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File (hide): 9c698c1f8dd344e⋯.png (697 B,900x600,3:2,germany.png) (h) (u)


d95006 (1) No.12739665 [View All]>>13524469 >>13524748 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

How were things really like before Adolf and his National Socialist Germany era? jewgle is obviously going to be inaccurate and biased towards how great the weimar republic was before Adolf came to power. However, many here seem to regard the weimar republic with complete disgust. I want redpills on how bad the culture got during that time.

[I made this thread because I'm tired of demoralization shills who keep making threads where the OP is clearly pro-left and anti-rightwing, anti-Trump, etc. And since /pol/'s useless mods aren't going to ban these faggots anytime soon, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I know that I'm pro-right, and if I start making threads more often, it'll help return the catalog to a more pro-right board like it's suppose to be. Not /leftypol/ 2.0 like it is right now with all these fucking blackpill threads]

And the very first thing I want to learn more about is Germany. Specifically, the weimar republic and the worst of its excesses. Did its society and culture really became as degenerate as its poor reputation here suggests? Kind of hard to learn the truth when search engines do everything to muddle sources about it.

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c89600 (1) No.13384637


Holy Digits.

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45a7ad (3) No.13384719>>13384723

File (hide): 9db00a04f7de98c⋯.jpg (8.71 MB,6152x4092,1538:1023,Jews - Weimar Era.jpg) (h) (u)

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45a7ad (3) No.13384723

File (hide): ff8cc208fe1819c⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,2554x4090,1277:2045,Jews - Weimar Era 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eefbba643489930⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1057x4067,151:581,Jews - Weimar Era 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e86b726bda1b6cd⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,2511x4071,837:1357,Jews - Weimar Era 3.jpg) (h) (u)

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45a7ad (3) No.13384728


>>Berlin also had a museum of sexuality during the Weimar period, at Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute of Sexology.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13386729


>From Babylon to beyond why do we keep falling into absolute degeneracy again?

Because we're too damn kind and fall for tricks. It's a strength among one another, but a fatal weakness when among those not of us. Also, peer pressure, change in overall culture, and slick sophistry that has been going on for decades led us to this point.

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ce38ea (1) No.13388897>>13415171

File (hide): efa07d47988a750⋯.png (825.36 KB,1021x768,1021:768,1557337238224.png) (h) (u)


>There's no child prostitutes like in Weimar yet,

It's literally worse

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3e95d1 (9) No.13397296


Nationalism never died in the modern BRD, either. It's just heavily suppressed this time around. The BfV glowniggers no doubt work around the clock to suppress any real German nationalism from coming to fruition.

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0910cd (1) No.13398941

File (hide): 61550b8b9809d85⋯.png (120.93 KB,1268x515,1268:515,germany.png) (h) (u)

I'm genuinely surprised that the Germans didn't go on a fucking global genocide against Kikes, leftist, and niggers for what they did too Germany during the Weimar era because it would've been very justified from just reading this sick depraved shit. Just seeing that they had the humbleness and the honor after going through that kind of abuse makes me think if there is anyone out there who are chosen by God its not Kikes at all it is the Germans. God bless your Germans who had too go through this and what is happening now in modern times. As a American descended from Germans from Prussia and Austria it makes my blood boil with rage at how my country continues too oppress yours. I swear after all this is over I want too create a historical museum in honor of the White race and give you the Germans the biggest wing and too help create a swastika in the US so large you can see it from space either etched out in the Rocky Mountains or Appalachia.

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8cff18 (1) No.13415171


at this rate its probably 10 years

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cf68bc (1) No.13415906>>13421973

The German revolution of 1919 redpilled me hard, especially on nazi reactions to bolshevism and the tie in with ethnicity.

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221c11 (1) No.13416785>>13416820

File (hide): b3275c5f7bf56a3⋯.jpg (122.48 KB,500x501,500:501,white-pride_c_7173066.jpg) (h) (u)


Many belated thanks, F.R.E.N.

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d17395 (1) No.13416820

File (hide): 04acc024c289809⋯.jpg (418.61 KB,1235x2005,247:401,done1.jpg) (h) (u)

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3e95d1 (9) No.13421973


It seems that does the trick for most people. Though, it seems like Jewish interests wanted the degenerate Weimar Republic to remain, and for Germany to not go communist. They had never banned the KPD, or communist parties in general, but if the communists started getting radical and engaging in armed revolutionary activity, everyone including the moderate left-wing parties like the SPD would have them violently suppressed.

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c01811 (1) No.13421978

An age of Decadence and Decline.

Good times make weak men.

