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File: 9c698c1f8dd344e⋯.png (697 B,900x600,3:2,germany.png)

 No.12739665 [Last50 Posts]

How were things really like before Adolf and his National Socialist Germany era? jewgle is obviously going to be inaccurate and biased towards how great the weimar republic was before Adolf came to power. However, many here seem to regard the weimar republic with complete disgust. I want redpills on how bad the culture got during that time.

[I made this thread because I'm tired of demoralization shills who keep making threads where the OP is clearly pro-left and anti-rightwing, anti-Trump, etc. And since /pol/'s useless mods aren't going to ban these faggots anytime soon, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I know that I'm pro-right, and if I start making threads more often, it'll help return the catalog to a more pro-right board like it's suppose to be. Not /leftypol/ 2.0 like it is right now with all these fucking blackpill threads]

And the very first thing I want to learn more about is Germany. Specifically, the weimar republic and the worst of its excesses. Did its society and culture really became as degenerate as its poor reputation here suggests? Kind of hard to learn the truth when search engines do everything to muddle sources about it.

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Weimar won ww2, we live in it.

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was probably one of the best threads on that shitty board before I finally left it completely

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Thanks. I've been reading through it and gotten about halfway right now. But holy shit. It truly is much worse than I initially feared. The more I read, the more disgusted I feel.

>french niggers troops raping women, girls, and boys

>some german female race traitors preferring to racemix

>rich foreign jews screwing over the poor german majority in postwar germany

>jews financing prostitution and degenerate artwork while "deconstructing" old german morality

>jews promoting communism

>women, men, underage girls, and underage boys all sexually selling their bodies

>gay/lesbian/tranny prostitutes are on the rise and jewish newspapers/critics to "normalize" it

>feminist women feel "sexually liberated" as sluts who want no children

>drug use is rampant

I now get why comparisons of today's america to yesterday's weimar germany are so apt. It's just depressing to read about germany's complete more degeneration and to think that modern libshit are always pushing for a recreation of this failed society.

I'll keep reading on, but you have my sincere thanks, >>12739731 . This is the type of thing that should be in school textbooks. If more students were taught the real history of what went down in the weimar republic instead of jewish lies about "how evil natzi germany was", more students definitely would grow up to be anti-leftist and be extremely aware of the dangers that rampant degeneracy poses.

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And how fast the purge happened. Think about that.

How much worse it was than now (getting close though)

All those black pill faggots need to learn. The purge can happen instantly. We all just need to stand up

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File: 270423300b68a1a⋯.pdf (9.07 MB,Jewish_Domination_of_Weima….pdf)

Does anyone happen to have a clip of some (((lady))) narrating/reminiscing over a slideshow of all the decadent nightlife filth of the era and how liberated and wonderful it was? I think it was around 6-10 minutes long, but I don't remember if I saw it here or on bitchute or something, but it did illustrate the point rather well.

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File: b170410b1ed2b08⋯.jpg (3.37 MB,1338x6212,669:3106,1548804681456.jpg)

This is at least one piece of info I got.

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It is done. I have now read the entire thing. Just. wow.

I didn't even think it was possible for me hate degenerates/degeneracy even more than I already do. But reading this was an incredible eye opener.

A link that I will forever save to warn others of the dangers it told in hindsight.


>All those black pill faggots need to learn. The purge can happen instantly. We all just need to stand up

In whatever is necessary. In however I can help. I Will stand up against the further degeneration of our country and the west. The left must not be allowed to win and destroy morality and society yet again.

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Blackpill niggers are 100% bots and shills or else they wouldn't bother posting. Level up, nigga.

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Mein Kampf has a good description. If you weren't such a lazy piece of crap, you would have read it already.

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I already did, and enjoyed reading through the Michael Ford translation. But it doesn't go fully in-depth to how utterly depraved the society got. It touches on aspects to how bad things got, but I never imagined it being all this.

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Excellent post, anon. Trips checked.

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Honestly, some of you people are total pieces of shit and I'd never associate with you were it not for common cause

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File: 019d0f3b064beeb⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB,640x360,16:9,019d0f3b064beeb15281d74ac8….mp4)

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>weimarkike at it again

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Debasing Latin is a signature crime at this point.

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On the bottom left of that graphic a jew is saying the good deeds of karl marx (among other actual useful people) aren’t enough as a reason to save western society. Peak judaism right there.

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Bottom right I meant.

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Also I am thouroughly disgusted after having rad that. The USA is literally Weimar 2.0

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>muh Weimar meme

fucking cringey newfag thread. do your own research

post-WWI Germany was piss poor, everybody was starving and all women were prostitutes. that's why NSDAP and Hitler were able to gain power- not because of a "mass movement", not because of ideals, but because normal people wanted to fucking eat

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Yeah of course it was anything but the jew

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Good thread anon.

>>12739731 & >>12740111 (checked) should be mandatory readings.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Berlin was the center of vice.

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File: 5246696b0966db4⋯.jpg (239.99 KB,768x1024,3:4,1547653206.jpg)

The Voluptuous Panic

in PDF form. Required reading


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File: ccd726e6311151a⋯.jpg (398.33 KB,842x1068,421:534,grosz3.jpg)

File: 991e22ec4eb5544⋯.jpg (10.26 KB,189x266,27:38,download.jpg)

File: 96dca41062d0050⋯.jpg (6.7 MB,2235x3000,149:200,1981.69_escena-callejera-k….jpg)

File: a9fedb9fb93fb89⋯.jpg (8.74 KB,200x243,200:243,200px-Made_in_Germany_by_G….jpg)

File: 215194f53791ea7⋯.jpg (249.47 KB,743x1024,743:1024,38642278852_bebf43ee47_b.jpg)

And of course, the artist George Grosz

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File: 7eb9102fc36aa4b⋯.jpg (58.05 KB,462x395,462:395,860b63a4502fadf4d9d1343050….jpg)

File: 9413a30cbfdb698⋯.jpg (186.33 KB,564x721,564:721,two-soldiers-by-Otto-Dix.jpg)

File: 278a5d87df4c7c1⋯.jpg (35.88 KB,396x266,198:133,otto-dix.jpg)

File: 1d6eea506c403c0⋯.jpg (125.84 KB,489x919,489:919,2402930b365130a1e7daa49ec0….jpg)

File: a606acbaa5f72b3⋯.jpg (4.31 MB,4776x2100,398:175,Ch04_Image05_large.jpg)

And also Otto Dix

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927)

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File: d9e8eaea28cacba⋯.jpg (48.14 KB,600x463,600:463,faust1.jpg)

File: 73fde683b917e10⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,587x453,587:453,faust.jpg)

File: c6cba967b535b31⋯.jpg (54.64 KB,800x450,16:9,Dn3xggLXcAAaEVx.jpg)

File: 6a560ccaf742b39⋯.jpg (50.71 KB,646x503,646:503,Faust-1.jpg)

File: 83c2aec4ef98579⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,640x480,4:3,faust01.jpg)

Murnau's Faust

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 22dd4d0183566d7⋯.jpg (913.78 KB,1562x2000,781:1000,1453988899-56aa1c23f1cc5-0….jpg)

File: 776eb6e884b0352⋯.jpg (22.06 KB,531x400,531:400,louise brooks_.jpg)

File: ef921030a116bb1⋯.gif (963.03 KB,500x337,500:337,Lulu-louise-brooks-3144780….gif)

File: 70819152d98cf0f⋯.jpg (114.78 KB,1000x621,1000:621,DIARY-OF-A-LOST-GIRL2050.jpg)

File: b0a170e7d3d28c3⋯.jpg (115.19 KB,600x465,40:31,2012-03-19-luluPB.jpg)

Pabst's Pandora's Box starring the American dancer Louise Brooks (1929)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>And of course, the artist George Grosz

Fuck off with this degenerate trash. The man drew pornography and made PAINTINGS OF DICKGIRLS.

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File: 69fa9dca75b9b3a⋯.jpg (34.22 KB,494x700,247:350,4873156ada0bd83bf566cc178b….jpg)

File: afc0075d90bff47⋯.jpg (3.02 MB,3314x2197,3314:2197,Peter Lorre - M 3.jpg)

File: cda5c3e51332e5a⋯.jpg (59.18 KB,720x540,4:3,peter-lorre-m-1.jpg)

File: 6d9799833119eef⋯.jpg (124.37 KB,1000x755,200:151,m-1931-001-peter-lorre-loo….jpg)

File: 4fc8497e307d448⋯.jpg (114.88 KB,1000x738,500:369,m-1931-003-peter-lorre-00n….jpg)


This is a thread about the Weimar Republic you mong. That's the entire point; he depicted the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic. All theses painters and moviemakers reflected that degeneracy and depravity of that era.

Damn you're a stupid jackoff.

And here is Peter Lorre in his most famous movie, playing the hunted child molester in M.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Full movie with English subtitles.

Fritz Lang's M.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And here's Murnau's 1922 full movie, Nosferatu.

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Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

and that's just the beginning, isn't it? I'm not surprised, or shocked really anymore. Just thinking about how to drop this stuff into conversations.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anita Berber; dancer, actress, depraved whore, morphine addict.

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Shit you're right. I'm an idiot.

I accidentally had the art thread and this thread open in different tabs and commented in the wrong one. x_x

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On one hand it was the jew. OTOH you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Germans are plenty kinky in their own right. I used to know this German doctor a very charming friendly guy, a former Luftwaffe pilot (this was in the 60's). He left his wife to live with a drag queen in the 70's.

The jews are filth like the gypses that need to be eradicated, but that doesn't mean we're going to enter an earthly paradise of universal virtue no matter how much you puritains might yearn for that.

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YOu are forgiven. Grosz fell to pieces after the Weimar Republic era died. His work became pure shit as he strove to be a noble classical artist like Titian.

I'm not a particular fan of the Weimar republic.

By the way there was a jewish film industry in New York State during this period that was just as weird and decadent as the films being made in Germany at that time.

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>And how fast the purge happened. Think about that.

Bollocks. The purge itself may have been lightning fast, but it was preceded by more than a decade of building the movement up to its 1933 shape.

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File: 769a8fc33c5e763⋯.pdf (9.07 MB,Jewish Domination of Weima….pdf)

File: e27860d39591ca5⋯.jpg (220.95 KB,665x918,665:918,Jewish Domination of Weima….jpg)

Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany

by Eckhart Verlag (1933)

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Hmmm that is true. Honestly I'd say we're in a movement that started with Chanology. My friend simply mentioned protesting Scientology when I was in high school, and that itself was enough…

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Excellent thread.


Very good image.


Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

>8:56: What happened to the war wounded?

Pretty sure the NSDAP took care of them since the (((Weimar Republic))) refused to.


>Telling people about how kiked up the Weimar Republic was are kikes themselves

The JIDF don't even try anymore.


