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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 205b843c71582d2⋯.gif (925.88 KB,722x542,361:271,presidential.elections.196….gif)

 No.12733313 [Last50 Posts]

2020 VISION:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for European children.

Okay, Anon. You must continue pushing the scale in your favor. As you can see in pic related, the voting history of the US changes quite a bit from generation to generation. The 2016 Presidential Election was no different; people change. For most previous elections, you can see that voter division was either evenly spread across the country or favoring one party. However, the voter division in the 2016 Presidential Election became split into larger, more isolated areas of the country, dividing the US more extremely than in recent history.

If people are so easily divided, they must also be easily easily swayed. You must convince everybody that the most far-right nationalist policies, the ones that are best for genetic Europeans, are the best for the country and the people so that they vote for Hitler2.0 in the 2020 State and Federal Elections. The most effective way to accomplish this is to present the policies that you prefer as fixes to the problems people presently face without mentioning political ideologies or spectrum; simply base your arguments on the US Constitution.

If you encounter an anti-american, appeal to emotions if you have to.

Yep, colonialism is bad, Isnotreal needs to stop rn tbh. And France is for the French.

If you will:

>1. Identify relevant protection clause in the US Constitution.

>2. Describe the problems with the present state of the identified clause.

>3. Propose a fix to the problems.

For example:

Right to Bear Arms

Amendment II: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

>Problem: Background checks convert the right to bear arms into a permitted privilege.

Fix: Repeal Background Check legislation and enact trust-based policies.

Document such problems here itt so that you can address the issues with memes and take political action afk by providing actual fixes. Treat these like bug tickets; one post for each individual problem identified with each individual protection.

>t. anon

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File: 68b3371a8aa1939⋯.jpg (294.84 KB,983x1349,983:1349,2016.presidential.election.jpg)


A cartogram comparison that shows the scale of the division.

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File: 571482e99b3d874⋯.jpg (237.1 KB,1311x810,437:270,2016.3d.jpg)


That graphic in 3D.

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File: c27c220df8784b2⋯.jpg (281.18 KB,1097x714,1097:714,2016.congressional.distric….jpg)

How congressional districts voted.

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File: 0bc83e4789eacb8⋯.jpg (230.49 KB,720x900,4:5,firearms.vs.firearm.murder….jpg)

And, finally, firearm shops vs firearm murders shows further division.

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Yeah, you're right. There's no need to gain public awareness and convince people to join our cause. Let's just sit in our bedrooms and wait for a civil war.

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File: 6756d12479937fb⋯.jpg (254.63 KB,1200x1254,200:209,ccw.2018.jpg)


Voting did this so you could take such action.

>Until 1813, open carry and concealed carry of a firearm for self-defense was accepted by all states. This changed when Louisiana and Kentucky banned concealed carry on the grounds that "only a criminal would conceal a firearm". By 1859, Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia enacted similar concealed carry bans. By 1900, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas followed.

>By 1950, instead of an outright "ban" on firearms, most states had opted to enact concealed carry laws. A trend towards more "liberal" firearms laws started in the late 1990's.

>A growing number of states are now enacting laws that allow you to conceal carry a firearm without a permit. There are now 14 states that allow permitless carry, with North Dakota becoming the latest. This trend has also included more liberal CCW reciprocity laws between states.

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>Chicago bigger than New York

o fug

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>Civil war is already happening idiot.

Okay, so why aren't you out in the streets killing niggers and kikes?

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Not him but it needs to be more organized than that. Difference between convincing people to join us and being a political system cuck.

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I don't really see the difference. As far as I can tell, no-one here is saying we should maintain the current political system. What I do see is people saying that we need to temporarily work within the current political system because that's what exists right now. It's all well and good to say "But we shouldn't have to deal with it at all", but we do have to deal with it. The commies are having more success than us exactly because they work in the current political system. Politics is all about swaying people to one cause or another, and that's exactly what we have to do. Until we do that, there isn't going to be any kind of DOTR.

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>'right wing' refers to the french revolution


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>everyone i disagree with is a votenigger boomer

Whatever you say.

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>actually being this stupid

Trumpniggers are irredeemable.

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>everyone i disagree with is a trumpnigger

Whatever you say.

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>reddit spacing

>everyone i disagree with is a conservatard QLarper

Whatever you say.

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>we're worse off now than we were under King Nog

Ya that's definitely not true

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>If we lose hard enough, we'll win.

