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beeafc  No.97169[Last 50 Posts]

4chan has failed to dox and carry out retribution against this kikess whore who got two white kids expelled from school for "muh racism" and set loose a niggerbeast army on them (typical think for a kike to do to white gentiles). Instead 4chan has become full of normies, shitskins, niggers, kikes and of course feds. They post inane and irrelevant bullshit to remove focus from the true issues thus making the kinds of activities and pranks that 4chan undertook years ago much harder or even impossible. Just as "diveristy" (the higher presence of inferior breeds such as niggers and spics) will prevent the USA from dominating in WWIII like we did in WWII, so has diversity significantly weakened 4chan.

These are perfect case studies.

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5220c1  No.97175

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f3b95a  No.97176

Pic related's Twitter account if you are unaware of the situation:


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53b0fa  No.97180


>will prevent the USA from dominating in WWIII

Wow, and honest to god retard who still supports this country, its government, and its institutions.

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0f04c7  No.97183


The United States does have the potential to be a pretty awesome country if we ended the existence of everyone who wasn't a non-Jewish white European. Our cities wouldn't be polluted by the presence of abominable non-whites and our government and institutions wouldn't be polluted by the presence of kikes. Then we could lebensraum Latin America then conquer space. What better way to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children than conquering space? Will the Eurocucks conquer space? Maybe the Russians can lebensraum the Middle East and then join European-Americans in the conquest of space. Either way, the white race wins.

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747c5a  No.97206


Sounds good to me

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3f6957  No.97207

File: e4301fab5adef4f⋯.png (53.39 KB, 571x618, 571:618, reddit.png)

It's nothing new. The GamerGay /v/ermin invasion was the first major blow, and now, thanks to the 2016 election, and the wonderful "/pol/ colony" that is /r/The_Donald, 4chan is now half negrefied, and the other half judaized. It's a lost cause.

But the question is, given the hits we've taken here, and the fact that we took in all their boomer rapfugees after they expelled the Q LARP, how much better are we?

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53b0fa  No.97208


No, it doesn't have that potential because you can't do that.

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747c5a  No.97221


There is no real limit to the things a Western European can do if they put their mind to it.

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63d4d0  No.97261


This slut is one of her followers. Had to bring it up and bitch about it. https://twitter.com/sskyylaar

"Fuck men. except my man, he cool"

Can't wait for this slut to be a single mother.

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609080  No.97268

You can't even post edgy stuff like killing niggers anymore.

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b0f91b  No.97287

File: d62ccb186fb9941⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1193x1410, 1193:1410, camden_dox.PNG)

File: f956bef92194581⋯.png (133.94 KB, 1731x618, 577:206, camden_dox2.PNG)

Looks like they might have actually doxxed her. Assuming this is her real address, what happens next?

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b0f91b  No.97288

File: 9caec94937eb9aa⋯.png (293.74 KB, 2123x1615, 2123:1615, camden_dox3.PNG)

Big if real.

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5a7fc1  No.97289

File: 39d5975214fe5f1⋯.png (180.94 KB, 1566x395, 1566:395, doxx_me_pls.png)

Oh no! Based kids won't be able to get brainwashed in the same (((school))). How can white race ever recover from that?

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62f4c5  No.97291

It was a response to this:


These people don't hate racism. They hate YOU. The pretend to hate racism as an excuse to attack YOU.

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62f4c5  No.97292


Can someone here repost this on 4chan or somewhere with more viewers than this site?

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34b602  No.97293



>hurr durr China is based my dude

China hates everyone who isn't Han Chinese equally. Vague tolerance of anti-black racism doesn't excuse the fact that they want a world of six billion CCP drones.

also Camden's a bitch

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53b0fa  No.97296


>China hates everyone who isn't Han Chinese equally.

Good for them. You don't like it, you go fight them niggerskin.

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bc8934  No.97303


Why are you glowniggers suddenly pushing anti-chinese sentiment all of the sudden?

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ff370d  No.97319


Why would our movement support the chinese in any respect they want us dead no different than kikes, so tell me again why I should support them? and not desire their complete extermination?

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efff5e  No.97321


>Diversity destroys 4chan

4chan is nothing but shit and chaos, the only way you could destroy this is unplugging servers

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bc8934  No.97323


Why should anyone focus on chinks, when kikes rule over us and ARE, not just want, ARE genociding us, spreading degeneracy, ritualistically humiliating Whites 24/7 and rule over us? Why focus on chinks when all that is happening? And it's clear the zog is pushing for anti-chink narrative: the media narrative and glownigger glowposting is just too blatant. They even whined about china at South Park for fuck sakes. So if kikes see a threat in the chinamen, they can't be all that bad.

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34b602  No.97324



Boy, sure smells like cooked bat in here.

Once again, real slowly: The CCP would like to spy on you, steal your tech, buy your farmland, threaten your with their military, screw your real estate market, and destroy your country (US, EU, AUS, NZ, doesn't matter), and the dog-eating freaks won't feel an ounce of remorse when they're done. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND.

