20th Century history podcast: https://myth20c.wordpress.com/2019/07/03/icebreaker-who-started-the-second-world-war/


>Then why didn't the White Russian emigree fight alongside Hitler?

They did. As volunteers in the Wehrmacht and later as part of the Russian Liberation Army under General Vlasov. Russian emigres actually put up a monument to Vlasov and his army in New York. You should learn to do your own historical research instead of taking Jewish post-war atrocity propaganda as the basis of your entire worldview.




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Most of this barbarism was caused due to poverty and this poverty was caused by the jews, they sold alcohol to villagers, people would buy more vodka and get drunk instead of growing crops. Common people in Russia would then start taking loans, so they could at least feed their families. They couldn't give the money back and were forced to become serfs for the jews that gave them these loans. It's true that aristocracy at the time was hedonistic and was more interested in spending their time somewhere, say, in France or Britain than in their homelands, half of them actually became masons and played a big role in subverting a nation. As for the constitution and abolition of serfdom, it didn't change much. People had nowhere to go, they had to work for the land the kikes stole from their parents and then take more loans, then again their land would get stolen because they couldn't pay, this time they would just become homeless, that's the reason why peasants symphatized with the bolshevik kikes, because they were saying that the lands of peasants stolen by the other kikes will be given to them, obviously the jews wouldn't steal from their own, so they just took the land from hard working, middle class peasants with a lot of potential, they got rid of the farms which would provide the country with grain and food, so there would be instances of cannibalism in the future. And the parliament only worsened the situation and was letting the kikes to weasel their way in the high ranks even further and then destabilize the country. All of this shit was carefully planned out and these people were doing it since the Kievan Rus.

Solzhenitsyn's book "200 Years Together" explains this very well.

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You fuck off. Nobody's forcing you to define anything, but you damn well know it requires more than your own opinion to claim you are white. What's next? Any light skinned bastard can come in and claim brotherhood? An obvious mixed bastard like Putin, which any National Socialist should spot immediately, should be allowed in to mate with blonde women? Check your own logic before you call people kikes. You are opening the door for all of them.

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>not Russia

Russia became the USSR. In contrast to the West, the kikes found enough golems in that land to enact their tyranny openly.

>not Russia #2

Your Putin made Holohoax denial illegal. Is it still not Russia?

>The main players was kikes

WAS. But you still keep on with the same fucking lies. Why doesn't based Russia come out and admit all the Jewish tricks? Aren't you supposed to be stronk and independent under your Russian Hitler? Fucking Iran is more based than you.

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>muh pootin, muh POOOOOTIN

You're the only one who's bringing this retarded midget up, faggot. And I see you switched back to the IP you used before, stop being this fucking blatant. I'm not even sure if you're a jew, you must be a nigger that had a jewish mother. In that case you will never be considered a nigger or a kike, you're a retarded mamzer. Keep kvetching though.

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I have one computer at work and one at home. Not trying to hide it.

>Putin is irrelevant

Alright, fine. But is he not Russian? Because when you make blanket statements like "Russia is white" then surely your fucking born and bred President should be included? If your answer is no you fully agree with me, just too proud to admit it.

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That's a beautiful Cyrillic seriffed font on the right column, I wish I knew what it was called.

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No niggers or Jews in my country when I grew up. The first because we never had an Empire, the second because when Hitler asked us if we had a Jewish problem, we were one of the few nations who rounded them all up and shipped them to camp. In fact your country's name came from us, so don't come here talking about who's white. Despite that there is still a good chunk of my countrymen who deserve to go straight to the ovens, but you can't let go of your Slavic pride living in the hell hole that is Russia.

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>Russia became the USSR. In contrast to the West, the kikes found enough golems in that land to enact their tyranny openly.

A lot of people looked down on Russia because it lacked the vitality and cohesion to repel the kike conquest of their nation. It is now definitively proven that Russians were not particularly susceptible to kike conquest, they were merely unlucky enough to have a massive kike population and were the first to fall. The kikes now rule more openly in the Anglosphere and Western Europe than they ever did in Russia, all without even a fight.

The Russians and the Germans are the only Aryan peoples who actually put up serious resistance to the kike conquest of their nations. If the Aryan race survives, Russians and Germans will be remembered as the most noble and heroic of our peoples.

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shalom shabbat

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Finally somebody talks to me like a white man!