Weak men make hard times.

Hard times make strong men.

Strong men make good times.

And so it goes.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13422116>>13449417


You might be right. In which case, we're charting previously uncharted territory.


The only things we're missing is the rampant hyperinflation, and multi-party system that the Weimar Republic had.

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bbf743 (2) No.13435959


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1f50b0 (1) No.13436026


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93d47c (1) No.13448189


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ab7f7e (1) No.13449417


Because we're not a cunt hair away from both of those things at any second.

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bbf743 (2) No.13460947


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47b6f7 (1) No.13468326

Bumping this thread to save.

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c18e2a (1) No.13485868


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635253 (1) No.13489808


real deadly unna

read dreamtime

kill wadjala

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9dc521 (1) No.13489896


Child prostitution has always been a blackmarket thing, in the better societies with the government actively trying to crackdown on it, in the worse the government turning a blind eye to it. Under Weimar however it was actually open and legal. They're pushing for things to get back to that point with shit like normalizing children cavorting around in drag on stage but they're not yet quite to the point where they've legalized children sucking dicks for cash.

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474878 (2) No.13490642


Same here. Never been on here often enough to notice, should lurk moar but hey.

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474878 (2) No.13490681


>This also applies to the female pedophile, by which I mean, actual pedophiles and not hot schoolteachers giving a blowie to a high-schooler (though they are also witches that need to be burned), I'm talking the women who go after little boys and girls, often getting a thrill from the power and perversion of the act more than the child themselves, these monstrous hags often become mothers in order to molest their own children

>often become mothers in order to molest their own children

Makes sense, though I wish I didn't have this as a reference to some extent. I already hated my mother.

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9e538b (1) No.13502055>>13517109


The age of consent in National Socialist Germany was 14. You are truly mistaken and brainwashed by jews if you believe its disgusting for men to go after such women. Traditionally men would need the fathers support first however. There is literally nothing wrong with this.

The younger the woman the more healthy children she can bear. If you as a man do not go after a woman in her mid twenties you will never have more than 3-4 kids before it starts getting into risky territory.

>but k selection

You clearly don't have a relationship with your grandma. During the great depression having 10 kids was common. My grandma got married at 18 to a 27 year old man and had 6 children. Her mom had 10 and was married at 16. All of my aunts and uncles however have 1 or no children at all.

Its all fucked. But demonizing people who want young girls to wed is not conducive to the goal of 1488. So fuck off with this bullshit.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13510159

Bump for Weimar knowledge.

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5d71dc (1) No.13512695


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0ce4b6 (3) No.13517099


Judging from Americans' behavior so far?

Women and children rule over the men

Jews rule over the women and children

Men are jailed for misdemeanors like jaywalking

Americans ain't gonna do SHIT.

They are going to keep squawking about muh guns and muh Molon Labe and muh Andrew Jackson while they keep taking more and more of Israel's dick up their asses.

They will keep allowing a flood of criminals across their border.

They will make it illegal to have a penis, functionally, all the while boasting about Muh Freedoms.

Americans are going to bow down to Moloch and hand their children over, snitch on neighbors who do not, and keep sucking that hairy Jew dick.

They will literally hand their daughters over to be sacrificed on the alter of Muh Dick to prevent anyone from calling them Racist or the fate-sealing incantation:











America ain't gonna do SHIT.

Here's what they SHOULD DO:

Start from the fucking 49th parallel.

Sweep the entire country and evict everyone who is not an actual, legal, citizen or landed immigrant, WITH PROOF.

Tattoo and brand everyone who resists, or just shoot them. Iris, fingerprint, DNA, and all biometrics recorded, and dumped off anywhere but here.

Sweep to the Southern border.

Make being anti-white a federal crime.

End Affirmative Blacktion.

Death penalty for pedo rape

Death penalty for treason

Death penalty for murder

Death penalty for kidnapping

Death penalty for attempted murder

Death penalty for abortion.

Anyone making a false accusation serves the exact same sentence as the one they accused, with their face on the front of the local news media. Added to a False Accusers' Registry for life, so men can search and find if a woman is good or a toxic bitch.

All Jews must register. Whites and every other group have to register on the census. Any lack of reporting is instant deportation.

Any Jews ousted from government, courts, and legal profession. They have a proven record of perverting justice to suit their own tribe.

Any rape of a White girl by any other race is an instant Federal Hate Crime.

In other words, flip things from upside-down to right-side-up.

Any children making any accusations have to have actual evidence. Any women making any accusations have to have evidence AND videotape or multiple witnesses who are NOT female.