If you're referring to (((Susan Sontag))), her article on Wikipedia still mentions that quote about how the White race is the cancer of human history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Sontag#White_civilization_as_a_cancer


You know, you're probably largely right about this. Normies today are pretty much like the normies were during the times of the Weimar Republic. They don't really concern themselves with higher ideals, only looking to make a decent living, eat, sleep, piss, shit, fuck, get married, have kids, ect.


I recommend actually buying the book itself. Really redpilling stuff for the normies.


Good point. Although, removing the Jews and having constant reinforcement of virtues in the public sphere is certainly something worth striving for.



Man, that feels like a lifetime ago. It shows how far we've come, but there's still much work to be done.

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>it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.


That's literally the plot? There's nothing else to it is there…

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Hitler knew how to genocide. These kikes are retarded

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File: f1f7d381d83cd96⋯.pdf (2.59 MB,Mein Kampf (Ford Translati….pdf)

File: 254864c58e14821⋯.gif (406.37 KB,383x320,383:320,1414170072013-natsoc.gif)

posting a copy of Mein Kampf here for those who have yet to read it. seems marginally relevant.

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File: 81374449bd57fe1⋯.jpg (174.16 KB,1024x819,1024:819,1525683925250.jpg)


No problem now you will understand why the man hitler did nothing wrong, just sad that leaders like him is rare.

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Actually the ending of 1984 makes a lot more sense now.

You won't just submit. You will love the kikes. Smile widely as they stomp your face

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Any of that shocks you? Have you seen the world today?

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Pretty much. Although, this is projection on (((her))) part. It's true that in the somewhat recent past, there were some really damaging things done to the environment by Whites who at the time didn't know any better since the science regarding such things wasn't advanced enough to the point to understand. The same Evil White Race™, that is advancing scientific knowledge, is now correcting those past mistakes and moving forward. (((They))) just grasp at any straw that they can to blame Whites for anything bad that happens in this world, and puts the blame whether such bad things happening were intentional or not. This is one of the biggest reasons why I am not very fond of the kikes.


>just sad that leaders like him is rare.

Extremely rare. Throughout most of recorded history, you can literally count on your one hand the leaders that actually gave a shit about their people, and strove to uplift them, and give them the best possible lives and governance. Today, if not outright evil, our "leaders" are generally very incompetent and stupid, and shouldn't lead a class of kindergartners, much less a state or entire country.

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>Did its society and culture really became as degenerate as its poor reputation here suggests?

Yes. /thread

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Godspeed Anon, i find weimar and the "german civil war" to be the nuke pill.

It makes the parrot fight in your arena, he was kept ignorant of this, he cannot use his half remembered half recited company line anymore, you force them to think, and when that starts happening they have to listen to you to stand a chance maybe via context clues or a gotcha

and thats the trap,as soon as they have to actively listen to you, youve already put the information in their head and they cant do shiot about it now, it was processed and stored whether they like it or not

then just disengage dismissively to let them sit in it, the more thinking they have to do, especially ruminating on your thesis, the more you tap into the concrete operational peasant's mind and start to cement shit in place

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>how great the Weimar Republic was

From a Yank, I have never heard of the Weimar Republic being great at all. Even in American schools we're told about how incompetent and awful it was, how hyper inflation ravaged Germany and people were starving and how money was worthless.

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She didn't seem to support the Weimar, did she?

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Youre still working on it, I cant wait when its done

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We weren't even taught about the Weimar Republic period in (((public school))) at all. Just went from World War I right to 1933 and Hitler and the NSDAP. Everything I learned about the Weimar Republic was all on my own after I graduated.


She seemed pretty sad when covering its end and the rise of the NSDAP to power.


Excellent work, keep going!

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Why stop?

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I was taught about the hyper inflation, but I don't think I was taught what the Weimar Republic actually was.

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File: 93b3cc7f606a431⋯.jpg (109.98 KB,1060x500,53:25,Children playing with stac….jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Of course the New York/Hollywood jews just adore the Weimar Republic; it was heaven on earth for (((them))).

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Was life in the Weimar Republlic really a cabaret?

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What the fuck?

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you had to wheel barrel money to the store to buy bread …. think of cheese costing $100 and Mc Donalds employees making 250k a year

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economic inflation

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File: 98273a7dec19639⋯.jpg (103.44 KB,2048x1256,256:157,6afa070729a8c24aebc645bd38….jpg)

File: 96352064f154e30⋯.jpg (86.06 KB,600x600,1:1,1541743437274.jpg)


Alright I think I am starting to know why you recommend people buying bitcoin or gold, this might as well be the future of almost every western nation, I mean looking at Canada's prices. Germany was fucking lucky to have hitler during that time.

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think about the tranny situation in the weimarer the same way as current date.

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File: 3b1eabbba7e60e5⋯.webm (7.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Josef Goebbels speech, bo….webm)

File: eda2908f281476c⋯.pdf (456.79 KB,Germany Lists of Banned Bo….pdf)

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Was there anything positive at all that came out of the Weimar Republic? I can't really think of anything, beyond some of the scientific research that came out of there, such as Otto Heinrich Warburg, who was researching causes into cancer (he continued his research after the NSDAP came to power), and Fritz Lickint who had found scientific evidence linking tobacco smoke to lung and other cancers (he wasn't allowed to continue his research).

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I always found this video a good glimpse into what things where like. Yes, it is made from a very stilted pro liberal position, but it does however nonetheless explain a lot of what was going on around that time. It was basically a censorship free age with an anything goes degenerate atmosphere.


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>It was basically a censorship free age

Except when it came to the NSDAP trying to get their message out. The cops were called on them constantly for "spreading lies about Jews." Though, I think that only occurred in the most kiked-up of cities. Berlin, obviously.

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No. Anythinf that has been touvhed by the jew is automatically bad.


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Holy shit, history really does repeat itself.

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>And here is Peter Lorre in his most famous movie, playing the hunted child molester in M.

"Peter Lorre", born László Löwenstein, in a film by Fritz Lang (also jewish), larping as an evil White man.

Little has changed in (((their))) methods.

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>Just thinking about how to drop this stuff into conversations.

When some lemming starts yammering about Durrrrr Hollowcaust Nahdzees, ask them why Germans were so fed up with their guests. They'll have no answer. But you will.

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File: f914a3202ae8415⋯.jpg (27.34 KB,474x319,474:319,berghain-exterior.jpg)

File: 8d048db785f4333⋯.jpg (194.28 KB,736x753,736:753,berghain-club.jpg)


Things are quite Scheißiger now as well, anon-kun. There's no child prostitutes like in Weimar yet, but you and I can agree that they will program this into reality given the chance so.

this probably happens behind closed doors already

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Yeah, contemporary times haven't quite caught up to full Weimar levels yet, but we'll get there. I fear though, that we may end up having a permanent, self-perpetuating type of Weimar, where the economy never gets worse beyond 2008 and 1970s recession levels.

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It's not all about monetary economics, anon.

There's the moral economy which was Hitlers driving force. Just listen to one of his speeches.

He focused on his people and their well being. He spoke about how, together, they will and have rebuilt their country. He talked wbout the work they've done and will do. He praised his people constantly.

<Look how great the economy is doing. And it's all because of me. - Every faggot ass US president

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Unless you live in Poland, or a nonwhite country, just take a look out the window my man

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This. Not sure if they had transgender infants or open baby fucking by the elite like we do now, but other than that they had all of it in jewmar. Racemixers, faggots, trannies, pedos, child sex trafficking, shitty art.

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Yeah, that's a good point, however if Weimar Germany remained at least economically healthy, Hitler probably never would have gotten to full power. The NSDAP would have remained a minor party with maybe a few seats in the Reichstag. Most likely the Social Democrats (SPD) would have remained in power, with the DNVP and DVP as the (less effective) right-wing opposition parties. When people's bellies are full, radical solutions will remain on the fringes.

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The m stands for mason.

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Don't be so naive about Poland.

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Same. we barely even covered WWI in my school. Just "oh, in 1914 Franz Ferdinand was assassinated and that started WWI", barely any mention of who he actually was (no mention of him being an heir or anything), then skipped over most of it into "and then, Hitler took advantage of the ignorant, bigoted prejudices of the Germans in order to gain power, then persecuted the innocent, pitiful jews that did nothing wrong at all, but were only persecuted for their religious beliefs and being different from the Germans." No mention of them being an entirely different race and religion than the Germans(consequently with a different belief system, worldview, and priorities) at all. I was left with the impression that the jews were just a different European religious sect that the Germans persecuted just because they didn't like those who were different than them. Of course, if they did teach that it would go against their "race doesn't exist! of course, we're just like you, goyim" line they try to push.

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That guy had a lot of great threads.




>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)


>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)


>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)


>Joseph Goebbels


>Rudolf Hess


>Ted Kaczynski


>Timothy McVeigh


>Anders Breivik


>H.P. Lovecraft


>Vincent van Gogh


>William Cottrell


>Richard Proenneke


>Christopher Thomas Knight


>Christopher McCandless


>Bill Hicks


>Dylann Roof





>Julius Evola - Ride The Tiger





>Weimar Germany (1919 - 1933)



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File: 8ef3a80fddd0eb9⋯.jpg (175.56 KB,530x774,265:387,1542232597421.jpg)

Very good thread. My disgust was growing by the second when I was reading up on the French role in all of this. They deserve Bataclan and every terrorist attack on their soil.


The role of feminism however surprised me a lot.

>On 27 April 1920, a mass protest meeting was held in London that was organised jointly by all of the main British feminist groups, namely the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the National Federation of Women Workers, the Federation of Women Teachers, the Women's Co-operative Guild, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and the Fabian Women's Group to condemn France for the alleged war crimes committed by the Senegalese.

>The fear of sexuality of black men was especially felt very strongly by white feminists and throughout the 1920s, feminist publications in the United States and the United Kingdom presented the "black horror on the Rhine" stories as true.

>Despite this, the Canadian feminist Rose Henderson in a 1925 article in The British Columbia Federationist wrote "the power of France rests upon a black basis", which she called "one of the most menacing and sinister facts in history", going to condemn the French for training the Senegalese "to subdue and enslave white people".

>The American feminist Harriet Connor Brown in a letter to the State Department written in early 1921 accused Senegalese soldiers of rape, attempted rape, "immoral crimes against boys" and of forcing German officials in the Rhineland to open brothels for their benefit.[123] The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom issued a statement condemning the "black horror on the Rhine" that was signed by all 25 of its white members of its central committee

When did feminism turn into hatred for white men?

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Rampant prostitution catering to all sort of perversions, including teams of mother + (underage) daughter.

The real downer about that is that they were most often not volunteers, they were either forced into it or was the only alternative to starvation for them and their families.

"Sex change" operations, so-called, debuted then and there.

And other things I just don't want to think about. More and more, we see them reemerge now, all over the world.

Seriously, fuck Jews. And fuck Uncle Adolf for sparing their wretched lives and not giving them the genocide they so richly deserve so as not to trouble his conscience, we are paying the price for that. Could at least have chemically castrated the vermin, but no, let's keep them around so they can genocide us.