Here, have some more caps:


Camden's still a bitch

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a9499a  No.97325


Archived one of the threads yesterday, anons did some of the legwork


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ff370d  No.97326


Did i say focus on them? no but lets not forget they have infiltrated our governments as well and now droves of the insectoid fucks live among us pretty much across the world like their kike masters do as well. they are a threat no different than kikes you fucking retard and to not recognize that is the height of folly

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bc8934  No.97330


Boy, sure smells like luminescent fried chicken here.

Let's see:

>The CCP would like to spy on you

Which kikes are already doing with Google, FB, etc.

> steal your tech

Which kikes already do: all the US tech finds it's way to Israel (and from there to china lol)

>buy your farmland

Kind of like kikes do with real estate and central banking, huh?

>threaten your with their military

Like kikes do, plus with police, glowniggers, and jewdiciary system backed nigger mobs, antifaggots

>screw your real estate market

No way kike controlled banks are the dominant factor in it, right, glowkike?

>destroy your country

Like kikes have done, are doing and will continue to do.

So you are saying that we should bash chinks, not work with them if possible to destroy the zog to make it come crashing down and instead side with the zog against the chinks?

That we should focus on a bullshit conjecture of a threat, rather than a real everyday threat?


And all this shit you just posted. just reeks of kikery they spammed everywhere during the Hong Kong protests, which is a clear sign that you are a glownigger faggot.


> they have infiltrated our governments


> now droves of the insectoid fucks live among us pretty much across the world like their kike masters do as well.

So the kike masters still take priority, since they are a primary culprit in this.

>they are a threat no different than kikes you fucking retard and to not recognize that is the height of folly

Focusing on chinks for doing fraction of what kikes do= defending kikes through misdirection.

Every chink that is in his own country and doesn't intervene in the Western politicis any other way than destabilizing it delibarately is a friend of mine.

If you are going off about chinks immigrating in white countries, then you have a point, but whining about China as a state is a whole different matter and only benefits glowniggers and kikes whose dogs they are.

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ff370d  No.97332


the chinese government literally has operatives in the state department, several other government institutions and at colleges across our nation and yet they aren't a threat, and you yourself admit chinese nationals are a threat regardless of if they are in the government or not. I don't care what happens in china never fucking did, let china remain a hellhole I don't care I want chinks here gone or dead.

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3b510d  No.97333


I don't understand the anti- anti-chinese sentiment being advocated lately. Maybe someone can clue me in to why I should invest back into a more neutral position?

I did notice pushing for and against it on and off, but a more solidification against came about the time when the sometimes right + sometimes wildly wrong when he goes out of his lane Striker pushed his NR article.

If the only real sentiment that Striker et al can warn for is something along the lines of 'you're just being used', well I guess he's not wrong. But he's not right either. He's either wildly wrong, because out of his lane again, or has confused allegiances yet again. Sometimes it's best not to publish, Striker. But I digress. What exact machination can you point to, that we should be worried about?

I want them all out, all the shitskins. And I don't see why I should lessen any given stance, just because it might magically detract from some other stance, which it doesn't by the way.

It is a very odd fracture point to suggest. Just back it up with something.

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bc8934  No.97334


>I don't understand the anti- anti-chinese sentiment being advocated lately.

The "anti-chinese sentiment" you hear about is kikes, kike media and assorted shills spamming reddit/chans with anti-China (not the Chinese, they still want to import shitload of chinks into white countries) propaganda, because kikes are afraid that ethnically homogeneous China will take the position of the world superpower from the ZOG and that China isn't as open to degeneracy and kike subversion as the Western countries kikes have complete power over, have.

Kikes don't like it, so they kvetch about it and try to drum up anti-China sentiment hence you have kikes like Soros kvetching about it:



Trump shitting on China.

Kike publications shitting on china:



And glowniggers starting anti-china threads retarded boomers eat right up.

So the "anti-chinese" (as in sentiment against China the country) is kikes kvetching. Since kikes think China bad, China must be good.

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0dcb22  No.97336


The reason 4chan's /pol/ is bad now is because there are too many non-whites ( arabs, spics etc) in that board, diversity has killed /pol/ too.

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7ccf88  No.97338


The Muslims are pretty ok.

But the Asians and Faggots are the worst of the worst.

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3b510d  No.97345

File: 2fa46c88f0d3959⋯.jpg (329.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1464300411695_myeyes.jpg)


>one way, another way, etc

If I take the analogy of Trump: He was a wrench to throw in some of kike-team-A's plans, by kike-team-B, while quite a few were out of position. The resulting slight semi-changing of positions fucked over quite a few kikes and traitors, who were all betting the wrong way. And they, and a lot more, deserved a lot more, but it was just one monkey wrench into a clown world. Overall, an 'unanticipated' wrecking ball swinging around. Now the question is, are there still more kikes to wreck with another repeat of the same wrench? Maybe, but let's be honest, Trump was a modest wrench at the top.

We need a bigger wrench, to throw into the pan fucked-up-fabric, not just the little clubs inside the beltway and silicon valley. And we may have one, which was postponed in 2017, but could never be stopped anyway. Now that it's in progress, finally, after a decade of utter lies (i.e. business as usual), why don't we make it count?