The cuckservative motto

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>there is no political solution

Posts someone who thinks he can win a guerilla war against the US government and take political power.

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File: cdf9858e769f819⋯.jpg (135.35 KB,1200x800,3:2,FAHSF2Q3JRAK7MZQL2ZLQCLBJI.jpg)

File: 43822e126e8d7d5⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,1010x568,505:284,Mideast-Lebanon-Bulga_Horo.jpg)

File: 6a3671aa62cf456⋯.jpg (508.56 KB,1720x1290,4:3,Viet_Cong002.jpg)

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>not being blackpilled is absolutely retardedism

blow your brains out immediately

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it is because president does not do a shit and demographics are worse (and will get worse until 0)

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There is no peaceful solution. Voting does nothing.

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<democratic republic

No, jew, your hoaxes don't fly here.

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File: 8697ed4fecd2025⋯.png (14 KB,415x476,415:476,migration-to-us.png)



Less than 1/3 of the "Hispanic" people are actually Hispanic; they are genetic Mayano/Azteca, descendents of the Ancient Mongolians. However, the "Hispanics" migrating to the US are not this 2/3 group of Iberian Hispanics, since, being genetic Europeans, actual Hispanics do not need handouts to make a life; they are Mayano/Azteca. However, chinks are the next large group because China is shit.

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File: 5fa5cb8971383ee⋯.png (18.44 KB,750x366,125:61,European-Immigrants-United….png)



Immigration from Europe is still at millions of people a year. The problem is that what qualifies as a European these days isn't always a genetic European. I do not have information on the numbers of actual Europeans migrating to the US because, other than the UK and Ireland, no real racial statistics are kept in Europe because "muh racism".

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>If you encounter an anti-american

I don't try to argue with them because they refuse to defend their positions. They just scream and spew their reckless hatred of everything White.

Instead, I just viciously mock them via the crushing power of Mantra style talking points. If anyone wants to improve their ability to deal with emotional leftists, look up Bob Whitaker's "Untrained Eye" on youtube.


>Civil war is already happening idiot.

No, fool. Civil wars are when two or more sides in a struggle fight each other.

Whites in America are too afraid to even defend ourselves.

There is a word for a conflict where only one side fights;


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What if we just vote really, really hard?


Under Obongo White people didn't feel like they were winning.

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You know it is bad right that those Europeans go there and mix with other people?

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I don't care about the thread. Voting does nothing.

>voting did this

Whatever you want to believe, moishe.

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I'm starting to believe the meme /pol/ is actually over half Mexican

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File: fd467cfef33aeed⋯.png (43.04 KB,768x768,1:1,1446984691385.png)


Here's the thing: Something approaching a political solution would require a) the implosion of the GOP and b) the eradiation of Conservative Inc. as a political force, driving out the grifters and traitors who've spent the last seventy fucking years squandering huge amounts of money and political capital on retarded shit like artificial wedge issues e.g. gun control or abortion.

It would require it's replacement with a movement that is at the very least implicitly white nationalist, knows about the importance of institutional control (unlike the fucking cuckservatives who vacated everything from academia to the media) and maintains a radical to moderate pipeline instead of disawowing everybody who is deemed unacceptable by a bunch of barely concealed commies.

Even then, the permanent government (what people now call the Deep State) would in all likely go completely apeshit.

Even Trump, who has been mostly harmless, has inspired them to fucking shred attorney-client privilege, install banana republic tier political persecutions for political allies of POTUS and make a mockery out of the supposed seperation of powers with district judges from the ass of the world arbitrarly cutting into the power of the executive.

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Need sauce on this graph.

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>trump was plan A

Hi newfreind, Trump was a side show for entertainment purposes only. The chaos determined it, we merely provided the keks.

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Anon I don't think those figures are annual.

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File: 062cfac35b7bdd5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

>colonialism is bad

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The commies win in the system because the system is owned by the jews, this is the big gap of understanding. The media, financial sector, and likely the entire political system in general is owned and run by jews and their puppets. The commies are going to win when the jews want.

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Repeal EVERY LAW that touches the 2nd.

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>history of mankind

No, that would be some 13th century shit in China. This is comparable to any other population pressures in a declining state, including those pressures placed on ancient Assyria. Not debating the importance of the issue, but it is important to look beyond your own generational knowledge for guidance of historic patterns relating to invasions and demography.