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>When did feminism turn into hatred for white men?

When kikes decided to hate us. It seems like after World War II, the kikes decided that the White race needed to be destroyed, though this was sort of planned even before Hitler and the NSDAP came into power (Coudenhove-Kalergi). It's weird, because back then, you had Jews like (((Samuel Gompers))) who used to make pro-White statements and whatnot.

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My school touched on everything so that's odd? Maybe my school district wasn't as incompetent.

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File: e444fd2be60d988⋯.jpg (61.28 KB,398x391,398:391,Hitler ruins.jpg)


How do i become a leader like Hitler?

We're living in a society thats just like the weimar republic with men becoming women, whores everywhere, pedos, kikery and possible war. but because of our degenerate world that also means there is a chance for the next hitler to come along and unite the people against judaism

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File: 43c04d50865ac34⋯.jpg (108.8 KB,720x960,3:4,Tranny Dating.jpg)

File: 07f632d6b76153f⋯.png (148.15 KB,399x550,399:550,Pedo Symbols.png)

File: fa35e63d01450f7⋯.webm (6.24 MB,384x216,16:9,Gay Community SOUND.webm)


>There's no child prostitutes like in Weimar yet

But there are and the jews have been shoving it in peoples faces for 50 years, child prostitutes are not hard to come by if you take a look at the LBGT community, its worse since instead of being prostitutes they're sex slaves, we've passed the point of child prostitution

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File: c841a57f41a2e7c⋯.webm (15.4 MB,640x360,16:9,The_11-year-old_trailblaz….webm)

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Absolutely sobering post.

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File: 1aa45339071cad7⋯.jpg (427.94 KB,729x781,729:781,Tranny Books.jpg)


Thats why you erase all existance of degenerate behaviour, cant have men fucking drag queens if the concept of a drag queen no longer exists, wipe it from the face of the earth like judaism, cant be jewish if they go extinct and no one knows their customs and traditions or the torah so they could never possibly replicate the jews

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Ahh, the (((American Bullshitting Company))) at its finest. At this rate, soon we will have legal full blown child porn filmed in ultra-high-definition 4K. Also note, that this show, Strahan and Sara (formerly GMA Day) is promoting the miscegenation angle with the typical male negro host paired up with the White female blond.

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File: 4f619029252fd34⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,3600x2400,3:2,Fallen_Monarchs_1886_by_Wi….jpg)


I just looked up this book on good reads and a reviewer who said he was a researcher of WW2 recommended another book called The Berlin Stories. I looked up this book and found this in a review:

>We read it in our LGBT book group

It seems the commies are looking back at this period with nostalgia and pushing for a modern day Weimar.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

Have some fine art to cleanse your soul.

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File: f04c2bd6166757c⋯.png (84.73 KB,500x601,500:601,c-like-this-post-to-help-p….png)


the question is; how bad does it have to get before people do something?

This goes back to the pepe meme; Pepe is the frog who would not be slow boiled.

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>It seems the commies are looking back at this period with nostalgia and pushing for a modern day Weimar.

Of course they are. They can't wait to establish a permanent perpetual Weimar to engage in endless cummies.

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>The m stands for mason.

The title "M" is short for Mörder, the German word meaning Murderer.

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File: 84bc1aa1590959b⋯.jpg (58.06 KB,640x463,640:463,bicycling.jpg)


I haven't got a clue. It seems that as well as the freaks, there are many so called normal people who tolerate and actively encourage parades and nudity. Picture is relevant.

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File: e25f15f54786f52⋯.jpg (353.6 KB,1920x1391,1920:1391,merkel_cuck.jpg)

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File: 8468e7b378f2c80⋯.jpg (203.36 KB,800x471,800:471,Wild boy sexual initiation….jpg)

File: 890f7bf3cc3a537⋯.jpg (226.79 KB,700x511,100:73,Wild boys 1920.jpg)

>Weimar Thread

>not spreading information about Wild Boys

When the »wild boys« are mentioned, most people think of William S. Burroughs novel (The Wild Boys: A Book of the Dead, 1971), and I don't blame them - It's not just great but well-known and I recommend reading it if you haven't. But today, I would like to take you back to 1920/30s Berlin and actual wild boys in a series of documented photographs. Unfortunately in low resolution, but documentation is scarce. Wild boys were antisocial gangs of teenage boys involved in detailed initiation rites and ritualistic sex. They lived mainly on the proceeds of criminal activities such as prostitution and robbery. During the 20s, there were over 200 different gangs, isolated from the outside world. »Typically, a young initiate would be forced to box (or knife-fight) with the toughest member of the crew, be gang-raped while bound and gagged, ordered to masturbate publicly and then ejaculate on command, or act as a living commode for his drunken associates. Some newly-inducted boys were chosen by the Bulls as their ‘queens’ or designated shared ‘girlfriends’ for the pack. Most Wild Boys sported pirate-style earrings and garish tattoos. While the majority flaunted their ragtag, hobo garb, others paraded around in distinctive group costumes, like top hats and shabby tuxedoes, American trapper outfits, college graduates in mortarboards, or paper buffalo heads. The gang names alone testified to the influence of Karl May’s North American frontier novels and other staples of German pulp fiction: ›Fear No Death,‹ ›Indian Blood,‹ ›The Forest Pirates,‹ ›The Dirty Boys,‹ ›Red Apaches.‹« – »Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin« by Mel Gordon, which I recommend reading for more information on the Wild Boys and other documentation of german cults and rituals during the Weimar Republic.

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File: 600fd8fdcf81102⋯.png (79.05 KB,163x164,163:164,Joel Fritz.png)


i dont think people will do shit even with it gets real bad, theres gonna be a period of resistance to anyone trying to undermine this jewery, like maybe 5-10 years after child sex slaves are sold at goverment approved auctions to licensed members of the public someone will finally rise up and save us, i think it would be better for a settling in period too, to let people experience the worst shit ever first hand, so that they make sure in the future it never happens again

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This is going to be the case. buckle in its gonna get bumpy

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File: 4e6a79defba1fd8⋯.png (11.43 KB,97x179,97:179,shrug.png)


Like him? You'd have to be willing to throw a lot of your life away.

He didn't spring fully formed onto the 1930's anon.

It was years and years of experiences, witnessing the decay of his people, never giving up hope, trying to organize, failing, trying again.

The mockery, the derision, the expulsions, these all came before the fear, the rise, the awe.

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It will be tougher anon.

Weimar at least had economic pressures behind it.

We'll see a Weimar that is flush with decadence and also plenty. A more dangerous combo.

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Hmm, good point. Things are probably going to get real bad in a much more (((cultural))) sense than an economic one. There probably won't be massive hyperinflation, but the overall standard of living will decline, no doubt.

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What a big fat dark red-black pill. This is Weimar 2.0 that is consuming the white world slowly. Depressing.

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Anon in the history of Europe Jews were known to have the following occupations:

<Bankers, Money Lenders, Loan Sharks and Pawnshop owners

<Slaves Merchants, Whoremonger/Prostitution, Musicians, Dealers/Peddlers

<Goldsmiths, Tailors, Tobacco/Alcohol Merchants, Jewelers, Masons, Butchers

<Occultist/Charlatans(see Quabbalah), Quack Doctors

So if you have the suspicion that violent gangs of homosexual and transvestite child/teenage prostitutes dressed in the newest fashion and practicing occult rituals during the time of the Weimar Republic has anything to do with jews, you are right, because businesses building on those things were almost completely in the hands of jews back then.

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My great grandpa was a farmer during that time, the urban middle class and state servsnt class had already lost their fortunes at this point and became increasingly desperate, the farmer were massively endepted and saw what was coming for them if they failed to change the direction, a small and very jewish (but not completly so) amassed fortunes and quickly spent them again due to the high inflation.

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So rural populations were largely shielded from the caprices of the cities and economy in the Weimar Republic? I imagine that the farmers who weren't the victims of out of control land owning (((speculation))) were busy feeding the needy and hungry in the cities, and probably at least did okay for themselves.

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It will be very difficult including the fact if you want to implement national socialism, a lot of people on his side had died or been jailed if you prepare to do it do not worry people like me will join you for the cause.

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They were very self sufficient, since they still had the medival structure of having every trade in every village, so they had a blacksmith and a backer and a sawmill etc. Land speculation was very limited by law (it still is, you cant just buy land if you arent a farmer) and by the fact that nobody would dare sell his basis of Existence.

I live in a rather mountainous dairy region so no landowner could accumulate big swats of easily accesible land, that evened out the distrubution a lot.

We also had very few Jews because their wasnt enough wealth to go around. The only jew I know of was the cattle trader.

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>(((cattle trader))))

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File: 1a5a8b7a59aaab8⋯.png (108.02 KB,246x299,246:299,1a5a8b7a59aaab8143176d9604….png)


What the fuck. With all this insane shit going on I just keep wondering how the fuck Hitler managed to reverse this.

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I wish I knew.

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The degeneration was largely the upper class, who were able to push this bullshit thanks to the Versailles Treaty and the Financial Crisis.

The common and poor people hated this bullshit, hence why they joined Hitler.

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File: 12c1a59e8b1ac06⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB,820x461,820:461,adolf..jpeg)

File: dc48126a021c973⋯.jpg (193.3 KB,1023x978,341:326,208abca2bcfd2b4289960d7d10….jpg)

File: a836293f2da4636⋯.png (170.72 KB,813x770,813:770,a836293f2da463615115b28d4a….png)

File: cb09d053ae6e834⋯.png (214.13 KB,1200x880,15:11,cb09d053ae6e8345d8f3bed81d….png)


>[I made this thread because I'm tired of demoralization shills who keep making threads where the OP is clearly pro-left and anti-rightwing, anti-Trump, etc.

You Americuck-retards are cancer!

I am a German and i can tell you that Hitler was not a bourgeois right-winger! He cared for his people and was a socialist! Of course he was not a Marxist, he was a German socialist for the German people! (((Trump))) is a fat capitalist and a Zionist and Hitler would have purged this piece of shit! Fuck you Americunt and fuck (((Trump)))!

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File: 577b8449b9b8e53⋯.pdf (2.38 MB,mein-kampf-stalag.pdf)


Here is the Stalag Edition.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This just popped up on my You Tube feed; it looks really good. Footage I've never seen before.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Part II

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Been looking for that one, anon. Thanks.

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They have c p in 4k already is just not legal.

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File: 9fe3ec371fad8d7⋯.png (43.92 KB,657x527,657:527,1513836437254.png)


the video is so sad that i could'nt watch it

>They have stripped away a childs childhood which he/she can never get back for ever

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That’s terrifying.

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It was also because of the martyr that a national socialist got killed and the rest joined to help hitler's cause.

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>Wild boys

>Proud boys in current time.

What did they mean by this?

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File: 54017136e4bbfd2⋯.jpg (540.88 KB,1095x1081,1095:1081,Slippery_Slope_4.jpg)


>11-year-old faggot we manufactured wants other kids to (((be themselves)))

My son is 12, and he thinks these boys are fags. None of the white kids at his school seem to be buying it, except for the girls, naturally.