I lay this claim: The titans of mideast kike and yellow kike must go at each other. Yes, they'll fuck us all over, but that was never going to change, not even once. I'm tired of all these so called 'economies' (which are all damnable lies), complete with infinite single mother gynocracies and matriarchies feasting parasitically+cannibalistically on all the things my father built (but, being a coddle child all his life while thinking himself great, entered arrested development, and gave away his city+church+industry+university+home all to utter abominable garbage 'humans'). I claim the only freedom we ever had was during the 100yr war on the seas, which kept jewry at bay. I claim, the only respite from the endless waves of spics (who are fucking chinese-muslim +/- kike-all-the-same half breeds, if you care to go study it), was during the world wars. I claim incidentally, said world wars provided the only outright rejection from more chink waves. I say, light every last sea and ocean on fire. Again.

And I don't really see any benefit or harm either way. It is stupid to think no game will be played, because the so-called 'money' has already been printed, and the workers already fired. Of course there will be games, what planet do you think we're all on? I say, make the opportunity fucking count: Full speed at China – complete with all the zoot suit 'riots' and endless waves of -internal- migration that will happen as unfucking avoidable. History repeats no matter fucking what, I'm done trying to think of some way to prevent it. Send it, and us, and every one, straight fucking into it. Fucking do it, and watch millions of kikes and factories and jobs that were always worthless get mowed over in the regime change.

You tell me, what exact is worth keeping, that we were going to be able to hold on to otherwise? I just fail to see the logic. Where is the wealth, you intend to protect? I claim there is none. I claim we're already so far past it all, there is just music to either face the reality on, or press for more time idling the descent.

Good. Bad. I just don't fucking see any care that anyone worth while gets to keep in any of this. Wrench China, Wrench the archkikes at the same time, take all the collateral damage face on, enough with fantasies, enough with them all.

Fuck it.

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000000  No.97347

>Carrolton High School Principal David Brooks began investigating the incident Thursday after the release of the video. He said, in Friday’s statement, that even if the video was recorded during after-school hours, it doesn’t offset the students’ responsibility to uphold a high standard of behavior.


This is an illegal civil rights violation being imposed upon these boys by a government employee. The boys have the right to free speech and the school has no authority to expel, harass, or take any action against the boys for what they say on social media. The boys need to get an attorney and sue the school and report this as a civil rights violation to the DOJ.

If the cowards at the Justice Department were not feverent Zionist kike puppets trained to hate themselves in an endless psychological warfare campaign inflicted upon the US by the Jews who undeniably control every channel of mass communication in the country, the DOJ would defend the boys right to free speech. The Justice Department will instead do absolutely nothing to defend their first amendment right to free speech from the criminal behavior of a Marxist social justice warrior virtue signaling government employee who is illegally imposing a penalty upon the boys and should be fired.

This reminds me of the way the DOJ turns a blind eye to the ILLEGAL overt in your face racist discrimination against white job applicants by HR managers at just about every major corporation and every federal agency in the country, while our country is simultaneously flooded with immigrants from every shithole on earth to take jobs away from Americans and make Americans poor so they can't afford to have a large nuclear family. The DOJ are going to allow whites to get abused until they can't take it anymore and realize the government is working against them and they lash out. Then the DOJ and their pals from the ADL ( a sub entity of the British freemasonic cult known as Independent Order of B'nai B'rith who have been caught conducting illegal intelligence operations against the US ) will vilify whites for fighting back and the ADL will kvetch and really stupid people in our congress to spend tax payer money to spy on, harass, and alienate white people even further.

If the fucking cowards at the DOJ evenly enforced civil rights laws for ALL people including whites, the country wouldn't be in turmoil the way it is now.

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3b510d  No.97349


>Muslims are pretty ok.

I've done business with all of them.

They all have their schizo points.

Some sooner, some later.

But once hit, then you see the rest of the truth.

And that truth is an almost two thousand year war against the West, aided and abetted by their blood cousin kikes, every step of the way.

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000000  No.97350


>The reason 4chan's /pol/ is bad now

The day the president assassinated that Iranian General, a sustained information warfare operation kicked in at 4pol. It appears to be US Military because the posters were supremely ass hurt about all of the replies to their join the armed forces threads indicating that no one was interested in dying to steal oil for jews that hate whites. 4pol hasn't been the same since.

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6fa144  No.97378


Gamergate was fighting against the leftist invasion of video games, and greatly accelerated the culture war.

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5932f6  No.97384


>Implying those subhuman insectoids aren't a mongrelized slave race

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10725c  No.97385

File: ab21fa146664793⋯.jpg (322.43 KB, 1400x927, 1400:927, wfh2t7.jpg)

File: 7e13af5e7420685⋯.jpg (196.21 KB, 500x1406, 250:703, wflk81.jpg)

File: 2f978a1cc930cea⋯.jpg (65.54 KB, 1080x714, 180:119, h1uaqy.jpg)

File: fbd28b417549e5b⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 680x527, 40:31, hpmtpa.jpg)

It's time to phone our republican senators, governors, congressmen, and mayors and ask them to ban abortion, gay marriage, and interracial marriage by 2030 or else the white race in America is fucked. Enough pussy footing around lets get gay marriage, abortion, and interracial marriage banned by 2030. It's time for bigger protests than occupy and unite the right. Go out and protest.