>resistant to kikes

How is this definitely proven? The Russian government is still cowing to Jews. Because they had a fight? They had an even bigger fight in Europe, which is why they switched strategies. And the so called Russian pogroms of Jews are pitiful. From what I can see only a few thousand deaths and no official expulsion order. Yes, you had a fight and many Russians fought like lions. And I'll readily admit that the European part of Russia acted less savagely than the far eastern rear troops. Because I am Germanic and believe in honesty. But let's not get carried away here. There is only one nation in Europe who deserve to beat themselves on the chest in this regard, it ain't mine and it ain't yours. There are too many stories where the Red Army crucifies teenage girls and laugh about it, and they weren't all from Uzbekistan. That needs to be acknowledged. Just like the Americans, the Brits and so many other misled European nations should bend their heads in shame when talking about WW2. There's nothing to be proud of. It makes people jump to insane conclusions like Poland and Russia being based nations, when the truth is they are just as cucked as the West, just in different ways. There are Aryans living in those lands, but obviously they are not in charge.

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>larps as a swede/norwegian/dane

>says half of his people deserve the oven

>won't try to talk some sense into them and break their programming

Just buy a cheap rope for 20 shekels and hang yourself. It's just pathetic to watch. Tired of your chutzpah, nigger.


The font is called Vlesovitsa.

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My bad, that's the left column.

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Litopys New Roman is the name.

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>we should talk sense to racial aliens

>wanting to deal with traitors = killing half the country

>have never met a Scandinavian in my life

The only people killing half a country in Europe lives east of the Oder. They also have plenty of full chinks who will say they are "Russian".

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>How is this definitely proven? The Russian government is still cowing to Jews. Because they had a fight?

Even after having a huge percentage of the population exterminated by kikes, especially the most intelligent, and after 70 years of kike rule. modern Russia still puts up more resistance to the kike global agenda than any Western European nation, be it on culture, religion, population replacement, international relations or Zionist expansionism. Russians are second only to Germans in deserving our respect for their resistance.

>There are too many stories where the Red Army crucifies teenage girls and laugh about it, and they weren't all from Uzbekistan. That needs to be acknowledged.

It doesn't need to be acknowledged. Russians did not have a nation at the time, they were merely slaves, additionally no atrocity propaganda from the period is reliable. The survival of European peoples depends on complete cooperation between all of us, repeating unsubstantiated anti-Russian D&C atrocity propaganda only further divides our already fractured people at a time when unity is crucial.

>That needs to be acknowledged. Just like the Americans, the Brits and so many other misled European nations should bend their heads in shame when talking about WW2. There's nothing to be proud of.

There is much for Russians to be proud of in WWII. Even after being completely decimated by kikes for decades, millions of Russians enlisted to fight alongside their German brothers. This is infinitely more than can be said for any Anglos, a cowardly and servile race which serves the kikes unto death.

>In late 1942, Hiwis comprised 50 percent of the 2nd Panzer Army's 134 Infantry Division, while the 6th Army at the Battle of Stalingrad was composed of 25 percent Hiwis.[1] By 1944, their numbers had grown to 600,000. Both men and women of the Soviet Union were recruited. Veteran Hiwis were practically indistinguishable from the regular German troops, and often served in entire company strengths.


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> they were merely slaves, additionally no atrocity propaganda from the period is reliable.

and this is the reason so many people in europe are so standoffish and aloof when it comes to the subject of slavs. you genocided the only europeans in that cared enough about you to try to help you. and then you make excuses.

>There is much for Russians to be proud of in WWII

now i know you are just trolling

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Fake resistance proven by the Government's lame attitude and complete non action. They were resisting the West during Communism too. It was fake then, and it's fake now. Give me one example of real anti Jewish action from the Russian government since the Tsars.

You know what all the bravado is about? So that Western peoples will become so sick of their governments they will start to think: "hmm, Russia and China don't look so bad in comparison now". The way the Jewish media is building those two nations up as paragons of fascism is patently obvious. The perfect excuse to finally implement direct Jewish tyranny in the West. If you're a Russian who identifies with National Socialism I am shocked you don't see how compromised your elites are. All their posturing is but a fart in the wind.

>atrocity propaganda

These are sober, German reports. The only nation in that war who even tried to be objective about the truth, who even had a concept of conscientiousness. They brought in tons of food to feed the Slavs despite it hampering their war effort. They deserve nothing but respect.


This is about the white race. Not about Russians. If you want to believe that your people has pure qualities and has never been tainted by the many foreigners squatting in the land then you can, but it's not true. Some of them, a lot of them can never be part of a racial state. Most of my people would certainly never allow a joining at the hip under those conditions. Fight the Jews? Sure, I'll ally with a nigger if it helps me in that goal. But of course he's not moving into my house afterwards. What does white even mean to you? Is it just a label to be part of the good club? Or is it achievements in arts, technology, civilization? Well then certainly nobody can deny that priorities lie mostly outside of Russia when it comes to preserving the race. Why don't I get this sense of loyalty from the vast majority of Russians? Why does it seem being white to them does not extend beyond the label itself? Whenever challenged on anything they go into full Slav megalomania mode and have never done anything wrong. I know where I have had that attitude before, and that's the reason I will never accept blanket Russians as white people. If you want to unite with us there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but don't expect an Aryan movement to accept dudes who look and act like Putin.