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File: 42a35469a02298c⋯.jpg (94.32 KB,640x463,640:463,Not_in_Front_of_the_Kids.jpg)


Not one person threw a single stone. Not one gunshot.

On the one hand, shit like this is really depressing. On the other, the fact that it's this easy to dominate people's consciences in the mass makes me hopeful that all we have to do to succeed is win power for a short time and then start the deportations and shootings. People will be just as passive then, when they figure out where the power is now, as they are for old perverts wagging their dicks in front of children.

I am genuinely curious though – I know most of the time men would be locked up in prison for flashing little girls. Do you get a pass if you say you're a faggot and get a permit for a parade first?

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File: b56b20aef06def1⋯.png (1.35 MB,1524x1262,762:631,610e7d5d59835bbb8e2950501f….png)

File: 61beeed92deae27⋯.png (1.41 MB,1744x926,872:463,9006db80b26b3959123c4d0f84….png)

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>there are no child prostitutes yet

Think again. Muslim rape gangs. Do you think the girls they pass around are for Muslims alone?

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File: a172475bcfc67e4⋯.jpg (136.08 KB,708x643,708:643,68294098704357.jpg)


This is the whitest pill I've ever had

What's happening today has happened before, and we got out of it. I don't see why we can't get out of it again

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>On the other, the fact that it's this easy to dominate people's consciences in the mass makes me hopeful that all we have to do to succeed is win power for a short time and then start the deportations and shootings.

This. And yes, it's quite easy to mold people's consciousnesses, as we see the kikes doing so effectively today. No doubt, if Goebbels were alive today, he would be broadcasting his speeches at the Sportpalast in ultra-high-definition 4K all throughout Germany. The NSDAP used the latest technology of the time to reach the masses with their truth-propaganda. This is something that the WN 1.0s used to think was not the case (that for example, the NSDAP would have banned television broadcasting). A National Socialist or National Socialist-like uprising would have to take place in a major geopolitical important nation, at that would either be the USA or the Russian Federation in today's world. Any other country would be decimated and bombed back to the stone age just as Natsoc Germany was.

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Exactly. I wonder how deep the levels of Judeo-Masonry are involved in the mass rape gang incidents of Rotherham, Telford, and Rochdale? But one thing we can be sure of, at least they aren't speaking German, and that bad evil men like Arnold Leese and Oswald Mosley were arrested and detained under Defence Regulation 18B, eh? Thank heavens for that.

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it happened before, it happened with similar circumstances, but different, a more wholesome race, but less technology (in many ways its a force equalizer), what we are in right now is no less worse or bad than it was in the past. It just is. Reality shifts constantly, its in a constant flux, some things get added, some things get removed, some things transform. Some things that didnt interact, now do, others stop interacting. Each and every single second of this day reality is a little bit more different, sometimes vastly more different in a different second (like a nuclear war) or only slowly so.

Once you realize this you realize that not the whole world is against you. It just drums along, alongside many of the similar rules that were so in the past. Other races still hate us, but also eachother. There is no harmony, no peace, yet there also is some. As long as you breathe a single breath, you and the jew have a chance to brutally slaughter one another.

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>I don't see why we can't get out of it again

Conditions are different today than they were in the Weimar Republic. Today, this neo-Weimar Republic is global, and the original not only had the degeneracy, but the economic hyperinflation because Weimar Germany was busy printing money in order to make massive World War I reparations payments. We could possibly have a perpetual global Weimar that just simply refuses to end. That's quite a scary thought.

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The thing about the Weimar republic is that it wasn't just the Nazis that ended it, it killed itself. The people behind it became extreme drug addicts.

Look up the old black and white movie "Dr. Mabuse the Gambler" from 1922 to understand how, its a movie after a book that is basically a social critique against the Weimar society.

The sequel The Testament of Dr. Mabuse allegedly is an allusion to Hitler if you belief the mainstream movie critics, but that is not possible since Dr. Mabuse is basically a personification of the Weimar spirit.

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Does anyone have any tasty morsels on the so called german "civil war".

The weimar is my silver bullet in in-person debate, no one ever comes in ready to defend snuff sex slavery childrape and drug peddling.

But I feel if I had more to attack with on the civil war angle, I'd have a more concussive one-two.

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>>12810199 (checked)

That's true, however, it's because it was so dysfunctional that people were starving to death in the streets, and women and their daughters were prostituting themselves in order to make ends meet. If there were no economic hyperinflation, Germany not being made to make massive World War I reparations payments, and no Great Depression, the Weimar Republic would probably still be around today. People went to Hitler and his NSDAP to literally be able to live a normal life again. Why do you think in marching songs like Hitlerjugend's Vorwärts! Vorwärts! schmettern die hellen Fanfaren talk about fighting for freedom and bread? Empty stomachs is what makes people turn to more radical solutions.

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>the Weimar Republic would probably still be around today

Or they might have gone full commie like eastern Europe and since gone through a implosion and rebuild cycle already and look like a slightly better off version of Romania right now. It's important to remember that they were several groups fighting to take over weimar Germany at the time for their own purposes. The Natsoc were just the guys that won in the end. Even without the mass starvation/hyperinflation, the socialist groups would have still tried to worm themselves into key spots of the government and without the competition from opposing groups they probably would have succeeded eventually.

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That is true, though, you had the Freikorps who were putting down communist uprisings in order to keep the Weimar Republic going (even though some Freikorps groups hated the republic as well). Also, don't forget that the Weimar Republic was doing economically okay for itself from 1924 when it introduced the new Reichsmark currency until the crash of 1929, and the start of the Great Depression. If the economy is doing ok to great, and people have full bellies, they aren't going to go looking to groups like the KPD (communist party) or the NSDAP, and if they do, it might just simply be out of morbid curiosity. Just as people check out places like this today.

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>didn't lurk two years, ITT


>didn't have a copy of MK - Stalag edition already


Lurk moar turbonigger. It used to be required reading here and stickied less than a year ago although you do have some good posts.

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>We could possibly have a perpetual global Weimar that just simply refuses to end. That's quite a scary thought.

I really hope we fix it before it become full blown.

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A Weimar will only destroy itself if left alone to fester.

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Define what you mean by destruction in this case. The whole purpose of it IS destruction.

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> If there were no economic hyperinflation, Germany not being made to make massive World War I reparations payments, and no Great Depression, the Weimar Republic would probably still be around today.

Nah impossible the Weimar Republic was doomed from the start.

What people underestimate is how much of a Monarchist Country the German Empire was.

Germany had never a revolution similar to France, because the Rulers of the German Countries weren't incompetent, didn't alienate their people and enacted social reforms, instead of keeping the old rules until the system crumbles under its age. Bismarck is the best example.

This meant that Liberalism/Socialism and the idea of Democracy was always just a small group of upper class of wannabe philosophers, academics and whoever these people would pay.

These people were constantly having the pipe dream of getting their own French Revolution, but every time they tried they failed because the people weren't behind them and they were seen as unnecessary.

Now during WW1 the German Emperor demanded a truce between the political parties and the Liberalist/Socialist leadership agreed to it, because they weren't stupid and saw that Germany has to hold together.

However this caused a huge amount of butthurt amongst many of their armchair ideologists, who went into purity spiraling about making a deal with "the enemy" and German Liberalism/Socialism began to split into supporters of Democracy and supporters of Communism.

This split caused both side to lose a huge amount of face and support, because the people saw them squabble over meaningless bullshit during times of war. So both the Liberal/Socialist Democrats and the Communist were looking for an excuse to break the truce with the Emperor.

That moment came when the Sailors of the German Navy started a mutiny, because the Navy Command was planning to have one giant last battle with the British Navy to break the Blockade Germany was under.

However they miscalculated the situation because the Sailors were a military revolt demanding better treatment, similar to the military revolts in France during WW1. So the Democrats and Communist rose up to a revolution without any support, it was a huge mess of many small isolated pockets.

At that moment the Army High Command and the Emperor saw WW1 as unwinnable, because they didn't think they could uphold the front while fighting a revolution at home, so they basically said "fuck this shit", left office and gave all power to the Leadership of the Democratic Socialists.

So now Germany had a Socialist Democratic Leadership, in charge of a state and administration that was build around the Monarchy and Aristocracy, meanwhile the Sailors mutiny continued and the Communist tried to set fire to everything in an attempt to destroy the system.

In a move that causes further butthurt among the political Left in Germany to this very day, the Socialist Democratic Leadership whores itself out to the old Aristocracy and Military leaders for them to stop the Sailors and Communist from being stupid. Thus the Freicorps were born.

The Freicorps being World War Veterans curbstomp the Communist uprising in the cities and the Social Democrats bribe the Sailors into stopping their mutiny, thus the "civil war" ended.

All this shit happened without the German public and millions of Soldiers still in the field at the front. From their few the Socialist made a coup to change the system, yet the system didn't change at all except that everything became worse.

If Hitler wouldn't have existed, there would sooner or later been a revolt to reinstate the Monarchy, because nobody wanted the Weimar Republic except a few people at the top that were hated by pretty much everyone.


>Also, don't forget that the Weimar Republic was doing economically okay for itself from 1924 when it introduced the new Reichsmark currency until the crash of 1929, and the start of the Great Depression.

The Weimar Republic was only on paper economically ok, in reality it was just the old aristocratic administration that kept everything running, while the Socialist Democratic Leadership made concession to everyone that came in a desperate attempt to stay in office and get murdered.

By creating Poland the Entente basically stole Germany's breadbasket and one of their major industrial centers, the other industrial centers were occupied and plundered by the French until Hitler kicked them out in 1936.

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>If Hitler wouldn't have existed, there would sooner or later been a revolt to reinstate the Monarchy, because nobody wanted the Weimar Republic except a few people at the top that were hated by pretty much everyone.

In that case, the DNVP would have most likely became the prominent party instead, and they would have come to some compromise where the monarchy is restored, but under a constitutional framework. Either a modified form of the (then) existing Weimar Constitution, or the promulgation of an entirely new constitution.

>The Weimar Republic was only on paper economically ok

It worked good enough to the point where people weren't starving to death and having to wheelbarrow tons and tons of Papiermarks (the former currency) just to buy a loaf of bread. 1924 is also when Hitler was released from prison, and from that time until the crash of 1929 was the wilderness years for the NSDAP. It's no coincidence that his party shot up to the top as the economy took a huge nosedive. Yes, it's true that Germany was being plundered, and the people absolutely hated it, but radical solutions to these problems won't come to fruition until everyone's livelihoods are disturbed to such a degree that there's no other choice.