God hates baby killers god hates faggots god hates race mixers.

It's also time to expose the Jews for the rat tiny hat scammers they really are too. Jews will not replace us. It's time to protest Israeli Jews in America Jews don't belong in America. Enough jewish subversion.

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f91934  No.97387

File: 2cad691974369dd⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB, 1766x572, 883:286, chinahighways.mp4)

File: 6b0742552ff772f⋯.png (645.96 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ElGoblino.png)


Go fight them yourself, niggerskin.

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491006  No.97400


>>Will the Eurocucks conquer space?

>Literally not knowing about Operation Paperclip

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000000  No.97406


That is the result of not killing many more women and all jews.

Glowniggers want everyone to stay pacified and non-violent. Stuck in endless preparation and without acting.

As soon as people act violently and non-stop against all who undermine straight white men, this whole flawed system will be brought down.

But glowniggers will call me and everyone else a glownigger for pointing out that truth.

Be violent. Be unforgiving.

Hunt and kill your enemies.

They gear that the most, for they can't win when we start doing that all over the world.

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491006  No.97412



splinters @ tox and telegram

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491006  No.97417


>Why focus on chinks when all that is happening?

<why no wwfree?

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ff370d  No.97422


I swear to fucking the stars above that the next time I see a stupid fucking christkike try to say this war is against Christianity and not the white man as a whole regardless of his religion whether its just implied by his images or not I will blow my fucking lid, honestly it seems to me that the reason every single fucking prior organization we had failed was because of Christians, from Hitler all the way to fucking Tomato Joe and David fucking Duke it is your religion that has poisoned our movement thousands of times your principles are why we have jews among us who we have become so unguarded around that many can't even tell the difference anymore.

Maybe I'm just overreacting, what do I know?

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0ca4b8  No.97442


>Why should anyone focus on chinks

Because all of the BASED neocons say we should. Are you suggesting that we shouldn't listen to Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Tom Cotton, Bill Gertz, and the rest of /ourguys/?


Nigger, GamerGays is what allowed neo-cohens like Kikebart to hijack the growing nationalist resurgence and totally neutered it. Given what we now know about Bannon and Cambridge Anylatica, I'd be very surprised if it wasn't astroturfed and pushed specifically for that reason.

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4d69a3  No.97475

File: 958627a74573a3e⋯.jpg (204.66 KB, 622x775, 622:775, god_bless_our_troops.jpg)

>Just as "diveristy" (the higher presence of inferior breeds such as niggers and spics) will prevent the USA from dominating in WWIII like we did in WWII

Fuck off Russian bot. Are MILITARY is the finest in the world even with the blacks

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9e4080  No.97481

File: 2dd2569b8c7ce9d⋯.jpg (201.58 KB, 700x538, 350:269, march_in_her_heels.jpg)


Watch that attitude out, anon! With all the Qboomers around lately Poe's Law makes it very fucking difficult to tell whether you are facetious or downright retarded.

Btw requesting that paper or article that claimed the U.S. is rapidly losing its nuclear capabilities thanks to (((educational degradation))) of its "youths" read through the lines as diversity hires.

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f91934  No.97484

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: 6e7e97b7ce7e2d2⋯.png (394.09 KB, 827x1266, 827:1266, Screenshot_2020_01_15_VICE….png)

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6fcfa9  No.97505

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

If anyone wants to watch the video, here it is.

It's pretty good, lol

At least there are still some non-cucked young people out there.


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9e4080  No.97513

File: a44fa5f9c389a04⋯.gif (181.38 KB, 392x500, 98:125, faggot_alert.gif)


I know Bannon is a kike and a fag but


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9e4080  No.97519

File: 848ecc0c8d07749⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 606x423, 202:141, don_t_call_it_a_grave.gif)


>Why should anyone focus on chinks

Because they are the 2nd largest existential threat to our peoples and fully aligned with the kikes, baizuos and neocohens that is the most immediate threat.

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f91934  No.97545


The article is from Occidental Dissent, which sources VICE. Bannon doesn't make it a secret that he tried to create a kosher nationalist bloc in Europe under some weirdo jew occupier in Belgium. He thinks it's a wonderful thing. It's the only reason he exists in politics.

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f91934  No.97546


Sooooooo… get rid of chinks from White countries. All of them. Nationalize all industry and immediately begin laying ground on factories and production lines to plug critical gaps on an emergency basis. Yeah.. that's not what you want to do, though, is it? You want infinity nigger importation and even deeper embedding of Hindustanis in the surveillance capitalist complex so you can call chinks "nigger haters" or "racists" and have a reinforcing bulwark for the foreign policy that's been killing us for 8 decades.