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>>12735555 (mod'd :^) )

If you are implying a false sense of security that is not the case at all. Beyond the civnat maganigger most whites are well aware of changing demographics, the only, or final, solution is just not accepted as an option yet. Madagascar is expensive, and facing to bloodshed is hard.

Democracy, as defended by the kike, is white mans doom. Democracy works in ethnostates. National socialism as /pol/ is aware, can work in an ethnostate, or in a country of peoples and races of similar qualities. National Socialism is the utopia, there is a truth in its teachings, a truth that can not be denied. Its this truth, the inherent differences between races that can not be explained by supposed privilege (other than biological) or muh socioeconomic circumstances, that will slowly win people over. It took a major war, a failed jewish revolution, extreme marxism, poverty and starvation to aid Hitlers rise to power. Almost 41 million Germans voted in favour of Hitler opposing a mere 2 million that voted against him. Things are bad, but are they pre-WWII Germany bad? Man makes the age, the age does not make man.

When you say voting does not change a thing you are right. Votes are a measure of public opinion, the voices in the seats governing do not change in any (((democracy))), but it highlights how uneasy people are in the nation. I think the benefit of this, of seeing others have the same inner dialogue with themselves about niggers and sandniggers, is that it unites. There is unity in being 'sinful'. Thoughtcrimes are fun because they are dangerous, fun because they are usually correct. This unites the normie. I think that far outweighs any false sense of security, because they never had that security in the first place. Thats why there is such desperate shilling in the first place. A peopel united by Trump, whether he is a zogbot or not - not in the mood for that nonsense since its a moot point - is dangerous. I say keep them united, but make sure to keep the maganiggers on track. The IQ of rightwingers is split up into two groups; the dumb and the very smart. To keep both united one group must ensure the other has his things in order.

There is politics and there is (((politics))). Escalation is not an option if you wish to safe your people. I am as unwilling as you to let my people get raped by diversity Abdul and his brother Jamal, i dont wish to see any harm done to them. We agree that the most important thing is to wake our own people up, that much is true. I think we have different ideas of trying to achieve that awakening. Perhaps its smart to prepare for both options.

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>Ya that's definitely not true

we are less white now then 2 years ago, and will be less white 2 years from now, it is definitely true

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But aaaanoooon! He jumpscares me every night and can't get out of my head!

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File: 47b6e1111687b96⋯.webm (1.81 MB,640x360,16:9,corybooker.webm)

Cory Booker announces 2020 election bid. Lol.

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>European children

>picture of america

you are on your own europe, this is our country , not yours

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I always fucking hated that. Pre-May of last year any, and I do mean any, criticism of republicucks or the Don led to an immediate ban with every single person in the thread calling you a jew and a faggot etc. Then suddenly the golden Turk gets sprayed on the day of the RAID and all of a sudden every single anon acts like they've always been like this, no sir, we've always liked the right side of the American two-party false dicotomy, it was just Kampfy and his faggot moderators doing the constant shilling, no anon ever supported it at all. Except you niggers did, constantly, and I remember it plain as day. Most of you were just afraid of getting shoah'd by the roach if you said anything so you went along with it. Which is the exact opposite of being politically incorrect.

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but first , we must make gifs and cover our face ... for edge purposes

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europe has been rudece to a bunch of 0s (your id) and using slur words

americans dont care about your land, we left it , we fought it , we threw your goods in the river. suck a dick

these "niggers" beat you every day of the week. We take your genetics and improve it now stfu and enjoy the shit continent you call europe.

No one here gives a fuck. Europe can either survive on its own or its useless.

Are you scared , do you need america? We dont need you.

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Prison sounds like a shitty place to spend the rest of my life.

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>Fuck off voteniggers. We won you every single branch of government and we're worse off now than we were under King Nog the First. Amnesty Trump lets antifa go free and deports 94 year old "nazis."


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These were all proxy wars…. What NS country exists today that would back us in guerilla war?

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File: 863dbf4daecd655⋯.pdf (3.94 MB,On Guerrilla Warfare.pdf)





Not really. The Taliban are sitting on and taxing most of the worlds opium supply while Hezbollah have been financially independent of Iran for decades. The money from their foreign backers (from Iran obviously, and ironically from the Kabul government for the Taliban) is generally used to provide public services to replace or supercede those of the nominal government, depending on local territorial influence/control, but as guerilla organizations they are essentially self-sufficient in terms of paying salaries, sourcing arms and ammunition, running alternative media outlets etc.

