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File: 3a34f16c73fb64a⋯.jpg (32.37 KB,475x315,95:63,Audiobooks.jpg)

 No.12758086 [View All]

I'm wondering if anyone has a list to audiobooks of various books that everyone on /pol/ should read.

I don't have a lot time to sit and read while at work and during exercise and chores.

So I'm willing to fund the production of various audiobook for the ones which don't have any existing recordings. But in general I humble request a list of maybe the top 100 books every /pol/ack needs to read besides our "Uncle's Struggle."

We can hopefully get to 10000 books eventually. I will gather what I currently have later and upload a link…I have go to work now.

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Recommended indeed. He was ultra right for sure. Even if I don't agree with all his points personally, he was spot on in all what he says from a logical perspective how races and genetics are and such.

They killed him for that book. Just after WW2. Nuremberg trial basically gave him death sentence since he was too clever.

Another link:

The Myth-Alfred Rosenberg’s Magnum Opus


Couple of youtube links which used to host Magnus Opus

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3cOAPMC7-8 not working

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaDULcx7NCQ - not working

Youtube has been very busy throughout the years to remove his books.

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>Revolt against the Modern World


>Myth of the 20th Century


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Julius Caesar by Dr. Phillip Freeman (audiobook)

Chapter 6: The Belgae


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File: 9d0bbdc843ae4d7⋯.png (26.32 KB,300x100,3:1,1501433506577.png)

Both of you guys links got shoa`d, pls upload it again

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Hey guys, randomly tried recording the first 35 pages of Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World, it's obviously not processional or anything and my version of the book had a lot of spelling mistakes, so whatever. https://archive.org/details/00120190701184341myrecording

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I skipped to a random point and it was you coughing and drinking and being silent, haha. Maybe pause recording for those happenings. Your voice is good for this I think.

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kek, I thought I had set it on pause.

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Hey bud, I'm the dude who made Culture of Critique, For My Legionaries, The Jewish Hands in the World Wars, Against our Better Judgement, two manifestos for WN mass shooters, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Vol I. I'm also making audiobooks on ancient Rome atm that you can find on this website along with everything else:


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>>13465496 I also wanted to say that I can give you a bunch of tips for doing this audiobook stuff

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Michael Collins Piper broadcasts

The one with Giuliani is especially good I think


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Looks like Tony Hovater is going to start recording audiobooks


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File: c22254cbe1d3062⋯.png (201.78 KB,634x452,317:226,7547845y78t5489.png)


>space vietnam

I prefer The Killing Star by Charles Pellegrino and George Zebrowski.

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Much better than The Forever War's version of the future where homosexuality becomes law.

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File: 9b5688fb62d9a0b⋯.png (179.93 KB,343x544,343:544,jack bernstein.png)

File: 3e2132b5df29e89⋯.jpg (138.45 KB,631x515,631:515,15d5a36.jpg)

Jack Bernstein - The Life of an American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel (Read by John Stadtmiller)

>"Unlike most American Jews, whose support for Israel is limited to words and money, Jack Bernstein actually "returned" to the "Jewish homeland" not as a tourist, or for a summer visit but to live and die in Israel as a committed builder of the Jewish nation. As he explains here in this punchy and persuasive booklet, his idealism soon turned to disillusionment. He takes the reader on a guided tour of Israel s history, institutions and values. He exposes Israel s sham and hypocrisy, revealing its oppressive, racist, militaristic, and parasitic character.

>Bernstein speaks above all to the deceived and misguided American people, whose money, toil and blood sustain the Zionist state. As long as the US continues to support Israel, he prophetically warns, there will be no end to war in the Middle East, strife between Jews and non-Jews, and the brutal oppression of Palestinians."



Back in the dark ages of 2008/2009, this was standard introductory redpill on the jews. Thankfully, times have changed, but it could still be good for MAGApedes and other "patriot" types, especially with John Stadtmiller's added commentary (and bumper music). I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who's jew-wise enough to belong here though.

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File: d9153b42fe090dc⋯.pdf (633.81 KB,''Those Damn Nazis''.pdf)

File: c85f73a9ec49559⋯.png (23.6 KB,1200x720,5:3,serveimage.png)

"Those Damned Nazis", by Joseph Goebbels.


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I don't like my initial readings of the Irving books. Everything else is ok. Sorry for late reply. Been away.