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9e4080  No.97569

File: 53482933ab93fc7⋯.png (243.33 KB, 680x709, 680:709, 5p2gb4aripo41.png)


>Sooooooo… get rid of chinks from White countries. All of them.

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341846  No.97575

File: 9a8097deed9b056⋯.png (204.05 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Camden52801_4.png)

File: 8fa399bea2b62eb⋯.png (208.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Camden52801_2.png)

File: 21a3c04b4a84e82⋯.png (197.09 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Camden52801_3.png)

File: db91a18de023bee⋯.png (198.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Camden52801.png)

A rad-fem who's got daddy issues. What a surprise…

it seems that's she deleted allmost all of her tweets. Some of them are archived and can be found here:


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7af273  No.97577

File: 3a9e957e3a18b9a⋯.jpg (317.95 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, 1587251289603.jpg)


Reminder that the woman that got doxxed threw her boyfriend under the bus to try to save herself

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341846  No.97578

File: dfff16e9550f9e0⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 1242x955, 1242:955, EU701aHXQAAoC8M.jpg)



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000000  No.97581


Wow what a whore

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7af273  No.97589


Couldn't find the account she originally posted this on, I wouldn't be surprised if it's down, but I did find what appears to be the origins of the screenshot: http://archive.is/IN4z9

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d2d190  No.97667

File: 89d26b878b6441b⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, No_speed_limit.jpg)



>video still down

What's the point of embedding controversial videos if they are baleeted withing 3 seconds?

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4d69a3  No.97671

File: 49501bf26d60d82⋯.jpg (202.6 KB, 1280x1091, 1280:1091, fellow_white_people.jpg)


And twitnigs made a big deal about her using the word "blacks", as if they don't use the word "whites". I bet a million examples of the word "whites" can be found on brown/jew accounts right now

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747c5a  No.97731


> Boy, sure smells like cooked bat in here.

I always wondered what bug vag smelled like…diseased bat. That is interesting.

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747c5a  No.97739





Please fuck off to whatever bunker you used to occupy before your homosexual self showed up here. YOU RUINED /POL/ WITH YOUR INSUFFERABLE FAGGOTRY AND NON-EUROPEAN OBSESSION WITH MURDERING EUROPEAN WOMEN.

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47ea30  No.97829

File: a93c1bc2449ceda⋯.mp4 (7.09 MB, 640x1138, 320:569, Today_we_re_gonna_make_nig….mp4)


>No one has posted the video

Are you niggers trying?

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385ddd  No.97858


>That is the result of not killing many more women and all jews.

>As soon as people act violently and non-stop against all who undermine straight white men, this whole flawed system will be brought down.

So how many women and jews have you killed torfag?

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385ddd  No.97860


Stupid cunt doesn't know how it works.

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341846  No.97881

File: 14495e042652a4c⋯.jpg (113.04 KB, 959x959, 1:1, AlexandraDorrsett.jpg)

File: 357a6caa5393039⋯.jpg (7.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, AlexandraDorsett.jpg)

File: 60c725b93e78455⋯.png (220.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AlexandraDorrsett5.png)

File: d6c0b3c4f2bc744⋯.png (225.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AlexandraDorrsett4.png)

File: bf6c2ab7e0c2047⋯.png (234.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AlexandraDorrsett3.png)


Update: Her sister didn't delete her twitter account but renamed it.

Her previous twitter name was: alexdorrsett

You can still view all her tweets through this search:


Some archived tweets:


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38593b  No.97899


goat fucker detected

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000000  No.97934


lol someone doesn't know what ID 000000 means


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11753e  No.98375


>ordered to put on womens red high heel shoes and march

>immediately tip foot up and smash down on back side of high heel


>high heel breaks and dislodges

>repeat procedure with other foot

march confidently along with no wobbly wonky steps

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fb5a1f  No.98423

Cuckchan is a bitter joke now.

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ff93fd  No.98445

File: 17768b14db87e99⋯.png (983.78 KB, 3012x1300, 753:325, PERRY_CLINTON_LAST_SUPPER.png)

File: 3b0564e32ae3baa⋯.png (1.45 MB, 3424x1496, 428:187, CLINTON_CHINA.png)

File: 74e02bd000c4204⋯.png (152.35 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1579583019953.png)

File: 7d1ebb034302997⋯.png (1.98 MB, 5112x3420, 142:95, QUANTUM_ANON_2.png)

File: 76da3b06a541832⋯.png (3.71 MB, 6264x3564, 58:33, QUANTUM_ANON.png)


>Why are you glowniggers suddenly pushing anti-chinese sentiment all of the sudden?

>Why are you glowniggers

<the moment anyone contests my point I use the most special of ad-hominems to prove how much I truly am a part of the Board

>pushing anti-chinese sentiment all of the sudden?


>Anti-Chinese sentiments


<Oy vey I see too much Wrong-Feels in those Facts goy!

Here you go nigger.