>russian ss

So famous for their tenacity and spirit they were shipped to France so they wouldn't immediately defect on sighting the enemy and handing him all the newest German weapons. But they still did. Read Hitler's conference on the matter, it's all in there. Some acts of bravery, but please do not exaggerate. If the Germans had taken 5 million British prisoners you can bet that servile nation as you call it would enlist in droves as well. I'm sorry to say that the Russian effort for the Wehrmacht places near the bottom of the nations who fought for them. Don't confuse hatred for the Soviet government and the German labour camp with nationalist enthusiasm. Let me sum it up: Any Russian who wants to cleanse Europe and preserve the Aryan race is welcome in the club. If they are only larping to make Russia great again, they are not.

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File: 919b3f95187b09a⋯.jpg (82.56 KB,800x523,800:523,RUSSIAN-PARTISANS-KILLED-G….jpg)


>Atrocity propaganda is unreliable

Sure but the brutality of the eastern front is so universally documented it's hard to believe there isn't truth to it.

Ukrainians and others greeted the Wehrmacht as liberators, but quickly realized that it was a case of 'new boss, same as the old boss' and German anti partisan policy called for reprisals at a ratio of 10 civilians for every German soldier wounded. 5.7 million Russian soldiers were taken as PoWs, the Germans estimated 3.3 million died. The retribution taken against the Germans by the Russians was even more terrible.

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Every anti partisan policy in the West had a 10 to 1 ratio. Though the Germans mostly refrained from this and just went in and killed all the partisans with minimal losses. Most of the victims were killed under Stalin's partisan order. There's a reason they don't parade a single German mass grave, they mostly don't exist.

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>>brutality of the eastern front

europeans have been at war for hundreds of years, and customs of war had been established. the reason the eastern front was so brutal is among other things that one side thought they were the golden horde and deemed it completely acceptable to use asiatic torture methods on civilians and prisoners of war.


by the end of the war the chetniks were fighting with the wehrmacht against the reds.

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2 weeks into the war Stavka sent a message to German high command stating that they would respect the convention on PoWs (that they had not signed) if the Germans would also respect that convention with regard to Russian prisoners. The Germans never responded. 60% of the Russian prisoners of Germany died, vs 3% of the Allied prisoners of Germany. Moreover, Germany launched a surprise attack on the USSR, so you can't tell me that the Russians "started it" with regards to the brutality.

There is a certain kind of oriental cruelty that the Russian practices that's horrifying to western sensibilities, but the Germans asked for it.


There were partisans of every stripe everywhere, and most were frankly closest to bandit gangs as opposed to ideological crusaders of any stripe. The chetniks were nationalists so it was less about fighting "with" the Germans and more about fighting against whoever was trying to occupy their country at the moment.

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File: 5f77fbfe09ffd58⋯.jpg (538.89 KB,1429x1075,1429:1075,gotta jew fast.jpg)


This is such a blatant lie when we know Stalin ordered any captured Russian a traitor not worthy of POW status. When they came home after the war they were all sent to Siberia to waste away in slave labour. If such a communication exists it must have been pure display, because when the Germans responded with "sure, let's do that" they received no reply from the USSR. In September 1941 they gave up trying. The vast majority of Russians starved in 1941 because the Germans simply weren't carrying food for millions of additional people in their backpacks. And of course Stalin refusal to allow any foreign aid to reach his soldiers, so while Poles and Czech's were living comfortably on Red Cross rations, Stalin let his men starve.

>surprise attack on innocent Jewish communists with their 11 million army

Sure Schlomo, we haven't heard this propaganda before!

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Funny that at least five men in that picture (despite the clear sign forbidding photographs) have their feet on the ground. With the others: how exactly were they hung with how the rope is tied off to the gallows frame? Someone lifted them up and then put their head in a noose? No bench, or box, or chairs or marks on the ground to imply they had been standing on something which was pulled from under them. Dubious. Highly dubious.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Give me one example of real anti Jewish action from the Russian government since the Tsars.