I don't own that account. It's missing stuff now, too.

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The Protocols are literally a copy of a fictional satire by Maurice Joly: The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu. In this book, a fictional representation of Machiavelli sitting in hell discusses his politics and ideology. Protocols takes Montesquieu's dialog out, makes a few minor changes to make it seem like it is elders of zion talking instead of Machiavelli, and then proceeds to copy the enitre book. In most cases whole paragraphs are copied word-for-word with almost no changes, except where some words change in translation.

You can find the Joly book online for free, just google it. Go read it and see for yourself – Protocols is obviously a plagiarized version with only minor changes. Protocols was a czarist Russian propaganda effort aimed on uneducated Russian masses at the turn of the century. Stop looking like fools.

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Also, you have to take ALL Russian-sourced anti-Jewish material and throw it out. The Russian style of propaganda was fantastical and typically just made up tripe. There was no serious scholarly works coming out of Russia prior (and after) the Revolution of any kind. Even after Russian scholorship started to get serious, writing anything negative about jews wasn't allowed.

Actual scholarship about the JQ is fairly recent and few in number, such as MacDonald's works. Nazi propaganda efforts were way more sophisticated and intellectual compared to Russian propaganda, but it was still primarily aimed at supporting Nazi programs, not as serious educational material.

Most of this field is filed with cranks, conmen, grifters, quacks and hucksters.

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File: 65a046723337093⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,771x3864,257:1288,Kevin MacDonald.jpg)



is scum

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Nice image. So many controlled op agents

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>Another anon is working on "Culture of Critique"

Very important book.

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Nevermind. I bought into the hype and didn't realize it was pushed by kikes. >>13532427

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I just finished off Savitri Devi's The Lightning and the Sun and plan on reading many more books. Here is the link:



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>The Protocols are literally a copy of a fictional satire by Maurice Joly: The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.

That's a lie. The majority of the text found in The Protocols is original, with only a small portion bearing any resemblance to Dialogue in Hell, which was a common book at the time - not obscure, as jewish conspiracy mongers like to claim. The original text published in 1903 contained "cuts" where there were gaps in the text that were then filled in by the editor, who presumably read Dialogue in Hell and lifted some of the language from it.


It's being pushed by kikes in this very thread >>13532426

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Great work, man. Audio is pretty scratchy, though. Maybe you're too close to the mic.

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>very important book

<reads infographic about it


You haven't even read it. Try making up your own mind about things for once.

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I was doing it one chapter at a time and I tried my best at the end to make it all sound the same (each chapter).

I added some reverb to the first couple of chapter and not on the last ones.

I think I will get better at It. I feel like I was more confident with my reading as time went on and I learned techniques and methods to do it quicker and to get the pronunciation of words correct.

I think I am going deaf too so I probably put it louder than most people need lol.

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>>13536288 (heiled)

>I think I will get better at It.

You're better than me. I started recording that book last year, and got as far as the Temujin chapters, but I scrapped it. It took me over a year to get my voice to a place where I can actually stand listening to it, and then to decide I should edit my audio of mistakes. Now whenever I fuck up a sentence I shut up for 10 seconds or so which makes a visual reference for me in Audacity so I can quickly remove the mistakes afterwards.

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CoC is kind of like E. Michael Jones' works in that it can be kind of a problem for these aut-right types who lack discernment and want to base their entire worldview on a single book, instead of looking at various sources, taking what's good, and throwing out the bad.


I only listened to a few minutes so far, but your narration sounds very good. I'll definitely be listening to the whole thing, and looking forward to your future readings.

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>So I'm willing to fund the production of various audiobook for the ones which don't have any existing recordings. But in general I humble request a list of maybe the top 100 books every /pol/ack needs to read besides our "Uncle's Struggle."

Someone still needs to narrate all of Franz Bardon's books. Nobody has done it yet.

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Yeah, everybody's looking for a bible instead of taking written words for what they are: one person's point of view.

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I added The Sumerian Swindle read by anon >>>/pdfs/12631


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This link no longer works, does anyone have the updated link?

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this was my experience as well.

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Definition of audiobook

: a recording of a book or magazine being read aloud

Shove your PDF's up your asses

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and it's gone.

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MEGA link got shoah'd. Anyone have a mirror?

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See above (different collection)

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Your thread is great so keep it up good work based anon.

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