>1980 - Most favored Nation Status for China (J. Carter)

>1994 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>1996 - Most Favored Nation Status for China Reinstated after Tianamen Square (W. Clinton)

>2000 - Pemanent Normal Trade Relations with China and WTO Membership for China (W. Clinton)

>1996 United States campaign finance controversy


>Lincoln Bedroom for contributors controversy

>"Fat Cat Hotel: How Democratic High-Rollers Are Rewarded with Overnight Stays at the White House". This report, written by Margaret Ebrahim


>The Democratic National Committee forced to return $2.8 million in illegal contributions, much of it from foreign nationals, and much of it brought to the party by fundraising executive John Huang. Huang originally represented U.S. interests for the Riady family; Indonesian businessmen with close ties to the Communist Chinese government.

>John Huang a Commerce Department appointment… one that came with a top-secret security clearance.

>Charlie Trie member of a Chinese Tria d crime gang that has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Trie's money contact in Macau, who wired more than $1 million to Trie's U.S. account, most of which is believed to have ended up in Clinton Defense Fund and Democratic Party campaign coffers, is Ng Lapseng, a Triad mobster and Chinese communist official. In fact, Ng visited the White House and attended a number of Democratic Party fund-raisers in Washington, sitting next to President Clinton at some events.

>"James and Mochtar Riady have a long-term relationship with a Chinese intelligence agency; influenced Clinton-Gore policies that decimated national security export controls ….product of negligent Administration oversight of joint U.S.-China high technology programs and satellite launches, that have dramatically improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability.

>The critical premise of the authors has been validated by the recent rel ease of an explicit Pentagon report to the Congress illustrating how the China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is developing a range of high technology weapons to destroy American satellites and establish "capability to establish control of space and to deny access and use of military and commercial space systems in times of crises or war."

Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

>In August of 1994, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, flew to China to try and seal two deals for American corporations.

>The Chinese agreed to buy the planes; McDonnell Douglas should sell a mysterious company called the China National Aero Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) a set of specialist machine tools that shape and bend aircraft parts stashed in a factory in Columbus, Ohio.

>They used the same excuses, NYT ; avoid sending any signals that would fuel China's belief that the United States is trying to contain China's power, militarily or economically.

>there were two catastrophic decisions Clinton made in 1993 :The first was to radically break from the post-World War II trading system; passing NAFTA,creating the World Trade Organization, opening up the United States to China as deep commercial partners. The radicalism of the choice was in the intertwining of the U.S. industrial base with an autocratic strategic competitor.

>The second choice was to reorganize the American defense industrial base

>In 1993, Defense Department official William Perry gathered CEOs of top defense contractors and told them that they would have to merge into larger entities ,i.e. monopoly—contracts, and slashed the Defense Logistics Agency, resulting in thousands of employees with deep knowledge of defense contracting leaving the public sector.

Bill Clinton and American Financeers; Matt Stoller.

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ff3452  No.98447

How is this even a thread? Like… really… fagchan has been toast for a decade.

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7eb2a9  No.98487

Yeah the kids deserved what they got. Freedom of opinion applies to everyone. :)

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ff370d  No.98533


What you just said would mean they didn't get what they deserved if freedom of opinion applies to everyone no one should get any shit over their opinions.

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687287  No.98591


Is anyone else only here cos b& from 1\2chan?

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b1e780  No.98679

File: c0be80f70ce97da⋯.png (521.63 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, javierSmalls.png)


And they're going after more kids. Seems that the witch hunt has started




cuckchan is controlled opposition now. They allow some shit but the moment something becomes too interesting/hot, the thread gets deleted and anons banned.

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687287  No.98687


Where do we go tho? Cos the traffic here is excruciating. Like snail's pace slow. E.g my comment from 2 hours ago is still on the front page ffs.

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452262  No.98914


Quality >> Quantity ;-)

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2a03e4  No.98929


Looks like at least one of them is a jew, so there's that silver lining.

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341846  No.98954

File: 461bd253935140a⋯.png (225.12 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 11.png)

File: 924d86497fe04b0⋯.png (231.45 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8.png)


Posts from her twin sister…

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c45f5d  No.98957

File: 93bcd22f4215558⋯.png (212.83 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6.png)

File: eead4a4e401df33⋯.png (218.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 13.png)

File: defa70933b6204d⋯.jpg (316.41 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1587167673619.jpg)

So a school decides to suspend someone because they make fun of blacks.

But the snitch can hate/piss on men as much as she wants???

She even wants more men to die.

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c45f5d  No.98961

File: a16189ae3cc11ac⋯.jpg (121.87 KB, 619x911, 619:911, Chop_chop_ding_dong_ling_l….jpg)

"asian americans check ur privilege challenge"

Asian ho ratting on her own people. Kek



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bb9545  No.98983

4chan sucks but 8chan sucks harder.

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c45f5d  No.98990

File: b6dea49f2f9ae3a⋯.jpg (8.02 KB, 235x285, 47:57, 1587449133176.jpg)


Then do something about it instead of complaining it.