To use a contemporary example, the modern Federal Republic of Germany is essentially Weimar Republic 2.0 without the hyperinflation, and massive starving in the streets. The degeneracy is there and heavily promoted, but not so much the other ills, and of course you have new ills, like the mass legal and illegal non-White immigration, which didn't so much exist in Weimar (or at least not to the same extent). The only real NSDAP-like party is Der III. Weg (NPD has been heavily infiltrated by BfVNiggers), and they have a membership of less than 1,000. So did the NSDAP when it started out as the DAP, however, as long as the economy chugs along just good enough, parties like this won't ever shoot up to the top in the Federal Bundestag. They've certainly learned from the Weimar period not to fuck with the workings of the economy too much, and to not go too far too fast, lest the populace finally "wake up" to what's going on. Make no mistake, our enemies have studied Weimar just as much or possibly more so than we have.

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>What is the most weirmarish white country of all today?

I don't know about today, but if we're going by the postwar era, Sweden had actual legal child pornography from 1971 to 1980. Weimar never actually did that, but then again, it didn't last long enough for it to.

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File: dee12b5b4b71bae⋯.png (228.74 KB,1423x769,1423:769,weimarAdonisLounge.png)

File: 185c8d7694967d2⋯.jpg (420.12 KB,400x5000,2:25,weimarAnimeDescription.jpg)

File: 00715073cbede05⋯.png (287.67 KB,1423x769,1423:769,weimarBerlinGayTypes.png)

File: 1c8aaabbbf03b8c⋯.png (239.9 KB,1423x769,1423:769,weimarBerlinMeansBoys.png)

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File: f2919471992965a⋯.png (2.57 MB,2200x1806,1100:903,weimarEroticWorld.png)

File: 2d8215a0a1a0bda⋯.png (497.81 KB,1423x769,1423:769,weimarMaliAndIngel.png)

File: a075fbe49d8f496⋯.png (247.25 KB,1423x769,1423:769,weimarMikadoBar.png)

File: 0ead418d4f01523⋯.png (282.59 KB,904x677,904:677,weimarMonteCasino.png)

File: a9ca720f135006b⋯.png (303.33 KB,766x559,766:559,weimarTaverne.png)

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File: fbd079f982975a6⋯.jpg (307.13 KB,1800x1125,8:5,DLC_Berlin_Stories_LaChape….jpg)

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Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany 1919-1932


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>When did feminism turn into hatred for white men?

Don't be fooled, anon, (((feminism))) has always been by design hatred for the White man, with a specific goal towards destroying the White race. From the (((Seneca Falls Convention))) to (((Femen))), it's always been a way to exploit women's destructive and resentful tendencies towards the advantage of the jew.

If these so-called (((first wave feminists))) were truly genuine in their protest against the judeo-french nigger-rapists, it was always a facade to hide the eventual anti-White sentiments that are now policies in CY+4. Sure, there must of been some women who cared about their White children, brothers, fathers, and husbands but that was only because of the White man's then dwindling control in White society. If these same women were to magically be transported here, they would immediately ally with the kikes and fulfill their latent destructive desires in cucking the White man.

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>I have never heard of the Weimar Republic being great at all

Neither have you ever heard of it being a citadel of pure degeneracy or more details about why the country was fucked up to such extend, the most important part about it were kike banks. In fact, I myself haven't read about actual details on what Weimar Republic was even in Third Reich related books which still covered the beginning of Hitler's rise to power, most of these books skipped pretty much everything aside from pogroms with commies movements while economical situation and society state information being mentioned briefly, i.e. your typical "there was crisis", "terrible inflation", "people starved", etc.

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>There's no child prostitutes like in Weimar yet

Not openly but where do you think all those fresh-off-the-bus nigger kids end up?

Berlin is once again a complete hellhole of homosexuals and drug addicts.

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entire thread useless, first post sums it up perfectly

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Really? I heard that's pretty common in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, but things have degraded to such an extent in Western Europe for that to happen there too? Wow, but not too surprised.

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Its being promoted through even in documentaries on topics such as "sugar dating". http://archive.fo/UuJJE

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so 10 years old? 12-16 years old? wow, It's actually gotten worse now than it was back then!

If you've lurked around /b/ as I have, you come across the pedophile infestation, and learn that most pedos consider 10 or 12 to be "too old" and call them "old grannies".

They want flat-chested, flat-hipped, prepubescent children, in the 0-10 range, past 9 or 10 and they star to "bud", which turns a kiddy-fucker off, but that's when they enter into the age range fetishized by another kind of predator, the hebephile, who likes them from around 10-15 years old, these are the creeps that get seated and v&'d by Chris Hanson.

Ephebes come next, the ages of around 15-20 are their territory, they are the creeps that perv on mostly developed high school seniors ala "american beauty", or are the types that are addicted to "barely legal" pornography, which they consume almost to exclusion.

Now all of these assholes deserve the rope, but the latter types are not as bad as the types that come before them, right now, we are seeing more of the earlier, and worse, types, and less of the later, and not-as-bad types.

by not as bad, I mean not as likely to cause serious harm due to their derangements, while all have a likelihood of harming a child, the ones with a fetish for younger age ranges are significantly more of a threat in this area.

The younger their desired prey, the more they become essentially like niggers, in that they tend to be more sociopathic, socially stunted, and low-IQ, they also tend to be shorter and have other health problems, and yet they often work in careers that places them in regular contact with children.

This also applies to the female pedophile, by which I mean, actual pedophiles and not hot schoolteachers giving a blowie to a high-schooler (though they are also witches that need to be burned), I'm talking the women who go after little boys and girls, often getting a thrill from the power and perversion of the act more than the child themselves, these monstrous hags often become mothers in order to molest their own children, there are stories out there, and they carry a psychological angle that is often absent from male molesters, though the female predator is less likely to kill their prey, the added psychological damage they enjoy inflicting arguably makes them worse, it's a good thing they are rare.

If you want to hunt pizzalovers, you need to know your prey.

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Fuck, you are right of course. What I meant to say, is that child prostitutes aren't walking the streets. But even that is a comforting lie: children are sold online already and there is ample evidence that this is happening. Child sex slavery is much more widespread than it was, since Jews have been programming them into submission since WW2. [Spoiler]I have seen children who are programmed and abused. It's devastating to see [/spoiler]

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Don't get a big head. We may not need a leader, thanks to the internet, and this is good: our head can't be cut off.

Lead your family virtuously. Lead your employees virtuously. Don't expand the reach of your power until you are doing well in your existent sphere of influence. And for fun, study the arts and writing. Make beautiful, powerful idealistic works and share them.

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File: e995455799ed130⋯.png (372.77 KB,1423x769,1423:769,oto rites2.png)

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> – »Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin« by Mel Gordon, which I recommend reading for more information on the Wild Boys and other documentation of german cults and rituals during the Weimar Republic.

Legio Christi Has a copy of that book, link is here: https://legiochristi.com/static/lit/Voluptuous_Panic.pdf too big to upload.

The screenshots are something else, didja know the Ordo Templi Orientalis was founded in Weimar Berlin as a sex cult?

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I recommend actually buying a physical copy of the book, and using it to tell people how Germany was like before Hitler came to power.

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File: ff5443cec365385⋯.jpg (110.07 KB,640x430,64:43,Alexanderplatz_Berlin_1848.jpg)

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>imagine falling for the neonazilarper meme and hating this flag

National Socialism was a mistake. Only National Liberalism can make the people truly free. National Liberals lead the greatest revolutiona gainst the rotten aristocrats eating cake when they had to eat bread crust. They also were the first to make Pan-Germanism since the Hohenzollern house and Habsburg all boycotted it because of their historic bias and reconstructionism. Had the 1848 Revolution succeeded Weimar and the BRD never would have happened. They both were and are farces dishonoring this noble flag. Abusing the Pan-German colors. The flag of the National Revolt for FREEDOM not militarist expansionism that resulted in nothing but losses and damnation. America was an isolated National Liberal paradise before WW1… but ever since they have kept falling and importing for more and more profit… forgetting the National ideal becoming Neoliberals aka white Jews. In a free NatLib society media would be free and everyone could boycott the Jews on their own because there would be no laws oppressing them in favour of the Jews. They would be truly victims of the equality they pretend to like so much. But yeah sure boys shill for your great European-killing War Reich lead by a mad self-hating Austrian. It never would have lasted a thousand years and the German people would have ended it at some point by their own means.

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>was a mistake

T.kike thinking liberalism will work.

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The 1848 Revolution was just a precursor to Weimar.

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File: 112af16fbf6e9db⋯.png (449.39 KB,2327x860,2327:860,kaiserreich.png)

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Fun fact, it went so bad that it was cheaper to burn money for heat than it was burning wood for heat.

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Yep. That was the case with the Papiermark until it was replaced with the Reichsmark in 1924. Weimar improved economically after that until of course the crash of 1929.

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Normally, I would demand that this child's parents be arrested for abuse. But in this instance, all of them must ride the lightning for the sake of the entire species.

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Capital punishment in New York state is technically not abolished, and under a moratorium, but that can be fixed.

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Look up how Proud Boys started, not even closely related. I am sure you fill find a way to reddt this place up with baseless contrarianism

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I Love Hitler.

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Tell the kikes to change the color to what it's supposed to be then.

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Huh? The show's been renamed from GMA Day to Strahan and Sara, promoting the miscegenation angle. This is their early afternoon talk show.

t. Lives with boomer parents who have (((ABC))) on all day on the TV.

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>Eastern Europe

Last time I was in Bucharest I got propositioned by kids that looked as young as 12. More than half were boys. All looked like gypsies though, so it's not too shocking. Still, you'd think the Romanian police would have their gypsies better in check. I mean, at least in the capital near tourist areas.

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Heard that they were a big problem in Rome, and this was like 10-15 years ago. Not sure if things have gotten better or worse since then.

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The problem with gypsies and Romanians is that they think since they're Latin too, they can go flood other Euro Latin countries, like Italy and Spain and be opened with open arms. And before anyone else complains that gypsies aren't Latin, I know, it's just that Romanians and gypsies seem to be tied at the hip. Were one goes (Romanians) the other follows (gypsies).

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NatSoc 'Book Burning' and Weimar Degeneracy



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Yep. I figured even if Europe didn't have a bunch of (((mass immigration))) from nigger and sandnigger countries, there still would be a Gypsy problem because of Schengen.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mainstream documentary, and great to share with (especially Christian) friends on just how degenerate it was with the Jews in charge.


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The problem lies with that most people think the (((leftist))) Jews and "religious" Jews are of completely separate camps at war with each other, but the fact is they play off one another, and the "civic war" between both camps of Jews is nothing much theatrics for the goyim.

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the first nude films were shown in germany. hedy lemarr (Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler) was one actress who starred in ecstacy released in 1933 before fleeing to the united states where sucked dicks of people in war-tech/munitions industry then coincidentally subsequently invented frequency hop analog encryption and the basis of GPS multilateration. Nothing jewish about that

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>this was in the 60s

Every time I hear the word "puritan", it's always coming from a fucking boomer.

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>OTOH you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Not starving or having your country turned into rubble with genocides by shabbos goyim is kind of a good convincer tbh

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>Thinking that liberalism can work.