Besides, eastern ZOG (China and more or less Russia) would leap at the chance to break up the West by providing us with just enough supplies and training to bleed and tie western ZOG down while they work on their revanchist fantasies in Asia.

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That's not improving the genetics. That making better cattle for the Jews.

I guess since you're probably a Jew, that is better, for you.

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File: df118f3ddd8e523⋯.jpg (7.43 KB,210x210,1:1,1542690068790.jpg)


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>paid jewish shill necrobumps a thread by spamming things only jews say


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>we will sell the niggers the guns with which they kill themselves with


Tfw Americans decided to loosen restrictions on gun laws when they realized just how violent niggers are.

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File: b807d418e9b6da2⋯.jpg (11.63 KB,255x255,1:1,1435170419729.jpg)


>t. fed

>Says the TORpedo

Very believable

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>Thanks for proving my point, though

And what point would that be, my totally organic friend?

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ZOG has a lot of enemies.

Besides, you don't even need foreign support to wage a guerrilla war.

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These maps are fucking shitty maps as they dont account for how many people are actually voting,

minnesota and wisconisn are historically the highest voter participation states in the whole union, wisconsin was red in 2016 and lefse dipping lutefisk snorting minnesota (new sweden) that was blue during the regan administration and had the highest participation of the election in 2016 Shillary cunton won at 46.4% and trump lost by 44.9% Every single Blue state outside of MN never has participation above 65% and rarely goes above 60% participation and are tantamount to bannana republics

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then stop complaining and start the fucking civil war already

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>Never listen to voteniggers ever again

Reminder to always filter the anti-voting shills. They're the discord trannies.

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How's democratic participation worked out since 1900?

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Solid logic. Bump.

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Confirmed for "votenigger boomer."

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nice quads

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What are the chances of a new constitutional convention that revokes the first amendment entirely after 2020? That's the next step of the (((warlords'))) goals.

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I'll go ahead and bump this again. The US president is only one of the two offices we need to take over to win. We need to run for federal HoR and Senate as well. It really does sucks that for half the policies that can be regulated on state level are now controlled by the fed. So we have to grab legislation by the federal balls to do anything.

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File: 00f5e160e9565d5⋯.png (729.4 KB,2480x3508,620:877,14.png)

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It'll be difficult because we do need to get the majority of America to vote for a new political party. However current HoR is busy trying to slip in a bill that grants illegal immigrants voting rights. It's going to be a long war reclaiming this nation. I believe we can do it.

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>vote for Hitler 2.0

>voting in the same corrupt system

>History repeats

Yeah, no thanks. You do realize they control the whole system right? Its literally set up to control us. Idiot

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All fake wars directed by the CIA….you people are fucking clueless, lmao. totally clueless. Voting gets you nowhere.

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>voting gets you nowhere


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It's aediot.

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If you vote yang every white nationalist in America will have $1000 a month to put toward the cause.

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No, they would get domestic dronestrikes since Yang has a murderous hatred of White Nationalists.

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glad there is no "White™", then.

only European Nationalists matter tbh.

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File: 1598c3f3efcda1f⋯.jpg (375.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3310738303_955247be47_b.jpg)


By Asian, they mean Indian shitskins.

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>European children

White children*

France is probably the only country in Europe with people that care about freedom at all.

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File: 2029e9a5e81eee8⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,1360x1020,4:3,New White ethnostate.jpg)


May sound crazy, or even stupid to some of you, but I'm unironically saving to buy a private island in order to make it the new White Ethostate.

I'm making this thread not only in order for you to find out, but I'm accepting ideas, the name of the country, the design for the flag, the laws, etc.

Pic related is the island, here's the proof I'm not bullshitting: https://www.privateislandsonline.com/europe/greece/dulichium-island

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Sick, dude. Call it something related to Ancient Greece.

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I had the idea today to create a hardcore nationalist 3rd party called the Republic party. It would run on the sole idea of destroying the Republican party and forcing all the whites into racial voting block by ruining any option of kosher right winning anything ever again.

The platform would be NS but run under the guise of being "true republic." The platform would be local nullification of state and federal law and implementation of a representative republic with a unitary executive (bi-camerialism) at every level it achieved control over. Say for example if it took over the state, it would re-write the constitution to be a pure republic as a unitary executive, then refuse to enforce any federal law. Any interference by state would be met with total mass disobedience at every level until they were forced to trigger Civil War 2.0 or just concede our self rule.