You sound like a certain group of people who always blame others

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c45f5d  No.98991

File: 2d05008fac61a76⋯.png (94.27 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Polish_20200418_001913689.png)

File: c3d8407275e7e5e⋯.png (251.1 KB, 600x698, 300:349, camden10.png)

File: b29ea9cc921b6ed⋯.png (107 KB, 768x365, 768:365, camden2_1.png)

File: 29cdb9d455ed60e⋯.png (100.3 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Polish_20200417_204230084_….png)

File: 4576bbdd7218869⋯.png (108.5 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Polish_20200417_210708086.png)


Superintendent Mark Albertus – mark.albertus@carrolltoncityschools.net


Assistant Superintendent Teaching & Learning Anna Clifton – ANNA.CLIFTON@CARROLLTONCITYSCHOOLS.NET


Principal David Brooks


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860383  No.99000


She just needs a good dicking by the BWC

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84c527  No.99042


>Oy vey, yes! White people racemixing is GREAT

Ok, Shlomo

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0b2ed4  No.99048

File: b708c23bb9ba7c0⋯.jpg (27 KB, 369x496, 369:496, 1551150948055.jpg)


Make jews afraid again.

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0b2ed4  No.99052


we just need to draw more people in here.

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5cb7c7  No.99054


mutts destroyed 4chan. The next generation of parentless or mutt americans have gone chaotic. All they do is ego trip and shout at each other like spastics. It's impossible to have an intelligent discussion. Even nigger posters are more civil. Plus all the shilling and redditors.

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87216c  No.99063


Does anyone know what happened to the 8chan bunker 08ch.net ?

Is it still active?

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5a7fc1  No.99070


I've been there 1 year ago. It had like 15 regular posters. Deleted that shit then (((someone))) started spamming cp. didn't want to get v&. I miss that place sometimes, but too afraid to come back.

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87216c  No.99072


>didn't want to get v&

You can just use Tor

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341846  No.99097


Yeah, there is a lot of spamming and shilling but as I said, most quality threads get deleted in no time so imo jannies are also into it.

It's like they want to keep a balance between boring and somewhat interesting. Just enough so that people come back.

If they make it too boring/difficult to post then people will look for other boards and they don't want that as they lose control over them.

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609080  No.99102


It's true. They actually believe being civil and logical is feminine and weak. They never had a real father figure who was a sarcastic stone wall who exercised restraint.

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000000  No.99104

Didnt realize so many white people were afraid of being wiped out by the original Hue-Man. Stay blessed punks.

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48bf0f  No.99121


Dunno if you remember the IRC leaks back in 2015 but most of the jannies are assholes who don't understand the boards they're supposed to manage and hate most of the userbase in fact.

Nowadays all the fags are lurking in Discord.

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5a7fc1  No.99128

File: 7d77b8ac2a8d6dd⋯.png (17.07 KB, 227x154, 227:154, fuck_me.png)


i followed your advice and connected through tor

the last post there was made 6 days ago

i get "banned for cp" message then try to post here through tor proxy

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92e8c2  No.99664



she needs to be "taken care" by UK Pakistanis


jews aren't white

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740a07  No.103595

File: f1a164e707bb33a⋯.jpg (34.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, whore.jpg)

Do any of the people who get doxxed by 4chan or 8kun or any of these people ever experience true retribution?

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522072  No.103598


And we don't care neck your self faggot, your thread and useless topic is shit now fuck off back to where you came from.

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94b38d  No.103600

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2e5f51  No.103645


Because in the next few months, we may see some MAJOR conflicts between USA and China.


The real DOXBIN is on Tor, and doesn't use (((google captcha)))

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dd1cc8  No.103690

this looks like a psychopathic woman/whore trying to destroy people (female psycopathy is known as bpd and hpd in the dsm). point being this whore isnt necessarily a jew. not all jews are terrible people , of course a lot of them are. they are high in psychopathy and narcissism as a race or group, but whites have their own psychopaths and narcissists. who do you think works at the police station or decides to join the american military? i know about the female psychopathy matter because i myself was attacked by one recently. very weird and disturbing stuff. sometimes theyre murderers like jodi arias.

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ccc439  No.103696


>we may see some MAJOR conflicts between USA and China.

Bullshit. Americans are cowards. They have never and will never enter a major conflict with an enemy that can actually fight back.

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816a72  No.103698

File: cf3460899a060b4⋯.jpg (121.49 KB, 373x1920, 373:1920, Amerimutt_2.jpg)


JIDF and fighting amerimutts have been astroturfing anti-Chinese narrative for a while now.

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438a08  No.103699


I do agree that Americans are cowards. But we have been in more major conflicts that any current regime in existence. Are you mentally retarded?

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816a72  No.103700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not against someone who was able to fight back.


>Because in the next few months, we may see some MAJOR conflicts between USA and China.

It won't happen, that's just a distraction while the gigakikes implement the Agenda 21 globally. Vid related, it sums up the "conflict" between the US and Russia/China pretty nicely. All world leaders are complicit in white genocide.

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95d2cd  No.103704

Ok this is disturbing. USA is turning into Soviet v2.0 . Your freedom of speechboards have been overtaken by marxists, "cuckchan" noise and dilution. Which is what marxists do to hold down free thinking and any place that promotes such. This place also got its fair amount of marxists, glowies and nigs. But not as much as CuckChan yet.