Russian political, economic and military support for the anti-Zionist states of Syria and Iran. Russian opposition to the Jew-ruled slave-state of Ukraine. Russia openly denouncing the population replacement policies of the kikes and aligning with all populist movements in Europe. Smashing the political power of Jewish oligarchs and making them subservient to the Russian state, something which of modern European country has achieved. The list goes on, almost every policy carried out by modern Russia somehow disrupts the kike agenda for the world.

>You know what all the bravado is about? So that Western peoples will become so sick of their governments they will start to think: "hmm, Russia and China don't look so bad in comparison now". The way the Jewish media is building those two nations up as paragons of fascism is patently obvious. The perfect excuse to finally implement direct Jewish tyranny in the West.

Russia and China are just traditional national states which limit the power of finance and make it subservient to the interests of the state. This is closer to fascism than any Western government. Adopting the current policies of the Russian or Chinese government would be a huge improvement for any country in the West, where finance openly rules and directs the state to its own benefit.

> If you're a Russian who identifies with National Socialism I am shocked you don't see how compromised your elites are.

The Russian elites are stupid and corrupt, but they are infinitely more representative of interests of Russian people than any Western leaders are of their respective populations. There is hardly any point in complaining about the mild stupidity of the Russian state when most other white people are living under governments which are actively trying to genocide their own populations. Say what you will about Putin, but he is not genociding Russians.

>These are sober, German reports.

Please provide me with sources. I will look at them out of historical curiosity, but even if blonde ethnic Russians literally cooked and ate half the German population such recriminations are utterly pointless at this time. Free of kike rule Russians and Germans get along perfectly well and there is no good reason to open wounds.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This is about the white race. Not about Russians. If you want to believe that your people has pure qualities and has never been tainted by the many foreigners squatting in the land then you can, but it's not true. Some of them, a lot of them can never be part of a racial state. Most of my people would certainly never allow a joining at the hip under those conditions

You have no people and you have no nations. All Western countries are now just third-world work camps run by kikes. What small amount of non-European admixture which exists in Russians is from Uralic, steppe Mongoloid, Caucasian and Persiac peoples, who are far more civilized, tolerable and human than the Arabs, Pakis, Spics, Chinks and niggers with whom a huge percentage of the Westerners are now admixed. At which point will it be fair to admit that Russia is whiter and more European than any Western country?

>What does white even mean to you? Is it just a label to be part of the good club?

White is just an objective statement of shared ancestry. Going back 5,000 years, every Western, Northern and Eastern European can trace 90% of their ancestry to the same exact individuals.

>Or is it achievements in arts, technology, civilization?

Russian achievements in the arts and sciences are quite comparable to those of other Aryan peoples.

>Why don't I get this sense of loyalty from the vast majority of Russians? Why does it seem being white to them does not extend beyond the label itself? Whenever challenged on anything they go into full Slav megalomania mode and have never done anything wrong. I know where I have had that attitude before, and that's the reason I will never accept blanket Russians as white people.

If you can't accept people who share 90% of your ancestry because you previously had some historical scuffles with some of them then your identity is utterly fake and meaningless. You have no white identity, no sense of shared Aryan spirit. You are blinded by petty squabbles while ignoring eons of shared blood and culture.

> If you want to unite with us there is absolutely nothing stopping you, but don't expect an Aryan movement to accept dudes who look and act like Putin.

Putin is well within the normal range of appearance for Europeans. You just have an absurdly particularist regional understanding of what a European looks like.

>>russian ss

>So famous for their tenacity and spirit they were shipped to France so they wouldn't immediately defect on sighting the enemy and handing him all the newest German weapons. But they still did. Read Hitler's conference on the matter, it's all in there.

I never mentioned the Russian SS, there was no real Russian SS. I was talking about the millions of Russian Wehrmacht volunteers and the Russian Liberation Army, who all performed admirably. If you have any evidence to the contrary please present it.

>Let me sum it up: Any Russian who wants to cleanse Europe and preserve the Aryan race is welcome in the club. If they are only larping to make Russia great again, they are not.

I only responded to you because of your unsubstantiated and counterproductive anti-Russian sentiments. All I ask is that you acknowledge the fact that Russians put up more of a fight against the kikes than almost any other population, effectively fighting what may be considered as two civil wars against kike rule. I also ask that you cease to attribute undue agency to the Russian people for actions which were perpetrated by the Soviet State, unless you are principled and also attribute all actions by current Western governments to their respective legacy populations.


>you genocided the only europeans in that cared enough about you to try to help you. and then you make excuses.

If we are to hold every Aryan people responsible for every action committed by the foreign enemy state which rules over them, then we can just consider that Western Europeans are currently voluntarily committing suicide. This is of course ridiculous, the Western peoples have no control over the actions of their states at all, with many being fanatically obedient to authority and determined to exterminate the European people, while many more sit idly by as a kike nexus of media, financial and state control slowly grinds away at their own futures. Why do you then attribute agency to Russians who lived under an enemy state which was more powerful and repressive than any which exists today?