A few other platform ideas: land reform to return all public land to private ownership through homestead act. Nullification of land taxes for 10 acres or less. Nullification of income tax, replaced with VAT tax on all companies without their HQ in the state. Abolition of university and public school system in favor of voucher program and trade schools. Outlaw of all companies doing business which partake in anti-republic (read anti white) policies or advertising. Outlaw of all media not endorsed by republic. Execution of rapists, sex offenders, murderers, and anyone caught in financial crimes of $1mil or more. Issue state currency backed by citizen labor hours. Nullify all bank charters and replace them with a state bank which issues credit directly to citizens. Interest free loans for new family homes, which are forgiven 25% for every child born who tests over 110IQ at age 10.

>inb4 das illegal

We are going to be deliberately ignoring to enforce all federal law until they concede to grant us autonomy.

What do you goys think?

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If everyone has $1000 then no one has $1000 you dumb fuck nigger. Money is fake. Good and services are real. Is Yang making $200billion/month more of goods and services by magically farting them out of his ass? Fuck you yangers are dumb as fuck.

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>lack of awareness as to why people come to the US.

Why did people come to the US? Europeans came to the states to get a job, save some cash and get a piece of land so they live out their lives in peace. I don't have to tell you that shitskins have no concept of anything beyond gibs.

Like it or not, very few people give a shit about anything but getting something for themselves and their family. If you talk about rights, finding a higher purpose, and wresting the destiny of mankind from (((their))) hands peoples eyes will just glaze over, I've seen it happen. We should focus our efforts in preparing a parallel system to support the plebs in the event of the collapse. Normalfags will be a lot more sympathetic to our cause if we can feed their children when the system can't.

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Europeans came to US to be free.

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Ēosturmōnaþ begins tonight, Anons !

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>Yang gang

I hope he wins dem vote.

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whAT evev iS This??

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jewsange rested

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The American Constitution rewritten in propertarianism’s scientific/mathematical legal language removes the vagueness that has allowed for loopholes which take advantage of the people it was designed to protect.

The United States is inevitably going to balkanize. Each territory could install forms of government that suit its people’s collective ideology, using a Propertarian base, as it is somewhat flexible (i.e. National Socialism, Fascism, Constitutional Republics, etc, but completely incompatible with forms of (((cultural marxism))) that we have been plagued with for the last century).

In short:

>If not an ethnostate, it is very easy to establish a “cognostate” where people of a certain IQ are not allowed to participate.

>The people are the executive branch, the legislative branch can only write laws that follow the natural law of reciprocity, and the judicial branch must follow a jurisprudence that forces judges to use the scientific/mathematical legal language to only decide whether the law follows reciprocity or not. The same for lawsuits.

>Public lying, such as in politics, in the media, in the scientific community, and in academia are illegal and subject to lawsuits.

Here is the Constitution in its current form:


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The whole mexican identity for 100s of years is non racial(much more than even modern jewmerica). The rare Criollo(most of whom stayed in mexico, not jumping the border) mostly sees himself as the same race as some predominantly indian orange picker

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>” where people of a certain IQ are not allowed to participate.

inevitable White vs Chink tension will not allow this to happen for long.

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The most realistic solution is some kind of parallel society, not direct conflict

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Asians would likely be the largest group of immigrants, but changing the demographics of the founding stock of a nation is not reciprocal because the continuation and well-being of the nation’s genetic offspring is a form of defendable property—by law.

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It is an honorable effort to still try to achieve a peaceful resolution, however, it is practically assured that ZOG will not allow us to operate as our own entity, and we all need to be willing to stand up for it.

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Most "Hispanics" are European.

Just not the Mayanos.

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Tip to anons who want to go a political route, we should take notes from Justice Democrats, a PAC which gave us AOC. It has a direct mission, openly saying what the goals of its members are, and it gets people who are worthy into office. But we can’t start some openly NatSoc party:

We need to exploit the socially right, economically somewhat leftist platform many on the right are adopting. Presenting ourselves as the “politicians for the common man, for the forgotten American. The politicians for those who hate politicians.” We run on a platform of harsh anti-immigration, workers first, anti-trust/breaking up monopolies, ending the opioid epidemic and punishing big pharmaceutical companies (border security plays a role here too), anti-foreign intervention, anti-foreign lobbying (Israel, Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia), anti-tech censorship, automation regulation, mass spending cuts, and minor stuff like animal welfare and historical preservation.

All of that is stuff Hitler and most Americans could get behind, and it’s a good way to get into power to bite back at globohomo.