I'm guessing most based people just went offline who made a difference in the past in regard to topic like this one.

Everyone is allowed to be racists but not whites. When whites get outed for it like in this case, nothing is done about it anymore. No other fellow white cares. Apparently her twin sister blocked her account on twitter, assume due to some decided to IM her bad stuff. But nothing else.

Whites in USA decide their fate. Either you try fight to be allowed to express yourself like the other ethnic groups or destroyed like you are now. Doesn't look bright tho. Maybe its already over.

Look at what happened to the native american indians, once a certain threshold is left of a group. Then they cannot make a change any more. Like the native americans indians. Completely destroyed for eternity and just observers. Just like whites are now.

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9c15bf  No.103716


Europeans are extremely different than Native Americans. There will be no contest in the difference in the response. Right now, someone like myself has the technology to purge at least 1,000, maybe more of the subhumans around me. The native americans (if you want to call them that since they too were invaders who killed the native Aryan populations; ironic) had nothing on European people in terms of our desire to kill once we realized that the enemy is incapable of reasoning. The kikes are trying to demonstrate to us, the only way that they. Know how, that all subhumans are incapable of reasoning and that they are genetic trash. Once we ‘understand’ that they can’t reason and are not HUMAN at all, we will act. But we have been TOLD that they were capable of reasoning (when they aren’t) so we keep trying. And this is the crux of the problem, not anything else…we believe that animals can reason. THEY CAN’T and they never will. They are just dumb fucking animals without any future other than being dumb fucking animals.

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060608  No.112308


us north western europeans are unstoppable thats why kikes brain wash us

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39e445  No.112358

It's not like you would do anything either

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b9ae8b  No.135297


4chan is the glowing sea

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b9ae8b  No.135305


8kun too

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9a727a  No.135370


There's LGBTQP trannies stomping and pissing all over this board. THey're incoherent idiots. I hate them.

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0dbe25  No.135373

Anyone reading this should understand who is and who is not a bot. All the stuff about China… just ignore it that’s literally shills talking to themselves causing misdirection.

Back to reality. I tried editing Wikipedia pages to add this event into the school history areas. They were not deleted but nearly instantly edited out. I know this because on one occasion I went in to edit my edit to fix a spelling error and it gave me the message “another user has edited this” their edit was deleting it. They are monitoring these pages. Camden’s school HW took down their FB page too.

Reading the 4chan archived board was tough as nails, every time we post we have to acknowledge the shills we see or that BS will happen here.

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6fa144  No.135388


>Then we could lebensraum Latin America

>Maybe the Russians can lebensraum the Middle East

Why do these utopian (((/pol/))) plans for the future always involve pointless wars all over the globe?

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54cd0a  No.135403


Great job bumping a 3 month old thread with no content, fuckface.

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b9ae8b  No.135419

File: 5c31256b46e83bb⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 667x691, 667:691, 1593877417164.jpg)


oh i can see your kike anus is dilating so hard on this thread hahahahahaha

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09c4a3  No.135465


Clearnet doxbin and darknet doxbin are both ran by the guys from baphomet , pretty sure the edgelord demon shit gives it away however( if any oldfags remember them ) one ran by the original goats the other the post gamergate ones.

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54cd0a  No.135471


>you’re a jew because I’m bumping spam threads

You’re brain damaged.

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b9ae8b  No.135490


>spam threads

nice try moshe

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16df19  No.135496


>cuckchan thread

>not spam

>thinks anyone here gives a fuck about what cuckchan is doing

>has no fucking comprehension of why this website even exists

>bumps MULTIPLE months old cuckchan threads

What are you trying to slide, shlomo?

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6fa144  No.135513


You cannot fucking "slide" anything by bumping a single thread on a slow board. Enough with this stupid fucking meme already.

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c22d71  No.135548


Anon 4chan shit the bed in 2015, if you were still hanging around that shithole after that you are the normie that didn't learn.

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3f4007  No.135564


hey jew kys

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b9ae8b  No.135597


hey jew, BUMP! ;)

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3bf413  No.135612

>Bumping this thread without posting nudes of this bitch

Oven is that way >>>

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b9ae8b  No.135651


>oy vey

yeah kike dilate more, bump

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91ca97  No.136221


>The United States does have the potential to be a pretty awesome country if we ended the existence of everyone who wasn't a non-Jewish white European.

Funny, most of the protesters smashing windows, screaming at cops, and pulling down statues are white.

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faa6c2  No.136228


>You cannot fucking "slide" anything

You won't mind my sage, then.


>you're a jew because you called out my judaism



>you're a jew because you called out my judaism


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b9ae8b  No.136464

File: 747ca25782df081⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1594063554147.jpg)


>oy vey the goy wants to make everyone see how our kikes are killing whites with nogs

also bump to make you kikes dilate more

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b9ae8b  No.139359


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77eb2a  No.139537


>incoherent nonsense, not even remotely related to the topic of discussion



Sage. This isn't cuckchan.

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b9ae8b  No.139808

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