How fucking retarded are you? Can you seriously think, since liberalism was a thing, that it works?

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Weimar was a paradise

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We've had at least two centuries of liberalism, and somehow the shit show seems to keep on churning.

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That's just oversimplifying. Who is "we"? Every country is identical?

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>That's just oversimplifying.

Admittedly, yes.


>Every country is identical?

Countries in the West are rather similar, not identical, but similar.

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>Fucking little girls(future mudshark whoreswho want it) is worse then miscegenation

Kys, all of you neocons

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There's no better way to learn about degenerate behavior than to ask the source! Check out a book called "Voluptuous Panic," written by a fag who actually referred to the period as a "lost paradise of libertine sexual freedom"

As bad as San Francisco and Hollyweird are, they're really only 25% of the way there. They had kids wandering around the red light district in coloured boots, where the boots denoted the kind of sexual favors you could expect to receive from them. It's absolutely fucking wild

I think even the late Romans would be like "isn't 40 orgies a day a bit much?"


Honestly sometimes you have to thank the opposition for being so unabashedly proud of what they want, because it very could have been hidden and inaccessible to the general public.

But no, there it is, sitting out in the open. The end goal of the degeneracy push, Weimar Berlin


"Indeed, the sheer variety of odd sexual tastes Gordon documents in "Voluptuous Panic" is astonishing. For instance, Gordon identifies 16 different types of prostitutes, including "telephone girls," enormously expensive child prostitutes labeled "Marlene Dietrichs" or "Lillian Harveys" according to their physical attributes. These girls could be ordered by phone and delivered by taxi to the client."

Not exactly where I expected Uber Eats was headed, but alright fam!

There's also some shit that's so crazy I haven't even seen it yet in hentai!

"Practically any kink or desire could be carried out in Berlin at this time, and it didn't always have to involve a human partner. Italian journalist Luigi Barzini describes possibly the most unusual sex act in the Weimar Republic that involved a goose:

I saw pimps offering anything to anybody: little boys, little girls, robust young men, libidinous women, animals. The story went the rounds that a male goose whose neck you cut at just the right ecstatic moment would give you the most delicious frisson of all—as it allowed you to enjoy sodomy, bestiality, homosexuality, necrophilia and sadism at one stroke."

Oh wait, I think we recently actually breached that one…. Kero The Wolf, anyone?

Wait, wait, wait!!!

I forgot one thing. Make damn sure you only get it from a plain old retailer or a public library. Depends on where you live, but the uni edition has some photos that could very well legitimately be construed as CP. Also do not search for it on Pinterest for the same reason. (It's up there because they already won a case about it long ago where it's a-ok to leave it up because it's only "for academic and historical research" obviously!)

Bit too many prying eyes around here thanks to Christchurch to post the racier fare, but they're out there, if you really need them! Seriously some of the content will get you put to death in some Muslim countries, and praised as a "fellow traveler" in others!

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Damn! Another VPer! I was too late this time! Totally different angle though. Just goes to show how rampant the degeneracy is that you can pull more than one "ultimate act of degenerate degradation" from the whole period

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I use it damn near constantly

…. On jealous saggy titted old feminists, hahaha!

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Bump for newfags.

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I think that's about it as far as the Weimar Republic goes. I don't think there was any cannibalism going on then. There was one case of cannibalism in modern Germany, though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes

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Radical as fuck.

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>I don't want the goyim to be aware of the Weimar Republic!

Sorry kike.

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You do know the internet cannot lead the nation right?

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Yup, the last leader who would've given a shit about you

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We all do

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Thread view:


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the years 1933-1940 were the best years of my grandparents' lives.

peace, prosperity, hope, fraternity.

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File: 9ded1d58ccad993⋯.png (1.04 MB,789x8343,263:2781,Fags want dick, any dick, ….png)

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>This also applies to the female pedophile, by which I mean, actual pedophiles and not hot schoolteachers giving a blowie to a high-schooler (though they are also witches that need to be burned), I'm talking the women who go after little boys and girls, often getting a thrill from the power and perversion of the act more than the child themselves, these monstrous hags often become mothers in order to molest their own children, there are stories out there, and they carry a psychological angle that is often absent from male molesters, though the female predator is less likely to kill their prey, the added psychological damage they enjoy inflicting arguably makes them worse, it's a good thing they are rare.

There is a cult with chapters in every port city where pedos marry other pedos to bring up little pedos molested since two weeks after birth, and by the age of ten they have done literally every kind of sex, including the group kind because of the swap parties the cult holds where children are swapped instead of wives and drugs are freely availiable and done. And from what those Tribe.net screencaps have implied, those meets are where the young pedos are arraigned to be married at the earliest possible time to make more children for the cult to molest.

The worst part of this is that this might be nature (The cruel hard, bitch that she is) adapting to feminism. She doesn't care how fucked up the offspring is, as long as it survives to have more offspring. It horrifies me with it's implications.

We need a war soon, or this might be mainstream soon.

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Mate, the link for the pdf is here: >>12824320

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>All those black pill faggots need to learn. The purge can happen instantly. We all just need to stand up

Desperation breeds action. Just look at the difference between america and the once cucks in france. The "gravy train" will end in this decade and enough people will be living on the street. Then shit will happen.

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>They've certainly learned from the Weimar period not to fuck with the workings of the economy too much,

That ship has already sailed and its now on a crash course towards destruction. The EU model only works so long as they keep adding new countries and pillaging the current ones. The next group they have their eyes on Albania/Bosnia/Kosovo/Montenegro/Serbia/NorthMacedonia/Turkey all have next to nothing to offer and will only drain their resources. Awakened states will veto their entry since everybody knows they're flooded with muzzies and the EU publicized their intentions to legalize the nogs before they enter so countries can't refuse. Expansion over. China rising. American deceleration. Implosion inevitable.

08 almost destroyed europe. The next shock wave will be the death blow.

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Pretty much.

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Certainly things are in a fucked state, but it's a rather controlled and slow burning fucked state. Bad enough that people know that things are fucked, but not so bad as to really get things going.

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I do not know it will be a deathblow or not there is a lot of things that kikes control only for theatre.

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This reminds me of a little discussed Soviet experiment during the Weimar era, but in Russia.

A few short years after the (((Bolsheviks))) killed the Tsar, they began a Marxist experiment called "Communal wives."

Essentially, since the children are raised by the State, and the elders are cared for by the state, the family is obsolete. Women can fuck whomever they please. Beta-males were told the Chad capitalists were hording all the hot chicks and they would totally get laid more if they did "liberated" women. Sound familiar?

The experiment was abandoned when the streets filled with fatherless urchins. Stalin "fixed" the bastard surplus by sending them shoeless and sometimes unarmed against the German army in WW2.

Think I'm making this up? This pic is of a nude beach in Moscow in 1920.

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I have to wonder how common drug overdoses were in the Weimar Republic? I know cocaine was popular, but was heroin around at that time too? And if so, was it popular like today?

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Rope, sure does make a fine bit of jewelry for certain people.

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Sexual degeneracy in Berlin Germany during Weimar. Documentary.


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Because they’re Nazi punks themselves.

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>tfw one of your IPs gets banned and deleted but the other doesn't

Everybody feels a littlle lonely sometimes.

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From the wikijew:

>Prostitution rose in Berlin and elsewhere in the areas of Europe left ravaged by World War I.

>This means of survival for desperate women, and sometimes men, became normalized to a degree in the 1920s.

>During the war, venereal diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea spread at a rate that warranted government attention.

>Soldiers at the front contracted these diseases from prostitutes, so the German army responded by granting approval to certain brothels that were inspected by their own medical doctors, and soldiers were rationed coupon books for sexual services at these establishments.

>Homosexual behaviour was also documented among soldiers at the front.

>Soldiers returning to Berlin at the end of the War had a different attitude towards their own sexual behaviour than they had a few years previously.

>Prostitution was frowned on by respectable Berliners, but it continued to the point of becoming entrenched in the city's underground economy and culture.

>First women with no other means of support turned to the trade, then youths of both genders.

>Crime in general developed in parallel with prostitution in the city, beginning as petty thefts and other crimes linked to the need to survive in the war's aftermath.

>Berlin eventually acquired a reputation as a hub of drug dealing (cocaine, heroin, tranquilizers) and the black market.

>The police identified 62 organized criminal gangs in Berlin, called Ringvereine.

>The German public also became fascinated with reports of homicides, especially "lust murders" or Lustmord.

>Publishers met this demand with inexpensive criminal novels called Krimi, which like the film noir of the era (such as the classic M), explored methods of scientific detection and psychosexual analysis.

>Apart from the new tolerance for behaviour that was technically still illegal, and viewed by a large part of society as immoral, there were other developments in Berlin culture that shocked many visitors to the city.

>Thrill-seekers came to the city in search of adventure, and booksellers sold many editions of guide books to Berlin's erotic night entertainment venues.

>There were an estimated 500 such establishments, that included a large number of homosexual venues for men and for women; sometimes transvestites of one or both genders were admitted, otherwise there were at least 5 known establishments that were exclusively for a transvestite clientele.

>There were also several nudist venues.

>Berlin also had a museum of sexuality during the Weimar period, at Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute of Sexology.

SEE: >>12876538

>These were nearly all closed when the Nazi regime became a dictatorship in 1933.

>Artists in Berlin became fused with the city's underground culture as the borders between cabaret and legitimate theatre blurred.

>Anita Berber, a dancer and actress, became notorious throughout the city and beyond for her erotic performances (as well as her cocaine addiction and erratic behaviour).

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>Born in Leipzig to Felix Berber, First Violinist with the Municipal Orchestra, and his wife, Lucie Berber, an aspiring actress and singer, who later divorced, Anita Berber was raised mainly by her grandmother in Dresden.

>By the age of 16, she had moved to Berlin and made her debut as a cabaret dancer. By 1918 she was working in film, and she began dancing nude in 1919.

>Scandalously androgynous, she quickly made a name for herself. She wore heavy dancer's make-up, which on the black-and-white photos and films of the time came across as jet black lipstick painted across the heart-shaped part of her skinny lips, and charcoaled eyes.

>Berber's hair was fashionably cut into a short bob and was frequently bright red

Just a little case of history repeating…

>as in 1925 when the German painter Otto Dix painted a portrait of her, titled "The Dancer Anita Berber".

>Her dancer friend and sometime lover Sebastian Droste, who performed in the film Algol (1920), was skinny and had black hair with gelled up curls much like sideburns.

>Neither of them wore much more than lowslung loincloths and Anita occasionally a corsage, placed well below her breasts.

>Berber's dances – which had names such as "Cocaine" and "Morphium" – broke boundaries with their androgyny and total nudity, but it was her public appearances that really challenged social taboos.

>Berber's overt drug addiction and bisexuality were matters of public gossip.

>In addition to her addiction to cocaine, opium and morphine, one of Berber's favourites forms of inebriation was chloroform and ether mixed in a bowl.

>This would be stirred with a white rose, the petals of which she would then eat.