Who is to say it’s purely peaceful? If you want civil war and DOTR, you need some form of power. Being some normal guy with an AR means you’ll never have the infrastructure necessary to fight back.

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Make a freedom party. Free everybody from religious chains.

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Good idea.

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Where do I begin ?

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Is there more of this ?

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Let's compare it to others alright.

1.) Muslim on world average has 2.9 birth rates. (Ref: https://www(dot)pewresearch(dot)org/fact-tank/2017/04/06/why-muslims-are-the-worlds-fastest-growing-religious-group/) they have the highest birth rates in all world religion, in reality they can have as many as 8 children from a single wife. As we know muslim are allow to have 4 wives without getting divorce. Added that when they divorce after they have 7 kids with younger girl who have many years to produce more babies for them.

2.) African continent have the highest birth rates amongstany region. More precise (from highest to lowest) 3 highest birth rates african nations (2017 data) :

- Democratic Rep. Congo 6.0

- Chad 5.8

- Angola 5.6

3 lowest birth rates african countries (2017 data) :

- Mauritus 1.4

- Cabo Verde 2.3

- Botswana 2.7

And even the lowest birth rates coujtry in africa still above replacement rates which is at around 2.1 ish

And now you tell me,how do you secure the existence of white races? While more and more whites marrying non whites, while also an increasing rates of gay, lesbians couples without having their own kids while also these tranny shit indoctrination plus crazy hell taxes and corporation and bank controlling all nation want to squeeze you really hard for last pennies until you can not work at all (i.e dead). How can normal people can have and secure their own family without these craziness?

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>OP is a cuckchanner that thinks he can only put one image per post

>OP thinks there's a peaceful solution

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>anon is a faggot who uses jewscript

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File: b3b8b3415e04baa⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,727x2960,727:2960,correlation.jpg)

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Lel. The not funny part is if you compare a map of US gunshops to a map of US self-inflicted gun deaths they also align.

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should there be a new constitution ?

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>most legal gun owners are men

>most legal guns owners follow through with their choices, even in death

Checks out.

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A lot of gun shops have ranges in them. I bet that's where you'll find most of those deaths.

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Nothing that can be voted on will matter if we dont fix demographics

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Like this:


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What is it I do not visit gov sites.

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They are suicides.

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>5th bump

I should really relocate this thread to a slower place.

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I'm pretty sure it's being worked on. See Hawleys speech.

Byzantium3 mail it anyone wants to think tank together, I'll start a 30x12 garden (360ft) in as many yards as needed, I believe we are fast approaching a day where journalism's history and a way of life other than materialism will be taught freely in diverse places and a desire to run for office / serve in general will capture the allied nations.

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Buying time

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I can't believe chips ahoy did this tbh.

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All of America's modern social ills come from one single problem: the old (and true) Democratic Party was taken over by the progressive-liberal wing of Hamiltonianism, basically shilling for minorities. Hell, modern Democrats are even disavowing Jefferson and Jackson.

Meanwhile, the GOP continues to be the right-wing of Hamiltonianism, appealing to the same WASP white-collar types and christfags. The South practically went full fundie since segregation stopped being a thing due to Southern identity being destroyed and the only replacement being extreme Christfaggotry.

This leaves the white working class without a party to call their own as well.

Also, the Constitution is gay. Only the Bill of Rights has any value. The Antifederalists were right the entire time.

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Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs are European!

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>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for European children.

You will have to kill White Nationalist retards first

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>Only the Bill of Rights has any value. The Antifederalists were right the entire time.

Exactly. George Mason and Richard Henry Lee are the true founding fathers.

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All you need is .. hear me out, /pol/,

.. a Jewish GOP candidate with the message that keeping a white majority in America is good for Jews.

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We only need to hunt down, and kill you, spic street dog.

And we will.

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It looks to me if I understand all this , we need to gas the kikes and race war now? If only all of life's problems were so simple.

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> 44 millions USD.

The island is very expensive.

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Redpill me on these guys.

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Absolutely retarded. When leftists set about abusing you people into easily defeated bigots, you surrendered completely rather than defending any of the things that really created long-term epigenetic differentiations between populations. You fucking cattle do realize that slaves breed heavily, right? You’re asking to give up the European legacy of empowerment and compassion because you’d rather be niggers and aryans, populous but fucking worthless.

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We ought to just sterilize literally everyone and switch to exowombs. Then you nigger/aryan types can have your fucking dumbass skittles diversity you’re so eager to suck cocks for while the rest of us can quietly adjust the gene ratios so future generations are better at math.