No welfare. You work or you do not eat, even if the work is putting PLASTIC straws into PLASTIC bags at a factory.

Any woman who becomes pregnant while single is sterilized permanently. Any man who has children by multiple women to whom he is not married is sterilized, permanently.

Mentally ill? Sterilized.

But, they won't.

They will lay down, spread their cheeks and take the (((dick))) so far up their asses, they will burp dick.






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0ce4b6 (3) No.13517109>>13517120 >>13556350


>But demonizing people who want young girls to wed is not conducive to the goal of 1488. So fuck off with this bullshit.

"Age of Consent."

You can fuck horses from the age of 12, but can't get married until 18.

Fucking brilliant.

Want to end crime in one generation?

A) Jews to Israel.

B) Women are paid a stipend every month they are found to be a virgin. Hymen reconstructive (((surgery))) is a federal crime.

C) Criminals are caned for minor crimes, killed for major ones.

D) Having a child outside marriage is a major crime.

Without single mothwhores, you end prostitution, crime, and degeneracy in ONE generation.

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0ce4b6 (3) No.13517120


Oh, and marriage is up to family.

Islam is a federal crime, the (((Quran))) is banned, Arabic is banned. Mosques are banned, and Islamic groups actively infiltrated by the FBI, allocating 1/10th of the budget they are spending now trying to get whites murdered if they say "kike," so only 100 billion dollars a year allocated to eliminating the cancer that is Islam.

You can worship who you want, but you can't have Islam because (((Islam))) is a political degeneracy disguised as a religion.

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e18d6c (1) No.13517124

Buy a book

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5ddd97 (1) No.13524469>>13524504

>>12739665 (OP)

> muh Weimar

After stupid rednecks like you fell for the Adolf Shitler scam, everything became even worse, see the documentary Hellstorm.

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44fd72 (1) No.13524504


Ha! You're such a fucking failure. Nothing you do works here. Your increasing angst and frustration is palpable in every post. The paycheck isn't woth it. Kill yourself already, nigger.

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603a11 (1) No.13524748

>>12739665 (OP)

Heres a HD Uni essay "someone" wrote.

Details the condition of the Wiemar republic before the nazi party took over. fully referenced and sourced.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13536570>>13555976

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bump. The West today is now not much more than one gigantic Weimar Republic, and only a few positive things are coming out of it, mostly in the sciences, much like the original Weimar Republic.

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aebc94 (1) No.13546497


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c7cc74 (1) No.13546511

Another Weimar post still in the catalog...


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4d9b5c (1) No.13555976>>13559868


>This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

Always post the title of the video too

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a8bba3 (1) No.13556350


>D) Having a child outside marriage is a major crime

So who's going to raise the child?

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0b141d (2) No.13557705>>13557793


German here. I have not felt such hatred in my life. Hope your fucking central bank was worth it, Westerners. You deserve every evil that befalls you. If I end my life comitting murder unto you and your kike masters, it shall be a life well-spent.

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76744e (1) No.13557722


I can add that people who work are people who keep up the bad system, and are in other words securing that "a hitler with full power" will never be able to grow.

Every day things get worse for our race. Lets start with quiting our jobs or at least stop paying taxes. The system must fall in order to get the majority of the votes.

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0b141d (2) No.13557793


This came over me and out with rather more force than I wished it to. But my God what a horror.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13559868


It was a video by YouTube user Dr Ludwig, they just deleted his account. The song was Mein Schlesierland.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13559883>>13572763


I also have to add that there is a similar provision in Germany's modern constitution:


>Article 6

>(5) Children born outside of marriage shall be provided by legislation with the same opportunities for physical and mental development and for their position in society as are enjoyed by those born within marriage.

Not surprising, since the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany is based mostly on the Weimar Constitution.

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4ccda1 (1) No.13571796


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988ef8 (1) No.13572763>>13573860


Also homeschooling was legal in the previous Weimar republic until it was made illegal by the Nazi Party. Yet cohencidentally it managed to be the only change implemented by the Nazis that the new Weimar republic wasn't so eager to revert. I wonder why.

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3e95d1 (9) No.13573860>>13575677


Was it really? From what I understand, Germany's compulsory school law dates to 1918, and if anything, the ban on homeschooling was always in effect since then, and continued as a holdover during the National Socialist era.

At least in today's era, one can just hop over the border into France or Austria, thanks to Schengen, where homeschooling is legal.

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7bbc69 (1) No.13575677

File (hide): 58fce12a74c7da3⋯.png (696.91 KB,1166x676,583:338,sammytrans95.png) (h) (u)


Well then I was wrong

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