>Aside from her addiction to narcotic drugs, Berber was also an alcoholic.

>In 1928, at the age of 29, she suddenly gave up alcohol completely, but died later the same year.

>According to Mel Gordon, in The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber: Weimar Berlin's Priestess of Debauchery, she had been diagnosed with severe tuberculosis while performing abroad.

>After collapsing in Damascus, she returned to Germany and died in a Kreuzberg hospital on 10 November 1928, although rumour had it that she died surrounded by empty morphine syringes.

>Berber was buried in a pauper's grave in St. Thomas Cemetery in Neukölln.

>In 1919, Berber entered into a marriage of convenience with a man with the surname Nathusius.

>She later left him in order to pursue a relationship with a woman named Susi Wanowski, and became part of the Berlin lesbian scene.

>Berber's second marriage, in 1922, was to Sebastian Droste. This lasted until 1923. In 1925, she married a gay American dancer named Henri Châtin Hofmann.

>In Berlin, "Berber was known to dance in the Eldorado, a homosexual and transvestite bar, where Rudi Anhang, dancer and jazz banjoist, accompanied her.

>Berber's speciality was a depraved dance number entitled 'Cocaine', performed to the music of Camille Saint-Saens.

>She also did a piece called 'Morphium'" (Kater).

>Another dance, first performed in 1919, was Heliogabal where she played a sun-worshipping priest ‘Exquisite, entirely attired in gold, her metallic body lured the sun’ (Elegante Welt, 1919, cited in Toepfer).

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Upon reflection, I am beginning to think that the 80's were the true Weimar era in the US, and that, sadly, it appears this that we have now is what would have happened if the Weimar had never fallen.

>1. Cocaine was all the rage, though other drugs were legal and helped fuel the decade-long party

>Germans famously love their beer. But during the heady days of the Weimar Republic, the decadent nightlife of Berlin in particular was fueled by something a lot stronger. Quite simply, the city was awash with drugs, and people of all ages were happy to experiment. Cocaine was the number one stimulant, though many people also enjoyed heroin, while tranquilizers were also taken by many, especially those who needed extra stimulation to keep up at the city’s many crazed parties.

>To some extent, the rise in drug-taking was down to the fact that many of the things the Germans had been used to getting a kick out of were no longer available. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of the First World War, Germany lost its overseas colonies as well as some important international trade routes.

>Tea and tobacco supplies dried up almost overnight. Luckily, other pick-me-ups were soon readily available.

>Almost all drugs, including cocaine and heroin, were legal to buy, and it was said that you could buy them on most Berlin streets during the 1920s.

>Incredibly, Weimar Germany ended up the sole consumer of Peruvian cocaine, while 80% of all the coke made by domestic pharmaceuticals ended up going up the nostrils of Berliners.

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Because looking at modern America will reveal many disturbing similarities to the Weimar Republic at its worst.

Don’t believe me that America in 2018 is almost as degenerate as that fabled 1920s Babylon? Then what would you call it when…

…transgenderism and sex changes are pushed upon elementary school children?

…Children are sexualized in many other ways?

…No, really, children are sexualized a lot.

…The homicide rate is the highest its been in the last 21 years, and 4 out 5 of the worst mass shootings in American history have occurred in the last 5 years?

…And the above is despite the skyrocketing prison population?

…America is in the midst of a massive opioid epidemic that is currently wiping out the white working class?

…Every single aspect of American history and culture is besmirched, degraded, and deconstructed in academia and pop culture?

…The United States is 20 trillion dollars and counting in debt?

…Every second of every day has 729 people in this country watching internet pornography, which adds up to 4 times as many American views on porn websites as there are people on the entire planet?

…70% of the country is on some sort of prescription drug, but life expectancy continues to drop? (See above)

…The elites of America openly hate their country and are going out of their way to “elect a new people”?

…Nobody cares about what I said in the previous sentence?

…Rightist and leftist paramilitaries are regularly duking it out on the streets?

…Men are shamed because they don’t want to sleep with transgenders and non-binary persons?

…Even many “normies” are afraid that the US will be embroiled in Civil War in the next few years?

…And if you raise any objection to any of this you’re some sort of bad person?

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Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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So just as bad as today then. Fucking hell, as much as I hate communism, I at least know that the DDR would not have tolerated this bullshit.

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Jesus Christ. Hope he comes back soon.

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I would check those digits, but there is not going to be any Jesus to come save us. It's up to us and us alone to defeat (((the devil))).

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He will, but remember anon we'll have to help our selves.

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Am I the only one that wonders how much of that drivel is jewish fantasy?

Just like with modern jewish media focusing totally on degeneracy outliers that barely exist like transexuals, I can't really believe Weimar was that bad. Just are habitual liars and exaggerators after all…

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The black pill is the white pill. Do you honestly think degeneracy can last long term? have you seen a nigger hvac repair man? have you seen a homosexual do something productive? have you seen a woman make a meaningful contribution?

Black pill only goes so far. The white races are no stranger to the risk of extinction, we require it. It is genetic hygiene to remove the inferior so that we can become stronger.

Collapse is not a bad thing, it allows us to remove the shit and keep the gems. It allows us to see what works, and remove what does not. the subhumans will not stick around when the gibs are gone.

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Yeah back then we'd just troll on the streets for the lulz, now, though, the stakes have risen dramatically. We can't act like the faggots we were back then anymore.

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>but the thread still exists


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Bumping for the important info.

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Hitler saved germany from the degeneracy.

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There was a movie that came out recently about the first transexual surgery, took place in Weimar Germany. Eddie Redmayne was the lead. Never saw it but a castrated slave is an obedient slave.

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English reads left to right

Juspeak reads right to left

Reddit is a literal jew mind control apparatus

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Trips of boldness.

Black and red (specifically as in the UPA battle flag) is a great colour combo that should be taken from antifa-faggots.

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>If these so-called (((first wave feminists)))….

First Wave Feminist never existed, Feminism is a political movement created in the 1960s, they are a part of the 68er movement and this time frame is also the reason, why Feminism is so full of Cultural Marxism.

Feminists try to claim that previous female movements in the West were their first wave, however if these women from the 18th century saw Feminists of today they would get getting violent.

Feminism like other movements on the Left, work predominantly by telling lies about the past.

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Wheel barrows of cash for loaves of bread.

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>however if these women from the 18th century

There were never any organic "women wanting to be more like men" movements.

And yes, the likes of the suffragettes would be pleased to see how things have progressed, being as they were mostly jewish men in drag who knew exactly where it would all lead.

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My fear is when the war starts we wont be able to find all these degenerates and rope them.

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God weimar is a shithole.

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File: 242ffc7151b03b2⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Weimar Republic 1919 -1933….jpg)



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Thanks i'll watch it.

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Bump for knowledge.

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mandatory Delousing Showers for the Jews would produce better results in Public Health.

didn't Jews bring an outbreak of Measles to NYC recently? filthy buggers who wont shower unless forced at the end of rifle-butts and jack-boots.

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watch this and tell The Holocaust wasn't justified.


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Tbh, learning about the Weimar Republic has helped me to better navigate through the Jew-made confusion of the postwar (post) modern world. But we really need a new Hitler since yesterday.

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The hollow hoax is a mountain of weaponized lies, fool. >>12728333

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Jew spread degeneracy - just like now.

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File: 87a175b0aa00b63⋯.jpg (25.79 KB,336x274,168:137,100% pure cohen.jpg)


>How were things really like before Adolf and his National Socialist Germany era?

Just like they are today in most of Europe and all of the USA: run by greedy jews hellbent on spreading their degeneracy and corrupting all others (especially Christians; double especially German Christians; triple especially German Lutherans that are not jew-loving Evangelical Zionists).

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>(it still is, you cant just buy land if you arent a farmer)

I'm surprised that the (((BRD))) hasn't dismantled that law, honestly. But I guess even (((they))) realize that a country needs good agricultural output in order to maintain things.

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some of the dystopian cinema maybe?

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Metropolis is pretty good. Goebbels himself apparently liked it.

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What the Jews couldn't accomplish with the Weimar Republic, they've managed to achieve this time around in the postwar West.

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Hm, so let's say all these things,

>popular culture

>the birth of mass consumption

But NOT for Germany. They had to pay denbts.

So note that they were paying for WWI, the kaiser had started it. Now peacefully retired in a villa abroad.

France even walked in confiscating the Ruhr-area. Germany's main industrial area.

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Try reading this authors/philosophers for mor answers : Giorgio Agamben/Walter Benjamin/Carl Schmidt

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File: eccb29c80d24e83⋯.jpg (49.8 KB,750x723,250:241,1554321968841.jpg)


We have already reached Weimar levels of degeneracy. The only thing thats missing is hyper inflation to ensure the goyim will be perpetually poor.

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File: e009edd873dcf56⋯.pdf (6.85 MB,Jack Zipes, (eds.) - Fairy….pdf)

This conveys the messianic spirit present in Germany before 1933. Weimar Germany was the Jews pet nation.

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File: 4ed56df24836fbb⋯.pdf (4.27 MB,Jewish Domination Of Weima….pdf)

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We're already poor due to inflation, it's just that the inflation is low, and not "hyper," but it's enough to keep you forever in the rat race just to survive and make your daily bread. The last thing that (((they))) want is hyperinflation, it would completely destroy their work for the last 8 decades.

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>Weimar Germany was the Jews pet nation.

Much like the modern Bundesrepublik Deutschland today. I don't know what the fuck (((they))) were thinking the first time around, as the Weimar Republic wasn't allowed to have an air force due to the conditions set forth in the Treaty of Versailles, but today's Germany is a much more managed and stable pet nation of the Jews this time around.

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>(((Germans))) are plenty kinky in their own right

FTFY, all of the kinky ones I've known are mischlings.

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As the ad for the Handmaid's Tale says, officially there is no resistance and we are just heretics.

That in Man In The High Castle, I don't know what the kikes were thinking greenlighting that but I like them for all the wrong reasons.

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Hitler left a remnant that is still shitting up our board.

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They're Shriners, anon. Those guys in the small cars worship the mudslime and fuck kids alongside with them.

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Canada, of course.

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File: bd1a2b1af9c508e⋯.jpg (15.78 KB,474x266,237:133,x.jpg)



Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice, and witchcraft is the religion.

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It was easy, he lived in a 100% white country. We, however, must each kill 50+ soldiers each on the battlefield, if we are to win.

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Now the degeneracy occurs among all socioeconomic groups.

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Single motherhood was protected under the Weimar Constitution:


>Article 121

>Legislation has to create equal preconditions for children born out of wedlock, concerning their bodily, spiritual and social development, as they are given to legitimate children.

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Peak Sodom. From Babylon to beyond why do we keep falling into absolute degeneracy again?

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thing about the weimar era is that german nationalism never died, the national socialists and their ilk were still present through the whole period. So at the same time you had all this degeneracy and bolshevism going on, you simultaneously had national socialists and other people like that marching around in the streets.