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Breeder types won’t immigrate anymore at the cost of being sterilized. Rape will fucking matter less and the most animaloid humans will do it less anyways because it won’t succeed at reproducing their slaver-introns. Rape genes will drain out of the population as they get filtered by scientists.

If you’re serious about population-level advantages quit being nephilistic bitches whining about foreign men corrupting your geneprey and start implementing what science makes possible!

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Thanks for all the bumps :^)

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the political system is so corrupted though, do you think working with it is even possible? I'm not sure, maybe we need to set up parallel structures (like this anon >>13024873 suggests) on our own and keep bolstering them, if we do that, universal law might shine upon us and let us take command


count me in, that looks great. Call it Vedas


>the Republic party

great idea for a name, it will make people think of the original concept of the republic and not the joke that it has become now, might even encourage some people to learn about ancient Rome and Greece. The rest of your idea seems kind of out there but it's the right kind of thinking. If you actually triggered civil war 2.0 and only had one state, you'd be totally fucked unless it splintered the entire USA

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bump for


fuck you jews

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I’m always called a lolberg shill any time I bring it up, but I highly recommend looking into Propertarianism and its school of thought and policies.

Many people mistake it for being Libertarianism+, but it takes a lot of thorough reading and rereading to really grasp the concepts. I’ve been in the sphere for about a year, and it wasn’t till a few months ago that it really started making sense to me. This is somewhat of a disadvantage to its popularity, but really, it only needs to be understood by those who are serious about being politically active, both before and after any large paradigm shifts.

When the US inevitably Balkanizes, the model of propertarian government offers a flexible framework that can be further developed to exist as a Nationalist Socialist state, or monarchy, or a similar representative republic that isn’t so easily subverted. This is done by mathematical reforms to law and the court system to remove judges’ personal biases for the sake of determining solely why is reciprocal behavior, making public lying (in politics, in the news, in academia, etc) a punishable offense, and expanding definitions of property.

I was going to give a quick rundown, but I think that the website covers it well enough here: https://propertarianism.com/basic-concepts/

The American Mythology is an important tool for us to use in the current Narrative War that will soon transform into the next Civil War. The story of courageous patriots fighting the tyranny of world’s most expansive empire that was even built by their own forefathers many generations ago. The cycle of history is upon us again, and there is even a constitution ( https://propertarianism.com/basic-concepts/revolution-the-introduction/ ) being drafted that is working to weed out the loopholes and vagaries that have allowed this degenerative society to exist within our country’s borders.

I hope some of you at least might find some of its tenets useful food for thought.


This. I like this. Godspeed, anon.

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Goddamnit, I’m retarded, I already shilled in this thread. Exact same screencaps. Well, I’ll stand by my mistake. It doesn’t change what I’m saying.

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What makes you think that's a thing, nigger?

Your shitskins aren't welcome here. We will NEVER fight beside you.

Matter of fact, you will die first for invading OUR Nation, and LARPing as an Aryan, spicnigger.

You're already extinct, and you know it.

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I hate you faggy reddit cucks and how you still try to push mainstream politics down everyones throats even on 8ch.

Your stupid ideas will never fucking work stop pushing them and instead go back to reddit where you belong.

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<Your stupid ideas will never fucking work stop pushing them and instead go back to reddit where you belong

<t. jew

I tried reddit once and I couldn't figure out how normalfags even read that shit. No pics, absolute nigger thread structure, and most threads are links to ads because they are sponsored threads. Fuck that. Also, the constitution, specifically, the bill of rights, is the only valuable thing left in the US and is the only reason it hasn't become worse. Given the demographics, imagine how shit the US would be if it could adopt laws like Europe has. I wouldn't be writing this from thought-crime jail. Offer an alternative to what is proposed here (nothing really just brainstorming for a future proposal) or kindly fuck off back to the desert, you rat.

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Republic Party

There isn't one.


Do it.

Stupid link about the name 'Republic Party'.


Just a link for later about Europe.


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state and federal employees are indistinguishable from welfare recipients tbh.

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doesn't matter most threads are shit thanks bro

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I feel pretty confident, yes.

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The wost part about tonight's democratic corporation debates was every candidate being a fucking moron. Nobody can read the fucking bill of rights. The first part of the second item states:

A well regulated militia,

Yet they all argue against "weapons of war".

As if militias existed for anything other than war.