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Ah, so THAT is the reason Hillary was sacrificing more children than usual to Moloch to get a war with Russia.

Russia made the (((oligarchs))) subservient to the state.

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>but the Germans asked for it.

please try harder



literal globalist petri dish, prostitute nation to international finance,

>Say what you will about Putin, but he is not genociding Russians.

there is no need; chinese and slavic countries are not deemed a threat by those in charge. a bit of willy waving in the middle east doesn't change a thing, you ever wonder why isreal can hit any target they please in syria?

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>slavic countries are not deemed a threat by those in charge

There is some evidence to contradict your assertion.

1. International Jewish power demonized czarist Russia for centuries and prioritized its destruction.

2. The kike-run West promised to assist Post-Communist Russia in its economic development only to dispatch kikes to loot the country for a decade; When Russia began to recover despite its economic rape, the entire kike-West imposed broad draconian sanctions on Russia in order to hinder her recovery.

3. The global media demonization of Russia is only marginally less intense than their demonization of National Socialist Germany.

4. Shills are paid to encourage irrational anti-Russian sentiments among European nationalists and dissidents

5. ZOG is on a constant aggressive war footing against Russia even though contemporary Russia is an ideologically ambivalent stagnant despotism racked by social and economic problems, while the military rise of the ostensibly far more powerful Communist China is completely ignored.

Russians may have be 2 or 3 points lower than Western Europeans in average IQ, but they are still an creative, striving and transcendent Aryan people which haunts the nightmares of the kikes.

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Not really centuries, it was only because the last 3 tsars wanted to integrate jews.


Lmao implying bolshevik russia wasn't 100% already jewed and it wasn't jews helping other jews transfer looted weuropean wealth into the hands of zionist jews to help fund israel.


Lmao no


Sure but jews shill for and against anything at every time. Doesn't make putin a "good guy"


Because it's a remnant boogeyman to keep boomers in line.

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File: 16e2930f5322c92⋯.jpg (151.67 KB,700x559,700:559,On-the-battle-post-1965.jpg)


>Lmao implying bolshevik russia wasn't 100% already jewed and it wasn't jews helping other jews transfer looted weuropean wealth into the hands of zionist jews to help fund israel.

Russians regained much control after the death of Stalin. Kikes were explicitly banned from almost every high-ranking position in the late Soviet Union and Russia had begun to recover.

>Because it's a remnant boogeyman to keep boomers in line.

Saying that both American parties are fanatically anti-Russian in order to satisfy boomers as stupid as saying that both parties are pro-Israel in order to satisfy evangelical Christians. Boomers, like evangelical Christians, have no political power in America, and they get literally none of their desired policies implemented, only the policies which benefit the kikes are implemented. If boomers actually had political power there would be dozens of policies which they would prefer be implemented ahead of WWIII with Russia, such as a wall with Mexico or a ban on tranny children.

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The sad thing is that Germany militarily speaking didn't need additional allies or manpower. It needed logistics to get supplies to the front.

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Daily reminder:

Chechens = Kavkazi= Caucasian = WHITE

There's a reason why the EURASIAN SLAV JEW Putin is waging terror in the Caucasus region.


>The 1940–44 insurgency in Chechnya was an autonomous revolt against the Soviet authorities in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Beginning as early as June 1941 under Khasan Israilov, it peaked in 1942 during the German invasion of North Caucasus and ended in the beginning of 1944 with the wholesale concentration and deportation of the Vainakh peoples (Chechensand Ingushes) from their native lands as well as from the locations across the USSR, resulting in the death of at least 144,000 civilians. However, scattered resistance in the mountains continued for years.

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This thread is like the recreation of Jewish trolling of Hitler.

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>oy vey

I bought the book thanks to you two.

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>Chechens = Kavkazi= Caucasian = WHITE

No, they are not white, they are central asiatic caucasians with some white admixture. A similar argument applies to other people in the region such as kurds/armenians/georgians etc. This area of the world is a mutt zone, a sort of proto 56% america before there was an america.

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No kike, you fuck off. This thread belongs on /pol/.

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File: a8027881bd5d0a4⋯.jpg (196.83 KB,640x480,4:3,hurt diver.jpg)

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File: 779c18fe53f2be3⋯.png (124.35 KB,474x266,237:133,Amerimutt tries into Europ….png)



Go make a thread about that, shitskin.

If there's one thing /pol/ needs more of, it's YOURENOTWHITE threads

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