I guess it ties in to how we tend to view historical periods as static things, when in reality we need to consider that there is constant change throughout.

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Holy Digits.

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File: 9db00a04f7de98c⋯.jpg (8.71 MB,6152x4092,1538:1023,Jews - Weimar Era.jpg)

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File: ff8cc208fe1819c⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,2554x4090,1277:2045,Jews - Weimar Era 1.jpg)

File: eefbba643489930⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1057x4067,151:581,Jews - Weimar Era 2.jpg)

File: e86b726bda1b6cd⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,2511x4071,837:1357,Jews - Weimar Era 3.jpg)

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File: 205bdb3a491eb80⋯.png (2.45 MB,6972x1884,581:157,Magnus Hirschfeld - Weimar….png)


>>Berlin also had a museum of sexuality during the Weimar period, at Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute of Sexology.

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>From Babylon to beyond why do we keep falling into absolute degeneracy again?

Because we're too damn kind and fall for tricks. It's a strength among one another, but a fatal weakness when among those not of us. Also, peer pressure, change in overall culture, and slick sophistry that has been going on for decades led us to this point.

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File: efa07d47988a750⋯.png (825.36 KB,1021x768,1021:768,1557337238224.png)


>There's no child prostitutes like in Weimar yet,

It's literally worse

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Nationalism never died in the modern BRD, either. It's just heavily suppressed this time around. The BfV glowniggers no doubt work around the clock to suppress any real German nationalism from coming to fruition.

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File: 61550b8b9809d85⋯.png (120.93 KB,1268x515,1268:515,germany.png)

I'm genuinely surprised that the Germans didn't go on a fucking global genocide against Kikes, leftist, and niggers for what they did too Germany during the Weimar era because it would've been very justified from just reading this sick depraved shit. Just seeing that they had the humbleness and the honor after going through that kind of abuse makes me think if there is anyone out there who are chosen by God its not Kikes at all it is the Germans. God bless your Germans who had too go through this and what is happening now in modern times. As a American descended from Germans from Prussia and Austria it makes my blood boil with rage at how my country continues too oppress yours. I swear after all this is over I want too create a historical museum in honor of the White race and give you the Germans the biggest wing and too help create a swastika in the US so large you can see it from space either etched out in the Rocky Mountains or Appalachia.

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at this rate its probably 10 years

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The German revolution of 1919 redpilled me hard, especially on nazi reactions to bolshevism and the tie in with ethnicity.

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File: b3275c5f7bf56a3⋯.jpg (122.48 KB,500x501,500:501,white-pride_c_7173066.jpg)


Many belated thanks, F.R.E.N.

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File: 04acc024c289809⋯.jpg (418.61 KB,1235x2005,247:401,done1.jpg)

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It seems that does the trick for most people. Though, it seems like Jewish interests wanted the degenerate Weimar Republic to remain, and for Germany to not go communist. They had never banned the KPD, or communist parties in general, but if the communists started getting radical and engaging in armed revolutionary activity, everyone including the moderate left-wing parties like the SPD would have them violently suppressed.

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An age of Decadence and Decline.

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make hard times.

Hard times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

And so it goes.

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You might be right. In which case, we're charting previously uncharted territory.


The only things we're missing is the rampant hyperinflation, and multi-party system that the Weimar Republic had.

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Because we're not a cunt hair away from both of those things at any second.

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Bumping this thread to save.

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real deadly unna

read dreamtime

kill wadjala

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Child prostitution has always been a blackmarket thing, in the better societies with the government actively trying to crackdown on it, in the worse the government turning a blind eye to it. Under Weimar however it was actually open and legal. They're pushing for things to get back to that point with shit like normalizing children cavorting around in drag on stage but they're not yet quite to the point where they've legalized children sucking dicks for cash.

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Same here. Never been on here often enough to notice, should lurk moar but hey.

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>This also applies to the female pedophile, by which I mean, actual pedophiles and not hot schoolteachers giving a blowie to a high-schooler (though they are also witches that need to be burned), I'm talking the women who go after little boys and girls, often getting a thrill from the power and perversion of the act more than the child themselves, these monstrous hags often become mothers in order to molest their own children

>often become mothers in order to molest their own children

Makes sense, though I wish I didn't have this as a reference to some extent. I already hated my mother.

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The age of consent in National Socialist Germany was 14. You are truly mistaken and brainwashed by jews if you believe its disgusting for men to go after such women. Traditionally men would need the fathers support first however. There is literally nothing wrong with this.

The younger the woman the more healthy children she can bear. If you as a man do not go after a woman in her mid twenties you will never have more than 3-4 kids before it starts getting into risky territory.

>but k selection

You clearly don't have a relationship with your grandma. During the great depression having 10 kids was common. My grandma got married at 18 to a 27 year old man and had 6 children. Her mom had 10 and was married at 16. All of my aunts and uncles however have 1 or no children at all.

Its all fucked. But demonizing people who want young girls to wed is not conducive to the goal of 1488. So fuck off with this bullshit.

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Bump for Weimar knowledge.

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Judging from Americans' behavior so far?

Women and children rule over the men

Jews rule over the women and children

Men are jailed for misdemeanors like jaywalking

Americans ain't gonna do SHIT.

They are going to keep squawking about muh guns and muh Molon Labe and muh Andrew Jackson while they keep taking more and more of Israel's dick up their asses.

They will keep allowing a flood of criminals across their border.

They will make it illegal to have a penis, functionally, all the while boasting about Muh Freedoms.

Americans are going to bow down to Moloch and hand their children over, snitch on neighbors who do not, and keep sucking that hairy Jew dick.

They will literally hand their daughters over to be sacrificed on the alter of Muh Dick to prevent anyone from calling them Racist or the fate-sealing incantation:











America ain't gonna do SHIT.

Here's what they SHOULD DO:

Start from the fucking 49th parallel.

Sweep the entire country and evict everyone who is not an actual, legal, citizen or landed immigrant, WITH PROOF.

Tattoo and brand everyone who resists, or just shoot them. Iris, fingerprint, DNA, and all biometrics recorded, and dumped off anywhere but here.

Sweep to the Southern border.

Make being anti-white a federal crime.

End Affirmative Blacktion.

Death penalty for pedo rape

Death penalty for treason

Death penalty for murder

Death penalty for kidnapping

Death penalty for attempted murder

Death penalty for abortion.

Anyone making a false accusation serves the exact same sentence as the one they accused, with their face on the front of the local news media. Added to a False Accusers' Registry for life, so men can search and find if a woman is good or a toxic bitch.

All Jews must register. Whites and every other group have to register on the census. Any lack of reporting is instant deportation.

Any Jews ousted from government, courts, and legal profession. They have a proven record of perverting justice to suit their own tribe.

Any rape of a White girl by any other race is an instant Federal Hate Crime.

In other words, flip things from upside-down to right-side-up.

Any children making any accusations have to have actual evidence. Any women making any accusations have to have evidence AND videotape or multiple witnesses who are NOT female.

No welfare. You work or you do not eat, even if the work is putting PLASTIC straws into PLASTIC bags at a factory.

Any woman who becomes pregnant while single is sterilized permanently. Any man who has children by multiple women to whom he is not married is sterilized, permanently.

Mentally ill? Sterilized.

But, they won't.

They will lay down, spread their cheeks and take the (((dick))) so far up their asses, they will burp dick.






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>But demonizing people who want young girls to wed is not conducive to the goal of 1488. So fuck off with this bullshit.

"Age of Consent."

You can fuck horses from the age of 12, but can't get married until 18.

Fucking brilliant.

Want to end crime in one generation?

A) Jews to Israel.

B) Women are paid a stipend every month they are found to be a virgin. Hymen reconstructive (((surgery))) is a federal crime.

C) Criminals are caned for minor crimes, killed for major ones.

D) Having a child outside marriage is a major crime.

Without single mothwhores, you end prostitution, crime, and degeneracy in ONE generation.

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Oh, and marriage is up to family.

Islam is a federal crime, the (((Quran))) is banned, Arabic is banned. Mosques are banned, and Islamic groups actively infiltrated by the FBI, allocating 1/10th of the budget they are spending now trying to get whites murdered if they say "kike," so only 100 billion dollars a year allocated to eliminating the cancer that is Islam.

You can worship who you want, but you can't have Islam because (((Islam))) is a political degeneracy disguised as a religion.

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Buy a book

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> muh Weimar

After stupid rednecks like you fell for the Adolf Shitler scam, everything became even worse, see the documentary Hellstorm.

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File: d25d1860d656dd1⋯.gif (7.45 KB,255x144,85:48,21eb89ceef5286c97016f06099….gif)


Ha! You're such a fucking failure. Nothing you do works here. Your increasing angst and frustration is palpable in every post. The paycheck isn't woth it. Kill yourself already, nigger.

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File: b377db6b3aec23b⋯.pdf (1.63 MB,Cultural Defiance 1.pdf)


Heres a HD Uni essay "someone" wrote.

Details the condition of the Wiemar republic before the nazi party took over. fully referenced and sourced.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bump. The West today is now not much more than one gigantic Weimar Republic, and only a few positive things are coming out of it, mostly in the sciences, much like the original Weimar Republic.

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Another Weimar post still in the catalog...


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>This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

Always post the title of the video too

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>D) Having a child outside marriage is a major crime

So who's going to raise the child?

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German here. I have not felt such hatred in my life. Hope your fucking central bank was worth it, Westerners. You deserve every evil that befalls you. If I end my life comitting murder unto you and your kike masters, it shall be a life well-spent.

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I can add that people who work are people who keep up the bad system, and are in other words securing that "a hitler with full power" will never be able to grow.

Every day things get worse for our race. Lets start with quiting our jobs or at least stop paying taxes. The system must fall in order to get the majority of the votes.

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This came over me and out with rather more force than I wished it to. But my God what a horror.

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It was a video by YouTube user Dr Ludwig, they just deleted his account. The song was Mein Schlesierland.

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I also have to add that there is a similar provision in Germany's modern constitution:


>Article 6

>(5) Children born outside of marriage shall be provided by legislation with the same opportunities for physical and mental development and for their position in society as are enjoyed by those born within marriage.

Not surprising, since the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany is based mostly on the Weimar Constitution.

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File: bacaee1384f1bac⋯.jpg (63.29 KB,850x400,17:8,Thoughts are like airplane….jpg)


Also homeschooling was legal in the previous Weimar republic until it was made illegal by the Nazi Party. Yet cohencidentally it managed to be the only change implemented by the Nazis that the new Weimar republic wasn't so eager to revert. I wonder why.

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Was it really? From what I understand, Germany's compulsory school law dates to 1918, and if anything, the ban on homeschooling was always in effect since then, and continued as a holdover during the National Socialist era.

At least in today's era, one can just hop over the border into France or Austria, thanks to Schengen, where homeschooling is legal.

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File: 58fce12a74c7da3⋯.png (696.91 KB,1166x676,583:338,sammytrans95.png)


Well then I was wrong

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