Stupid jews.

Gabbard and Yang have the best chance since Biden and Sanders are turbojews, all had great nights though. The two fake Africans are the worst, after jewtigege and yidsly, who aren't even jews but they might as well be. They are more jewish than sanders. All of them are, really. And only sanders mentioned the 1%.

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>>12733313 Not happening anytime soon whitey.


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>census link

>The white alone population aged by 1.0 years.

>The black alone population aged by 1.4 years.

>The Asian alone population aged by 1.7 years.

>The Hispanic (any race) population aged by 2.2 years.

>The American Indian alone population aged by 2.2 years.

>The Native Pacific Islander alone population aged by 2.6 years.

<not so fast whitey

This is how stupid non Europeans are.

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Gunz yo

I keep one in my pillowcase

It keeps me safe when I sleep

Still I keep awake

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Interesting - will have to read through all of it.

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buy crypto

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Trump will be re-elected, but I really wonder if something happens….if the South or especially Texas would leave the country. I can't see Texas staying in an open socialist country.

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The US is already a socialst company.

For 2018, the federal government received $3.33 trillion in taxes:

>$1.68 trillion from individual income taxes

>$1.17 trillion from payroll taxes

>$204.7 billion from corporate income taxes

>$95.0 billion from excise taxes

>$175.9 billion from other

The “other” category includes $23 billion from estate and gift taxes, $41.3 billion from customs duties and fees, $70.8 billion from Federal Reserve deposits, and $40.9 billion from more "other".

These monies are collected and given to others, most of whom do not deserve it:

>Social Security: $987.8 billion or 23.4% of total federal spending

>National defense: $631.2 billion or 15% of total spending

>Medicare: $588.7 billion or 14% of total spending

>Health: $551.2 billion or 13.1% of total spending

>Social safety net programs: $495.3 billion or 11.8% of total spending

>Interest on debt: $325 billion or 7.7% of total spending

The health programs include Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and subsidies for the Affordable Care Act. The social safety net programs funds the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for low-income Americans, Supplemental Security Income for disabled and older Americans, and Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, among other programs.

Here's the rest:

>Veterans benefits and services: $178.9 billion or 4.2% of total spending

>Education, training, employment and social services: $95.5 billion or 2.3% of total spending

>Transportation: $92.8 billion or 2.2% of total spending

>International affairs: $49 billion or 1.2% of total spending

>Administration of justice: $60.4 billion or 1.4% of total spending

>Community and regional development: $42.2 billion or 1% of total spending

>Natural resources and environment: $39.1 billion or 0.9% of total spending

>General science, space and technology: $31.5 billion or 0.8% of total spending

>General government: $23.9 billion or 0.6% of total spending

>Agriculture: $21.8 billion or 0.5% of total spending

>Energy: $2.2 billion or 0.05% of total spending

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Texas barely re-elected Ted Cruz against socialist Beto O'rourke. What are you talking about?

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File: fb1a0045eb4ff77⋯.jpg (313.86 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,you're going to say Mr. Tr….jpg)


Trump Effect.

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File: 0709e0d7aa46db4⋯.gif (30.39 KB,267x200,267:200,stop hitting yourself.gif)


>watching the "politics" show

why do you torture yourself by watching that shit?

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John Mark, is that you? That constitution is shit, particularly the right to bear arms, I won't support it, the US constitution is what I will support, however. The rest of that constitution is easily exploitable, just like the US one, the people need to know what to do, they need to know how to keep the Jew out, and exterminate the parasites when necessary, you can't just put up a piece of paper and say "this is our constitution".

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Truth = White Americans are going to collapse The JewSA from within for Europeans ;)

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European identity hasn't been stonger, ever.

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File: c47446cdb8e43f5⋯.png (373.79 KB,414x499,414:499,c47446cdb8e43f5f8c3a59b4a5….png)


Best post ive seen in awhile, this guy gets it.

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cave beast strikes again

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whites = garbage that needs to be exterminated

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>doesn't even know what the ex* means

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I've had enough.If white men are forced to egage in a fight particularly set up very carefully observed with various terrifyingly effective tactics to demoralize, degenerate, and ultimately subvert and destroy our people. We must fight in a way they dont expect. If we play their game we will lose against the house. Rebellion must be swift and without mercy. The fire spreads.

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Same fucking cringe wn shitposting over and over

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Go back to your cage, nigger.

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Fuck off fednigger.

jews did 9/11

cap this feds

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